IMMIIM Voluxne 32. ptinotrat--Yotat., Arrangement or Malls. ti IA liAtqlOAD: - d ?Tire*. :Deport* riinkhandock, (Dally,) qath „ m nl3 ma' VIA :ITACIEll: , . , , Mont roso Dep0t.(Da11y.)....... ... . tine p M 6 !Ina _a hoc I.ilroni. (BOY.) - • 'tonna m'l !Wpm_ W pausing, (Batly,) il , tsam '2oolim reicuiloyilic.t.tri, weektyj .- GOO pn} SOna.ri ';onklin Station,(trl week.l3.):.i ' 700 a in, 7i)uum oughunituu,ri4ti.l,ske,(triweekly).. litkip ai 7 OUprri u,•,-uoppuu,(tri - wenkty,) 1000 ant' -1001) ru tio New lork,(ria Moutrope: Dopot,) Nen' Milford, I'ic 17 lal*tillilek,ttUd Wyalusing aro daily, The Conklin Btatton mail runs Tuesdays, Titursdays; lad tlalktlialm; ' ...,„ ,„ , . The Binghamton mail, (ri4 61Iver , '1.41E00 runs Tilee invl., Than-days. and Saturdays. , . t . ' rimulsv Btu mall ran* Tuueday*,Thuradays,aud Slit . atcthyt. - , , . , Th.. , Ntvtihoppen mail rub e Itotluys - ,W6ilkeßday Nui:ui. inatty , . tinittorw., 81 . .AuE6 : . , A Stage louvet daily tot Montrore PoPot at 1 • ti. t axid trinruo ut ti p.m A St nao Waves daily • for Now Milford at ;EC a. tn. und mturnr at n 90p. rn. • R. c. P0121)11AM ; P. M. . . . Lontrese Ra il way. 1 . •• • • • Arrositioit of TONE , To take effect on Monday, neet.rlst, 18'14. ,• . • ~., -.. • poop Traini. ' . lip Trains o ,4:titonrtn.. - . . . . , NO111.11:1Vi lin • 5,08 t 041..... —.. Montrose • ' —10.40 0.131 r,to ' 1 11l Allen's.. .10 25 - Fri— . 513 r 13. .... .... ....CO4l'o. ... ~. ......1020 . 540 r,t,) 120 . Burlier! , ' -' . ...It' 15 , 535 5 '.M ' 1 25. ..... .......011nock'' 1003 525 ' 583 199 "..-. , Tyler's. —— . :.„ 0:.5 33 15 515 ' 140.... - ~irtitvill7 ' 045 05 5:5'. 145 , ' I von ~...9 35 •• 453 005 ' 159 , Avery's .• . • 925 445 1 II lt) 29S , Lemon - : ' ' 915 4 115 G tl , .• 21. h) . A 1 0beck,....• „. ,0 05 425 ti. 290 ... ....11arcy'n . ' . 555 .• . 415 • 945' 9.45 ' - . . T tin ktitinnock t... .8 40 , 350 . All tritl us connect nt Tunkhennock with P. ,r...15.L. 1' R. 11. going north and south. JAMES. 1. 111.a.KStailt, Pre 't. New Advertisements. • , • Alone—Georgic Lichtens!lein. • Sale of Beal 'Estate-11.'11, Mame, Trustee.. .t.;*ov Goods—B . . McKenzie. - In Bankruptcy; llouics.for Children Ranted. Liquord—frank Thompson'tt Co. • • LOCALS.- • • Positive Resulti—Dr., Ayer, Notes AboO"Town To do business a man must have dollars and scree. The Belles of Montrose call n great imar,r3 pine men lachureh. Some of our, people Is .tlifficult to tell leiw much ti fielt will weigh . 11:y r lookiug tit the scab . • . . The question has bzen iisked if - uny one ever knew of u Small town who had not the best Ass band in the State.: . In 1872 John ir. linqrauft received 930 ma jority over C. R. Buckalew. in : 1875 lie re ceives 566 nutjorhy . over Cyrui L. Peiishing. The business at Court seems to he very (NW Judge Streeter presidtl4, ass.isted by A ssociat es, Cook and Chapman. , Not very. large amounti of business was reported before the Grnnd 4ury, - i ; and it was discharged: on Tuesday night. : *. The s ineinhers. of the Presbyterian . Church and congregation are invite to attend a Pas toral Ree.eptiOrf id the' lioact: of Wm. hi. Jess- . esq:,.on- Friday, Nov. 13th, frame to 10 p. ur. TMS is not 4 donation,'nor even a wife so .ciety4.liut the occasion is intended tor the - inter-' change of.kindly greetings,- and the further Ince of kindly relations hetiveen . .p'astor and people. , . . The, Woman s Temperance Society Iwrite the punhe, 'to attend a Mass :Nieeking iri the in terests of Temperance, V) . be held •• at the Bap.' tint Church, Friday evening; Nov, 12th.. Good tausikt,'reiidings by Mrs. Weston, the recitation o! an Original ;I.lrs. E. A: 13. Mitchell, sruishort , inddresses may be expected ;. and the. mtecting . *lll he, open to remarks front aIL Tlie usual prayer-nieetlng will he' held on •Thursdaj,:: : nel;t, at the ri.%idenett'ot 3trs..,lL • :Nelson - .Diri4 lard. The Montrose Republican called ',Wm. White' a "oopperlaind," and AM?Urn township reNpon clecl by giving limPlefmajority. when they have, been cap:dile: of potifne. 200Republican•Majoriii ty. RarveyjK. Sherman, who by the same an tilori , fy, Must *be supposed'to have been all right ,on that eancstion,• received twenty sevee mpjority in the town Of Springville„. own Tet4tience, whiCh is cniable of giving 101. Re publican. majority, Tins .:s sufficient rebut tal of the calumny against. Wut, White We ate satisfied if Sherman and tlte . ../kpuMiceen; This party •ittsb of "copperhead". is '.•plaSre:cic .out 1" " Found Drowned The . body 'of Elizabeth Rooney, Of. Middle town, this county, was 4und last. week" in a pond belonging to N. Ay: Barnum, of Apolli eon.. :She was missed frotri,her home.about the e lhtli of KletOlier._ she was somewhat iosan and 'undoubtedly wandered 4.eidentallY into, the poud Which was• a mile and a half froni where she resided. 1. . Sonnd FRIEND : Would it not he a good policy fur, the broken view of the great gains of their party fa the county last Tues day, to commence electioneOring for 167 G. I think Mr. Donator should sound the alarm and summon, at least., four speakers from-Philadel phia, etc.' EAST BaIDOEiVATEIL tank ltoblmqt Tho First:National Bank Of, Pittston was en tered by intiSkea-burglais orOVednesday night and the saftst robbed of $40,000 In bonds and money. The bonds were of the Lackawanna, and Bloomsburg Mt' Broad, amounting to $ll, 500 ; of Wilktsbarre city bonds $5,000 . ; and Pittston' 'Seminary bonds for .$1,0.00, btilides sou v szo,owi worth of hoods of the Oxturd surauee Company of New 3ersey. • Brakeman Xillsd. • -' I . r' . •. - - - ' Mimes ,13cam, a .braktentio l on a wild cat train on the - Delaware' Dii;iiiiciti;,J. Metortuic, conductor,. fell the.earS in the yard at 111tposit on Tuesday nigtit, and received fatai injuries.. ', lie 'was passing - over the trtda,.actd in getting itpon a flat 'ear loaded . .livitli, lumber', slipped .and feli, a portion of the train ptuisiug cier iiint, crushing' one ; leg and - or:T—etila" fortunate lived four or.' tiveliourg •r 11.0 , oc:- i t h ettrienee. I.l.c.resided'in rort.:Je,ry . • , ' .. - From Franklin., • , ; Hard colds aro • the ,general. subject: of 'com plaint in this vicinity.' • • Air. R. 11. Deg.rt,prii,, is bantling 'very flue . Louse on Iris farm. • • Mr. M. S. 13rtuniage has:moved mport Lle father's - farm, near'J. Merriman'a shire: !ter, Mr; lratel3mith, a fOrtnef pastor'of this plaee, p p our:church.oir Sunday, :31st. 7 . , " • - . linski4 „corn is the general occupation of the farmer' riuwadays, , • • Mr. Edwin Qhurchill has purchased one of Lillovier's farms and' ;intends to Move up on it in tbe spring. Mr. S. O. Dann, \WWI taken. "very suatlenli , on Suuday; Mt. 22d, with. torigiatiOn of :the • lungs, and died tui Tuesday . ..night, Oct, %Rt.: — The remains were takeu to ,11cW 7 14110 14 and I2eriedlln the Ilethediat ceinetcry. , '.. • The occasipmel! raw blast :Ilist,sty . eeps down or North days ettinigly of What - la ootniug in a lea' weeks hence, and' what we •Will w,a.nt to have au hand in order to 'be prePared for toe-liner },Tnciee we tkotielpete: Wittteris,beginmow throw', out its pickets to 'warn us 9f. its 4 ,P7 ;roach: Stoves .Are 19,8u,414 wonted places in Ottis. vttiiefi:iitid'Atou o o4 ol(l . The falling leaves 'iiiidlthajWinit'' .: MtlistlittiS ,among the hare twigs tell as - 4114 iviatOris.nt bind, ' • 140 Swat:qua: _ Franklin, Nov. G, lett ' Prohihitionin Busquettnnun Connty= 1n 1873, Susqucltannt% county was not ' Carried toe Local Optionlity tx majority all 1,800. In 1875, the Prohibition,. ticket Ibb votes nll toil • . . . • The men who proclaim* that they will by no other ticket than Prohibition n like . those, who, hiring the late .war r(*dy (0 Rpm thti latt drop of: blood{ Pri9 0$1:) for their cotiittry : OttiO Yeti _wit btidrafted, anti chopped oil fingys, and ed out teeth to make theinselyes. int:4bl ;The jholdbitien vote of this count; yeatNis valuable but for one purpose ant isto show that if the \ 150 votes which we!, _ ____ by them Mr Judge Streeter were taiteri fritn his ( vno, be would fail 51 behind Ills party I. iekt.l, 'whereas; R, 13. Littivovithout : that .vol runs mien or but'six votes shorC of his Party,,iteltet: 1 About. Saner Kraut. Fifteen years ago, saner krtnit tyli.s'g ncral; ly 'garde(' as n'tnost indigestible:awl as . hole soine article of diet, and • many perions Iconic' as riaulily have been prevailednpon i to eito.fs ster shells as that Unsavory preparation or 1, cab bage. But timew and experiendemOns rated that•these. were 'Mistaken.' impressiops. Well cured and well cooked Sauer kraut is hide soinc„nntritioui; and digestible, .and last ail of being i4hoded, as' formerly, it has beconie a favorite dish upon our mosaeshionable tables. As-a lunch at hotels, etc.,it holds the . f#stlnluk. I n Tao only objection to it is, that ta wkink, it tilts the 'house with a most noisome s ell. i A. fortune awaits the Man . wheinvents kitclien utensil in which saner .kraut' may belprepa!red for the table without this objection. ' ii . - . . .. The Broken - Bing wantS'lnfermatioit. - • • • The explosion of the Ring on Tuesday the 2d hnviug blown one of its memberectenn dovin" into Auburn, and being unable to coiled self insufficient quantity to return addro4: 0813mlher Frazier the folk:ming' startling% ?) communication : . .1 , "By the Way, Mr. Editor, (I?epublkqp)an you inform Me whether Tyler's Insurance, t deo will be moved to the GiMirt • Rouse ? ykrti in this section of the comity shallnltwant to know," - •„ . ••' Inas!nuch as -Homer is too weak yet to nu. swerAbcstions, we take the liberty of relieving the mind of Senatorial 'darling Or If, Tyler moves his oillee into the Court Ifonsq he will be ready to pay rent when the.Coini4ii- - siohers" clerk and President and A.ssitciate Judges,.pay np their arrearagea for office rant. the Rine please. ke9 right on ing theinsel . yes and ridbiining the peoPle They may get on "131;W:well's Island!' wl/.1.1re theY won't need, to pay any 'rent. . • The "Iting"•Coori Comes Down. . We are pleased to copy , the following fr _, . • i, the hut Montrose. nepnbUc t in.; H oiei co tes down like Crockett's coon when he Emile II ie obliged to do so. .lie says : • fI . "We lake no pride in publishing the mutt Of the election in Susquehanna. ceunly,, ()Wing .10 persistent., secret, wholesale defainatien ;nd corrupt bargaining against sonic of-our cat di- - 1 dates, a part or our ticket is defeated. By he otlicial table eltvliere it will be seen that ho majorities in the county are as follows ; J hn F. tlariranft, Reptiblie3n, for GovSor,-519; henry Rawle Republic:m i . for State fe tsger, 391 . ; Farris B. Streeter, Republican, fiir Pr psi dent Judge,.o63 ;. Win. White, Derno,oratgor Sheriff, 131 ; Henry ' F. Beardsley, Republician, for .Register And Recorder, 97 ;_henry C. 11:y -11.•i. Democrat, for t3ounty Trhasurer. 692 ; Ed ward -G. Ball, Republican,. for Commissioher, 4UO over Ryan,'David 0' Minkler, RepubliOan, for, etill I niNt;i4 mer, 331 over Ryan, and Mathew. E. Rvran, Democrat., fir Conainissioner,4l2liov .er thirds ; Win. Wheeleck, Reptiblican„..for Auditor, 521; over O'Doull, Martin LlCatlin, Republican. for Auditor 474 Oyer O'Dolid, and'. Lewis 13. t)'Dou:l, DIM/ 0 crai, for, .A.uditOrl 14 otter ,Searle ; Calvin C. Halsey, Republipan,lfor Coroner, -179.7' ' ' 1 marks dr, 3ean'O Oil Roue.. . . TILE STSTF3I OF ITANDLING OIL: 1 . .. The Man . of Marks •kt Bean, .Bingli4nion,. lipse.reeiMtly !built and Ailed up a buildiiig on. a lot. adjoining the Bolles • Iloe HatitoryAbil: the accommodation of their:oil trade; en impirtant branch of the flrtn's business.-. - The building is• ttinetpseyen feet long by twenty-four widwand is Provided with three . Isrge tanks:and g i l l e necl emary apparatus for handling and bur ling ling thei oil and tightening ttre barrels when uir- . ed. Marks 4,'- Bean receive their oil in im ense ! • iron tanks placed 0.1 cars, instead of in hlrreis, by which arrangement an icupOrtsiut saviti'g in handling and fri•iglit bitla is effected. 1.1) 1 11 . en the - Car is run. elOini . irside the nil house, th i c con. 11 tenth of its tank are draw off. by a pipe into the-first tan-•• in the hintse,,which isi-patially below the €urface of the giound.' FrozO Allis tank it iS pumped into the two retnaining!by a tine rotary pump. The . barrels. are filled ifrom the tanks by tt. hose :which is provided - With "an nat.orn /ale filler., an ingenious piece of niachiu: eii,. - which cuts' Off the supplA when thti bariel is filled. ' ! . Another ingenious de%Agn iff seen in tilescales% used in weighing the barrels before and alter their.a.rt! fillet • When the- harre! . is flll And placed 'upon the ettlei r allofible-fow of tigfir(N shows at a glanfl the weight audlquantiy. A certain nuttilfet of pounds make a galln;and the oil is 'mid weight. The c,il house and its 4!'rittigeintints are i;ernark.ably!comPl4te and show, the workings of an , excellent - Syste!n of luititfling-tiieoil, the result of long exPe;lence. Su Nomoriam . ~ . • 1 To the officers and members: cif Rising Sun Grange. The.committeehaVing•consitiered the 'etiliject intrusted to 'them respectfollY. Strimit 1 the folloWing Pre4suble and Resolutions!: WlitttEAS, It hits. pleased the Itifinit l e .iiia's.• ter _to permit death to enter our Grange. for the. 'iltSt titne in its. history, and 'has. ttileti from iithong us our .worthy . and 'well belov 4 Sister Lavine Turrelloind '.. • .. • I .• • WagILEAB, li is most fitting that i U. eyent :so solemn and a calamity so saddening should be gravely and efirneivily coati's:lived. fend th ut we 'should more: especially, contemhite the • worth ofioursleceastal sister. ' Theref re - .! -. ' Reso?.vil; That to the death of 4 i latro Lavine Tuttell this Grange has 'lnet'isrith an 'rseparit -1 role 108.4, : - . .• - :, , :. , - ..Resioltirl,••Ttutt :whilst...We - shall: ev e r regret her departurewe Will not cease jticher;sh the .sneisiory:,of her itusd and 'genial. presimee, I;.r punctuat attendance, her zeal for the. gran ,i and the beautiful example she set!to,liisrlituulsl in .the Matson of wife unit - mother,and Jo this 'commilnity As friend, neighbor, citizen find. es peciatly to this Grange as .a faithful, rindideyot es.l. Member and that in so far Owe can we :spill imitate her noble example. • -- ' • ! ••• • ,Reses . teeil, That tile bereaved': husband 'and children •have our isetirtfelt sympathy and - that - their s!rength be in proportion- to: thel r trials. • Restarred,' That the Charter of • the Grange be ;draped in mourning for three Months. . Ites;.fred,Titat the- Grange. Procure if possi ble'iind agreeable to thetattily of thed4 - ceitsed a' phinogriipsie- copy of her likens* :with a , I *nimble frant.-tO adorn the Grange. • ! Resolri.d. omit a copy of these .r . sol ' lions be presented to the .fisisilyof• our iflecet tel sister; and RAO a copy hesent ,to ' hothof t .e county papers fur publietitiom: ' ':'' .. ••.'' , j • ',' .- --: J.s.v.s.s•BAlST2Vils4 ' • : '• . '-:•'.-- '-- -' - -.21.:.,13...Gni5.ri5,. f • ---.- i Corn. •' ..!..- *,", •• -, ! - C.•Grurirria.'•. I - . il .:' ' -- % - ! • . ~. 7 --2-- - -- •*'"i r---- i'' ' ''' 1 1 1- 1 ' 1.• - goro "Cortsciontlous Beruples?! • ' ..! -1! - , • ...... --- '-_lt is astonishing ;via , to see Homer, 'Watson Co:, attempting after their Waterloo' defeat, to turn Suitt* evidence and reform,the +form ers. %Viten ihe DetnotratiC platform was pro , cialined before the election, Hairier, WatSon,and ' "Jessiip and the halanoe of "the tatiyerte spoke -unput the r,ourily,, declared that. ,it witill"uri% constitutional" to ranee. salaries, but since the court House Bing is "bested" they.cane out, in the Ring onstm, this 'wet* luld'fial-,-they are tieter : rnitied now, Wlnatin our Treasurer, fieni i y - C. Tylerstick to the platforrn,tlAir,COnatitutiozi haVing undergone a great ilia* sine , they sate, heard from: the' 'peopld by)thete ballots; ;Fur— ther-rnore they liiiii"States gvi ence" by ',O. ;big that the Treasurer ,lias b ' eceiving some' *OD, or . $5OO additional per , on state, 'Vats and Leonia in addition the amount . • _ I .: 11.1 . 1X4 I .IIIONTROSE DEMOCTIAT: NOVEMBER 10, 18 5: . . frOmicounty .dlplicates, •whieh,,tith ed to that amount shows ii4t the Ring Treasurert.haVe .received; over 00,00 Q ," pe - r year, „instead. Of $1,000;. - htitted,'thus.:showint:the thelzijowp'cOnfessions that the-elec tion M..111r. Tyler ivitf'sabe them . $1,500 per an num instead ot 41,000. We hope Senator Watson' and 4.00. 1 Ring_ will not bunit • their waistbands inaitenipting to reform the Demo. crane •platforinjitt this late date, as election has passed and lightning has struck them, and they !can plainly see, init wherelt came from. They . wilt " have all th business they can attend to in another . direction fini,the \ DEMOCRAT will have - a fewlitorO Say abthit "eight per cent. ,bonds '.five "five jail 4 . 1jce.," etc.. etc.,. whic h . h ill, pretty buil* worti\ for O k a for some.time. 1 - !'l7\on lie, sirl"`may do just be foye electiim bit;' it will now require some other evidence. - som zed t 4 u. is that ie cast Railroad' itecipiat , '. -- , . '! . . • -, From' the Albany Argus, we copy the follow ! ! ,ingi•tipdf t of aniaecident on the A. tt S. R. It., in which . .11r. M': , -Gering, formerly bf Susque hanna Depot, received quite serious injuries abotifthe head and face. and Supt. C, D. Rain mond; formerly f,:a resident of the same place, was also sliglitli, injured. - • . . Eassenger train - Islii: 2, o tie Albany 4, Sus quelianria railroad, leayin ingliatutoti at 9 ar : in, Monday niiiiming, an dUe at Albany at 2:15-p. in., met' With 'gait ii . serious• accident just ,bfore relinhitig. Sch . nevus. It appears that. on , Saturday' !the r a ts constituting: the broad.gage had . eitelt bap moved seven' and three-totirthinblies ; nearer the .bed of the road, ,so as to fifrin the tiiirrow gilage. In the haste nttPncliant• upon'. tliv . wo . ri-, • imitoty.i . of n4i.ig the rails to each particular tie, only' an Occa• sional spike was driven, [Which wasllhOught sufficient for P. temPorary.brpnec.. 06 The consequenca was' hat yesterilay,.whea the enginespassed over the rails, the few:spikes •Ii were - drawn. by, the weigi t,' of the engine, the .rails torn up; and the m il, express 'And bag 'gage car; together with 'a palaee coach . and two passenger cars,' were precipitated down an cm!. banknient of about ten or fifteen feet. The cpaelms; , *ere throWn over 'on their side and the passengers all giCatly(lightened, andluite 'a large, number severely bruisud.' -:, . ' ' Martin,. n ering. Of Spst l i iebanhs, sustained a* severe WOU d in tile scalp"; Thoinas.llale, of. li California, touch bruised, iiit, not seriously.— Dewitt Seymour, a .13kAkeinItti, residing at Bing : - haniton,,appears Coro seriously' injured than till: rest...k his injuries .were internal. Robert Coboarße, a brakeman, residing ni:Cobleskill. was much scratchi'ett and.' bruised about, the head.and face. .Seieral 'others .were: morn or lms - bruised, and aniong the rest Superintend ant Hammond.' Alrit. Liikenard Stwart, of "Neiv York, was infured'about the lace. 4 • Other ears mere Sent over to the scene Of the geeident,.andotfterl threb hours, 4,be rUeonstrue• ted train agsiu moved fOrwatd, leaving the wrecked bars lying' On they:side down the em: bankinent. : . HH. , . .-------- ' j . Anothgt Muller in l3ntilford: i : , • . we give from the Elmira Adverilse'r the par ticulars of theft tat shooting at .Camptown in . Iliad:lord cOunty or(Thursday last :: i • . \ William Cci inovel, was shot by his sbn-in-law Henry . Decker, awl 'died in, a very few minutes'. Mr. Conover' was `abont eighty- year's' old, and 'et ibis time Was living . with his son-in-law,lio the wifeot whom the olegoitleman had con - veyed' what iittle property :lie had aceutuulated in his early`dahl:, No cause for . the foul deed' seems to have existed,' Without it might - be the desire to have - . tllet , oid ; man out, of the way.-.;- FOr sometime; hinve.ier, the old in-lik:l4 . has not acted very agreeably ; to the old gentleman, and i'i, is said, hAeven I threatened to put, him out of Vie' Way. i ' . 'rue rmair Occurred- as warms, tieF we learn fror rt;neightliir who ..wavureient a f: ev% , m i n . 111. , , after triede.ed was done.: Heeter,had'heett' oat to the neighbors, and on teturn l ing, stud he did riot feel well, lint im mediately fe'd - to eating apples. His !wife mtg. , g.i.t.ek that he COUld :not -be very Sidi. or he ‘voq4lot eat So many apples. Ise inade'mi ,•, . . t ,reply,but rose from his chair. and left tliti . houSe. remaining a.long time, so long that she became. anxious about him, and was in the ,riet ,i,t put ting ori her shoesf to ..go in hunt of , iiint 'when he returned:. He immediately, istepped ir, the door of the ohi gentleman's . bedroptu, Opened lt r and'intiti ."Why.dou't you. get up andlalk to me like '?'.' He replied that he *it tit now shed and tired :antt' did not Fish to itirtlk:—• Heeler ag.tin told ;him to get up aid tilk to' 'him.' On recciyine a reply similar to first one i/erlit . ,er drew it pistol "and fired at..lfirt: old 'men and escrOAerl frOm the house:; The old gentleman sprung irem the bed out iOtothe adjoining roOm'and into the arms of his dani,,ll - She then attempted to get hirn back to bed, buibefine,the deed whalf accoinirlished. betel; to. - the floor •a co e. The neighbors F s were arOusedand.Meane inmedfately ttiken . to capture the shsasiin,.ancl, We understand that , lie is now jail at Towanda, but how ihe Was ; taken we have not bee;:ble to' learj i: Frandaleid Tickets. t We arc willing' that P ritzier, Walson'al Co., shall swine themselves l down from, tlieir.high scaffold as easy as they can and we Will give them all the rope necessary. It is suffusing-to" read the last Republican, wherein - tbei claim that,the intelligent dutases of this county can not read their own tickets and the'ore voted for Wm. White;for 'Sheriff, when th y:intend- . ed to vote for Harvey K, Sherman, ci that-if Republicans had not voted for White,Silermarl would have beeti; - elected - and that R.. It. Haw ley and Ctipt. B. B. Gates chea\ed se : deluded them.° .' .' . • : . t , ° . This startling news mint brirg Ireltotlile tears into.the eyes:ofall Republiots r aders. As Frazier, Watson & Co., are anxiona about sala ries, 4:c.; we will put iltdm : in a way , ,io mike sotne:money very'easilYte thefr stetmeo are true. We Will give them. or any, t i4 er man Vi tt° a piece for ;every fac !tunas , Publitn i w ticket 'printed in; the • DEMOCRAT ' ce, witt. Wm. White's nettle upon it that ai,,headed ••"Republicantickei." • We:will givethem $.200 :ft piece for any other ticket Printed 14 the DEtt ocukr °lnce beuded , "RepubliCan" ticket; - -We printe,ff RePublican tickets at iIJ request of Rep . abUctins with Wm. White's name upon them and ter no other • persoils.und i it'be any worse toZprint a dente 'upon a ileke' gum It is fol. 'scratch" anal write one. for::- Ose. who .1: would - not twee the 'Ring 'ticket, :Wen we have :attended and;so did the editor of the•l.eputilica4 'when he'iprinted 'Democratic tickets witliGeo- Stitiley in i)lactior lienry C.-Tyler for Treas urer. We care nothing- for what the Republican says about:us - anti •we .should `think It wouli ouUolder that•what it has said or can say 'about E. 8.-Gatetc.rednunds to hla vindication and not to hisinjtinr. The Ring palled Win a drunkard" on convention day and almost the WholetOin of Ilkilnock branded them' as hitop nilifiere They Milks:llAm a "coward" and the t oddlers and the Soplo of SusqUehnutta county beilTe soldier lu the line, of battle in defenati?liii country and its boO . bothpn thti_ fidd of carnage antt ia.tfxa poli at arena of ,this cont 4. :,441) - not ?Al hut ends of itti) Ring sitisfiedi or •do they xppose , `ll)oStcotidlini4trnutic''shboi I their lait'and t+i) r kg tr' Py. B i, l o l puerile ? Piturrnisti. ‘; . • i We have' just received a very large stack-of •plain Audi envelopes, letter, and • pow pt. per, plain and 'ltAncrinn VeaC Mere;cards of, sizes nod colors; colored pia ter park*, etc. 411 of which'we an itilord to print titan 'any ott c .irt tideor neighboringmeth*, and " 'style..-. Work dOne ia black aud colored Juke. I.tyou think there, is eciy - Oat cull beat uk,glic,irs trial t and we-Oda ithow you what •we .cau do. Ail kinds of blanks on /144 d 9r Plated toorder. • , Business Locals., . • Potnttyz . ititfutths.—' ) Fliere s _;:tire mundttiis rcuietlies that'. cure • sometimes and beeri4e. trusted as uteittl f but'none bate ever proved itt- elleetunl=cured so many • and such remarkable. cases—as Dr: Ayees Medicines. The Cherry Pectoral-has restored. great num bers of patients who were believed to be hope lessly affected' With consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills and fever quick- . ly and surely. • • Ayees Compound - E tract-. of Sarsaparilla s. eratlicateslserolulit and impurities of the blood, ckanses the system and restores it to vigorous health. By its timely - use many troublesome dis Orders that cause a 7 deeline of health at:iex pelted or cured. • . ' • Pills and their ell Vets -are too well knorvtr,everywhere'to reitu ire. any commend:l • thou from us here.- . -- - Benanion.(lll,) Tinies. • • t LAUUE stock of Ladles' Beaver Cloaks just rec._ hTi) at _ Omar Joing's. - :Noutrose, Nov. 3, 1875.. 34;tes and Boys' neck Ties, 20, 25, 37, tiOc. 42tt'CIIE.Ar .101111'8. - 'MN's all wbol , Cass Shirts, $l, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 $2 00, at Cuz.vr spool &Clarkir 'Cotton l6lol nutnlwrs at sc. a spool • . at CIIEAT JOUN'S, FELT Skirts, Drab, Brown ; Purple, Senriet, to $2 50 , at CituAr . • , . , lioys good Kip Boots $1 "25, $1 5042, $2 50 • Calf Shoes, 1.25; 1 75, 2. - 4211 • • at CIIAP JOILieB. • Looms: Misses and Chilkren's Jitney wool stripe liokl in nil the - latest' shades and colors, 42tf • at Ctienr Johzes. . OYStERS ! OYSTEILS I 1 ' OYSTERS !! I Cfc'tvd optcls cheap at. the , 43if , KEYSTONE BALCiOI.L $ 'Water proof‘,Black, 00, $1 00, 1 Ill.: . Brown, W s 41 00.. 11 . - ,''" Nav,ir Blue, $1 25, p 50. 42tf • • at OnExr Jour's. . . Mons good Kip Boots, $3 00,, $3 25, $3 50 Call " 4.00,.. 4 50, , 5 00. " " " Shoes, 2 50, 2 75, 3 00, " ." Brogan Shoes, 150, 1,75, ' 200 42tf at CHEAP JOHN'B. Ladies Merino IJuderwenr,, 65,. 75, $l.OO. 'Misses " - "‘ •.. 50; • 65, :.: 75. Mend ." ' 4 ! • : 50, . 65, 75. Boys " " 5O, 65, ' 75. . -42 tr • at. CITEAP JOHN'S. 'MILLINERY Good in 'all the latest shads slid styles ia Wings;.l3irds,. Silks; and Velvets. &e..11,,15t, Trimmed Boats and_Bunnets in titraw, Felts and Velvet ter Ladies, ;hisses and Child ren,. • . Steil:RAY JOHN'S. Boys and Youths over coats front $G 00 to $lO " • " . : lull -sults • • •800 to _l4 "- .• " pants • 200 to 4 42tf • JOHN'S. -7g per cent. discount on bills over $2O. MIOToGRAPIIS.—Pictures taken In all the lat est styles. ; Old pietum copied. and . enlarged. Also a Splendid lot ;of frames for sale cheap. . I at G. W. 11:looLilit.E's. Montrose:June 10,;'74.—tf.. WATCTIES, etoeks and Jewelry repaiml on short notice and warranted, ..nt F. D. Melltu isti'sJewelry st.tit4.. formerly Isbell-S- Melina islt's. Montrose, July 28, 1875.—tf OWNERS Ai/Aim:b.—Owners Wanted . for twO uMbreltas and one parasol ,. taken by minim brella mender to repair, some weeks ago. repairer becoming intoxicated they were lett in my care, ',having paid the charges on them.— The.owners can -.have them by paying for the repairing and 14 this notice. ". L.M.BALDWrN. • 31outrose, Oct.' 27,1875. 43w3 Calicoes, - ' • 8,10 c. %Bleached Muslin,, •. • i 11, 10. 112 c. Unbleached Miblin, 8, 9,10, 12c. CantonFlannqls, • 12,.15, 18," 20c. All Wool Flaribela in lied, White Ittitl BlueAj • .25, 35; 40c. 4.2tt ' • "at efit JOHN'S. Ticr.—The.. 9.9 th day of October bang the day E. et. tor Dr. N. C. Mackey to take pmeiession of my field of practice' I would give notice that as the t ontraet was not` lulfilled S shall contin- . ue my practice as usual. All calls promptly Attendee to inithe-line of myprotion.. Office at my residence.' • W. It GnEkti, 31. D. Foster, Nov. 3,1875. Misses l'eble Goat Buttoit Shots, 'sl 30, $1 75 " " " Lace " 140, 102 , Moroce Calf " •" 1 02, 1 75 Clitids • " " copper toe 1 00, 125 'Ladies 11 - " Lace Shoes 1 73, 200 " Peble Goat " 1 00, 210 " Glote " *2 75,. 300 42tf at,Cur : Ar Joirs's. : 'Two per cent. discount on Dills Of over $5 00. A. B. Itttaita, at the Eagle Drug Store, keeps constantly on hand a and well selected stock of pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints. Oils and Varnish, also a very large, assortment of Port 3lonnairk; Combs, Brushes. Perfumery, and Toilet t3oaps. Physicians pre acriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Give him a call. • Sign of thetol , den Eagle and•Slortar. . • • hlontrose,.June 9 1.87.5.-tr. • , , ' DON'T WANT TO MOTE IT I will offer my large storlic of Flour and Salt, and general line of grocery gpols very. hiw foi a short time for Cash, as, I expect to Move in a few days into n new store building opposite. Cooper & Co's. Bank, and de, not want to, tie at thy expense of moving a large.stock of heayy. gonds. j 2 s#6„w is a - good time to:buy your Flour and Salk I haye, never bad a better stuck of. good Flour, fresh ground 'than at the 'preiient One. . - . E. P. STAM.P. Montrose. Oct: 20, 1875 tf. • To THE 1 t113141C.--AB a guarantee that Tay lor's. Family Medicines are the hest in market, of. their kind, and that the quality of the goods shall hereafter be: maintained, 1 141 say to all : "If .- atter usin g them you are no satisfied you-have.rectived benefit in proportion - to the price paid, return the empty bottle or package, and get your money back, as I vaut,no man's money unless be is satisfied_ be' has received its equivalent. . Respectfully, :. T 1: BROWICCSO: TAYIon, PrOp'r. _ October 8,1873. . • . .. i. . . WE Timm that the people at 3lOntrose'and vicinity are finding nut where the most popu lar. Dry Goods Ifouqe•lit. Bing.:ao, ton is' most. for C. F. Sisson ;41: Co: inform us that their trade, from this sectbmi,is ',very large'and con stantly increasing.: In their stock may now - he found a. large and carefully selected stock - of Dry Goods, guitable to the. wants of everybody. hey inakel it ;specialty of Black. Silks; 131ack Cassimeres, 'Black brolaiirs,.Black 3.lplicits, and the finer grades of Dris.. Goods, and in this line are, prepared' to give. some decided bar- gains. W s e suppose. that nearly everyivaly is aware that-411,dr store is located at 61 Court Street, next to, the `Canal. Binghatuton;,SePt. 22;1875. . • . - ' 11.111,1t.TIONS FREE: . There is no' Subject, that requires so much study and expetlenpe the treatmeat Of ctron•. diseases. Tue astonishing success and re' makable cure po.lorniett , by Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gilt of clairvoyance, to the life long Study of the constitution sig,mani and the curing of (flames from natural remedies. Cures the worst forms of Scrofula:. ratairli, Piles, Fe male Weakness; Aithmit, Kidneys' Or, Bladder - Win be at the- Caffertv , House : Binghatitton , Friday, and -Saturday; Decembe'.l3d und4th. ' Dr. Butterfield still be at the crlebraied'Alin-- erai Springs, at Rush, on 'Thursday, Dceeuibei• 2d, on a.viatt; • TEACHEIgic-'"EYAMIkATIONS.' - . • • • The Annual Iliaminatieris will be held as follows: f. . Ere, Friday,Ntivember SPritiVille-4entrc;Tuesday, " ,- Aulfuru.l--Porners Wednesday, " Bridgewater—M_putrosei _Saturday, Novem ber 18th. Foriit Lake—Centre,`-Monda3r,/ November 10th. • ; Great' Bond—Vlllage, Wednesday, November Jackiam—Savory, Tbur,sday, November 18. Thornso9Aien ire, Friday, • t , 19. Susquehanna Diipot; Saturvl4y; 2O., Tuesdisy, 23. • laithrop , --Foster, Itairaday, " 25. - • EaebsessiOn to 450112merioa at 9 o'clock, s. Teaclietn. wi c il need , pen, ink pencil, paper; and Llikin rodrilt Eea er PrivitAB Examina tions unnecessary,: ,• Otilci,tlays-4 1 Irst Monday in each month, 07 ° 04 4 P. - W. C. TiLox,x, - • COUntYl39erintendeut. Xonttokti .o oo o " 3 l 1" WO and examine ouesploodill tap sole gen; (tine nwo's.kip boots at $13.75 just recolied. \ Noy. 3 1875 " CHEAP Jon's. 1 I F4lllAritinS, • ' PS. s l lllcox, Veterenary Burgeon, M. it. V. S., Tlrorito, Ontario, is now located at the Tarbell 1 - i usii,.anil tenders his professional services to al; who have diseased horses. /. &ion t rose,. Oct. 20, '1875. . I. B. Dhs,saril has kist returned froin,New . :re k, baying purchased principally a large line of lialies' and Children s Pars; Buffalo and \V4lrin,thes, 131anliels, Flannels. , &u. Lots of ol 11Cr5letv. goads at . lomMibottorn" prices. Call a'l see them ' '• - - • '-- '• : j : ,, llciSENuatat it C 0... • -„liontroie, Nov. 3,187 x. ~ ".' .. • Altqulj9veicosts front 40 00 ti) $l5 00. .Mens;iuli suits front / 10 00 to 20 00, ..tliqiipants !min " 1 25.t0 5 00. 3leas 'oats from i 1-00 to 3 00. 12t( ' at CIMAP Joules. MIN pet' cent. tllicount on bills of $lO and / 13oit i th - nixo.—Books are ready for Avery, Bolles, Broils" 13annell, Dickerson, Fessentleo, 'feline, Jagger, Lyons, (Susq'a) Nailer Reynolds, Sayre,. Sherwood, Summers, Thayre, Salmon, Wakeley, Walk er null Williams.' Bindery at. the store of Oct: 27,!1875. livoNs &DRAKE; tur.4s-x:L - Etx..thaner-ss, • . . . . i i . TfDri D A —CnANDALL—AV the parsonage In East t.ttitrord, Oct. 20th, by Heir. D. W. Hal sted; P. P.: . Hounds and A. G: Crandall,,x.ri. lh of, oliford. ! 'I . • ' Foiliz.ll,- 1 Turrrat—At -Little ificatiotys, Oct, tilliby ghl, H: H. Gray. Perry A. Postet - of eincianatl, Ohio, and . Stella 31. Tupper, of Lit tle 3littsdo*H. - , '- , . . - • • 1. 1 PICIZEIt xci--Surrn--,kt the meidencio of the hride'l fa her, Nov. 4th, by ' Rev. J. G. Miller, 1/...asr4rd . Pickering' and Alice J. Smith, both of l'Alele trcise. ' ' ‘ MA,CDtlitstro-- - -13nEcxmatitmE—At the resi dence of the bride, Oct. 28th, by • Rev. E. W. Breckinridge, assisted by .Rev. .Dr, Paddock, Ilinclliartuid, formerly of Liverpool, Englind, Ito Sarah J Breckinridge, both' .of 13Ingliamton, N Y. 4 3amLik.wzmlss. FA41 , 1 1 .i.5-:;-.Mar Jackson Valley, Susq'a co. Ott. 15th John F. Farnalls; aged 33 .years, 10 months and 16 days: R.X.t rp-L-At the residence of bCr !son, Peter 'Knapp, Jinn 26th; Margaret Knapp, aged 80 „year* 10 months and-15, days: • •,, tlinneiittle papers please ' piciit.TT— "In :lessup,...Oct. , 28th; Ralph D., only:phild of L. B."und 'Vie: C. Pickett, aged years,B nionths,and id days. , ' ' 11111=11 . , • , —,s•NT , --:- ~ . FAN' - O s Y D — ' - GOO S• ........... k " . , t • . llavlntrjeft purcheaed a. largo PtOck. of .141lijnery Goode direct from the luiporters.. lam able to sell the Noet recent stylise of the season, at prices ;hat de fy oompetltlou.' „ •• J(IDLINER,Y DEPARTMENT. - • • , . Prench felt hate of the finest quality., and in all the Istrirlt Idol, A Amy line:. of" Fancy Trimming,. Silks and tielvete in all the new shades. all kinds of feathers and wings. A line line of trimmed Hats always on hand; A Mrre n,fsoritnetrt of tits., horiery„ gloves. 1.8. 1 % dies' ikrni children's merino underwear, 'ac. Coll sad see nay Glo4 miffing Uorsets of $1 ' W. J. CARVER. , , . , . No..2lCoart St. Cor. Water St ,.'l . 1314 , 1.unt0t.N, Y., Octpber 20.1STS. '114" _ v __ --_______ a Centaur Liniment. • ' • , There is no pain which the Centaur , , 1 ; ilk MI ment will not re 'ley°, no swelling ' . I.r i ii they will not subdue, and-no lameness ' I F which the:. wilimot cure. This is strong ..- -language; bat it is tree. They have a i i..' produced more cut es of rheumatism, nen ralgia.lock-jaw,palsy,sprains,swel. q'tli T Pc ' tinge, caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt _. thenta. ar- ache;, open' -the human frame, and.of „Siralhs. spavin, galls, etc., upon animals-An .one year than'have all other pretended remedies since the world - mums,- • t ney are eosin ter-irtl tan ;all-healing, pain re lievers. Cripples thiow away thi it crutches, the lame walk. poisonous bites are rendered harmless, and ,the wounded are heated without a scar. The recipe is pub 'lowa around each bottle.. They set:-ris, no articles ever 401 d .l , efore, because they-do Just what they pretend to do.', ',Those who-now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or sweltimr deserve to suffery they will not use Centaur . Linilnent, white wrapper.; Mom titan 1000 certificates of remarkable ;cares, including frozen limbs,.chrontc rheninatism, gout., running tumors , etc., have been re. ceivia. We will send a circular contain ing certidcates, the recipe. etc., gratis, to any otie. requesting it. One battle of the fellow wrapper Centan r Liniment !Swart,' one h nridred dollars. for spavined or sweenied horses and - Mules, or for screw-worm In sheep. 'Stock-owners —lllO,-e liniment? are worth your attention. .1!-To family sinuild be withoutthem. "White wrapper familynae;" Yell'irer !creeper. for antinala. Sold by all Druggiste.-,- 50 cdlit;locr bottle; largo bottles, $l.OO. J. B. Bean C0.,13, BraatlwayiNew York. - -', - . . • nilii . . A , Cii tarty. is more than a snli.stitute: for Castor . Oil. It ht he onliottfe article la, existence which is certain to afl !Initiate the rood, regulate the bowels , cure wind cat s lid- produce natural sleep. It contains neither ml ': rola; morphine or alcohol. and is pleasant to take. Chit ren need not cry and mothers may rest. .. . ti • . ea. . . hIt,RIFF'S SALES. - BY VIRTUE OF WRITS IS a7 'its t ed by the Court of Common - Pleas of Susquehan neg uuty And to me directed, I • will expose to sale by pub! yeedue, at the Court !louse in kloetrose, on Fri day] is ovember 12.•1873. at 2 yeelotis ye in., the following Piroe's or parcels of land to wit e . All those three pieces Or parcels of land situate in the township of Ararat IL. the county of Susquehanna and state of Peitosylvania, the drat piece bounded and des cribed as follows. to wit : Ou the north: by lands of Jettle Denby and De.ueis Carpenter,ou the east by otter lands of Don A. Walker,on the south by lands of Jueeph teoatoonund on the west by lauds of Tyler *oda wild lot cola :Lining elate acres more or less, and about tiny ACtta improved. with the uppurteuances, two boraces, one.l 4 ,aw Mill, two lures and an - orchard.. The second pieta er parcel of .and situate as, above, bounded and der ribed as follows, to wit : On the east by lands of . tins:Shafer eetate, on the north b lands of Joseph Slot hate, on the south by hindtiof Joel Denny and George linight. and en the west by, lands of Themes Besket, cum :elute,: tlftpthree acres more or less, and mostly tra- onteel, with the appurtenances. one house and ham The third piece or parcel of land situate as above,boun-. &it and described as follows, to wit: On the north by, a wild let, eh the east by a' wild lot, on the south by-J, lauds al the Shafer estate. and on the west; by..i, the public highway, containing 100 acres, more of less, and . about 73 acres improved, with. the appurtenancee. 1, honee and barn, and 1 orchard.—• (Seized and taken In execution at the snit of C. C. Worth vs. Doe A. Walker. Oscar Washburn adminls-: ' tralor of JOhnStniley, deed assigned to llelen A. Smi ley. vs, lion A, Welker. C. C. Worth vs. Don A:Walker Joseph Knight use of George S. Smiley assigned to 'l4Ol-on Potter vi. Don - A, Walker, and Nelson Potter and At. B. Wright vs. Doh A, Walker.]. , , i .A.Leo—All that certain were or parcel of land situate mishit tossiesede of Herrick, in the county of Suseue lia-tola and State of Pennsylvunia, bounded and des-1 erftwit as follows. to wit : Bounded on the north-east' liplatids of Zlba Barns, on the north-west by lends of Odes IL Lyon on the diotith.west by lend of (iibert ILI Lyon. on :he south-cast by land of Gilbert Burna,l and on the south-west! by lands of J. B, Mon. contain-, mg Shout _he acres with the appurtenances. ,2 houses, 2 hams. and other outbuildings, 1 orchard.. acid about 46 etres Improved; exceptlng ' then:deem about three acres -Of) land deeded by G. IL Lyon Adminittrstor of Japth Lyon, to If. IL '& C. 11. EilllP. (Seized and,' taken In execution at the snit of Mandist Lyon vs. J. B Lyra T. T. Ai G. A. Burns.]. - 1 ALSO -All that tertail. tract pr parcel of land situate nettle township of Great Bend, in the ..COuniy of Sus% ntiehauna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded an4des4 erlhed as follows, to wit : Beginning at a • stake' and *tones corner of [ands of Lee Smith, thence north 21e degrees vaat :$4l and nix tenths rods to corner of lands °emelt:a by - 3 1cOallle/ , thence north be degrees and fel rulutites east by 3i eltattlePs land 73X rods to a stone uiser the highway I that ce north Mx degrees east 41 runs to an din stump: thence north lx degree), east 45X rode to a birch sapling,. thence east 275 rods, thened eolith leX degr. et veer by line of tract fig and 50.1tanits ' roils to en original ttorne. - :,thence south [degree stud ItLettnotes west is-IX sods to a stake and stones, thence *inch 1 degree Prer..llso rods to a chestnut stub, thence .eIO-Lit b degrees and 5, minutes west 01 rode to a cor4 - nee. thence south eX oegreer west 84 rods, thence—i • $7,14 'degrees east MX - rode; to the east bounds of said tract ; thence rontherly along the saute 44 rode .to a point te end 4-lutlie roes-from the southeast corner of ntidAract, titmice westerly parallel with thesonth line Ault chinos:art of the :OW south Bee. 433 suds td the place of beginning, containing LOCO ac:es of laud, with tea appertereincei, 4 seethe houses, 2 baras,,steeto SOW Mill, and abuut 113 acres Improved. .Also **other. parS eel 01 laud situate in Lieu township of Liberty County and h tate aforesaid, described as follows. to ; wit : lle. l , Mg the whole of original lota numbered 27, 63,75, aOd Id, lying together in the tracts formerly of S. A, Laws 'mid emitaluidg in all 413 and 97-100 the acres as surveys ed by Witham WeutlLJ April 10, 1836, -I re excepting the trout the following pastel of land sell to Aaron rounge .14 Deed uatet[Feoruary atil, 18143, as - follows: All that ceithin piece Of parcel of land lying in thb township up Great iiend; in, the County of hump/Omen* anti Beate of Pk:moll/anis, t hew:Wed as foiloWe : On the cast by the Lvov fence. and. James Clark. farm, on the wf*t by a lot owned Eldridge, on the south by tee steam saw Wilt lot, containing efl acres, being th known as e lot forneoly• contracted to Joseph Hen drickson, together with all and singular the tenements, ligre4ittatueitta, and epputtetuances thereto be.louging,-i.. Uttioie in execattun at thsesult of Sarah IL Bruce, Exe 'etude, and Charles IL ittsbrouck and Jame* IL OAS [muck, Lxecutors of Dant I B. Hoke, deeel. vs. Jacob ilrowu and Eliza Ann kku , and F. Rowley Bennett u ‘ .ll) Vaktey. stud (ibeeter , 11, it *,Terre Tenauts. ; . J. - A4so—All that certain-piece or parcel o f land situ. ate in township,oi Beetoklin in the county of &IWO- Minim and State of Peuneylvirda, bounded akd deserm oil** follows, to.witu On the north. eneLnOikrat by lanaii of J. li.. ,extersre j ;4ll the *oath by pOblietalglateity, illisieg a front of s4s feet itt:Width, and a depth Of 'di feet he-the the same Mon) or leiw.together -.with' tUapporto* since',, one large r frarna;atore awl dWelling:lkuuse. one two story frame building; need As a shop, oas hat; Steen fruit trees and all'improved. Weized :and htk. lii-exeentiou at the snit Of Leonard Boarlolll. /Marta 4, Visoworuland 4i'ritswortml '•_. ; , . 1 • LSO—AII thettettain place or parcel of land eitelnei In the township nrApilactin. in the county DI beagle-: henna and State•of Pinntqlearile. boundedlas follovra,i town Beginning In the public roadg l itle Do* , Apolacon to Chocoent at the cornerof Tb Roimays laud ; thence westie purchestoa corner ot Cringe land; thence south 2 degrees north 180 perches to land. of Compliee Ragan ; thence north 88 degree* Welt 40 1 0. perches to • John Pallithetti,* thence north 2 degrees; west 170 porches, thence' north 88, degrees west 85Kt perchus,north S degrees east 673 perches north 23 dlr.:, gnsee west ltiX perches to John Lyons j d. Mem* south 88 degree east 'MN pyretic' to Tho of Rooueyi I land ; thence by , the cams south 2 d west 108 1 perches to Vice of , beginning. cou.ate 90 acres or land more or less se i h. the appnrtenaucekl' Lt•erlaell and taken In execution et the sett of James B. Carmalt trustee of S, E. Carman, doc'd. Jona Desna • ALSO—AIi that certain piece, parcel, or lot of land situate in the township of Oakland In the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as. follows, to wit : •Oa the north by Staid street. on tire Cast by lot of W. Eas:wood. on the south by lot of Ann .Caten and lot of T. D. Eastbrook.and on the west by land late the estate of J. B. Kettle, decd; continuing about 115) feel. vinare of land. all improved and having thereon a frame two story and basemen; swelling hones [Taken in execution at the suit of J; C. & J. 11. Cook use of the First Netiotud Danko: Su. squehanna Depot ye. John C. Tilting.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the borough of Susquehanna Depot, in the county Of Susquehanna And State of Pennsylvania, Inn:Tided and described as follows, to wit :- On the north by lot of E, 0. Taylor. on the east by lot of W. 11,,Stratchen, the south by Lewd street, and on the west by Jacky sou street. contakili , about onetifth of, an acre, all tiny ro pved and having thereon a frame two story dwelling house. [Tau en iu execution at the suit of Wm. Lt. Lao rabe'e use 11.11. Wright, assigned to N, L. Lenheim oaf S. H. Sherman and W. IL Larrabee.] ALSO- , -All that certain piece or parcel of land sittn• ate in the township of Oakland the county of Susquei banns and State of Penasylvanis, bounded arid doieribi eel as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Wm: IL eon, on the, synth by a proposed street, on the east by Janda of J. M. Westfall, and on tho west by Ueda of M. 8. - Ileteherjbeing 60 feet front on said proposed street and extending thenfnnti the same width 150 fee; and containing About '9OOO square feet of land, all nut proved, And having thereon a frame dwelling honse.-y ISt:lead and taken in execution at the suit of the hta teal Building. Loan, ant saving Association of SusqUe-: henna Depot vs. Seth N. 11.—All bids must be arranged on the day of saki 1, " Al. B. BRUM, Sheriff., Sheriff's Office, Montrose, October :V, 18'15. .1 • THE ASSIGNEES •OP - S." -H. &. 17. SA.YRE OFFER FOR SALE i-rinthEtAißm4s IMPMED MEADOWIIRIc MOWERS One hundTed Doilay Vower for "{ . Ott-U. r • Every Mower . Warranted 1 The cheapest and beet.;— Save time, save, money,saVe annoyance,by buying horde rean.facture. Manufictnred &afar sale by I - 8. 4. do D, SAYRE; for Assignees.; Montroee. Jane 211.1875. • 1185 VALIIABLZ Farm For Sale. The subscriber offers for rale the valuable Wm known • as the I - !' ‘ Ellumaxiciaris Placifb•S i• Said farm Is one of the *oat desirable farina to the couuty, and is beantifully situated In the' Village of Susquehanna county, Pa.; ;there Ise good store, flooring mill,, saw milt, plaster mill, and blacksmith and wagon shop in said village. The farm is situated directly on the.D.L. it W. IL IL, one mile and a halt from the depot at New Milford+ and tonr Miles front the depot at Great Rend N. Y. as Erie It. IL; contains - 19e acresof land. acres improved, is well watered, hiving a lasting stream of. water running through it and water conveyed in pipes to the house, barn and cattle yards, it is well fenced, and under geed cultivation ; It is well adapted to growing grain, and is fitted for stock or dairying ; there is a large alad convenient 'dwelling and wood house, well tainted, and beautiful la wn, 'withtilartibliery a large horse barn. car riage house 'tattle barn, with two cattle yards and @hods and stables for feedings; dr or stalling tows, and two :orebuts of grafted fruits. Terms of payinent made H. L. SUTPHIN, ! New Milford, Suq'a Cod ipeptember 29;1871-4m, I.This standard article is compounded with the great eat e,ire:- Its effects are as' wonderful and satisfactory al e'er. It restores' gray or faded ha.r tone youthful valor. It removes all eruptions, Itching and dandruff; and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. Ity Its tonic preporties it restores the capillary glands! to tboir normal vigor, preventing baldness, and tusking the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing has been found so effectual, or desirable. Dr. I AAJA. Hayes. State Amager of Massachusetts, says of it t I"! consider it the best preparation for-its Intended pbr, poses." littakinghanes Dye, FOR THE WHISKERS. • .iiTblis elegant preparation may be relied on to change a color of the beard from'gray or any other undestr le shade, to brown or b a k, at discretion. It is smelly anplied, being in one preparation, and quickly audio'. Ictruslly p roduces a permanent color which will neither t b no wash off. MANUFACTIMID BY - 1 ' L B. P. Ball do Co., Nashua, N. lIE.. SOLD BY ADJ. DRUGGISTS AND DRALBIIIO nit - i MEDIODIR: . • ' t IJuly 'l4, D 3215. . • 111 1 Ayer's Cathartic FOR M o t. TEM PURPOSES OP-A• FAMILY PHYSIC, • CURING )etivenees, Jaundice, Dyie• :pail, Indigestion, Brien- Ty. Foul Sputach audit:ea* .teadache. Erysipelas. Piles, Bhetimatism, Eruptions and Skin Disease-, Sisi o es t ieas, Ivcr Complaint, Dropsy.Tet .r, Tumors and Salt Rhetim: • 'orms, (lout. Neuralgia,aa a loner Pill, and Purifying the Blood, i purgative yet perfected . Their „now how much they excel all otter Flu e. They arc - este and pleasant to take, but power: Cal tie cure. They purge out the fool, humors of the blood : they stimulate the sluggish or dl e ordered organ into action ; and they impart the health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the every 'day complelnte of every body. but formidable anddanger, one diseases. Moat WIWI physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our best citizens, send certificates'ef cures performed and of great benefits they ha - re derived from three Pills. They are the safest and best physic for children, because mild as well as effectual.' 'Being sugarcoated, they are easy to take ; and being Rarely vegetable they are entirety harmless. ' iituiraitztrilr . •;i" Dr J. C. Ayer Ai C 0.,; Lowell Practical lad iiialytleal Chemists.. - SOLD BY ALL DRuGaisrs AND, DEALERS' - IN MEDICINE. Jul 1,,15 VALUABLE Farm For The subscribers off Air sale the valuable farm Ittenni ,Atidrew amfielel Farm, eltriate in the tormahtp of Afiddietown. flosquellantis Co.' Pa., rontalnink lAD acres, dignity creek Aut. ID urea improved •, 40 Sere* of Very nice hemlock and pine tim ber, well fenced, baring IoC rods of Moue'wel).„asid well walAfed, will Ott *old at a Ltax s in. Enquire or , ' - L. A. IiaWARD . • ' ' ' Middlettown Centre. Also, 125 acres of laud adjoining. Mostly creek AU, wed fenced and Muter a good .e tate of caltivation4 with good budding* and two good orchards and In cottneelms with tbo abase would make:a first class dairy flu= 1 will be sold with it or separately to snit purchaser*. For farther particulars caU upon or address. I - , L. A. HOWARD. ' - Or ROBERT STEAMWMLI.; Middletown Centre.... • - lintmachanna October 114 18730::tf. C.7C, ClP,ltaEllini • ; _ Carpetter. awlldet , ONTRADTS to erect ittnatunis of ap klads. - 1 00 acalon and complete them in ovary dotall.‘ *ROO ano Olata Mantles, *oath; SUnds, Doors , and WiudOw Framed, forpfsba d . to otder.Altaft , IlnlidlOtt and its paper otada apoclattiaa. Employ TIOU. but OZpir. eacta workmen; - shop tea Ihe lletbodlat Itontrooe.datouirsW,lNTS,7ltil • • Dzsramiu§ , ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ' Sitneed In thellorongb of , Montrone. - A yeti flee. frable properly. /lint. Iflrlte House , good Ranh OP'd, Pratt r Tree*. tu besting, godd weil; and other soar youlencles. 'gar particulars. , ougulto On thetatlDlMPit, nAu October 6,16 f liouttoie: Pig. T.732.cierta,lxiaair. Vie nil/km* l3 Undertaking • igt. *Or, • - bitettiga, Altneedtah. b!)pienvny otti,4 4 4 ". • -I!. ..mtnit - • • -1441, •-_.,:,;_.::::---4..i. . ..I'•_-: - ' -At':' EIVE THE OLD STAND. The Undersigned *out& respectfully 'esisottoc to the _citizens of 3foutrisee end Vicinity that . they brae adbed to their establishmeaat a frat-oates - . " , st . • iipt .s,§4 under the direction of J. 020. BRIDINSICKER,of New York City. We will keep constantly on baud ' FRESH BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, OAKES, COOKIES, PIES, MC., At Who!elide or .Befall. Pvttk~s Supplied Reascinably. c —o—. ALSO--s large and attractive sierittournt of CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc.„ Ktc., u num.: TOYWFUN TOYS I. ....... , +PUN N TOYS - • FU SPLENDID OYSTER DIMG • ROOMS Up staini. 31c.1t **path E. BACON Si SON, Mosttrose, Sept. v.. 11375.42 . BILLINGS_. STROUD. 42ftneral INSURANCE AGENT, } illszaztr come. =Ps. Capital Repreiented, 11100,000,0001 144: 11 ITV iilrL)l4 ): 40* 1141. i•)-fl Llyerpool,London &Globe ' 11 2 0.000.000 Royal Canadian ITIIIIKSUCe EV, of, Montreal, Can- . Ma. Capital - 5.000.000 ans. Co., of North America " '•• R 5,250,000 National. New York, , • .. Ins. Co., State of Ponn'a " fro 1 Union Mothal "I -' • • • 00,000.! Lycoming Fire CI ,oix ,000 Lancaster Flre:lns. Co. - " ' Mo,oo‘ 'Fire Association of Phil& 2 000.000. Pennsylianls Ins. Co„ Phila. . ' 1.300,000 Co...mercial Fire Ins. Co., N. Y. . *moor. Fame Ina. CO.. of Phila. ' 250.0 at Watertown Ins. Co., Watertown, N.Y,' 600. 0 0 1 Home Ins. Co., N. Y,. Capitaland Surplus . $ 4,000,000 0 Atlas Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. 400,000 Hartford Fire cn s.. C0.,1.. apitalsind Sarni at $,8,00p,000 The undersigned is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow lug companies ficg.fiorthern Pennsylvania; Fire Association of Philadelphia. • Lancaster Fire insurance Company of Lancaster. • The Insurance Co. of the State of Penuryirania,o! Philadelphia, Xa X IP ZI . Conn. Mums' Life Ins. Co., Await! American Life. Pbll'a. P.r.MraTfi . 0- ) L; 0 •:' is' '4ll Travelervlns.Co.,llartfonl,C.apitalaeSurplusgXsoo.oCo Railway Passengers $850.m, The undersigned has been wellknowntn tbiscounty,foll the past liyears, Insurance Agent. Losses sustained by his Comualn les have always been promptly paid. SW - Office op stall", In building east from Banking! ()Mee of Wm. H. Cooper &Co.. Turnpike street. -• • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. ; CHARLES li. SMITH. office Hanger. S. LANGDOIt. Solicitor. surotiose. Nov. 18. 1874 11.(;)33INOC7)WIS Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! 88 Washington Street, 3131:imaltrassistort, N. " . , YOU will •Find the OUT SIPBEST AIIIORTKIT OP 112' 1112 OF ALL KINDS. At the Lowest Prices of any Store in • 0, Southern New York. All Go4di Bold are *ABRAM) u itepraseated .71ov. 1814. 3Cire - bitcoriii S. H. & D. SAYRE, Are liotMed that their It •• 1 ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED i2:l!=itietWb'Sitia.79 r: they 141/ be coUsOod M aw. 1 : *LATIUM it COMSTOPL Assignees ,f. • _ - • . itek3r naii. Jo ea mut for salb by ,- • , ' 8.. J, UM* 1!ill `IOLOUR. tips AtaP , lAlxx7i 4E00E41E3, a4tbssig4ol 1 111 4 reii$21i. 1011 1 4101Z0 . 0111, AN made*: I ' Mosttqlso, Apt!} tiiiw'E'ltl3'd itiorici ljrtro c- on, Is t4t u """ ." C er ? .ls " 4 " • t alg tl Z447: ! wit; Zto 4 Atli 4rtul4l, late' 'of Cleeet Beak deed ielea -Helmut:- Executor. • , • to Seifit_DPPP, lets 1110,11,1,4 a • tesurptouli.-Aamiutetreyir: to 4.00. Rics..llo at, ded d ; Rob' led Aimadet, =Maar. • Ba_jamtle Y. Wetroes, .tote of Usrford, deed Y. 111. 11W e, ,Adethdettstor. 1 , • Thek tie secountebte Imre Wiled thetr *meets in Hme HeereHeett Meth and for Itee county s ma ck. mit tio tli=eg o ti : ,!Lb_e=r3 s to ovstay timiim4c,feaftmorN" g istai. wows asee.stion. boo * met A' • N 1E5,000,000 64,500.00 ti E. D: ROBINSON. u. J. wisp. IL J. WIWI. Nur f aN3x , 45. TVIIWANE; OYD Si CORWIN CornorotMalnand Tamplkats. 2111X.CloATTNILCIPMIZI. ri.411.., RIII'MT7I isercrcrinst 1111 IND SIIEET-IRON WIRE, Builders' ,Hardware. pUTLEEY, ETC., DJails, by the Seg. n • Thanks to our islands for PasSltrorp. • We would be months:Mal to tun and all who know they have unsettled aecotuste with us. if theyinialt call end settle by the middle Of Vara aut. Feb. 4.1574. 0„. Ori is sti ll sto • 4`44, The crowds rushing to ChesP?ohn's (Poet Ilelldlas or !pergolas. Still they come. 'Why It It than f" No , suss we hive reduced our entire met of the MIMI ug goods Xi per cent. to make room fot , fall Reda. CALICOES; MUSLINS, WENS' BOY8r1X1) TOUTWIV.- Ntea,ciya•lMlGatlie lIONSRY. TAUT GOODS. NOTIONS. k BOOn t .BOOTS, BOOTS SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, HATS, COTTONADES. c umulus, cicyr im , 1 8 ., Busipxs, now Jewelry a fine asortinlint. Low 141 we If you want to do well, Coma and see how cheap we sell. Specialties,l '5O MBAs' Booti. $lO Cashmere Baits. GOATS' CLARKS• •COTTON, 5 Cis. Ik'‘‘Pec s. th r li amoi:l (Chipp,Joka. Yogtroee, July !ISOM. At No. 33 Court Street, DINGMUIMIC.; N. Y. NEW GOODS, NEW,..GOODS, , As iss.bsvojust retarked trove • tkir ot New Taft attar purchasing Wye and Irso selected stook of • • FALL AND WINTER GOODS of ND kinds bought from first bands, we aro sow pm. ;and to °ger goods at pelmet that will sails* 111oam. est buyer. We bar. also added to oar 'lame stock St Dry Goom, an Immense . stoat of OLOT , E,ICLSSINER/S. AXD MUMS. for Man sad Bora wear. W. are sow, proparel ulna j SUITS FOR ALL! 'who will ere us a call It ire Use aril elan morkpail en_taird talc the season. Ladles mid gentlemen, you will please aft and ems. tug our stock before you purchase eliewbers. Thankful for part favors. we hope for a onttlausttan, of the same. We remaro. • t Tours • • m r e rr. bowan 014 liblesamtou. April U. 18111.--tf. 4 -a • . , • rn S Tt la &Heald Liniment for House and stable use. A valuable combination, discovered by a celebrated llettehendst and horse-Wrier. .Was Introdueod United hates in the youth,* and since that t tlinstOry Its great success. In the core of diseases, it nas woe for•lteelf that world wide reputation It so tidily des. erre* rivalled. and now Wads at the used of all linina tor . ,„ , • AS A. F4IILY It has already gained the eostldoses sad stlale of 111M:timid, of households for Ito many awes of SW cuss were external NOpileStloao are of r mach Lupo& time. It to modally admired 41 a family remedy itor tie patellar chemical combination. pommels; so batik invedients, Mite tincture of Caimans or red- . el which cheap and salutes. Liniments are I cos. ed..l which lactestajostssd of diminish the tallamb. Use, nuutinirit oy,tiattife a speck). core ISt RIIBITXATISIs lIRADACHIt. SORB TIMM YR - BIS RIC, isfirtANlK 7 i.t - NiKio6.6llAiii l li. CULDs, BRILLS. FROST, TIC DOLOR"' lux. BURNS, CUTs, SITES - OF POISoNOUS, INSRCTS. i'iNthaosilala and dire:Bona accompany oak bolas. - Doty ono—only 111 cads. ed_ omits. or. $l.OO--and doss not give good satieDienm rotors Um OW* MI end your money will be reftiodod. Call los S. B. *Ad take no Won. D. G. CART A , hila4 ProptiOtord, , MilddlotbWo. Omar Co l 11. V TOR SAtill:BT A. B. BURNS and M. A. LYON, vniaribitodfo,se , A. Panthazable et all Wbolonda end Wail states to t%s solo Monitor*. 'hi oth. 3810. 00.1111XTINVLLI 807110,,, TIM ' limn is itimi afrnimin as tbg Lime med. leading trots 11Plaglestittes tit Xergsare to Ca sk. . • lbt Station op the D. L. Ai W. R. IN . Pargoe , plug at Ode station will tad rt eogratiool to e .ate; lasi have proper oortvestrostr. to cant -, 4 , itay phiee they uteh tee Tat means op keel* end biro, mkt were posties og ; Sartain the Wilk. for past eit ivy owe moods, 1 gall be blry SO 00.1.0ng taso piddle IteltuAT WleNdit is NE .....a.: ._ . . V. c Va T, ' .:7 OtorboOrdlis, Aqui 14 4 1M1044 . 11 7"77 -.., HARDWAIIII I ALPA.OAS, NEW GOCIPS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers