r ~' ~:.+; ~~ ISSVOlurne- - 182.•• • • • • MO - NTRO§ DEMOCR AT • . 1 ,10;•••• , 1875 - . • •• _ • • ;•:. • • . • . . , . . . , . • . • ' .• v !T . s mlyer "40. 4 40 glemotrat 61Ittortai. itlreolation Itaarieasing Pass ask. arg Pa Nottihersa Pennsylvania. - GOWolnsed New . York, on Saturday at ~ : , . , • Wka, c ,giu3 .kia,ppened s 7:1417 . .7 i] 'ABOVE CUT 'EXPLAIN 3. • Welar,O a righkto'_rejoiceover the rr- r 811/0 ' .O/ ; I tilt,: election' in .this 'county Tuesilay.November :second: , Virt do not rejelWal , seeteliaii partizan, neither do Alittn," ( hie yietorlstrietly'saS a parti• • • ' 4 isitd (!as PuP° °r Deinocrats to oat vote 4,500 lteptib hcaoclAtt4Orthe•aid-of 'the tearkss, hon. c.st,unitt; independent - Voters of the, latter party,who'dared to swell the' columns of DeteMitileTerprin' by theiryotes and 14 eithei'c44 . t4e, DCll ooracyiolold...Susquehan tia be robbed. of the honor:it :the pianbers of Iktrencit-- melte inkt•lttifOrin in the lieystotie State, by fir'l'itting iii pradtice prin - eiple retretichment that could be rent:Jo:4'4 ; nnderl Itadieso tion, and'this, together with the exposure of Ring :Inaliag,emeutthrough - the,cel ,urnot-the Dkubcps, brought the inaig' tre i'S tc Our: stippoit, - 'and right; in a t gooA v m,astire, hits Jriuruplreti, under, the Derpoeratio banner; a etedit•botli to Re pu hlicana and : Democrats;who . enlisted undetitr folds.' This is • the' trip: field fir ppilosition . liarties to labor in :Old tip: , pu (hhip" inititntions 6'llol Ail inautalueil if mitiortty parties in : the nutiority-whea .cor ruption as abroad iu the dornitient ranks of the' Majority. ; By such action only, cin the people ..teach their official ser “ vantSiltat:!'„tiOnesty . is the best'poliey.”: 'rile:Democracy gave evidence , of their good faitli , in'Abeir platform' when they 441114' reirenchnient , to their cottn ty cominiSiiati'drivhose election was ensured by the New Constitution, as well as to the . 4 1ttierPACej.- • • 'nig 4)111300e „that governed _us, both in our , to.tlie ainventien and in the eadvas that followed, this. That e talftiieti'laditst, be red need to that point where fer", 'a:irruption will, exist, as the surest means of eraidicating 'it. That when. men in office a.e .paid the said Other‘buSineas which requires.:..thet.ettme :Mud IA talent, we shalt:ant , only- have as good but even better 'officials, ttie teen taboo for corrtip.• lion! wilt be . ll4lsvt.tl and 'honesty will be the fille s ih j stild''orthe exception as r'o , under the high salary grabs. havaeuliSted ie earnest in this mat ter and vie •Shall now •noweull upou.our sena too representatives 'to present.the , redti6tioii of other fees and 'salaries in our• next, tegislature which ":buVe been raisedAleyerid ,reasori itadiCal enact Mentaf • \'' • 1- • , ::PRIVSSI - LITA2IIIA., • , ~ The l elietiOo in - the 'state Of PennsClca • Ilia fiti - 84621( ' ,11#1/11.bliCail by about 10,000 . majoritY- on IMProor. rd r‘awie, state. T,reasnrer,is elected by a much less major. _ity,..•Col. Piol le t runt) ill ,z. iargely' ahead •of Pershiug.i. 'Weare not among. 1 those p ' '"diSts' wh ' are 'attempting 'at the jourtid o 5 ~ ~,.. nee!it j.!,*fo excuse or account for this defe4AendAtarge it upon "Rag Witiire''' or any other babies, but we• simply neat pt the *remit , because the- majority. of the v.ltetirof this old commonwealth have e`o :deritied'!wpit"-the''only . 4 'babies" tli:Lt We now reAgnize are thosWhotife now cry-, jog fot,.!`,Pßjiti4rojllo ttakate.mPting to crintinatalsome one because ' , their dish ii , , ovilterii.kl: + .-Those motto have acted bon • egdy ilittheitatter," have 'nothing ta, hi. asli:o4;tit' and tlibse !lid doted distion eattv'eOght teillive been defeated if 034 were not.iiiiry _ .. - . - - 1 It is as t for newepaPer philosophers to nosy explain ~why, We' are deTeated in this Atate and* Oluo, as it :trzed 'to be, for "cornaeltr'generals in the, late mar ; to tell Meer the battle just how* .we were whit pc- and•these ;aanie-'y dia. - muchplayt.ll44,fui, pluck before electinn by ,iceviii4,.at a ,saTe'distanCO from an opiniin, so as to be able. to take ~e4her born afterWardias ihose,"eornfield" gen• evils dittirt*,keeping' froth the front of the iirmif - ;(' tii'"l 'tad pin ' men and tio" jourciala,may,,be useful but We . .confess that lyeArg At isdead loss. to sitto, up their usefalness.'.. '. We prefer the man who, when'tib finds that he has made a mitt: , take honestly goes _to s work' to'rectify it, to le/Othijri . lia sour ilii, thingSby t heir• , everlistink tir told .youa6?'' ''• ' ' - , ' Jokn.-)T,:,lla4ranit is reelected and were thht all, we iihould.not feel- like en— • tering any vcry kreal:eptp - pliint, bit that the L.Tillick'iy Ring," Wjto, bavolaeii 'plun dering, stud < debattehitig . the pe•ople's treaOirit il prostituting' its use to retain - l''°""Y;l 4 01 r id ?"' )btlintd ""° l ,ber l ellse D r IKPYeli. • Ok. /omen tal;/u• °IA! Ino more so to us tbto • to every taxpayer in the eotntnonwealtl4 yipublieun as well no DembertWt .:We fetnght John F. .11t14- - ratifeiii,fBt2 Weans) or the evidt•ltue of hi® diiiiilliiity. ,Ada, tho'Nion '4ii thieves . ' that were dent:ma:cid sus :such slot only. by ~ Dm eocrot i o j ourna l & i n n by Republican jutirt4eals*, but stuee, bo halt been go vt • einTiveirar compritneutecillitn for acts or iniiipeitilloh`66l6oro even `.th iri our 'coo,' tmt ni4i4XTt l ieXlnitirae ,14 P u'll/ ic4M. , f.t PrihuiPie Abtai our Ring ithrdemPrurY d°e B 4 ,- W° do inot Proixtee to denoUnce every tiling •en 0 1' - ' vone fif 4fiAl t inft allow littul to drive no frorrir firiflOifdegA . Y, blsi‘ idil ) o tke.Y tbetp; whether 4t -be , John:: k nartriiilN or Ciittittbut*Orotr,, but wbigever they , ad votitiieW iii(rsvi believe tO , '; be' Tig,trt •wee 1 N. 1141/ topind itui o t. icabittWiatotte ataei, , asO'e*4Prochtime,ct ` else-- Jutigletthe future fix 4he paSt4oba 1/401!)43 next plutjidMp,Winitneki,.l4'iii. the main it wilt be good. As to the state Treasurer; there is a wide field for reform and no hope is Inspired now by the 'election of %wk.. But we•can stand it just as well as Republicans can.' NOTEIBER BLASTS. NEW , N t ORK DEMOCRATIC BY A • X'Ai*ORITY . OF IBOSE 7,006 • - • •,!.. '1: TO, ''lsA6*.. ••• • MARYLAND,MISSISSIIIII AND • LOUISIANASIV . BPV BY THE DEMOCILATEL PennEybiariiii, Afassachusetts, Wisconsin, and New Jerery Curried by the Repub. The -Deinoci . atie 'majorities in the counties of New - York . ' 'state . where Ole .m6mbere of the Canal .Ring reside; -shoW laige,lfelmb gaini;' . 'ivhieb result. is due to the aid of Jarvis Lord '6; Co.: In 'laming s countie, • where the Canal Ring . and Republicans had uo combination, the Democracy base gained; showing that the farmers stand by. Gov. Tilden and his reform measures. In 1873,1 Willem was elected .Secretary of - State by 9,873 majority. When the Jul! returns are ,received, • the Democratic majority will probably; very taunt', increase those flgur 'es. The Democrats have lost several Members of AssemblY 'find the Republi pAus will have a working :majority In • the next Legislature. Thu Senate will,stand about 20'Republip ‘ ans to 12 Democrats ; the Asseinbly 95 c. Republicans to 63 petnocritts. Bigelow's majority iii New Nre'rk pity Alurrieey and Rticordei' Hackett are both, elected. The' question at issue in this State was yiheth• er •G9vetuor Tilden should be reformed and Of a'rOfiting corruption or . whether the Canal' Ring should triqmph. The Irorki says: • .. "Tile people of New York eustaia Gcov erzior Tilden and bid him go on with his noble work, Worn. this - moment he has . the aid of that which is the most success ofall'aidiEr-succesa pennsylvania, which - was carried by the Democrats last year, now goeii, again info the hands of the" Republicans. The Democrats have lost the State mianly owing to • th.e:'financial question. J. F, liartranft is 'elected Governor, dereati7g J'itclg , Pershing by, about' .10,000 majori , a reduction on his ,majority 0f1573 of ov • 25,500.. .Grant: carried the StaE) in 1.87%; by 136,118 majority. Alex. 13, juice, R4ubiic,an; is elected Governor of Masuebusetta over Wm. Gastou, Denloorat, by majority of about 5,000. ,•Last year the Reptiblicans carried the State on Lieu. Goliernor by 12,013' majority,wliile the Denioeratie Governors, 1 001 . The: Legislature 41 , largely 14publicaus. : The Democrats have swept the State of Mississippi,' electing the entire ticket ;I) 'nearly every county. They have about 39lnajority in the. House and 6;or'B in the Senate. The 'entire Congressional delegation Dernocratie. W. L. Hem- . oungway lielected State Treasurer. contest in' ,this Stute ; was: between the honebt tnc,n• and tho Amen plun deiersi who ,had, they. , been allog , e4 to dun trol the Stale for another yearor two would have' :involved' its inhabitants in insolltancy aid precipitated. ts war of ..:NAPtYLANP I - . . jOhn , Lee, Carron, Democrat, has been eleetkl • Governor of 'Maryland over his opOonent, J. M. Hirrii,"who an on the Iterorm 7filket,''by over'l7,ooo majority. 'The"Leg,iilature is Dernocrat— 11. , Lnadington; &publican, is elected Goirernot of Wisconsin .by -A majority of About . 4 l o9o. . tie in. emoc lc d' X . I D rat" ratio paildiante,,':e)r,`„,Treasurer. • is eulikee4 been , elected..- The • Rtpuhltcan - _majOrityiii NVisconsin at'. the last gtibernatorial election was 15;4:11. The: Republican - is bare carried, sots. electing J, S. Pillsbury Governor by about 5.040 tnajority;, the election in, gew jersey was for n Legisl4ktnre. . The ,restilt.: : Senate, Reinittlicani 12 Demovitis 94 .Assembly —*publicans . 36, Democrats 24. The Detntical's the state eleCting nevi): eveiymenaher of the lit islaiure. In one , district the'seat of fien. Bracilq T. Johceon, ,senator will be can XLNSAS• •The RopulliaepAti elested s'majqity ti 'LP I - N I t gib a urr. e ppm bare stet bre,p ' ' • - LOUISIANA. i Dep'lothits are victorious all over siate;electing the' ‘ Tiet4org - ind all the-Opegret:linen. The:Ot:mocrafis have Pisd carritll)3oth ,t;ilc - ctic# of .the .laiiire. The ail:tory jevomplete. Their timid utpd allliolls souls iiii#W` two the POpe. soinetliiitg,exe6thiisly ItiaieTt l nuvhhowßleep ioi" ' peuce tiarqabfli _forketed .. ?Witt goliness tiotdare to set tO,ot on llte consecrated so) of Pennsylvania. Be will be obliged to 4talt' when he, irtiebeit Maryland, Should attempt ofiti,9o's of, atiti-Kaow. Nog , clavr, Ifurtrauft. wilt at owe! ':itispatelt Paptein tb - elltiak9f a trkfseriVALtlip,-tqagoiresi.` 40•Vorreat'Arta. vertturesonie prelate. .0 MEM I S . E NV i. itoni. PENNSYLVANIA. A6sAca SETTS. lUSSISSIPPL WISOO2MN. NEW JERSEY. vlttonzzi`. ~iONOR'FOR 4 Li t The' miserable;fug•Otid of. the ‘iOcitirt House Ring" is:attempting. to. ,viiggle. by ciictilitting all,sorts of stori4 about the iteinobratic candidatesl who, boast! , Veen , elnted by the peorde.l:of , Susquetlqxpna eouuty, and We have bUti one, word to say. Tito Deinocrtry i . met. id convention . on September 20th 1875. i They passed ''a platform of Retrenchment in county ex pentes,-whereby. the Tr,su . rer should re. 'ttve but Bpo per -year; for performing Ithektuties ofithat ollit, and the.. cont 'missiouers should receive, not to, exceed *2so' per yrar fur performing- the duties of . that office. Oundidatil were nomina ted uPon that basis unq they accepted . an 'had there been no fili•theik allusion to it,. heiwould have bee'u ills firmly bound by lie Deinocratic party; and ifs best iii• terests,; to abide by it, as ; 4 they kiiii iB:7 .ken anioath ot .the satire.; Men ohonor and integrity were placedlupon the ticket i d 114 a gu ianty of good - faith i who, we ye -11,,i.r, h no motive than the one e j6s a by the platfotti of the party. TII:S? are etected„ and would tie :more be . tray! die piny Than they would pitte i r frent tb i n 'till of some titivate citizen.— Henry iC. Tyler will receive $6O per an num as county ,Treasurer, of Susquehan na county, no more and no less, becau'se 06 Demiieratio party b.elieve that to be a suflieielitl i'enuneration, and the DEMO. pun l ie ould.denatice any ,other course us a b (rind, and at; nu official stealing froM the intelligent ioierii, of Susg.nehsn na county. Matthew E.' Ryan,' yemo cratic Commissioner, will receive not to exceed $250 per annum' or, the dutia bf•thai, )flice upOu tho aisle principle. They ar saving the county about $l,BOO per year of tuies to apply on the Ring 'County debt. will Ithe 'miserable bobtail of the "Court .liou ' se Ring' please wait tilt they are. out of the wOo4s and until there is some act of 'the pemocratic'of fiends to reform,before they criminate themselves any farther., .They net , d all the material Sympathy they can let for, themselves. ! '." 1 •1- PECULIdi7I7'Y -OP E :44i ) AN, E,s4'. In 'speaking of Japanese progress and their , eagerness to assimilate all. the ele ments of European civ i i4ation for the more rapid developement hria fruition of the resources 'of the country. the Japan Mail sizoundly remarks tha : it is one of the most noticable failings of the :,Tairian esc tiliat, in - regard to knoWledge of 'any kind, they Persuade themselieel that they have ' acquired it, When, they have only becenuktequainted- with its mere: rudi ments. Arid, with a strange and amus ing seltassurance, which, to those baying any connection with them; is distressingi in the extreme, they. will,- with the titmost complacency, proc i eett to bring theiei3enii.education into !full play, and to undertake Work which I they are far friom accomplishing. This!the Maq 61Is an impatient clutobing.at thults without the honest labor necessary t 6 secure them. It fears iilsO that; iu reference to more , vital matters the same spirit is noticable, and the t there Are evidflubeli every day of attempts at procuring they semblance of articles without expending on them the laboror money they / require or deserve, and an eager desire for.money without i earning it .fairly. The spread of snob principles as these tends to the most vici• oils unreality in all things; and Willi, ut tery frustrate all efforts at), real advent; or improvement. It vironld ,seem, It i fur her said, as if Ithe'eondition of Japan I is not such as to bear the strong lood of a free . press.. The goVernMent seeined redly anxious to give, all possible liberty alid.soine of its more liberal rembers, it, is stivpoiled, feel no small disappointment at the unsatisfactory reisu Vi of the :ex periment. The paper aore quoted, a . „ witness net likely to.err •on the one side of repressive legislation, remarks that. the liberty accorded 'aeon "broke into darig.'ertius' license, which 'corthi ' babe worked. nothing but rnificiiief." Tile con ,, geq a euee has been the issite of a stringent pres 4 Jaw; the applicittioo of which op pears to havebrouglit . -all: the editors,of the riative papers,' one . lifter the other; into. serious trouble, and has given ripe,. as might Gave been expected,lto great dissatisfaction and complaints as' loud and strong as usideration for the safety of the writers may . allowl . • ' MAN' OPIANTIWIV4 4 S. • I The death , 4 sue N. Singer +level ! opes some very .extraordinary social ten— denCies oti the - man,_:-. He"was the hus band of Bic wives tand,;iather iii.sixty. six childnin. The main features ' were c embraced in the following;. , '; . The roPerty, bequeathed is valued at, abontsll44loo,oo. ;That:: in America iw divided - ntniiixty portions. Thebequests 'number twlenty , Bvi i andinciude4 but one of his ,fOrinei wives. '•' ',l/fr:'Singer in 1.830 married t his I first wile, Maritillaley,of Brookltn, and-lived with her until 1860. When I she:obtain— ed a ilivore l e ori the giound of adultery. Before Ilia' ,, , first _wife died he cohabited' ,with Mary Ann Foiter in New , Yoili, and by her inuliten cbitdrer.. . .l i- After•tlt'divorce he , married Mil ;ter ai&liidd' with her two'',yeaili.l tnin iriegu‘aritiettl in hia conduct 'her to apply for a'ldinme., . , • t The sii Vivingi obildren- - of thus are' eigb ITo these - children, all' I are liege Ow parts of"the estate, -at about", 1 {1 750 00 0 : - ; L reading;the . divorce, from hi* ,seco nd wife, Singer married a Miss gaily Mo. Gonigal, of San Francisco. The chit-, 3ren,wia tlFe result of this unto) ; To Am.:was bequeathed portions of the`es— tapp,svaliaed at abOut sl,7bo,ooo;ii" I,e 'al— so had, vending the divorce suii; "a child by a Miss..*Ary.E.. e Walter, of N4* IL''Cirk, and'' she' received 4. portion ytiltied lat about $500000.: , 2 , :. in Ag,o4:pe discarded , all i ill* Nivea, , and wentAp gbrope, and married a WG- Wanihe li now Isabella E, Sioier, lie 1 1,ised‘,..with i.heritip 4.4' his 'death, i and, by her big* lehlldren; iiih+i- he recognized a t a '. ffiliMiiiiitiiiti'ali'lldien "' ' L ti:• ti - MMl=a • . .-Apolacori ' • • ' ... - • Ararit.4. - ...... :. , . Auburn..'.... - - -•• •• ~ - - Bridgewater ..... :' ' ' Choconut.. , ' . Clifford' ' • "''' .Diinock.:: .1.. ... -• .! . Dundaff Bore Foreit Lake.. ..... . • ' • - .Pr0nk1in.,._.......... 1 / 4 . Friendaville .80riti..,.... , 4 Gibson . ; Great Bend Tp. '4: , Great,Pend Born , . Great Bend Village .:..-........ Harmony • • . 114rford • • • ... • Herrick, '' '-' . • 1tek1i0n,...:41.. ~ . Jess4p - , . , !•• . Lathrop' . ... • • .. Lenox ' - Liberty .. . ..... ...-...... . Little Nleatlowi 8pr0.... - . ritOdletown. 2 . Mdntrase'Boro Ne;mt 'Milford Tp.''' - ; ... Nebr-Aliltord Niro, .. Oakland . . ..... ... Rush. _ . Silikr Lake..: - . , Springville • • •• &nicest Depot E Word.— Suaq'a Depot W Ward , . . ~ Thbmeon , • .- I Total:... .. • • •J. W. Rayn .r received 1-vote for Preadult frir, Treasurer ; E. B. Gates one vote for Sherlf Allerifr; 'Mathew E. Ryart one vote Auditor. mother as his Only real wife. To her he bequeaths lkis interest in 'his estate in' England,. which is vialned at $4,000,000. After hd , r death this l'property, is to go to uhiidren.. 3 To his last wife Ihe also Idequeathed four portions lof hi n s estate, in this coun. try, valued at l iiboue $700,000, and to 'the six children thirty- ur portions, valued at about $4 300.000 EffEEZI . \ At,a political. me ting in New York, just before the ele6t on;. Senate! Kernan who is himself a Catholic, made the Tol loWing observations in regard to the ef— tot, of the feptkbli n party' to arouse sec ruin-strife by the . 'pretense that he common school aye m is in danger: l --- . Ssnator Kerman r presents`nine•tenths of the Catholics of the country. He said : -, • There can be no *6th .. .in touching - the common schOols- in . this 'election. - The constitution of 1846 provides that the common School fund shall be preserved inviolate, and, that the income therefrom shall be applied to the, support of "the common schools.", Your supreine court -iitid yonscourt of appeals more than fif— teen, yead ago decided that the "common schools", meant ..the ordinary public schools va.tablished 'by- the °tato_ Th's provision of the constitution adopted last year goes further. It provides that •neither the mouey nor .the property of thestate, or of any city, county, town-or village . shalt be given to any private ift- Stitution , thus cutting , off all priyate schools, whether -sectarian or dniiectarian from bny,share of . thii money..that may be received by that provision(Applause.) Therefore there.is,na sort of danger to the common 'schools_ The.coaimon schools are embodied in your constitution beyond the power of any legislature to interfere with or change them. They must' be maintained as comnion. schools, in which all the chil= then of the state may ,obtain a good edu cation, and arschoels in which the relig— ioes 'prejudice o - e fettling of no one child or parent shall be Wounded. (Applause.) We recognize the duty and importance of every parnt and guardian giving.a re lig,ious teaching to his child, yet he shall not have that :religious teaching at the expoten of the state. It must be done iii the family, in the church, in-the Sunday school, and,in the private School. (G eat applause.) This' attempt to"'bring the common school into; the canvass is for the purpose °ratifying. up sectarian is= cord among mil. people; and every Oh is— tah, maxi should condemn it. (Ap— plause.). 1 Kniotv Two hundred arrests *ere made in the city of Baltiniore on election day., Au examination of the ..causes of arrest shows that in a large• part the trouble arose from the .diiiirderly conduct of the colored population of that city. Their turbu lence. was repressed .with.,:remarkable prudence, - fi;tineas and success by the 'police force: • The. ruffians of Baltitsore did not get -the upper, hand ou Tuesday. As,,a'consequence ,the conservative snd Teace . loviii4citizens were euablvd to 101 l their votes, and to hold their state &auto sound principles... In, no other state that vot-d oh Tuesday did Knoii istothingitru :show So bold . a front. In 'this state, in New York and Masschusetts . there - woe. furtive•attempts I to take advantage , of the spirit of intolerance but they were eiinfined ~Lo disreputable news papers and • fanatiCal and imbecile pub ticians. The . - republican na-ty trench 'erously, tolerates Rind ` profited by the efforts of whom it was ashamed and afraid thiropenly endorse., The democrats of Maryland, have done 'their country .a servicein electing their hon. 'ottid candidate for governor in spite of Kpow,NOthingism assiiifed by the defec tiollB and 'disorders with *hien° demon racy . has. bad to. contend in other, states. The city of Nit irriore,has covered herself with honor by the firmness and irioder. • ation , with which. 'she. has repressed Know Nothing 'violenceand at this same time set. herfoot upon 'the worst fOrm of dotal e v n ainittniKtipori • the f u 'Wine n Lai principles of, the repablie. - ' Cer forced Colifor*likinfarble. The production of California marble is becoming', one of the 'most \itntortant branches of - our state induCry, and the develeptuent of the quarries of Tudumne and Suisun is rapidly augmenting) from the fernier county marble is pricured which ouccessfully rivals that of Italy. One' firm in San Fratigisco has rei;eived, 'during the past pint', over 1,000 toni from the quarries of thiii county alone, liesides a large quantity - of beautifully culorid and variegate 4 maiete':train tfuistin:, The red act ion 'of the Cal if° rn ht .- go arrfs (Ida ulreidy: directed the market fer.tto im ported Artic.fe and bids fair to atipphnl it entirely in time: 'The' yield next year will be, Amato' than that of this, fir the ,supplyfa' 'inexhaustible, and ord " fur mon umt:iftg, tecabstoites etc. ,'of native lifarbleare now larger tht6 filled:- 4 Vai. Trani:mfg.- t • .: ...,O.M,eifa-7.OtE. =Ell Dbtricte. N • STRIPE. ' ~....•••••••• C. 4 0 0 .14 fg . I ,tv r• CI .. 21 51) 213 139 155 so, 270 105 170 145' 187 81, 122 id 78 86 46 69 103 95 96 102,, 3.00 100 87 113 194 - 53 Judge; W. W. Smith 1 v. Henry C. Tyler one vote tepublicans are marked th The Cardiff Giant The Cardiff Giant has . been vexing, Of; courts of BOston. Hethas been plaintiff by his next friend.asik were, in an ection for defamation of charActer, lible, slander of - title, or a comkultd wrong made up of all . three of thesi several technically distinct but closely analogous offenses.— The Boston . Herald ;made fun of the great stone man, it appears. Its editor wrote an article ong enough to fill 'a col umn, in which the fetilings of the giant Were bruised with 1'0)1111018 and his sensi bilities lacerated -wittt witticisms. Tne editor, under sanction of an oath, declares that the article in quebtion Was, humor ous, and was meant td be' so ; that his ptirpose in writing it was to. make his readers laugh—and it is presumable, at least, that he meant them to laugh with him and at the giant whereof the giant complains and asks tlaMages at the hands of a' jury of his peerSor the peers of his next friend and present proprietor.-- The proprietor declareti that. 4 had sold a part of the giant, meaning probably an undivided 'interest in his person, to a cer tain Dr. - Pairner, a dentist, who believed that the monolition, tvould "draw" . as well as any pair of foraeps in his operat— ing room ; that the !timorous article in the Herald influenced' the purchaser , to withdraw from his barbain, and that ,the plaintiff was, damaged: to the extent of fiftY thousan.l. dollara i l k 'currency, or which be sued. Dr. Palmer confir d d i e the pfaintiff's statetuenta with regkr to the agreement to purchaseoind his' own, ,refusal to execute his pita of the contract. 'He says that 'he had Or, heard, until the article in the Herald attracted hia atten , - tion, that the genuineas of the giant as an antique, 'had beeni, impugned, from which it appears that .;the witness does not read the .newspapeks to a sufficient extent to disqualify, hiin from jury Or vice. even in New :York. With . this evidence b4fore them the jury retired,and ten minutes later they return - ed to the court room -With a verdict for the defendant, therebY provingthiTn— selves, in stony heartedness at least, the, peers of the great aaniantine . giant him self. "John Cardiff,* as the giant is call ed by his intimate' friends, has played many strange parts in' , his day, as This brief account of his late, public appear— ance shows, and whet he pr his best friend will do next: no: man :can tell.— Since he became. a Phcenician .god his versatility lies become; as exhaustless as hie vitality. , , , A WEibhlngtoii-ScanOal. A ; WOMAN'S HONOR THE PRICE OP THE t • • POSITION. Washington correspondent of the Chicago Times telegraphs as follows :- , A. scandal has been ;developed here of which, as yet, the facts:are somewhat ob scure. = A fe* days awl a lady, formerly employed in one of the:departinents here, was dissmissed. She applied' to the head of the office to be reinstated. He prom. hied ! to reinatate her pkivided Alm would consent to a dishonorable. proposition which he made to her..:. This she, indig nantly refused. The lady then went to the President and made a statement of the case to him. He advised ber to go, before a Justice of the 'Peace and make •an affidavit in support of her, charges.-- This she has done, and the same \has, at the request of the President, been for. warded' to him. An: investigation, ,has been ordered and is now being qiiketly prosecuted. The name of both the lady and the offender is kept strictly secret tin til the inveatigation is concluded, alt is thought, however; that the officer enarg— ed .is tint a member of the cabinet, but the bead of some .1 one of the Su - refine of the Interior Devrtinent; The'city of Williamport paid a high cmatiliment to a deserving citizens in the ) majority given to Hon.'lt. P. Atte s t), .the democratic) candidate for . state senator from the ' - TwentY—fourth • district. On the state ticket Hartranfthad 11 mejority,l and.Piollet 8, showing a nice balance in party atiength nut M. Allen leaves Williamsport With clear majority of 852. Such an endorsement epeakti highly for the candidate who mceiies it, and in this . instance ste believe it - to' be well deserved. , Mr. Allen will prove a Valuable addition to the democratic side of the senate chamber., , New Advertiiententsc HOMES VOLCRILMBEN, The Directors of fl Montrose As Bridgewater Poor Asylum bar: several children 8?r whom they want to get homes. is tallow*: , Boob*, 16 years °id o l' girls from . 10 to 8 years , • : a. Y. OhiIDNAR, Pirectorc ne inrimnittlout addrts, ll. .? 47111 7 1 COx.. tag, Montrose, Mov.IO.IBIS.—AWW. - . 11.1 . - * in the District Court of the United nbites foritte Western Markt of Pennaylvithla In Be. So** Bankrupt. Notice to hereby given that the re will btr tbird gen eral meeting ,Of the. Creditors. :of the above-weed Bankrupt, for' the purpose , contemplated 113, the lOUs election of Iktokrupt Act, on . the- fourth de, Air Decem ber, 1875. at LII o'clock 11, 111. 1 thb office of Xdnerd N. Willard, Register. id Bankruptcy. - Scranton pa., end All creditors who have proved their 'debt* ara hereby notified to be present at said meeting, and at the rams tame andplacs I *hall settleowner:4)l/144.4nd the same" will be audited, and I shall then fipply for loptischargo as Aseigr.ee. , TRADY lialna, magic*. salon, Nov. 10,1873. , . f : -gligql . 44h f.4'ir - * .,7 : ooi'44ity.'‘,fci: : -15176,' 59 213 140 157 22 143 187 80 110 120 21 'lOO 80 7 ..187 81 15, 16 8 2 8 70 11:3 8:9 112 193 54 59 168 135 65 81 te. for Treasu or Governor; Demon . R DeWitt 1 vote for Sheldon one vote tol• S Temperance as a Plaintiff. • _ Examine my Mowing notices end waist yourselrea . Notices , ,of Importance]. First, pay no bills due Die, trusted to you while i was teaseling alone, or daring the few , weeks that I had my brother with mega hired help. Pay to no one but my -Self, as otherwise I will not allow it on account. Second, beware of those who are representing their goods equal toentne, claiming to be partners; or related .to sae. es , l have no one connected In my business. Third, purchase not of them that are selling cheap goods to elysepatation, to spoil It after my laboring six years lo establish it. • Fourth; recollect that I do pot recommend ■any one 'Sven my own brOther. as collect r helping him all pus. sibly has tried to my debui. L tate to make these remarks, still I mull to save =yid! and my reputation, • - • , I hope yoirtellt all pay attention retitle, as it Is more for your interest the++ mine. Itenieu!ber my natue you whilt to hulloed JewslrY• • • TAYLOR'S FAMILY MRDIOLNES. • Pain and 146enees re.leved in a short time by the nee of Taylor's Celebrated Oil. The great Rheumatic and Neuralgic Remedy. This medicine le not cure all. but le warranted to ore more of the ells and 111 r to which flesh is 'heir than any otber medtetneerer dis covered. Give Ito trial; If yo 4 do not find It so. it Nets yon nothing. It may. be used with the utmost advantage tot any bind of Petri. Lamenesti. Wounds or Sores upon man or beast. Will, not smart the rawest wound or sore. - Pcdriltrections for use around each bottle. Ask- your Merchant for a free viol. -No CUM-. 'No Pay. . ) . • Taylor's Cough Syrup or itepeeterant, for ell Throat end Lung disease!. la very phaeton to the taste and contains nothing. Merlotti. Try it, and stop' that cough and take the {arenas' from your Throat, and - Levi: Ask your Merchant for a free No Cure— "' ~1 T e - Bes ' - Fillor' - .lor.Fariilerof ,w o. 'c • tir,n_ ' Powders far all klnds ' Of st and pju a ltry ° ,74 d rinte ei tt best rellorstOr of the 9 n el yi c ateto • • • .. of rno down argils stook; Utak Luta ever been Mee -'• -• • • . • • , ' covered. • Try them lor, all otnensee bob:tent to the NEIN4ORK).WEEKLY, TRIBUNE I , bnac oration.', tiliettloal for IWO Aram* sack pack age, Mo Ortro4No,Pay. ' , - . - - • . , . - All the abovetnedicotes for sale by Abel Terrell and , • ; ' • • Burnt& Nichols. of *confuse. and ell .Depgglets and • ONRIXMLAR pet year is=alba of thirty or' over.: Dealers throegitont geometry. • eistolgtelt o?Phat Lox.- For tern* and cosernitedrum * . ~• ' I! . ButywysiNGT.s t ywa, *sit Aildreee Octobir ire-41%-lat. • 2t 21 123 148 51 146 180. 157 88 6 186 79 61 95 23 82 111 40 104 121 97 97 142 74 100 111 108 60 145 112 52 76 ) FR who 3 All kinds and grades • I November 1011,1875! puBMo Sale of 11 Real Estate.' • , . stee api i l rolnted by the Orphans L ountg, t sell the Beal &tate In pn ance.of the ordei of i. :bite ve dne or outcry at the O. e, on_ 1 1 - vemb r 4th; 1875, i llowitte I estate to wit: ' land eittwite in tke borough of .squehalua and State of Penn- Bowe to wit: Bounded on the elth Mir, (estate of Elizabeth de of lat . of the estate of David by lan a now or late of 3. D. et by a ltreet or hl hway, eon , land mo e or less, with the ap - house Cud all improved. " ~, on day o sale, and the balance I \ . The, undersigned, a ii Court of Susquehanna cif Ml= Reynolds, dee Bald Court , will sell at Court house In Montr 1 - Saturday, N lit /o'clock b. m.. the 1 All that certain lot o Montrose i County of sylvania: described Be North by lands of Elia Mdtt,) on the east by Post. deed, on the son Goodwin, and ou the tattling one half acre purtenances, one tram TERMS :—sloo dew on anal confirmation. November 10, 1873 E. Mc DRY I=l FANCY GO MC -EL 26T 7 CI .Ek. xases, _ Lagos' afil Cl]lron's Shoos, STRICTLY FOR ASH OR READY !AY. With !haulm to the d irublte for past favors, lagain ask a renewal of coat! enee and patronage, pledglh; fidelity to you to all our Intercourse. • I am now receiving a lame stock of all guodi In our I Ine,bought ti the most thrombi° time and at the lowest figures. Please eel, and inspect , our goods, and prides. • Yours truly. , B. MeILENZiN. • 3303401 e, Nov, 10, 1873. A LONE!. ALONE.I I • A401 4 ;EI1 , 1 • ; 'AU alone am I traveling abroad,' ' Ileavllykaded.with Silver_ and Gold . • 'That always keepe bright and nice, .. 1 ,i301d at great bargains at one price. = , stglr, which:l now intrdiute, consists of Gold and Silver Watches, Sighs. Waltham, and fine Siviss tnevemerits, solid geld and plated Chains. A handsome assortanionaot Sets, ear-rings, Pins. Sleeve Buttons. Bracelets. Charms, a great variety of gold Rings in plain, abased or weals. and everything, In the Jewell line. tod numerous to mention.. Alerts stock of Soli Silver Ware, from a Salt Spoon to a liver Tea Set.— ,UJTI Rogers drole Waro a epechdlty. All patterns on hand. • I have'redticed My prices as low se possible, that you maybe able to purchase liberally *for the Holidays. and mote than that, that I may OW an honest reputation, for whleb I have labored six years In thiatounty and am bolted to increase it having no respect for any one —even +I my own relation—who acts against honesty and principle. s , • - - GEORGE LICHTENSTEIN, ` WBW PIIILIPORIP, At the Eagle lloteL Not 0, 187 u.-1114 Comm • 1 -18 Le 178 101 110 16 651 2151 135 163, 185 164 17 104 89 23 ' 96, 36 118 2 187 81i G 9 189 90 113 101$ 111 68 136 1437 1 Ft ; Wtn. H. Jessup 1 vote for Pres L. Poet four votes for President a. THOMPSON MBE OP JOIIN MONROE & CO., Pn III + I) ELPEUJI ••• ' IZI :1513.02•0Ei v A. 18 Malci-u.arb, BRIZIE. Trustee. • Z LE, 01)S, CLOTHING, - Co. A 21, 60, 100, 601 40 264 120 6.3 103 151 98 1V; 54 53 51 00 167 137 59 83 94 119 204 04 dent ;Judge Hervey Tyler 1, vote. Jct4ge ; L. D. Benson one vote for , , PLANING MILL , AND LUMBER YARD ! In order to better accommod ate the community. the .14tenn 3gned has established a depot for th e 'tali, u( tuber Sianufared st his newly-erected buildingl on t Old Keeler t sundry Site, in the rs . . ' \ i _ IIEiRT OF TOWN I - i , where win be kept coiritindy on bind. A fill stock of • • WHITRAI4D YELLOW PINE, FIRMi.OOK, OAK,. ASH MAPLE. AND BLACK • WALTUT LUMBER, . ; • whlch.withibe aid of the moat Improved machtney and competent Workmen. la prepared to work intoany ohape to meet the wants of Customers. - WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLUDINGIMDING. FLOORING. CEILING. • SHINGLE AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON HAND. L. Planing. Matchin g , Mouldinp. and Scroll Sawi ng Zone to order, 1 , WIER Cantu al Sikh • MANVIP4OTOIIIr, -•. I • . In connection who the above establiehmentouider the management of Mr. R. 11. Rogers. Examine - tar work before leaving yourotders elsewhere. Repatring done prOmptly. • A. LATHROP. . Montrose, Septemb.es 49th, ' H. 331:7.11..XL1"ra1", Would call att4ntlon to hie New Stock of SPRING AND„sSUMMER GOODS, Itaii op sale, In new VC) LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, • NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, v4LvETs; HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL MOODS, CARPETS, OIT CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS - , BUFFA LO AND LA.P ROBES, FURS, HATS AND * CAPS; )300TS AND SHOES, HARD W ARE.I RONA AILS, STEEL, STOVES Aa) ~GROcERIES, - ETC. In great variety, and ,will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest priLes. H. BURRITT. New Milford, NO Ist, 1875. , . X.I.4!AXII3pEip Cell et F. B. Chandler's store iced see the "Home Smoothing. Glossing.roting and ennaplo Iron," the most complete and tionfitl Iron ever invent Qd. It finishes lined equal'lto "rectory rk." It Irons the narrowest banils The Flutingand Crimping. altachniante SET IRON and POLltlif the auto or crimp—not @imply Clll3ll'- INK the goods Into !shape, Iv do the . Rockeri an . Rolle. Puffs between bands, Oathon, Ruffles—whether linen, alpaca or worsted goods, equally galshed and as eomplety IRONED, al the body of th e garment. • ' • • Elegantly finished and cheaper than the old otyle Fluting Machine. • ,SBNJ. O. PARKB. Geu'l !Or tinaq a ,(ti. N. B.—Territory for Ole and Caavassers Tramiel. Mcniroam, August 4 41875. , . artk;efl. 'tort ' 1=2:119 22 70 107' ao 97 1 ; se) . ON 1 4 4 ect% I MIS . 1.40 q t. :1) any bonse in the State New Ldverthements. HAYDEN & ttEIENTS, Dealers In 1, STOVES, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WMIES.. HOUSE FUJIN. ISHING *GOODS, AND 1$1.711.41). .ERS .lIARIAV4RE ; &C. Agouti for 'BAR'I'LET • 4., Co, SASH. BLINDS, DOORS. WIN DOWS, CORNIOR MOULD INGS„, 4O„ which we *ill '5Oll tt Blanchud". Bartlet Co',. petal; • NAILS, SCREWS, LATCHES, BUT"! S, SASh *AN!) BLIND FASTEN'- .t : ERS 'AND' [MIES, FORK - SHOVELS, RAKES, • • WIRE GOODS,. 4.0.• Special inducements on Pane; Coniert, and all . Dairying Gonda. • IRON CLAD, - FIRST PREMIUM, MILE PANS. - :(Jouast Giltieral - Agent.) .OTSEGO COUNTY LUMBER, PLAT. FORM. SPRING- AND En- . GY WAGGONS. ,- Unsurpassed for Style and Durability. We have recently 'aided to our *election of Stoves CENTENIAIGOIic made by Rithbone. Bard .t CO., • Albany y.. and the Argaud Baer Burning Parlor StOve, and Cunard Coot Stoves. manufactured by Perry dr, Co. , Alban. N.Y. We also keep the celebrated e • • DIAMOND BASE' BURNING AND FEARLESS COOKING . STOVES. . . Rathbone,' Jewett k RA12140113: Ranges, with Copper Reservors and Nickle 'domains s of the intent itnprured jutternL Repairing promptly done. end orders for obbing solicited. Now 3111 ford, May ATDEN CLEMICNiS. Mb. N 1873.--tt • Figures po Not Lie ! BEE FOR YOU.RSELFEA .OUR NEW, .PRICE LIST FOR SPRING ANI) SUUNIEIt. OF. 1078. .. t Mary cattonado pants,s 1.00 Stout wool-mixed pants, '. ( $ .1.75 t0. 2.5d Good all wool pants:.-4.00 4.00' French cassimere pants. - 5.00 7.50 Heavy workingmen's sults, IWO 10 00 Scetck casslmere suits, 8.00 12.03 Ilarris cassimete sults, • . 111.10 ' 17.50 Fancy cheek .and stripe suits. . . • •10.00 . 20.10 Black•frock coats. , 6.00 9.00 Black dress coats, Imported, .. 1 10.00 14.00 Black cloth vests, . , • 1.75 4.00 ' White linen vests, , ' .1.25 8,50 ' Bbys' Scars, 3 to. , 9 years. • Boys' - cotton sults, ' .$ 2,00 $ 4.00 , ' Boys' !Ward suits. 4.00 0.00 Boys' fancy wool snits, • ' 5.00 10.40 • BOYS' Slurs 9 to .15 lears. Dora" vehont anit•,. 1$ 4.00 $ 7.00 Boys' (*lcy sults. 1 TAM 10.10 • Boys' finest rits,4mere sults, • '0.10) 14.10 Youths' snits. all styles, • .5.00 20.00 . . Good cotton shirts, 1 10 Good overalls.. i 50 Good rubber sus.peneers, 25. And all othe(Goods In proportion. The above prices are (err cash only, !and are quoted for customs?* from a distance. .1 . p co 11.10 .15 not $lOO- Ud i llt...Nt lT lV l t t dc t l i t ke p:lees ve a re ri gas is nted'ls per cent. lower than those of say other house in this city or vicinity. . 1 WEI3S'ITR, The Clothier. . - Binghamton,, May sth, f875.-tf " ! DONLEY •Szi CA I EY, No. 48 tr. 50 Washifig4,on.St., BING Wocadrespectfatiy call attentlon to tficlr large sto of • • • 117 MIL ZIT X 'X 17 311 • which they are sellihg at from 15 to per cent. 3 1 than heretofore. A full ateortment of t• PARLOR, DINING 'ROOM and KITCDEN FUILNI • • ParloiSetts, fuitn $4O upward. Chamber Setta from $lO upward. -3t attreeees front $4 upwanl. Pure Wool Mattreises froni $lO to $l5. Oak:, Ash and Walnut 4xtenoton Tablet , tram Vi to SIS. You can do !niter by parchmtfig your goods of no than of any dealers in this ',let 1013 6f the country. We will not be undersold by any one east of New Yuri City.— No extra charge fur pact:tug or delivering t...hotla at the depot. - • 43.1 OU ' lt UNDER3:#7 I '4 tii* Ilk c We desire teceaya - word. In "this tine we have Stein's Patant tiarket., and a variety of :other etyles lite fel Robes, Bhroacie. ere. The hearse and Carriage attached to our eatabilah ment cannot be 'a orpaa., , ed In Oita traction. Throe will he flunlohed tolwee who regnire, at a ren,ourelhir fig ure, anywhere within a radius- of twenty tolled from this city. Give uo a. ceiU. ' _ DONUT t CASEY. miloimpum. May Iftbo=4-4 THE INDEP.#4VDENI Sew - ing Machine! TR& GREATEST ACIIIEVEMENT OF THE AGE I Sews from but One Spotk of Thread. It has bit six working pada, la noutelers.and sews more rapidly than any 31achlne lathe Market. • Has a self-setting Straight .2Veedle. • . It Ctimbhies Nimbillo , with ItestitY OW/ Him& teltY•au 4 halt nit the Modern ImproVeir ems. WALNUTT-MACUINE ON A BLACK TABLE BOBFOR $35. . ..,ELigoratm• VEra.iatod.. • SEND FO CIRCULAR. ‘ O„.. Addren, THE INDEPENDENT SNWTI:ig &ACID'S E CC Dee.2i 1518 pluglutmton, N. AbYRRTISINC.) Svetcruatlcr—A VereSlll.* who coatcraplate making Contri,cto with oewspaperf for the Insertion otadvertiocinents, should ' ,so n az o u t s lo P, Howell & Co., 41 kirk Row ' New York, for tliele PAMPiILitT-130( 1 1( (ornery-sev enth edition.) contalplng Hits of goer :11,16 newroapors and estimates. showingthe cost. &doe rtiserbents tok en for 'eluding papers In many States at waren:rations eductioa from pubilahore meg: Got the 2.31 .$5t64291/1 per day. Agents wanted. All class. aoli.l co ofworking pta.ple oftoth rezo4 yutug sod aid, make more money At work for UP, In their own !Wallies, during their *pare Momknta, or all the time, than , at any thing erpe, W ern..e .Trooy. meat titan wtll pay handfromely for every hour's work.' Foll particulars, tormo, free. Send no your address at once, Don't. delay. Now Is this time. Dealt look.lbr work pr.buelneerf elsewhere until you bare Jearucd. What .we offer. .G.,STINSON & eq.. Rohm! Maine: . , , aril. ritetter -T write policies in she foildiring companies , : • IL Visa Ulla Fire lus Trance tri.,l l l: l l,Assets,S3Aoooo umittecutal, N. Y ' ~." • 9'•tr7301 1 0 Germania, - • ' i. .•• . 1 37,0.144 _ , Ilimover, " • ii 40,0001 Niagara, ' - , 11 / . . 00.1 , 00 Punters, York, ....... ....„./ " 9t %WO queens, Landon. .. ........... ~.. ~ . ~" ' 10,E100,01A No • Tigett'ati"—All National Board COmpanleti. and eta convequenee, *nand and reliable, having tong be4 tried and always'Yound sorthy, as all.•who have met with lOW t, at my Ageoey,will teitity.- Those who have vattroniami me, will 'event my thanks. A tot to those who have not, 1 can onlr my, t proinlee to do by them, If they will !Ivor me With ant application; es I do by all, giro them Insatanee'valat for their money. • . Very Reapentfillis :rtertford Accident !neural:mg tbintetny Policies writ ten item one day to ono jestcby • "11111:i rC. TTLUIt. .lal4l. fha Ka Aißociation at Hotant : Kgatfooo* -- Ditq1Zir1.4, C. TXI(2/4. n;',r T ~'.;' ~ e, ~,~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers