•, r• 1 ; • i • • • 0 i • .i. , - • .• • • .• • . f. 4 • ;0 i i • .-, 5 " ' ' ' ' /YR:. n: W.' ,S 1117.7 1 ). ` l ':' , oi•ru - r. nonne nt tit dwelling, next door north or Dr. ,i ~ . .:Itey's, on oid, Vouticiry. Sireet, übvre be: would be ' . . ~:. 1,41, 1 pr to see all illutie in trout of Dettuti Work, lie 1 fi'l V !,,lA:anniient that. he eau pie lee all, both in qualitybf v.orh tind In price. +Ake hours from!) A. X. to 1 P. 11. „nt r0i1... Feb.ll, 121.7,1,41' . , • ' . l• i IF— . ..--. . • . . ViiLLLT .1101, - ,", is, • . '. LE,%I Pir.,..iu, P. Sitiftisti near the kriel2oll4 - Ay ' , De ,.ul. '4 a iiri:e 1131(1 eenlguniltla,. honey., hitr• tilltlergoue .:110ft.1.1`413 tQI,AII'.. NtAl'i; itlrtitt , : ii C41'001.6,7 ai,d r•leep r...;:q,arLnent ,eille.!ilu tablee,Aut.laii t tangs Colllprib .; :I. l th t.t.ckit . hotel., '. , .ll.kNEY•W<Ack:lt'll, ~,:.10LL,.1.73.-tf.. ' . :Proprietor. === '. e,a ~i .. ..,,.~ .~ i:.. ,e. 1-IA'WLEY-& CRUSER; Editors and Propiiiitore.i., VOLUME 32. t'rm „ iftontrgie P4.lll,otCtlt livtltr 1i Evstsaia, Atom:No, .1/ ,Sksrp . keljaitittt• Coulay, oril . m—Wk.ksilittle of Pubtio.Aveutto , . Oqii.lllt. :lilt ho LoeoinndGencrt INov Poet ty,tito ectiotot. Mik , el.lll.4lwone Itendivg.Correrimut.t . a fel c t i u f , Aci v ert.irc oar.. • • • . • 1 • Advertiski— Rates: . . . 67.ematire,(:5 of phapnce,)3 - wet,kw, or leer, $1; a womb's, .SI.SO: i mianthak. 414.50;7 'A liberal dleenant aatennvertientneete nt n leer,tlt, I.oCrat'; 10 tts. allne far timt ct s. ali c coall sliWrquent in hartion...-. yrri dent 4,lree; obituarice,loett3, a liuc. FINE] JOB PitINTELNTO. SPECIALTY Quick 1 sIP Priv* C. CIII.7SE:R. Busiiies6.oards 14,23'ALD 17.1, IL, D.. aLPATIIIt; 11.0: located ttmoelr a T., I,tt o,tl, wlivra 1 c trlll attend pi mnptly to nil pro. noittmal IRt•Oiteen A.l,strtltt:d to lag gArtaitte etanotlo.*l , :ititaing, t•econci,lloor, trout. Bonnie. at Yr. F.. I.l.ulths - r 1 4 , up'Octi, Alarch 111;1875. [ L,4 Tv 44,4) col,Liverrox 6EFICV. ATSON ;' A ttoravy•at-Lumr. Montrow, renn% Prom - 01y At cuded 16. 'ipectO ALI cntion fin ch lo t)rptinn,o Colfrt fci svnfi .140 h. W. J. Tur nil, on Public Ave ,- .ue,-opsq , - ;j4.:Ai„. , Llic Tao bcil 11uu*e. • OPLL" T. . l'roltrivtor. i'rt.sh and Stiltuillleatr . , Maur~, Dologna Sn'n• lila bean' cuittantly, on band; kit Put h„ Jan.111.18":3:-.1v koll.D. • ANI)„.I.I.IPg iriSt.TxtAtiel; ACre.:NT; Ale .arit.et•entteticleutopromptly,t)tifair tc.tum. Ofix: .rTI,I.OOr Vat t ni the batik 0 , WIII.II, COOPer 4. CO . ab_icavimatie,Nlontrore, l'it. . [Aug.lo Skit:. Bil.Lt.Nos bT4001i... 3101:1:13 Ur:HAYTI 'BARBER, has moved his • P 1201) to the. - ,, ,i10111g occupied' by E. tilelie:tiiv Co be it rvp,i,red hi! IVoit; tit him litiOonch Ma; etc. Ail track tiohc. on short I und prix.,., blw t estilvatal t ett me. • ....ISsi:LLOn AT . I• . ni.gdwoy. Nais. V‘lik.e.ity- YAY 12, '7:,.-4(Feb,..11, .• LItTLES d ILLAK ES . LEE - . 71'CIIN LYS. AT LAW, lIKVC 11.M.10Vtd iuthelr. 2a2.0 LtZlh'i; uppuritc the 14a:bell licakr . b. • .• • IL 11,1“.rfrix, - • t; so. Ye , :It rOFC.OOL U, 1873. • L. 1,-.LLAR.zeLL:r.„ • . . 1...4.1,111 I li, 1100 kt. ..tititqic ry, IVnII Paper, Iceivt- pa tr,,, 1 i'',•c.ket 't,i/tifiry, Stbru. , !..c.,. i)ic Vit•wi,.Yankee :tut leitr, tee. Next tivor. tu 016 i!ustUtlit.e, :VI 611 t r,..4:, .-1. ; . • ' • t • - • i •..Vs. - .'11: /....1;4..N ti. , t)1... :ill ,' i 574. : , . . 110 TEL. 110,1.:ILINGTON 1.412 , 11 es - to :atom ' itiepu t rc:7lt(l' 14v AI,JI el In Mon trork, ite rtvpar4ll.ll.utixcocunaotiatetiw. travulialgimbl!.e style: - - • Vrtn•c• Aug. ;I'B, 1573. , - • • .II".: BtIRRIP7. • Ltk Staple. .ititt'lNiucy Dr.r (;iggie.,Crockery,llarct. btovet, prags. 1.1001. r, Yerr , ,,l;plrulo tiobee. 1.4 ro l'roAioOWS. Akt • . tiew-)Sliturd.l a., Nov 6, '72 --t.f •. , JOHN 'Of OYES,' • . TAILOIL mtro,e, Pa. Shop over titore. - 41.1orde tlx/13.• iltz:;tg , tone ordcr ua vs.tiort, uf notice, al wrar,On t• • • •- • i•em.. D.' LA.TERaI', 4:lAln:o.las - I:LP:42TM) Tit Eirll a' roat of Call r.Ad CA.>;l6lll Clirouic t•ettkee;,. ' ,;,,iltryst:;,Jurt.l7;'72.--110—Lf, • . .LE WIS .1LV0L.1.., ' . . . :IAWINci AI93 11A Lit. DRESSING. . , 1 , In the .sr Postellice building, where he wt. .utue:lti ready to satead u3.l'who tatty 141.11 iuyth Lig ;, i, 'O, 1 i lie. • : ..ti.o4trose, , Pa. Litt: 13 .1.869.• ,—.1.....„-..„4„.__._—_:........ _ . . • rin Ilooto apt! SW:the, ii4tr and caps, Loatittrind Slain strt.et, lett thturlelaw Boyd . * Stpre. d)Lide co.order,andrvpuirial., , doun neatly. n.u . nrn: Jan.l Irl2o. .. . • • 1)x. SURti RUN Icn diLrt t, h titi itiltS of Montrose I , Lna L oirr cr ide.t , triltitc corntrvingtot tittfri • • 1kuz...1. 151.19. SCSI VILE IVIT7'. , ~ at Lftw, psi tvoilcitors ltaulini4cy, 0 tlfee % , i.. , 1f) Court Stritei 3 Over Cit„y.„Nallouitl ilatat; "nig :ln.ton, N. Y. Wu. U.SCOVILL. .'d:l,elttLb, 1678.• JtutimplcwiTT. . . A SAGLE DRUG STO.R.E. • tii . rtss: thy:Nice to get Dragt'anti ltedtinir, roolii..cf.!, Pipe t! , Poeket-BoOkei Simptalut, Nut10n0.•&43,• . • - :May tstti4lB7s. • : M. 14, LYO2. .. , . .1; C , . -.or to Abel Tamil. dealtrin . 'Drugs Xidictuep itati,acitliti/P4intg, :Olin, 1121 e.sl.nllti, . Tear, Spicte 1 , 41,(.2. Gootte.,lowOry, rortAuntry, tfe.e. ;• . :•'• ' gote..roe.e.; MO lit, 4.67,i. • • C. N. V.ANNICSS, • 1i'it:1(.1.A..71:•• it SUItGEONi, lige located at Auburn" tre,. Surquilltiilatut'o4. .'' • • L. P.ITC.II, Toi:N,Ey AND, -COUlg 513.1,011-AT , LAW. •31 1 • Int ()Mee Wen Of till' Cote. nutlet:. A:vtitruee. Juututry 2,T,11375.-1)1. A. a TfrAltidEN, ' , , ObriEY A. LAW: 80u,n17, Sack Pny Pension L 2.1. P. xvoir, Vlatros, attended to. tiffice 1114. • hulow BoYd'it Store, 1 , 41. out rosi%Pti.. t/LL LID • V. A. CROBSNOS, • 'ten,e,r . at Law, Oftico at the -Court llonee. in-the ' , lninat-titnier'ts °Mee, , - W. A . a[somOlOW. 41 , 111t,ruze, tit pt. . 1871.—tt ~. . . . ..11 , ,tL50.2V. 'g. Tqllni: • .; .., -.i .- .. , . tizTr•S6lt. llatinz,.hild •:14,1.yeArf -..exp ielloo In th e I KNxAqs ,, . win'turatriur W ilitteutt to a vole 16 my 'i o_ ~ ' pt - 15 . '75.-/Sn len , lou, ' ,Nulatotie,''F ' s. ' ' , ilit • !. . • • ,J.• ~; GtviLEIi()SXZEZ I.4.le.ti'4aritrieitis * .' . .. 1. Q. stliirc-e , c, titsgatita24tliS;(l., VIE WITH; - • e:T AND llANUlPAOTilitgitC—Yoni • " NfAlt; stnet. Iturktri„rite4 13112" TON, ait'TIONICEIL,cId breuiLisvo Au sr.., • *.;11 Vitt "• • * riendirrille% rat. 7ultN FS- Ll' 1.41,Vir. untoo aver tfit Store of Af . .'"erj the iirickallacic X t c' ;.001 4f, . ... ~ , g, 4 ,1 1(41J,L ) . , • '—' '•• • - • '' 4 rvingry „Le Liw;:-' ; Wilco -over: or: .B;.. po , tilt V.,F;troae, ra. . (.4ene:9; ;G•—ri-t/ •, -: - : •••'• ,- - • . _ 17 -ntocyr'LAW "'VneetwOraV- I •L'. A,c° litiftA, Alumina!) • Pc,••)!ilAy 10,5/1.:-11 • 8 t.r.muszEit .• ..6d4aimiXcookbli•M =ENE _ - . # , - 4 r . - „ '''' I • , c...- • . • _ . ... • ,_ . . --- --- ~ ' ',i • ' - ...:* .:. f' - ...‘ ' 't , 1- • ••-• t t'' '. ,;' L-- . -- ------- - - _ .. • ~. • . - -s,„_ . _ , ....... r,. ~,._.„. 1 ..,,, x . z_ . ,` ,! .. ' ,_ •-, "-:, - . [ ~..2_ 1 7 ~. .. , . 1... - 1 . . i- i :..! . i.`,..;, ..F., .: ...... ,. ..1 • - i . • ' • . , .- ,• : I , 4 ?., . ;., •- . . ...4;:: ..,, _ ~ • .c. 1 / 4 .,..3 . -- __,,,, • ~ .... ,_ . 0 . _ \ N CI . \\ , •"."S .- '-, : •cy— 'N ". 1 ...,ii . . _ 1 / I‘ l , \ i 1r * ).,, rig .., 1. r. ' .„' - 1. ,.. i ::'-',',..\ : I ! 1 " ~ ..... e._ ... . , : t . 1,..,,:.;:i.., _ ._ ~• . .; ~. .., 4k, ~.:,.0..,.., , ......,.. .1 '' ' -: '' '' , '' • -'.. 1. ''. , '',. \__- 1,. TA ' .., - I I : 4 . . ! , 'AL !, ': , 44 ,.. ' Al' '\ , ' ' i =' ' ' \ . - ~ . . .. , \... ' 'ts ',, ''' ' • ' . ''. . .. , , - \ a: -..- • , :•'" -----7- "\- •-j . ' ‘ A /**---"'• ' • t A ,t • A • ~ „ A . --. , , ~ - • ' , , __ , •• 1 • _ 1,„ _ ';',/ : ! , , • ,i, , • ,' r . ~r .• • f ' 1 .''. , i 4 ! , ' :, A '1 1 ~ , - • . ' . \ ‘. •'' - -- \ . ' . '- , 1 '' •_ , _ —l, -• .. , I', • = , ,:•- - ;4: .. - , , • I • r . .. .... •• . • County Business Direetoay, Twolineti #1 this Directory, ono: year, $ . 1,150; each ad - ditionapine, Oft cputs. ", • • MONTROSE • • ItADGIIWOUT, Slitter, Who!castle and, itettii• dealer-in all kind's of :date roofing, .'elato paint, etc. lituds repaired with slate paint to order. .Also, slate pal n 1 far sale by the gallon or barrel.:,:3lontrotte, Pa. BILLINGS STROUD,. tiuttera- , RUC AAA tirdinstx" stme A,,vants: also.eeli ItailroieundAccidenVickt • to New.lork and PiGhtdelphitt. ' Uttar onetiotiteaet o Ith y Bank, • •• BOY o cGRAVIN, Deniers Oa I.4ardWart • aid *no (new rerr Tinny d 'tt ott ron, wage.cornei otlialtrand ntrnpikestrecti ' t*l • A. N.' 131.1r.tArn), 1.30a10r .I.n . Groceries, POOVitdont Buokd,Statione: and Yankee Notiini al head .of Fablic Avenue.* - • '• WM". U. COOPER CO.. thinkers, sell ForagnPaa .sage Picki:to andDraftuon England, an Irelr ld Scot, tuad ;•• - • , „ . 1 ' WM. L. COX, llernese maker And dealer all article nallykerd. by Ott frado. oraioa Ito the •.. JlOrtlitt It.' CAI:MALT, Attorney at La Older oit.q door below!l'arbell House. VublicAven, . • • . NEW 3nT,roßn. 1 , -. • SAVINGs‘.I3.ANK,NEW NILFORD.—: • t per stellt. terok on alt Deposite, Does a eever Banking Matt D. CIiASET CO. 13 A.:1111MT SON. Dealers itt,Flou'r.- Fee , . snit. I.ime ' Cement, Groceries and Prot".a eh, ot Main Street, oppesitetbe Depot. ' "• N. F. KIM DER. Carnage Maker and iltntieriakei'- Atilit Street, two doors below Elawley's Store. . " • ( - 412'EAT BEND; . Try , itle,rcliaiiPl'alloinnd dealer In trend} 1.44(1.: elotbina, Dry clooda,GroteriesandProvialuste ~Mtn Sireet.• • BANKING HOUSt 11. COOPER & CO, , INIZOI.TTROSE, PA. GENERAL. 13A.NRIlsZG BUSINESS DONE . COLLECTIONS TStADE ON. POINTS AND - PIIO3IPTLTAOCOAM . • TXI) FO.It, 'AS HERETOFOR4'I . ;.:::. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE:faI UNITED STATES .& OTHER BONDS BOITOIIT AND COUPONS AND CITY AND COUNTY BANK - CHECKS CASHED: •A • • ()CEA N STEAMER .I.;ASS4GE . Tithi ETS TO AND FROM 'EUROPE: SPECIAJ - - WEN-4HE INTEREST ALLOWED'th mixes x).14 - 213Eilpt AS PER AGREE:IIE74 - T' DEPOSIT IStillA , , .in the future, sin the put, we or st, trunstiet. till money busilk it,oiion 4 7 otvr piitra rus and cortilt • I ,t • WM. H. copPEIt5 3lontr6se, 211t!icli 10 '7 --t£ Authorized Capital, Present Capitalt, FIRST NATIONA DANK, MONTROSE, PA. LLTAM-J:TUIrIiELL:' P46lideld. 1), D. SEAL! E; 'l 7. l . l 4. flveident. IN L. LENI I i IM, -- Cushier. . • . Director s . war. J. TUI ELL, D. D... SEAIZI.E, G. ELT) E S. DE;,!;SAUER; , • ABELITUIZIZELL, G. V..BENT;,EY - . G ERR 'Moyitros?; E. A. et ATM, ' . Bing,bararUsil-N.' Y. E; A. PRATT. New Milford, Pa. M„.B.,IVILT,G HTPsusquelisiius Depot, Ps, 'LENHEIM; • . Berid;"Pa, ItRAFTg tSOLD ON EIIIIOP I iE. diLLW*IN'i 3!AD. PCii*ll.Ei SPECIIa, DEPOSITS SOLICITED. , Montrose; March .3 - , 1875.—Y1 SCRANTON SIYINGS BANK, ;o.o' Wyoming Avenue, . 1,4 RECEIVES MONEY ON': i EPOSIT PROX:CORIPANIESAND4 !Dryly. - - ijilLS,..A:ti I) RE I - URNS" T E. SAME . , ON -.DEALAND' Nyi rii OUT 'PIIEVI_- I ..OUS Si7OT,ICE, ALLO WING: . iti TELt• E,ST' . .ii i r . !ix ..I ) Eft - Cbrr. - ,;PERAN`-, .N LIM; PAYABLE . HALF .VEA-RLY; ON .'lll E ..lel 1 IST , DAYS. Dpi, JAN U.- ~A RY,AND JUL'i• • A'SAFICIA.ND,RE.. LIABLE:PLACE OF DEPOSIT:FOR LABORING MEN,. MINEItS;r - AIE,- (AI ANIC4 ANI) .MACHINISI`S,_ AND' FOR. WOMEN . AND CHILDREXAS WELL. .. MONEY DEPOSITED, og BEFORE. THE TENTH : . :.WILL DRAW IN rEkEs - r . ~ .iettor m :: THE .141iRST,DAY OF TLIE lIONTII. '. THIS IS ;IN ALL RESPECTS A : .HOME IN•• STITUTION; AND ONE , W HICII - IS NOW RECEIVING . THE. , SAVED .EARNIN 0;S . OF_THOU.SANDStUPON .1110 US ANDS OF , SCRANTOI4,I-MIN. E.RSAND" MECHANICS: i:' ' .' l ' • '. .. DIRECT.ORS ' ; .-. jAMES LAIR,' 'SANFORD:GRANT, GEO.RGES`,FISH • Mt, JAS. S, SLOCUA j...II'..SU'rPHIN., V. V. : .. .xtiv.r.r . ii EW S.-. DANIEL ' HOW ELL'. :A;"' :E: AUNT; .' T: 'K • HUNT:. JAMES -.1312A IR, PRESIDENT_ ;. O.' V. .MQ Q Itt;.CASIII.E.P.: ':: ' .-- ..: ...:.i .' .. :: .' '' 91.-11 N-DAILY, FROM .NINE ., Ai:M., IM . llll;t 7 ppit p. ig.,:-AN D. ~ oNI.V.v'ED. NESDA Y, •.AND ..SATORDAYI EVE. Nr.N.6s LINM rIGIF craPC4.. frfl.l2/: IT .ox,iio}V t iovievrazti, , - , t •.... • tterieolll , Illaeritiakera :!, cik ~.,. DiftLISI LS i)T AL t L u UMID I S ' tf ', IflN'§ . .,cASltrt*lrVr ',. - ~...W1L.30,41L1 11 ' -1BIX11120;3;!... 1 - -.` Aiis QlUtigi4SßilditOTi.Y/VITEZIPED TO , Apra 2318 i, q if .`Ftsc. 4 ow i 'ono, 13izigliazntMr V , larblo .Works , _ A,ll ' livid; '- otAli)iiwilOnfa. ' ll , 4 o lito:intti iimi literifle' r Velitlot*; wile; 'lO - order. Also, Azkaltga 1944ayit L on ` band • .., -, r . •1, R1111c,P114(1 4 1 430 4-j- J. tinif4l.l24(i. ' . J - • , - ;,.AcCI g olitreo,` lu, Ml,e*ElßMaa4llll'. •' ' „Itlittl' lo' L 14ifie / 4 -" l t'.."- ' 1 ILG r. =WW2', • - . ;„,,,,, ';',..----,--' I=lEll Banking, &c, shall enilear -19 the satis amkiata. I & eo.. Bunker. 1..00,000 00. po,ooo 00. MONIII,Og i . : ; - SU..q . 4\ .'COUNTY..PA 4 ‘ :NEDN:FP:NY, : - .. :NOY Wi10,,R..:,..'0'..:..1i5i Attest Nottvg: THE WEDDING FEE.I One morning, i firty years ago,' 1 snow O f apple trees ,Were White with snow Of fragrant blossoms; anti. thesir .1 Was , spell bounlWith the:perhicrte rap, Upen a farm horse, large rind lean, And; lazy . with its deutifillead; . . A 'sun:browned youth and mad word' seen, ' Jogging aloing the *lading road. - - Blue were the 4rehes of the skies,' Bat bluer weed that maiden's eyek The'clewdrcipa on the grass were bright, But. brighter was the loving light , 1 That sparkled'neath the long fringe4lid, Whore tl;o3o bright. (yes of blue, we 131 d, '21.40wn the Shoulders brown, bud bare llolied the suet waves'of - golden hair,l • Whete, almost strangled with the spray; The sun,,a willing outrerei,4ay. ' It was the fairest sight,..t ween, That'the young man had ever secn; .•• And with'h& features all The hitppyfellevi told ter so 1 . • And, site without the least surprise - Looked on hith with those heavenlY bra; •• Sawupderneatla that shade of ,tan , Thu handsome feat.mw of arm an Andi . ith a,juy but raiely"kridwri, • She krtiw that dear face to her own, I Audi by her bridal helmet I cannot, tell you what she didl, , - So miltbe:47 roae until, among The new born leay%es ;with de - Id - firs hung, Theipar.o- nage arrayed in white, Pee out-S. more thin weletime sight. ' • They!, With a 'cloud upon leis lace; i "What Shaii 'we do," he turned totay, he'refuse to take Ltiirphy From wh_at, twin thekonlow case 1" ••• - Andirlanektulown his eye surveyed The pillow case ibcforelim 1 id. Whose cont6dts rekched to Its hem, *.fight_ puicltase endless joy for them. The maiden , answers, "Let us wait To borrow trouble where'S the nerd ?" Then at tbeParson'a squeaking gate iialtod Wo More than willingstped. Down , from the horse the bridegroom sprung The latehless gate bebind hint swung ; The knocker of that startled -door, Strnek as iiinever was before, • Brought the• whole honselayld pale with fright ; • And there With bhishes on his cheek; So bashful he could hardly speak, The farmer i met thei s t ; :wondering sight. The gmena' goes in, errand tells,' ,••-' `:, • And, settle; paison rieds;he leans '1 Far o'er the'windoW sill and yells„ "Come id‘l: - ,Lie sa.ys,be'll take thobeans I" Lord noir i she illlnDed.ll With one glad bound She and the! bean bag rdached The ground, Then, Clasping with each dimpled aria, , The prismou4:produet of ' the farm, She throngh. the" open door, ' And, dawn upon the parlortoor, - Dumps the pest beans viar ever bore. happy were their : songs that day When man 'aiid wile they rode away ; - But - happler.this chores still • . WMc echiie4l ,- ttougl).\ithcitoT iriodland "God bless the prie3t at Nhitiosville ! God blms,theirian who took the beani !" Actertett ,ON•LY A TELEGRAM. Jennie JohnsOri,went 'flying down itairg at the'itrig the ortirri :she; in ‘leli-sa onreturn ,„ "1 kneW Happer's . . ring—Happer's the',mess ‘ ,messenger." •- • • • • •• !, for, *fell: , h9Pe,'ciiiia: Mc Ilsaa,-looking. up • from her -work.- - "I . ,sio 'nate the 'sight. of. one; they always-set 'my. teeth, on edge, and !flake the lhajr of ) I . 4 ijh 4:,YOu:dplet, thitik that anything * happened' to--ttei•Ledyard?" "Oertainly`not ; it. addressed to Led tird ; 17 _ ! . .... . • yowarn Opeping it ?'' - 7, "gni/gives , nie permission to read;:bia, tel*rillbg: When . be. in Odibf town; so . dill. I may forward' tbern it they are ,lmpor taut. You'll have that pleasure when you' ar.e married, - I;:lacippp,se . .• Olen 'Jeanie relaPsea into ri' . ttdr--sifetlee tor' fUlt tru thin ales, liefikiti fidgeted and ' coughed, and ;wondered what: it was all atieut, too , proud' to- ask till anxiety con = 7: st fined - ter. - ".>\. inve happpoeft to Ledyaiiii;j know. W4y ifon?tyinpapeak, Why'do you look so —so dis. traeted ? Let me read it. —I insist ; it ja niv right, Jennie e 1.1 , 4 it layour' right; but' l'iWonidn't: read it, if I were you." , t"Not - read it! Do you think I am eel fiSh enough to spare myself ,so weakly ? If he suffers., is it too munft 'lor Me to know ? to ins min ute;Jen nier • ciont,t believe you, bave,any idea, 'what it is.:wore than-,death I-uff.t4 it, ,if . - .Ftkoi :dada wrong to allow it I -Ada sbe tead-: "To Vr.if.iolyard JohniOn - • - "Dzs.h,E,sT. 7 --My parents consefit• last Oome to the _betore my heart breaks if 'you it:lll,luve your Itiditmft put . it down %%bout tremor. Jennie dared not look at her. di. " shi mtit, go bome, - said she, _with rt vokie as the whispers of a sea shell. ~ 4 ! When doe 4 the:nest train bud; Jennie, do you know : F And, then her.; aisumed 'calmness Melted into a totTent .l . of Oars. . "..tiotv3 feel more composed, a goo4'ery ja f etivaLato tonic. ~I :might have,knoivn t Hit it fait- "Ohis'.. told me hisne,elf 1 I think it would pay.e I Veen 4iii.ktik . tO : laeiii . if lie./uid not.ileOefied iba I 4 1 !iii` dared9,kbe, in'earPOL' one tog me that fiellitid never 'love& but ene'veniah;s9Aid I Nitis 'Nol 4 4oo l ' -to think that one was myself; .hough he did. not sity„st4 hie eyes fiwprel9 it; f`; Ob,l ba:Te he9l,oo.44l,py.llNkthis ends;it all Jennie Tar. }dial; are 'o-wing ? Tell _him I hoVe lie will lie happy with.. with Eti ;'You know. I cannot bring riff:- self to like her, jnatjet--" 'Tqhi k-detk-it. 'her, the .huizyl'ifefitil; I mean to...forkive him ; lint iiesenlitwrivisly..to. coo ':'l l i 6 ! We ; Oh ! off AO" ntibibef heatr doge tou*,;*l4-.,thq eed and 0h..,-4 • , - ; ti Stand . by the /light tho#gh tact Heavens •• . • i• .. - Dr:Johnson had been eipeeted home that night, but aftei Moll a had,depart, ed Jennte.reeeived'u: note Sayjne- that he would.be,, detained for 5 diipthei week Or .more; and not - rnentioniuing =lielissa, as hCryiiit'had been kept a seoret' trot 4 fifth, jknitfe .iptecideditig a • surprotie. When ,they..,h \ eard his ring Melissa , was i.e. step •heitind the statue of;Arituine,•antt While Ledyard warthedliislands. at , tifeitlaze on ti*heareh, and dilated . on_thepleas tire OV:honte,• hinting that - there but t* delight lacked, that one delight, iii th, shape of biellssA, she was co step - front mit .the 'sitadosi ' of Ariadne; into the wartpth, of tire-light and - :embracing• . little' drama that Jennie . . . . .. . h4d :ph - tithed radio& or performanee 4 awl witt.d...Letlyard'e‘ -note, ttroivett; ihe eft- . closei:Einilie'li telegm to his 4dtlre9, hiiviitg writleh oti:lhe other sitlo*-,of . the 'sheet.: : . ~' ; - . ~, - ;- . has be6n - -visiting-lhere:, - We intended : a . plciianut . intrpri'se for you,-"iii stead of which .thOre . wasan-ugly &itre,. temps..;, She lettimtantly. ...This horrid telegram -Your sorrowful sister; *- - - • '':-J.441.r,?' list in , her ,agitatioti; ss Jennie ' who was always just a bit careless, though diieC - teit`riei letter to: Easr; : i ustead r , of _%V.:est. Street, autober nine instead 'of ninety 7 ani . lthere-' fa - re--:it' to present postal : arrangements, whichrola rn ta" - to ticat . : ried. letter to the writer ' expiration of a few weeit's-Dr — Leilyaid' John Son AieVor received: 'it. r Judke, surpriae, - then, wheri; haying:Writtentb . ,l MbliSkiti las tisiial veia, his - love•letteei wagiettirned hnopetiWl,, ''] knniv saylo'nbittt . Mell'sSit had Wiided; 4 ‘lidW . &wages' herself."' Having niterly',re-, signed'hiin, Slit? -\ was ' just dying' fot 'one. ward of affecticinzite,ApolOgy ani . .f:appre; ciation. In her own heart • Sharliad reivlyrexcuSed him she Inictpie.cd up a' sentimental 'story' for his apology.' Lad 'lovt-d . Emile 'first, but a criiel' - fatlwr,l had interfered •: - .then hei•aelf, antliiad . fancied She:co/1161M Euillie'S. place ' wheti - she step' ped aside, what - happiness She - had ~been capable of givinglii;nlt4he' 'more siiice •it was' also .own ' happihess which she timei - into - the 'scales.. Thert , -- - 1 fore:sho would\ fain haVe opened' his let ter;--iii' order to verify:her roinahce';_•but - her mother,' 69 - : - iiiitlerstati ding -• Int nth ti atnre•atid "the' wayi of. the World hotter dear, . 'willonly probe the' wound`, it will'do"no' gsood-lidtlerre tiitif it titiOpetied;its he deserves' - ; there is 'no excuse - poisi6l6.". And; being a, high-headed-woman, 'who always - carried I•her - i point, the letter was returned. Ledyard Rosted - down' to.Doverby instant ' lf to itiquire into the affair, - and that 'Melissa - had left 'town . , and her moth-. er was indisticked;--she having Sent . Me- Masa' away . ou a visit" to 'divert -• hsr mind. 4t his wit's end,. Ledfrard' wrote', On his. card; 4'WIU Mrs. Vaughn'....givo.ins,Mitlis sia'S'address r - 11 , 0 . 0-11:611 .4htt thinkir it Wise to withhold teri - adteis fiont Dr, Johils46;ii!ld she : w as greatly surprised his iinptirtnu ty: 14iiityi 12. ii " zle: d • • ;,and not a • little Pr.:XuhtScn'retlerii4 to town. . Re had - no : heart or for - anything;hut it was this dutytatee.:that .ppoOle did tot:die - . needlassly; though' lie was dying - by inches- himself. Ile. Icritw that it' . .WriA - pot a:griel to - kill outright, Irethreatened hills g anguish . had: long . known - . that - - the .. -Mrk'Vaughtf did' not regata Etiin ag , a tr'her beatitifie. ter but th it dipKifbei 1171121'•idiom "flow are yoli doctor ? Been,:otown' to :see you' sweet hearrr i lslied — i . . - nie h 8 college idea's; ,a re'4 ,-. "days "How do love and climques 'agree ?s, When are -you going to marry ?" • - "Never," answered. the doctor' gruffly. "Eli I business, bad,?:Dote,t, get die-, coUraged., This 4is , the healthy Season, ?, °rig it • a ,lover's quarrel F. March sipoke _of dancing_ with , Miss: Vau g hn - down,at Grandelaw 'sat "At (.4raiidelaw 11' cried the doctor, as if a snake had .stung, him. Melissa re turning :his _letters • and dancing t with kirch.looked; black'indeed.: March and' Wen rival suitors.fronl the begin ningi and Grandelaw :was his .uncle's ,hoinegteild,, where 3larch's, mother' and . sisters spent-.their. holidays in„ dancing And merry ,making r und -which-would de, sce - ad to Maori on'--the death of , the okl gentleman.., . , • - 7, -- f9h; yus,- Jos w;e11 , • the do'ctor,,Oitli7 kri . m,uttemptut composure, "Misi3T.Uugh u is umking 11, visit' tit, Gyatiddlaw.; ttufre, is, tomiconwction- the Aw k i , fam—, Itit, , ,s;')ina l tbeil he took the.next.,,tram.for- Gradelaw himself,--he` was cut-going to giveM4issa np : without au effort., As he- walked : ,4p ; ,... the arcane . ..toward: . the Aftiroli d, at ,dualc, he could see the blazing woiViiresisheatlingiv,glo* l'nn: the low, antique ceilings, and filling :the room with phamtotint 7 und-, !afoot that Melissa at the:ol ? Now , she,rises to greet 'Mareh,,who en: ers and takes her., hand in.. both Of his, biiresisted; atiil carries it to:hi; leads hex back again to the upright piano and theirvnices blend in sign ( ) lore song; which, attnr.rit freezes, the heares blood of . , tkr. ,Ledyard, standing, dazed.and' &Az- i .zled.,in the :avenue .Outside. Ta Melissa happy: Grandelaw, he woutlers, singing WI h ?. Is i of her own olioostn _ .tirlis' she afraid of, lore in 41, vs Misery he .recognizes the icturesque'effect of the scene, a 'n(l,ll 4s buff ILtnind not.to interfere. All the, eloneritiof 'hapPiness are therel,hlt are they well -mixed? 'Melissa - c(ilintis - now, and leans Icei . head against,,the w-lndow, ,frame, and looks out across the waste (..if 1 ,i 1 . 4 1)01: 0045, .;flie r .: orchard. trees, tasseled with elingnigilakgst dt t he'lveritng ~Star, diseintiOdied spirit.dividing the,sliktwg, ;-the fire light .paints zt backgreirrid'for her,ettot. o.4,Fra, Angelic() lotedit lights up _the bronze brown curls, ring after ring:ft:Ring from a 14w brow, scintillates in the. wine oyes, ,toaebes thc . pule.nheek . with , instivit, then-the visiou dissolved ; she started :and turaed away ilad, she seen. Intal.waiting thtre- in - the cold,. Qutlnde )1114.611e-turned; from-him. to )01amh .t;edYgd the::40 0 1:t ?).Iked ftir. „Miss Yang!) r!.!stle'at . iii tVat:aitsia.V;:A:chiiras merry cchood from ronni•eto roe* reached 41 the door visezted.l.:- iMMMEM ERNI Iraufziiti the servAti ti ? • _ t: WI I I you' tel Miss • h that. Dr, ......... Twits. aft, -in tery ie w. ?7"... iiersistek 'desperation. • •••• •• •• • • ..... • • •-: grre ; ydur card ter the young Soye, en„. .Thein's her, owohlessed,Words it, wati.-Cer dte r for it!" ! • Hr. Ledyard- t urned • UWity,- quite bib , He had ''' friebfriend'the'. 1 114 .kal liousii matte :himself al, t - maa occasionally, and to .whom ,he re pai4ed After this: rebuff of torture:: • 'have coine • to 'eScOrt Me .to, the wall; :have yen ?: the neck; of said - Martin...:"..Hugh is so arms, he prefers! caucuses, to as•fer you, you need 'something cheeriiig , you"have to .your 84)4. f o lio ; : is.good 'for' the•Circula, tittil, •Come,-will von. in?" -.• • " , ilTith - .'all'my,ileart,"said . the-doctor, it comfortable to . have _soutebixly 'thialk:Ortiiipli - gisnie. • • • • - Itad With: all your - heelil-too,l hope?! All the gentry • ot.'the4lice 'Went- to' stiottfrUlics with theiegnesti; who could ,say-ibut he' might meet.-Melissa-there,and- . maki , it' all clear betW. , ieri - their ? ' So they'Weht: Tho ilitneinfliitd alreadY be bit t hefarri ved-; :the dig,h ts, great wreaths of flanie,,swting, overhead ;. sli4ilah4rs switug . beneath, op. the tide,of ,harineity, Itseemed as lithe Wind blew.. ing throug . h some garden,:had set alt the • flower 0418: in. fan Usti° motion-i—stich flustering gessatner; like ., a . shining such,,cornseiitions...cfsolor ; such Iltee'4,glearitOg. instant', from out the hrillialit,chaoS, and vaniehing,tis.elidden• Ay ;i such 'perfutoes t . traiiipsrttng the im. agitiAtion:tieross seas on their spicy wings - MN) - the , 'valleys and Arabian iiip,tiis,:ati iloating*"iirtime to basSition." 2 - -Presetitly the 1111#1ing nebula f reoolved : into groups, and ..3114s Vaughn passed so - near, leaning . on ilic'.!aini'Of Lennox March, that her dra pery' 'sWepi ticreSS Ledyard,'at' :she . half turned • her head,Amil seeing hint shrank away like a frightened:bird. • • • ' . ...t0tne,..y0u doo . .irik now Any,one here?, ,sail the young au...heur . later, seeing;Leilyard standing idle: — "Let me introduce yoga 'to some' partners. Here, iire4l,Atas iadieS-On• thecliseeiading• scale frinit =pretty: , to • beautifut;',l r here'i, Miss Vanglin;.'fer instimce. 'Mils Vitiigh,n; lowmietoltitroduceProlinsoti." ,1 Blia; Vatigh 1-lio Wed; . la-t lips moved • 'without ttrticulatiirg. Thel.ido,ctor raw hia'fbpportiinity—the were inter " : Will:you gallop, Blida 'Vangh ?"- He, toott 'her hand as he spoke ; neither: untatented2 -, - , The music givC wings to ,their' feet; dreW them into ; . they see'm'ed- like leaves' bl awn before'tts breath- ln -and out, uli ,arid down ; the 7 long hall ;, they • swangin eVeirepeated : Circles . , interesting ,other orbits:. riot "i . ord;.passed 10 , 0/i:ea.:them; her ti against': hie= cheek ;' his 'friEin.iheld , The tausid.was- the speeod - heard.' it interprOtea every' sigh; 'inlurtAent=whve alter aVavr ','. till was: at an end. •,..."rihitll.lroe go into the . conserratort ?;ol' - will , You have an ice ?"' add , they • wh.iiit walling - securely . atfai - from the': crovid . .wheil Mr. Marsh 4,verintik ~ .I.l.3. , Vatigiiti,l bhid, 'irour mother; sentdirne to. fetch ..ara , .g,oing 1 • -• ' ~./ will take Ati§s'Vstighti to, her ttioth .er," iaid Ledyard 4 wth tome hatitear. Latn 3lre. Vaughn's embisseadot, and eatinot delegate the pleasant quty. to "Migii . Vaaglin;:i protest: ligai hat :this: ini4t Spea4:-but:.? 8(31110)011y 'll4b been doling the an injury. I wish to set'rrtiyself ivith t*.ilease• .to"chou'se who. you .to your Mfither—M.r. 'March or . '"A'fwvall;that has'-pawed, I think it ,would -bolesssembarrassingifor mamma if r shoUl4lMarabl 7 • -.1 ''FOr deaved's sake,what.do you mean.? - Whati: has tuppeiiiid ?"' ? 7,13 . ut .Le n March had swept' lieitieitond 'hearing be— ' fore ffkiiivordsi were welLuttered:::'*f ' Heil mother had *awed :her Dr. - Joh n so ac, - ou id 'say , such t hinge; , and shift ..the upon , shins One !elsei. if she gave liini'the . chance ' ;:. "[tip aiitoniihed i At4ini, at . such nu Precedented condiict 1" Said:Mr& Vaughn. hen' ,they.. were-at. list , alonei.: .f:lV.hen v 0 a- in that-mma'S antis I'coultt hard. .1$• ht.:liive:My , (lki`.l. , l Whitt' did pe say to . "Ile eeence! to wisp tbi explain, bat tlieti. va nty tithe' • 6 Nit were galloping half Lih hour Or morel" . - - mamma, . :'But, it takes till one's'breath 'to glitiop. lllit'he did Ray that somebody bad - injured-him." ,- - •%. , • •• ' “og . coarsq,lie , - Would insinuate suck `thin:#. 9-1 ' 1 • • t • • . , - h ; 4 .l3lltiinisy'thef . not be true-?" : ''. ' ' ' "True l' Aillier..• arelotir 'wite,.'ldellis , se- ? I lie!iev that' mart' conla paretititi you hi,believe'the moon is nistle'rof 'green L eheese r '' ' ' !• ,' - - • , . •.:. , tfr:',Lithard rethrtred-lo the city nest triortitifi- having previtmsit ''ealled-n see ond-time, at Mr. '3fareh's end ' been'; in fornieil Unit .IHiss Vaughn 'bud "One over the Grand - de* hiliminchorieback in cont. Tatty 'With his rfval.' It ivis plisiu 'to him that she had „lone in - order to 'avoid him. .11e did 'net gala that it was Mrs. Vat!ghn who had !ideepted La n norld'streli's in vi. t4titir(Skir Mehss4, ititt - that she. had had• tfo'cittitie' but to, obey. So the dontoi - re.' turflot=to his lay,' eonsciling` himself with time n'et's wiadoni : r'l - 1 -...-," . . "If the be.aqt,lair to sle l ,, , tr , e '. , `I 'trot eart.i. I bon; faililie be s. .• ~ - _ ri , :: ;11 - .6 .., ,1, , , • .., i It,*oulii he ii sorry, brisputispr bun, 4 6 d4 111 ,424s 'or•tbs - .l*o o * . tlYsilibt, it. be4.,te frisve ki4 Joa f tientst i in,the bands, •9r. his 4 s.Ssstsb 4 494 juu. down to HaYl* to 1: II with, JrAiiie. • *When. one. has lost alowpt heqrt, a ; sister ill, perhapai the 'l)6Xi§e4tbing; nat,,thalte intended to illik.a.viiiiis grief with. , be;, hut beeituse; it is - ilt!iatitnt to haye some que,:at?out wll6 ilutters,y with attentions, and ro ,,sardSlyo( as superiOr beirlg, 68PecfallY whenjoir vanity or, aireetion has reeeiv-,1 ed a.gliadi; But he ,fauad Jeunial3ocue• 'wbut:eit+ged,too,; ifibe,rlB by AO 1 /i l a l2 a is bar, t tstial sprightly - vein..; i iiho 'bad 4 itothsg. r ; bit»: litit, .bill,,f B inAVl... Re. 40 . 4 .dre ivcretlY 4 hirttli9 J l , ( l.Prt eil" ; 'Peritii, , k it ; ,filte . ,:tilf4ittPitOtttill wtgl lif,e;, of wif)k. le .4 4.1"? 1 , 1 it• 4re. 4 44 , ker9o , r? . Thei3weratta twatistaideutlivi flunity. '. r / • • t fr' F • "I. frAll • 'he knew t, an sisters and brothers much., more readily , repose sentimental confidence inistrangers than in each oth er. : To'be sure, Jennie hatki hung the Christmas wreaths in the windows, the tidily over CoPley's picture of their grand- Mother. was , a goodly Btorts of dainties in the pantry, ton,—frosted cakes atirtrionnted . bv, garlands"flowers done in confectionery ; jellies like pyrainids of rubies and crystalsi . grapes grown in their owurvineyard, whoseglobes afitme ,hyst hoarded something of summers , sweetness and: purfnme • apples, russet is the autumn hills, red ' with the lifek blood of - the - year. Bur there was little of Christmas •tibeei besides, ,though the frost was on the rie, the, old church, bells saluted tile Christmas eve with crack ed but jubilant voi'ees, and the miiou was rising overhead, .ts it rose over Palosatie When lint the song of "Peace unearth, -gooti-witi toward men". was heard, whine geho still yibr.ites aortas the dusty mitt*, Dr. Ledykrcl" stood " before' the bluing hearth, thinking what s different night it might have been, had Menses contitt— tied truei ,wundering what she, was dolt% it the fire light sill! .lltishetl her check the low parlor Kt Gialitionw l. if she and Lennox March still hong rogethcr sweet thriattuas Hei :tvas thinking thus,bitterly, vrilea - a sharp ring' at the, Boor started both'brother and sister from their. reveries.:' , , ' "Hopper's 'ring," said Jennie. SOS lad never exchanged ' a 'word with Led= yar d about the . fittal telegram, If he ha not choose to mention :it and explain,why. should She ? How could she ? She had not thecottrage.L But_ Aitting. it struck her that: he was looking %rota and . t.tePrtssed, and it 'wag on' her lips to 84 something comforting, when the lit tle servant , entered with :t . ,yeilow.,env4—; teitigtarn doctnr:" said she. "1 holie.they haven't balled the back to thecity--no urgent clue I. trust. 'Rump; poor: thing, poor thing I" and, be pissed, the telegram on the,tahle. . . 1 i "Is any one th ? : Must you go ?" said. Jen n _ "Oh, no; its the raine old story. gelid Air yeti Wish.”), , • A t i • Jennie took it, and retul : .!""To Dr.; ladynrif - Johnson : - • • "I)a.ttEST,--11.5r .pareatti consent, it last. f•cskine to the'betore tuy'lleart breaks if ,yon still.love sour , . EXILE." .Then she looked up at Leilyard. who 'seemed to havejoygotteo all, about it. ite Was still . stending before the fire, lookiOig at the "Sleeping' Pgilhee,'?' hanging over the mantel: • "That's a caPital &tunic ; 'do Yoh know it ? .One would thing the art ist had visited the sleep-shopa. It's the genuine ' blue alee 'See this old senschal Who'was about Co blow his trumpet when the. enchantment seized bim, with his two 'chectks distended And there comes tha 'fairy, prinee, over. the hills. The, hi many, 'fail, the bee. snceeeds. Ali 1 I say e; , 4, - 3: 64 l% , ativays iat fairy prin ces with featlikt in their hilts.?" • ' "But—the•teleorain ?" gasPed-Jenniei , "The telegram, Oh, yes, mild he. ,"Oh, it's the, same,,---the very same, , :" "Thug you have Seen it, before. ' '"thought it was prObable. I've had adozi. en, or iris, word, lcir word.' -She's as .tad U 8 .3 MaEcli hare,you see; but quite harm,- btxe's one of my -hospital patients; you know. She, had a lover, they tab whom her' father. dismissed, and it affects ed her i,eason. She took the' greatest fanny toltne from,the first; iniagines I ani 'the - young man ,in questlon—it's plaid she ,lias fergotten, his natne l -And so everY. little while she 'gives the, keepers the slip and telegraphs •to u1e. 4. „ Poor child ! 'She must be fifty leant 'old at the' least. - There's 'a heart-L-wouud , for' you "what's. the matter, dear ?•fi Lt isn't a nice:story ,for Christmatt-eye." "Oh, it is the beit story, I everheard; the ierylliotl", Cried; raffling Anil, stretching out her -arms to a charming , apparatuin in the. door-way—or ctpuld it be *item Vaughn, wrapped in.'er mine and crowned with, smiles? -"I heard'every word ' it," ,said Abe - p.iantOtn: of Melissa'; ,Hto much for eaves-dr4Pping ;'but then; to be sure, it •vitasan old story. had •hearil•it, before. ;You see,' could ,not.ttay down at Grande, law for ,Obristmas T -I felt, in prison -."so begged mamma to comahOme ; and here - we found old Dr. Righttibeut, who godfatheryyou Godfathers always ..bring gills in :the.' fairy-books.' - So this -rtiorningmt breakfast we happened to be talking Sof ' and By-the-way, aid he, 4 there'is a rival of yours, at the; Guinness. 'Hospital. There's tin Emilie Si. R4yannl on love: with your Dr. Johnsou---sends 'him telegrams, by the arniftit of the lovingest sort: •' "it's hickey, you' aren't' jealous; but ni bless me, she's US mad" as liandet--been -so this•tWenty years , --ptrfectly harmless though. ) Do' you know, Ledyard," the pursued, 'coming toward him and putting, out her binds, "f couldn't, speak a word. The tenni just filled my" eyes, "thirikiiiir howl hatt'Sentenced'you without a' hear ing. thili't they:look terribly red . "They )ook terribly , beautiful," he said kissing thebent brow.. It seemed to him that he vias begianing to bee through the fog. ' ^ ' - • "And mamma{' contintied , Melissa, who is hard upon eviLdoers, but 3 / 4 1nd-hearted withal,. said •I :Mast „rion, right ow this. Ohristutoi-eve and make ; it straight thro' SennieLfor we '11644 you were at Bab ylcio street still and she is waiting iii the hall hoping you forgiVe us." , • go tend'Atelp her . to ,take off her r olitt-lei , lue, ;leaving the lovers alone. And tou 'Me curtain falls-?,.Nay, rises, revealing .a happy airistMaii-eve in, store for Dr. Johnson and!hfisii:Vanghtn' , ,A.,Seot 'eh stucient, aupposea, tio de. tioierrt,iiijiidirnent;' wits aelied*bya tiro= tailor; iu .the course 'otexiiiiiiittation; hciF be would discovers , fool. clue*. tiolis he wotitti yqta tho gbly 41* gestive reply, . , , wrinne oftorni a l Oinge," exoqt., young part ," hid hair !u ` _the middle, and wiyattea on t,,hts street Nothing:eau make any miter thatil be . , ''efq : ` - ;The now, octet so tutdsomei ttiet - oue her44.Y.,ike* .#Pcu,,:fmth g up 9; =le oi "If "k41A11.4.4-#lll4 s • ~==Two . Dollars P_r e .1 ! • • • m- • • A -- • -- - , ! J.: • • ~. • Friends, if ,you and 1, jbgeng band in . h. \ prawirg nigh ..YOnder sky. ' Thither come ,at hut In the light.to suutd,' . • •'• You antEl," ' By-and-bi• ' I • • ' Finding your reward In the-saintly rest - . Strangely switt - \ Of its street, In the echoed song of its newly blessed, '• • Glid to meet . Love coMplete-. • \• r• And I, With, the stir of my restless soul, - 1 / 4 0\., • • Would be calm - • ' Of the PsaiM Bind the beating wingi ' irith Its soft control • •• • • Boit. 'vie ban:, - . • • iNeitit the Odin Yoe tioeld chooiete'ivalt by the river shore, - There-to bide,' • • Glorified, ; -,! • . . 1 , Where the Tree of Lire droop% its branches o'er :00. its tide toeepiod ' ' e !gag tp •- 1v41;t0.,: ithrans 4 enied ; ' • ; tLioi g, ; -. Sweet anti clpar, .‘ ' , By tkingates unshtit:l roam along,. • Drawing'near_ , I ; . Without { - , ; 'Asking; even .there, biettei work to do • .• J .; . Thlin and slaw. . 'l imit lite winged soul ,iiireugil the ether blue ' . To and fro" — " • Still raigtit'jro. . ; ~ • YOU w o u ld fold the' Oltim'es of your risen form, ; ' GIRd past. - - Jill the beatingi down of the lite Wag stOrm—j ; sisrvt, • - : - Car outcast.; -Ho how shalikwelinger anear, my friead - liorg may wear , Fetters there ; 'Shall each Irina highlands of happiness bead ' Bo to-allure , tons . fatr Y ;.FRIGHTFUL. FrECUTIONS, Xererxing , to the :terrible tenures which; t )11 1 / 8. 1 . 11! nuty of the , Radio executioner filet upon certain condemned persona:in4nm pane OF Europe, -centuries ago, an, English joirnal recalli the following eireutinumees of t*o executions memorable for the horrible bar Dimities which accompanied them. To a modern mind there is something tuaut tenthly horrible and monstious in the cool pro position to• quarter a human being by means 'of , fhailhors 2s, for the inoderate sum of eight thitlerk:' Biala an ''era of semi-barbarous law 'whiehmemseitated theoccasional submission to geveruntent utlluiplsot 'such "hills of charges," people were, too fainiliac with hOirom to be greatly. .afrecied by the speciacle of execution by ttare. "Probably'pamiens, the misguided 'iirefeh-Wo attempted to atisassidate:Louls XV., ,tetis the last criminal thus inhumanly executed in: Europe. , The ing escaped with a slight scratch ; but Dam►c}is; after having vainly been tortured to make tint ton ess the names of hts supposed' 'accomplices, was condemned -to-die the death: of . regieldes. No one could be found willing to . . sell the, articles necessary, for the exegutlen of the barharous'sentenee,. so , the 4fteers were. obliged:6 enter the shops and take by force wliat'idas needed.- ' ' 'Deralens'suffered his frightfhl sentence-in one of-thelublic z equar‘b ratisi . was by,. thousands, of spectatms.. llis right,hand wits slowly .burned off in &sulphur ic fire .; then his "flesh was torn, with red hot pincers, nielted' lead being poured Into. Ili* wounds ; the, limits or thciunhap- Py,, man were bound to four strong horses, which were then urged in oppOisite directions. Damiens, however, was- a Man' of tmoimous muscular strength ; and; although the animals strainp+dnvery,nerye 'Under the:lash cd,"the exe cutioner, they . y,alnly suave to dismember the miserable crim)ol for' more than t. quarter of 'an hour. : The executioners at last found it necessary to cut the tendons of th 6 thighs:and firma, and ,the horses Their succeeded in. pulling. off an arm and a leg, but the ~other limbs wereonly torn asunder, after lOng repeated e ff orts, the : •victini filling'l,i;e air meanWhlle:With hideousshrieks. :It iS said that' many. of 'the - coati found much injoyMent ni the spectacle: The fiend ish' perfotmance • :ended with a . bonfire, 'lnto Which the quivering !limbs • and trunk of the poor victim were threwn,and,censurned to ash es.. This detestable- piece of cruelty was ptr 'Petraied in' 1737, only a littie more than one buttdred years agii. • ' ' • A famous execution took placir in. Hungary during the sixteenth century, even more rev6ll - in its details than the above. - • . , • -- Atingsrlan peasintry; • driven to despera by 'the Oppiessioit of the nobles,'revolted 4altist Ithe government, and strove to assert their, rights with the :sword: ; For a short.time they were successful ; but the discipline of the well-armed troops tinnily proved superior to they impetuOini valor of the peasantry. They Were utterly, defeated, and their leader,Dozsa,' taken'prbioner. • ! • Dozsa -was senteneed' to a •4errible, punislp meat by the brutal. Magyars, for no mercy might be shown to the base-born peasant who bad lifted pis hand against the lord of, the soil. 'the fiikurgent•cidef ; was placed naked .upon a btirning•throte, and", a crowd of reii'let lion •fureed ilown upon hts brows, the executioner, Meanwhile taunting biro with laburonelems.-- Fourteen ot:bis followers who had put poset), - ‘91,1 kept ,w)thout loud for several. days were then brought, into the,tortt re. cbamber, and the, dish wits' tan theirleacter'a limbs with red hot picker" :and AbrOvis 'beterti thini that •they might satiate tbeintiiiiiker:' - - - • But the heart and- et-Dortat were iron ; otteryipw; moan 'or. cry itederlllit terrible .BPte..ering"i'.:lll,'.Te. it, yq4ounda,")c.ried the breve rellOW pn geeing his,'fleelt tlaownle pie Jolla!- :ere;tnaao ciumit,)4l hungei it, 7F • Irmindei'Ye roArlag.' • diti QleJ one of liberiy' uobleitt, martyrs. ',114! . ,14 uttiet truep t ,rici history, Dells testiMO - to Whet, wen uoviecOd fqrAine, but they callow; thwart her they may weave her web, bbtigtei t imonot bres# # ene the:llot, effectiO.PreePertq to tido,'" man a vonolOteiiii of .s eaustaia, so orithiamlag at; pag,r to driAr /4414 , 4 , Pt . ' , :-gl'otne -- litiding. - Ar.ST AND QUEST. i BY ETHEL LYNN. . NMBER: 45. LACE. The oldest treatise on the sibject of lace was entitled La Pompe,anit published in 1567. Be tween 1557' and 103, Vinciolo , issued preiye editions of his :book on lace, which contained ,a number of beautiful. tterns After him Wagner:her brOught out Streatise in font parts,—the first in 1000, aid the second in 1604, It was published -in Nmearibirg, and contained tinny splendid' designs. it la. said that: Albert purer, the great German painter, was "deeply' Interested in the manufacture of lace, and invented patterns for his country-wo men. Lace making had attained Its- highest devel opment, both In quantity :and quality: about the year IM3, At this time It , was wrought In nearly every Convent in E urope, : and was con sidered an essential ornament to the dress of everylady and•gentleman. In Franco It held \ the place tbat diamonds, do "now, and the pos. se4sion of it• was it mark of rank, for none but the nOtkleLwere allowed to wear It. In,order to keep, the • beautiful fabric for the exchtsive use of the upper, classes, edicts were frequently Is sued forbidding all persons outside the privl ledged ciri-les. t s\decorate their apPgrel with \\: - • So much • Importance was attached to the proper condition and disposition of Is* about the person;tbat Henry 111.'wefully over-loot ed the stiffentng of his nAlles \ and'collars. Cinq-Mars leis, at : his deatii;'.Boo different suits of isie. _Many a young ' man, f infebted with the passion.of the times; mini& himself in the effort to outshine his .companions in the trimniings eic his surtout and bouts. . In 1604, the Parliament of ToUlouSe issued an •order 'prohihlting the wearing of lace, be-\ cause so nanny women were ernployo tti Its wantliacture that. nn ismate_sorvasta_un...s. _ . be bad in the town ; and, moreover; it was fin possible to distinguish between the nobles and the common people In 1704, it is said that one-fourth of .the pop ulation of France between 0 and eg were en gaged, directly or iwlireetly, in the . production of lace. This calculation includes the makers, . of pins, scissors, parchment and thread And the peddlers who sold the fabric In different coun tries.' At one time a burquality of lace was made in Russia, but the industry, has declined as Rus sian ladies prefer the manufactures of France. There is a dispute about the antiquity of lace malting but Mr. Seguin,, a late authority on the subject, argues learntdly to. glow "Int it waa introduced into Europe but a short time ?tier to, the publication of the Allrst, books on lace. A CITY AV ITIIOUT WOMEN. There ks a great scarcity of women it- Ha vana.. There are at least tin,* 'times more males t3Lart females. Hardly any other women than negrmum are to be seen about: Ladles with my pretension to youth and bauty would sooner die than venture out tinpiotected, even for their early mass ; and so uncommon is dui sight of decent women unattended In 'the street that foreign ladies, unaCquainted with the cus tom, and sauntering from shop to shop; become the ob r jects of a curioshy not In.quently degen , crating into impertinence. The.eausetif this 'is that, besideis the priests, and soltherit ,end sailors, the 'croiids of Span ish ,immigrants are attractal there by high wages] andtlo nut of course take their families. Among the ppper :classes hn exclusive male so ciety is cttltiyated. The charms of cafe and club life, such ai they are, wean the' Havana hush' ands Irum a home where real feminine ac complishments are as unknown as hearth rugs and tire irons. Housekeeping in the tows. and still more In tliu suberbi, is terribly u Rhin . work. Man's life iu Havana is wholly out of 'doors, while for women there is no' life within t tham. ,In no town in France or Italy are there so many, or, proportionately, such sumptuous and constant ly crowded caliso and restaurants. .• The ilayine • merchant is as eagerlarmake money as hi is • to squander it. But the town: supplies little besides gross material enjoyment for his money. A. box in his third rate opera. a drlie in his dreary padro,•are all the amuse ments he can 'have in common with his wife and daughter. For the rest of the women are left to mope at, home, playing bopeep with the passers by• from their window gratiugs, or pas ing.tbe flat roofs of their houses like so many . Sister Anus waiting for those who are never coming. now To COUNT INT!EaT. ' Four per 'cent, •3lultipiv the principal by tiro niunher df days,'separate thd 'right band figura - from the product and.divide. by nine. ' - Fixe per cent. Multiply .hyntriube; of days and divide by seventy-two. • Six per cent. Multiply by nuinber of days separate right hand figures and divide - by its. Eight per cent. Multiply by number of days and divide by forty-flve. islitte per cont..: Multiply by number of days separate fight hand figure auddivide.by.four. Ten per cent. Multiply by number of days and divide by thirty-six. ' , • Twel . ' per cent. Multiply by number of -slays, Separate riglit hand figure end divide by • •Fiftesm per cent. Multiply by.nnz . ber of days and divide by twenty•lbur. kigbleeti pei cent. Multiply by number of days, separate right hand kw; and divide by two. TY;enty rer ,cent. Multiply by number of daygt due. dlvidd by oightoeu. THE CAUSE OF BALDNESS. Baldness, like the gifts or the heavens, seems to descend utxm the just and the unjust, the healthy and the diseased, the abstemious sad the overindulgent, 210 d little partiality ctku detected In Its operations, except in the case of • , e W el I . The latest of the nituierous theories concern. pig Its cause ahtl curu is thit of hit 20014; Carle'', who has published a pamphiet la the interests of total &Nebel= and vegetailardstri, and rele.ri the shortcomhigs of the hair . too disordered stomach. • * • ' Au increase of the beat of thehead is caused by the greater supply of blood required by a brain which has •expendixi Its nervous energy in endeavoring to repair the mischief caused by a disordered- stomach—that le, a - stomach I rendered incapable of petibrming its allotted task without extraordinary' supplemental *up plies .of nervous energy, I== Ood luta given- us speech in order that its may say pletiontat things to our Itionds; atrid, kfl bitter truths to our ennui* Wit,b, palimony a Mite is sunk**l. sad without it. nothing Is satliciatie tr.' glY l LM iltel , ll4 " * A4 rick 111:1 1 1 . \t- EMIIIIIIIII
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