The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 03, 1875, Image 1

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    a jt' -
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HA.WLEY & CAVS 11 Editors and..Proprietoid:',7i_ L .',.',. - 2- .
VI 9
. ~
• ' 1 : - 1:, :',:. t "Stand by the. light though: On Ilciriveiie fidl"." ' '.." ‘•, l'• . i
• -- i",
, . .
LUMK 32.
F - ''gq
Dnorlyst pemocrat
Is Erirq NV SDNFIDAT MOILAING, . , 8 u silitchaa aa Clown ty,, Pa
0 rriox—West Side of ruble Avenue.
coat tii , he all the LocilandGeneralNewa,Poittry%Sto
s o.,,.'kuerclutee, !Aimeeßolcom , Itelittleg.arteepoeu
Li•e, awl a reliable clabcof ueeettiateuents.• '
Advertising gait/A:
rs f qttnrv.t, B cd ihebspacc,)* +mocks. Or les s,
month, months, e,i2,5n; ti months. I
year,lo,so. A liberal discount oh novortirements of n
rvfiter lenKth. Business Locals,lo C/F. a line for first
lc sertinn, and d ets. a I hie ouch subsequent 'lnsertion.-
IW - dui:vs. arid doattis,tree ; obituarlea,lo eta. aline,
FINE JOB 1 2 '113:NIMML\Tia '
'Los Prices. , Qutck Try Us
E. B. *AycIEY, WM. Cr .bRUStIt.,
Misiness Cuts.
B. D. B ALL W IN; N. D.,
DONICEPATIIIC PiIYBICIAN, hair loc:atcd hirogelf a
Nuntr eau, where he %cal ,attond promptly in ail pro
loalonai butdricaa eni stud to hitt care. I.V7V
Cartnatt'a building, e cond flour, trout. Boards at
Mr. B. Bahlw'h's..'
Muntrnac, March 10,1875.
, .
W. WATHOX,itttorncy-at•Lnw. liontmeo, Penn'a
Collections Promptly Attended to.
.Qpeclal Attention given to Orphans' court Practice.
Otlice with /tau. W. J. Turrell, on Public AveAue,oPPu
51ar.31,, 'Stu the 'Parboil
DR. it . W, 5.311.7'11,
DENT! IT, Rooms at Ms dwelling, next door north of D.
Halsey's, on Ulu Vuundry street, whore he would be
happy to fee all those In want •of Dental )Bork. Ile
feeh•conitieut that he can pleise all, both In qoalitTof
. work and 11, pricy. ptilee hours front A.X. 10 4r, X.
.11.0111WPe. re b. .1/, 1 574. 1 :-tt . -
. .
11,7 READ BEND. PA. Situated near the
put. le h large and eumonotilou'e house, has under-uhf:
clorough repair. Newly turuiened roomeoteil brelli
illga fit ea class hotel. LIE.NRY ACKERT,
p t ia.llKll,lu7B.-4f. Proprietor.,
Future lietnr , Proprietor.
Fresh and baited Mats, Hauls, pork, Bolof.ita Sag,
eAge,ete., of 'the best quality, coustabily du Laud, at
co, to Etat.'
Moutri , se, Pa„ Jan: 14. I=.•-•Iv •
enittess.attendeu to kornittly,oulair tormn.
firstdOor oast of the bank or. Wm: Cooper .1: Co
Pnb.lcAvenue,..l4.ontroan, tittig.t.,lB69.
aly 17,15:2.1 ' • , grtt.ntets STrioljXl—:,
TIII3.IIATTIBAItBEit. bat , MOved 1161 tkbop to the
build log occupied by E. McKenzie .17, Whert;, be it.
prepared toduail kin& of work ..
at ma
king switches., Pur.l. etc, All Work done on 16.t.0rt
notteerabd. Pleuee call and vet me. '
C once CtiaU it Liw,
'7 , ;0. 170 Drpadway,liCw
Nay 14, '75:4Fe 1.1., 1674:-,?.7)
ATTORNEYS A.T LAW, havO-temevCil their .2reto
orter, opposite the. Tarbell Limit e.' '
• It. 11. LITTLE,
00.0. P. LITTLE, •
E. L.l3l...tiilt:tux.
Di:ALER in4loolca, tqatlouery, Wall Paper, Novaya
urs, rocket Cutlery, Ster p utwupic Yank ee dtc, liuM door to Lba PuatOttice,
z,rpt. 30,18'14.. ' ,
Exci44...yGE 310 TEL
. . . , .
Ei..L lIAIIRINGTON wishes to iuform 'the publlctliat
liming routed the illzetauge llotel lu Iluntronelue
f b now i.,reparetl tclaccouuniwlate the tray ellugvnbl4
11i lirpt-elerr style.... .
— Montrose itim..:2,B, 1873. . • . : .. .. . ' . . -...
Dstiler in Stnpliw und.Fancy 17,ts floods, Croetety,llardt
iksis. Iron, Stoves, Drugs. 0i1s; und' Yalnts; Boon
and B b o ,a , ilattis" thiPs, rare, Butralultober,
ccrleo, rrovisiour,
:.",ew 7 1,1111(5r41.1.t5.,,N0v 6, 7411—tt. , '
. ..
FASIII67 , 7AIILit'TAILOR, liontiooe, Pa. Sbop over
~n raniter'tore. ' A:i orders t filled in drat-claft , tityle.
cutting cione,to order on otorz- notice, nun warraft-,
:ea to tit.' -- ' , • , ' :'. paw. 30,-'75.
.. .
trtrilattlete Eixtrraiu Tortrit.a. BATits a tile Foot 0 /
Chestnut, strvet: Call' and • consul :in' si-1 'Chronic
euteenons.• - ' „ '
7rloutrose. Jan.l7,"n.—no3—a. - . -i
.- . '
nop In the .dow Pootoilice .bailding, where he
oe found - ready toAtteild all who may Willa. anything
In hit line. , - ' Diontziare 3.81111, •
be al enn Boot* and Shosa, hats and Caps, Leatkeranc
Fludings, Akin:Area, Ist 400 r below Boyd'r Store.'
Work made co order, s lid repatrlngtlone neatly.
noi.trosa. Jan. 3, 1370. .t , . •
I'iIYSICIAII tt 'l4 UIiGEL/24, tenders his profess {WA
services Lir the citizens pf3toutroee und vicinity.—
Orticeet hien:eider cc, on the, corn erenet o f Sop*, 41-
Bros.Foundrz. , [Atm. 1,
800V7IL di D.EWITT.
AttorjneyP nt Law nn4 Sollcltoredu Bankruptcy. .0111ce
Vo. 49 Coort Strew, ? over City National Bunk, Bing
zuton , , • . Wu.; 11.8covga,
u,n e 18Lii, UM: Jraurxr. Duivivr.
A. 13, BURNS, ttittplace to get Drugs and.MS , dollol , ,
cigars, Tobacco, Pipee, Pocket•Booka, tipectalett,.
Yankee Notlone, C. Brick Block •
outroae, Pa" 6lay 6th, 1875. , - • 18
• •
• i• • . LYON,
inrceowbr to Abel Turret!, Prfigs Xediclttet ,
ClicmicAlo;• ' OIIM, Dye•stufre.• -Teat.; -Spicer.
Fancy Gulida, Jewelry, keritraltury.;&e.
biuu,roah Stay 29,,1873. • ' =, : • .
.1.).B. a. N.
lITRIaIAN BtrlttlEON. Ilea 13Sented at, Auburn
centre., fijirquantinal.h!" .
...tune WO, 1811.-I,l' , • .
roer,, Officra *eft the.Calurt 401110.
Atintrose.Aauuttry_ri, . -
. .
I , rroßrizr' It* .I.llW.ltimotivaidt.PlCY. Pranlou
Rod Exvitm• ;on !Claim attended to. Oftlec,Ort
.00t helots+ lloyd'obtore, ltootrtire..ra. .(Au.
• " W. 4. C*lloB6J' VON, ' • .
~.. .
etonicy at Law. 43111ce at the Point Ironee. , !D the
c immtetioner's Office. - W. A..Caoseses. .
. .
m eui,ttuae, Stet, . , pat—is. . ~ ... , ,
WILSON , J.' 'refißsz,,%- :
1 6PRVEY011 .1110. .20 yeotroi. 'ft - patience-1A the
illicutles, wW cuuttive lo Attend ; 4 all•oillp,us lay pro-.
hfatuu. Lt3ept. 16, naA y*J
- Cd.' • ifitZ42lo4Y.,' -.. • •
OiYYuZiumitrai AND LAND .81;11117TDD. •
• T. 0 . 4114resm;'Frunklin Fork' •
• • -
. . . .
i n BIN ET AND Ali U#Aoll2rltEßtl f »-rovi
m main usre.ct. Mcintruse.XA. • 3att- 1 tl§o9.
C. 1367011,
AUCTIONEERAnd Ixeitrietirt likagST; •
• ata
P. ;:air'4l,ll.l.E',;,
. . .
rTo it ti ET YT 'crow t toili , ,of
Ihuitzo r,ia t. he .00 Fkl3o.c. Mo!Otigie 4*,:tala
Z SA42: • .
ArTatormr, AT LAW, over J. ' - acwitre
/t uutePso,Ri. I JunerT,',ls:—lfj
•-. •
Cooper -• •
thatak.Mostri)to .t.4,1"10# •
' A Mt: •E -
Jille JAM% •
_ - •
i •
' • '-f ;•' , ~, , .- • . :":- j, , . f_ i --- - 7 - 7 . \ . 4" ,- `, .4" - .. - C r • - 4 - :L., ~! r,. ‘.--',e' t_t7l_ ~% 4- -=. - 1„ , • "" 5 ' 4 _2_ 2 - - - - - ------- - - 4 M` ' t;.:' s "°;:- 7'l 1 • - . '
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County Basiness'Direttoay.
Tttopngt. In tillsDiiecteris,ane 3qatr,*l,6G; cacCa
, •k , dittaikalllpc;tvirectite.. - •
. .
'• • MONTROSE • 1
'Wit. ii AU GU wo WiltAPPale: sad Itotaf
' denier In ail I.i 0( that! , rooting; *l l llo'l,laq, e t c ;
IZooN cepa i red ith &Idle taint to order., Alpo. blait
paint for Bale by the gallon or barrel: Mont ro*r.„
BILLINGS st 11012,1). 'Genera i;lre amti Life Oen'
.ance Agents;alEiyieilltailroadand AceidetaTiektl
to New Vorkand l hiluduiphia., Office one doe' eirt
bake Dank.
.1i0Y.0',..t CORWIN, Dilators Stoie - ,e'i, hardware
and liartninettircri..4 tin andlitie - ehronware;corne3
01 :Main and Tittrinike meet.' :' •
A.- N. IMMO ..I)enlei Ornerriee, Provisioni ,
itoolzp,Statione'. • and. Yanke e. Notione, at head of
A Yenn e;* •
lirlrt. li,llOOPiiill CO.. hatikenr,, scut Foreign Pa
r• *ago Tiekett, ,, sucillrait.e on liviand,lrelr iuttdScw.
WM. L. COX, ITarnef , s maker and dealer ; alijarilelC
ni.nallykem h 3 the trado,oppoohe Lite nk.
J.K.M.ES E.',7AIMALT, Attorney at. La , U,llice one'
• doeibelowtarhell lime.lschlie Avert ,*
w ,
.SAVING!.! • , perrtent.iz -
terert. ni: Deposits. Doc a-gener t.anking But ,
•ties , d. • S. B. CIIASE-a C 0..;
n.(7 Amnia ,t SON. Dtalers= Flottr..Peed. Met:.
Salt;. Lime, Cement, Groettries,aiid Prov'aiene
M ti
ain.troet„ Oppoolte the Dcpot.
N.. F. KIM It MI. Carriage Maker and .thidertak,es on
street, two ihion= homy hawley'a Store.- •
. GREAT - BEND. ••• • . • •
IL Y. Dr)llA N. Merchant Tailor and deal6r in • Reafil
Made Clot hi n.i..113rk Gool:14.0 rov:erita Provit
Ma in i rev t.*
panking, t4e.
WE 11, COOPIIi 811,, '
.wrowTß9s - z,
POINTS 1‘11) llommy A CCQUN-
. .
AS pER•AGREInp':NT.;I\ 7
- •
In the fnlirre, in 11e 'past, wc..t shall enilcic-
or to trunict all tnopf.y• bwiness to the istis
faction.of our patt . ons 1111(1 e,)r.respondentl3,,
za. couPEU-Ari CO.,
',Atontrot::.•,.Narc;l . l.o. '75.--tf: tankers.
Authorized Capital, ssoo,oap 00.
Present Ospital, - - 100,000100.
FIRST 10110,\AL
moNTRosE, P. ,
. .
D AR ! - • . Vice •Pi:f.giticiit
N. .L.. - •
W`.ll. ,J, TITI - ' ii?:17:1; - 'P. D. Si t / lii-E.
G. B. EhD -. - .1:2V.: , 31. S. -DES:i.A.UEIZ.
ABET., TU'111i.7.1.,T... G. V., - lIEN;T.LILY.
A. J. (, ERIZFPSO.N.. - 3 - 1 - 61itt P
loze, a..
1)". A'.'.CLAllli - ; - ilii , gljanitoil, IC. - Yr.:
F., A.. I'D ATP; : • j - N (4.- Milit t )iil,,Pii.:
M.• B.: IV II IO,ITT, S. usquehap na qp. i t Pa.
L., S.IENTIE.III,f „ Gnat- Ota - 1, - Pa 4
'DRAFT;S,, SOLI) 01;17 - EU iCAP'E .. -
. .
. , .
. •
.51initrose, 411.17013, 1875.
. .
120 WYorrwlg
RECEIVES- MONEY: NN-DEci - i. 11.0 . Si''''
t i
ON: THE , Fl-I.til! -DAYS. : Or - ; 1.1 A N 15-
.LABoRmG • MEN, •IkliNEl4, i ME-
C RAN 1C:.•.;, - AND. ItAclitszigm..AND
0 13,:; 43.EFoRE TIIE - ' TRNTIt.' IN ILL..
DRA:W.- . INTEREST - ~ 11.4)1+1.., THE .
loRt.ST DA i 01? THE.MONTIL::•THI,
Ps IY:ALL REsPEcTS: , ,A. alp* FAN:Ii
T. .:'
' - • , :plitai'pHS ;'' "."..j'AMEe+. - II.JATiI.
;SANFOIta GR.A NT, GEORGE 1471.41• -
6'. r 4.. MATTE &WS, - . - IiAN: lEL'.l' , Holy, , .;
ELL,:f!.. - .E. - - HUNT,. T. F;': - •;IirUNT ;
JAMES BLAU t, PRES' DE:PZT. 1. kts...o
'I4.OORE; CASHIER., ' '-; . =i - • . '' -...- '
opts DATix - :1110.5L-NOTit 4'. .'
tE .
ISIIL FO.Kit P. :si; ANIY- , 0i41:40- - E
7 p,
N.E.iMI.-Y - . AMY . . .SAVIARDAY EE fr,
_.,, , -.'.-r..H.: ....,.. 1 ... : - .-.-
• .
I V- .-A4u01.1(40.13401.11.131..: : . 7= :,.,•". ..;/,' :: -'' . F
armors' Ithidezters
' • ' :op
DEA ,A 1 C 0,14.
CAS '.l
, , • : - •
23=PIA - 310-
'• , 1 - '•
ALL OR DEati putarforwr ATlTextmr) To ;
ISLuthiknitou . Itt *rblo i' . !Vol* g '-
_ in. ittEdo' af .*arciaineata, Treadtfilsiiii; and litart4a
Mantles, i mage c ! i , Gr i ller.. i i ttlao. EkMMII t;raaltas Ti;al
.hand. - '• • . • 2 ;-.• - 1.,--PICK0.111);(1 , 4 ;CCP...
4 - ..runrmissa.,- „:.„, `,- , .._, ~.
~. los ,Vpuri Street.
.a. w" .s.a.noratc . . tv,i - , •' " ', ' 1 ...• .___,_,:___._ _,..1.
U. r anonc- -.-',. --' ' ..- • -, Sin
. , . _ .
- , . , „ . • '
0.1113F4T1S .01P n
t • • • \
TlAty tall arid tliey 'Ethswer each other
_ t tito they,.
They answer:Tautl mingle again, ,
deck afitf shrill.ur an' anthem
' hailitonk still in their, strain,
ind..tho voices-of sentiment mingle .;
- . -11kmottniatuntia ligiOnSof snow,
Till' tromlnliipti to'bilFtop "it elirns, •
Floats down- to tfie,valleyS below.
The shailOws; the tirtiigl4- of teren,
Tile satin . 4•\o e es distant chime,
I 1 '
i• • \
CoMe.hriging,, With 'maitl,s'oftlYiirooping,
_ Sweet thouglitof a shadowy titne:; -
Thi3 sitin3l34oui!hensc',9t seclusion
• Frlnn stcirrn anti aloof; ;'A
:We feel Wlicniwe hear \ in tht midnight
The patterof imnon e toot.
:Wben the Spirit.goes forth 1
b its yearnings : .
wader.era li • •
regiOns of faney, \ •
swiftvinions, to ionsm,.- , n t
I..qMetly,: • sii, 'in tin'iltelight4- •
The so bright 'anti so warm— '
For 1 know that those only Wh4loye,me
• Will 's•vei'trtelihOngh; shn i sow.and storm:
Ilht I. I •
they htfabsent tlis evening—
'Should eVoi . thee households
islionid not be londlY ' ,
There stOl.wOnhi tie.guests in my heart,
• The fare 011 tilmitlsi that - I eltriali; :
.The smilF, and tlie . glatiee, "and the tone,
bauntitnewhirever I-wander. , • • ; - ,
• Aiitithitti I inn - never alone. • ,
; • • .11ROM MOSCOW. •
Zit; Ittis.siahs they atnek - close to him
.- All, on 116. road to MoscoW-, - -
Them was J flOrronzon , and ffetnalow,
Arid all the other's that end in.ow ;
"Ilklelarodvitelt and Idadovitch
And all the s others' that end in itch;...•
Sell:unsalted', Sanctioned'
- • ?Anil ch.Cpaltdf," • -
.And all the;otitemjhat end iiti eff;
Wasiltschilsoff, Icostomaroff, , • '
And tochogiokoff, '
And ail the: others that end in off;
Rajeffsky, and "icovereffsity,,
AtidlteffSkV '
And nil others thatend iscfisky ;
OsehariffskyT anti,
And all the others that end in O : IYAY
And'Plat off he played them off,
And §honvalofl i he shovelled them off,
Arid:ilarkaff he marked them off.
And Krospoir kestossed them Aff,
And Tnehnoff' lio titc:hed. titan Off, '' •
And B?; - roskoff he bored them off, '
And lintouslt'off he ent,them off,
And Porepioff,he itare4. ttent,off,,, _
'Arid \Von: . onzof1; he worried them off,' 1
fkietoror !he doetored•them off, -, • .1
nd liddionoff:he flotiged:them off, 1 , 14
.A.rid.hi.l - 0f„ , a11. , int admiral come;'' i
m • -
A. - terrible an'uritli'a terrible name,
t. 'tvideli,vou all know by sight '.very,
well •
•put , which. no One can speak'and,no on j e can
thtey tn
7: 021
).1 . :.:5. Gorhara_put do,Wtra let ter.the had
to :n reti&n. , "'and' l+. oliii g , Eround• the
,bible at her blOnihkg•dangliters and two
tall, lusadsOrce solis,Alle sa,id, in .a dole—
.6;rrie tatfe.. ' \\. ...
'i"Your Atini; Sabina ia\eoming to Lo'n-.
'tlon, and has itivitid':;erse'lfliete without •
eqrernony." \ -
f " When F''-'asked Arabella,.'s ith an i—
tonation of dii,g,ust. , • ,
.A"Slie will reatli here 'this after 00n.. 4
Iltilbor. you will have to meet her? . 1
!"Sorry; ma, bat, I bare to drive 14181
Caldwell to the phrk. Fred can go." 1\ '
, I t i‘OrTtiiiilly, t - wili go," •Fred said' glive.
-lt thane!) there was 10111.4 flush 013 his
cheeks, `.'l am Vt.4 - ,fai.l of aunt." '
, ~.
-i".Norisense.:'-snld his mother,"you hovel
not seen •her fill. Al ll llo'll ),'eurs. I never
w,etit near the '..,detestable old Turin after •
.vitir fatber dii:d." .
"NevertheleSs;''l have t
rocolle •
tint of. Aunt siiiitis's itindnessivieiiwe
Were there.",
'-' •' ' '-• •
"Pear me, Fred,'' .drawled Lnetlla
"don't he isentii9ental I • I ''wish:-the old
tiling - would st,al7 at hotne : I 'can't im
,agine what she s coming here. for r 1 .
.I,t, is our is her's -sister," 'said.4l,'red,,
t*ticllcatt't fin anything stirprissing in •
her lOok log for - a welcome among 4er,
brother's children." '
Ali . '
.g co
ig. rb. ! ..p.s.hin g .be
r-' Shoulders.
If ,site litt4 •priltcts her thoughts, it woUld
havejteeni.—,"Fred, is so odd; Just like
his fat,he.r." . But ;she only-said, #6.1 may
depend Oti ycOu; then; ' to meet your aunt
and I Will; see about: her room." •• 1
It was s(souree Of 'great satisfaction to
isi rs..Gi>il i,tirn •t li ts, V" h e r=,.• eh ilpren ireri all
like r hersetf, "irtie Greer.every one of them
ex c, - .1,)t-Fifd.':* she taimitl2 say. ,- cohere tula
ting herself, Oat the pie - J.4lm Gorham
blood was• not' fia'ns.mitted to `her 'elder .
43,011,1Viilher, - or , ,unic.of. the - girls, •.- •-• ~. •:,
'-That 9 , n , „er
_pri l dk ; ,tnealit intense sel
ifistiness :‘' , linst t flre4 , lo. pride Was of - is cold
lianttyjte';„ ,that iGrreer, disposition svas
tyrannical and „"narii;iiMnioued,. did not
trouble , Isl,re. - Gorliarn. • Tirat the son who
' waS all Girir ham Was Alittud to, the, core
with 1,1: I.f; 'prat pricks': that- knows no false
shame"; that he sias noble iu d 'spas tin,
liandslitue in a frank manly tYpe, gen r—
.O-ti-atid.self-sticripeing, s'Ae cot not p
prlciate. '!'ilis Minds; And fee` were of
so etuallas, fiat-link Wilber's ;he had no
litFliional le. affcetiona ana areei look
So , h is - int her ; ,.tboUght. ,hint , rough
..coarse at d his sisters .declared. that,
had nO•st i yle.4,all. l " 'But OursideOf. Ito
'wherei.grii*,(otows of' , wealth _ vere rti:
,by Priyate economies, Eyed was, uppre
-aterl. 4' i.;‘,-.2:-;- . . ~ . .. ',, ,' • I
Wilert . : be ,:becanie it • min,; :and kit
that, his .: atitkys . estite, -lhOttgh; tittffici
to give tl rtn everycomfort;*as net, is
'e.tietigb I r.ltlie.extratitgatice:his tho
. iridulged,itt;,:ho _fi,tted......l l .4Pself fOr• bu
'nets and *.Ook a position .1P a -0 01 1,nt
honk, ti, its becoming "Self support',
onkk - ;is mother ,deChtred that
', reer lia ever been"iii trade.
. : That', t ipi-nienev'Ebellive4 on . srtuCie
In soap, 'iling,, die -fashlonatile la4y.
‘isored,yn trAv. ' ~- ,_
At. 4roicripos , it BEI.
!: - Vii.iiiv Nilliitoilliiii Stittlieil lov,,
Ills fii4t. - iiiiehia,pot.vetsappeigia l
Mrs. cvo boat supporiid law, truii
4elftt Nottvg.
rtricd #torll.
- •
tliat his fascinations . would touch the
_heart el., somo moneyed belle; .111liss Cald
well was the !present hopes. . •
She was her own mistress, an orphan
heiress: and very - handsome. I That she
was proud, And rather cold in ,imanner,
has only iiiiudditional °Mein Ito Mrs.
.Gorham, i.ueilla, Arrabella Piid 'Corinne,
: iviio - werc 'enthusiastic in • their admira—
tion of. Miss ICordelia
manner, • •
. .
. Nobody su i spected that• Fred, blunt, and
straight-forward Fred, hid one 'secret in .
b is' heart, Conftssed to .no living .being.—,,
Aild Oat 'aebret l - WaB.* toie, liars and.
true, for Cordeiia .Caldwell- 7 a: Jove that
wfuldsinitirself closely away from any
suspicion oflortune-hunting-that. only
drooped andrrnourned, thinking ofthe
heiress. •• •I- - - . 1. • - ' .:- .
'At tour o'cilook\Fred .was the
with 'd carriage, waiting foi Aun Sabi
a. 1 . . 1 - \ .
What a !Utile old Us °tied • figure she
i i
was. in head.l a. quaint ok . bonnet and
large . figuredishawl. But \ Pred knew her
.kindly old face at once, thOugh .he had
not •'seen it Since he was twelve vtais of
age: . \ •
."Yon are aunt ?" • - hisaie goingsgnielc;.
,to meet her.
She lookedlat his handsome .face, and
caught u qukik gaspinihreath.
• "You mus be one et John's boys," sh'.
said.'• "flow like'p . m . are to your -.dead
father." f .
Fred,' he ansWered. - . -
"Dear henry. how you have grown 1. Is
your ma here;?" • •
"She 'is, waiting, at home." - •
• The good cold Ountry vilimair' had -nev
er had the;least &min of • i. warm welcome
at her brother's house, and Fred certain—
ly affirmed: r expectations. He found
`tile old black{ trunk, .the bag arid
band-box,.nn the great cotton umbrella.
and put thein all in the carriage,. without.
one sinile - C4 tithe :11. He wade hia aunt
gO:to resta urant „and refresh he6elf be-
Tore stArting on the long driVe home:J.le
listened With interest to: all the Mishaps
of: the lone : journey, and: svinpathiied
,;with:lhe,..:- - 7Ttifination of every ,mortal
stitch I've got - on., dear, in - the. duSt and,
And iii Chatted pleaOntly of his .child=
isle recollections of the tiny hous6 arid
wide flirt!) . where Aunt Sabina lived:- •. ;
'Yon: see, II made'' :my 'mind this
vuirl would ; COine to London - onee . be
forel - I have tried to before now;
buE something or othei always hindered.
Dear; dearl You are all :growi tip,.
suppose, and you was but A. lot of babl4•
the last time 'John brought you to see
me.", •-• • .
. •
. . .
• "Corinne is the yetingesti , and she 'ir
eighteen. 'Wilberietlie :only one ohler
than I am." • - r
Yes, Vrerriember. Well, dear, I'm
gladd John's wife broneit up Such a fine
fatailY. • I'm - artuld maid, but .1..d0 love
children and y - gung Mks."
But it chili fell, on the kindly old heart .
when home, was reached at last, at.d• four
fashion - ably dressed ladies, gave her a
Arictly - courteous greetiug. But for Abe
warm clasp of Fred's hand, 1 think she
"would: have returned to the station 'by
the saine•carriage she came in,:so 'wound
ed and.sore she felt:. . - • , ,- ~
.1'1".10t; • one kiss," she thOught," "aii:l
Fred kissed meat the train, right .. before
all Abe: people." • . .
Fred slippea a coin into . the hand of a
servant girl Who was to wait on his aunt,
prOmiSing another if she was eery titten - ,
tire. aiid biniself escorting.the old, lady
to lier•ronm. It' was not often the young
mau'e indignation - fotind voice, though it
grew hot over the many acts of herd sel-;
lisbnessin the house Of hid. Mother, but
he said 'some- Words that citlled•a blusli to.
the faCe of the worldly woman.
~ • -
It,Wiis - not . at; very busy season, and
finding that Annt
,Sabina- Was likely to'
have_ a ,sorry time
,of. it, and received • lit
tle attention, IA attended her in her' shop
ping. • :expeditions, and , good-naturedly
stood by while anew urees for Dolly. the
dairymaid, anal a city necktie for Bob,the
7plowtician, was pUrchased.- • , •.
. - Ale :gave, undivided - attention to. the
metre, important 'selection of •a-new - bla . ck .
silk. fg 4iz ea tie,l herielf ;'and, .pleasatly
a ccepts a Poe Scarf, with large red Spots'
that was . pesented to him, 'appreciating
the love that prompted thegift,and men.
: tally promise# to wear it when he paid a
lir - orals:od .yitit \to , the firm:- lie drove
Aunt §abina to the park,
,Ile. took. her
to seeull• the: sights,
• .
',.. Once or twice, - •ineetici . g. some .of. , his:
gentlemen friends; • iikey '. had thought,
'the (Firer old laty is s a me rich relative,
Gorham is so attentive, \ and bad de
lighted Sabina. by their deferential atten-,
'-••• - •• -
tions. : .
'Obco---•Fred had not eonnte \ on that.
, ,
-iii a picture gallery, Ogrilelia:. 'aldwell
.sauntered tu : alone.
.Sbe- had he rd 'of
•Sithina. through the . .dieguited coma tints
'Ol I.:Ueillit . and kne.iVl thitt she hilduo.
prePertV : but,•aa ` i tnit ‘ 4erable farm," but sh.:,.
• greeted Fred . ? with a satire - -far more oar
(Ail than sheusi,ially gave her . itdmirers.
A little lump Caine into Vred's throat.—
' Ttnin:he gravely iiitredrieed the little tild
fashidned figure on bisartn. - . -
",My aunt, Mies Gorham, ; Miss Cuid-
They admired the pictitres together,
and the 'young ludy.was cordial and. °bat-
Atter They came - own the iitem Min
Caldwell said
'Tau IllUdt let' ota aunt -drive an hour
or two with ine.- kr. Gorham. • 1 9M1 go—
ing to do some shopping, to I will not
tax. yourThattei.ce by inviting you. to- join
ue, bht I shall be pleas t if:Hiss Gorham
will dine with me.and, You will WI for
her this evening."
Then she snatled again and made
na comfortable in the carriage and drove
or, leaviag Pied forty, times deeper in:
love than ever, as she Intended be should
"Hens- a very prince -of a • map," she,
thotteht, "I will give him one days rest ,
Bless the dear old sonl, she has just, sucli
eies as my grandmother..": - •
.Then `she won Sabina's confidence, and.
found she was worrying about the pur
chase of certain household matters that
,not go in the-:black leuther.trunk,
and, tbiit she did apt like to 'worry Fred
about it. - ,
Bhe drove to the places where the best
gc,ods coll 4 be had, guarding-„civet the
slender Ours° against all imposition, till
the last towel Wes satisfactnrilyr ohoien
and directed. Then she drove ber,bome
and brought her to the room Whereher
gnuldinuther wee queen* knowing
the'statelrold-lailiwOrddinake the . 6411-
try Wentaa welcome. -
Ir. the "eienitig , that` followed' Fred'S
heart .was touched and warmed; till:scarce
ly conscious, Of it is,reWn words; he told
his long. It ig cherished secret, and knew
that lee had won,her : love fot love.
Annt, Sabina.. stayed two,. weeks; ..and
then !Went home,.,to, the. , itamense !relief.
.of the. Gorham,. and, carrying regret
nt . l4ving any but Fred and Uordelia.
was nit even suspected .. that. Corde,
ha iment fair . weeks' 'thel heigiit`of Elie`
euteoner season .liitetting,te ttie PrikitkOf
3 1 1 *.4 - tit ' Aunt' Sabina'a 'raft h MAO; . 41)4 .
. (vt•i - , ;Fred d ttl not know it until fie .came,
toe; aftpr she waa - goife,'.and had' hiti share
of the pleasure. in hearing loving eometi-- .
detiotrs Of the one he loved. • • '• • '
He wore the necktie, and' made . him •
self. So much at home ~that Sabina wept
sutia4ot the bitterest tears of her life When
he. left. • • .•
. _
".'wto have -ou,both and lose yon 1" ahe
* '
time. we . .. Will come together,"
Fred whispered. ;.: - • •
Btit alas the . next time Fred, came
was !to superintend_ -the_; funeral of the
gentle' old - 'lady, and •"thoagp Cordelia
came too, Iris' .haimy wife,' there wits
welcome- in the, pale lips or 'the blue eyes,
closed foi ever, - .! . 1 . ' .
Bit the will . of the' :old lady gati, all
her Worldly • polseasions:,: to - her "par
*nephew, 'Fredrick Gorhaui,"the farm and.
the fhini house: - •
. .. .
It - #is apparantly no great legaOfiy,and
,Cdriliell4:frliiled at nitiy. of .the- 01-,lnah,
ione4" t reasp re.s; as she. _touched, 411 with
the teinler ie,ver . .uce ile.ith , leaves,.. -• . ,_. ,
Tett years ago Sabina was. laid to rest
in Mir narrow cofrin; and there ia a flow—
ishing town around the site of the old .
• Fr4rick Gorham lives piers now, BE4
handles itainelise sums of ,ruoney. they!
re!) fs of stately buildingS.
"Made his Money, sir, by.. speculation."
you Will be told ir you inqtkire 'ea to his
source., of income ;_"fortunate,', purchase
of 'ground before the
_town .was-.thought
, • • '.
Brit, I who know tell you that the on—
ly spOulations he made was in the kind—
ness :of hls heart, extending lovingratteti
dons to his father's 4ister p andithe
land:he ever owned:,was. 'Aunt Sabina's'
farm'. • .• .
it Mai Keyed Mtin
'W,ho brought
,`lire; -her?'. 'exclaimed
William putney as hecarne brit
~. •
'Goggle, etrangert— wait until I read
the i t warrant,
• The charge is drunk—
eunes&' . -
fikZof guilty, sir, not thei,least s iadow of
suspicion that I: was drunk, and the man
who sayil so is a•baig, liar
'Mr. Polley, the people: of the state of
.hare • delegated; me, to --request
you to lower your voice, quit• thiatihing
your arms around, and:- be a. little' more
e,hoieein your language!! , '
'Who's the Michigan of the. State 'of
people—bring him:. hear r—roared- the
'Mr, Putney, if you *dop't lowei purr
voice afoot and .a half M a minute I'll
the you fifty dollars:
`You Wall ?, - . r .
, .• '1
'Weil; I wasn't drunk,, comtinued' the
man, trraPping his highltey..-
The officer• swore that; he',was: ,
prisoner was found-tied to a lump-post
---the work of sot eloker and „while the ,
officer was releasing him the kept calling
outd •
em don?'
'Now, Mr. Putnev,, you can have sour
sass ugain; retuirked the c urt.
fey ',wean% drunk.' • -
'All the eiretunitaitees io to prove that
you ;were • • • °
-.l'm from Sundualcy; and
pose to }Rive, this ease go any further
unless I have a lawyer.'
'You Way be from Australia forall this
court knowe or esies. The sentence is
ten I dolhire fine Pisty' days in. the
g o ose-Of Correctinn:,'
'l: -won't pay a can I' •
'Well, g up \ thenci; and. by the way
Mr..Putney, if you, five , me any titore of
your - sass I'll •ohartge-,the time to six
inonths!' -
fie:wanted to say more. but be thought
better of it. After: gettiug into . the corri
dor; however he indebted in the, following
threatt; '
Murder,„ Aqon;
Rabbery, 7 Battery,
Maim i i!g;
Scandal; Swmßing, • Bigamy.
Se even. shoOk bis :fist under Bijab's
float' , " arid said_ •; _
'Ol,O You old tray-headed reprobate
brother. of Batan,l'd like to spatter your
brains on the wall.' . ;, r" ' •
'That's the worst ind.Of Bassi', replied
Bijah, ' and when 'closed 'her got
three officers to gnin and help to saw .
, s tir..Eutney in two ritid •carry,t4e..reniains
11wn- to doh•bouse - for bait. • .
The . boys had added.: another •hartrio•
•nieekto the band, Itid it drew tears from'
an eld`apple woman as they sang :
• .
The winter season's nigh at band, §. •
And any man's agoat •
who wontt, if Lie can't geta chance,
Stfil hin3 an - overcoat."
How vie\ ,ecuperati4.- •
She. caMe-from DAroit, Michigan, and',
her, great ; Pride was tieing an invalid.'
She lost :no i: opportunityin stating that,
shecame o- Mit:Meseta to recuperate.
She, did not! hesitate to' en tPrlllto Coil er.
bath i, Nith
t ufty, person" she came in can:.
tact with, Kivipg adviCri,
or. Physiological to in Calide,. and sk4Ating
the Same from ihoseof robin 4 constitution.'
Her corive4tion was always preface With
the iutroducton inquirh so M
yisitors,.."Did you come here for yonil
health? ";fr lidditssed a eta] wartli
ruddY;visti ed; young mac at the din ner
table of the•Metroplitan a few, days since.
anti tlici,fal t riiitig dialogue ensued:
4 1Yes, in dein, I came here probably the.;
weakest, person you ever saw. I had
use of my. liinbial it. fact my bones weriii
but little tougher than cartilages: I had.
do ,infellige'utigcnirol of a single muscle,;
nor the nee of a single faculty.
4 - (=out Heavens," exclaimed, the eaten.'
Lobed auditor,' And you lived ?"'
- 4 1 did 4iss'Altbough I was deioid; of
sag it, wue absolutely toothlese,-litiable;to
itrOctliafelkeiogJe" word, and dependent
other forewritliing, being poinpletei
ly depriioof all power to holp•-uryielt
nautili - need to gain- immediately ,upo!i
nly atrivl,.and luvolcarely.' experienced
tti et,
Sidi d since ;'` hence; ' , van conscienti
Ousl4recomine.nd• the - climate." . 1
.4. 4 wondaful care," .said the lady, "bri,t
do pi:tut - rink your hinge were affected Pr
.t.r . hey were probably :sound, but pos4-
essed of so dittle vitality that but for the
inostf . ca chit . . ti u rsing „ - : -they , must have
Oeased tl eir !functions. : -,, 1- ,
i "I jioi e yciu , found kind friends, sir ?”1 - ,
‘‘llkle,d LAIld, madarul- it is to then'
Arid the ure air of Minnesota that owe
10 itr.. I my lattices family" were With
but initfortuliately 'my mother iialit
i.tati tdbys v `P II . a during 'ih
1 i a e e e..t4 i 'its e
time 61 imy' greatest prost.nition.'' ' ' ' 1
1 "liiiiv Bad ;.. l'i:u',.., wilett IyllB • yoilr diet.
rindleatrne it Ir :- •••.. ' .
" y diet It its tbe simplest , pos,ible,con,".
elating only ~t• milk, mai being - the onlp`
food My . sy , !:.-iit would bPar. As . for treat
l. one , Lideptind;•ll ei`ttirely - upon the lifh
glvin prop :rtit'm off Minnesota' Mr, ar
took id
u , intl'itcine• ex ei,lit an occaeionitl
liar ic `..V1) , 1;n 4 V. , ry rilstless My improye-
Moil t 1 4 ..dat co' t 1 4 0 in . .lity arrival.. I ff y limbs
Soon hee•aine strong, my sight and void.
danielto ute Olowlyouil 41, lull set"of teeth
Ofittlir and ti inf. r. appcitreil." `` ' 1
*R4m;irkable, raiilous !-` Sarely;sir
}IOU n . st 'reit i
flesh l " i * •
r,Vejitte4 hut 'nine pnunda;
i ' ' ! .' '!'•' - 7. ' • ! ,i , 7 77" ..„ , ,1 .
1' 1 : Allem liii . Bed. :, . ,- I
I= :' . • ; — 77 ., !" - T7l _ , . " , '. I
Th re are some folks. filers -won't bite
but, . , Immo- Fleet, a.; married citizen tit.
Dativ4lle„ Va.,. has spent , the greater path
of l.hili. , lite after.--sundown, looking.: for.
; it ill exceedingly—anneying to „lira.
} l l6rt,i *Just imitate gete, to sleep
and Was tolded ; her own,hands in blissftil
elumber, Fieep slips alit of LTA, feet fore.
tncist,land bunip,,he flits true floor, : with n
lialf-+ hispeied! remark , on his liPs: . I.
i 'The duriied.fleati.'.., , ,
`"Xtitt, bap...,
,1} waliend 1 ine again, Mr.
Pleet.;;, I beliete,yon :are trying to weir
ote oat. Here I, hair just , got to 11 . 14 p,
and am now so neivons lehant sleep any
inore t ,this night. What ,iiktlie:woild tole
you after ,?' . ,
;;, . I
i , 'Mafy, ,
there's a ilea on ' fine some:where, ;
lon Nticiii ftitil,nl aleli When there .ae
and Fleet struck Al match. i
'l'don't .belieic :there'll any flea heie
at all ; it's jest a, notion of your own ; yoq
et, uft,.. steep youreel4 and,. you won't let
anybody else.! . ~ ~ ;
t ';'Pon MY-Woril'.SfarY' (i'leetaPproached
with a etuidle,)-bal there; he , goes,. now ;
Oh, you little devil . UNiziw 'de got' him !
. . .
and., Fleet gi,abhill - Abe tai ot.. his shitit;
iKttilig . t4e catalle,by, he
the, bed, while
wet the place so' as. to .see the flea, and
then, stnek`a ,needle throtigh it,and Omit.-
in it 'to his. Wife .said. in some triumph,
tlYpu call that' a notion, pay dear ? I call
that a flea.`,-- ~ . . . 1,.
car. Fleai, take' ;
th4§ittdie awaY iroin
'kite baby's eyes,' cried out Mrs. Fleet, jiise
as the baby , woke, tip, and the music
Cothmeuced. "''-'''' " 1 - - LL -:. *- 1, -
. rock her,- Mary,' murthured
Fl -
'on rock herr No;, sir,• never 1 Pll
rocluber myself .;tit'er jusLwhat I'm here
for; :I; Mary Thompson; married 'Alonzo
Fleet to suffer for aim, to drudge for him
by day,. and lose all my.sleep for him !iv
night. ,His wife' Is no 1 more than a flt;a
to him. -What cares -he if I die? EloOt:y
-toot,y,• isn't Mr: Fleet; young, and strung,
anti hand--sorne.and-; couldn't he alma
get another wife , ' . And Mrs;Pleet lifted
up her voice and wept-like a hard rain.
Fleet put on , his., briJeches and took; a
kiew ch.ew of tobacco, and as he walked
Rto '.'spit out'" .he .said seriously, he wishd
,eveiy.tleacoti earth: was' at the delvii. that
;be wain't long for: this • world, it Miry
Jive& and the fleas Continued te hop round
!at night. • • ` . • a.
Mns.•Fleet,told a,. Danville frier dineit
daY that Mr.. .Fleet provoked her so hoot.
jug, fleas at night,.that she sometimes- tiild
'him she - believed that he was after•warit
leg her Co '4Fle'e as, a bird to Mount Zion?
They laughed at -- her- and told her. She
was always saying son:iething tunny.
!tiVisy Eandli vronnot Removed.
President Grant has not only a nice
appreciation; for ham - or; but 'un dem:3ll)n
is apt to repartee. - 'Daring his'' viica'tiun
at Loag'Brarich lie wan called ,to'Araib-:
ington on Pirbliciiiiiiiness,and while - there'
was handedfor signature several commis
sions of postmasters: There were alio
`handed to' him a i.ttutabee of petitions;
among' thetn'one frOni the' citizens tot
Vineland, New Jersey, for the removal' of
Mr. Landis froth ihe postmastership. Mr.
'L. it will be remembuied, is' the gentle—
:min-who in a' forttial and irapr‘imptu
'matter ‘dronoted' it - jinni) globe:Of lead
; into the brain .at M.r. `Carruth; the editor
of the Vineland
, paper. • The Preisident
• 'e fis ' therfi iiiirirrighlivity in
'dies accounts
• -..t - Not any," replied d - the pleasant-voiced
PO4ttniteter General; - ;'
"is the 01E6: Will'cqiiducted ?" ' •
• ITo'coriiblint - iKthat score."? • ;
qiiteinperate '
.Nothing of the and eliatged."
"What ie . the - otijention ?"" ' 1
"The petittohil say he ittrather obnor•
lone, and that a elitifge . w?uld be Bailer:an.
t clr yt , - . 3
replied the President, with the
slight et pooaible r . G. If:,
have don eltinjqbilig
hut shoot' n, editotiittOil I- don't' see q4)w
12 can retnoiL: hint Oh that,"
_ The papeu rerrotfn on tile in- the eAh
liTel of thet*Pee. arP I2I .V
for' October: •
Eturryini don, re!
ten's.) , to the depoen-nian ..Strunk`a ht.*
vf mach : skips:ooldt on :hiss beSei , eo 4 8 ,
i)VOK 4 1 ere: ;.setePP4
bq stoilding eexure.PS,tol street
anxiously. Inquire:a .; d eter •
"14 \ poh4r4-for,iluy.itiirig,
"Coma here,:
,buto," said the titan, tui: lie
sat up, "cunte i bere and get tett cents. and
some ealitiVand flipkind;fiTums nod Itiha l ,
paste 1 good.beise 4 !ne P l ,l4l:!rf
tne • -
"Your intentioltsi may be good, but
guess wait . tititi! the Other booting
'gets over aching belor I.gez any neirei.
- • - , , ,
Queen Yiatoriti - ; lievek jri.iihipPrunce
but not 41)-(t4t41 014 OH'
Ri 3 1875
TERMS :-.Two :Dollars! Per rear in Ad„!ocneiy.-
game ittaiding.
Fairer than any flower
Of Summer's hour
13weeier than , any lave— ,
, .. Ay, sweet in truth l
01 her what shall be said,t
Hope that is dead
Fair Hope, that garlanded,
Fair that led and tied
. ' The'dream of yOuih. .
What song Is a eet enough .
To sing I her I
What mor n of the dove,
'To breath I a memories ..
The cling to her ?,
Hope, brave and strong t i :
Hope, sweater than all swig,
Whet song is sweet enough
. , To sing to her ?
Hew tary are the ways
nto our ti et ? , !
0, lagging letigth uf days
.That once were flimt, ."‘
0, barren of all grace,' 1
Life that she made so sweet 1 •
Bidden from moon and star,
She that was tairei far
To look upon l '
'Not wherethe roses are, '
But where sldw waters sWeep
To the great deep, •
Whose only shadows wan,
And rain may fall thereon,
But never the warn} sun
From yonder ancient llntiq q vase, • ,
Upon the table there,
My, ruse uprears, with saintly grace,
.Its petals pure and fair;
Diffusing through the spactius room -
A perfume faint, yet rare
. .
I've watched it bud, I've watched it blOom--
rye marked each leatjunlold, .1 '
When, bursting from its cold, dark tomb, ,
,The gray and earthly•motild,'
It raised its fair, sweet face ito Heaven,
To greet the sunshine's gold:
I •
Each bolded leit I contained a hope
That blossomed into joy—l•
No fears 'ere deigned with AA° cope-, ,
.Nor shadows to annoy— i •
Ent, thoughts most gmciotublessed my life,
Unmixed with; base altoyi •
ryd tended it with jealous "
, rye watered it with teart—
0, Thee, most precious and most rare,
,The meniories of years I•
Come thronging up from Oat far Put
That dimly now , appears.
Without the snow drifts to and fro,
And winds grow Wild and chill; ' •
But in niy heart there is a glow—
A sweet and tender thrill
Expeuiding through its eyery cell, •
passionate,• Deep, and still . •
The winds may wail. the sheamay
But I shall not despair, '
Bo long as my dear rose will bloom • •
With grace and beauty ware
Through all the weary, wintry days-'
~ .„:'Twixt DOW and spring -time lair.
The Woman's Temperance' Societies of the
15th Congressional' District , of Pennsilvania,
auxiliary to the,Viroman's butte Christian Tem
peranee Union, toot in. Convention at Great
Send, in the Presbyterian Church; on the 19th
of Oetocer.
Devotional services. were bell at 10 a. m., led
by Mm. Pomeroy, Vice President for this Con.
gressionsil District of State Soeiety.
- Convention called to order itt s. half past 10 by
Mrs. Pomeroy. Dr. Ellen Mitchell was elected
Secretary. On motion • all members present
from auxiliary societies were invited ' to a seat
in the convention, witli the privilege of delo ,
gates. Giest send. kontrOse Susquehanna
Depot, and Troy were represented by delegates.
Fourteen were present from ifontnise. - The
usual committees beineappointed, the. conven
tion joind in singing "lie Leaded& Me," after
which came the report of the Vice President,
Mni. Pomeroy. She gave to the convention as
a motto fo-' its work, "For the love of Christ
constrameth me." Mrs. Pomeroy gave also a
report of the Troy society, of- which she was
the only repprsentatiye present. • , .1
'.'A letter . was read front the President of 'lite
Towanda society, Mri: Watkins also a short
commnpleation front Mary P. Thompson, fiec
.rettuy, of the Canton society. This society bad ,
recently been resuscitated thrOUgh the Worts' Of
_Mrs...Pomeroy. .Adjonrned. '.
'4,,fterttoon '&.ssion.---Conyened at 2 o'clock.—
Most of the first hour was spent , iii - de'votional
services, and remarks by the leader, Mrs. Pom
eroy,:*ho gave us Some thrilling incidenti
which had coral under her own observation, il
lustrating the , terrible evils of intemperance,
and the overpowering hirce of .appetite, for
strong drink, showing also what may often be
! done for the inebriate by persistent; kindly ef- ,
tort and earnest prayer. - The first 'business of
the' aftettioon was an address of welcome on
behalf, of the Great Bend society, by Mrs. d. E.
Baldwin. The response was given by Dr: Ellen
„Mitchell.of Mon!rose. '
'Alter singing !leans ~is Mine," a verbal re
;Sort was given of the Montrose society by Its
;President, Mrs., E. C. Post. • Mist. 41. IL Cook
!Wowed with a report ittibe society at Sus;
on-nanna.Deput. There wasmuch in both of
these reports to 'strengthen and encourage our
hearts and bands in this work and he'd tts to
praise -God. for Ills' goodness, Ass. wonderful
'works among the children or , men. The con
vention united in singing "All Hall the Power
of Jesus's Name." • '
The report of the committee on programme
for evening session 'accepted sod adopted. '
Committed on 2101031flatlat delegaut to Na: 1
%lanai Convention repOrted the name of Dr
M Octet Retort. adopted. After add.
~ag the name of Jane E. Post as subatitute.
Committee on renaltitiona reported the fol.
—Resolved, That we recognize 'God iu our toad• .
er, and look to him emilrely for 'diretkm and
strength in our work. ,
iltwolord, rf4at we look toward theinetruo•
tiort and education' of the children is the prin
clOles of temperance as the great hope in our .
worli, end we recommend earnest labor and
sok/Ince . Or them, hoping by tbialadUoooo to
mould public sentiment in favor of temperance
morality. and Chriatianity.
Repaired, That we recommend public meet
ipp to be held under the auspices of our tin=
*Sets. lif!liCelever Way'they - think bolt, hoping
tidatneses to Interest. and *Mum* Christ
.lnt-peopla tit the - greet -latarega fot 90;1044
„ , ;Zulit..J
•$.- •
• , •
• $ t,••
I.L;i:Lii. • ILL•
praying and working in all huinility, taking
for our motto, the love of ,Christ conaralletk
Baited, That we recommend personal effort
fdr inebriates, in all love and chanty, and
ticular, attention and interest for their (smiles,
striving la every possible way to lift them up
and encourage to lives of sobriety, pulley, and
honor. ' •••
Resolved. That we tecomnunad the distribu
tion of temßerance literature.
Resolved, That we heartily approve the na
tional plan of Juvenile work, and earnestly de
sire all , the Temperance Unions should adopt
and enter upon the work of pledging and sav
ing, ii,pessible, the young from the evil! of in.
temperance, , recognizing that this is the strong
held Gf our woman's work.,
Reseleed, That we commend to all our Unions
the work of forming Young Ladies Tempfr
*nee Unions
.on the plan proposed by liba
Resolved, That we heartily approve the paper
published by the National Society, and recom-
mend all Unions to support it by their sub
seri=That we recommend quarterly
Coupty Conventions as a means of strengthle•
ing and encouraging each other In our work.
'II Meat WAhetn, Chairman of Cool
The resolutions were adopted after some dis
scussiou, participated in by a number of the del.
egates. The limited time prevented the full,
free dbicassion desired.
A; letter from Jas. Black to Mrs. S. B. Chase I
was read. It was motid„ and carried that this
convention . recommend all local societies to/ ./
comply with the request contained in the lettet
'Auld meet on election day for prayer, •
Mrs. Pomeroy, Mrs. 5.8., Chase, and the
Pireident• of each locsl temperance 030lety
were appointed a 'committee to 'minim time,
place, and programnie for county quarterly
meetings.. Mrs. Warner, of Great Bend. was
elected Secretary of the district •Orraniation
for the ensuing year, and _Dr. E MitcheU,Treas• •
urei - Ova:lotion, adjourned. •
A pUblic meeting was held ta the eyening at
Grace episcopal church, Mrs. B. B. Chas pre
siding. The exercises were opened by singing .
"Stand tip for Jesus." Prayer was offered by
- Mr. Ives, and Scripture read by Mr. Winer,
Presidentt, of the Great Bead Society. lin
Pomeroy then addressed the meeting, giving •
plata, earnest talk in reference to the temper
ance work, and . telling us how they came to
baps a good temperance hotel In Troy, clearly
ehooring that it was possible to carry on a ho-
tel SucCessfhlly and profitably on strictly Tem
perance and Christian principles.
Remarks were made by Mrs. 8.13. Chase,Mrs
A. L Post, Mr. Ives, Mr. S. B. Chew, Dr. F a llen
Mitchell, and a recitation given by Mrs. War
ner. The exercises were interspersed with
'nging, led by ProL Richardson. ' Closing
prayer was offered by. Mrs. A. L. Poet. • .
Moved aqd carried that .s vote of thanks be
tendered to those churchei who so kindly open
ed their houses of worship, to those who pre
sided over the music, and to those who ro '
cheerfully entrrftinefi _Ott ditigettotaqii 1114
lug members at their homes and showeredup-
on them their hospitalities.' Adjourned. -
Em.s.n. E. Mrrcuzu., M. D., Secretary.
It is a good sign when If man is prodd of
his work or his calling. Yet nothing is more
common than to hear men finding fault con
stantly with their particular business, feeling
unfortunate because fastened to It by the ne
cessity of gaining a Ihlibood.
!lOUs men fret, and laboriously destroy all
their comforts In the work ; or they change the
business, and go on miserably, shining from
one thing to another till the grave and the poor
house gives them a ;fast gimp. „ ,
While occasionally a man It& in life because
he is not in the place fitted for his peculiar tal•
ent, it happen& ten times cittener• that failure
results from neglect and even contempt of an
honest business. A man should put his heart
In everything that he does.
.There is ne pro
visionthat has not its peculiar cares and vexa
No inn will escape annoyances by Uhang: ,
log his business.. No riechnaical business is al
toggther agreeable. Oommerce,•ln • its' endkii
varieties,Ja affected, like all other pursulfamith
trials, unwelcome duties, and apirit.tryit4 ne4
, It !Me very wantonness of %BY tors man
to search out the frets and burdeni of hli fill
ing, and give his mind every day to a muskier,
ation of them. They are inevitable. • Brood.
fig over them only.giv4 them stre ngth.
On the other hand, a man has • power given
him to shed beauty and pleasure to the Loma ,
est toll,; if be is who. Let a man adopt his bits.
imam and identify it with pleasant sisociations; •
for Heaven has given ris imaginations,not alone
to make us poeta,but to enable all men to bean- ,
ti(y homeli• things. Heart .varnlatk will auger
np innumerable evils and delecta. '
• Luoklat the good adage. Accept pour lot as
t. man does' a, piece of rugged ' ground, and be
gin to get out the 'rocks and roots, toideepen
and mellow the soil, to enrich and plant it.
!There is something in the meat forbidden'
evocation around which a man may twine
pleasant fancies, out of which be may develop
honest pride. • •
!In 1782 the first Postage act was pearl in
tins country. • Evert Separate 'sheet orptiper,
tarp or small, without reference to weight ,was
considered a letter, and tiro or three wall
ploces In one envelope - paid double , or. treble
Imstage. The lowest rate was six' cents> to
pieces withinAltirty miles, eight cents to ptsCes
within / sixty miles. ten to Owe WilltbrOne
11612*(4 miles; and so on 'up to places main
firi hundred and fifty miles, the pastsge then
being twenty-eve cents.
1789 s new Isw was passed tihatieni the
rams The lowest rate was eight samtkand
-the lowest distance was forty
In 1811 the minimum rates were sgain redo
tid to six cents stud the distance• to thirty mike,
Only five rates bang established. Eighteett
and one•half eents carried four hundred miles,
and for a longer dhltaisee twenty fire Cents
Were charged.
These rates continued- until 1845, lichen the
first material reduction took place. Inve cents
Immune the postage of :sleets cabled a distance
of less than three hundred mile*, and * Cents
for a greater distance. At the same thus the
drop letter system was. Introduced, the pasta"
on such being Axed at two cents.
In 1845 the haW ounce . weight was made the
standard *teed of the number of idnieta
_ln 1851 the single rate was nada three cents,
far all distances under three
and six cents for greeter distenees,V,OntPikl a
this being the first inducement lief[ out to pre
pay postage Ilapald letters were eliairged five
and ten , cents, wording to distant e. ;la 1$
prepayment , was required. the rate as te:011.-
tam remaining the sum. In IN$ the Mee%
tale of three nents,'prepOi for all 4lattlesl*
sun patablialted.