- • ,"„ :o l. P.:00414-..(f..itokiii, - t i i clic I tplt £t►*t a .imuy. Popei 111 NortbtritiPenuilylitatita. •••`‘.- • . 0011 citified in . New York, on SaVartiny , at 116*. • .DEXOCR..4 210 STA TB TICKET. Pon Gossmon, 41141r="1:70 .1)3511:2133 • 11 , Schtquait-Courds. _ bivra TrigatitnlEil, N P TC;M:, *ty PX9X4MIBTA Rraotrord tit'itsfr DEO9CIt42IO COE.ATTY TICKET. soa,lep6u*N - r - JuDGE, RALPIt B. LITTLE, Be,Q.; • , _ .:':-',:•., - - . lt'''siptittrr,'-:.. ' 4 6-11444biNillIITE,' iii:' ..“.T.isiil4i,:-.:,-.,:_.. FOR: Ituatsrun,i n EMMER T C.. OQIITIS GI BERT, GREAT BEND. . '• • FOR TREASURER Infamy , TyLEB, , ‘; OP lipviitosu. FOR 061111188IONER8: MATREW . ‘E: 'RYAN; • OP AVOLACOI4, LEANDER GRI#FIS Qv JAoKsoil.. • ' you AUDITORHt 1101/ER B. , SEARLE, • oF ,BRIIDGEWATER, LEWIS • B. O'D,OWD, • • of irrlsE.ltztaiows., Pox conomr,B, :" L- ,RIOIIAIIOSON, It teenis a . greaC wonder to' tunny ol out iertders that Judge . , Str F eter 'did not take those $lB,lOO county bonds at 8 per , cent. • interest, , as the,y say since '4lls nomination for ieelection- he lets money at 8 per ' - nertt. when beforei used to charge 10. It seems to be thought crime:to ad, . mite Tetieactiment and reform in this eSunty. The Ring 'orgarrwould pare the people believe that it is a crime for them to vote for anybody bit the, !•pourt House Ring?! • TheY;Propoie to-"contract" your pocket book and*"in'ilate".your taxes. " for'the Ring , Last year . the - democracV Of Western Pennsylvania - gave the State fickee a vote so remarkable that' it gate us, the via'ory. This - Year , the eastern counties , wilt show • large democratic gains over • last yearii vote. If, the democracy of the ' western 4r COralltielr will di) as well as they did a year ago, Pershing;and Piollet will he elected by 15,000 majc#ity, murk that!. •The detnociats pF PennttAvanta are not likefy ,tb be greatly alarmed by - The radicals pret carrying elections in States that have - voted steadily with the rephlican party. 'ever since the republican party was born. demo-, crats have' never •• done so „ fiefore ,as they have, ,this year in Ohio,' 4wa and Nebraska, and they know ip advent.* what November hanin store roe: them. , • , It, took 'only -215;000 - votei • to' elect . *in Allen goverher of `Ohio by 817 . -*-, jority in 1'873 but in 1874 it: tilie,s over, 300,000t0t,4,t0 defeat hin by 3,000 Mar jority. Ifoiv much ecoselatiou can the • • Ring organ and its patrons 'get ont of that? Simply what they 'are 'after, the of ll.simer feels as happy over it as he did oi,er the eleetiou \ of his pet 644 ' Senator, last fan: ,matters not how much they ,a - res•rePudistect at home, ,only so that they citu get the offices py seine corrupt Ring management from ;abroad. "'Rah for the Gotirt Ilonse Ring !"" , f While the Radical oratons are shouting themselves hoarse over resumption of specie payments,the 'wherewith 'to - resume is being ... steadily sent ~away'to Europe. ) Since the let of January last the . exports ' of specie from the 'fiort of Sew 'York alone have *Mounted to 0 031 0, 33 °. 91 • 7 f I ' l3 • amount greater -than duiing any other. year of the nation's existence,: and greater by nearly $30,000",(100, than the average itmourrt dpring the last. twenty-four years In view of this steidy.,draft - 9f gold it iy aitmetiit. to see bow, the government' is getting ready for resumption,fiut it is not at all difficult to see' bow resumption is becoming impossible. Iu order -to, re suite there must be gold to .resume with, and it crust be in this country instead, of' Europe. a 1 e luzie ha] wriuch, of : the heeuties ofreeuripticio: let us.,have some thing of the nays: and means, , • . "4 1177tE X 046" GRAPZ" 'rho Mgatrose ( Repidgivin tliat IL it feed got Vair bond ,of t15;000 •at 8 percent; (but is very careful not to , tleupthat has any more) It sho says: that 'the ;:mottet. bet rovied , Aitil woo. uSea to redivrti • $16,000 nt Other bonds against the 'octunty. rtilitC 2 /LFrazlery -or any other. Skinner, tell - the tits payers of this county where • such an it to \peart in t4eeonity statement of 1874"? • there die be g°°d - enough tcLtell nil by What authority the ; county commissioners ;t h is want! Achnfinifuo; when the act which gives them", any • authi.ritY 'them to $lB,OOO ,att4 expressly . Sor jail debt mod by Tforner's own, , showing, thPv Md 4/6,000 ktshoude, before the *15,000 b.md pas given LL IL Reed: making i:Z•1,000 Nowt' will 'he' ,please tell what ail tins la far sad 'how: ! . p.aali rant) ;kind 904atiore':!1!to on far the hiitt:6lok yiara atlitt itAtut Pt ,th,ith we team we were ors t , we oW ot• en , lre 3 7 go q • Rein/amok; AO Wore tliv iwortie' caL tlwi.r ire4oo,* 'thir-Bing; thig itepi titt e V I * 'At * 0 -4' ' tiorthdlang og Atownoss. %C.), 'a„4. :•._-, c . :4i1., , 44.:.V, - .11 . --..•• . .... • .. . • - I.':',!i.:' , -1.;'1 , ,i:, ...;'s tg.. , +' i '- ', , t)ireslate this paper all yo 4 can after you h4r read it, t - _ "!:In the_yea 1867 the tune _ the law was Plesi z ett-: atithorizind.. the debt, there seetnii;teiteve been - quite a Convenient ittPublican' tegitl'ature for "jobs.,". that same year tlie •'Legill Association" bill was passed which took about $4,000 out of the county Treasury to buy a Court House Taw library for4ne use of , the . Court,,and remember witenloti go to the Polls that II s Honor. trudge F.ll. Street er headed the petition, and ',that it was also signed by every other member of the ' , bar, but R Little, who utterly refused • to sign it. . llemember that the la* doubling the, fees and gantries for the 'county officials was enacted.at thattime. ' Remember that it is "constitutional" with the Ring to raise Salaries_ but that, they have "Conscientious scruples" and say that it is "unconstitutional" to diminish them. If pm like thai doctrine vote for thew and'ifter-election " I for the Ring 4" and"don't grumble`-it they add still another five Mills to your Mies, The : Radical. organs. of the state are attempting to claim credit for reducing the State debt and tbe • Court liOuittpar rat of thisupauty.echoes it. It is known, ,to all who were .voteriCwhen . the lime, .crate were is full powei in the state,,tfitit thebuilding of canala.and public works for the putpose of ,flittire revenue . to the' ;344 Was the'canse Of., the increase'. of tiie debt at that ,time. ~The Republican • party have corruptly .jobbed out and sold the canals_and state : property' since then; to - corp Orat e .- companies; defrauding :the people mit of inteteit on ,their, sinking 'fund and redUcing the state debt onlY • by expending that puttion Of, it • that they wre - compelled tceby a. law passed while the, democracy were in power. How long ago was -it that,a Reptiblican LegiSlature proposed the "nine - steal which was ki place the Whole of the Sinking fund in the,hands"of-Railway.-corp4a— tions in a manner that would haie•mide a sunken . fund of it ? • This paying: the state . debt ii . on 'a par with, the way'our county Ring-have paid, the jail debt.: ORal! I for. Bob Mackey! UNCONSTITUTIONAL SALARY GRABBERS. it mattersbut very little to the people what,Senator Watson or iumFraiier says as they have no particular reputation to lone for **gag ity or constitutional knoWl edge but we have a statement to make . and we,call upon Judge Stretter or Win. IL Jessup to deny it over their signature. We assert that the county commission ers hive full, power' over the Treasurer, and commissioner's clerk . to regulate their salirpand per tentage either to raise them or to diminish them. • We assert; that tbere is . TlO law human 'or Divine that will.:e.onipel' any county coninussioner to charge the. county for mom than 100 days labor per annum in saidCflice at $2,50 per day, the amount 'fired by law,which wiWgive Min $250 per annum. We agt Win. H. Jessup esq.;as an at• torney, ;as• a inaa and. a politician, to de ny the above, over htseignature if he be lieveo it false. HOW THE RING REDgEgBONDS. .The :Montrose Republican says this , weele that. the money received for 815,000, of the bends given to #L a. Reed at 8 per cent was used to redeem 816,000 of Other bondi which were against , the county. Will 'iar. Crossman please rise up and Point to the, people where . thst item is in the Ppunty. Statement of 1.874 ?Ile two following items are every syllable about bonds in the County statemetit of 184: Loaii 61G. $ 2,006.00 . Loan made for the purpose of eobsolidating other Immo 14,00.00 "Tha above is copied verbatim from the Statement of 1874. Nov by Weir own evidence 815,000 received on the Reed bonds. as =been used to redeem `p16,060 of "other, bonds" in Addition to :the above • $16,00 loans, which makes $21,000' indebtedness against this COunty in 1875 by their own AdmiAsiona Swing Pur hats, tat pliyem; and ' 4 ltah 10 . , the Bing! It ,is fun for them though it may be doth to You. "'RAH!! POE THE COURT HOUSE RING !" „ . . The currency will be inflated in your pockets by lessening taxation in the coun ty, if ion don't reelect the= Ring. You will have no more county bonds on inte rest at $ per cent. per anuira, unlesi you plea the Ring tict.e.t.. ; .They believe in. the "contraction" of your currency by collecting *90,000 taxes out of you to pay 00,000 on your debt so as to haven bal— ance t' build "county bridges" for the Ring to' walk over into Perpetual power Ob 1 It's fun to Vest the men who Are for hougst . reform, even if by doing so it: takes the ; money , that buys , your family food via raiment, to pay- your taxes.— erive.'us!more *lB,OOO bonds at $ per cent interest and $90,000 more , taxation to h ! .pay them with _ o cares, only so that we can owing our, hat , Nove tuber :second and say-Itah ! for the Ring." - This will be the proper subject for every voter to consider, hefore he has place'd his vote in • box on election day. :if .he sustain file Ring he wi11...d0 it with _his , lyes opva and should not complain bare after. 400..r.1 7 ',WARE frOhrH-f•CEIVi We wish to Iv to the Bing' wpm "c 4., . Montrose that,.the tkieat t ot "chapping Of oar feed" after vlectioa does not Iritihtea . pit in , the 'least.- ',- *;,me of the attorney's attempted-to score nal withi we- onioked the Logo! Association. and , by. oar- action • hroa,ght ihout! its reptsil. bat we didof teeototbritii't cent.- The .Shylocks in the State I4slatare C4lllO (W*4 upon ns in a 'slvdrin SOO B Pol..whole . _ 1 11 1 V of _the deaoaacint heetiuse we ,expo 44 (heir usury: BP ll .ole, 4Alt we Ogi/4 ,4 it t s t l 1000 01. 11 'MV9P Atoul MEE TT47 - Pi ;MONTROSE, 4 for „ vt:e have .ri uni plaiabove - par tY iiolitics •iu‘'aar . rill' . - aima such as 0 16 1' 41 4 We hive eniiiste for a lif battle. Ve now r ish to ii:a to the:ltiog and . their organ. that tai; may thin !',:they nan+ihrow in ah:tise , uttd urisreprvrenta , tion'apon B. B, Hawley As they -- ,;phase just before.election thinking to ilioldlt few of their party, by it, but we givi: them duo notice that We ett dealing 'iu - no electioneering (ledge to carry a point but that we propose ;to meet Ahem as well af• ter, ele l ption fis ' beforc , . Aug. claP—trap they rug throwl out .ou" the.eve of that ilay,ju;it :Or effect, will come hope to them to roust hereafter. ' Irresponsible uon4estripts way 4o lot. tilee.tioneering pUrpuses hut tbey cannot bully us out, of the facts aril figures. "A.Chiel's atuatig Ye takViig note, and faith he'll print ;4'2 as well after eleCtion as before. . , , .1 _ THE JUDG,ESIIIP. Judge Streeter, as, we titlia 14.3 t t ireek, was &Oro a •Ivittioian,•and hae beenl sup— port.ed in office, by oue -party or the' oth— er ever EiitiCe'llia • Almost upon bis admission to . flie bar in this county, he held*the office of dis• ‘ triet attorney foritwo terms, he was State Sinator 1 two: terms, , Solicitor of U. S. Treasury four _years, and Judge twelve year's, making twenty-four• years of his life in office ; and at 'least he has received '450,60 in cash, aud now he cotneslrom Bradford county and ,asks the people el this comity to reelect' him Judge oVer a people that he dec4ived and deserted, ten years ago, by , gi‘}ing - them to understand if elscted, he would, remain with them.--.. He, would also (Iran. 1;40;000 more salary. He does not pay a'S niuch county tag as au ordinary day 'laborer, hence hits (no sympathy in common with the ravtiur— dened amasses.: His si4ary is, invested. in Judgement liens. .0u the other hand, how is it with R. B. nttle ? lie is pay:- jag hi t gh taxes on tea arms, supplies ten farmers with means, oin mincing a liVing as tenants upon theSe farms and who" are prosperous, andsorne Of whron have been . his tenants , forlhore titan ten , years..., lie has , ncver been beforelthe people for any office until this fall Thus it is', evi dent:Oat R. B. Littls, has an int.erett in the welfare of this county aside froM the: possession ,of au 'of4e, while Judge Streeter has no ,otlier icolor of Sympathy. with the taxpayers,,orlinterest except to he reelected Judge anti draw his $40,000. "CONS'CIEYTIOCS ScPIitIPLES"." We learn that t'noltmg have got 'ton scientuous taCrUplvii" thpollt the constitit 7 tionality ex ~ a rbitattil , Audical official salaries .Senator Waton, Nun. ll:Jessup,, esq., and ."the boys'bave the audhity to sly around:in the difftiot school of this 4unty, and, ulake the asse i l rtion Az the people that the I purported reduc— tion of -salaries l' r th Democratic plat -form of this c , ,ality, iS..unconstitutiontil. We are not . suiprised Ithat Senator Wat-- don should make this assertion, for a man who has been oti all, /ides.of politics 'and Local Option jor t4sit purposes and who had such "conscientious scruples" id 1872 that, he'refused to vote for Hart— ranft.bnt could vote both arays ou Le . eal Option last year, and then.support ranft, in 1875, wciuld be.expected to have such Coustitutipnal "t*rupres", , to. atp fiert• anything to carry bia point. Neither 'Should we wonder if the ardent 3•.:nthts' whomay have had their ears boxed with a copy - of Blackstone, should be so learn ed in la as to parrot-like repeat the same falie instruction_ from the Ring, , but, that IWm. H. Jessup rag., who his a reputation to, 16 tie; as attorney politician,,will assert or even,sit • bpand beay xt.aisettql by. Watson 41 . 00, iitbout elancranieting it, whorl be knows it false ana dare' uoi deny it orer'his.sig- nature in the county papers, is incompre henstble to ns The Ring dare not put themselves upon reeord, by' a manly dis: cussion in 'their -county organ, for• they know that the evidence, is such that:they, would be forced to admit the truth of, the charge but - they - hope by sileuce in that direotiin to be able' to prevent a full • knoiledge oT the facts unsling ;the party and with the addition of such specimens of gross misrteppiSniation and,deoeptilii as the above, to grabble the offices once more, nits, caring by what !liens, only so they get them. , • ? , $16,000.00 -4 'Ha! fpr'tlai Cloud:Rouse Ritig , IIvDEPEINpiIIVT RATUALICAN Ppr i tON • • • isSuixt j e,st -, eheeriug - repertiin ..„ fay.or.of-lpiyes -frerti:Ohle tt.b6 eerreetit is juit.Stihh 'a result as *Old defeat Gov. artrau4, idenided'upijority sylvaniai.f With e-ast. lomat ess-irotes and certaialidna,l44., - the its aublican ma- . joriq according •liheiqa •Ohio that there=ore in •40— pt(kilidat,te. State . : in a . •, • _ nominal majority; 'even -- after they, have g4inetr.largely,..on the-'temperance' seiixiot acid hurd 7 tbenil tlere • ilielle,m 7 perms e . .question! I..ifiust tell . lagainst. Tfar't ranft;.ttutf 'the ;sehaol queeti.m is art- . atifett 'tan vaig;.'Avhile. there .are-ten idle - 144erers in Pen uSiiiiinia• every coos. shulllase anythin g ,like the‘_piirOnt., irgerOiliefoublicat-**otes they lost 'Ohitr Ati4e.Per4 sr w.iil be - :elected by 15,00 to, 20.000 majority, o probably inure. careful analysis of:the . Vote - 6 f:0 hie show that pub}icski`party with its 30 000 Majority: was •._ iitrjy..putverless „to .save itself. iti, t 4 late boOest; u atiil - that but I'm.. thelivish :nee of - moire) , Onit .the'_accident of a false hi Schaal, -"its -would have. beea , loir4ahefining' hen',. ;the misrule _of noseit taiiklaite, -, political. trietiate rs.NrhO ,have.: . usrqrlyrpd th&]eatitral - . , liittre)a wi.tli:'tlre :: slime of ilie - - 8 0- 14 0; atie tA)t iOte et the 'people (aiceto.latice fur judgment, ,rind: ihi; rtul will e fair ' one. °'Llia iai ;will -plenty of *oiiey . ;interia, bat.thfi time -,has cost, I riCic.J•iiii•thin r:of. -.h4si:e4t ===S=EMI 111= - ........... - little or no excitement the people ivi!l kensoi bout Ohio us they reason abOt4 the.shatne'..thalrovii.andicii‘- ity has brolight\ upon,: tide can be Started froni•adenbtfid:victnry in 14-,ertfOtig forthe trat' , meaning of the . CAIOO vote is a iiuintka•re bake of the Pontine,' 'leadars of the party. Pennsylvania, will make :het' own batch; with' digiiiWand earneitness, iitid if the Pilgrims, Aepend Oak) .wziev they will reckon without shier host! . —Mara • ; The electiOn,in •01itu has 'probably re= suited tlieielection of Payes can) by iro4 3,000 to 4,000 Majority on a vote of nearly 600,000, "tile` largest vote. ever 'polled in the itlite; :Willie 'even the 30,000 RepnblicAti majority , of Ohio oughto have been' :overcome, yet when. we. look: ut the childigh t rejoieing . of the ~ O tinri.,l-lOnse. Ring" orgali aoil.the, Ring press throughout the whole ci . n , itry• °ter bare nominal 'majority, only sallicie.nt to giye theM .powssiOu of the offices,: we lure siill•tnovei convinced of their. ultimite oyerthrthrow 'ainl of 'their (patting fear of Ahat'llnal; jiiSt,retribiltion., which. they ttu clearlY'anktiowiedge, by such Iletil)it iS in store rot:Ahem at ~ . the hands of an:our ".,raged people:' It took all Oh • Wall-street shylucks and brokeriand 'the 'preijs ~of the country. the • -Orant .odministration, theKnow i Nothing ..school qiiestion mid - Grants, Know - Nothing • eii , *9li . , all thrown in, to iace: a Republican state'loT a bare in ajority that • littis *never given' thaw 250 4 1 a nd soiapti tries 50;p00 liTtiblitan major ' ity, on full vote„and that too not;;by a prey Note; but -by ."religiouS bigotry: and. otherfalse issues. . . . FOr.three months the zatanized Press , the money power, ins trained • Its bat tery upon. the Ohio' Deinocratie coluinn. The Eastern banciug' and bondholdihg ring havepoured out. their t irnoney,and the RiOblieitns of the, Btatei • through this; Were,ettabled 'to perfect such un or— ganization as they never ptisSesseil before.. By -perSistent lying," misrepresentation and . , the 4itrodtictinti of false is3ueB' they, have succeeded in*.poistming . the, .ininds of 'the ; people ,and turning Ahern away from their true interests.'- • The -victor} }vhicli-they,h',lve'tvun they have pnrchnsed ctef viaory ;til,:hitti: determines that the moueil powk.is etill able in this country to throttle the people. Money is lever -Wary; Cautious and w2tallful. , The tfiell with 'selrish interests were prompt, to array, theinselves on the side of capi— tal, but the Poor, blind, deluded masses• fell eaty vitAins of 'prejudice.. Thonsands cast their ,votes for Hayes who will feel t the cold hand of want be forel spring. When the crashing - hard tidies come they will ' remembers the lost opportunity. 1 1. A's We said before this result set•les no prin'ciple, but, simply gives the Radical part l y the possession of the offices 'Which is 4 they desire. lowa bas gone Republican by u reduced majority. • FIA - A.I'OIAL QUESTIONS AND WSIVERS. er uvernmen t: Bonds better collateral thanthe .productions of human labor— than real estate ! * : Farmer, Mechanic, money borrower in the country, 'Rays twelve, fifteen, twenty 'per cent! ' , v. i ' Capital in the cittesl borrows on ' Bond for two per cent ! : - • No ,wondef that the , cry of: the, Input-. lican . kaderi6tini;Spi-culator is to, keep hings a they arel , • • . - President Grant has fifty thousend dot ars a year : - .' A working man could earn that amount , i ' onehundred. and deceit years at pres ent wages! , . •Aud yet it was by .the effort Of the prt- - vate soldier that Grant is what he now is. , • The priVate soldier compelled to work' 'now,;funis it ,about as hard as erer to keeiscrakand body together l' , Idle rued everywhere suffering for, food --crying fox: ,Work I OtTonala iu otrice as well, paid as ever. N 4 wonder they cry•out "keep up the 'present state of things.!" We are always going to heir g, , i`ibd times if the Repnblican candidates are elected!. Do we bav4" theta ?-- Are vie' having ..them 'll OW ? IV,irliing men, you on whose broad shoulders rest' the Whole superstructure of 4 suti4i, what i betyr ..oir are you to,day for being under Republican. rule ? The rt•esident rides in his palace Car I 1 - A weary workman. 'tramps 3tatinfacturies are idle i Ten, yea twenty4-ica thirty ilionsand workeralii Penniiylvania, ate idle, while Want is 90',OBEA ELECTIONS. peering in through the windows of, their' bottles, and winter coining on I " 'Who cares, i 'cries the ..oflictal, am oil the - sinoAl surface pf the tide ; jii A,he /Id. sunshine who cares how the deep :wafters - Whicti , , carry me,. wear and tear, and loam anefret 'against the , rocks at, the bOttoin; Oh, keep things as they are I Oh,stick to your principles "Dert 4 ,t vote: for the Democrati; titat, would pat nai out 1"r- Workinum, ickuk bick at the history of the old Democratic party I ' Yes,.-Pays:the educated Office•bolder, ,the •Detnooratic' party .has always the scum, the poor, Ignorant Irish,the beer drinking Dutchman, 4,u,, ctc.- Yee, they del But when they,do rule, trisUirett and Dutchmen rule svit4 tbent, and have work, V • , Better' btiey Tactories—better . reSimud: ing iron i» ills .and. ftt rr ace glare--better th e rifttriag l-1 the_ carpetiti.rs 11131Ererr— better.'wQr1i to h.e, h4d, for Work weans .. 1 9regtotaa. hread!means life i'" I'radta ` a prostrate, Rhy, ? ' Beeause work is prostratel Work prostrate, wily triumitihmt , -Aoeinatiou of the '',!present Repo hlipttloiparty, niepa ilfer the to lend, toa len 111 lea Ott , C,l , ,10ani3..! • • - htindftdirt ; leitd)9 pit! 0441107, '‘oll- fig _t 11 1?.te# 4 , , , 74r . ictr"tb kiw '4 68 , :4t , inOrt;** 4 ; latorB Old high:,tcf,:,'o4b•*tdaoHire'Fir: aiid pi t o 'd mi tt ' 1 4 1 4 Wails Boa& Bihkiiigr ifolrea, Cook, Duncan, Sherihan & Co's.- • - )Icaus 3iillionairel richer, Ad 'the peo— pie grow poorer I ti - „. ..rileaOB an age of Pant, - Bombast and Wordsj Words ! - • ,Nitl Iyou di them l onife again, hone3t thinker—tioneet worker ? ".If you decide to do so. put 'tiwity yOin ”privpie tl raiyrr 7 -six, .irko tit tor: fii-440= feitqierLo . tien ketka it c ct, §hipwtiicited . then, if 3io Vetter off- then, if idle, thed . Jhesetvor6 aro -true . : Wt !hon to: your. ki We tljo rt±iu I It. I - • jraw '. Adver soma kt..PilDstfor,:l'armora NEW-YORK .:WEEKLY (iNt per year , id -clubs of tritrty:or over. Specinien4uplea frNi. leor torms and commiroluto, u2-v1 i Addrestk 113113 'l3llOO NB. N. Y. F. 1 4 .r.:11`A • NOTIOH- 1 ,I'IrGLIC NO Lee R -(helLy goic.: to all trerscina concerned In.ine'fol lowing Eetates, toonrit • . ; • , Estate of 'Ann Arnold, late . GrAlt Be .dee'd Oaten tiawman. Executor. Emate of If.alov pope. late of Ilartleit,"„dec'd ; S. It Catnpbelt, Aibuirtiatrator. ; • , Estate. of :tines J. Rice. lato !of flarferd, ded'e;'ll.ob t- art Alexiptiler,'Exceutor. ; . . • . • chat the necoritts haeitii.eitled their aCcountil , In the Register'a °dice in and the 'Coital''' or sutiqud hallll4 that the stone will be presented to the Juilmuf tin Orphans*: Coutt. on. Thursday, Nu re ' •be r la, fer continuation iutd allowance. < • H. N. TIFFANY. , 'Regleter'a °Otte; Montrose,-Oat. 1131& , -• „ Vr-r, T -AND . . 1 1 ./S.LIN9Y GOODS: . . , . . , • Ilavittainst ptircimeA a large 7 1.tock of ttlliinery Good:i'dire4t fro' the itripogere. • 1' ant able to sett the not recent etylei of the pettsol3, at priFts that !ie• fy competition. •, ( ,• , • . .- AtIY.LINNEY DIrrAR EVENT.' French foilt hats oi the ftneitquallty, add to all the late4t Audes, A fine. lute of ..raney,„'Telizqulnge Stlks stud li 0 vets lin 'et then new shades, NA Miulis ov:feathers ,aud wings.l A Alue Rine of ttiramed Huts always on a l hand. A Lime arsorstnent of; dish hostury. gloves, lA. iiitle and ell . lldreu'e . °riot) underwear, &c. ' • Call and aei my Clari' •-: Fitting 'Caiyeti .at $l. - .• ' i , liV: J: CARVEIi.' N 0.121, court St., Cot, Watei'tSt, , Ortot : ier Itil, itc7p. -, .. '•• . , , . Bingliana:W..l3. , T Y YOUR MOS. & abla, isfam E , VP. 0 Its T R 1-1 OU • PRICZ • First-clase Pteetorie - - - `MrO - Baggleo ; - • - •-1 it SVA . „ 1 • . $ll6 " Pipgonerrorn $l4O r to •$l6O Swell I.lokly Slelgll6, , • - Sl5 'Rep9lring bn• thortl notice.. Cligaper.thskt the ekeopeit. • t• ' - ' "JEtlateXc.mrsocti.t33.l.3o.a. To shoe per 6VP.11, Itetry 1. I . . strip cork sad. get .171. ." set per span' - - 4 r $l.OO :- Al! . work vratrantco. • 'Catkna4 1:x11=1126'11u - 1*k be fore purelasinz eleoefaere4 1, - • W. 01.78TgRUOUT. , Efarforq,-October 2k11,18,5.-tt. - ' STIERIFF'S' SALES.'-it VIRTUE OF WRITS / 7 ued by the Court of Common Picas of Susquehan tia Comity and to me direethdr it .will expewe to sale by public vendne,'lt tile COutt, Wilts° in Itoutrose,on-Fri uay. November 12, 1675, at Ii o'dieek le tn., the following pieces or eared: or hind :4 Wit : -. , • • ,. .• - , All Chose three pieces Or parcels of land situate in the township of Ararat i 4 the county of ginsguenanita and state of Peurisytearria, the first, piece hounded And des- Crtbed albfollow'S. to Wit : , OP the 'north by hinds of Jerriedten LI and Detielo Carpeeteron the ran bytifter !nods of Don A. Walker;ori the south lq lands of Joseph Leoxtium and on the west byllandit or Tyler and a Wild lot euritaining• sixty acres mere Ur less, and ohour fifty acres impnered, with the- nppertenances. two , houses, one Saw Mill, two barns and an orchard, Tho•Seemid piece or - parcel of rend situatei es übove, bonuded and, described an follows; to - w4 : l'un -- the,'ettSt. by louts of the Shafer estate. on Um north by kinds of ITottePti, Blois barn.. on the I:4111th by LIM% Of„Jeel no,ny.and G eor g e . ID' itght, and on the wyst.by , lands orrhontair Docket; coat:Ai:dn.; Ilftr-three acres ;mute or less.etul eiestlytrus tiroved, with tee appurtenances, - true house and barn-- The thirdpiece or parcel of, .sieit Situate its•abolve,hoon: tied mid described as follows, to wit :- - On the north by a wild lot, en the east bye w ild lot; on the aortae 'by lands of ..the ; bbeee,', estate, ova "on , the( won: 'by ' the pare ' Illgllkvay, i'olitatuing hilid .acres t . more , or- ices, , stud , about • '751 aeres v. Improved; 'ivi th the aPPuttcliatlcLe‘l 'worn and. barn; awl-I'o=lls4j (seirsii awl taken in - exelfutlen at the suit of C. c: Worth vs, Deo A.,Welker. whir Watahnurn adirrinie trafor, 01 Juba Smiley,,dee'd aSsigeed 10.1/e{enNiilnii-: ley vs, lien A, Walker. C. C, Worth vs. Don A. %ORR: Joseph Knight 11.44: of ,(Georges S. Smiler astiligrted tri- Nelson• Potter vs. Poe A. Walker. and..Nelt-on :Potter, and M. B. Wright vs.' Dori A; Waker.l : ' • ' • '' - , ' AL.bO--All ttuut Wilk) Idece;or Parcel 'of -land situate .12i the township. of Herrick, in the county of masque! benne:and :nate of Pennsylvania:Jim:laded. mid des eribert an follows, to twit : Bounded OA theruortb-eett by lands of Zilisiturns, nu 'the north' Westhyltinde of Giles H. Lyon' on, the e6athlvett, by hind ',of-What' , IL Lyon, on ;he sOnili-eaet ,be land of Gilbert. tturns, and on the southswestbrlantl4 Of ,T. B. Won., contalti: lug anent ,lhs3 acre* with the aPpertenntices,.. 2 bemires; 2 bares. and other oinbuildit,s. 1 orchard, epd about 16 acres improve!". e..xcepting' therefrom ohm:it-three acres of DWI deeded by G. H. Liens Ariminietrator -of , Jacob Lyon, to 11. Ir. ds C. IL dints. [Seized and taken le execution at the timt. Orm rates Lyon s h ,•,y, H. Lyon T. P. dr G. A. Dune.) ' t , . ALSO ,All that walle tractor par e 1 of land situate In the township of Great trend; in the Couniy.Of Sus quell:mud and State ol Permsylvinia, baireeleti and des-. cubed as foliew,,s, to wit : Beginning eta Make cud' stouts corocrof lands rit Lee Smith, thence north :IX degrees e , .1.6j:143 . 101d'aix-tentlasitola to corner of lands 'occupied by McDaniel, thence i north tid degrees and 50 ' minutes east by ;41cDaulers land 't3,..V rods to a *torte. : near the highway t theece north 16,i, degrees 'east 47 - . , rods to an elm stump: thence north Id degmes eat t 4Sli rods to it blrch Sapling ; thence east ing rods, 11cl:in, south tqf tle . gr,etis east by liuk. Of tract lig anti 50-102 this - rods to uu ()revial come: ; Menne riouth I. degree and,, 217-minutes west' g3,ti rode to a itake and stones, thence, south 1 degree west liiti rods to a chestnut stub,' thence *north S 5 degrees mid Ti minutes Went: 61 rods to a core; nes, thence south nx.ocigrees-west SI rods. th'enee---- 873,g degree* east 12111 rods to ;the east Maude of-said 1 tract ; /home southerly along tthe same 44 rode MS point , terind 4-lothe rods from the sonthmst cortfer cit said tract, thence westerly p.roillel with the Ilne, 1 and along part of the Isola sunlit Hue 43,5 rods to the , place of tieginnint;, coetalnltio.2o) times of land, with ' the aPplutrinauccs, 4 triune bowies. - 2 barnas.steilitteflT 7 mill, and aboull.2s4cres 'averred: ' Also 'as:Mater pars, eel of laud situate In the towritsiop of .3,4b ss tv,, county end Rale aforesaid, described as followie; to wit: go ing the whole of original lots , buttnnerd 417, 0,15, #l2O. Ili, lying together,to the, tracts t formerly 4lof, K. As 12M "and containin,,,ii In iii! - 421 and '97400111e acres as stiryeys ed by William Wentz April Ili, Isfie, excepting-there from the following, parcel of MO void to Aaron Yelnug,i by Dead dated Feuruary 2,9, Itill2,'asrellows ; . All shot certain piece or Parcel of land lying La the townshi orTireat Bend, m' o u'ld County ol basquehantut. pod' keine, Of Pen usylvartiat .- • hOlandeil is' foi tows : ' °lithe, east by the Ly,o,n, -- .fiirm and dairies Llerlti tittle, Op:the i *eat by A lot owned 4 3Y'Varld tgreirlnge, on the:south' by tim steam saw reill,..teLemiritriatitig go }mime; beteg' known as the lot formyrly .coutactial, to Joseph Hen.; dricksou, drickson, together wlfitell 'anir Stegirlat the tees ments, hereditametne. and appartsmutWis trorrintebelouging,• /Taken le ex .enticai al tlie cult lot blitralt3L, gent, Rao eerie, Aft a Charkar H. ' iatbriniek and ',lruntir - ILliat4- brunet:, tact:atolls of Daniel 11 Bolcir,dee'd,Ve. Jacob. • Drown and Eliza Attu Drover', • oil V. Howley. Bennett Oakley. and Chester Illiose,lerre Tenente.l ' ' ' '', .. ' - A tdto -All that eertaly piece t or parcel, aimed a Ith., ate In townotilp of P.rooklyn •tu the 'county tit gawps liando and State of Penosylvantii , hourided and tiesmins. ' earns follows, to wit': On the,ti nth. east, and .wept. by lands of J. L. - Alinns, On the , south try'Ptibile highway, leo/riga trout of s 5 feet in wide h; and a r depth Of 70 feet ler the ranee more the less, ice:Mer with the appurten times, one Largo feline Shure st u d owellibg house: one two story frame building. toted he '4 situp. one bare. • dome frets. trues and all Improved. - [Seized and Wren in execution qt the 101 of Loolutrd Searle vs, Dewitt A. Titsworth and A .'fitswortrij . t 1 ALSO-All that certain piece, ter parcel of laud sill:tater In the township of Anoint:on, in. the coast' of buboes . Minna anti S,tate of 'pianist Ivenii. bounded tie follows, i to wit r Beginning in the pantie road leading front hand;-thence to Choceniut at the corer of Timtlias,ROMnryt laud ; thence west . 16 perches to corm:rot Wei. Crem e i ~Itlect; thence sout 2 degree') no tit 11l pincher' !to , Mod of. Cornelius Ragan,- thence /teeth bg degrees West 4OX , perches to John Falliattee.; • tit'ince , north 2 r .degrees west-170 perchea;.theacir northl rig degrees wea spi perches; north g def:rees emit <4y' perehee, north 25 de- - gmee west ilix perches to Joh h Lyons' hold. thence ' south Sa degree east . 'MX .pervlele to "Tholliatt Romig laud ; thence by the !iamb sou" 2 degrees west Jed perches ,to place of • begitining;. r oir.alunig• 90' acfee of land more or lees isi ti the tippurleesintes,", Crseited :tad " taken ha execution et' the 'pun of ‘Juiticif H. Ordnialt, trustee of S. J. Carlualt.,lool, ils...ignit Dean,l: - - • ALtiO-All thateertsin piece; parcel; Or let at laud -situate In Cite township of Oakland in the ermtity or Suseuehioner and Stine ttif.,fentiO,tlvroiluihoutideti Mid_ deseribed as folkeiVs.. ter :wit: .On the *,9ktil by State street, an the coat by lot of -W. Itate..winetlin the south • 'by, lot of Anil Caton and lot of 71. D. Raittcsok.rietruir • ..he,west by.land jito the'catato of • J.' IL ettle.,dued, . err:raining abunt 1,/ feet' squayet of fitted, I , intprOved. -and kicking thereon a f,Mtue'twos Amy , and basement 4.wetileg )4oue.ii i (Trikeraitn (=emit -ion at ;ter shit of J.' - ,p, A; J-11,-. Cook use of teefiretifatiuthil Beni; af . hu., .'sidtiebitutiteDepot sm. JulittO., TiffailYc), • ,ALSOssAII slat eertale pleats or parcel eflatid situate In the Reirongli of Saintuelhumes f.lepot, lir tbir conntrof .dasquettitune and.Stater . ot, - ,Penteiyiatutiff, boundedend described as follows, ta tyit ::,-, tpu • the - north by.lot of lE. U. Trtyler,li the east by lot Of W. H. Stratehen, on Cite South , by Laurel ,Street, and ou the west tiy,rlark , Jack ,son street, 'containing aboukolm-tiftlt of •uOicre.4l4 U-'n preivetand havleg thereon p.• treble two storYdtvelltipg, buutu!: Tratra Jo uareuiturht , tilutiaor:FFM U. tar' 'rabtu eye ht. R.Vrpgbh ti,, .lettlieis Us, 'N. I..a.eallaiaa 1 4. ' 4.1f. - Aterntau and w„iitt-Lurritble-I' -, ' . . ,lALS42--All that certain piece or pareel Mt latiditiftusi . itte littliotownPtilit•.of Oakland the pigmy of Snoopy. ; „Imlitlicortii,ktato'of Veniliyitaii .: b.nded iltid descrleS oil as ielletwa. to wi!..i. Ott the.tiorth nylands , of Wtni. ht.' l'ut.t.' on' the stratit by Si InpplitAtt Strettti ok the east 4,440 of 4,- IL-Weti OW/ gukti i (in IL west by-lauds or At, il. Ateltheir, being 64 Gent-front on *Aid Opposed atilltdi OA exWadthid th[oettplas the auto weg,ll IN (Get • ,- , - -•, ~,.., " -4: Mali!== :.r "". TOI3ER 20 107 . 6 , r • • ntra 1441 M t °6ell 14 ; the soft Um au f the MU Su e tanibi,Thimix, $1,34141110ng:A0174 8" 111 1 t' 3l 4 l 4fa u°ll ;1 1 Ctt 'on the day : ot sal°. Ns. ' I 144$ EtYLME. 01teritr. - • .- • Oilao. UoPto.e. Pete,"_ 11 ,7' 214 / U .a. • NeW ts, • .• •. , . ..EL. ;70%01 ,C.741;11.521 . ti1i1ir. Carpen.tet mid-Builder t CONTRACTS to erect itttaciarea of all kinds, to any i arctiuit and complete theta In ' , very detail. Marble ano slate Mantles, avli, Bawl*. Doors, and Witniart. Fainter, furnirlictt to order. Stair Building' and build. ing paper mauu apechiltlar. gmploy none bat exper caeca workmen, abup beat Thu bietikotlist Chnalt. l'. Muntrose,deffiaary W,18 . 15.-371 i- .1,91. EIITRaz IFS A pram!ral workman, at I - -19.1F.03E1311X496433.43i1; 1 11 ' " ub ° 11 1 rA n v e en d re " w P b u orfi nd lot r L e* W dy e to lsk2 dci" i fill e k t in 's 4 to ortu o rl r : n line. Ca'n excel In nOW work, And 'roper with eatneas and despatch. -- - • - •;- • JA.!MiI 71114351 r.,;. Itoatteu, oefobei,ittii;isTs.l4n. VAI.I7,APLE . : • The edtisetlberti Geer the 'sate the vahuthieterFa )4 1 9wri \ • teethe' _ AndritaPanfiehl Farm, Situate in the; township!. ot Middletown. Susquehanna Co.' containing 1*) acres, meetly creek Oat, TO Acres improved ; Al:intro ofirtry nice bemleekluid pine lim ber, well fenced. basing, WO roils a stone wall, and well Watered, will be sold at ialargaln. Enquire or Address. s• • L. A. ITOWAED • - MlddletoWn Centre. • Also, 125 acres Of land adjoining,- Moatlr creek flat, well fenced and unacr a !good state«rtirulttratlon. with good baddlngs'andlwo kokal orchardefaud In conneclon withthe above would make a first eli*sr .dalry farm: %sal be- old with it or ttepsottely to snit purchasers. For farther particulars call upon or tiddre•km,' • 1 L. A.II(tWARD. or HUBERT STEADWELL, Middletown Centre,. Susquehanpa Co Pa. , .October-Is, EGISTER'S %N'OTICIE.—PUBLIC :iisAyncE Is. hereby Bitten to all persons con cerued Ili the folk: ring Estates, to Iv -. • Estate of Gilbert %VlMims. late or New lifilford,deeei Jeminut and Edson Witliams, Executors. Estate of John Itogers; Jate Susquehanna,Depot, deedt. Gayioni Curtis; Exectitar. - Estate of Effie L. llirchard, late of Fort Lake, deed ; Zenas Smith. Executor. r • Estate of Benjamin 11r; Dix„ late 'of Ararat, deed; Sarah L. Dix And J. 11; Lamb, Administrators, Estate, of Robert hlttratinzlatpcf Anbutti,deetl; Npah Baldwin, Executor. Taut the accountants hire setflel their ac eOunts in the RegistOr's. Mice inn and for the county or Susquehanna:arid thatlthe sante will beepresented to the Jud'ges of the Orphans' Court, on Thursday.. Noreinher 11, 1875, for confirmation and allrywantie. IL N. Ttv7.t.'si, Register.-. Register's Office, Octoberl3, '7.6. ,- iDZIEKSTELE'S SALE Oir VALUABLE BEA ESTATE!. IN, OREAT . trowtzsiw, • ' - The, nnderaistned aduttillstratrlx * of the e.state of Abram 'Brant. late of Great Bend In pursuance or en order of the Orphans' ,Court of. Susquehanna County. wlll, lizposeat p , nhlte *le :on ,Itte premises. in Great Bend, on IPlsurgdari Nirrember 4. 1875., commencing at ono o'clotk. p. in.. all the follOwlng des critied piece of land situate in, the township of Gaeta }fend. County of Smotuebanna slut State of Pennsylva nia, bounded_and described as (Offered. to wit,: Reg inning at a stake aLths end of a stone wail, at be ing a corner of It. B. Tathllnsl land,. and thence south twenty degrees Cast twonty , foo rthsins and five lisikt, to a stake andstones,,another corner of B. B. Tuttilit'a land thence south twenty-two rand n half degrees, west eigh teen chains and sixty Halts to a stake and stonw , .; thence north eighty-six degrees'. west :thirty-nine haind and eighty-eight links to a stake, a ;corner for Isaac Reck. how ,• thence north eight* degrects,etts t thlity-one dig Ins and thirty-flair links to a pile of stones another corner for ,ottd Reclaims , . Thence north saventemi degrees - east ninety-etO:it links to a, plie of stones. tboure north, elgthytwe degrees, east ten chains and forty-six - links to an Oak tree, thence north seventy-three degrees. , east six chains and thirty six )links to an Oak tree; thence north twenty-two and a half degrees cast, three chains and vixty-two links to a stake and stones ; thence south m' eighty-six deecs. east slXteen: thoindanti'deventy-Ilve Itakrt to the place of be, Containing One hundred .and Etity-one acres of Jam! tan three rods Crer.' The' above bounds includes two rtsetvations; as hereinafter mentioned. ViZ : First, reserving to Mrs. Dellith Moti on.. her rights and privileges ad', now occupied and 40.- la yeti by aer and as Muted to bee by the Court. as a -solvate road tadjetning lands of 11.• B. Tathill,„contaln , Luz about three-tout tits of an acct) so ion; an her said, rights and privileges may' exist „ • -VW Sednatt.l at , ; : o, reserving out Or said botintlar l es, a piece of laud: adjoining ism Iteekhgvet and oa the south side 'of the' highway, occupied ad burying ground running' five rods`; along' said highway and eight nuts along s tid Reck how's line. being Six rods on the south cud and eight •rods on the east - side, containing ("boat one-tourth of an acre of land. it ht.pii- the 'OMIC hind formerly deeded to the said decedent try' 'deed-beating date Jane Mat. A. D. 'Olll, LS William Smith, • etaT; and dulyrecerdtol la the °Mee for recording d.teds in and fur sale county of - Susqachtnna, : , 11119 s6B' le'Deetbiktk,No. - 11. Page• TRU OS :—Ones' bandied "doU a on hay of sale; on .confirmation o :sad .tbe halariCo Inoue your thereafter 4itiffnierest. ; A-LaIRNIA BLUNT, Adttea. t'Oethber 13.1575.-3 w. .. 1 ... Q F lIERIF* SALEg.—:I3Y" Vila a. i...J or writs..litsiiiied tiy. the Ourt of' Comrade 'le its of Susquentuum'ConritY and to me diree ted, I will expose to Sale b_A public vendue, at the Court House in 31mitrilse, on Friday, No veniber 5,187.5, at 1 O'clocki,p, in.,' the follow ing PleceLs.or parcelf,latidi t to wit:'-, . •': .All that certain pieee orparcel , of land situ ate in the township ni Aubbrn; in the county of Susquehanna and' State tot - Penrsy Weida, hounded and elescribeSl us:fulliews, to wit-:`' On the north by hinds of-Charles Gay,-on the east by lands of Daniel and John 'Jane, on the south by land of David Jackson, ' don 'the west by lands of Win. Plv.ett, L.•G, 11 nninger,and Sam-' uel Btotzinan. containing 1 6 acre ; more or less together with the appurlenancei one large frame dwelling honse.2 largo merle barns'aiur other out buildings, 21 orcharde and About 130 acres Improved. j_Taken, in ,exisnition at . the , suit of J. D. Goodwin ct Bros, use. of Gutten berg, Rosenbaum et:. Q. vs. Ansel Gay, ALSO,:-.111 that certaim piece or parcel of land situate in the towusbip of Apolacon, in the county of Sniqtteld}iiint and 8 tttLe ot. Puna- Oviiiita; bounded a described as follows : Ou the uorth,eust and south Sy lands of Thom e., Mooney, and on: Ws- west by lands of Juba Crimmins, contairdnglabbu6l2 acres of land,be the same more or leas,together with. the appur tenance's., [Taken in: execution, at _the Suit of Francis T. I.)ewin,q. O ar. of 4. Dewing,dec'd, vs. 3lieliaelLyons.* . -. , , ''-- ALSO--;-.A.11 that certain piety', or, pare.el of land'sttuat'elii ; thelownship of Latlfro_p, in the nounty of Susquehanna and Stale et, Permsyl! vania, bounded and . described Jut follciwe: Oh the north by lands of Win.,,B. A,4lantis, on , the east by, bind of F. NI. Tiffany, on , the south by, lithd'of Cliaticy,'Dai - IS, nod oa the %test by the, public i highway, eontiting uhout 5514 S feet hi ittnelsbc theaame more or leis, With the'appuil tenattests, 1 frame. building: used for it carriage 'l3lnitiand 'dwelling house,,l'hiril WA but. build- ings, and all IMproVed. ETaken in ,execution at th! suit'efOirter, 'Abbott; etlolintion,,is: P. U. Whiting. -;. 1• • ,, - - , „ ' • '• - ALSO--All; that certain piece or parcel ot land i . eituate in the township or Silver Lake, in 'the county ; 9f. Susquehanna arid State of Penn Sylvania, bounded and desdribed its follosvis :- 7 -.. !On the nortli-by lands of-Benjamin Brittakon the south -by Quaker Lake, on the east by lands of 'ft/omits Pattent, and - On, t4t; west, by lauds of Win; D. Gage, containing 63 and 7-10 acres, `more or iti9 with, the appiirtenane, one bonne atiti,burn,nrehard,ete. , [Taken In execution at the suit 'of N. , 0 Warder; nesigiaell •to Michael Kane an I Patrick O'Laughlin- vs. D. _Murphy. and P. Powers. ' •-• • -- ALSO--Alf that certain.. piece or parcml of land actuate In:lbe township of .flartord, in the county of Susquehanna and Btate of. Pennsyl; ,vitnia, bounded and described as follows' :' On the north:-.hy lauds 9f Pran't Roll and'Wl l a Thatcher, - on the east, by lands of S. W: Th - er, du the south by lands of John Cow, au ctrl the west by , hG. indri of.P. Wilmarth, r•teplien Conran and others, Cnitteirilitg abut 72 notes of land more or fess 'wlth'iliti appteuances, I hnuse, barn, and blglisPitli Atop, and Kbout a: 'acres linproVed. -. C . faken In execution at the suit of 'WM. 'Govilis. O. 15T.'1,611, ALSO-4All those 4 two/ certain pieces or par -eels .,t o lie f . nit t. l c a o lidli t l y ttla o w j.o 6 s i it t a ie etutri t4iwu na and t3tae o shiPofl4t t hmP int Pet neyiVapla ? , the first; piece 1)011100 ittld Ales. criheil ' AS fUIIOWg : 13e$11inhIg 4t: a puintiu the. center Ail the roail tnawn an the old Abington and;Waterford Tirnpiltc, and' in the, line he tureen _lands •of Elislut - Lord.'and 0.11. Bally mid i rgnuipziolpng , llm , ,eouler of said road , Smith 12 degrees east 25 rods to lands or C.- W; ' , riiiiin,Y, the; we' by said TllDtnre and eouttt IV, degree* wdle .10 rocry tern corner ttenee south,lf 41egrdes east 8 rods,lliennir'ndlith 80 degretn ,4 ,west 68 rods tolelnke And stenes,4ltence north 12 degrets west 48 roJej to,Vatito-and stones,' tEenceitontlff3o . degrees east 70. - rods to Om 'place of beginning, eontidiiing 16, acres and 152 tints•bii the mono Moro orltetts . witb the'ap; Zurtenentax 4 rind abuat' 10 acrOsirnproveil:' The Neeend piece. beginnhig istit„ the -6ebtrtt of "0 10 Abingtietund- * Waterf9i4Turaptlte running i • . ituftlt 78 ilegrees,*eg,lp fob 00:4Ce acinfik Pi .. . , . ~ , ESE degrees, weit:Bl:4l32,thttifte tuutili 713 degrees east ,10.,rOda, thitmeeleouthAl.dwees east. &rutin' *along the center et ,said ,read. to the .ptitee'et beginning, containing •60 square, rude, tie the" same more or Inte,-tirith.the apputenances, one - - frame bulldittiOn6wo sa • Concert Hall, 1 barn and other out ilkittildings,'ioniti - frith. trees and , all imp_roved. -qTaken •Iu execution fruit., the suit of 1). K. Oakley, vs. Caroline M. Tiffany and Jerome Lord. ALSO—AIi that - certain' piece or parcel of land situate in' 'the township of Hitrinony, in - the - county of - dus.quehatindand State of Penn sylvania, hounded and described as 'follows : Beginning at a'.polut in the middle of the river: - road,ttienee'sloug lends of JWcolal7ftylor,soffits '72 degrees and 15 minutes east east 17 and 5.10 perches tea poet, thence by thew eat of.a. -20 feet street nertif 4 degrees west 5 and 440 perches to a poi', thence north . Bo degrees east 20 feet to a tw4t, thence by lots of Widow Ry an, 51oran, -and said Taylor north 4 degrees 'west 16 perches to a point in.the middle of said. Sternest road - south 00 degrees•west7 and 4- 10.perehes,. and` thence by the Middle of _said river" road- south lift degrees and 4:1 minutes West 10 and 7.10 perches bathe place of containing 1 1 4 micro by estimation, he'llie same more or less with the appurtenances, one -frame• house, out buildings, and all improve. .[Taken in execution at-the suit of Thomas Per nan vs. Marlin Costello. ALSO—AII that certain. building located on a_ln or tilece or gronud-. situate an the north west corner of Drinker and Prospect streetsan the borough of stmquelqinn'tt _Depot, , rtmoty nt Susquehanna and State of Pettnavivaniailyound ed and described as followe Va. the by Drintte'rstreet, an the south by Prospect street; on toe wait Ca or Mrs. Tietney, on the north. , by lot orT. itynes, baylnz therart frame buildin4 ;two itorles.bigh with a antic basement underneath for for titorc,heing 26 feet wide by4o reet.jmeli 60 21 tint by 11. !Vet fur ther, back, with curtliage thereto pertain. [taken at the suit of A. Young vs. Mary Tiertiey t -togner;and contractor i.ttcy:ZioTtelq—..lll bids must r go urrarwed on the day - of sale. . . . ' • M. B. "Hums, Sheriff. sheriff's Oflico, 3lputrose, Oct, 1,5',.1875. OENtRAL ELECTION' PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of the per/hien* of the Coastßlithe • and election laws of . titer Commonwealth of Pettit sylvatila. I, M. B. HELVE. High Sheriff' of the County of Susquehanna. de hereby given 'Puttee to the electors of said -county that an elecUoii will be held in said Conn ty on - • , - Iftleadsy, the 4d der Of. November, 1 8 75; (being the Temed - 4. next following the first Monday 1n Bowed:lest at which time the followmg officers will be elected. to wit.; - • One person to till the office er Governor of the Com monwealth of Pettesylviala. • e. Ono person Weill the office of the State Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of President Judge for Sitsqaehan e a County. One person to RD the office of. Sheriff for said Coun ty. 'One person to flitthe ahem of Register of Wills - and Recorder of Leeds for said County. . One person to fin , the office of county Treasurer 'for said County. Three persons to,dltthe °Sleet:l County Commission et for said County.• • , • • - _ • 'Three possess to= the office , ..ot County Auditor for said County. One person to Gil the °Mee of Coroner for said Conn tyl , - se also hereby make known And glee notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general -election in the seventi wards, bordughs. districts, and townships with in the Codbty of esequehanna w;e , as follows, to wit : - .The Election for the district composed of the town-, ship of Apolacon will he held] at the .house of Joseph Beebe in said township. The Election for the district composed of the Own.' ship Ararat will he i : held at the eettoolaumeo near the trnetbetertsn church In slid township: • • • The'Eleet Ida for the district composed of the town ehipof Auburn will be held at the house of James Lott in ...aid township. The Etectiou for the district composed of the town ship of Bridgewater will be held at the Court Ifoase in .1 the Bortenth of Montrose. - e • • • The Election for the district composed Of the town ship of thooklya will-be held at the *ease of James O. Bullard in said township. • ' - • , The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Choconut will be hid at the school Reese near Ed ward'Cle rk's In said township. The Election fie the district composed of the town ship or,Celtrerd wilt be held at the house late of John eivehon in said township. • The Elecitets for the district composed or the Bos well' of Minden , will be held at the pundlir lintel in said Borough. • The Election for the district compemed of the town ship eettritneek will he held at the house late of T. J. Babcock in said tovenship. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Forest Lake will be held at the house of Mrs. Bertha , Warner in said township. • The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Franklin will be held at the school house near J. M. Baker's In sale township.. ' - The election for the district composed of the Borough of Friendsville will be held at the school houseto said Borough. . The Election for the district composed of Ole Borough of GL Bend will be held at the hoesolatelyebecupled by David Thotwisen said Borough. The Election for tile district compoied of the town ship of Great Bend will he held at the:house lately me copied by E. tiarnum. deed. , • - The election for the district composed of the baronet of eireat Bend Village will be held at the house lately occupied by E. BArntieu in said borough. The election for the district comps, sed of the town elep-of Glisten will beheld In the AtMdemy building in said.. township. - Theptlectlon for the:district cm:spotted of the town ship of Ilarford will be held at the honsalate of N. W. Welded-in said townebip., • The election for the district composed of the tetil• ship of Harmony will be held at the house of S. Win. tees In stud township. • ' •• • , The Electioe for two district compoistel of the town. ship of . Herrick will be held at i the Herrick Gentle School lionee. in sate towaship. - ' • ' The election for the district cost:it:ewe! ofthe township of Jackson wile be heild at thehonee o tJosepti Geary to said township. -„. • The Election for the district competed of the town ship of Jessup will be held at the , tome of Daniel fluff in said township. • • • • •-, • The Elect lee fortbedistrlct composed of the township of Lenox will be held at the house of Ardw 4.iirethers. la sate township. • - - - • • •• The electimi for , the district eompoied of the town ship of Liberty will be held at the Stanford School house in said township. The Election fig -the &stele composed of the teem ship at lattheop sellithe held at the 711,11sdale School house in late toWentop, _ - • fhe electimi for. the district composed of the Borough of Little Mallows will he held at the, School House in said Borough- - ' ' • • ' ! The election far the - district tom posed of the township of 3liddietoitn will he held at the house of Otis :Rose ' said townehite . • , • The Election for the dtatrict competed of the I3ororteh. of Monttuse *lll be held at the Conte. House in said Borough.' , • .;... • The Elecitein for tfil district compoied of the Poreneh ,of Now Milord will be held . atthe licluse late of John Fanrot in said Borotigh. • . • - 'The election fur the district composed of the township of New Milford will be held at the house of Philander Flenney e in the liofoiletrof New Miiteet. r The election for the district composed ot'elie town ship 6/ teal:land will he held at the Whim , to Thom-. as Mu ton in mid townellip. The 'Octet= for the district compdse o he town lip of Rush will held at the house of . Snyder in .said township, ' - ' The election for the district compelled of the town ship of Seringellie :Will be held at the house late el 'Spencer lilcox in said township. " The election.forebe - diets:let compoged of the town ship of Sileer-Lake Will be held at the house late of R. McGerieletelit said town:yelp. e • _ • The Electloulorehe district compesed of the 'First Hard orttio Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be held at the Meese occupied by Chester G. Chalice lu said Bonigh. - " ' district epilog:tied of the Secund Ward of the Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be held at this hotiee,oceepted by Antbrote Benson in said Borough; , . • - , , • e The electron r for the district composed of the town 'ship of Thou:hen VII beheld at . the, house late of • Chester Stoddard intend townehtn. -1 I also matte tattoWlf end etve.notice.wiele and try the. 18th section 'of act Icy 2, ' directed, !"l'hat, cebry person except 'Justiees hence, rriio shall hele any office or aptiofteident of sweat or trust under the United Stet* of of this Witte. orof any city or tortierated district, whether a commievioned of or I who leen-shall be, employed under the legislativ, ' Indicters , . 'Or execetive depertment• of Dila State or ' 'United Stages, or way:city or ineerporAtoi district:. and also that every menthes of Congress, and of the Mate • Legislature, end of tile *elect or eetenion ecienell of any hike, or cerambellehes.eloteilyencoieorAtett di islet, is ;time tie pa app ointmentxrcsing At the same ,/Aso .or of Jaage, Inspector er clerk of ant election of this CoestaeoW murk; and that ! no • Inspector :or Judge or other dilater el shy such -election, shall - be eligible to any ; efficeSkhen to be voted Di tho actor Assembly of July 8."0119;'It is Alm mule Otheoute of :every Mayor. Sheriff', Alderman ; Justice of the Peace.Aenetablei of every city. county, toweship r or diatre a t ti will ) g i n ce t r h c il.(); a ;mell o w:4 0 1 4 wpstie e ver alidtd Nrc i t l eilithireist cite' r anywhadOw eit'aveutte, i te the 'irtstderte the plate Of General Election-whieh Midi be [,Obstructed to each Vtuy as to prevent vet ere from - 4 0 reaching the tante ; dud it shall he the duty of every tespeetive Constable or such ward, district or township within this conitaineirhalth, to be previa in person or by 'Deputy, at the, place of holding 'elections, is such ward,ellstrmt or township - for-the purpose of ! 'preserving the peace is aforecilar- . ALso that in theelthl section of- tbe Act of Assembly entitled eAn eel, relating to executions. And for other liarposes! , Wt proved April DI. ;elle it is enacted that • the aforesaid lath section. "shall - not be 'construed 'lie to prevent any militia officer or borough officer trim isiretag as' Judge, respecter or Clerk at Any general or spechttelection iu tide •Commonwe-aith." • Bp an Act, of Assembly epproved• the I;th day of April, *8I3). It is enacted thet at "Ali eleetle Int hart-weer 'field ;mter the:laws of this Comeionwealtb, the polls !•eliell 'be opened between the hours of. eh. and seven Welt:4l4 a. m e and cloths at leeelock. te. •• • By the sct of Assembly-et March .89, ?tom, it is en ' sated Ail follows f - - - ! - • -. Sevres I. Beat enacted !titan tomato end tionse of Representatives 00the Commonwealth of Pannsyl lltnix .Aetlettlbti met, lied It la hereby e sect est the authority Of the same; • That the qualified Voters 01 the several hounties of the Commonwealth, ! at all general, township, borough, and special elections, rtre•rienallYslorreiftes, authorized and required to vote, • 0 r Ilekritr- 'Printed, dr written, severally, chtssiffed as (allows; One ticket , shall male - gee the names of all latleres'of courts voted for, and to- he fabled, outside, eti/dietary e . one ticker shall embrace the names of Ali auto officers voted fort and isheled i sedette".iote ticket shall the mimeo of altetninty odlcerti stated for. Incienteg office of emeator, meinher, aud members of Assembly, if voted fdr, and members of congeess, it ' voted ior, end be labeled , " comity ;'" ono ticket „shall teminiow, tho ere-tees , of all Wise:Whip officers velod for, Mid be labeled rsteeinstep oneytcket shall Cuitustee the. name/he MI boroneneottiders Toted :fey, attel 411111 be labeled ohurouget t" and with class shell be deposited in keperats bellothoxes.l', : WtuplAAS, The Vitteedtb Amendment' of the Con stittOlon of the United States h ai follows: , erelaiterifott. I. Tao ffight -citizen,* of the Unites/ Stapetto vote shalt OM be dented' Or ;abridged ley the Vatted Stales, Or kiddy Stale, eat eccoUnt of rate,eislor, 'or: Frames coltion oflprvitiade,ft • ammo% $l.l t Cogigresiebsll4vq_pOwerit4 enforce thieartiele by appropriate legislation!' iih.frate j .-__Thtt 0,1141701.1 f ift",•lllefeed Stlitea, On. Ina. at day or eitall 140; nsieW an act, entitled— titAti ato mfori:Mlut tqfdtOosi ahiltet I Mates nth tit as sarong:Sada 41 ihis Uo* and for otter yirpoi," the , drat nt4 iteo4d suctionA,nt which are as -•,•=k Zhl 14 artaeftiO the Swiede and 'Bogue if gams Cfokf i s mato nj America in an gn* asoyiNgt; it au nitinena of 111' Unlind Okuda Number 42. ,ohoarog °rattail be ofbeiwise qualified by law. to Cote at any election by the people, in say State, Territory, - Ativetet, county, city, parish, tawnsip, school district, MUnicipality or Other territorial sub (lithium'. shill ba filititied and allowed to !Moat airier:6 elections; with. `out distinction of race, or color, or precious condition yr aorritude ; any Constitution. law, custom,issip.. - regulation of any State or Territory, or by, °render Its authority, to the contrarynottvitlotanding. "Snccron tilinct be it farther enacted, Tbst If by or nnderthe authority of the Constitution or laws of any ' Mate. or the laws of any Territory, any act is or shad be required to be done as 4 prerequisite or qua, Mutton for voting, and by iamb Constitution or law; persons or °facers are or 101.111 be Wargo° with the performance et di/Ocala fu nt tithing to el tizuns an opportunity. tc per. form torch prerequisite, or to become onallided to vote, It shalt b. trio duty of every inch person and officer to Kivu to all ritizene of the Odle. , States the mune and equal opportunity to perform tacitprerequisite and to peyote,: qoalitiedttr vote trithootdistluction of rac e co l, or, or provionseondition of servitude; inc If any 'nth person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to ipso toll ell eet to this sectloo, he shall, for every suctioffence, forfeit and pay the Snot Of 11V0 hundred dollars to there?. son aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by as action op Ur: ease, with full coils arid such an ail o WatitelOr COqUi eel, fees as the coat shall deem ,i ti st, arid shall alio, for every such offence, be deemed :entity of a misdemeanor, and shall no conviction thereof, be lined not lora than Wm hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and nut mare than pan year, or both, at the dies cretlon of the court." . 4 An 1 whereas. 1 t Is declared by the second section of the VI article of the Constitution of the United States. , that "This Constitution, and, the laws of the United .litates which Audi he I m tile in puranatice thereof, shall be the suareene law of the land. •.• • ..sitything In .me Contatution °trails qf any St4ites to' lA4 overran/ 444 withttanding . ~ . . . Jail teaeredr, The tdegitiature of MI6 Cotrtmcinweiltb, on the 6t h day of April, A.D., lis7o, passed an act.• en titled "A farther supplement to the act relating to elee 1.1. ms in - this Commonwealth," the tenth section 'of which tirochloi as followe: -Sze:mmlo, That so couch of emery ectof Assembly as provides th At only white freemen shall be entltlect to vote or to he registered as voters. Or as clef m Mg to rota atone get - Cern] or tipeciiti election of the Comae awealth, he alio the same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter aft frevinen. without clitillnctiun of color, shall be enroll ed end reglistered occOnlinli to In , entitledttiv 9 prov lhoi.e,Al Actthe !fret section approved April 1 7th, s former supplemental tittles tie: reistinz to the elections or ti l l,. onnoonwolth," and twirl n ottiervthe (mallard tinder existing laws. I.' l e entitled td vote at all general and Special idectiolli in this Commonwealth." The Pa id above recited amendment and acts matt be execs) ted 3nd obeyed by all assessors. registers of ;vo ters, election otlicers, and Others, that the eights and_ privtle.p:s guarrunteedthereby may be,steured to all the citizens of this Co alratin wealth entitled to the same, By the lan section'of the act of Assembly of Join ary tee len, it is enacted that is soon as the poiis shall dote:. the officers of election etuill proceed to count all the votes cost for eachtesudidete voted for, and make a mil return of the fatly) in ttiplicate with a return sheet In audition, In ail of Which llte votes received by each candidate shell be given after his Cr her name. drst in • words and agulu in figures, and shall be signed by all otaald &livers end certified by OYU/Peeri. if any. or if not so certitieel, the overseer, end any officer refusing to sign or certify, or either or them, shall write upon each of the returns hi* or their reasons for not signing or certifying them. The vote. as soon la coantenolaail also he publicly and frilly deelared from the window to the citizens present, and &brief statement showing the votes received by catch candidate shall be 'made sod eigned by the election office& as soon as the %totals counted.and the samei anal' lie immediately posted up ou the doer or the election house for lufortaation of the pablie. The. triplicate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes end be scaled In presence' of the pincers, • and one envelope, with the unsealed return sheeegiven. to the judge which shall contatn cue list of voter', tally paper. and oathstot officers, and another of mid envelopes shall be given to the minority Inspector. All judges living - within twelve miles or the prothonotary's. ()flit:eor within twenty-four ,miles, if that; residence he In it town village, Or city upon the line of a railroad leading to lite countyn seat shale before two o'clock ' post meridian of the' day alter the election, and all the other judges rhalebefore twelye o'clock meridian of the second day after the election' ' deliver said return, to. wither with return sheet, to the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Plate of the county which said re. turn sheet shall he flied, and the day and hour of filing marked thereon, and ell:lithe pr eeved by the Pnithou. otary for pribilc Inspection.. At twelve l'clock on the . said second day following any election , the Prothome tarp of the Court of COnamou Pleas shall present the said returns to the raid Court. • • • • The returns prementedhy the Prothonotary shell be op ened by said Court aud;oamputed by ouch of its tinkers and such sworn assistant,' as the Court shall eppoint,ln the pres.ence of the judge or judges of said Court; and the returns certified, end eertideuies of election helped 'under the seel of the Court se is now required tojle done by retain juegese and 'the vote as so compu ted and certified shall be made a matter of record In raid Court. The *eisittne of raldremirt are open to the •* . 0 • t • t• ' And the other of said triplicate returns ',lsbell be plaeed in the box and sealed tip with the ballots. • • * • • Whenever a place has been or !shall be provided by the authorities or any City; comity, township or borough fur the safe keeping of the ballet boxes, the ,ledge and minority Inspector shall after , the election hall be fin 'shed. and the ballot box or boxes containing the tick eta, list of voters, and ether papers. have been settarely bound with tape and seated and the Aignatnre of the judgeand inspectors edited thereto, forthwith deliver. the sane, together with the remaining boxes, to the Mayor and till:order of such city, or in counties, town shine or. boroughs to each person or persons as the court of Common Mese of the proper county may des lemetes at. the place provided es aforesaid, who Shell then depo 41t, the said bent' and keep the rArne teen steer the call of any Court or tribunal authorized to try the merits of such election. Given under my hand at my of in tee Borough 'of Montrose, the 9111 day Of October. Anna Domini 1515, • and inthe year of-the Comnionwesith the ninety-eighth M. B. BELMB, Sheriff. . Montrose. October 13, Idle. A.B.MINISTRATOR'S: Sao of Real Estate. . By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court or Sus- • quehanna Cooing, to attr directed, I will expose to sale on the premises in Great Bend, on Saturday, October 30th, 1873,' at ten o'clock a. m 4 art that 'day, 'all that undivided in-. tercet in all the pieces Or parcel of land Waldo in the township of Great Bend and borough of Great Bend :Village. described as rolk)ws, to wit : Being the same lands of daze A, Lusk who recently died Intestate.. - 44V111.11F600 two children, •to wit: B. Jane Patrick - and %V. D. Lusk. which real estate by the Laws of • Pennsylvania re,attu to intestates did to E. Jane Pat rick add W. D. Leak equally dercend and come... The seiti - Wii• D. Lusk having dceded undivided interest- to Ezra 'Patrick deed. bearing. date the drat: day .of January. 4. ISI4. recorded in peed Book No. 32 page, rsil. Excepting and reserving all lands sold an c o nveyed by Ezra Patrick and hie wile prior to his death. The saline containing one handred and fifty acrea be the same mote 'or less. one tcbant house, one frame hare, and ablaut °grey acres imilroveit Attio‘lat mat cerftin piece or parcel , of land simate:lnhthe bor. (nigh of Great Bend, Village; bounded and described its follows. to wit: 4J13 the easterly aid* by Pine Street,' on the the southerly side by Church Street, on the wes terly side. by lands or Timothy shadon, on the norther ly It WO by the Susquebiansta, river. containing about 3 acres, all improved, one horse barn toad orchard there ! on. Tcruls, otar-fourth down. balance - on toner/nation. I W. BARN KS. Adber. A.B. E. : • - ' or the est. of B. Patrick., dee d. October f; 19:i:7-IOA4 • • Farm For Sale. .Tho tubnriber offers fur sale the valuable farm knows' Etizziawriiirow 11:62.0"ciinio Said Amu lance of the moot desirable hums In the county. and is beautifully situated in the Village Of Summersville. nsellettalitte county, Pd.; there Is st etort, Hearin; mill, Few Milt, plaster mill; and blackinnith and waren shop in raiti village. The farm is s ituated directly on the D. L. W. one mile and a halt from the depot at :fie Milford. and lour Mlles from the depot at ()mint Rend N. Y. .t Erie R.U. contains 190 acres of laud, Ina acres Improved. Is well watered, having n lasting stream of- water running through it and water conveyed to pipes to the home. barn and cattle yards, it is well fenced, and under :toad cultivation ; lt.is well .adapted to growing grain., and to titled f•a. stock or dairsing ; there is a large and convenient dwelling and wormhone, well pointed. and beataifol lawn, with shrabbery , a lac>e horse tare. ear rhino house cattle barn', with twat-Attie yards cud obedt and st,thlcs f,r f,•eding stpck orotalling cows, and .4rei orchards of gritted fruits , Terms of payment made, easy • It. L. SUTPHIN. New Iditford,Baq's, Coo •• Pas September `.:9, 1875.-4m, . • HERRING Sr. FARREL $307. i•cisacjvcraky NAY. • • MANUFA6ttIit.F.IIII OP ALL ILINDM OF Biro irkrici..ll3iiargleffer ..W•a" oaf • :fit6l4..taud ritost reliable Grin In the Ms lied Eitnies, ether Wok the prize meitgl merited at Use , FATF. AT . LONDON I ' • Al) filtie4l art wgrra'uted free" from dimpling :arse° melon. • DILMNOS STROIk.D.AgeMt. • Montrose, May G Improved CUM/1M ' WOOD 1 1:131P, le the se. knowiedged STANDARD the loarket,by.popular verdict the bent ` pump For the least ' mousy. Attention to Invited r Improved 'liracket, the Drop , whit:hose be withdrawn with lig the joints, and the Copper 'loch never cracks. !melee, or 11, last a iitethns% PO sale by lie Trade generally. In ordett. o yen t at illalchley's Pump. tre ei that, it ties my trade-antra as above. It you do nut know where to hey descriptive Oreulars. together with the name and ail drera at the went nearest yea, will be promptly tarn nshed by addressilne, with stamp eam, 5 0.g,11, Itobn%fatinria . uotanserre P ila alp Pas March io ‘ lB7s,—lto, tic 1141.4111.11L'PTCY. In the - Mettler Court of the United States ' for Vie Vi r estern District of Pennsylvania In the matter of clittetiVher. Roger* of duaquaboinea Cosinty a Bankrupt under the Act, of Cougtesa .'of March *d, Whit aavii4l t ti appltettlot a tlietharett fr o all Ws dehta, au-4,9th** Odra* Provable under said ter . .by order of the Court, Notice to hereby glean. to a I persona who have proves' their debts, and otLet pante * Interested, to appeaser the Ild'ehty or tiotobor, tera, at 100'004, s- tn., bef ore R. IL WILLARD, one of th e utiotteArt; in.titnitripter of ash) 13 aujet.,•to show valise, If asY.WeY have. WAY'S Discherget . eliould not be granted to the AM Bankrupt, • EL C, IicCAND LASS, tiletk. Oct. 6,ll—tlet-I0 * . '• , ' nßsuimmv, , • ' a : r uotrsc AND LOT FOU SAII.IO. Snared:in thn Botoog at • Montrow, A Teri aft*: irabic propcser,. Pine, Icrgy Dou; owl Ban, thwilloni. loculleTrt.vc, in hearing • good will, awl odor con ccalCivolink. lactilikri,' cattillco'Scnche preadocl, : • • • Nrit:Q. BAILNY.• • '''Octobcr 6 IS7 111.untrocw , 4./I • 4MINDITItierOit'S• NQTICIL—fn the louts of 41.,. Wel, Potter, dee`tt, Imo ua liermotty. . Letters of "Adeilblettelloit to the sold estete hutting been greeted to sue unitureigneit ail porrons owing *ad estate: an requested to make hutectitate paytneol t met sit perectes UWIII4 datum *gni nit *old estate ere regeeste4 to pre* oat theth.Vatbo et de/ey,.• • ' • - Wit. .•uctobiok 9, 1b75,-4100 4.4ukinisuo, I I BLATCRIXVB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers