; =lel: .". 'tied ~~~rd tit ' List ,b)1 SIORTSENTEI ANNUAL FAIR OF Trix.ll.4osoup AORICULTURAI, SOCIETY, TO BE HELD IN HARFORD, ONWED , EESDAIt A 111) TUUI!SDAY, ,Ocloppi 6nt''4li'D 1876.' • - • • ' aoctitbii . i.:-liories: , . . Best draft or 'Sim stallion over , 4 pars.. $4.2d isB , • toad , stallion. same age.... 4 - 3 • pair matched horses ; 4..3 - , pair horses for .4 3' single driving\ horpu. 3 , 2 brood *mate and cult 3 2 ' . Judges,—D. Vacßuskirk, llarford ;J. S. l'Urbell,, Montrose; Wm. VanCott, „,.!. .t/ I f 4rial , Al 2.4614 and ?doles. ,' Best Pair' three-ye.ar old colts'. 3 2 !Air two year old c01t...... 3 2 • , thre-year- colt , . .... 2 - 1 . , two-year old colt 2 1 • • - one-year ,old I** •. 2 1' pair ~m ulesrl 2 1 Judges—V.' IL Read, Harford,;, T. D. '4l;,44eooglitford;'',G.:L.,Coritin, New Mil ford. • ' • OL.ASS ` Division L—Durhatne. Best. Durham bill! two , year . old' • . ... 4 '3 Dnrhim 641 ogejper old 4 .. 3 2 14114,1 f ,450* 2 three , yrs. old and up. • wards • 3 2 heifer . two years 01d........ 3 2 heifer one year 01d....,,..:.. 8 2 heifer calf 4 1 2 1 Division 2—Devoni. two years' old atid wards • _ 4 - '3 bull ono year old , .... 3 2 bull calf 2 cow-three yiu - s Old and pp l'r,tarards 3 2 heifer two years old L 3 2 heifer - one far old: 3 2. • heifer calf ' `) 1 7 ißkij i i °l l§s7;74 l ogueYe• , Best bull two years cleand up wards, • 4 3 • ' ,4 !thill'otie'year : ......,3 2 bull calf 2 1 , ectw three Oars, old and up . . .... 3 2\ beifertwo igara, 01d ........ 3 2 heifer oriii*.ar old • 3 2 . • heifer calf. . • • Divialmt , Best bull two. years . old and up. we 444.... 4• • 0 ' 4 •• ••• 4 3 bull one,yei.t , o/d 3 2 • . bull, calf 2 1 YONe old and wards , 3 2 ' baiter two gears old 3 2 heiter;:fue year old 3 . 2 . 2 1 ,jki i y,of-Ol g ro l i g libted Durham and rievoin,itot less thin' eight, $lO each. •- Juireti=4Vii. - 11.• . c,Teitup, Montrose Win. H. Janos, Diatonic; F. A. Smith, P: 4 4 l .iPt ' ' Dinsion p.--Grade, Durham& t itt3Chiltl76YerlWcqtarield....s3 2d $2 bull over one year old 2 1 bull calf 2 1 cow. r $3, 2d 2 3d 1 ,heifer three years , old 2, 1 lasifec4wp 01d.. , .:... . blifet 'one' year:old, ' 2 ' 1 heifer calf...J. • 2 1 three yearlings 3 •2 three calves 0 2 Judges - 7 H. L: Bailey, Brooklin; Jere: miAh Banker, Franklin ; Ambrose Ben` , anti, Susquebanna Depot. Division err-Grade Devons. l!pest bull over two yeirs $3 2d $2 . bull one year old. •, '2 . 1 bull "calf . 2. 1 ' 2 3d-$ 1 i WOR nut* T years old 83 2d t ' 2 1 ' heifer two years old 2 1 • ' heifer one year old 2 1 h'eifer oalf. 21 / 3 2 - three - calves. 3 2 Judges J:..6l.l t totelk i tes,Harford ; .Esiak • :13aikiy;'ti4.not i t . linbert 'Gilleapie, , New . Milford./ • " 7L. I"Piviaion' , Deer put in!c , Tea! - 44 43. W • 2 1 • heifer two years 01d... . .'.... 2 1 ztirei yearlings , 2 1 ".. 2 .1 'Melt's on -8,-9xeti and Steers. - Best pair, 'wOiliing oxen 5 yr& old aal or over 2d $3 pg., working , oxen 4. years 4 3 3 , •'Y pair, at ark three years 01d.... 3 2 Twit steers oayear old .. ~. 2 . - I...pair steer calrus ( broke).... 2,1, J. ,k,iesi-E. Isti:LOarpenter, Harford ; Francis Whitney,*. Jackson ; Nauman •Clallin, EMinu.. ` ...,•,, :i .- , $ 0 :,-, ~.L. . *TT - \ ilF‘l , '... Urnal• Liu ' ' \ • f%r•'.7 Sheep and . Swine. Best fintfiroill buck: ....... '..'.53 2d tbree,fine wool ewes .;.. .« 3 ). 1 1 , - , :littee , io• wool lambs... 2' 2 ;, ,I '..ixikii '';iiiool i1uck:.......... , 3 , , 1 f" ibrOilviddle wool ewes. .... 3. 2 ' `,.ibiesruiiddleunxil lambs.... 2, • I .. coarse wool buck..... , 3 2 tbree„,uoarie.luol gwv! ! : 4 2 • ,thfee coarse won) limbs— ... 2 1 e: buck lamb vi each. . ... - 1 "bOn.t.'l,';'.: - ' . 1 ' - ' • 4 brilea . ing•so w ..• J.• .. 3 . .4 4 , 3 . , etniiiir pig '-- - ' * 3 . .' , l , rwtvpt )ets thap 4). .. 3 2 • Judga—Fowler P'4 , ak,-itarford ; 'll.‘"il - laud mtltbpjirLet*t:" ' B. B. Goodri ch , Bro6klitt..: . e ;;, ..). 4? JCL's IV. • Vottltiy: • Belltlp,iii!' - or.o,obya . . ... ......$1 .. i i . ' ..4if $6668e• 4 '••4or • • • a 1 ' * Zit , "'t rlptici:.:'..../..."...1;,'. 3. 4 fi%' ' jaWilitoo.,•'• lo.' . '' • I 1 rlpye{4 ri n bick OM* ••• 4.4• • / * , • ' ' ^ Grill). BeA : tteo,i . !Tyr, whptt......:..... ', 1 9 * --t*,,,k,ruig . .wheat......" .. . 1 * 1 . -P,!''' 6L V l '!,! ....4-; •-•'; ; 4. .:. 1 4 ~ .._. . , ... • lieck -.),.. ow. ' .4`4 i ' 'l.,ij :"• 41 . * . till ehel corn in ear .- • 3 4. linl ' li i 'inntketionet " ' ' 1 4 . ,peßksapver iiiie4; ; 'l'' . ..'. ;.. 1 * '1 ' ~ P ec/e .__ lrriiilll ,,,. ~*s':lloe:4;,t','.'..:. 1 i :tiA 4 l l rifOn•• • • I• • ',. i•• p• 1 .* 4, 4,4,1 >RAUit.ault 'Vegetables. `BestfrallOploi4 at likifitthiee vot.. tiepip; one mot i lest than ~ .. , b yy - 10110 • 1 15.1esi ditt,6'.:" -' 3. ' '4- - ~i 4t,.., 1 , q;.• . ••• . ' lokuwooce..l - .:...;:..,.....:.•. 1 ' 4 , ~pr,v.tte5.....:....';','...'...1 3, 4 , , „,. #tapeti... - .....;i.:...; - . .. 3. 4 - ,' All./.j) l ,o4e l Putistoge;.tiveor * 0 , - . ',..' ,, i::-? ,, . , -,lFitr:* varietiet. - ......... 3. 4 , ~,' • ,* ltibioiAiiiiisii: - ' ,7 ''.' - . i - 1 ',tlfiell beads of ,egibbage, onothottl. I twelve.anions:.::. . :......., .8 1 x'beet5....'....,....... - ... j, six tomatoes Judges—t .W. Lamb, Harford .; .E. T. Tiffany, Dimook . 6 J Northup Jack- butter,,Clieese, and itro-ftil. Best Otkin butter 2 butter .. ; 43 .2 • • j , ar butter • 2 1 rofl butter .. .. . , 2. 1 eheeEie .. '3 -2 loaf graham bread... ... .. 60 indian bread ... 60 soda biscuit ' 50* L .; CLASS`VIIL Vinegar, Wheat Flour,Honey,'andiSugar. 1304o:cider' .. 60 ' • sack wheat flour , ' ' 1. 10 lbs honey . 1 50 10 ihs.o4k.ed or stirred, sugur,A; 'l4O 40,1bs drained sugar 1 50 maple syrup.- ' 50 to.be menu feetu red . in the wen - •• rf00.4,11, Cook, Susq'a Depot.; If: Gar ratt,so* Milford. CLASS IX. Leather, boots, &c. Best two sides harnesi leather two sides upper leather.— 2 • two sides sole leather 2 MO calf • assortment of 2 pair fine boots 2 • pair boarse boots—. 2 • set• team harness 2 carriage harness.. .... ... tared Articles in this class to' be maottfee--, county - :: " . ' . Agricultural Implements a nd. Carriages. Best melon .p10w.;.. 41., cu ivitor .. ~ ~_i .. cork Sheller \ - ' 1' straw cutter •,•• 1 horse rake - 1. 7 churning machine • • 1 , - open buggy 3 2 ' double carriage 3 2 . single, carriage . 3 2 - lumber wegon 3 2 market. wagon..." 3 2 single .sleigh '2 , Wagons and carriages to be new and ex hibited by the manufacturer.„ r • i • CLASS XI. Cabinet Work, Hardware, &c. Best Specimen cabinet wit' of chairs., . ... . rocking chair 1 • • eewing,machine churn 1 butter ..... 50 :' • Judges 7 —N. Kitnber, Now gilford ; Gaillard Curtis, Snag's. Depot ; C. W. Conrad,- Glenwood. Best 5 yards woolen flannel • $2 1 5 yards , plaid flannel .2 1 5 yards Intl cloth 2- ' 1 pair woolen blankets • 1. 50 .6 pair woolen/ socks 1 50 2 pair woolen I mittens.....:. 1 50 Ample woolen } yarn 1 50 5 yards linen plod' • 2 . 1 5 yards litien toweling.... 2 - 1 10 yprde woolen carpet 2 1 rag carpet 2, 1 \Judges --Mrs. S. B. Guile Ihrford ; X 4. Fowler Peck, and Bev. D. 4. Barnes llirford. ''CLASS XIIL Ornsmental Needle-work. -; { Best pitchwork quilt. . • 2 . 1 . quilt of any ober kind . . 1 50 bed spread ... ...., . .1 50 • worked skirt. .'... ~.„. 1 50 1 worked collar 1 . 1. 50 specimen ` worsted t 4broid...- , , c . 93r ' ' :........1) 50 specimen silk embroidwy... 1 50 bonnet ~..:1. 01 lady's sacque..... ..... ...1.. 50 ottoman cover...." 1 50 tatting... ..... 1 50 katop. mat.. ... . . 1. 50 LA.SS XIV;' Paiatings, Flowers,.4c, Beat nil ..... 2 painting. urany other kind.. 1 `,`'so drawing - • ' ' 1 - 50 exhibition photographs and' • ; . ' ' . ambrotypes ' 1 s_' .0 picre frame. ... 1 4 50 . . . van yoi flowers ..... 2 • ' '1 Ilona' t.sign 2 '1 exhib tioti of astificial.flowers : , g tta. t and fruit..... ; 2 1 /specimen burr w0rk.:.:...:..1 :',50 I specimen shell ,work- . ' 1 50 Judges- - Mrs. W. B. Guile, Milord ; Mrs..E. M. Tiffany, Foster 01 S. lohns ton,,,ll.B.riord,: ' - . , . irst Premium . • •,., . $7 .„ 2d a ' . 5 • d ' " .. . ..... ..-; .... " .'4 th - - N" ' 3 h.. .'" ----- '- 2 , a . . .' -.- " ........ 1 dges—H. M. . Jones, HUrford ; John t'; Ctuf hi Gibson . ; Delp Shay, ,New Mil ford. Co\mitten of il Arrangement'. . W. S. pB .T hia, arford ; J. G. Hotel kiss. Hur rd ; F. A: Oaborne, Harfurd. . uperintentlents. General Sktpericleudeut--Penuel Car— penter. I ' ' _ - ',' Superinteulkeht ~ or horses-=Joseph' IL. WilliarniV - "1 - ' Superiiltendint of cattle- - -Friend Rich - ardson, 4 M. ilammond. ,Sheep, wine and poultry—R.l4 Ting ley. , • . , . 1 VegYi,able Hall—L. E. Carpenter. DlHall4--Wm. Shannon. :Mk Dios Hell—Wm. IL Hepburn. `Assistikte—Mrs. H. Grant,. Mrs. Ada— line Bresiter.- General Volite—lirtiry Grithtt jEtulnf and Regulations. The , addreth\will be delivered nu Than dcty at. 2 o'clikele by James E. Carmalt, Bawl* teb will 'be lea 'an the_Wm. of Fowlet4 l .eck, litirteid;l o 'e VdteedeYOctober- '6th, at 2 :o'clock p. m. The .e try. fee will- be svo, Exbibiteirs`:wishing to compete for' premiums, are requested to have their ar— lieles or Animal's, entered in, the - Secrets rys, Book_ before the •C104,0f the first tiny of the Yair,if possible. ',They must beentered,oid tin the groundtrat -tea' O'cloCk, of,fe_siound day. No animal can compete .er twc urns except 10.0 belt • ... .; . „ .50 CLASS IX. tter Gr'kin 5,0 aet'borse.!ihoes: - .. . ..... ;'5O lut tin ware 5O cook stint for coal 1 cook, 'stove for w00d....`.... 1 parlor stove • 15 CLASS 'XIL Domestic GOods. knit hood 1' 50' tidy cover. .... • 1 50 Site shirt a• • 1 • 50 CLASS .XV. Plowing. • SuPerin - &ten the lifferet,t de. partmOiitewill havetilt ; , ,,:unitnala 04 , ar ticks. iyeiCmatioallt, l 'airangedt„ .' The officera!of the Society and. Super intendents will be known by their Official badges. • - „„: AAntfictent i police force' be in at ' te - Atiti6;fro t nt 9 o'clock of : 0•3 first day until' after the reading of ;the premiums .the'setlinddayi Tioe t et,th -• property of extitbitoA. v- ' t• - • No provisions will be made tor, stalling stock twoyears 1: , liiersons exhibiting fult ;;blood mals for premiums, must leave the Ipedi greeof theirstock• with the Seuretary for tthiconsiderittion Of thei.ltidges there r , on. • I I All stock exhibited as :a herd mustJ,e\ °Filed by the exhibitor. ~• -1 e , s nyjMembet of a commitit , w - 4 or havti r a 7iiiteres,r• laiticre slibmitted for decision of said. committee '•Shall withdraw; from said mininiittefc and if any person ownig or having any , inte.' rest in any:itnirnal. or :article. entered' for litstinum,!ihalt appear be forethe commit tee ,while 'exiiintnigltlio same without having litst been reqne,sted by said :coin ttee; it Shall - ; be that :4144' tO • exclude such animal or' article trim Competition. The ~ w ages' shall:tin all ft,cases With hold-premium:li, when the animals clew ore not worthy, though there be no mp coetition. r' No intoxicating drinks allowed to be , sold on the. groUnds. !Ages reporting at the secretary's:of fice-before 11 o ' clock will receive a ticket for dinner. • - ' Prtett; or A.dmhdon.' Single tickets, 25 cents ; children, um- - der twelve years, 10. cents ;; team, 25 cents 1 Single horse, 25 cents ; coltti Un der two 'years, fre.e . ; clergymen andqheir . • 6 - 1 families admitted free. • • TompKnts, H. J. TYLER, • Ex. Corn. . D. ti; Hitie,' \ I • , .S. E. CARPENTER, Sec. I W. .TF,F,E1113 . , Preaiden Harford„Sep. 2g, -• Appleton's new American EncxcloPe dia gives the following' interesting !Sets about orringesit Florida . ''lii various , arts of, Floridti,aotith of latitudit3o degrees, 'especially along.the St f , John's and 4ndiati Rivers, there ar e immense g roves of" wild • oranges; Sur traM, in his .'Travels' mentions having seen. Au 1,663,. near. Aiosquit Itilet: a ridge idiont half n' t niile: wide: and 40 imhisilong -which was One dense orange -grove, inter= spread with magnolia and a few other trees. ,So-,thoroughlY liiita_klialied is the tree,ach so generally isit distributed,that many.have supposed it to be iodigencus ; but botanists who have investigated the matter regard it as an instance of re markable naturalization; and the trees as • havipg ilescende* frorn those which are known to have been introduced by the early, Spanish e.oloiiists. .This, wild or ange is bitter, often called-in Florida the bitter-sweet, and , so _etteeeding,ly fruitful that a tree in full hearing isati object of great lbeauty ;, the wild oratige furnishes steck'on which to..bud.other varieties,and the fruit: is used' to make marmalade. In Flotilla there are three methods of estab lishdean orande:grove ; to" cleat up a wild grove, removingsll trees-lot needed. and budding with 'sweet fruit-those. that realign ; to take up yenn-g wild trees and set them in prepared ,ground,, and - there bud themin. nuriery rows, and when ~f. -sufficient size-Set ihern , in the plantation, as is practiced With other fruit, Rauh method has its adyocates, hut it is prob ablesthat tho last nanied, though' appar ently oower, - give.s ultinlittely better res 'tilts.'" I, ' ' ...., The, T.-Multi., azrttrif ..a ers to practice of some _. gardeners of the Middle Stales,,who sow onion seed late in the fall and leaveltin Me ground 'during the winter for -arti early •, crop the next -year. Our oonteniPorary remarks\ that the severe winters in Vermont. Would in with such .a,. practice, and advises, ;instead of sowing onion 'seed so late in 'the fall that it,.: will net . germinate, until' the next seasbn. A. much_ better plan, and the ;one very generally - adopted by ' milket gardeners alear 'New York is to 'so the' »onion seeds - very thickly in'a lior-piece td'ground in. September, and. gr w sets for planting'the foll Owing year. i The ground should_ he Iree: from weeds and not rich, as its 'object' iss to secure sets as srpalfas possible, the , tendency be ing, if top large, to run to seed instead of . becotnine bulbs. The' onions of these sets are very-early, and. as 'they are , Plant ed in rich mellow soil, thclabor ' Of. car ing for them ia Much less than it would be if .they were left in' As . ground over - winter or,grown from seed in the spring. The'thick seeding in the .fall is impor tant, not only to Secure a small' size of setii, but for economy in land an'' water. 4 teiv'tvit Equarethickly sown ill pro duce .an immense. number of se which are generally worth- from $6 t $l2 a 6 .‘..1iel in the New York mar t, and e*,s's.'. „ more. The smaller Someti!nes the size the' greater tie ..,,,,, 1 if . per bushel. 1 These sets are easily- livintereu, end a l.!who !...Wiiih .-earlY onions I Shonld krepire now, hy,- Owing seed for se;ts. I ' 1 ' • ;liicolatTitnialby Early. • - • corresponden t ;of the Country Oren tleni#n 'reminds its ireaderslif the iinpor— . twice of, sowing i ltimoths seed earlii in autumn. , This work to no* going on in 414 Northern States. Our time is at. baud. At the North farmers sow tlitee peeks to th'e gere,whieh ti fifty per cent. more than War conittion thirty years ago. , . The filth sliould, be lineo and, the seed covered' with .'a - fiery light harrow,: or light. brush, acid with a light roller. T-ittiothy requires' ricOand,:anid needs 140 ' wheat - to help , hold it up, _• • ry I. To pastror Viraips. • 4 ' A.Ory, simple an 'easy:plan 'of doing thiS t saturate:' a piece t 1 WO°, len rag with . 'spirits of ',turpentine, and . pu t it into tbeeiltrabee of the nest, leavesti. there for t(ie ihight, hod 'the iiiegt' morning every wasp will he,dead; wasp's aib4n rltuoved unbroken c ie :very .extritordiuuty beautiful in ite ponstruotionoind ! a obriosity quite , ivitirthy. of pretkii.atiod. • The treatment for chronic rheuln at iBfll i horse t ti cAD nig iii`detexpOilifig the ail itparyilifitightg of ' cold air t!te orworking him-herd aild,when is per- Wheu the eoles of the feet . 'do /Wit Airop.(losvn; as they sothetimea do h'is :lite wit:noL r ie miderialiy borten , q, be.htmoetiorutiefui olt alarm es ;if t h e a m. ehLhed bappe*d to 'law. 'Granges ,are e being. institna.a in. 'Nen , ,Bickuswicik, and the Co/onia4Ptrintei• Sais . `that will i l / 4 11 a short time every. glialkty will'hae its orgul ilatigil geattered , here' ;44(t,thdie Writugh l oat them. ' r;--7-7, 4 4:C . .dne 'tnt lo :matitZa pring, 111-*A*l soWNtifilsi-siwilw WEE ---.7 :. i MI • - ' - , . . , , _ . . . . ' 1 .. . . . . NT' -- RO . - . SE -''D-E_MO ~ _ . .. 3 - CILAT--- ,:._,-,#.-,-- OCTOBERJ' 1 -6 _ _. ,_ Florida Oranges. MIN Iffisciellaneous. VEdETINE PartOee . tho blood, lieli,o:vatea and 4rigorates thiwkOls System. Its Medical INvperties are. I ALTERATIVE. TONIC, . SOLVENT AND DIURETIC. Veketine la made exclusively from the Juices Of cam fuliy 'elected barks, roots and herbs, and so strongly concentrated, that it will effectually eradicate' from the system every taint of Vcrofala, Scroitilons Rumor. Ta-- mora.-Csineer, Cancerous Ilarnoritryalpelas,Balt Rheum, Syphllitn: dt easels, Canker, falatnesa at the Stomach and all diseases that arise irent,impure blood. Sciatica Inlianiatery - and Chronid Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout end spinal Complatata f can only be effectually cared blood.r . Furlfliers and Eruptive Diseases of the skin. Pus tules,Timples,illotches, Bolls, Tetter 4 Scaldhead and Itittgwormi Yegetine has never failed to effect a ;imman ent. cure For Pains in the hark, - Klilney 'Complaint', Dropsy Fenialo . Weaknehs, Lencorrbme, arlalng.froul interest ulceration, and uterinei , diseases and General Debility. Vegetine Acts directly upon the cause of these corn plaints. It invigorates' and strengthens the wuole sys tem, acts upon secretive organs . allays Indamatlen,cnres .ulceration end regulatsi the bowels. • • For Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Pal pitation of the Heart Headache'. Piles, 'Nervousness and General Prostration of the Nervous System, no medi cine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as the Veg ctine. puritlea the,bitiod, cleanses all of the organs. and possetwes a controlling power over • the nervous sys tem. • .The remittable cures effected by Vegetine have indue 'ed many physicians and apothecaries whom we knoi to prescribe and use it In their owri famtlfea in facto - 4;OAM: Is toe best remedy yet discovered for the above diseases, and Is the only reliable Blood Put iffer yet placed berure the public._ . _ • Are not the many testimonials given, for the different complaints satisfactory to any reasonable person Meat- Ing from any disease mentioned above, that they can be cured? Read the different testimonials given, and ho one can doubt. In many of these cases the persons say that their pain and suffering cannot be expressed, as in cases of tic:Vela, where. apparently; the whole body w a s one mass of corruption. if vegentine will relieve pain, cleanse, purify and curd such diseases, restoslug the patient to perfect health after trying different play 'debut*, malty remedies; suffering for years, -is it not conclusive proof, if you are a anfferer, you can be cared. Wty is this medicine perbarmingssueh great cures ? works In the blood, in the circulating fluid. It can tru ly be called the (treat Blood Purifier, The great source of disease originates id the blood : • and ho medicine that does of act directly. upon it. to purify and reno vate, has ahr, just claim upon public attention, When the blood becomes lifetea, and stagnant, either from change of Weather or of Climate, went of exercise, ir regular diet, or from any\ other can e. the Vegettne will renew4he hmod,cater off the putrid humers.cieanee the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. I The conviction Is, in the pub lic mind as well as in the medical profession, that the remedies supplied by the , vegetable Kingdoth are mere safe, more successful In -the cure of diseases, than min eral medicines. - Veg,etine le composed of roots, barks and. twits. lt Is pleaeant to rake. and le perfectly safe togive to an infant, Do you' need RI Depot hesitate to try it. You will never reject it, • WOULD Is , IOT BE \VITIIOUT VEGETINE OR TEN TIRES ITS COST. I • The great benefit I have received from the use of Yet. ethic induces me to mve' my testimony in its favor. I believe RAO be tint ouly of great. value for restoring the health, but a p?evcutive of ,dbienses, peculiar to the spring and summer seasons. • would ,not be without it for ten times its coat: .n Attorney IDN'. .nAttorney and Clentral agent for fitaseacheraette of the eniftstueu's Life Assurance Company; 'No. 49 Smug building; Boston, Mass. September 22d,1615.—1in Sold b'y all Druggists Everywh'ere. p.-INTS:4IS6 A FINE STOCK AT • - B. R. LYONS & Co.'s. Montrose,llay 14,1679 CARPET'. CARPETS AT 86 CENTS AND UPWARDS. : •• - • —Less than N 1 V, Prices— Miy 19.'15. Iroi*Sale by B. R. LYONS it Co. SUGMI' TEA, COFFEE, and other farrc,cories At Low Figures at WA" AND WINDOW PAPERS. A Large Stock, And Neti Patterns Received Every Week Direct FrOin the Manufactory. B. 8. . LYONS & CAD. S pbol T.l3:lCeocE44:l. at - ' l.. \ • Clark's 0. N.T., • and John Clark's Spool Thread', Wnite Bbtek, and Colored—from 11b.8 to /SO. US), at 75 emits perdozen. For sale by • B. U. LYONS CO. llonsrose,Nay 14, 1878.—tf la • 33 la 1 2 1 i = LI r i ll r i g would call attention to huo New Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER ODORS; • Now on. sale, in new _ ',la Tr-, LA."...,. DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED : ALPACAS, , NEW STYLE .. O ' PAINTS, ' SU VV A LS,, WATER-P 00FS, FLAN NELS, BAL3I.ORA , AND HOOP • ' SKIRTS, VELVE , HOSIERY, HiAirt WOOL GOO S., C ARPETS„ OH 'II O '"aI34LERI2 N nIELBUFFA.- , k i i. ,. Jam PAPB; 800 .: ~ D' I 3 I I6II6T, 8 . 1 HARDWAREJ r ON,NAILS, r. 'STEEL, ST t' S AND . .. .. GROCERIES, -- ETC. ' ' In g at variety, and will be sold \ on the most favor hle terms, and-lowest prices. I _ ! H. BURRITT. Ne v Irlilford, May ist ? 1875. I . . . Whe're Now P WRY TO A. N. BULIARD,I3. • THE HEAD OF: IsTAVIGATIOX, to get some NG SEED WHEAT, CLOVER AND pTIMOTHY SEED,' Seeds of all kinds,tbe Ter! best Flour, Say Tee, coffee, Fish, Rams, Lard, etc.. etc. • ~ __ • —A.1.80 .4 -• 1. . , Fortpr.sies 'of choice panned geode, consisting . l a.Pft of peaches, Pears, Plums. Cherries; Quinces. Strawer rims/Nee Apples, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes, Peas, D t t -Thrki&f.jobster,Succotash, Peach ,' Quince and A le •lihtteC, Deviled:Ham; and lots of other\ things eel • limaerous to mentionsell of Allah'. will be-sold µall kituyvisk"PATßONS"lor relay payst prices that ilik . ; . *cry - ACc•raaro i OtttliDz • i • .. ~_. • . 'find stlicily.upetvilie principle of .lire and let - live.( ; - Call viand see at' . - • A. N. BULLARD). on,truie;April7, 1875. '-- _ - : 1* •: ; 4 . , • ANH6OD HoW'.. LOST, - ' HOW E ' ZTORED 1 rferP*.in_ii seated en ~, .; Just,.: ‘....- - - pi , . 0.0 3 u, 8 hew edition of Dit.tra.vill ' 'lr CeLannevzia %Essex ,on the radical, cure (xi t reed:clue) of Spermatorrlieca or Sieninal. Wesokties In-, vomitory :Seminal- Looses, ! IMpotenev,•.• meat nd phhais4 Incapacity.. impediments to ' Marriage, . ; also Cense Option, Epilepsy and Fits; Induced µpelf icdul veer or sexual extravagance, •Ike. , The elehrstedauthor, in this admirable Essay, ti , • ly de onstrates ; from a thirtyyearartuccesefut p CO! that t. di alarming' consequences - of ' lelf•abuse to be -salts ly,cured without the danizerons ate of In aid medic !mos theapplication of the knife: pilot I, i i , a mods of mire at one simple, Pertain, and effect by means of which every sufferer, nu - ntetter what hi n... fittionittay be, ou7 cure himself chooply, private) d • , p sad} F - If bisfecthre oilfield be In tb.ei bands of man in the laud. :• - . ••• - !-:.- - - . 1 . - -.- _-• ! fien under seal, in a plain enveloPe, do any • t:' poist paid, oti receipt of six ce,ut_s4q• :f.Wt_poSt,- . : . ', Address, obli Publsherr. • '• - • -• '' - ,-- 1 ita' ._.='' __'-" °• - ' CRAB. J. C: lii, N . 4 CO. 1 27110 1wery..liew York; -Post eel Beff.. .' 1 . , i L . - - s. . ' B. B. LYONS & • OVERCOATS ! IOVERCOATSt.! • I __ • For Boys'. Youths'and Men;&Gotta. Qatßites and C pikeso'l. ta to. $Se. . Sulply your " wants 140.. B. . . Our Otstom , OeparpnOnt. Eierste stock of dna ettielmieree. -Clothe ,and Beavers, ileum* taken; go fitting , and worktnanehip guar anteed. Priam fully 10 per cent. lees than Out of tovrn. Ca/land leave your nteseure G: B, dr , Co's. , • .17713N.Inflit GOODS Gaols tarnishing voila. I hire nod colored caret Shirts, WWI and Maris*, Wrappers and Drsvreni, Flansa)tand Llkerina Hooke,. iteritt Jackets, Comforters, Ties. Bows htutilers.• Gloves. Trtinka. liatchale,* at... - . the /afield varier) town. at G. , , EtTS 1 BATS, di OAPS! 004Pfitt t At O. cc,to". GU'IVENBERG,.ROSENBAVAI, & CO, Jr. B:DASOAREIt, Nentrom Septealber .1015. IIERRING. FARREL . 33,r4osii4lciF, , ,v;:zr * MANPFACTURFAS KINDS ir°2*,o i'oatctia..74**iiiiz:l4642l 111.414. MO. Thioldest eel:nest rel Ish fr le th e 1714 fed They took the prize medal a* es at t h e WORLD'S PAM r aT LONDON Ail Safes Ire warranted free froze thstaparee sad 1"1013 tiTßOUletit •. RILL • ifeetfee•v*lY 4 PlC : -.0- -• , • -, • .c• • . ..•.. • 11110111114141311 AW ., TEIB Minill/9 ialzg - #4.m,gi.,y,f..,;:i , m'am .;';O:EOR,GI:z.:L Babt Just returner fOtit::lsiii'Y:oili with a large and DRY :.:90.0D,4,.:,g4.43,171:41Nig,::130. Hatt and gaps, Ngtions, Filling 'his large ,;"teruporuo" ' the National Hbt e l• groundi.. ' • , remain=-here until our new • • BRICK STORE IS COMPLETE ON THE OLD GROITND. Our stock is new and bought with: care. •We , will, us. ,heretofore, offer: the Istrgest I 1 sasortmeut uud best bargains in the c?unty. • rirßutterand Produce shipped. Highest price and. pi . onipt,returns guaranteed: Motley udysticed when desired. GEO, LENHEIAL Great Bend, jaly 7th, 1875. S..:,.ATIN.F,R,._I3INUTIAM . EVERY BTYIII OF 1 • Bronze Lamps, Opal Lamps, All Mass Lamps, Band Zatunps, Burnam Wicks, !Modes; Shade.,-Eoldere,' 46*.• . • ; . . AND tTA__PPANEI) . ' Priett' Guaranty 4 tt;i „row as any /Luse in 86acherA Nato York . . „ , Orders bir Nall Promptly Attended To. =mi d :TE li ST lIATES B EVIL* Puletnln'uNag new material toAoTar Large Stock of, 398 TYPE?, and FOU PtintingPresis' es, we'Defir Corepetion Both In Price and ;4nality, either in Plain Black or 'Colored Work. PRE ARE FOE WIT ,TER NEW STOCK OF PALL & WINTER GOODS! titteilliott Rilt'olillatiiiil.-;':CO. WOOLEN SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, CASSIMERES, 'BEAVERS AND CLOTHS, At G. R. & Co's. I. groat variety. PLAID AND PLAIN WOOL 'AND • MOHAIR DRESS GOODS:SILKS, POPLINS, - OASIIIMERES, DRAYS TkDES ALPA CAS, BLACK AND , 'COLORED, In variety and great bargaliwe FLANNELS. ROSE BLANKETS • MARCEILES BED SPREADS, WOOL TABLE SPREADS, TABLE LINENS; TOW' N\ .•• ELS, NAPKINS and household Furnishing 41arget asiartment. and eh lap. . . . LADIES' AND CEILDRENv • KRECNO lINDERGAIt • VENTS. MERINO AND WOOL HOSE. FELT MUM, GLOVES'. iitc.. ic. All SIZES . , AND quAirriEs, I. . , - Ai G. IL, i do's, Prices to'spit, • MILLINERY GOODS. RIBRONS. PLOW SRS. PRATR era, BLACK AND COLORED. SILK AND COT TON VIILVRTS. TRIMMING. RILKS I , Anne . *arld 7. . ' , :Lk ' At G.• R., & 00.6. • DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. LACK'S; FRIN -1388, BUTTONS. SILK TIES. - CORSSTa,'EM. "BROIDERIES. ZEPLITR, WORSTED ANDAND FANCY !YARNS. CAN— VASS. •NOTIONS ANL) • • STAMPAD'PAT- . - • ' TERNS, Alwaylas great riirlety, f At 4.Co's. _ _ DOMESTIC GOODS, BLEACHED AND BROWN HBEMINGS AND SHIRTING& CANTON . FLAN NEW. CALLICORS, ;•DECNIMS: TIC/LINOS AND CIIIIVOTT SHIRTING& AL WAYS A PULL'ASsORTMENT THR MOST POPULAR • BRANDS, And prices to inktlio tlmem; CARPETS. OM CLOTRS. MATS. DRIIRGETIVO PITHS, PORS. MRS, ETPPALO 808 Fs, EoRSR Chall AC G. It. -A, ftlidg-patt,c eio#l,lllB. Men and }soya' read .made' a large goelt.rtCom pieta tasortment of best a , warranted to Aire eat-* iadketion. Prices to snit times at G. It. tt'Col: ***o4ooo.!AdvioisOilen:-. - grreettl ll 33, eriular :Wild PUNT SPECIAL - INDUCE3fANT4 ALSO, .MANUFACTURER OF At G.R.4t Co'e At R. R. & Co's At 0, B. co'it OHN - S , T RBELL, Niue Stieig , and Aerie leave :thie tee, =With the Manttoie Ratiivey4tei. Vals7. d. end the D. !..lb W.litallgoad.- - 1 • lEffi 72).41.1.aiZa MN" AND COillON CHIMNEYS Mardi 31, 19& w S. MINER SPRING; &: SUMMER Just Recabed WILLIAM' HAYDEN. 1---. FANCY •'Y GOODS, BOUTS 4,t 1 SHOES, READY-4- MADE CLOTHING.: lIATS•-.s• CAP,S; . I f&d. Dress Deeds. a goodlassertment. Prints, .11,the new and fancy patterns Rallis° , oss.rket. - Mato Gonda a great Tariet7- 8T4 . 0.4CH.:D j ai) BLEACHED ,SHIRTING, .COTTONADES, DENIMS, TICKS, • • ;STRIPE,'.;.:-. SHIRTING, LINEN . • ••, .• • :TOWELING,' ;CARPET• WARP, - G. BOOTS & SHOES, • , The isMest stock In. itoiria. Fiat 'dais goods lees p pricee than can be bnugbt of any ayes parties laths - • - HATS - 4S; CAPS, - ill the latest stylea. i. ' • , IfEADY-DIADEt CLOTHING :; a full line, and good goods well made and tritained. '- Call and Exidnine i.r.-litocx borer& 'pure/Milan' 'elle where. I will not be adersold for the same grifit,pf . , goods,' by arj'ene in lor oat of town. Batter shipped. Prompt returns at the highest taar cet price, sales guaranteed, bills cashed as anon as-re. SANDE& 'New anti 13.1trIZZO. At Vir Smith & Son's lastoom you Irl)lll,ll4,Uuulargeut. • - stOck bf • • ExtensiveFurnitare SS AND COMMON FIRST CLA •Li;iv - IL) -.a."11..; To be found In this stion of the country; of Ma own' manufacture, find tptiteethatcannotfailtoglvaaatlt faction. They make the very best - ! . EXTENSXON TABLES In the Conuiryl,iniWAßßAl7,fthani. 17 pia cia It 0a" '3r , Vl7 c• Of Yll kinds do's nni tLe nestsst ' • ' I3PR=I air 23 XI =Pin OF VARIOUS iINDS. • MORASSES, , AND ,COMMQN MATII4,BSig , - . 'D Elft - 'T - A 'KA 14' GL Tho nubscriber,ttilltorestfter make ndetuating 'specialty in bin buiditOsc-4 linvingett ontopitted NEW, and the tactt eldont, REARS In the , state% all needing tie services will be attendedto proniptlyana'st rantittinctorythirges,;.• ,-! • ; ilV:• : 131111THA BON.: trai itantrossiiPi64liti, • nett'a-tio3--tf.' ' E • ' • ":" TALIEL23.34; oriizinvis 71,ii ixriririvoillio; - -:;•-. , ' ,r,•-i'; ~,..,,:. 2: : .•., : f . ,-- ....;: r. 7-'',;:-,,.....,:. sti),looini:PEN' !VL. , f.. ::,.-'t;•.:,;.;-.;.1.: ~~i~~; 14'9 4 :11,:4;'i-; '!~ b~: :: k_ 1 I1%1.; ' 1006rtillent S H O f ES •.., ;0 &0., N N ILS.WLEt.t CAUSER: ... ~ .. a co;rl i3IIOIM, Dkl7OS. CROCK MAX. 11Al/DWARZ. ike.„ lint ail other good' viasually kept Sn a country' store. Of:beetle arid (Oland • satisfy yourselves alw a ys are ielllng, as cheap as the,ehatpest. We ere wit tEng,to show our ' geode. • •' W. it F. INDEIII,IIW. BracknaY(Pa..' : lday ism lers.—:tr. • /./,,1110 Floosie Get Your •:- - • • P'RLIGS-& MEDICI N ES • • . _ M A Lyon's, • ' . Where ion Will god it fill assortment of rate Brags &Medicine's:: Chemicals, IDye Stuffe. Jewelry, Per. ratztery. Violins; end yjolln Strings. Fancy Goods. Yankee Notions; Pocket Books, Cigars Tobacco. Fine Toilet Seger,. Braehes.-Teble Currie:7.= Gelsilver Speen*. Plated Spoons, Keine and Forks Pis tole, 'itniusiltlon;i Shoulder :Braces, True tea,' Medical Instrunionti. Dental Materials, Lampe and Lamp Chimneys, Teal!: Spice.; Belau/ Powder s Be 48 e4 4 004 Farina, Gelatine, Tapioca. etc.. cret. ( ; - • • „ . ;e Bill4lSeitereni ankall kindi of • • Vitrubitv kept t onitantly on brincl.! We .fit eallles Our Wail Paper at cost, wad are also Closing out our Glassware at a'l • • * Closing_ LOW Get a 'earl Or . oni Mixed chesnieet Paint, ready for toe, and do your •• own painting . . WittriSur ol goods, we reel confident that everyentejsiting Montrose . , will And it for their hirer- • net Wall and examine for Memos's** before.!'‘nrehas. instebiOwliere; - • - -., • , r . . ; Jlc?'T~!s, ri4111140,014-1 • thadertaking elOrill mate • 14 titar. .ElpecUtlity tioluess, r FrlO a i r ierikes . will promptbisttead.4 Aviottritinn 34D'oci t . 815. u..gt , . . lletilwareetc' . - - • • MONEY SAVED ! ~.. .~. p l um , , " NEW STORE ; . , NEW GOODS, .= NSW PRIOES - .GRIFFIS: - /.33 SAYRE .-.~:.. , '1 0'4'0; 1 4404, at the Old location cl M. S. Wilson In 'the Odra Block; Montrose, 'and we ebali be pleased to sea all of nor old Mende and the inlay new ones wt hope tojaitt: our -stock will consist or i coal . . aild . • . ' ALL • ' •• . • • • • • • • • • • COOKERTI & citassweir, • hilarga'quentllies" and, yariety. StoneVare, WOOO Ware, tiotiie;Ful Woking Goods and Groceries. Wr 'ball giro puticular attention td the Groeety Trade and keep a full assortment, of Teas, Sugar, Coffees, Fat4ily • .Grciceiies & Provi6ions • In Tullyariety, Salt anelilbar. We shall keep calk; glantly on, headline brand/of. door at much brae - then old prices, and warrant it to' \please. :Goods delivered promo, to on r town Customers. THUS:'. -Oar terms wlll be strictly . Mt.ipai,itt3r-3Pavy, (cash orproduce.) This it will be well to taming h, as this th at e the secret to our low priccs. Wer see Confident by calling and examining -our goods and priees your will and that it will be for your inter est to try our goods and terms: „dxruitusoN Grarrts, 8. M. asuls. Montrosu,,Mey, 13th, '74.—tt. - CARtER. . ABBOTT; JOHNSON, vrx-xo ,pzimals•zzr ,IT:;&U.D.:NTAI IRON, STEEL; AND NAILS, Bla6ksinithi' aupplies, TOOLS. c , ; 3 !Lantii for elskreestOis 191*.e.1. SEAT. Sk EING4S, STEEL :TIRE, TOE CALKS and CALK ETEELOK?„ BITRRETTS gORN, SHELLER 4 ! ! the Impt•oved !BURDICK FEED CUTTERS Orem. 43i4 B=i vro; '.87 Washington . , , St., i BINGHAMTON, N, V. 0ck.141,1k. The Cheapest Place •• vo Bp* 1 ~3g~LI?WA.~cE :., • • ,• 41' OROCUsIi & 088251 ' • lrhelp's Bank Building, 333a4roaxdiaittercomr, mt. •sr. . 1 • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEktVRK•I HEAVY* AND SHELF HARDWIRE, - . CARRIAGE GOODS, K i • .- ~Amt MIMS' SUPPLIES, 9,* TANNED LEATHER BELTING "' • "'BUBB R BELTING -AND , PAOKIN, ~ ETC., ETC., Eta ....„ • • we airt,4lienia for ltipirm...mispzu!.s SONS' OMOULA. ArlD, ORCISSCUT SAWS, • • AND.JOD7( ROTEIERVS , . delebnited Beet is th 6 World! Ilitaghasiton, iodt. 34th. 18% JELeaci = This ~ . =MEE • We brae just returned, from the City of New York Wltlaeploodtd,etock.of goods,toosisting of • , 'O.l - '-op'o,4isy- - ,, VROCE)RIEII, XrnaertAtUtzlig. All Work:Warranted asl 16p:tasted 441,22.224/ WM% liaErr.A.a.„ PLATFORM WAGONS, .I:*l3.4stiptc•xtes, LUMBER- WAGONS, Manntacttred, on exhltdion. and tor ale st J, H. BAsam. Q. 8. am:m. 4 l n O t ßaairmis Borcauorrprd RUBBLE iiiroturs. (EsTasunium IN / 84 0.1 ilißlifS BROS. & BLINDING, DEALERI3 IN AND NANI7ACTII 03118 OF gtalio Nutvicanglarbleo, AMERICA,N I ANG.SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chewing° St., NeOr Depot, 314T14, 18'73. • 13.1.A0 MANTON. XT .01SINIBUS LINE. undersigned has an omnibus line ( ..running to ay. cry train on the D. L.' dr W., and Erie Railways at Shipping , 'or Be - S'4ipalugt Baggage , •• . at eithr;cf , " lo .7tltopromptly ati,endeo to. The Ilele•lIvP:r brldgoVe now completid, hence thor ■ no Forryl•4 . • • . ; • ' - ' ways on band to coiricy patriongers t 6 any i?olnt In rarKounding countxy. WoNm• t . gigitup . :o . . #tittlitg'pgthinto We will l'aiu.eh any kind of Fleet Clara Organs and Machines 'at a L discount Oust will pay you to Gall before purchasing. Save 23 per eent for carrying. !Wry naenta around on trial. All Inc:lament' and Mach Ines filly warranted. • •F.D. MieWlllllBll Montrose. April 7.!75.—tf. n. ANEW BOOK BY • MARK , T W tA. IN. .Tuat reedy for ( Nlnisetors.. Now Oren le the time to get Territory. Don'tston to experiment on other books.— Take oneyou knOar will tell. Prompt action will give you choice or Aeld, and ,Goldeu Hetunte. 04 on the alone at once and you will win. OutAti coats nothing, eyorythlng furnished. Send in your nettles, and towns 'yea want, or for pa rticulets at on e. Address 3Swe AIIBBICAN PUBLISHING CO.. Hartford, Ct. • Over 1100 Imperial Octivit Pages. Deautifbily Dins. trotted. Dandsomely bound. No eoldler shou'd be with. out it. A just tribute Co ill.tingnisbed runic:mi.—A 0 Curtin. Your account of Gettysburg le the finest, rnu. eat, and ter,. best bistory of the greatest battle of mod ern ttnies,—Col J P Nlcholion, Phila. The !noncom- Mete account extant.—lial ,Gen D Butteniold, N. Y.— send for cfrculars and terms, ' • SMI 4tii Edition lust. from the Press. T4' H. DAVIS .t CO Pub.., 725 Sansom St., Phila. r n COUGHS. C6111)4 lIOAIISENgS% - AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELL'S CARil u dife TABLETS. - rim UP ONLY IN , II/A3ll BOXES. A TItiED AND SUB REMEDY. Sold by Drnsegists generally, and Johnston. llollowayA eq. Plibulalphla, ra. SOM 10.1it'LiiNATOUN Circa- Ifi 4 T frelr lo7 r l t l l%t t lallni vi ld e a i n ir d i SlU , a will pay' largo Prs . ofilta, Railroad ',' FStorks. Bondi and Gold bouirbt 50 Rp, Ezne . , !Itilif 01 .ii a Bondi : Did: Pt. u 'PER a Cu. ....iltg.gr'ki.t.ll.,-(initi3,l7„. c,i.','llii-0 Wail Sia t. r 4 now York e O. Box 4317. . 40w4 • $5O . to • - $lO,OOO - • nar been.f...1.1 to Stack Pftwllekat antrild 900 ZA. • P.ItOFIT, .1.10. to Do D." a book ott•Walt ":street. sent free. TUMDRIDGE & CU., Dauitara Btoltara. S WAD M.. :11t:w Yotk. 40w4 . In.* • 10,50,07 BOWAN' Zile •la e 4 I_ll Wall Otrtot WWI $610_.550 to a Fortuna. Full pattic la sent free. dfltirosa r:ENDIATON &READ. lib Wall Street, New York. Agents Wowed.. Kedals and Diplomas Awarded, ti L! i# Rit A _ l494l PICT9RIAL AIRES' njuitilltkuill. Ad nos or new el . A. 3. HOLMAN 43, CO, 030 ARCH 81rett, Pu s. 40w4 smidst rautt tned tiing our WELL ADORE a ad !MILLS. 4100 monthWd to guod Ageuts. Auger Book tree. JILE AM/RE CO., 40w4 j at. Lollar. Mo. .$1.,200 PROFIT ON $lOO ' lnvested' In stock Privileges in Will fit Books and • Of masts tellint, "How 'us done," sent rtes. Addsoss Box - ter is Co., Bankers, n Wall Bi„ N. Y. 15w4. Ninnbor - 1141,pellaneous; 4 gartiit anths We wont eatl . the eiteithis et the "Wig wsattec ANYTHINti . tX THE MAIpLE I:DIE to ORR WORKS at:i SUSQUEHANNA DEriPT, I • anteing the only Works County,al , • OW NO BALIC YOU CAN SAVE lONEY Brea!ling on us. WILLIS DOILO'NG. Suoq's Oepot, Pa, APTI/14.1K5.4.Y. SPRINGIMIS OR moNTßost D. D. SEARLE. • Moatiose, Muth 10; 1075. Gie,at Bond, Ni,Au! .Ansordor for CB~iß=.~lGir3~t3 •s. • —U. BUCHANAN. Prop'r, Great Bend. Aug. 1874.—Af. SAVE MONEY • and he TOUR OWN AGENT ktibnying • Daitchy f Ge. N. A. C6LM, kgt