The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1875, Image 3

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    S '
V olqute ,V4e
PellloMit lota'
;Arrinigemelit 43C irlillst,;
Arrives. Departs,
Tunl.haunock, (Daily,) Uo p m,1:115
STAUXIS: • • 5
Nostrose irepoty(Ditily;) ~.... ..... (100)) in 62U W.n
New M liferd. abitlY,) . - , ....IttOtt ain 1 34011
‘kyslusi , ntr. (1)4113%) ' '.......... 1146 anr .2 Oil 'mu
Fr.:lll4A iilk., , Atri weckly,), il 00 pel 80WW:In
:',11,1.1tu titatjottatri weekir,) 7 1.10 are 7IV are
ni a gtialutati,tiaS.Lake.(tti weal) y•,.•ritio pro • 'too pm
3N r uuppen.(trt weekty,) 1000 aln 400p)21
' 4 l'i'lle. Now York, (via Montrose Depot,) New llil foist, .
0,4 klialinock,tunt Wyaluting aro daily. ' - f
Tl4i. Conklin Station mail rot!, TutiaSaysiTburaiitaya.
pd•S!tturdiPl.. • 4 ' " . ' •,..- .. ' , , , ,
. Mo. 13 itighattlten mall. (chi Sliver' Lake,) rani Tues.
dal r,Tliurrosys.rtnd tisturdnye. - .; . i .
I: , rienusville Mail runs Tuesda)4:,Thursdaye,and bat.
znki. b. - • . , • , •
Tflo Nfoolioppeu mai I runs MO,lllllls 8, Wedneedays i altd
DUITIONAL E.T.lOEtt: ', . , •
' I
• .4
'iiew Advertisements. .
',A; Administrator's Snic—esinte of A, Brant.
lionsinint lot for Safe—Win'. G. Bailey. •
4 Achniuistrator's,.Notice- 7 4state,ot
.Win. Pot
' -
In Bankreptcy. •
• liCettse LoditEC„,
To the Peos2e—lX..B . ,Taylor. -• 4
Itiontnse . Literary. Society..
Ftninntions-,W. ‘ 4 .•:;••
. , •
MinuteS of the Bridpwater‘A.s.smintion:
iinusl Iteeting.of the WoMen's Christian .
I Tetuperance Union. .
A stAptieweetttally tot , l4otstrtattyDopot . st, I m.,
return* at it•• • - „
A Stage teavea daily for :sovii' Itt Mord at 780 a. - 01..
yid returns at s 80 p. tn.
- •• • •• • •U. C. PottpllAl'ot P. Y.
11011141 nm anilway. 4• -
Arrungutot of Trains. take eteet on Monday,
Dec. 41st, ;874..
I),,kvn Trainio.
1411:Ta1YAlt11..', , • • . 1 OWrlla'dltl).
A. It. t..W. • ••` •" `‘ ' 1'.3t.1
: o•tg/t
5111. 110 _ :5 545 1
513 13, . ... , 10:'0 5 .141
21 .... _lOl5 5 3:e,
5 2:4 . 115... DJ mock 1015 5•./5"
'5 35 ... ... ........ 955 515
545 :. .. ... 15.05
555 145... ...... .Lynn..„ .935 455
6v5 1 , 58 . 25 445 .
61t) 208 . 'lll5 435 1
6 •.!%1 • J2O ' LObock • .. ,i) 425 ' ,
o 5 2410.......:....,5t0rey's - 855 415
' 145 ,245,1 •Tonktionn'oek....'.:B4o 355
• All traitui eon:Beet Tunkhennock ' , with P. st N. Y
R. 'it going north And south . . •
• • JAMES. I:I3LAKSLEE. Proet.
Notes About Town., - , =
,Tudg,e -Streeter au argument court otV
tl "Monday , lasi., • •
Tw'ent,y7ilire cent pieties are.consldered corn
' Igtable quarters these day , *
• Rev.. E. A. ,Warkiner resnrned , :thiii- llnties of
rector of St.lsau se on utulaylast:
, I
II any of our;Jatllatt 'desire to 0114 eopat.itu-•
tionat Ouit not wear pullback
dreists. • • • • • • • •
Woman's Tor.perauePrayerineetin‘g at the
':•' house of Mrs. DL 8: Wilson, to-morrow (Thum
); (lay) e,yening.-
. -
3fouthly Union Temperance ..mecting. at the
.4 4. p roh, next -Sunday evening. Sermon
•by.llev, J. E. Chmshire.
-; Mr. CH. Smith has just ,completed •a!vcry •
neat:residence Turnpike street, next. io' the •
'.;;; Preshyterian•church. -
. We notice that the Council. have laid a stone'
.! , t, wait front ,the 1./itiversalist Charles
ilorris'a on :I"rospect street , taosio-.the eainty
.nd ,
It is the-very time now that We :Want somei
4 •
of that wood - which sit.,proinised.• on anbsarict': :
thin. the wood instead of the` proniisE 2,
thai we need now: ,
Pos 4 7iraster.terdhammfMonir4se,Cornineneed
--:Eelliny tint new.Postalqtrtht at ! our,rost office,
on Itlo . ricitiY;Which were the tirst , that were re
tailedhi the 11,ttifed States., ' •
lk Searlels ',making quite ail addition to: his
tfroilling used for the D, L. W. Express of
fire,attaching a baseinentratOry- and alsti adding
tereral feet on the rear. What an, Excellent
J.: site ;or:annt.lici• theif!' Isla on
the corner .
By the 1 0 7 .Mtis.01 3 4ta::Qf Speakers .in the
Montrose Ring, oryaircove- notice the mimes of
F)111(! Of our youth " , rittiengt them. The - Court
—." thinkb); , ntlinot Oat ill so he
litift hayi; that the - -fietr;ple will - belie 'ttieln
:'S viten they,"spcskl.hor pjece."'ori faire principle
t 6 it `'.ciiildri a and 'fool's till the tenth." It may
a goo.] thin; . for the'Ring_hfit icy are very.
Eirry'for - the trays. Senator Watson. thongli !s
ver t y bandy 'chary for theta to have itt
IrtfLhiti.".h itlft'tif, politics,
Alta Local. Option unit .he ; is,.competeat
. ttlE t : '
,to saltuny audience..
; had i the first l and" great •pleatare in enr
Sutalt,lY,Oening,:of Seeing .two
blosooms upon
Manning, Coreaus B. tins a very
: 6
great variety., of choice pinata,. hat this one.
ronibithug ibeatity , and Isleatiatitv ocrertcips
therit we saw it "wiih i two' wax-iike
knit meal' cli!licate texture,
form 'rind' coloric'emitiing most delicious
amnia, and blooming. hut ' , Jr One night, we
could but pronounce it thi:gnet4est , waridcr: . itt
the, world, of ever ei
ls.rience. Each Won= measured nine inches
across it They indeed' 'appeared; foo' , liiattairal
h , lust, anti they do . mit 10,i lint ittle'bt:ik-liigbk,
This bettutilul'tilsplay:fs the f tberttaion:
It has brownest five time the past itaiOn.
We find there area inaj'at'lii of ttie peOpTe'ot .
Montrose as well
• the county 'who hie'
to. understand Ihemintill 'money" plank or
the 'fetyttr!..House that
.Shen the,'•iiear 'jail:" was were' told.
:that it e0S4124100: 4n. iiciditionalAaVot .87e
.wilts was /intitiiiiichich, it fitifs:tici,
t 16,010 a year., and tittle in twn'yearstbe tiet!t
- would he paid:: . .:Atter the. tat 6 `Yeara,.th'ey wen:
taikv(l why ttitiljte
laid wrre ioldAlnit it waiinerhewskrylo keep 'it
on to build . bridgo:and, dornly eip6lii4gOr
news, and tti 'tile end i f lane 3ieiint the 0;ople
tnil 44 den , upcia- %heist- 441p,1*.,
zuch, nanre one. know)) nzt iatetvatit
1. cent. It wool En:ern that'jW nOttbun't,
r.l-been _c,oliected °lv . lit - to", lewrtknd *9.nidge",
the connO,till over t must baie. bad
fall•-carnpaign!' in ‘ , l*lie, ynar,'nEi.*6'
:pave it froin . .one iarin) nni t llt. to -Slow, tintt, a
part of tile ciiuntibon434 are auOitiayar;and
lucre is money 10, pay. - ,
tl4e n0t14 ,- "of lie Out:litle4l4tion at iffe.
have stated: t at
h dedt*tea 'Saw
-611, nhicL w iuMirtiriantly,9utitted.
Icbbery ' -"
A• mutt. ntuneq, Iteuhnn,linwayd, living near
Beo; wag robbect yeatardaisflaiOhn, of
Ot!': in catab; In 1 1 , 1 314tior;inUii,filatkinAt
the liatabe in Union: The
, rohbnrt
Ivas 314 dispovered undl sonic thine • ahor.
frobably took phica. The man who Sic'ann
t 4 it; have in:en the Was of synali' staue,
wry klight, with blaek inonstache:p.nd
itlg a "crown hfit,” Efild `,weut'weat on the Erie
IPtoiv the theft Ivo; discoilltra—BiViunnt"
Tigicl, tip,
ViTY Mtlicting
- -~r~
.31Itt inn 'Wtitt,a 3rotag stanOter,:ef
ettir; aged 'fifteen
1% hit n pninful anu rieeitleat74ltl4
c . vPuirig ast: :Scurry, , :111,:p
Pivt her little von bath,' lett a cup :of hot ,lynt..
tr up , nr the•wlge of the tabie
.. the room *h re
:durlitu was, for yitupfta!,:iiktlt•l4"l.3.
%vent to ailotlier npiell
ly;avvoor,itile,thup in tti!:i I#l4rllo,
infinc:senily ah ( ttinstieritlllgkY: o 46 l t h e
. 1111 11 iuninnl - the et:Wiling iwnter
1 "g"::: dna shintlder.' . She iittgetell"..l 4, ; iiitfai
pain fie ntontiluriy. 44 . trs,.tintif brilf7P4sivle-v ;
i'tt ,411
pusg4 iitroye :o o;*bi>iiifaie 40,040 i
The .4thfir • if,4l P 4/35 F 1 1 .114414. 1 is e4d1414 the PUhlialiers o eb
ir'abletjunarim aye responsible for, there r„ent
Set ..exeiteme e is
13 `‘` Wic ttiei
true or . not, the spelling mania WU' $ ; good
thing, antlit undoubtedly hid a very excellent
Of all ekteational accomgthapteeleikP
er know I4e of the orthography of our Own
languageiii:verteitily,, ,the moat pesimblei and
of all the dellrid
ciees irt Oui * ektuoattonal meth
ods* that Sating to, 014
,study is the meet
marked. / •
IliblLlaiiAct'of 1875
AND CLAVTON:—On Thursday, at Danville be
, fore dtspthsing o f ofpl Ica ttorisfit t rOtiel
deliiered as Opirtion, , hokling
that the act of 12th of April, 1575, repealing
the local option . layv,.dlct tacit ,tuke ,from
. the
courts the peiver, nor die - charge khein from the
duty, of blaring, petitiofik remonstrances;
dehce and counsel on applieationp for lieenso,
anci, j ot ; Pasiing Mien -, the;Ruesflons Faisal, as
8 1 4P.E. tordeitis Con
strued by, the Supreme Court in 24 Smith, 200.
The decision of•Jtulge Elwell is in direct opm
b i t i on t o ttr,t, i?! 4ugga,Ross;andjAudge Cia3rton
published sometimehohling ,that :the
courts !um, no discretion : ,Ipoti . l.4e AglAjet of
icenses ;' .; • „
Look out for Cciuniorfoits.
, Peunterfeit _ten dollar_notes on the . First:;3'it',
'ti'oSd Bank of Philadelphia have . been Pui in
circulation in New York city,, , This counter-
T leit:ihado its appearance: six years ago, Wien
the fret Service agente t s uiPtured' the counter=
,leitor, the Phue and over forty thousand dollars
of the bills, and on being released from prison
put the notes in,cireulition through the agency
of Italian organ grim era. some of whonliave
been 'arrested. with large bundltiof thes .and
•othertounterkits in 'their rrosserisiimrprintedi
from aplate prepsied so as to be Hied to'coun
terieit twenty-eight different Nalidnal Banks
a_inap now'in prison. The arrests general
ly'seimi nib:tie lett something- undimeil t4is
. .
- . .
It may not be fully understood by ail our
ye' aderlAS :to..lviaitt kitiLettatit is.tintildlikes
the patitaloO Is of. President' Judge . ' l si.ick ao .
tenaciously to. the "Renck.'" after. they have
been upon it for Citien . 6
' r
• t i i tti v years. A Re
publican Legislature has giVen ' them $4OOO a
- v,eariarytin addition Ao .this ir . - lalv.ialifp Ltbe
`. i
•st...tutt,..,n 9 k ; Hy. tli... am 'k witi an
to call one anwher to hold courts iti different
parts 'or the'lstate at i $l2 .o , t.i. A — y, ind 'Mileage..
Iltnce, audgin who have. but,. ittle real estate
at home tolaole . aller, i their, sala sr bah* loaned
iotit..oKi,ifil rtt :hi -. eight 'o3:l** - Piit:e-ccid,; t ii ° l-
w i thsta nil i iig . they are sworn 'to' execute the
law that they are - violating,) and "their ,Carpet
' bags beitigin gobd:iiiiler,'ilie:f eiiii:iiiika a: nice
I . ..big for each othet,-and.can:elerate their sala
yi to $4,500 or $5,000, per. annuin by .the Pro
m's of "I'll tickle you if You'll tickle me."—
11 3
T its kind-of "illy"- is very,adhesive...' '
Spicier !
iii ;n recent uddrcsi tiefore" the ImAhilOalan
Institutei Lincecane glues Ihe following in
,teresting report at the curious little balloon
spider and its Niork :•
()flier aliiiiied (kite : of , tbosi,. Masi- at
work in the timer
, conner of an,ope outside
_i'oor shutter. Sireiviti - spitining gossamer, of
•which she yag,forming• Jfkjloon, and cliffiging
to her thorax was a cluster of minute young
spiders, She finished up . Lye ,boay o fthe
ioon, and tbrev out the long'hpw-lines, which
were flappirrgand flutter'g . in'tlie now„gently
Increatinpbrceze, Soversi m tes befoie she
cot, ready for the ascension she Iseemea Mx:be
ti.r.hig the bottom and winding Iher hammock
shaifed b4llLion ;,
,and-np!, , the ;breeze tiling
suitiihe,, - sli,e - Ine4ed"tirlhe Cable
severed it, and her craft bounded upward, and
searing northward, soon beyond the scope
of observation." - '
-.A.l.fihetifn' - g ' o'filfgatifil Gritille;2tod39;
held Sept.lltlt, the following committee were
appointed to draft , rcso: Itticifis bcondolence
relative td the death of Brother E rl.olin; and
submitted the following;_
1 1Vitt:at - At, It . bath 4lettaed the' Ghtatiktplitir
of kfie'lirifvette, to re'move frcim : .,•th3s 1.0:012; ,
oi d ll64l3foltit Earl wed we are ituri.' 're=
minded of the 'uncertainty:of iffy and the cer•
tuinty of.death ; therefor.e
Rcsolttid,' That; 'We' 'eSfei‘in if Prrvilego as
well us duty to weep with those that weep.
That-s timputhlzezt with. Our luster
t IS hour odeep tte losi;
kind husEiand. . - . .
I;e4o7iiii, That the Hall be draped in Mourn
ing that: these resolutionaheAlaeed
.uport..thcmirtutes - of •11t0 Gringe, and eepy of
the same he preseltcd beii.liTed sister,
also thlttt 41011 lie harts our ootnity . pa 7
ppre ; rtir ; pablic•ation. • . •.
Ttespittcdfly'dmhdatied. ifi Faith 4 Hope, and
Fidelity.: • • • - (
•-• -2. D;Annsorr;.? - • t•
e ;Lit AN - Dmi Gitrreqs, COm.
• , J. 13: GRIFFIS. •
. ,
From East
The GArilrierOoys: ar4 repgirmg their old,
Qieti Uut'king in 3 ifireshing, PatiaMie timber .
is [IOW ittpriler.: . •
Mr. A.nlasa, Ahlrich is. - erwting a, new.,house
on pitrtiir-his
The Directnre,,are repair school
house Ike new rolieg L psinting, - plastering,
Mr. Hewitt ins moved to: Montrose, where
he hat 4,( 1 # 1 :el 3 glgegr•fiurrkthe,..imgm:er ,- ..14 the
butchering bedews.
The P. of H. hjk . ve rented.lslr. Hewitt's house .
where they itowk' lid regular meetings every
Saturday .atterntm.,
Itunnirs lay that the louse:'- occupied' by,
..Turn w Prttclir woe siontrisoad h 3011,,... ( -1,„,,,._
ago.' Scarcely any thing was. saved.. - . ,
~_ ,
. ' 4. , • : -(- ' ' i
St,r44rj*l3ll.ld,win;has , moved*e qd f
el e ,
sail ein;4.4'a new one io n be erected the
satrie site, which; when completed, .NS, F
if add
much to the looks of the place: -" *
.iiir. Tliatelwr, late of S , crappah. has ; pu
. rehits-,
44 the Jail Aleutian proOity And 'jai itioied
;there. li e
. is, i.;leo making improvements on the
house by laking'do*n andbitilding iiigar.
'• . ,'. ,! :.'- 1 , - 1 ', ! • . •-• '.' • ' ... I . 4o sra '
, .
..14s I ly/211dgewater 1 ,9ct. 4,1875.
~ • 1-7.0- f • • •
'lremer ha&Cat Himself., • '
, are sorzy.'tb he:nbliged annOunee th at
the wlitor of the Reptilgicaa haa cat hipmelt
PrtNC - zt° Elig b i'e••
iN(6grauli"-allutlefolhe; Greeley question with ,
Ilon. A. Grow, announced in flatuhlr bead
lines to stump ttm county, on the financial
quet:tion, (like Judge Streeter) car
pet-bagged liorn party to the
Republiom, thence,froni the Republican party
to Texas, iwd Geeeley..: ;Like
. the *venerable"
Judge he • found •• his 'political fortune-, wasted .
elseWhereUnd he bas now carpet-bagged from"
Tox(Y l •Arki OrLT•IeY to. impose himself upon the
people`ol Susquehanna county. ,
Sidle tiepler are 'said to. have it great ILMOttnt
ot "cheek" , a l 4 l -Pcluker, 4aasptit.•• When Dir. .
Grew Bolds the "dourt Houte lung" Susque
banLa 0414 up before-the people in the 411fier
ent tchool -Ithusea; an a l*lnge' the "bloody
'shirt" hereto theni to hide _ tlmm, just ask him
to turn' aretind show ;- Just
itsk faun , and ell tire youths which the Ring*.n training to spotit about the county..
to jirst•Jholat'lle'"idoodiAirt" up a little so ,
that the people can see the skirts.of `the - ping`
k theni'tinexplaip.t - he Owsltylsitarik,4gh t ir
cisliecisloo,o9Q . tr'se'peophtil
m"3l4' to PRY t 2 . 0 ,* 6 - 1.,,l1;1( debt. -Ask them
to apluim ; why'Stis4uithanni enbtlty,•now t hal4
.hhit of gtcto ; Apkiii*lii*per.cent per
• • r "
'alWriatt• - "
ridgewatt;y and
A Kinister'llressed Oat.' .. Tr ~, ~..
5 ., , , ,
A. \ correipondeut-or the - ..kii - ghninton : 1 3 2inte
..Iyr,itlinOrnin NeWMillord,tell- it in the follor;
.. ing mifin4 ::' '' 5. '''‘'. "' ! ' l A'','::,
"It lit 'ItO - tintisnal thing - fbr . ' mliiistei ttl be .
,_ . ..
watched in public or even caned by surprise in
the mi skof a lung and useful career But to
be hater tor love and reeillie a thorouglVferr
kg out of trietn griort-Willi'in as community of
comp dive strangers, is one of those trialS to
which even the most faithful of preachers is
seldom expoied. But an incident of this kind
lips just (unite to light in this gnlet village. Of
this treatment •the - Rev. Mr. Gibson, who has
for a few weeks paid, bcon supplying thelires.i
byterlan pulpit in this place, was the innocent;
and unsuspecting victim.
,While absent:At. a,
fort dap (in the Janiatit, the'plot Witelitid, and
on his return was. executed in a most
manner, by sending him on' the first train to
:Binfriunuten, w,here ho ,wiut immediately taken
-in hinil , by 'the 'proper 'Sincere, at the 'elegant
rooms of W. N. Wilson, merchant tailor, Court
street, Who was directed to lace him well with
the measuring tape, and , lay. on the yard-stick,.
without regard:. to• damakes—in short to do his
beat. and send the bill to No w Milford. The
tipicking item in' this Mysterious busingsswas
,an elegant diaper= from the shelves of Messrs,.
Spendley & Orctut. We unden3tand therrever
end, gentleman accepted the situation with be-
Coming grice Only. objecting to itsfit:neris on
the ground , that it was wholly understood.
Terrible Accident. , •
On: Fritter night, &rt. 17th, as the engine
"Conitnadore Stockton" wan.. a , train of 124
lempti cold care;, which left Peel:mur on the
Lehigh Valley Railroad- at 8:10 for Fairvievi,
'wee Passing Stitny Creek; the ‘ boller exploded,
imtantlY 'killing the• engineer. John litimer,
tha fireman James. Dubler and two brakemen
named „Roffman, and , -.KuIP, -and' breaking au
arm and otherwise injuring Geo.!Owens, anoth-.
in. brakerrian.! - th e il d y one man, the • brakeman
ea the rear car, es ped, •
the.exploslon was •terifle, throwinir the bod
lea and: otherobjects great distanees: , The
ground where the explosion occurred was de•
pres4ed six inches. The body':Of Kii r stiner" Wei ,
found upon the side of the niountain, 200 Yards
(rent the track liis- head strnek a s tree, dash
' 'ttgout'll3 -brains and, his hOdy was terribly
scalded. e The bpy of Dubler was thrown
across the river,w ere it ;vas founa some fi fty
feet above the'''. ‘S.-..• S. track. 'The body of
roliTart IWO fOl,lll 1 ' across the river, between
i t
,b 6 Lehi g h _4 Susqjue natuta_:.tratks. .Kulp's
bodys-'was found in. th water a sort distance
frond theopposite sit e. Owens, the !flared
nian i ‘was sitting, on the brakewheel of the tank
,h.lloa Ihe_bniter eXploded, and he was kineked
down the bank into the Lehigh ricer, and sue
speeded in draggine,labnielf.ashore, although
his,lett rin , was broken and-.he was, scalded
badly on ihe. bretist„ The "hind" hkAceman
tvas riding:on the rear ear and esclied(tniiniur
d, aithoughlthe-rear end ortini thin was piled
bp as was also the, front and centre portions.
T.hs 'bolierof the : engine was =found in the
-7 ' iddle'cif'ilie'Lehigh fifer, one Ofile driving
th s eel's on the opposite side of the riper, and
otherpiezes of - the wreck -were thrinvn prviclig--
• ions distances. iThe rear end 01 the train stood
#ll the .. bridge thatspans BtonyPreek:. -.: ' • - -
, immeSiutely afier the explosion the train
tookl fire t and by- - its ,light,' the 'nuinjured man
scevered 6Wen, butcould find no trace of the
other then. He then went back to, Penn Hay
,e& four miles, and • infOrnied 'the., railroad au
thorities of what had happened, and assistance
was sent to the injured Man and search made
which resulted at last in the finding of hit the
bodies -''' -. 1, ':'' -,: r
'- - -2-•:-4--:,-.
Don't want Personality.' :
• . The, 4 . l l.lourt' if,huie Ring" tion't:':iiiint, 'the . tbe 4ersonal" this fill! •
temPt It gnrstiadel some vacilitating Democrats
to request us to, aot say -meat-an the Judgeship
question. Whose ox is gored this time.? . This
desire fei r a "hush?'-gameatllis time is simply .
the cry iii guilty, quaking cowards. - Did they
think of this in:ltho two last.campaigns-when
E..l3;tlli.tvieS , "wlie placed: upon the Democratic
ticket eild wheti] the Democratic candidates
were supposed tO !be in a hopeless minority ?
, Did thhAtingLteiil of 'Montrose, eactiewiter
sonalitieii-tehen.: lipmer" loaded it from hick, to
-muzzle kith thelelrest slang and the most In
famous personal sturse and patent falsehoods
respecting -liie . editor of this Paper to the ex
eliniion'af,epery. other-candidate ? •
The Damocn&r, since . August 4th, 1869, has
always heen.condnotedin a gentlemanly man- -
ner toward the Oandidatea,although. it has been
~ obliged to , discharge its duty to the people in
dealingitii some' 'ugly theta in the recordi ut
Radical'officials, 14 -well as Democratic, and we
! are realty to lap our flee before the pitblic or
trust te, the memory of our readers, 'for ilie
• trea t or macassation. .. We propose to deal
- noticing :but. fad's his campaign, but
' we,ore not.,to be hood Wink or Palavered into'.
Ijoining the, Court.',ltouse - Ring "mum" society
'when oursluty to the honest masses is so pon
:detour) . in the tither scale of thebilande. We
rd*ifertel; home facts and shall assert more,
] if..they are not facts, let the Ring open the
books and pr.* tiem false.;This viill.:wind
'up the "bobin" for the Bilitocrixr much quick
:er than 1.. r the': McMtrose Republwan to teem
with stick inlantotas personal abuse and - base
'falsehood - against E. B. Hawley as it-has for
the,,last six yeara and 'which the people of the
tolintiAinow- tn :be -Stieh s . We give them due
notice that we have . no persomil spleen to vent
hor, , t..x. to grind c but we haye a-duty:to perform
and "mum': is no tour_ watchword as both Re- .
'pnblieant ail Dtriticrats ought to hfiderstand
by this Lilac. We tu-eiliabie to. human mistakes
and we are hull Veady and. anxious to correct
them tiberr proved to cis, but when we think
Ire ure;risitt* , olll); fi go ahead!' : ~-
Plagornt of BetrAneltraent-.
bf Itnn cmutv 9E7.
The 'Corurt, FlOuse Ring" and their hench
men 'having attempted In various , sections of
idle county tedialsonor us, as. mindidates before
the people, and to falsify - our position upon the
platforra'of Retrenchment in the expenses of
the' county which was unanimously adopted by
:the DemciertitieOnnventioti;held
• )donttose,
'itepteinber 20tie.18-75, and to which each and
every one of uti, for bimseif personally pledged
'his support in aliepting'a nomination after its
adcktion,4...audwho4re,,tilso attempting to be..
lie the honest tuotivtas of. the Democracy.illde
laring for, old time honesty 'sad economy in
the adniiiiiiitratioi Of the affairy of the amity
and state theretore,4e - take this method to re
new \ our pledge in a . tnore personal,. manner.:
That ice, the SeVeral,candidatLs of the Dem
ocrati4 tab'? of igesquehanna ionniy; der, each
rsoncd y , raid` for himself
.pletige LIS sacred,
honor tolmaintain and carry out the terms of
said :platform 0o the - minutest particular.
' •-•
The candidate fier,Treisurer, Henry b: Ty
ler. pledges his: hopor , tn the people of flusque=
henna county, th4t, if elected, be will : net, -un
fie? aVV„isiirelonqarte; FE:Olye but - 4600 perin-,
1:11102 performbtg the duties of that office.—
The eandldates'lo COmudssloner,Leander Grit:
'fis and Malthew Ayan•;eaCh, for himsell, , pled
gee . ..Atli p44le - Of'lititildeluthie
county, that, if elected; he, will not untkr any
dream/tame =dye to exceed tr.Silper'annutu
for perfornilug the:duties of that office andlhat
the salmi , of the , Clerlt,shall be fixed at $.500. •
- Each and ever; one of the remaining condi
dates fur himself, hereby Solemnly pledges his
- sacred bOnor tha4 will' employ Ids every en
ergy and all lawful . Wang V) carry putlhe full
. est and Strongest , titerpretation of the follow
, lag 'platform its„ very s tetter awtspirit
wits•`:, . • •
4801001, Tinitoicii the purpose of , paying the
hooded debt. of thislCounty 7 atuountingto over
$lB,OOO-7441,11 axe ,pay,log to a tor,
eigfkholder"or i re bonds eigAg per amt. per an.
;num, the. ot the =Treasurer shall bc Rt.
ed at $OOO per. annuin, The: salary . of Corry
irdssionere.Cleili‘..lo- 000 petiftu(unt, aka flfe
.pay:of the,Conntetanrniksiftneaf
teed $2511 birch" . lmrliiiiiiirt ••• •
Rewired, That the - fees and salaries of all
Couny officers !should be reduced by
live enactment, to such sums as shall beta
.reasonahle compensation - for the Service per
formed. - The perrplo can net afford to enrich :a
Shenff and Prothonotary every.three years; 1
Ralph B. Little, • • Henry o.• Tyler, •
. .
William White; , Matthew E. Ityan, (
Curtis cif Oil 4 1- ". ;,Leanar Gins,` .
Roger-8 . 3earil '. 4 - - I.lB..o l Douti, !
. L. Itichardson. : - 3 , •
, ,
navinga:eaWrip l ,. Intiffet. WN131,11, tax pay
.eiii'of this county we take this opportunity to.
demonstrate to; them the partial effect of the.
triumph of the above. proposed Retrench
,ment... , ; ,—. ; ... -1 " - . ..i {- -., • y r- -, . 0
" The avern,gei, Antolini pad iiiinually to t,lip. ,
three Commissienens'of this county lei., the at.'
- gregate -since -the year 1860 (0 years) as per
county stetement„ publishodin each of the
county Papers; #lllcli c aily ' info can Inspe'et la
himself, is $1,334.12 ,In lieu of this, take- the
terms of the.abovelilatform• anit.the ttggregite
'tor th t e same will be $750 per annum.
ilireti,! Commissioners ' '.. $1,324.12
Three Conimrssioners, Democratic
• • Platform , : 4. - „‘.. , .... - ' 750.00
Difference per ''annuin • $574.13
.Difference In 3 Years ' $1,722.34
C4Enr's. , Clerk 'per annum. • ...I'-: •: '. $lOOO.OO
" Democratic Platformsoo.o
Difference one year ' 400.00
Difference in 8 years i5P0•00
Treasurer per annum. • sl,oooiloo
Treasurer 000.00
Difference per tumum.....1,00n oo
Difference in 8 years .. . . r
Am' t. saggd on Comes $1,,722,36 .
" " " Clerk! ..... I .500.00
" ' 1 ; " Treasurer... 8.000.00. •
- ' •
Whole aniouriCeived in 3 years $6,=.38
Fro in this sourcp... Alone in .nine years the
whole county e " geoid be paid with inter
est• •
BillinestitaCidsi . .- i 't' . . '..2
EXAMENktIONEL-T4C first of Fall series will
he held at Harlon], on Saturday .October 16th;
ut 9. Full bit, :
• , ;-.W. i
''''tiontrosie,bte C; 1875: •
.. ;
Ainarrlts ot Bridizewater Baptist Association
containing th' Seral-C,cattqtial ...,,setruc i p ,AO 7
lirrssi' and ,Abstract 'of Lilo ry foplift...y4trsi
can - `be obtaluett of W. - tIT. Tilden, l Ontroiei
Suq'a co., P,a.04.;10.5.c0ns pyr copy, of .s,centi
if sent . by nutiL . .
lgontrose, Oct.
J. C. Johno*!* itelfver au, ilddresa 1.)
Ifontroie:Lif6t'ary 'Associatio'n; at the Wit et
church, Monday
. evenitig, Oct. lith, 1875.-
' AzintltEw. YOITGI3, presitteilt„
J:43r t
Gol, W. CROAK; Secretary.
. •
Oct. 6;1875.
Tue. teeting• of •-tho Women's . ,
Christian Tempora sC:l„Tpiog".prftnfisilisofiti
will lid heldWilliamsport, Pa., on the ?7th:
day of. October, , al„lo,a, m.
Each Auxilialy' Society is entitled to send!
three delegates, limier, Art.7th, of the Consti-
J ; ,
Delegates desirinz entertainment will please,
Soon as'ptisaAble.: , ' ; 4
, - 4 , „ D.A3.
Pies. W. C. T. U. of Penna.
Great Band, Sept. 29,1875.'
Ptattac.- 7 4.5, a guarantger
tidlelnewarei the; beat In markt*
iuf theirl d chittim at the4ualitY tbelgooirs
shalt hereafter be main!.:Lined, 1 would iay to
all : "If atter.using them you are not satisfied
you have received benefit in proportion to the
price pa j d s tetsiru the empty - hottle,ouncitagq,
'getiourmonat lniclf, I want, up Man's
money unless heia satisfied' he' haa received its
equivalent. `lteipaetfully,
- . •FL Bnowtq uia. TAYLOR, Prop'r, •
'. _ Octobe r6, 1815. - ,
I BARGArke in 411 deparitnenth. ' = •
Sept. 2.1: ..w2 aßwi ASino4.
- ••:
•• Latioi & w t'r.s7vp assortment of..BOom,Shoes,
Rubbers, - et4.,'foF evei7l)ody., at low prices.
Sept. 22. ' Brab"it STROUD.
There is no subject. that requires so "much i
study and experience -as the trisatmeneobt# rein
is "diseloses. : The astonishing succe - ss and re•
markablee-cures • per formed by Dr, Autterfield,
are the gilt bf clairvoyance. to: the life
long study of the constitution !ortnin, sod the
curing of diseases from natural-reniedies.. Cures
the worst forms, of Scrofula;..tatarrh, Piles, Fe- -
male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder.
Will be at the Cefferty 'lionise. Binghamton,:
Friday, and Saturday;Octobyx 29th, and BOth.
.4)r. Butterfield will he at .the celebrated Stint
era' Springs, at Rush., on: Thursday, October
2004bn : it:visit. !.:Patients can •
- PuorticiturnS.--'--Pictures 'all the lat
est styles. - Oht picturts copied titd , eLtlatgal.
Also,a splendid hit of frames .for. Sale cheap,
at G. iV. •Dootarrt4s.,
- Montrose, June 10, '74.—tf, - *•!;: - ; • •
Waren:ES, Clneks and jen,-elry repaired.on
alirt, 'notice and Warranted, at F:D.'litell/u
-istrs Jewelry Store.\ \formerly labelt& Melbu•
'Montrose, July 28, 18W; --tf , ' , •
.Goilio I .
• A. Hieknox announces that lie thinks of ie►v-
Sn sodn. Atl who would like some
' of I.ii..s.'!workwonld do well to attend to it with
:out; delay.
`. l w cloud". goettes ar,e:a ;very. tod qua
antl id,eosingloieture, an etiti,telyllevtr'Styld,' , .- . '
• Montrose, - June-10, '1675. •-•
A. B. Buttiis, at the Eagle :DruKStore, keeps.
conktantly on band .a lire& and well sr:levied
Stock of 'pure Drugs and Medielnesßiiints.Ofts'
and Varnish, also a very large assortment of
Port :Monazite's, Cornms,• pritsltes:! Terfninery-;
and. Toilet Soaps. phytichttnt •kiscriktitini.
ad 0....,••••• .1 • VI
anti raig‘ll-1 - Give him a call. Sign of the Gol
den Eagle and Mortar. .' -
Montrose, June 9. .
-; -
Tim -Supreine \ Court of the Slate'of New
York .haa decided. that J., C. Ayer C0., - of,
LoWell,.have the . sole right. to L•use the words' ,
Connity'PicronAL for a medicine,. and has' ft• l `
Sued an injunction against ..F, V. Rushton, of
'Neve York,. city, .for. Itughkon's Cherry
ectOrill or' Cherry'' Pectoral Lotehges, or any
other use of the mane to.• deceive the public:-.t.
Tliia • decision of .the high court, Anclatlei all
dealent who sell any • similar article.—Port 10 9 -
fersa (L .Leader. -• ;
' • •- ;.
Wa Turtrk that the people of 3lontroseavul
vicinity are finding out where the' meat. popli
lar Bry Goods House in Bing.itunton is locattA
foi C. P. Sisson - eni • inferm- us that their.
trade, from this section, is very large and con
btantly increasing.. In their stock:way now be
foun'd a large 'anti carefully selected. stock. of;
Dr,y! . .Goods,suitible to' the *ants OkOrrybbajr,
Tbey Make FE ,ipecialty of Black-Silks,'Black
• Cassimemi, Black Mohairs, Black Alpacas, and
the finer grades of Dre GoOdk . In "this
line! are prepared to .give-some decided bar,-
gaing. e.suppose. that neerlY VervIPATIEI
aware that their store Is located at 61 Court
Streetinext the'Canal. •
Binghamton, Sept. 29,1875.
111111Intery"Gisio'sja,:: 1111111;m.y Gott&
Wo have received Or EALL. sTocg 41111
prepared to shovi all the - latest styles lin Straw
and Telt , liats > and 13onnela,- mun i na 9 4
, V , orqtioliasel Feathers,/
Wings, Birds, Flowers, etc., in all the,Atm
aliadoVViz:'aliticrarid i SSearßteiksict, 161 M .
nal Bed, etc. We shell commence triinmjpg
Fail Stock ttili'ivieels/and' tendii tiff invitation
to the Ladies of Montrose an.d. vicinity to cx.%.
tonlOo our stoek -- oPtiktr'Aliciverwlikte veetniti
antee to lie the 4061 atyles.anktineol. qualities,
firs. Ratenthat, Milliner. (CbeapJohn.),
Alenti'dse i Sept,' ,
J 4
Bin 4011 ,Paufrum, , -
. '•„ , !Mk ActIF:NgrvItAWP I •
are adding new, material to
n flieei and WithteUriiarge &or* of Kith Type,
a 44 row Prirktini Prows vet O J i Orinoptilitih.
'both ju Price nal qiudiot,either nt 131nek -
, Jr plonglWork , • 'llAw4x4higsfsms - j
`-c (
Putv - •Toruelij.-I"atcrg . I.,nrr: OF, New G 001713
Staudardlirjfits,r,at t4i,,9, and 10 cents.
Plainlanit Called MO, at 25,30, and 32,54 c
Plain and Feeney •Debagol (new patterns) at
25 and 30 cents. '
.L-Biftelio and colored ~ Alpacas, at '25, 80,. Bk4o .
and 50 bents. ..,. • •
Yard wide Bleached Iluslins, at 0, 10, 11 and
12 cents. - • .
Yi, -
rd wide,' Vnblenehed, Muslin, at 9, 10,11
and. 2 eents. -- . - : , ~.` .--',' • - .
Shawls, newest styles; at $l, $l5O, $2, and
S I 6 e,,i
'. • G , 'fliksTl3hirantrsoit 14.:j0di7e.... '
It d and Wpitftsla4uels In, great variety it
.25 cents. A. '' ' -0-" J ' • ,
L. dlea all 'wool Felt • Skirts, at sl,'sl 25, apd
•. B t• ~ I ,,t,n:r Ptitton Kid GloVul, (warranted) at
Canton Flannels, at 11,12, and 10 teats. , _'
- Genti'gtiod 1i.40 • Boots, at $2 50. • ,•._ '
Gents - better Kip Boots, at $3 25..
..Gents best Kip Boots, at $l. , ‘,. . •
(feats best Calf Boots, pegged, at. 54.50,
.',' Cilia& bhift Calf Boots, sewed, at $5 50. -..,
..Genta Fur ,Hats, .new. and latest. styles at
$1- 50 and $2 00. . . . .
• ' GOnts antt tioya Clething'cheaper than ever.
Th'e al ove - :eonaprises but a small part of our
nnW)Stoc.k (the first of the season in M.ontroso
and the pods aro entirely new and carelull
seledied.. We warrant all our'evoLls to , be;
cheliP tis they can be - bou4ht anywhere Intb
United States.; give us a call bet Ore purchasin
and you pill be convinced of the truth of th
above.' . Respectfully yours, -
S. ?ICEMAN &C 0 . ,. '
11.1rENTIIA14 silettritun. Cheap John
Dintrpse, Sept. 8,1875 -tf -
nitiXT.-al-airq.M 1::L'527
. FANCY GOODS. ' 1.1 ••
' el. ' ti.
.: - ' lmo cork. Sit, ..t"rifoioas...
• - , I ivill'aell for the ' next po days, I•• ' . ,
- -
,eVerylblUg fa my Hue at greatly reduced prices.
All dillllnfiry Goods
.11e1qw Cost. ,
• ' • • No. '2leourt,St.; Cbr.Wattr Hl
Ilinglutmtan, N. Y., August 4. 18VS.
114 E4f1.3MX1.Xdi..C4-311113.
s , il
,__ ~
• .n o m o Api -- -. l ,;4l)wn&Lte!•At.the residence o
the hrhlies; : 14 tither;-.3l.r...Chiti'leS I. Campbell, b •
-IlerLlceorge T. Price, Sept. Nth, Mr: James A
3lun gan to Miss Mary E. Campbell, all of He
`tics `entre, Sniffs co., Pa. - '
'Corittaii--tC - n. isaiari . -tit Lyinanville; in lb
M. EL parsonage, by Hew. 11. G.llarned assistei
by Rev. Abel Wrigley, Mr. Philip 09.'Conrai
• anirs'3liss Sarith . E. Crisman, both , of Auburni
.„. .
~ , the ~
13Atincrt—irANcuznat . house of tho
brides lather, Oct. 1. by Rev. J. 0: Miller. Mr.
- Charles ' Harbor, of Stockton,
,atr 3lfits , Pli il
Fanchee.ofel3rldgeiviter. • - • . ''. ~ .' •
- F - --_'--
az) AeLira Eris .
Htpktottaion'o-- pp
Ralph 1 0 ..,-son-ot Charles 4... an#-..1.11da J..Huai
gerturtt, aged years: • • •
• - Cu d a.sLE—TEP,Thorti.soli, flept.lB, after 'a brief
illq a, A0g . k.,8. wife of 4.. B. Chase, aged , Bo
yeats:uastm giontits: - •
SzifiLL--113 -Rush, Sept 14th, bliarles'it, sou.
of Oiland. B Snell; deceased, and Harriet' Saell,.
aged 14 years, 9 mouths aa423 days.
Ceiiptur 4.lut.nient.
- ; : Theie Is no Pain ivhich the Centaur
Liniment will not relleve,no swelling
4:rig _ ,, •.T i.lfey• Iv tp 'n ot sulidue. and no lameness
i pit
` 11 .! ~ which they will not cure. This is lit rong
,--. 1 ~, ~,, , language, but it Is true. They- have
f& produced more, mites of .thenmatipai,:
,•' , - - - nenralglaJoit-javroalsy,sprains,ewel-
Otrpm 1in 1 , 7 , caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt'
rhemn. •ar-aclie..te., upon 'the human frame, atd of
itraini, spitvin;gaits ; etC-. aped one:yev
than hisve.all other pretended remedies since the world
'began ,' 'They are counter-irritant, all-htzling, pain re
lieveni. Cripples throw awaythvlr , crutches, the lame
walk, Pcisonous bites are rendered harmless, and .the
won n tied are healed Wi theta ii - , scar.. - Th e - rempe Is pub
imbed oiriiiindtach Untie. They - Sell wino artieles nyer
sold before, because they do just what they pretend to
do. Thoss who now' suffer frottt : rhenuntism. pain, or
swelSiic deserve to eerier if they wilt not useVentitur
Lintment, i white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cores, Including frozen limbs, chronic
rhetunat inn, giant; innn in g' tumors. etc., haie been re
ceived. We will sentfa circular containingcerttficates,
thc.retipe,ete.. gratis, to_ any one regnesting lt. One
hdttlenf it:e felltii , wriiiinei Centaur Liniment Is wprta
one hundred Oilers 'for ,spivined or sweenied horses
and metes, or for semis-worm in sheep. Stock-owners
-ithestllnimenti are worth your attention. No family
fawn Ici, be without them . . "Mtn e wrapper family use;
Yellow wrapper for animals: Sold ball Druggists,-
SOCenktaper bottle; large bottles. 41 1 . 0 0. J. B. Roar. .t.
Co.',slllrbidwai;Neli T'cirk: '
Casf.orin Is more than a'aubstitnre for Castor Oil.
It is the only sofa article In' existence which is certain
to itsslmulate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind
colitaptilirodnee ' natural: sleep. It contains neither
suinenila. morphine or alcohol, and Is pleasant to take.
neednot cry and Mothers may rest,,
- -
The Markets.
' arke4'
lieporteil Rvrry w rapreeslitair Trtz Morrniuts
Ditstocr.ter by it.h4xler & Server, Vrixture Commis.;
etoll ..terciAlitiOttWhitGlptllkicreclNetrorX,_
, Sark, Friday 0et..1 1875.
• Receipts ;aft, fix days .. ' .25,266-rkgs
The 4t:tnand coutintkii fictive for fine -btate
add "prices rule very -firefly. We con
tinuisl.our titOialitin at 3.5 e. for fine pails but in
exeteptionat .eastA, some. dealers are. erbtailing
1 alai 2c::tnort; .for something very fauty, in a
ewaWcay tb, the giptiry trade,
32 .0; 33e
" - • W
• , ‘CO%I : . PrIO 28 •kkk ;30;
r elioi6egew mace' 33.'C,
Pails, good to inirne. 6J 32e
• Pails comma to 'good. .... 28e
. 'C'III4E.
Etencipta biSt six days ...,103,885 boxes
Fir' i3irtctly fancy September Ch 'tint_ Ale...
mtaul is good, and salei can bo made-at Ilic.
with sli
inme freedom,•ilnel exceptional . tiases, a
(rat t lob ori3 ,roo'clied, but tor cheese tirade
in:uly or the Srst half of August 12c. la
cuL CO, eXCeCti. • , ' • •
F.tate Factory, fine., 1.1.2 ct
-Et. ate Dairies ~, 0- - 1 0,2
• antis -Facturyi Atli' gtiod, - .. 0340 - 10% •
EQOS. • 1
Tncehsts Last air days.. 0 802. pk g -a.
TlWdepiand is Oita ItAltent the ativanca-lutely
ma...ttiOhett, but with Inchter.reeeipta• to•day the
rtTlng!is a trdi'iteadter than• ysterday, and
tiutleur sales are waking below_2Bc.ifor West-
Sato, and Penn—
31esWrn choice bmida
emand or-all 1 descriptions and
.)'tj • 4 f • •
Ivriudriv. arrivalsprices \ are weak And show it
furtler reduction of folly' lc. per lb.-
TOceys, &Aro:Pante;
I .okcliere ' . • • Stato•prltue ..14 to .15e
. .
fairly at steady prices. Sheep
ilociroged : Lambs plenty, and • ,
11 'Sheep to tlo
N'Calves litate prirno..... 9 • to '0304
.... .. , 12, tck . c . / 00
li` les
ritptvi. . -
are se3ling fairly • at about steady pri.
,Ms;ll ) ptelida` itivttt: - steady., '-1 3 1acktierriq
,'S Applbsi
!",P hes:Paelestiti.te. - • — l7 to Iso
33 kbe r tf r r i 1 e5 e5... ni ;: ar ..... : ±..'f...........14
.t t o o
60 to - 10,000
tzw..todutikocktitoran r ke
- p 0 rir
'lntro It,'t ebnok on Wail Street: vent - kke:
IDG* 1144ors,and*Orati.2 Wall
• II
t, le
03112 21 M 13321114.. 10th, 2,07 e, .
. • f, -
- SILKS IN* GREA± vAnnar
- ttatts
,• .... ..
~,..41E4pArt,TH RE OFFERED.,
h .,. • . •
,STOCK BOOT `AND SHOES SWAB ki'LL AND cp.miEET4 NEVER vER? gam, cgmtpra.
MII;PORD;w September
I:lelcotc•res , .
§.A _ ,YRE,
Are moil/led - that •
. ,
• .• -
-• :
]tzwiaaa. ecliartioly;
or they will be collected by . L.. 1 `-.
September 29, 15Th. .
A - 4
Sale oft.Real,Estate.
. .
Tbeunclerslgned adtaintitratoriof the estate i f lie
rtati Snow. late ot Franklin Towns r equite • lin
perionarice.of an Act of the.Orphine Courhip, dt
of d_
the Oottn
ty of Susquehanna. will. expose At public; imle'on the
„premises, in Franklin, on . . •
Wdltiesday, ',October 2011..;:
•At one Volock P K .,
'all the following nestribc4piece.of land sitaiats In the
township or Franklin. Conn o' of Snagnehaana • and
Slate of Pennsylvania. bounded u follows to wit:
ginninc.on the North by lands of Wiirretilbirra. on the
past by the highway, stunt bilsolo of T. G.: Williams
and on the West by lands of Charles and Biotin HAM'
utl. containing 87 acres and 28 1-2 perches,',morePr
less.. •
. • • , , ,
Ode hundred dollars down . ' Six hundred ea (*Mir
tlOta o 1 sale.and the ; balance In one yearthereatter
o lt sNoW,i
• L j9l4 ldaiirailp # 4:
,Franklin, September 151: 1825.-41,
NEW facie& OP -
Ciec•ols.errsr, •
fist received and facials 67
or 'sale by,
- 4ißOOEitrE4'
the store '" ' •rt . • • %
• • . ; wABIN
Ilr'7resi3a„ coi-ea's:isomr.
`r. -
r sale by
Montrosis. Apr St, 1875.
1 .IVc;:kxi.e 3E3eettol 4 ,' 2
TT write polteter in the follow .kuorimpan lea:• ,
Franklin Fire Insurance;Co„ Pill..Aaanta,
Continental. N. Y " 'l4 2,1754100
Germania, ." • 1,1F.,04109
Hanover, • • " - 1,250.000
Niagara, " .. „.. . . :..." • 1,960.0D0-
Farmers, York.. ..... " • 9C0,0D0
queene,.London. • - ••
No • Titter-.Cats"—All 'National Board Ccimpanide,
and ss a cousequenee, sound and reliable, having long
been tried and always found forth'', as all. who Mire
Met with losses, stfmi Agency ill ThOIM Who
Nave, I
patronized thet,• will.accept my thanks. And to
choke who have not; can only say, promise to do b
Alin, it they will favor me ! with an application, &al
do y all, gpve• them Insurance value for their money.'.
• Very Respectfully.
, .
rtford ACcide*t faliuniico Company Policia* int
Prom one day to ono leak. by
• -
: , :i troge tbo a v i e ti A l lo Sen j et ra, Ailiogetri
dnaini.stratorls Sale
pursuanCe of an 'order of the Orphans' Court of
actuante County. the 'unaersigned administrator of
' tate of tAnn Davis. dec'd, will Nell at the premleee
ribed,' Wednriday. the 13th day of October,
at 3 o'clock, p, m., gat following real estate, to
; I i
I that cel
4 - y, Coi
ala, bet
, luting et
1 g between
i s h, .on as
V , iixteer
the' rOa
S re of. h
alb -
g at ihi
lui 1 ha
• lad
a the
old ide
(it' 29 e
(.4* 28 c
Dfto ' ' NO_TWA• , 1 ' -.' '•• ' 1 `,'; r. , '; , ' --`,-' -.
hiti4b thets i binlii
inderellined in andlear Akio 7 I
nt 8 Omni* Coast" in *a iwtai,o,44 . _ ,le M i
r chilli arAunes ji.: 'Hajtani. decil, oh ex
. n Al ed thn Anal AieconBs.intinnstban K.
, *Won of head Ladle id, Vows. will heir i 4.
1018E44, ikt blvtifilen in llionitoote
on th extnpi • o ' c l ock p. so, A
Imo, oc bar tub, ilMiriW t niiii
as tater"! will pique iiikAP*lce•
, : a„.w, giallidf, Alk4ltiM"
tentber "
MUTO TOTlCEL—Lettert _ 3e~tamentirt td
the este • er:Johe C011t97 3 144 'of itiddlatqwll;
tuning granted to , Andantino, all rt.
ndebtad to the said aatAtat 'an set, inoW. taunts
Ansa ent. and all ,nantonn llama claims
et d • t artll presen 4 t
orni !bon titian
or dalq
• , voNti i
*OMR& liml4 o X =
team • 00109*
. • ' t‘
• •
. .
I. 0 R, CORRUGATED ELBOW CQ. an U. 8:,•52 Cliff Street,. N.Y.
45 do 47 .U.ace Street, Cincinneti,, 215 & 217- Lake. Streit, Clamp.
FL Q II : R.
In lot of land 'Abate In the townshtp Of
nty of Susquehanna and State of Penn' ,
tided and described as follow*. to wit . :
the" Macy Creek , Road and fretliet Hue of
Vermin Chalken and . P., Butts. running
d line sixteen porches to stake and stones,
rd ten perthesto stake Ind etones,thenct
entice to the edge of laid read. thence
to the place of , beginning, ntalaing
d. more or less, with the appttrt iantiea;
• on day of, sale and the balance 4%404
• •
' pbunbei B,tig:24V)LLUX. Adier,
I 8 uii zy. OtTITATED on the !three
g from , Iloghatoton to Montrose to Conlic.
tutor 1.14... 411..Wi 41/.4 -Puttee sitopl
, station will rind convenient to call on
proper coirrenionoss to cstm parties 14
A ey wish to resell. Ihare been ;vatting my
M. making them more convenient to en;
public. Thanktlil for past patronage of
• 'is. shill be hippy PD greet them szny,
-morally, when 'milli* Vielniqr. • • • ,
p. J. MURPRY, Froprlelor .
,IrPtiefi,i P 144 4:,f 444 .i1Dti1!„, ,;
N, lirE; AND - OATS,
poitme 4,tasi MU,
rt. itew,Ciliuperlikst.
• yicyr7s,--e. ' '
C * )
' ' '
.L •
. •
1875. t
, *,.
Cleanynes.s, and
.....;.,! .. ..,•. !,-
130YTY &-...:G.W.t8Y1..
- cornexidMain and TucapikeSto. •
. .....
- • • • —nriiiits tit
, : CO "UM a
Bt ilders' Hardware.
• •
`loy- the:lC.og.
Ttotoki to' tint FriCbds tdr Vss t Fayonp
.. .
,I. I'l4*i:riddle more thankf dito one and alt who knoir
they have anrettled account r with ns, if they, would 010
and dettle by the middle of March next. .
Feb. 4,1874
.. Li 7 '. , • '
.. 7;) •
nquiNps' 'STRO'UD
. ,
General •
4 . - liftagati - CsirCo,lma.
:Cipltal:tieeresentea IVO 000 000
. . . ,
~ ..
LlverpooLLondat d Globe • : , $Z.1,000.000
Moral Canadian insurance Co',. of
•wa. capital . . • - • • _ 6.000,000
snsiCo..of North America . " -03,2hossie
Nation New • " " ' s4oo.oce
' Ins. C,04 State of Pe 0.1/,'a "
Union Mutual • " • r- " s4no,ooti
Lycomlng Fire ; •'• , $0.000,0011
Lancaster Fire ' " ' • 40,001,
Flre Associatioi of Phila. • " 2.$00,(110'
Pennsyl7sasia Iss. riots: ". • 1.300.000
Coolmerctal Xtre lue. Co.. N. T. • poem o.
Fame Ins., c0..0f Phtla . 450000
Watertown Int. Co- Watertown:N:lr; ' Immo th
Home Ins. CO., N. T.,Cspitaland !surplus:. $4, 0 00.000
Athle Fireins. Co., llartiord, Ct. • ro.hOo
Ilattfond Lira apitalendSttiplua ' $3,000,060
The Madbrrigneti is SPECIAL AGENT tor the follow
lug companies for Northern Venttylraola;
Fite Association of PiriladeViihis.
Lancaster ?ire lnNgrsnco,Company of LaticaAter.
The Inseraine - Co. of the State of Penneyhanis,ol
Philadelphia: *
Xs X X' •
Conn. Mazza Life Co„ Assette• $83,000,001
.f.uierrlcan Life; -." • ' ' sl,3oi).otA.
• ; .gii.c7oll3:3iNT4Ter.
r is ti rtorksti , VO , . l2 tirtfind,bapltiiinclSorpluss3oo.ol . o
ReLliwityysesenger • • 000
Tbeenderisignad ha;hoett nrellknocinin thiatoillitY4oB
the past 17yea rs,ss an I marance Ag e nt . Losiie stisto co
by his Cot:uplinks here always been promptly paid.
: earOfilce up attire; tirllnfldlne east from Bankint,
°Mee pf M. Cooper Turitpike street.
1 •
cuAßLtia . • •
t •
"' 'GDON; Solicitor.
'Montrose. Nciv - .18. 1874: ' cP
kV:lll'N' St I ji
~! .1. !..:
• giolithern. Tier :
tURNITGRE. , E 11111111.1
98 WoutliinztOxi fitted,
Ilisa.sheivkatorki .314170,7117...
• " t You
. • ~ • r
T:k. ,;; :1;11
, -
4":Tralo ztvws.
• _
' . ~~. ~'~
. ..r i b '? .I'. .•~
•_ . =;}
thel4wmi4 iltiqes,, of 'l4ny:litirre in
, •
CO°49 99.1.04MW+91114ME4***44"-eatcd'
) . I
,{ 9
'•0 )
6\ 4 ' ' f
st:) vtr. r
-, ui %"0, 1 .
Al ' ' '
~.........) - ,
, ,
• ...A....L1:L. ' . ..... .
- •
;<;;::,;:;:.r1 ~,,--,'.: ',:-
•~~ ~ i~ .
• ,
OriLt, itINDS;
E: !...,....,.,,
I E. , 1):101111180?1,
:...: 1 z:•#,: . ' s . Ft. '-, , r 'S-t- , ,V..!.-.
-t -i-ti
c;s, 4,1
,‹...1q" 6 4 belt) 4A-4.
t Ort,
• ' OTY
b , • • • ete .
le• .... ..... .• . r
e _:{.~
The crow& rtroblits to Cheap John's (Post 11
for l utrgainc '1 Sant shot mow. 'Why Is it thus t"
xatise wu here roll:col oar eotlre stock of tho
tut good* Xf per ceo to make: roan tot tall
Iziac 3 / 3 • ,, .111e,i
110MniY. PANCY,IUN:A43, if iaTIONic
.B d'o'reitoOTS, BOOTS
---- •
suoES pnoEs,. 8110,ES, • ;
, .
. I . , • EASI, .
Jewelry . al, fins ; Levi' :Priam
• I '
• • * • • ...
Ten do, Toil e
Co e and:e g o
bow cheep w. -
• . .
Spegial4lee, r o =OW 'BOOM ,
10 Oassiinere Snits.
, wow . a cLARIT , cams, 6 Cti.
- • • '` „
Montrure, ;ray 29,1815: 3 - "W I L/kli
(Cheap Job*
At N0..33- Court Street,
...... f; ..!„
'‘;zl. ;UI
NEW. 00D8,
ewe bare returned; trout tbs .City of New Tort
after ping a turrant welltsebicted Ors* of
FALi, Ngwriifooons
1 .
of all kind bought fewer first' hiutd. Ts art =O. l .
pared to off., goods at 'prices' that aID tall&
....t,K.gpi.._ 41, u.r....0........,aite5_ : Isct r up m•lltrirolL
Drstftoat, att'llmodetuse Iwo:
C:4 O T I I..BSII►i ` EMOs AID Mann.
for Sten and' 1345Pa:weir: 'We' Ars ' sow prmiiited tit
who *lll situ he a call a*, era bare god lelass weHilasan;
onga,ged for the iention;
Ladles and genUomun,'Yoi wlll.llaase can aid Mar
dock our oek before you purchase Herbert',
Thankfrll for paprfauni: *Er Wipe for a atetinailitlot
of, the same,. reunnu._ -• • • -
Yours Reaneetftdly • •
' boirnrsy.
StualuimourAttrilik'lBllL-4t.'•-' , *' • b!8-"l1. •
. z •
..x7 • 1:1
m n
). c"
, C
ft to a !kohl Lathan! air Boni/ and CAI* 'Rah A
salt able contbinattyn,dharygred by a eelebtatht fait ,
it loch cnslit and liorseaxriet, Was Int:O4DM ta the
Elated Sates in the year• 1868,"abd eine* that !!fife, NI
it. great taccesa. In tha crise.,adleo►+es. 1 11 tuts woa
(rifted( that - world wide reptitatkrn "it two rieb/y deo-
Alyea. andnoy 'tundra at.thcbgad of ill thummus oar
It hseckcadf. gained Ado mraidonce and adiabatic*
of thousands of tionscholds for Its many eater et db.
see were externs{ 1114111allifOn• am of yr , mach impor;
tante. It It epaciallyAdmlTeA ,0 Wetly rowdy tee
tae PCr sliarchvintesl combination. porsestng no Windt
inittedienbi. iliketinriure ot Cayenne or' re*. poppet. II
which them rind raft Lltticsimta IMO ilifgeor cow
posedj Mach inertia° instead of diminish the lambi,
ilea; mak' up net* .
'pled y,cnre for
v011011:4; eIItiLBRA TOOTBACIIX •
. •
SUS. BMWs,' •Cicim 'RITE& OP
pcittoPTOUS &c.
Tesqmonlets and directions accompany each boltis.
- Buy onakrnly'Vrecifs, '66
Cents, '
or &I.W—ma If ft
aims not gime good. aatisfastloa Musa the bolt* ban
full and yomr money will be Winded, Ca 1110114,34
S. II:, and takeetrothdr " '
• . ' •D. & co., Propri
Middletown, etors.
champ ND,, ,
' A. B. BURNS 'And • R.' A. LYON- i '
Druggist'', on . Ps. •
parehaa,tiio Arair Wlrolosiilit atilt retail storm to Oil
4111440alltrose. 604.'11'
• " • ' ''''''' • • " • • '
.Call at F. net the "RMS.
'Smoothing. Gleeelngt P situ and Crimping WO." IM
most complete and )11e1S1 itos entor,thireateL •
Tt Anleheilinen eons! to "factory "MO •
•.• • ;It Irbni We' 'riaireireet t bandat,
flea Fluting sad Crttnping intatisinints Sl+ IRON
and 1 , 01,1811 the flute' crimp, -opt *haply. CRIMP
!NO the goods into alai*, as So , the Roars, and
.Rolle.: • ,
twee between bandi t Clittltereatalltee-=‘Setleer at
linen ; elparA or worete4 goods, 04411, 1 7 *ebbed mid la
complety at the belly of tlegarsteat
glegant;y Sfitiistiod dumps; tium
:the Old atylo . Flnthig Shonlas. •' •
N. ai—temtol7 for isle auto cellAstimisti = Co.
Idontroac. Angola .1.14T3: •,‘•
• .
1 041 ICE„ !. . . .
4-1 • ~ , ,
~• - •liall itamiTlATta brittle by thaimmiNpeit elm
mofitrof4 DtaaLlA *tit Yotbraattelons,/bar
ltillard and la uipitmata tad totem *a la Idi ROW*
on it . ta D. L. it W, IL it'i, laeladliAntgagarAa tom
. . augAN
**Atm SW 1ai3.4:1,1." • „ . .
.••• •- .•• • , .. 1 ..01 . 4 •;,...:-, , • ....