The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1875, Image 2

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    v oliune '32.
r ,
V:00:04t . 101140ai.1
Circulation inerealting .r /OS as
any Paper In liottlitria Pennsylvania:. •
Ciii # l , l closed in New York, on Saturday
0"1"1,478 WaR.S.I
- Seituilkili: diglitY•
• ' . 47 trIIII:Tp4AMBEIt
It let: litor.,l4Err
. •
• si n t*i l i
lIENTeir .0-TYLER, ;
; ••
A ~'ll~_~{e ' {.
.5 1 " ' ''POlCcOlarifitatlNElLS,
l A ticiNDARRIFfiS
of' J•tintSol4
ti ` ~A.
'FoicAttraTolis, :
,ottmL ! gmzAiiows.
• top rcolioNEN , •
*.u.' L. 111CHARtiSOST,
The people have decided tafinally clean
wit the Ring, both state and . local. Ring
' stets had as well take due notice of this
The working min now :
.gets $1 where
he gut $2 fur his labor t - Wo yearaago even
if be can get employinentiretne has $3
.tares to pa,' where he 'has 'hail 'one in
1/73.. The 'very men' who put 'dowii,his
`wages and fat up' his ta*es, ask for his
throw it aiay upon them?
If it takoi a six-cial tai ofoslo,ooo per
, annum for nine years, lir:490,000, to pay
. s2o,bo 4 liii county jail debt, bow
dollars 411 d how long
ik take topay the remaining $lB,OOO
and 8 percent. intereat,-,is question of
grave importance -to each "taxpayer ashe
,the polls the, second day of No
Is it not about time.for I.iepubliCans to
• , .
nominate 'all differeabea' 'and unite
againit the commoO enemy?---Tekgraph.
Yee; nut' they cannot ne harmonized:--
the .leaders are steeped in 'corruption
and favor of contraction, surce.ll re
sumption and bankruptcy : : - Honest Re
toters are' in of honesty
and a renewal Of prosperity;
Col. Pinlett. passed. throtigh the city
yesterday on. his .way .to tie northern
nountaes,to fill positive engagements made
some. weeks ago.. Ali he ha to tit') to get
more''::votes than, anybody: *ants, is to
. •
!ie9.l, the., litimblican organs pouring out
Upon 'him their unscrupulous defamation.
TheY have gigot through the decaloguA`in
their Ifetunitiont,- with the tingle excep
tion o 9nUriier, and Q that can't be long
delayed .way the flood-tide of fahie
hood is surging along. The best Ptollet
campaigners in the State to-day are the
'Organs s of-Rawle.---Philadeiphia' Mimes.
.publican rule in
,Pentioylvania for
fonrteen year" has -reduced the debt ,of
tiir coMmoliWealth just fourteen tailbone
dollari 7 si millicn a year.-: 7 43fontroie
fiettbacaia. ' •
Yee, and:a eimitar 4ing,rule in Susque
hanna, County for nine yokrif haw reduced
our county jail debt $20,009 by collecting
$90,000 and wore ~out of the tax-payer's
nidn it With. 'We should be glad to take
i t tie`Whcle . bationalAebt torat:ice in that
way Let that slime kind, of"reduction
bd onntipupd a tittle longerand.the labor
ing men of .the: county; state and nation
bti`redneecl to abject taxation slavery,
1 ,4 a officials;
. It . 1 . 4111 tik'dO to let tile viva go out
'tba rehnaylvania has finally, repudiakd
tbe jteuphlinau-party.- Sound the bugles
and' colleofnur forced--.Telvraph.
It won t. eh ? Butthat what the Ivo
ple*going to do.
,They intend, to let
the, word go forth ,to an expectant nation
Unit Ring Radicalism is . crushed in Penn ;
sykranta , *l' utterly "niiped I The
bOgle.)i;ionil,to: summon the hosts otic•
ft* !tad. liiiiieek l gpirernment and not lo
balicrtebox ,stufferg of P,hila
.clelphialo their infamous work and the
hii*TlP‘i of 'rascality 16' tilence
ptoe'of s the majority, in the , days'Of
noeliallengeti Ring rule. Bear that
ikke sazeite wants to know why Perth ,
ing thong dare offer :birnaelf for office.—
Ilna • lle. l ever, shrieks , the 'oldeit, repented
of, the 'wor we do4Tk.tiow what
e2eeisti:4to rePentenea the .Ciazilte
4etP4Lnite: .Muit: gr. ,Perahiug .atitt
o.thera iwka were Deinnorait in 1801 get
do in tin their Mat** and make a coulee
skin and het abacdiition 'from 'the editor
of poptte‘ hefor_e beitig alloWed to pre.
,eelvea"'iiecwt./dates for public
positiopk[in •Peprylvapia kurther, are
don't seeyirhat Pershing'a , aentimenta on
shtirery la 61 can 'haVe 'to dos4ltl, the
in.OliOf 'the country reapeot to ff , naw
61 4.54, 141 4 10 ii oi , adminiatratiye reform,
iii' l les;,,, , , P :And finally, we .ivat , a the home
o rgans cif Boidbliana party 'for the
14 ' 11 0 1 .11,,iXte XliPt they itrotaidoolytt, right
nay to . drive off ro',,ea from ,ttie
enalleket'll _evading the bye 'and tryttii
'reatta'red‘fead-iimitier.' taiktot
06ei1oititin`ait trifirdseo
`C 4. ^wK~~N` m-Y: Y , f
'' } ~~~~'~~~rN ~~H'j Hl'r ' ~' ~~~i'S.'y
persbeerest poppycock., If Repub.=
lioaßTartY at the of 0 1 4 teen Ye±ira
-lill'inbthfi* else *lnge against'the 1/1- 7
gorapz o ',theik the 'Republican_ platy
ehoulti'rellie to' ctne convenient burying
ground and get anger thf Sod. But it is
only the'preverseness of the organs that
puts the &publican organizationin this
ridiculous; attitude.--Patsburcr Dispalek
• '
The "Court House Ring" show their
hypocricy by feigning to believe that the
Democracy , will net carry out the terms
of thew platform as regards the reduction
of salaries in this county, and in telling
'tbe people so, Any
_child can seathata
failure to do so 'would be the political
burial of that party in this 'county for
One generation certain. We promise the
people that the muzzle of the. DEMOCRAT
;would be tuned the, other way in such'a
case, P;k
uh_ng of the• Ring is because-
Cif the knowledge' that they will'oarry it
out. ,'We call attention' : : to a 'cartl: 'from
candidates in another oolong:, which will
take alter , the temaming wind out of the
sails of the '"Court House, Ring."
There is a quiet; but: u.desperatti effort
now beinglmiute in' this state to re-:elect
aovenfor4iiitninft.tord ietain'posses•
sion of the
,state ;treasury. :Th e radical
leaderstully *appreciate the dangerpf their
situation, the probability. of . 'defeat •in
Ohio and , the disheartening ,
.influence of
last year's failure, and ;they are, making a
.commensurate struggle to maintain them
selves. The , tamp of their campaign
shoUld give energy to ours. : The work of
democratic organization must commence
now and continue until kis crowned by
auccestl in November. -A miijOrity CE . the
people of Pennsylvania desire ,a change
It is the duty of the hour to convert this
inert'desire into an active torce by get
ting eveiy man to`f the`
,polls who thinks
that it would ;a good , thing to, do to .
elect Pershing and Piollet.---Patrwt
The Ring say that . it will be 'unsafe to
change comutisAoners or clerk, for the
secret 'arts. of %bat •office, are , so : very
intricate, under their rule;that no one
else can run it. If the present commis
sioners clerkis the only potisesser of the
seCtetpits of that efface, it certamlybe
hooves tgetsecple of thitt county-to put
'ataithei in training during his life time,
so that if he should be removed by death,
of other Wise, the busineia _of the county
would Übt be forever blocked. 14' their
theory is true it would be a- terrible
calamity to , the eonaty,if any accident
of this kind should happen. It is a , traat-,
ter of. grave argument, among the people,
however,whether iu the event of a chalige
it would not : . be more unsafe for' the
Ring than for the people, .
There are. some very dangerous- doc
trines. Among these is to make any ref
erence - to Radicalism. The "Oldest"
thus disposes of it
Colonel 31oClare goes' just 4, step fur
ther, and insists , that the evils of Grant's
Administration are the proper subjects,
to consider. have' 'only to' "say that
the moral perceptions'of those who utter
such sentiments are 'wraped or blunted,.
andlitat they teach the most . , dar.grotiS
doctrines possible. •
It is rather a dangerous doctrine,.. and
we do not wonder that the .Gaimite is , op
posed to . it: Babcock and; Boss•
herd and Fisher, who lays 'in jail, and
Bell , liing,-Who went - to Canada..and
Phinney who went down to the sea in .a
ship, and Colfax who got thousand dollar
presents,. and oardeld.. and Blaine and
Harlan and those chaps who .divided the
sao,000;000 , Credit •.Mobilier sivag,•and
the PaCific .Mail- an 4 "such
men are not likely_ to create much enthn
piasm.. It is a dangerous d9etribe to
,bring them% up. Col. McClure • oughtto
be taken Lout and shot as a schismatic
heretic.—Pittgburg .Post.
Senator'Vallace prOven 'froni • ot*Cia
tio6tilpents 'that the t,en ,fiscal year?
that commenced Pecs: 15t,1885, and.end
ed Nay. 30th, 1874, there :was .paid into
the sinking fund 835;524,861, every tent
ot which was appropriated by law, to - th
payment pf the State ao)L_ The - Benito
gives trnait for amoiit",ef debt paid
that, time 412.907,623, and interest
debt $16,410,364.. The balance, 46,206,-
876, remains to be accounted for. Had
the Moneys paid into the . sinking .fned
been promptly applied io the, Payinent
of the'debt,
,the interest aCcoiint would"
have been far:abort -of the amount paid.
There tan be no doubt the' deliberate
violation of the conetitution and 'nivel for
the establishment and regulation; o! the
sinking fund, hai cost the treasury or the
treasury . of the commonwealth
~ millions
of dollars in the shape of extra interest
alone. It is vervilikely that an accur
ate tale nation wo show, that nearly
one-half of the , present i stnte iudettednesi
is the sesult of ring tntdagement.
While, the fling organ is .quoting the
Philadelphia Times uptitt the resignation
of 'Judge Pershing', will it be so manly
once in its - whole life to quote the follow: 7
inn from. the same paper
. .
The Democrats, have, a right to cetni''
plain ofJudge • Pershing fer not,resign•
ing biljutleeship, if they to do ,so
and th Zmes eau criticise such Questions.
iu its min way, as it owes no allegiance
to political 'parties or candidates; but.the
Cameron-Pilgrim organs should nokle
bounce Judge Pershing for ,doing; just
wbat.clovernor Hartranft. did in 1,87;
the worst Possible forni. He tontiitued
in tlienfrice of Auditor., General, until
after his election for Governor, and 'not in
pursuance of his election by .the people,
by a logishitiie - extension of his term. by,
a partisan adunnistratinit, after the' term
for %hie& he 'hid been elected litid ,ex
pired. vim bad heed eleot
ed us' the successor 4 of 'Auditor General'.
Eiarteatift in 1811, died ,befOre his term
commenced s andlhe Legislature extended
Gov'Prour fiartran ft's 'term until - after
"election to the Gabernatorial chair.' He
accepted the',doutitfol honeethisii
fully conferred j and was deaf to eveti
peal for his resignation. Complaint of
Judge Pershing'a position may come-from
ywhero else than supporters...Of
Governor. Ilartraitfii_ ideas they:mean-0
nensure the Deinuertitic - ciiiididata,for.
ia";_ t e .
„ gi c ; .
' l 7 ) " - 1&
. .
. , . . .
. .
, •
T.BalltalONT' RobE _: DEMOCRAT, __;)Crr . OBER , .
, . ~
• ' I
t 4
lerrqUil4'?ua iernOrlariy!ve ry gentee Uim op o f
a 'tale to' of tbo ItepuWie,ac
• < -
0 1 0 1 0 4 _ .
The .thilaaphris;l2Vntes'ltanips..ontthe
. •
, efforts of a Radical organtninjuice Jude
Pershing in the following
The Press has some measure of consist
enor,4o- its -:pitiabko r ignorance in giving
publicity to. every camrsign falsehood
that an.ttx)dy else invents. Is announced
yesterday that Judge Pershing cast a
most.disloyal vote in:1865 mhen he. Toted
against thebill disfranchising deserters
and adds:" At tiles ` fre lie vta~yi~`
their duty should, have the privelege of
voting" Lest some ItOPuldican journals
-with4eptitationzto: loie, should: be critsled
blii'ndere,'lliey: might be'
uniformly ,
.favorq4 and' yowl for every ,n,easure pro
pased to hasten soldier stifferaee - in the .
field.;, , that 11ni disfranchising principle
again lit bud ,alit , ady been
andlitopinittirffi by, the Republican, SU
pretrie Court of -tne -,Btote;....and that the
very bill against infect u def—
erence lo the.pronounced . unconstitution- - :
at and ivid byOur liepublicau courts of
'the last resort... it is of no consequence
for lliellress to , ntter such silly blunders
blit'llierii,itie%ieputable Republican Orc-,
gam" 'which ; might he misled by its 'e,hion-,
in 'imbecility, and- Or their benefit )ge
suite troth:- , • . / 7 - -;
X 1
- T. he atteMpt, 'is Made to scam Ine pep.
, .. 'lug .
, pie hitoriaiting'the, ticket ;-by telling
thew tinit-khe Democrats oily want office
and that they Will,not; do what they pro
poSe.l We do\not desire to, have the pod.
pie do anythig they will 'be sorry': for,
nor ,ao we propose to .hold out any in•
ducements,tolihem, for we expect to meet
them fade to filee, as Well after election as
before. Nbw. we ask - every voter' to look
'at the very - worst'aspect. - Suppose, for
argument, that the'Demoerate want pf
licasiniplY for mercenary purposes. , ilow
long do , you suppose they would hold
them it they should practice each a bare !
faced 'deception, in this county, 441 the
one whiOh Alio. Ring now assumes to
charge upon them'? They will have the
greatesti incentive to carry out their plat—
form in order to -hold their politione for
everYtieisan Who Is not a bigot or a fool
knnwa that the •peeple - ,of Susquehanna
county-do not. propose t 0 .. ., elect men -sim
heciinss they are' Democrats and the
leastattempt at a , claptrap ganie would
prey . ,teir . _,-gudden cverthrow,,,,and We
williielri- (14 it., - :':',.,E,very,
~, voter- but the 'of
fire:setkeilithetaselves;i4 botlipaytii-E ill
equ'al • `in t erested it; lessening\ the b
' '
dens; f , taxation , in this county and d
the first mail believe (even ' the • "Uoi
Ilonse Ring itself) for,tine riforneht tl
the candidateien the' DernoctatiC,ticl
bearing unimpeachable cliaracters of 'I
highest integrity, will become -per*
add dispisiql before their fellow tnen a
booted lotitca.sts . , of theilvown and' eve
othei party, for the simplepiii,try'..sum
money ithey -would grab' bi falsifyi
themseltes and.tkeir party? Not one
iu•Slusquehanna county , can believe it'
a, utotnent, au . .I if„he, votes "fotthe R
iie iloes it willfuliy l and•.puts : 4 Premi
on eurruptiun.., ... , • i.
. .
I€ ; by electing' the Ill,e,tnodratio , ref•
ticket of
save over P•l9ooper teat
• tiirCepiiicrl:ol9 . fs F 4 .4 the.SaCred,pro
of a'still farth?r recluetioti as soon:aa ,
'pOwericati be:-Obtaiii=4,dOeS it no
eaelf foter • to before :b e
post.ts.lh, the ticket?.
call it *,cg, -ticket,
,becanie .
• is .iiiitortou's•bittli. in 412. d opt :of-the
ptiliaitf` party, th, at :HarYey
(ivith'_Jolitil,l4Well'o7.3lontti4l : tOr D .
1364044' and peorge,S.,'Sl
wertinat auil...engitieered,thro
by the "Court House. Ring," and with
ifitsiit ;tine . word about ;the tnen . periscil
• ,I,y,,the fact,,is Ps44l:: theywill.
controlled,'by;.;the:;Ring.:.if elected,: ;
proof this the_future,by
past :WhPu One4l:oni State'Leguaitit.,
`Whoi,voted• for the'lol4inaking*i4l4oi
talarS,grab, distriet,
- .tuf account. forio?doipg byi sonie- ; of
~ '- c Onsti toot said - "I - 'think' the
was - wrong but what Cobtd I •.• u
Stt*t:ei: asked
.so. and.
sdoite.ttroieloy ,L,electicin.thatLany
lseoml 3 wiii, Doe!
• • =al‘,g,titittetit to •SliosY",:ii. I
'll be the : el
consNneuces . you ect
g•Pc4irt House .Rog" ticket. this fall 7 I
The t4payeriof. Sittsquehati* too
\ ! - 0rt064 - ,i,
memory:and p :11,ey-"..hare • any reti
to tiid fault 'with their , JoiEeial , :iiervii
during thy :ist 'On . 1%4 will
int4tibeithat4iioi`c6inti jail wax ti
about nine ~,,yeios, ago, .which fiti •
brOught :theioutityju debtsbout $40,1
Itturder prOvide , for that - debt'it
be tietlieirthered".:4',lat.":4o;69o' additio
anntitittiix was iTe4ried :' tpon'th:e :pro
n. thelikinty for; tlipt, purp
.ithiovbetist leiiedevery•year aince.:. He
in~Aine.yeare tlsere bas been *90,000
lected oi. and only'
taXPkteri:of -. th is county
the sole atinly'lidiposii , :oi,Paying" : o .
000 indebtedness. and,akthe end : of t
time, nearly •} .61414 • 'amount
tuaiis, unpaid, and'Otit at 8 percent.
19, 1 iisne`.4in it
,•:e4.llcOtiOn• of 'another
of taieti :and": nuothat.Win's-ears
di the'if.detit.u#der jOiiiititiUtt
ofi the same style of adtnitiiStraiiOn'.•;":
By the DenipprAtio4'l4rtit
tion - ofluildry in. tilirenuatiet'Will disnha
the: bahinoicof - ,th l edehtin . ;the same ri:
.b4' 'yeani,' ithoiltr: Obilecting:
People. this extra .90;000.
• It will ds° be nurientlrea that at
last. <triennial, asaesement fidditio
, SitlE4 put-upon proOrty hi tit
101181110 r tip tiv "iniiiitiiik ittl u ttie"
the-fixeif at 11' "aivr‘t , '.* 1114t11.
pie oi"thiti.4.3cTittoji.adoudider this ;In in
ti,litaxstiorf•Xlittii i slot itenit
resumption of a less bu en ? If awn
are incorrect in our statnisitntB',n
to IN set right upon it, 1001, we. wain no;
knowledge Our error, as*itlfait.
there are many of our il.'aders--ii;tk,tan
call the facts to mind. " ,
Judge PerdaingB Acceptance.'
FORltrtA,E:l9l.,L.ticr axst97;c,
• -.P0rr5viLt4'kx.;5ept.9.3,487.i.04 . ...i.".
TaitEiv am in receipt' of yout*tn•
metrication of: the 13th . inst., informing.
ine of- my nomination for -the office' l - of
1,1 - Denrcrat t ic .Sfftpe . . Clont'
winch ;met, at' 4 grie , onillie '84)„
I aiiiifinvs.eltiiiithe'earliest fjme
Ofjrelief froinAndieial• duties to reply.'
The ieaue's Which so long divided the pop.
Pleof.- the.• State, and nation - have whist.
mach Of their former. tnportance;Amor
• ,of Ahem been - 'permanently seOleil
by „Constitutional amendments:.. 0f . .x4)3e
er during the. war, tboustinda have
ed grew politicalrelations.' , the Sant!)
the It publican party ijd'iiew a. poweifid.
Orgaiii,sation,".and c4nititutea.therfnaj.44y
in some of the States. - . Amon(' i t- mein- 1 !
!beraliipare:found.thOse.wlinixe * re CotisPic.r
Ajoturleaderis iu the.(lonfederate artnyotint
Who are, now in poSsessioa of luareipiie
etriaes conferred Upon - Ai - rein by: the: Wit—
Exeoatile..;!;- Sew,
prole n for - t he.. eon si d e rat i I.
people; .•Tlie question 01. ;the • oura+n cy. id)
attracting the attention of r. the thenaht,
fttl'miuds of all par t ; • Its. al - t e.—
,t,thent.-rests with- Pougrei fi s
and the -;Prlsi
' . (hint. The legal- ten er issue has beconie
incorporated e of the,
country, &lid its - cohitaiitionatity hes.heen - -
aftirmett-by, 'the Supreme Court .of the*
.United Slatei. lan opposed, in its trait
sense, to , inilatiorn and inflation is Mit do
the. Erie platform-- The plat
form stands opposed to-any • fur ther. cem,
traction of .the.,ctiireney: :at.this ti riof:
'thistle:Ml distress, -
mills and, niannfactories• are - , closed, - an 4
thouitinda Of men willing -to , worker() Qt! t .
•of. eniplo)ment - .• To'expen&the voluine
of the zurrency , when thc.:•People - ere •
earring debts and to irapitilv• contract it
when the time for nalmentlies come" will
prove . ruinous. to 'every • business . enter
prise. . The attempt te force the , conntr3i'
to a - resiimptioli of specie . payinents,
def .the,provisions of !tile ., act passed !by
the last Congress;, will only intensify the
distress which now everywhere prevaila
We, triust,cease exporting gold to - pay in.;
• terest on our indebtednessiabroad., before . safely-resonted.
favor such a yolunie !of -curet: - by .as
legitimate demandi of business and the
TeVival at- the industries oil - the, con n try
may require. .Experietice..wilrbisi deter.
mine this, and it is: - to behaPed- that an
adequate .stancierd, or test:fOr rent/hiring
the amount of: currency; may '.lie , eitab- •
fished by: our representatives in Clon,c;ress.
will onlyaddlhatt adhere to the den- _
Crinealwavaheld by the Denicierialc par;
iy that, gold -and sil yet constitute-the true
basis'lor bank-note - circulation. This
presents question different from that of
-a papercurrency that is f of itself male,
by the sovereign.power a legal lender;and:
therefore money.. . . •
: will•.regaril it as my highest duty
.should the - action,- at ' \ Erie be•ttititled try
the people , to meet the-deals:A fcr reform
iti the Stategovernment. The taxes paid .
-.into the sinking; fund' have. site - adtly.
-:creased. the State debt; • It is well known,;
howei•e4 that for-years past large aniocti is
belonging to the' sinking - fund have been
diverted front it and.applied•tO - other
poses thari_thetpaylient of the
-debt of the
State. The effect of-.this fish) leaVe s'
large indebtedness; the payment ‘o.r,Whicl-1
with the aceruitigiiitert;st; has to
vided ter: .by,: taxation, • which, many
atses,,Operates oppressively on, the tnio- 2
-inguird other
. induStries. of the State.:---
-The-faithful apprOpriatiou of theyttbic:
.moneys to tee purposeS whim; thlY
were.paiil , iiito the• Treasury ;the pei
ple, would' have' lesiend the tinionntbf
taxation now•required 'when business
teresti.are4o generally prostrated: Nit
.only shou i ld•tlie?taxes paid intollie ,sinl
jog fund the •:pitriptly , and hones tly plied to thepayment of the. State Jett,
but the cOndititio-oi the.'l'retisury
he open .to,the inspection.. of-:thi peoplits •
representatives. •The monthly halance n
the:Trilaiur3i, frequently very large,s'nehll
lie - used•for the.benefit.•of the' peoPle; arty
. I.•:souree . of.
gain to the State Treasurer: •To distriis:
- ;tit.the.futids •of, the , Treasuzy over .thi
State in banks on such ternis'as will iiiii
'advantage:not : ll4- tii-payttr; but•tith . ol
ricer having them . in 'charge. is to{r
lish.a systein atouce corrupt iiiid , danger;-:
ous. •Refoint by holding all . publiehffice4
Itcra:striceaccountability; by
eupernumary'•otliaers,- and Ted nein!'
eipe.uses :to the •-tne loWeet • .practieabi
itnohnt, 'thus relieving I% the people. 4
much asis • possible from . the burden-d
:taxation, - should be: , regarfle4.4ohjecfs
chief, inapartance,ort the.pariol - ' the tx4
cutive: Labor, the .founeation of:ott
prosperityisliduld he AntplylreWartledoinl
to-this;end;such legiBfatiorr"ati'"-4 just h
- the 4 aborer , :as.rellas.theetnplifyer'sliot i l4
lie enacted: i , :••• :
, or
Abiding - by: thei. aotion Of the' doh - Yeti;
Liens and declarationr,:ol principles; 1' ass
cept the nOmMation tendered Me with
due setisietef, the respon ties'iti*otie4
i man - election 'in.. tire beehatotal chef;
The tioniinatiOn:. has--crime to ''ttie
sought: foind t - ne‘'htiiily engaged it
the ,dtscbarge"iitAbe dutiesin
truseetfA6:me .by; tliefpeople of the'TWoo.
ty-first diarict. to:
what appea'rs to-be , their utiimitneu ex
pression of opinion;. , l do • hot prOpoie•tri
tendermy 'resignation to 'the 'Govertoi
and solicit'ret.s "from... the stump. sl,Tlic
'.understood, hare.
faith in the intelligenee ;of Atie . peoile t 6
decide them. Should they
,ik.e prover to
Call -me - from •my ; present pOsitibif to'a
still higher.onei I will 'endeaVortii lerve
them faithfully.. To the peOple. ii;' the
State I leave the decision of tlie:liiintest;
believing that Re who
of States guide theta I oticltw
SiOD'whlobin. thend will-be'for best:
lana i , gentlemen; yours - very
fall , • T !i-=
• CY.litth
To Dallas Sander,?; ifita*WB..'
Audone, 'William Patton' and
Om. nuttor In Ohio '
c9tTeepqndent, travelling xlith
General thraugli Ohio on the varki.olaYi-vg
ufrientlly,gap of eucher mays
AfteraJuilemr, so .I centered: to lot ;
"Ilow übout General"?".:."Thic'y
tlionsuud.Democratic.7 "But, the eelnid
( llif'o4on "Ally keepsit n u. beitg,
fifty thopeans t l." -0 •Doon, think Tild6
iv(ln(d he pieused:ut Detwocratie swvtik
in Ohio.?"' "It would nutlie JIM .116 1 . 1310'
Jost tlki.n the nfirstio blew don))
I)reake and , tii(lit't (mush 4,1)e last wor•Oir
the ~een tepee,. Won der. w,liat it -could bate
', I •
• • 0 4 1 9-Al! Rights ,
Thp rgrat pol lieu) demon litroti °oh
tllitiou ever h.ld in thi, R.thtelPonvelioe
Youngettiwn OeL,
India tit‘goierti o r Walker or Virginia aid:
ex GoveritorCuitin of.,Penitayiyaulap wit`
- ,
. 4-41 tirelgA-Wtt;;:meting 1^ iwe i u t OrtOli
viiste t n \l'e.tme s l44 l l it% '-`!,:o 13:it
Im4sses,, ti k 4e *III 'be 4.o,atid it% ..,641,0
,:tir, Dem ocn,i4f.: 1 0111•0 0? • 1' :Il i
j!in nnlif
- • .
Sammarrpt Tlip Siam/.
Cardin rill MePinglry, it - -is - .understood,
will Icayt.VOp ; for thd nitid,States4lt:tb&l6l44ni,
It is rpilorii.l . .iltatA. trakty--ofrenBive
nail aejt‘naiv&-='•htie'leeil erittred Into
Chin ti and Burtmth. •
Imide,r/ pl Ilikit7egirkipyin: .
W)t.tftion'arol'iiilfiaNt befii'jciitfed
Servia find ./Itanteoegro.
The . Presidential arrived
d • • t;senit ' prighn in
Ytiung Salt.
) '
pioy,tpcP , r •:(I!, , ronit, .ISpain, nn
Al ri n i _ lit JEurt3-11.1 r! Oie - i.,Oarlist
undo S:ibiasjval..g fan u • , . 1: ,. '
i far rhati blo"yet - iFiceivod
4natteis ef.tileeritinie the
poi') tolen t of a qi4;iiitary
ciYA,I4II(I, (4,Bp;AY, 10,
lib6.Or - Ato;•l l o4.itik f if Xr)t`itis4,q - t9 ,5 *, Ploce
111 - ,N . 1 1.1 c. - Siituiditv;+ . 1
. •
I . the trial of .3,ohn Siney, at Clearfield
Pa.; on. Saturda.y.'; the:nor...used • ttiok •ithe
staid and test ified:in . his oWttlbelitilf;
, '1 )i. t •
The oS.ptai ti . ()the English:war, s4 , am•
t er Iron"Duki lie hv a court
martial. for 'his collision Nall the steamer
Iratigua'rd.- •
It lias ,keen reported at :the Vatican
that there is: hooe , of and amicable Itillili
eetnent biting efNited between Spain and
P.aptiey.) .4 •. '
, ,
The flakatlifornia, at San %Fran:
cisco, resit tnedf pafroent on Saturaill.:—
'Pacts iiero ra i sed ''and 'salute fired. in
'honor of the event. , , ' "
• The unsuccessfn commissioners for
the nefiniFitinn or 'the Black hills countrjr
reached ,Fort Linjemic ,on Saturday, OD
their :return EastsVard, -
The trotting, tniiro A meilCan"girl fell
deed:in the' El - mini+,
.parkon Sitt4-
' rally while - trotting in a race. 'lie ani
mal•wa's 'rained at *25,000. '
On his "appreathing • yieit .to Italy-the
Emperor of . Germitriv does - not rApose to
,go to' IloMe. .He is jto meet _Victor :Ern4
manual. in li'ortheinitlay. . •
Repreientatice . Wealthy Spaniards
Cuba hare united in a•retnons trance to the
-home government against .the con tinu—
:Mee; of- hostiie ' , Movements to "atippress
the itienrreciion: t "' •
The . Assistant Treasurer .4 New Yot
has, been directeithy Abe Secreiary.of the
Tre`asury, to, f million ddllys, of
veld during the pr sent , r)on th,as follows:,
Oneznitlion on es 11. Tharsday. ••;•.
• - •
• Adertisementsi-,''
DE.STRATILS . • . • •
- • notisu AND; Ltrr , von SALE'.
1--- I
Sin:wed in the Borough of 7fonim..o.
- Inthld.ProPertf.. Flue., large Mcrae. good - Bleu:Gut-den.
Fruit Trees, in bearing: go. , tt N. ti. and other anti-+,
rentericier. For pirtleuthre, - enquire:On the preatteett l
October 6,167; I Montrore.
A ii . ) llNTSTriklYkit'S the estate of
ak. Potter; dee'd;,late of Harmony . Lettrrt ,
illmlniontloe the , mll(l efrAte I:slim:hem ranted:
to the - ualz..rib; , nil p'. , rrsoni owine, *aid cotate, .11.11
Teqllll±ted 10 tazae itrammliate. payment, anti all Per 401,8
haring e7:cleakagalni.4. raid oetatc,are rpqueE!.o to Pc'e.-
vet Ultra tr htitit'delay. -I' 'i t ,
"' October 6, 1975 -41140 ;3411:11111111tratOL,
N BANKRUPTCY. • I , - - 'i 4
, r
In th , ...Dl4trici court •nr the rntirii • States' for tee
tv,1,,p0-n bleu - let of l'eue.ylverila. In the,nuttler of
Chri F i 6pher Ito,ceryof StiNechanna Countya Bankrupt
en to the Act of Don real, of Merck 2•l,.l.S67,bavittg
applied fora 4•-cbaree. Vole an his dt:bw, and other
, titiftor provable.. tintl,r rale Act,' by order or the Court,-
1 , :o1lols hereby given. to all perform tabu have newton
thr , tr ilebt*. nail other Intereated. to appear on
tai " . 3d thy of iietober, lati. at DI o'clock, tt. tn., before
E. ,Wi Li..:111.) cue .of i the Be2,l , aeral in Barika.uptcy.
of asid 1.11. , t rid_ to stow •••412,e, if coy they have, why a
irgaehould not
be %anted to the paid Bankrupt.-
- i `.`I , IcCANDLI3.ib, Clerk,. , 'l3 —2%40 •‘ • - '
. . •
lINIS'I It ,TOR'S t.- ' ' ••• _ ,
,:, 1 ~.. :Salo' of ettl Estate, - . , .
Ity Virtue of an order f ttfe Orphaee Cotirfor ay.-
ntleitanua.County, toot ' I reeted. 1 ivlllespoite
on i.he tin:lei:lva le Greal. Bend, on ,;
..) : ..:. • - - • . , , • . •-• • . T
1 ~. •,. 1p '
Sattirdlll, OC lacr gOth, 11375,'-,
at ten, o'clock a. ant. of that day, all that undivided in
tere..t• In all the pieces or tiarcel of lend eittfate In, the'
tirsOsShip of Oreot Bend ; fled borough of Great Pden
Vilja2c, de.cribtdaa foilOt£ , , WAVLE. : Being thee:one
land of Jane A; tr.*, t•bit recently died inteatito.
.laiting levee two children, to frit : - B. Jane Patrick
and W. D. Lurk: 'which) real aerate by the - Lawit„of,
Pennayleada renting to iituptiat. a did to R. Jane Pat-'.
tielt . ald W. 1). Luek.ounally de-o IA and come., :Tltel
. p,ea A .. D I=.o,4.:ll.iving d.talcal his undivided inter eel •
to lEara 'Patrick (Toed: %...atir.: date the drat itarori
January. ..k. 4..1561, TricaKticd in. Dee- Book. lio, St i
*pale Fin, • Etc , ^ptisig. Ant i resigning. all larirla kohl end'
clonveyedby, Ezra tatrick.ansi 111$ ,, wile 'pride 1 4 .his
demh t The, fame nontni,tllll2:, one hundred and fifty
act+s e ttztte. momr tees. one tenant Itbsse: tine
trade barn;and about thirty:acres ttnproyed.t)Abroe all i
trkal certain p:etv or pare') Of lied rltuate in inc. bor,-11
nut Otiat, Demi Villa 1," bolt ndeil . endb•ser lied its
r o i r t itr ,, t o iv 11 ; lln Me aeterly c!de by Pine aUvii,
on he the tilde eby Churth street, an the wet
te , 7 , eide by Janda of.Tittiothy Shation, on the nortber.'
lyrade by the Siteitueitatina ,river. cot:tat:4llw about 3
acree, all improved, one more 'blue and orchard there-'
an. Tern* ont.tdocrthAtta - n.-bahuice.x
_, i..:.+
I . W. N. 1 HAIVS,V. Muer. D- D• El
- I':r. • ' _ '
of the ad. of E. Patriel:dec'd.
October G. r.i75.-I.qtri ~, 1 , . • , ,, , -
A t
.nytmt,TEAT.R: - 1 , --. ~. - ~.."
~..'.. 1. Sale:: oflleaLlatate.,- i -.. ,
. ~. . , ,
„. ..
13 +irtne of nn Onier of! I.lio ornhatt'd • Court' Orgna
Vtl49 l Ps - C.annty,trtnedirecled.l aria - expose to rale=
the i prenalsen in Jesrup toWitabirr, In said, county. on .
.Tuesday, OctqllAcr ,26th 1.875 •
• •
at, tie o'clock P. m., of Chinn day; ail that cart/tin piece
or 1,4 reel of land sin:life in the tewn 4 hip'oi Jessup, in
theConnty of fiurmithiuintt and Mate., of .Peansylvania,
,destribeti as.follutre, to w.t. ~.. ;• - .'• , • .
.' • ttett n ring at a pohifin theWistdont , cr eek . road; the
centre tt u pt the nitrtti: earner , of. Jackson's , . barn:
thence In. a southerly. direction about . two hundred:lnd
Aftyselghf feet to Joan • Diltterra line ; • thente'in a nOrth
tataierlx dins:tam ntosrg rata ,Iltru on's land t ne hundretl
..nnu fourieed feet to a corner., ' libt., foOnslriy of A. S.
Drztlie,tlienee ill a nortteenoterlio II rertirm 'olontrtbe
ling pt. ftud'i:t-tt tnettlitme4 hotd ebttut two hundrrtfand
Ilftrete.;tt foa to the 'tentre ,if Ll'.c, Wyalusing etkeek
Ottl , t4 thew:o in a twit trrwe'at... direction !along the centre
Of mid roa , l about one hundred. tud,foarleenfeet to the
plate of brit i lining. containing one Itnedred 'andMee
eltlarr,rtate of land, more Our /01.14,,Witi1, the appurteuanr
cer. on e vay.lll' tree Hotn end outhrilldltiv.
'ame :—T,tio;botofrotl' iloilthro down. '-Onotalf-Lbe
I:Walled on final itoullrrnatfma r nud the remainder In ime
.I'6tr thdrdafter with IpterCs. '
, i ”. •. - J.A.5..31.0t...91„,,L1M..1.dnfr. ,'• : • r
• , - • 91' the taste of ..14col;) Decker, deed
Septohber • - ' • •
• ,
• rekrar For.
This iaboerlber for 11,41e3ihitItzahlo, I,l:rm imam
i • =' -tithe '
Said earin' is one - 'of tbe th,at :
- ilesirat,le c farms ur he
county. and 10 , ikeantitully situated to 'the. Viiittif 3
rluunnersvill-1. kilsouettanna county, Pa. ; thire . is a
toeoistore."'llotiri 'mitt,' 'taw -4011 - , plaster tntli, and
tilwritarettlta ad waren t-bep . In.
l aw ..214 foul
s,sinintetid !reedy OttLite., U. V. 4; V. It. RI. one mile
audi..balt.front- the, depot AL. Mew (74 Ilfuta. :and' tour
Mites from depotnt (*at N. Y. & ,Erje
content!' oflaurbt d'res improved: is well
yratenfAtt hating at3„inetlitt. stream of .water running
through' it nud water coureyed in pipes to the house,
barn and cattle yards. - lti' is -welt 'fenced, end under ,
golid'ettlAisai Ion.; It Is adapted ,to growing groin,
and - is titled for stock OrtiAlrYing ; there is alurgo awl
conveltient liwttlileiraltd Wood Itouie. osinttal; ind
beautittil lawn, with' thrubbery. a horse'hZ , n, car,
fluke house Celle' basOOL9ltttwb mit ileyardwand trite&
an etiblos for Potting ist^or.k or stsllinz. cows, anti two
orchards of grafted fruitir. Terms of psyment made
easy..:'lti - '' •
;.. . Sutra ; 90.;
Septeitiber , - •
• 1:•)" , --;••••• • ' ' • )
Ca±penter-7And 'Buil4ers
ti4j:Stltii4S 'in4t I:tf Un:taro ' s
*faint) and connldeuioollo everrautaill fgerWr
Ana ntalq , Mautlev-, , Santi.iounp bur and.AS'lneinw
Waimea, fa rnhalied 14'orddr. - Stair Building and bnil4 7
tag; nalwr niadt 5P0CU4 1 ,0.. -4 KIROOT Atp/30. 1n t,ezpar
coned, workinoti, SOop total be Mott/ 001 " " n 10 1 •
hialliMitt, Seminar 45.-01y1 •
tti*4(o l ' ' o.j'-'.
. ,
Tha!andt;raian • -.- 4 4 "; 1 VV, 0 7411 t ,176 41 ' : wlll mnke
Puciertogis.g , . a 'Ppetlaii,ty
"In - b tw i n , o ,
'AB iireAltmbe 'prieupt7i ii`qendeii
-1 ,;0 1 4 1 . 444t11 ?fit
. . rajl 4 1,
, 33-3Ai t nalidlic,l4l4 303.008tr,4m . 3,.. 413, 4 3 „..-) 3
3,3 3 3 3
1 •
1, 4 4 / . _: , 11411N .. • itr!lements.
- _ $.- ,
E 'YA ROI --:
. , .
In order to better accoramodato the foramunity, tNi'
undersigned. brat i eat/11)114ml a depot for au, bale
Lumber ALanur need at tut Ilea ty-erectA bratiAtpc,on
t - Le .olo- KaiaitltUery Site; i
In the ,
• .
't I' s Wet tri OF TOWNi
. e. •• i ), il "! 4 ' , - . :
' ' .i , i • 1 ." , ,
... , i • - --,'
where will be kepi coiletabtly on tumid; ' A:full sto ck of
• 1
' ..ti . ..' ti ' l 7 :- ... :. .' s " 7 2;: "' . • / .. .
041 K, ASO,- 41414 E; tV,NI) BLACK 'i
"1. , • -
1••• 1' - { ' • .t • f :‘',
whlcti.iyfth the aid of t he 6 ottillonirO'cli ntlittlinej - anti
tompeteotivorkmhp. la pryptreil to ivork Intopy thaw!
to meet Lye wince of Coati:meet. / -;• ••'• •' • • : ~,.
,-,,,, , 1, . - .. , i. ...,:::•.: • :,-, .: ',. '". ir.
PLOOIt INO,• cEtLINO. S!!.. 1 1 ,1 G141:, AND
• - „Wall (.1 1 1 01 1 , 1bTANTLY ON lIIK.ND.
Pinning, Matql4tig,: . I !.htildinge44indl:scrofi SavriOge
eoue to order. i I, . , ~- I' '
_ ;/1•• :i• •'.....;,. - 1,4—L..:1 ' 7 '''
• , 1- ;•.1.. .” r I ' s fy , „ , ' , !,,, : , • , ` l, ' (a I: • ,
••• r1,„•0,4 •:,, ~ 1 . ii , .: ~C , •,
~, , ' .
WaEopi - _:,:,Carrip:llllmo ,
i4L.,..1....„, ~.„.i
'V%l‘4liiit43l:ll4,ACltiflllihrit+l,. 1
..1 ,•• 4 7 • , . • .V• •1 ,
• ~ „ , , • .
. • ..
In connection oil q 14)G, aNtre, , estitbile . hmont. tiptier the ,
innnagetoenit arl'ile. E. it, Mogers. ,E.s..iminf onr el_rk
before leaving etfr ordertielatvltere., flops: Ping (lobe
promptly. i ,, ••
~ I. , . 11.
.. , ' • .
• i ' ,: A. LATIIICOP..
Slontroee. Septejnber ' 2 4th, l 'ibiS.: - '
:ti' . .
I. '
- I
, • , ' ; [
; •Qk; f ~, .. 1.. .
' i "I ' • . ,1. , ~ .
FULL AND chriElikiiS'ijititElit OF
. 1 • - - . 4... k- ~
- - '' ' 'fi - q. 4 '',%1.1 i.. 4 : 1
Dillifiliaillic -UOO6llOllOO
_'; . ...114 , 14 A 34.6
! SHOO '. "!
--r"" 't
, . . ... .
I .
• • : 1 ' - • ,
- • •: .
Montrose..Sopteettber Ati;CM373,—ttivr• 4 • •
4: 0 -'1-
• ' 4 • .!•
• : - - t ;.
~. _
This tp.a4dad article Is, corapnanded. with the; :_7l- - oati
est esirtt. 'ltts 'effect Sure s . Funderfnl and satisfact oryi
11* tyi.g . .: ll. rfttorp4 gray or faded ha 4.14 its youthhi
color. It iemores all eruptions, Itching and dandruff
and the scalp by its !use becomes v.itit'e- and clesin. By ;
Its tonic propartirs'tt restorts the capillary, glands to.
their normal v1,„4 , 0r,..i. prerentlng baldnei•s, atftl:making':
the. hair grow thick: and Ptrobg. As a dressfuz.nothlng;
has beets Euend - so effectrotL •or "desirable. Dr: A. A.'
Hayes. State APotyir of Mass;te,hus.ettS; pays tit Iti "Il
con rider it - the best 1 preParati on . foe Its' intended pn r-;
poses." I - -: : • . -,.....;:!•,i... `,.
___ Iluckil" igharnrs Dye ,
- - FOIL
Tt 6 elegEgltitrelitlrstionnalt. be '4r:lW on to.changei
the color ortbe,brArd trent groicir; airir.other
abld shsee, la-brown or 4,1 u k, nt fli...cretion. It Is c.wll
in otic preparation-Auld-nu:el:lir ainl-e
fettuully p rod fleet tt permanent color which will ueitheri
rub no wart' t4L.,. •
U. P. Hall tit C0.,-Nashiut, N. H. 1
Jnly • 1 MEDICINE.. • A
14, ' ' ' !• 11, • '
. i
Ayer cathartic Ph is
C VIZ .41 7 G ,
I:L.:. ;
,ativcceee; latindiee.• pro;
ia: Marc--
ty,lronl titeMathuntlflteath;
md.4llc, Erviiipelas;
seumatirm, - Ilreptiona 'and
rert lirowfv,T,et=
Tumors WWI malt Ithema.
prms, Gout. Ndaralzir, 4$ fit
inner l'utifyitigthd
purivaive yet perfected, • Theiri
,_„.....aimattintlY4how bow much they excel all ottier
They. are adte uttd pleatant, totakr, but.i.,041‘0.4
ftd to cure. They purge out the fobl human.. of the!
-blood thty eau:dilate the alaggleM or di.ordered omin
nal action ; . and they impart Vte health and tone to
tbu whose heir;:' Toty cure not . onlytiote 'iortry
temp ht In ha. of everybody, but formidable rod danger:
4,ue,titeraoes. Mott: ekillul pirralcianr, most: chthkent :
clerxrmen."and 'our; ben
cur., perfortnedant of great beuatile! thlrhavrAerlyee
from ;belie Pttla. Cy-are the fei , Lronl he.t phy . rtc,,
:for. children, beeluic en. Weil Ua:atfectual...ftenig!
eugar coated. they are easy, to take •,,aud, being purely!
Vegetable they ire antlrety harmless. - ;
„ • • •- •: • . .
Dr. J. C. AV* at Co., LOwell!naso.,l,
' Practical end Analytical
SOLD ALL 10;ticars- ANI). -
''" • •'. •
Jolt 14. 1673,
•i: .
:•, r "S ,4-
orpountaii • ,
;•;;T 01.0• ;.• • 1
and *I -14ty, Thiltingtfontruie,lir -
',.• ;11- .ra:-1
~• (.. . •
actor! ptirchai ing Oat-whereon) It t* gen tunny adthlttee
that we Oen the same aut.:mint Of ,
Gouda toe
ant ihey oett tt66lakitamion far twantptive
. ::;_401!„Ork
, •"
-Rt A, q i
~k o u p :,
IfiStittoie;Wo'f',ll,4vlS.-4n, - •
;•.! Apvi.Ktrz , s; •
•ct!iat*En l
V I rt.:WOOD; -Pt311 , ,;,! ;
5 fN ) :4 lt it g tVtiy 4 TW A y S
tillt i l ) 4111 ' 11
wit., , Ogitp : aytiltoi loan
mone y,. rtation ti t
ileyqlmprovtd limtket, d'Didp
t4tyn7 bsill 91 IN tqtithdrP i Vi,Nrith .l
tug ving,thg jointr, mid the A-to-Tat
:rl' w h tett , Wa4.4r , crecks;:itAiiv,,lhr,
will Us 4ltrotixiw ,i
herritile grt)critli
that. Yon Ph , tilitirtiter# I:oinpehts•
iiid 4ce lbat 4)144 toy railatitt4l).:
If retie) net' kridwpwhiltt` tl.l
_ . o.lht.t w.,4ll.llitAuttne4l4
of the as.-eht nearc,4t- yen, will vro k up rub
udbyd by atittreaAthr. with stamp.'
,-PLASit 051tliMaJil , ETr XrPwilfriat„,„rl A t t ,.
- ow v ogagicr k Vutii.?l+A •
Marl 601'0 4:.
1, 1
• '1 ; ;_
, 1.1
: •
' fh‘eit. 'AdvlnUmentS'
TllO PllolllB'3. - I.IIE 'Stara
. „
R. prpg,g4t Jit,,Apotincarjr. -
l i The lindevkigned would respectfully anqounce to all
is 'it,PeoPle eterTultere. that to his already calamity
eta* and variety of Merellandlac la the Grocery. Pro
, Irish - m.lml Ilardwara Hoe. -.- - -
4 ry - choic e. ass ortment of PLTRE
.I;lliftlk..4-1(.1.41',:-Tv.lf.t:OlelNEft, .illititillEtt. PER-
Pclttz ,t4„,..30.1,1,ht..440.„5 t ims 11 be can A*Aaft•
0 0 wave 01( 7 will find It to their advantage to exam
's•F e safari , way tuudng ..lien• here. To all Pliyet eta o s Irt
t 10;attetion of the , t uunty hu would • n , Ppectfully- ant,
ounce th 4 4,1 , ,1iaa secureti. the Katy lee. ut R. HenYOni
ae .Druga iot and Apar hscary NI. Itoßtltija,, ,, eameyienee and
ttiltittililedr,e4 care anti ability, cut itli him to your do
tire couthiende In the. !ingot tiirntmututinz inedit;inel
qr prepar. Inglwercr!ptiour.a and who would also esteem
"it u'l'ttr'P..t . l; l4 !:Pc.cut . to •rc cervi , :calls from a ny.or bls Old
4 uytontrs hrtnew ()not.' Will make the Potent Nlmlt
'4ine"" t'llPehi,t 2 r. Also Didnestic ati'd Foreign Mineral
• Wat'itata n e;ctetitigv stock; 415040 e Gruel:ilea— .
tt; .... is 1-: f :, - - - '• —.- ' , ..„
_ ,
liflttitei_'l4' t , ..itILACT ' n'F . 11gEt": } - 4,ESIT SALMON
i'lLtz.-, Ct 1 11 N. BEANS * OYSTZTLS, etc., etc. 1
rah, nnyt lint! and everything that I/ ordinarily
Rolic [Ling a cult .1 remain
- '4I4(..BULLIM•
D .
• .- : ,
Powder! Powder! Powder!.
, •
131attitro; 'Yffe and 'Shot PcAttler, toad, Gun
n ',- Tato:, <him - • A'auclicol• Plaoks, Fuse, 4c.,
4c. •.tc. :for salt: by
13 LL6fu)
:.F?igu'res' Do - Not. Lie '
If !-- 1 , 701? • kou.nsELYES.
. •
P '28"7411t
.. •
ItCpycotiona do panto,.
• .1 1 1114 -4 hrtlitlins7c'en 1• 411 ,1 s.
French easelliwre Darns.
heavy uurking•ppres FUIP),
diet+ h cuaiginierlYiultu, '
jliarrie, caesiniete suits,
t , Ou . tile ckpekanCetriptrailiti.:,
inat•it frock coats,
Black dresssoats„import'ed,
libtek.•.clothaesta,- - ' - . • •
White linen c • o. , ts,l' -
1. . .
. 1 _ Bob SUITS, 3to 9 years.i
- n;).yecotton suie,r, • • - $ 2.0 1 r $4.00
.Burp' mixcd, Suits. •-- • ' . . 4.00, 6.00
Akre fancr,ttool dutt; • • - :•';• ••• . 5.00 ''. 10. LO
.): Ai.LYF6 I 'SI.7 /Ts, 9 to, 15 years. .
rkiii...iictiriAl , riutts, -' ; -. i'' $ 4.00 ' $ 100
Boys' fancy suits, ,7.00 10.00
80l finest easMtnere split. ". . , . ..*, 8.00 .14.00.
; •-• XO br' , l4ult4l . lll nytet,.. • . ; • .. kW ,20-0 0
• 'tat, - thtt6iimirto„. _.- . .
. - ~
ouod overalhi, - - ••- -- : • • • to
(Judd rubber if uepenrlerA, . . ' .25
.. , .
il.• (•.::( And ail other Goods in proportion.. :'- •
The itiove Orkev'ent for earl' only end are quoted
fui cabtontetsrfroto a dinanee.
• "i4i' '-
1%0 Its Ely if the.'aboYe price -list ,is not
Ilidlied;. width pricee are guaranted 16
,10 0
i pr,e4;l4..lowti'r than those of any other Soule in this
1 crtsor.Adclufty. ,:,. , •. ...• .., : .
• WEI3STER, The ClOthier
33ingheannon, 3lay rah, IM—tr
1.)O 4
. - NL , L
4t1 7:- .&+ CASEY,
kt;,.,. "f, / • ,;
40' k 60• Millington S,
- 4; , ,1tt17G-11131rrO.N,
Would rapt . ;etialli caliattantlon. to their large ato•
it iclS
thei'arC idling at from 15 to 25 par s cent. al
than lieretOfote. A tall ateorttuaut. of
• ' e
_ • ,
, •
'Parlors tti, horn ,to upward. 'Chamber Setts from
-s..jtvopward, XattLee, , es from, $4 upward.- • Pura Wool
vliuttrilities bruit it - ftf to $l5, Vat, Ash and Walnut
rgitetwiew . abler Jrcin ,$1; zu sp, ' -e - •
, ..- -trt oh.irAtrip:m.r by p n reltwo lig yonegoods of in , than
of auy dLaiers' in this section of the ,country. • We will
not be nmiervild by any one . east of 1 New 1 ort City.—
Illu estrduharge for packing - or -Adhering goods at the
depotj .: ,-,- • . . • ,
.. . , ,
1 s
. .
• - OF OUR
. l it '( .1:: : i1.- - . -54 .:J .7.:7 i 4 !!...171 3i7
.'lVe: desire to AliyO wor !. In this line %relieve S , tein'e
INitizer Ceilvt.i'auil a variety of "otter styles: ' Butial
.Iliibri , ,.:iiiryeslit>, etc..
The hthtr?te atel Carriage to uar et:teblieli
men: cannot hi! ournuttirtO in, 'hie eeetien. These will
he'fa rult.hed 10 those It ho ruqui re, at it rieuienabir Zig
-11rii.neyViliirt, %ektilin :a raditi4 .0f twenty milt* trout
01/4"at.t. Givo ui a Call. . • •
''..t:( 1 •.' .• • - • • DONEY S CAiIEY.
( Ilizigiiiieln4 liiyliali. leis.—tr • . , -
13ILIN,T , BROTHERS,- • • ..
' 4 " LI 'la I 1 1 -. , 4 -....;,SCRANT6ii YA
:.• i' I ; „ ;( t fitto?eslle4-liettill)- 1 41/cril a ~,` (..., •
1,4 .ttibw $ 41,.1tE iriO.: . 't ' $ STEEL,
• ,' ,' . ... •
7Tiiiip,lo4'S Ji.A.F .. ':ARE;
.11 itV.A, I:AIL ~!• 06 US lAR 'lid 2 I,' AIL SPINES
BOXES ~ 11OLT...y', 1 - 1 , 71',S and WASHERS, .
PLAT Elk BANDS, ...VALLI , A. 01,4;
'x.: .i , & OA , S,JIL'ILS'..B Poli RS ; • • • ,
.PRLi 'O.E.S, SE AT SPINDLES. II o WS . (ft.
ANVILS, vicEb, tiTcleg t , And . LIES, BELLOWS
AIISMUS, SLED' ,•F/Llitt, diz.&c, . • '
itguNttswEivow GLA B.S.LEAT II ER &FINDING:.
,f . : •-..j'A /FAIRRANR'S,• • ..
. • , ; '._,
'i .
.j•Alri i lliti - I;f4herrsa,l , ...hitili In ti short 'tiro . ° by tha
nfe of Taylor' Celebrated Oil. The great Rheamuite
and Nem-tulle:le Remedy. This moll( hie leaptcare
hatb4 wqreitated I o .care tdore of the ails and - to
ficeb In :heir. than :toy other tnvdtrine ever tile.
tarerer.t., eat t • if.•„yon do not find it to. it
rciptp ri9a with the nfrtit,ill
htir.intazttri .ny . imeneeti. 1% (olds or
tlOtc..l tip* I.,nr, I not mart the rawest
spoof). or .i , ore4 .Fnii'rlfrectiuita for .net around each
bottle.. , A;l;hybur 3ter,•ivint•for free vial. No Cure-4
1:to V:ty, •
.:V.4,y.loreert)ligitirilp, or Exon - ctorant. for nit Throat
dint Ihni.7.dlitearen., very'pleastint to the two and
ronvitoe nothing in,larione. .Tty it. and stop ,that
cinfAt t.tkt the rithei...t , . Crow. yniir Throat and
Jaeiga.; 'tisk your :Merchant fora tree via/. licOuro•-•,
•irytursrou MO' n V.,wiltin , for ail I:lode of itock rand.
laadtry. ~-I•Yar anteithe beet renovator Of the eyetettt,
of r un down Otiliwatieel etyck: that hao over been dia
.4overe,L•';TMitheta, Crii iii nli6suiex , incident to the
brute ercatihrt.' illrecOone, fur pee around each. pack
age o - Cdre4-No Pay.,
4k.,11 ilbOtir 111 , 411C7uet for ease by Ac el Turreil and
Dorm, 5....M0h010. of Montrole. and. all Ortiggiets and:
ttirOughbat• the country. • •
October , • lm al-im,
* - • -
Aip,351;:" . 407.1".A - Tirg
. c• • •
Saltiof Real Estate. • _
' Dy 'Virtue of in order `dr the Orphan's Crinit rif Sao ,
rfehannallonsilt,3t. the,umfersigneda . thniittstralor txt OW
estate - of Itoxamnalf.. tins,)er. docb. Till, sell on She'
Promises destalbed, 04 ?• • i ~.' , . s,
•-,.. • - • •
!Saturatty, October 10th; 1075.
p. p.; the follOsring der.exibea tot of lattp:
to e - _
' 311 that' cirtain t ot of land situate In tho'toienehtp of
•Limori.Poubty.of..riortmehunna and Stare of Pennsyl.!
p a nictozzatiertj4n the I,o!th by land ofAtudiOu Davi CAM
tfre 'east: bYaano or I.l.lrldre Snyder. Ou the. routh by!
If Sltihth !taker. dud on the meat by Jandt of aft
c haul ftetther , along - the 311Iford and Owe go Turrip,ike,
rot milting twenty apes, more or lobe, *lib the appur-•
istfaypetf - , . • ,
• Tkltsl* t• , :4))1411111itit&I "dollortr 'down.' Otte ' half the!
_bako Arial cowl rront 19n , and' the hattince:One year !
tli , :reattor;.tritlt Interest from Anal. tvotirtuttion, w ifectrial hy'.)Oditaatot.: ps i
. • HENRY T. - DAVIS 'Adrp.'r ,
- . , ..
- -
- AdijiiiiiF, - tratrirls-Sale
; - , ;• !
C)it l REAL' }STATE . ~
•.1- - , - --- - -
rarFailiklak or 6r--0 1 a ~, Ir ant t, rt. of tins-!',
'4iA •- a i' ui 'o ia, - ..04
quidianna 'Comity, the utuitTalgved adnitialtortuor or the'
o•t:do of 0w441i. lel.tontitttlil . dtic'd, will sell at public!.
ventlue on *ha premises, op . I'
, I
'Yti liii4ll:
.r. l •. a 'yi Oel her , 24.1.- - ISIS '
at nee o'tchit,, ttle - folfoWlnedeseribed real eatate,
Ali thist.te,Sta, : tn toms -or -lot of !Anti satiate In - the
township of !iiiildletown. Colinty of Susquehanna and:
titure.tit Pennoilyuniu, bounded nn the mach by lands.:
of Jiddl ltrarriti);no the clik't by itindsior Churlealleriort• 'i
onet. root Tjomais Bolles, 11l the south by I.lndit. or Rob.,
rxt Porter,rinU ;tot ;be we'4 by lambi of I:atrititc. 31ctron- -
nngb,.. - r+dcdtidniiwnai frindra.t and fleVell acted' n?ora on
NMI. , With thenpmarlebetries. - - - . .
.373434;t4svolionfire41 Ilititsrs_ dorm, itt,taid eit Mud':
contitilttfitit and tile linktitce out fear thereafter with
Merest fra ... .ii Aip),fuoilin 41 ton. • ..- • -
- • ". ~. ~:- -- tlWAti AteirOttitilLTUU,'..Atlnt'r,
1i A1# 4 11141 4 4 4i) A,T TIUH PVTlefa,
k . 0 .4 1
1 •- \ 11 ,K1", 6 : : :• ,:-
. 4
ix; to 2.tso.
vio 4.01,
5.00 1.50
7.1.0 10 04
• 8.00 ' ILIA)
18.04 --, 17151)
6.(4) 9.00
10.00 14.01
- 4.00-
1.25 : 11.50
Number ~40.
NOW AVOTtl.llMetitS.
, ,
Dealers la ;
Agents tot.
BtiANoLlAll .'' D,'4::llll4lt'l'Li4o ' ' . l/t
• iNtitSi . - •
,w4ts..h iy9 ww 04114 Blsncluirl)l 4 , Eittgot 4,Cfs , . pet
• . I
Speciallnducement's ad Pats ; • 'Coolers, and au
a .
,PANS— L - 1 „--,:,-.
.:(jon - Is'ITAYD.C.i,II - elii:ral Agent.)
Unsurpassed for Style and: Durability.
We brie 'recently aided to oar . ft off .Btores
rnadebt Ratbbone. Pard k co., Albany T.. and the
Amend Base; Burnt trg Parlor Store, awl Canard Cook
Stoves. unuanfactured - b> Vern. Co., Alban, N t lr. We
.o keep the celebrated •
. .
.„ .
Natabone, Jewett 41t 'Ransom, Ran , -es,.Wlth Copper
Reservora and Niekte Mounting* Ut the latest Improved
patterns. Repairing prozetitly. done apd orders for
jobbing soil cited,
New Mallord, May Mb, 1873.—tt.
The LinderSigned would respectfully announce to the
citizens or Montrose and Vicinity that they . bare *We'd
to thelr'establishinent a Irst-emes •
'trader the direetioutol GEO. BRID.MTB EKEll,oliiew
York City." We will keep constantly orr hand
At Wholesale of Retail.
oirthis Supplied Reason bly.
- • • ,
A.l4s.lalarge and attractivp, agaortment Ot
TOYS t • • -
TOYS.. ' • - CIO and See. . ... FUN
2doot Eispeeffully; •
Mont:met, Sept,
One hundred Dollar 'Vowel' for
Every ,Vairer Warranted 1 T,he theapeat and ber.4. 4 --
11Y0 tilail.llaTtOrlOnei,NtiVi anuoyan c.e,by buying home
Manu factureil and foi ulo ty
S. N. SAYRE,. for Agelgrece
.Montrone, June 3341, 4473.. • tCIS
Sewin,g' Machine -!
Sews from but Outs Siloot of Thread.
itlins bat six trorklutzpaha JP noireiCre,and sone
mote rapidly Utah auy Sinclatitc , in tIIu Market.
Hai a ielf-sellitia 45traighl Se . er . Ile. -"
It irittilleituty"indt4hu Hefty suul
btu all The Modentpopmvesker 11. ,
A.fscma.tos Wa=sted.
Dec. 241873.
"Drilly:slo a year, 'Semi,- Weekr, 43! I`N?e'say,sl3
ppijldge.five Hi Rbo3ubeerlbvr, El peel tuenM;plous and
4.oorttolnir lioroo Pro:. Weakly. lu clubs c,r 110 or
more, only $l, pottiigti PAM Addr""
. - TH Id THIRTY:,
fI. •
kVFItTISINO Uttar: aced:: f;yr:top}atfee.-'../k
'lt portent' who rontimpiste making c.,ntratte with
newspapers for the tnreertiga of adiprikeraief.lla, rienstil
'wild centa (h I'. !Lowell 4 , 41 11::r lz Row
New Yortg t for ttwir rAmpnurttm,(A.)w, (nlArt.y.,bv
outtl'editiot,) containing Petit of oveNr POO noopapers
and eatimates. showing the coot. Myr, rtfg enitp'tlt6 irk
on for leading paper* in many, ar a tree tendon*
irom publishare mitt! (lei tho !leek, lilt
0 - .5 - to $9O Per laY. 11,,....e . ety , muted. 'All clot tri.
nad en of r,:erking, l both ovxei
~,yitoung,sted old. make tu ore moucy if t t. rk 'tne U. in
their Own letalitiea,'.flu , mit, their 'pare NOIIIO4IIO. nr l2)l
the time, 011ie: . it ay ' Ih r la 000. ' We !Ail ori.1:1-
InentAnt PaY,'immlrfunely tor every bour'a 'work.
Teltparticulari, iunt tree. 14144 ne yen'
Atudreno *a onto boo doln,r; Now t, IN! I mu. 14"H.1
(or th Itz'or Imalnea*Apti*nilwre malt J ou h3:1)
"vb" l wte,cito o. : s flZituz. 00t,504
• - • Atm
.t r OA WORK :
rJ ,AT rum ovincy,,cpAr, 1 ,
F . M=-1
Diughatutott, Y
,~~ . .~