The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 29, 1875, Image 4
MEE OP TIM" EIGIITEENTII ANNUAL FAIN OF TR II HATISOND GRI6Ut.TU RAI SOCIETY, ItrliNLD Ii1I1F0113), ON 'WED NESDAY AND THArDSDAI:, OCTQBER 6 / 1 t AND Wu, 1875. • ikivts CLASS I tICLIOIia4I4n 311.110A.M0 Best draft - or farm Stallion over • 14 years... . g 4 2d *3 stallion. same age.... 4 3 - .pair matched horses 4 - 3 pair horses•for all work.... 4 3 single, driving, htwee- 1/1 brood mare and coke... . Judges—D.' Var.l3uskirli,, Ilarford ; 3. S. TurSeif, sliontrose; Wm. VauCott, New Billiprdf "2 , - OA • 't I ,lols ' 11040 Best pair three , year old cotta.... 3" 2 pair two year old ~ 3 4 thre-year- old c01t...., 2 1' ' two-year irld colt,. . . ... .. 2 1 one-year old ... 2 1 Buhr t !. 14 . 44 Judgea—G. M. Read, Ilarfoid ; T. D.' liti 91iP:10); ;01 ,419"YzAN.Pff Mil- . • . . CLASS 11. Division 1.-LDurbants. Durham mat two 'Years old and upwanls. .. 4 3 ' Best Durham bull otkelear old.. 3 • 2 . . • cow fie yrs. old . and up- • , wa g e, h, two years old ' 3 2 . . . heifer' one year; old ..... • `) Welter 2 1 i`rr l4,' r v; ,13 1•04 ,4 .Avo -1 0 , • , , Alls/ BeltVl.t*"..ltOKATUtilid OD . ward5......'.," 4 • 3, bull one year old 3 2 bull calf • 2 cow three years 44d and,-up- , .;•••: yeptof 411 • 3 2 • heifer two years old 3 2 heifer cnie.y99 , ,01d... , 2 ' heifer Calf • *. • 2 , 1 Division .3.—AWerneys. Best:tmli two years ana . - • wards. 4 3 bitil calf tee year ;2 ,2 1 cow three years old and up .. 01.. 3 2 licifer:tWo yeurs (!ld ' 3 .2 heifer, one. year ; 2i heifer calf • ' 1 Diyisi . . Beat bull two years old and r ward..... . . ... 4 crtie , year oli . bull calf ~ ' 2 1 ,Jac4W-Ihrerkyearibld' and u wards 3 2 • beifei two . icans 01d... ; 3 .1 '2 beifersmciesr. old 3..) 2 ' heifer ca 4 Z ' I lierditorihoistinaibrerl , l3iirinkm, Lind Devorfs; 3esglifart•iiighi - ;/$lO each. 'Ju d gessr•Nra. Jew,' ► MoOtrose Wm. 11.. .roues, Dupock A. Smith, Divrinon 5.--Grade 'DUrbami. Bestilb*or,eritar i li t t,ll:l4hl:-.z. , ; .5 1 111142, 'IIIIT - iii r ei' Oriel/ear 611 — 2 * 4- 1" bull calf • ' 2 1 • r cow , . $3 . 2d 23d 1 heifer three j , ean 2 - 1 heifer twolears. 2 1: , heif•ltouilkagiettralt.,.4 l 4021111a' • heifer ca1f....;...... • 2 - 1 thrviik yearlings' 3 2 three calves H 3 2 • judges—lL L. Bailee, Brooklypi,Jeie udah 33anker, Franklin •, Ambroso'Bery Siutinehanna Depot. r Diviaion 6.—Grade Devons::' Best bull over twojegis old. ,$3 2d $2 bull one yeti drel:'' 1 ball calf 2 1 , cOtv • 2d $2 3d $1 • heifer three vears old '2 .1 .401i(p)tyzo o rpr old , 2 1 eifer one . .year old 2 1 heifer Calf 2 1 three yearlings...—. • 3 2 Ain#lo , tvf- 5 . , • • ••'1 • 3 2 Juitiot.T.O.'Rotchk:iss,llarfurd .e.Esick Bailey, Lenox ; Robert Gillespie, ~New Division 7.c—Natives. 13est,,buli ove,r ga 1 throe yearlings2 I , . 2'; 'I ' • ' 914 Pyivlo,loli , •-•Oreh and Steers.'. Best pit working oxen &yrs. old , or 0ver.‘,..i:tf,..:). , ./:,1:',.. .*4 2)1 *l3 ' pair ,wqrking. oxen 4 . years' r.":•L'.1:: r. -: : . ~:. . .......'.. •i "..,1 .•• 3 - " ,- .. jiont.,fnt itltez-.. .... ' • (.404. steer-e•l'hiee , Yeirs 01d...-. ;'3: . - fj, - pair. steers tine:year .old .. :: , 2 1-1 pstrixtPer calseil , (briwki)).... 2 ' 1 • jrifigOlt-''g , 'N..' -Carpenter, _'ll.nrctird '; ' Frimei . t kitnev ; e 7 l44ekAon •- t -iitianion - Claftin, i- blion. ••''''' _ "'"" -4 * - ' - f_,,,....„ ~, ,}.,,,•.,,,,,„,,, „,...: ....7, ,: rr ., •tr -1-L : ' "4•R • . um” x th..., ; ,„ 7 4 Best fi ne ;l' !.... 4 1 .. 4 '- :. ( , 4 6 4,,ifiZ ' three 7 ' .. e ) t• ewh..: ..,,- ' .fi i 2 three n wio iirbt...:•'::: - 1 • intOdle *OOl b1ick... , ...: . t ... -. 3 . 2 • „, 1144,e i iniddle`w.4161 ewes... ...1 2 • , , - Or, middleirool-lambei: :: 2 - ~ 1 `,J,Volliwiaiqollotidir::••• :, -.4. - -,, 3; ';'" ' 2 • -,...lbtee dolirs'e*oi:4 ewes- - --. 3 - - - 2 , .. •• - • three coarse wool Jambs....., 2 1 booklitnitk:01101401)..,- :.,....`..". 1. , •-. /1g .. ;., boar.. :,... ..... : : ... ......- 4 • .. 3 ~ • 1 .1 .ftetli. ,', 13 '4" 1 „.•';'- ' 4 ; • • ••• •• , •••• 4: :. ~ - 8 aPoon' pig; --ii:..,..;.•,..1.......... 'fi..! • . 4 tAtitt i e:tild leS,tliiilf,s4). l'' , 2 , -J . ialie•rk'trwler - :renlci; - ItV IV lard Whitzlei .!,Lebeii:--. t. B. lloodrieh;• Brooklyn. - `-'` ''-. ~ ' ''''':•.!;;- t ": 1 ; .... CLASS IV.'. '` , q., ` • . '' :‘. t Ei Poillirla ' , BeEttAir 01 '4 ttfilieStl+o'•'l.4•••••sl , , i • .f Aecsii --,.,...,,... ;...,1 i y.r.,um0k01..., ,, .. 4 , ~ '...,....... s 1.. 4 *re Ifiyr,lll. , •; . itti....• ,, •4 •w ' *• • • • 'l.. +, fiveiritie chiiiiis;....,....t'4 i '..v ...!; , :, , PEASS't ' 4 6 . i;ii,i,. , , ,. ..; ,- .: -., • .. • . r. t!attbuiliit'lepx4" 1101 - ,.:b44iite1 . itt . ;11 .,,,, Fig- - • l..;0106r NeA 'VS:7 . k • . l ,x..).74,t0i:64:',_vit - giftitbies, Hest 7 • li.,9l!r t m:* .4: : • . . . • , .i , rfr 't 401in,' onions, • 1 'O.; . • • • ••. • . -• 84:18....4.. Xi.. 4 .•.. . • .. s ' r .'...'.. 7 7. •liidges—G, W. Limb, Harford ; E. T. Tiffany, Diuiock .;" _S. J. Northup, Jack son. - . .•' - ' ''4,-- • . t CLASS •vu. iiiffitibitieie, "and Brea.- • 3 - Beat firkin, butter .$3 2 14WP1nget••.",...• • • • , jar` mtterr- . 24- 1 roll butter 2 I 1 '3 ..". 2 - lout wheat bread 450 loaf graham bread 50. 41 indifsn bread .. . . obo, . Boat wawa.. .. .. . Arlo . • • r'T :4LA.55:.V1.1.1. • Vinegar, Wheat flour,lioney, aria:Sugar. -11140:04Pt. .. .. 50 'l4 Wieat 1 50 • 10- 'be honey • 1 - 54 , eakea t'?r,stirred - sugUr.. 1 50 "! t l - 0 - Ih.farai t'eiOugar," .... 1 50 maple Syrup • 50 Flour c to he .nrokti taetured in the coup a, ! I.: :7 ' . "'• • Judges—Wm. :. .Ti ngley,_ ifarlord ; fißty:..T. H. 011(11.. , Depot ; H. (tar raft, New , , • • , kssl leather, -hoots; &c. : • • . Best two sides, harpess leather. , .$2 • . two Sidiis tip Per leather. 2 1 two sides sol., i lettther. r '2 . • two calf • ' '2 • • -'assortment Of ... 2 :pair - fine .•.. ' .. 2 pair coarse' 2 • set teattlisirtiess - carriage .... . ....... 2 ~ e Articles in this '47,ll in L e e 0 ti tyo; • • . C L.A.4.5S ; :X • - . , • • . . Agricultural Best common 4\low -:$1 cul tivat4if..;c:: ; . corn sheller''.,- • 1 straw mu.ex:• : •...,,7 , borsa,,We ? '4, a• ' • .. •• • elturticit I open buggy., - 2 • double cOige ' 3 2 • single ciptrine. ' 3 2 lum bert)regon .. ;". 3 .2 murk* 3 • 2 .. . .. . .. 2 WagoilS add. carriages to be new and.,ex htbtted by the manufacturer. A CLASS,XL • • - Cabh•l4.'grork, Hardware, &v. Best specimen cabiUet sot of ... . . 1 • rockino?.phair...l sewing Inachnlp .... 1 , • churn -1 . batter , . ... 50 butter 50 - set liorip, .. 50 lot tin ... . . 50, cook stove foi coat cook stove for. parlor fitgrffi.....i 1 Kimber, Nov '11.11fore• ' Gitylard dilftis,.:"B444 _Depot ; C.. W Conrhd, Glenwotxl. - .01ASS. , XII. . . iDonistlo Goods. . ° • BElst 5 yards woolen flannel.l. - ...52 1 '5 yardn•plaid flannel 2 1 5 yards full cloth 2 1 pair woolen-144kett..',.. - :.. 1 50 pair wllolen ; t3lxks:. . ~...'l, 1 ' 50 2. pair,.NKoolen mittens.. .....1 50 satuplo'WOolen 1 50 , 5 yards linen ... . . 2 ".1' .. 5 yards linen toweling. 2 -1. . r ' 10-Tarde woolen carpet...—. 2 1 rag carpet : 2 1 4udges —Mrs. S. B. Guile Hurford M. Fowler Peck, and Rev. la. C. Barnes, crass xm. . oruamentat Needle=work. Bek patchwork Gina• 2 1 quilt cf any other kind- I 50 :bed spread.... • 1 50 worked skirt • 1 • 50 worked•collar 1 50 specimen worsted embr?id— .• ery.. ......... . . 1 50 specimen 'silk embroidery:.. 1 50 bonnet , 1 50 •'• lady's saequfs.. l ...... 1 50 'knit ' . 1. 50 tidy Coyer....: • . • 1 • • 'r • • ottomancoyer.....: - ........1; 50 1 50 latnp mat; . 1". 50 • ' •• - 'CLASS XI V. • FloWers, •"&q, BeilA nil pamtieg....... 2 - buy . 50 .. . . ',50 exhibition - pliot,ographs and ' • ambrotypes 1 •50 F piatire - fratno 1 ISO „variety , or flowers 2 floral d , ...sigti r exhibition of autificia.l flowers • • . • and fruit' ••;specimen burr w0rk......." 1 ,50 I specimen shell work..:-0 1 .50 tidites--Mrs. W 1 -B. Guile, liarfoid; Mli3; E. Tiffany, Foster; Johns toti;.:lord. CLASS XV. . Fifst Premium.:..;..s7 .2d " • ..... ... ... 5 3d - 4 4.tb, 4 4 - .... 3 • 5Lb - s' 2 , . . .. . ,n,..6 .- ..ji . " - • \ • ,- 1 , .- ' n JutJger,PL-41. 34:: Jiip'ep, Ilarford; John - Opift.,,qtbaon ;•, peiiis' Siiiiy, New .Mil Omuniltee or Arrangements. , W. S. Sophia, Harford ; J. G. , Hot6h. Ilarfora ; A. Osborne, liarford. superintendents. ' denelginperieteodent-4rentiel ealci Supprinten‘Not of horses—Joseph L. . - SiPerinten dent of eattle—Fried Rich, ~:-. , „ Sh.tTp,.swine, atia`iionitri---11. L., Ting- Vimeinble Cargenter. Dairi7.ll4ll-41r i nr.•81tati Han • ' Mechanic:4 !Intl—NV:tn. ll:Hepburn. Fiorixt 1.4.,Pay rte.. Msiptants-=llrs. IL 61:ma., Mrs. Ma-- llte wet er. - • 'T ,Gpfterai Police--lionry Griot. lauksi awd iitegasiationot. - The ,address will I delivered on Tiro I - day IA g otiziook by (Talkies B. "Garnish, Mateii will -be i .1141 d, on Win) ,of ,Powler: Peek. in Ilirford, l iin Petober 6th, At 2 eefolc_. rrhe entry lee will*l)e $1,00., • - Xxl)ibitors wishing to. compete;'-for liter '~nws are,requestM to bare zizek tielt* or animals entered in the Seeretaf rfji Bink . • before3l)e close e.firs t:. 4nyfr'Abe;,Yair. if . 1 1 1)ey n)ust, be vii.ter'ed , 9-1);_t110 grdirada -lit ten x; 4 lf#'k , of the Aveutla day./ Igo attimal eau oirflipete tWO Dr4ol' linnitexoept. in a ;iterd.. .SS IX. MEE 1.••••IMMN • „ • r e $ , - • 1 :1 9 9 ') ' D EMOORAT - - - .. . : • IV §uperintendbuts of the 1 slifferent 4e. oartnotewill hive all anintala. and ar. ,:tiples, systematically stian ed. i: ;c: : , The ?Meets of the Society and Super intendents Will be known bp , their official badlges.t • • , A sufficient police force will be in its Itendanne.- from a o'clock of the first" day until aftei the riding of the premiums I the second day, , to protect the property,of v eihibitor , ; ' - 'l , .i,. ' ' ' ' . . • •-No'proVisions will be Made for stalliOg •stock uvdr two years'old. ~ ~ •.' Persons 1 exhibiting full blood I:lm i:oats:for prerniurns, most teaye tbelpedi7 gree,Of their stock- . With 'the Sebretary for the Onsideration of the Judges there- - on. • • . All stock xlifhited 'as a herd miist be 9ivned by the ethibitor. , -1. - : . •:i . - " -, Any meinher of,a . i.otntnitteo,.Fhg:shall, ititrii or ha*e . an 'interest , in- -ituy*,artleii snbmitted. for 'decision,of said :•cOminittee. . sli all ;. wi Oil rail!' tram :Said civil al i t tee. rind . i±'.any rierion Owning or having any:inte rest in . anfanimal . Or 7hrtiele, entered for prennilli shall. 4ppeitr before the commit= .tee white; exatn:ming'the , elnie without having.first beer. requested by said;rimi atittee,-it shall bci..their duty .to.:exChide such animal or article ; frdm competition. Jit3ges' - shall ?Ai all: .cases • ;with hold-premium's when tlie.aoirnals or arti 'cies are not worthy, tho Ugh , them be no competition. : • 'No intoxicating drinks alloWeit to be sold•oti the grounds. -Judges-iep6rting at the secretary's of- - Gee liefore:,l4. o'clock' will . recelve ticket , for Ainier: - • • -":- Price 'of Admission. Single tickets, 24 cents ; .children • un der' twelve yezirs, 10 cents ;' team, 25 cents; single horse, :,25 :cents ; colts un— der two years, free; clergymen and their tutnailie3admitted free.- N. TOMPKINS, H. J. TYLER, E. (Joni. • - - ' D.L.I.It2TE, W ,$.'E. CAiiitekEß, Sec. ~ , I. W. - -- --: -. ,-7 - : : i r., , . irEtFRItS, `PTeel) ent liarf4iti, Sgpi 22a,-1t7.5. ; . I ',. ... hoki6'dCattle. 4 linring'the past winter we have fed our cows and youn g ; cattle many-bushels of apples, and dun ig the time have haa-'se v end cases of choking in the = herd. -• One cow iii particular required, close watching • as she quite frequently got an applciodg ed in her throat While eating.' Instead of atiempting to punch the apple down; at such times, our first Move was always to turn, he _loose and make ,her move nbout the yar a' few minutes. Thisi alone was t, aenerall , :sufficient,,to 'cause the apple'to 0 , , move either up ,:or down, .but, if .not a talifesponftil of sole soap .was'dis*Ayed IT a, quart of warm water, and' with somel person to, hold her head, a little' of-'the sods waspoured'down' berthrosi,' follow ed.hy gentkband ribbing on the outside of the neck-near the seat' of .the trouble. Sometimes ; two .or three doses ,wohld be required, hut generally one was sufficient -We . recommended soapsuds as fully eqinil s to weetoilor.other'nore expensive. prep arations, White it is • always easy 'to -pro mire at short notice. If. One 'is' feeding roots, apples or potatoes , to' stock, .11e should kOep a little .watch , on the animals while eating and attend to any case of choking immediately • for if .let alone .a but for, short time, die:parts becortie ins flaraed and the, removal of the' obarnei tionsliecome munch More 'di ffietilt. i tien if death does riot tlake place berore the case i 8 discovered.-- 7 2TeutEng/and Farmir, , t. 1 The folloiinn. 'receipt for npreparation by wli!ch newly sprouted turnip seed is prese7ed from ttie flea which eats the seedileaves, is given by an! English far! mar,: To one gallon of chamber lye add two jounces of asafoetida.. . Soak the seed in this mikture., t'wenty= ' our, hours,:, and dry it in the shack. Attend strictly 66 the drying—the object being for the seed .to 'absorb the liquor, which takes anew siderable time when dope prope'rly in, the shade. Care must also be' taken , to have the chamber lye free from, slops. A gal lon, will prepare sixteen poundsOf seed. I Picitm—Six quarts ' vinear, 6ne pound salt, quitrter pound ring r, one oz. of mace, half pound ,shalots, one table spoonful cayenne, two . ozs. mustard' seed/ boil for twentyminutes, and pour it into a jar, put yeur vedtables (any kind) in 'quite freth, this ,can be .done day brday; ski as to, get a gtiod variety, keep ; them close covered. In.eight. weeks or so, bot tle your pickles, straining sufficient of the vinegar wtp,esch bottle: , This pickle will be as elfar and bright as if 3 00118iS-% tent with. wholesomeness; A. Gael) BuOp..—Take lour pounds -An t l i of utton—par of the „leg is best 3 add one 'gallon of one teasiioonfal . of , pearl barley. tw , carrots. sliced, two tar= nips, two onions, three carrots grated, the white part of a large cabbage ; chopped eery small, and a small quantity 'of par ley. season with topper and salt.. Let ibis ,boil. very gently for three hogri and b a all; and at , the' dinner- table it will most likely, by all who are fond of soup. be pronounced, esoellen G. . I ' / " POTATO Cunt —l. .Ifaelt cold pota— toes witirtaipeed onion. Salt,pepper,! and Curry powder to taste ; form Into sinall balls with egg :a •bread crunibs.'7 frld crisp, serve with r h gravy flavored` With curry • Ocowder. 2..4cry some -sliced 'raw pototoea and, onit;,ne slightly in batter with a*tle,etiiry ',Tirqer, then ,sibimer till doneilin a veryAittle ,stock, add some cream, ' butter and lemon joice before serving. • TO KEEP :VEGETABLES Ganx.--Green, vegetables mai be kept on ilampstdues. covered over ! with tio4amp cloth. BOet root, tiartinips, carrots, and potatoes ~ arir best kept in dry sand; during the winter. Never wash them, till they are wanted lor use. Onions shoUld be tied upi in' bunches and hung up: Take and, bury Par_,Belv jar duriiig the Winter,,or dry lalyliangiuz it a dry room._ F'OEsti WOUNDs.—Takb 'green tell And pttlvriie it fine, and:bind on the wound .or cilt,,allownig it to retnalu until,bealed. If ti e wound -becomes dry and painful, wat it ; with cold, tea. lignovixo W,Ors.—Dr. G l ittcelt i ni ec onends rubbinearts, night and morn ing, with a moistened Piece of murriate 4!)f kimonia. They ;soften ar.d. dwindle. awaY leaying no swill. white mark as fol lows thou dispersion with lunar eaustio. Buaxs.—Charcotil has.been discovedio he a Cure for burns. i. - By laying plectk of cold elmrcoal upon it ''burn the pain ant). bides lumiediately t . 1, By leaving the obir , c4a,ton one hour the .win.ind is healed; us hasheen demonstrated on severaloo6a L di be.4l (r. _ll an -corn ' eloeet coffee, around flue in a Mill unr<:makr into Masi! gruel or thol baked a iight- broain. This will he - 141 , 11, , e 4 by the rriost en N r enfeebled stomac h. c hi ( l. torn ,and ;meal boiled; iu skim milt 10181 1 re cure 4)r .Biitowir inehildrert- - - -; - R.4.9.elbuktous4-,- VEG-ETINE - • e Pnilltes Oct bl9o4oleitoutes 14111ungorsto thejlim . o Boam. Its Medical Properties era. .AITfRATIVEi,:,=*TONIC..'S,(ILV.kNT. - .AND DIURETIC• made eiclaetvcly rbM the Juices of Me fully selected bark., roots. midi herbs, and - so !It Maly concentrated that it will effectually eradicate from the system every taint of Scrofula, Scrofulous -rumor, TM. more, Caneer, Cancerous ilumer.Bryslpelas,Salt Rheum, Syphilitic dl eating, Canker, faintness at the Stomach and all diseases that arise from impure blood. Sciatica Jnilamatory and Chronic Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Gout cud Spinal Complaints; can -only be effectually cared blood. • For Ulcers and Hrupativ'e Disease* i 4 the akin, 'tales, Pimples, Blotches: Bolls, Totter, Scaldhead arid, iißingworm, Vegetino has never 'tailed to effect a pestnan• cm eve •" For Patna in the shack. Kidney Complaints, Dropsy. Female-. Weakness, Imucorriacca, editing from Internal ulceration; and uterine diieases and General Debility. Yegetine acts 'directly upon the- cause 'of these tom. plaint*. It invigorated and strengthens the witiole tom, acts upon secretive organs; allays infl*matiod,curea uniiimtion amid regulates the bowels.' -Por Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Pal pitation of the Heart. Headache. Piles, Nervousness and General. Prostration of the Nenions System, no medi cine bait ever giVen such perfect eat Isfactlon as the Yeg %the. It purities the blood, cleanses all ot•he organs. , and pessessesa ?trolling power over the nervous sys tem. • f The reinutahl cares effected-by Vegetinehave induc ed ruany'plitysic lane and 3pothecarlep.whom we know to prescribe and use it lu their own families. _ fact,'Vegetine is tne hest remedy yet discovered for the above diseases; and Is the only reliable Blood huffier yet. placed berore the public. • Are net We many testimonials given for the different coin:A/lints eatinfactory to any reasonable person puffer. lug' from' any d I tseare mentioned above that they can be cured? Head the di ff erent testimonials given. and no one can doubt. In many of these cAses the pereens say that their pain and safrajng_eannot be expressed:ail In `eatesof Scrofula, whets, apparently, the whole body w one mass of corruption. If vegentine will relieve pain. cleanse, put-Wand Mire such disease*. restdring the patient to perfect health alter trying different phy sicians, many remedies, suffering: for-years. Is It not conclusive proof. if you are , a sufferer, you can be cured. Wtv is this medicine performing such great cures ? It works in the blood. in the circulating fluid. It can tru ly be called the (treat Blood Pn rider, The great source' of disease originates in the blood : and no medicine that does not act directly upon it. to , parityand reno v.ite, has any just claim upon public attention, • When the:blood bocotues lifelea, and Kilmartin.. either from . change of weather or of climate, want ,of exercise, it regular diet, or front any other can e. the .Yegetane wmfirenew'thebbnod,carry off the putrid buttlora.ctetnee the stomach, regulate the bowels, and Impart a Mine of vigor to the whole body. The conviction is; in the pub 7. lie mind de well as in the medical profession,' that the remedies supplied by the vegetable Kingdom are more safe, more successfulliii the cure of discasea, than min eral medicines. Vegetine is conitmied of roots, barks* and herbs. It is pleasant to take, and is perfectly safe to glee 'loin infant, Do you-need it t ,Do not hesitate to try it. You will never reject it, • .. WOULD NOT' BE WiTEDUT VEGETINE • i .FOB TEI4 TIIIKS ITS COST. The great benefit r have received front the 11 sear VCR cline induces me to give 'mytestimony in or. l believe it to bo opt only*: groat vahle for restoring the health, buts preventive of - Aseasep, peculiar to the spring abd summer seasons.- •, • . 1 wonid not be without , it, for ten times Its liDlAr.l4llll TILDEN. %tro: rneyltnd General sgent for Makatchnsettli of the iftamen's Life Assurance Company, Seats bajidlug,l3oston, MAW. September =l, 1875.-1 m • Sold by all Druggists .Eserywheire. PAINTS ANDOILS. A FIRE STOCK AT • • WIC LYONS tr. Co.'s. l!tiontt:ose,May 14. _ 1873. "P.Ewh st, CARPETS AT 30 CENTS AND UPWARDS, than N, Mayl4,`73 ' ilror Sale by B. R. LlrCite& Co UGAR, TEA, COFFEE, . rooerireB At Low naives at WALL .AND PAPERS. • fiiaarile Stock, And Now •Patterns Beeetvett • . 'Week Direct From the Itabufactory. , B. IL LIMNS &CAD. S i=PCoioa. 5 r.124 - eoexci. Coat's.' Clark's 0. N. T.; and John Clark's Spool Thread. . . .. Virnite. Black, and Coldred—from No. 8 to No. I.V), at 75 cents per dozen. For sa le by ' m • ..._. ... „. .... . ... ~ .. 'LB.-Iti LYONS 410150; • i itontrose. Itny 14. 1878.-4 ' WI; - 3317.1 = 1.rtifi e nC i ; Would WI attention to us New S_t ock of - 'SPRING AND-. SUMMER 'GOODS, • Now OD sale, In new • 'pliat ea . ODLP - ; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK - AND COLORED. ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATERPROOFS, FLAN NELS; BALMORAL, - AND - How - =' SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BMA-. • LO AND LAP ROBES, MRS, HATS . • AND CAPS; BOOTS Arm SHOES, H ir 'IIAI)WARE.IROLNAILS, STEEL, STOVES MW • GROCERIES, ETC. In great vancti, and witt be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest'prices, H. BDRRITT,' New Milford, May W JCL ere Now WHY TO A, N. BULLARD'S, •. . - , . AT TIM HEAD OF NAVIGATION, toget soiTte sritrwit CLitArigi AND tIMOTIEY SEM Oardie Seeds of all Itlnde,the verrbeet Flour, eager Tea, Coffee, Flee, Hama. Lard, ate.. etc. • • , • PortY cases c)f choice canned &rods, consisting in part. of Peaches, Pears, Plums. Cherries, guineas, htlAlsher ries.Pine Apples. Corn:Beans, Tomatoes, Peas; Duck, Turkey „Lobster. Succotash, Peach, tinince and Apple Butter. Devi led Ham, and lots of other things quite too wumerona Mention:all or Which • will bit :sold tCall' khida of "PATILONS" for ready paint prices that will 2::/ory Clcoznapatiticaa. and strictly upon the principle of live and let live; . Call and see at A. N. . • 2.1 ontrese, April 7.1815. trIANHOOD 11W LOST, BOW RE - ..., STORED ! OrPnce, into wg,ed envelope, only sir cants, . ...•, •• . , Lust :published, &mei Oditien of '-'Da. Cart ~l~iwllLL's Ciaxamitsxmo•-,RowarAtin the ~,,tvdbriVign,llVl Mediclue) of Spermatorrticea Or Nominal wets in. 'voinntary Seminal Losers, Impotency, Mental and rbbelmi Incapacity: Impediments to Marriage, AMC also Consumption. Epilepsy Fite, Induced n.l self ., indulgence or sexual extruvagance,' ' The celebrated author, in t.ble admirable Essay, clear• lr demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the Alarming consequences 01 self-abuse, may he redimillY aired-without - Ins dangerous use of IntertrM medicine or the appl 'cation" of the lotile: polotingotit mode of cure at one simple, certain, and effectual, by nieane of which every sufferer, no matter what hie con dition may be, may turn biets!ltchesply,privately,and radically. , • - garThit lecture theal4 be le the hands of every Mao In thciaco; _ • , Sent under seal. in a Pain'iiiiilope, to any addromi, POnt Paid. on receipt of es Ceuta or two post Amps; • %'adarcsii thePublishere. >. C., KW/44 427 Ilowary. Netv . Yor)c"; - Poet 011 ice Apsil 28, • - • ' - - aisHManre rami Fitling hie , ,large "timporaiy"‘ on.. the . „National. tpl • -• riemainhero until ounnew ri Out stock:is new a Large Stack of',loE TYPE and FOUR Printing Pr asls B. R. LYONS 4% CO.•S: • .In 'bolt we keep a. very Extensive Stock. at above mentioned good* , and many mote: ^ 4We DO butt largo- II for cub, ate therefor!' enabled to * ell at as CLOSE two llas - any party. Please call and convince your selves of *a tact. • ' ' NEW . RRING. CASSMERES, COAT. INGg, 4i.)„ 40„ GIITTiAiERO, SgNBAVW/KO. • HERRIN 6 , - 1 87, -FA RREL 807 • 33vickee4Lwavr MANtYPAOTURTIO) OP ALL MOS OP i. 2 .2 Wire 46112.a.13'4xx1ia4r.r.X.420; The okIoS4INIAMI4 /*ROI° firm in the 0tt11,44 8 tif.ea They tooltAelatra /twig awarded, at ta.e • WORLD'S ,F4$34T LORIS:OKI ':,a; , An NMI iirentinstilad -. frt.) iv= rasszpase! Sad ear "O a t • -1c:;:' )3iLL1N48,:ei4400,4104: IT ; T 818017102, : (-- .' , ...„.. ......-: ~,. . '.i'dititi,i4ieett.,_,3B.p.o.itati.,, iwr i_____- -: -: , : L::4 LEI. 'Sae just returned from-New:York with.ti firgeanci ; ; DRY p:9:6l:is t ., - ,.;0),T1-1!No- !A•pc7 Hats and Caps, Notions 'ffir, -! BRICK STORE TS"COMPL E TE 0N , 7.4E bL . . . sight with care, We sr heretofore, assortment andtest bargains in the doun y. * I Nrßutter and . Produce Shipped. Righest price and pro t rota Meney adynneed when „ . treat Bend;::july, 7th,.187p. A.- S. 'MINER livap*(• MIRY STUB oR nINT - ! .1_ , • . • 1 SPEOIAL INDUCEItIENTS IN 1 1 1 • , . Bronze Lampi. Opal . Lamps, All Glass Lam I Daimlers Wicks, Shades, , Sh a d e Holde 1 P --, i . 1 TIN .ht..ND JAF'PATEI Quarantegi as Low al any Muse in Southebi Ordain by Mall Promptly Altanded To. DEBT G JOB PRANTIN . ' AT 1.1 We arc c:outinually . adritaif noir material to our ogice, •• ' • Both in. Price and 'tan.uty, either in Plain Bla c k or COlOred Work, , SPRING'. SUMMER 18760 NEW 000p4 EIMMIE NEW GOOl4B, • ' Gina% Rosmiam & Co. Is tie piece .where you ;will And, the best asortment, torwest idylelr, and lowtst, prices DRY GOODS, AOLLINERY GOODS, MADY MADE CLOTHLIstiq,I HATS, CAPS..,CAR PETS, &O. W stfFurniihing (i.4x)fb, E mbarldirles, Limes. Pac**; (Black and Colored,) D ress Goods of Deitalptlon , W ks and Table Spread, • Un,ibrairini i ßenlialle tbtiatlC A ' Rbectin, • - ItThbous*roweis and, !Arm Gcoda, . trable/in i en. Towalinr**Plani. E VA and French 'deign,' • •, , abiwLy Sbawla v Shawls, 1.) . 1. 1 • ' . • . • Funnek t , Colored!. lO U Fi s t*.fF: f t- r Air, - .: - • Duels Latter sztd•Yortocco ' L' Sutfe..HandkereSiefs,eortets,, American and Impinges Black Silks, R atiga:Laolehms" Gloves, 13W4 I Tbsted, • )k . lizandri4iiO4 Bondlers best Kids, li*ltipsotwages , Shiliep Liam, susr7d44ttc:Uarios l eaf] scut., Tl 7, Mi4ii"uil*Tatlipring canted" i 9 is. ilia; LAige, Riortment; Of Chizattentai 14.8:DpSALIEB. ituningrartuer. Scaro4:34 19th. - stALw!nig.. Mwellanoon!l Advfutisegten4t., BINGHAMT N imAxamlei AND COliiN 1 ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF Foca 14 zi • I ARE NOAV MENS' Bi)TS GOODS. CLOTHS, s , i CASSIII R 1,, . ; • - 1 i -''' . FURNI 'TIN' inow' under 'th • charge of S..ll,Bip—, cots;' late of •Ne Fork City, - aigt - fOftn= eily - with 011 a Co., which - it a full' guarantee that w cannot' be beatt4 1417 house in this icy. Our stock chtnPrises all the late ,itiles ; ani wily be•solti at bottom prices. nr:Don't tOrget 'the , plapes„.,,-,,, •- - , (oPlwatei Eichange,Pote:l),-', . . :4011.1 , 1 P06 ; 1 ; . 1: Bingbamttin, tr. Y.. April 7th : , •-: • I , 11.-01 11% • tTztpnslreFaraStme find nib isiiirat ll= F'QR.I~ ~=Z'~:~'RF To be finind In thinnection of eantty. ot,hin invit manuracto.e, at ;peas thatcannot Om in gtriiakix , fict,lon:: Thryinake4bovlrry belt .4,. • 1+ , , EXTENkON TAiILES' tri: o ix 42 ' I ' o4 .. - t.e'r* 01 all kW. *won tlle ustotalo4. „ N° EL • 1 . 1 11 3 " I . - or ye.itious to PITRE:NO,I MA.'I',IUSSES, " ` ANDis 3l TIL4,BSES:, , • : " t 4 N. 'D T•A • K • r - N•'o irbo subscribes wUittareaft . er malts tra.: miertaXig ITEll,ll'hNlPAline s seu . g * 4 l n gMaservices mos *step! co promptlsuu at as44abearary ciaargett,i. ;,.. _ - i SOS., * ll7 •Ming ii00495e.P4,..44.*.iffri.-noti-tr;. r ~/10/11/40OLPICKrikt ! - }.•!, s • ' JOlll4 42.1 , 1, • eittreet pied tititiui_teave_ thicliouwe weitimie with the ll'etatrose RiU r, the fothigb, heti thel)FL; W. = ' 001 " 70 - is— A GEO. L.' Yor .:I*.• March 31,10, LOW v.t 57.0 cgw STOI 31. ENS I i 1 t i 1 For spr ing i . The. I CUSta DoPi)ailit =MEE ; •-• 1. 'II the Country,ind wAllich "Pr theria., ilorawsec i. orroarts- ,- iss, ixitrat motrizif: . • -. • i- ; .` MoNEY;SA, - VED4 , cl/111:71 - : '.l.'i o - i .r. , 1 , ..'_i ,i , •. - P.' 4 i ,,, ..:'it ,' , ":• - ,' , L1*-rf ' c„.• NEW TIM; NEW STORE, ~„ • .''• .0" -.‘• • - • 4 : • ;',irift" 131,147: • GOODS, • ~) , N EW PRICES: ii; •-•" ';;.1 ,t?; . :4 .'1 'Alt o . . t rtme,nt,ofi :GAI:f,FIS.':?::St'SAY-.U.' i t4:k.t • .- . , , Zoe" opened, at the old locaLtoti el At. 8. Wilpop, in *the Brick Stock itonse and we shall'bi pleased to assail orfme Old . frien& init. the many new ones we tioiM to gain. :Our stock wLtlconslet.of . - SIJOE irot NW liarilware. .~, ~:::. - ~ We Olail - COCKERVI4 inialle quantities and variety. Stone-Ware. 'Woaa Ware.lidbpp-triunishing Goods and Groceries.- Wr. *half give particular attention' to the Groceir trade' andly kubp . , fttli. sesprtstrent ot Teal. finger'. Odireta. !Fami ND. • t } :- 'I GrOq'ptiesB°: Provisions; - ffer the largest frtliVinetMlait and riOnr.' we shall: keep eon atantly on hand dne brands of door st mach !WA than told prices, and warrant it to _plowee., Goode delivered proniptly to our town customera. TARMS:—Oor terms will be strictly *. ''• na sngtunt'e .. ~ :, • . . cot& 3r• 'OW ot.prodnee4- lt bo well to temoieol nw, Alt Mill Wilt be the secret to? Otlf itiW prices. We art eboadent that by calling and "EYllMinfo g • on rgetNis Ind Oticeszont will find that It. will be for your Inter. est to try - one; geode and tome. S. M. SATitzt. ' ' 3/ 4tmse..'47, . gEISV CART.tR, Ai3BOTT, MMNEIt WITO ARDNQrA.R IR9*§TEltt, AND NAIL% ARE. 131ackninitim' X. MINIM , !kATES FAHNEESIAND tEcwrlcr MOLL efy Ceitoetion inwsrolert,!aiBt.elp LET & WLEY; RORRET'I 4 .B . CORY SHELLER treeyt s , NG AN, iltOP CALL AXb I Su tri, ~.. -, _ r CTOTHIRE. BINGIWIR'OIII, R, Y• i*Oat. 14t.h. 161t.-It. it. 1::•1• , • ~) •.. " • IlliE!,','Oheatkest Place . .. - I , ) t -: g'' ' - TO.BUT .' GtOODS I !:' .•• - I .:Li- 1 --- ' - ' .1 ittAA:t. X:ON7VotL.X.t. N . TRIMK,S Mil OBER LlEjihflpls Bank •Balldin~, la'?- 111, A 1 Pkiwi; mw- "sr. HOT ,AILD TUSTA I IL DFALEBIi i. ,21; • _ iii .: 4 .:4-P • SELNIX -RARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, BLAA,*SILITHS' liILTAgNED LEAtELER‘Bg E LTMG . RUBBER BELTING AND Fq43. , ;1:4:4,f J '.~ t~i 7:.:'. • Read This,! 'S , ba!ejnerieturnedc the. front City or New York stook or goodo.oonshaing of • • 40 S 1 ,-.4-lir,, 0 • .'. .4 :4,-;. ,4. .. , .• r,' i Altd se I . itil.ig I Piacto34 . - ',trio' Witt dud' of Flirt Drugs. ' X d,taints,;lobeulleale, I)ye, kluge, Jewelry, Per. rum y." and Violin Strings, Fancy Goods, Yap kee Wetiona, Focket;Boolis.lClxars Tobaceo.Plne Teller Lions, Pushes, :Table .Cuttlery. bond:Sneer Spout:is:Plated Spoons, Kr Ives and Forks, Guns, Pie- Ws, AMlollll6o. , tiboadar Bram- Trussee, Xedlcal. luounments. Dental 'Materials, Lamps and Lamp Cbleaueys, Teas, Spices; Baking Powder, bea Moss Perfite, Gelatine, Taigas, otstis - .• • assortment of lltaelallie on all kinds' Oi ; . Umiak, kept eonsturdly, on hand. • lee two !telling our -,Wad. ,Pliper et coot. andarealso • tiostrg_ oat our tHeatwarts at „Very Low Figure. • 11.44 fsu ot•lur 1 04 0 4 Ohmic*, • PRIM, wig, for f r tea t and do your vent painting. With our large stock of goods, we test copfidcrut„that tteeryiltiOarialirig , lifootn)an end It for their later esago lind 4ia113,1119 for taselyon before ouctas tag atotawhore, , - • • • *poltroon, Jane 0,18 . ' idertt alLlz g. MEE Viet Ire 4 : 4 l"if ' .ed wilt nisi* ..' " 4 1 46 7., .• t- 1 Ok• SPoteisUy a' b • Bituna.- - 9)Anzutedlitt thei r • .-- . . we WC promptlyafteihild ;I , 8.1 1 04C*41 pm* _ • • -. -441:144"Hi*C1:1P#Piii. rlalPi".lk4bo;44zit(); '''.- i )::,4i 7 -,:.).' • :',.).1",•:•• . ) ~i 4 .....)-..,;, ) ;,;., ~.....-.„.:,-;:-;')' Iron', Hardware * etc. ~ ..:-,1, , ,, J 0 .:.i - '...';'',:..-'il::.,t. ,pti,e,-,-, MEI JO.:* SON =II zirAziiia• ix .4'. *goats for :BEAT US, STEEL TIRE, TOR Geis and sTEEL I• • •• .: 4d, the ielPrered ) BUilthoK ,PEE!) CU'' ItB. 87 Wiulthigton St., . ' IS AT OGDEN'S, 4 Wcsio ?wean' for. ; ,:-141/fRY DISTINIASONS• Ota;'lND SAWS, i , ; aND JOIIM ,/ Iland•Qat FiMk, =MEE F 1 a Beat irtilwrW9rici gliap4pl4 l l4o. MEM _1; ' cnocEniza sFlo e, nrircps. a(EDICINES. citoOK. 11APIVIVIL • *other goods uspigy hop IR s country eh" .e She Intl ihd lade/ PottreePeee that ire are res.theetp es the Cheapest, - We are wrap" wU , 'hos our pods, ; _ • .• • 'W.; & INDIERLIED. 6 - , Pe4, Mg lath ; ,,;y..► t .,, -• . LkOtt. s „ • $ - Nwrinber' 3p. .. . , itsi!'itscia*ot theigtopii *this • . - 1421 4 1YTIIiNd ThrTICE UARBLE L'4NE SUSQUERAIiNA DEPOT, PA., . , • - . !! larlet!3g the' o.e!.7:Xtibte Works ~Ift the Caeht t r,...ghi • All Work' Warranted as &mounted YOU' CAN S 1 V . .iiONE.It Syq's Depot, Pa, Aprlll4, 18714 (04/ SAM a . E Olc• PLATFORM WAGONS, Plaft4E3TC•ll.o, LUMBER, wtApoNs, Manufactured, on extation, and for sale it sptuNovuis OR mommosE. Mot t: on, March .10. 1875. I. 11. BAux.m. I G, B.l3Asuns. I II G„ BLANDtma BINGKAISTON MARBLE ; WORKS. . _ • DesTAinnarn Ix 1504 BARNES BROS, &BLINDING DEALER* IN AND MANIT/ P ACTIMIEW.OF giiii4 4 $t Aturxitan Parbito, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES. , Maille and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenaago St.; Near Depot,: M*yI4.IB7SSIIYRNAIITONi. N.Y OMNIBUS LINE • Thu undersignad has an omnibus line running to es. cry train on tab D. 1.. & SP., and Erie Itailways as Shipping . , , or' Re• Shipping Baggage at either deceit will be proiaptly attendee • • The new river bridge:is now completed, hence they Ye no Parrying. CI.A%.3Ft.RXAL:4:3-311r3 • elwayacra hand to ekovey ponengen to any point In the en rsolincling country, 11. BI7IOIIANAN. Prep'r. Gieat Bend. An:. 19. Int —tt. • TitY 01lit NEW TEAS. • • . Only SO cents a pound . 'Brook, Green and donne-- Trio best you ever had bur the p'rfce. Angola. 18,)75.-4w • LYONS It Co. iFiejiC PURITY , tone I suitable XEW-SCALE PIANOS ioo grew power and a Ducal sew ton e. teak all ddere inspeavontents, caul are Ma BEST Pl. NOS MAUL These Organs 4ted Flamm am wltrranted/or Ids Years. rzuctslol-TREMB. LY_ LOW for cosi of part cask oat balance is tuentbly payments. BeeoceiAland toatrautetois at great bargains. Planes told Organs to rent until paid ler as ppeetteoatraeto AGENTS WAN. TED. SPtetal todaeemeata tattoo trade. A era) discount to Thews, "sitters. ChureheiVetiat o Lodges, et. ILUIST RA TED CA 74LOCIURSMALLZA, • HORACE WATERS & SONS. 481 Broadway, Now York. P.O. Box MG • A NEW - BOOK BY • MARK TWAIN. inst. read y For, Canvasters. NOW theft Is the time teget Territory. Dmet. stop to experimeat on other books. Take one you know win sett. Prompt action will give you choice of geld., sod Gokko Rettirgs. - . Get on the worse at once al von will wtn. Outfit costa, nothing. everyti,Ling tUrni id. Send to your ousel!. and towns yon want, or for pit rttelditta It once. Address 301 , 4 ANIERICAN PUBLI3DING,co., Watford, Ct.- ' vraitic AGIENTAI L DEEDS OF PENN sYLVANTA. ' Over 1100 'raped's! Octavo' Page*. Beautiftilly Illus trated. Ilandsototly boyhd. Rio aoldler *bated be with out ti. A Jail tribute to dititinguirliod terricva.—A C• Curtin: 1 oar account of Oettyaburir la the float, tall est, and very beet blau, ry of thegroutest bntilo of rood .ero. times. —Col J P Phila. The most com plete account extant,—Maj lien I/ !Butterfield, N. Y.— bead for amnion and terma. : . ,((tiro; 4th Edition' just front the Press. T. It DAVIS t CO., Pubc,723 itttnionit St., , AOMITSIC,ANTRD FOR TIIR lIJMOROU2I WORE. .1 QUALD'S., ODDS," .By the I"DISTROIT. WHEN OBitillll MAN," whose rime has reached everywhere. Ara boulorlolle la acknowledged to be the pee( of PI AileK TwAIN and as a ketch writer hadno equal in Ude country.— The blitgret thing yet, will tell at eleht, even in tbeno dull tinleaeverybody wants and will have it. 'itro pure of hia !kilt articled and 260 cgtnlc cuts. Territory go. leg rapidly, 'Aponte apply, at once for circulars to ifeEinney Sapeote tic, ; -Sou& , , Pleasant, and Profitable- ginplellinups. "Berntitul 1" -I.7tutrmlug I" "Gri. Pow lovely I" "What are they worth." rte. Sucher° the eaclamatlon of Wore who yea the' /Angel ' 'let:one dew Chromes pro. dated by tha Eurommwand American Chrome IMb In g CO. Every one will want them. It requires no talking to self the pictures, they for thetturetaee., moon • agitate. and ladles and gentlemen out of• ern pk)yment, will And.thle the beat opening aver offered to nuke money. • leer NE partreolare rend stamp for con fidential circular. Address P. GLEASON CO., IV Washington Street, Boston- Mass. ° 4w MIND READING, PSLCROMANCV c oon, sow Charming, emotion:l; and &triage Guido, ahowini bow either sox may fascinate and gala Gm love and affection of any person they choose in stantly. ?Geis by mall SG cpnta. I Remember, this is not IL mere eircalar..bat stooko 440 pages. Address. RUNT & c9,..imationth lib St.. Philadolphia. /Ns. 4w gitfltT,F - ' MITE? : 6)r a4rNi_r ws se w Tilwaluiv. and a magoide4entNEW DMA jn44 Preis; 4w Addre44.. J. C. McCurdy if co.i,Maaillphis. fa $1,200 PROFIT. ON4IOO "...Jed td Block PiriHlagae hi ' , Wallti. Books and Mader lellimo,llow. 'ha flow. ' l oad huh , ' &atoll lig & Co,, BaUkazo. IT Wall Elt, r N. Y 100 mis c cellaneous; tits, ••• • f to on wcaiss OR2W6 1L By tilling on as. L. • i, se 'I I' 1. WILLIS IIbeLONGL A:tOLVIZ4 AO. - , D. D. BEADLE. Greatßend, Pa. Anyordor for ARM Opt benasilld A ono ever wade. ALTO STOP Is t. Wares la airs Or. noduced d b yct* iif ree* Deed. inked, Eke of whieA bAIOST4 itAIT'SO geouISOCL TILING , while Its %VON alike nu. 70ICE IS SU. 4. WATERS' ORCIIESTRALp IPREG, GRAND nod ATE 01/OANS,