The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 29, 1875, Image 3
). Volupie 8 1 • geniotra pt . RL --- • - ' Arrangement ' of Malls: ' . VIA RAILIIOAD: • .= 4 rriver..Deparu, r t al.lutunock, ()UAW 11)0p111 19161n11. VIA BTAGISB i • • i,ntrore Dipot.(DaiW. , ' 000 p In 820 a .n 1 ; ,r. NI Brom. (Do IIY4, loon a m 1 3up m IK L lelaring , (Druly,;. l . t . —1 . .. i“, ii4s arn2oo p nt triads% ille, (tri vreekly.).: - .‘.:4;.:..*...'600 - plrr 800ittn or,1311) slat fon:(tr) weetl),4 I 00a m 'loo4lla r ighamton,ria S. Lak e,(Tri era!n t ly),, ano p a , 7 oop m yohoppen.trt weok(y,) 1000 am 400 p m The New York. olio Montrone *Depot,) New, 3tiltord. 1.0 3 khonock,And Wylusingarcidaily.,._ , t i 'Mu Conklin Station mall runs Tuesdays, T hursdays, ird Saturday's. Tile Binghamton Mall, (via Silver Lake,)riano Toes- Ism Thuredays. and Sitturdr. tricuderille pied I rune Tuesday*, Thuredva,aa4 s a t :r:-17e*. '. The geshoppen mail roue Monday. .k , "irdneedays.,and mails. • • , Anputloitai. th.4„or,g: ' ~, : • ~ T A Stage 1 eaves daily Tor liontrose Depot at 1 121,11.11 d ttlDttil, at II p. to . t sago leaver 'daily tor New atlega.u. 3111114 d i ad rcturtor all 30 14 nu tr.. •,.., •• , ,••••- 1 ., • •, . , • . , • - ...)1. C. rouphitm, P. M. latrpie Railway.' Arr angutent or Trains, To take effect on Idonday, Imo. Met, 11174. Ivo n Trams. ~ , 4, , , , Alp Trains torrilwAnD.• • • -..- 909 . 1 . 99r49.9 f 49. 4'. 11 .• ' , A.m. r. x. !. Los 1.00..... .;,..dtots,trase.l. . „ ... .., —10.40 - 6. 0 0 y 9) f 110 J A11669;. 1.. i - '' 1015 515 , !IS/ , 1 13. .... .. ' Coors 1020 340 -: id' 120 ... ... .....11a9C939......:. _lOl5 555 58 185 ' Dim ock ....,......10 05 525 555 ' 182 ..... :...,...Tylee.s— . .... .... 955 515 i 545 140.... .. -'. . pprtngvll le. . 945 ' 544 555 1 43... - ....;),,...:tyntt 933 - 456 ,' ' 595 158. Avery's... . 9 25. 445 510 208. . . ... • . .... Lemon 913 ¢35 . 620 2 20..... ..... ...tabeck...... . _903 4 135 130 220. Marcy's 655 415 545 245 • Tunkhannock 840 ' 355" '.l trains connecOnt Tnnkhannock with P. & - :.1. Y D.A.going north and sonth./. - • , • , , JAINES. I. Itt&ESLEB. Preset. Sew Advsotsenteitts. otiee—B. Stroud. • • I Estrays—E. C. Smith. , executor's Notim—estate of John. Conboy. Notic'e to Debtors. • - Administrator's sale—estate of Hernia Snow,. •Nnntrose Platting .11i11.-A..Lattirop. • :Sew croods:--Giuttenblarix,..lioseobatim & Co. , • Busniass LocAut. fantrose Private 'Telegraph Association. Clairvoyant Examinations. ' t Tomiters' institute... Rev. E.A. Wartiner will be at 116 post on „ allay next, at St. Paul's chureh. The letiar ot Acceptance of Judge t•Pershing. s crlin•deit'.out this weck, but -will appear t at issue. ' 9 3ltssrs..llead & Strtrad have a vcryAll stock goods f,or the rall4C.ampaign and , therin ,srui to hetqual to any etnergenems'in'qualitY prices. • the members of Montkose. Fire company ;;;o:2, are reginted 10 mt.u.i. at their Parlor oil ;!riday .evonnig, ()clone!. Ist-,.at o'clOck,•tor we transaction of important 'business: r By or , of /Foreman. . ' 11r. A. Lathrop is makirrg amaddition to his r..-.nufacturing establishineat f on Mtv.hanic'r irenue. .1ln'; is also liddttig ' tai his "business rospets by inserting anew advertisement in week'S DEITOCRiT. Remethbe.r the Soldiers' 1 1 1cule at Hart Lake, nforrow if pleolut and Lobe postponed till Friday if it should stormy. A fine platform ..14iancing with goad music in attendance is the prugrunune._ -• The new brick, bloelfia gressink The f t , "" , r,3ndittion is nearly completed and the cry of, -mart" and the clink ut the . truwe: is certainly 'levant music about Montrose.. We hope the ong will be'eentinued by others. — . •- ' Wm. M. Post, esq,; has. done t. fine job both Gr bimtelf, and the "town by excavating a ditch tzliugh 'his swampy hinds from Jackson_ 'street W Union street. . The Council are also having lickson street filled in with Pounded stone. %IS is it slotild be. ; Ridge Packer and President Blakeslee, of the t .l ;l!untrose Railway, werein ft:ma yesterday and in common with all our 10RUSTEle . 11, will be If their visit shall Kaye something to ,do !.1) . 411,kti completion ot . the Montrose . Railway Vie Plank Road ; 'according to contra:t wttli 11patrose Railway Compini.. • . . Mr. John Smith, of Jessup, has our • thanks • .4: a basket of mostAelielmis'sweet apples, and rile we aro up : on this subject, we will make ;'bow LS Mr. Daniel, Stuart:, of.. 4ripg'esiater, :'those preanitwi piit;sai). whioh . vi';eie.left at zrL~use the eveniukof the Fair. • • They were . ;I the Earlyflose variety. • limner says we want Lim t o "pitch Into Lit -c•-•Crs Itrittteribut.verflittle to. us' or 6zy one else where .he pitches: It, is . the com-. ;'ton remark of everybody- that . the "Court lutven. , bee obliged ••to cal: out their* ..I.t; and chain him up. They Aare not let him ; . . :; , iteu Imo anything be whip. We overheard the following conversation be . :ween two young ladies, who were out promo. urding on Saturday evening. , "is 4iiiiythltig , eyposi ?" .said one.. "OA yes r replied' the Jrte, "he's soniething;.ha's an ~svCut big fool"•. ;*e thought this, pretty ( strong language f.jt , •; , oung Ituyee to ase, but when ..ire- lound; out •'. *Lo it: was they werea talklbg -, abbUt * we con-' k . :4 . ..,., Luded ,the language- was' ',only ball sarong' klmough. s. We doubt whether the is another such a -il " . 7 iriety of plums and all of each delicious goal., .• t :y' iu this &minty or any Of ilie adjoining coin t :;,s, us are reared by,r Mr. 6. F Fordbata, of It ,Montrose ." lie :lout ratio varieties on exhibition ',,lit our County :Puir,All.ot 'which were of a very :ne quality. Ile has raised large quantities t.'ais ytmr. It is a sigh; -worth traveling, psi 1- Able dietvace to see his ~trees, load O down ith such ,delicious burdens.;- .`, • • , / ;, Madam. Rumor Una it that Judge Streeter has 4 , diVith A. Lathrop about, buying his house. f'v:eur advice to,Nr. Lathrop is , to close the bar- If possible, before 4ection. .We hanlly .what aniice 40 give the Judge, for it • ight be considered presuMptuous to us to as- 1 .,1n1e to instruct..the court. Eighteen months when' he came here 'to ask" the people to •,"P„ft him tor another ten years term and an s4o,o(iofpur advice would have been, buy all means, fake a. PosiVoa" as a cid' :tri of this county, pay taxtis and Show a cOUI - interest' with us. But at this day and ' 4 '. we' onfess that we do not know what is )r,.11. If heshould buy a house ads unpack his and circutristances ova. which'ho.bas no 'tintrul Kbould make It necessary Mr Itim to va 1, fee th 6 Bench, itNvotild cause him considers trouble and expense to repack fur Bradford aunty. In as ninth' , " as tie has - waited thns '-tg, we believe ib ill! be lull as well to leave 4rl 4 tEtt packed and be ready 'for an emergen- tie coma,. rafr. ,'nature, most certainly, alaiii d 'auspielously tp. l she Susquehanna County Agricultural I'lie!Y in favoring it wlthhtiwo mort,ronarka l dy pleasant' minims day ; being pnots . agbt sunshine nano dust lo fill the air nor , atupttess to chill it. • " The:Society itself 'seemed to, partake of the, 'tzlivening Weather 'as we. noticed ts , first-class ql , mker's NthOtrjkad been -erected and also a kw Pagoda. for the music. Everythnig tected .with the . exhibitiall aeneted to' have aught'l l l _spirit, of the fine. weather 'tor to all 'lt kL ledge of lausquehanniveountileairs, 14 e f stock of lust week far trainumnded ttriu all la qUantity and quality. ) There was a large - concourse of ,peoPle Alto ,Ir - ttilance and it was rosily-an occasion 0r,1,404:" II le mid profit to the tudustilai intettate of l'lttio s oauty both agrisoltural and Mechanical . ' The atidrest by 64. Ar:E. wits 'strict. 'Y a legithuitte agricultural' discourse. arid fronts , Irwin who mild i+pealt ) frOms Orsonal . o xPe 6.-- rate hi farming for forty years and,belter;The t ?" 1 40 paid a' Sue triloite lliiiiinnary'Of ME! , . • I: . 1; . . . • •1 • 11 ' %. • • the pameers of the'43ociety, `geooth PArimirl -Oetity , Dtinker, an/ . Judgtklessap,../That titey gave•theirtie:hot :Anima by , earliewing' ", 1 110nta trotting" which has plaeed the Eiusque , . harms county Fair w 3 far, l in-advance of all surrounding counties. The iadreslwas mei*. ed with marked interest and attentlortAmd was, a credit alike to the speaker , and the i;ociety. o utgo m e m : b ig. t, ..1f . 1 ~ • C ~ Susquehanna County, Pomona Gran ge, P. of IL, will lipid their regular meeting at MontroSe October. Sth, at 10 o'chick, a. ru. .11ope that all •the Ombra hi the county will be represented, as business of much Importance wilt come Up for action. Master and three delegata from each Orange are entitled aa ibeprotentativecr' The hlisineas will be done 'in the..4lb degree, and all 4th degree members are mi lted to at tend.. Don't fail to *ons.. . , Patrons of Busbandrt = '- - '- l, A' Grange;, or order was organized in St.trucca Wayne county, Pa BaturdaY evil ' Sept, 25th; by Deputy R. 13. ticsaie,ivith twen ty charter members, and the following o , ours were duly Installed i • ' - _ tit Lt. 1 ;! 2.lwiter, C. Datunaford ; Overseer, -P, nn , ; LecOrer, Irvin Starbird ; Secre t: Iti r 0 Stanton; -Chaplain,. Henry' Shellett ; _ Stevard, Win. B. Stoddard ; Askt Steward, N. F.Sluitta; Treasurer,, Benj.- King Gate Keeper, i:, A, . Doyle; t.. A. S., ginins• MO ; Ceres.' A.: K. Starbird ; Flora, Laura . Webatc t ; a Poraoi,, Elizahoth' Penn. - ' 1 , , ab:iniiertiary in Dimock. Avery Bolles is one of the early pioneer& of Susquehanna aunty. Ile :Veritiaded 'Eunice Winters to say yea 'and they were married Sept. 20th, 1818. On the anniversary of their marriage, Sept. 20, 1875, several of their children and many of their friends visited them at their home in Dimock, and enjoyed. a very pleasant social reunion. Genial friendihip stn generous' bospluility . vied With each other in contributing to the en joyment of all present. ,- 1 411Utoil I. wllll-retain the occasion aitii plea's-sure. FromTn994.,ka.. : The potato bugs have disappeared.; , Mr. John McKenny.hae, ptirchased tam. • , . ~. Mr. Ackerman has moyed• , to out= rose. ___ A=feie of our fanners , havet , .,bon 4 enttlng the, socdnd crop of grass. The funeral of 3liss Alice: Looker• ly 'attended.. She was a ,member of oniBun.. day School and also belonged to, our cbeir t She many sad friends relatives fihe vras a devout - Christian. .' . 4 lito AIM U. Franklin, Sept. 20, 1 fi'M Charon Dedication St. .loachines R. C. church of Meshoppen, was dedicated lasT Sunday by the Rev.s Father Lally:Reigh licGuckin the paittor of the church. The building is a yery ;neat little winiden. structure with a capacity for seating about 300 persons? The copier atone was laid about n year age, by the former pastor, Father Murphy, and was pushed —to completion by McOncliln. ,12 . -e aPPc 4 fOce i ot; being verylatrongly built. The interior is very tastaully finished, and reflects greailciedit the carpenter, M. ly..Lee, of,Middletnwn, this county. The Catholiii of gesliciprieii n * wor-. thy - of commendation for their effort* to build the church and Are to. be congt i ntula4d on its suctessful compleiion. : , . . "Dl Tot Veer the 5106 n I" • ' 'Die . following is the plstfo*orLtrenat trient, unanimously passed ,by the thimocratic bonventiory ot- ) 6aspe2tailic:ooingse4Sept.-1.4,, : &mired , That for the Outran of paying the bonded debt of this County—amounting to over slB,oo6—upon which we are paying to a for eign holder of the bonds eigat .per ;eat. imion. rium,'-lbe - salary ot tbe:Trensurer tiall be ilia , ed at $6OO per annum. The salary of Coin m;ssionerse Clerk at $.lOO per annum, and the paY, of the County Commissioners shall not ex ceed $250 each per annum. Ratolved, That the fees and salaries of all Coun ty,4iflliera -should be,. reduced py legisla tive enactment; to such sums as shall- be:i reasonable. compensation Or the service Per formed. The people can not afford to enrich a Sheriff and Prothonotary every three years.. In Memoriam. • At r aspepial mactingpf.BrooklynLodge ,„. '313,' O. of 0. F., held Sept.-10th, relatin to , the- death- of Brother' V. W. Palmer,' X es Caldwell, R. W. Gere, end J. 0. Bullard were appointed to draft resolutions Of condolence; reportedthe following which Were adoptid It bath pleased,Almighty God; the. Creator and Preserver of all things tolake froth our midst our beloved brother,PastGrand G. W.; Palmer, therefor% • • : . , Bewared, That in the death of Brother Pal ' finer, our.Lortge has loetznenof its most zealous .and consistent members, the sick a tender 'hearted and taithfull. nurse and the community an honest, conscientious and:upright citizen. Bewared, That We sympathize with the be reaved companien- of our deceased brother in Allis hour of ber,,deep : affliction and 1.111136dt serrow and commend her tO the care of him who is the widow's stay .and. the orphan's snide.. ./teelved„That a will. atteitd"the ittne4l*f Brother Palmer, as a Lodge,*aring badges of tuonrning hefting such-au occasion. .• '• Rewired. That copies of these resolutions • formarded to our county papers for' publication also that n copy bearing the 'seal of the Lodge be delivered to fliiter.Patmer. • • — 3losts CiLDWILL; — " . . it. W. Gains, • Com. • JAstEs o..BuLta.up. I I 1 ' • A Successful togging Bee. • A short time ago, S. H. it. D. Bail* invited the people of Silver Like, to attend a logiing . bee, upon their farm in that town. About fifty of the neighbors with their teams tstrnetiant, ' and the titarrnerin 3irblids the Work Arse arid the amount accomplished, demonstrated That they understo)d.the.way. totio such Wei nen and' that their hill ivas Sureli'in the 'Work. '3lessm. Sayros erected a temporary • building for'odoking perpOsest, and a, table tva/3 arrankeo in the grnye capable of seating , shoat seventy live persons, and about fifty were .frrattendnim Hot te:Land coffee were served with im shun. dance of other tetreshments. barring out all wines and • liquors. The table :was presided over in the roost acceptable Manner by Drake, who resides on the farm.- neigh. borS assembled on two different meadow; and all secituS to "piny tlieLiScene anti: is tlitiOpin-'; ion of all present and '• also of tbase who have seen the, amount of work ,dune that it is sel dom if eVPT equalled. Some 25 or 80 acres were cleared °frit' first clue style,. Onii ;lour townsitten,who hatiieen what was done,saysuit WM, a big two days' -work, rio . matter how, many were there," • We have no tloubt but %hat' the Sayre ram feel very , grateful for this generous assistance and those who assisted will long tie, ,rinierubered for their iruly neighborly kin& From Inaerbara "Where la "Etfue Jacket?' • • • Benton James teaches Lt Aubtlta 4 Vorsulni, , a ebtool of fitty. • .George, Harvey 'teatime a' select aehooi at ittisb Centre,- !dies 3t4iry begone, teaches- at the Picket kichaol 'house, a fall term.of The middlepier of the bridge aear PhiMader ist -1 4 1 0,, Wit; tOrxtont b; id& 1111-, terS Aug. Otb: - : • , Select schwa and Othent are notoshing.' 'W. Duro teacl!es et 4ftizirvillei * term,of thlrteem•wecke,kirom A l 4ot 80tb• , q uart l l Yl i n ee t'ing ( 4 thPlft P 1 , 1 ) 11 4 1 1 4g4W /acid in.the Auburn charge at Canmowin, 4. ~..,r, .._.. . n . _~... , . lat and 2nd. RI. Geo. -- Ifddy,presided... , June 21st, from tiara Mills bard's corners, and our people render it nuvigat soon. - !.A. Sabbath Sch I picnic,. non Rill, Aug. 214; and addr: l ed. by Rey. Silas Ranier, taco aid John TcwhAury, of Aub: I;Plve sibbatb ,l l4.e.boola join P-nic,lin a grove nes, r Aug.,l 7th. There*eio tour den; Reif. Barner,lDony and :1 . .ICora France, youngest . dt Frt r lCO, at West Auburn;fell Oa olding of a him. Aug. 7tl ed badlypbut fortimately has ' 'Mrs: l'hanc, oi Auburn t retet Thane, died Ang. 71h, 1 severe sufferidg Inni compli futieral !was _ at 'the Catholic 10th. 1 o c he .ii..rsey Bill Sabbath hoe' and cute= held a picnic in the woods h .' r George Batia's FiePt,lllth. Speakers. El t .. ilden, and 1 ev. Deny. 'The Silver' Cern- and ofEl' , Lake diacoursed sweet Sounds to the natives. , 1 i • . , While Janus at:ugler, -wile and. infant . son, were returning from Cartertown, August t2nd, their horse stepped through a small bridge; near t iit!ick Galvin's, and fell,_ thOwing the' &Tu.. pants from the weglin, providentially not *kir tug the/rt.. ' . , The funeral of John Bniwn was attended at 3. R. Lyon, §(N3'y. Cariertowd; Sep. 16, by largo concourse of symPatbizink friends. - Rev. Berner Conducted the senies. Father BroWnlwas well loved in tim church and ;for Aim -past few monthibas hem, a fearthl - 'Sithier from canker in the `thioat. ' ' • • •• - • J-.ll'rrance, of Auburn, tell upon the guard of his mowing machine, 80th, and was saved from in &tent death by-the sudden stopping 'of his team itLanswer to his' command; The (cause of the accident was the braising of ,a !screw bolding the seat in its 'Place; the,other I using prevlously been broken. A few bruises lwere the worst coniequSnces.` •4• • •- •I " INTIM BUIE STOCKING. ' I Auburn, Sept. 25, 187& firth Day Party : and Narriage Anniversary. Must Ari Iltirrcntal:;---It took place at' the I trimse of Jolin4;ean, esq.. in Lathrop, Sunni )ranna counts', Pa.,on Monday, Sept. 20th, 187 5 , —alrst-clanit time to be- burn .and also to be married.. :" rise piece is -one of the most .beautt. ful in' this;:irgitin•of inspiring- scenery: The horse is respectable for, age and also for neat- II l i ness, while its suernunding,s are 'very inviting, I liall shade trees,pletniaist walks. croquetlrounds 1 And splendid acenery,stretching, F I should think, F ltralf waY. td Neve York, - and. which Brother ,Enoch hack can describei better Alan I can, I I IThe weathel was a little lowering in the morn -1 H ing, hut : cbanged to a fine, cool September .;day: - , , . • . The occasion was the sixty-fourth birth day c ol Our 'oat," (Julia Lean and not very lean) !and al4cr. the birth;day . of hut d aughte r , Mrs. II ., ,ShePardsOn, , of Alison; ,, who ia stilt + Milte . young. It was also . the .fifth anniversary of ;the marriage of )tr. and Mrs. ,Stiepardson.— This we hatl "three occasions joined In otieand all joyous. . . , • I F , , th " tit be 'VA a '' b tlo'' l k . _e•gues._ gall mac aOU 0C oc l a lie pt. COM' til 1 ey' numb 'd a. tn., an t .F i. , pg. un ? ere 'near fifty. Melt:l'4l6g relithes and kends- 7 - , 9,114 e a Oumber were from Gibson. accompan ied by - trey! Mr. Crane, pastor.of the Gibson Possbyterian'',Cburcit, . Aiming, our iteighbisii , weziotki4 tad Sterlin'g,eitii.. as *leader Sr. t fit lik'Wits it 1.164 be hail is good 6 . 14 to iitY;"' but none too much, he did his workwell. His desired assi L ance, experience and modesty helped to re der the :party a .pleassuit-eite'lii: evettyresppc Most sUrp 'sea are surprises by prefession, bui this gat eripg seams to have beeti a real • surprise to t father and mother of the f a mily. at the early morning the mother cautioned the girl! againat, i bat she took to - be•extravagance ir In ptividingio botintiful ti dinner and "nobody to it."' Shed d not see the propriety inputting raisins in an eye.ry daY pudding, but the girls 'put them in and so she let 'em. When girls iset their heart on a good phdding they genet ,eily have it. 'Twas so here. The dinner was • very firvitilig one. - the dainties antiluxuriei - of the season were' there 'in .. .great abundance 'We noticed 'i .. lliF P. superb : iced cakes, presents 'to the lather and Mother, With the name and age of tlie. parents spelled out in - candy on the crietirestively. . ' ' 1 Thi, poring folks took pleasure, kn croquet end the older ones in conversations aboul,the teatber ; the 'scenery, the' price of pork, early ys In Lathrop and Brookl'n,origin of nimes, , Olimate, and, travel,. for one-Of the company had doubled Cape Horn or came so near it that there 4'oB l 'olbn-in it" .- 7 1 mean hi time of a gale s ; All seemed to be happy and the cOnver satidit and'ldinner were very interesting and . \ instructive to me. There wait presented to the Father amlliloth er each= Okay Chair ; Asa; reminder that they can take' more rest and have less labor. The 'parties were. visa* affected. ;Some body tried to make remarks "appropriate to the occasion, in a presentation. speech, !Liter- which Rev. Crane offered nn earliest prayer to Almigt:h4 GO& and the . company separated. These birthday and roredding anniversaries are calculi:led, I i think, to cement the bond or . anion In families and promote love and bar- Many in society.t I think now, that, when lam sixti-four, th a t 1137 children or somebody) else, to will make one. A _ .11 ,Yours zmuivers.arilj, J. 11. *mom burn Otvners tug at 9 o'el , the eyeuing. 24uutrose, CLAIRTOT . .f..I7T ZIANIRATICERI FREE. There. ta tl subject that requires so' ucb ltiudy and OxPerience u the treatment of Oron lc dWeases. 'The astonishing success .an d re markable curs performed iby Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gift_of clairioyatice. to the life long study of ;the amatitution of man, and the curing of diseases from natural remedies. cures the worst forms of Scrofula'. Catarrh, Piles, Fe male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder. Will be at the Cafferty. House. Binghatuton, Friday, and Saturday, October 29th, and ;Oth. Dr. • Butterfield will be at the celebrated rill oral Spritigc at Rush, on, Thursday , pc ober 28th, on a visit.' Patients can call. Tag MONTI:IOSE PRIVATE TigpEGRAPII ABSOCI 219K.—PBEAJCBLE. ~- • Wintliffati. Believing: that a kaowledce of the science of electricity in general,tbe science and practice of , that branch of el tri city known as Telegraphy, in pardon! r, is highly beneficial lo a Man no matter w ,t his mil e vocation may be, and that .; man should Se all possible means in his power that are not preju dicial to hie other interests ,to obtain a k owl edge of a subject which will occupy so mu h of the attentio of the world for • genekatio to Come, ~ ' We,- IL :A. -Lartstigb, W. L;Reed, you , i t Noon, E. C. Sherman; N. U. Jessup, Jr., ult Lyons, and J. R. Cooley; have Rimed ours lies into an Maw :Utica fur the mutual study, n Al its parts of SeiVICO and practice of Teleg phy. We have now about threefourttis of a m e of wire An-splendid working order, and hay the prospect of spending a very pleasant as w 11 as Wittructive winter. Any of our friends 'sh in/ to connect - with us, we - shall be glad ' re ceive their applications. The kuowledg can tekobtained In this, way for a lxiiiing ex nse, above tile! fitting up of on Office. • . • \ • ' Muslims ,Likabh An Institute will he held at An on Thursday, Oct. 71.11. commenc• k,s m. 'Educational addcess in W. C. TILDES, CO sap's. • pt. 29,1875. BABiums In Au aeimirtmenti' • &pt. 22; *2. 'R64D tL STitoUD. LAticit'irai l o Ppmsabrtaii43, l (ithoots . bbers• ete4 for everybody, at low pram. EiTt, 22. w 2 Pup & \ • . MONVTIOS "--.I3tMOOR gOPTEMDER' taken in all the lat est styles 01 4 Pictures c9plad awl enlaird. Leo a iplecidici iiimettibt &co t _ Montrose, June 10, '74.---tf. field of Bkii3iiieei ,y Qac►.'Walirr to. Jaasoti era .desigolog to Watengs t Clocks and Jewelry re aired on short notice and warranted, • at F. D. Dielhu tabliWWolll.:.Bltire,ll:4l.l44o it•Melhu. Leh's. 1, , Mont;ose, jtily 28, len—tf. • field' at 4 3111 9k . '. were deliver = 7 Low. John Cole ru Cenira NEW docnis I_ A. large supply a now gocids;Dry Eloods t Clothk*, flaw T r 4tsitilv arming. Adverpsemerii Via* k. Gv+rktft , Ras a s (b - Co. 31onti,w,"8ept. 82,1875: I - ' I interesta $a a ry C. Bertholra' •aktra Elder gh!.er of D i . V 4 rough the uppei , and was' iiijur .vered. „ „ BEsT Jon PmNrrnG• • '; • - i • .1 • AT TIIE LOWEST We are continually adding new material to our office, and with our Large Stock of Job. Type and kbAir Printing Proses weDe i fylCompetition Loth hire & and Quality,eithir; yr Colored Work. HAWLRY tRL Cuuszn. wne4ip, iQlibt,of liter six - weeks Of ' 1 ted tauseij, I Her 'Church, August I \• • • TILE PART WIONTEIt has been ono of unusual severity.. Stock of all .kinds, do ..not. appear te, be doing as . well Ulna. , AllOBO = who have tried it, say, it pays many times over to give their,stoele, at this season of. the year, a few pat pets of '1 ylor'S Condition. Powders. can be obt. ed of any dealer In medicipes. Gourd! ] • A. ilicknox announces that he Ihlnks.of lest 4 ing Montrose soon. All who. would' like Boris of his work would do well to attend to it with ' out delay. I , His "white cloud" vignettes are a very unique and pleasing picture, an entirely new style. • . Montrose, June 16, A 1875. , A. B. BURNS, at th Eagle Drug Store, keeps constantly on hared large and well selected stock of pure Drugs and Medicint3s, Paints,olls and Varnish, also a very, large :assortmentiof . Port Monnaies, Combs, , Brushes. Perfumeryd and Toilet Soaps. PhYsicians prescriptions I carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night.• • Give him a call. .ithgn of the Got den Eagle and Mortar. Montrose, June 0,1875.-tt - • Tn Supremo :Court of the State 9f New York has. decided :that J. C. Mu St C0.,0f Lowell, have the sole right to . use the words CIIEARY PSCIVRAL for. a medicine, and has Is sued. an 'lnjunction - against F. V. Rushton, of New York city, for selling Rushton's . Cherry PeetOrni or .- Cherrir PectOtaf thiteirges, .pt any USil Of tha'aanto to deceive the pdblik-÷ 'deciskin of the 'iligh" :court In `dealers ivho sell shy similar article,-21.01 <V ier:ion (L. L),Leader. ' , .. : ~.' "Li• - • " We have 'ilisl - redelimd!se Very . ..runio . - Adielt at plain and enveloPeii:letter"lintl' - ' - note pi per, .plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of . vll - and . colons, colored poster . papers, etc. all of which we 'can atflird to nut cheaper than fans ofileein thif 4 iiir i o tug cti - putitia,' and in iis good:kyle. - -Wollk-do ein tillick - dd colored inks. .It. you think there i s, any . that can beat us; glee us a trial, and we will show you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on . huninir printed order: order: • ''. :- ' '-'"''' -''' '' ': . , , W i n Tapia that • the . - people tit lfitirttrostahrt vicinity are finding-out where the' most 'popu- Aar Dry Goods House to Bing.anntua is located for O. F. Sissan.' ifs Co. inform us that their - trail,:trotu ; this settitii, is vii 4. large 'anircott stantiv increasing. In their stock may now be found a large and carefully seliszted stuck of Dry!, Gnods, • imitable totho wants ut.everyboily. They make a specialty of Black Silks , Black Cassimerts, Black 31oliairs, Black Alpacas, and the ifiner ; grades tif.13.3 goods, 'aWin tiitd - line: are "pttiart , d to givcifinne 'decided Inv gains. VVe suppose that nearly everylplly is aware that their store is, .400eted tit 61 Court StreeP, next to the Canal: • Ilingharuton,f s :4:44 311111 fiery Giipda ! 11111114eiry Goods! We have received,. our FALL &root and are prepared to show all the latest styles in Straw and Felt Hats and Bonnets, Trinimed and Untrimmed, also Silks, Turquoiserkldgesthers, Whigs, Birds, Flowers, etc.,. in hi! the latest shades, viz.: Navy Blue, Seal Brown, Cerdi. innl ißed, etc. We shall. coMidelice. trimming Fall Stock this week, and tender an invitation to Ole Ladies of Idontrose and vicinity to ex• amine our siciek.'of. the above, which we guar .aatde to be the /atm styles and flaw gitalities. • S. PILLMAN & Co. Mrs, Rosenthal, Argliner. i (Cheap John.) •Montrose, Sept. 22,18715. j• C1I: JOILti'S Pnicz Lrar; or INEW POODS HI C , 1 ' jtr i 1F.947111f! .:ii''h:q'ilii Standard Printi,ltt; 4,4kasid 111 iiii•Lit;•;- Plain .and Corded Reps, at 25, 30, and 33%c. Plain and Fancy Debagtat (new patterns) at 25 and' 30 cents. ' ' Black and•- colored Alpacas, at . 25,'30,115i40' andloo cents. • Tard'wide Bleached 31uslins, at 9,10,.11 and 12 f',ents. lard' wide • UnbleaauX3. Mtislin, at, 9,. 16, 1i andll2 - cents'.. - '' • - 1 " ' ' Shawls, newest , styles at;!$1 ; #1 50; $2, and ,V, 50. 1 • .. , , • - 11OodIflekv3r Shirtinesott 15,10 and 17c. Red and W hite Flannels in great variety at cents. f Ladles all wool Felt' Skirts,' at $l, $125, and; $1 50. •I - it4l3t two Button Kid Gloies, (warranted) at $1 00 i' , Clinton Flannels, at 11, 12, an/ 15 cents. ' Gents good K_tp Bobts, , itt s2 :so'. ' . ' • :., , Gents better Kip Boots, at .$325. i . Ghats best Kip Bouts, at $4. ' 1 1 ,..„ Genta best Calf Boots, pegged, at $4 M.- - . , Genta best Calf Boots, sewed, at $5 50.' . ... 4 , `Gents Fur Hats, new and lateSt styles, at $1 50;and $2 00. A ..t, Gents and boys Clothing cheaper than ever. The above comprises but a small part of our new stock (the first of the season in Altmtme) and,the goods are entirely ~new and carelully selmted. We warrant all our , goods to be as chuip a they can be bought anywhere In the United States . ; give us a call ;before purchasing and'you,will be convineed . ol tbe truth of the aboie. ; Respectfully yours,.,, 4 I 1 ' S. a Co., EL RosFsrritat., &Zeman,. i % Cheap John. Montrose, Sept. 8, 1875 -tr , . I will sell for theskezt.oo dui „ • fIOSIMIT, ',STRIPED AND THREAD 'GLOVES; NECKTIES. Colisq, ;RUCHINGS. HANDKERCRIEPS.I MIAMI • 1 • EDGES, IMPURE LACES. GIMPS PRIM% CES, PARASOLS COLLARS, AND -,(.31E75, IN. SHORT \ • 1 • , eveythlng la my Urn at greatly redueied,_Prlefi- a , Ail MaUsiery: -Goods- iielour Owe; ; • 1: . • ' 'W. I. CARVER.,; NO. 21 Mart St .; Con Water Bt. 15411 CtrilmOn, N. Y. Miscast 4.1816. _ . ATuC: sY—At..EXANDER—In liartord.' Sept. 23,'-by Rev. A. Miller, Jolla iir. Sitickey <allow Milford; and Mies Mc,ry, daught e r of Robert Alexander.ot Milford. ' " ' ColiStati—Tutung.p-rin Longmont-.P, A ! Sept. 22, at the residence of the brides varents; by; J.. t;off num ~ Mr. , G eQr ge ' Coffinan, of Longto at, to Miss Jennie Tarri.4l, formerly ot Mora , Pa. '. • , • CASTLE—Patsnnr--On tho 28d.osf. . Bept.sat St. Jarneti rhumb, Randall', Pa„ by the Rev. Horatio C. Howard, Charles W. Cestleti.iaf, Chicago, 111., to Miss Resale 11. Phinny of Oil City, Pa., arid grand-daughter of T. P.Phinuy• egg.; ot Duadalt Pa. GAGE- in , Sliver Lake, Sept. Ban Gage, aged 3/ears, 6 mouths and 1 day. ' CO:inns—At 'Elk 'Lake, Sept. stti, Emits, eldest find beloved daughter of Joel mid So.. pia Compton, aged 20 years'and'il days. "None knew her but to lov:e bet; Xotte named her' but - to Prase.' WALUE—Wareham B. Welker died Obis residence in Ararat, Sunday morning, Sept. - 4, at the advanced age of 82 yesiv, 11 thumbs -a - ad 28 days. De was born in , Ashford, Windham• county, and was a soldier in. the war of 1812 *- Be came to this 'county irt 1814, and purebtoted the land On which he lived and died. _lle WES au invalid fig over two ..ears; with his Mental and physical faculties so itnrifired Oak lithwitic *.constant, Aare. But:he .Is-litow...gone. -Our Father* where are they ? D. We . EM= FANCY GOOIDg't • • • • • lats zji.e'esmi dr:itlo. • 3rain42*xtos. MEo=:==l Centtiar'tininiebt..-' • There Jena pain which the Centaur Littimisnterlil noLritileve,ne swelling they will not enbcine,tand no lameness f NI • which they will not cure. Trite is strong O " ft ' language, but it, is true. They have •'' rod ied-m of herUeetlear, OM Tutus t neuralgia,lockjaw.pelsy.spralne,swel 13fthg • lings, Caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt theism, ar-ache, ace; upon the "human frame, and of strains. epavin, gilts, elk.; Upon 'animals la One year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. !They are counter.irritant, ell-healing, pain re. Ilevent. : Copphre- throw asraytht ir crutchee, the lame walk,lolionons bltirs aro rendered barmiest!, and the wounded are healed Withorit a ear. The recipe is pub lished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before, beolitlee they till Just what they outdid to do. The ‘ se who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not are Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen - limbs. chronic rheumatism; gout, running tumors. etc., have been re paired. We will a circular containing certideates. the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one 'requesting it. One bottle lof the yellow wrapper Cadent-Liniment is wort& one britidied dollars for spavined or sweenied horses and mules, offer screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners —theeelininients are worth yoarattentien. No fatuity should **Omit them. "White wrapper family use;' Yellow:wrapper for animals. , Sold by all Druggists.- 80 cont 4 per bottle :large bottlei, $l.OO. J. B. Rosh 1 Co., 53 Broadway, New York. . Castor& Is more' than a substitute for Castor Oil. It to tb only scits attlele In existence which ascertain to asstutulate the toot, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic OA produce natural. sleep. 4t contains neither mhterala. morphlue•or alcohol, and le pleasant tOtahe. .Chlldria steed aoteri awl Mothers may rest: Oct. b. The markets, . New York Produce 7 Market. t - - RePorCed.Every Meek Expreseltfor, Tax Nownott Dzitocuev by Rhodes & server. Produce Commis /don Idixrchaute;26'Whitehell trect. ew York. New York, Friday, Sept. 24, 1875. . • ' ' BUTTLE. • , 4 Receipts last six days Y .24,135 pkgs &tali tine State' butter continues in good de- Mandl end held very firmly, with the supply falling very short of the demand. Medium gradt. of State are porhaps the most difficult to sell satisfactorily, though it offered low enout they can bp gradually worked `o ff . Firk 5... g.pd toprimei ... .... :28 3i (i 4 30c 32c *."A " O Pails, choice new Made 83 (0 35e 'Pails. good to prime... , ........30 (6 32c Pails, summon w 28c ' .... . Receipts last six days ....• 80,640 boxes The demand.comiuues good , lair fancy grades and shippers are, paying full prices. We bear of nn occasional sale above our quotations, but they are by no ll)!:iteis &renil yet. i • State Factory, tine... ... ....11. 4to lige State Dairies '...10 (di " 11% • State Factory; Air 'to g00d... 6' to '9 l 1 • - EGGS.' - Regelpts last, six days... ' ..8,429 .pkgs. Tin. supply . continues short of fresh eggs, and iricer rule very trut r w.ith - sinne,dealent asking evila'iliglier than 'we tiuote.. • sll4e and Penn .. ~..26 sg 27 c,. :..! iircateri,t 'thuildo, brands 49 -26 c 5c1therd..,.;....0 ..... .'....; 0. ' 43 t 1 .. , I DRIED 'FRUITS. _ . • l' is a good demand fur all descriptions of irried I'. uits, and prices held very strong, es getially on apples and imalt fruits. • ..... State Apples, quarters., .2.„...9 to 93 c , teiches, Reeled, state' ' 12!.1 to 17c . lackberries. - - ..-... 1 ...11)},t0 11c taSpberries, new ..30 to 33c l i I'oeltrltt. owls ' .. , 'ivls and chickens were in good demand to da from market dealers and late prices were re ily _ obtained notwithstandiegA !Awry de e!' ein live stock. Turkeys are:;in light stip • p, and.firm. I I- Okays, stite, prinie; 5ma11...20 to 21d pring Chickens,per lb ' to' 20c MEATS AND STOCK. 1 i ir eal calvealciaitinue in gam - demand and held, firmly. Sheep and lambs in moderato re onist!and unchanged: , . . .t.tielSheef '" ' • ' • '- 53 to 8° LiVe Calves, State prime....; :9, to 910 . Dressed Calves 12 to 15c IiO.YI).:i'',C.OItVVIN t I , ; i* - Corner,ot Xaln ana TumpikeSti. • 211TCONWliti:ON333.12.A-.. ESIT I CO 7 G r , r 3BES- N TINANDSIIEET-IRON Nllll, :w~.. wilder ' HaTdware, R'-,~", Tea&lai r lay time Seg. , • -Thai*. to our Friesses for Past Favors. . . 1 1 16*i:tad be nun , sfiltankial to one and all who know thephave unsettled accounts with us, if tbey would call and settle by the middle of *arch next. • ' • 1 1,514; • • 1 - ROBINBo 1 - Southern FURNITURE 13 • ! I 88 -WiiBbington 34113tagla.aamite• irVieliST 'AND UST 80WINIT OF irfe galiztam At the Lowest Pri ns `" of 'Any; Store in qt)ierh Actw ork, Aft Good. SOW aro *Altai mittepresented. E . OBLeiBON. , Nov:l9 .1878, AhlEfilCAli PIN HEAD PAT MEAL; " 1 " ae " m iZis a mix's. 404 - _ - _ CIiIIESE. :T[INNVASE, lIARDWARE CUTLERY, ETC., PORIUM titet, 1 You will Find OF ALL -IKIN4 18'75: A / j• FALL and WINTER [ dioting AO, El. & W DICK - B MAN'S ,TOOT_{ OP BOOTS AND: SHOES jIS - FULL AND COMPLETE. NEVER NEVER BETTER, NEVER .CIIBAPER, I• NEW ' lifuthosn. September Bth o 1875.-6 w nfactured by CORRUGATED ELBOW CO. of U.S.. 52 Cliff 13treek - 31.Y.. 45 & 47 ltaco Strtiet, Cincitthati, 215 & 217 Lake Street, Chicago. _ . FASHIONS a ..2,424 uhtitant Drue . dnitor? zby l Ev i r= !animas Nide =MOO th Mr- Vllitireqtamdts, Too ns sari Mr, whas gruidig a solid i oty pree, 004 Mr lit et 611.011rierairli It nard. II tams tb• rail Mrs Or Mita. It=po. l rt to Stdioesible lliseater trews all Wine. to ter tad. salrhig the Iftslia“tOnt , ... It Saves mom Ora Ten MMu s &sant. It am Ye • ' Ortged bra Ore irelto SOCCIUM, Mal., 48 rats orb. Olt slip 'Patterns aniLtlott. Mr VINIPItas as • g itiv • %agate BURDETTE lir It Trr way mat o *FINE ARTS end POUT ' Single Copbss 25 A. dablerlptloi Prier, $3 s year,. post-I kip:animal Tiro Dollars' wtha at W. send ourCETI,TIPICATES Ereotiptof actliscrlyttoe. (TWO EVATOR*_ will be_ ghsn swans ot rinemhirdssireD. . The “Atteirmamy OW PA.STlMON.”theireryilnesi,l most beautiful, iiiiraetive magazine m i to be found 'in this codutry. and ' every person Who begins with ifil ' lug it, will Pi discontlimeltl while it is published. • • • $4,600,00 in GOLD CO to bo MI We 'will give • $2,000.00 in Gold Ceiba, to 55 'persons wao said no the largest number of subscribers to .onr "World' of Faishlonif at $3 each, before Nardi 5,1876. Astollows : To the Getter•up of the largest Club. , WO.OO in Gold Coin. • 12d Largest Club' 2(0.00 in Go,d Coin. i3cl Largest Club 150.00 in Gold Coin. 4th Largest Club 130 00 in Gold Coln. fithlargest'Club • 120.00 in Gold Coin. 6th Largest Club • 110.10 in Gold Coln. 4th Largest ... 100.00 in Gold Coin. dth Largest C1ub...,.. 75.00 In Gold Coln. 9th Largest Club 50.00 in . Gold Coin. 10th Largest:Club 35.00 in Gold Coin. 11th Largest Club 25.00 lri Gold Coln. and so on to the 65th largest Clap. I • • I ; • You get a premium for every subscriber you fiend us. And every subscriber gets a premlum.— BOThl of these GOLD COIN Present offers will be found at full length in the September Ntunfie.r, besides the names and P. 0. , address of 102 persons to whom we have Just paid $2,. 135 001 in Gold. according to our previous offers. You can write to'one or all of them, and they will pelt you thatswe do exactly as we promiee. YOIIR BES T way is to send Tour corn subscription to either of our Magulnes, when I you will get the first number and your Certificates of Premiums,fetich -yen an show. and at once begin gettlng subscribers, at send 25 cents for one copy. Semi stamp for Fashion Catalogue. • A. 11171MET1 1 SMITH, • 914 'Broadway, New York City. P.O Box 5035 I 1 * A . mr. inet reed S tit'llßi i i Por sale by 1 • - Lso. Aldi Kntris OF . GROChRIES, it the store o--- 33,4•421121% CIPs - 8422.601111, For ale by • Moan e, 4pril 21, 110. I%TcorLe Better at iWfitet poi iclbs in the following companies: Franklin Film Insurance Co., MU., Apets,a3.3oo.olle Continental, Y ~......" 2,9/3,000 ." 1,10.1309 Uanorer, - i " 1,260,000 • Ntsgara„ '" 1,450.000 Fanners, York " ,' ' 9GO,M) gneens,Londqn. 10,1)00,0J0 No • Tiger-Cats"—AU National Board Companies. and sex ("ensconce, sound and reliable, having long 'been tried anetalways found sorthy, ac all, who have met with tosser. at my Ageucy.will testify. Those who have patronized me will accept my thanks. And to those who hare not, can only say, I promise to do by them, if they favor me with an application; ti I do by all, give)hem Inin ranee value for their mangy.. Very Respectfully. A HENRY 0. TYBER; Watford' Actfdent Tukwila° Company Policloo writ ten from Orld day to ono lost t , y . i • HENRY C. , Joist the Maigon lc BenetltAithelatlon a t Bcnoritoti. •4l Apply to HENRY C. TYLER. 1 ilootroite; D,tcomber 8, 18241.-tt • ..-...................... 1 •., . , -i-EN BANKRIPTCY. , . in the Distr t; ,Court of the United States for tie Western Dist of Pennsylvania in the matter ilf William Jame -bankrupt. ) - ' ... . .A warrant id' lianitruptcy his been issued by said Oben against Ilie mite 01 William James of the County Of Busenehatula and State of PennsylvatiLyin said Dia trict. Wjudge4Bankrupt upon petition of his Creditors. smiths pare of any fehts and the delivery of any property below " nn,,,, to said Bankrupt. to kips or to his. use, end the tr neer of any property by him are forbid den by law. Almeeting -of the Creditors of said Batik rapt to prove their debt/ and choose one or more assi- Oess of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bsiikti pity to be, holden ar:Jecmnion to said D.strict, on the 2nd day Of October A. I).. 1t175. at 9 o'clock; a. in.. at the °Mee of E. N. WILLARD. one of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said District. - . •.i JOHN UNA. t U. S. Marshal fim i Se . towbar 14, IBM . I said District. - DISSOLUTION. • • I The eopartotiship heretofore existing between the under the Arm name of Hewett as 'Bennett le this ay distolved by mutual. coastint. The books, notes, and acuplantss of the hue firm. are in the hands Or Wallace Heirtft, who willteednue the business et the did stand, and to him sit claims against the !Me Arm elainad be pres4nted for paymetn. . • WALLACE awn?, HENRY m. BENNarr. Montrose, September 15,1815.--8 w ; - !A' UDITOWS:NOT/CE,—THE UNDERSIGNED. AN .01 Auditor appointed by the Drphan'n court of Hue rplehanna County, la the, estate of Samtiel,W. dell, deed. on extx.ptione sled the partial account Oita* Executors of will tc.. of &mama, will bear the parties on the exceptions Medea hie omcs is Montrose, oo Tharday etas HOW day of deptetalrer.lb7s„' at ten o'clock. a. m.. of which all persona I uterested take donee. ' 17.TURABLI., Auditor. • itostrim, September 1, ,1515. NPFIL IC iThereaa,inp wife Roselle my beat and bowil. A forbid tilt person br porsona , larborlite or treating Our raid Rosetta son ;al accouat aa tidal! pay no Oebta Qi bar tcatraCting Oter t hi s 'WILLIAM L.IIALBEY.f Siptgaber 15,143. - ' LSOY 1111 IR gußvinroß: tlivlug fitul years experldnie the busturso s will combine w *trend to all Carla in - Matatostt, Wept. 16,1 M-1101 C!') - 1 • . - Y _y. 4- Fez -1 • EITYLEEi . of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC! GOODS SLAGS SILKS IN thith y VAREs# 'W. s - t -airs, • .- .111.:r,titt:...:,...,311,4t411 LtiDngsfaalmitavoitoiwt4Arov4:4:4:4l ALL OF,WHICIE WILL _BB SOLD FOIL OASH ONLY. WEBB;. 11. '7. WEB* H. J. _mon. H. J. WEBB; .:---...,'.-,-.';` ':`',.-:' i.,...... - : : ',..? i ,'....' *ILL - EklWlll4,' T..D.":...c...K..E.R-WA:Tij WILL EXHIBIT IN THEIR BOL.LION CORAUGATED rwepipe Elbows ISED BY THOSE DESIRING Beauty, Clealltness, and FECT DRAFT. 11111gra1oloBllit! - Sample • CF I 45 Cents. Sulascriptlon Price . 0 . postpaid. One dollar's worth o Patterns area to each subscriber tee u premium. Wo will give $2,500:00 In Gold Coln to 133 persons who send us tho largest Dum ber of subscribers to our "BAZAAR," at $l.lO leach, before March 1, 1876. As follows :To the Getter-up of the Lowest Club $500.00 in Gold Coin. 2d Largest Club .... 500.001 n Gold Coln. 3d Largest. Club 150.00 In Gold Coln. 4th Largest Club... . Iw,oo In Gold Coln. sth Largest Club 100.00 In Gold Coln. 6th Larkest 'Club 75 00 In Gold Coln. Itti Largest C1ub...., 5040 In Gold Cola. Bth Largest Club 25.00 In Gold Cola 9th Largest Club 25.00 In Cold Coln.' 10th Largest Club 25.1 1 0 in Gold Coln. 11th Largest Club • 25.09 In Gold Coln. and so on to the 1834 largest Club. • • BILLINGS' STROUD, , • . General INSURANCE AGENT, I Mitcozatz•ome,M o ". Capital Repsesehted, 5i00,000,000 Frau.= AND ACCIDENT intro arcs : Liverpool. London a Globe ' , wow" Royal Catadian insurance Co,. of Mout:nal, Can ada. Capital ans. Co., of North America ' 4 . 130,000 Nat Iona! „New York, " • WOOD Ins. Co.,' State of Ponn'a ". ,000 Union Mutual . 4r 00 000 I .O f'-.- - Lyconting Fire $l.OOOOOO. Lancaltet Fire Lai: Co. . *a MO" Fire Association of Phila. " • UMW= Pennsyl7anlik Ins. Co., Phila. • I 000. Cott mercist Fire Ins. CO., N. T. ' 11500 JlOll Fame Ins. Co.. of Phila. Sakooo Watertown Int. Co Watertown, N. F. w. Home Ins. Co., N. Y"Capital lad Surplus. .$4,000.000 Atlas Fire Ins. Co:, Hartford. CL , 400.000 Hartford Fire stts..Co.,(.apitalundSurplus $1,000,000 . The undersigned Is SPECIAL AOENT or the follow lug compan leo for Northern Pen nsylvan fa : . , Fire Association of • Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire IlliatarlCO Company Of Lineaster. The Inennince Co. of the State of Fennsylvsais,ol Philadelphia. p• • Xa .13 1 .111 . • Conn. Mittel Life Asset*. $15,000,000 American Life. Phil's. " ' $4,1100,001 , .411,00X7.21C1ZTV. Travelers la s.oo..Rartford,Capitaland Railway ru!engers - . 1 $350.000 Thetinderligned basbeen well known in tbisconnty.lbt the past lilears,as an Insurance Agent. Losses sustained by bit Corneal n ire bare always been promptly paid. 111/01Nce no stairs, In building east from Banking Ogren of W. A. Cooper &So.. Turnpike _street. BILLINGS STROUD, Apat.. CHARLES U. SMITH. Oilice Manager. S. LANGDON. Solicitor. Xontrose. 14v. 18. 1874. .Adnainistrator"s.Sale ' OF REAL :ESTATE. • In purulence of an order of the Orptans' Court of gooquebanna Coats, the undersigned ahninistrator of the estate of Ann Davit. detod, will sea at disorganise described, on Wednesday. the 18161 of October, 145. at 1 o'clock, p, in., the followhi real estate; to wit : All that certain lot of land sittiete In the township of Liberty. County of BuMuebauM and: State of Penn. sylvan's, bonded andatenrth as th ed itows, to wit Beginning lit the ainey Croon 'Road sod in the line of lots between Manson. L'hathen and P. ;Butts, rnnnipß North, on nthl line sixteen parraeet* slake and stones, thence eastward ten perches to slake end *tones;tbabee south sixteeayierches to the edir Ka ttf oidd road thence road along th e to the place of luting, containing one acre of land. inure or leas, wi the appurtenances. TERlitAz-ged on day of sale and the balance on anal COLIATIMrII. • . A. IL McCOLUM, Mont . :4oe, Septa:abort 1875.-4 w Aurarowa myrics. The undersirsed havingbeee tepolated en' Auditor, by the ;Orphans' Court of Sasquehaans County to hear and *port on ennit9t. lope lied to t istribute the fonds remaining In the hands of the edmitirtrator of the estate of Welt Burdick de ceased,, eta attend to the duties of his appoint. mentat taconite of Warren 1 Son, fn Montrose, ois Wednesday, Oct. I, 1815, at 1 o'cloCkj P. in. at which time and piste all person, Interested le said fund moat present their claims, orbe forever debarred from come ing la on Mai fluid. • C. A. WARREN, Auditor. Montrose. 841Ptombvr , Dritarfi Nirrjo • The undenignod, au auditor ,appointed by the OF phaus Court of dusquttuutna CST, to - di•tnbetethe fund In the hands of $ L. TlMmye minhstrator 04 4lnt estate cif Charles W dminam. deo' via attend to the daes of hissed appotaiment, at his omen. IP Mont roes, op Friday, October kb, 1011. at 1 o'clock. p.. 1 11 .141 whh time and platen alifersoesinisreetnitil SIM to meet present their Maims* bo Defer' debarred IWO coming In on. said ftind, OXALIC. Auditor. lieetroes, Sopienteeed. urep.-4w ' • -. .._..... :~f~~_. Number 89. 4an fitr Go is stili th ‘l‘e ", • The awe* rubles to Cheep Joha's (lied lkadt . em toe bingatee. 11&41 emcee'''. **Why ,te this rwe aura we bay. ractaapt oar Wire NOM of Wow log goods MI por mat.ito MO mom P A She "mat. • CALICOES, MUSLINS, 111LW I HOTIP £ND yotnar It.eareavi•=mAils CaclkaLlso, 1101311raY. LOWY 000p1. 210110X1. bk. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, BATS; O,OTTONApII3. CASSWIRKS, CLOTHS. MX. atHSONS. ?LCr Jewelry a fin. assort!. Low Priam. If yoa want to do well, Come sad Hs hot thew we Hp.; Mu' Bola Specialties, I ri 10 Qasshaus Belt*. COATS' • CLARIS' COTTON. S CU. Respee.trally, • 5. PLLLM • *atroseauly 1873. , • ChM) JO* At No. 33 Court Street, NtINGILUMM, W. V. Nim . qoODS, NEW .904415, As we have retuned tram the City of test Tads atte site hags soli yea selected stoic gif .FALL AND. WEISITER, GOODS of all Mods bottgbt frout fret hoods. we are liowpro pared to offer goods at prices this will satigy Ike elm. at barer. We bare also added to oar barge abaft al Dry GOON as Immense stook of CLOT , casimarne, Jam Inuit% I for Mai and !)oe. weer. W us, WWI primal to sake SUITS FOB. ALL who will ere tui a can as in hava aril dass workman iiaird for a seam. Ise and gentlstuen. poi will plsawail aLd szekk. las our stock bskre you wares slasirtiers. _ • Thankful for part favors. we bops kir a oinuassibus of the sans. We rowan, Toarsl7dbillT A. Comer. fileshanitou. April 1111. 1111.1 d, Iry I a -71 E ` te r'. e S . . it is a liquid Llnamant a r Mins and stable Us '4 rata able combination, discovered by a calibrated Sy. It Arbogast and borse-farrier., Was introdocal IGIM United Sates in the year INC and since that Use, by Its pest access, In the care of &moss. it Itaa t we* for Itself that world wide reputation It se rich ly erns, and now stunk at the heed of all lialawels rivalled AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. It has already gained the ausildsnes and admitation of thousands of households for Us snotty amen of dtis• aims wens external applications are of 40 ma ri ttrip. tame. It is especially sdaired as • badly for Its peculiar chemical combinatiOn. Palmist so Rant invOloata, Lilts tincture of Capone or reptooper, et which &nip and Witless Lialutents an largely cons. poseal which Increase Instead Of diminish as iamb. Us& =skin it oy statues speedy we Sr • RILADACII_ .11 SORB THROAT. COLIC COUallil CHOLERA TOOTH *cm • BRUISIS, SPRAINS. Luingloo, clamps, COLAs, CHILLS. TROST, TIC DOLOR. BUT, BURNS, CUTS. S. OP POISOROUS MOOTS. Sc. Testimonials and directions slim:ipso, Nth hattie. Bay one--only 76 mas t SO eats, or 411.00—atut It ft doss not gin good satisSwites. retard Ike bottle WS NI sad your money will be refitsded. Cal Ibr 4.2. CO.. sad take no otter. • D. o,CADitlat, Propttetonl. was anindo Ca. x. T. FOR RIMS 111 T A. B. BUMS &ad M. A. LYON, ' Draggles, lloSuoss. Ps. PsyduablS is all Inalssal• :sad Mall stoisilill aft Camay. •Nostsass. May WA. ums.— $O-i• Le.A3,3(E16111 MU at F. B. Chaailari"stato and IMO Obi "Male Glassing.llMithog Onspliglical,", the ‘, most complete fad utO“ Iron over howls. It UM.* Hi equal to oblatory wok." 'rho Pitting and Wintottle__,_ **(POLISH the Soto or wisour—lors liNfi the goods tato stops. as do tbo I sort Ws. rare between leads. Oldham Sztles—wtother of ' Hues, Winos or worsted goods. Mosso/ tallow No SO emptier IRONZD, ss tb Uody Of SOO Itonsoltk Illopally _finished and du* tltali the old style Flutlq ow. 0. MUM. awl Asti V Op. Saari • _lL.Torntory Ito eels sod Oiarossors wsa teg. • Mostroae, Signal 4.1815. it irons tike wrowist bIML 11/ANiaOA. TAPLOCA. MAS NI A HIM 1114,1111 COM Minh. - vrosaed w bad ants. Vili k Coo aka Salop, larstass, Peas,veatitalo , 14=1, Inetaid csaliges• Graham 014 *MI 140,1 alma& Vert, ALPACAS. MN GOODS