The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 22, 1875, Image 3

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M 4( r a -N CT
Arrangement ill' 1116,11%.,
Montroce letcp et .(nally%)• 600 p at GNI a'..c
Nt . ‘c ......... low m tuipm
is ily ..... ~• Via ael 9dopm
Pricy dovilic. tit! vett* ly,) Op p s oda so
s OO I:1111 Stall oi;ttrl' lot 74X) am . 7 (Xi m
14 ); ,gipocton,i4uS. Lake,ltri weekly). 1100 p uf 'rota p m
a{crtroppan,tcrla•ccltly,) 1000 ain 4(11p M
V'Th No% York. (cid la ou trace actiot,) New 'Milford;
ilaiklicanock , and Wyalsiainp are
The 00 ilk tAltkots 100 u t a 0,1'1 . 14 ilaire; Thn re day!,
spd ribils,
The ilingtoduton mall, (rid 811ver Laie,) ions Ta ea-
Therelials, And t4turslikyn. - •
Priendnyillc mall rune Tuetolaya.Ttinrideye,aad Sat
• • •
The NleiLoppon lnill rtinaMiltsikytt;Wedn•Pdays,and
,annstioNAY, s.3l.Aalts ? ; ,
, .
A Stage leareis daily tut ti , fititsoti.tricipotat tn.oad
retralSr at s p.
Stage leaves daily. for 'New .1111tord &VISO tt..A.
rtiturne at tn.
Rontreao Railway. •
Arranl, -mert or Tralne, To iakit effect on No d •
Dee. 2101, 1 5:74:
'pawn Traillti. • ' .' ' '•
' ' . 1713 + Ili
toI:TIEwARD--. " " .... • - ' .-, .: . • RenTHWa pl
a. le, •' c ' 4- ' J 1";. ' ' ' ' '‘` ' A. 14. 1.. „Ir l '
s:no i W..... .....3tc.intreee.... .... : . IQ,•iu ' 6,01. 1
510 1 10 ....... ...z.Allete.a..-- -....1i,25 - ; t0t..1
• 513 2 13. , ' • - ' 0001 . 11-..... ' " 10x9 1 14 ,
20 . 111 - • 11uutera —lO 15 5 1.5
5 ti 134... ...... ... Pinto& .. ..... .. .10 t* 5 25
535. 14.1.......... , . Ty It: l.'s ... *....... 1 , L 6 515
! 15 14 0 . '.....t.terturtllp P 45 /5 05
655 145 ' I yutt. ...... ..... 935 45:1
01 1 4' 14;3 . Awry's 9:25 4.15
1;10 203 , .. Lenten .._ 915 435
6 ...„51 2 at • ~ 1,44bkk,., „ _ • ...9 05 425
.1;W . 2.11.0 Itarty`c • ' ;
.55 415
645 • 2 45 ' ,;... . s a i 1 k li :A n n ock ~.. ...,_S._4O 855
• All trai tIN• connect at Tenkhannuck with • r. 4,t. N.
It—lt:going north a nd south. . •
. . „IA 51,E.5. 1. iit l / 4 11,KSLEX, Prcs't.
'Now Advertisements. '
Auditor's Noticts-eitirttctl'of lioccrs.
Administrator's SalLt—tist. of Owen.lir:Don
°ugh. ••• • I
it Administrator's Salc--pstatc of Roxanna li
Sc) der.
.idm inistrator's Sakt—icstaie Of Jacob Deck
rr. "-.- •
__•• • •
Dry Goods, .pc.-- 4 -I.tead.&:'''Strictutt'' •
' •BUSINESS L06.11;9. •
Goods-Cher, p John.
New Goothi—Gutter_beri, llosenlitxuni&
Notioe. . • : ' 1. .
Good*—C. P. Sisson .0
Co. •
Ortxfp Meeting.. •
~(41Angei $O. alAt im ,acoopnt of
Fall., inecting on S.:lllll'daYi
apt. 23111, at 1 o'clock p.
..7f. RcligiOUS. 1 , • ;_,
. 4
; The puulile of this viidliity tvlll l le'pleased to
le:irn that the Ito% WArritier .will return,
!slontn.)•ie, nail resutuethe reFftursilip of St
P'•: Paul's 'cliurch, in ifit Wesi•Siinlay" in October:
• next, it tieing the third 4.l;iy of the mouth.
V Ono Word.
We are, not :in th,e, habii of.apokobizing.bui if
inc lack of reading nicter is observed in our
plpvr this w : t!et,: f ire inusibdokrdoned for
The ulisen4orilio . sensor of litOr Tor n • , w eele 1,0
the State Convention and the crowd of °thin :
e.mieE must be accepted for thrs.Condition,
brie:tater - propose to btr"at home," both."
foto:4nd iiitzr 1.1 a; secowl,:a • N'isvom . her
!.., frarons' of niistariary.
;-' A Grange . ot: this, f;)t 1 / 4 ;4tr ~wAg organized Nyed 7 '
i'• -.(Aday, SCpt.iStb,in 'l.)ybeiry lomiabip WtiYi!e
;., ;ounly, and Ibi; fol'Aiwing uilleers duly instill
:. tl, by I)istrict D‘DuV it. 14.' Setiricoid Mont. :.
rte, busq a cl,, 1 ) 44 , 1 ~- .-.: - •
.1.4 muster; 3t.' a L. .E4'l , ,tk ';';.oi.c.t.ii:br, Wr... Z. Ar-:
•:}1(1.; CbapLitp,i EUwurd ' Avc;ry : - ; Secretary ;
i T. H. i-ui.u,;" . .4Tturet,:lhil l ii . Ilurchers ; Stt,i;:-
:., :41, B. F. 'Aunt . / ; Ass't. Stitwart, E. A. juties ;
7... i 6t. Keeper,L'r,,, KE: -412 ; .T,i..titrei i li C. Dunn
" c r'_ . .ii, 1.. A. S , .73L'irl'Ogdeil ; ''C'res, itirriet .4,...A;',„
'.: ; ti, - Doid ; Florit', , A.eolizt - Dickaus; Pomona, Atitlie
- i
*La Oil Cariosity
in the sbow windOw at G, F, Benton's
!store, 41. take street, Owego, N. 'Y., can
vett Y QUETZ .411131 AVI!!. 1 CapY
tsred byuruu .
1 - 11 e 'stortuitig
uutier Cul, .Bao,3(lici, Ar l /9 1 d. OU the bigul
Dic&uthc . 1774. TLe gun weighs 27
471 beazi . date 1,722„ tualciug it 1 . 53
. .iiV.,;;;L.:rb Ttis dint was Utt uxbitution. ut
ibliChlitl LIAO, brillnr
. .
..!:',! it . vst ilroaxhiiii-lii'w.: 2 -I`tiiii... - Ity,.- foi. liouly
•; , ,,,..•;;LaB. h waa, imported ;to Owego, ad,..iipt 13
v:;;,ye,,rp ado and , itaii,beeti 'Ott ' 6xlaibiticitt at; the
:,i'?,;',,b•,ve, jea - eliry ‘164) firr. We past tbrett•ears.. 7 —
Tra.;../Loniima lima... • .
,e Eilubhi A. Offir• • ' ' . ''' . . '
...!I' ,
4,5 llum Galusba ."),. Grow bas 'returned; from
zi....Tl•u:' tO reintMti . bia per/mu - lent residenen in
.::1 1 'curayIrtMia. i ie.l/ in •expelient health, and.
A' 'l . lll I V turri:to hiti ' old Iteptiblietin love by Ink
.. tg , the *lump for ~•fi .ttril•aut . and - bard money.
d,llit• got into tile • re.tiomanovement
. in
. 1137 g, just ..
~?jblat it,,',iiid' DO* . - gets 'iniC : iitit in
.'qs, s wiifin,it' h likelx '%!:.) go . .througli th4l.;tate
:, ..':.',l:orla Mout:4M . flood iti , ipiiiig fiuM,..and.yyt
a - ill uta be - happy. ' * .': •': '- • • ; • • '
.. ; .... .•
'f . A l'lle organa . ibst pronpunto bin). 4.-scalawag
zhen be:tint:l4W %fur : areelt:y . „will, be „stire4o
L 7..;
~, , _
~,,-. :4,1d him us a patriot god stotetalaa, a
;:;-:: will lisve tits Atitostsgs : of any sort of
~, ,, :,tort' for•his biograpbyl it/ their polutitti that
li 1/(4d c•r: ‘ruitt triale,ltipinti W. weldorue Grow
1 1 -4 it , the political , thid.ttvaa it lie is a l little
t ' , i- zvitiog, tits wares iato"ilie Grant catirp.--
: , . 4 4:Lidaphiti ,Tistsit. , , .
ew lasklasi sat '. 1 :
Akthwa iclu for 11.1,epast yeikt"
twu Lave 6ee4:4ielr wiveszuid %leuglt terkf al-,
4st aLtia' .treat Abu 441 pa rtioua w
W titel.bop 14,4:t uf . ten years uiro, to'
tiseu van fy , copotrueled "tie Lack, ,,
-11 - . t. now' '
41 ' , 111016' - -
The Paris notion :statism Pre about to intro
yelanntri6al, zoological and floral designs,,
lditaists., and G"undy will presently ap-^'
a bFucade„ gown, spriukied profusely.
lams, tigers, liroiffs,•monsters and chition—,
',•.:- 'hoe: The'.tatither fatally will preStinl.l
i',:th er a startling spectacle to her younger I
a. arraYeif'4ll , such a tiresa, Or in tioofher'l
/ 1 11wately..pretty:" in "• various insects
:,•••.• Jutted need j" Istit , tl4s `nets: situ e Pill intai'
marnriasi to' unite
d 1•110 instruction of , their children;
11 N:their. slrestes with Oitiects natural and I
and:ltakitig a kual kiuderip4ieu.: l.
• salvo: ' •
j Mabing Hay by Steal. • , , . • ,
; ' ', lioth...sitc::lngr'-ank,the "Ilnefir;,'llave : btleit'"
ltuoched out Of the fakUrite adage.:"Make 'bay: t,
i , ilsll,ti the.,,snu . shines.", asecent•Englialtia.,:,
1 . ,v!,•uttou l fer:,b,syillklttix !iy'c;, tilleitil at..,',1 4 ,4 ,
11:41)191:ilt , .,, is sint:ly a stetun vitkineise•tirrin*- -;
' eti 10'to fOrCil'fii,t air :16 o , copacius-.0rY 1 41 ,
` el:amber in wbacth-ilas- green grass is Plaettl.— ,, ,
-Vim: effect is.4,,.inaiikal,loutindlot4he sculls;
, --apr, , En ta pp un t, . - ... ~I r ' 1 and b.lades, with a fuller retention of the net- .
TIT thildieW ',Encampment, ' at !art r.,tike
' urai„l _ 41 .#( 1 4 1 4 ill/ MERU I
alntehaSJ'is Will Utteq)dgyf,by - blne" anti-a` -Sta , VVll 6 llialttr•" '',,. ' 1
rotlial time, Vaa(erkloyett•and the miniature, i ;The tust of, the Machine is not much more;
'<a .
.n hf theltOtell Ifehi.e,nd 04 eainpiite . .vv aa I than that of 'an ordinary 'threshing machine**,
' l .„.;lir, witli'Aceny' ri;lnini s eene kl . But ler otfte The•cost or lfyios a
s tlan of bay is about two
'' , i ne 'llaisiattY' 'after:lima: 'it would lia4,o' ,iii , ilars,‘nol.iiinoti hail', nerhiii, thad . the ) 1 ( 1 '
-,:a very" , picasant-,both to the soldiers -and 1. „Nl'ar• ILIAYett 4 Anore, the chances of t!,l4g
TM'•clatkt 8., ~ There, were a greatnutni)er, con.:1•It sPliled I ) .Y rain ''fir . ',t ( 4 1 t 1 k4.. td• i xii iolukulil ,
'zllitti on Thursday aftertmoti wifb 'A iilat 7 l,and-the dine °Nutt -11 , '1 ,1_,'„est,' •liv,
_a b itf 7 ; lBl , o _et
''" end -music for dancing, and ail other' up; j Nee:esiitY IS. said - 10 JAI . ' tlie , taquler-or I Liven: . _
. . ,, mtvi fqr LA 'good tinth,',lint 'the `iiiry heivy I : tiOth '' - '-
.; .:,' —'-,''' ' 2 . '''
- .. *,
' ,• -
I "uat net An' caused 'ail hut the veteran 01..,4; The vied ,that,exiSted• for this artificial dry
,•t„ to make a trusty retreat in not very good j'er, in a 41104 e -0 t1i544 and, : fielau ai thit of
:Ter. In fact we i lit eiont , . e ' 3 Th ' [llnglwaii;, , brouglit• it about. at:id..will certainly
, tot- rinnamed on tile field tilwever,.blittl '}make It popular • - Nill our ciintste growing
, 1
• 1 morning; W e lea" that it i li pr o i, gme d I mom winrasical and tuteruttu eiv.ry,,year s ‘some,
1: 3 to)la if hasicet•picum: on the tame ground for'
,I Butts dryci as this totty,tre Jong; be reckoned
"." beceht orthe Saittlers' Monument A.'und t ,i *thong the indisPentOte 411P1Pments of \'l6e•
'''' ' 441 ' 6 qsY, in 'OtAOher,:tbe - ititrie ,to'be hied l'llamedt ilekl"' ' :'
~ , 1 "': '__''' '' • ' ''
i :': '''
1 '
lt.ttet• Wii,wriattifiliopoli ; siiiituvati.wiiii'i '.....: --'-':. -- - -4 """ 777 - 7
"t otikx•xiss wbichis due the enterftisti';'-•• ' ' " IL Y' n Ycltbr " , ; '' --•''.- ' s ';
_:;•,:',", :•:. _ ' --`r- ---,,
• , •-.7-0-Aba,...- --..,•• '. '... :'- I ' -fr Tile viiliiiii Cif-Iftwa . Tifilesr”-. •- ' •'-,t - • ~,, -
44rhigestisig: •• !-- • • L .' ••• • • ,•- •'_ • '
• • 'll l.l . axme6o on tee gain. •-- - - - - ;
1:[ .1 isirie proportion of the mile menitidn,l
,- ......: - ;,,,' lr.
4 V T (.3I ifP;uox limptiii:Kureb, met Sei)t. , ',7,r,l4i':i,, i '" ! rvu ., 4 " . Y9N , .. c ", 11 ' 4 1, -1 7 , ~.,L -T 1 4, 4 * -=:: - ',-;;,.
,'',,,,.- :1.'," i '.
`''. the I:ousel:If Iteif,' , :ll,- , Tiover;:f 9 '.eo ns ido; t 6,, ~ rviits*i'vnix ciii.:, . ~ 1146,- . ..iii!itock- a ro oblii-" -
',liiiety.4.,bupa4ig ;itic tuirch ettitiee ;o r tiiiii r e 10 frfnli tiruf,sta:t:o?N - 0,0,y,.', : L....
,„: '!, f
'- „q,.:' the "ne Qelvatis In/roe : it: Prayer 1%141 I ~, Dr,-4r4u,'6iitt:4o,**4.oo6tliielllOtnil,
„. ai 4 ):'' 4 o r , qatin . .,P44as viok;,tr-to the nkai• i.' , ,wit' ti); :: ll4 X int lC ;fi' f if- - 11 0 1 ,4!:t . „,.iliatecf, bit
4, , 4 enttor••• livther ,0.411:-'/'0wqr,4tilitce baiO'lla 1t4g1i.4;t,0-teltlS-tere'm 4 Pii°4°ll4'
.vilit vpichtei z ift retiu . l , . • , , , ,1 ,•;
n slatieioinVorthelk)ktf,•l the inedt.
Ing, find a ri k iiittl4o)rtnal epainlintiOn, k NVIO
voted ttdaolin ly 0 make aiekiltik!lia:tii 4f nnifthei - openUfbr
funerals epd religions servlex, the seine as the
One. recently. destroyed- bp fiii; Itiotioned io
auiliuri;e Brother 0. ToWer, Financial
Agent, of Keystone _A.cademy„
receive suliscriptiona'for us. adopted:, Dericons
TingleyAnd Sinsaluptift,, , Nstm I,airence and
Oakley were: appointed. to circulate 'subsbrip
tions tar tho,,eeku;ildintr r , '
Voted to'print tile inienZes of this. meeting;
truhe,comity papers :tad NiZtional
Atijoitriled. 3t. TONER, •
Sedy '
A. Cure for Drunkenness.
' MSedt,lal ge'eitletiaa publishes thg;.f9llqivilig
reeiPb;_whdeb, be sityi Nvidsureli. destiOi iaa
appetite for alcoholic drinks. We give it for
whnt" it", is wOrth,lloping soin`phody;;:inity.
benefited by it • • • •'... f
"'rake of ooloniho, ciirepound
tincture - of- genticen, tincture -o f castarnly li thich,
one ''(itild' . .nitrici:; infesion 'lisixt#lllyiß!One
Alieroriftilol, 'tut() thilii 'itracturar i nhd
Miry - minims; mix, The dose is a tablespotm
fol every hour or
_two.; or,,it, may he taken in
largcr tioses and - less" frequently. FreqUent
hathinz, of • the head, a valuableau
acts as a tonie. some cases' its, first actiOn is
that preines is Oi,Vo miting,lts .use 'must, he
persisted in for some time,. that the stomach
may retain tone and vigor."
Atr4ret. D k
lat p m 1216 b 3
Charles , N. "Bush,,, of . Springoile - lownihip;
'thill44l-iellanna • Ocaintyt'iras' . atreste'd wliilc .:ins
Scrantein on MondNy'of cot'Va4ing
'counterfeit filly cent scrip. Atter a hearing be
.fore U. S. coinniimiolicr which .
the evidence seemed to indicate .that . liovFos an
inexperienced metuber •or a, gl , no• of bonnier.-'
teitors nos infesting, this , regiol, he was in s'ie 7:
fault of $2,(11k) ni
coniitted to, the Westerii
l'enitentiaiy to await trial at the no.t.t' term 01
U. S.. court, 4 - • • I
A'l4rge ',niniiber‘pf, these. COuitierfeif.!llty„
are iii Circulation, anti our reatiers
should he on their ;s guard 'against, then), - They
are goofl imitations of•the genuine, though the
paper is not as. gook the general color 6,f the
bill is shirker, and ; the :expr 9t3. ko tp_q eiF
the iiCeness Dexter is imperfect.:—Tunklian•
hock :4.:/nocrot. .
Conniarfeiter3 Arreited. • -
• 1
,144 I.Vgdnes,•lit 41., B4 . yci),
PA; 9ttpro t itoL t ihit '.f.„ Slued:l'li * ,
proper inibroiation, tuiidt a raid
upon. a. }rang of counterfeiters and sueepF4fe'il
iu capturing Ora allit'u ti Crirtis i 1 aerp,both
of Lepton township, this county. 31ouldii anil
auuiiterlojt,tiye t*m t tticLlu3 :were- found,. aping
tim - ilre7itists - ont , 6h.
on ThONtlay,oll their way to.Ber4nton, aecom-'
pan ieklA t4ittors.".
George Camp, of the saute tbwnSiop, had
pretioUsty been tr•reSteti . 'ter ih . e - stinot Otliatetk,
tol it is :under*ftiottrztliat-lte"split7 upon the
party, put the citlieerF.upon the trafk and turn.
biliediliPSer'ititon Chief 4"-Volii.',e • Ottiliiii.4slC
• tier fur ilie pioulti.s . in the itiMds of T4iall, one of
.Itis cuitfetieraies.' . ' " ' ' r
* Tfie•poiiee.!lo•
pc,,`, Y,94t.! 4 t l Nr v*. Quiet;
}since the arrest of Cutup, with the hope that
the claire gang could he broken - Op anti captnr
... ,
tlaci(izen., of,Susque.74!ina Gaunt 4i :.
In :view : Of . the tact .that various. repolit,s de-.
r01.7a tory tO the character ot. E. 11, , q.vrkis,,One
Of the. eandidatts-. for Skill . of
..Snsgneriann 4
County, in thelatele4n SI, sit broattclist
throighout the c?l,ll . e.y t .drunkenness d
Other th'otis ;like ebt.truetoi 7 .--we, nitlzep46l
birnottli; who' int4e known • hint front his bOy.
hood, niingl , inii• Ou't pocial
inessiiiterepurse, but' denttnnee
In seV*.re terms the slanderous, unjust; and un
lountiaitnput.ltions .agairtst'Our 4eiebbdr and
townsman, beliartng.iliern . to hav.. been bri,.ll.
Dated and eireulateeeby a .few deSigning in&
r Itamwritpwof:ll-dur
..E. W. IV oitdbouse.. I. T. B. \Vinland.
E. T.•Titiany. -
,j • V. 11. Bunnell.
13. aliUs. • 'Geo. Walker.
Baker.. James A. 13unntdl.,:
H. - Perry C. Conklin.
etC. Babccieli:
11: l l .'N'ewton. )lorcus
Albert Miles; • I • Stunner Deana.
• .&.. W. A190dy. 7 ,.. 5r. ,- j-
A thron•kohl,s•:"`". BabCoelc. •
Leland Blakeslee. •F. H. Hollister,
LA. Main. ::•••:;
;L: Kailitee- ;14..;
1", ;;;,;IV.: bonen,
L. Bunnell..
1.35, .I.VoudbOnse.. „
To what flake uses 'Awry Fe stank at last. '
.11,„ brother' c140r,.t,. by Philadelphia ,Thires has
becii - itrier'riewing'tEle: unatOrnist of a inedical
PPlitgollil;Ill lite §tibject,'of 'the COlitritgall VUI-
ue oPsiteletons: ° - - ' - -j ' : • ' - - .
' 'The anatomist in_riuestion. seems to have as
Intiniate a knowledge ot, skulls, as the lttaye
digger in ilarnitt.' :Ater 'n'xpliiining the de.
Mond which'etiomes Irmtriledges of secretsocie
ties, Ishouse slieletpris in 'their, ceremonies of
initiatiAri , „ lie (gm Oaks' of the usee'to siltiOr
llict.e memorials of AututuOt,y are ..put'by some
of the dieiples - ;:if tiCiiiiiiihis i ''Country doc
tors generallyilikeNr• t iceep ti- skeleton:some
where bin dark closet, where• they keep -their
demijohns of apiq'itiCk or ', irk ry . Their
wives, daughters oeservaltts are 'sure over to
visit - lt - . - :if they take studentg:they'nl st Irate
a skull,' l anzleirty,,22l ., yftrating,,,cir, irretitriViran
teach or give au acle.quate.idca of eheanatotuy
tit the bont,‘,and a back:country doctor pretty
genetA will strain a point to procure a sitele-i
ten, entire. , To patients upon whom hb Wislleti:
to it',,a‘te 'nit impreisiPrijitat t he,. 'is:pstic:ll:4ly;
tiudiic ititl a dead shot at mumps or worms;
he,will exhibits this skeleton.. .Besides this, no,
doctite,t to pigo krkthiek h feiNettillpititiriar'i!":
to t letiSol4:4l 4 ll,leVei. in tat,',...11,` tla •.1
-cheliper thtul -- keeping, bull dugs, and •reitieri a,
man a, r eputution
. 1tt,'5)40.7.„ ~, ~', , ' .
_.. Taw ~ ~-~r---
, .
. . .
S DE•M° aIiaIViSEETLIT:4" I nTeP- 20. .!!
i ;
The game 11:;(*tiet,.whieix - moosztlicovou
ujlpre fated bt the
~yf Meg pcople t seems a betir
e V i ' l e tere t t t.i.?, r eoV4' *t Ak u s...
4,sl.ti f = otie °Nair . .liteoLitlerptleini
dettiertr, hag COptraeted for a coal dumli to be
befit here tlarlng the fall.
FraakJetrars la-banding tt,tlpre hoystiOn bia
kit'We understinutiilfreeehda
Ilikniture and Ondertaking businesm.
filbert Titui, eniployee and foreman onalto
It, who was discharged a short
itir4e ago; has bees replaced as . torernati.
• ,The gravel triO4Whicti 64 Lion hire during
tire'SSurnmer ids left‘tiailifg - G'retti *Vend its'
head quarters.l ' ' 1
I •
l'h, 4 : 4 3e3!!0i1ti ; 1 114.:PILlett.Akiti totrg i
elpaidde h
the grand exqursion to Niagara Falls teport
on' their return! as having enjoyed• a very piens:
ant time and .t tat thC trip was a yery inStrue
titre wtlAule ial A weltatfat,oo4tingjuidi
iiiiiuilile one.. i . ' "'
rcister,.Sept.llo, 1875
B aas Bait .
On Saturday S pt,ll, the . Montrose 13 . .13. O.
lrieithci 1 1 1 # piPleo,alnatc.l).Salue of
ball with the IPastimea (4' that. place.,gettipg.
• defeated by a , Score ot - 25 to 13. As Montrose
Won the first glaitne, which was -played here a
Short time sh 4 the thlrtt.gatrie be iiece.44
nary to decide ;which club is best, therefifre it
linty be expeceetl io come off shortly,. but Vs'
Whose grounds Iwe are unable to state. Our
boys:iv:re terYlitch TileSsed with 'mariner
in which they were treated' Whileat
~nci.sihy they enjoyed theniselves Minna as well
ns theywoull it, they had, not,becn, beaten,.-14p-.
- '9 RI 1.! “31• R
A. 4 . Dains, 21)' 3 11Coughlin. c a 3
-. 4 118 Mationcy, 1 t 11. 5
1.3 0 Deans, .* 8 344' Inderiind, 1 1 ) 4, 1
chipmin, r 1 • I. ) ttecker, 3 b 1 4
Pickero4, c- - 4
J, Ileaus, 1 i .-Oer-Als.bcncy,.ss 4'4
E - W 3b 3 I . ll3.lniterlied, 2b 3 1
reOcr, lb 5' 0, Wok!,ley, e t •5 .1
11o4eblteelt, f 3 - liJnn Mahoney, ri' r 3 . 2
tisq'r .1'1;27 Tota
L l;
'• • I , C.
4 1 .14
• 7:•.;1 ' 3 Y
31 7 8 9.,
316ntrese-11 •' .3 4 1 : p 1 .0-443
PFutinies- —1 2 3 4 O lo 4 . 0
~F 1 :. es . caug II ti--310utr05,..--E C Dt-tuas : I,cb ap-
rif:441311-V* lYgiA! - t,.,/fOtii*Cti . 4.•=4. - . iati:-.
times---Couglifliii 'l;ka . 'l',".ltritalieney 2;
E Liderlieti 2; ‘Viikeley 1, Jim Mahoney 1. 7 44.
i' tinpire—j. Piiwers. , '
' l e rIsTS:/P- 1- #4e 7 P. AVitr i ot 6 r,4: Trii-c
-i' ies..`z -' 24 4 ' 6 ` f' 'V-ri- ---- r -- -z
-lit --
Norital School 1110dine,SiiniiiS." - •
•; 1 5(itbe:Hiciim3iI :School bulifling ' at:iMoorns
burl4 whieh --was ;burned. on --.titrdtiy-tlier'ittlf
ino: tlie.Oliiiiibthit shayi' " ''.. l '
Y`l was a foift ihbribrialChtilidh ieezelusive '
Of basement and inclusive ot the Mansard,
i) ,,,,,44 1 r,m., i 'lch 11 , 4 4 , T 4:4 , rebt ll- 0 1 4i'.**
midi letein c till' lis paris, 'find was erected in
1809,, at atOst 01 1ti70,000 to #7S 000. It was in-
"iureillortAti,ooo,eii the building, but the furni-
tore and fixtures lwere withoiit insurance. The
"fire was itt . first di4-Miiired * spiint taut o'cloak,
p. iii.` '., - lii dm 4th story of the sopth-etist corner
of the building. ,QpinionsclitTer iis to whether
it originated'hi mrooin at Mitt point or'in Ulf.
Mant,ard roof. --. In l uny case the latter 'WttS ,the
cads:Mot the entit l e desinktion of The building.
Ifitifithere been amlimiry, water facilities the fire
ei7ll ti have beiini.. r.tirig•iiished ' when first dis
vivered, but it the' absence of _any; de ruction
was Inevitable. Alartn was promptly given and
tit,ltrl,y-ail the -citizens lif:stbe; town rusiiiM t at
0 n0,49 7 , 1 4' :' ne : = 4 -ir eoo.,i'r , ltSTl, Nip- NverM,
.usieful i Oily : in ; saving 'tlM - lurnifirre,tethocil:`
! 3 'et
''books, clothing'ol pupils, etc. We believe these
Werh mostly rescued. Aitlicingli, - a . is • always
the caseat flres,; some ~... unduly excited :People ,
slid l ' oo E 4l tNngs, , the citizens generally as well'
us the pipits did all In thiiir 'power to, saves and
protect property. Teinfinrary quarters for the
pupils Were Itlsoiprott#lrpirriisheil by citizens.
Tbe scbmil-ean'he clirrieil .ori(ind i will be) bin
I, b'e . Ferrn! )l P,Toilq
g ;bipg. ; but the: pupils will
hiiimtri lit. lidaitted 4d private 'families until ii:
thew building is . r er,lL:4l, and the faculty will id-.
so be compelled!'t6 to' lodgings and
.-. .
'boarding quarters." , -
. ,
Excaraton to Niagara ?ills,
TlritPln. d .elitlundn,u. UnNiagih , l'EalhOssiill
leave Scranton, Tuesdey,October sth, at 7 a.m.
stopping it all , ivtatioas ow' , thep . . V.& .W. it
It,'hioPitrtk *4ll remain two night,
atatbe.itttentznin g day it- Niagara, afttmling
before &thou h restoe lend Alter fatiguing the
. - g '... , r ,
work of Sight-Seeing; It 'will he'll; charge of
the seine gen cral!: mitna&a, =al goes faith' iiti
, ,
er th e auspices l'' r. the.beneit of the PrMbYt
Milan Churches lit Kingston, Scienton,, Waver-'
IY,Nicholson. eta:
..; . - '
I Tickets will rtimairi at. the slime] lore rates,
ill 50 tram ,Scrituten ? , OA from 4xtiets be-'
tereen fic:ranthni and Nicholson, 3.6 IX; from
Nicholson and paints above.: -
Those wishing to , remain at the - Palls for a
lOhger time, or to get off -at Elmira] fora visit
t.O . Wa.tkitut-Glen,L . ltlll reetliyea . certlitei,te:that
will entlitYthein to a return ticket from either
of the above points, at half price. .1
Tieketsi for the' excursion - - will be , lor saliat
the statfami, and other .places on Aind atter
Thursday.„,*Pt-2344. Th?!,9 Pagel:wiles at an ,
early.iira;:willitePuidliaiiiii of reeerveil fiesta, -
Walter and tickets being lettered and number
ed in a evrresponding manner. Butdthere will
be no certainty of prucgring tickets 1 after Oct.
liu.:'''4-ittittitional ' 'olool' of 14 . 50 icitiluy
all, expeaseidurlng the stay , at Niagara, Includ
isg. two', nights . lodging and
,four -contecutive
Meals ut r th& hotel, and admission t-): Goat lid
and, PrOspect ;Park. inefined„43allweY to:, Mid
OW Roc, and Viand tram Table Rock, Canada
slaell'ia - I ! l sW.., 6 .4.s.Peltteiqt,Pridge- •
-,litnitalti4vill ' , g`c . LJ44 tie Pills e'llikentinst
and Av o n leaving Ntagara, Thursday at 7:30 a.
, .
nt.,,.o : laltfTtlkraing via: flornellsville. arriving at
Sera, about' 7 p. m.:,..luid -at athe'll points itt
cbrresp' ding time. 4 atini'viill " be , madit at
the new) Portage Bridgd on the i rgettirn, giving
-,,,,ppor e r it l y,tp r examine that ` woesle ; tll4 struc- f
turtt; r)•
t itkiz,amei ot'''the s iGelitieniailida,.. ,'
i. i). -,-- r . - 7.-"" •: 0 !" ,-"---- --- • -
/ortet,tiaga ,g, th 6l) !nkVt4t4 cc 4 4P14 , 4 , : - .lt
he Convention. met--at-the s'iuri tense, in
Ileitirli9lt.'.lk ff . Z . kelodliVairivi's - - ne;,l"tArail
4. R. 1. Haley; " : Ointirman• a f -the - he
Caminit„ eb..T.4,e fr,edir,i f y), u lei ,d e k si ,, ti ,,.
It.ere a" P retle *i a .4l . .e,lY ',' -..„
l': - it. pi' littwley 'then 'Made - a
it' ring end elo
quent f;Peecit of r . ;094_ Aft; /. nettta,, , wialett . _
Ninr„,r ,
.4, ` - ital.3 , vith_rpuchieubust
~ y ,
liv to3Witiltln iheni proceed ' to ihe"elec
r ;Apo o lacer's. J. Ls:lle:lima. of kranklin,
1 .* ele l c ed' President, liiratu W , ite of Lenox,
artd-$O, ta4 Matthews - ,af r,rie svOte, !Wfrui
iect*llVicelPrilidpeis„ r. O'Nt A antrdeo,..P..
[ - Little -i4re :eleete4Speretarier. „ ' : ' ":'• ..-
1 Tim. - 14 , 111.414:401Uf-logri‘ . treit..4 le,• - ,t.
I.o'nnt 4,.ere, unanimously adop .'.., : • ''' ''''
Oliteivilieirtili end 4 - , - e floral
2:llltiOit tliOn, , Cyrus L.,Pershi g tor tmern. ,
. or, and t e nomination of Arictor 'E. Psollet, for,
Slate Toktsurer. The, times de .r e ,
al that non
but, , labetak. , tittd,c,apahle lumL".' ' ettlive-a•
motnina!on for any office in ,the ift ot thepeo
pie—Persia Igand Piollet fillthe bill .i >
' We endorse the pletfo#n 'ad pled by th e
,tale . Co! nvont, l 9-C4,k 0 : 1 44 , 1 0 1 1 Pt.1e1# Y , 'Out part
loakingil to a !reform in the ,adt iniitratiou of
PUhlie lalfairs, and the reductio of Salaries of
,public alllcials, "which, Under Re publi can Jule,
- t4ve khden raised to au unpreeede tted sutn, and
;have become,buidenanme '!andial . Unbent's
_ble • theretbre ~ '. • L
livolccd', That for the purpose
:handed debt of this; Gotifity--atuat
418,0004-upon 'Which we nr,e Ita
',..ellpf.lioltlel- Artfitt'kuitiWiseWpo
:num:, the salary al the '',frietsurg
;ea at $O,OO per, tuinum..! The at
!th , e 4 ,k)iect.4.lcricqn Issoo..per.r
pay.ef - Vie - pinfify;(lommitilikr
aced $OO eta perfuming.'
-. *..- i•-i 1 , - :- •1-
On motion, voted, that tho,Corivention pro
"cepd witliponiinations for put highestr. Oleo
R. B. Little was nominated by acclamation
for President Judge. • , -
t • Tne'tioltination of Btiertiflbeing • next in or
der, the bellowing candidates Were presented
,White of Auburn, Dr. E. N. Smith of
Ausque „hie4 l tP,ePotsP,ll4llelp i liew44iltorpt,
1414 Atiatat. cArteß,:aulire.irtioibanotirti
suited ait lullowa :
— btielr, 17
Carter,* 6
, Mitt:drawn— , . •
On t 411 an the nomination of Wm.' White
Was na a unanimous. ,
For Treasurer, Henry C. Tyler of 3lnntrose
Was nonilnated'bratclainatioti..; i
For Register, and Recorder, C. C. Gilbert o
Groat B•nd .Roro; and Abram Carter of Ruth
were nombiatect . ' '
?no . b orid
i.34ruer, - 16.
For the offlet.szofContniissionerS, t e follow
ing Rirtincir
OliceiLittliriiii,dieir l Atiltbitl, -Lein ,
oer Grillis; Jtickson, Q. M. Hall, Franklin, Tru
min Bell,•Lathrop, E:43. Williams, Brooklyn.
• • , 4ttl. - - Mi. • 'ollt
_l3yan, 23., 20. 27 : 33.
Lathrop, ' - ;21 22 ; 21 20 -• 20 25.
_ liriftls, . . •t
3 1 .. 27 .
- *2 - • '8! '`
IVilliams, 8 • 2 2 • 3
. •
For Auditors, IL S. Searle ofli!!'idg2water,,..
and LargyD44o,. LittlJgOadoWs,l r 4utili: l ,
For Coroner; Dr. J. B. Leslie,. Susquehanna
Depot,„ Drs. IL,Thayre and W. L. lii,Mardson,
Montrose, were nominated.. '
• . r
Tiiii,yre; • 1,0
Richardson, 24
• .
A motion prevailed that a wmmittto be ai)-
poititett-to R
of liii•ficidtiiiiitiOllpitifit
the Coinentlon...,-
31r. Little ihanked the Conyention fur the
boffin: ttintliriet
itivai ; jhusu..'nenkinen„itnd-ehtsed
.by inviting .all , ie. Mind bi the telti-1.„-Stattit
and County, arid that suceess.wili (frown .their
efforts. I.le - was l'olluived by a few remarks by .
ourned sine # ;
- • •- ~ • . • • . •
LARGE AND F.l.NE:.tts.softriaßttt Drlluots,Shues,
Rubbers, etc., Ibi*trybi4yottio,w. prices. -
Sept. 22. w 2 - ittitra StitoUD.
NormE.-K. of P.. No., 328; Montrose, Pa.
The third degree will be conferred on candi
dates entitled to the same, on Monday evening
Sept. '27th.
Banozsi K all.
. ,
Bert. 22, 1875.
`Nnw Goons !• i 0 i •
A large 'supply I of: new - goods, Dry Goodi,
Cltitbitrg, Flats. and Caps, constantly ttrrivirig.
Advertisement will appear next week. •
. • Guirrzimcno, ROSENBAUM & CO.
' Montrose,"Sept. 2;0875. _
, . .
WE rui that the people of Ilontrose and
vicinity are finding Out where thb mast felP4,
.400dni,Hutete Biriparotoft,l, c o 40410
tor !C. FPBi43,Aj po. - inform •Aisi,ll . 9lt :
tfid6, frtitif " atorcon
stantly increasing: :In their stock may now be
!found or large andcarefully" selected Stock of
Dry Goods, suitable to the wants 91 FYN:I' body-
Th ey • make a specialty. of Black.;•Bilksi,Blac k.
Cassimeres, Black Aloheirs, Black Alpacas, and
the fitier- grades of Dress, Goods, and in, this
linnlareipreiired lu give some ban -
' ,,WeirthipPost that; ttE,oly . , 4* . ty . _tgaiy is
aware that their ;store is located at 61 Court
Street, next to the Canal.
Binghamton, Sept:22, 1875.
31.1 Misery Goodin 2 -Mllllnery Goods 7,
We have received ou l r FALL ;Stock and are
prepared to show all the..lattst etylettizt Stift! V 1
find Felt Hats and. Bonnets, Trimmed nob
Untrimmed, also - Silks, Turquoise - Featherk
Wings, Birds, Flowers, etc., it all the latesk
shades, viz. : Navy' Blue, Seal Brown; Cardi
nal Red, etc. We, shall commence trimiziing
Fall Stock this week, and tender au liiituttion•
to the Ladies of. Miptrose and vicinity to ez•
amine our stock , or the above, which We:guar
autee to be the latest styles and finest 'qualities.
Mrs Rementhat , (Chinp John.)
Montrose, Sept. 22, 1875. ' .
BLAN'a Leases, Contracts, Shaelßlanks and ,
other blanks newly printed at thie-oflice.
. , .
, .., . ,
ritCrrocmaVii,—Pictureir taken In all the lat
tiert styles. Old pIC-trirest - copied,'; and enlarged
Also a splendla
14 of Nines ter kale cheap '
' at G.' W.; Pciotarna's.
. -
' Kontiose, Jutiq 10, '74.--tf.
Wa'rcnEii, Clocks . an(' Jelfelky'itTaWd cn
abort notice, and _warranted, at r.l)...lttelbi
ish's Jewelry Store. ftirtrierly
Idtintroae;jiily 28,1811.-4 E
linerr JOB P 1 nn
Trnr Laitirst livrfer
We are continually adding new material tAI
our (dice, and viltlfoirlaivelitcaitlatyrype,
and Four Printing,Prearf
Annth in Price anti quility,either in Plaircilliek
~ st Colored Work. gir,tietn.
Tan Past :tiqw , rna has, -been orient.hnosua.
severity. SOck of'sil kinds, do not appear w
be skiing ay well as' usual: have
tried it, say, it ptivii many times' ove . r ot to give
'theirswek, at this season of this yeitr few pa
pers •of 'l . .ttylorW Condition. ,I ) ,pwilarit. They.
can be obtained of any dealer In weddines.
announeeithat he tikluks of leave
ing'ldontrose scion: All wffiu %sunlit I . lke l Otrie;
;u! his wint vroutd•do well to attend "
wilt delay.
liis" white cloud" vignettes area very unique
and pleasiug picture an entirely new style.
B. BURN% at, the Eagle Drug Store, keepi
.e.Onattintly,.on hand large. and , r en topetei,
stpek of 'pure Drugs anil'3l6dicines;
add Varntalt, also: a
‘ yery large assortment 'of
` , oaintat•
add `Toilet Soaps.-„ , 'Phyptcians; ,14eseriptiuns
Carefully compounded a all hours or the day
arid night. Give; him a toll, Sip. of Thu Gol
den Eagle and Mortar.
2dontrosejuro* 9 afirm-tr,...„
Buprerne iVottrt-- ot -the. gtato .fitf,No*
York` - Las . dechleitthat Cflayer •It CO., of
Logiwell;:h_are -.the-!sole right: to : au the words
,CaEfilt? rEcTotia. km a weilSeine, and heals
stied- aft .injunctiOn whist Y. Ritabton,
$4..w fork l eity,, fur -selling Rushton's- (Amu* .
Pee& raior 10heity.1 Natant.' tintenges, or Say
other- use of to . deeei ve the 'public.—
TA is 4e.isidn'of 4,he higit;:tourri lot4idniC
deaters who se!! any: article.--PurtJef
ferikni (LI) Leader,- = , :
OrA l beiter:ds•2 4 lhCasistiaTiorriAtm' '
There is no subleat Xitat .requiree roach
study and experitineitis ireattnentA aton
ic diseases. Tue astonishing sueeess and. re.
workOble .cores *rimmed byßettered&
are dee to We gift orehilrvoyanee:lo "them
long itudy of the ebtiiitltetion - etkiiiii;titid the
eurintofiiisoostot tromosturol remedies. Cmts
the worst forms pi litrofuia. Cattail, Piles, re ,
wale Vettknestqltitlftrio; Kidneyi_ or illadder.
Will he At the Qafferty Mese; Biiighatthre
Thursday,Pridarilutd•Baturday, &puma:4 , 23;
and 2.5:H08741 4.
AU5131445744:.4. - Stitt,
tar thwing the
4 tang te,ever
• -Cent peit'em
abut! be Ix
• IT Cunt•
atti:and the
A l / 1 41/ 0 t
:AgokelTiTimitAlke time,. and salaries of 'all
County odicera,sauuld Lek reduced by nitwit
tive enactment, Ito Such. shall fie,,a
compeusatioli. to t .the.geti r ice per
forated. ..irki.people7can , ttoVallitAtilo4eirleiOt
Sheriff 843,1 Prethouotery every three Sears. '
It was moved and seconded that we place in
nomination but one person for the office of
On motion, voted, that we nominate but one
person eY a time for tli mike of Commission
. ..v 1
zl:iiV.El7. ..
Business Locals;'
Ain° . to all i!epuftlnenta "`'
Sept.. w 2 • READ' & STROUL.
PAINTING. '; ',Olt::: 7t 10');.irs
We have jolt. receivc:il a very.large stock of
plai`ri :and tutc.7.9y4004403 v c And note
per, artaahely,• bilbiscokbppers, cards of
all sixes and colors, colored, poster papers, etc.
all nf which 'ma can • atint'd to print cheaper
than any office in this or uciflihoring counties
titietitrat gonditYle. WOric dime lit blititt 2 tead
colored inks. It yott think there is any that
can heat us, LI% e us a trial r and we will show
you What we can do. All kinds of blanks on
hand or printyd,Lo priicr• 'L • - "
;W II411"lt0.'r " :i3VITA,R3TJA
Standard Prints,V.TEgi,ijiatud 10 cents.
Pleb) and Corded Rips,lat 25, 130, and 82%c
Plnin nod 1"4115Y,
25me 80 cettp.', l,
_acid 50 c,
t 2 •.„. eat .`Va u .'nlfg i i* ll - 01 4 11 i0;li(t i oAt off
vir; t it.
• Yard wide I.Jnblea6hedaVA4o;4ll
and'l,3' cents:. "'''
~13Jklstyls; neWest, ittl 50* kt3p.and
$2 , 50 , • n • `• '; 11, "t
4/44 +teeny Shirtlnirs, atils; arid
and •WnitaXlarinplti lai great varietpat
zo *nes.. • • • .1
Laditis all wool Pelt Skiittsatt
i -
two. Button (warrautCd) at
Gents at trZ 50. • - 7
-.Gents better Kip. zitootsitt44.."2s.. --
'Gents bat Rip Irms, 444. "
Gaff 13' 'is' '
Gents best Ca , DeFge ,at ,
Gents best Calf Banei geyved.'At/340.''' "'
' Fur 'Rata:* nelt'DOO.
50 and $2 00. • lc ••
- 4 .. 9
Geots and boys Clothing, beeper , 64 E 1 tver.
Mier aboyo comprises but a small Lpart of our
newstock (the-first , the 18 1 .4- B ( irt: t,rosey
fund ttie good's •Ati'l:',Cittirely. iithiV - and •C;arefully
solecteil. ,warrant, our goods, to be etc
che o ll ig they e l m be - boutTlit, tinywheie 7n the,
Unit States' as
miutyiu'il will bo oiar bleed or ilie,truth or the.
above. -. Resppotfailv yonts.' '• '
• :Cheap jobni
..IdOntroge, dept. 0,1875 —tf 7 , ' • • .r
- ', ••
F-A15t.0,17 • G
u.csticazii tiv.X a rioOir: r
tA..1.„,.;„ -- ; - • .. , k4l 4F+,, , gel
.i; y ••
. i •
•. •
lIDSIRRY.. STRIPED. ANTA , -.wHil - g,,.,,tc.. Litz
'PlT D. Et A D 'GLOVE:B', " 0111 , 4E1'S,
—4.3l.lSPsirkti'-§LNAIPP r
everything ht toy Hie at greatly reanced prices. ,
ifo L ui '
_ln Con,rl§ * t.:, j e . sci C r.7o l7 4l lll
, • ligust:4; Tv!
CSR ..kritttscur,Jrt ~ Mcgilmo,Soptts;
bk:E ll l,- - Wt . t.q.:Cildell, Hr. Orson at.: Oriew mitt-
Mit•zi Lucinda A. Patters* . bOtlrMilrhiiik...
. ,
Ilu i rford, Scpt., 15,th;
b ROvJA: Mlller, Wt. FlinCi loPatittg
btu:atoll: 1.7 z. Y..-,itnti Mir Abbie M., daughke(il
11 IVallard Wilnuulh; tirtirtid/- IL
i ncsat—flrp.—juiHitigimult,tir„ Stmt. 15th,
by Etiy. Ed waid Tuyloy„D. 1/. Mr. D. •11.
Cr isoti 41Eikt.faithrt Pat; tor Miss Della.E. Hipp
of Binghamton (sCri: ,leatic Of.
,nor mtravarttitt.".• Z.11.411W5"
t .
j. aki4DALL—In Brooklyn, Pa : , Sept. 8, t '.. i
41. iCF*IO,I. 4ged.s? 49419 1 .) ez. 7,./ ,Tl - •,..;.q.,: , .1
, . 1 ..... . . . .
. uti.•!--In Jackson, Sept; 31b, Eitil 011 u, aged
i 37. vans and 3 mouths. • . - ,
t 1 - , - -.. ~.,„4 . ,
de , departed this lite Sept. sth, aged 79 years
and 22 days. -
,-1 .
Aletkitiit% titibetexttnin.g...t epyltr .t . ." .1 t Vt‘ti.
1 d Floats alone the murmuring main;
, liath our angel molter left us ;
Freed fropt,,ey,eo etrtyy,pan vf./. ... x:1 i . r
„,....rA . t ...- J. r .
I Be. it oursonit - day. to meet her,' • 1 .
When this life's stern Wils are o'er, i
Belt ours in Rettlett twtreet her,. : i .
, t - There to live forever more.
Centaur Liniment. •
Therels Jwo pain j offich the Centiur
, i tib, , Ltrifirleiiiiiill maCretiere,no owcillh
, S
i : —, 1 , , , c-,.;-; ~ they will not onbdue:and no lameness
•! ! 7, ,7. , IF.lll,c.bAhcy will not cure. This Is stmilg
i ' -..-+ if? , " - "ta r rtittifei:: but it le unc . They haVe
'' • ji p roduced more cutes of rheumattoM.
i _ a .—.. _ .
i ..o , l ,.;llc_it i . neuriWl.iock . ..jpor,,pAie.). opratin t lrirfr
.1 iMil= - linie, alai. bfeasti, oculds:tirns.tilflti
Abeam.. upon the hturtap frame. aziEut
'iltilliie, !parte, gatii,'We:; iiiiiiiiinilittials in one year !
put itaita.alfbiaitifpitifeglicirMabbisi t iAnikfthirwoo
:begin.. Tbey4felofibleiliflttligli-fkiffnifpain
11evers. cripples thfifiWkiiiiitbffitioilitebee. the !eine
walkorksoytousbiteit are qin . dged harrnlem.and the
;liiiiiided are ircialedsiiitobi a scar. The recipe is pfib•
ilithed aOund each botty.„TtLpy,saszotultautgeiltr
Bold before, because they do just what they pretend',
'do. Those who now ertTerjpfm zbetipiatfiatAin. or
iiweliivr deserve to aulter it Wei' Mit not nee Centauf
Liniment, white wrapper. More 'than 1000 certificates
citaiimariabicenretwilicluiliniieozen limbs, chronic
itteittnatisat. acoutotirnitig-fatrawr4 , titc4 hared Seen' iii:
4ielved. We will ten 4 it ctftnisrcirtialtrih'gceitit4tik‘
site rib,, 4qc.:44014 . 1110 illy At requesting it. Cote
retie of the yellow wrapper; calimukrbiniwi,tikaeogia
htutdred dollars fog._ spayin ed....or_awacnitallorais
minitptnipu r quloracrear l willps,i t a . aiteop e —tatock•ow
+tlieiliiifollOilitAtriViiiirt!eftar!iniatiiii4- . :../ 0 it
Dula belertibadttbeni; - ' 6l VititiF:oll46iifhitil lei"
teno ll lllol3Pircii *Dm Nifitrlur '
- 01tilieVaatId'?ni Idea, ad .
8r0,y,24" it tt4"
;e•s.' 1:\ 4 1", — . - 7
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t tvillaw i rl}e t wOrt) WAD / thlabki.,,Fritp Air CaktriNV
thdthll An' titcJ,i-thatAik'c h
regtiliteibir , %A wind
,iividneel isliiid - tiftialittkolnk r titell
net 2 l4,49tthideAr. 1!1c,41 1 9/Akt*tor Pisle4n;4o44k
qudren crt tinsLwribirrintitT
A ,;-'.l:l‘ 0,1
,• • • . Tt
A./A' i"- - , ll4Yr;', o isla Fe,
TENWAIII4O4..I - f_hi;,, ,
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jl 2 2 `efr,' t
Yit3oY l lY 4V - 'COMM
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101141ECOATT',1qt.CIP I NIFE. IrdEL.;
• 41" , ' ;FiT.l.`!" :sea
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, 13u41ders
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A ; h.!:
PliftertitipVo OJT Jll-411 4
4 : , ..... - I:IVAJW 44 4 1 4 /44 , 1t0
;5. •.•47"• c ;4%4 , 3• . 1
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-.the seit .
, 1114 iPzuktivld(!
Feb. 4, Ip4:-_-:• i : ,
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11. ti)-
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X:l2ll.4Lrlf =
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iv ,P.. v .3.c.....141 z, jtni t y,;,..,
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Prin kilt If) 1,.. - -.. , *," tni.f. r;1:4-;if ' i' , .'n - :11l .......
• .'
• " " --''''
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FALL 'mid WINTER 'STYLE - 8 :or :TOltzzoN and D9NIESTIC - GOOD
•infl 7 .ii L. ,--:,... 34.1! mi,,,,,,, ..-.., ~24.1.:: ~;- ~, ' - ' -. '. - , • . ~.. I. • ' '
llf' VO . ' 'likt)li *fpi I If ) 11 id ...1.4i, .4 , • . ' .k . .,.!i P• 4 l‘ '' !•331 1 ' 1 ' 1: ' ' l,• , -., , ,'; ;,?) i ) .',i, I,:j , z., •: , ' •• : •
1 -rii ;.tt lir; t '''.l.• ' I. ti I. '4l I: , ;-,f 1 4 ; ,i . ~.: ,EII3LACK , sSiIa - St.ati , GREAT Armurry. , 4 • • • . ~..
• ..4. ~. ..
~.1 1 ,„„1.7., ••,,i1 .giniocrit i At f•.%; -4 i W.ll ' - lit 1 ji ,; 1 0 ,' ,4•0 0:" l , • - - • •
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1., . t .,..., , B , ;'• ii r a,l ,re .
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tw.-101} ...4.! 1... , .t,!' ;-:l. slic.)::•.A
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..1 - . ',". ' ,- • ~
&MOW 9FI tOOT6y.AND '''SHOESiII IS FULL' AND - " 'CO.VirLETE., NEVER ..BET I TER, NEVER CHEAPSEt.,_•;,z •..i,.1 .itil a i. , 4“1:i - : l'? .4'. e. " • ''''' '" • ' ''' - '•• ' •!•' '' " • .' • • .. ' ' .
1 - I , l ilip,l,;iry_; f . , !,;', .;.,, 4 . r.',i!ef,. ; : Alj,,, OF WHICH •WILL • BE- SOLD -FOIL CASH ONLY.- ••' '
, I•.lt , srfi'3 ?)rhYPRP. t Sq.teWlc.c, 1 10';
f,, 444us liu !i ~ I . • .---/ '
of all.
mtiti- I
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No. of
1? J ''''" ' elothin,
1;,,, . 4 pal
''' ll l ''41Li.... 1 CI '' -, i's" :Ifs , ':"-- Mailed
'" '..- 4)tc. trio Plttc_ . rsvpi . Im] 'Clistla _lll
IT wilt be GIirgICFURIEVIdit ini,
0 .
&.,:,,,- t ie E dai ovls,2,psupoyr
i - i.'.• 11,,,'3, L, ..,. Agu , , ltWilliirilrlE . : SMI
• .- •• , i
if- . • - , -
~ : . .i,,, i : • ;..-11611 0 ,-: M n il i t : tit ',
~.,:_-,...,- -FINE ARIL Bud:POLITE Lil
, ,
' i•• ' ' , ;I ; , I • : SluCle C.41 0 /05.2$ Cen.t
• gobiWription Price, 11 sitar.
t" - •• • . i predawn of rirO Dallaritteorth of pad
' l ' 11}1 .;- 1. 11 "0 1 . 1 # 11 ; 4 14 ' '')I.:'3'rc :' , .LI i t.:, •,_•:,-,' ''.••
-,•:, II ' lr ePe t ,ltV; cEe4 , 7,. 14 -inFj - ii ,f ir
:,!..„ gr a 1. , ,11, ,, ,g)4..„Vdtv0..g1ye,9.1,,v P 1474,
, • s or ra- ..01
1 ! . ilealatii6 ' . O lr :Wai:.a.
^ f. „ . f : i COP PA SITXPINT"th 0 TeorTfiLoa-- , -
then' bea ci rain; ei eit'rtte.i lye Tungatzltie . Smith ru nc h n i ni i D ip i nt 1
~, .;jllcti' bet 1q 1 0.e,14 iMA ‘'iSag I cattP 1 143 , 1; 11 1 1 4,3
i ; 3 '‘.,“3l s l;_fit r Ti r i r ll l l: . 1 4 V v i i TtigtIl im " Itazt: 4 , l 4 . • . l ' ll ' s . .111 ) 1 ,-. 1111. 25 eit e, U . fit k . 114111 "
- I' 3 3 3 M lig A e : l ! i f i3 P l4 P ls /k d '' 3!•'•" - -1• 3 ‘'• . i
:'• ..
'i Stil ' iociip i tlo a ti l tilielF,lU'iti,t.: - 4, -" Pliii 'paid. :'
J . , j ~ ~ 1 . ...; i i.,... ,„ .." - _ ..;*. ! .. , One dollar's'. wthth ,of ~, Patterns gave to Vaal
e 7.., j ...:
~.,,,:....., snhecriber tee us premium.
•, ',. n in ..
El7-.__ A li f i t.
I 4 i f l t l 4lysßl/1:411 t 0 11. — .00111; to DO GPI, 1-.. - : y
~. ~ ,
We will glee $2.11 01021 , iit' Giail - toin' . We wl1l3r,1 1 +042 1 400.00:14 Ntold..,Cpilltt
i . to peranterytoopidstice•laagevt number of to 133 lielionotito Whtt'ot cia edd' the lancet* mint
, , " r it,•,,, 4r,b y
, t o L ur "worypitmli - ion,rber sir eubreethere to our '''.134;4.44.".4111:10,
: ...,' -, ‘,. 71101 cdtk.M.cojpiAtirchlia.itt74? , ,-.., , , t. ,, ..,, 4 . •;eacht„ betorOlich 1; Iti;tl.
I^ " Alt . :rollbtre . "rUlltdVdtterititt 'of *tho' Meal; Mr-follow*: To Ifte , Getter•OP of The timest .
Ctutv - ..}.IaLOCCIII OW cttlut „Club- . - • o),),(tk in Gold Coin.
i ..- gd lattwctit tiink....0... 2 , Dial in,i;o,e Coin. ' nil La;gest'Clab '.:.'. ill0:00 in avid Coln.
'ef ~ / 1 .1".. , 41,47-I;ardept il'hiti , ' 3, i Mott In GolttVitin. ,• ; i rid Largeat.cluh..... X.'"0.141 ititbalei Coln:.
1 . •
.1, 4th Larger t Club 32:0 OU in GiAti , Ctillte. ... -4th Largest Club Its,tlit in Gold C01n.,.
. ,a' St It - Largtwt ,CLub,.... , i.. 01) in (h tt`C;o11: : ',” 6th Largtrto {) lab::. Tqt.da'rd Gold Coin.'
:1 ...r 4 ,' •0 , fah &Wen. trialsl4-7;.-71 /MOO ittXrol4Cebirl, . ' oth Largest, Club.,..i4„Sil uu in, floiti,coin.,
;•' ro:` " i' -",
Ills Largest' Chit,..., lieuto in Gold c obi. i ith Largest 'Chili ou 00. in Gold Clio,.
I 1 -‘ Bth Largeet C1ub...,... 75.00 In Gold Cold:: ',• Sth Lamest .Cittlit.:L4'. ' , rt OCI In Geld coin.
,rlify!!! fi ittti;artmltt tllab,Vc., - .;....' , asil 00 In Gold , Voin. nth Largest Club .9.5.0014.V01d Cola.
, L it;th targest Ciurt.,;, u .,,":15.00 in.f.fuld Coln:, !„
..10th Largest (ink' ' " 'WA in Geld_ Coln.
; I .*ntilill Largttsf Club" -' • . 1 2,.(4) in Gold cutup i filth Largrat Outk.... ,Z.nt lu (told.Cottl.. ,
„..4,, ,, M• 4 11 0 9•50,f0 t t41,CAt# Ilvtrzi . Cl9lLl v:.,:.,'..i . land so on to the 133 d largest Club. , • ,
; 1 , Top etag proni nut for every subscribeiyott,,send itor.• And' ore& iiit 4 tliiler Sell; aP '"
firth '-'
1 i •,. v BUT Ft of ,theap OW.D.COIN rrese 't °flora will be found at (nil 1 1 .1 _1411; iv, the je eln iitesunei
1 . • •ii ilol , Uitutithe4 ll eaKeowrnartitittand.P. , o.;'/u4talie of 102 peuuns to whom we have juri paid ti,..:
, 13310 in Gold. according to our previoutt after-. 4 Ton can write to oue_o i r ail of therpOtod they.
will tell you_thur *e do e aact;y ay we ptotnis& -
- II
i.'' ' fi retlll BEST”' ), 1 . ,„1111 Ingrown tittecri pi ion!.t O, other of ou utigsztnrs,vrbeil
, -, , you will get the first nuojb+r .aud your Certitioalee, or 'Pi cultural, which' ,-
1 :I youtan KtfAVV, and t once begin getting adlnlerrlPere, at end-93 - 3 . eteith foedne . eoliy: selitt'
I, 'POI! tifiPlt h . i ft ,33 4}eiOl it ri i i ! /-- 4, 1 ,1 1 i 'vititotpil • ,-.. . ; ~.. . r
• ..., - i
5 ;iv; i k ,..11i . !•1,.1 :''1 , .. -, ;•- .;,11!..-I-.. . o ? ° l.i. I'F'!llf fu i l u r i Priti l itt
' -
- i ^" -
'.• . * i
• Q• IPPOI.:::5 1 1 1 0. 00. i..: if -.. ! - c•r:l r - . I 1014. ltroadway. NewaYbrill€lly. :,
9 . 1 •
1 101.47 ::)° , 1X=e1 414 3*'
luv4 recleivtd and torsittia bye'
I - , • W Fano
QTPIi!RFINTibIJrAiI, txty.r.'"," 01 4it)ii: . ".
, I ` ii.., Fictii I '7l .41u1C- 7s .., '7. ,7)ll;v.ntigptig4 . ':
iill,l A :4;9:it 4; ps :.1 4 )4—t+ 'ilk,ii G l l/ iLY 3 ° 1;,013 ° 1;,01'1,li
. ~: ortl'
t 4_ ! --. ; , F..:1 , :i111 - ::.1GifociffriEs , i ...)O,T
~f 1 T:i . '!" -
4'tAlituptiat :1,, f7.7;tti;' T:i •." 2 .. 2 - i iirti 3: ~.,
' .1- ..i t 4.d>:: .•1, i tIS ' ICI: RI - a 7- ... ? : I •l 'll .i'LiFßf. 1:
i '..:!..- ' • . •
otiaill .uv,tn• qq-,A
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114" 0 21, 0 " 43tYtteir t " "
I ;rletitiVtua!utl.l"M:44teMPl,l4lg.,;l3'.6:l7llo`
_ 4.l4 l4l l g nu tic... :•!•,-• • • •akv,;:,./ U. , 115„1XD
q 1141 4! 4 ; •-• •• -• • .• . • ••• • " • La:11.1M1
I)t. itrikM6
t4i . , * •
4 / ar: or „„
.. .....
.„ „
ger*. Lad h. .3,4.1.1.-.:1 000
/119 0 1 7 1 04 7 ' 3 efrrAktiatiOnal. 1 4419.1:1NiAnPlataai
ntfgda Cbeeeilat•, teu.
and rell.allle hayleg
bsotarillitia44l4o,l nd AtintliY;kf kit; witiirmvi
mht itt9g4#?/.4a4 tuY,V4ucyoNllyTtify., ,Thoo vho
h p r nizetrole. win &event' thanks: 'id to
tileoo:rrlniitertengt. I rlin onfy toty;' too hp.
ftivor , mcs au atfipticatiurn ati
d 4 44/tiziat4niiirlitee telue rotfliclr stfoutb ,
it NACV C.,TY4411
,t 4
filkdilir . AticAtionfirooileitteaCinotiitity rottstila
ten frogs oir tim,topti,l year hyi
" = " • TTLDK:
..f -;t1 11
tienent„etesoelAy_ful tjoir-34.
try • rtzvity v, T 4
xs , tmob.peA4p.o4,ti l isv:4 l ,4 .1,•-•v:,- al 1,1
. 'L-- z --e " - r - rr - • • 5•4.. 17 * tt,l
V:V• - - ,
tie roliktriajtrti put , gattAkotatek, t er toe
t'iVlettini - Dtattiot • f Po494y . anta in matte . ; of
Willtaar dimeno. irrupt:
0 1ri n t i jahurgytink.4 - brim ~LaNaie • bt. itald
cou tt wimatn ".,timek in the thintif
of 4.111 d btatt:Vl,JrerankYtlirtnirvitimitdsl:4l/...
t rk li tt airirtAktikilUtt uPor¢ Pviltiettpf errititini,
jut o ay ent of , aay- rely.* arla • lb4 . creltverrot any'
p r ow ri lt e ciP ti ii i i r ocif f ,l 2 hk.filot l / 2 43 0 P4 kitn . .or t 4 .blot
use, um the‘rano, rof Ally property by him are 1404 id - -,
tit lawartlicnuttilhz.l44 kntriCredlcots7)Vaii,st
1,,t0 protoFbgiigit:tlibtetr cleo4o snd , n4x4o 040 00 m4ro.,Asaign,
ee iret t hla e - ititj'46ll4 dettVoirt tit iiiitAmptes '
eirr.iiiton in Asia Ihrkri antha tod
eflOctooer D ; p,7rit 4/ o'..kte 10. 4 .11 t the 4ttley,
oriE Ni. WlLUlStllyaneW dint fogritinliinaktilpikt
.otaahl ,
VA Marebei for
-eptember 111, 18114 ie:,111;*11
s , h IaiSuLITTAuN. ;
~ i
; 1 - s,r .4,4 ,-.. , l!V
ki: l'iSJl 1%.!:Vid1 i .,q21
, ;;IZ:) , 14 tij ~, ii .... lA.
rl i e cope ctrl k llerttoloycy - pa min ltsref.qkby ,
t , Illidsodf #ll4-fpfdirld - beffethotz 0444 diliftittt ,
fa Id a d.ty dimolvedC, jiligtuel f ;codtigot. 7 : lttro ; Ifookei,,
...ot . ''ariel eroding - f ttlinte. - rro. Ate Id-the liked* of ,
VelletelltialtOed - Ithddellodo tkt^:ldurbicoils'Aditito
old eteed, aed.l.9 hick AO 04Po* deelti,t„u d . .04 1 mu /
aboOd lit.prelOW.4.4 tit paykdatft. ,‘", 'l. l - '' - ,•
- • f.l' .1 t' q lli Ulir . 4
WOLA 4 4lB4Witr•gfll;
--'' .:_. , k- ,
~1 iiKNItY 4 lit,NtiETT.
Alatiltiottl . StlittifiterAU, l /$15, 4 44' :, 1 i k: - ~ 4 il
.:Priti - - - 11 117 _,Trri . ..rjrriffr:/ii ... if - ,. -- t*-4 t ;•01
t A 41)triVA ;70TACF,,,,-Tus tr,sioustpNgt).-, hat
a. LA itdc dp?oolitted rkilthe':OrpV}fel`ttodrr'of Hula'
r e PhA9 o lcell4oo l . ithilidleciAlt....otet..Oftelel ii'Vi ThlOe-,
, !l; dee d;ou!cr ceptione II led tO radial, account.
ct Ok.,E.e.“,etefellf wi11 , 4 of -decoitoitlOeil I Milt de'
. F ,4 tick l4lll , a. '..n2l22lifeee•liitricillaanYlllff%4l4l.lrtistailal*Lll6l::llllL94:'''LH
'do I:. ice: _
i l _ Wial .1_,.., - TURX:::: I .A-Ala . ditor.
i .
otrowSeptellilTel,* I,' L. 41377 -- - .
.1 . ' ..•41.0.10 .., f,- iti. -
' 1i1e.t . 4,144 i ifp 4,4 e ttoigeileftedykM AM kier.d,[
'raid iAllare l ini'br lieflettillietlidAdg ior — trd 410 "g the!
~..' 41 Adept veridedo 4 V )/(4 taia pityhiyobtrbr likri
Tl l Trit r leff i lth.f f ft
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---,------,sepwicAPlhontwil 41.1, - . - Ist cl': #{7l z; IL'. *.s. , :i*l '
..,,, 1 * *,i ' ; `,, ITh r •iniArk-%liptii: ' i ''' ,
ECl*Oittil -q111026-,,k, tr , r,,A di : ~ t
y es ern ce irt:tlie
trOCAIOII4 td go a ditho verily prO:. i
, I 0 , )444 , 361,0,1 4 44 pg o toa . 7ll 1
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`1875.-6w „ .
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ran 10^ , P
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.vivi 3 ,erika. •
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'iliiiit l it - tritiiie!..tiet;'#.l4o,4x;o . ',604 . 1'
FIRE, LIFE AND AccpurT nagrlifacz : ..),--...: ~..,,,
i, : •
'Li verpopl. Urn ,t, Globe,. •
~1 .$20,600.06
jltoyalcanadi o inset rateo'Co.36.l l •Xottitheh, Can-. ' - -•
ad* coplt , i r , 1- 1; • , 1, , '..-- ,4.401.000
fralt.tool,4l N rl6 Aieri a teits :" ' ''' ' 1 • r „ 1-1- "'l' 4:Maya.6o(3
4Natt °nal . New York,l,
.t.: • -•,1;.:.,!;' , L . 7 .) . 7, . • ~ - 1 ; , 444;001,1
IP. Co. , Sttteof l'ennta .! " . • •. • tineknor
1 i
0.• Itilocnasatittuftrnitalti
ji:r kr .
c. : , Q i.. i' ,. . 1 ; 1 ..:::: ,t , "#:l . .it: ::,
..; o ‘.
, 4 4 :: .
,I, coming Fire , "' "" •• ~ .000,00 e
- ;Fire Aiortte *Nil of Philo: ' 1 '''''. ,-"',? -; 1 1 .1.rtuusii
entd•,o - matt In'y . Cry*Pitibt.iti._ • " •. : .1- 'i i •_.; dli3Xl,ool.
tio • merbfai 1 ire'rn ,, .co..,:l. Y 2- ••• ' 'WO 1414 1
:giiirOrAlcior4aut*Pttila.',‘• ....,' iiii!r„it.i •; ', ~ -• i ..456,000
nv at tri,own Igo r So„ Watertown.. A. Y,
,e i , -, 4101.0-06 •
rt tpaiti Ind: I ..iii:•l l or. 3 oan I Lai 4 n*trittipTuil,' 114,060.0 M trist.,CB, , prirmortli,Cl4.l . .:•.- ,- :..i., !.; 400,0UU
ilart Witt Fire a d*.. i t 0., c . . a iii telon dHy rains
f plit4iA'Ai , ihnedii'sptelAt;:etumpr niriberou4s%
1 tototipaplyt riky• 14 otthern.litntoyi gotta: A :1. '• • •
rire-A,**ociatiou of, eldiadelphia. •
•, .404etwitiro litistiotiitt&Cotafotity a - fiaricisfei: .
"Kt /4ftuxoliFF. 9 , NPf .iiii $(400 of tolinsiltania,ol
Phila,tidlplili. • ~, i •
-1 . -, -.• • tat ), u1t.11'1 : 30 , '333 1 } - " -M .•' - .
-• t
I P9 l \ l 4Attoll44 J. tict:ilAhse Els ;• , I•o3int,Oho
,-,Ameriitui,ite,,,Phil'a. ,
.. . . ", I , -, 1 t :
.1;4 1111 X0i0(.4'
J 1 -' , 14 ,: ~ .a . iktri t it # 0 6 2z 4
'h`ria vrien , lu s •Co. ,ll arttoell , CitliitolihiStirpliteth.lsoo2litii
i", i • lw4 Yrit"V t g!rh .",;`l , •J:k qi ' tr.r , t t. ' **COW
0 1 1 htmeeletsig„ued It A V bpen veil known fng tttscouit*.fot
f• py-or l'iletrikiaitl.,*araae•• Ag . ent. Louie" instati;keri
]by hi* otamithies ItIvo;a1Willi hoeri promptly paid. •
i; tirr.PM,..teo.",t4lic itt Iniilding onit•frru
• nlianittng,
til 1 Im - i f v 5„... Cooper gpy,., Tormilti efreet t -•
1 .;i". - ?. f_ . t.t, BILLINWSTRODD, Agent..
P ' CtUALUAt MIS:AMU ptite.Mansger,l - -1, .(4 1
t,/ -19 tb i' C., 4' t '::, .1., L.-. ttil Idt.ii;C!RtWrAolipitori ; ,
, o
1i : Ag R I PVIV # 94 IP . 10 7. 1471 : .':: ~ f, , , ! .!,., .. i .1 :
11-7:414-1444. tom's ' , ,6 " ao.
10 1 "
i, ~.! -ig bu PE iIREAL-EigATB. - • , i;g: : ~. .;
i 1 in rinUnimi 1 ot•ith' +Wet , Of ' thei Orpitansi-•• Context's
riti kquchanps County' alp podersigned administrator ot
.0 ezdate of Ann :ht4lO. l thied. Will *4•11 it tbe premise
escribed, on ~Wodntoday, the pith_ der •or , C)M•orter,.
kiSihS 1 *troth,' Ifi, this • the , thiltiwint. Vosolitt; to •
* 1& irt — "
1 t t &hat it %for land pituati itiettet • i tap' t
ow s o
144% ir Mt tr3f ~.41eiumtionAfe an* finite itt, Nan: .!
Sylvania. humidor; and cle*cribed as roll
.krsra„ to wit . 1
0 1 11116 ing si MO, *litter fresh. lifted dinklh Ow line ot
toMbotween MO/ 2132 Chalker and i If: ,itatAw. minim!
iv tirt,h;" Ad geld rind Al kretli toirelie* tit to rind stones,
throe eastward too, iterches,toriaho 233* 2t433122,0102Ce
tri eh, *lateen perches to the - edge of paidrissditheuro
elo,ng ilterond to the !Witco' ot In:ginning, eoritattumg
ant atretqf.tentr. ;no or,lpie, with ther:Spitorteihimbes.
•C: 1'61t.518.-450-on day of salcand,tbo imishert on dna!
frOetbriti4olo4l 1 •• , 1 1t: •, 4 , - !•711•.• • : :
. 44 .(' ••A• - •e 9,144,. AW;, , i
1,-.*chtkik . ittinitiek ItiO.- 1 -tite • * • --- "'" ' -
. . . .
...lf tDITOII. I B NOTION. Therindesignedturvin,,giteen
-0 oPPoiVirldAutrlittriiko/4,helbh. DrPhine..Coart 1
of !Susquehanna - COunty,tti hear end repitrt on except-1
Kid* iiithitthrtrikitihttlir likeds rirmsittioglatittimude
Ifl tile •Jo hut:attic of Vie Wok of Caleb Strrilich dit
000..wilf Stand *lrv; Uhl' :rtntiew••ot Ms- appotet.'
t . I " 4" V r l l i e 10 Vtr : 6trit' 4ll t il a kl a r r e glig
•;te c htiltirernt . Irsititare ' st;tl 'c l ist4tditued w inest:
tpt t „,, t ,,,,,„0,,.,.(0,171et riehart,Ort from hoot.
7 110 1 - -4 ,1 ri.iilJ*-A - 4.1WA 1 0004 - ,41.14130 1 .'
fn itt ti ft it :, ~ • ' 4 - -•— • ,r= '
lilicortmse:liniiteilaber ri;iq13... 7 -4w. .• • ~, .
• . 31 1 V , :,.1e:-i:: • - i . • 'i , ', 4.' 4-- - '-
c!b1i.f.44. 1 14. 1,;
AellinurNitietloN t svilftor, Appoint 4 . by pm Or
tip4ur Court or euatiaelighAtt C:uaty; 44/144144e the
'rib* Itt the haus!, y • •a*lttirtratei ht the
Var i V i it‘ 4B l 44 14 4 / 4 •AVVieitta_,, JAW the
aa. ape, ateultath at is 4i 417 pAltli•
kbe l " sitter,' 0* kid low 1 tedimig4 1L. 111 4 41 .
retlca, gate aa#Rktqflittalsettisiat tityattelPh %oak lOW
itatei;pltelitit3 (let De" toe rete# . tir depaireft treat ,
120 4 11 11 in oft V , n )ifil-.?•.• • '..?•'0 . • • • •
1 1+ - mar9ONSSO4O .II 4W#44V-41 1 " 4:
vi•• • 1 .•••• ,•;.:1C:•`•
,• it: 0 -P .' sk
NE, 111,11j4L,Ipti:
OM :MATED ' -;•;
DBY THOSE DESintrtiG .?;
"WY, Cletpiqnestis 'and
74.1) R AFT .;
CO. os 'Clitr 13664 X.
217:1411Lci stmt; Chi cap,:
: 4 '
101 t 3.0370 g
'O, '1
I '6
I .l l ' eJP
..., .
. .
Tie diolide rnelttnx to Cbenp_JOhn's (Poet En 114121)
(gra balalus. SOH they come, "Wily Is it thee t"
Ruse we have rech.ced out *Ulm 'cock of i follow.
ng good Alper cent., to make twat for WI good*.
6.4.L1C0E5, _
zat.e>"4i,3rir*uidte C7lat,.h.tzler.
dporis, NOTIONS, ac.
• ,
cAsstmgm.#. s, cLoms',. AMON& i FLOW
Jewelry n fine asOrlif4nlV . • . Low Price*.
E t °"ts_
Specialties, Is2,solNeus $19% oassimere .
• 00ATIP. & CLARK4' COTTON, a Ct..
.ThSl4ethaity, •
aIT 29. vrps. , ((Asap Jobs
At No. - 33" Court Street,
NEW 600DS,
•,fl. -
As we have jastreturaed boas Me (4q' el lire Tort
after poxchestng a large and well selected stook ca
FATAL ANTE" Vi:41741, 000-D8
of all ktudii bought trout drat lands, 'lra are now prio
and to offer goods at yulern-that will attlaty lb. Woo.
-st boyet. We late also added to oar brae IMO*
Dry Gum, an 119IIIIIDS0 .10* Of
cLoTa:c.Assisttaxt; azi MIANEII.9,
for Men and, lkorga,Als'Air .We are aoir prepared SO
make •-•
.• . .
mho will give use Cali as we pays stal clue worlawa
-ehmed for the season. -
4 ,dies slid, gentlemen. 7043 Mtn plass* gall Mt atuffe•
ins our stock before Sou purchase elsewhere.
frksakful for pose boors. we tope for a' coatinuailcia
of flis same. -. PA reuwou. . .• - • •
e Yours Respeciftillt
, - .- - • • ,-- . • 0. At At. bowrainr.
$ 31xighamtoir. orii se. At-a. -'$ . • 643.16
- ',' Vcir 1 . 4 C. 46. IC I ! . . • X al
le a llqald Uniunent for notate tad stable tie.
- tab able combination. discovered by s celebrated env
It eheheo4h4 and herso•terrier.... Was Introduced ht Use
United Sates In the year IF6d. and glace that tins. by
It* great meteor. la the tare of diseases. it has woe
tor iteell that world wide . repatation it so richly doer
erten,. acid now strode at the heed Well ltttansari 1t0•
rivalled ' • '
•It has already gaisodi 'coaddinc• and adialestican
of ehousitods of households foe tea many cores of dlis
noes" were sztarnal sppllcatfoo&aro of so eatables
anew; 1e lassoed/MP admired 'Wei 111mUy ramaq toe
tar pecullarchoenlcal combination. posisslog no ban*
Ingredlenui3llke cloture of Vayenne or red•peppar. 01
V m
cheap and volutess Liniments are Laar cogs.
.1 - which Increase Instead of dlinfolab the isillmos.
taaklas It 07 tutu's,' speedy tare Itur •
‘ COLos, CHILLS, !War., TIC DoLog,
r • SU'. OURISts, CUT*, MIS OF
• . , FOItioNOUS Se. - •
TepitsiOntslirlind direction accompany each bottle.
notnly In cents. 60 cents, or sl.oo—nd tt
40411 give good satlehiction return the bottle ball
andloisr money will be refunded. Cell fur U.
$. 4.; sad ,take no other - N
D. G. CARY, .t Co., Proprlatere.
' Ulddletoirn..Oringe CO..
• prugtepotontroota's.
.ftrcbAsablcou all ,wholeula and retail stores hi
Ataktrosn. May 6th. 1875.
co at F. B. Chandler's store and and the "Bono
Bmoothlng. Otownhg. Plotted and Ontuplarr boa; the
0104 cateparto end use,* Iron afealtowniteL,
Ii Antabie Baca equal • to "factor riork."
•. it lrour tbe oarrOurratt brads.
:Tao Plating and Crimping attachments 8111TIRMI
111)11 POLDIII the dote or xrhap—not 'leggy Graial".
INO the goods into etts4,4l. is do the. Botaera sod
Balla - „, • 1 , • -
entre - broom • biade; Gotham; itallloa--whether at
Hoeg alpaca or worsted goods, sqesUy Intsbed sad ad
cutnplety IRONIC, sr the body or tae garment..
Elegficipy withal! amt.,,shsaper. then •
, itwaht style Itautititliacrane.
1 .'41PP1• 43 1 1 4 4
tor 11:4I a Co.
W. IL—Territory ter tale and Cattraerturo related. ,
Mirtrftd, Augers 4, tat% •
Sir took Tertzt u . ..ikpitiracmho .
libil t - C at i cal, ArstitoTtPt Path TO*
41 - , au, incladiug thou' qua ct, saw ge l d
taut's t Lunt elt Itat lutwlttte Woe.
; A411“-_14, LWO
Borr;AND *OM*
if you rant to do 'wall,
con* and 'see bolt cheap we tell.
NEN ad6s,
. 7 L.
; ; = 4ll .