The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 22, 1875, Image 2

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    >x ~~a~~~~~N,~l.~~y,,.... '' rd:rl~~t'wi.l
j i urne 32.
:.'*iiii - i t*t4,.... - 00.,Ozt1;
tartniatiou miashit
.-TWICIE as Pak 4*,
auy. Parior to Noraurix reunnylliautu.Nk
li'olosed in New York on Saturday
at -116t2
rs A fl-xcir k . onEu t itat,.
&hit' yiki7l - • •
-q •
• •
C•4Oft 40a
.._., , 0f.t,(1/I;rii:.Couni'bc
D:E.VOCR.4 - 710r 0017NTY: Tiox-Ezt.
'Pin .110,4Di* :aniGE
,11,„ •
~p p,moxramn. ,t , -
fir. , i.~, ,~„,.: •..g ~~ ~~
A rpa- -- snrativr,
;-,krwc-Rx.. •
-v. 4 .44n v . - • • 4‘l
'l4 - ' l 't" 2. 0:111T18 - C t = . 011,13gra
~"ri,'.a~,, ~~
• '' ' ••• 1.11, 1 1 . N ' • •
"It 10.1?:..A9,1,7TH05E.,
..10214 • FOR , 04)MittSIONERS,
Y - Alt4; 4LATIIRIV• • E. j •
:„ •
44,:,•4, 4 !j4',
,ii),Grojt BEARLE,.
: .O'DOWD,'
;or trrrts MEADOWS.
- •
Fon "Cialtol(Eli, '
• ' 110)17110Stk
Y Do'
the htuA•woriciugniasies of.l4l!quis
- tiiftea that / i t:he iii
debt4fioess !of the county, .A.
41143,000;atitt that they are
tng 3 ' per ceist.` int,Srest upon it ?" 'Do
they 'think At - worth their while to save to
Tredsury'ih4r/y $2,000 per all itum.
by..a relltiutiou ttf the , exCessively high of
'• Reid the Democratic
Plat,fordi. , 41olacs4ight hoine.' At gives
fohli'nO titiOrtaiit sohnii... It me 4 iie just
what it Baca.
and. P4allet:,, ploty.a
paper prounsea to . l ) ey with pogtponeinent,
e: pay&t.ttiu 4,7 ntw rallying
cry 'of Dwilcitacjr;44' s tlie , State.--lead-
•Sziet'l4 , 4l pingging intO thn}people
input way if yoii iike, , but don't corn—
plaid if, they gulp down the dose just as
you'layo fandlady tirho i
four 'ant *kat 3ier linaitlerS
ana•gavn them plenty
,of understood
her businesa Dis-
, :irAtelz 'does; , for • .it tile, people,
,wl.l4t:they out, iiu4 d4ret::thein,to take,
t, irt,31?0.4,-,:h au .1a ilpo t the
Pil ' lAo.l 4l 4.4 4 s u victory in Maine
let „14si rein . Ilat 441 Weil of, ..Cameron's•
or r Tau, if 8,00 of the Repnblican ma
jort„ty, lu linit en 4 ;vote of 114,.
000;bipii• much would buy! tigi-ory elect
Pee icing by ;nu .* litatir:4l 700,000 ?
our': inetriorv,l4erve i l us , rtg,ilt, according UP
Z'ik€aOld , akatvin '44 zntilkiiplication,there
ml - .711(1` tiStee 'O,OOO Hart •
or trie - orL
thrt with it Maine
victory iu P ap sagspia, ; the shout of the
Tilegrapk-FotilA either -decidedly sep
nicht*. 0r1e#140.,--Phira
The: New 'York kil`rlB , l takes to itSelf
the b`fedit tor that pertiou 01, - the Mrie
1 113 0 } 4 1 i; whifiLathteiiii,, the treasury vor,..
rtipt;on, of:04 itate,„and ,at the same
time'griel'es over the ii,zuorande ILI) .way
wortthemfor, thii conwittioli In rejecting
its cotiiii - sels upoti the mreney. tioystigic ,
The., ll ,7 o Mil4ight 1 0 601 7 1 •4 0 tii its Y #ilitY'
.aspertainitig . the ,:fact
that die tile contention in adoptiozres•
o:utions antiatuamg"the treagory frandsc
actettsiithotii reNretiee
the may have ever said . uliOnthe
subjec i t»,and : i t a„agreeing, r upon the , mooey.
reB6lntions there was no, intention to
papitr.. , ast. hf e , ; members
of tukl:Arie ! it,. h eOo 'pretty'
well established, in, #l , :!'t,rtitti.g . .l4oeiiities
The trutti 4, wit •the. oonveutioii iu its
%Fork. anon' thi`ldatfortii , feigOe- th e l. exist--
eneetof sueka,paper.,--Zittsva:e Courier.,
Tito „New Graphzelaw :
The , nOttlitiatiOn of Victor' ETiollet; 'the
' - state
reaiii"crt.r'Sift:Wif tha`Ctnderneath ills -
tationi 4f the surface :there is a,' mighty
grotipd.sivell poptdar •,feeling thatthe
did politicians do not comprehend and•
Iliaviiiiiiiinterpreted.' , Their, do'not
wio the p.&ep.h,' awqk,,
thoi(squOtOja ,Fe 4 Vire ,ti43't:• coppr
whether they, are out. .There
rometl*ingAlitiost volcano =io. the heuv
ingiiiiiiPteiiiilatinits' of :a great
rpeople like , tli'iosiitSein bled, who „refuse to,
/ -be *.;rB and t lite a
adePt neW
iu cry. uu. the-ere 014 presidentiiil'ele.
. tion e call - litt#llfitr . #tl'
withont 01;
% . condentcatiiini ; it is, charged with
• vastiSignificanke o and:imity lead far
reaeliiag and-monietitons restilts.
1 . , • nt - ,,, Biltbiliod : l l witir brivirig i)i Ott - down
.., 414 4 1 4 1 !;,1ica". 1 1
ithatitliikiMlfill: its tiormat'
. liortpn - bo‘vrofv'ed down upon
4like7ihritit '1136 eMlrt
can through the'leii fir`
I:lldll l o.i4tf; s s ,sl , 'ltie - -Birekiy e .
1(Cal ptititigiatiL irliOv 1101)04 to de‘ft:at
• gehool 44iition- c 3re
141141 , 344 ;ttiOtp.,2,4e±uvri, It, W
f;tetif4ap?)alinigt in spec' • twin` 01
ittq :s moningitip all tkkgliOtrts
thetiklnkpx,hrbiting them ,On - the
, iniz4. 4o *j':could....aff o 4,,t9;ftalwaie: 11 *
on the eniirl4,becatrO,
Oleg saw thathe would. Make, about as
many votes as he would loose;
a but to
have hilt) rushing through the .country
the folki tit - at:finless the Re - :
publican party was sustained there wiittld
;b6 . atiettlittiiikutltern rebellinni was'a Vitt.
itation they felt to be undeserved. But
they can't itop - , him now anit
yore ,than
they can head off a thundersterm When
it comes tearing across the coin-fields.--
They have got to let bitn4huntler . and
- lighten until he runs out' of brimstone,
and then, when he As quite played out
and red ': to his .rtt . t4li#.l3;l:hey ,may
'corne.out•of their 'shelter and figure.up
the ,
thinage. , So pat up 'yotir -ninbrellas
and get on your overshogs, gentlemen ;
there's tuAie a big blow m Ohio dtreetly.
—PAira inmat. • -
•.iz , ~
• COI. Vietor E: Piolett;' otir nonainnee
for State Treasiirer; is Of 'French extrac-'
B tion and was.bOro at Wirs . ,Oir, i 1812
His education was obtained at the ordin
ary schools of that •sectjon. of *the State,
forty years ago.. It was stag and prima
,ait, and fitted him .for the occupation he
, for life, that of a farmer.- , Being
a god speaker'and early gaining the res
pect and confidence of the Democrats of 1
.Bradford county; he was elected :to the'
Legislature in 1846. and again in 1547
During the seis;iin John C. Knox
and hitriself led %he Democratsagainst the
oppositiZm with.fearlessness and abilty.
This we believe was 'the only - political of
,6ce he . ever held` although the'Deniocracy
Of his district thrice' honored filial . with
the tioniination for Congreisin 1864; '6B
and 1872. The district being over-.vvheitti
ingly republican he was each One, beaten
notwithstanding he ran far in advance of
his ticket-Lin fact' in 1868 his competitor
Judge Mercur had but , 311 majority,
whilst the balance - of the republican tick-
et had about four thousand._ We make
this referenee to show hii pereenalpopn-,
•lariAy at home the estimation in
which be by his neighbors -411'e
best evidence , that can be ,adduced in
favor of bui capacity and fitness for , pub
triist. He is a Man of sterling:into'g
rity intßimitable energy and high ".moral.
character.' He is •TIOW engaged in farming
and stock raisitig:an his native county
and is one of the most prominent and
public spirited ., men in 'Northwestern
Pennsylv t ania. :If elected to tile, office of
State TreasOrer,orwhich we have not the
shadow of n doubt you * can bet.your hot
tbm dollar that Bob Wacky, will laave to
hand . overjuS portfolio tilean
No "dead dyne -- checks in the mdney
driver will ' . 1)6 Palrnedon
.clams cish,
and no alleged , deposits of the Sinking
Fund,in broken boas will be, ,receipted
for.' .Robert May as well- begin to set hid
tense in order: • • •
The Demootncy of this`C'ounty, assern:
' 'Well by their delegate representation on
:Monday laat,with tlit:fullest and most en -
tbusiast!e, mt;eting that bits marked their
• *vent:ion for a number of,years past.
-ahey 'manifested a fixed" determination to
opt:the principles laid down by the
-State and - to rally to the' sup
port of the firmest and ' , Capahlerrnen.vvhO
shall lead the people of this Ring-riddep ‘
state to a victory over those who haie
•thined it with taxation ail cor 7 .
rtiption, fin the, second - i-day of November
:Their itlatform of principles,pmiis
no unceriain . sound,bat, is plain And prac
,tidal and,be who rays may read and when
; .tiolatts read he can understand joSt what
4rieit.ativ - It is the earlier Stone of that
kind of 'reform which ,viilliiractically
'harry out jiist what has been 'preached,
iheUreticallYAo the maSsett: The Denim
rig have proved bY it,_theirfull honesty
what ;they', have professed; and that
-their - advent into power rgeatula" return
bolt ofd'time honesty and economy.
Thai the 'medicine of reform and economy
prescribed for their opponent is taken by
themselvies. That the first time,' by , is
maridat,6",orthe new constitution, "that
they have I?..esitive poisition' among the s
orncials in 'the, county, adlninistration,
;04 4tl94iPtl. _that their officials as well
-as all others
.shall. receive only a reason ,
able compensation'. for their services.—
That the Offices* shall "Ella. men' fir
tbehoonr. they' Can bring ,to ;.their posi
, ,
tious lere behind them. instead of
ootruptioo and ,, burdensome taxation, en.
I gpnilered by a Radical scranible for'such
offices to Clutch the money and the kV
`,1.111 . 4 that May be thein:
our tune' and space this
"weeli,'we cannot particularize either open
-the plattorm or candidates tta would
hut fortunately for us'ive feel:that
are both axioms of thetnselies . and
need fie lerigthi demonstration, and also,
ye ? shiill have another day. ,
'wish to Ray, however, that. we have.,
'a cieliet inade'lm 'or 'a clasf•of- mei that
must qfpeal 'to the honest suppert,of
clearly co nvi need , that reform
Is ittiperatike: and inseparable, front' tie
'best' interests of :the people,.,,aud that this
'don -only. be brought about by-the. smash
big. •*CAW "fitinget' and the' 'defeat of
the -4 -designing whatever:
nujne or party, 'Nre have a iiaiet, ;which - 1
C'verY , P.Omicter4l should with
•vigon , .froto top ,•to bottom 'and the
.niiis,ses ail parties' will he pit upon
.trihlta.l honesty itt - ' protesting '
againSt tinps'aud e'orrupyin."'
= The; '144. ja headed: by, Br,Little esq.
for Preaside4 Judge, of this-;contity, s A
mult In •growo • prey In;-the. most
aueptlsshil pfactice'of law in due county
and nur-s taw courts. A - iiiiiil - :0(*
:as boin
tit' ntit:be said tbat
. to , his being a resident of. the distriet
but whoz a large. real estate owner and ,
consequent:ly,, a heavy: , taxpayer:. hence ,
has ievi;latti n interest with the 'tax b ur.
deb Inamet• man 'w ifia never
l!eetkAloeted ' an r; t. 1441 tar.n:.
40 1 # ,I n ic i r ;i 1 p 04,,, bisfriendstolbetotietN
~anii feasted, by - ,l3radford county `
Pri9i o seo'
olkesll,ilittrOini liis'6s6.
~s'a- ,-1,..,--, :, ,i ,.. .:---- ,_. 1.- . .-„.1- 1 •;,-,
InOtestint4*B. - 10i.iLitiv - ieounty , A.
--. ~,,...., ~,.: , . .„ - - . .. :
marpht alas not beeu eeil galuobblin, our
at+Legilathre i to etti 41e .Rpan thre'j u s
dii!iiilldistriet`za' "sine ttret.... I
at ii:vathry ht 14;00(Vt !naked fat: plaee:
. ,
for a :disagreeable ;looitioatopotient.- 7 .
'Whatever the "Curt House , lii' aiid
its orah.iiriay sav i i of our candidate for.
liidg?, *they cannot charge jibe above
facts against :bitni no ble s io their own
eltir;:s of hese .sptits, ini tnalq more of
which the people 4f thia "county are con._
versant or will be I apPristid. :- Ae we'eaid,
we have nt tittle i to, givathat..,not,tee'oc.
our midi ates ili.# its dtt th:am: ; 4oi 4 weelii
but we eh 11 bare.hnattier d? 37.1 We raise
oar efandard
.bear re i t the btead.of our
columns with anteti pride and we place
themUlical a plakf rm that, eptiake"for it•
self andirteana* at it says; and we con.
1,, ,,
pclehtly predict 'tl at-both Will triurnph
(vier the ".11ings'
,Tp;..u. 4 Rp.o 4 D.A,
•6irVA:ND 7TH 1
'•• Divisin -I — l lforses.. l ' •
Beet drift. or !arm s ;lhon, over,
, . 4 years - .... - ... .. . . 1 :.:;.. t ,is42d $3
nail stallion ;; .
•• me iti... i ‘ll - ~ , 3
. pair niatehed horses—. V,, ; -'
r ,4 l, , 3
: ~paii hoiies fo 'all' w0rk...4 -\- 3
, single driving horse—N...., ' ~,, 3 ; 2
- rood mare 'al d colt, ..:.',..' 3 , , . 2
- , Judges—D. Va. Buskirk..l4rford'i. J:
'S. Tarbell,i ,Mou , fee; Wai l -- IV4iuo,:it4,,
Itewlibliord. ' . • •, 1 • .
. Divisiou,2.— tilts' and Male& .
13e,st, pair three-ye, oldeolts. .1 .; . 3 2
'.. , pair two year ld eb1t....,j. 3 - . 2
4 . thr-year- old 'it. 1.'.. -- .. j. 2 2 1
two—year old lOh .. 1 • i • ••• j ...; , 2 -,- .1
:i al
I . ne—year old 'lt: .1:: .. :, .- , ::.'::2- - 1
• - *r mules.... ....1; ..-. • :.L 2 • 1
'Jo ges--G. II M. - Bead Ilarford ; T. D.
Rees i Clifford; GL. 40 - otwin; - 4 , 4* Mil—
ford. i 1 - i `i - *
•i, CL ,SS JI.. ‘ .
•', • -
, Division .--ripribarris l ~- ‘, •
Bestburbuin bull wo years old .
and upwards. 4 .., .........;. 4 ' ' 3
Rest, Durban/ bull ne year old.. 3 . 2i
ult ea1f.......... .... . . :.',2 -1
&iw' three yre. old ,
'and- up-'
wards . .. ......I.", 3 : 2
~ Ilifer two yea T old ......1. - 3 2
heifer one) yea old.' ' 'I. 3 2
heifer &df....,.. .1.. . . . ..'..- 2 , 1
i_ . ,
Division 2: 7 -1 -
. • •
Beit bull two year old
. Wards
13411 one year Id..
, a t II ehlf.i ,
co three, ear old
Ward 5... . !...". •• • i
beifer i two.year old
heifer onelsear 01d..1
heifer ealf.i... ...
' --- Divisiou 3.-414
Best bull two year. 4 old!
ivardi'..'.... 1. .. .. 1
bUll eye yeir 01d.., !
' - bull ea1f....;........
e oW'three pirs - old
. wardql ....• • .•••• ,
litifeetwO years Old
heifer 'oae year old.
. heifer calf.
' Division 4.4--Ay i i
Bestinill two years. old
. •
i , , • , ,t)
. bill! Ware year old . . . i .. ; ..•.• ,••. rl4 . , ~,
bulb calf.: : '- • l• ', 7,.. -1.
• . coiw three years old and it ' I
ward5.'.. , '.4.....,. , ...:.L ......1, 3'_ 2
lipiler tid•yearsi old-L... 1 1 :•.; 3 ••• 2
.beiferpne'yo, . ::... :1 3•,-: 2'
heifer calf: ~ . „ .4... t. ..1 2, ~ 1
floyd:4 ot thoroughbr ' Dtititain , and
Devons;-not less . thun eig -t, $lO eaeb.
. I. 94gea-:-Wm. •Erp Jes' up., Ihtitntrose ;
Wtn; 'HI. diailOs:, loitnoult i i F. , 14,1 Smi th ,
Fratikiiii.', ' ''•- 1 . ' ` ' ' '
' ' ,I-Pivision 5. , --Grade flitirbitinit. • ,
Best I:kill-over two ytari old .....e. ea 2d $2:
:' bull-over one yeat old -... :... -. i 2 • 1
.: ' bull calf..c,.. ' ' i....,...1: 2 --1
tow, 13.20 2 3d
, -
heifer Uwe- years 2' • 1
heifer two yearf old 2 ' 1
helfsir one year old. . 2 1
heifitr- calf .... = ".". , 2
thrpe,pearlings: .. •- • ; 1 2
...... 3' -
Judges--111,..Bailev, .larooklkn; Jeie
rniall'Birtker,Franklin . : i'Atatirostrrsen
son, Susquoh an tl a• Depot;
k:Best bull over two:•reata 2cl $2
• - - , oullaineyear
bull calf..l
tow.. $2 3ersl
heifer three 'Tears old , I 2 - 1
' heifer - 1
• , yearold.:. .... 1
three 4 3 ; 2
three.ealves. k. , 3, ;, 2
Judges .I' , .'Gr.liotebkiss,ilorford
Bailey, Lenox;; Bobert fGilleepe , New
Milford. • • '
crl,w• `•
Beat: btill over one veer old ,s2.2d' $1
„heWer 2, '
the yearlipie" 12 1.
Oree 12
!Division B:-,=Oxen apd'Steere. -
Besti_air wOrking oxen 5 kJ& old ,
orovtr: .... ...".$4 2d $3
- ;working, oxen
~ yee:o • ,
' - 3
pair fat .. ..
pair, steers three' yearti,
pair steers one year old
steer °Aces (br4e)'...
Judges—E. IY. Vat,petiter" ;
Frandia ~Tar../stifory; ' 31,aankaii
• •'l , -• • -
- • -
• ?ra!e ,‘,
- 811-pep - aiiow.tne.,
Belt .fine wool hock.
three .fi ilne Wool. ,ewefs..l...,
'three fine wool 2 • 1
• ntligdie 2
three. tnicidi wool evy,elB t ..-.•-:'•3 2
three rniddle wool latnlbe... • '
• :coarse wo.ol.bnolr, 2
three coarlie wool 2
_ threelcuarie'lW9ol ,
:bank iamb oi.
,boar. ; '4 :.• 3
• , bAteihrigtB3lf.:4• • ....4 „, 3
, .
epr i lne 2
than 2
lard Whitney, rieri9,.; Ciood eb ,
'Bfookbl" " •
104403a,1"V pi ••;;
• i-ou try, ':'a:.,••
pair 9f geep., ,. .
four , •
1 1 1'
tive 1 ' "
NO 'ltr,ing ChiOsens..4,;„..,..iii -
41. Z 1' ie
.. ' • 1 i', q• - 'f. h ,5...
~,, .
4IA — r , Cf#W V - I •
Z.' ' j
~,„..„.. _. .., ,••••.:. ;.J.,) , ,
,-- .'
: 1 4 4 ,, %3?!.. ,t;li .i-ii.'„ . '
• ; • ,
• '
• '.119P
Juin Llst
Tlitilit3ElA,l l ,l OCTOBER
I eirons.
ai) 4 uP
• •‘• •• .4 4 3
2 1
land up-',
2 H
land ult.
ff 4 4 , i t
, -
11 • • ,
• •'•;• •, • • .0.;
'` 1
land up. , ‘ ,
;..• • 4•4/
, -
4 3
eck winter wriow•-.• • •• NA •;,e,t
eck 'spring
*eck rye •.. • . • .•• • 11 • \`‘:
wok oats, -- ...
1211 , bushel corn in ea - tr.... ! 14--
lull bushel buckwheat.: 1 ,
reek clover seed 1
wokktimothy seed • 1,
Fruit &AxilVeget4,4l4o:'
rall•upples, at least threeva r
rietics, not less tk
vinterupples, ditto,. frf
'tarp ....:.::'.. 4 .
ouch -s • J 1
rap,B • --- ;.,- .. . •-•
all _bit§lpl p,ot4tpes ) , two or- . . 3 .,
f .
more 'rape 00,8„ ;
.. i
inter Equal:11): ' ~ • ,• ....... 1 i
I . 1. * , ,1 ..' • '''. •' - 1 • '•'_
tir . npkius. .'...„‘ ....„ ~. „;..,... i . ~
1 'reo Iketiiia.Of- tilbliogo . : ' 7 11:
‘'elizo - otlioti k i . ., - - - ..
iitNiete •
k.l. toooktoes . . . ....," .„ i .... .. - ,:. -
gi,-G. W.' - I.,:tiriti, iidt,ford..;,...A.' T.
y, im00k,;.,... 7 4,„,4. Nikrtilup,;lTiiok
c 1; •••• CLASS , Vit.-. --, :lc :• .!
• Ju
BUtter, Chet;se. and, Briall
Itkin ... :,"2
tlil buttiiry '
.3' •
a.: butter.: .. .2 ' 1
ill 1
ut Av heat bread; . • :
.... .; 50
?id'g'rulutto bread: , 50_
udiun .. . .
... '
\'‘ \ • CLASS VIII. = 1
Vine' ar,'Wheut Flour,HOney, and Sugar.'
Beat ider
*lack wheat 1 1.' 50
lin hooey: .-. 50
caked or itirred sit . gar;l': 50
-10 slim drained ' 50
5 0
I Flour to bejno.UuTuellfrO, iu',thts coun
ty: • ..
Hon. J.ll. Cook, Btisq'a Divot .; H. Gur-
Litt, New Milford.; \
Leat!ter; '
Best twq sidev i ltprness Icathe' $2
twosfd:tis tipper letttiter.:... , 2
two sides sole 1eather..... . .. • ...
tiro coif . .. ...
assortment of skips . . .... 2`
pair:fine b00t5.'::...... . 2
pair coarse: boot's.. .. . . .
set feint' barness " 2
cprriage harness.
'Arttples ir, thiB Om' to be, ninnufae—
iur,,d in the County. . . ,
Agrieultnril Implements' and Cartiages.
.donimon plow $1
'Cultivator .. . ... 1
corn Owner -.1 1
strait cutter ;- I:.' •
- horse .rake ,
bliurning 1
. 1 -
open buggy.... .. . . 3
donble carriage:.: , . 12
single,:s,‘Atreatp 7 3 ,2
1 01 b, . . 3'.::.',+2
Market . .. 3 ..'2
Wagons and carriages to be new and ex,
hibited zuspufactarer. , •
• - CLASS Xl.' - '
'CabineiVerk, Hardware,'Fic.
Best specimen - cabinet work... .• $2 •
set of 'cbnihs 1.
rocking Jr •
sewing 1
• churn--; .. ... 1
, . • 50
'totter firkin .. .. . 50
set bors,e 50
lot tin ware.... 50 *
cook Coal:, 1
d'ook stove for . . 1
parlor stove. . 1 ,
Judges--T.,k. Kimbell Now Milford
Gaylord. Curtin, Sueifit Depot ; C. Vit
C9Aradp.Olcalwocd.] • -;
- ' •
• . Domestic Goods!
- ;
Velit - 5' yards vOole 1
, 5 ,yarcle plaid flan net.. 2., '
5 yards lull 2 ; : .1
pair ~w►ri7_en blutiketa. . 50
• 6 pair. WoOleia'aoeks.. .... 12. 50
t .. 2, pair, woolep r ..' 1 50
i aaTple,Ooleo T:aro-• • 5O,
yards, . 2.
5 'yards linen towiting . 2 -1
. 10 ,7414? woolep . r4rPet-,,,, 2
xag.carpet.,;•.. .„ . „ 1
Judges= - Mrs.. S.:B. 4 Guile,: Harforitl.
ivrts..rowier Peek, arid Rev. D.Z. Barnes
Oruau)e till.
. , •
other 1 450
worked skirt.... ; 1 50
wqrked r 4. • 50
` worsted , ,embroil.
.spe,cimo ail.k.putkrpidery, -1 50
bonnet • 1 50
. 1
, fine 811 ,irt , t; 4.4,°.“4„f 4-4:44 , • 1
oktotaaa c0xer.1.,....,...„ 0 •47, 1 - :50
.1 w _3-50
oil • 2' 1
ez.bibitma ,phi/44Faplie 'and
picture frame. N
•• t,
floral otitga • A
e4llbition.of - astiOci4,l4l4:ilyink \
and fruit
B,Pe, con' eu. Vurr 50:
ITV4alerl # ll e, ll 1 4o -
AtrivE: Tifratiy
tour-241;1°rd: * 48-
• . • . r
ilcrASs - ;Xv:
o - •
Pi rAL I l retniit i • • $7 .. ,- ;t1„ .
'4th a,.
„” 3%4.14.. . 1 :11 ;; ; ; ; ;•;`;'.
Craft, Althtion , 4, 'Nubian Shaq, New
ford.. •- ':;
„ , ,
- or' V!""P"!t r ee' 'kli c raniraufeliti.' ,-
' ' W..§.'Soitfiiii: iiii444 ';, J. ;62 go'ial 4 =
klag. l - iarr9r4 F. A. 04 0 4 4 1' littifor4 :'
.... suotirinteifideata..:,
.., Geiierai S'iltie`tiitaident--.Penuel Varh.-.1 • 1 1-.
'pentm. , „ , • .-, - - ,1.1p,-r•e. , 1 .
~ \ v
~ ,
811 0-otiteill* otlioilieii-44 j ae l li L.
- -::-..7.1 : :i.,:-1za,.0,- 441-.4 4, ..,,,,,-
wilf uln i t : , !, , ..L .-1.1 , --t',.,11'.. ; , ‘ , . va .!..1... :. f:i, , --,.:.:;;- 1 ':;11 i1i,,,t , ... - , , ,, ,,-„1. , -;:c4.: -..
1 EArrierittquleirt of ere. t.,1 . e. - ...,: Fileb"iiii,l6 2 „`, --r. 1 I i , ~ - ,if , if , .`,, J, , , '''K'f-I'. • ---,', ;''” '"*-- -
jlt ir
ardio,,,+),, 4.llinimi*A. i..''' . ?", - ,''lr ~ ' ' l 'i: A S ' 4* '4 , - it A!
vi r tlftiti ft ee ' :
i f 3 l' , We i t ) i,Arrati ' iti4*Ulu i l•••X li, t f rinf /I /,, , • ,-, - ,
_Y• (,- ~' ' , 4•- -- .
l i e y . l-:/-, 4 ttit 4, - ,LialY 1 7.. - -*• - a...,; , - ,;.,:f- ,, ='';+ ',,„,41-4 , l::liiontrrse. SePtealber Rai / 815 - -24 * ..FL'I ';'.• 'l7
• • .
t•• • ,
N 0113,
15904 6. 4* ) 61t0E#
N•. 4
' • 4
• • • , •• f • -
- • > s
• I:.
Mtrpoll tiro
- Mealt ioi Miff
, - =Plietifl,ll3ll4=o- rav4e--
tkni ll t*lttrAAdit',
General Poliee—Tlenry :Gran t.
Rules find Regulatlnno..
The address will be delivered on There
' ny st"" 2-o ' ol 9 ol 4 — br "ihtmer - R — Oarntail;
A, 6:e = Ploivgnp is t - w4l.ltrilteld . on
the farm of towler . Peck, in rfarford, on
,Qctnber Gth, at 2 o'clock p.
in. - The entry fee will he $1,60. -
Exhibitors, mishin.z. to, compete' ir fo r
premiums are 4.191000 19tnvt, tlier,o- 1
beltsanithalS nteied'ity the' drettil .
-ry's before the close of Ole first
day of the Fair, if possible.
be entered mid on the .grotn:(lA at ten
o!cla*Of __,
No Animal :can Nom pettY, foriwo premi4
Ants except, 1.44- herd. • -
Saperintendents df 'the • different` de
`partments will 'have all animals' anti. ar
ticles 'systematically .arrangedi,
"-The eThoers'or the
tritendente4ill:be - kliewn tOriehtl
badges. - ; „
Asuthcien't - fore :heinitit-.
tendance, from otele p k, of 'the, first dui
until` after the Yeading• of the Preiniems
the second,daY; to. protect the . .nrciperty of
No provisions will be made tor;stalling
stock over two years
Persons exhibiting;: , full Wood , ani4
nulls tOr preillinpm, must, feive,,
gree of their. , E9ok, with the .Secretary
for the consideration of - the Judges there.
Ali steel(' exhibited as'a herct ditist:Lei
owned by.the exhibitor - .
- Any member ;Sf a committee:Who'shall
own 'or have, an 1 , in'tere'st in "Mg. "ititicio'
stibmitted for'deeision of ,said 'committee
Shall withdraw from said'e6o - iiiiiitee, and
'any person' owning or having
tik a:ny , inte
rest in•a animal or euti.ted for
prein nth, shall apnea?' he fort:vie en t m ini
tee while -examitiing.."the same''
liaviog fink been; requested by taild'com
inittee, it stitillytk their d'uty exclii.le
such animal..or -article frhm, competition.
'the :4halt 'in all ,casss:, with.
.hOld premiums when the`animalEt.or arti
cles.are not, worthy, thongli there be no
Nor intoxicating! drinks allowed ,to be ,
sold on the grounds..., •• • .
Judges•repertink, at the = secietaiy'sOf
fice.before 11. o'clocl will receive a ticket
fordinner.,. " • -
Price oIF Admksion.
Siegl4 tiekets, cents . ; children Un
der tw,elve, Years, con
cents; single liorse, 25 Cents, colts un—
der, free ; clergymen- and
fatailies adm fitted: free, - :
N29OIII , KINs,' ) •
H. Ex. dom.
D. LAIkt ., TE,
S.E. CARP4TTER, Sect. , •
• I . W..JEFFRBp:P.riaidgrit.
Harford, Sep. :424;,1875.\\
New Advertisements.
Admulistra,tor's*, Sale .
Paranant to an tinterivt the Orphan! Coact 0t9n4%,
quelianna County * the ondereigneri adrottiletretor of the
ettitte Dares liteDonongt4 deed, atilt. Pell at public
yendue on ttte pia
• SatUrday, Oltotivr ,241d,eS-743,.
• • • 4
at one o'clock p.m., the following A:tette-11*d reatestatti,'
All that etlitite brut; 'or• lot 'of land *Dilate In the
townahlped Middietown,,County at Snatmehatina and
state of Pennayirania, bounded on the north hp lends
of John Mnrray„ on tho gnat by lands of Charlet , INctiint
°ugh and Thomas Bollea7pn the mouth hylitnitis of Rob
ert' Perter. and on the west by lands of Patrick McDon
ough, tentaiiiing on eln ndred and"ieree ht:irciP more or
Lees wlth the, oponiteepres, •; - 2
Tinits:—Two hundred &atm 'doWn. SU:l4ton final
contrmation and the tottaote one year thereafter with
1 4
ihtet`fr?nl r4llllllll°.
) . •McDONDl:l6ii:idiriC'•
September 2.2 d.
. .
. Sale or Real • Estate.i 1. •
, virtue or an otter ';or the Orphitire'telart - nf See"
ciaehatui ennntY. tlie nedereigned etiminititnaote'tbe
estate ofßoxanne 11. pnider,. dee'dokl.4 Aelj on, the
premisesdiseribed. -• • • 4 - •
,Octabpr iS?'S; •
id on co'clock p. firliewing de s Rita linp
to. wit - I ' "c 41: .) • , :• •
. .
All that certain lot of land rituate in the townithlp of
Lenox. Comity of t.nelittehanna' and State' Of PennPyl
boamicd on the north by land or Judean
the east by land of Eldridge Snyder. on: the; south by
bind of liataahliaker, And on ttie west by landA &Mi
chael Beleber , along the Milford. and Owego ToetlPiket,
eco. tainlogtwelity atrer . , more or 1e e, with the appur
tauten. ..:;' : r . •
. .
_ TERME :—Onelinndreil 1194:Lrif (hpwi., - O ne . half , the
tottititce art final conlirmatkii4, and the halione tine4ear
thf tter..withjutertvd;;froza,And:coustmitian,tatiu
iecured by J13,:.1gMe11t...
11/ESTY ' i r.
• •
SePt.czber 2446140:7•5w. .
Sale of Real Netate,,zl
By'sirtne of all'oidrii . '"nt ilia 'Oiphieei-.Cimit ot• Sine
graham* ()DO:l4w nedigfcted,l : loll e:.T•poseAp extil
tte I:respires In Jessup nahip , in 'satd on
Tuesdaf tigiotier 2i31k.164.
at one o'clock p, of, that day.: all that certain piece
or pared of land fltdltte, in the township of Jessup, In
the County of Susquehanna and State of , Peattayhiutia,"
deiserikted 89 follows, to Is 1%:.
Beginning sti a . polnElist the WyaltiOnsi creek road.the
'centre thereof at the isorth eorner of ,Jackson's"'bun:
,thence is a southerly direction about two bandied and
fifty-tight feet tcrjottli irmidn's Hee ; thence in ft north
easterly illreetion along fiAid Dimon's 140 d can hundred
and fourteen feet* to A corner, hue formerly of . :•.at. T.
Dink.eithenee In a. siorthliasterly direction :along the
line of raidjast mentioned land, about two hutidred Bad.
day eight feet to tpe• centre 'of ;Ito Wyalasing creek
road; invitee i a northtwext: dtrevtl on along the centre
of earn road about one hundred and fourteen feet to the
placesrf beginningi cool:AIM:kg one Mildred and nine
square rods of land, morn or leave, with the sppurtaimq, 4
saes; tamiTavem none Bain and outbuildings, .
Tama :—Two !mudded dollars tr.
Idow , '". One-half this
Italatre on.dnal conflrtnation, and thii.reimiltdir l in cue
Fear thereanet with '• -„'-" '- •
'—J. B. MeCOLLUM. Adnfr •
s• of Biel estate of Jacoli Decker, dep.(
September Vd..lBls.—Sw. . , . • ;1.;%
.. ; s
":1 4 :;!:
.4 1 1 f t
.* - 11,1';* ;.: 1 ;...• - s. too :
it. re , 1.P.:!
- • , . - ...z.
_ , ,
~, . .1- ; ',, , - ,' - ,: f:': i',•lx-'••r.,..', ..,. ,_ ...„ ...,,
.7, t.j; ;
TI P I 9.0!
Th.._ , , ..... ..-....e0- imp tbe gr t
hen. care. • Ita, eireci 4 are agg rro r ridilrfa and satlahtetory
as ever. It tisti;re,f• gray hr laded ha,r to its youthful
color.' It removes aithroptipias: Itching:and dandruff ;
and the scalp py its use het.*ities white abd elean..l By
I f
14) tonic properties It reso es' the capilhiry* to
their normal vigor, prev' et 1.34,7 buldness;.anet making
• the hair grow thick; and st mg, As a dresing nothing
has been found *o eifectila.,l or deAirab.lo., Dr.? A.A.
Ilay.-s. State Xtqaytr of*Massachnseits. edys of it :*,l
jCon-ider It the best prop.taltriOn for ita intended-Idr
: . linc4ing ms Dye ,'
. .
This elegant preparataDu ay he relied en to change
1 the color‘of the beard !roan ray or any her undeatr
able shade, to b . r.O*n r pr -b./411,44 discretio . It 114 eaally
applied, being in one peel don, and q kitty and et-
I .
roc t nally ptoductis a•perta t,i tcolor which will neithir
I rub no wat:l4.l, ' • .t.l .: : 1 ; ;., • •
f , - ' -_.3rANIirA btED" . IIY 4 1' ""
i i R. P. Ilslll di 474k 1 liindinti, l lll:'llt. - ,-
I SOLD BY ALA '. D4LVT' - 'l•t'
• ' July 14, 18V
- Ayees
Oirenetna, , Jaindfrie;'Dyi•
nit. Indigestion. ,D3asill
fjotii Stomach and BR:Mb,
,dachq. Brysipalsta; puce,
tntaati*m.Brupttona find
1. pista*e., eitllltobaneat
iarPolnDiaint. DropaY.Tet-
T tunora mid Salt Rheum.
,(mar,, f.:ont. Neuraiebt,aa It
lisei'ill, an4PulifYlliOttre,
, (1 , ,
.; .: •• •_ i
.egalive vcr peiretted :' Then
..-. o.nvntocli f lierrxeel all, owe/
i t
Pill.. They are axlee and_ p 1 *ant to take, but nowerr
fa: to cure. Tber-purgo lat the foel bumor*"..of tliti
blood : they .than late +ln: fl aieh or. dl*ortlered organ
Inta'action ; and they implirt the Malth 'raid tone to
Ina arlio!e being. I, They cur./ hot only the every day
comjrfninrg orev. , ry body; littt ;fornildible and danger
tii,e/IP Cr.: MOP t k'l.7o9t4 rt rY 0:44 1 nr i niDg't eminent
cler4yinen, and ,Mlr.)Pd.t Ci Alillo.l iientl txr. tificates of
:cure, performed Nina of n • benetttA they have derived
from itch 1111*. !IThey.are.igte Naked and beat physite
far children.hee.athio \ndid i. teell as effectual, Being
Ingar was ed 4 theY ate. ea.y t lake 4'. apd bejull purely
vegetable theyar't.iltliety 1 146:Vile: •
• . rat - rill=, •
on .3. 'lC.ll.:Ayer & 4c0 , ,,i. Cowell Niais4
:• , ,
:. ... , - Ptactit.ll'and Analyßeal Clit'unlets.; tvi ~..; 1
SOLD BT. 41.1.::Dituoor 'AND. DEALW.OII,2fI
• - ' '',
......,` 'MEDI VB. ~. •
• •f, t
July lili, lzrz..-I.!.r' : ' 1 ;", .. . ~.:. •s.. . , , „;18.4 0,1
eouforia • 'Sal
,x • e.-
Thp didersignled eseeetof 4e:estate of .Erl firer
ory, late Brjagewiter c kau ' deceart d' -witi,
seo be Veneee tat th Ittfees. - fhe farm, "MU we
a- s '4,lllErj,(fregety (grip,' tabbing Abobelebyterbb: ,
- PiPttif*PY, ""., • OACJA; fad, s t,•r "„‘..
, , •
commencing at tre'elo?;;.:L '• • • -:• • 1:1s
TERMS. OF, tiALE.—SV4)II I 4 41 , 17 pale ; osl
del Ive traf.ileett. and the' bat* ee- la Ave Neel' It Aid
paymeats'ultit .iM t erest Mmati-terlgtla: umoput-Able.altt •:
• •" 0.• i; :tD4f;
• the itillusrlair, named
X7, I SEIrfA,CE4:I44 . IP'wc: o l4orrir ' );•••
a•llllit s'old the 011111 C t had • ."!
Oue•N•oke of 'Quer'. H ' eovia, heifers; t . '
mare. II I Vator..2 etituref t
ox.yoksif,..t Male- led ''chairs, scaidtral ,tltb,l
saddles, 3 Apes - . usa'nun: fork); *'fro hitraosses; thutn 1101
• obre' olleAer.,bisket. free )settleNgtind- •
stabile. 'Ord TiloseS, :Jain creete.'quaut Ity ertisrved istdu:
tryo l , 0 psi; pans. attutllT,, sig.tutis. mail 011 4
ae- wietNrrri i k ivutlty. tunber ,top. bripa; gale
:ter:l4ool'aktiqand *the motenamoured.'
'ight: luies,,en4et Zfl ' cash. 34 and- urge: une.
rearr ;Vali biter-est .44a approved sectuity.—,
'Property tereiS • • of sate sib cuenplebet•
Iv - Rua • ..;, . • ' ".; • `*---
• r • • • • i:."l.l3.3llkl;,l",piecutor.
PitTtetaogl3.lfirs...---tus,. t ; •-•
clwiri t istxat,or's Saie
ar -3, ALIT BIM . A.L .- ET_,,,tli,'AT 4 . '
;( 1
Tha undereigne e,aminittrai4rs of ihe ettate •t. fiffel
Immo Stair late' of Toteklin ;flown. dp. &crated. In
nurruance, of am Art of the Orpthint'Courtuf thedinufeo
tyrof tineo9ohnona, win oxpere at public, Isle nn the,
partakes; in 'Franklin. on .71 , 'r , .
~ 1 , Wednei4' cluy i ; Sefitember 22d;" - 4 •
811 the tellnnixia dostenbcd:plelth et find altattWin the
ton orbil,„
htof. Frahlttln, Cu p e,ty of 4;i4goeltron* toll
s:ate• of. Miinsylinits. boandld aa'followe to wfq: 'Se;
gin Wirth on the I , lorta by land:lva Warren alonta:lon,the
tart by the highway. swath by3l no dr of T. O.' Williams
and on. the IV cet by lauds of rhatles and Mora:tilde-. '
ard "F 4lll4l 1 u1; F l ' "No 'awl I ' 4 - 1-2 Peraltm. _More at
tete. ' ' I,_ • , ~. ,
• •, .: <, • • orEas t if, - ..1,3„ ~ • .
°AI V 4 11 t ft 4 rrd 1 1 4 01 / 4 re 4 0,4 r 1 t-i •. hqx inflated on amble,
ation o sate, the 4 a / a l4. 111 one Ay4r thertltner
tritttlattneet. t” , ' , .z f: I ' ~•
.. , ••,, 71 . 3 ~ INt• , i ,1, LEITng,R,„ SNOW., i
„4 I , • JOLIX 04. 01. 1 . W•
• i 1 .-: r ~. ~ :1. , , tAa ul t t a A m on ,„
.) gptily4fi l ,ap,prt 25. 1.05,-4)lr
, .
'f,Ailnifs IH. s:r • j •- , ...3•., •Ict , r •+,3. ---
ideLf fliWovirE,i , apazi,ra,
1 i
• , ?,I , , i,,„ . *
, ~ ~ , 1
' - i. .ht 1() LIS T Et "
Ali 4 le -• ' l•
.' ' - , , , ~ . , r
I .' ....!ill it 1:; ~ ,,,,i I , 4 ' f• r t t“,' . .1141 . 1 t y
, ,Otiglibittl - o vir. oyar Jonn. for:J*or ~ it
. ' .1.11 , 11 •11 ‘,... 4 . ,1 : !:')t •,,,, .f,..7, ,Lt
Hera_4 ) '
4 , • ~ ' " t
.., .. -,, Patti • ••••. • °
O; g- ng , nOillittli ,
s t
+ ; '.;....., ' ':.i i':.• .'f r...i .
• ...,,,,' ' '-;,l'•:.' '''J P1.,1 -,'/
~il-. ~.Cr.",' %•i.:!.3 4 - - i.
-i,;611,' . 1.-i ~.s; fiob:;;'i
.1 1 ,, , 0i1.. , ..'4,i'L .; i fii it .
s.ny 104, of IP/14;9145t .9rissii =l4
'MachWl tlige'orill pay you to sxti.nekita
pluchuitg. Sage 45 4bes -rang Cur -carryint - rnitiY- ,
Jatu 4 AroPtu 4 r,l 4 9 fis o :.a: l l l ,"Nik 11 ',4 11 1 10 00/ 04 1
tnilyirtrunte ' - ' -
• 7 1 L 33 1 1411181411;ifill'
IttPrittOW,4, , i
3 .`“ Atka • • w
..darportpr Ind Ittuldeg.,
CT;aftrmuiry ttltaVir 4 )fr l lttt:oll3
Ana aLgte cas t. t e , lltunds,
,it*ingS.A l E l ol44 to Oret4r., Silit i l A ßO, 44 4 1 .44 1 / 1 / 0 -
ir4 ,porper Atm oy to Tat expar
encolAprptenrioiktilgroat cUroilig4chureit. , ,
:••• Idontrpgt*JunnalYl 2 o 181.5?-4,1
\P5: 2 4454 145 ' 2 44 -E ,•*;),MCRIt • 5, ,
tit n4frt Pftee:Pilal &et), rot'
r1..31' • i.!3
t 4(44,, k 4 not:rmht,..-
/:e eutrote, - - ntrJ
I ldiititeilients-
"ii,brrO ;.4 1 : 10 , ,, .. , .- -, ,c-,:......,..r.,/,..:,
•.,....-• , ---....-4.,,, , ......,,,„3,e.0.,,,,,..,.„0. 1 / 2 .,..t0ti,r0rtu..........
, r
~,,,. nettiogifejk Ad( dant i gi f : .ea, deed on ex
pew, led teketteeloal•-sceit .. than hi. Bald •
win. undian Of "Id Lillie -At; tinge..' wil l hear the
pilaf co on the ex Alone M erl, at hlrs o co In Itouanie
on - Feiday.ucthbe sth, 1675, at on 'clock p. iu. All
poraona littera/dad rpoutter otice.
, • .11EliT110.1.1c Auditor. -
September*. Ism.
r o
if • 401.0•:›asii;
, ,
_ .i: ... .. .. 1 ... : ,..,,...,...
........_... : : ...... 7 .._,
- 4
. - i " Jusi Received .
,-- - ril . a, .. t. ,:. , . - -• . .
- .
,4 6t.P . U. 4 J iii4J,C.
. ~...... .. .16
. L
. ,
1 . ...
. "' W
~ t, .
~ .
...1 '
' lIIATSF,4 , OAPSf , ' -
.1 .• 3, 'o.
t . ,, - ',:,
~ '
~•,71;... rx.'• :.; ~:-:, ~ ..•'-il:
Orem Doode, .10
a l gooa esc4itipit. ‘ Pc.l.otf,All,Lbe noir
aud.rincx, ISALtiadifl st lt'.'"i' attaket "Tbltts Goode a
gP4YPA/e l- 7- ' I , , ‘'F-1 ' ..,, :. 4 h4 , •;.' ?'G -, 11!,
.1 . . . ii,;.. - ,.. - it I
i ~ ..
:..UNBBE-,,A :;•0•,.:1•. 4 D
. 4 N B',
ITE ta ,H .- „. . •
sHrItTmG. ,LristFiN -: '', •
.. ~ PO'Orgi siroN l s -
i• • , ..• . , . 14: 5-.. t ...; :
The largest stocc, In Leif .11 1 Firat Choi eiedilieless
prices.,4l*! . can be
.boug,li :,t4.rttlY•tlillezill '
attlei r Lit th e
place. l
. i r
I tiT g , e
CAP 154 .., ,
.if ,
; • ' .-,.
,h,ll the latest stleis. -
i_ -- il 'f:t • ' • •••
_ r _l• '• ''''
ItEADy.-4A , :13 oLoTRING!'
a full llntiiina ileto3goo tiell inadi'and 'tiliraid;'
' Call and Exateineritiy i lt,ci- betcre Perchkstiik Woe
where. I will net he an e ld for the same ontdits,of
goo; s, »jr 114 y tine in or )0 1 dr . town. ..: I .—, • ',,.• -4 '`
Butter shipped. -.Prorop retnrto, at tee 14'10144Ln:tar.
cut price, saki gintrantee ,tbills - eaihed A a aoett is re
heived. i,,,_••,! . : ' . . 1 1' ;' 1 : '' tv.3-.'llii.l;MitN-'':
New Milford, Juneld,- :.4' . * ft 2 •, ! • t
TIC 100111,03 .Bfore..
f - cc - , 7 gr, b Cri
The undersigned would rcipgetfully announce to all
the people- everywhere, that, to hie already ,extensiv.
-stock andtriety of Merchandise in the Grocery, Pro
yision„an Hardware line...
-He has ded v, ry choke .- asmntnient of Mit
PUMEErsitc.., w,bigh be Ileteute.Wistk Berard the pobllfii , Rbekkeilltud it s fetbitiradvsetNie'ro exam
ine before Pinehating elsewhere,- To all Physicians in
thill sect t of the county he would retpectruPY..eui
:ttoknee th t he his Seem:milky 4 ervlces of E. KenrOh •
as Druggit and - APetbeatry:wlicutd Tont ex ncrience and
acknowledged care and ability. entitle .Mm to . yntrr en.
tire cow:Wince in the,likeni-co, topoundiug medicines
or preparing prevethitltin*: and Is-hn would alto esteem
it aamtpeetalavor tecreeety4 tent - from asy Ir f bit old'
"ustiituerspr nest,orate. ,, lWlllenake the Patent Medi
:An/ea speplaity.„ AlOO DommlticAnd Foreign. Mineral
tfzlOnslve utOato -Alsofine Grua:rine*
P S .'COIIN. BEANS. OYSTERS. tko.,. 4pos;:
Iwfact, ornythitgand'everethliiitltt
Itespettfully aleull 1-remain
x;'_ ~ .:
'''Pe‘ardeit Pifir46.2 Powder
• • •
laettw e rtii . lol,and _Shot rowder. St/ott Lead: gal
' I%,itres, tape, I'l:mace,
,Flaaks,kruse s 44 9 , I.
" ''
tor salu bt '• '
• - • • ;.• BULLARD
ositrot4 Serkt-9. 1874—tf. • ••••• , :
',Figties Do Not Lie
I . Q.472sti.VES '
01111 "i‘TP,W t'lttOE LIST FOR
„ .
fielvy cottOria4#s nti; $ ''
, , 1.
SWIM 'woo panto, , '- r,, •- -- ,t $ 4.71 to 72.50,
GooktfOrpulaitatli 1 1) il i- 1 F'' 3 .00 . (. : • 3.4.00
Fcencl) cap iirnoto pants. .• ' • 5.00 7.50
Heavy workingmen't , salts; ".' • 7.00 10 00
Scat i tE s etina,cro e 0344,. - , ,?,, ;.. 4 ; . 1 8.00 l2.
ila sintdre eu1tt,.;..",,, , i;i ' A ; 1 2. 0 0 ;' r j
Fa eck ovd stri#o ',A3,15..C.1 4'i .10.00 !- ,
111804 fcbck '.#3 , stl4,i ~ ,-, - 1. 1 : ..; 8.08 o !.. #4l.
Black dress coat i, Imported, ' ” 10.00 14 00
Black , doth 'ysatili t ,_.i -- .- -, :I
_:. , :y•r 7,--1.43 , - ' 4.00
Whlte !then:Test - 4, ~ ":-"'... -- ' '' '— 2:Z - 3 4 ,50
; p.
BOYS' SUITS; atto 9 years. '... s.
Ilitietnation ••1 • , •$2 00 $ . 4.00
Boy' mixrd#uito; 4.00 8.00
hlv22' fancy. 0) . 01 entis, - /5,00 ; 104.0
.Box.s 2l .Scrra,' 9. t0".15:3.eir8., , ,
, C. • '
Boys' reboot state, .• : 1 •* $ 4.00 . '
Ituyierhinei nits. • " 1%03 10.00
Boys' finest. illPSimere trate,— 8.00 14.00
lioutbko.onit.s. alt.slyles, ~ • t • , 5.00 • 10/. 01 /
G 4 l o fitAltOW:ehltts; •
19od overalls, . - 50
Octod rubber anspentll62; .
, • ,144*11..n,ther Goode inrproportlon. , • .
TheishOte,ptieeiste roe ealfb only, ; And /0 .6
for customet2 ttqui, dlasticn.: • •
L'a(lA 1 7 0RFEIT If -t*.nhove price list ,is pot
, which .pilles ate gnstanted, 15
pct cent. !diet:l:llin thorn. of any' nther Minot) In thin
' t;t• J
.r:Ls'ir,R, The uloulieri
Binghtuntnn lay sth, .iprs --tf
, 48 E. 50:, Niudiingtoft Bt.,
- :11INGOLANT011t, N. -
:I ,! • _
ocua respettfttily call attentton to their large sto
Cent. '3lv;
I'uu,c4O•DINLNCr .Erreriki runs"
• TURE'.
Parlor'RettOrrlin $6O imwerd. Samber Setts from
$4O 51
Isard.: Manny - es from $4 parard." Pure 'Wool
iteufenaitkoni,Sto to V& „I:m,, 44 stittiWainnt
Itatioatti ti Tablet Dem ttt to $l , B-. ,
Yps,,c4;mio Itetter by purchaslngyotttgeods okas t4it
of ..tai maws wthis ruction or:ttWeetratty. We will
not be naderiold by any one east of New' Yorl City.—
No extra quOge for packftig "Or delivering goods st:tho
depo‘ -. •
~wr 7 t • ; ..Yx, a r
2-• ,
Ul, ~,,..... 7 , -.---.. ii: . _...,•.-----.., - ,: z7.;:,.....f . ,..:: r..-., : _ ‘..
We.dedre tOaay a st . orl. - .thil pue'we hai . a.Steia
Patent Vitikiit;aud s'3'arfetr or - ota . ei styles.- : Bur
lioAttOihruthlii, etc.: ; '
'fhb hearrti and Carriar ittacheCto our establish
meactroint be outpue, , e thiii settlon. nese Will
.ho furnishedilo those who roguire, at a reasonabir
are, anywhere within w radita or - twenty wiles from
this pat. ,
,Giseous ca ll . " P• • •
•• e 1 ' ' 1 1 025L,EY st,cI3ET.,C
Bin oilOttar 1 875.—tr . •
..„ , .
, 11UNT I . Racal:MßS, - ; ::; -;
; .10106a16 - 4 - ROtaillteakeiffn •;,
itAPPWAßEp.jitoli.i. '
.11iLl1EtlYs'llARDWARE' ' •
JtlN RAlL,4'ol7lll74li'dt.WA: r .a.cas.wfAs
RAULBOADI ce , .11121 1 7/f &WTI/A . B.' , 4
:441381A GE 5P1Z1.N . 96 , ILES, BKELYB
.r lrikiffifialai t LLITIP 3I :
h 024.841 1 ;spzyp4Eows.t.,.
hNi ;3 . tfl ßL it
LBO I V ES tr7 R .
. I "
- :rain and Lameness re.leved In a short time by the
ape of Tager* , g_liickstad astir ilhe 'spent Rheumatic
and Netiraltgie fternedyt' theliitine is not t cure
'ail, but is warranted to cure more of the ails and Mete
vlbirli flesh IS heir,than any other med'cine ever die
colleted'. t' five a., WA; If feu Ido ttust and Atm); it
costs : yen making. = It may be used ivrltit the inmost
adetiatamtsfear July tied of Pain. Lameness; Wrier dt.
gores pilop., Din of bees: ,u<sr,sinart tRe pisiatif
telinrid Sofa.' Yid } 'direct piut `foe .use ueonad sic
.buttle:,:eak.yout Sterchacit Torre free vial; • NeCtsre--,
' %Tay or% &twit por Expectorant. ter' nil brunt%
'andiltiogpseases.; 74 yet, plealant to the taste and!
efintalas ',nothing injurtoug. • Try, alit stop -that;
cpuoit ind ;tisk& the= soreness fitted- yo 'Throat'and
truoiien:/Mr.,year Mercliaat fly Cfrep.vls).
ra . 6i r • • •
•.; Tay a d awn Boilers retail kinds ' of *tack and
poultry., Wayeanted this beet ',renovator stic thp ottani,
of.t tirdiseased'atot a: that , hap7ever.l.lon , dle.
cornier - TIE Octet. for, aIL disease* ineldenti to ;the
bents. erstion. Direettinag i foyrnae around elteh l??ek, -
age.; No Ct . tre -. lkicrPay. , • - • • > • • -
-B.lllhp- Id/011a medtchiga ItOy sale bytAhtil Terroll gait
Ilurdeas Itiontrotte... arid V Itruggista and'
Dealt** IMaitheat conntri.. • f . : ' t
etcillef Un-:toil-L=4m."
itsl‘ I l f `" dOI4ETTSVICAR 2797711.4 ,i i -i' - ..i
pOTIL 14 ,FINELT, squAT - gp cm tbo iiti.r . '
1 r°44. 1"414g1 r 3 I)l l . 3 .l m HiP 1 ) .... 3 1e. n ni i : k'ltzit,
; 1 Littzvi tt cr,6, ; will •
silk s F t,,, , nivertst4 y) r Attoif .
Nil 6.121, turtepttlpfer ltopkven lett tb- catry,Ditrtt pAO
ismYtplveitheymistita retalia aiMbettk tut ttlovikt
!how►And boot. malOrig tbego More,OttnsofrAltuoyt - f
, tertain 4 lllo !palate.' , Thmikful f br ptipt rrayotittka Of
; my old filet de, I ttudlitet'llappy
v t i g i r t euti WO; *nig
' ituopablicrellinY wnen in thiAlt,ripti; ,rttpAidor:
i . 1., , ~..,Ii v .p..A. ll
' 'd:r "tti 11
r . k i
r , e-e,;44 zt&iltliff4doicoi;iy, ogl tiv=e!:fil. ie ffi ts,!
'Matter for4iirtedi&zd TiT eared ' to ' stfd tr 4 34 tili IxF•roll/'
/via . gotitiosliit. ii;limi isiiiiittaueVat ft.:, .1 - ..1 ' 2.-!
_....tii ki r L. , ... , .. l, , i
iDtrect rout .to Scranton, , W a .strio; N e v i rybrk. 4 !
•PAIWIIOI4,4t:.*-• i :,,-. . irC'tl ...7 .1' IA .
iFsorritagpol crOcht promptly att4llW i 1 , -; ;
-''i i I . v . .' i ' i ' ) 4 5 tt••• 4 4 1 -4 4 07 ° Ptpr;44%.'. , 1
if Mitrot. 4u,gitt,.151.14873.—am. • .i.- • - -•
i J., .',..i_•_._:. , • ..1 Cr -"...,L11.i.'12..1
lip ap OA per day: Agenta wantrpi. , rAll clout
45 trtl kit/ et of worklnz people of final eexer
' -"you4 ittiVotd. Make more money at work for or; in
Ageir oWti loalltles, during tiSeGapara wionseti W. or air
ova Ouse, than at any thing alto. W.+ offer employ.
ntrnt that will pay hauttaumely ror every bond , * work
'Filllpartiet4mrtna. .lo s , rest. fkee. • Send
l wrout
aSdres aat - JlMun'ltatay7... War is Via :Gm ' on t
louk Air w ork (IT borings* elarwhero until yat have
learned what We beer. G. STINSON 4t, CO.—l'm - Om
'tinkle. - ] • • . . risl 1
• ..,:irvo-OP..•* ..1110 , 2 7• 2- • -
liXoto of it. some at. 6 cent a bar, ;4; ltt: is not eri .
theip as othigt.,_somo...4. Olsm...the titorley._ :Tut DS
'Or VIZ 1411V11104 17 .-boito oin slim
ntistAlLM—w-.. • LYONS dr.
Grave if viaated afithoututior thane. All airta of
El•i44M.. ni.VP autio ; .
Aligutel3.4%. , 4stt. • .4 - LYONS. •V..1011A814 t -!,
r -f• .
eir914110,WA.11, 1 30,,Ju05, !to+
Itir San itc.:oo (inky licallta a Won. ; r
1 itUtl*liitti:' •l Liroli t DEA:4O:
. ;.•
s<v , r •
„." ( i n bc
t : 2 41ellitt '
11.!KENYON. Dma!it i & Apothetary.
.. ~i
~~~_, ~"4
TJ Wt. N* X 'r t 7 2=l.
.• r '
.ti Y3linlcrstsJ
Number 38.
• 161:11NYTWOODS, AND BbiLbt '• 4
EES lIARDiyA i it,E4 4c,
r 40. -,"!"
Dips, & s c.,
. -
whlch,we will sell mt r ancprul, liartict itv
trfrti r.l
SOfitlyS, LAricars..BUTTS,
sAsri AND,,m4rND ,FAsTEN
ERs - AND 'TINGES, 110 ES,
• ,FORK kIIIOVELs. 11.„11P.E8;
- .1,1 7 1/41 ..GOODS, &61,-
BydCfal Inducements on Pans, Pan 4
a, C0015:4,44
°'=-• ' ^ patrylAg Gonda., .
4J - onsJlAxpitg; GOliefal Aiefit;)'
. ,
)gnau rp awed' TO tyt and
r 0 men iy.added to our oeleetfou of titorep
made by Rethbone. Stith Albanj N. Y.. and the
Argend Boe,„4.lurafna Parlor stoye, aad CUMIN Cook
Nto'ree:lnattigaCtlirediby Perry& tle., Alban, N.Y. We
also keep the celebrated
ifbone, Je ett list:PlN . Ranges; :with Copper
Reatrvors sts4 Itiickte Moupt (rut of th,-Latealurpruved
POlekru , prumptly • Costi and' utdol ix
job1)log ppbcitc.l.l, „ .• , . ;.;
New Milford ; 31i,h2th..1674.—tf. •
i oNacr
4N t
Th Undersigned woold respectful's' announc „
kith° '
citizens Of Montroso waif - Vicinity • that they hare added..
'to their establishment a iirst•caes '
• ' •
laud& ihe 'difeat on oi J. (4EP. iIItIDE.NISEREII,of New
prork;city. - We will kcer• etm.ttantl7 an haal .
:::DARES, CO OK 1.E.% • PIES, ETC.,
At-Wholesale or Retail.
, 4
IL3O- - 6ostr4 attract ivo r awcictoFitt of
1 /; 1 40, Etc.; as ague.
Toy. r
gp • Brats.
Mist Respectfully, 1 ct
' . E: 6Acoly . 8e,
dozen dlteient 'Low prieeei.
liaqnet:lB.*H;'rdw. .t.PBArtr'
.rot. SALE
• .1
-11!..1 •.r
t" .i. 1 ,., , .:+
*pw,,_,s,.l-,iT : ,
,103qo hpadrod:Dallar VlOwa , fur
,Everytifov.riti tyrtirnintadl. 'The ehinpat find teis+. , «
81 ve r i MI ff . . Mbney, 'pave atuturance,by bpryisi hoin.
Matufactured,sii4 Or vile by •
Tie sAylLE,fslTl944lsofes.
lifotitOitte Aria 234,15r;5„ - trz
- w.i4g,,,,e
'TanGitEAISO Or T 414 .attiii
dews trod but One Spool ° f Thread
:It hair Vat Working zliartik is' rialieltaaW sales
idiots rapidly thin day Maclaine laths Martria..,,
; . . . .
- .Hti ia -- I` . ".3ll . ..yeiting'o.lirc4 — iiih,l .41 : cedle. -
1 _ ,- , •
Combines D I:u !
nl :,
itkr :wi ..
t l h
oi n :
ty a :
im ,
p y i , clt .
has all the Modern Improve= natn4 .--- • ..
I NALAUT T 411 14 Kg kr , SO.
• ds.:4o l o.l l iii.- xt.* • -
:SE:X4:PCOR enteUL . 4 : lo, •, :
3 ..„! .
3 DENT sr,wato
+Dee. Si. 18714 •
• •.: "The Ltta<tiln Anigricati Newspaper." •
THE BEST..ApV,,EI2II2iIIstO 31E1311:31
flalit;sJo,4V chi -"Vii etlcl y. t 2 Weekif, '
:14' ' 1
: s iastlige freelta lialpstalt4r, flpecitertt copies itn
nOvvrllaiwt 114tes Weekly, Clew of kl of
more. only 11 , 1,pootne . pad. , ddre4p
n9-v1 • THEVIIIIVII.TE, N. 4';
rs.3fulaararicapectrolly announoot toltioAadtarot
3intlass andltlotnity that alto', la .ortipared to 40.101
itoola of flair Work, Inllut ben {Valid room*
for Shunpoott% Whims cover
CoatsTa nettle flrotery. thYoth 'Vain fitrrot.
SeVdedubts 5K1!..,...1a* . • . • .
F kiln? t Oopoi : Ssl4otottitit —A
A nervosa. a efrootrplplata • waking ot.a;racta with
o.4wspaper* foithei U 1441104 of ariTertitenien% ohoodd
vend laLtentsitt , Geo: tfoa - pil 034 3AI pcttt- ltnw
iNtw York, rot molt VILL4T-134W , K , fgaatt7,, , ,,v.
intia edition.) Outalotnig Hati of over Kr 44 aamtpaprrt
and twtitaatee,..bowinttke - toot- • Adrortirevinta tak
e* for lertding Opera In many filidea at a rotnradcala
aataCtlott , frOfif putolialvet *et tics the $9014 0.11
New ..iivertisements,
Dealers In
A cots for
'BG+attamton, 2:: Y
' f Fn .
....IFCI 4 (
• t FUN