The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 15, 1875, Image 3

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    Vold: me BP.;
: pt !! .,p0t.:,1.xi1.t : 4,1,.:.:,:. i .
VIA ItiUXoAti':
TatkhalltlOCk, (Daffy,)
Montrose Depot,(Datly4 600 p to 6120i.n ,
New Milforo. (Sally.) ....1000am 130 pm
w v Aine ..... 046 a tit 200 pm
Friends v ills. weeily,) 600 pm 800 am,
vonklinStation,itri Weekly.) 700ssen 100 aut
piughatuton,sias. Lakey(tri wookly)... 600 p m 100 p m
3 1,k. noppcn.(tri week)y,) ... _lO6O •as 400 pm
ijThe New York, (rid MontrOse Depot,) New Milford,
fankhuanock,sho Wyalusing afedfl
i a.
The Cookli Station mail ruusTuo aye, Thersdays,
sod ruaturdays.' . ,
The Illoghsiuton mtiil, (Cia Sliver I;alui,) runs Tues.
sap , . non , days. and Saturdays.
Friendsvillo moil rims Tuesdays, Thursdaje s and sat':
Tho D 37. , ?
oshopp ea mail ruoiMondays,Wednesdaysoind
Fridays. „
woiriotta• Suites:
A Stage 'ewe daily tot Montrope Depot at 1 m.,*nd
rourta at : • • :
A Stage : leaver daily lot New Milford atlSo a.m.
gnd returne at 330p.m.
' 'E. C. FORDHAM. P.M.
. „
' kontreseßailway.• 1 , ~' .• . . ,
Artangwent ot. Trains. !To take effect on Monday,
per. 2111,1814. :, 2 . . .
~. . . .
Down Tratua. i ' Up Trains
A. 11; P. X.• 2 • I • • , . A.ll. r. at.
6.00 ": 1.00. . ..... Montro ea.,. . 10.40 . 6.00
510 110 ' Alleb`a 1025 1515
5 13 3 13 . ......... I tedul'a ' • 1020 .6411
6al 120 flusters ' ..1015 .835 -5
Z 4 125.. • ' 11int0ck...;......10 05 595
535 132 3.`ylvr's ''- 965 615
645 1 40.... ..... eptingvillo.... ...... 945 505
IS 55 145 Iran ' .. ....9 85 455'
605 158 - *Avery's; ~4..., .. 9 Z "445
610 208 Lemon 915 435
620 210 'Lobeck..... ...gob 425
630 230' Mercy's , ' lig 415
,345: 945 Tankhannock.:.— .i:1411 365
All trains Connect at To nkbatinock laillil'. &N. Y .
R. E.going n0r1.4 Lind south. . • • '
New Advertisements
Sun;byorWilson i • ,
libtic6--Wm. L. Halsey:
In Eankruptcy--estate of Wm James.
New Finn—E. llaeonAt Son.
Ensuinss LobAut.. •
Conl-0. D. Stebbins. ;
Notes About Town
The Soldiers' • Enettinprnent. convenes, st
Hart Lake to-dap, and continries for three•
Let housewives and others road E. Bacon,*
'Son's - advertisement Un our second page. :it
wHI expiniu •
. Uu account of the dediention.of,the CathdlM
church at Meihoppen; on Stirnl4l,be'2,*!a4t
services will he held ',ln' liriontroso on the 19th
There will be' Quarterly Meeting services in
the M. E. China' .irix:,elatOdq'filn&S . tiblin . ly,
for. Z. K. Peck, ofOunkflannOck,
Pre.aehing Saturdity•ittemi'uaii; Sunday nliiiri
ing and evening.
3t. S. Dessanei is now In ,New and 'the
people. of this vicinity,•inay exi*t grand 41 7
rortun,'select from birge,yal ,
goods and clothing ion his' return. The
goods are arriving 'alre'ady. , • • •
The second eniertainmetit of the "Forres
ters" at the Court Rouse, on Monday evening
last, was giVen to a full 119usie. Although th -
former programthe' was repeated, yet it was lis
tened to With int:leased , in,terest even by those
who had witnessed it:before, ' • ' .
The ipE. Zion church, of the 'Genesee. dis
trict, held a conference in ..Mon trose, last week,
elming on Stinday last. There ,waii 8 goodly
number in' attendance front various sections. , ---
Bistllop J. J. Clinton prestakd and delivered the
annual. address. Sermons . were . preached on
eaCh diy, by thexatiolis ministertiliresent and
considerable other business of the conference
1: 1
transacted. On Sunday there was a very lar e
attendance... '• • - , : 2
The Annhal -Mmting of the Woman's Te --'
perunce SOciety of Montrose will be held j
the transept of. the Metkodist chureli.,'Monday
evening, • SePtember 20th. Several, short ad ,
dresses, and 'reading ,by Mrs. Weston, mayihe
expected to follow the reports of Secretary and .
l'retuquer. ' A cordiarinvitation to be prmult,'
is extended to 'the public in geheral. The
prayer-meAing of the Society will . be:held ',ln
Thursday,' the \lath inst . ., at Mrs. A.'ji.l.'llich-
All Aboard for Tisrfordifair
r, •
The eighteenth _Annual - Pair of the Harford
Agricultural Society, wlll bo, held :on the Fair
Grounds in liartord,pn Wedneselay.tbad Thurs
day, October 6th and, l'tb. 'James E. earn:kilt,
N., wiilideliver the 'address.. We shalt publish
tke premium , list U 1 ••
Horse Xilicitly Bees.
Mr. Crawn, "iv bo • resides' in= Ulster,. while On,
Lis return home. Tuesday, bad the. mikofituile
to back . his team into severatAree .at bees
ihat belonged •te
. a Ildr, -Smith, who had them
setting 'along site of the public road near his
residence.. The. beca attaelted the' brillteS and
sning t _ope to death. *r. Craven was" compell
ed to - retreat until alter dark:--aretsande Argus.
Cnallisting Decisitason'xi Imp quint Subjeet•','
Jildge . 'Truukey, Venangti, tots denind .
that ii[i(intirie to : vote at an .election,
his tax must . have' been -paid lit twat one.tnonth
prior thereto ;.and o pityment for him an
other must either have .been:atitharir,Sd 'nemti."
witidAthe Sante liniit of time. This,;lS dii
rrctly in;nonflint with Judie Pearson's r3pinicpri
in the McPherson twin, deiiirered • shrirti.v,iifter
last year's -gleettou, in. which it was held that
the ratification related back_ to the limq 9r -Per-!,
fordiande and'adopted.tha ant 'as or that dote 1,
The Potato Bugs go Igo for
TLe 'Morristown (N..l.),BiTyMican.tiays_:—=A.
Norristown gentleman, on a °visit to the sea
oiaat, was told by fishermen that the Atlantic
laseh was lined with zniMons of dead Colo
!Ado bugs, 'washed np by , :tha . waves People
resorilug to•the coast for the ,puiposit of enjaY
ing 'salt water bathing *have noticed the fact 4, 7 -
1u an uttemptio ' 4 Glcr Etutt,!' the brig has been
fortunately drowned,,, It is honed that the en
the fartnly will follow, aini`tnftt..the fitta_of
,their drowned predecessors; It is possible that
In this way ;we they get lid of this annoying
On Sdnday last as Who resides at-
Bart Lake, was passing 4414ng the shore, he die,
Covered scime , clothing and at' 11rat supposed,
tome one milts bathing.. 'Not fable to'
tee. )my- one ids susplefons ',were : exeltedand
beat waa.tahen and a search reade.afennd the
la/w, and on the opposite ildk,ol.the lake , irom
where the clothes were 'fattnd;ithe body of
tuan was .itiscniered
..floattng In the Water.—
•The bvciy, *pi removed arm tin`lnquest called;
resulted in ,pronottneliir ,to the
kdy at Abram Onifut, and:*-.verdict of : nee].
het tul dr'owlo4. The ••theory4 that
in bothiog eiihich 'Billet have liein gnethos . :
) done the body was ;Mundial It was tionting.).
and at the laittom of the, lake', •al . .thai.
ver);deceivling„oeing alutßow ler agme d!stange
then ituddenly' drop& off into ;iery deep Ws.ter,
be must have
„steliped .off and,. beet! tirow4ed.
liev'aii a 8,4 i, or
kde had reiided,in •Bridford,eonitly;;,
• •
Attead the Delegate .
Let every Denaocret reniamber. that f.latur•
(ley eft'ernoon next is thu Alum--fixed for
Boum:racy to .eleet Ofilt , g'" 4 144). '* w
County Convention, to , be .110,1 tr
Let this duti ltnuolventully titichargertfto that
a full reprtzentatlon ,fullirsi at the meeting
of thetoureatlou; is
Portant convon Owls for which you .nave . been
called upon to pnl)s're, that liar; taken - p la c e in
the last twepty yeare,•ittitl , 40)uie Abe
nuteraey oh . f4usquehuhtnt .1109 ';.tti e tiji 4414
ilqing,und taund men lototarae.tirit WO Who
lot *pa tu 'At-Jirottittg
. ,
to he unhesithyji this county_lor "nine
corrupt.. combinations!' ots,'":whistever party;
among the masses of the And It shall , he s ,
the mission of 'those' Who asset:olOn the*n.4
Mention, Sept. 20th, to, emancipate then Efrefra
thus thraldom; if
,the true spirit prevail , !Ind
the right inert are ,nanted,:for,, the right places.
Upon your activity; earnestness and wiallem
rests the responsibility, and we hope you Will
meet tt with that promptness due the occalion
and circumstances. - v
rri recikparts.
100 p m 12111.
In Xemoriaza
At • a regular meeting - Of Live Oak Loetge,
No. 635, 1.0.-of 0.. F., held .Aug.3th; fol.-
. 13, the l
lowing 'Committee appointed AO drat(
resOlutiOna et 'o6ndolenCe, relciytfte s tbo death
breetifir' ilieetfore lirchartbioti,' het lefi'Vfi to
report aslollows
Witantras„lt has pleased,Altnighty' God,lthe
Cruder and preserver of all things,' to remove
this life , . to another, Brother Themieric
Richardson, we are hereby.,, minded Of, the'l
rardertaintyciflite`axid - tlie eer, liatY Of death:
Therefore .
Rctottvd,.Thitt we. syropathi e with. our be
'hived sister in this hour of deep aftliclion, : in
the loss of a kind, loving and • atfettionate bps.
band. The parents and bereaved brothers and
sister* Ave:Woutdforget. - - lipty the God of
the widows ' and the bitherless • temper the:rod'
with which He atiliets,and bind up' the wounds
of the broken-hearto., 1
Bi..,(Kik'd, That our Charter, hi, - draped. iin
:Mottiping ler theltsind length of time, and: that
•theseresot p tione be - entered in' the Minures,Of
the Lodge, and a copy of the same be present
ed to our bereaved sister, also, that copies be
forwarded ,tri.our County pap*: for publiea
tiorr.- " j
Ttf, "
E. M. Osnoax, Com.
JosrA.n, 1V114.1,48.
Hartnia:Atik. 28,1875. - •
Daplloilo Railroad Pones. "-•••-• 1
Judge Ross, of Norristown,' has •filed, an
opinion in the
,CaSe of Cresson vs.the Reading
radrOad'whiCh Will be of interest to the travel
public,, , The. plaintiff, .whol had lost his
kiessOn, ticket hy . :theft,-tendertxl:
and demanded:i'tieketlor the uni4plreti time.
ThF conditions printed upon Life t ticket latiite
that ii' lest or mislaid it will..not replaCed by
titeeptn`papy. i,. "! -
4 , tie court iuled that the plaintiff, having,
used the.ticket, was 'botind to acquaint himself;
with its etnatlitiniii;•"iliat ho has' no' right to . ,
call upon the defendant to .replaoe the stolen
ticket ; that the scustin s tickeilgreatly flintinish
ectthe plaintiff's 'cost of travel and heassunied . ,
the risk of loss.•'. Xs the. case -was framed a''
test case, the court had -given' it careful cOn'shl
etatinn..l: It was
..the Policy of 'llaw to' en..
courant) cheap transit, and &•?ndit
Ito; ~ pilreasonahlit, not contra) , ' policy of
law and not liarsli.or...oppress; iroduce that
result, they should he maintai lnd enforead
by the:courts.
Con'l oil •as n • -z •
Coai • • •
l g. r
oil is one of tho, cheapest and best art
tbe world. tor - Starting a fire. thone'
has to do is to pour a little ot , tlie..9il on alslow
burning fire,and in less thart..ii niinutclthe oil
can buists,rthe contents. `itreseitttered 411 di
renting, and theregn retiring *rS•dill over the
house, if nob nll over the ,neigliborhoodi r The
upper which is thus burned up is generally
spoiled,..lntt the individual..who.tnakes the fire
is nicely roasted, and is followed Ito ttle t graVe
by an immense crowd of admiring and synilia
thising Friends:.
t'irel•ir . -e Chronicled uundreba of such eves,
and still the work goes on. The last case.,tliat
has.coufe,lci, our knhwledge is that o 1 a rakve.
year'uld boy named ion, who resided 'with his
parents in Reading. .His mother
W anted to
burry.up the Suppei: , on „Friday 'hat.' The bhp
poured coal oil .;ixt the, store.. Pa#lleoiff,t43: , the
flames shot up and the boy's clothes were on
fire.' Helam - liii'hili!liter;e-lantr his frigl4.ened
mother followed, after....Tirice she caught him
and twice he got away.' Finally when he
could run no longer, the fire ii,put-out, and the
roasted body carried into the heuse.. He died
on SatOrday . '
. Rachel While.,.a.Colorecl woulaa who reailpd
in Coatesville; been. away 'from homes!,
•Wiirk -- ;',41 - o,3;Vhen she returned some found her
fire had nearly cone out. • EIM tc:okher ecial oil
can and poured 'surrfe 01 the. fluid - Upon the fire.
which caused an explosicin, and enwrapped her
in one sheet of flame,, from- she diffdin a
The litaY Crop• -
We are dependent in so many ways on our
domestiie 4nimals . titat,.t4e condition dt oar hay
Agroicis hardly 'sieand' jEarly.
in the season the, drouth was ; very threatening,
and theprice or hay advanced considerably
the strength of it. Fortunately, it came on Its
so early that a inueh grltter. breadth ot corn
giapusual_was purin near all the gicat centres
tivlieiti demitnd,witli arrespeelat view
to curing the ber;bage as fodder ;`and this alone
by /9gBeniPlPiho deiiiilad. AorA013%":10111d-hai,
kept the priee,down. But an additi anal aid
eame in the late rains, which net 'xinly•helpeci
the pastures, so that there need be no prassnie
on the dried material till late Itt the season, hat
firth° ineadowl toe..,*st" chance in mtgartases
for Er heavy second imowing. But beyond ell
this it turns ont that: the -first or main; crop is
by no means as poor as was.erylleipated.
In Xentneky, indeed, theii'Veriige; is higher,
thiln usual, some figures putting the bay Crop
of:. that,State as ranch as/ ten w it:tent. ;Teeter .
thilm As this hone of the StateS 'where
the hey crop Is - , one;of thelatostamportent, the
fall croP , willbave an influence on the general
qirie6 101 roittid.'ll ,
greet deal of hay is exported, fi l op t 'Maine;
and is sent in boats soalti l 'l:o . pOinti Watling:
thecuast:, and: 4are.Alick ii - Inrop,reported
calker above the average. There
• 14, lioWever,
a detteleit'cilte Iniht` Of' the otlie sltipptng
States, bat. With the aids - before noted, we do
pot thank: prices ; will .rule much . 4try% abpto
sending Prise:lora to the Penitentiaq- •
The Philadelpbia Ledger adMinisters what'is
,doubtless a needed reprimand to some Of,the
:iudgcsof the orinty tonitili...tile interior of
theSinte tor not twin; us considerate as they
should be in regard to' their sentences of eon-,
victsio the Eastern Penitentiary, aud i t he State
Legislature has shown • still less con ideration
tor its failure to Proride means : tos the swum
randution; -, _for the - ' increased:ancr increasing
ririinher of prisoneis sent io: - - 1 11r ; Petilta
tiny .
With n'ecnintnodatifins. for ,lesst thin six huri
dred prisoners, there are now in the Pen ten
:tia7 a lar ethalkl,kovea,o. l "o.l l,l 4 B c°4 ol '
ing the viointion of a law which requires the
separate .4entineroent or uonvicor,'in-lsome two
to,three hundred instances, and in aggravOlon
of We' e9loitritni atfairs'ionaeld the - 1144W?
county_ jodg(4 are : bendier to the already ,un
.lawfully crowded and Dyer trovided
otters. conviited,oflarcenieti of ttie'p4thist irair
short tinier five Prisoneri.edirvicted
of larceny hitve-been-seot, there from one coon=
ty, and the egf,rsate value,of the preptfrty
stoleo by the:Wfaile nve,itd not exceed five \
.dollars. In °floor these oases the value of the ,
~PrPPeitY 4 1 ° 84 ..biect -( 4 lar c eny
was' but' fifty tetitsi- 'Surely •theseuin ndethe
oracles of,,crbues tor 'OO tritkishtnent of *hich
the EaStern Pnititeitiary should have its adi
mire* tinpattititiestfor goo] neutratfied or dui
The vital =prineijite of the' ''system of disci
pline which . govente the VenEteattsry thi ; ,
"separation' ; of the OtivictS'fnun‘ntaot with
Rich -etfitir,' 3 ;lltider- the systiniv
tionp can be dealt:with separately, without en.
'amutoringAV. trail ; Influetibc-,fron •:::another. i
11:113‘)ner i l i 4,04:#4144:014'-itiO':vfblitatiar
otgoed is left itin._Prfrainnik.4*4;a-illoaankol,
. w r
. . , .- •
. .
. ' 1
,•', -ii'
. .
. .
I I"
171. TEM .55 ; 815 -
'Trim Itoootaitle.:
"Brookdale Itens 9 tavitr
. en scarce . in
your paper of late, we send tti few, while or oth
crwise-to let YoltArisiT: that-we
o,,w.atobinam? has bean a great sufferer:for
several weeks:past, with a swelling on hi a leg,
acct now ho has Ito appearance of a persbn in
the last stage of cionsumption.
School closed on konday, •Tlte tenober.
was Miss Nit.'Annillogg,from the "Puler City."
May she bp as sUccesslul in:all tier uncle k
lngs in lite its abd has been in teaching, du Ing
the past _sunimers;
Last Sabbath vies a pleasant day, and th at
tendance at ielmr4hWas larger titan *ual. 'ty
Q. Fisk, thd pastai, is young in the ministry,
isit Stands
, bigbi ; tat ot,,the whole
exlininunity. ,„Irri is 'au able Preacher ' and
dwells upon ;the' doctrine of the Divine load
ness and love, withfar mare frequency and (Cr.
Yo i r,-than upon* indignation and wrath.
On qinirsday last , the:Sabbath School and
many of its frie' ads, went to, Quaker Lakefor
their amnia' picnic excursion. -The day.was
delightful, andln Abe morning when they start
ed, all 'seemed buoyant, eager and jolly. As
they marched out to take - their seats in two
large wagons', each - drawn by fofir borks, with
their largo baskets and larger expectations,
they were regarded with something like envy
by those who were kit behind. .411 seemed to
enjoy the - bountiful dinner, the'swing, and sail
ing on the lake.' But when :they came back at
night a trifle pale about 'the' mouth, each with
quiet, sulalued mien, the inclinatton to talk of
- the Beauties, ot,picuirvovits confined to. those .
'who had not been out that day.
Brou44lale: Sept. 4,'1575
Rfiuting Sobtety
the;:clov Orthe Teach
erg Institutc,l have been thinking conslders- .
'hie about ti,k,o excellent reading weheard, dur•
ing the time Of ;the Institute, by Mrs. J. a.
Burnett,. and_ Mrs. Weston .and her son.t If a
SOptety notild he oritnized *.MoritroSe 80 .( 18
tdreadVe and iirnMge the contributions of any
who might volutit!et. to read; or of those
whom the S.oeleTy knight invite:to read, I think
it.wonß : prornote t Ve.cause of etincation ; es
pt 4lj tof Lading It woniti stem furrt • '
entcr,ialiniuMt for;•`the citizens at
very little expenle. Said Society might .be
composed of PreMclent, Vice Prtident.,'Seert
t.iry,.,'l'icitsurer rutnitteo , cin i!rogramtne and
; C - Ontributoi.s. . •-.
. . When the Cont 'butors shall hare practiced
readingtbeir selections till they think:it will
'do t.. 1 read them I>i public, let the Committee
Out,those;,.selectidnis in th'cir. Prolier placds in
Itiel'i:niratninit.' Let the freinency of holding
the public meet' gs be.governed mainly by,
the anittunt and interest or the Contributors,
:The'practice of reading in 'pablic would.giVe
.., ..
onstritlence.and . ability :to . the reader ; and, on
the part of the young,, lay the .foniklarion !for
careful thinking, `observing, ;pnblie - speaking
and general pserulness. - a •• •- , , ',:•• .
.'• i'irupnose the Sciretol Dir ' tors timild the
pipper persnni to• start su h a 'work, though'
not necessarily i so. .1• ihnik, it, tvnuld be ,the
moans of doing much good in various trays.-- 1 -
-The contributiOnStjr t be original, selected, -
Or both. 1 . ;It thc H ld • ittivanced".irithis artiele,
e ot
meet, the approhatllmqt those. whom it may'
. „
concerti; or le•iii'. to -'something better, so as to
result in action', by the •peonle, in the right-di
lectiOri,, thexihject of the writer trill be...seem
. ed; . L,
F kiting for their Lives.
Three young.women, residing near the Big
Brink Pondiin!Sholibla‘ to wpship,',Pa started
4 th
q, were Obliged In cross the
'Pond fti!'sysinli Oa ; Foods. Before'entCring the
boat theyrsaw soineibing In the distance swim
ming in . l ithe, water.. Thinking it. was a dng
they paid "no further attention to but - started
on' their way across the pond, whiCh is about
two Mild wide: After rowing_for Seven-4114n
dreclyal.ds, the,girl who was piloting. the boat
satq Aliat what they. first first. thopght to be a dog
swimniiniiii the Water was a huelr', which was
coming directly; towardthem. l4aging s clum
sy!pitir 'of oarKli was some tin berate the
boat could be 'turned, and then the deer had
reached to :Within ti : teti yards of
,ikem. The
girls became, greatly terrified, for the deer was
,gainirri, on them; told '.fromr. the was it
snorted and %plunged ; they" , were.katisfied . it
meant mischief While the one rowed with Mt
-her might - .thenther two paddled, thus some
what itter.easing. 4lieir speed ; but the deer Was
stOwly:gaiining . lon them, and !mowing they
could not, read' the shore before being!oyerta
ken, they neaseci-rowlng to Prepare for the in
•evitahiebattle., -: • •..
Mien the deer, snorting anti plunging had
rear.libd to within, a, few feet of the boat, it
ittopped for a moment. ' Then it made a sud
den plunge, and as its bead struck the side of
the boat the brave girls brfught down their
rased: piiddlea.upon it with suelt force as to',
drive it .under water. - The girls 'again raised:!,
:their t only
,weanons, and as the bead i rose to
the se.rf they again brought 'their { . addles to
bear UPI) it with the same result.
• 1 I
When- . e deei l again - raised front the water it
seemed reallie that this was to beta death
strugglS, and its eyes gleamed like ball of fire.
Itlinadet a lunge, an - T .- threw its More feet over
the side of the boat, near the oar locki. This
nearly Capsized the' clumsy .cratt i tied threw
..Maggie] 40,...dan,' the oldest•efthe three, into
the water ;Ibitt as she tell she-caught the edge
of the boat, and was 'hauled in by onle of her
COmpanions. Then the heroinfrat thel oars, as
site fett the'snib:lairs breath in her fice,'traised a
p ddle. and struck . for her life; and as the blOw
fel across the doer's head the blood started
f m 3,:s nostrits,and it sank back helpless, and
/Seemingly tietidithitrj really only ittuittO. The
girls then , started for the shore, lotting the
deer struggling between
,life and deathin the
water.'..:- , •-•• -"-. - .- -- I •
T: Beaching the shore, one of the girls Iran to a
small ,log cabin, an eighth of, a mile distant, In
•whicli lived 's " faMily by the name of Berger,
and told what had (kx:iiri:eci. 'Mr: Berg§r seized
his rifle and"itrent to the pond, *here be found
the Woundedi . deer. yet struggling in the water,
a.few,rodsdkom the shore,....lie o)wed :Out to it
and seizing it by the antlers, cittits thteat, and
towed. the body, to the shore. The peer was
the largest ever killed in' the nei,ghbOrhood.*--
-- weighing427pounds.—.N. X. Sun.: : ' "; •. :
Democratic County Coaveattan. it 1
Ttie Detrioerits Orßusquehannit county are
requested ni assemble - at J the usual, time and
places . of holding delegate elections, old
SyrUltDAlf, SERTESIIIII.IBi4it 10,
;to elect twodelegatea from each borough, ward
land I townlitipi- to represent them In.l county
icons eatium to be held, at Idontrosean the court
bouse, on . . - II •
I t' , ' :Itiondity, September 20,1 ,
'at two o'cleck 3'. ta.„ for-the - purpose oit 21.01111-
Olin's ticket to be 'prtlented. for,the Suffrage
of .the people of um county at tbPAtezt*e l 4l ll .
eleetior t . . ; ... , - .- • , ;
The committee order , the following r‘omina
tiobs to be. made ;:•;. ,• . ~.. ' t ,
.. One person Tor2Odge•
• One person Tot' Sheriff. i
OnetpersonlorTreasurer. I -i, - ,
One person for'Begister & ilecorder. 1
- :'-'l'wo persona tor. COtintY Commissioner.:..
Two persona County - Auditor.i.,. I .
• One Person for, s.)aroner. • !
At the time .ot.; the election of delegites to
the County Cativention., one pe.rsbn is tit be el
ected in•tatelr election- districel k la ted‘fetuctied to
the convention . With the dele te,-,for thrunty
.t.,c' numitice for - We e. DO sto* Asti,
Or TIM: LA/yr. Dyn. ' . 1 , .
• ".. r: B. Hayti:Er, aiiiirtitan.
B. O'sira . 4.; Seetretary, , '
• . ''''.. 1, 'Nrinii.;;Wci COminTrEL i`'
Apoltv,a)n-!-Ratrtck Walsh, .' Michael '" 7
.0 41 * 0 3 ,
Chas. Ragan. ' -:. -- , , i ...
Auburb--Thernda 'Sheridan, R. B. Smiialter,
illm:Ltittnabery. ~' - ~. -, • . . . :. ,
'• T Aritrat--,1,... O. , BaldwirkNittbardei.,Weo4,jr.,
2 1 4 0 1 1 . 130 4 1 .ii 4.,-
• • . , •
.Bridgew*.er-4eremiiikEtaldwin, - Edwin.Ty-.
ler, lidwill hll. , • • ••. • = - -
Brobklyn*—C B DeWitt; „John' Bolles;
Mc Vicar. . •• ••
Checonut-,-David ~ ;Stattley;-:Pairip*. Clark;
Ddnley, - • • • ,•:,
ry RivenbUrg. • , • •
• Dimock-63 C Mills,John Tyler, A H Allen; •
Dundall—T P . Phinney,' A H . Ayers, E
Chambers:.. .• . • •
Forott alte—G . P . Htindrielk, E
thew Griffin.. .
Franklin—W J Luce; 11, Tuttle, H.M Smitb
Frlendsville--John Hagan,Jobn Fbster, Phil
Ryan. .
Gibson—Silas Be wail.
Tingley. 4 - , - • •
Great :Bend-1.- N.,Hasisteolt, W Barnes;
John Deaken. • .
Great Bend boro;-- 3 4 Reckliow, Thos Kilro*,
Gem Mc.Naniant. ' . • .
' Great - 'Bend .D
Litski Joseph
Brown, .0 M Simmons. • •t •: •
Herrick:--Dr Horace, Lewis, A B Tingley,
Henry -Lion. .
• BannotlY—J W Austits, - J B Stevens, *then
S P Hine, W E • Osmun, W W
Wilmartli. - • • • ' .
• Jackson—J C Hill,-Orville Griffis, ,Wilkesid,re
Blssdeft:. •
• Jeseup-4acob Dinflott i , George Shelp,. John
Lonei--Tliomak D. Payne, A JTittis,Thom'•
ris K Ut7Ay. " 1 •• • ••• •,,.• • •
Lathrop—.AnselMerril, A L Ainey, W Green..
Liberty—Pß Martin, Calvin Stanford T
. Little .Meadows4itrick; ,Shonnsey, L B
O'Down, B Garfield.- 1. • •
MClntrosert , Abel Patrick, M A Lyon, - 0 -
Hill - • • .
Middletown—M W Lee, . Owen Smith, Pat 7 '
rick White. ' ,
:New Lewis,.Writer,
Dennis Houlihan.
New Miltord born—Peter McCollum, J E
Dean, Chas Hewitt. . -
Ctaklandr-1 Tillmati f E L Shutts; E C Leg
. ..Rush•-•4on J Hariey;' Win J Hillis, James
Logan. •
• Springville—W B Handrick, S A Shook, F L
Fish.- •
. • • .
• Susquehanna Depot, E. IV.—.A` W Rowley,
Dennis Casey; A .1 - lemon. • • •' =
• ,StiKtirtehatina Depot, W.W.—Wm Ketcham;
M d Pendigrass; J(411 Donahue. • .
Silver Lake—Tim thy. Sullivan,-Wm-. Heavy,
Dan DioanoVan. • • •
ThomSon—J B Whitney; L S. Aldrich,' Cher; :
• -
ter Stothicrd. • • • •
;••• Business .Locals. • • -
• - coAi.!• tom.!!
•• Egg and . Grat - - • $4 75
• 0 Stove and .Nn - - v.. 5 00
Terms , .• 0. D. STEiniice:.
Montrose, Sept. 15;1871 . .4w •
BLANK'. Leases, Contr o actS, - 51teep• Blairks and
other blanks newly printed at this office,
"Ci.OSINO OUT our :entire stock of - Stimnier
Goods at 15 per eentless flow Cost, for the
n'ext fifteen days, to innke .rooni lbr new FALL
000DS Constantly arriving. , CHEAP Jon`.
t !..PtiornaitAr.ue.—Pictut. Taken in all life lat
est styles. Ohi pictures -coined 'anti - enlarged;
A.lBO a spicniirti.lot — ot. francs for mile cheap,
' st G. W. Dootirrues:
- ,! . 3iontrose, Jpne 10, I;4.—tf.
WatcuEs,.elccks and - . Jewelry repaired 'nn
short notice and warranted, at P. D. Mediu
-1.31es Jewelry - Store, formerly Isbell &
ieli s.
3lontrose, Jaly 28, 1875.,-tf:
We are continually.. adding new material to
our office, anti with our Large Slot* qf Job .4pe
dart Four .Pringiag .Preeees - ire-Defy Competition
bottr hr Price and Quiility,either in Plain Black
Oilfired Work:• tIAwLEY
Tine PAsT WINTER has been one of unusual
severity. Stack of all kinds, do not appear to
Se'Ruing as well- as , Those who.liave
trial it, say, it pays many 'times over to give
their stock, at this season of the year, a few pa
'Ors of -Taylor's Condition Powders. • They
01u be obtained of. any dealer in medicines:
• ...STRAYED On ST9I.E.N. •
1 A small yellow dog, lone hair, laishy tall and
.answers to the name of Male. Was last seen
the owner about' July 'Pith. Any person
diving information of the above will be paid
tor their trouble. .
Dimock, Sept.,B, 1875.
• , „
'Goma - - .
1. A. Ilicknox announces that be thinks of lefty
llontrose soon. All wiw would like. some
Of his work would do well to attend to it with
but delay.' - - • ' •
. _
His "white cloud" vignettes arc a very unique
, and pleasing picture, an entli.ely new style.
.Montrose, June 143,1d;5.-
• '
A. B. 13c10;s, at the Eagle' Drug Store, keeps
constantly on band a large yield well select.
stock of , pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils
'and 'Varnish, also a very large assortment of
Port Mounities, Qom os, Brushes. Perfumery,
and Toilet Soaps. Physicians prescriptions
carefully compounded at all hours of the day
and *night. Give him a call. - Ithgn of the Gol
den Eagle and Mortar.
Montrose, June 9, 1575.-tE '
THE Supreme - Court - of the , State of New
York has decided - that C: Ayer & Co g of
Lowell, have the sole right to use the words
CHERRY Pscronat. for a medicine, and has IS
sued an injunctiim against. F. V. Rushton, 01
New York city, for selling, Rusliton's Cherry
Pectoral or Cherry., Pectoral Lozenges, or any
other use of the name to dec . e . ke the public.—
This decision of the • high, court includes all
dealers who sell any similar article.—Purl 41e,k
foraOn 1.)" Leader. •
Nortmt.—There will be .a Basket Picnic
with the Rising bun. Grange, at Birchardyille,
Tuesday, Sept. 2lit. Meeting at their Hall at
10 a. in. All sister Granges are cordially invi
ted to Join 'us, bringing with them their respec
tive regaliaAand baskets.) .The Elk Lake Cor
net Band will be present to cheer us can our
way. Hon. V. Piolett, State Lecturer, is ex
peeled to addriss the meeting. Those friendly
to our order or not are WED invited. -
By order:of Committee. '
ept. C,187. • - .
We have just received a. very large stock, of
plain and limey envelopes, letter and note pa
per, plain and fancy'-bill bead Open, cards of
all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.
all or which we can afford to print cheaper
office than any, ln. this orsneighboring counties,
and in as good style. Work done in black and
colored inks. It you think there. is any that
can heat us, ghe us a trial, and we Will show
you what we can do. All klnds of blauks on,
hand or, printedlo order.
_ .
There is no subject, that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment.ol ctron
ie diseases.. The astonishing success and. re.
maikaple cures pertorrned by Dr. Butterfield;
' the gilt t.iieLlicioyance, to the lift
long study. of the constitution .of 'man; and the
etuing otAis.cuses front natural reined leaf- Curet;
the worst !Orals of Scrofula. Catarrh;.Piles, -Fe-
Male Weakness, Asthma, Kidney's or Bladder..:
Will be-At. the Catferty :-.1.1.6u5ei-. Binghamton`
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 2;
24.111;. and - 2.5 th,
AUgttat 25, lea,. . • 84w4t
BEFT:Youn..Mownco - Alauntima. -
::Partners iiL vim that are - fibmit to' procure
new mowing ma - ebb:tea titid year will neglect
your interests if you fall to fully examine the
.Eureka Mower before purchasing.' R. S. Searle
at Jones' lake will exhibit the' machine at any
time,-and order one lot you, at once it desired.
J. IL loons in Montrose, also can supply you
on. sbeirt notice. Pour Standard slt euttintr
bar machines, also one Pony size, on hand.
' Icau supply you. with 'the .best and cheapest
sulky horse rake in the ularket, 'Call and See ,
• .
F -It. 8. *a►ttzu, Wit. :'
Iduatrese, 'July 7,1875 —tt.
Slum '4t
tSI done, Street,
bavithade important reductions in everything'
iri_tltp line 9 r spring and Summer ,009,18, 4nd
ow -Direr the tedsnee tbeirinoek of Bunt-
Japanktie Silk,s, Dress Grnts,Shawis,
Catnbrics, tte., at- lower pricke than
the slime ,goods have, ever two sold before. 7•
Wu ottee au' immense' stock of Hamburg; Em
broiders,rauging in price from 10 cents to $3,58
a yard.- in if id, Gloves and Corsets, our stuck
is always - full and cosupleki. , • • - :
We will ittake It an object tor the people of
liontroie add vicinity, to caill upon us, by otter.
lug the beet . gootts iu market
: upon tlto Nusi
Sayorable term&
Bizigiounton, JAy. 21. 1874,
Paw , Jortst's PRICE LIST or Nam GOODS'
Standard l i rints, at 834, 0, and 10 cents,
' Plain and Corded Reps, at 25; 30, and Mtge
Plain - and - Fancy Debages (new patterns) at'
an oi Pents.
T aa r d iler - and colored Alpacas, at 25, 30, 85,40
r Y wide Bleached Muslims, at 9,10, U and
12 Tents. • , • : •
Yard' wide- Thableachk- I f ,at 9 10 - 11.
'and 12 cents; • . "
newtiii,lstyles ; at
~$l, $l5O, $2, and
, • ' •
J Good Ileaiy Shettlnes; at 15, 10 and 17c.
Red and White Flannels in great variety a
25 cents. - •
Ladies all woos kelt' Skirts, at $l, $125; and
$150.' . .
• Beat two Batiort Kid - Gloves, (warranted) at
.Canton Flmtinefs, at 11, 13," , mnd 15 cents. •
Genta good K t p Boots, at $2.50.
Gents better Kip Boots, at .8 25,
Gents bit Kip Boots, at $4.
Gents best'Calf Boots, pegged, at $4 O.
Gents best Calf . Boots, $5 50.: .
Geribt Fur Rats, 'new and latest styles, at
$1 50 'and $2 00.
' Gents and boys Cldtbing cheaper than ever.,
The above comprises but a - entall part of our
new stock (the first of the season in Montrose)
and the goods. are entirely new and carefully
selected. We warrant all ;:our goods to be as
elteap,as 'they can be bought anywhere In the
United State; ; give us a call before purchasing
and you will be convinced of the truth of the
above, • Respectfully y'ours, • ' •
11. ROSENTHAL, Baksmen. Cheap John.
Montrose, Sept. 8, 1875 -z—tf -
Buitit—nowrox-- 7 Alt Dintook,' 18th, by
S, S. Tyler, esti., Lawrenc,e Burk, of Bradford
county and 3fiaa 14. 'Lorton, of Sprbigyilic,,
A. t"111. •3k •
ilicitanosoN—ln 11d0oril, Aug. 20th, T. F:
Ricuurdson, tsgeil 20"ye;tim •
, .
In Lynn. Ps:, Aug : 25th, Mrs - .
!lb of LI. F. Biskesho,agen yettri,lo
mont4s and 24 days. • . •-;
Xicipctizaticora. Jam W'i;.l.ctool.
I Kill eel/ fur the next Order
. . I
. - .
•R CC ING RAN DKR! I.CH I EFS; 11 A, M. ttifitra
- ; • . • CUFFS. IN SHORT •
ivoryttvg M my Ihmat greatly redimml prices
AA PIIIIInery Good* Gelow Cost.
- No. 21 Court SL, Cur. Water' St
Binghamton, N. y., August 4, 4811
4 .\ The. Diarists.
New•Vork Protlace-Market.
Reported Every Week Expressly for Tux MouraosE
I.lxxocturby Rhodes ..t, Server, Produce Commis
, Ilion Iterchauts 2G WhitshaliStreer.biewYork.
' . ':
' . New York, Friday, Sept.lo, 1875.
_.I BUTTER. ' •
Reqeipts'inst six days ' .20,676 pkgs
Ther4 is a...fair sprinkling of dairiei arriving ;
some Very filii sola yesterday for'32e., but to
,day it: would be difficult to obtain above 31c.--
Selechons of firkins sell fairly to, the local trade.
but geod to prime lots -are accinnulati ig a tri-,
lie. Choice halt firkin tubs are in fair request,
but al sAiout lc. per ppatui 'reduction. Welsh
tubs are rather More plenty. Pails in free sup
ply and have to beiaricy to, bring 85c., and
.then 'only in a sniali'Way. , Western butter is
arriving freely. and though choice, is in fair re
quest;,,still buyers .can ge nerally obtain what
they iwant Ai - a
.concession of abbut lc. from
late current Prices:- .
Firkins.::. • .., • ' .-,..81 ' la ' 39c
": good to prime........ 27 0 " 30c
Pails, choice new made... .....33 (0 35e.'
.' Pails, goad to prime. .. : ........... q 32e
Pails, common lo good 25 (4 28c .
- • . ,
• -. '..i f". - : ,' ' - , C,LIBESE;
Receipts lns - six days
; .... 53,419 boxes
The Uttendan . apt.,„buyers this morning was
very i,ght, • and shipmenrS will probably be
smaller than spy l week sincifthe season fairly
'comnienced. itate yesterday afternoon , une'or
two shippers Wiere in the market an 4 purchas
ed several -,iin4cf-gur,'xl useful cheese tt the
surprisingly 16- figure of 9c. Unless prit*s are
put to about,..B)g 9c. - therß, is no such Whip's
-forcir g salesqAdviees from England are very,
untacoralle7 , ,e,Tbe Englishmen .= fare scared ;
they think',kr 'erica is full of cheese and that it
:will lie rtheea upon them suon in, such quanti
ties that It will have .to'_be given away, and
ebuse4nently none of 'them dare buy any stock
ahead at never so low prices. •' -
, .
State Factory, fine ... 9 0 9%c .
State Dairies ' • ' ... El (4 9
State Ftetory, fair to g00d,.. ; 8. 0 8 -
1 , ' EOO6. •,. - • - :
ReCeipts lait:iiii days. ' .'...7,583 pkgs. -
. The receipts are a trifle niore free and with, a
continued` light . demand prices' are weals.—
•- Stake sadi•Perni: - ••'---,;- - - ©..21-•--c
Weistenl• Choice - brands. '.. ; rf - • °-0 /8 c
' Bol lllicril ' ''
-- • ---'•
DRIED RE.Lirriii -
Apples are firm, but mther,qulet. - Peeled
Reaches have arriyed- freely anitimeet . - with
rathel‘ slow sale. Unpeeled quiet, bat steadily
Veld. I . Blackberries scarce, and firm.-_
State Apples, quarters........ '.' to 9c
- Peliches, peeled o state . lakto 17c . ~
Blackberries. • ..,10 .to 10Xc
-Ra4plierries,ne,w 25 ," to 27c •
•. '' POrI i TIVY. ', •
Choice Chickens are, not very • plenty, and
wanted, and prices are held firtnoP.l POWlallic
in fait regteest, and firm. ,Torkeys wanted at
lull prima; ' '..r...'.'
Turkey's; State prime, 5ma1t...20 • to -2 le
Spring Chickeris,per lb ' '2ll. to
- '• , :.3tRa,T2.. A.2TD STOOK., -,
••• ' .-,. , . . '
Cal Yes were not plenty and ruled firm up
tonrn,i but an the Ittarket were slow..
and ltimbi 'driigglitg a trifle. ,; ; ~..
• "Live Slieep....._ ...... ~..- . :;461 0 4 .fi0 610-
Live Calves, State prime.. .:..B%to 9 c ,
• Dressed „r, a1ve5...;....., ... --. . ....•:12 to 15c,
, •
; ceptilor. ti1111111 . 13411‘.
. . .
There is no pain which the Centaur .
Liniment will hot relieve, no swelling
they will not subdue, and no lameness
whirl theywill not cure:T/15;1,50os '
language, but ft is Una. They have
- peoduced Moro cutes'of rheumatism,
. nenntigiu.lock-jaw, paliy,spraine,s wet-
MMIC • lingo, caked breasts, soap, burns. salt
rheum: • ar-sche; gie: i upon the -human , frame, atd
otruinei 'peaty:, galls, lett:, upon animals In our year
than have all Other pretended remedies !bee the world
beiMu. They are counter-Irritant, alt-healing, pain se ,
lievervi Cnpplcs throw crutches. the lame
walk, p,) - Isouena blurs are rendered harmless, aid the
wounded are_healed without a tear. - The- recipe I. pub
lished around each bottle. They *ell its no articles ever
aold Yokota. because they do Jose whatibey. pretend to
40. Tilosn who now stiffer from rheumatism. pain,
awellkur deseise to anger if they.will not nee Centaur
vininje/at, white wrapper. , )tiers the:11000 certilicates
of redinriMble tires. including frozen limbs, chronic
e . biumitbon, gent, running tumors.' etc;, have beep re;
calved.; We will sendoeirenlareontelningcertific*tes,
the recipe, etc...gratts, to any one relocating it.-_ One
bottletif the yellow wrapper Centaur Lirituieultis worth
' *rented It
one huedred or_spev .or b arum
end Mutes, tqferserew-worm in sheep. iltock , owneni
'...tbe‘se).llllinentr are worth your attention.- No (MI ly
witOold lin'wlclitiut theta: "White wrapper family use ;,"
Tellowiwnmpet for animals. Sold by . &fl Drumtists.-
50centii p e r battle.; litre bottles, $1.00...4.11. Rose 3
lirc:44Wlll 7 sollr, l 4o. - , ,
Cirotpria a sabstitato. los Castor
It is ttia uutlr , sajr *Vow:ca. alitakia cartalo
. 14:* 1 4 11 04ite loatt4ogalata 4tiaridikiaartf.aln!i
#gic a aci prOttaaa )iatata;l attoy It cOtaloa . WWI!
*oolooaairiidaaraleohOc44oo4 l oo4oWo 4 k
Citilth*attatiliaitairatidiers piii!. ! • •
‘ O7 .
FALL= a,nd`ViTIN : TER filT**4:pf FOREIGN , and DOMESTIC 0000S.'
, _:-'
. . , • •
NEW MILFORD. September . Btb, 875.—0 w
figicArepipe Elbow
Oxmonty, Beauty, electiatiess, aril
Mired byy. CORRUGATED ELBOW CO, or U. S., E 2 CAW Street, N. Y.
454 47 ., R a , Street, CineiTivitl, 215 t 217 Lake Street, Chimp.
- - - -
. .
3161des- a iestnt Mass Pastor."
I The CDT theirs lb*
tart Pelt l i r a
'glad l, e
dud to, MA with the IMO.
rep raid low dart
ibis P• 1 4•1 • Int*
dy elea, del Uwe Id
Meal!, .r young's keep
It Teed. It t t t
dirt Immo the
It More the/die to
• a Tastafta ••• Is-
Mould:ft Mauer. u - &too on
t ftUnre es uslt sake/w
owe the
"iaroUrbt toont.' BM
era TM Times Its Clos Is au to
gaged nes One Dram I.
e Mother.
means oath oath Maid.
OR 1.0 Patterns awl s Cloth
EIVII. wilt b GIVEN FlLERas'} itls
74tArdItrilie7 MTN" all° Tom''
A. 014110011
idly WO of:f
Single Copies 15 Cent
isberliglos Price. 13 a year, post-pakt,
• pre:talon:keit Deo Dollars' worth of patterns ,
Vs semi our crarrincrAnts for
ma gv relelAr sub ir iZinr ; , rr V I V I ? Fa
Ma's loath at rtt,
, The" MONTHLY WO. ,
OF FASHION'' , the very
must beautiful, attractive maga... e prigs,
to be found , in this -country, and
every person who begins with tak
lug it, will N EVEIt discontinnwit.
Sample Copy
while it is published. tZ
Subacription Price $l.lO aimx *. post paid.
Orm dollar's worth of Patterns given to each
subscribp• ftre as premium. •
. ,
$41600,00 GOLD CM •to to. -GWEN AWAY
. . .
We will' give ' $1.000.00 •In Gold COln! We will glee $2,500.00 in Gold Coln
to 65 persona wno send us the largest number ortei 133 persons who send no the largest num
anbseritters*.s -oar "World of Pashlcitt, lll .ber of subscribers to our "BAZAAR," at $l.lO
at $3 each, before March 5,1 M. .-, ;each, before March 1,1576. '
As follows: To the •Getter-np of the largeit As follows :To the Getterno of the Lamest
Club, ..... $900.00 in Gold Coin, Club',... .. • $300.00 In Gold Cain.
.. 2d Largest Club 24 - 4 %.00 in Goutt CLI . III. 3d Urger Club ;... 300.00 in Geld COIn.
'' '' 3d 'Largest Club 1r .0o in Gold Coln. 3d Largest C1ub..... 150.00 in Gold Coin.
4th Largest Club . DO 0010 Gold COin, 4th Largest Club... . 13,00 in Gold Coin.
i. sth Largest Club 120.00 In Gold Coin. sth Lareist Club 100.00 In Gold Coln.
1 - 6th Largest Club 110.00 it Gold Coin. 6th Largest Club ' 75.00 In Gold Coin.'
7th Largest•Cluh.. ... 100.00 In Gold Coin. 7th Largest Club 350.00 in Gold Cain..
; - Sth Largest Club...—. 75,00 in Gold Coin. Bth Largest Club ' 25.00 in Gold Coin.
9th Larg•estClab...... , woo in Gold Coin. 9th Largest Club .25.00 lu'Cold Coln.
I .10th Largest Club 35.00 in Gold Coln. 10th Largest .Club. ' ... 25.00 in Gold Coin.
r 11th Largest Club ' 35.f6 lia Gold Coin. ' 11th Largest Club • 35.0:. in Gold Coin..
• apd so on to the 65th largest Club. . r• and so on to the 133 d largest Club.
~.. . . ,
Yon 3.etapreitinm for every aub.criber y on, bend us.' And every subscriber gets a premium.—
I BOTH of these GOLD COIN Present offers will be found at folk Length In the September
Number, besides the names and P. O. address of 102 perisus to whom we have Just paid $4,
13., 00 in Gold, according to our previous offers. Yon can write to one or all of them, and they
Will tell that we do exactly as we promise. • -,
is up send your otsri tnbscriptlon to either of our Magazines, when
you will get the firstnumber and your Certificates of Premiums, which
yin can ar. end atones begin getting nikbecribers. at. aural 23 cents for one copy. , Bend
sap for Fashion' Catalogue.. • • -• • ' ' t
,914 Broadway, New ; ork City.
ilox bO►S.S.
i We rokt Cask tor Goods. sod sell for Cash, and would
sad visiting Montrose. to _
before pirebaslng , elsewhere,atil le generally stratithil
that wo sellitot woe amount of Goods for
- • - '"
that thejsell ingDiriabirattits - ior-iwentrive . d \ ollan.:
' •••1•_.
New Goods ArriVing Every Day!
• • 4 -". READ. ds STROUDi
VontiOse; Noy.% .
A ,11. Er e.
: 4 etr h 3ri - -: •
NO recellved sail for pa byl: : - • 1
Par sal4br:
LBl- ALL 14.N0,0F . , -
• 013,00ERJ.ES,
/tith.sifiee of -1. •
3E 6 1'46.0
reitialeo.l • •
Aecideit Iniumbq Compaq Pond** writ
ii ° P e tj4. t° , °13 , 4 I!"
rldarin lc Benefit. Association - at Scriul ton.
• 4 1,874,;.0 _ .
Troproied. • tcuomitosp
wool) - PUMP, to She op.
`booartedgeal , ISTANIIARD
the workat,by popejsrirerdt‘t
lw be pump far the least
loner, -Attoorloo to Invited
iprora Bricker, rite Pro
Arlon beorjrlulratro, With.
tto.joillliaillita tba Coppoz
te9 owlet tracks t notes,
Iss; & Wallow. For iota by
I‘silogrotratty.. in order lo"
ya get Pomp. pq
Watt bar say tradwlsl4tk
tog , , know, lOtterO to b
titer witiethe tolloo sod - 416.
Icor. ipEprompay Nl**
VA =OW 41+.0` P •• •
.1 ••• gaga ip,1414 . .. 7qpre11!
. .
r - - .10031111113 FL 10th; :1076.
& W
'No. IV
of aIL
will dm
aide of to
same, Or NI
inch goods
3723; patio
No. of eve
ebtb moat
F 0 U
;it, 4; *is*
B. J. W1D311.:
Prii 2 /# 1875.
tee Iti.the (04)1114 , companies :. '
Lire insuranceCo.. - Vtdl;, iticets i t3Ao,l4l4)
. ... -
~.,f .. ........ .1,150.000
1 . 7 .. • • - ' 0rA1.900
on: .. . ..... .." - . 10,000.14!
-Catst"—linliatiOnat . toird Cd - piatee;
le4tteirce; robed .and rellablei tutting long
id, away' toded aortb.rote- all. who bare
it a t ilt Ageacy,wlll testify. Thom; alto
zed. Me t trill accept my .tbauks. "...And 'to
%repot, t can on:y say, t. promise to do by
fever 'Me witti - aa' applicallou4 dg‘,l
- Inference Nidat for tb`etr money.
. • • .
.• !Y C. T 11,1411.1 •
.1 °
Alill f eitit ..5 - 114017ii . ' , .. , GRvA,T, .yhmETL
of stairs, a:
• Cieral
nepreiented, 5i00,000,000
Liverpool:London 'it Globe ' • $20,000,00
Royal Canadian ansurtume C0,.-of Yentreal, Can
ada: Capital 5 QV
ins. Co., otNort h America ' " ! 113 150,400
National, 'brew York., 400,000
Ins. Co., State of Pellet
Union:Kama - - •- - -.slll 400,000
Lycoming Fire • " ' „ .000,000
La acai ter F fru Ins. Co. — "
Fire Association of Phila. • a! • .1.500,000
Pennsylvania fat. Co„ Phila. . • 1 AMMO
mercial Fire Ins. C 0 .., N. Y. • • 11500,440.
Fame Ins: Co. of Phiht: $50.000
Watertown Ins. Co, Waterlown.l4. 500.444
Home ins. Co.. N. Capitaland Surplus. $4,1/00,000
Atlas 'Pita ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. '1 400,000
Hartford Fire ens.. Co.,Liplutland Stirplu $1,000,000
The undersigned Is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow
tag companies . for Northam' Pone/11mila:
Aire Association of Philadelpbut.
Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster.
The Insurance CO. of the . State of Puabsylrania,ol
31 8 XCI
• r.a . x
Conn. htuttal Life tat. Co., Assetts , $35,000,000
Americsn'Llfe, ' " $4,500,000
• • -416.4DcrxximmTsr.
Traveierslne.Co. , lltutford,CapitalaudEurphu43.soo,ooo
Itailway Passenger* , " ; , $850,000
Thenbdersignedhwbeenwoliknots tn tklreottity.foi
the past 17yeurs.assa Insti Miler Agent. Losiiessustained
by hie Compain les have away, been promptly paid.
rerOfilee op stairs, In building cent front Banking
Ottlee of Win. 11,. Cooper Co., Turnpike street.
CHARLES 11, $3lllll. Office Maiutor.
8. Senator.
Montrote. 3
IL .
Administratort,s Sale
In panuance of an order of the Ori)tuina s court a ,
Snectooloinna County, the undersigned administrator el
the estate of Ann navir;dee'd, soil sell at the premise.
Alorcriba#,, on Wednesday, the 79th, day of October,
1105. at 1 o'clotk, p, - In., the following rest estate. to
All that certain lot of land - altnale in the township of
Liberty, County of itesquettaana and Simnel Penn.
sylvents, bounded and described as. follows, to wit r
Beginning" at the Riney Creek Road and in the lino ot
lots betweetk Aeinson Chalken and P. Butts. ntilning
North, on said line sixteen perches to'etake and stones,
thence eastward ten ocrebee to stake and stoneathence
oath sixteen perches to'she edge -or said road " thence
along the road to the . place of lorgitOing, containing
one act df tend: more or less, with the optiotteMocee.
TElolB.—sso us day of -sale and the balance on dual
Ii: McCOp.IIM, Adger.
Xontiosclieptartelir - ; . •
UDlTOlt'll"NOTlOS.Titenndersitioed havincheen
A. 11Mo:rioted MX. Andkithr the; Orphans' Ootirt
of Susquehanna County to h ear and report on except*
tons Ated to t ittriboto thefands remaining in the hands
of the noimtnstnttor of the estate of (Alen Burdick de.
mast& 'swill attend' to ' tho duties of his appoint.
talent at the Oleo of Warren 4 Son, in litintrom, on
WeduclidaY.Oci• 6, VAN at 1 o'Clock, p. in. at which
Unto and Rime r.ll persons interested in mid hutdirmat
present their claims, or be (dram, debarred.fromaom
thy in on mid land; - • = •
• _ O. A.,' VrAttOiti, Auditor,
MontrOstt. September .5. 18114.-,llr.
AumtowsTwit. .I - •
'rho iiidertigned, an auditor Sied it,. the 0
plum ckitket at s apodillas& Ono dlorttgdathe
hind 01.141: WO or ft. a4mtntatrator el lb.
estate of Otutries W dacksft.464od, len attend to ibe
dutiee of bilk EVA .apPotntatepsi!ltill peke. in Xstos. ,
tree Qa OtwbokilUl L l at i reCiNcki *44.
whit time and place idiOritiai tamped aim
must prawn their claim or
.411p1" .441141114 IVO*
'Muhl iP said O: nd.` • ! -
"4 - • - . • t: i ppY •-- - • & r.) • vas ; • is •
4 e;\ 141.- ; • I . a \ I
- J
• 1 11
. _ . •
. •
pi.:T . . - c_K„.- - -4..m - 4: . .z,N"-;
nattr rearittg
11lustrailli Banr.!
i ,
adc•nt6ciasii,. Foss.
Number 37.
tan dbtr fitfortr
0 Is rat"
0 • • No
The crowds' ta►hiog to Cheep Jabreir (Poet Building
for liergeims. mill they come. "Why is it thud t" its
mow svu stare russucust our ssotiry stuck of the tallow
sag gouda Sayer oust., to make rowa for tell spuds
iteasieur.iwasete C7lcotltalztg,
Jewelry a one aosollnient. Loco Prices.
Ilion wine to do well.
Como sad new how cheap we \
. . •
Specialties, 2,51, Diens'
IO Oasolmereluits.
• ' Rca
waN I co..
Moptroge. July 28,18 M. (Cbesplobsi I
At No. 33 Court Street,
4gfatip*NlTON, N. Y.
As we Use just returned trom the n:ty of Ncw York
after purchaalet s large and well selected stock of
of all kludie bought from • first: hands, we Atli now Pm.
pared to offer goods at prices that will satisfy the slow ,
rat boyar. , Wo have also added to oar large Mock of
Dry Uooes • an immense stook of
SWIM, AND BB4i9gßik
tor Min arid Bay's wear. We are aow,prepared W make
who will ;he as a call ap we have tril class workmas
enlaced for the season.
Ladies and genthlineu, you will pietism), and ma
ims our stock before you purchaawulaewhere. •
Thankful for past favors. we hope for a coutbniation
If the same. We remain.
Yours Fterrefultf t _
• & A. vORTSZT.
Bloghamtou. April Sil.lBT3.—IL 8-1111-11.
c am. ..
it ableliquid Linanient frw Maitland stable use. A
vain combination,dleovvered by a celebrated Env
II ohcbomist and borseArrier. Was Introduced in lb.
United hates In the you ink 'and slam thallium, by
Ito great success, in the cure of Weems, It has woe
for Reelt that worldwide reputation It PO richly des.
erves, and now stands at the bead of all nutmeats an.
It has already gained the coati:fence and admiration
of thousands of households for lie many a nd ad
of Mo
usses were external applicatioue AM of aft much Impor
tance. It ie eat:facially admired aa a family remedy for
he peculiar ehentical combination. pomoolui no harsh
Ingredients, Pike tincture of Cayenne or
.red pier of
which ebespand ellulass Liniments are imply emu
posedj which Increase iustead of diminish thalallamip
Wyo, staking ft ay nature a *peaty cure for
Te!stltnonlobs a;i4 directions itoeoutimmy oak bottle.
'Buy one—only 25 neat', 60 cents, or 111.00. 1 . and If it
dots not give good uttlefaetten retire the -betas ball
tali and your money will be rethaded. Call f o r 43.11.
it.B., and take no other. '
(ART A .a Con FroTaintOrL
• atkldtetown s orange R. T.
A. B, STAINS and M. A. LYON,
Driartuts, Ifontrope, pa r
co Purchasable at all • Molt:dale and, retail it tho
s. •
. - 1.44361:13C311113,
. .
oal la P. It Choodlor's atom anti Iwo the 'Tomo
Smoothing, Glossing, Plating and ernithing Uwe," the
most completeand oath:limn sew tamintett.
It Antibes Iloilo equal to klattonr mirk."
It Iron* the cart went bomb.
The Plating and Chimptag attachments lIIT_IROX
and POLISH the Ante or esimp—not shn_ply. CRAMP.
.INO the goods Into abstpe. aa do the
Rolls. •
ens sue
Eng* between bands. Gotham, Ithetea—whether of
lingo. alpaca or %moot goods. tioleoo4 owl as
coupler/ IRONED, as the body of las garment.'
_finished and -- cheaper than
the old style nut's; lilikehlat.
UNJ. C. null; awl
H. Owes' Va.
8. 1 -Tumor, kw sale and etovoworit wawa,
iloattow. Anoutt 4.1 8 7 3 1 - • , . - •
Com kern. Prinked Wriest, Wken Odle. Oat
Meal, Cora Mega. Innp,OrakeerAP°l rese,great new
ty et °reckon, Wending thole sun ar#1414144 liOd
btlantte /hit tao east led awoken eke,
Aeon le, 76.•-tet , L10X1146 With4ll4.
X ei