The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 15, 1875, Image 2

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    Viaiinale'::: 32.
gitmara ab'
, •
CIPLIdAitt" i l Dereksing T W I C E I" fa' toi l
.way Paiver to btovikern Penusil‘'ratidg.
• Gob 00804 in New York, on Saturday
- • _
.O.72"EiT.M Xs. PIS4ISI
rtii:*.rit'rrtn ! 3" tizmn, , '
I 'Z F,
. .
-t;-.or'i'lr.liß 'woRK 7
Thgework at theu.Erie
,Oonvention last
r Ilitrok.-s'eems to be gteeted with tli most
lieeritigrecePtionon all sides.' Tlie candi
difces arejilieve the reproach lor the most
.- h .'til iilignalit,Riinalpartizan oigan Or this
~ J
..itt adjoining statesy. and the friends of
, *) , ', - teform of 'whatever name ..or: party are,
jinni:nit oVer•the nroapeots. of an honest
I nilminiatration of the uffairS or the." Old
'Keystone " and of, a polite in by
•,, the Dionest inaski op .the second day of
#.- .Noveni er,fdrthe Gameron-Mackey Ring
~ of Alin lerers to , vac-ate, 'tiod • the most
'iThearty congratulatigius are being exclian. , :
''''''eel by thsin. . The reception' ii most elle:r
ing. 'First, bebause,every ( Ring organ in
. the state and nation is teiriblyontrag,ed
* 4 , : antl incensed both at. the candidates and
, -• the plationii awl sees in it the. most valid
:L' ' . easiiiis why. Democrats thould hot sup
•l'Pq 'thOwitig conclusively' the convic—
. ~`"%ioti,iia• them of the near ; approach. of a
just )'etribution,the advent of which they
, 1 1 i .litive,been straining every nerve, invent
, ,
~,.. , , • •
# ibg every appnare,ana n sparing no means
lieweve.r haie or corrupt; to Prevent; and
.. seCondly, - , bedanse every triie • friend•or re
- 'font' xegardlesi of , former party. alliances
F ~ sends words of .greeting and a about of jqy
:' which omens certain triumph or honesty
! , mid ' capability. over Ring erruption;
peculation and robbery.
-'... ' .• The Brio convention was composed, of
4 the true reiTeseutatives of - the mass of
' the people, and it .proved t'o be the Gol--
'' 4 gottic 'for the Rings and corrupt coin
-, ' binationi Who have - disgraced l'Penn's ‘
and Their
•. Farm" for so many years past,
-. . skulls will lie bleaching on, the shores of
lake,Erie, we 'hope, for many years to
'Come. .thicking politicians of whichever,
; par' ty took the back sells, via the pee
, . .
.' '. ' pleruled.' Senatoi.Ratan,,the bead and
..frottt or Cameraiiisin, gackeyismi and-.
l'eunsylvania Railroadism, was therein
full force, with. all the interests of the
money Sharks at his back, attempting to I
beat against the' "Tidal ,Wave" and the
~dearest in terepts 'of , tire laboring, masses;
but t•hey bailtle more ' effect,in changing. i
...the dt-terynined 'column ,- of reform than
l ' did" !he ge4le zephyrs frcm the lake h i ar- '
•bor, and ,they-. Wen t -, home to their vomit,
p derettik , d, disbearte& and dismayed. 'lf
''r that body of earnest #l,nd honest "men
er -made a single Taistake, time and the pep
t 4 :phi will correct - it,liat 'the men and meas
' m
lire! put forth bythato body stand out in'
. 7 , 1 'bold Mid', arid well' may the Tteasury
' t er Itavves and , mot)ey. Shylocks tremble, for
' )1 iu then we belioirc
,they may read their
tt .
~•, doo whickwe believe will be signed and
; sealed the second day. of November.
, Let the Demecracy of Susquehanna
,f, county do its wor:k 'as . we)l and another
' ' Rib o" maybe broken. '
t • . -,-----
• .YE us L PERSHING,, •
e Democratic nothinee for Governor,
4 vas horn February3d, 1825, at. Youngs , :
titri . W" 011ana
~..„.11114 et 3 e county. His parents
Rossessed.but,limited means, and his eA
o. ucational opportuniiies were cotifined to
fi the common • sehOols of that day
nOtil be-mite old enough to tarn'
co i ,intiney , to ducats. Thimpelf: .By his own
bad jkstrytis a' clerk and teacher, he ant=
Eat lained liiMself.i&tlefferson 6011ege,where
ti►• begri dnicted wittithe lighest honors of
18,48..: The following year Ile entered t 4.
'office of . Judge Bill& at ,Sornerset to
I tt i tta7 141 W; and Was admitted• to the bar
ill ' 1850 Vfien he returned to Johnstown
• 8 . NV, hCre s ltis fsmily Lind.% rernoyed• in 1830,
t i 2 stt4 , comtuertuva . tbe tractits. of his taro-;
u fessien. fie soon bectrne, successful At *
'l2 the har, end; , *1:656 .was nominated as
bie - t Di'nocratic -candidate for (Yon gross
'.The district
.P 4 1 ?9-: ( iier 2 •0P 4 but he re
duUed t4e ma:juritY-4! 1858 be
Wag again nominated, , but. went down.,,
Vitit 'OO, tide thAt swept his Tarty out of
Aicez that year und. Att... Blair defeated
i • him by signe‘. 2 ,o 6o illthOiigh -. h.‘ led 'his
ticket. -In 3.661 he .was elected 'la - tie
t Lkgielature, and 'was „'re7r • leeted in 186:?,
l ''• l di
i 63.6'an • 11' He ,srved, during .the
F 4 i rliole period aftle: 'war and made,.u
those :patriotic revord, always giving
I: • J.` 1 *a boxiactientklus support to the
government.`; - in /8 69 he wits nominated
- by the Detnocra tic
. Btate Consention.for .
.s Soprentt , judge,.but - way • difeated .with
Judge Packer, the iioininse for:Governor
i; ...In Oetober, Is7, l2 e'Wl l6 ' ele(* • * (l ,. Pree.i
' . den t . Judze of Selittylk.ol codut l y .hy the'
~1; ju t . .. • t ti` if - or tie! . i4r6 r•with
b 0 ii 4 .1911.8 8 . 0 O , -, ,
bu ' out, iegard to party, ;. - 4:, lad LOW.' ad
' IA iiiitaati'4oo4 -o Citii*P1 11 tli4t ( *et; law'
' Ptr less region ha" attracted the - attention or
A rno ; atlilifito as sccitizeu and
_:us` a jnage.—
carr gt , it 9 ZtutlemlP of Plem!
Po ~.I)"l*?ts‘lifel
Ica iotegrity. : ilaiyan 4 the assaults,at
(I ,..r€ 4 .4cien. the ince, tnnliclotui. -He '!ill certain
. , .
: 7 ADy, b,..-.. very ..forbitlable . c.compelitar. - for
ti on ;Geuerui liartrinlfiitnd •tnibttlhe positive t
• Aifizse, ,t ; (*l:4'Onelkl
g4 l e -s 6 t., ‘ i
t ei- YIT:O3 -
'is histt,lPlttl ,,••. :•:;- '- ' ,',, , . ~', - ' 1
. Vcwta hitt ,talt eli 'the ettnairt West of
uart*4 4 9 l Pt4init `fu;. r ranft ,otid,.tie in.-
Liku illit,:cthat:.tbetooll Jae* , fur;timAtputtiry
4 " 1.1°( 1 retain thatnett In afliee Illo'•eutried
.thrount the. rebellion. against the reb.
~* dill .tli;' , VihiAn'ortitie: Ilatf• , ' -
• '7.434UnrUituutite • qr . . -out, tuen • nvg
i totkne.tunrieo, -atniJie -04°01 ..not, proitoki
a rc u Pi r f, ,, :tlit: • ' His; dreenSbnig ,sPeeeh ,:might
. . --." - 'it'til iiinititil,r , 4rti"ce from iitis , -Or
' •B p rtoil who .atticar,::ii ~the cfnale of Ire
- will * ilOonan , ao fc tgl t! tu atti % , e axone.
artitiii*lriciktd , :itiaAttif*D.4fittiAbo'w 9 *:-was
for black :'''b la It donna' l' iiiltiiiii.iiiw k When it
I ._. Vu . , -
'f***frObl . 9 1 1 e, whfi:,v,all A ton fr. l
11iii)?tnimerlitio nomination rer . flaverilor'
sf ll o 44 863 ) 64; who '4oa'4r';'o4lo'e"
"ON:Oriiiittirtranft'fand*Wle, NA ' 'o
leatn to vote the Republican ticket until
they were Republican bandidates,shoildn't
tempt the recollections of men by foolish
tittaektf hPon "theirliWn. reeerdc - 'Cessna;
Elaniqd retire and take a . new latitude be
•! -
he.fitarti.::out Aini3Or if -he 'Must
talk, let him talk sense„ it's uufashion—
able pdlitleal circles these -days, but
tpere'd an awful ?petit - U - 16i it 4 amoug the
people just now.---Phiro Tifnez.z., •
THE PiIIeURES 11Y.C.41:1F0R11'14. -
! The 'Greettbai.A.: Iferie#l, the new, p4er
just sti*l,;:tit:Phjhidelphin i has the Tea-
Mowing in
. regarti_ to ., the California- f 411•
.ures:. - •
The recent,fikilure of, the bank of Cal
ifornia, and the suspension of the Gold,
spould not fail ti) convey a warn'
in,g to the, American iirople. In a Bute
which furnishes a largo := pOrtion of ..he
gold of the world, and which has do { ged•
ly adhered to a speqe b*sis, specie . 'dying
harikiare . now -failing- for millions, and
;the government, without. untiority, is
found transferring to ; them iat eoia t 0
prevent a general crash:.-. It must be evi•
dent that the timeduis came for a general .
and radical reforin in' the" rifoiletary
business system of - the, - country. Tke
epinmercial 'and, produbtive interests
must be relied, froth their dependence
upon the _false and trenehellits - British
system - Of ',bank•ciirreney and credit, arid
corporation monopolies. The remedy. is
in the hands of the people.,.. It is in the
poWer.of congress to confer immediate
'relief and revive the
,languishing 3mlllB—
of the cbun try, by,repeahng the na
tional banking-law, and substituting le
gal tender mouey, f national bank cur-
Teney. The questgu can and • must be
settled at the polls. To' that end the is- ,
sue must be. , presented. The pro
fessional politicians, of • both parties, are
working , hi the interests of
-tine national,
banks, and of the note-shavers and gold
(rambler's. The rules must -be drawn
shdrtly, find:4lle, advocates of, a moneyed
arismicracy mita. be ; driven into tne ranks•
of 'the' bank : currency party, where they
belong, and not bel allowed to thwarf„the
WidlICS of the people,.bv'' obtaining bon-z.
tiol of their political con.ietitions..
The Erie Convention.
The Demoirttc,y cf the State in.Couneps
The State' Convention assembled on
WedriesdaY ; September Bth, at ,Brie. Tile
a ilk. udau re was unusually large. 14 ot
withs tan ding, the various interests rep
resented hy the numerons candidates for
the po.bitiouti to be filled, everything was
harmoniona, with a determined. disposi
tion of all
.present to make Suchnominiv ,
dens and 'present to" the' 'people :of the
State such a platforth .6'lkt - cot - lid be wil-.
lingly and cheerfully uplild by the Demo
cracy of Pennsylvania,. and all citizens
who favor -retrenchment and reform in
tiffairs of. the State, and. honc*or and
- .
ihtegrity iii its officers. Tie . , •,:
Vonven; duly called.,to or= der at it o'clock huon l ,by John, Miller;
Esq., Chairman of the - Stiirctcntral Coin
mittee,and fri•J 6iirv'eu Lion' delitted ready
for business. 'James Schuylkill
County, and . lion. John
. 13
.. Stiles, of Le-:
high. CoO it
tity,.re•placed - 'nrmo nation
fcii temporary: chaitalen. , -The TOW IV:13,
close, Mr... .Phs, 133.;,- .4 . 10 n.: John D.
Stiles, 112. - ' ; .
, -,
CornrrEittee„,On Credentials and Conies
ted SeatsiO4,snization, and Resolutions
were appointed, committees nOusiating - of
one meuaber Iron,. each Senatorial . Dis
J. 11„. Duaenbury,.tepresentative Dele
gate irom Susquehanna county, not, ar,
pearingion'inotion 'ot . , E. B. Hawley, S:
D.,Maddin. was substituted. .T. J. Ham,
Senatorial Delegate from. 'Susquehanna
and Wayne dounties, not appearing, ox
the same motion Mr. Mott was Ell bsti-
tut4'and Mrtu., --
tative delegate, from Wayne,not appear—
ing, Mr.' Wilson 'was 'substituted. Tne
district . of Susquehanna - and. Warne was
iepresentea. on the variOns committees.
E. B.'Hawley C6nunitte 6n.
Resolutions ; A.'B. Gammel, Committtie
,on Contested seats, and Mr. 'Mott Cord
mitteenn 'Pertuaneat Organization. -4..
8. - Gratntnel of, Wayne-''county, wais
-pointed 'member of the'= State •Ceti—
trat Committee from thisSeoatorial Dis
• .
The °airs-intim:l adionized at. 2 - edock
until 4._ • - • ' , „ ,
13.1 - ion zegieemblitig, the Dorarnittee: ,
Oigan'iatiOu:reported JEFOndien(lnck...B
nglit, cif
.:Lu zero a • Coiiity;..lll3 peinaaa-•
en t preeicienti:.vith • 'acceptance and. - vide
presidents . froni: :varione:: ticuato nue:
}.EU DI the the
'Oreaidel4, ,accepted..• in,
lengthy', .opeeOli... -
The ciiitutnittee on ..platiorp3 .asked.for:
to..eomfilete , their..3vork. '
• ' .The...coniientiou then_ ;Adjourned
4,ecloOk ; t4ti 11,11o*.further Lteliberatioq, of
,coenwittec, it .being :generally'
hitt th ttee „we re unable
to ou.:the turrencyj,p;o:n.k.
The. oun*e ntiore : .ieaseetr,oled "at eight
.'."T kie.:Opinniittee, on, cieileiitiala reported
:Changes the - .Con,teated
skate -atiti the repo 'w•aa atliiptedE withniit
" ;
04tiOn'Tr.biA 4. he board of"of tae' city
cif" :Fie iirdxtitig them' biv and lake
excursion. Alter considerable dehatc.,
iz; hit+ 'the' invonen ts -to receiving the
Vitation had-their rOices fairFy eaCiy-A,
the' nfatioti itecqt•.carried tin tai
mously, and tile convention idjourned
eliriena. in, Thursday. ' •
;PurstuktiV to - adjournment the Couven
toeilon Thar - Way- .inoroing. The
journal . of NVcdnealtly 'isras , The
Csorunittee on Itf!so.lutiol3s not being ready;
`tn.ropqrt s actruition was znade
;ucamtnate oandlriates tor tiovernor.
Arter thitka , tendere'dVtO the' citizens
, for ho spit ,`the I . 4utir.d.e•
itlel,l the aiit.titteloreain order. A ken
-tteman from Cttmberlatid county litid just
nominated -wlwtt itiloser toov,ri to
ailjOurtt for,otte' hour' and. called, for the
yeas aud
'door WAS 40 allow' the
on platform then PI e:ro 7 t.'••on-.
elude •theirfrePort• Pend'itig ' 8 43
mein hers of- "the, committee-- se ll b d
lie platform' had 'been - adept( 'llOl
!nu t inn 4aia -yeas - 1.01; and 0481
137; ,
A 111RtiOn .Wlok , taiitio' to. Moitisikloritte
~ ~f
.4_4o*..te tiii tu i lionrtietit; 'iagt ttnothPr, to 4n
`-lell,tidelY PoStp A ejlint,'T„Whiell . was ,tdp
-0 0
0 by lin w ,wiSlied.tO caritiiitieltu
'One*: ; , , , ,I , ,--i'„', -, ' ..-. •f l ‘:,- ' ,
.ITheivnte, to l',leflititelY,'-Ofkor!P eras'
‘:Yeali , . l 44 B, Ot - ; -1,• ~',,., - --;-...
10. nrmiley.of ` , ,Crkw . lord; purely to
adjUnrn until tilee o'clo-kaanAte„.grented
that it was 'UsiiS to. ttempt to force a
nomination ro gove.rear ; until the com e ..
mittee. were tidy to reploet., , .
Mr. Snytie one oftte , anti-Ohio' men
on the plutfiti; F,commi tee, celled upon
Itir.}l Hugliet its Oh airniti; to present its
report.-. Ipa watt grearVapplauded. Mr.
Hughes; th' chairtnati,l teclared that if
the convenion. Would, adjonrn untit,thret
p, th., it w l tild 'save ti i ta 'aild enable , the
tointuitteetceprepare'a , Prirttipent Which:
all cmild ‘atrinonize. The,convention
should l ot be. diaracte zed by any r f ie.
,ti e nt aid should Fork to Success.
. - orre adjournment 'we .;carried hYPu
o e e eyhelming majority.
in reassemblin . g at th Cap. m. ,
the coin-
aittee Oti resoliitionare orted the follow-,,
.ng Platform. 1 I. t , ~,
, . 1 ' , TriE !rtxrtt Eat., t i
, ,
Reol etti, First.: That e hereby aeclare , ,
our, unlit tering 1 de‘o'titi ;
to, the fti ticliv -1
meetal principles of De ineratic:giivern;i'
wilt as enunciated byhoMae'Jefferion
in his tirat,inaugnral address, ,viz.: Equal
and exact' justice to all men; of whatsol''
ever State' or persuasion;telizions or po
litical "_;
,suppOrt Of the Sate govern; , ,
inettOs, in f all their tights as,the most cone -:1
petaut. sidihtulstratiOh 4 for 'our domestic
concerns, iind tho 8110..1tt ,bulwarks against
an ti•republican teadeti9iee ; the saprein , .,
acy Of the.civil over; mibturyanthoritv ; 1
ecoilomy in the public, expense, that la.
.. 1
bor may, be-lightlybvirdeued ; tin) honest 1
payinent of our just debtsatud_the Sacred
preservation of the plibliefli,itli ;_ freedom ,
of religion, freedoin of- the press,sfrecdom,'
of person, under[ the pneteeilen of the
great 'writ of hab4a3 corpus, alitr trial by
juries' impartially 'selected. 1 . .=; ,
Seciniu. That the wide-sp raid depres
sion 4al antreiing which effect every -bus
tnees a n d employment that; is capable; or
being ;Leached by legisletionfhew beyond
a doubt the ignorauce, metliciency and
wickedness of, the leaders of-Ithe 'party
that has ruled the state and : nation rota
Period of Years, and , 0311 , fori their iMine
dilate and ,permanent removal;: from'-the ,
phicila the/ have so long dishonored and
disgrened. m
~, .
Third.:Thai the undue. ultiplieation
of public Officers. And the inordinate in
crease of ealaries and emoluments l of .4:if-.
lice are among the'many evils whie l Rad.
jct . ') rule has folded_ upon the co nary,
and favoring an economical adrnii istra- •
tion of the. Federal and ~ State • g Ve.rti-
I I)
men tee so:: that' the people; may e as
speedilY as possible relieved bur
den, of taxation
,wfth which - they art now
eertsly. l oppresrd,l we call- upoi our
Federal and.Statd , representatives to strive
by'allproPer means to reduce them; both
to the very, loWest practicable number
and amount. ,-I ' I. I
FOurth.‘Thatlthe conduct of the pres
ent !State 'Treasurer in. the management
of the Cornmoriwtidtlesifinsenes, - in his
neglecting ariprdpriate the moneys• iii ,
the sinking fund in paythent of the pub=-
he de b t,asi rapidly- e required ,by law; in.
non accetintinglfor the interest : received
by him On: th,e,,,peoples :money, deposited
with the several banks and ,b:2,atiting in
stitutione throughout the _State, and his
instilent, refusal to submit:the archives
'of the:Treasury, Department to a legally
constituted, committee, .of the;house ,01
'Report:sett tatives, luppoi n tea to itiveptigate -
the.same, is Mr. gravesuspicion; and
is deserviagof the.sexerest cendempation,
at the landlt,,of lan outraged aud
overtaxed"PeePlel - . 1 •'
' Fifthl ',Plitt, the condition of our State -
treaatirY demands, the most;seerchiug and .
t - horough investiatioe, and we call upon
the temMtptee appointed by, the lionse of
' iniestizate the.atate,ol
the same, wad resolutely pursue the duty
which has been Confided to it,„. ,
. Slithi The nominees or this, cOnven !
Lion arOereby pledged. to apply all mon-.
eys in 'the sinking fund, as required by,
law,:in the teauction 'of '
the ,public debt,f,
and thereby save the interest on, the satne Y
to the i4noupt so reduced, and that mon
eys due thy, ; Ootrimon wealth fzoin corpo
rations and icaliiiduals shall be promptly
Collectc4 and paid into the Treasury, - and
licit in Any manner, directly or indirectly;
to employ :,publiC motleys fur-their own
benifit_Or pprposes, . ,' , ,
Seventh, As , tics; contraction of ; tlie
money currency and circulating medium,
.heretotOrerni-deby the liepubltcan party,
and the further contraction proposed by
it, , with 1 a :view to 'force resumption of
ep6cie P,avineatei has. already brought dis
aster.toithe htisiness of the -country and
tbreatets general baukruptcy,we demand
that this policy be atatudoned, and that
the, ToVpnie of
be made and
kept equal'to the _wants oftnitle, leaving
'the restoration of legal; tenders to par
with eci, tl. to be i hrought "about by pro;
'ilming the itidustries, of
,ttie people and
not hy 4,lestroyi ng them. - c ~ . ,
Eighth, Thut the 'policy already ltatia;
tea by the, party of abolish-
leg 1,01,41-tendens, and giving the nation
al bahke tbe power, to : furnish all the car-,
rencA Inn increase - the pewer of an td
readYidaugeroita monopoly and, the en b r...
mon4 burdens op preesing the, people, with
out 'co+pensatl,ng adveittage, And that all.
thenational bank circulation he prompt
ly and. rmatntl
ieyretired And. full legal,
tender :113e issued
- in their. Stead.
liin - h. That the public - n Wrest de
miLndS that the government hould cease
to diSedit it s,own . money, nd should
tuake'i L
6,1 1
i,legal tenders' - receiv ble for all
pantie nes exCept 'where_ respec for the
eblig,a, efts oroontraets requires. ayineht '
in c01t5,,, , • ' 1
Tenih.Dentatida the extinctioi of the
preset, national banks: and:the establish-
Lletit i , their stead of a system Of free'
batiks I discount mad deposit,ti oder such
itignlations as the States respectively may'
iiirvectiii-; •und ' , awl pipet ',money .except.
stich r . liay he is tied,. directly, by. and
upouti e faith of the Federal •Govern
taent,,-;.,..affurding ratinaily. a ,currerko
based,_',h - gold nd, silver, and . other":
„proper y'..,off, the 'whole people of „the
Eleven nth hat 411t,',.,-.
eat . With,, this' dechFit,iim -
of, principle
of ipolicv we arraign the lead 7"
ers of thee Repat,lican, party for their ex
travagant; expenditures and profligate,
waste Of the „peoile'l- .money,:. -for their
„corruption, tortheir . penulation, toy their
c:ontetiti:kt - - pr coueittu Ocilla abligation%';
for their extertienate - liacroe of the,s4-_,
aritia Or. our public ofileere, for . t:heir,Op
pressivi; unJhst and defective st4tera of
taxation, ;finait ce
,and: currency, for their
contitinanee-41iticompetent •aed corupt
men in oftlee ; and for their generalmitt
trainaTtneat Of _-both' : the State and Fed
eral 6 v.ernatents;,,,And -w,e, cordially. in:
'ivite.,„thelihertillteptiblica4tid all other,
Wen, Withopt,regard to pAst party assn'
'ciatinniu to Cooperate With 'gala ek,lviir,`
intthetu from . power. and ; establishing .
Midi. 40 administration of our public af--
! Ji ma
_a l keharacterized,thaputer aad bet-
ter:ll4llo9f the • 3teput3lic.
-. I t*,tte mated te adopt the .reaolutiniis
as ,Whole without debate . .„ - 24_:•
: I!!' B , o wdea,' - Pf Le4ighog9ethe floor; ,
-but. *l5 Sitin as it was apparent thit he
pop9i4 o ,fferingattletld,Ment tattle.
c4rrekiej., 1 31 a 71 .k ids iiiinie'`iiiii drowaed„
, .
- ,
• t '
- „
•• ' ,- . 7 -:,.. ,1,. - .:. 1 : 5 .
luau uproar.. Thu .. prtl . viril . is . . e# ion ; ' , ; tj, is •.-
demanded, - bat ' atiii4';',,tlritil pi.. . *.ll re..., .
. speech," ,"470, gaeoO4';' , lie,; iiiil'allOire;,,
i m
to proceed- with 'hit{ -.reniiiikg .itie-I:ppoliAi
decidedly hi favor ~o t- ; 44ii.• tiuo)q , aud
said it was good-old Deciocra iti.#oetrioe:
If the., convention. teak u:deOiy,e. , "stand
on. the.ctiirenor question it tiulild favor
gold and silyer. ',lle:thought tiy.reSolu•
fio,@iiO3.ll4,bg.a.PK.VaPP kt tulip id ,moyed
au aniendment to that eiLete •• 4• : '
Mr.,llugykorSahtlylkol,-,chOthiatr of
the - coiniiiittee;vai-:-SoletioaKilett4ita
the platform as - reported, and ithotight
Atinoworise than_ o, Bourbon who •tuivocat
'ed a istiriiiev . ,baied' - exeltiiv'elyi , on - gohl
aptt.silver.: i 'llso„stli4,lvgal. teativrs . Arq. nut
raPtelY. , ,prornisea ~ ie,;pay.any ..4ed,*thiiit
,gold-currency.. , * . itigah6ilder:iii•or itself
Itioriey. It redeems itself every time it is
=tendered . and - received'. - in pa'si,Moii t of
:debts. , Ile moyed.,,that : 31r.,,lowdetes
atuenduieut; be tabled. .:.„ : •.. :-:- -,
The yeas : ati.lii:l4yf 3 Fere, called on- f. ,r.,
llnglie's - aietiOtp,-whiCh 111 . 11i•cp.rried, and
Xt., Sow!fen7a ameadinetit wa4 lOst. ' —_
'''.ill r.,SOwa6l. took the floor, Againet it,
'ittaiiitit . cOnsitlerabl), coatll§iohisti*Ploed
. ..ti.) strike ant ,4 , , , ctiOns ;seven, eight, tine
and 0t'1 1, ,, itibtitita Wig the liiiitomal resolm,
.{don - of,'laSt, 'year .
~O:f•.: the Ve.ntisylvatibr
ill v nooratiC,platfortU : wbich called. f o r ear-_
ly `'specie restiniption, but under the•riull
41,•Anektion," no :attention w 0 paid. to
1 Mr. Soatilen'e.paption and the resolutions
Wert ad ptedas originally read. - . •
[l n . 1, 1 110 1 onainution tor,. P.uodidw. tor. gay.
olOr, i ion ttill i wed .-: The names or
'Ogliteet .eniidalatea .were . offerec4 and try
bldlOt,lt.Silited.n . s:iiiiloAis : - ~ ... .
• t 4 4 '4. 7:1 ^.
29 41 - 45 48 52 33 55 . 35
Fox ' 20 29,-,20 25 24 ,
4 • - .
Earn........ ; 40 40 52 46 48`43 24'
Noyes.-- —AI :14.84-ea a; 41 43.42
Pershing 13.16 18 18,25 2,1 .30
Moss. 18 20 26.28132 30 41i,°-°'•t - • "
Morton' 12 V
Pioltitt :.11'1,3 10 14 ' 1 ". 'l3 1
Mott ..... 4 6 -
Gibson-„ e .1 , 6, 2 1
5 A, 3. 1 6,10. .2
Knox—•, • • • . 3 ;„ . "
Croffroiig-.. . •
... 4 5 - 2 _
Spans • 2 5 2
1:1;13 12
Stiles 5 / 6 .7 8 6
Mittebler.:.l 1 ,
Dreher k 5, 3;17
(While the lath ballot was being taken Big
ler withdrew.ire farbr ot Pershing.] .1;
PQM - I*Mo* 'are the second. and third
ballots for state treasurer ;,
.. . ,
' 62
rlayfortl .
Embigh . ..... ....
Eiefsoll4-1t,••••—••"•*•--- ' ...
, . , • 3
rmlu. BALLOT. • , 1
Piolett was nominated for_tr.eaute;r,
. . .
.A dii.patch Was. read in the :coownflon Cliairrnan,yf the Ohii,lstateami, - .
CoMmitteei which: thanks were
.tendered.the Democrats of Pennsylvania
for',their platform und
- Gov, .
treat, co 0481114 m followed,Oie.readint..
Dallas Bautiders,Cf Philadelphia, S. E.
Ancona,. allAerk,County,
of,SuStOehtiriiia county, B. Q. Sawy..r of
Allegbei County-and Win.-Patten, Lan
ca.ster connty,were appointed a committee
to. intarin, , tbe caudidateiof their
nation and reqUeit their .acceptance.
The couveW.ion„ then adjourned mitt_
fullest expression of sitystuotion will
the nominneta and 71 nniyersal
xertain victory., • ,
. „ ..
r.,ekOcs fro*,Ertels Work. ....
From the Pottsville 'Miner's Journal
- -Repablicari :, :- ', ••, 1 . : . ,
.-,....:As :to .the'candidates * . they are the best
men,their party 'could'briit forward, but
we need.mateely:_s4y. that .we trust they
wil not -be elected, Judge Pershing i. 3. tOO
badly needed On:tlie..bencii of ScrinYlkili
county: to ' m ake him trans
,ferred to the GubernatOri 'ehair, and if
we reason • r oppesiug hit
election we :should oft St. ',, it on - these
:grounds. :: ', . -.-: • • • • • -
From ~ the Tittisiille Courfrr, Dego-
Not only in the adorkinn of 'a platfaln
brit in'the nomination of a ticket, the
Erie Convention has done a good work.
-CYrus L. Pershing, the uominee for Gcv.
er years of age. The selectian
cf nr
::tn ; j u s tio 0
of , 'the highest Integrity,. sugh
as judge Perslamg is kr.own to pbssce,
can net- fail' inspire confidence among
Democrats,aad command the respect even
of the bppouentii,eispeefally at this period
of notoriutts' political corruption in the
.ring of this State.'
. .
-From ht3 , 'Pviblie Recare, Intl.:
Judge - oyrus'. Ii: Pershing, now of
- Schuylkill county, is a man of very high
'character,.and one whOse name has Liven
atelp meutioned Avith praisein all "months
as that of the; judge whO teuced• the
,threg iianduleut Schuylkill Commisslion
-era to restitution, fine and imprisontnent
Yietox E. Piolett„ of'Bradford, the nomi;
lor Trea,s4r?r, is a man of means and
established integrity, an. uncompromie
jngtand veteran Democrat, well-known is
:Op ppliticat arena. . _
`l.lairiebarg -coirespcip ,e"
• thb Press ,
.;; It is - only - fair for th... , -Reptibliean'pariy
to understand Vaut .loth these men ba s e
,p4culiar qualities fitting thent . t.utuake,:an
effective crmpaign,. and- Which . mast not
• ,be diaparagedior ignored. and a Pershing
is:a-piwerl'ul 4ebator,;en tire! yr, conversant
,with.•tbe political history of thii . tenintry,
and dangerotiAly booked Isls
vanialpolitios:„.. It he - stump it.
:will .need - a•Ool head 'Lind aateady band
-to follow ':Piolett' is a - different style
,orator, Bang dine, -en thwfiastic man,
centrolled by impuli!e„ and as niqictxiOns
as r illett`tit . ; It AS Withaut.dOlibt,
P 6;1 rineta4
for StAe.olliceia since lsGO.From the '' Cane ~itxicfi Ittgftirer_
When 'the great I) rnoeratie 'party of
the iiedond State - of, ti Union
siolVay,ainst the tnon y oer it ineaus
shncietlitng. ' It _beans' tha p t
the Men Who
`kepi' unit who:pay .taxes have Aibeoveted,
.their oppressora; And 'hare tiled diecover•
ed u remedy: Tile ppacelnl i - revolutfon
eommeneed here in 'Ohio has nottr hecii _
litiry inangurated. It. will nOt entl until,)
-the-grand - oliji , et me attained. , t i r,rhe IYenio
eratie ticket Will sliced Pennsylvaili'lly,
30,000 majority in ' Itovetriber. Defore
that: 'Utile 01110; strengthen'eil and,' 'aus
tallied: by ti `declaration. 'dr . yeste i ,l4,y,'
'will at=e sent greeting,B with 50,000, ini!—
• jdrity for, 411'en. Standing itli otiffitr to
shoulder with the• gallant Demberaey or.
th'e KtystotiO4ite, we extend"oar hearty'
'congratulations:— - ' ' ' • -
',Pram t l ll4'Tittibitrg Post, .00). l'iireii
paper. ' r • .. ..
, - ,riter two tta,rs, work of the Erie.'.'con,!
tentloti" ia oller;and the pe,iiilii,of I,A,t4in.
sylvan ta have fan divortutiit,v la redeem
.', the State trora the natEruie that has 'chair
. liOtekizril it cor sii long. 77,1,1Vtia.Wt.1,iti at
1 baud. and the full daylight or - the . IyePlik's
dellip - iitice•will come with the CkSitiZ its
ithbi)o//6 Qii tlie efeiiiz,fof thP 1 34 0 04 tt
dtifor<r. livo,e_roneri _Our „Cqn
Goyern'Orlaktibwii r
stittbrettdtlol , l the state, uhd
bikhieq,%i4rt . by, ortbil'L
stipPnrt 11(4,0ii" tit tna:ll:itzoeracy,..!bt.,
br rtreirEkatortha*nel
tries anti opponents of Ra,dical corruption
official plundering. contraction and im
pending bankruptcy.
New Advertisements.
~ .
; , ;`-' , •'-' . =' ,- i-1:1:==;• rt';-'
naving; hnd 20 Years' expariencia . In the
butions,:orig continuo to attend to all tmllo in my pro-,
.fertilou. • -:- . MovtAtte, Pa., .- - (Sept. 10 11 .3 . -) Y 4 /
Whe'vaP.lrlY:wleolitvioitehay lefi'nly‘eillnZt4
I „ lorhni. vergon'or'persna harboring ar ,trio.ting the
told Itoßt e' me' ficcßinnt•us I *halt pay no nab! , of her
ctntractito• after tole- date, - • -
,September 15,18:5. .
• .
I)ISSOLUTICS. r - ;: •
The etipstrthentllt ittletefore - - - totistlnz between the
tadentlgued atelier. the Arm. hone Hewett J. Bennett
thited3y tit3tOlved Ay, tiotte3l "
consent. T he booko.
vinte3,, and arceatitt of thei late :fftta'.' ate In the - hinds of
.4 1 13113 re Ifewttt...3the WIII contiono• the busines3 at the
old etaiid, and 011ie , / alt claims, ttgathet the late lino
shOttl4 . llepreitented fur payment., • .
3loatro3o,peptember,lb, 1,514. --tt! ,
DAISX.RDE7OY-: " . '
th Diftriet Court Of 'the Unitedegt.' forthe
We:4cm Itifiriet of Pennaylvailla' Di' the matter of
.tatne.4, harthrepi,. . , • •
'A tviiitrit Inllankruptcy lyre - been, !sent by inid
Court a,.7 - ititit the crime of William Junco of thd Connty
of Susquehanna awl State of Penroylvanta in said Dlti
trict,adjudgett Daarript Ppon.petitlon of hie ereditora.
unit the payment of tiny', folitt , amt. the delivery of 'any
property belonging to raid DoOttrupt, to him or to his
!tie, altd.tbe tramiler of ;In?' primdrty by him are forbid
dot bylaw.. A rata:tine:to the groltora of said Bator
.ropt. Pint - ore their aent 4 and ^P` ur worn onolgli
oeea of hia eatate, by htoc,ul , t. (7.0 itrt. or Baiikraptey
to h bilk en :some ettiu eStlti Dottict, on the :.ind day
of October A. isTa. at '9' tfejOeir." a. tn.. at the'olitice
of U, Pl. WILLA tan one or the'llegiaters Dapkrufitcy
or •saliit i pbte-c.
JftllN t S. Mamba! for
sevt•Mber - w. , ,ltxw. Itaid, District.,
Z - 18. 7 (
9 S 5
, .
The tintierifgOb4 would respect:ol'y - aniiounce to the
citizens pi -Atiottriiee ar.d Vicinity that
,they hust'added
to their elitabiletrnout a riret-ciaea •• ' • "
tinder the direction 61 -.I; 6110.11.111DENIfitICER, of Nu - iv
York City. Wu will keep c9netautly ou hand •
. .
• .•
. ,
Witt , 'll.
partics Supplied fenalonabi}•..
4 -
......: 64
• ALSO--a Ihrgo add attractive esortlrtentS4 „. -
TOTtii . . .. Carl wild .
§Piainvpiii . :oYSTElt !MANG' ,ROOMS
310 st Beipc4thily. • -
Mcintrof4U Bei 1.4,t.-tf
BOYD. --, &:....C0RWL7N
zee X"AL-s,
:.- .-'..:::tirii-.4tr.
-Builders' Midware.
wotnldlo , woe thAuhltil tcr dne and ill who liCriti,
they have unnetth,d aettiotant a with to; if they would call
and reale by the middle of - March nest:
Feb 4;o3;k' •
Adtninistiator's Sale
fIF .:VAL:CABri ,; REAL, ,•?.?.STATt;
. .
The cvsdeialgged adrilaist'rAtore of the eatate ii lie-
man stlew,..iste Of F.ranklle, 'Tow - arldp, detteakett. in
ttnrrinume oT en Act ell the Urphans' Cowl ot the.Cetict-'
17 or 'Swot:what:me. will. export% et pablie tale on-the
Promisee, le 14'remitlin,ton ; i,. - •
iVedutsiday, Septeraber 224.
all tile following arecrlbcit Ittipce of lend -eititite in the.
u Tswnshitt .of -rattklle. Cmuuty of ImiequeLlll7fitl Slid
State or Pommy' vanla.; *mulled as fotiotirt to wit: oe ,,
gin flint oit the North by Mod* of Warren liver. on the
east by theitiztiony,rcuth .by lencla of T. t.. 1,191144 ms
and nit: the' SV_ett ISuilesd -Charles and 'Moran Mow
'ird. containing 57 ti4.rqs - percher, more Ur'
-1111131 S ;
- _
` , On'o - toniire4 dollar!. down, 6ii latiiilred on count ,
'caution of sal u. and the bniznin Yn onaleirthertiatter
rit t i i tt F; eB • iNow, •
••• 0 , • .. 1 - 0ari:43...incu1 5 7.
,;.• •- •
t p;yrics ,
Beat market price,[palaiiiretati, ;p"
COtt- ANI): 1 0ATS,
•at till 144tii ' rote Ste Xlll.
1. 1
1551,41.14 0 e, 4,47 , ,
. -
..Carpentet.'- and ,, Builder
rioNTßAcrs tI eftstt ntta Maros of o 411:1 n n •
• '
secttou tut atimplp4i trivo. 15 4 , verritc.tatil Ino•
sad" Mato Mantles, sne•ii, 13tAncl.f,' Onion, and Wln4nor'
Lenuneo. lurnik•itest*, And b6lld
lap tosn4 liatploy'Onne blll expOr
caned moiktnen. tn-nt
!"." Montronoolautuary A itess.rqi. ,
. .
i.WITOR •- 11 N'OTTelt--Tl.llg UNDERi3I4.II4EO
41 Ant Lino apilein till lir the Orphan'*A:Wirt urtiLue-
Qool4lll34lilKYthl the ptgle of •riatuad W,T 4w
dem, deed, eAl'exceptionv tied to thu pfittittl ficconat
et the .XX•ecetere, it 4- or.. lent. will tkar the
/Hulk* 1110lIC•elltl i P 411e4 al hie sfonttm.
ot• Therliy'ettle
,'day Jot 86ptember, leas; at ten
Atittock.#.; whitit etlpeinane tuttnettcti wJR take
notice. ' 'W.M; ZIOULEU , t 'Anditns.'
.litoittraiedgepteukatiac 20611: - .
• tr.hpl-p0!„.4-,
' 01 • '
L.KGeLt 1314&Nit.
04110 1
.........0 -...,-.
Up Stain.
ocirner of /141 a and TurttpiktSts.
'1 ' • - „
'!Thanka ta • Ourislendi for raSVPIITOII
1875 .
;gib l if 14 ; 0* t s
- it )
'.oon ' them Tier • - •
! .. ;1
1.10 •
88 Wmbingtott Street,
1.1 - itGEST . LSD BEST '4o3' SO DOINT 07
,kt . . -- tlid•LOwo . st .- ,'Fiiee'Vf'.._*iiir
..Store; •lh
A II Goods Staid ase,WAßlttaliD salteßesented:
Noy. 12 11474.
.:PRING..-i&-; ,- ,,SUM
.1 • ; I
v - NtY QooiiS,
&C. - ;
Dress Doods, a gOod. ItSSOrtlnont:" ?slate, 'all ,The ties
and fancy patterns. Ix• the Oaarliet.,,, , White Goode a
great variety_ .
.' .
The largest stoc k In teem:-.. First class • "good 4 at less
prices thee east be bought sit-ttey.ather parties la the
, .
all the Lsteist e,ty1403. _
a full lino, sad good . goods well made' and .ternmed„'
Call and Exabdne thr stoat berets , tittreltasing
where. I not he undersold, fue,,theevino'qualitycif
gorios, by ac) ono in or out °Nolen." = • •
Butter Otipped: Prompt returns st. the highest mu ,
eau price. salea,gtiarantse4 bills cashad as soon as fe
ketvai. .
• • IifiCHAN'DENi
New 4 1 4 0 0ii . 4 ' nue 2 a. / 8 "Z:0-- - M Sk. • -
This ,tandarcl article ii CoMpetindetT with the great- 1
eat care. Its effects are E,;aii; Wonderful and satisfactory
as ever. It restores gray or faded ba.r to its youthful
color. It removes all eitafon.s. !itching and dandruff;
and the scalp krits use f t orace• white add clean. By
its tonic propoirties it reit-fires the • capillary glands •to
their normal vigor. pretenting
„baldness. and making
the hairgro O. thick and Strung. As a dressing dotbiug
bas, been found so rffecensl. or desirable. Dr. - .X. A.'
Ilayes,State 'Astayer of ptissachnsette, pays of it : "/
conAder it the best prepatitticut for lit Intended par..
p't ,
"Buckingham's Dye, :, -
-- -
FOR TUB.t /SRER- - • '
- , , . ,
IL elegaid'preparati * on ybe relied on to,clia.nga
lor of the beard front. gmy or any other undesir
bade. to brown or ti Ai dilcretion. It le easily
d, being in' one prfwAratiott..'aiad gulckly and a
ly produces a pent4ent Mika 'which wilinalther
io wash off.:.
' • ' - MartitirtatnTßED Tri" 1 - - ''
P_Alail filr.l4...Naslitiiiii Nil H.
- yrugmiciNv,,,. . . . • , • -
7141t115. •,
~ , . , 28 .. . ,
. _ 4 t
Ager's Ca;thartie -Pills,
ice yet perfected .- Theft
finch they - ince] till • °Uteri
Eillat . They aro - cafe antilleatnuit to take. hurspower,-
.1111 to cure. They purg ut the ,fo,el humorc ,of the
-blood : they etimulate t e' luliglab. or dirardeted iron.
into action ; and they. ;1 n art the health am tone to'
rho whole being. Thew re not only the every day,'
complatuti of every holvibilr formidable and danger-.
~ ,us „m
di K 44,ee, em, ch - I phyelelatir.;most eminent.
ciergYeititt; and our be itleenc. rend certitleate , s,or,
alrol performed:a:do( Mat berletiL6 they have derived
from theft PIN. Theylort the anti t and beat phyvic:
for, thildren,becauve -rill& as - well as effectual. 'Being.
auger coated. they eau eo.efter take ; and., beinz purely
vegetable they are entl(ett icarmlacc. r .
' ' •. ' itt_i*arti ta-, 1 - ' - '
:pi. 3. C. Ayer ge,F,CO4 i.olirell 1111811 - '
'practical luttiqinelyticat ok:rat - As. . '.,
tgimy . By • ALL, DR
, 43/llS ev rtiilk NAirip.twis: IN
. July la, 1575.... ' ' - ..,' I - • ) .- •. rir
4 . T
• .
1 ,
• • Execu ' 41" s ' - Sale - ;-. • ',.'s'
. ,i .‘:, •• , j
The oodireigeed eietditin of toe estate; of •Eri Greg-
ory. late of Itridgewatef. dot"..k. co, v.".. dectaterdi will,
rail it public veudue, o ft !le preraireo, the firm koilort.
as !ilia Eri Gregory fartity .conittulogabout 1004011 m i;
" .' .. - Saturda 1,
-October.;.24l, - ' Il'
artameocitufal , 9 o'clocij, 4, m,.:: • ~, .. -, • • ,
TER) ! S OP .S.ALZ —*pa. 07 di sale; ittlO int:
delivery or deed. abd tic,: : ce fa di e equal a tidal
paymunta with Inturest„Nit tha *Lola- atochkot dtte. ,
---:'• ..., E ',- ." .".i . •;, 1- •,, ri
_.. 4 , , • •,:
..",, ALSG, th 4 !VI?, wPnis. net. l 7 l ed i- ; ..,
- - A L
‘'i '"i* i:i • - -
1 -.• r. 11. 00- 4 1 7 11 9 33 - 831 /. , , p . ipr , IT :,
5in,b0:0244111,60 atomti/ile li;ddlitic 43 4:. :,•.": :: ' I .
.. :. pile yoke of !Aril, S Nl i li, • 2 'two-year-Ca herieri, i
Anatol Atatkeep.-faaalall, 7 11:tatitivistorittforkw"taliiirel.
2 ox.yoket, 2 Italie; ottet i d, 2 plaira. , scalditte ,tott,2
raddlee, 2 hoer; rtiauttre.f „, two bar:m.l46o, clink& dlr.
:tort: abetter, baskot, , tiik iter.-..2. trod It'ottles,-20dred
,gie aloneei two plowe. grafu eecaole. quauti Ey Shavedittitt
! -
'ei, veyte O. 2 pap plum; tt§arat:73 ea p , tabil,ithariat ivag-;
rft.a. yttealbortete, quataltt, ot loaLt her, , ,tol) tatOryortit-,
''ter. gitigii.l ales, and rot ier afticlajdotenulnerattl.
TgAILS -. , --4111 emote, tinger 1.1 r" Vatfli•d 6 to.d."&reror:
ear's credit' , % 4 1. 11- ' luicr.irit , 41 4 APPfAvad afedrlt "--
TroPett, toferaid i it 1111teftua, :or imte-ide cocop
- , fliti".o z_. e..-.,,, , ,• , ..! - . , 1:,,: . :,.::
~) ._ ,.;i i i i l 4 -:
1,. ~ . „. , . - As.l.asux, zx
. r.
I ' • Sept'4lxibtri3;lB7 s .4 l w 7 i:' ~ - . ~, , - .l ;'. • , IF 4 ' . '
. • ' " --
..A..,, - . .Isreiviv" ' - et • '
.. ;.,., :-.......,.; ~..L. - t -:•;',,,:•• f.. 4 -"i '''' .."'- :.
,; - : A . - • ! -, .2, ~.r. ,
•• - • • • ~ .-c -,, , -..71 . iii-t ‘..',-
.'. _:'•t';'; • , ,:, '- ( •:'• -..,•-• I • •,,. , -..1-. .. :,_ . .
,), -
1 •
~.,_ . • .. ,
. ..
VO 1 4 YptUr. - ItirAtrieNT . ,o,,tfaiiil %, • ..
•,: ;i. • ' - 1 , -: - '-; - ~,,- '•:' - rid -, •,' .1: f' • . r( I . : . 1
- . ' 4i • ' . ".11 '• ''''• '
Pt i litijis ! &,;.• hying vn4ipts
I „. .
~ ... ~,.
. _ .. .
. • -_,
,w-o cill''fiiiti,44t'tt ty i ld 4•4464 t '6'6o;-()ttus aiin -,
, . Abtehlimis sa-Ailiotou,d ow.. win ." t I qu t o co p *lore
Arnrctivii4.c.. . time 2,5 iir t:esit fur i cwiliwz Iwt.fu
tuitutSilroundwa:trini: , II 'lnstrilautilpi and/4401111es
41 / 4 wi iFo l ' 4 4? " ' • '^' `•,.. -1: :; • iir D. iiiatiiiiiif
• . , 1 • ,, ',, I'L .
4AtToilu; 4 i l, \ l l7 .'" 4 . f t " :•:.'
.. , •':.;,
_, . 3•• • 7 7 .. 4 4: 4: ( ,1•::.4( ., # 4.,4i i'f
:'~.. ~;'
ttu will f'ind the,
; S!) 4 'f
OP,ALlaKuop; - J.,
44€ 18, . 44 121 / 4 1CealP7,*
t, I . lldigetitton, llyso2-
'oul toutich'in d
Actte., Xylelketas,
niatiozo. Erliptlntits and
,DitiellmeY, i itilll6oso.eltit,
• Ctlmplent, Dropfy.Tet•
ninon! , 'Salt Rhen Tn.
It • Gork4 Nointliztav tts
q• Plll acid PurifYlug the
N Evilitimusitotissigbri-f,: 1 1.-, r , 31
~ ~.,.- t.- , ..,- , ., , - zi.... .-.....-..., ...... i ...„;...„:„.....,
..,., .....,..„ .c , -. ..„,..
~., ;,:. 24' , h',,,,:i.
no POOllOl liriE itM.
......e.. t:i .._. .~. :.?
R. ERNYON. Druggist & Apatite4r.r.
The under signed Would rtipettinlly denounce teen
thy people everywhere, that to hle already extensit ,
stock and variety of Merehaadlee la the Gosearr. Pro-I
vision. and Hardware line.- I
tie hiss added a v. ry z ebbtee assortmett of AMIN
FUMERY, kw.. which he natters hims if he can :mare
Um public, th:will nail ittotheir advantage to exam-`
tea-before pultbasing (Nowhere. TV ail Pio-widen* in:
this section of the county he would respectfully- an
nounce ;bat he has secured , the services of MiManyotte
Its Debgestaud Apptheory. at hose long exticrleace and,
acknowledged care arid ability. entitle hi to your en:
'tire confide:tee In the line of Com Pounding medicines
or preparingpresaiptieps, atid who would also esteem
it an cepemsj fivor to receive calls from a of his old'
:-astoers Or new once. Will Make the P tent - Red-I:
.stnes a s pecialty: Also Domestic and FOre gn.M lucre),
Watcta extensive stock. Also tine eremite— : '
'• PEAS, - CORN; zwis.. ays-rritS. ac.
. . _
tict. knytitingand eicrithing
ed. liespectfraly sallclting it can : I remain '
. .
Powderl•Powderl Powder I•
• '
HLaN>i t;
kftle And Shot Powiter, Shet4Leid, Gnu'
. Cops, Pouches.' Fluiks, Fuse; tee.,
• Ac.. tkc., tot *co by• '
Montrofiit.:9.lBl : 4-4f
`igts'Do. 'N'cif, Lie i
stout wool-Mixed pant.,l%.
-Vbckt dirwo9l puts. ;
Orencti misatmere MOM,
rleavy worklogmen's suits,
Scotch cassimere stilts;
Derrls cassia:lore suits, , •
4113ncy clieck.stid stripe skits,:
Black frock coats, . ,: i••••• •
;Back (trete =IAN imported,
Black cloth Verte •
White linen !mite; .."
Bois' SUITS, 3 to 9 years
Boys' cotton malts, _- • , , $ 2.00 $ 4:00
, .
.•• ,
-Boys' mixed/snits. ' 4.00 6.00,
Boys' fancy Wool !elite.: 4. 45 5.00 • 10.0
i 5...:. L. n' I.
ii i. . Bui.B r
IZI.TIIIIy. V to sears: • '
yerebort Attire, • ' ". ~ $ 4.00 $ 1 7.00'
'Boys ihncy'olls. '-; 55 .7.10 10,0);
Boys' ilnt.t caealmere trait*, . S.OO 14.00
Vonths' suite. all etylea, ' p.OO 20.00
! 555 cottonahlrta, ' : : i -- 'l - i's:" f 0
Citx)d , liverallii,- : • -' - ' • ' " - '' - ".. s 60,
Good rabbr ranaliendera,; - 5 .• 50155
',.---` And all other Goode In proportion. • .5
L - ..Tha'abilvaPtlceh are for, cesti.only; and irwinoted
cuit t oraire front, a dihrance.. ' •-, . •
IAO FORFEIT it 'the above price list not
V fuldlictit which prices aro goaranted 15
P!ct eent. lower, than those of any other }mohair! this
pity or • , '
" • WELBS'rtii,- The 'Clothier.
tunghamtan, 4tly sch t lBls.—tf •
L• ~. FP- 'PI... 4-. 1 : 5 0 .- ,:-W°4- 1 40) 4.- •:8:: , ' , ''._ '-,
I tiroiliares*inili ttentior4t
`.l * : / .‘•
ms :Er rt. zszx irk xt.
trihichltirry ito selling at from 161(1 . 20 per cent. 3,
-thambentopre. Atoll assortment of
.141,140 R, DINLNG - ROOM . and, N,rp,enEN.
• ' TURD."
Parlor Setif; fd $B O upward: " Chamber' Letts (rout
ti4o upward.% Diattteases from $4 upward. Pure Wool :
*Moore from SIU \to $l3. Oak, A and Walnut
$.4 - tension.Tables (rem $6 to $lB.- r." •
Tod can do ;better by purchasing yenifgonds
1, any dealers In Loiseettion or theLentultrr.-- Wa will
- tot be undersold by any one 'east id - New City.—.
No extra ehitrge for packing ot- del truing goods at the
. . .
0 ,;,...
T.. ,.. ;;; ; . ; ' ve."-.` -4 '-'•••• ~.',1., , 1
We desire to say a word. In this line, we hers Stein's
Patent Casket. and a variety of other styles. Bul lal
Robes, `shroud e, etc. •
The hearse and Carriage attnelletl - to out establish
ment surpassed in this section. !These will
be furnished to those who require, at u reasonabir thr
ore, anywhere within s radius of . twenty miles from
ttas city. Give us a call,
Binghamton, lisp 12th. 1815.—ti
•• SCE.Airrox 1•4 ,
. • iwbol smile & binders I n • •
'znaitlrs , HARDWARE,- '• '
1f8 8 a,5.1 .14 n 4215.
, . _
rain and Lameness relieved in a short time by iho
use of Taylor's, Celebrated Oil. The -greatabeumatie
and Nentallgie.lleteedy..-Thii:medicitis is not ft cure
all, but is warranted to cure more of theallo and 1110 to
which tleah is heir than any other med'elne ever die
covered. (Jive it a trial ; if you do. tiottind it re. it
iostisyou nothing. It' may bo used' with the utmoat
advantage for , any kind of Pain;.Lanumeas• Woimde or
pores upon man or bead:.' Will not smart the rawest
wound or sore. Full directions for •use Around each
bottle. Ask-your lierciptut for a free viAi., No Cara—
Taylor's Cough syrnp os"..xpectortent,foi ell Throat
'and Long dtaessea. fa very pleasant to the taste anti'
• contains nothing. injurious. Try it, and atop that
curtail and take the• soreness from - your Throat and
I.linge. ' Ask your Merchaut foYa free vial: : No Cure T
WO Pay.. •, I • , •
Taylors Conti Itiam Powders for all kinds of stock and
poultry. -Warranted the beat renovator'f the syttem
or ran down of diseased stock, that has ever begn, dia. •
covered. Try them for all alseitses incident to the
blute•cvmition. Diree.tiona for ,use armuideaets pack
)to Cure—lioPay. . • • •
All the itkOlfe medicines for'sale by Abel tarrell and
Ruins & litchols. of hfontrose.• and all Drugg,isteand
I Dvalers throughout the country. ,• •.
- .Qt. lobes, ' 101-01-Im. -
: • .
• - coßßErrarras
rand, tiptctint from ningliamton to .Montroso to Conk
; lintitatictu un the , IX L. &W.R. It Partie mop
, :ping at tide Matfett will find it convenient to r all on
aa I have proper Convenience_ to picric partlealo
_any plate they with to reach. limn:beer. refitting Ely
how led barn, making them mot* tonvenlmit to the
I fierfil•in tips -public. •Thanknil tor part pattlatageof
try old Mends I ehalt be henry to. greet them and
trio public gerterally.when to into vicinity.
. .1. MULtillY, Proprieten
:C•OrhetilrfEle. August M. . -
I teitralliipress 0111 ca Id Cobble. old staid. ' Rapti";
Inat(orlorWsinlett and Melte& to and from all 'Orli,
Tta,itontrioelt: Lana Lehigh vo r '
Direct root to Scranton; Wilkes fUrro, Now. *cork;
rbilaxtelphia, ay., Se.. -
VoiWirdlig of freight prompt!) , attended
J. It. it&T A NSVORD.
7doeuors. August 25th;
SatdaPer dlYt ' , agents wanted. Ali thus.
Ad es of working - people of both seater
young and: old. make ;nom money at work for us,
their own Inealitleaotharing their spnre romentat lOY li
the ti that
than at ary -thin Weer enna
ment that trilt psy handsomely for *MOO h of otter, work..
Fail partiehlarr, term. de., tent free.' Scud as goat
- sedum atsince, Dotal dcloy. _Now. tailito I..nn't
r Work
look,roe- budgets elsewhere-until yon hale
learned what we Offer.. , fl. STILSSOS 3 CO.. Pottlanc
Maine. • • • n3-)1 t. •
: 496 . • .
tAtat 6 &Ms' a bgt.kwhicti 1a
cbea as othera, some at twice the atioa . ey. "1111.90,
of was yaToiste.bou 'eat , •
Atificst , : IXONS a niak
Arniaii4)t 'wanted without extri chi*: toraot
Opium pound or not, _at - •
:Aveist r ig, 14,1-44. ti - - /X6144101i/itt., '
NiA*ONliti ;4:loo,7A.irgia.-=:,W94; urre
ierdio. 44, it 'oply H 6 Voltoil •
4•!1.0*14'11F47-41, - -
• ,
1 ,,,, :
.. 4 _, , ,i: ii i,i 4 ,,,,,,,
• •-• - - ,:v - •, 3,... , •••.;- - •;-:':' , .. '::::4J;.%.,•'
, s
I. N. BI1Lt1tRI)
$ to' 2.50.
&OD 41.110'
- 5.00 . T. 50
7421 10 00
8.00 32.00
13.00 " 17.50
400` 9.01
' 'MAXI `"'4.00
1,11 COO
','::s._ $.50
'lok OUR'
NeW Adiertisements.
Dealers In
,Agentt to!
polys .councE .4110VLD
- INGS, &04 - ' , •
wbth we wirriell at Blanchard; &Met d Co'a. pecwo
•NAiris i soßEws, LATCHES,'BUTTS,
_ .
Special inducements on Coolers, end aD
Did lug Ckbodit
RON I 01:14), Pins'' , PREMIUM,
J 042; .1.11.1bnz,-Getieral .ttget!t.)
' --- • - GY WAGGONS. '
Unaiirpasaettlor - Styl©. •and Durability.
'API him* recritly added tp oar selection' of Stoves
made by Tr/alarm.% Sand & Co., ilbany:.N., Y.. and the
.itryrand`Beses - Burning Parlor Brove b and Canard Clo.ok
Stoves, menntactur -W by Perry & Co. , - Mbak. N.Y. w e
also keep Ike eniebr*ed.
.Thlthbone.- Jewett 4.--Rmisout. Ranges, - 'with Copper
Reterme mu: ?fickle Mountings of the latest improved
patterus. . Repairing
,prOmptly done Auld, orders for
.•• • • t
Jobbing solicited. . .
14AYD1aN a 1131..EICKN7S.
. -
li . e.Siliforti.Mity I.2th. 1.M. , —tf.... ... • .
• .
'rt.etxd. Whis I
We hive Jost returned. from the City . of Newlrork
itlth a pplendid stock of guoda.consisting of
D24.7 * . SOC)10Z)
:G4IOC.E . RIE9, I
"•Fair,.IIARDWARI3, ac„
And altattier gtaxis usually kept In a conatty store.
'••• Come-bee and all and satisfy yotorstelysts that we are
•selliatt•as cheap ae the cheapest. We ate always wil
ling •tnnnnw oar goods. W. aF. IND ERLIED.
._ .
_.• • i , , ,
Brack - neY; ra.fliay 12th 1815.—tf. ' . .
; EaCe to Get Your
3yr. A. Lyon's,
Mieie you 4111411 d a fell assortment of rare Drees
& Medicines. Chemicalt, Dye' Stuff*, Jewelre, Per.
lumery..V.lolins and II iolim Strings, Fancy Loodt.
Taakeo Notions, Pucker Book!. CI ears Tabacco. Flue
Toilet Stella*, Brushes, Table Curlier)... s'Olid Sliver
Spoons. Plated ,Spootrs, Krises and Forks, GunE. PI 4.-
to's. Ammunition. Shoulder Srucerl, Trusgee, kiedie4l
instrnments. 'Dental Materials, Lrunps and Lamp
Chimneys, .Teas, Spices, Baking Powder, Sea Mots
Farfne,'Velatine,Taploca, etc., ac. -
A fell assortment . of Machine end all kinds of
Varnish, kept couetantly or. hand.
Wo aro *oiling. our Wail Paper at cog M
, and are N,
Cloalrk out our.Olarawareat. a
. . - Cry Low . Figure.
Get a can of our 311xed Chemical I'lllll, ready for
we. and do yone.own paintlng.
. With our larks stock of goods, we feel confident that
evasion. visq.Mg „Nlootroso,, will find it for their inter
-014. to caq Mid examine for themselves before Oltritt.-
Inx elrewhere.,,•
Stontrore, June:9,lBls. ,
one hundred ttotlar 'Mower for
Arm Mower Warranted t• 'rho chaapest end bee.—
Sive time. rate, maney,lave annosaamaby buying . hums
Idanatadared and tot sale by •
s,:lc. b D, SAYUE.tor Ms Wen , .
7Ontrese, June lad, 1815. , tt2s
Sewing , Machie
Sews•trota but One Spool' of Thread.
, It hal but *lx working parts, he nouseleps. and sew.
more rapidly thaviny Machine in the Alsriv.nt. •
Has ht Xeellle.
t DarabilitY akit Ttisitittl an it
, bar di the Modern tiptovenients,
Ftitszeutss xiApisv , ON' A ULM'S.
..;t%4M2X.1411. VCrffli,toa.
gaDID OD DX110'11..4 , It.
Msfesq,• , • . ,
ISOIigtf,DESS4 NikeitiNis (7(
' 1 440,14 101 '`• ' e Bitabainton. N.
_ , • '.f,
. • z-,,heweetit Titll:o3l:Wit lettewit. ,
'iitiza.raosi PENN' I
•.• ' •
, . •
'l7Ol/0"8. TARBELL 1 Pnor'n. . .
•-Nlitiriutetandltstict tittoc liktoe (MI
N ,
Wachter- w ith the hteutteee Railway, the Lehigh 10 , 1
Railroad. mud the I). W. 4tailroall.
Aptll 1tt73.-tt • , •
•DV fiettnPri ; Omar I Zood klynctuatire. --.3
nontopt• Who 4ontomplata making tontfott* with
L 43490011 for lho lninitor of adrert lament .
0., At park orlitai
...7(4 Ce 121,4 !O Goo, I'. t Row
lOw YOU. for their MX PIILICT-DOOK ( -
cults Wit ton,l canto! n lug ihdo of *Tor .kO/0 nuwe pap, rJ
and ortiouttop.okowiug the coat. Ad/era/ran:nut t/t.-
Ittadlkg pper* to many • ash* at a troutondoo*
oactootloLjtosit pukdlshant` IMO/. 0431 the Book. '4ll
VOW by
,Norimou Acis4oo.o. WAIKU.U.. hi., la