The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 08, 1875, Image 4

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    "i!....4,,1• •%:''' Z.: 4 4 ;4vr,,,, , k - Pi*VAl;i,.Aieziict^ . •-• • r; ' • • - ' -4-.4- 4 .4 .4 ,4 ••••-•••• , -- ~„,-, ,,,,,- ..--Lit-r:er'- ' :- .- .
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tltin ant louotheid.
)larveitlnd : 11114tif
, -',„ : . State*. •
• liVNe'ri , England, '...aetording to uni-
venal FAStom,,t he ,thiasliing 'machinery,
is 0 , 4 t by •POtratainial" thrasher,e l - who
itiftertitetfroinlainke firni,:and. thrash.
out the groin either for a epailied Sum
. • ivr 114 y or, per:bushel, or foe a .011, of the
1 ; I iirailletVoiini Tatting from at fifteenth
• o,..tentli of, the whole. • The thrasher
Thruielies frOtit • two to four horses and
two nien3 - the farmer furnishea . tilie tith
er' tcainkilto several , e.ountaie
' St.iy zrighirta the - tlernher OJ O $5 t4),q' It
~ d 4, beeides.board
:„ 14, inateandlortie.:: The maohinee used
• in eitchkeits4 hatiallY:',lhreihloo buthels
whtkatior'e,o6 ebust e lfl of oats' Per day ;
iwe r nO, -Where" the', paid %for by, the ,
bnehel;ewheat •l- chatted . twice the
piiee,ol Can . ; Wheat costs. from 16•121
"ceitta . Per bushel, ; and 7eitits.` Ikea ',4 to 7
rates noted in
is in Svidalioc,
-littmOithere the thrasher.receivea reents
pet ; basherfiiiolitie,t) cene,for barleyaand
12 cents.for:wheat. 'soma` crises'- the
the_ machine, and runs it
inineelte- 0(16 isionally the two ',horse
• tread machine is meal; but in general the
apuaratits employed, embraces, the latest
improyementsi and . reqiiires front eight to
ten Horses'to drive No reports of
° steam madmen , in trio region. lii
• many comities the grass crop and dairy
, farming:have restricted grain raisitig to
Nery narrOweirtia4 rendering the - thrash,
- ntg operation •so . :tinimporttint„ that - the
, of, machinery ;Would not be profita
. ern Norfolk, Ifasslichusetts, thrash
ingts eono
' lmost eutirelv with' a
three Southern• 'New, England
stabs!, ittithinery; itt beth thraAing and
harresting,-is used to ouly'a limited ex• tent, (hi account, pf• • the small amount of
. pails fartninte
I 1 •idt s
t e tates
.steam-pouer is, in
many places, eu perseding 'horse-power, a
• cireunistaiiee Which - necessarily, modifies
tin for thtashing. • `such
ezie.eS the thrasher senile oaeor two hands,
enwileer, end . a machine-Seel:Y. ' , while
n! oofarina Antis coal and water and boards
th4-!Men, betides Inrnielline- labor ()utile.
cleat to take the straw from the tnechine
- it in sticks. Steani-thriaili
, iiiToir such' terms generally .costs tibmit
ethite per bushel for 'wheat, 4 cents for
haeleyi stud 3 cents for oats, besides the
extra labor 4 hired by the farmer. In Cam,
di" n, N. J., wheat is thrashed ty steam mu
10 nen te, pet' bushel or by horse-power `at
8 cents ; in such cases; however, - the
• I hill3her furnishes i a larger prOportion of
In Lencester 'steam -rnachin
eryllirtishes,46o buShels per day, at ;.6
, e , eits; while in Juniata the steam-separa ,
tor delivers the grain ready for inarket a'.
o cents per bushel. Steam- 'well inery is
;/ leo, used extensively in ()One counties in
reiiii;wylvanite'ind in New Castle; Dela.
waxe , iii''a_ few: counties the small two
11;a-se tread-machines :ire used, This is
gent;'4lly the ease where farmers use their
'own machinery - and employ wet or win
, ter weetber in thrashing grain. in their
own^ barns. Such farmers.-often elitist)
tho grain:of their neighbors, tolling eery
f keit!) or twelfth buOhel 'for-their services.
Where. men engage as -protess;onal thrasii
ers, ! they find it more, pr4itahle to, invest
their capital in tnachine's'of greater pow-
or and, capicity. • These nes require
Peel two, to. six horses for the:ir trans
. portation from farm fo farM; The horse
paWer in driving the machin
eryi the farmer supplying horses enough
to make a team of six to twelve animals.
The 'thrasher'. either feeds 'the' machine,
, himself or hires 0, man for this service,_
and :another to drive the team i• the
er hires men ,enough ;to; make up a gang
of twelve or fifteen. „Ttie efficiency of,
these ineetithei 'is' "attested by the priees
charged for theirmileiarnotrhtiner, ilesonie
'eaunt,ies, to slo'per slay,
,with/boerd for
two men and two horses. Slactines of
inferior caPtleity realize about 86 per'day
`some:lii these ,reachioes thrash
ivlreateat4 ,• ieetita' pii , buther: barley,
cents; pats or hifekwheat, 2 cents. Whete
the thrasher 'furnishes ,the entire horse-
p' xer the cost is greater, . rising to 10- ,
'vents iOr wheat and 4 cents for oats, , In I
some. 'counties the; thrasher. tolls the,
thrashed grain; receiving from 41 - to 8
per cent. of. wheat, and nearly double , of
:oats. . Oecasionally the'; thrasher receives`
from. 3 6, to 50,oents per 'lriitacireil eh eaves;
vheat sheares _averaging anion 6 bushels
of• thrashed grain. per:hundr'ed.- There is
'coesiderible variation in, the minor 'details
but the general susages art mostly the,
i‘aine. The tendency is tOward the use of
• the/lateet -imProvemeuta in labor-saving
aniteinnery. , ,
-111'..4ilaiith, .a ,milket gardener . cf
C teen BO;_ 1 tarnishes some 4n tere,stin
: statements•Orexperimanta in bigii cut
tuxe 4 lie has found the rule invariable,
not is, single exception lo,.it,that the more-
Le has s'pent in cultiUtion and manuring
greater have been the net profits per
arre. bast season hecultivated 'fourteen
and begun with•a more,. thorough,
and, expensiye' cultivation than ever he—
fore. 'rho result was, that, although a
'Terrific drought," one of the dryest Sea
sons ever known in that'region prevailed,
after spending $0;986, or ssB4 per, acre,,
Le had better balance than fur any prev-,
He fippears to'regard constant (native—
tionA 4'slieettinr dr,ought, eon.'
nreuon-witli -.copious manuring. as ,'all
important,-':-Stable manure is the stun.
th,,finch , use, ofsnperPhosphates,
• -ashes, and caber manures
us experienen andgogatsttse p6int
4-After you4avphairOd --
n ow •to spend
money to' thehatidratitngs,' he remarks
a larger pr,•Marle by laying out
'OOO Per:aeri than with leks.---Arter the
senynd year, if 4rour)and - does not pay all..
its .xpeitses; Snits ' and ; :ten
_per cent an
cl,OOO Peraerei there is soMeth i g wrong
luive elothe acres of land
that - did nOt'Pay,expeusea for two years
but for a number - of yearsnast 7 .have , not
faiied to,paylll per astaon ne least 62,000
'r acre. - I expect my, whole ; garden„ to
donipre, than ,that ashoir time."
tula.B tkat :fiefs's& aiming at i,poo
bo.4eis of .oiiihns''per aere, theu a crop'of
earrots'ar ininips, or 500 buSbelS'of early
potatoesi or, if strawberries, V , ,,800 quarts,
or 400 Lugheisper acre. imotuit
strawberries is • uot-whoIli; impossible, as
ire have.irnown,"nti'der our own observa
tion, thts Tate on' two-thirds of an
. .
e•:rr,...,.'u A 0%,:', ±,;'.5..ek.::3H44'- :. littA .-,
. ,t i . : g '‘,, t
.Ige,-ti4:'4r . - :,. ofolf;4*i,iod:one •
: ;'R rt- P ll c , :'4''l 4 ;o4s',it jl frAii
-104tliat,.iile a - peieh,lt 6 §4:6li
.14, *4 7 *00scii
t d l o lau ,;Pit3.iC;64,whiniar.'
FAveixa4 , painii
litatoold. watir; kneatd
roll, cut fu b!tke,.ol4,
,in ir6n 044
sper 4 , ~ , , .-,....,„..,_
--wsucer i reen , br - ound - i.. W ivy
1•+ . ' 801 , -bn
sOr blicli - inti;l:':' , • ,,, : 5. , -.777 - ,\ r .".,' Tik? . .F.Pcl o
iy,,, - -:?.....,' ...,,,,,: n;,:fe,,:i.'..: - . , ,, ..-
~, 4 ~ ! . .3. -- .,, .. ,. ." - ' 2,, 2! ,?•'-'.
4, - A ., , , •:•.:: ~,..
-,),, :,-, ',, •
• How: Pat wns Ming:
Iti.days ofold, When alien wore hung
Per misdemeanors forint!, " •
AO nth:fie wieininialiod on the spot,,
Tiro same to One :and' •
An.Englishtpan, au Irishmen,. •
ksbotatunu, hoOleu -three, •
Te - die wOe'selitended ;so theludge •
• '..said-eachCOUld choose a tree
Proin wbich tp hang. The,Engllsitnien,
Ito chose the brave old oak; -
The Soonopen thimght the 4511
Per hint to yield the ghOst,
The Tristmian,he had ionie doubts
As,to the truth of this ; ' - -
Said he, "Yer honor, do we swing
ri'oll3 any tree wo.wish ?'' '
Minor pinched, for all be said, •
And urgs,llitn to.he (pitch.
"Arrahl" eat(' thoose the tree
- ; Wbere: geoi eberiieS` are picked.",
•• "1k hi 1110" roared out the. udize
"Why', Patrick, that's too small 1"
"ma small F" said Pat, k'Ate sure Fit watt
' Unttl it does grow tell." '
A o!Xtmmi Man's Joke.
'; .did not looklike a joker. One to
sir an stud y_hls. fae,e, would have' said
thilt his soul was s'S . lost in rnelatielgoly
that ho didn't eare'twe cents %whether the
site set at won. or, stak until seven'
o'clock. He entered the ladies sitting:
room at the Central - depot,. walked ill) to
a 'woman' whoso husband had left the
room abOnt ten minutes proviouily,
calmly i guired, . - '
"Mad in, your husband .went.ont to see
see the' .r ver, didift, he." •
"Yes—why 1;7 . - 'she as - Sil turning p4le
hi 411 instant.- ; .`;.) .. -..' '., . I
' I
"Ile was 4 .611, .sli 4 intl4n, *wasn't
"lie was," she replied rising up and
'turning.Still paler t: ' ~ :'i .
"Had lie:Aid hair IV '.='. t ''i _'. - :
Illi ' llia--011 ! ` 'Whit'. has ' iiPpert:-
ed f." - I:
I" Weighed aboUt I§o pclunds ?"
I ".Yei—yes—where is ;he where" is my
h tislinnil e",'shil exclaimed: - -, .
. "Coulddt swim, could lie ?'' .
"Ile'g, drowned--my hunand is drown -
4 r she wailf.d. ' .
"Had silver' watch-chaff ' ?".: continued
ti,e striinger: '
"Where is my husband where is the
•134. d 1 l''' . she gaped,
"Do not get excited, ma am. Did sour
b us , and hare ou a gray so t ?"
"Ys—ov ! any Thomas -
as !"
. .
. .
-; ! , And.s . toga.beota ?";
me see', ititti-'-4et 'see hair!'?h
sheTeried. -- • .
."Come this - way, :.madam. but' do not
get excited. There,, is Unit...your husliaid
across the street:at - that pehnut stand ?"
~ Wh yes, th .hi ; my hu s
bind ?", Abe exclaimed joyfully. "i
thought 'you.Saitt that he svas-drovrped.""
L did not. • I,adiv
buying peanuts and I helidedit irly•dtitY
to .s.ay,to,yoti, that,pednu ts are not healthy.
lit thin Sfiason the year 1"
lie slid softly out; and she stetia:there
and chewed her parasol- .and
hita ds if hei'vere.'a menAgerie
Mei 'Mg rate*
A New Orleans• Judge, riding in the:
earn recently, from a' single glance at the
countenance of a lady by his side; irnag—'
ined he knew`her, and ventured to re
mark that the .day was •Pleasant. §he
Only, answered: • ' • , .
"Why go you wear a ieil;F!
"Lea I attract a;tention.?!:
"it is, the pro Vince of gentlemen to ad--
roir ,e " relied the gallant Tau of law.
"Not when they are married."
"But I ant not."
no; I ate a, bachelor."
Thelady gitietly removed her veil, dis 7
closing to the astonished niagistrate the
face of his mother-in-lam.
lle has been' a raving maniac ever suice
How . Pa ttopped nu) Train -
, S,
The' Quincy Iterald tells; bow a cOndne
tor -on the Tolede, Wabash and Western
.flailrotul, on his!way with a heavy frieght
train, behind time, saw a man frantically
waving a monstiidus umbrella to stop the
train. The brakes went down • and with
i. mighty, effort' the heavy train was,
brought to a stop. The individual with
the umbrella turned out to be. Irish, and
the following dialogne ensued:
~ •
"Can I see the'' conductor ?" '
"Yon can ; that'ime."
!fli'vour namo Charles O'Neil?"
-"It l iS." 'i •
"Are you from Ireland?"
I "And are you Trout The nounty" of ICA;
I penny ?" • . . • ,
1 "I ailsnot." - 1 - - , '
' ' "Well be gory Mistber o.'N'iel, it is
1 :eery indade I ant to hear. that last, for I
had an own cousin named Charles o'
Neil lave Vie Oithl Dart and tbe Kilken—
ny, thirtetwo yoars ago thistsuning Pe
[ oembpr, and it's orgy' at ; fortnight . , ago I
heard there.was one Charles O'Neil'hoss-
I in this train, and how .did I know but
what ye miglit l'e the'same ()Quoin ? ' - God,
• less ver sowl?" , '
"And 'is that'all you want ?" '
"Be gorra, . 't that enough ?- ''. What :;
Are Co l lid OM onest man want than to
see a consiarba - he dada% set - eyes on
for iturty.two y 'ars ?" ,
A . Deep hot:
what she \vim
ten grains of at
:Tor rate?' be
'Na, sir.'
:Therti was a pause, and then she said:
`.l 'watt to klep it dthe; \ house unti
busbaud is eleoted akiermau. He will
Teiv lik,e4- vote to pave : sonie ,street; With
coliblestone, and' ..I:*ant 'to 'poison
The druggist gape bit down weigheto
eneuurage druggist
When the dreggiet ask
' tet4 she said `site'd iake
lasked.. •
Disapointed.—A :colored man, ernplay—
aaa :deck hnt►d=<on_': a propeller, was
- rushing nionn,.:l town - yosterclak:sEui in—
where the'polls were.
voiralpolisTrrepearied a citizens why
- therfee no' election gicnne on now/;'--
• !There Intinftl'- - •
Oro,: "
maN atoodfora moment Joking
greitlydisappoifited, and . theu turned :tor
the river with a remark': ,
?And ,uoik, , f the Trogramme i 8 6 1114,61 t
slofik yoniv.pati who gold slay was )iayint .
aia'dollara-apieiii for-votes!' " • - •
linen a Tog lady,heins handkerchiefs
fdr a :rich: achelorissbe'NrobOli aewi
that OA :may nap,
• ,
What is the ~ 41tre.- x atie'lastweett
iiiil*.':plll One IS:hardo' u aid`
tiii:Otlier is iford to iiit; 'gown. -
Ladles shouldlsev er • , - . .
fur'.o.e4l,l tat4 s kOs! 4 bieutionaw
' cv vom WOlookiforAif • ird I
loctiita tire In vauling.ltaly,
- 4ugartitrlA A Kentucky • poetooffice,-,
A great bArdship'- - -An non steamer.. •
The Vineland nditbr still nlingS to his
lend mine.,, • • -
1. St. Zonis woman has: been divorced
, • '
Paganini soriolin is kept in'aglass case
at Genoa. .. ;' I - : ~ • .
3 knichigan i man ,has . fallen n in lc,ve.
With' Queen VictOrid. , , • \ • .
It :e mid ternperament go for march in
influencing OPin ion.
= - "Rome, sweet home," as ',the; bee said,,
wh i eri he entered his hire.;
V ail , like 11 ' lx 1
, ocillt , -,...8, are Area.. ereao - s—on y
fixed when ,hey- beceine rustv. - ''• •
"liow p.A 1 nwepail ?" as the - barber
Said to h,
is - bald-hended customer.
"Never saw such stirring title's," as the
eptionsaid tili the saucepan. .
, • ' CAW pantaloons "obtained - on credits be
properly called bi 4 eacheirof trust.
..‘No pards,"is What a Yankee gainbler
attachtd to his 34ildiug notice/ ..; - ,
Man Ileads woniart to thp altar-.. : in that
ace his leade:shipi begins 44 ends; ; ,:,"_,
, NI hyl is a Schoolmistress like. be letter
C ? Beciiiise she makeskehisses of lasses.
'What does - the= groces do with all his
things betbre be sells them ? Gives them'
a 'weigh.'
"A ki word 'pokedea to a husband
will go farther than a broomstick or a
flirtation," says a woman of experience. .
• ' "Stricken down, in the prime of life" is
what a Mississippi' paper ha's to Bay on
the death of a man of, eighty. - .'
•:: A: tailor who; in skating, fell through
the ice, declared that he: would ni•Vei•
again leaye a hot goose torn cold'iluck.
, Character dostA depend tin" diet` 4"he
its , t-tits
_thistles and nettles, the ],herpes
4f) ood, 'and is 'the dullest dt- animals.. ,'
it% horse has been crematedin Milan by
tiny of ekp'eriinent. ' . i
', Whyls the stun; like a goodloaf? Be.
cause' it is- littht. when it rises,
With most men life is like backgawmon
half skill, and half hick. - • • - '
The, estate, ofJohn C. 13reckinridge,is
,said,to amount to $49,000. -., .
r . Ex-Itiarshaqrazitine has
i taken , -tip his
resdence at Eanisgate, Bnglind.
The Chifiese are going to send 5000
yards of matting to the Centennial:
It is said that Women .dress tir worry"
theaselves and ,make other women un
1180Yr . - '
English ladies have. their monagiams
and-coats of arnis embroidered' an their
my Thotn-
A young woman , exclaimed the othcr
day, have e,icarted - three times this
Then granaries of dianti , a4 groan with
plentyitud aid combaittees are tkings of
the pa t. . • .
Kentucky lightning shakeE!,barhs down
and Piles them . up-in nice shape ior tie
cook 'stove.
Milwaukee woman...ller 140 and
shp amend- for the
bioomstik: • - I
I New' Jeitey dl4,es earn
ttipii lodgings bisaisini wood unfl poan
ding stoke. • .
A word unspoken is a word in the seah
hard ; a word, uttered is . a word, i anoth
ei'a hand. I
Ererttime that' the,Kansas City fire—
hells ring, the - ghost of Jim Lane! is &en
flitting along the Stieets.
4 t€inde the tornado Detroit wonuni make
a betine for homer thelooment the sun
goes Orind a cloud.
Gotmod. the oomposei, bas been •ffalk
ing abput" a Lor.don lady, an.: now she
has sued 1:6 for libel. !
It is i tno e difficiflt to frame an; erense
thati un il" tainting, thon,th the? are
both w,orks of the imaginatiop.
India) has a population of over 25,-
0 0 0,060, yet only. 31,000 of the females
know_lhoeto read and write.
Eveisbody says that ex-I'Osident,
Woolsey's Phi Betta Kappa !oration at
Hartford was a Kappatal,think,.. !
kowa has-a ltiw which forbids a ,*nan to
matiy his step-daughter, ; yet allo,*a-him
to marry his mothet-in-law.
The l thurnal NST - Healfla I says;,asleep
whenever yon can, anywhere you can get
cbance;, the want of the age is •h1e41)."
A Bost n taiu. has- run for o ce nine
teen times, and as • he has never been el
ected he threatilis to withdraw nitne.
Five thansand inen - gain in - honest
livelihood in the We by gathering htiffa
to bones. - rTileir long is "gather them
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson awns an inter
est in ts cotton factoryy . receives her
dens regtdaily, and: dosanft want to mar
.'•rnbroidered . stockings ? No, sir. Su
san 13. Anthony says that no stocking is
so cool und nice Ca a black ,ivoolon stock—
"Grace; mercy and peaee.',—Themlore-
Tilton was it Plvmanth Clinrch Suiday
apd' listened' to gr. Beecher' sermon:,s
Mrs. Beeqber says b]l has bnrue ,up
under the, worry and fatikne of the great
trial by ‘ . .keeping mad" allthe- way
-through. •
T •
There arelearpeta in the White - HonSe
which have4'-t heen taken up in eight
-yeara. -'Next yea ye will , be - a good time to
lean house.;
seethe .that the Talons have got in
to a war among themselves, mid- now if
an:y ' white 'man inteiferes' let hint ;lie
icalped on. t!!esPot.
, .
I -An Indiana pig squealed : an alai. 4,
when be saw's . , cooper-shop - oli fire, but it
was afterwards ascertained that' . be was
squealing for , food. i, ‘ - - ,
-i And now Pittsburg is fjoingiii - havo an
industrial - exhibition, ' ituil 'George W.
thjhrihos promised to (lit, one:half with
„poetry., ' - .- !
Navin -perused .the• ini:triigratidn 're
tarns of this country; Peru will expend a
mullion ' , dollars - to . promote immigration
E :from Empire to that empire. - • \
Kats , ;`,ll,latibbaria, ' the flares, who 'at
, .
~ „
GOO .ttme rode as Maxeripa, i 9 Row a cock
in a .014esgo hotO. 'She makes rolls iIOW
ibatead Hofollitik roles, -.- 1 ' , 1
....: fen,Butler is at - Cape' Ann, , tind not
at Sin* Sing, ; as: some isf his onswies;re
port;, Eved. - .Gen. Sutlkhas rights Which
-we arii all libittid'io respeet -af.. • - '.
flow aintiy think toatene for .tber - evil
they llave 4paeMlbe-good `- , ithey: - -iiitetifli'
~t 9 6 1,404 are only Nirtuti4o i* :glo Pths-1
Peetise4, 1 : • - ' ,
.. :-. • ”
gttigre/ 1 460411 ,
i All biorly•
• • • Vafwg.'
Whitt X !Cum About - Veletine. -...- ‘
~. ,A - -.,_ , BoOTit IttoircON Or. Ob. a •t% • •
11. 12_ STA:visße•—heQ• I o
%. -.
Dear bit.+l, have; had coliehiOtAhle esiterten with
'the Fi.,, , retitte. For dyFpe'Plia; Powril dobilltY and Int•
purr to ood ;the Ven otine•ii% is uprriort 0 anything which
1 hoe evecawed. 1 commences), taking. Veguthie abouti
thq middle if last winter.rand utterwing a few hottlP6
ir entirely Tred me or d opepala, and, ray blood never
Wat in tio g nal Order n at the hretent times. 'n Will
4 /
Word toe t. , esteure to 0 .1% anv. further pirtteularti relay
live to what I know tout , this' %molt no:nil:We to tuay
one who 01 call atidreiss'• me at , my rebislenee,Ati
Athens> setrpet. , -
f a
• • , ' , • Wnry reepoctrully, ' • , -
.:11t/SFOE I'AIiKER. if ,-
• • ' 114 AillS2ls street .
. . ,
. .
. ..
~ • .. ' • Dr .
,' tlY11170)1S-Want Ofappetite, rim:-of.fiol '
aw l
wind trout the'stomaci. aridity
of the stomach, heart
burn, ilryticto -sell _ wititeueu ,of Abe toterue to Ulu
moroing, rentle of rlbttenftoo In thy etortutett and bow
els, soutetfmeSt•ntnbliug. lut.ln ; .cortiVeticr , r; ..irlticb„ lis
. 9.e 0.010d3115 , lutterUitted by _ dlarrlits 1 palebear of , trio
urine,. The utc.utit o elanuny, or hag a roar or bitter
facto, Otlierfrequeint; symptoms are traterbrUeb, pul
p. ttofi of the heert, headache, anti tlb , ord err' of the
, iens o,l . lit; Oeeleg tioaWsu etc. :.There le grodrat debility
latignOr ant! a vers.lnn to !notion: eirjno.ton of the *pip
ite,, ttleturhott eluep,.und trighttgl druanow . .-
04340.1-...riftet?n. I'ounde„ , of
, ;1, Sourit Ertutricit, ME.; Jan.-17:1§744;
11:11;,Previars, ESQ.; • . •
:.DaRT have had dyspepsia - -tniti %rant film for,
the, last testi years. stud have taken, hundreds -of dollars!'
.worth of-trolicioe'sittioat tant.tining any • Tel ior". In
lasta cur:trammed taking it n Ve , ,„'eti no. since
which tirne .i nly health has Steadily trnproved: • '
Aiy fond digerts.well.and I have gained tl ft een pimnds'
of 'flesh. - There aro :several others , in this place taking
the Vegethio, all have obtained relief.
-• ' .Yours. truly, - ,
$, • • ' THOMAS E. MOORE.'
• • Overseer or card room, Portsmouth Co.'s •-
. .
It Vegetine will relieve tiain..clentite, Itiirifyart I Cure
such rt.k..toring' the pertecehealth
after trtin4ifferent
.pnytteleitt, , many remeilict. Etta -,
ortng for, ykurt, IPltrint,ioncilittive proof. 'lf ion aren,
stiffercryearcan curt.ll;? 'Why i thix medicine per!.
tnrming emelt ;,..treat .It works In the blood in
the circulating fluid. It ion truly he Tailed th'e Great
Blood 1 - Mritler. - The gre4t rKit ten of tlitiate originates.
iit the blood-; and no inegicinn that doe not AWL dirtet ,
ly Upon it in .purify andl - rcituvate has any jut.t elaint
upeu nubite attention"
GOOD hviDann:
• • - • •• " CMCNKATI No.*''l; 1572.-
' R.• STrrrNS": • - • • ,
p • Hear Sin r -Tho tyro ItnLies. of Yoretine ftwnieheil me.
byyonr ageht my wife has need 'with isrest benefit, Por
along :teat sne has been Irsubleil with (lb:elm:sot snd
cos,tfrettes6;; ,these trou les site now tatirely removed
by the nett 01 Vegetinert, ; • . •
. •
Sheens al eo trouble with • lippensiajoad genemt
debility. and has Jace:3.l...eAtit,- 'benefited. '0 • - •
, • tt- ' • Vt'lliftut,Stotet;
' • EVIVEISCE: ' •
: • •-, •
Dear Sir-i-1 MOS t therttallpuld nay testimony to
ttofireat Annahar- you bity:a. ageutir .r:.eetved idfavqr
(if yonr ,r , reat, arid-good Yegetitte, - for fio
not think enough can be *aid- fa- its oraigtvtor i - tvar
trio:ll)4Ni over thirty years-with that ttradful disea*e.
Cata. ;11, a qtl hsd such lal4 coptittitnr,gpille-tlo4t I.rmotle
ei*Ort AN though 1 heitl4 . never ,hreath,f tiny more,
Vegetine Gds-cured me ; and I do feel to thank - God ttll
the titne that 'there Is so good a medicine as Ve:zetine,
'and I :11F.0 tiktol it ottc of the bept 'Med icirie . F for coughs
and tireuk., , lnking feei r iNTS at till) sioutach, amladvAse
everybody rot ake theNi•getine., 'for 1 can ai:surethem
it is one of the best. mt•dieines that ever was.
Corner 7Mazizine. and: "Walnut, -streets; Cambridge,
APrrtEcrAno - N.
CHARLESTON, 314.5.0., 3litrelt 191869.
a. n. STLPIC>id
. _
• 'Thtsrls IN.rtlfy-tiatt I• hart u'ed your "Mood Pre'-
p4ration" Clecetme) Iu my faiolly for
,several years.
and tWuk. ttiai, for scrofula Caulierou I.linuorout , or
litteetulatie :ace, lona, it Can at); hu excelled; and ha a
Mood iNurifli.r aud tprle.l4 nivdicime it is UR: heat thiut
I evurlti,-ed att!"l have used einion ecvryt fling. 1 t4ii,
thoerfolly retotnatend it It) any one in need tn Al2Ol
tuedictue... Tours reipeetttilly,
19 Itu,sell street.
Said- tic ali . Drti,D,llats Everywhere.
- A - lilVii;s AM!) 011.1.. ; 1 , •
• ;•
11. LYON'S. At.oo. 1 13
noq.mse ti gily 14,1573. , „ . •
. ' `‘
C4.n4'Ters, r
. .
-Less than. N. Y. Priees---
May 14,'78; 5416 . 13y11. It: LYONS 8.7. Co
. 1 t70. 1 1, TEA,
and nther•
dt Lbw Elgarea at
A Large Stock,
And Nen' Pattern* It eeelved Every
'Week •Direet Front: the
Sl3cacrl T r kvinfatta...
Coat), • .
Ciarra 0. N. T.,
antPohn Clark's Spool Thread:
,Arb ha, and Colored—from No. 8 to Ito. 1130, at
175 centm par dozen.' fate by ' '
• . 11.1111: LTOINS ife. CO.
Montrose:May 14.. '
Would cspitittentitni Co Ins_ 'New Stock of
vow on. stile, vow
ALORAL, AND 11001 )
SKIRTS; vuirtrs, nos ERY, -
• v, 11117N.;'GIN CGS,3UETA
. WAN ( r LAP Roots, FURS , HATS
- #eattil• and , wio 1)e sold on.
ftvorable feints, a id jotiti?est.prFces.
• , - • i • H. BIT
Ist4 1875.
here No* P
, • •
t°4et tome
Gard en Se‘d a of all kinda,thoxery best P,logr, Apgar
• • Tea, Coffee; Fish, Mus, Lard, etc., etc. -
Forty testa or Cho a cartneti. I,trOds, 'conslittlnti Part:
of Peaches, Pl'ans, I lulus. Cherries, Quinc*, btravvb
• rtes. Pine .Apples„ orn, peatts,'youtatotts, Peas,
l'orkey. l 4 ,l or. - fia !cowls., l'esc*,, and
Hatter. Deviled • , and lots of othor s u ing* quite too
adulterous tolinentio all of - which will he - sold Wall
kinds '"P.t `i;pli:"font y Pa x aspricesthatwill
• =Orr " Cs3 tllaktietitical: •
and atrler.lyllliort prinoipltrot line and - let Ina; • •
Call 'and seent • A'. It Ihr./L4ARD'I3.- -
a Alontrose,,Actrll7,l,z, • rF - • • , '
g• rutty ifx coat - -. •
Just - yinblissA, n nor cditkin of' Ds. t~ytifartmAtLee•
CEttainAren Bssnr on the - Jae/Leal Vero (w ;twat
, med ;eine) e rSpermaterrtycen or riot Ina) Wreknefni
vonintnry liOntnal ~Lotens, ImPotkunr
trrlWeigel eiftl
:Pi:thetas{ XbesPacitY, imPeannnits tO
,nlroConontetniotr, Epilenvy and- Fits, nducc A-.
u (genet or sexual extravtigimen..".e. • ' -
_ The celebluted author:ln Ibin-adtairable Vssaveear..
demonetral c*, - from 4,tittrty years' ettcresSful practite
that thealarthiplt 'consgiottenceivot telfahtwo rneY
racileany ennaLwitheut thy - dangerous - two of intern's!
medicineof t ite!appilcatioif of the kniftit point - tag out
a mode of C tireot ono-simple, certain,. end atteettod,,
mean.* of whlCh'eveyysneorer, no matter yhat.hts con
ti on may lid, 'nay core hi (itself cheaply, pri srAttoy, and
ver• u.lo ur s ". alloulii . - be tin the. hands or ev ery
g ent under 1. in a Alain eti
.to any 'addifiti;
":Ad pe_ dreati the o toriti. tpt ris centa (ir tyopOtt SUMPS.
cuas.4. c. , }:u - tra
LlTtforkleSY:New'YqtlerePoot. Ogee . 86 a , 480; '
Apri1.28,10Z1—.414,- -
now -'.LAST,. :now .-RE•
r:„ Pete, in a mated envelope,
IL R. LYON'S co.'s
1, •
The mo-
'..ln ebort.i:e ket%yvtir_ery . iztensive - Bttck - or above
n!eittionell.goodt—undlttAny inure.. 11'6 boy ours large
ly for eaolt. are titreroro rnabled ,to felt at t , .. , ..CL05E
I treo ES
el ilikny Oarty.' Plearc =1144 Ottuvlnce ur
ortttlacto, , -1 , •.<
. • !. il, •.;
, . . "riled on, as canal; lairke:uttortment : of '' •
. . .
x ~..,..,,,
~- ..:.-; ..,,_,;-,.,,,
, .... ...
1.4: • - .
G : trraT4I 4 TPERO ' ROSON.t O 4:trAf
. .3i*DESS.A;Ip,
7OntrOsfi, 2440 . rib 4957;, : • •••• •••• •
, . . •
Ike* triAutvitrite.dp rnfoi:itir
11rii134412*• ; ;.•31 3 . 0 1..ti g 1ata- Ma:roof:
• Eik443i;:30 1 . 1 32)611'
• , ;7 ,
The eldeit reeit, aige tea
'Max wok the prizh medal awarded At tbig :
Alf4teKestwititsiteil tree tole aereiniise.jiiiii
- c• :A- • ,:c.itilir.ricus tiTtouD,4:o4lt.'
7 441tr01 , i; ,117 8!"7i;.-4e -, : •
• Q ,• '
H ikailup •`: , • t . • r ,;‘,,
. • - •
. .
EORQE! .. 'L
Etact jugf , retprned frornNew York , witli a large and.complete tusoitinlififTor—
Hats 4d•
I' • 1 1 • ' -. ' '.:l, :- ~ ,c.,K, , , ..,,E. -„ , .v,,, v.:,- ,- , t
Pitting .his ;large • "teqiporaiy 4 pli the National. - Hotel:A-ground& o., , We.iltittill,
~,_. , , rputatti here , mail oar tketr., ,-,' . i :I. , 4 ; ,'•:•,- If, 'i, i
! . .
' ' . '*- I 1 • : "C: t;1-' '.;s
33R10K STORE IS COMPLETE O 1 TEI.E . OLDl'altt)i.rND:'' .
i"` '" 1 ' ' ' , + ' ', ..
: . - 1 • . '
) '
,' - '
. 11 . ' t. '• . ',......:.....-...d1......-... -: ''`' " ' '
i , -- • • - -•---
ii., . .. ,i•• .-: , ~ L. •••
Our stooki is ue l :w and.briughe pith care, -' -IV6 =ivill, is bereofore; direr the lar , eie
, .
•\ i uBsortweu and beat bargains' ut thei'colynty ." • -
lii{tier and Prod }lce eliipped..
Bioney. adVaneed ivhert.deaired.
A.. S.
3.111NE11, ttl\t.CTILA r .34l .
WE co .Es 34.37 AxaErEt-
pir n
YL I ":
;t.. , •-
,' . , ;i- -
ronzej L npsf 'Opal - Lamps, All I, sa LaliSrEsiad . Lamps;
-Mumersi; Wicks, _Shades, Shade goldpr.
. • , , A I a O ,.: . MAITUFACTURP.I,r, 1!
- - • , . • I '•••• ! , :t ".
• Prim' Guaranteed as Low as any Zama ia iutheraNiat!Tork.
°raters bY Moll Promptly Attended-To.
I)IEST '466 1121IN'1:11V4, AT TIL"
new uxuterial to our o pqe„ ;
Large Stock of JOB TYPE.'and _FOUR Printing Presies
, • . ,
Beth' tri Price and Quality, either in PlatnißachOr ciileeti
SP.RIGt..'i - •; : .& . -:;:.:.S0141-Ell
.:,;J)'.Y, _Go o ns,
€'-- ? . . ' , •: - ':''i
. .. .
GiMIIIIOg,- ----. :,'-.10041]..511.:1,:°. ; . k . ...:_,
114 the place where - you will find / Elie belt asortmtht,.
netc'est st . 10W6St prices in.
D ,
oast Ftirn ehing Goods,
. .. ,
Emlpoider , a,Lnen,
Ipacao (Black and Colored,:;' •
ress l tooda of all Deocriptions,
Q uil ~ and Ts la bpreads,i-
*nrellits and Paineuls, t : , .... .
-•' • , k Itlintle A Sheeting,:and other - popular
: 1 . IA.!! • Brands, r , ' , -,
- ' •• illtons, Floweinan#Straw Goods, • :
.1141. - Linen, TowOng; 'Napkins,
' li English andr , ancit Crepes „ .: I - . ,
- II ' Ro.l2inti and rlnfillnga; .. .
' • . 1' , ,: 'StUttyls, Sharla, P4awls.
- ' ' • •
Wltumco, (White and Colcirecl).• .
triotiut and litzttinz,
:.• .
41-ItsLet the; and 31itreceo Stetqicie,,
elts, Starfs, , ilandketehlefs, cornets; •••
„, • .
Aineri=lV 14iportod litaok siike, . .
ItopesaTt _
Gloves, 111 k, Liele
AiCXEZIAIie Bi,ualors bust Kids,
I nsertritgs and Edgings.. •-'
NasoekslifyriSs)ll2llii • pishoik Lawns,
• StflPFntrr, C(.llku's, cuffs, Tlts,
.. • e . .
t . ..
s. Miseellinecus•MmtisemenW
11.ighest price and prornlit refurn4 gjiaranteed.
I -414
2v - EW'„G 0 OD S.
At W. We Smith. & lion's
. -
EztenstreFurnittirp Witilriinm you 14;11111u if filet - meat
; ; _= •tor.k of •
3rtnmm nerrxtm
. .
-To be foxtmi the =Von t ke , oolin * 0 vvn
teen ofteta re. nr,tl:tit" prices that ea tato t rah tcp'Ave SAI
tadion.: They wake. the 0 ..1 .
, • •
In the Conatti nxi96-IttArT nix
,Or hU kinal , done ;11 ttici nentryatixu4ti4.
I 3•-.1 .
44:44:Tiber wilibiiri4ftiat4k46l4 . ' : 4l44iPiliPtiii:
luretialty '_i Lie bo,tuiss.
SEW thB men etertutllSlVlSE. , l9 the-ZYSItt t KFL
servic“ vl l / 3 be,ottap 4 tQfp:IWIMY,I6S,,St;
Otiersctlx74llorget , 3:,' " • 3' • ' i
- :WIC -1 ;C SMiTE( - it-SCili.
luicit;pie r N.. titz , ..3 l -forTi—eos'7*.;
- - -
• • „•- -.•
240 - vir
4A.' VE MONEY .a. i
i 1 " • . f ol Ob i libt ....: ,
WI ke VG VaPWN A M ,
0,04-40 eft, -elan, -iNi4vinnto,
4 • _ , 21 ,
. 4 044' atistis,initl"
we win - tur..ab Any kW
.... "i 33
.. 3 „ t o ow ka t ur
Ki l ts.% Ai a ditfaanc th tw' • lAti;rtayllittiOlh.a.,
pram*: ' SaYe 18 P leA4win inaucaud•itackinvo
lamtal atattad .n 4 11 4. -,4 , ' ' ,
faltl wgriatol •''•, .1 , 1 P.D. Amuttlait- .'
~,,, ' A -, 1
, i '
a .012 ig 4 . 4 . 4 4 1 1 3 . 1 1 41-- , i ... ,: ~iv sx
~ - S' .i ~
• <!!
+11 , : tfyi
Notions: a ,
cf l;
• , _‘;
r;'•Atiiych 81. 57.5
1 ,0 4 1 E NOW nti
• •
; TG
rNi. AND rrnuNEs,
. •
tut: Sam r .
2,h0 Custom Departmogt
Is now under the chartre.tif. V. BAB—
coax...late of New Irrlrk City and form
erly With O'Hara S - ko., which is a full
guarantee that we cannot be beaten by
any house in this city.'
Our stock cornpriss all 4e late styles,
and sold at , bettom prices
„Don't forget. the plat 6, '
(OPpoKito Exciumn. , e ticket)
'JOHN c. F6ofi. 0,1! 11iSt LET
.!)ilt: 7 4 . *******;:.::,'..
rmsecr4:s AND o.Arirc*
- 4E4 1 3 ',71=1. - 1. , 11t• 3811)
„ , "7" VAIZIOUb 2 1111WiL
424 603 , 131.0* MATRASES
: .“..
!, : ,... ; , ,, ......,:-,. , ,, , fi
' I.i
-•. 1 • / •
c JJ tj ffgll
4 ' , .
• S•
vze Jiery vionlpi.3uoxt
11 14WLEY
td - •".
rkoex 017.
• ' 'the li4foved
• 11'011 . • 71 •
. • . ,
iiang Srx:t7ll.;
'n or *
42441144 e7 1 0 ,e4l•win•nisitt ,
r - Na4erti ' ' sorportt
7 : r,
A l 4lr vorpti c,, ke , pr 9 p 3 l47-itterv44,
7 , vii.• •
PXY* 4 / 4 ,1# 1, i4 1 4. , 1 Alrikb• ll l 76 -.. •
;,- .- ; iron, nos; „.,(.....,,,,,, ~
dmontoto'- . ; 1
-_. , i
' ts 4 l4's,, - .
. ...,....,---,..., ~:;'!,
~, . . ..,.. ~.. - .
4 .
1 1-, . i r ~. ~,,,,,,, I .", , • .,.. .. ,„.,..
t• ttt 'an * P - i'liat 'Ail
; tßY'ri I 'ill.) lit A fil 'tiott , tt ' tit 441 4 ...! t';
- .
Bo y" ) CatiWlN
Co .T7firl. • • '.•
.iner 0 a a an 4 °rip') keSts.
(4t; • t; ' i l<
• ..-
;.; itr.;l~ ...
, .
4 Thiiicieie:: w
rd are4i.
• •
;„..W.40.170a, lvt?4,3rt t44 11 . 4 D '32COS•
' '
TI sni:a too arFrltt h tprFnatFavor, y
• •
C Won ( lie more tniunttullo'gri d
tberharty..utuettleiticcournio with Ath y V c d n o._ °l l . l
1. 8 h41 teit,lo by tlia uktalayf Ilarcti RVZI,
f,„ 1 ;
Zi- 1 1; N --
tqlrf 4:la ni4
NtkVttititaqi ,Yt
';'? Pk.c ., rI , IkIW I, GOODS; , '•"
41 . ,f; r$ • , •L
• i•> ; ;
r, .))3:, t':;
. .
. .
. .
. . . .
GR I P . .
, ' , i:
: }
IFIS '-kli
' :.1-1,1 ;,,,, '.
,-.•-. ‘,'
,:',l .'.; . - 6, ~
, ,c,, 9
Thrn , !P a e..oo('At old - tbeltlon ef 31.8: Wile On. fa
- 31oettlteee,, opd we, , eball Le pleased to
et., nil fttentts'an'd Ih litany tiew ones we
tiopttt.oselftt..ithutkwllloptutlicol ' '
alltl . ilutlaro •
, -
• *
• - •1
,• - .
. .
.1 " - 1;•;;;;1:1 , ..:.,. : ~. •,. -. 3.•- , , ......
intarge (Om:l4les an 4 varlety.. , Stone•WAre,.Wood
Ware; tlotoe-Fnitliotifim 'floods 'and - oocerreir.: We
stiall siva'i partkular attendoss.teePthe arnetzy Trade
and keep -:'. full assortment of Teas Sugar Qolree#
Family - • - A
, . .
Groopriesq& - Provisions /
.-' . ...i 1 i ', ' r, - ~ .:•, . .i . • : ' • :• .. '
in run vinety.llalt. -nett Flour. We shill - keep • eon
Mandy au band flue brands of. flour. at much leak than,
,old prfe4,l:frnd riaifititt it to' please. Gbods deliTeted
promptly, tei! frog towu_costeimers. -.• . • .„
TERMS: T . " Our tet nig will he strictly ,
(casb z ortreittace.) Thlt it' will be, well: to rentem%
ber, nr fwl l.ha the secret to our locketrikes,
are cortatietit that by cant ug wed examtnibt; our goptis
"sad '0.1600 tier WM Iltut that' It will' be for your titter
crt t?,try,tvtr Floods tutti.tbreli, ; • • :
drrr>±esysv {11:17718, ••• $.4
' litorttrose; Stay,
wx-ickris,.. - r.-P1 :84 ttEitAii,
• 2 . •. - -
IRON, S'lrkEli, AND NA 7109,
BlaclismittiV, -Supplies,
,V.ati.oot4to MHAN*, TaOLO.
lEtwoot'ss. 15t4063. Groalcus,
-:T0/4 C4KSAndekthruSTEßLlAcit •
r , •
t ,
X, •
COA SIiFiLLO,. ,„:
°et! , 101.1.§ 7 5tki. I
Ai:e . 'ix - p'es'i7Ptee.
-!, - ..iii,.::i.:ti!*oilltir--
; kf .
, rt rAttt;..
- 1 !` 41•Ci. ,* 1 - 11 , •
. • • cr-.
•. • •
iv • t, 1 1,,t•.; • 4,
33=1112111X1 1 / 4 114017 1 01;071 4 CritIre
-I; A
wAlordzifE AFA umn, rtgALFRA 2
- f • r 1;
t4i4ty ,A - ,.' , Bony TIARDWAA
...,.. ::, : 0 :llmAOB-0-091215,_.... „.._
_._l. MA 011,113r§IJPPLLEIS•
OAR, TA ED 3;Ets,Tfigil l ?3ELTINq'
, i , :. ;:fAi :. i 111--4. , ,,--,4,., :,.. _- ,-- •, ,1
: 0 1 t i a - • ' Agents ' .- 1: , f. , '. ,11
, . r. 'WO 6143 tor - '
t ~ ,'.61 .7 ~- o -c „,.; e' •l' ' -.< ••' .
< kli": PlOt l ilihr,ll/0=46.13 , 0148'
.ARMOI77 1
AWD_0,119457,0UT SAWS; ,
- --, 'l , -
:, ,
'': 1 7
-,t7 . 4,44ebriited,,lfaudrOut Filei v . ,
~j 4 . ,.... --..-, ... , ,- ~ Ar• 1 , t 'l ' a - ... :,,
~a: •'!
t.• . :( -_-•--,. • ,
Capful! Representea,-Oi00,000,000:
• . ,
I.lvorpool.London,l Grvllo Co, .- _ 0000 o
Hoyle concha* fkilnionce . of,ouircld, Can
. , add. Capital , • ,
smitCo:. - of ISTorth America " ZA(kun
- ' j.. p. 2•,,
Penn. Fire Int*. CO;,. Phila., '• :: . : , , 4.4...;,44,,„,v)
Ktitiollitli ~ New-York. • 4 • sl 4 .a.tio
Ins. Co., Stalt.of Fenn'a ' ” ' , 16,44. 3 ,1
nail Mutunl t c . .1 • •
f 'i( ;‘,;,,,/,0
LyCOMillo Fir -.1 .4 ov .
~ - 'so,r44,,it,a
1 - 4;',1r,014
llierchan"t#' 1 . r . ~
La nhaster Fire\ Inti. Co. . . ...4* 4 ... :,,,,.,,,,
Firoassaclation of J'hibt. .41 . - . . 1 . - ' ono a
Atacama-Ms' of Pittsburg , . '44 4',0 tva
,Penbsslisula fits, Co,141111,2„ , 4
fr. Anie 1 ,T 1 r. ( . 0.. of Pilii3. i . I;Si 4.140
City , Fire Inr. Co. Providence, B. 1. , ,
VMS* a'zi!l,
Roger Millions Jur. Proviuenee, it. .I. 1 ft•.. , ,, 0 „,0
worertown ill*. Cu.. Watertown, N. T. •, . ..4,... ou
aurae Lull. Co., N. T.,Capitaland Surplif I, $4,00 1 45,10
'l,o, l is Vire Ins. CO., 11111116 H, CL, • 414),1rki
flartforfiFire ing. , Co.,LapltalandSurpflus $3,00y05
flume Ins. (To-Columbus, 0,, ••• 3 Nalio
Cit iteas' Fire Ins. News r k.1.4..j.”. 'r i 3,,a,ry„-,
The tinderrirsed Is SPECIAL ACENTLor the fal:u ~ r
i r i z companies fur- Northarn l'enneylvatibt :
Fire Association of Ph/lidelphia. ~
' Lancaster hire Insurance Company of,;Lstra,t,r,
' The Inturo.nre C0..0f the State of Peuhhaitauis,ol
Phlhulciiihfa. . . - . -: ..4 i
.. ~~ ~ tt ~~u~.~, x
- 1.• IX" tt
Conn.).tnitat Life I us, Co ., Ampette
A tOrlcan We, • "
Treveierabie.Co. v tlartfo rd , enplinlandSnrpluetke.oo.(oll
fi4ilweytatengere ' " ; $150,1X/0.
Th:eundriaignel4l haebeen weliknown in ibilecounty.f.q
theput 173Ture s ke an 1.4.11111iCe Azent..l.l4slw*Pill,liußl
by hii Com oulniee fume ahvapcbten prfurptly palu.
r"Omce ncc%lairs, in building.. eak iron' Banking
°Mee ft. Cooper`& - Co.'. Turnpike etreet.
.' - • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent,
• .
CUARLES B.MIT LI Otlire Managgr,
b.' r„tNaDON, Solicitor. ;
Miintroie. ;
J. IL 1 G. 8. 13Ar.nre. G. iIL DI
EavrAnzannEDlN •
8110 s & BE I N D ime
Marble and Slate mantles,
.is)G ChenangesSt., Near Depot.,
3ravit, ,
Z7O if
Thyrinderatgnad !iae an omtOtnf line !I:lnning to el..
erk, tkaln.ou too D.'l.. Si W., ancl Eriej Itailwayb 3$
' : l '
- . Great Semi,. IPP4." 1 * -
r nt either depot will beproctiptly atte4den;to.
The lies , ricer brldge;ls now completed, hence Cher *
le noYcirylng.
. .
. .
ahvais on hand to coniey'pa,slnge re to any point 1n
the mit:rounding country.
1 U. BUCUANAN. Prop'r,
Orgat Bend. Ant. ]9. 1874.—tt. • '
!'The Leading . Neiyspn per."
pail„ $1 q a yelr. Semi4Veellly, V. 'Week!
y g 3
Poatago free to the Subseriber. Specimen eopie. and
Adreitising Rates Free. Weekly, in clubs or Al or
more,: ouly4l, postage paid. Address
_ _
Ist benatLful in rtyle
•tin 'ono ever wade.
.7ERTO STOP is tho:
cr plurrd In any Or.
Is produced
1 act of reeds, pu en.
rly voiced, Er..
owt.kit iv 310:....7"
wbile its
ITATION tl:e DU. '
-WA E So
'SPE% (:RANO and
'able e French eases
thine IMILITY of
se of tone ; suitable
Lac'R nower and a fine alualoa tone, via all
soopro insproweatents, and are 11,4
ANgs• MADE. These Orontes ,:e.l Pianos are
wsur l iotedfer slx Years. ICESEXTR
yr I.OW roreasbor pr.rt rush awl balance in
"nolithly. payments. Second-Band Instruments
.nt &rent bargain*. .Pianos and Oraans to rent '
until paid fc....• as per contract. AtIENTS WAN.
speclul Motormen's to the trade. A lib.
eralidlseenter b.Traehrrx. lltnivvrx . ek turhm. s d4 ,a..
Lodge?, ez- LLVrin.l Th 7) C.l 7 - 4 LOGE,' ES MAILED.
AS! Broadway, New York. P. Box 3.5074,
ffijartial Deedt of Pennsylvania.
First Edition Eshatisted.
. • "Gmhprehensise. fit end honorlible."—N. A. A. U. 8,
Closeted. PhILI. "The. Biographies are tolbe praloell
for tbills ateunleyr-Ighe Prep., Phila. kairer 11tst pa
ges ; tto library complete without it.”—Suielay Time,
Phil c. "Your account of Gouyshorg is thii Driest, full
. est. anti very beat history or the greatest battle of ulocl.
ero•Tihtes."—Cul. J. P. Nichotroll. Phila. "NO soldier
sboakbise • withoiis ,?fltioil. Phila.
"A juit tribute to distinguished services. '—A. G. Cur
tin. "The flock • book I hare yet seeo."—Col. a. E.
~ Parsouit, Berri sburg. -your Gettysburg is the)ustrgt
yet miresented."—Geu.J, W. do Peyster, N. 1. .111.
dress It 11. DAVIS it CO.. Publishers, Itlzionsom
Potts. i - . • •
t... 1 .: . ..•.1 PENNELLOGRAPH. •
CZ/ '.l/ortimilliNG NE W• von AGENTS.
it=' keoured by. Copyriel!,) Which Is an hIVCIIIICrtI
m j o our own !Aerostat of yours of norldac us study
an - si
for lifelike expresons—freshness of color,
1 1
'aoftnesis of finteh, ht nut approached by any other atylu
of Plaine; ' 31(11 and Women wanted 110 W to solicit or
dell tor- Copying and Enlarging aroall pictures of
Friend 4 and Loved utter front Tintypes, Anahrutypea,
Pholoirtaphti and Dagnermtypes Into the new process
which Will please everybody. Aireat. wagns and a per
raanenti busibese assured. Send fur, fon thetructiors
to Gntninicy ,k, Co.'s.ritudlo, DM Market Street; rtilla•
delphia4 Pa. .r . -. . . SIW 3 •
Hold' b Druggista genenilli, and a2-4 w .
Jololaton, Holloway & tio.. Philadelphia. Pa.
-. W
AD ' S ODDS." -
ftr acknowleJgcd tO the peer of MARK TIA INT
and its it - sketch writer has uo equal In this country.—
!Ito niptest thtnir yet, von ire Tat sight, even In theta
;dnll Moo. evetybody wants and vlll havolt • 'COn pages
,ol".bis - B4st articles and 2.50 comic cuts, .Territory 1.!0-
ine rstptdiy, Ageupi apply at ones. for circulars to
, S7lltaDuatitat Cq, , bane= writ
-:• - ..3110 or women., $34 a week.
4;, , Proof turnialiedilualoeta pkas
- Nat and lionorablowlibuo risk.
ASO pago circular and Valaabla
- - Samples free. IrirSead_yourad
- dress on pOrtalcard:
i la r but write at ow*. to
If.l4,REEDAriimilFgw Tax.
either 6...x-tuy fascinate and gala the love and
Lafrantialpt:Of anytireson they choose thataUtly. Tbla
4imple auroral toquiremem all can by mall s
tor we; together with-AL marriage guide, Eborptiau Ora
'de, Dr me, 111140 to. Ladles, Wed ditit Night Ohl note.
Aiqueett hpok. Address; 'P. WILLIAU dlt CO. Pubs.,
Rtia • • • • - 15:04
10- 40,406 in NJ ineat Often leads to
• . • lotinnv. A Pid pogo book en
titled: I.Xe BENTs °Man titroAt,
_" szpisloing
aerything, ME& JOIIN iIICKILINQ co.
liankttramad Brolatro 1* Drooidway Yolk. 810
- AGENTS IVANTE i g r i i Sp h tl e
~itstesi.s4lllae ever pahllrhod., Ventrar our exult
termo tali genic al.loniii rublistang Compay,
Itibtes; ' , - nw4
- ,i(laNtlslo . 010tvateitos..cooupte0.41 xi for $lO
,10:1 for. Irrgesk , Vartety tr 'h.
1 tw4 PIAVII: I OiAL C 11406140 ,1 1 1111 s.„ PA.
. A roirru4nLi... loazem i bur i lt. Sold by
4" , Agegiti- "ow" 4, w ,
ileaellameous. '
Miiiittc>ase). Z 34.
• •
Any order for
Danchy & Co.