The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 08, 1875, Image 2

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..'* .c:i' iit. -- ;:0).i JO. ia I:
ilreulation Increasing 'Minn as Mows
gay Paper 111 NOlribtrit
,gc1•1 ; closed in New York, on Saturday
ut 114 i.
A ebrrespondent•of the liartforil Times
says tlaytotoiete crop in
~ Coluecticat this
year is tiieJargest unit heaviest crop 'ever
harvested in that State:'
Morton frantirtt►tly 'swinging his
Wooly MAine mid the leoplos are
14ngiiing at Jilin. Did titaint.gtt, him in
to that corner through mistake 4r dOsigo ?
.Tlw New York ititra pub ligkes in in
tetview betwe:euone'of its :Totters . and
the Widowcf Maier; one of the 'ftbtitle•
Ress,lll which die direct
ly stales it '44 the bey is living uud will
turn up fa',Fe long:
The Rer uOicana,"hare encouraged pul•
pit Path in this' .caiintry'tot.: many
-yeari; ,bitiParson Rrowne,, the temper
mice' candiOato for Governor ia giving
thou a surfeit. '
0- , 07troni—
‘ "T . d iitys the . "We down,
Qonkrois tif the. Igition. is Free
Trode, and the only protedtion , we ,heve
.agairrSt universii ruin is Ulysses S.
.'Nothin o g but a' , ,third term will
tire, this * thoonstrueic ' protectionist.--
li.i}ere will be thonsandpore t. 4:!) sing the
rutin sung before September; 1876.
Nesnly every vestige or, state. taxation
bas heft wiped out; says the 'excelletit
Russell Errett, in bib address to the Re!
publicans of Allegheny connte. If this
Fie so, , Russell „should inform the. people,
froin what source the state collect's the six
millions of dollars it annually makes way
with., The amount el taxation can , only
be measured by the receipts at the areas ;
nry, and goilig to this infallible merge of
inlcituation we find that instead of, wip
ihg 9a:taxation RepubliCan policy has
beeti to lay it on with a bravier. hand.
Some of the republican papers afe
moaninktbe.loss of polittcal ?mtiortance
'to thic - KeYstotte State
,in consequence of
the 'change in the lime. of bolding the
election from October to November. It
was a wise change, and we may new see
in th'e Ohio canvus, winch is forted into
sn unnatural cbannel by its presumed ef
fects upon questioniforeign to 'state poli
cy and - beyond' state control. The real
.regret of the radical :journals ita this state
arises from the hint that- no' money will
hereafter be contribnted .outside of the
State to heip'Atirough the' State 'ticket.
'nen Ilartrauft , raiibefore he was push
e4l along by the neivstaties of the follow. "Now he has to pad
dle his own 109,1100.-
A. decision of iv California court
- that &Woman uttose,,huaband is a ton
rift, in a peniienpary is law'.,.a widOw.
The hiu3band %/trig without civil rights
be -is , held to be,dead;in law. We believe
this to,be h Report:knee with other tleeis•
ions.whenever the qtiestion has been raii
ed•=-4it least generally, Under the Cali
fornia decision thin created; whose bps
4nd,i4 in I-119,. /Cps!!
,Y9' /lc Penitentiary
for:shooting tier patzniun t, will" in nerit
large;estste froin'ber lather,which 'it iA
supposed,she lir get
,lier 'husband
otit )triAon b empi.,'.hook or' erook ett
bits iii • . ie v Of.tfiiA 'it will .be!
Wt‘lll for litistrati4i to, keep out of peni...
tentiaripaif they tto notwauf their wives
toibe riiirded and
_trented by the law'w
widowk " . ' '
rill thel `-eiourt 'louse Bing" organ
publish tae' following from James Mack,
the leader of the temperance pas' of
nitinsylvatua ?
As lone as learned editore and a pow
orial party can find. no ,other argument
against the Prohibition paity than that
help the ,Democrats, Prohibitionists linty
takt-couravand press on. Men. ne..v6r
tis j e dirt when they have fact and reason
on their side. ./stOe. 'Reliublicans treTe
not hurt thei,,would not hollow Pro%
arc endeavoring to cheLit the
civil policy of the' state from license to
ilartran ft is the , embodi
ment of license Irrislation, tlu. represpot
ative of tlis4 lignorlrafic also the tool
f..r raking awe from . 1) R oill- the
right of selflovernment in local
amil of the arbitnit r of row-
• hack lilina thein 4disylistteedrn• le'hieclitthheeri
mg d have *Pe f r oh; tlefeta °
abhor "rind;
rits.olA giyen, o .
la myworthy_
lie g"ater ,iiotig politientn.4 1.0 ihat'auce
ir ~de d in tu-
I , a
an u— r - tii " is aiio-
nnt is, AVi* 4 ,
‘' g4lYel4nltlrtitrabit. Sell rt. i Et ',," repudiation 01
of " ess dictates Lii.t
winch dared
. ri g htheusti i d of the Per Yirs renornlna.
••;. mouton Lii
od beace by '
re equally
' • public cirth:t 4 hlican liariY a
' Tiie rktr rid eoually & , ur
tiou. , d to tioerie ii
ro,s defeilo- t
s WIT/Illitle
a or the P7lbib).tiOniSLS in.
1 in the ;Ai'leon and -nn -,. 'I.
.can ,rote for
j',oo Opli titilic weliare f either of
lover (4. tl !!: P state ' or loc a l '? • o f. pin
outinees* 8 t i t a violation . dom
,11 tines,' W'tli° ttiet .thy, kthg •
, thette Pad the piAyer
oh earth, i!'s
ell& tin, .._ wi n he dont' VI
, ,e an d to, 4 f , train
• aen T• ' avelLi ' I taking the,
P is In flee , tbi, eve)* , three days writ',
, In On 0 ti o th or
bsence ni a 'f or ir for p
foran h L ny an e
) ttin bin 1
; i•-, tion. vote il"for a widati hioce
ti I bars 1852„t0r rePn
,/ norntnee siliPe‘„
1 v
yours Tni
1 • '
" ' jt the: election in ''o6l-111:11"
The X= . ' ' . • of the
'' . iii 'As'-iisitiiikkiii,uvan,:itidleaticiti ,
- 4 , -... ''' - , - ;::.4 l tti l 'i of the reictien,
. .
, tk .gmA , / ,t,,- ~,,,,' :t4-,:4--,auit :,shapes ' ' o f ridical-,
~„ f -..' 4‘.-877.4.7-Ta,;:iitteinkty..iii,,Californizioviiia,k;
E 1.:-.:;;,t,, i;:ihe l, mapitwe'.4nan,gement of -6°'
:n o e -- ih- i i le e hedatiii3:i *vier in tli4, titetes .
e 7.77 Praiii the'in iiii44oie and 7Presenl-M
- . - ...:;1. -
7!l ia 6, o i:i, ha:b ee - 1 1 swept un
0 4 4 • w o n rid Aletig ciio '
,-- t i er ** We `4 1011 g-. . 1 . dit i vs ,_
1 14viernitiliiiiti:iirganizatt°°' , , T h e ,
' t ... -' ,ticket wil)l4Fee'Ple.iir 114,10r
'ilttitaiivilf.1: 4.4: fdeuiton or t , l ) nlre r 'o-Q*
it."P-77. '''iii01 ;ion.
,gives theAtemseri,
64f114". tv:0141totes 'in the' bthisc , O l :
,9,A4:440, Cr- ,-- t h e ,eiection. l
71 !f1, ° ,4 , 0 ', , , , *Atiteat4Ot in- AtarAk , ; ,g.l
'`,;a:,, n7-,..- 4,,,upn the 1/14kturi
..'OtliOiiiMiouid -
• J, ,
orat, ht over. ..2,!:)03 majonty t l l tin -1.873
+Gtattesint4oritv - eierlarceley: 12,302;
and three. TOjelti 000grosanieit ' oat o f .
four were elected. 1873 ,
tudependentiled the field for Tudge of
supreme court of a majority of 5,397,aud
imleoeudeuts were strong enough 7n the.
. to` secure the, return of
ernor Booth' to the United. t.ittes Senate.
The elect , this . year. ,was
tant as deterritining • the cornplexion 'of
the state government for four ,years to
come, and was contested fl the republi
cans with the full 'knowledge that failure
was decisive uot only for 1875 but for
18'70. The' gt , *ifying result „is that the
.Golden Statesumes its rightful place
in the ranks rind: in the councils of the
" 4 ,
dernoeroiy.' of tbe victory on
hhia side4o the reeky, pountaine,*ll be
moat edvurtageous to the country.
Colonel Hoyt ari:ls t ed in the 'city yester
day to take the head of , the ltepubliccm
column for the, approaching, conflict.
California didn't partioularly , encourage
liitn;:lks he entered the field, bat he has
two imonths for bielithing and getting his
Pilgiim lineS in battle array.:.'Arkansa's
will pr3bably throw another slight shad
ow over his banner on the oth" and on
tho 13th _Maine will come in with her Re
publican feathers . ' drooping . somewhat
froni the stotni •of faction and general,
cusaedness that prevails pretty much .ev
erywhere. Then Ohio will disentangle her,
politicle eel—pile on the second Tuesday
of October, and give somebody a brain
cloud that will carry its , staggers into lsio
vernbcr. If Colonel Hoyt can get his dis
jointed army through the Buckeye breakl
en. he wilt haie the vantage - ground and
may ) have laurel's for• his crown ; but if
the "reaction" that has been dreamed of
in the Reliublicaa household doesn't get
its work , in so as to defeat 'Allen, Colonel
Hoyt will save time;cash and reputation
by closing , Ills grocery and hastening' „ to
his adored and adoring mountain's. Like
'the youiig bear, his trouble are nrincipal
ly ahead, and we 4tffectionately tender
him the' sympatht of the Times in ad;
van ce.--Philadelph4a Timm:
It is said that the Ingenuity - of the
manufacturers of , hoisery his been tared
beyond precedent. to Satisfy the demands
of fashion 'for the coming ,season , . The
firkt , importations have reached our
ehores,'and the heads of the hoiaery de
partments in our leading dry goods
honselsaY, Chat the eccentric and costly
Wonders that they'are shOwing to the few
,fashioe reporters who are, net. permitted
the indulgenee of a vacation during. the
heated term, hinotbing ete what is ori , the
'way from Paris. „ Whether Ainericatt.wo.
men wall really wear• these fantastic em
broidered, clocked, and striped stockings
,is to, lie teetzd. 1 , ' . .
The silk hose come in faneybo.Xes, fog i r
pairs in a bo-.., f:om $4O to sso a box.—
, Trie four pairs are all •of di/Tern t colors,
and .each pair is eeihroidered or clocked
in a different design. The artist's and
designer's skill is , seen ,on every. pair.
S.onie tireePure, others pearl, acid others
I cream whitc; some pale blue, 'rose-color,
snau%e, drab, brown, in all shades; red,
from scarlet to deep crimson ; and grey,
fr om it the darkest London smoie to me
- palest lead color... Exquisite pOnabinations
'lO strongly contrasted colors appear in'
embroidery on the side '
s, run ninghalf the
I wa,y,up the leg, Or , the swe,li of the ralf
1 atiove the ankle, nil& settietime c4vering
.1 , the wbuie instep: Sometimes the ern
' broidery) it; of the seine' eater 118 the
etockingS, long lines. funning between
'open hice like clocks, terminating in for
,iforni points half way between the .knee
and ankle: .The instep of a Pair of white
6 - 1 k . hose - is spe;okled over with t:ny rose
' buds and leaves in nate eil 'colors the
pure g vett and r'd. , AtiOthef pair has a
beehive on the iiirs.ep, with bees swarm.
ing in:lilies mat te , acelate below thelar
ter • atm thee :na .. IS-43friped length wise
40. alternate ineb haDilttif blue: and rose
nolo-, eaC.ll stilpe ending
~ in 'h steeple, or
Valid vte, at the , stOkpeint'l, defined on a
`solid - geou n d'of drth or lead. color. . The
tope, of tlie . yandyites„ are .ornamented
with, embroidery in . Again,
eilother pair is scarlet with dold color or
in ight bine enibroidereil cloeting on the.
eides. 'Spine . ere..striped horliontally
,in :1
tripesi f blueand rose
narrow o -color, or -I
rose and , lead color, intersected. with I
lengthwise lines of embroidery and open _ ; '
clocking. -Others again arbor' plain riol-1
id colors-litue,'"apple green, rose color,
scailet and -crimson, purple; bro'srn, and ,
welr, in all shadea, but knit - .or woven iu,
ribs to coral lengthwise lines.. I -
All9l thii hosiery is long- enough to
, . ..
gartir ler above the Itnee. I' They say that
in 'Para chole and' fastiileous women, a
1 7
haviniehe foie, - Of their fine hose trim
tied With tileticennes, Cluny,and Doe •
ease lace:. lt is put, on large enough to
:adinit of being fluted., i'-.Exquisite garter,
with - gold And siker . buckles, some even
:jeweled, 'ere phown,to go with costly bos
i!ri. , Z l ? , gikrt.P* #re also trimmed with
.rosettes of real lice. , - , ' . -,.
Tbeee are shown, in. - addition to thts
fine Oat are titmia
, ; finished Bithriaan ,are iu+
51e4;14. though 'woy'en or : lace:
thread. ;.But the, :thread-iv really. of, un
bleaotle.d. tic daland • cotton,- fine and ,
'fituniith se>flax -can, -be -spun. - - These ex.'
quisitiltnitiOns:or the atoetren
clOoked:ln'ailk embrobi;
'erY. spaopeh.`- . 1t . 0 stripes; eFit s l3air with
a thirereiit'd..asign'. They cost ouly . .froln
470 to sloo.a- dozen.' , 'When, on the-foot J A
they it like in additionalv-epidertOtor
scarf Doiy 'delicate musele,tendon;
Smother is Taiat,aceaniinsio ttiks
11 0 4 t: 8t it not according fo - -th`a
tAiennaraeter: itri'
and 0 00,7 10 31 !Inetiou'ffie„ almun M
1 0 th" glories . of of ,-`a utu mn are no',
intire , tipivirariCan thi, day 'at &Titember.
ihan, , apytae.
'eternal madness the.
- *wow -'btit :there moat evhe;liiit
sin, even to the
~._.,,,b i -- : , .. ~.-;:. , ...1 , ,' ,, ,- IF 7 - .:-.:i':' , ~, ~..--::
YaC51*4 . 404;.!"9" 1 1:, 11. -TieW: o ot'l :l3
liii*.'.iiii at :4i,fotier, - ... t a t
oli l - : ,2. 4t ,;:ifo', : tfi:
itutiOek,...4‘)li4.!syi4 not i,iltiliiiuttit.nerheitts
4hitlended iestiTday,:iiria iith'.o.4lay.-iy:
haie to face, at oat* 'Or iu, tho fature.s
near that it will soon !he the preeent, th
stern Polities of ,the;winter's wait' Ther,
' of signs of the reawakenini
of the city, ! dOritiani throughout Ili(
Midautnmer months, aild.two of these be
long especially to to-diy :-the,oysterman
crying his wares taildly throUgh th
ioeets, in real) , , recognitionot old But
ler'e ma ; im, and "then the whinin
schoolboy, with his
,B;tChel and shinin
morning facei ci•eepin )ike snail Unwil
Jingly to i sohool."! - P i or boy; for' hi
the holiday has been 11 too, short. N
wolfier•ii 6 goes ,cifipk nwillingly to th .
0 1 1
hot stilling school, r , in, to, muddle hi
young braidmith 'dat s an).. definition
and algebraic, formulte to drive away th
useful lesson ' he his b'9 learning to the
_fields or along:The river. .I But, a so r
trial t an his to-day.ii his teacher's. Sh
has had a' rest, and, let us hope, she h
had a breath of friAsh country "air to brin
a little coior iiwk to „her blanched - cheek.
She has had, we will supphae, enough' of
idleness, and is 3, to take up; her task,
again: , ,
.11.1 I
n. 14
tha t oe it can ldom b'e! with raptuj
ous delightsteps upon ,a tread--I
i i
mill. The boys awl girls ill say, they are;
glad to see her again, and, she ,is reallyi
glad to see thlem, Iq' most 1 Of them, for,l
thought iittritbtable,lor dull' or thischiev-i
ous, they hav e each, found a pla i ce in heri
heart. She does care for, them, and think
1 a great deal . bout them, and ! try very
hard to help them! on Their-way t l• but the ;
work is aci , werying,,so unending, so full!
Of a 4 manner' of discouragemelits
ali cannot : ut bliiink' from it, try as she]
may. f`Delighttul,task, to rear Ithe ten-1
der thonght”—th# may do for Poetry, it.. may do to parse, but Jamie Tom:peon was
not a teacher.' And Jet in spite . of its
trials, in }spit ' of, that, dread:al feeling
thawill #ome over!, her- feer a hard day's
work, that her efforts are not only fruit
less bid that uo one will-give her credit
even, for rying, the teacher's task ought
to have much of " delight as any daily
ainitanittlingtask Ican have, and' h scarce
ly corriforts her to: think tii, many of
her trialscome. fro her own , incapibility
— mans' , Pt. by 0 ,, means all., As we
i :.
know the teachers in our, public, schools
in Plil l adOphia, whom chiefly we; have in
mina i slave wr:te, a more earnest, pains r
taking and in rn4n respeets cafiable
I botlY of women &Alla,not easily l be go
-1 tew . together. If thei :geli ! eral abltiire is
not ! very e s ltetisive it s .usually as great
as their 4pportunitie afford, or, perhaps,
as, their: work demant' ;it is special edu
taboo that theY
arid encoUragement,
they 419 _lot often get.,
edo go th - roug,h a:
ery[day, to hear 'a*.cls:
thewor,ds of : sortie ig
whose book, favored!
'this year, may bel die
corn's them
to train tlie,,thouglit
conimitteetnan now
get little kelp .from
they feel that they ar
great .machine;
they are active • part
system. This is thel
teachers work ; she,
take a gloOnty'clew
day. But then, it ha
fur, in spite rgnoxill
,ayid falSe etutac - rratis
ranee, Our, education
the schools and t. o
improieland we are
growing outiof. darki
_teachers and , pnpilt t,
4,71 n the winter's
make,it, not`A drudr ,
earnest, progr
the iesslim shall he
it is largely for the ti
bo far se ylat i ents'%l4ll
nits tind the Conid
inaild. 'What the teal
er their work shall
well directca or scat'
.depends most ori:ih,
ty if the direr:6o'n of
are incompetent; it i
People to'itur* the
this matter Of I the s
every I
Times ; fOr the 'pub]
tO just.ati good as
and not any bCt(er.
ttovi, of the serioitis
mter, and amcii g t
any deniaoda more"
tees and paid, to s
the etfuesti: (MI nal eyst
so aineli and, the
430 21131.0114.4:P0134---
-- F -----,
, 01
AFisecut Ware. p
,l*T „
2 .
A FiLANC i Sbo, r . P• ..7 - 1 (16010-
- cratic state , ticket; is ..",nverwielmingly
l _o
elected, the retains far show, , fully 30.-
00 popularity. : irb iudepend,ent ticket,
led by Senator , 800 h, has been a corn-;
plete failure, and. P te a pomp)ete estlii.,
gitisher,upok thexentleman's pretensions
for Presidential considetation4 Bidwell,
the independent cand;dife for' governor,
.did t'ot carry,,a ',county in the state. Sen
ator iagent and Qeorge C. Gorham. sec
yetary of the linitenl States senate, have,
as, special , representatives of General
6rata, been ;.!ep,udieted by the people of
CaliNrilia in,,,,Ale most "etupliatio manner.
The State tielfei elgqted is ...1-
Gevernor, William IrWin • tientenant
Oovertior, J. 1A:.,, Johnson :!§koretary :of
State, Thomas _Beck); Comptroller, J.
W. Mairleville. l Treasurer, J. G. &Md.
ille ; . AttorheY ' l generid . „ J. A. Het:allied .;'
Stirveyor,Perieral, W. - Minis ; 011 or the
Supreme Oitirt, I.). B. Woolt, Stip't Pub.,
to InStruction,inev. O. P. k'itzgerald.
, • .
Wiggin ton' (dem) leads flutigilton(rep).
ttte Fourth qr'Sonthern - tjistriut of 'the
a vhielf; as considered then Inuit
tl tltful by the democrat . Piper (dem)
51oubt.101,ieted " t4e. First(Sau
Francisco) 'idiatriet. 'Lutte, I) (dein) ',ls
'Atoted in the'Thint The konteatitraih
-er.elose iti the &mild dietrrpt betive*n
Page (reP) aid 'Larkin - fdeni3'
dependent. paniidsitei are farbehind.'
ie a majority
in both the senntfi and the itsbenibly . o(
,the next legtsiature. - Gorham'iliopee t o
reach the United :States senate are gone
;forever, and People_here:are already
ulating akto. what course tienatOr-.lfooth
w;11 pursue next
. winter as to..thi. abuse
heaped upon him by, Gorham dniing the
campaign which has ended, in effectually
using up both the indeperident - and' ad— ,
ministration, parties.
ELacTioN SAN vssNcTsco.
No one duttlitS that the democra have
carried the election in -this city. A. J. , J.
Bryant, an old time. Republican, is the
maymi elect., He was adopted : by *the
Demo ratio, convention, it is generally
toiml, at the solicitation. of Hui
ston, of the Calicornia batik.
SAN. FRAIICiECO, September 3.—The
vote of the state, as far as heard Irmo
except the cities of Soin Fraucieee.p and
Sacrauten!o, which are much mired
gives Irwin, democrat for governo i 22;-
694; and, BuliVell. independent, 9,373.
Ts th e second congressional districit
rege,,r.repebl ean, reekives 4.391 vows,
I arkin, democrat, 4,361, and Tuttle,inde.
pendent; 1,15.. ' '
In the thi d coogress:onal district Lo
t Ill; deceovoit, reeeiveil j,611 votes; De
n'o. repoi.iilicau, 2,666, and wed,lnde
p3drait, 2,1 1 63.
I : „
n tie fourth congressional distr , ct
Wigg nton,,. deo:lmo:at, . received 18,542
toms; Hounton, iiep.oblicato, 4,803 i; and
Thonylson, ladepe. dear, 1,675. 1
In this city, Pope , democrat, for; con.-
gress is undou'oteal eleeted,'but the oth
er officers atill-oindecided. 1 I '
This grearnocratic victory is tonne,.
thin likes revolution. Alameda counts
moss the, bay from this city, always the
,banner republican county of the state,hool l
given a dexocratic Major;ty of over 1,006. '
The cry at eve:y precinct was "no third
!term.' , I' I
1,1 ,
Cove. or-elect Irwin is a native o But.
I !ler comity, Odio. Ile came hem in! 1852,
and io 1301 anti 1872 was elected to the
! assembly. In 1869 he was elected. Ito the
senate, and re-eleoted in 1878, !being
president of' the - Onate pro tern I pinder
Governor Booth. ge- was elected ito the
scnate,again an,d became acting liOnten
' arit goateo nor. He i : now tilling that of
fice.- From I£6B n to Ma. oh last be has
bee-tido - ning the j eclitorial chair kof the
Y.eka Xiio//, lind ass the-m had aievxd.
last . e:zper:ence forthe new 'psi ;ikon to
which he has been called.
A Riot NO a Funeral.
' t, - Advice, guidance
ud these . are w hat
They are expect
r4taiti druderery , ev-
S of parrots, , repeat
orant hack-writer,
by ;.the :.authorities
arded next year for
still: Btit nobody
ow to teaph—how
They. May see a
andn then; bat they
him ; andi, though
bat the wheels of
y cannot ;reel that
• ia an intelligent
gloomy sile of the
ill be very likely to
fit on th;4 npi-ning
its hritrlitoi side - -
z• , 1
Roe\ find incapacity
, the world does ad
. uneeted With them
:inwly bute steadV,y
ess into day. het
ke heart, then, and
orl....detirinined" to
ry, but. al genulne;
.ss ogward. What
-orth to tile, pvpils
•aeber to iletertoine,
give themsOpportn—
ace tliey 1 inlaid de
her aIU d4--wheth
[)e barn:maize() and
red and wasted
se lilioSe•Alcial du
the schoid`a. If they .
the buei*as of the
out, Aid 'so all
tioola come back at
dual 'ref+ of Tie
ie schoolsOire likely
the pnblie demand,
We atli alf thinking
titles of tie coming
on all Oere is not
an. our,' dt(ty to pro
engthe and elevate
Ini of which we boast
eftiCienci i . 6l whieb
liladel,olii4 Times.
READING, Aug. ,21.- 7 Th- tun(
hire. Phelps Bessiuger and her thri
drea, who were - drowned on Ti
took place in this] city Yestereay.
preco.sion:comprised over thirty cal
aad.not.less than one thousand ji
on foot. For an hour before the fij
pointed for the :funeral, the houl
syrrounded by an extited crowd,
detachment of police had to 'gua
premises. Llissinger keeps a sal
this place, and his family cono
himself, his w,re, and -three small
His mother also made her home with his
family. Of late .there has been' much
m unhappiness.set , the •neighbo say,
by the , treatment of Mitt. Bissinger by
her. 'husband and his mother.! The
'report Ommatily accepted i 8 that IBissin
ger had iv:stowed his affections upon an
unmarried woman. -Philadelphia,
whomhe frequently had at his house.—
Ou Monday the husband and wife quar
reled on this account, and he ordered
her out of his sif,ht. Retold her be would
give her $2,000.t0, gn away and return no
more—she to take two girls and he to
keep the boy--and threatened to kill her
if she returned. This prospect of. , sapar—
ation froin one of her children, added to
her previous unhappiness, preyed -upon
her mind, and she was very much de—
pressed. -
On Tuesday she-took her three chil
-1 then ' and entering astreet car, rode out
I.of the city fc: a- distance of about two
sod a half mites to a pomt on the bank
of the canal. .Slie.,Krid a basket with her
'and this she.filled with stories, her chit.
Idren assisting her. Then she bound the.
basket securely to her waist, and' taking
a :li - ild under elicit armoind holding the
third to her 'yeast, she jumped into the
cinal.` The crips of .the chiliren attract
ed the attention of - a man who could tint
-1.. swim, and bero - re be could get help all'
were drowned. The bodies were recover-Y
ed and taken to the house of the hus=:,
band. lie received the news of ;the tragi
edy,,it . said, while in the presence of
the wo an who had caused the unhap•
pies. 1 • • ,
~,- - . -
So great was the' indignhtion' among I
the people at large, that a detachment of
police was kept guardini the. house'of
rEissinger „until after the, funeral. his
said that in the
d - not Jess than fifty
men, and even . some , women, were 'sr
rested with pistols for the avowed , purpose
oY shooting Bisainger. He was !guarded
by the . police all the way to the grave;Sad
back, and. "as la, further projec;
firm, the coffin containing the little bofii
body wasplaced la the carriage with tint '
When. the bodies were loweied int() th
grave part of the crowd hooted at rim}
and a number of women tried. to get al
him- - Ohe shot -w , s fired at hini witteint
effect. lie . was .hen instantly htistlnd
into his carriage driven off. Auoth4
-er shot was fired .t him while, pdssiue
the gate, and is s i ppused to lave ck
h;tn, mite was ca rigid from the iage
c fru
into the house. . I'rest indignatia still
exists in the city, : rid -.lynch Is:" is ::•iy ,
-talked of. . " ' I
i • . • • 1
i vertisements.. x.•
jtatv rattgatleen ' NRV BOOR jos. :loin 1 top.— 4w
emi• ." J. lit:OK:11y * Co., Philsa
r. .00, BJII' m adaswe -so, stir, S`o. ?'a^o
c r 11011 14% et he: es"' '.'" ,4 l'nae
°rem $ rs' Auf . , 43 eel clocee
41 pt.' 2 'Fe 50,rs •-. r n enasolnii,ltro Is
no. s oet e t •se: hoOt: of AC) p* - ev. laigiress.
BUNT t 4 %.Q..18P ''lll'ag.nlplrae 4 a., 4w
• '
i ,
inJe-, 4 mt, ~ fd P• o:iits4Po CoripioillaeOS. ,
, 843:4•,:' . ' ',', '; ' , Ms'. • .1_,•• 1' c - •'O•4 .Pow Aoiefr r
4 'W •kr ,e e 'oey wo SO Pl'.Suzl.l-c :le e.l-, , ,.. itetailoo
of -bore •.irbo hoe ,::e IP,. • r..., • C•k, a ••e:r Com a , * nro
-4004 ;re .4c kn'lopcti.ii 1.17 w; .00e c.'.}1,1 nmol'ojrip...
10 , co., ;de f Oilt; IV,' WY . , AC... •• 00: es no
re , •,..,;- se *oil 1e Ye . - ±eIG te at "o: avr•Rovel. v ais .
wimp,. t y . t o *, 11-4 1141)0 1 1 rat, l i ep.oe.,•e - 044 6f 401.
xdr,L 4e ., ott •Ai It. :1 h Am :soh • 0 1e..1 . l'.4llret agreed 10
kr* .r00..4.x.- 1. o . .Pr • *V:, '' . 4 1 1 •",i,....* ,1.. ton ,
&el 'el c"ca A - Ai.t ~0.0 .r.i.- 43..E.A80N .44.0..138
,Wat4r1,.., - ..i's - • :e', Lok: bo, '11.^14.:. -: ' Ihr •
- ,
E Xeell ,t 9l . s Sale
The.nuclei) dined.exceitiortot of
pry. lateot liz.flgeoquer,, Beat,: Co, Pa., accented- I I
ilea pogic:yeadtte_ i ott . lhe pretuises , the farm taunt
*-the plOregot7 arm:', tor.; .1 7 aLipat no A mes,
SRUJV4 Octobei. gd • •
'tom - denaz. - c 9 eclat, .
, .
tg v - s S 4100 on Olor of, tale; vsto ou
dollney cloeb.. aro .re. 'ream Jr Zvi, egrAilentuti
mazeols 16,04444.14; 4 ohe wale 4•404, 2 ; .
.=, ••
' • ' ' ' ' ALSO, ih 4SW OW: )3 1211411bd ,r. ..,- ..
. .
•.' Pkorircir,l2."l 3Prorso - •
wn be ileold it. ihe same a Ile ae 84) 4 00 ) • i - . -
- 'Oa* - 01,e0t o.teu. 8 valve, * t:wp-yetu -Old_ Mfg:44;a
ma e: if, 'too.). I)Aning mt:- . . eePef ar‘S reePtekortil.
2 02 - .4.01..0e1 Wet:* . 0 . 40 - led. * -tiut .1). scelulet '4OO, a
eruktibt, 2 lit)e.N Asusa:e . 4) it.. orp o x. 0014 0,; tArg4ft ,
,co - .0 site 'etr; Sliki.O 4 :, , COgl l oo We... 2 110# keo tlnd.
1140 el, Lao., WW li t'S. lO A Cie)), Rt. Mist at, iy f -# tin: .
ale.; *epos.; lep. 1 )000. ebes:. '41i0 4 ,41)1),, wag.
Am - wbecoa '.:Low: year? 9'ol I 'bet. .0p . ixt.
~ ter sieca,ll,o2o4. e3 4 21:44r0V.1 not 400 late&
1 1 ,Pi'418 :-/)11 4 •44 t.: image ate tub. 45 a n afar. ono
Lear $ ersOt. wit 144104 stld- erbrolied bac-.
Pr0f)0...: u)saill))'eo_4l.ll 200 0 *to=4ld
.03... -•- •• - - ,
Egibmxber S. I876;41!'
. -w- •
, , frit Ct
/. .•
. ,ON MCCONiZI433r.
_ • BLACK SILKS itir
•• - ,
- 11 & W
. ,
Clott in 11, tt stain, a
.&W T D
NEW MILFORD. SeptembeT Bth, 1875.-6 w
• Salk "Edit Dna Mode
-tfU Meares as
UMW Pori et Ike
(11TOnir aide
th• "AA.
Tatar" Axel art
ass ran you
.wins pail's s slid.
dr Sam svaal that lo
faikeernia keep
(tram& 1 111toops
Atrt treat the JAM
Is loam
111 . 01 1 tA
era" /111IIIMIT. i t difTs
4. tbik isathig Ato
...AZIW" it IMMO mon
IMO _•20.4, cso
sisows trout • WO= I. ASCIAAIN.
• Atm, 411-enta sod. . I liffaipy,
rat of
j e chit
: esday,
• OR, Om Patterns awilClo,
• SlitT yla a
v tivr i a t r i v 01
me ap•
W rib
and .a
d the
n in
ted ()I
• Single Copies W
iiabariptlea Price. $ a year,
• premium °Prim Dalian' worth ,
Vi mend our CERTIFIC4V)
ErliitY re TAW n wi i ii P t " Aili
worth Of " estre4).
._Tile 44 3LONTritale
. n d % ni ,
to be fount& • in Ibis eountrv_, and
ev nig el la, P ZreN s rairg l e s o w nCitisTrii
-f aillitha samp ll l6 lll l lll l . ll. ct U li ti te. .uabal.
while It Is pubnehed. 1
bu ben lot lon I': lee $l.lO anat. post paid
10no dollar's worth of puiterus guen to bath
leubsetiber as prem um.
$11,500.00 m GOLD COIN
' We, 'Bl' tere 42 4 000.00 la GOI4I , COS . Al
to 63 ne.bans wqo sent. as '.ie lar.; - st aumbet Or
SOW ;;10 , 11' 0 our .''World of First `on,"
si. $3 erica loiCotei Mareli lip. _1876.
- - ,
As "ooliwe': ' 'la .aa Gt., e.-an of •le la:gest!
Llell i:• , q''',oo.oo:a s Cold Cole.'
20 IA - 4es. Vlds 2 1. 0.4 i 7 u Co I Ca' r.!
Qt ...,6 lest .C•tt 1...1... 150.00 1 0 COl9 to.n.
4'a '•..6" ,- ,,es. &a' b , 1 - A OD 4 (lola Co'll,
501 4..4 . 1,es . t... i..,,, 11l .la t'o.a two..
6'a . ii.✓.4.10. t • .':, . PO.OO .11 C 01 4 ,. Co 0.
"4" , .4 .' :, , est ill' , '....... 100.00 a : wit to e.l
. 8 a La ,e-: Cqth '3.1114 flola Co U.
91 LA 0.... , 1.:.. 7 .1 ' ,
.50 Witt t.ios;'ealo.
111 a 14, ',#;.... V....)„.... 34.00 ,a L o'c Col%
1 •... , .r' ',;es.'..tiegt" - - 43. , k a Gala o•ts.
aria PO 01 , ',..0 41e 1 43 , P'. - ges,t. C'eu. ,
, vs . .
Ton ;eta -. e ~ -t ital"ar ere: ^ 'aloe: 1 1)er jot sen 6 TAW -.A e, crri.. subte. ,- "ae; gels a .p.eialtim.—
f.tP.A2 0.7.- . :.e/..i t i . i l'resqa era st• II :le ..0 , ';‘.6 al fal , , ire ti .a the Septatuoer
Ntimber,'"bes:t.e. , ,,:. ieas.nes and .r.'o. a•idlrts of ?.62 pe:-.3s .0 whom we have jos, paid ti.,-
135 61 i.a. GO:O., YL4OttiiUr; Lo oar 9roviour. 44119. TOO car w: L. 43 id tine or hlt of th em. gait they'
will tall on I qs: re tla 4.:*..atil:;* 99 we inmuThe. .
YOU :11EST,7: . r
3 .fs ',shell
if ' i 1.,5 1 . 4° send
#l l ll V il ti tn s l ll l(t S ' t ;11 31 i1 1 1 °. : ,1 :1 t t.:l' 7.C . ;' ' l l . 'l4:..l.rcite'r out
P i t i4 ;aki z t i ! ft " ...lll 4i;ich
y 6.... :.•41.0 ii ..00... 4. - .0 at Daft beg:A , , ge..» ,, ig sot,c.ri.!e.., .44 • ~....4.41 'O5 cuttt. ,, 118 one cops. : `Seedstamp 10t F.o:lo4 , o•Co.:o'egile._ •'
1 ,• .
1 - -A. ISLTIVIDETT SMITH, . , --,. -
914 .13roadciaY,Ilie w York' ply.
P. 13. Box 055.
• ,
AVD 8.8 N01"10g. The undessiped havtnitteai.
.1.1. • no:mint/el an' Autiti . or s by :cie Orphans' Cod: t
of Brisquetiv.ra Coun4ito heat and reno:l on execs'-
ions 11*.-d. to
. r. . lbw e -• • lamas' ,
of Cie , adz ea- aor o:-Ote e. ca"Co a . Bertdek ue
teased. 101 a.cend •.0.1 ae °Nies 07 Ws' rppo'n:-
men: at theollee of Vi'fa..e s & Boa, 41 Mott, ore, on
Weanesdar, Oct.b. at 1 p. in. at %ilicit
:ine add n'ace a'. ae goOs inseveitar: ir ti
nresencs.lie'' is.or be forever debasreu from so r
tag !II 4)(1 mid ;eau. ,
C. A. WI bad or.. -
Montrose; Se l l grebes ;£1.1373.--4w.. . .
AILIDIT'OI . B AO !I.: - . .
be neer. 11". •• i er 4 aun' o anno •- et , Dr he "(11' -
''hens Con S.l. , coebite ,a Coo f.y. ota — t ba.e .he .
rot , .143 ha •ds o ;1. .;.4 sum •!••*, tl;‘, ol the
'a 0' CAI'. E t Jee I.*Or. tlee'd. 7I a - end :o ale
da .es o: ••• .4 i a h'e Oka. , Mont
lose, on P . • O. (roc • o'e oek.l).
wo.11; ..
oe n a 4 oe, void.
mos.) . meet at:. 0' or ue f0..117e.. de.osicqed ;4032
• , I D. W. BiLlirlateAUtr,..or. •
NOlll:otte . t., Sepieeiber IN 1673.
Adraftdstiator's Sale
, I
' 1 mire's/2er at• sr Tett of Ole 02Itis:s' Cot. 4 of
Suse...atibaul'a Codo , w . 2d uet. , er4 . , ed •,,or o f
tee -sta eo.A • • Jai • ..e In Je p eaa,iees
oz s're 'CA day, of rite , :x! ,fr ,
WTI. a.. I' , 41 ee o r.T rya asta.e.%o
w' - : •
A• .1:N;ce: a e' 4
roe 4)2 re.' .. t0,7
t • >el C;or Y - a' 'Ba ir - $44 eo , .
hi- tot' Siioitif. As.fai•iqr 0. 1,) *
Je et.• 4 , rc.3l itzt n l'aq of
'2, I)e.arce aiso - Chticen ROC 0 . Ur' '22. r - nriaz,
Nor o •,..**. line , 00 . 0.10 , :,* b babp.•
;,n4CD - Ater , iire.d „ea • * 202, ODir. :pence
1101).Lik eeu -222..nies .0 to .1: A? PL.:4,20 ;cite
slow , zo p* o• • •..- )41r , cionneo
One ileie of lazd, nao e o len - w all a )22 1 . eit maces.
on day bt este aad - (2ttia:11:00 on deal
coadaos.'on. • • • .
. • r McCO:: LUX, Ader.
Ifonlrose. E•eplaw , Jer 8,18.5.-9 w • '''•
.adCozOwcsike,-*4.. -
Capita* 'lll.oies'ented; 3 / 4 1400,060,000i
nitz.zurs 4 uno, ACCIDENT nrstrovicz :
• -
Llverpool.LoodOn iE °robe • • 1120,000,003
Royal Canadian. '.lneitia,ce Co,. of Montreal, CAA
ads. espthrl ,; s
tnir.Co.,o • • Northlanottei " i8410.1)00
Nadoino I. Note York.; 'l64Ktoo
los. Co.,:listo q . konuTo • • - 66019,00 t,
Voloo Notord • " ' " • $4llOOOl,
4rCosslinil ;I' 4 , .4 ' : $ll.OGlOOO'
Lgoatster In , * ans. Cod- 44' C50,01:4 .
Tire 4.boolatton of ht. si • 4A4`taslo
Pepospriarea log. _ PAGOO
Coursooreal icrit CO.. *".•. „
sr, ~WO. Ism. log. Co.. of Palts.l • • , slootaT
Woo ftwo los. Co.. WOtertown, NAT, •' • • G.W
ins. CO.. N. Ceoitsigh4 60, 1 )181 i - $ 4 ,. 000 . (, "
Atlas Piro Ins. 40.. titurtford. et. . •- • st),ORP
tisettord rite saw..cois4eo ,tat!tadsiii9 lll /' 6 8,000 1 660
Tiro norlorlittiisitliiNPEGlAL-.AOSNT for "the follow .
Leg eourpantes tor Northern Penosylrgain:
Fire n,ssocistion '
Laneaster Illort Ingo ittree Company of 'lA:legator.
Tho insargnatep. ?Coto 01 PAnrisyleguis,ol
. • :Z.:l't ar t . Xi O•
Conn. Mote. ihro f two.At":l44 .•/MS* 1500 • 00 °
AittariCSU Lice: Pkotra: T
• . photo(*)
• .411;•40=03025eT) •
Travoliit , kul.CriAirAkid,CaplialtdBarp i _
Relwq. ll , l fnig, ' $ 55 0"
Tbexesierstociokkasleo2 wellkuciVrauit.blitottity.Bn
tbe pat 'lmam an Ineurance Opm,. Lossassoputhod
by its Coq tiolaks bort4lvesys been Vroutptly paid. •
rca°lllloll94i blindiaB ePot Cram Bankin#
0 .% ..Comas . Co., , Tonipljt. itree4.
1014911. pat* lansittin
•i 8. 14.4.24GD0Ny 148(titor, •
Zilmix" 3 " o7ll .!
454,1713 . 0 Street. `Cincinnati; 215 1%. 4 4 1 2/011 . Ole"
eauty, Cle,a
to oa GIVEN AWAY !
• •
We e l l gTte 51,500.00 in Gold Cola . .
to 132 ne''..t4Onil '1701.) fella 11S .ht leiliestnern
be- of r.o fr.p :be - s .o oar "11.5.ZAA t:,"
'each, Levu: u 31.licir 1010. ' •
AP rtkg OW* : To .6e Get. er-tin of the 't,s:tiest ;:
C,ub ' 1.00 1 -o Gozd co n.
• • 2il • frger.....(1 1 0) ZOAM) 1n
341.).(A:t."14 CI01) ' HOAX) in Gold •
• ' ' 4'h art - eitt Club 1 5,00 in Cold Coin.
:i.0.11:061 It 1 00 1 n Gele cede.
' - 601- Club ' •15 Gold ceite w
:01 50.0010 Gold Clin.
t;:b rtntest C , ul) 001 A Cold Coln. •
I.a.r.leitt. Club "%DO , o Gold
10. t a • ',e 4 l. ' .1 1 0 in
1 1 ,0 IA ger. Chlb• In Gold Coln.'
a soon .0 tan. '33d get, , -
gt arbit
We would e*U The . sitontliar of
,tlplrOblie wanting
to R WORKS/14
513 SO:tr,E44.s
girlielng the only Afarble Worki 1n tbeConntl.4ll
All Win* War,rante4 ao- 4epresente4
. ~ I • , i , •• • - :•••':, - .': ,-, .-1 , : _---*•--..:
: By tall4g on Its,.
314 -
J: ,• _ • *.•
'131104 a Test, Pa., Aprlll4, ,
1 --- ,I.i-. - , , . 1 i ' • .--', •_. - '
1 i • ~ it. 1 3. 4 5 1, Otipi33l6l, ,' :- 't ,
- I. i' •: ! ' t
MB E .
R-. IN AO 0 ,NS''
, •- ,
~,, ..
~ifluin'fieir m il . on; e*libtban# !! 1 /4 Or # 414 ! 4 ' ' ;'''
,i , i
P. sitAlallt.
- • • *it, a 1 ,..., t , ,'z. jp.t.l , '
t*Olitloful, Mardi 10,1 . - -', •
N II F - '4 • '-' ; iT •'' Lsj-,1: , - - -i• ,f .;;:---,
-1 - -c. .- 'MEET INA, it .; -- i '--
1' i. , , -.._ r-v: _•,. ~ •• du
worm. if - E . 44 11 "Id'u''
1 leorgoroogetook Snit 1 msereccaltkiu4grbt
[ 0 Alpott I tositop;4o.4l . t ' Att_tweits gripetr i .r ;
All isiddivsliii bet delf# , t 'this ww.
,46 t il kpl Ipri 11,4134 f _ %MONA tit- !POMP
WNW,.. ..
. • - i - .'''''it , .:l: ' -",' .;:,: ..' -' , '
. t.
'II t . *OP,'"' ' 'et; : ';(1,. -; .i g• I' l , it `"*" I. -.
c , i • I.
. -,.., , --. •
• •'
__•'' - - .1 11_,-- -
AZIXIL .. Martia l 11.11370 , ,. ,
_ .
',..t0 . -,..,_ id ....
G -t• DO . Salta GOODS.
• . • .1- -:- ',.- : ,...-. 6.i,L - 5, , ,.....,- --. L , -. i- t : \ ;',....„ ~ ~ ---- ' '
14:T11(7Am:um ~. .
.. . , .. ...._ . • .. _ • _ •.-.
rik - NI A! N •
THEIR • 1 114
1.1:4 7 ,TE. NEVER 13E1.#% Ii.hVER CHEAPER,
o s,i
t , ,
k„ . -. '''.. F.,''
Itan 6.6 tr
1 017, istm 4
ow: ,., rep
. .
The crowds ntabing to Cheap John's (Post lluildlos:
for Bargains. • Nil!! teey CUM!. Why is It auo" Be.
cause ue nave reduced our entire inert of dm tollovr
Jug peas ah pe l t, emit.. to ' make teem for fall porta,
, 01r8' AND TOUTBS'
rteercllrrillestrete 403.atisizae.
11l •
• .
S ER , &O.
Jewelry a fire apartment. - Low Prices
i' ' . • --• ,
. :i . l' _ •
If yon; want to do well,
embe and see boiv : cheap we eel':
, .
s pec i a i t i es, ' 1.0 4 50 Ilene' Boots.
$lO Cassimere,Suits.
C103113' CLARKS ;COTTON, 5. eta
Niantroge, JnIJ '28;14*.
At -N(1:23 dourt Stre6t
_ .
nratamearrioN, N. Y.
Nt\ir GOODS,
` •
; c-,
le we hive returned from the city at New 'York
Aterput fag a huga - and well aeleete4 gp o k. of
„ .
of an kinds bought from first bends, we sue now pre
pared to offer-goods at prices that win stingily the clot,:
est buyer,- We have also -added to our large stock of
Dry Goons, an Immense stook' of -
Cl.oTp,pMSDlEltrg,"..tio BEAVEUS.
T ukak orM_ewaed B oy's wear. -ye, are now : prepared to
;who will glee tits it as we bare Aril chats workmen
en laged for r a.
4 u=s B =l tet i t o t in nte;, - yea will' and exitet
purchase elsewhere.
lthltatil ft part gots. we hope for a continuation
-the sanity We relearn. '
. , . 'Torre Iterpeetfully, "
IBlnghauttoe, April 2.8, 14-tt. • 3-33-'74.
Z -
Lr) • . 4, C")
, ,
• .
rt la *liquid TArrament for fronee and arable nee: A
vain *lgo combination, dlecnvered by A celebrated Etna.'
It allebenitat and berse•fartter. . Was Introduced In the
United Itiateeln the year li , tsn, and eine* that thee, by
Its,greatoucceee. In the cure of disemee, hag won
,foilteelf that world wide reputation it 'ye richly dee
ervecand tu!w etude at the head oral' Ilnalneuts utt•
rlvallgil • •
. . .
, .
It has ilretiely gained the confidence and admiration .
of thatteutdo of household'. for Its many caret of ilic-,
eases were external •oplications are of a. tonclilmtior- ,
tango. It le eetiedally'aditteed u a faintly remedy ler :
Its pecellet chemical combination. pi:musing pp harsh
borrediennt, pike tincture of Cayenne or ted.pepper, of
which cheap and valtileas Liniments are largely cote
motied,3 *Mai increase instead of diminiett the inflania.
t Wt. making. it 0$ natures speedy earn tor ,- .-.
LRlllttlita.Tl , 4l4, lIICADACIIit. fibiß TiIRONT.'
.. t ; GOLDS, -0111L1 1 9. yIi9ST, Tile ;ROLOR.; ,
CUTE!. /SITU olc,
' . ' ;. ; POII 4 ONOU_S. INSECTIt r 'ac... , ','.,,
Testittintibils and'direettOkaanconitiany each battle;
-Ituiontc-Ottly 25 cents. 60 cents, o.r.SlAlo—e ft ,nd if
does not give good eattsbetionfrettirtt the . bottle half;
raft end your money will be :iterunded. Call lit G. E;;
S. S., and take no otter. i - - -. • - ,;
D. O. v,Aityt.,4sl%, ProPriotpic , __
. 4 . ,-.; s:t. . -.*. MlPtoro. Orange Cik.,lL-Y,.
,` 2 ' ''
'' . i -73313 ALF Br . '". ", '
- " : i.' 13 MI S Eli a' 31 :'"Af',ViC 0 . 1 :' ' '
rt 9
f• - 1 r nig! efts: liontrnite Pi '
'_.r* - .; i ,:i'r, .i,
' - Pintlilsl4,lt ail Wholesaler and retail itnlrt in thy
1 /4"nvir 1 , -
tit rinbitieti linen equal to "factory wor k."
lioisitAlie narrowest bandit:-
The /Plating and .Crimping attachments BET IRON
and POLISJILtinr- Ante ovrerisop.,ttot ty wasp. ;
ING th e yo g i tato abitpti. 'as do tbe ra slid!
Pugs batneen Unita, Gather', /tildieii..Ailietber
`tinse l alpaca or worsted good', rattail) , and ar
.platy IRONED, tie the body of the iniftheat.
gantir-ituidied :cheftpllT: than
tills (*style:if/Wog
, 1 mu.. 0, rhitts; Gam Avw.
11.--t-terrthati for ante iifitikavieff want . ;;
4;1 4 75.. • -; • •-7 .
NEW 60oos
Number; 3Q. '
New Advei:liettlents.
A - •
• ' .. .' , Dealera in
:T0V173 4 ,: TIN, .C 0 Pii.El) ; St. SHEET
• -.'f''. - .• - :NA :;lIA It P W Ait.Fi &O.
, ,
Agents - tor 1
ttLA NOtTARD.: • uAltrriarr.: & - Co.,
.1410, wh t►lll eall a!, Dl:tartan], Ba•rtli3t & Ca's. Wu*.
! ' ' " .•1 F .
t WiFtE - GOODS, c'he.
!Special tisilacete
li,ON . CLAD', FIRST \Pii.Dlll5.ll,
.DE,N, General Agieut.)
, • - •
. • FORM. .SPRING• :4NI) BUG- t \
: . i . GY, WAGO,ONS. •- !
Unsdrpa,ssed for : Stile, and D.urr.bility, ,
We biro recently .aided to , our selection of Stoves
e ‘ y
made 17 Ratbbond, Sard & Co, Albany 17. Y. , and the
Armin/13m Burning Parl r Store, and Cunard Cook.
Stoves, manufactured by P 4, Co., A lban, N.V. ;We
alio keep the celebrated
1‘ *.; . • .
Ratobone, JeWett 4lt Ransom; Bau r -ma t with (!opper
11c:servant And Nictic Mount toes of Tim Idlest Improv.ll
patterns. Ittpairlog promptly done sod' orders, itc
jobldrig solicited,
tt CLE3ItiNTS.
New 3fllford, 'Kay 12th,
We hawo just ret irned. from the 'Clty
,of New York
with a, splendid sthck...ef tr,oomr,cuusleting of '
'' ± •
And all other gonde a wally' kept In a contarc Ptero•
Come one and WE mall :pa; yonmelve* that we are
man_ Its ehespoft the o zbespeit, We see aterriye i
ang to show out gOOde.
Brackney. Pa.. May 12th 1875.—tf.
• ,
The Place to ael , Your.
,• • . •
M. • A. - -Lyon7s
Share ytti•irill tlnd a full. evoinrt motif. of Pure Drug* ,
.t If cdieJoin,- Cbemleals, Dye Stuffs, Jewelry. l'er•
foolery. Ylititins. and Violin String*. Fancy, Good*,
Yankee Neitlons, Pocket:Bonk,. 24/ 1, 1 Flue
Toflet rz.ohtsa, Brushes, l'itbte CutCury. Solid 14:1Ta.r
Spout Spoons., K rives aid Gans, Pi , -
intiODIOT. Shoulder ' l'ru:sci, Mintiral
I ustru wits,. Dental Materiv.l,), La:T:ps *oft Lary
Chtuthqa. Teas, spices ; •itakint• Sea 510-s
rarint"...l;tlstitt,l'ut‘iiva. ettf., tv
Nem of Ilnelijn , Oils and ail Med, of
wk .
W`' ,-- tare T•Vgilog. our Wait , Paper et tilt, and are at,'
1,0; a a
' 'Very Low Fogo,e. ' •
det tr can of our Mitred du:Taira! Paint„ ready for
• , use, and do your own fialnting„ •
With our lar k stodrof goods, we wet , conflAeat that
everyone Vistalikg.Mon:ros‘. e) 11l dud It for their ',ter
e*t to cullutO exttrojno fur titcuieclve.l4 beiore
log elseulaere.'•
_Montrose, Jnue 9, IF:Fi.
~ ~3 p'ESA . Ft,D~
(Nu . 111111(11 1 .M 'Dollar 11
..,. . • -
. ,
• , .
:iI • 0
Every Meeree Warranted ,! / Tho cheapest Ind best
Save t ling, save, Il3ollo .sare annoyance,hybnying, hots°
. , •
manfactutc. • .. : ' .
' • '..
• • ... :! athi l ltac,ii red and for Sala by ..
:. . .s. S. -D. . & D, S&Sill.R; for Ainlvires,
'Montrose ,TnneWM r . thil. ' , • ~ Mtn. ,
• •
Se - vvincr Mlbhine I
Sews 'trout -. but;i One Spool 'Of Thread ,
It has but SIX woriclug poitt. It suUsalefa,igt lICW I
more rapidly than anyt,Machine to tha Market. ,
Ira* a , self-settny Straight ~N Idle.
l k .
C Combines Dunl.llll with Dean tyaadNlmpllel tp, nail
. ,
bits all the od eta, luipruyam apts.
WA ;NUT . TAIILK FUR $3O, • • ,
. ,
. . .
___ •
I. - .4.60.7:4•11 1
1111 f Vcr,2lto CIL
".1. 1)1 949 1 Tr1LA -: ..
.. ' 4ilti mint Om: ANT Wcwris,* kidITNROP.;
-Ik ; c:St,'lBl3: ~ -S ' ::.; ' ,., Ilinig . 4mtion, N. :F
xas craesln.
T.4-rtPx 3
;slit= colxim novas,
• !tine Stager cod Osekrio4vo itito:Pottoc tno
ngottur *Mt tbc Wfittocu lo , hgh
fteltroid; attd. alto D,l,f /141 1 r04" •
ARTIlbt, int-tr
Am% portuatxt
site_ conti $
te* uric,
45411 leditioo
411 (or ieoultug
4oction ftto
Cooler', a4C, a I
Ott;: Gond ' Oteioutatim
tats .441kIiiippoo$000 with
u of advilflUtimnat*..44l(l s )d
tcrWcit k 4t • perk low
frilLll44oolt intwokthr ,
10141 . 41`411C04 13ew.pgrs
*end.. 414yoxiittsmilu*
my , atliteii 04 a Innnetidotri
o+l4the 110014. 141