The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 08, 1875, Image 1
.. , ~.. ,:. • ‘.. , , , ,;‘ , :.' . . 7 ..:' . . i.J. ',."... `.':::: : ...:;:',!..'::;''..-1. !: , . ~ -:. - ~..,..,,, • '...., , ,, , ..: - 1.:,..; , 4,..:... : HAW T: 'Sr CRUSER Editors . and Proprietorg.' , . VOLUME 'l l l-3 .. .....„ .. .. 111,01itaiit:".:1::.piiitlittat • lit 'Pelq.btll . 4l3 EVIEWV MOANING, • At 4ontruee; Stm9lich«nny ukty, P. orri6x.:,vrteisiati oh Public Alen ue. eontainf itll the Loaland eneraiNeivb,Pot4y,Sto- Auccdutoy N I ET4in.allt:OU i 1) ,Corre.puucl , liceonld a tellable Ono ur havatietiuthti. - Advert,iitng Rotes: . . One equate, (Ni of au inehaintee,):l sietke/0r..1(10,41' I mono/ , $1.25 :4'in up th s4.r)o ti MO 311 lis 4t4.50,... I yosr, *1).50. ';lllherai ' dltCoitht On. ilvertiSylnCtlit .01 , nreater length. Both/ash Lopals, )0 eth. a rine for ttret riod 3 etp, q itnecaoh ectbequort Itarriaor arid d uath sitree ; oldtottrivh, 10 eta. a Him. Pll\TE X 913- X:L\7 7 INT 4 A SPECIAiTY Void: Mt*. 1,02 P I'rice:6 riAWI3F-Xl.l W4f. C. ens= tusiness Caids. G REBA" d MAG7iEY . , • "t " PrP. IV, N. thven npa N.C. hickey s ) hare thti day en tered iuti) a Medical co-Partneritdp, for the practice • c: Medicine anti burger'', and are prepared to attend ) ' promptly to ill calif!, in the itne tit their piofeseion it :. .atl houra or the dir3( and night.. ' ) liop'uottoni i'a,,,Aprlli 11, .1;q5.--a-Ill s . - . • • 11: .? 1.715,5'1,V, .7)".. :e lltAlterATllle PIT Y'sitii.g. ) o 'eated ' 1 1 1)111 / 2 4 0f At • • Montronc. whore proraptl," to '41,12pr0. bitaintw •oitrtisthiil to life care. r3l - 0111c.o. t: in Carmait'i; t.ccond Iloardeat it' Mr. IL'. It•illwin'e.• . • ',c Mcrch.3.o ; 4 .75. ' ' • ' • LA" 11' 1.A7) 00.iLECT 1 0 0.147 CE. ,1 V WATSON, Attorac•pat•Law, Monitore, Pcnn'i. collection F -1151)1111.113 . to. 'Special AlttAltioa gtvtli ti, orphatu.' t!onri Practict. tficv.with tin. \V. J; Turrell.un 1 nbiic Avenue.oppo o'r alto the Tartiell tioo! , c. 1"5. 'DI4 11 -W. SMITH, . • . • lksrlAT.,Unnnt% nt Me dweliing, nos( door north 01 Dr. Hulsey's, on Cild Foundry street, whore he would ho • lisilpy ` . tl4 seu BILI !loft! , in nnin 'Of -Dental, ork. He fe,11.,+ rabla. Lhtii he con , ph-vital!. buck in quality or urk and in price- Office hours from I) a. lc to 1 r, outroso. Feb. 11, 1874—Lt - .1711.2..LEr 11VU517,53 • . tirintT Burn, EL; Situated neur th4i way De pot.. h !urge, anti coutruudieuo houe,hti6aild'urgene it thorough repair. Newly furni*nktd rootan nut.( eleep tagaltartineul,Nsplenclidiables,uudalithiugt.vouiprie ill Et class 1,010. E;lrt. 1411.1673.—tr. - - • , • 'reprietur. viz • . P.E' ()PIE'S • ' tiAnx, Propiielor. Vret•ii and Salled,,Nieut, , , Ilanm, Pork, 8010-na 'San of 111 e quality, Cuuatautly on I:and, at Incea to *nit. Montrorc, Pa.. Jan.14.1573.-1v - - iS STIZOITD. - • • LIRE AND LIFS 4414.1: AGENT, Ale butvir.tat attendnd to ilrurn p tiV,olllalr terun,. Offic. rat door Uallt of Mt hank oi Wm. IL Cooper &0. , Pub.liAvonne !_ [A iig.loS64. 17,1573.1 • .ilitaa'sap. A TIIorA. trilAßLifT j101,!IIIS THE 11AYTI bits• nuned hie -alop to Ib, build log ciccupic.(l by E. hi , is prcparcd to i/v &Ilk-I;l6,rd' MIL .Ii Itebrik, ete.". All wur Lot wt. and price. low. Plume cull EL 0.4.# :.1. ycriza.: (CrNe,LLI.OI: A: N0.,176- Broailn ay, New Tort.: City.' Mtiy lit, '75..-(B;eb.11, zirfus iE 11,LARESL4E ATTOR'SEYS , AT LAW, have rookett to their Xetr, opposite the Tahalllion&e. • ' ' .3i. $. LITTLE;' " • . • Gro. P.LErmt,. • 'Montrose:Oct.:ls 4 lSr, E. L., lii..tfit:,Lxv. • - • DEANS. DEALN/t in Voolcs,'l'tstioilerY, Wall Paper, News pit • l'oekeivein - , Stereoscopic Viewi., rant . tee este, ext. boor to the IVAL Oftice, .3f out : T. . evt. 30. 18 1 4. c ' - .: IiSCILd2iGE I,IOT El, • • wishes to‘infortn thepublicihat trlving rented the.. Exchange )'total Su lleutrtele.ho 11 it now prepared to accenunudatc the tru Volt ugp bEc Itrzt-ciare ' - 3lotaroic Attu. 44, 1673. . • • •• ; 8UT:1112'7.• • • • ,n Staple. and Fancy Drs oc , odin,Crilckery, Hard ly:4r. Irmi; Stai•cv, Oths and P„%intb, Iluotr and flaucand Farr, Duff:du lio'ba6, Gro. NeW-NN/Sllrd./ 6, 2 JOHN GJOYES, PAS'II , IONABLE MCWIt, Mootroi,i, ,Pa, Sbop ciiefsoro. tirdem filled In ilrot-clay *lylo. • t uttiug dune to .order on thort Doticc, and warruit- Lt qt juue 30.775., LArlll2O.E l ; \ ;;- ,4 ~. A' tht n .I!<t ers.ELvonto Tomatigga. Bntos; a 'tre Foot .61 , i'4 ? ,•,•trittt ti mot. 'Call and cumbul • In a.. 1 Chronic ••,...,%1 1 . 11,..../:,. , 0e... ~ • . 'i..' , Motitroed. - Jmult `72.- - nO3--t.f. • 14.1f16 iCSOLL,;' . , SIT VINE 'AND I.lA.tlt DRE§SIND. • ,top t n t Ito:10* Poiitottlee where he w!. iti found roA4y Lo'attetut 411 whu :nay vnitt anything It ). I Alotarose ._"l"4.'i.k.t. 13 DAY. • CHARLES X .STORDARR, • Ucalcrtn Bouit and Shute. nati-nuti Cape. Leather and 1ILAW:0 Hain Street, _let dour below Boyd's, Store. KOrti made t 0 order, and repairing, done neatly. .7.1.1)t.:4rute. Jun.l 1i O. 4- • DR. it:id6.11,:.‘1.72.D50Z • • ~ a rsiolAN 4 :it RGEON,tenders Air protemilons •• rviCez , to t he:citizens, orldontrose and vicinity.— Mt.:alai srssiderte. on the coenereast orneyre Etoe - .Vouridrx. [Auc'..l, 1869, ~1 ' • . . . .. . .- • 1 13C011.1.,L AP DE111.77'. - '.-1. .. • . ' , ':' ,4 lf , :bi.yr at Law and 601.1cIttirri in Itstitruptiy. •Q taco n• ',... 49 Court titreet.uva (11.ty Nntitmal .13aiik. lliug t- h. , 11011, N. T: ,' : Wis...ll.scortx,l4 ` . 1,, jr . 4%.l , siti 1818. ' , a ZROXE" DEWITT. . - .2rAara'l)2z - Vizsroßx. - . . i 11, nun's, the place to ;get 'Yugo' and Medetnes, 1:471^4. Tuhnoce. l'ipee r , ,Spectaltie, IA ekee Natious,...: .Brlyk 'Bleak: lutt row - , Pi., Mtly,1515. 4 - . lB . , Ltl-02V. '"N‘Or 1..0 AN! Tarrall dealer in Drup ..Medicinea P.l.•taterd, Paints, 061%. 11yel+tatrA. Tette, ISPlego tioorl4, Joweiry, l'erlautery, • C. IM ,, ctrutle, May lb, lbw. . • .PR C. N. niii7Nr4q, , ' l lll - 63(7AN OTIAGEQN, located. at i . Auburn burg ueluninu Cu.' :the 301,11, ttra.—tt . . • , . L. F...Firral:4 - ' . • . i • /7 TOTIN.EY AND CART1C.813..3.01t45.T-L,A.W.„ atom r i ',., ,, , A'A. °Lion :west of the Court "Lorin. -. • ~. ,• JII trpet, January 87,1875.-41 • . nrAn - OI , EY A. - LAW. Bounty, Back Pay. Penitozi g 4 .4 zu Exernr.7.on Claims ( attended tu. (Mice firtt `or below Boyd', 14ore. ll.outriNgf,.Ps. LAU.I.'63 Tr. mei at Lee% °eke at the Oeurt'llouge, in the ~" tam Muioiter'-* ()Mee. W. :A,. Csoaressa. • ,-. • , • .1. C. 31:211M2' 1 10. '\ • • • Cint- Eicantirs aim Loin Srunrros, 0. widreow. Erankitti buotioetuultts,Co., PA. : iv. Tr., mum; six, ST AND CHAIR JNANUFACTUD.N.Ra r —Vin qtAla menet, . . . C'.. BUTTON; '-'ello, , NES/1., and insinusci Aerler. ' • I n 6 * ' 1 - Frleudvvllle• Pas • • •H. ,71. IV. kiIeARLI C tToR - E%4 ;LT 14*. k otti,i' o o triliiii Mort of X u ' 1141 2 , Jr.1. ntl!e,tirickßlosX.X tiora Pa, Owl eV 4,*h6ti,Z; • - wr Tam: cbitice i+vt J. XieWlig* itoi,t toe, yik, (..14116 .! • ' i• , ,B. it di. c LIIA'• • 1 ,o' sun ATI* w - Ogee ovor W. IL Limper 4ro t s lic , :liagiAtte. Ts. 7.1145 y ;14 , _ . , 4Au p .4,4dituilaJirivt*P.}l4 MNIM =WI =EI MEM Try Us - # ... - ~ ; , .Count , liuraw,Direcqlll, ; 7-4- ~,,,...,. , , : ,,, y,, ' • ..; Tt ,--H. ,- .. " i - ,r7 i tt• ----- ~ w• . ~ Tivoll - ntie to tiiii - Direetory, one year, 1k100; eaert . , ditlonal Hut', 00 cents: • 1 1. , ----, - - ' - • -- 1 - 1 - 4 31.0NTHOSE I WWI. •IIItI3OII.WOUT, Slaie z r, ;Wholesale and itt'talt ,., dealer in sill kinds of slate roctlng, s ale paint. i..te. Reefs repaired with state paint word r. iihro,siat,- - pod ot foy sp.l.lhy Like gailpn or r A4n.q., lientrces,,P4., lITILINGS STROILD. tisittera Vire at! Life (Au : twee Agolitr ; al*o,beli li ilroan and A cidentTicktt 40 Now York tindl'itilad Villa.. sollito ii ! lttOilioreast oMe Bank. BOyft .t. CORWIN', Des .rr. In Stoves, itirdwate and Manufacturers of Tin .uclShettiron ware,corner of Main a; Turnpike t=treet... ' . r .M N. ISULtAItI), Dealer 'in lirocertelq Droyltions 1 ,- Alooks,Stationt , and l'ilLkee N'otions, at head of I :' -Public Avenue.* 'WV. It CoODICIt .1% CO.. Hankers. sell ToteignPas.• sage licic,:tt , and Drafts, on. En o ,llitud, Ireland and Scot. land.!• i 11i, 4 1:1,.' ..-_ , ,.1 ' W,M. L. CO), liarnesti rnak , ..raaartitsillerin all article usually kept by the ttadej - tpposite the Dank. , • JA3tEI.4 A: - C.kfillAt.T, 4 4 , rney at iiire... Oflliteavac door bklon•Tarbel) iiiniSir ,'nidte Aienno.* . 4 ' • : . • • • NEW 311i,FORD. • ' • SAVINGS •BANR, NEW MlLFORD.—elx:per cent. In -'r terert on all Deposits. Does it tlenerol iniz Bur. nee*. --ull-tr . 'S. B. CHASE 6:: CO. 'SON.. Dbaloro in Flour. 'Pe . e l di-Mea Salt. Ltink..., Cement, Groceriesand Pi:Orelc1111,111 Mart StrOet,opposi;e the Depet. '`vß;lllßEß,'Carrtage Maker and Undet , talept• .o Strbet, two doors below Ilawley't , Store. • • 0 Gill:AT 13EN1). • '• • . - • R. „ R. P.:Drni A lir, Merchant Tailor and (lento!' tn' negds "bide Clothing, Dry Goods,CiroceriesandProvtiinut Mara street.* •' • i '' ,' - - J Bank*, 4c. EA.NKING . 'IIOUS tilt Ai COOPER' :/ • GENERAL .B . KING . BiSI.ic'ESS DONE 'COLT,EyTIONS '3IND.E• ON . ALL 4 POINTs AND PIZOIIpTLY 'A Ocouyl TED JtOR ItERETOFOI43. DOMESTIC AND FODEIGN,EXCHANOE FOR , ISLEIL ji UNITED STATES & OTHER BONI - )S. BOUGHT AND - SOLD. , COII 3 O , N:'S AND CITY AND COtTN TY BANK CHECKS CASHED.AS USUAL: OeltAN STENMETi PA:SS/I(4E • ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. INT.EIII*Ar' OWL " \D ON SPEG/iikL tr.itzia= staqxveossixtrEs,. A.5.--Pit.-A_GIIEI , IM.:'INT -1' .• 15EPOSIT - IS MAI)' •In the future, as in the pas!, we shall a• (1 v- Or to transact; all. money business_ to the ; faction of our patrons and r_'prpT4e,nt W. /I. COOPEn. & CO Montrose, March 14 .0 71--til. • Bankers. Authorized Capital, - $500,000 00. Pasant - . - ' 'lOO,OOO 00. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MONTROSE,, PA._ WILLIAM J. TUIZIaLL, Pres-7011. D, SEA lILE, Vice PresiVent. N. L.. LENLIEIM, - - • Gadder. Directors. WM. J., TURRELL,- D. D. SEARLE, G.: B..ELDRED, - , M. S. DESSAU - ER; ABEL TURPELL, G. V. BENTLEY, A. J. G ERR ITSQN, ' Montrose, Pa. E. A. , GLAM. .Bin4rhalnu'ai;;N: Y. E.. A. PRATT, • New Milford; ,Pa. 31.11. WRIGHT, Susquelmaita Depot; .Pa. L. B. LEN,HEDI; •(I req,t, 4 , • •-s • • • '• •. DRAFTS SOP ON EUROPE. COLLECTIONS SlAllg, O LL ' POI TS SPECIAL DEPOSITS SOLICIT.ED.: Montrose, March 3,1875.4 f SEROTOII SAVINGS BAlllc, 120 1173rosnin * cayenne, REarIVES MOl\,4Y ON DEPOSIT. FROM COMPANI/Es AN 1.3' IltilslVj - I UALs AND RETURNS THE SAME ON D ' EM•AND -wkrHol:rrfiltEvi r OILS' NtfrlCE ' , ALLOWINC4 [EST AT SIX • PELL C' NT. PETCAN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF '..TANU FARYAND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE.PLACE OF DEPOSIT • FOR LABOIUNO MEN; 31INERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND, FOR, WOMEN. AND CHILDREN AS. , = WELL.:MONEY DEPOSITED < - Ht. 13EFOIVE THE; TENTIL , WILL DRAW INTL'IVEST FROM FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS ..A HO,MEIN STITUTION, AND 4 :WE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SATED - 1 EAitNIN GS OF THOUSANDS UPONI THOUSANDSN OF SCRATON MIN ERS AND itECIIANICS. DJnEcTolis .TA4ma : : . BLAIR. SANFORD. GRANT, GEORGE" FISH ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, I. ILSUrIPIIIN, a P. •MATTIIEWS ; DANIEL ELL, A. E. -HUNT, T. F. HUNT , JAMEs ALAIR, pitESIDENT ; 0.. MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINk A. M. UNTIL FOUR P.M., AND ON WED NESDAY' AND ,SATURDAY- EVE,. KINGS uXT.II. glwaT 'let 12. 1874. v spicnow a BROTHER, eteni'EtaViidiAsd4tAl - i: , DEAL R 1 IN ALL KINDS 0.1 7 ,'Qr- FINS; CORTI'S- 1'411.1 ; , 'e i11t**1.2741L 0 2 1- 33=24XL. SKIM AP 4 'ORDUSPROAti`TXX.ArrZIiDED a it. Ji*lrsAtinc.4 • • Inarble! - "WOrkil 4 d#d s 4, •flttqljalizie4st-fislidatoiuss; liorble • 4124446..padv &Nom :440‘.1 bevicti Airanismr• up a'••••••• ••• • ,• '• - ••- ,•' 7 '4 00 ; 11 0itteett 'lSt ' • liiiig44442l,cp v r, ;`i 4:t ' ."- - ,i'.; i t , I 044)rei bitll.:^:•lt., ~, ;II') itie l i;' .1' -.,::: i ..,_,, va Y s-ctintrar i lul li9,.T.,e,th'e..-.4P74 ' 441 " ' WtooktolLlter,.thettdeetlove--and' ilk silOPltnse ; bta,P44ltfille day and we I shitws 1 I 'M' 1 fl rotF&I) ni '' . ll l t) , 4 ,, it la. ore tiger ! ,'. a t-r \gill iiiiirct the knot iki'l..icS .!A nutp, wittir ninch , iestietg.• ' ' v. , 1 - •••• •tq 1 - , : , . `l'4t . :l3e i ntl , v il,r.).'9 Tl r* 'T'. l- - h ' ",',. ' •-.7,Thatsitlie:ottly. proof '1 holvellitit ►'rye' yco;suiliton 14( 1 1,tiie4t"nte iF 1 J44, 1 , 10 '''' I been,yingwto , niatte- - an Phoularlit p inc , 'r. fhitli-"ti.ine'ios- 4)IW er *4' eek• vng stie ,,., d . f '). , :.'' I Lilt anSWet MriM(.l l tVititgra AIM ' greU 1 , it .. y 11, ' 4 ii - -r.: ti; 1 , 5114 ' '4 l ' . ~ - 1 4 4L''4 l ' ', t 4 41- I I f'lA ti . odd role CC •Ifor.'tf,' ilook," tetiil pm-twice: , • , ttitt -judgitig: te.“111 your ,01-- 1 Lt. , i ; -..,, ~,..,. „ 0 t, t ,,.,,,i ; .„, ~ ~ ,i . 4 , , „. ,- ni ..I. 11;niigL - ill4 11 1.4 1e 4tAti4g;:V4 ' 3l4. 4 4 ''''''' .Tbaro,tur, elairactiri s a w, oht,„ ~ l iil, loan of good edneatton. . ' I show you how I can cook - . --.1'41 give pr 4' „,'-Tip- top ',,illfil,t s 'liFeli '2- 13 s l i tmr"'''. .I . iklrit irftef.),frir Ant ' , .! ,- .(il .•'-',l; ' l ' l7 ' , - • ''' ' ' - "l)id -vtla et....r attend - aispillitny,'4ol. . y , , • • ' v•i d l i t , -. - - , ~, , ~ 114 '.,.*41 1 1.1 / 4 Y 4f 74 - 11,-i , 4 - 4, - v,e . ..,, , A-r. ' ‘ , N 4 . l t.yetill.:ureaiintb-be. - rye bet._ n' Se‘i',.!, , tf„,\ 0,; I(4.4)A,Tfrkitt,v4iiiif,Nl,l(,•Vo•ttg Yu' i - in g:for atilitink, and Dian' , 'sick - Of: I t,” si i (I: ,Ing , htitmllittattAitavto , tviul'o,n:thetn' 0 a b e. „ ; - , , _ ?1 ,; (fit „, 11 „ to ;,. -„, 1. ;; ,.,:. ;,, 1 ! ! i Tliere.ds,t(if , • lo!!!otni;`, taiiii:Ovecling ad,' -litt,ioo)teil.r.tti her .frota . , tip to' tot.' ; 11 ' ff - a , ..ilte' - ' - areloidg 2 ,3,'Acctid':.; ktior Je !j: ~) 9/ • ', . t 1 ~ ' 1 f 'l ' . , I aim yt- '6' ,i. -,,. ~...1,, . , 1, pleased to nave Von aecomPany U. fflvaelf, tioli,aid'aw,.;!, 1... " I'll do it," s;lid I s aa c , ‘-and I can-still 1 t ...1 1 `,„'i lo od e ,3 4 ,i,,, L. I 1 di ) wit i si,i,YL,liing, - ff t t . 1 ,./ .1 0,Y.(-???P• q"?, -. f= Pt 1 ,tl,4oineriat !six;.' 1 ... •,, • 1114r,j.i, ; 11 : 1 ;1 1. . - Htt 1: 1 '1" - - i. - -',.. i , titiegoulded ,again.: ~ . F.:TA - 6i ' the „ .klrize 4 *llF ?he - "'din's,* sal. ',,- ~,- , nstftaid everyk avo ,I i ..1. , , B"ssiej '''" ' ''''' r ''''""' • ,kie iodd!.iti;o4Oe , more. , '`trol I'Plln't jracksTlt';'ilb,w tad-n,w' ‘,,,Tocthcttelati.vatuty: just, what wh'lt Swi, t'aYPC -Itn„.: ' 171111 : - . IV* SAII Xig 11V ;Saiff•thei 3 I ' ".:'^- V' -1;' 'i ki it - 'it' . ° a bar g ai n -- .. Le ,pamell'llia,•waitel and took * - her down to ,, ,tigt-,ltitclien, ;Where Ithe'itiung .yo ' n 'l L r e! ' t ti lt i e ll . ) ;!l ; it i u h n e a r ttl i 4 ` ,.el Y( 4e i r l .. llb ! ' •Y°nrs ' p“,rsun;wito,,u4s generakaiSiStant TeCillSlld "I:know ju4 tvhat, I atii,, - . going to (11 h e r ? i it o,, of - A )ew il derectrark '-,,,,,,, ". , , 1 - win-. - 1 - wn n e le - r i t i! L''' - , lifter that he (lid nut Se.e her for;four I rota eoiug itt!to "irl' 2ll e "nt n'stleuilig' ba°k :". I we - t- , 4 1 1!,:bit4,,hi5 l Meals Nverdaltheiong. .':IVt . ~ 4 will see,"isaitl-sbe; and away she rats t. petrol - , L and l o iried her vnn i ma i ons, who i sughei t0 4 t. 01 dhoti dime, be wt , lptli . oWly stems 1 Pn.!' iteratagek.. , it.was lute rn. the eve : 4U3 811 V fLlTeared- • ' ' , ning. 1 2‘,1plaup:.ladv ; wiili '0 1 )W:011c-14g; .- "What a f", Whispered. Carrie..- ~ sat before:the :ti:e stonini , raisins: He "Ile is , rather verdant, and we sha.. did tt , ot t , kno w . her at first, but as the s Pnlling, 8 0 ° ' - ' l, l L ' id s .l-les kno4 'Owe - uawned on him ,he realized have :tau a, the how nearly she, hid been to starvation on , il "It-is reclietOons to have him go ; er - the day when he. -hired her. All'he said hkita•wilrkn ow who he is,-." said Lou-„ ' „ '', i , : 11, - „., • pow , ..., , , . ,-•-• .. ise -( 7., ; (5 ';'• •r'-;;• ..1 • - ; •1 - .I'irlike toy ,steak broiled les.' t' -: it's just riA tr I toad papa wiiell he in' . 4 .trter:Aha4,llke , elm . !lei• once in four vited Win I would:, .hav e : , him exhibitedi ee k s iii , ilt*riv.,,s,b e , fleve ,,,,, s,aid... an ytt ilug and l,intend tb,” • saidc.3o„rie. '- - - .:liitti; %ut ,cii'fbankye t .dr.' lle always "Oh, we ninbt , find a sPelling, -, 1)06k:1 Mai" EQfrit3 , fault 'with- something., hii almost forgot it," said ,Bessie.; - : , . ros tixedion,yacancy ;the while. -. l .lle,ivas 1 ."I'llavP out,' I will get, it in a .tnirtute,,'7, .., , triui„anti..higithaehelor of forty, with' said Carrie. ,i ,'. -. . `-: .-.--.• ,lidsomehlitek,side Whiskers. -IShe was • The girls returned to the parlor,...bri,uV. ktty, and a warm \tinted. blonde—not mg with themla dissipated volume, ilneti'. ail l tolirOd, :thettglti the: kitchen -girl I waa eagerly siezed bylsiat.•,and - he poind tiright„fo., ',tier ' hair .was ;Ilitiain't pet 1 :-.;•‘-- '• '• , 1 , 1 it iith great intert:st. "'. -••-. • j c I.4wapily_she,.etilled• her,' master "Oh„ ho I wish I' ws.s in ihe cow l _ I ;1701.1- - have jtist in hour. -before it, will' qt, beAjp,,ecietly 'she ht him' . try !" said essie L'e t b her school-mates Ibe time to go,'! said Carrie. - _ ' ''f• VI 411,41metf,..;t I shout.. ,- •' , Carrie and ;I : 401118e Bet tly. I,vith Ivh,orralie , "Time enough for me. :I'e tin ga, thro' , „; 11 J e day. the ndiuner-cianel..dotrat un, harifbi*lt's 'ending. aew week's-Aura iii rthis'iC half ad h.nur , i- only a:tint tq YO'n r -- titi,4 ; : - I I , ii , ,:' ''' -', ' •-: ' i 'ili - '; it, • is 'erough to at rocate people here it, over tOrelreial irtYmemorv• ', •- • '' thatlatalA i lutsr ; he found wilkithow-r, an ' d I `'it_ id- willing] - renounce the cit l At the exViratitm of 'the .llnte , •the"girlS, 4 71 i s h zqc r. i , ,i, ~...,. „i„ : .„I._ i'tbrever: 11. h0w1..1 og - for the pure air, atm& to inform himAhat they ire;re reaq. , `fibre ' 'zitidlittie,g.., !Ile's sick/ green field s,, and rock and hills, and the' They found him intently pursuing. hts. ila -- kfast no .oue. Came :tot the.table. in'Ormurtn4 rills I". „ •.; , , , ~..- , ' study., ;.. -,.--„ -.1 , ,'' .14 i,; ; , , Zi;[ :i,-;;: • i nli:).k 71-11,k11 10 , 004 k AsOntled..,thera . tfkira,.ail4 "Why; essie ott a e getting quite,ro- "I. ail - Prepared now, , t,a),,a ~ , l 'iaao, throw- fit'tog',o,i*rs,,,f,.boot,s„orit,sideiotie.doot,, mantic, as Well as floe ioal. If our COus.. ing dow the book :- .1 '''• . '. ' ' - knAteci,,at iti, ~! - „..,-., , .. 3.0 " itirf , g in, Isaae,eo ild hear yo b(j.would,propose.. \ _•,, ."Irou had better t ake•it it with , you,' ; ' , -#4 , ,! i t C, l , ) i' 4 , , :so ki 4 : st i n t v 0 i ct ,..4, 11 , , , ;„. (tests, ininicliatell', for he is apt ivated already.' Uarr,ir. • - "Rush, ':axle, he, i goming," said ]ter ."I'll, do it ;therttin'S #oing to, ,cyc,at ''YeTt.itinn.i yits,a.teltgriim to , theltloctor: sister. i - • - lnc hi gpeiling, to-niglit. ' ,• • Il.erlster, - who, hodi !anvil`, :been. prend At. that irnoment a large., ; redheaded, ' A short watk brolyM tbelP 'ra rite art 2L tit, n,l4Finig vseeinated, itaa'cau g ht,the freltied. f', ed: young than uttered thfi r _poi r nted 'Plaoe, where Isaae was- presented ,stn; s i, x ; , 4 : ~ , , ,i . t . ~,, , 1 ,,.. , ,: f ~ ~.• J . „: _ hparthient' niul threw binigelt updti 'the to•qtrite 'a ntlinber,of;fhendS,,and attraet:. • , ,Yliad„,lietter,go ► , iou'il , catch... it,' , sofa, excla ning : I i ed the attention of ail. . , - ' " sa id i to ,j tcr , , ~,, . , , ~, ~ ~ "I.woul n't , live here it'll could. own +I hope, you •Yi_ill , enjoy! yourself this - , ', l ;, • iii.t Airlaid;tiEttid.„ she,:• !Somebody half ,of il l ' l efty. I have been sauntering evening, Mr..Bently," said •a, geutletnan; ititistAy, yon knoW.' - ~,, , ...„, around pr tniscuously and it is the hot- intervatwitig hen, ~ a ,fia, the _way-te, Ale , ! N - :itayetl..... As. be. gut better he re e, place I vet go t late: 1 that \ is to ;pin in the Evil. i -• ' d'''' - 'ir,arktlier:-us anti yilleFeeot itep,alwaYs "Bessie tad Just been co!planing of - "Sartin." I comae - i j or .that," Isaac, an 4, do retd th e lfiMfrift. sWitding her life in .rime ity,'-' obserqd Curie. - ~, swered.- --.-- ' . _ , I ~, .r,'ilid Ifing-fault • , with everything. -• She "Then • -; ,ou - doril.,ll 'e it dp yOu Bea- "1 - 13ppy , to hedi it-fj 44 ilf,aps" . 3 + zilitire't blulAi d4h e-decomr,save.:h is Ilifeitiqd, sic ?" said Isaac s . • 1 • ' candidate fur the prize. If au I have no nad,.(l4, p4i'llitt,WlTt.4l:44hrdOi'At4;" ,'"i think ri should._ eatly„ prefer the doubt hut you w.klbtlirtiQsful." ' . he' - Shf i ldi - and - sparled at be?., - . (You n try. '' „`• . 1 ,"I Ilea% either," said Isaac. , ,Otitlkhowiter),tie;beifig-•well,thongh poWe are .. .just of a- ir find exactly," said 1' . The spelling soon----commenced iiiigOod I still iniaran tine, had Eotne vile Coiacoe- I be, springing up ,and 't king a seat quite I eartiest.! Igispe . lvits AupWy spause 4,ml' ti t , 01:47,1, 1 t lakftoEAv s - dj u i l ei:, - J,l, :',l t - J.,, 1. 1.. i near. --, , • ' laughed:habil - U*o6 see 4 Bitißflet-td -otber il l iff'is'this i`'. h . : t_i,Sk ,.. e ,.. d , .' , : l'',_ -_ .'"' ; The young` girls ex 'banged a glance gb down' ) but-now ea - me-the first word for • liii 6st• 1 diotild -da;' mid Bridget, 'and Carrie' broke - .forth in a long 'merry ;hint, it was "polvan tilt's." Silence_reign-' wht),' - kitio.-been . 4 YletitY) tO 'the, disor-: latigh and 'left the ro in, and 'was - soon ed profoundfl'l'verY'''O'Alli-'tiptiti hint, diir,intr Aildhotal ) - battno fear or it.:- , - follbwed by„ber Sister. ... _ and ..ctierx,„,w ri .,ltstf9e,4 l ,,sitt,44t l tycit i llo or d i ' s g i, i nl ., o: x .-;, , I . . t.,; , , ' . ,,Ci - ladttiteul t t girbic , hae; gkdelfer .I. ika4e: it ,st:Cf) ey6ry sou new "Isaac commenced l 'kl e tlEge Ale D one 'l' aslie4 the'mas loiiitt/E' With 11014:44 -' 'afrit --hr. aiwty. du a lc rud A lehbetura : ltliastio -11 ;Y .4 44 4 ', z ; ter,- ', ,' ,' ~',,'" -..",' - -'.. - laughing ; ,slie 'thinks lam a furiny Wien 'What is the rest of her„,nglne:? ) .,l4 6 4l=d, • -1 i",Coie Aospilidr• said Bridget.. ,`She," ' I Suppose. . BuCrlike `turi;te the best of Isaac.. 2 . ,;,,..f , ~ , , ..., , .. ..--. , 'llid:Atetting • the- sttiallPox, arid:, she 'tits, - two. Lonnie itiso a ill'aud siiddy. ; I`..4!he Word waa- agiktrl-vPrartokra44:,wen i t,),. , .0.4 . ' , , ..;- •:: - ', • , • - `'''this is: ourifitst - ,r' „th,;tike etty, I atiiiist - the langhteri'and cpes , of *,,tio'etts'",, i i faiii l f he,citie juit'onfof4 sink lied stippose, *r. Mill) , ?" ' -.. . ' :-::\ . kahn, go on !" and .:Lessi 'hike` ati6tlik to . diee; latiV,tiago' the" Master did Aftcr: i rOtt "les, Main ; aed I abocjdo L come attempt to spell more raPidll. t.! o4 4' ; '".l l o2,l,bat,' . iilget said In: relating ,the iiwi 'in haying. tithe, b t . •frel., Isaac tore: :., . - ~',,,-*', i ~ ,'„„;'-,`., , ''dott- f: , 1 r-..P. Pt.70,11.1;.19)f.i...1 _,u st'.6 I *48, ,...a. 1 .9iP 1, A Wt , AIM/ wrote i '‘l'oi-ljr-ann-claue,- 1 - ; ;; - -:',, ) .. I- , -,. .?,,,11, .:•:', Pit 'iv'ttiYet . fi !nye .. id,, , cm,d - 112 tlii , and artp,te'rur' LiAt. and :I , th°,01:11 3 t;1 4- 1 "Wrong I" - . ot. 1 ,;,„. ebufs &wit and 't ee theta , AajdetWeed- ' '"ltight.4" said'. Is - Wiz ': •„• , •i•--: ',?' .'” " §k e d - pey - rtc. lll .ic.•to 4 1 Pft 4fxrie.a' /On and ine; P . m looking, the _tql.tyrife. ',\1.,,,0f ;Course, he,,spselll - „it„ sd right,'!lX - in:yitii. 'ilipqnfi t Aii ) wi,„ifir,,,etticiitti,,Vul. I'AM old.erforigEiAilkniittp* - and.--isuf going Oneje 'a ' , w , b, ( iPer 'Pi ttowl,„ ollOflih, for, . - 444,gthbvved someAsgacity. ‘Ti,,t,c,wa-, 1 t 0 ; end now, BVEO,e, i n4Ver, see the girl ease, . , i o Th' ear , •:„ ... -:„ , ; ~ ,,, ii • - ,i ;, ' -.` , --1 :f--- ,-,','. ,gt's ;erw,wing,' ,and the,trunk was.4o. the •I-lila:00 t rYiell` 4: YAL, wOO if otoCluill "Go,Uu wit , h ,, theJilielltagi. .Give , iht; befl'q . ; c 04) ,Ictould c01n0,., 1 40..;,!: - 'btrie _me I'll take you rt ht up,•in ; tha fellow. slnir chancel '- Hi ii - :right '-'.t ii ; ; ..r .BO toiiitifr I.vaiteltli month paaietli eauntrt. - We' have got it, dicelarni, will oe !" cried iieyeigl tteiedi:X`elbere is on- anntlio;(!ek,;:lheu - , another .; , tben one watered and , latCe4t • evA i'llj4Z, tliee- I IY- one agatnst\ him, and-tie:will;ge - dt#A, ve.ohli9KplAnni the„ , bell c , s e e. put' .t - Can ' .411.119q-'• ,4, .‘, - ' ion the 'pelit, l','-y,"_,,,,..,_„..,, 1; , (x ..- ar ,- )4 •• 4 ,....1 . leo' 0,4 baelt ia4 . .. wants to , yol :At thts. sta'r ' t disc ()inure- Bessie ; !The, n akt . i . V4ro4.u 2 44 . 4l•litslfloti-igolllst# ilai!l irtfl , „2 .-. ..: ' A i,": .- , ' = ' J-aughed londlY,Twhilet th beard merg ands. stood tilooe smiling , and Itriv, " Pik, tnt Is , ,etk%ilito,fileiniiior. There sounds Procetlijog frO In the oPPoarte rumpliant amidst , the , ehvring of the'', 7 ; V ],thetng - _,abseq't - Tornatt.n: :get: 4t.f pow, where Alte),,Well kite "hot vompart- tany:' •-, sigota aftk,i,ltsAirittaillice,Wgiveri ; lia4 , liteititit short\ end , ourlegtvp'about kips 'were OtteptAve.litterier • - , ~,-, --2 ,' tit none:Wu:a so dilriault4at ,•whl,V , hillsihet ;ttit khilt.htroninPlelgitin:,ll l 444iOt :"Oh='- I. am • All - enrnest`t ' &sew-I'ol' i could-matt e& bytite r *cl'attiPaid slieil4.* Vhoif4d, up 4, 1 1! ,Way'ffrit,' atxfkl!.9rn_ needn'tlaugh.:,'.l and the i) 4 r 9l ft , 0,2 ifOoltlfttuArtll '6' •ftlEd&E.4hat Mr. ag - iit, : ; u i° ~- I-, ~ = -, .1 ,-, , 1 there-it; and I ;get lonestitu,,-althoughjti .U4ntlylad won the victory; i•to that ltiP Ile , esteiet IlEit eild'Efitabt'ut 6 , . ,„ , is :a •beautiful pluw , --noof r), d shad 3, ,ie faction au& great antOsement of thecom. „to ,_ •:, !fdf,„. ,yenagai r alle4aid ! ~.., IPill'et,nt - sweet ' Br at's 1 11 9 11 e/4 1 “944 piny, tiud it was therefore' el/coital/7r 'IA Pi iltudwged ~ , _.. ... . , -, . -- ,Tri::-.4 . 3 1 - ::T 5. 'l: ,. . 1 1:1( 4, r il" I ) Iffj dilA f i . 1 ,4 4 1.4)1 "I i.).; 1; ! .1 f., • ;1' ~.: .:1 i . , 1 _ _ ,_. , I rl. `'Stand by the ; Bight th9uP '' ,o o'il esksrPnir rula, ~,1i,,,..„ .s. .f , :s -.: , b f — 4 1:1:,!. , .. , : , ' , IN I; , :' ,. .it'l I—' ' I ...—.. ' afiktili r, Lt l ).c. l )-'i' .... .. ---":-:7-------------::)=--7-7-=-----r777- 7 . 4 - 1 - mr.. - . - ,7 , 7. --- : - ,;:r --, itt - ,-7,-;---,- in7t7.7-- _ -7 . ! I . , _ 1 liti r4CIF; ,•,,, 1:, ~,:, viil - _ , ". , ‘) -", ,‘ ':",, 111 '.i• l• • , :r .:, -.- jet i 0 * USQ 9 A 1:10 if '' 1 17. ; 1%7 , ": 61 d. . rxrfinn . 1111:TY PA., i -1Y : µam .. .1'- 1 ~, ill NTII,OSE, r :. , , i „„,, ._...........4.....,_......„,..- 'iltr7=.....z:::-t:4111 !..._.—,.....:--_ agriat4 J,14t,11%.,61) 001 (1 -te rewarded by re, o,l, lll l oJle,illphie,..und I.vas : immediately pgvslittedogitlf, a larg .n e. 415ukul yolunlei.... - ,t1,. - I ',o o (t‘kictikeli - ' Iftofd - und nthri2o4. [ mt-iiii:thtin titroluitig',the:book til!on:tftb, talij,e,-,intl loan tly ,et °landing . •• z'l ) 1 '4::bniprt - sodletl.,:df, timin ,hard iwortla I for 4, 1 )941f;;Ltd0 ,, l' know!winft, 11 ant abottt ! Yon can't cheat' Inolll know, atf44l/e ),kilotos ;Mint llio.. luirgam - wolt.r -B:inl,:iftnact, polo Ging -to '.. - defe, whqsolblnalking face,: was.. Sven - hut.a, 4101-; molt, for !the next she had suddenly tinkl , , , . .„ aileuttycinppetveil. .- , i11'h,..„ • ~1 1 : .".Wilero,l4,•Blie—Aliere,is, star! crieo) 1 le:ie., ; us hwilay, lila (It7afly 4You,4 , van ishecl,l a - ndi:ln'eaking - away from -..tlie, crcliyil:pwla.lel) 'eurroltuded , hini , lie sturt,tl ill' 11jIr$,O.i t. , , ac:4 l• ,• ,fr ! Late at :ni g hk, , ,feu nil , i.lii . -13eutly at it tin :.$,4,11:4 um einging tor n4tuidsion.- Dl4- 3 1'1/014 1 .11: /40 t. d i*oor),sblate,,,, we'ory... of wa l..o,it;g 4 itt l ;l:tifltttlg,-for ono , tI)At tie ( . 1 , c; t ni '-',,. Ike, ib t ffleil, se ve•ral itdO Yr, , khen ,, ldia... contaw (1,, +l4 ci., djsiteartEetted;4l*., stiddeuly , lt-IP:fRr hi+ 11 9. 1 1 16 i4J,.. t he.4i,o up try . ,denoun4-; Ing ill a very peculiar awl emphatie'lati guFge, ?il '4 l o l ine,•:selioelsl , lahtl• oity git 4:, • i' - .1 ',' , .i t: ---1-1-- , _ - .1 1 ? - 1 4 .14--7--'...t .. 1 ~,, I : • 1 1? -, r9,A , Nki.• 1/19MIANVE.t ‘.,i ' C.- ' , Ii•"2:T• • - • ,: ::AV'' _ r . It' 1 Hi '.. f4..1: .. kl , 4113,6 p Ep9j) Atlt 1: 3 / 4 crm.,, , t - . G., o 4 4 , Rol; - " I I '-.'„, ' - , i'INV Stt,',ll ' ll ,' 1. ilg. ' "'* . t • - ' L.- - ..4 \A ~ . ..,;;‘-'4. %ft ir ..pryi( &tit' llov . ' ' ' f . l. I / -- illiifi ftt. i I . ti { 3 f 14" * M )nthk k110 1 : 4 110; ' PAY . t t li 6iiirkiiT ~ 'O. )Y.,4 4 1 ,., .g , .. f . L 1 ar!? s>" ft I A . . 3 e& ltit?fitiitt itioti nab , ' Ot- t agt tl : l'Viggii` ..,,tt Ibtii-ifitP!t i r J , -..--,.,_. "e I inlil , bottinthillit:e 4 ' OA/. Afw. f6 c i atft - i-tio,4!,' ,),..,,,,.. :- ,-. ~T,!.- ,',.,-, , ii' - '..2,..)., • I Ititir)4.&'.atiot.%,6llV•fit'd iddi4‘vb2' ;iilZ.W:f;74iilaWdbiil4, I , iA. ,:' ,t Ks' I 1 eit : ttfitrt 4'14 dbiledhY4 Irtgviiired Alto' titl', , i '4 ' t* ik:alid tlitti;iiM k"Vi ' *:!,l:,.''. • Xer " — 1 ieitisanOtitr; t Altqf 11 Vetii t liall':iq±reldifcess -rit,i , e i,U ~v.,-, _ 4 . , ' 4 4 '.1-.'.. .' : •14 1 1. - ; .1,1 .- .4"..4.7;4' ' ' ' i in,. their` veltoti, ;IP, liZA'• rentnecruent,,--r .."' -I; .;',- l ', - '''''" 1 ,Alneng' the t teen ti , il tie \-6 - tillifi'vBiiitl. n . Nip, 11 oil,. t +it shut CrOature itr ITic‘ — sinclAtiielt shawl ind bonutkriAillf Attf i 4'l l 'l6fly enough liqsll un Itar b0t143 to'ilioltirthntittrnttlief twitak,ladylerert ttnalue.2, he r .:., ~.,: , ;•-n , --0 ''.'ll!iiittittice4i's.:llesstall)tnflitt,.As:slie-tai , ' TIT.;I 1 :!. : : ;..,.,' 7 1 ' . i' ' ,)' - .. ' 7- ' e _i t alocirrti. t ; "•..'" •`, t tile GMT= . t'Wnii#ht thelitiir'Ani, , iiltizi 'lji4iNtt i tt :\ the rose of wmuanly cotnplettmess, • i ..The_s‘kptest•glrl, in all thetowi, ~i . Shii tlrssed,'Witii such exgoisil i s petituess, - Her lkir of auburn, eves of blue 1 -, .; Fr l nt : which the sof:test .plentll tg gusips, " flier c leeks were of the lily's lilt., '• 1 .'‘! . .11 elvintrrote backiliti.roielt.bluthei; f h 'Mei fire six fleshed across zn3} . wAty, . :. T. .. I. n l l 'er saw ti vision sweeter, '1 - . ••Iler tl tip Setttleti ilfelotly astray .1 , ' - .. -, ' •••• . Att nett, to s seMe ,tkirinehynu..ter. And s Iten Untid - a - fesilyellriini . 4 -::', ..- :•..,..1. - ••• ,She inaeil,.al . l levjA)....nnt! htukhter,,,-..., One-li'ilf tats hien'. wouldgzi,..'Wetkiletie ;.:. ...i . ..:, Th'e l ;other' hair would fyllow- a Oen, -:' • She ducal oh; most Anlnely welt; -- I Nr's her 'parltier•ln the claneils,'. '.. -- '1 ,;. The music emptied all its stied; . 1 liuriiiittill'hy.littr hieltititr : gla , eek. ' :: ,''' en. She yuldhe so iea , r:y.Qtie n r.., e.., . t ,• , ,, tr. _ i • Wit . liOpeityr4s,l6. N 64,5 ritist .tliviiiiint; , -L '"?' , H • ut then , I own, I httd 401..inC-13.:2,17.-..„1,-,,,rzlre .... the rentistic s giri'When dining, : . . ....,. _ .. i F4l, NV ber at her.splentlitl home,' 1 , ~ r -, : -- nit{ i!'tid,clier , I‘,,ttlie,,,tgble it i - - , i ,k 11 - c 'rne hit tiit* - 141641 bittie•the l ' il'i 4 '''„ : c • ' I.l*el ikriFlgniitt.- 4 t , tik; mit a,ltithlk ii % Brit then , ittaivil - ,,,tottid t1i41Pi11'6 1 .,,?:,. '*_*;;''.,'' - , t !dile nulltingwlJ4 :ittelnpls tO* , :vin lier; ': •Ilut art intornatO aPpetitc i = • I: st. .-• • •„. •' ~ % WhOse,Yttlet concern : 1 / 2 \ r* lief tlluM:r:, lloatti *4. tigisitimtitto-q: fricattstje:—. • - 31ty tnitti at . '"l.lliiriva z ; vasty shaken:4. ..". -, • ~ ' But lovkspiitia both lia.whig's to:gee '''i:' ', • • willyksipe: wltsgokskai\rtiens :14,) , :lnicorii-, Roast pig iwntlz't,nficay,' notilish,t);tli t , '. „•.,';',;-,. Culd'rnyo,t4l . l7 not,yith,,spie.'7;s:,, , :,,': i 'll ; ii It!'grana sled . gpOled all ,: - •„. , While hang• for the pagiii oliii 1'ea ,, .: , , , ..: -...1, ~... ~... I strovd 1,4 i. talk of ninny; thinktl— i i) Of bot4t I, ha. 3 40 I ate tiCell 'reiitlinq— ut langitage dptop ,, ecl on lantinid,winga ~ , i I AtA4lerid)While the nytnplt *Wan fel:dia . ., Ilspolt ~4/ nrt —I cliantiql - to knqw -'. ~ i • Sum ' `ctureS site,'d heert aVerloail,rig; S 4e '''''' l 4 b, iki,,keil Lirore4or Blot, '-', - 1 _ :',. ' Wito s ;atote - tibout.' the Art of P oohitig. ' •:: ' "Ye Goil 11 AI:4g/it it - i'...4 1 i. cal?: \ ti girl'' ~-.' . Care lt. I;ini : lfilton 'tiiitrfror unittigo =,..., -r, ~,g,,, Love, yiz - , * n a zitldy - whit' ' .:,,,: .:-.-;:.: ......-:; IV itk b 'fi.4ll.).itlei'a wel4. to strtit onlz-1:.;;:*-•::•-• 1.11 woo, no reiri—your trick lapolleal— No mailer, 11 , 01 y. Sour arts onviron, l '.., „: • ' a - • Who vayi . liatiore ii,:jilg's foltstirotled * iEi '.Than the nieltnlious feet, of Ilyroo." ', '' iii I've not - 11': 3141a5-tomb which turns , ' Into'Oule gold all blter inehtls I k'nowithatlfftllini rL'-41etiritnnits .- ,', -, f ', Fol den Witjtj ri Ma „Si) o wy . riet4li - ct. ',..:: Itnritv t.nt,soine - mysierious,ills ' \ Are li• ught atOut by its abuses ;• ' , ,r'l I:tn stare l could' not - pay "the hills ''• , ' For sif h n.ssaulti on gastric juices. • All mance vanish&l like 4 mist, .• \ , , 1 Or t, .ivtirips 'When n rose is shaken, : '' Her lips. ' emetl.iitSliioned to hekissed— ' In thou; io I liml been, 'nisi:lkea", ! - . , Tier lipS , --'Halt that wand-of fate's, IN'llo tetnpts i t the ending row it : Were but In pair o rosy gates . ;To hoidin entlet•Nr le'she e,l;ittlys it. Though - lcive began so And sio've his - flowq I felt his; inthienee mei Before gormandi s zi, I could no , woo—my 1 In one andlburst l' I I .r• „ A girl, though so suprt With brit an apletit i. • . .• ' ,THE p MRS. L. A EIMIII 111.15.1111511 OEM Y hates lo.itween 113, array , . g Venus. • ')ablipl tberb..' `!5. - !Nzt, nlels fair— : to ruelt her. • e_ • ~. c,§tOnt.) nEsatAk. Me.W4 I =4:SCAMV:WWF=C.,Z , W..I...•` - ' :3 ) .PT VI! tv....-"3 ....... .. • • - - -I ,! _ - 4 : ,siitput,iiiiil . whr in Tito _._ Akiii q t.,- 1 ' ia.k.iit dig leir• .11 ' WA; im o i as It doeil' heig' - 3i - , A k . ..i - "1 should hope not:" said 13essie, as 1 .444 flotirished hii silk Pocket, liadker. chief: highly, perfumed. - - • I• . . - "'Phis is seenred with•iiight bloo)ning L si.1:91;y:" . I Wl*. it iS . T:fitc. best perftinery 'there is.\ I'ir'ga You it'boitle of it 13:3- ale.? I • • - •- . r'.o,rhiiiitr , s o6; I Ao . ii - Oi‘'etiii for i:i..i4lititil:' , ery -, ', • - - i* i• *••!•ineIl',1'11 get, you anything you want, ' .13 . eAste, if ..y09., ! , 'itt.-- ha,v,4,ne -4 - ;4 t v • 'You , wai •speaklng of "your pliiNctinci have not iniormed •me what kind! of -a -iloniieif,,yoii-lik4s2reeted oil that bil,anti, . - ful sOiit:t" - :,:-..i . ., . . .. ;Davi*: 7' friiiiViirdife.? Oh 11 .• f.know 1 1 0W.,-10-•,;,*fflli'it-r.illilitOti,'.: . them iii the e,-00056. - 0,..• :ti-4144,•g„.„ ' , or theatres 4 .fit...,r.,•Ky.-,,., • I , 911-;±-rii , '- ,'A glid,','.. a lour have you got :'? ttit) : _1 . i4e; stii, 0.4 is it \ I WPPA i r.- ;,•••;•=.; . 1 I ' " ot ,a 1 -, : •:- 00• ili., g. •it I,9IViY I . 1 4 i— ti'g ..-- we..i N hquld. ~wati...t, i . - 1 . •: . 4 : 11* tt '',, r 6) 10u Id inlttnili -ilthilli tio ii, et:: , ;, -; t laiek ... "- irl ard Itu . V.6.1e plittitit.) . rune. r..,_ 4i* .., • 1, 1 ,12x1 oliqtiLlieri , -4,...;,-, kic4;9siki4o 1 .tiul !p.w,.iatiii:kobrAY9..4l4 Awl - FiTa beit :" 2lio i w. isaiiii " id i st,;_. ~, , , am, 1 . - i' . i l k) i t . 10 v . t• i avgothe-,,gupp, )y44.t, lc, ....., pv. e. , 4 , Be, .ve._ - ;*iti,..l. , a-.o.,,iiiiikv. , ;igii - ,?-L-,,...Y.‘ , . Lie , -, - , ;-..1i - -• 'a %, Z Lel t,v- 027 ii,, , 'r- - .7 , -:::- - - ' ~. ..iia. i ta;i •T cep ~..i. t. Ks.. "oe;; : titit , : kk : r 4q . w.,s, too. euri t-- ! , .!i , --:, •xer,- ; ed. to2li.iiiiii-v --. t I i- : .. il il l :liiit' ...i . 4 1 ;5.F . , - .:. , ,i4 . - k _ ',•-.: il.liiitiW..YOtt !i10i),4 . 3 . -,ii i -, , ci ii' ,;;........, :,.:, :re ' 't pt i'ze ...qt'lli`iiii - 10:iit-ii414e 0 , ,... . ! i .j. '. 'low yuufooilittii't .itazirie„!,+;:- , „.- -, ,.. 7 - ti i,r.,,,,,a.-: • _•..'il havto'li6t.:.klAq!...;4ll:ll..tqi47:e:gttiltTlid -ptissie,--- .i:.4-, • a , ---.--AL -, - - --- ,- :--- .:. - .1 ;• ', l ' • 'N'oW'oy,t' ; t --- frk" — i"CF. 1, 7- 1 - , on , t e . 11. . .ou .nw.,» it:',l46):Qii 1 1 ' 0 47: - AN , : 3 fil.r:Vikftl',44V4,1 2 4 . LI- i . . . lie.' - '' , - - 17.. - -- - —•—.- - - 1 - :,;/ - El'IT '.. • , , . „, „.._ ,•—,.....-.-. , •,• .. xi; ~ ! 1• - -- ii it,- -1 ,,i-t eli?•Ii i;i ; , .i • ;= • M .. . • . ‘, • il •Ki-) ';;, , ii!lllki, - 0,;: . ; , -1, .'i' fil :', ,, J,,.. ~ . -' . E -.• 41,1, ,1.., • -, ;_ :‘-, 1 ~ - ....,,,;?i 1 - 60i4i , - , iss!74:; . . - ' • .--.— . s, qt.: - 4 1 ,1-, 12 ..,)1 1 , .-., , ... i-J.5.4•: - ;- iiiii: 1 - -r-• , -- - -:, ' ,' 7 :• -:.: ' • . ' .: ftfil e_.: i f . 4 s.. ...., f.,•t;-fr:,? .) . ;;tl - fr,-0 '-,..; ..,;',lllit;ii.:(:' , -"'Y'::..: !. .. ';'. - . L . - .y. - ' t••.,,ti'a tzlift , - . - --81+1,i .I 4 ;A r:/;• -746:- . - -4' - t.s;.: -It; ' : :rP , ita: •,--. ' t - ; , , " . -1I- , ii ~ 4, . f_r I I i.. '. , , •.'., ~., = „ : ! p ::ft 64f i!t4i 4 VILA ) 01 - ill.l4lifqq:fi'-Pir-- : •(,1.! .' l' '':' 4 j.; , iifl , t;tot.i.l'. / , '47;'.1• A .;;20.. ii . ,f)i.:),"41. t.1,. , i11 , i1z!1 : ;.....; - I , :.,.' •.., ~... ' L-14. bf1 . 21 - fil:',i4l.l. • ,:lii; flfii. 1140;1 ili; f....D - ,1. 1 , .1 " ' 1- . .4 .k Vert he • .ydti nti - •bfisifieti iliktv !A1 f :1 1 9 . 4 411Ve ,takel/ f care Qt:tue.r : She ink-' citity lo'ieii i ks . :illtiti'"atter ufl yee'il:done fur the,' inidlitc ; 'Not Itt the. 4 And ittnytii the wages 1' don'D Warit bnrty yon,jiut. .rneed. 1 1c• DitmeY: J ' • „ I i Oil ? dO said _r Then , 'l be't3at•fólvn Ifea r'he l~~ i. hiti beat F wth3 hh: 'Ve;tindved,' paid slit: , LtMl (1. found faul npreisonable, said P.-I, et ~ yclted :voy4, :A!' guid - , 41f sh.. • • ‘Yditto: - • "You iplight huvb ,said ••so - - before,' sliti, ..,i , .' 'Nova e i9 6k ;, ' " i d ! 1 .,.., ,1: ! • '/ ~ i ialci' slie. l', ~ . , vits.l6 iatelfid IS 'no' iildee fOi.' you,' "2:0 ; he,':•;' , :ij , !:•-•,c •- •,.„ - , 4 ,, ~ .. . .ii fq t's bOttef than:sewing,' imictele... , ' 7 .:. ; ',E; t 4 if I •plOrkg: -you .ouother :offttr,.' he, saia :witl'you warcy, nle, ?,-,. I ; liii',e,you be e t, tePtliti 11 . 4 'other Woiritiner ever saw.. (I‘ kliii t it:Vii'mattoi cif Alifttial likiii4 riot ' f.youriltleue,',Tbeisi t id;:ft li• ' , ~ -,. , 2•„,, 1 24, 1sAet VlYAW;tlion.'the;aiiiii.,(l .' .vilt 1 ,4 • 1t-i s 4 oc l ll,!NPcetccii.;,TL:.; ..--,•-' :„. 1. .;_t_ 4,, I - (116 1 1*E thhe,v e .ir, l4 &Ili", 'Ye t iorno ' 6,6;, , d: . 11;n 4 :1 t'itxr , •„ , , ,;,,. 4 e.." .• 1. -1 . t• l ~.11 .. .: 1 eoin iiiii:ildfimie ~ $11161.1- ••• 41 '' : ''' I P ; I- , ilVow,"yi,ju' Are , iii gly,"l lio , said: i 3 .. . ;; i'',i -1 :Yuji oti, 39 : Will pqr ) tiSitill ahe , ;, , fnot , myt; ellf - :, I , .., ~,, . , „ . ~,! ...; Vli :isiiiioit" a ,seeotut, 'time r ', 4'14 . I. ;F, .'wlil ijóil l thivti . ..tne ?'.' ''" • ''' , r' • - ;•Secouttithouglitif are -fies4'illaicl ile.::4 , .4 4 R a‘, o lfol u !ipp), Rirriv4 . 4,,al4.: as, the fere. never ov i orLlo,, it it .pr,tver,to,pre-, 1 „quthOliiittEie4 wefe happy. ' ' (-; I, 4-_,.....11.;.-4-istri -0..-- •"--",- ' ' r, 1 ' 1.,, ` firriAT ittucti CililL: ''''l lir , hilt - she'eti . fited ivork'fbi the taini,lY onieunkreits strent''the lady ''oi'lh . e lionsti . ifat (Ikii'll Ant tokl,,her, that : agentscbook4 i Pead . l . o . ', I - t„ri,c,li - men,,,pteture .iellersi" aslibix era rig h tneu anti all, that elass,of people. nu ' iiii inei'at the • doOr .and . cold :, lyrecitt svtli, tintl Sariilt iilijtf slred repiiiBo gray if;tille had re.break , 'every , Uroorusticld ih.:4)1:14pi..„. '., -,; .- - • .... -,.. ::, -.$ . - r 4ml ioh ,d . id.,., :She..., thrpir . the-, door,, .Ffi1,0,44fi. , (1', right :up at 'eta, ling; whi.n silt? , 'griif - tifrotigli ' talking 'to' them] tli.ehetiltieOt ai.nt Witi.:ottly too glad to' I PaVe.;.it dpt so.tirter awhile, thetiagentai, ina,rked...t4t, hinwt, -unAl fAlle,.door , bell: never rang pN,cept for eatilpiAn.Y. i never aV'fhe lady of ihe housei was enjoyini a tiitti'arid Siiiilh was wiping' : otfillur:sprodua,4he ': bell rang. . She 'has-. teued,t4,the I.lpqr, expecting to see a lady,' but, her eye.tfell up,,, a §l,ilu o paii,:ivearing ; hbiaatitliOA ald a white necktie, Ile., witi"the - neiii ' tilincsier,` it ittli'e.was,goiiig around to , 4t unquailited 'Wit If - the . ni ent• herd ofihis!tlonlr,: but , Sara hi - ' , wasn't , , ex • - p ' eCted, to know •thia,.. , ;‘; .r,'Ai-ni,l-i o 31re.-ah,l,-:1'1. , eCat '6l6Tand Strahpling , , oi , the' ate: -L.--- 2-ti ,; .. .it tt •Beg';pcirdor, butAll%like to' see—see . c!'t* , " 1 L . t J' (0 !I:ft-- ...leatidtir r she shouted looking around for a weapPn, we don't want any flour sifters, hen, !' • 'You at',e miitiiken!he said; smilig !bland .. 1, ', to;--' fo , • 1 !pa ? , t want ; anything to keep moths ',away 74 l ' she exclaimed, getting red in ithe fa , ti:_ , '`lslif , rltay in, I,e , in : quired, trying tO Jou!: oter fl.ktrah's head: - 'r`•'' : '' ''' ` ' ' ' t 11,. tli.t.• lady's in, tin d' , 1.1. - ain • in; and you a' nut ,!, _ she •stiappedi 'Sid . now . I -won't etantl here _alking to ,p, Ay- trap, Agent ny'leiv , err C'Oroe liffyour • boots !' tine sou. 'I ii` . not 'cm lagen t,' -lid 'said,' tiling-to smile,, atir the new.. 4••-•„! 2 . J. `.... I • 4 1 7 FS fl ' kIMW I n tli71"; are the „new trittn•Wthl4 paient Aat, rt',,n_,,but :we ,don't , iyant alin, and you ct better go before I -pall tth6• ( ,i1 1g .,3 - . ..: : .1. ~ ~ . ~. , • :,. , , ; • tWiltlyOu give 'the' lady thy- , card and .'sayitlia:t fretilled .?1; ' • •11 - ...:,,-,,f .• . ; ! ' t `Na, '.lovo,n't,,. We're.. bored;, to death. ;waft; ci i iids, handbills, •-tin h d ' eircultus. r - Corne Leal'''t stood here all 'day 1" • ~ 'Didri'ttyoul know' that. rani a' Minis ter?' ha aked•si. hO'bocked off. ..,1 u' ' i. _ `,N,a, pot' L dutet, know, it: .noi 3 you ;, ook.likp ,t3l,tematt,..who ;stild tho„atotuan. ,Ueitatior,it ddlat chronic? f9t. _eighteen, 4 .bp, ..,.., ... .. . , . , i ‘l3iit - •l)4,re is rtiy carol.'; ' ''' '''' " c; ' !IL iinn:t earelor , cards, I telltyou. .If 4 ± ° , 4 i l C q W 1114 t . 'g°'C' e 4 9P e1l i'll he." :" l4/ °w .. ir. riot at 'kon 11 •, . , ._ . „ .. i 4 Will call agOin; l':4 mid; as ..i43, went' throtfuli the late. ', • •''. ,1 .. it., - 411 - dd'lllOir *IV gond 1' : she'Shont. 1 01 after Ram ; tfwedoast.witut no prelate: , 6 (1 191)4 for iviaßta-7 a , 07 pianolausiori-ao stu fft;d ~,,,,,. ! i .15ciap, the riiPLIYI,qk, I 4 I3 this heti, ' and ',i# ,y,ou_ Came heie ,again 'tell souir tin d 'oti t whetifer yimi' are a. toii• !ficlenee tan oralrftralitr=" ---- And lihe took Eurritauttiseaft tb lock the . doo r;:p 11 •xi -- .i.: i• ,-, • •• • -.•.; -• J - • .... • • • 4. , l i Met 41 115 Aj, „ A 144 — OriOanit .14dge, ;tii4 stre'retkiitty, frtiiifix.`4ll . )gfe eauitteg`atite or'alaly gia-siclihia*—' iteft 'gndivi" het; tinie tH f'Shi oni-f atiswered't 11 ; • ;':' , V.; = 1;• 'irtiy , ts you • LOW -'1 'the prditdep — eiitle t tatn '`to .It4thitiet;replzkd &Not *ilea ibeji VI, 7*Butl um pot." Um:l(bitoliefor,'4 _ ,The.l2lk .41bitik 1116 cif :hi+ ';;1i)?' I"Timo rnitigicEP , fie kis, ft 4.. . -; .. 4 „ ! . g! w i t)/q!ii . 4fe., •tePSeA ,f 9 i),T9II,Pf • A lion() htketl. gottli**. EtIMBEP .7 ;1.0;1- 1,4,41 . 44,.. zo.a. • 44.1.4if±tpe • #_: 1 • i -, vii-- - I*!..: , <'::.i 0i.,,4,ii..f,..!;:,.., i", . ,1 quiittly'reiritifo4, tlip• the tutteitiii4 tbe beeu Avjjigliititiiiii'dvee 4 , . 1 ." )fteas.all• thiega, 4 exttept the ':.:the d *WSW PA.the etreet !t op"— T e 1 459.44,49550Nt.;,,1 than • 4 , , s t fly think , , t 9rE•4, he frY! irby, ttier good:the they 101, q,,p04,144 4 , only qiituguti* loolang t t some akit nng d i neter,- . present where he replitANY. Wm* tioemP . _ -.4.!1:t to uktitio *6ldit . n g . . 4 ; 1- to6ivo ovrivrrn 4;11 • -L. • - Mtge „ Thece's the sound qt; the sea in my ear; Ana n4'0 1 4:111 a ningle l ' h rhat'eirth 'notlilessed to ' OtAt:the Mile wintle*; wife, • • • Ilan tome and - sit by my sido ;1- Avatt ( ioirs - syfeet,tica)d-wster ir9 tair.ppe oat w4t4 -.. ,„., tbe , barbor-bar, wits : Lay dpar.little boat in :the bay ; • ,i;int Who sballb'e able to guide her • bath, passed away • I know' that Ler Letm; 9:o' trusty, 4111 answer other hand:. ' As it'answered mi'ne, when Ihnew, wife, • we•ro Waiting fbente on the strand. • Our-boys are ali before us, *fib ;- •Wee 3.aelf.,:wbeneath the wave, , - • 4.011 4 p-eye f t.rx,etit l ie sleeps, wile,. • , yi)nder yew-bowered gntve, 'frtere 'the early i ttises, cluster Arcitind - kad . tilo thrush" sits'eliinting softer Lin km. tree that, shades the dead. • ' , • \ • ... , • tfliere's ebill'itinf thrcrugh ntirliearts; Wife, • : , )littlett.the`harborr:bat;dath Moan"; , 144,t, 11 - thirkecr grief!. bn yours, wife, ) :4Y l Al e .ll, l l l 4e;cotil4on9 l i• ut a tey% tiiesea„ 'Mofe`ebils 'of tile ttili Wed' 'Nod half bring Yen . 1 pioniold inan's Ti ;titre (i'siin is loii in Oil a -1.4t, the' tido siif ;i4iwn 'with tluvsttn -We will part, iiitLitait (abbr. ilinre, t • . , For sweetlypur lIT(3.IAVe run; ; Give me your-hand;mrown--Icrve, As yAtt Anve‘ k tia 'mein days, Of pint; vi 79 ne'er to be stluclered, Wliert We',ineet•cin be tar oil short I t• • • 4T;.P.ARTINIt,') • .Farewell=shall It'ba farewell ? FareWeil:aitM lightly With the - careless tihrt Farewell;: said coldly by tlio estranged in haart, • - 4 And vetvinglttit to tell., • The emitty . dearth , of cold touvention'a shell, Nay ! not farewell. .Good-14 . 7p t hall. it ho'gbod.hy ? Good-by,,loWiwhispereq amid blincling,tears G64lry:VieSaging, long' partpl years, • - 1 ; Teuifik-vdcit hob dad t 'Of 'thatige, - oriltivarted nlati, or broltentle, ' • .Piny -t not;, • • Good - nibt-'-astiall It be good night*? Good night, which means to•morrow we may I --.mee • • • Goetnight,l I lain, too4sli. hfmrt must cheat : Tbough morgiug;s golden light I .SliitneOu a' lour alai) icague :4 "beyond thysight, Tit still, goOd ni r ght.j r. • Thou Bast lielovetl;s6od night, `Good 'bighi,liest - __lg 'with 'all`:thy fairest dietuns; " ; • Gpotr night,: best night, with 'alf- thy starriest boams,;: - - • • widtP, And tell bet: al my love, thOu gentlest night ! Good night, good night: ail .. • ‘REAZDIG IN SCHOOLS. ' 'Tie sometimes wish wer' oUsible'for the statistician's who compile our ceastts reports to go a little deeper and tabulate the intelligence pf the country as intimated by some more sug gestive sips, than arevonelt.saled, to 6. Thus, alter haviug, Oven the li i ict number of those who can read' And write in, any community, it weitiil:bilittsli they would proceed to tell us 1 what fa read and how many can lead aloud a' piece•ot good English literature. 2 '• - We 04P9se Nth ,must , restntent with the reports of public library odic , Is, and with such co ;observation, scanty or eaten 're, Int,we may be ,able to'give to the matter. • lint, the fact rcinaing', and 'will? hardly be f queStioned, that in our , publle schoels the main ,objeet i so,farha leading is concerned, 1st() sup.. :ply,the schplarwiththe:power to read print at sightato,mnounce accurately the several Words itat Meet Ids . eye, and to . know the time value 'i..f itie aeVetiti mark's of put:let - clef:ion: Ad this hag iiitle iit'' nothing to do , with teaching a Child: what to- tread, or. ediaiding the power given, hien to .43Iscriminate between what. is wortht.mding and, what is worthless. We Lteliove • that, higher views of education are Seeinnlisg to prevail and that the A , lsdoin ,-• , , which calls' emphatically ' tor livink teachers itaßS' also Or tbe'ush in eiltie'tilon of the living tvaiewrof literature. ' • :I ::••, ''"fit any ; ,one iottunine,. the 'reading books Iwhichoistitute the .whole, hotly, of literature ,Upon,fft.ichliilclren . ,in our p,Ublic schools are fediand 'ask [l t alia least of scrips is:.seally the best'sie-atii inferior their intellectimi and spir host nburishment. 1 Here and there j one finds a fine abortpcliem or prose selection from a Master,whigh intspit'quickening power, but the great fttett,is dnkw a ,iro!' ) , writers who ere en titled to eil Proper respect, but are, not the nearest" t6' the lOUntain" of pure Ilterature . .-:. 1 3ioreovei; the' very fragmentary character of the 'rending books is' prejudieial to a free and full. development of .a child's. capacity for tip preeb xtittg gopclliteraturti., - , Avert • to an old _reader, nu an tholOgy offers, but a ineegto twat.; and a: good Veil of the pleesnie drawn 'froittat is in'the association Of; the fragnients Willi their iritat,"'andd Whh 'other' ' parts of 'the same Work. . , • CI-, ' i - - I' l , [ ;:Thy Aifficnlty With the reading, which we set 'bObre,Fldif.Area hic our - pubic, schools is.that it, leads _to polling, It Is little In itself , and it l l Containi'io (nsPliatlini for •Something beyond. i 4 partitieti of niaeh :of the 'character of the °kir' provided %for ' eldhiren'tf' entertainment, .. I. lticit seastiretentaily to stiggeat, that the read ifs -eie tberXest out,.frem soy common fleid Or PisYmpliAlslt.b, their ; °Mem it is a Itt : epore which stun, growth ; It is gim to children IV tiflitliida °pep to reeetie lastiog Itnpressions tititE tilts' them' : it. be satisfiedwith petty and ,labbhiolthlitgit. :,:. '• • "I -', • ~• ~'. `:, fr big teeing:lla se niuciver.ereise by en In• - atittftit'fit ritataf, ills ! , attlactiaai era Sometimes c:4led„,yggrehkes; ;they!: AFe P°4ttn, gibut swing-. ink citnnb* l o/e. and pulling ,welgb whente 1. 11 0 'Ckild Ought 16 be In' the 'tree_ air, ot thebigher, lifOrAture. breathing_it and learning to loatlice l the mePhitic vapor of ills ,lia' , uttps of litatt- , i , tu i e. „..... ‘ s kkl I'll ..- , , 'l.; r k • .. ~ . ' ' , PAP eneljnellle/ genteel* boOta tor Childnm einil , t'Pe. 1 4 - Sur PO' "") , S° P4 1141 Y I 4 ' F rtalial k or the io4,lviiOrod Xefile.Polibt to be abolk'sh 'id in onisehlaih;, And the bettr Wean 'tank4 'of thireontiabn" hiligitatititi 'het(' by children' Withlbelt'parkitta in the Vest literature of the Uattua`and pinta country; it It ha °Wetted itutt,,thls. it ipsimastible, that- chddrett cannot U13 4Fe t4 4 11 .54 444 4 4 Zng 1161 .041 1 4FC. , We : reply, i l t tk 4 V! l l l 11 ,.! 4 . 4 : 4..,,q.% 1 _;‘• ~-.' '`•l:', MEE cf. ;_~ ~ :rz 4 ' UMW Year .in Advance. ; potier which has made'eettain arks I Is the power or genius within' . hem, II IS independent of commentators and 'logical lumber. Where could Cu . rind rl or. boy in our schools whose hied j not be, quickened by the "link( g of 1 emit." and a dozen other of the eat : 1- : The possession of thee ballads, • ' • earl, would to Itself be a liberal -. UCA . I wuicl ant= the wont( the C. I 4:Med i ed lip Thy declai poem ever t . /I ,snatcheatof Mannlon'which setiool-boya 1. point out the power which the wh..10 • mild have on their Imagination. What ! , 1 -erois in the whole range of English and a literature which lives by virtue of its $n acceptance may safely be made a part school curricnitim. We have no fault to MA the arithmeties which engage trio, student in the fascinating occupation of ng on his slate of a greit variety of met ,e, but the'arithmetic is not the,corner -1.1 human freedom and obedience. higher demands of the human soul be answered in our schools as well, and I lse pure literature alp direct and edec -1 • • ... .ent. . Amen contra of the find youngl dispos elland stone , The ahoul we ad five a -................—....... - 'OST-AIORTE3I VENERATION. , . of the idlosynerasls of our common ,na- • that we . scent to have more considers, a man after he is dead than while Leis Very' often •we neglect and disparage , ' the flesh, and.esteem end eulogize him . grays, • , 1 linatton Illas more . power, • than grist o make heroes, for the shadow of the s a gletnour to the living. Perfect ap on belongs - to obituaries. The earliest, rot fame' is frequently the echo'of the th thrown on the coffin lid. • disposi , ion to delay honor and w r ith• ectic.n for the advent of the Undertaker, , pensity, to retain chaplets fur the sake loying them tts inunortellea, Is witnessed nary celebration. We must compound r Conscience for our - disregard of the liv; • ur attention to the dead. me irrational casuistry we must eon at we make amends to kind haute we jected by piling. marble mockirtes heir silent pulses. Only by such as n_ can we 'explain the. solicitude and ion that have been shown in all ages !Helm body. • . crime or creed has made ,little differ- wbat might be called the universal cot uperstition. However hostileunjuat,or aria nature may be to one of,its co tendency Is to the benignant, Oen to !mental, when good offices bays been perfluous by a funeral. t may be slender or null for the breath king, sensitive, Sympathetic form, but sacredness attaches thereto the mo becomes .. clay. The divine spark, the element, as it is styled, appears to . r nothing, save by its absence. s and Christians, Socinians and Scrip. il agree in this post-mortem veneration. de have as yet been discovered, whit r wildness or antiquity, who have not lehml rites, and associated them with I n degree cf solemnity. , Indeed,. septd- Ybe regarded as the - mark of the hu ies. . , • that it emitted the trace of !tumuli- ' t since no order of Abe lovver.animais re for, the dead. The annals of the evealed, by the vestiges of the tombs , tedate by ages the historic period, and i ll puzzle the most learned of !trate+ • connected with the past, the dim- • 1 remotest, by arc endless line of paten e know of countless nations is that and were buried. This revolving its hundreds of millions of inhabi-, but a vast grave-yard. The living • ,an infinitesimal proportion to the so rentains'are incorporated with ev f soil we call our . own. We are a men standing between the billions 4 the billions yet to' come—on one, inheritors of Time, on the other th e $ teritity. . • ' 1 don to' alive: isim In , in the deeds tomb pxOciat inurm I lint en This I this pr of cm in mor PILO' .turalistsi No penj eyer thi bad sep A eeria Lure ma man spe Wher. ty is lost evince .. race are which a which s loyists. We at west an 1 and all • they die ball, . wi tants, is 'bear be dead,: wb ery foot . handful gope an hand the heirs of Intenn. moat alw of religio served w treeti torg of the pr: they hay& ing from because t significan nts, reasoningby induction; have ah! ys been associated with some form , and their rites have often been pre- ." en the faith vr)tich Inspired them has tten. Not a few of the ceremonies ant ritzy are anachronistic, because ;, been' borrowed without understand different paSti and are meaningless a link is broken that bound them to lIE BEXES, anes, the Many man Of clank es the followieg myth :Arratop Greece, gi pon a time man had three isexes and • ature ; besides this, he was perfectly had lour bends aid four feet, me two faces Looking opposite ways, set neck. Whelk these creatures plena l uld walk as We, but if they go aster, they would roll over with •ur legs in- the air, like a tumbler • romersaults ; and their pride and ere such that they made war upon Jupiter resented their insolence, but • 1 to kill them with thunderbolts, is 13uld then lose their sacriSces. At upon a plan,_ 'I will cut them In ▪d, 'so that they will milk on two b of four. They will then tie only . I . dent, but twice as nutnerous, and twice as many sacritites.' • done. and the two halves are con ng about looking, for one another; lass (says Aristophanes, with a Comm'c tension,) are not obedient to the tis 'a danger that weensit,tie s l im up hill have to go about In basso•r e -. hose figures with only halt a nose • may see sculptured on our 00l- If young ; people are induced--led, not fbroed —to beenlibeiir reading aright, the chances are 1404)? to their favor that their critical knowl ec 3 pill Junk? them .pretty good judges atta warcl; It Lt held( to personate and set part log" , for where LINO* is not as the botions ware Willdavaibe, endeavoring to return, and will peep out Ana hetray herself One.tinte or , other. is . f t not! better that your friends tell, you your Aultaiprliately, than that you metal tel Lat theta; publicly . , . Xt fri much ] r biStort to work 'in minis.% sod to iiiiy. 0/ - - citrued Ibis to mix work and , ploy .mrelowly .togetkpr. , , ' Outdolea would eehlota be dtesiveteblet tt we did aot 'forearm] , " metre to think theta, satt. We 'would wtplegly, , have others pertbot, and COL wo atml4 not our OW4 faults. f? y ~ . z _., . • IMME= NUBER 3