: +[~: t *tileitittollo ' '.TeP,ot is a ,iitaino Odor. • •' And uow, Esatouloy i , Aho e_xplorer ; •, , ' • " Sea laid biome ilot what Y ou:cannot • s .fit bvkall how many boo-ragouts:es- Oluin a ge te ca., or uses ate 'neon "rertlerit. • • k :The boreit of education children who /Aato sclux)l.- , ; Bismark , chews 8 . 1,4 at Atari Call plug i toha4:*-1 I, It is eaaierto avoid a fault than to ao qulre Perfection.. , . • „ The tongu e Uautiot eitaily be' chained 1 0en onoetloose. • - _ The user o a vend) , stela show,4tou , Whoiour frienda are. 1 'Alex. Ste e a has 'got his we ght up rto sixty-di pounds; , ' To. grow up ,to the skies we,must be phinted low in the dust. 7 , ion 'Francisco empties' 'one-third ',tritite liquor than Chicago.. Evil men speak that , Which - they wish !, rather than that• which they know. • The man who makes a striking kethark is too often 44'4) • 'Tht; Brook)ya Argue figures the cost of , the - Brooklyn "scandal at $140,000. A Verinonebank cashier should keel) eight watch ticigs and_lour revolvers. Charlotte Cushman is not . dying, or even sic - -except of the reports that she is. A woman fascinates 'us qnfte as often b what atm ovitrlooka 'as by' what she Bees, • A new , definition for au old .. ntaid is a wopan that has been- wade for a tonf ‘ time. Poyn'Dukin, .of ''the Amerluau Rifie Team, is 'a heavy shat. 11.e' weight! 224. pounds.- , poorett. coward may avold . Shaking in Lis all'oes ; • By wearing boots 'or giling Ltirelbot. 1 rof. of Rhetoric; "IVhat important change t..aine over Burns in the 'latter pail, of his life?" Senior: "I.le."dieti." • „ • The Binghamton trs.pper • bo calight, . three illundreit mtiskrate last Winter, ex— presses musk satificatiatiut }di success. Dailyiri will ( ( onb tlesv. be pained .fokani that tlie Sheriff of Kershaw, S. (.) Eas loviNl on a rdookev to satisfy "11:3Pre! thatelpliiins whfrofny cloOtes , lino went tor' exclaimed rut Towa.womat, as silo found her littaband hanging inthe • • st. Able. \ .. ~ . . . • ' . All the alesand bucksaws f and in the• .rnins or•rotnliii are :of lizh make, •as if constructed, for woinan's 1.16' Those old ancients kitew their.little b l ines& . .., tidie* Jet:mean Were -up riOrnlo , C ,g s arolina • were all elected to the Pl nor while citizens of the state of T'l i 1:1' set., anA all lie buried beneath the sii. 4:1 . .Zip" ---- Obit;:faruicr --- ‘ 4 'wh ik- *za a l i f-i- a i -4g, 11 . 11it •.. roaster sviinging on the top of ~..1 00. 1at 'i as at weather vane can't expect his daugh ter to move in gool society. ' 51 CAI ri t r , s "My - lecture, laid 11 a, ior ta•ora o 1 Ivill be brief?' ;A., to kip hit him at• that instant, and heannounded : "The tneet .,• lag' stands atljanreed 1" , , • t" exclaimed a lady coming ont of the,tbeatre one evening; as a gentle - noun accidently stepp'ed on her trailing Skirt. "Which one of us ?" blandly re-, Vied the man.. , ' , Congressional Proceedings: "Mr. ton addressed the senate.at, length. in fa vor, elf seating .Idr.Pineh,back on .his 'ore dentiins.". Seating.him on what.?. First Iioy=«I say, Jimmy, there's no wt.t; , r, It's frozen evert wbere." Second Boy—"Bnlly Maybe we wont have to :W=ith ourselves till the middle of Spring?' ,tk. Mr. Chew was receutiv - arrested in Ph iltalpiiia,baving three living 'wives _from which he has never been unitea.— Luilt wiTe had a' Chew-to.back-her. See? Miss D. sends us a poem entitiedy "1 CAll Hot Make Ilim„ stnile," 'tire:, cannot publiab it unless she'gives us.the IlaMe of tbo yon'pg man. All the ~y9ting .. teen we kircyw . A c , rrt. , spoudent of the Baltimore Sitgz lias 'fun iu Yl a rida a' young m naed 'Shc was chruatenea after :a battlo of patent raf dthclue which ber esteeffaill.: • • . "I' " re6 ' 4114 miPence Pergaii" extlai in. - 1(1 . Ilarfington,' looking oyer ' thO Current.: bless me,' what is tile world a coming to when gals are val— nvd at only three and sixpence ?" • P;sitt.nt, to doctors 4ter nonsiltation " , .( , vii tlie worst, gentietneti: aln fgo-, lug to die r- dontors---9Vb : are divided on that qUestion, sir; bat there;is : a ma , Jority of .pne that you Young Ilady—Are von goofil runn - er, DelibOy? Mr: belloy---Well, not, very ilrlstate., 1 mitts once in a mile racl, and, tiluy_grave: the three quarters, a: stile 111sta:1(Y...start, vet win. •A 6 rvdT - I r ookirfOridivianal , Sums,,beard • s.ty,to'n friend : trettr fellows; can't yosiftdild rue,a black weskits. for a short . time,' My.auut Betsy ' died a few ,days ago ~and I want 'to talte a short 'mourn." , liaPpy by , fat- is the ,man „With ca. , t art h Phan the one trho is perfcpilywell; lie is: ai,e,.`of those-who are &tied by the , , From marry .a horrid :.smell: • ttJulioB"why '44)01:Ion oblong Tour ataftPt the §104g 1 07-2 - t`Kase l ,;;ltir. S - 120147 do s.. < ?' Dinah:it'd charged Ala colored - in. ifeelittr dtspoonse "•I'4'e:tint:rid telegraph . ,--itrife, 1 don't. 4es, for my part, now they send 'letters on !ere VMS without tearios'eui all mil, they don't send the paper, • ,the zit just so 1)a the 'writing in *fluid state! Nit,t t e t e e the - theitteaca,. Bull ? said a red. lair#4 l ,Woman aharpely, -to her 'son;' who bad returned with an tempty, jpg. 'l*Tone in the city, mother. Avery 'grocery, has a largo, hoard 4 tltttsidel l itlth lettera chalk. T e d o -u it,'N.p." Molasses. • ( 17ow t - therelitt tinishod i geutlernan for' lot6l Jeu4 fitepee. l 4lB ho - gazed upon .`::the Peoefi' o the'tn.gineer.tPat hbeen .,sttraptal gip anti Otthereii. 10 his fathers, after the I' - eatiattettrpt to, - run a train on . iothtag• -, ,... , - lkom aowt" iirased a big boy Oa vp Griswold street yosterifto ;IV lie: ' l4 b/eatl'ubtoM :demi ,szta UM; bv,andi'vesPt to 11 0 :4444416 ;14ww., brivP 10 the woodittottinta sofa the Ahmed Pt-sgtaiirlifutio, r - ,1,1'e,-. , :;'7,:.,;,:.:."...1 . .:''' r-: .‘':.:.4,tu gi4ot - o - o''.o,‘": • , Spittlng Inca . ‘. • BY /Aunt. bitting in - • Flying an. steam, _Head against the casement, torearned a curious dream :Yet ;Could not think it All a thing ideal,- ' For, - though very monstrous, was very real. First there cartio a gentle - - Han in patent leather, Collar, bosom,•wristhands, 'Haglati fn. the weather ; .In.the heiglit4of fanhlon, • Watch-key, bat rind ' And with air'protintil, ' Spit upon the skive, Near biro sat a par;a6n, 'Telling him the Lord the great revilvali, Messed the prenohed wen) gut i my.dre am'discovered, / 4 No *is not abov e , Il ltor!OY•dow"• I llo•ouC t Spitting on the Stove Next earn° a traitor, Pockets full of cash, . • '• • Talked about tbetmuntcy e - Going all to , smash ; ' 'Wits the "women's draft:sing," Did-the thing, "byjo43 • Sipped ..a little brmidy, Spit upon thestove, „ thought 'twos "qtiare'' like To be‘sitting still, - A.ll the while again' OVer bog and Lill ; ' , Twits a glorious counttai Sure, as ho'could prove,, - - Equal to bls bettors,... •"- Spit aeon the stove. •, Witlms, perfumed dandy,: • Potting On his'air,s, Flourishitd diamond breast pin, mooed in, car, alked aboutiLamoreaax, ",Such a'perfeet love," Twirled a carrot moustache, , Spit upon the stove, Little boy in short coat 'Wants to bib. Man, Following example • As, the surest plan , Watelies gent and parson, ' Copies every move, ' Andovith Pat and trader,* ,Spits upon the stove. • Soon the dying Tali car ',Reeks with nauseous steam, I,,adies almost fainting, Children in a scream, r •Rusband, asking lady, "4 - hat's the matter loye ilktm a glass of water k'" Spits upon the Stove. • On we go.istill flying, `. • No! a breath of air Pit ler Christ.ian people In that:crowded car ; , • z Sickening, fainting, dying, Ladies make a move, • Gent throws up the - window . Spitieu:pou the stove. Talk of ladies': flounce, Rihbons, jewels, flowers, CrinOtints and perfumes, Oostlo, idle hOurs l - 1 Put aij faults' together Which men can't approve, • And ifiey're not thatch for • Spicting on the stove.:: Very Ob . ' The other ereniug a kind looking Old man was escorted to a room on 'the third floor of a hotel, to pass the night, and is wasn't lye minutes before the bell indi catd that he wanted to see a Waiter' • A oolored boy ran up, = stank ,his head , into: the_ room,' and asked what' was wanted' and the old man said he didn't want any thiO, hut the' waiter was hardly ••down stairs before the bell ring= again. 4 •l)iciryon want suffip I."' he inquiredni be ieatlied the room again. replied the old man as \be opeEned the door. ••. to about two minutes the bell rang again and this time the waiter e;claitn edi• • • • ' • qf 'son 'don't want nuffin what you puflin' de bell furl" • "I li-silt to oblige the waiter," said the oldm au, ; ..1 "•De waitab I Obligede waitah ?" "Yes; it says here, 'please *ring, the bell. ,forlhe waiter,' alud if; he wants it rung willing to oblige bim i though I'm tired and sleepy ; but Ar 'Shan't pull it more'n fonr times more, unless I know that some of his family are, siqz."---Detroi.l Free Preis. I 1-' Lateiy. They:were Married- the morning,and immediately stepped aboard the cars for a bridal tour to Sau Francisco. They at tracted considerable attention on :the way .hy their honey tuomi Ways, and created gond dela of quiet fun among the goocily number' of itmlici 'and gentlemen who, were passengers; In due time the cars entered a tui:nel, and all for a few mo menti.Were enveloped in darkness. All too soon the cars emerged into the broad glare of the noonday `sun, and our loving bride and grooin ,were discovered locked in each ' other's - 44 tins, and exchanging kisses ate rate seldom seen in public.— The pas.setigers tank the situa4n in , about a second, and a itpotit went, up that tearly . threw the train loff tbe track, and brought the conductor to the scene on the , double quick. , , • '"Pass it arptuid,n; Yelled big man who was on ,bis way IRest to get iris wife. "Go back to the tinnel,” said another to the conduotor; and as the newly•rnade husband settled back in "biateat he was beard to .say , "Sarah, 1 thong : at tunnels: Were longer. Darn railroad company anyhow?" lUtark on Nesqulliem Mark Twain;in a recent letter to the.in. ventor of a peculiar niosgniter net, talks after tiiis,fashiocu : "There is "riothing th'ata. juit and right feeling rejoices in more to see,a mosquito unposed on and put down and: brow= beaten m 2.1 gravated, and this ingenious; .contrirsnee will do it. - And .it is stare 'Ong to wor.- 7' 1 j with ''too. - A fly will stand nfinnd curse: his invention tilt languagelitterly fails Lhave Seed them, oit bun- `,.o_Z dreds of times. I' -like, to dine In the air ia" On the' hack liporch suinmer, and so I would .not be without`':-this 'portable net ,! for abYthing When , you get it loisted the , ilies lave to wait for;the senoid We shall tite - the summer'day ixone when we shall sit under our nest in thitreiti and slumber peacefully, while.the . unfitted flies dub together and take it* , of - the minister.; Therp are: heam'of ays of gettingiorecieus enjoyment soutOf these charming .tliings, if had tinie to point them out and dilate =on VI a Jittle." New Bedford has hit-one whiter lekr— a 60119011Xiguiten .1' ' , At a,late meeting of .the %itnira.FarM. ere Club •• Prof. Hufftnan kaid I' want itd.enter my protest agailitt the USE , of Fait on hay. It will pwlent the barn' from burning,..but it damaies the. hay.— Cattle will eatsalted hay but it not good for them. I would- raiber tuse'llitne rf oneor the oth,or - mutt beiused7 -I 'start with the proposition that tht :very best feed. for COTS grass 'but have giaSB *inter so we*,tlice bay. The- true plan is tO•aet that as, ear like-grais as possiblP. Let us comb i ne- bulk ; and' qttaiity hell as we eau and we 'shall he dying, as well o,naselves and our cattle a 8 we• can; i; Keeping Tiles Vows. • I . - - 1 , :'The firroerS l of, 'Rolland, though • cagey recognize the ail-imporiant aid they derive' frorik their cove , frequently ver co then in summer ' with_: hien; kets tied in places' to guard them from the attacks.of ineects, and. to shelter them from the frequent .raw, sea winds. It is venally, too, to set tip ;in the riiisture fitds convenient scratchnig-polis against w ieh the cattle, may 4rib their sidesand _ necks With evident ad ntage. 80, e agricultural amieties 'ara.offeritig Tpreni* rem'' for the beet Walkinit . borsea,— his ",r good fora beginning, but the time *oaf; Inewlien the ' rgetniutri, lia , fos, tura c -.each fair. Walking --not. 'ruu 046 - fling or og-rig the farm gujt, aid. a ..) horse that will walk four mites tin beim will Zit - trice the work ofAie thafcrawls , two" `witlo, 1 4 ',Costug ' an Y' l!mre_ far 4 4 1 .keoPlitg;:-) . - ' ' , ~ ,- l- - , iiiihtel.‘ wOti4ties in NiiWittia )nrse graßge nthem: '-, • ' i -1- 1 ' :. . . , I' • c . MIIME L A/I,OIN . I . IZOS.v.i I),IIMOCRAT, _-1. - FST 181 1876.' 6 2 gtougeltottl.l, 1 Coneen4 I 'Horses • ._/„: i '' l ~'• 1, ,1 , ;:.i4i, otOck journsal ii Banda /says :. :To , k'eep hems'. in heal h. when not;' hard 1 w orked we i}ted no'' nixtureal we have ; ode kr.tiu in ,which tl c nutritive elements are P. rOportionato(arranged that .it cannot b e improved ' LAM ; p f ractice has ilti long. adopted it. Me . felert l o oats, But to keepliard woi kin horses iin condition is a ,ver,f different thi g. Oats alone are not c'qual,io it .nor.` n any; oilier single grain preserve both 'l ealth add condition. The' fact is either c emical ;constitution or their physiological action ''is defeCtive, an *o mug, by mixing different prtieles., se alterihe nutritive—value, ind.io bal— `and° the - phnical actions at tsj produce a jibed which will 'not disttrrangS the'runc— tions:or,tho animal, but which will sup- - idy - all the requirements of the body; "To hard worked Men oat meal is no efficient Subotitute for beef and mutton, ;and for bard worked horses oats am.inef .ficient as compared , ' with brans and peas. Experience' tells us 'this most plainly,and science explains it by showing that beans, peas`and, tares are almoit identical with beet and mutton in the - amount of mus cle forming material contained. by each -Whereas oats contain nearly 450' per cent. less thaik either of thent.' • !'No*, in horses, or' other allimele ex - • cessivelt worked, the;.-consumption of muscle is far in excess of the waste of other tissue, and the blood must be sup— plied by'a corresponding large atnoudt of flesh forming material. To fulfill this reqUirement we must give food containing heavy percentage ;oT 11 itrogenons .ma— terial, otherwise the . digestive,organs will not be able to supply the requisite pabm lum. Beans or. beef will wily supply it, oats or potatoes Iva] not, even if- we give au ,extra ' l itimount of them, because this en—, the consumption_ of such ,an. ityl inellBo buld of 4aterial, a large pliipor— tiort of which is indigestible and non nitiogenons'; that the digestive 'organs ore overpowered and linable to reduce the mass to a state iri wbichsall it's value. thavhe atiserbed.:-.For these reasons, then; we say. that the. oats as a principal article, ot: diet. forlexcessively hard worked horses is! - 11)31111014. If the it.,. rofully fol lowed; they Will .41....._ sit. iesults. - Sri iukle sulphur 0'.3.r coarse snutr iil to in(l 'nest to keep- off :vermin. Remove - your heh 'daily; let the liens roll in .the dust hot: near by; feediar,'d water regularly.— Aiiply a little dry sulphur upon the flown anii under wing o the chicks us soon t - s. the chicksernerge, from. be hest. Scat ter powdered shltiltur tbrouilt the hens under feathers, alito ilurinOthe perfcxT of setting; she must be ker4., / free'from lice. Alwa:y's set - Your; hens fti' , ' the 'eyeitin4, rather than: by (lily-light ; they will 1 hi,-1 more likelyto stink' to the. nest Afterwar.d and tor two. br three days;at first, be Ore.' fel that they are .kept ilndistOrbed.. , On the,twenty-first dliy, when the elliclt:cns are coming out, lehve ter to herself until ' all are released, alien Trait twenty-4(3'4r hours the little ones to, get. upon their fee Commence fey ling with soak.; ed brea.d crumbs, [rice and hard boi ed eggs. Follow thiS up for St. week,-4 en cook soft food .and broken. wheat, t en cracked corn, chfpped meat Or soy ps, aDd alwayiplenty of g:een fotntuntif he grais , starts ' Waih your roosts aerasi ti ling with siiirits of turpentine or keros no this prevedis the :Accumuation ol 'lice in the poultry . bouseil,.and the futhes of this pungent oil permates the leathers otsour fowls at night, kind drives, the vermin from their badies. • , . ~ ' . _ The Tree Nual u 4l. Retentive • 'So. ; , . The pear troe - requires 'a retentive soil, in order to give - good, returns, -but no' when water stands on Stifface or ..": subsoil, The loss of fruit trees within thiee years ' in Illinois, is estimated at '‘about •three Millions of dollar', and that the tetentive clay loam subsoil hi the prairie ;lands is I the. Mame, and hat the lifarmrs have adopted the plan f ridging ; theirli'3robards by repeated plawi, gs, commenei:ng at the same ridge and en'ding at the sante - funow to remedy this evil. We do not aiprehend that this is eimpi3i owing to • therr - elayev subloil, for in New England wefind that pear trees flourish[better on land with a sib-soil or pan or 'clay, which 'prevents the percolation of i water thiongh it. Sne.ti land requires a gob.ii system of draming on the quality of the sub.sdil ,Sor -retain-4 ingi or piirting With. the water aUd \ heat Of ithesti the worit: is clay .kept wet with suliterraneous w4ter, so ilestructive 'to fruit trees, and thh'best are those Of elav resting on gravel or porous 'rock. ,:This last is the best fo'r ,a gaper), because, while the water Oda a read,y means of ' escape, the Toots of the trees are preven- - -: ted from extending top deep into a cold and nnoongeitial roil. , .. ' Sal(o4 Hay,' Lemon Preserves-. 0 li k o,und of , pfilv?,rized loaf `sugar, , at, ,r pound . `of buttei : six eggs, "and the , . hit of lour. wen .- beaten, the rtinkof o'l moms graied,and.the juice lof tlire. ix gether and Jet it,:eimmer.till orthe ' a tenci. of honey, ; Be.careful to - stir tlx , time !or it. will be' apt to bArn, Walking Inorses. MEM Isllseellatteoui; - ,-. Whatl About.-Vegetitie. • ' , . t •; • - - - 14 - c ify Oortu 0,1871. • . • ' •_ • }l. - Eentresi; Req. ". - • • • Dmir Sir--t hare had cnusiderablo eiperionen with , the Ve„mettne. for dyspepria, general debility and "• pure blOod, the Vezetine to suzierlor to alt3 lll -Mt which - t.bareeverttred. commenced taking Yeget Inc about - ' the Middle Of last wimer, and after tinfing 4 leaf bottles J it entirely cured Me ut dye,pepsl.4 and my blood never Iras In No good Order as az the present - time. It will - Alford me pletkonre to give any iturthr4 particulars rein. Lye what 1 know about this good' medicine to any one who will 0111. "or addxuft , we at zny'reeidence.3Bo &Mena street, 4 - Very respectfully, •" MONROE PARKER. , '34 Atl\cna street SYMPTiAlii—Want of appetite, rieuig of .-food and wind front the Of t emeach. acidity of the-stoniath, heart burn, ttryntss and whiteners 'or the tomme morning, sense of Metes/shut in the stomach and bow sometime rumbling. paint costiveness, which is occaslonaltrinternuptcd by diarthta ; paleness of the urine. The mauth id Clammy, or has a Pour or bitter taste.. Other troutient-sscoomos arc watertirarti, pat. p tion of the heart, headache, and disardera of the senses. an redingdoulde, etc. There is general debility languor and asetsiorito 'motion : dejection of the epir itti, disturbed siecp,tud frightful drctinUa , Gamed Fifteen Pounds of Flesh. . - Bourn. ileitteleC 17,1872 11. - U. &ravine, Beg: • Deaf tit—l. have had dyepepela In its worst form for the feet ten years. and have taken buttands of /lettere. Worth of medicine without obtaining any 'relief. fit September last I commenced taking the Vegetine. Once which time my-health lies steadily mproved. • My food digeeta welf;and 1 hare gained . filieen pounds of flesh. There aro tevCral others to thie phtce taking. the YVAP44, 411 haw! . obtained relief, - 'num , : ittily. : , * ' • THOILAS E. 3100IcS. Ororat+tr of card room, Portrumuth ClOllllll6 -. ALL DISEASES OF TIIE -BLOOD. If Vegetine will relieve pain, cleonse; purifyan t taro such piss:wet. restoring the nctle,4 to perfect health atter frying different physicians, many.'remedies, suff ering for years, is .lt, not conclusive proofs If you are a Ruffoter yon can he - cured t Why ff title itmdlelne per terming ettch great cures ? wont tti tlht blond ht the circulating fluid. It can truly, be called'iliu Great Blood r)rifler. The great sot tee of disease ttrlginates in the flood ;.and no medicine that does not tat direct ly upon IL to purify and reuoVate Lae. auflua claim upert.puhlxattentien.' • 1 . ' .GOOD .. D EVIDENCE, „„ . , - -. • • CI iiC/NRATI, ' iitalk. 16., 16 - $ 2, Nig. •ri.ahsTrxEms : . pear Sir—;The timbottles.ht WgetillesarniFhed me by your ngt.nt my wiL: bus used S.viiii grout in-trfit- For' a icing time she lin4d been trsnbl i vkl' lic l th tlizr.ive.t.s and. costivenerf, ; these trouble* are now eiairely fenioved by the bee of Vegetine. - , . - She was 'aloi) iroubleil wi4ll dmiciutin unit general delallitY. and tab beeut.taily boneilted: . . 1- . - - TIIOII.AS 011. , NWItf:: 229 X Wrahnt 1:41 eet, 11E' LIA.IIL-LVIDENCE. .12. - S•rrrks . . Dee.r Sit , H. - wllLvitet 011.7er:01yr:chi my ; t,it In, .1 - ly to -the great. atmiu:ry4;.u. 1.1::.); 0 Alr. ,, ,“%Y..ri.eelveti ht tiVor tof you: grettt 'dud goad . wedielUe...ll 7 ,e,vti 0 c , , iur I dd 11,),. think cht)::„...it tin 1,0 ,nYla In .21., vrav,e.'...or 1 vas tr " l ; ll)l ' nr°Vi ' r lil'irt Y 312 . 4 f- Ivi.P) thai-dteadial ithaf:e. l . CalA rb, ...! . .sip.'h ,ci rut!' 0.h.1 e ,, tul 2 slC2 - Pells. That i • woad' ileCin 4 . L..; 5 t-riongli I cuulti • iIeYOL 11.......e r 1e auy ti,ore, awl; I , r e.,.. , •eziiin ~ s 014 ,- 11 me : fttld I do 1,1 la thank. t3oa ell) •tti,: , ltcata tit I. 1; th,yr 1s zei good :..- Lee. , i - ;' - ne as Vegetlue,; "and I ell , ! - 0 L ink it elle et' the te , it ta Ce l W's.ror.congb.,• I and weak 0,1n1 , 17%; feertaas ::: ilia erhinach, and 'advise . ' etmr.yhotty to tyke di.e Vcgv. it e- .1 * *,,.:! 1 •:at) , tip. 11.1,0 them it is one of the beat teeth e., ne:, that ever mar, ; 1' • - • Rat , : L'. tiOllE, . Corner, Mizaziae ;awl Wal,:ztv. „ treble,Cambridge. ll 1 ' . ' APPIZEOIATI Zsl.', • . , , . .-1 • •. . 1' . - . our,: z,.(7..Qu, 31,C.:11. 3!atcla 1 . 111 . 1;.0. 11.. R: STSYZNS : . - . ' i • This :s teit'et,l:l:F that I lov t it ,, ifll yoz&r "1.11 - .4:4 • Pr0.. pasatiOn." (Ctitei ;el IQ: Ali . ~ ,t r,ll,y I So , * '.. - cfs•er.; ! y.: ars. .1111ajilikik 1i5.3T, ;at .CrOPi... - 0. oF L'ajak‘lree-.11 , uw:ool or Ith"11,;121;te aft.,?,e'hi;ltt.ir 4 . :11:•: , ..% be tti . .-elii r e z - ~..,4,..., , , a bloat, pittliler auti.,+prir.g . .tavttier,.. , .u. lit 18 the kert I ,lllng. 'I ever 11=ett ': andl •a ye 11. - :'d 1.1:1101 t. r.rl:,- , ....: ~.. t CAD , . 'elle 0 .: 1 ' 111 Y i'f ;r ollieert' ' ,l 10 ' 111 .Y' phq . I.a l[ - 0 k:, u? ;qlcllg. Inciliciu.4... x.t.n2n.3 rf, , ,ez - 1.1.,.;1,, . 1 . ' - :k...;.5....%.. li. ''...q.N . ?.,: r i',CJ:Ll. ~ - e ',. , N. 5 , !„: •, ' \ . -1 0 Fa' - •- . , . . . Sultl by all 'Dru--W- - ta tty ' V(II , V where. ` tr. . . pAIN,T.S Ai1ip•01..5...:. • ....•.- -\ -1 ... . I -1. . .. .. . . . • A FINE B. P. LYONS &Co.'s. .Moutront,scay 14,10.74, ' c#EFErrs,, CARPETS sO AND. t,/IVAnDS --Less than N. if.. Prices May 14,, Por Sale by 13. U. -LYONS &t.:l SUGAR, TEA,_COFFEC and other p .. VOC3eries Al Low Figures At WALL.*C. I III) •WINDow • A Large Stock, _ And New Patterns Received Every Week - Direct From the • " • - Allanixfactory. • . IL R. LIONS & CO. pool -1 1 1 132-pal,cl. • Coattit. • _ Clark's 0- .li. T., - • and John Clark's Spool. Thread:' Witite, Mark s and Colordd—frorn N. to, No. tat; at 5 cents pordoznn. • For aide by , ' R. LYONS it CO. .ISlonp•ose. Nay 1617.4--ti - ' 3E-3C. ~. , ,1 6'0". . .17.- E 4Litl2 . iNV c .t 4 4 cap attettqon to tut 'Nets , S totqc 4 o f ~ SPI4OI Stris , 'MPl ta it 54 tbe -Now on .A.W. in Dew ••- • • .s"\ftnlv., a: ,9 LADIES' • DRESS GOODS; IILAOR AND COLORED 'ALPACAS; STYLE OF - PIiNTs; SII A WIS. WATER-PROOFS; leL.tN NELS;I3ALMO - RAL, AND I.IOOP SKIRTS,VELVETS, 1.10:$1E11Y, • %BEATY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OLT CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BIWA, • . LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS , A 'CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, 1, HARD WARE,TRO.N,NAILS. • • STEEL, STOVES ;Om .GROCERIES, ETC, • • In great VartetY . , and mill bit sold on, the most 14v9ra1.9e terms, and lo wet prices. _ BItRIIITT. New 3filTA.)rd, 44 - Ist, 1875.. - Where Now P .. • _ Wily V 9 A. N; BULLARD'S, AT TIEE IIEAD OF NAVIGA, TION; SPRIMI .z SEN) WilEkr CLOVER AND.: TIMOTHY - . Gardet(Seeda ot,iliidncts,iiie verv,beitt.riorir, BuSli • 'Tea; C: Ogee, Fisb, Laws, Lard te... etc. Potty citie,cit.ettuiall. catme - ti nesting in part of.Peaclies, Mums. Cherries, quinees. Strawber ries; Pittb. Apples. COM, Beane, Tomatoes, Pens, Duck, Turkey. Lobster. Sucentasit, Pia*. 'iatlince and Apple Butter, Deviled Bon, sad lots of \otter:things quite toe" wimples to utentioli, alba, which win be .seld tc. nil Yin& of '! 4 P.d.T.R.ON.S" for r4dy pay at prices tbst 7Zaery: Oc:bztaziotiticiai and strletiyipqn the principle et , Lot - CallAild see At ; A.:14.11.13LLU1P8.' lloutroiesApriltlB7is. • IiANIIOOD RoW LOST 40 - w: RE- f , I - , STORED I, sar:lrdeit, 44 . 4 ittiterl erkedive.,,, , a .o4isit &oat • • ~- '-• . . •\ • . &tot pi:Raged., A new clitEtob of -, ,Dx:estr.V2ruNtrzive, Ortralsratzo 1 / 8 1.1.7 on the - flatcar 'Ott err:thank midicinqnt Apermaterrigmt or &urinal Wealcrte..s, , voluntio . tit:initial Lesser. Irontenoy, , hietual and 1 ,Phhairra Ineapanity. Impediments to, adarrlage„ etc, r r also ConSampaetti - Spilepay and T Int*. induced by *mei eXtrayamtuce. itc. • • - The celebrated author In this admirable Sassy, clear. .deriactustritteedlrout a thirty years' mieceseln I practice. at the alarming conamucoccs 'of , self-abiree , rutty kiet Mikan/ cored without the dangerous 'Ale of itaerwtl medicine orthe application of. tite knife: poitt Lag out airiode of rare etone rim , 10, cortalo, sod otrocturct, by • trikatie of whirr/ fob , 4 ,,, excl., no matter what his cent I dot on may be; May, crire. hint 4 cl:cheaply.. Privately, and • . , ,s3rs hit Iwirro„rbonlii ho fp the Intruhr of. every, .. Setit under l' 04; lit aiptain envelope.' io;asii - i%ixterizs, 'pet. mild i on toOokot of- slx, ctri t 4. or rNropoirs .stanips. ' Address the Publishers, -- . • ~ ,0 - - '• • • - CHM,47. C. iUJNR, a - CO.: ... -• _ ,• ipr 138 ; 1 . .- , in Bowery. Ne ir - YOit t i'ost: Ptt i ce.Pcqv. 4586 ; -:. B. R. LYONS & CO.'S. - 14* -46Orsi. Gann Rosonaifill & Co. Is the p~aco I;here ion find tho bastasortmtn!, neweet. - sty!es,andlowit prlcuu in . DRY GOoDS,t MILLINERY GOODS, - • IMAMIIADE CLOTHIN9, I CAPS. CAR PETS, &C.-, ' ' !... . ' 1, - -•-• : - , ..,. '.'', - . - initiate Turn shiNs!-Gtiods, - -, i -' ' •• ' Wit'- ' ' . ' • i E xturrote,triez,Lactr,.. - • • -IPac-a-, Clitlicicgadeolored,)...-" ' .-, • ` ..-- , . _•• ‘.. `lThrois'boded Of al! Di.iiiiptiono; ',..1.1.,' •• : - . i :- • ~, a 4. land ra..ble -Bn-e4da.,,, ' --: unttlrevie 3 malpsra.sbib, ...' - - . _ A l'l , :ptli icti !-i! ., ..,cer.!11.1, and ckt.).:,,:r ;x, clsr, tilitu;nit,"l7lC - orierii ai.d. Straw ‘.`,00.?, ~• : : i r, , , ,. , TAT.;iO-y9e'p,7, , ,_01v2>yq.., Noprnt , F,iiglia lITh4PiCA . CIi 014/6P4 t . t . , I iitibiliiti:,t , r,(i,ii.. 3 11f.iu"G2.: 1 1.1.16 - 4 13t,ze.0., '..,qt.f.twig • . . , • • B en., SCarfu, muwk.r...hiesi ; ciareets, American n 124 .In2rnled Rink Silks, ikfuOsisciier ' Swbi Multe, : ltltholy • - • • ttipeutiers, &inss,Efe,tl E x e - :itt , ot-c-1 utilhart - weleeei ii - IvetY:EllgUilVe Stork ol hhor ‘, O me: Wooed ,goculP• tradXuAny =tura , :‘ , Y4. buy opt* ferg 17 for cask Ira lbelreforo vilahlrd 'to 4611 at at Ow. L FKIWIRS as ally party, Ilsasetal sad opayfut - t. your . - - :or` tiff "4, i t .0 ottinTt IS EW - 14)1111N, G , 044SIMEItEs, COAT, ' 4 1 C1 1 i1611 4 6 F 144 • . ; 1 ;1 , , I l End - } 1108 1 ' ;Nii 1:1114 - &MI 111.0: DOS4o444l:iitisting kraftur'., '' ) * *44ll° ' Xnf "tbe:/arr- 33e3aa i r 13P0,- •'• .1 • N LEHEIM ; . 114's lust'i:et4rric:(l, irvra New. York "Ivjqi a hirge and omptete assortment, GEORGE of.zy..;:gppps;:,.pL9TKlNg,-- Booir'.'&:,:.:--SHO.E; Eats and Caps, /k Notions, et,s4ac., Filling 'his Jails nreniWtaryl ou the National Itotel Jgrouniii We Shal remain here with (mu- new • 13R1ON, "STORE 1S COMPLETE ON THE OLD •• Our stock is new and bought with elm , . wAI,. , 4erefotore, o ff er the largo assprtmetit. 'AO be.it btr•gatiis in the county.' • • • WButter arid Weiluce shipped., 'lig:lest price and pruniit returns gutirauteeil Money.advanced' wheodesired. Gre . 4 . 4en c d; ut}.tli, MINER, : I.: 13 IN-0-41:A . NITON:1 N. _:-T-'., '~i73O~'~F.SA.L~I T~EI112,~ R IN lIVERY STYR OF FLINT AA COMMON UIIIIIINEYB. Hand Bronze I.,:mps,(C,pal Lamps, All Grass Laza* Hand Lamps, ligrners, Wicks, Ehades, Sha-do golden; ac., daz, • .51,:t), 11ANL - I , :4lClan: (),F . • Tom. AND JAPI- ANED! WARE. 6 , „,,ttilte-A r 6R Lott a 8 Ung. Otte" til S.Waterft.Ntte York. .Ordor* by' Mall , iotiiitzty uded p-,::0: - .-..4_, - L\i. - . - -Er2i7,-;: i..,-.1—,, .., •„,,-.., •,...4 , .. ~ ~, GENEIIfiL tir4 ,, f,.--- - ,- -i- ,:- -, • •-•- „c7-4-, - 7,74, - :•-r, -- 4; , ' -I*. I.7IZMP -4.1) , V ,...,-.1.` i , . I'2' storolotd :1: . . : - g 17 ''f— l', ;. t..s, . 4 ' g r.4 : Corbeit,sville, e, -- T,.4,•,- 7-fl p--•-----1%----- P 1''•;: 7.. ",:, • m ii i. _ , ...$...g 4 r1415=3X4Pe;.0.1141::., :F : 4t .i7!' :;:r1 .1.• ... , .....15:.&” • N. "St. .. . . . ..•• . . . rsinTS'llosel to tit.ll.4c.za on ttv, 13 Vi . l . r.ll - 1,0m11n. , , tr..rit IV.lrx;i3tnt (in to Aiontrose,(osn to Conklin Station, on - A. the Delawar, LacicasOlontt, awl Wtf , tvra Itailro-l. Pan: ~...: ato:pDitiLt at ttO*St.ition will And it. conven ient. to Elinor. The, an I havc proper ccoac‘-yq.ccc: to carry tli tin , o atripth CC they watt to go. !have been treat ing ray !rouse and lisrli . teakiniz ;t more coLle3iiecit to enter :;;,, ti.t: public. Thatilclui for the many favors or my old friends and will be .. ,- lad to s , :e theta nil t'. hen gull:galls nay. c . . . .42orheftsritie. If. Y., January 4,'1.',V.,„ t f , - , . - - , D.lJ ' ".111131iPIPI, Proprietor. I'• • , BEST JOB 1941*TING . ,AT 11E1 COIVEST RAILTEO_- 1-41 ' We gro continually new tnaleri,4,l toislur oflico4 no with our,' , Large ,Stock of SOB tuft and ,FOTI , Prirtaing,Fresei, l we Defy Competion Bottr in Price arid qtiality; 'Other SPRING ..& ,::SUMMER 1' %%15 WF;y: GOODS, 0tv431. , . 4ruitxptscll). 'OllOOO stid I . batebele, •-' • , ugg*. /AP -Belies aid Dusierki: O'Neil Silk, Threid, A thmtilidrie and tioddcaislest • I nscrtiii i, 'And r4*18111,--' :,-.-,i,:-,--!: -.1.-:- : :_....:1--.:...' -,‘.......,..-.;.- ::• -...,.....::-.'.,-,,-.... ....:: , .-MOrchiizt*qtr4or.ig.... , ::_:;. , : ....,. ...., ~.,. ttS'x,;,t , r44.tit some .414 - tiaii) - cos - a-nr EIMM SPECIAL INPUCEMETS IN NEW GOQDS. The - Ctuitom Departnient 'ls now . under thi eiiiirge of S. H. BAB— ; •cocK, late of Nese York City, and form- - exly ;with O'Hara it Co., which is a full guaratitee that rf - cittinot be' beaten I?) any house in. this' city. Our stook comprises all the late Styles, and will lie sold at bOrtom prices..;` • .W 11 1..t•kf.jarit.1.1.31".45. - • . , At W. mith . 41U 'S ' s • Ext it 4 tvp u I tort War 3roorisiou will dad the *melt, VIRST CLASS haw CoMMOy Zltri : tr4 X 11 1 8 . - CriitE - 1 • Ti11:4,3 . 0 t r ilitectloit the' sxiin try;,o irirr, duty Luctit anttat. prices that atztliOt fall to gtve 0,0111 p,ctical. • Wiley uns4.4 the.Yvz - z.blit . • EXTENSION TABLW in the CottOrr pa j'Aiiiii ri , thew. ICr ,I;u iii it> I lII' a vie 1"017 4, ix. • of all ktiox don tat the.lip test luau::: ' - all ,Zze sart. X ! Orr 111 3:2 23 AI „ ' • ops-J. ousit i nios. : 1111t.r i NO. I drril*RS, r ........ AM 00 ON I , IIATIIAkit3EB tic . U NI) - .- T. .K . Tte,#tet 4=i,_b a ei. L , knit "on To, ie tA,,. - Ade:l%44W * it. Id Vcela.. l 3 l ' ~. 1/ ult" u 4 4 l u _ . Ifavlu utt complettto & .4 tv 449 MN MCA:. clt t, It I D th e a u , te , i n uttentug Ws %co lot , wi ~l ie utpt , l .to promp!,qttitt 4t, .tukt,t4tUtuty4utivuitt =- ~,:i -,. - .. 1 \ ~., ' . - , I ".:. -,_' • -- 'Litt W.: MOH 14 8 0 ' - ‘,,,goutroutt";liu.'. ,Istr. ,ite/2.--nuti-,41,- • ' .•-- • , •:-.. ii •• - • - .: ..,--- L .Y GF,O, -14.,.-Ti.N.flElll;:: Y.!4:2,.1.:14, 345., Proprietor. • , • or Colored 'Fork. 1 :f t. ll \ :.;*LiEY 4k, cntl443 HAWLEY FOOT 57 Couh Street, An NOW RECEIVING AN TM ;NTENS. STOCK OF 1 9 MENS;I & BOIS ETOING. CLOTHSi 1 I CASSIMERES, FURXISHING ? ctOODS 1, • • - For Spiingi►rid Setiniciai• trade largct. the place, (mpposito Excbango !Iola) . • •i• ' e. Fool% o. M. Llynorkr :.I.;igl34mtpu,'lN.: Y.. APril 7th. fags.; :11ONFX SAVED ! A. S. MANUEL • i • Ilave opned, at . the `old location cf•M. S. WSBOI4 in tita Brick Blbck Montrose, and we• shall be`pleascd to !ace allot oar old frienda'and the many new ones we hope togain. Our stock will couelatot .• GEGEA. RL Store Ago Onrbettsvilie • •. inlarge quantities arid variety. Stone-Ware. Wood Ware. liouse-Furetshing Goods and Groceries. ;We 17e311 giro part:cnlar attention to the Grocery. Trade andteep a ',full aseortrocot'.of Teae, Sugar . Coffees, Parany 1 - , , • --Jr. Grocpries & Provisions, In full fatuity, Balt find Flour. •We shall lei* eon *tautly on hand due brands of flour at much /era than old prices. and warrant ,to r please. Otxpda delivered promptly to 'onr.town rxistomers. TERMS t•L-Onr terms Will be strictly • ' . • . (cash or prOduce.) aphis it will be well to temetal. her, as thisiwill be the secret to our low prices. We atc COrifidellt that by calling and examining 'our goods and prices I oar will find that It wlllbe for yont inter est to try ofr goods And terms, . JEFFEUSOI4 GIIIMP . II4 Y. ItMatrose Map, 131 h, ' • • qA:R I TER, - ABBOTT 4, JOHNSON,. .771-10 1-I xlgt A T-xl 430. 'HARDWARE Blaeksmj ' &upplies; .AND TRIINKS E‘lacripialt's #t*tewie•l, .;G ociday BITRRETT'S CORN SHELLER tarc,9. Am) Szis Vi, 87-Washington St., HAIN9IiAIIITON, N. Y • , Oa. 10141S - 15.-1i; I ~3~.,R~ ^ V ~l ` ~3. ~. F 3 GROOM wiszwcamc.a..shevi.cizr, rm. -se. RETAIL , mamas wa°oBAl4' ANl' ;-IAnDWAI tiEAvt. AND _ _ oDs, - 3, CARRIAGE GO BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER.BELTINO , RMIBER, BEtTING• AND. PACKING; ETC., ETC.; ,Efr,0,.., lIVAit.DIVON it, BONS' °M a td ia t 44 6 08085-011? • • t AND ;101116MIERT13- • • tte• 'laid. ant 'Fa tes, • . 110 13excil4 the .WOrld ' Binieusuitfm, 0c.t.14111;1514= . • 'arp en.ter'' riONTIWTSi* Meirtincturvi ut, All kinds„ Wray N.) arctiati sad torgetlice them to o s l3 ll Otatif Itittbk. Ana ntstaliondoir e -Sph t Bando, paw*, 04.Virludow Frames', inoisheil to ordcr, salt Blfildin lad paperse tp9c- ' tinploy norm but, expot encoct wpr, a. leatop twat Um Methodist Ow") KoAttoile, A1(175.- 8 / 1 • . • • Iron, RarAwartottur MN= •. WAR/ • I ".1 lEl=l •80*D., i 1. - 4': - c:o4i_WIN ' Corner of Main and TurapikeSts. MECO . -BEALL= u 4 I" Co VlOlO TIN AID SHEET-Hielt WIRE, 13uildels' Hardwire. CUTLERY, ETC., ic.3r tlia Sow. Thanks too & z ratendiTor fast savoii►. ' We 'would be moiettanktul to one and all Who know they hate unsettled account itsrl th ua; it they would call dnd settle by the middle of March next: • : - Feta 4, lola. -; - - '' 4 A• ' - ; NEW- !NEW. STORE, NEW GOOD, GRiFy i i.4s - ..._:&._..-snR.E. ; Iron; Nos aid, Harhu ; OP JILU: ELII Di, • • CitOCKEß'Zik_Gia Itcs4:tcl.ya 3 4i3r, DEA.a.R3 z 2 • IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS,. PMIXERSIA2iD,MECIILNICS' TOOLS r - • . * : 444.144, for SEAT SrEpl OS, STEEL TITO, TOE CALKS - and VALE STEEL; dolt„ And the Improved EDI:MICR PEED CtirrElll3 The Cheape4t Place TO BUY & OGDEN'S, il shel * slBllnk tß Ull4ll46 *-e: aro AgOntis for w. • cocMacnry BI,LUNGE 4 SPxOO. ~~afiwss Capital Represented, $100,000,000 1 iniS, Lin AID .11601DENT•nrautuog: Ltireanool.London t.Olotto -, $ 2°,00 0 Royal Canadian Inn' lance Co,. or iloutreal,Ca s . ads. Capital ' Itec o ox , of North America " . 3, • g l in C° .iireinii.Co., Pk l / 4 41. . " ~ " ' W Natlonal,_ Near York, . ':',.." 4 *f . 5004 los, Co ~ ntato of rann'a •",- 14 .oto Ils ion !d stoat • , P..? 1%4 pycrintlag rite - 44 , of KO* $ 5, 000,000 Merchants' 4.50,000 hanatater Fit* Ins. Cii. • - " fito,oot, Pita AilklOattion of Phila. ATetnutanla, of Pittsburg, " 400,000 Pet:mall - rants Ins. Co„ Phila. I ramp Ins. co.. of Ph Ca, , 2sacoo Cltrrite Ins. Go. Providence; R. I. 0,0(Al floxet Williams Us, Providence, R. T. . • MAO Watertown Int. Co., Watertown. N. Y. • fro:00 Home Ins. Co., N. Y., C spl tat an 4 llorplas, 14,fi00.003 Atlas lire Ina. Co.. Hartford. C't. , 4 wow 13attehr4 rite int.., c 0.. c. spits 1+4,19 argue .113,400,000 flame Ins. Co , .Colutobtn , , CI. ~, toy* CitlzetlOttelna. Notvarkg..7. l, • . 300,000 'rho andereigpetiAsl3!E L AopiT for the follow In g companierfor Northern ran n eyltan is : Piro Association of Philadelphia. • LIIIMUIier Piro Insurance Company or Lancaster, The tritium:co Co. of the State of, Peonaylranht,ot Philadelphia. • • if X. Ml' MI . Minn:Vl:mai Life 1 Assettli 135,q00(.00 Squattest) Lite,PAirs., *. #44014000 .40 1 .00.1.7a3331Vir. Travetevitna.CO— Ua r tford , CapitalandSurplustiCoo.oC6 Railway Passengers 4 46 $350,000. Ttie under/ Igisect hasbeen weilktiouretotbliconntyr,tot thepast 17,years,ii .en Inturante Agent. Losses sustained hy,hitiqonisinles have +away. been promptly paw, , o►'Olticeupstai re, In building - east from Banking 0 Mee. of liVm. ft :Courier C 0..& Turnpike street. HILLITIGS STROUD, Agent. r .CRABLES U. s.mrtn, Mut Manager. S. LANCIDON, So11c)tor:: Itontuase. Nov. 18. 1/114. i ~ a CHEAP SASH STORE! "We pay CIA for GOOdu, and soll for Cash, and would Commend .• • • . • PEOPLE g FROM BINGHAMTON • and ile.nlty, rlaftmg Montrose. to I GiVE US - A CALL !peters; pure:basing efsewhere;so 1 16lenenalY adlidrled o . that wo sell the samuaotoat o Goods for • TWEN TY DOLLARS that they sellinißlugbaiiton for tlionly.firo dollars. New Goods Arriving Every• Day! liontroto. Nov. 11,READ ,It STROUD. It NEW P. a 5 2 OAINMUS - 'On nadirelnued his, an onnilbut line running to er ery train on.tbe IL L. a.;%V., and ifrie Railways sj. Sl4ping Batiagi • . at either del4-1111 he promptly attendiattp. Tie riew river bridge:is now completed, hence tber Is rib Ferrying., . • 40 . 41 .1T-11.1.45.C3•Xit . always on hand to convey passengers to any point ilk the surrounding country. Greatl U. 81/CHASIAN:Prop'r. ;mud. Aug. 19. 1974 e—tr. J. if BAWL ei s. B811:341:11. lEI 0. BLAMING BIDIGRLDITOIII atABLE WORRS,/ , [Errmusumo ni . BARNES BROS.. & lIIINDINC, DkAtEREI IN AND MANTIPACTIMERS OP gialin &Amnion Parbico, , . AMERICAN' AND SCOTCH GRANITES _ . , Marble and Slate lilantles, 2.G 'Chen augo St., Near Depot, Ifayl4. 1871. • DENIM MAT ON. N.T NE‘YORK TRIBUNE. '‘TheMding Am cities!) Newspaper." THE REST • ADVERTISING MEDIUM Daily, $lO 3 year.: Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly,s3 Port33e tree to th e Sobseriber. Specimen copies end Adratreing >Rates Free. Weekly.~ in clubs of 30 or more, only $l, portage paid. Atdrees • n3ll Tin TRIBUNE, N. Y. - . • wikEREN9gt. IT HAS EKR TRIED iIIarILIEZI* MS.& has established itself as Apar iegulator 'and seas '''' - i. 'mum for • disorders of the sir arising from Im proper action of the Liver and owels. • - IT IS NOT A PHYSIC, bat. y Misstating the se active organ's, gently and gradeallgremoves all Impar• tri Wes. and rentates the entire stein. `• /T IS NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, but Is a VEGETABLE . TONIC which assists digestion, mid t 1 stimulates the appe tite'foi food necessary to Doi rate the weakened or Inactive organs, and :eyes str gth to all the vl4l for- ' IT CARRIES ITS. OWN' COMMENDATION, as the large and rapidly me:easing sales testify. Price One Doileee Wile. Asir yott A r'druggist for it. JOHN. tyrcqr HOLLOWAY^. & CO., Wholesale Agents:Mlle., Pa. • • i tows • MORErAGENTSANTED. Martial •Deeds of Pennsylvania. Firat;Fdition Etdittuateti. • ( Comprehensive. tit and honcsble."—N. A. 17. S. Clitnette. Phila. "Tbo Biograp are to rbe praised for thoir accuracy..—The Preet, dila. "User riOd pa ; no library complete without it."—Sunday Times. PhDs. n.Your account of Gettysbururis the finest, full eat, and very best • litstory or the greatest battle of mod ern Tintes. , %—Col,l4:P. Nicholson, Phila. "No soldier should be withquil. it."—Bvt. Maj. Gen. lftndil. Piffle, "A jasttribute to distinguished services."—L O. Cur- Ain. "The Snag ksook 1 have yet. seen."—Col. d. E. Parsons; Harrisburg. - "Your Getq_aburg Is iheJustest Tot, represented. -+Gen. J, W. de Peyster, N. Ar. Ad dress T.. 11. DA_Vlti., a CO.. Publishers, Saneom St., Phila. 7 Met pm • . ! COUGHS. 'VOLDS, .110ARSENESs,, AND: ALIJ THROAT MEARES . • ',‘ ' 1 ) usx-- • WELL'S , CARBOLICi 'TABLETS. - BL s BOXES. p AND SURE SEEDY. la papally, an ft -41/r. fY & 40. PLlladolybSa, Pt. TR Sold by Drawl - Johnston; potiow ba . PEIIELI:tiGAAPH. io . SOMIT NO MEW If It AGIOTS. • C2l (Secured by , Copyriehrj With is an Inseam* of our own theresult of yen of lealdanat andr. _ and for Malta urprelislous. mimes* of cedar, formals or nitwit; is not approach by any other *tile of l'icture. Men rid Women want d now to solicit or ders for Copyist "and Kula:erg small pictures of 1 Friends and Los e Onos from Ttniypea,Ambro 4 /Pes. Photograph* and ague/hums Into tits new 'process Which will plata° ettrytunly, Gres wages &minion!' maneut haaluesa 4 tired. Sccd.f tall Instraction• to Cluomsoy & Co, s bindlo, $406 DI Let hircut, l'hiLa delphit4 Pa. ' . ' i Thrt • , 4.......-...... 77 ._ i 'it or i4)1:14 - Cli&lilliNG." Ilow I Y inicthene and*** the lino and 1 rpm they choose instantly, Thls , irsmeut taloa postess,free by well , lib a RUlrtili g 0 pride, Egyptian ora -1 to Ladies, Wedding _Night Ehirt,&e. . dress, T. WILLOJE & CO. Pub... 1 ., ftwi ."711.): 4 .4131031AZ tither sex In affections of any p *mate intaCtal stq Toroe. together at, de, Oreama. Uinta A quelar.book. A. Phita.„ Ps. 10 14 50' tithe: "Mort azttl tag.-BENT Lad Brok t4st. !ening Olboi term to Agent*. 't *Aphis. Npixtber. denerai. ( : INSURANCE AOENT, ThiCazitrcup ay res. 6rept Bbud, Ans - ordor for Danchy t; Co. IZZEI Tin Wall Street often' Inds to Tforikne. A 7 1 ow bock en !dome of-Wan Nuttt _ explaining PURL JOHN Illf.igLlNl3 eel). tiroadirsy t ti • York. tree WANT a for the cbreliest an e eyer published: Send for our ems atbonel Publith , g company, Plata. Stirl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers