The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 04, 1875, Image 3

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~crnE t'=' hal _
Iyangetuvpt Of .17161144
.rauLtaimmii:., (Dulli.) Ilx)p,0 1 ,12 yg GA
titAinst:. • . .•- •
g i ; r d i a,Fr 1306:,4. 1 411 0001'n 610a.11
sew m 11.4.„„.. . . . ;1000 ft In . : 3op m
-,tvy,.lll•llg. o.`o 200 pm
Framov';Ce, - (tri- week/Y - 0.4 . ..Y 8 00 a m
' / 03 aln • 1 " nk
110' tf S. La iTri'a 0.10.9., 600 Pta 700 pm,
Th e a. Tort:, tvia. allt7ose DiMot,) Now. Miltoril:
r u i,kh,,,,,loc.i . ,,Ruit.W.yntoibiNg• lite daily;
h e 0em.•,1 St st taStf.tats'l'am?dayi,lburedayt,
' 1 - 0,1 iii•ajzointou (Oa Silver take.)
* i11;4,.11111.1Y.ry5, and Satattl 4 ‘o,.e-
Frit rii.s ;Am mu. I i oat- "ritasitsys, l'buts4y4SAiid Bat ,
rr T hi a l a y S , t ‘ e.,. bun co mn',ltaus Sl4 . 4ye;‘ , Vilrinfiditys d.
A Stage leAvesdaclif 6 rltontroseltepoBB4.l-..tti;,•aitd
A st.ege ic:4Veg feir , s. .•
Ina re,n toe gt, 8304).1n. , •
' 1 • 4=O. Pt:),6llAlkt, P. M. •
lontrese Railway
th TA; •
l Arrowne,ra. or Tens:. e on, o
-yst • '
13'0%6 s`r:4, Ili. r. Trains
" • ; . sioninwario.
A.X. r". ;A:X; P. X.
" 5.00 • 3.01. /MO: .&Oa
5Pi ,110 ; ...:1:.10Z • 345 _
SI3 .1020 540
01 I'2o ' ' tin kers— ::1015. 35;„
, ..A315
• 33 102. . fri/ 5
INS ' • 40.. • • 45' Eos'
5 5 .1 • 143 lyuu .0116' • 4.55.
605' 154: .... ,Vre ryls • ' 923 445
• 10 . „ „Lnton ' 915 .4 es -
6tr n ..
„I) . 4 2 5
440 • SW.— Harry .:.....553'e ; 415
. 24r. . ' .355
stt tra: n !:Tin oect Tankharicocir , with P. & N. Y
IL 11. so Ag• north ttild •
.3 4 ME& I . prer,c
,•, • •
Naw Advottisements.' • '
Notlm to Ladies—Benj. O. Parke.' 1 x
J. Carvers:
Anti-S.`ccret Society:
Bridgwater Association
Notoi About '1 oNni
Tli . ere will b live :SiiqafilYr Atii,mt: this
We wonder 'why it • is that physiclani . do not
sivise po6r
. in(l,. to • go -. tO ‘Fatering ple Ces far
their. health. • Mi-neral Neter 'Seems .to be only
'beneficial to the 'wealthy. '. - ' '• - :. '
Seine of Mir ltadibal 'PrObibition . office-seek
. ~
ers appear to be sp•enark hat the, mast, haVe
s wastard•plaster en theln someNitere,lbr they.
sr ass lively as it'lly in molasal,. •• ;- ; • ,'
Thev'ertlict of JIM . coitnicOs )urk,vvhe held
in inquest on the hocti'OT Kane Vittr,icli, was
;adored . last Saturday e.Voning,-and, istollie
Woo. of "death by .violence, intliCted by 'some
ttiTon ., or persOns unknown." '. : ". \ 1;•...,.
The Drum Corps Minstrels-,Nill :giro , ati-tit.:
tatalumentAr:', the Cutirt, Don.s . e, On.,Ttliirsday :
itotporrost)' evening. • The public'. are invited ~
~ ,,aitenil., laugh and grow fist: '.Tickeittt ‘ can b 67
incnred at W. B. Deati'S:Bc;olt store:'' \ '..::- •:
ht.. C. ]'ark, son. of Benjil l ark of Parkvale, ,
this cc to ty, Ntts In :to*it on liindity• last: - .'De
is introducing a ite,w,,sutoothing, flUting:,:und.-ls,
trumping iron, as will be rtoticed . . by reference:
ts his adveritsentent in another column.
. 2 l• ..,
The next Mon Union temOrance meet
.lc, of the linptist , and„ Methodist etittrches,i.
lield at the .Methodist ehuseh next Sab-.
lath evinfing„' August Stli.
Armor of: , the .Baptist ehurch, fCili..de4iver a{
'fempetancesernioti bil . tbttoceastonl:
Thtre Isus ' a caucus of the i 'moro leading*i
pbiicuns'! hchl • seiretlyon Monday night lasti•
tirldah. we. , suppoitri "otru'rt
Ihuse s lting,'' and other . ..prominent Itepubli- : ,
ma;,:,") to arrange the sinte';toiPe
'awe aristheratie ineeltaniesl,",and the"rabble!'
vt SIMI !, evening next rind,ol2 , Montlay . .-•- •
nut say this is sane of our busi=.
l e s s, 1V ell,. jmrhaps it ',.islnOt. •
It,is mgonishing that ilerp,art-no,patriotie
f'ddical i'whibitionists who ' - arc,'seeking the
•: - :;(13 et Auditor, 118 ttiere , zre three to be Oleo-.
r k when:there are, twelv‘e or les* r4intthe
mutt'tr over with a fine toothitd comb for every
llier office.. Can it, ba 'the . .thet
lat the salary is ()lily frictin .. s49 \to ip.s - rnrikes
le officeseekthe' Man that party ?• " Would
:,.tot Li:well-to reduce tin. salaries of the
•and see it' the_same' iphildaihropy
meld be -manifested then
Ow Monday best the RadiOntiP,nibibition
uirrention meals: tire have_six. county offices
nil this tall and we iutve,3tt naretia.vibo, like
:'!•sitient Grant, dre ready to !'s.aerifice tor the
.t;eitiert,2l on the itadieel side of the ltonse that
.annottneed in—tbe clieiniblicau this : Week.—
J. •
Tillitnyk has seenteil totvltt: . wlnd theta all,'
le at4irts tube re:elected liegister, and - Re!
:ottler, andhe lin'ttiot W. J.Judd, a Alethodist:
front -2;;Orwketi; X. Y., to 'gime down:
aye and 4 r,often" his - way . throtigh 'the pplitinal
Nr,rittity, by a long re.i . ,nttnendation to the
ttre i y
. of • tile People; assantih,g to use.t he ;ante of lernoertilit is' a )
4idgiron. s uch prayers Are novel in, this
vs,Ltry. How far they fluty be Aniweyed is iri
is future
Wu desilTe t&at;the Dtkonne, shallr increase
,-,, . .
o imerclitland favor, even moro.than it already
-,,and we respectfully sOlicit Alm en operation .
:an who can sena 'tis ; :interestVg- items of
ews frkiai all parts or the tunny.; Ita.coltinnis?
m free to,ail for the.dissecninating et interest-:
4 Pteti and each section' should avail -itself or
.ie typpOrilMity, ' l.6ll4ings and ' neighbor-,
4.-K1 wruirgles are otno lutertht,to :Us -or, any
.c: dio , ad %yip be .exel4eii, 'tittt 'growth' itid
.o , perii J., a eei hau ts and incidents-as:they oc: •
zt au! interesting news, 1 . .. e all 'our reatleTs.- 7 ,
S-4 , kl th em an from cycry sacOon, - 11'1inie':
ling . ! bring- your Ration"into 'notice, cateateln4
dry and result in peetuliary lienefli:,'ai veil
I iunli:4‘u in tercsting, Ma etfor the prihlic. ; Ne*-
am sifould tooae -the vii ptiritittity: or Chtim;,,'
+;A coraer ia , t4i.iii. ilOntrt,y papers.'
lat from a . BeeStiug. -:'
The rife of iktr'. Joseph CusterAtiNi",?Teestei,
, :ne pickin'g .. parsley in- h - Lox ,teeeilly, f
l' Rt urrk 'in ` alb - arto iTy'aslitiii.' 'lll6;init . a.urc I
, •ninriu•ett taitttlaine Itrinieolo.elY o iinitrekUl:
, i is"hex tleatb. Medlinil aid 'was palled 'in,
:t was of zio avail. •. The aruf,ivas krillen-tn
.t xlioultit.r AIM a •,eilowialt . liquid' iy4s ctis.:
'Lrg,ea it oat the arm . in .seyeriaq places wher!
', Ia a o,i 0 o iiL--.ltoilkitmap, .Demetraf. - ,':'''''- ' 'farad
1116 short hay `lrOp dompelalhe farmers ••.to.
';:band every resoiren. ; and' * they: are , an
Slug, every yal -.
lAhle',.,_Mpans -to' totayitie.
ooming IV in es'il -linpply JOY their, stop:k.
':!-. "Unusual twicitint of Joildci corn : is"tieing
•rtc(l an'd turnlp 0c(.41.1s IJO'ing tiOwn, width,
*At b:dance of the season - .Shoulcl • Prove: ;-ii.. '
4 bie,will yield en enormous anioutit or whole'.
, ::e food at a liory ' tilling. outiaj , .,Ot innot aid -
i' ' . iiitd .
'tv.Y. Itivn tat I,ltty u16!,,1a empty a,
Sa t .; a iew Aron dred bushelmor turnipa T
4vqs orcatrots, It'll - pniiin-inirex*leFit ‘,:,
too - fall lincli upon. ' . ~', -•-„: : :
RussellXeCreary, .M., /./.
' „ -- of the Botanical
school diid in hts.olllce tit Anhui:it: Centre, dor-
Ing the might of I'Uiy.4) tit. - ,lie was leund'ilead,,
the morning of July, 10tb,mud an inquest was
held over 'the remains by Wm. Lee esq.,tind 'six
-others stonmonoU at:cording to lsiv, Verdict,
.13,ied a natural d*„(1." Ile was 4uried,in JerL
;16;Ir Bill Cemetery. ' ''.. I -
The dwelling hOri.‘e and .unueetspied stoic of
Charles O. Cole, of Lynn, was burned liatui
- 'day. • .20 •of thelt 'V I
. Iteip. , ,
.. .
~ . night, June ti - h, Idost , Inn art.
Ls 4itlieulty 'with , niost , Mittel* - n and. fliO Iv " .tiit t lNl * ' VA° is ' t tiutn" t° 6 e-the7oa;
4141 Of Au much overwork 'ii thatijoo : 'little , which.was ttilkv, insured; hut t ) r some mishap'
`4J is 'tan:puled, Not one'finner In - tenlliesi- . : —the insur44o, ° ' lnt , be _ eu i leet 'itli think the
'4 bin% as lunch lahor as be Onght,to hd,able • OHO' Ilad.innexPr94; , The origin' of the. fire.
' ? 6ll '"hiruse, ism!' rarY letv'entidoY enou#,li. i s:Puktu'w-u:
'kki;p up vyitl, tie "work. which they laYlotit.;—. ',:,. The dogs still riurene:tiltelr diabolical trade..
'lv tomit, is gull - work gets, ahead. ot thein, ' l'..kt . .,.sheeli of . 101 . 1 0 3 1. Frolics. niFe nttnekSd,
0 grim- till they cost . fonfold 'to,-deatoY;,. the might of Aline. g:tith , but not -being fastened
'l's ;Inuring the
,cnijoyond,theii9O,44i t iie r It a field, they histetied to the buildings, where
c ' , tw three 1, .b llah , d -.50 th -hi ' i careful sliitheitf - Vog iiecl` ill' - ' ,t 1: IRO
onr wee -0 et n an 1 - a t, • - , . eta.— e
, ~oes through the iesson eAlutitys at albs::: ~ ,later, „ in 'the evening, .the tisane "dogs - - attacked
~(..- A men; chase , is . nilong".ehlutSt s !fil i k"ra•Prkhurs !lock ' ; killed one, nosily liIIIIA,
14 old ' suy ing, and 'nowhere-Ai ittottrejrn# '..nnOthert one lb . Joiti and cannot befound'und
is isre l hi g , . ,. .„' V'.-',,; 4e.zif,thaindeiortue tins It are-more.or lesion:::
Intpertiut toZruggists. ;
. , ,
' ' l !Tcarti,, 'elrfrY druggist :freParra -cit ra te of
magniAlalciribis trade. A few,,days ago an Jo-
Iva re cane agent titiZed a quantity`of it,,inain= .
taming thd,l it tvaS a violation of the re •enue
laws. The ippervivr..did )301. s agreo with him,
tida-cver, as he did' notAink It' was .fi p tent
medicine, or liable to tax. The matter was le
furred to the 'Departnient at '',-Irlrashingtoit, and
the following
.is the opinion or the Commission'.
er : "I have`to say tltrit the medicine is officin.'
al, as you state, is"put in-a style or man
ner 'similar to that of patent or proprietao
medicines in general, having - directiolis for ite,
use printed on, the label, and without the . form.
ula by . which it is made being either printed or
referred to owthe label,and, eon Rep eMly, 'tithe
opinion .of ~ this office, is of interest and impor•
billet todruggisk generally." ',
-....-~~ i ~.~--,.:~-.
Power of Coroners" Defined-!'
Ther'' is 'a .iast - difference ot opinion' "as to
the legal powers of the coroner to require, the
attendance of jurors and witnesses,' arid_ ty43
therefore give extracts from a reeent'nUmber of
The coronet kollice or ministerial
judicial in the holding of, inquests, ministeri
al •where" he .nets as a subititute for the sheriff.
When he ; hold an - Inquest; he sits as a
offlce4 r- :aritted" with. all. _the. ordinary
'poivers possessed by judicial officeri.
It is his duty to , iiiintuou • before his inquest
every person ,whoriL he has any•reatoo to be'.
Bete possesses 'any. knowledge relative to, the •
death whit idle is inveitigating. fie is to sum
mon such persons in the mime of the common
weal th to attend before biro for examination.—
Ile is committing
•magistrate, and it is his duty
'if the jiiry• find, any person guilty of
to commit that person to prison without bail to
'aivait his trial.
The finclinir;ol a coroner's inquest, iu the old.
English law; wks equivalent to the finding of a
grand jnry.'; I answer the queitions which have
been propounded to me thus , publiely, because
I think it important that the public should on.,
derstaucl -the nature and.cluiracterot the duties'
of the.coroner and the pOwers which he pos.
'Same people apparently do not know the na
ture of those duties, and as I ant informed
question his authority'. and dtgregard his subpoi-•
nas. It IS just as well that these persons should
comprehend the scope of the petwers of the eoron
er,•and what 'anthotity .i .,*. is,:armed with as a
judicial Ofpcte to enforce • thoid.poweri. It is,
the duty Of
. 01 persons. stnintinea by . the Or
oiler to attend his impthit, - And if they do not
obey his summons•the coroner's duty and
right to compel their Weld:lnm hy.attachment
'and to punish them far ',their' . disregard of
. his
- sulmcentt by fine or imprisonment. If they re-.
fuse to attend advise hip ;to - ceiMpel.their at-.
tendance by attachments. ' •
As.droltirning accidents are' not infrequent in
this vicinity the , ocettsion tipr the adoption' Of
the follewing plan ivay arisB :•• --;
The tiutlittr 'of 'The ,t‘reach at Dente" says
thatin his walk one- nrrning he saw a man
pitlll?.il out of the' water, apparentlydrowned.-
- lie: was laid on. the right side, the faee turned
,toward the'gronnd, and the jaws gently opened
to facilitate ib 'e' escape fif water, liieveral times
the head was placed a 'Utile lowe'r than•tlie rest
of the , body. for the samepurpose; but only for,
a few, seconds at a . flint,. . la the
there_ as &regular _manipulating process to in
duee breathing, which consisted in pressiT'T the;
abdomen, stomach and sides of.tite .cheiti, but
"softly. i . I
• The efforts: were witiwut t effeci';, the man
looked as iflie bad seen the lasttif earth. Then
the prostrate - .fig.ure was 'T.11111(1 to the nearest
station for. qie, reset , of 't.ll,e ( drowned. Xere
the man was, stripped el' Wiped dry, and he
was laid, turned on the shie;sbetsiee l a two blan
kets on straw matiresS,i manipulating Proems] ;
was reSurned,Witb infer:lds of:about it i quttrer
of a Minute between each pressure of the body
the 'pressure being . repeated fift`cen or -twenty
times, followed byft suspension ol ten minufesy
Twentyminutes VI cre p,
a physieittn: employed on
appeared and took ' clip
warming nan tilled with
over the .body outside 0
larlYover thls.pit of the
of, the chest. i This was
tie friction of hot woolei
ked hands, and the sok
~ .
Paints ial ;the...bands ;were vleorously - rubbed.—
An 'operaor, bieattio,t.l" into the -Mouth of the
man by means of
,a- tube., . ' •
These eflorta alio proving in 'vain,. the physi
cian had recourse to the introditction,of tobac
co smoke into the intestines.: in, about ten
minuttie,.pe man gave -tt , feeble sign-,,0f life,
wheretip all maniptilation was discontinnild
lest it should interfere -with the natural move:
merit. S'ooti be Showed a dire to vomit,7hieh
It:ts assisted by a leather intri ) duceil.intro` the
throat. , ROW long the Whole rocess lasted is
not stated; but the 'reader will - see!that iw"s
.leng,thy. 4.te.w days ••the Writer att tided,
2a ball; and - among - the most lively dan i t't lm
ot t ...
'slim' the drowheclune. . - ' , •
et!lheie. , :
card. that Dr. Van Ness las loch.
' ii•Centre. . I,
The soh°, d of 'Miss Mary Degnan, in the
Pickett Dis rip t; closed July 2; to be re-contirm.,
ed f..ept...1.s . , • . , ' 2 - ' • , •
Jelin tlartis esq., of Ottawa, La salle cou ,ty,
111., aririVed July 3d, to s-me 'his . tither, Milton
Barris, wli, es very,Ll. .
The school (Ise' at Auburn 4 Corners, built
by a contract ollSi 4- Alia ingi . !;c s otnplpto and
is said to be tha-l4t. one in the township.;
. „ Thp.funeral of Maryotta,•_infant',dangbfer ,of
David' and Sitrah' - I`. McCain wits . attendea ac
jersey Bill, juir 4.• The :funeral' Sermon .wa
delivered by lbw. DoneY, Irom
~.nush Mission
from the 'text, tit: : Mark, 10,44. '' ' • -
The Nter:ll of ' :Mrs. Susin. -- ;stvackkaminer
wife of J ohn= feiiiitickbatnitier,-ttiok. place at Serf
,se.y . I,lill, 'July 166: k ter health hai 'beim fall-
big for some-time and now almost soddenly, di.
seise has destroyed the Yining life, and leaves a
huShand and one child to :noon] her untimely'
departure,' 1 , , • '
Auburn and
teti tit Aubu
Ther i atroiss . of ilus Ir and iy ,enjoyed a pibiiie
at Atiburti Cer.tie, July ad, The . festival. was
exceedingly agreeable, and P.a . :a:Waits of dellc
ions straWberriei added a kecater zest to the ox
cellent bill illy-fare. prepared -byz-Anburn's able
.bouservives-: converts teok.the :first'
step towardsra fuß.inembership iu Grange, No:
:nY's • Works, where they aril" turning out
owing machines by the hundreds, and ship
n n n g : b t e h rs en a l b t o n u a t i s l ,:r parts
inhabitants the b i ta nntgsnanntirlym, annudifiittsis;
deed, 'on • extensiVe, enterprise ' Towaucia,l
to . these hard times, a very, lively business
. pod ri healthy growth. It is situa
ted on sideling 'ground and• lias-very'many fine
ar d heantifully hlcted residences, and possess
w rat-many towns do' tuft, the facilities iiir en
joying both.mountain and :river l air -without
imgrating but a ibert distance:'. It has a very
fine'brick', graded . school building ,Which is
44ily, filled •by bet Ween.
1 41)0 and 00 -scholars,
mid nearly a score of telchers, and is spoken'
"efiti t Y the citizens and patrons ,as a first-class'
'school. Neither time nor space will permit us to
chi jUsticelo the town in its description or that of
the hospitality We - received, but, we hope to
• 1r
hate a chance at it again at some ftiture lay.--,
,We will cl' is , e by again ackmWledging per ol:
ligatiena a ii, al king our 'friends_to'come over
, .
the •hills a d see us, and although • we-cannot
hilly d eischa tb . e .debt we owe them, yet, we.
' shall' be";gl ofnn oppor,tMilty to al ow our
good will. . . - '
i 4. 1......._4..................--.—:,..
ttocS,, - CliPplags, Wind putd:the Straw
_.; This was Ti pired by the writer for the In
&pendent . R , I,lkan. . Alter Waitiitg uPon lar,
Fritzier,,to as respectfully its pnblic4iim, he
4Clined upon the ground that it mould 'incite a
tqigioUiloiltroveriy;althopzh be seceas very
Stiddenly to have, thought of that part of' the
, •
qu (ion, after publishing correspondenee and
e '' pings' in 4he. Independentße . priblieln for a
inie filled with calumnies and falsifiations of
4,1 1
Church, her doctrints nd..her ambition.'
IThe MONTROSE DEMOCRAT seems to be more
faithful . to. Its nioao r "Stand by the Right,
though the
.I:leavens lalL” Interpreting that
Motto for itself acid 'giving some others a chance
to: do the same. - . , i , •
have been - for some 'time an attentive read
erli yenr.paper, and dwell with 'pleasure as I
- opo!.n - tiach Succbasive'ituinber of the liidepend
,e,nr Itepublkan on those beautiful woro of Po
etry so apropos
_for the independent RePubli-:
cans of every:, simile and color, who glory in
flinging to the,breeze our noble fing,not alone
its stripes but ifs glorion's stars, sis'they re-echo
tliose poetic words of . your patriotic heading,
"Here shill the bless the Nantes right-maid
''' lain, - . , '' ,
Unawed by. influence and. unbribed by gain:'.'lt is - words under the heading - of each
suheessive copy of the -Indepenfirnl Republican .,
fling as it were to the breeze, with an inde
pendence; Worthy of att. Independent Itepubli
:can;yeiir name 4tanding as if,were,for a guaran
tee, to stran,gers, whecOuld not drink in'all the
bewieri of this noblenfoLto,nor redall the slot'.
ielthat rush, upon the heart, , z.ontemplating nii,
der , the poetidirords and Above your name, ev:
en.l.such . a 'simple
,"emblem as a-printed paper
flag, that emboldens me to ask Permission to
say I: few words in your Journal, and offer for
your accept:snen , a clipping, clipped from a pa
per, that 1 reglarly 'receive.
And when I hatre felt pe:rchance, I might be
refused admission tb Year : columns, I turned to
your other motto;"Ftvedgin and Right against -
Shivery and. Wrltig"and'akid;the man who has
suelitiohleinottoes at the headings of his4onr•
nal, cannot bUt' know aneknowing must be
willing tasow titith,"trutW - which Is poWerful
and iestinied not fdone fortiori,buffor nterni
ty to Prevail. nut, alp 1 even under these no.
lilt4nottnes l and the ',l4esatems. emblem Waved
aheve your , name,
,the' truth is not always
Ilung7tiithe breeZe ands. men taking adVantage
pf:yotu noble healings„your grand old emblem
and'yorr protecting name, fling, beeausej they,
And it., easier, faisehoods and
''' ecalifinnies
underthe guise':at,' v zeal ' for. eilueation
and whati -they • 'pall . love of . country
and exii: ' d'patriotism. ' I"; - notice tilt at
Writers frosome places, often given 'as infor
mationli e - unto the following ' That one
t rt
Man is en] ivating a: 80:wherry. patch ' ; :moth.
er Mad& a new' fence near Ins barn ; another
con:me:teed to,: dig''a ditch near his 'chicken.
coop i anOther 'bought - a rake,-a.plough,'or it
new tnachi r ti.e of some sort ;' another,perchance;
bounced .an, the be,yB ,and a g4lB". at the last Spell
iig, bee and,thade them "kit," Items to
the; above
,ati:Conaidered by some as neither,
uieful nor l ornatuental in . a paper. But...they.
arein a 'ce Sin senr;e very
. USeftil,if they ericour
age,indust :, 4141v:tie suChlittbits with the old
and young '.. Thei Inive at ! least the' merit of
being trn ful, when the; named Individuals"
have blui AeriiiielOs-in.the.aforissidd•honor i
able, resp tablel,indttlitriou.s calling. , But is it. 1
.. . .
~ ,
not a pity thax'nipa cannot 'write simple truth
similar to the alesvn,vrithout joining an called
iteuristian Aeaoniskions"and"Pittitintrg conven'-
tions against secret te:?eleties"to, emitter and :.dis:
seniitutte low lies and kiw ealuronies against.
the Holy atliolietliurch, her teachings, her
precepts, holy ambitions, All she
asks in a fair field;and . no fait! , and intm the
housetops she re-echoes her principles.and tells
of het. open . .iide -an guarded pat: s—Lwairing
aloft even yOur motiii t which she 'calls her own
"Freedom Right against Shivery - and
Wrong , • •'. ,
fine iquibs,sciathbedV,sqn'ibbcrs agaiast her
teachings. we colkhl „allord to piss; by, were It
not that so.called tttteiire'llt .;iiteni reading, ttilck
trash► nnder !the noble *tines thn .1114004-
eill antl.the iprotecting ilttlueoet of
your moue, utouoiwere4, aye, sometimes, ,forti-
- z- , '--• -
I. • MO -
ellymangleit It incocorae ., u, 41,te o- euv_e
tha!tiocks' doled remote irom'dwell
ititti. Three Or' tour sheep , bellsr,sbpuld
to fled tkeach , tfock to give - alarms; ;and beseof
all, every , dogshould:be compelled to show up
a good history pi his 'evening whereabouts ; or
be Instantly consigned to the tender mercies or
BOlogna sausage makers, .
~A: Personal Ittentien t . • . , - .: •
1 ,We intenil to -he personal" in mentioning a
few • thingi.'„about a. trip . Ive - - took, last_Week, in
J. 13. M Collum, esrkt .
l'6orn )an *lll.l o Towart
: sla, the 'County seat of
. radford county, it be.
ling our..llrst•visit 'Abe e. 'We had- a pleasant
i ride Over:lite: MOntrose :13aliWtkr tequnkhazi
'neck' and also' "a last one on the Lehigh Valley
IrOm• there: to., Towanda.: The - facility of our
'!'riiAriow: - - truage' . .'-brulgei,the distanee 'Woderfutly
'f' ronimhat it tried:to b 6, i We left Montrose on
kite 1" o'clock .p, mt train, arriving , iin, Towanda .
t 5 p. m.' We quartered .at the ' Ward Muse
-nil bound ja..cemgenial host; in the . per Son of
1:r..1. g..iin n ee,the proprietori , who was fOrm-'
erly a'resident of our county. , ~.. , . :,
l.We must be permitted:to inirilfest 4 little 'en
.lntsiasm ' in..expressing our obligatiotr to the`
1d friends - and. the; new ones whose acquain= t
tztace.we there made, for tho
,kind \ welcome we,
nitt With', en.every :hand, and the special pains
t ilk- Moke 'our lint one of pleasure
Ifil4 contfort,leng to be remembered.' Whpn
we mention - .their, names hovveyer,. it May not
be the ieast snrprising to those wit* know them.
'We fell' Into the hands of such men 'as .It, A.
Packer, esq.; (who, We ltiirn, k : sutiorintending
. ..the" Wysat • Farm" occasionally ,and the " Wy
gox' Farmer's" danghter oftener, its well ns i the
-Lehigh Walley It, R,), Cpl. Piolett i Col. John F.
ury and James - Ward,,esq.., all of whom vent
Ow iwliole time Ivo, were therciin eicorting es
about the .. town 'and introducing us to ' their
friends, placing :us under weighty . and lasting
.obligationa,..and : theugh we feel that, our Rai
tieeS are weak for:discharging these obligations
y V . the "will" shall ever remain' with us.; Many
I•hose name's we did 'not retain, showed us ev
ery courteor - -Weleould'expect:and More.
,: . .
. 1 We called .upon our "friends, , Arvord of the
lieportor and Parsons of the .4r,qttr, - and we
were cordially"received ' and :found' thent in a
proSPeroua etorldfilon. • , -I !, '
Our :friend ,' .lilladden -
,& 'Sen s ' showed' -na
ti rough .tire'" Eureka . Manufacturing= Com-
:lied, by, the :-Ifuteri:sqiilbrof larger SqUibbeni,
consider ,Oopal truths.
I' the faShioniutlineotni7
try, arof for able6iiiintrYrkPapiri, to makia'What
ira called clippings, scissorings, I may be par
doned for eilling'ithetti, sometimes, squibbliags.,
from-dilierent papers Orf the importiuit- topics
'Orthe --, 'Oeineitiberirie your noble mottoes
and thinking about What some of your corres-
Pendents luvrewritten and of sonielippings I
have seen,in the .laikpe)*nt ReptOacara, I have
presumed to ash - 'the insertion •of this little
clipping; - about Politielans, -and the: Catholic
Church only One,of soi r m — any that could be mat;
by those who love Yinir .motto— . •
.lifer° shall, r.tbe 7 - Pre'Ss the ..People's Rrights
f• •
Unwed by influence and unbribcd by gain" .
. _
A ./ i re.testilt4 Journal,-the-Washington Tri; ,
-bune, thus alludestOtin' ,- attempt beinginee to
raise sectarian issues polities, the part
of certain of its co . -religionists. The _Tribune
very warmly stigniaties the base - attenipt.---
Since the close of the - ar the polltipiani have,
• at times, beeh at a. losi fora pecidiar: and
.tinetive issue to . prese — not to the People.
Various measures have :front time .to ime
been - suggested, and .- now - there seems to be
cropping out a - design of certain wire-pullers
• to-make ttieCatholie Religion a prominent fea
ture in. the next Oimpaign.i. Our suspicions res
pecting- this are l confirmed by the following
.quotatien Iron% the June number of.a political
niagaiine Published,in this city : not
all:men Who.arefamilleir with the story of An,
.manism in the past, unite .together. to defeat RS
- .nefarious. piirposes t ivrid.• to rescue the Republic
from the power and sbaniethe Papacy Would'
inflict ppon,it. - It is high .time - that we are or
ganizing for. the final Overthrow of this Beast
of darkness: and corruption: Let there be
nucleus at once formed' in every. town, Village,
,and hamlet in the land of those with arc, willing
to stand up for the doctrines, the• prineiples"
and the customs of our fathers. Let 'the insol
lent and Insatiable) demands of the rriesthood
.be-met-witlha scornful and determined ()midi
thin. siiripTe - truth, is, we - must `` now d , t.l
• troy the Romisti Church as political power
in the land or it will he 'liwe to',dostroy Us and
the time hodored and noble institutions which!
have hitherto .tionstituteil the boast and the'
pride of the citizens of this Republic." .7" .
,Such is th e` condlusion of an essay on the ,
. . .
"Romish (!) -Design:in America."' With' the
controversy liet!vetn. Protestants and Catholic
'as . a secular journal "we have nothing to do.
When, however, politicians who are really un
concerned about Christianity in any form, seek
to make - capital of religions prefudices to
or secure power, we "cannot remain silent.. It
'matters not , which party pursues this line of
[teflon, the raults will be- the 'same and its de--
feat .eertain. -
B. it Slrocsizio
'"AS the Cathollek embrace but . one sixth o
the population and have never held power, eV-1
- enin,at Single State as Catholics, we May.saY
that olur.:goyeratnent . has been :Protestant and
our r publie,school sytetn - , had • full sway under
Protestant control : But esti we boast of our
r • • • - •
record to -day . ?' , A republic: endures only as it
is haied upon the: virtue's of the people, yet
~ -
witness and a rapidly increasH
ing devotion 'to wealth, luxury, and . pleasure;
drawing within its= insatiable vortex the entire
industrial interest tif the land, and tainting 41 7
most every household with its deadly poison.—
These 'evils are the true issues demanding ai
tentioa... It is an insult to :our intelligen ce subititute others , which 'appeal - to thebasesti
passions of, Men. •
' . The common school : question-is a local. one,
• and will settle itself wittiOnt repeating the ruin
and cruelty of Isiative American times. ,Con-
Tents'niay be burned, chin : ones desecrated and
destroyed; and ClitholicsTsliot. down 'in: the
streets, pit the words of .3feCaulay, with which
we conclude, maybe aptly quoted at this time
to show that such pure efforts to 'destroy only
adYance this- ciutreh 7 ' This mat Protestant
schelai • and. historian says : "The Catholic,
Church saw _the' comtnencement \ of all the gov-',
"*inmen.t and of all the eclesiastical establish-.
tants that nowertist hi the world, and we feel:
- no.assuranee, that-ehe is not destined to see the:
end of them all. She was great and respected
.before the Saxon, had set foot on Britain, before
the French had passed the Rhine, when Gre
cian :eloquence .still flourished in Antioch,
when id6ls were : still worshipped in the reinple
of 3lGcca :' • : ,
, .
Are often hear it said that the, world con
beconiing, more and, more ,entighted,
. milstbe favorable to Protestantism and unfav
orable to Catli e olicisiN We wish, that we could
think so, liut?,,we see great reason : to' doubt
whether this,be a well founded _ expectation.—
Nay, we bel'hfve that, 'as far asthere has been a
change, that,change has; on the 'whole, been in
&Tor of the. Church:of Rome. _ - Wei. cannot,
therefore, feel 'confident that 'the
.progness of
knowledge-will necessarily' be fatal to - a system
which has, to say the least, stood its ground in
spite of the immense progress:made by the, hu
man ram in knowledge's
Thanking yeafor publishing thislittle clip
ping about PolitiCiatis and the Catholic church,
and .withourr,attempting to answer the many
cakimnies uttered against he Catholic church,
bow she instructs her children. to interfere with
Education, Polities, otc, I beg leave to say, es
pecially.because so Many believe thie calum
nies, that, in every country, (men before this
generation was horn, to-day,and the !inure but
re-echo to the past, we' shall find as we exam
ine, not like bigatted, prcjudicq observera, but
-SS men using the reason. the ligkt, the faCulties
'that the God of. Beason, of light, of facilities
has given us, We shall find' in every question, in
-every village, lihniler,city alike tn kingand beg
'gar, rich and Pnor : that the CatholiC Church
,taught men that they shouldrenaember and ,
re-echo not only by wor, by voice, by sound, 1
-bat ,by example; deed, d lief; that
which is yoUrs, whiCh s re-echoed before this
ti t an
generation was born and;cclio until the
endof, time- -" Freedom' and Right against
Slavery and Wrong"--of whom , indeed it can
be sail, "Etie does The People's Rights main-
Min, unwed by influence Mid unbribed by
gain." - If in presuming to . thrust upon any of
your readers, the little. piece
, about Politicians .
and the Catholic... Church, wc had not your no
ble Mottoes, your simple emblem _ of, -our grand
old flag
, to rely , uPon, we - might be pardoned
for failing back, even at this late day upon
thoSe last but not least eloquent words of the
Great Peet, telling us low fie the evening twi
light fade) away, the sky is filled with stars, in
',visible by day, Anti if any ; of the highlyin
telligent readers .of. the ladependint .lil.rubqeon
r those not, so high intelligent, should ten
, ure our forwardness in seeking to point out
nie stars risible 'both Y,:ty night and day, we
. ._ •
only: in ; extepuspom of , ,
' the. Offence
the Poet's warning, so wise, so old, that, - Gym-
Maud given not toitaliehood,`trtith:-- . -
boldl be bold ! and - anywhere be
But not too bold r Yet better the excess _
Than the defect, better the more than less,—=
, Let us again plead for"pardon, desiring,to
give expression to a 'wish sounded noticing
since-by hue of your' correspondents from Bus
quehamut Depot, Whe often regales'us svith eat
ninnies of the Catholic - Church and her =bi
,tion, even as he mins this beautiful language,
which the Church re-echoes ; ' •
"God give us men ; a time like this . dentin&
E Btrong a jninds, great hearts, true . faiths and
y bands;
Freedote:weeps -
Wrong rules - the land- and freemen 'deep,
Permit. me Itt say, that the
ctttholie • Obttret!- 'dm her;children to he 40v
ent`ot and em•nist- sticklers for these noble met
toes - whicli-greet• 'the eyes .or eyery ;eader si)f
the tockpendera Ripithilean, .
. Great Bend, July 27, 1875,
411,dness Local",
.1 , , hi:l'3lll . rd 'quarterly meeting= of the N., E.
Pconsytionin Chtistian Assmdatton opposed to
"Secret Efeeieties;_*lll 111; held; .(D. - V:) ;the
Prohyterian• house.'or,worshin; tit •Ar 3 tat,GOill
ulerietng• Ttiesday, , 2 &cloth; Atigest 17th
audi eontlntdrigithiougli Wednesday, 18th, fOl
- :.../.11111e . .-..Opeatters tkre',.-:"expeeted •to he
present._ , All are invited to attend and partici.
'pate In 'tile woceedings.- •
11.A.mgott, I ee. Seeiy.
• ittaust 4; 1875: .
. •
. -
...The fiftieth anniversary of this association . ;
will be iteltt.with. •tite Baptist .church - cif-Mott
resi4 cOmMeiteing On .Tuestlay, - Auglist , ,24fll.--; ,
The ; iatroductou• sermon; (Seml-Centennial)
mill be",,prenclicil by. Pastor A; 'L. Post, at "2
o'clock. The Sun day School: exprehe's will, be
on Wedliesdayafternoon anti - eyening,the'2sth.
The history of the - association - .w.i1l be - prepared .
by Brother O. - N -. .:Worden. The memorial ad
dress' by 'BM Pastor of the church.' A commit
tee on - .hospitality -will be.. in waiting at the
churehlo.mrsifli to 'delegates their - homes dur
ing the' meetings.. • The eh - Strobes are requested
to gii , e attentbm to the srgerAl. • NOTICR,, on
page Sof the printed minutes Of_ this year.
- J. EXit&ssuffit; Cor. Sec'y.
Montrose, Aug. 4;1875. • ! - •
. .
PotE'cioAns at the ReYstone &loon. • •
Pk.txtris roasted fresh 'every clay at tit e Kew
stone. Saloon. - • : •
CALL AND .EXA'ACINE our $2.50 BOots,. nt
Cheap John', - - 29 .
Ihuan Ifgan,--Ice cold birch beer on draught
at the Keystone Saloon. 1 26tf
. . .
OtroicE - Chewing -Tobacco - at,-Itic KeSrstone
Saloon, West, side:Pnblie Menus;: Montrose
Pa. ' • I. , - _ . : - 26tt
Pno'rottitaPins.,--Picturis taken in all the lat
est styles. Old picttiri%. copied. and -enlarged.
Also -a splendid lot of frames .for sale cheap;
t - • ',at G. W..Doomurr.tell.
• montrOseorunelp,'74.—W.:.... •
WAT - C11V,13, Clocks laid .Se*clry. repaired tit
sliOrt notice and warranted 'ready - when protn
isetl at F,.• D :31elhuish'iJetielry'Store. former
ly Isbell4..Melhuisli's. • - -
..liontrose, July 28,
Impoirtvort To Aik3.IOISEES.. • .
IC. N.. Willard; - Register in 13ankruptcy, has
issued . an order making the "First. National
Bank"-of Montrbse,.the :only leirtil depository
for all Assignee funds in Susquehanna County.
3fontroSe, April' 28; 1875. 17tf.
TILE .r. , 07 . WiNiER has been one of unustial
severity. Stock of all kinds, do not appear to
be uuing fis•well as usual. Those who. have
tried it, say, it pays y times over .to etc
their stock, at this Se .on of the year, a few pa
per of Taylor's Co 'tion Powders. They
cane obtained of any dealer In medicines:,
Como I .
A. Hicknox-antiourices that helhiti4 17t-leav
g Montrose sooti . All who _•wbuld - liko some
.or his work would do well to attend to it with::
out delay.. . •
His "tchite cloud? i , igriettes area very..unftitte
and pleasingieture, an entirely new,stile.
Montrose,June 16, 1:375
AN: e are coot' adding . Ile* material to
our office; au our Large. Stick of ',fob Type
tied Four Printing Premezi Defy Voniyetition
both iu.Priee and .Qualitv,eitkei in Plain Black
•tr Coldred Work. ll . Awt.Ei f & CitusExi.
A. 13. 11trrtss, atthe.Eagle Drag Store, keeps
.on It - and-, a large and well selected
stmt: of pure Drugs and Medicines, Paiuts,OUS
andliarnisb, Mach a very large assortment of
Pore. Monnaies, - cornns, Brushes. Perfumery,
and Toilet SoapsPhySicians prescriptions
carefully coinpountled at all houis tit 'the day
cud night. Give him a call, • Sign of the Got..
den Eagle . and Mortar.
.Montrose, June 9, 1575.-tf."
. . . . .
Spioor, TEACITERS will please not • forget the
appointed meeting of Stye Teactiane Associa
tion , n at..Wilkesbarre intrust 10th, 11th and
The place3ls se convenient to . this county
that this meeting shotild be improved'
many. as can arrange to go. . .
Our County. Itistitute
_will probable be held
during the week commencing Augu4i 30.; place
31ontrose; unless for reasons scime c.rilter place
be selected. W. C. Tim x,'
County .
34outros,.:1* 2S, 1875
Br' togn 310w . Lcu MAcurxEs.
:Mtrmcra all you that are' about- to procure .
neat 'mowing:machines this year will neglect
your interests'.lf Yoit fail to fully,. examine the
Eureita•Mower before. purchasing. - E. S. Smiler
at S c ones' lake Will - exhibit . the machine at any
title, and 'order 'tittOor . yon at , once if 'desired.
J. 1,1.-Lytin - On :Morose, also can supply you
om ishort Four- Standard 5 ft cutting
also one Pony on hand; .
I Can.Supitly you With the' best and 'cheapest.
sulky horse rake in the market.' Call and-see
• ' , it S. Stim.E, Agent.
Montrose;.7tily.7; 1875—tf.r ' .
. There is no' subject that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment olcbson
ie diseases. The astonishing • 'Recess and'. re.
mattable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of 'clairvoyance, to 'the
study of the constitution of man; and the
curing OF . iliSeasea front natural remedies. *Cafes
the; worst forms 'et Somfula:C.:!attu-rh;
Mille Weakness, A'Stlima, Kidneys or: Bladder.
Willlto et the' Cafferty . House, Binghamton'.
Thersday, Friday, and Saturday, -August 19th,
20th,and'21it, 1870.
Juy 21 ; 1874.
. •
WE . WEEK expOsed last week' to
storm, that wet our feet and stikking4, and In
dedd,oar person all over.. Itr tact -nee took' a
craCking cold, which brougbt:'6ore throat and
sti‘t:ere symptimaS of fever. Thd good. wife as,.
*witted her authority, plunged Our - feet in hot
water, wrapped us in hot - blanketkrind sent our'
faithful son for a bottle 'of AYERA.CIrERAY-PEV
is:it splendid inedichie,--pleasant to :
take and.did the job. We slept soundly through
tati`nitzlit and awoke well the inext Morning.—
We know we loWe our (161c:recovery to the
PectoraVand Shall not hesitate to recommend
it to all who - need such a medicine.-:-Thlntacana
(Thrto) PMibliteriata. •• • • •
. •
.July 14; 18711 , —tc, - •
C. P. &MN & CO.,
al Cotirt -Street,
\• • - Binghamton,
have made important reductions In everything
in the line of - Spring and Summer - Goods, and
'noti• offer the:'balance of their stock'of Sum;
mer Silks, Japanese Silks, Dress Goods,Shawls,
Parasols, Cam bries;&e., at lower .prices: thin
tf:e same, gooBs. have .ever bftn. sold before.—
We offer an immense stock of Hamburg Em
biolders,iangieirr' in
. price from 10 cents , to $3.50
a yud. In, Kid Gloves. and Corsets', bur •stock
is, always . 11111;1nd itOmplete. - • •
We will make if , an object for the people of
3iontrose"And to call upon . its, by Direr
in& the best goods market upon the most
favorable terms. • . •
Binghstriten,Atly 21, 1875.
Tbr•. Fni,sr Pz.Eanuir MILK PAN.
Pifteen peicent. - more butter. made by using
Clad Punk Read What they arty
• • - 'Barituntoon, N. Y., August 1x;1874.
Neut.*. Bannei if Brown : The Pans that I
bought of
you are all right. 'They Raven vast'
amount ofwork; and we get the cream in
bail weather. WO make just um gOod Witter in
July and Aumtst irs -- we did in June. — We have
runniug water around "them alLoflthe time: I
would not do without- them for - three times
what they txtst 'me if I ei t itild . not get, another.
Set. ,' They ,are just - what every butter maker
should have, aid will - when they get their eyes
open. . yonatruly,
N A Ilintwinucit.
;Rana can po ragen at ilayden
erit!s! •
- a - etra laiDgai, General-Agent,
April ,*l, lti7s New Milford Pa.
• JtittY Lis*:—Tife following is fiat of Grund
and- TraYnree Jurors .drs - Wn for,the ' term of
Court' to -commence at, 3lontrose on Monday,
Angitst Bil4ilFls. ' • ;
Graw !Juror&
• Arafat Ayary, Sherman Williams,
-Abel ;P. , . Borplen. I I
. •
Auburn— Frederick MA88011,410. Tewksbury
• BroWslvn , ,,-"Wrii. P.
Dutnlailt--Wm. - B. - • ,
Gibscin-:—Thornas Evans. - , • • •
'OrtAL Ben' tp.—John 13ratifort1.
- Gristr, Beni! borti.--peury Colsten.
IlatlGt'tl arlianeTmgley.
3t•lstiti--Prederlek . Daytnn. • • '
Lenox-4311es Clearwater, Italstead,
Mont.roo - -411ettry )L BanneWN, - -
741iddIktowa,41toger Phillips •—• • -
-He nry ßeelsP - 4 1. A - *rtktniYl
n Patrons. - ,9f
Rogla -4acksciu B9liet jitibeo-11111111,.Ortuige
S: bccan
Sliver Lake--An' Oa 11 - ..ange.• -
Thziettie Jumis—llist Week. •
, - Auburn---John Riley. - - • - •
- Bridgewater--Ilorace Brewster, Wallace Bul
lard, Ira Foster, Dahl L. Simber,iDavjd-Sher;
er, Chas. P. Watronis. -
Clifford---Thonms W. Atkinson, "Tobin Lee.
Clioconut--Mattliew Stanley, i i
Dimeek—Wilson Birch.
lik'ranklin—Warren .1.. Luce, Simeon. L. Still
well, Samuel D. Turrell. -
Forest Lake—Francis H. Scmthwell.
Great' end tp.—Nelion Baker.
Ilarford•--Payson, D. Brewster. - • -
Herrick—Marshall O. Diconick,Terome Kish;
Ilarnaony---George Fromer,
' Jesup—Edgar Holles,Nclsoin Blrchard,Ttilu
doe. 3.leKeehy, Joseph Steiger.
JacKson•-;-Geo. K. Pease„Hemy R. Stoddard,
Asa D. Corse. • . -
Lathrop-Jasiner Williams.
31ontrose—Nelson Hawley
Glcitia- -
New Milford boro.-L-Nelson Hager ; Willard
New Milford Westbrook,Harvey.
H. l Grinnell. •, - '
Susq'a Depot-:-Sameki Drakci.. •
Silver Lake--.Jarinintionergan.
- Tar•erstt Juron—Szon,d'
,Apolncon—Asahel Gram. -
''Auburn-- - jarvis B. Cogswell,
Bridgewater--Orison; Foeor;
Clifford—Chas:ld, Hunter; Robert H. Wells.
. Dimock---Tliomat B.i .Williams, Jai.
Pranklin--Noble T. Buck, Louden B. Cole.
Gibson—Wm. Z. Belcher, Wtn; Maxey.
Hartord—Andrew J. Adams, Gee. A. Linds-
Herrick—Burritt Burns, Sandford Bu rns,
Jackson—Charles O. Tingley. \
Jessup—Henry C. Bertholt.
Lathrep—Rulbs P. LindEdey, Dyer Williams,
Wallace J Steele.
Liberty 7 Spencer W. Laceditram Law, Pe
'leg! B. Martin, Daniel L. North.
New MilfeJd tp--Jasper Jennings.
New Milford boro—lliram Hibbard.
Oakland—Bradley Beebe, John G. Rayniond. ,
Sush—james Moore, Ahnzo Williams.
Snag's. Depot—John 1;. Barnes, Henry II:
Frank Perry,. Geo. L. Tiffany. 4
• Springville--Jarnes Koons, James Beason.
'liloytrose, July 2s, 1875. '
The Markets.
i New York Produce Market.
RepOrted Every Week Expressly for Tux. MOlll2Olll
- by Rhodes & Server L Produce Commis- -
l ion Merchants, 26 Whits ball Stvet.Newtrark. !
, New York, Friday, July 80.1875.
Receipts last six days 16,797 pkgri;
Reilly fine State Butter continues to be held;
with considerable strength. Creamery palls if
fancy readilybring 35c., though as a rule grocer
ymen are limiting their purchases of fancy, and
looking around for a' fine grade of Western:—
They claim considexable difficulty in obtaining
40c.' at retail, and many. 'prefer. to purchase'
good quality of Western grades, which' they
canretail at same figures they haveof late been
Obtaining for tine State.
Firkins.... . . .. ......29 30c.
• {u good to prime .... . . '..26 @ 28c
Pails, choice new made..... . ..32 33e
Pails, good to prime............ 27 @, 80c
Pails, common to good ' 211 © 25c
Receipts last six days .. - -131,805 -boxes.
The receipts are very heady as will be noticed
by above figures. During' the peat three days
upwards of 90,000 bas.. have been received.—
Tbs-shipments will undoubtedly be heavy again
this week, • •
State Factory, fine., .........11 113 c
State' Dairies ' _lO @ 11 ..
State Factory, fair to g00d... 8 CO 10 .
Receipts last six days.. ...8,22'2 pkgs.
The supply of Eggs continues Very moderate,
but the course of the Market is a trifle irregular
Some receivers report a trifle improvement in
the demand, and a - shade better tone to the
market, while others still complain 8f a slack
movement. • I
State and. Penn.... . I.Bgg 19 c •
Western choice brands 17g@ 18 c•
Southern' * g
Apples an quiet, butt holdersare very fir..
and confident in their views. Other fruits con
tin ue dull and more or less nominal,
State Apples, 1
quarters.. ' - to 8
'Peaches, n peeled, st)tteL 15 to 18c
Blactberes. ... ... 7 :•. 7 7 7 77- 1 6 tc) 63ic
Raspberries, new ... .23 to 25c
. There is a fair ,seattering Ol iced Poultry,
which is selling readily enough; when in good
order, but owing to the tubre liberal supply of
Live, prices are decidedly in favor • of buyers.
Turkeys, State prime, 5ma11.;..17 to 18c
Spring Cbickens,per lb I 20 to 22c -
Veal-Caives in good demand and firm. Gras
sers plenty and dull., Sheep firm. Lamba plen—
tY- I
Live Sheep 53i to 6%c
Liv Calves, State prime...... 8 to 9c
• Dressed Calves • to -c
The supply continues liberal tbedemaid slow
and prices woak and irregnlari ' • .
Norfolk New, per bb1.,.„ .100 to 12
Centaur Liniment.
There is no pain vohich the Centaur
Ih k Linimentwill not relieve, no swelling
. ,
/r-- they will not subdue, and no lameness
11 , which they will not cure. This Isstrong
.- ./ , language, but it . is 1 true. They have
, q. . produced more cute* of rheumatism,
' 4 .. 34(Poz lingo, caked breasts, scalds, burns. mat
rheum. ear-ache, (lc., upon :the human frame, ardor
strains. spavin,galls, etc., upon ./ animals in one'year
than hare all other pretended remedies since the world
began. They are counter-irritant, sh-healing, pain re•
'Revers. Cnpples throw away their crutches, the lame
r iw alk,polsoneus bites are rendered harmless, and the
Iwounded are healed without s scar. The recipe is put►
listed mound each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
bold before, because they do just what they pretend to
do. Those who now suffer from rh stism. pain, or
swelling deserve to suffer if they wit not use Centaur
Liniment, white wrapper. More n 1000 certificate')
'of remarkable cures. Including fro n limbs, chronic.
rheumatitim, gout, running tumors, te., have been re
ceived. We will Perld J 1 circular cunt bag certificates,
the recipe. etc., gratis, to any one r nesting it. One
bottle of the ,yellow wrapper Centau Unimentis worth
one hundred dollars for spavined 'o sikeenied hence
and mules, or for iscrew-worm In 'sh . Stock-owners
---theselinlinents are worth you attention. No family ,
should be without them: "White wrapper family use;"
4 7 '..liow.wrapper for animals.: Sold btall Druggists.-
50 cen ts per bottle; large bottles,, $l,OO .7. B. Rosa I
Co., 08 Brefidway, New York. - ' I •
Ctsetorlik is more ttein*substitute. ',for Castor Oil.
It is the only eat.: article in existence tablet( is certain
to assitr.ulate tbse fond. relegate the boatelti, eurii wind
wilt-and produce natural sleep. It 'contains neither
Minerals, merphirie or aleonnl i midis pfessitutto take.
Children need not cry and ;tethers natty eet
0ct.25. ' '
aNArr---NiroirattnaToN-4 thg R. pir
ionage in Mudejr, July Ilth,by. S. Bow
man, Mr. Edward 4.,Knapp, of Montrose, Pa.,'
and Miss Curia • E.: Wort - Mt:Wont, of Hughes,
vibe, Pfl. _ - .
WurrsEr—EfoLomoN—At the louse of the
bride's parents, Bast Manch Chunk-Ps., Tues
day, June 22, - .Pianii.youngust port!of. E. Whit
ney, esq., et.Oreat Bend, to Miss ftfittio Belo
moo. • . •
I X)IELieb:112111C0
WRIONr--4a Springville, July. 13tlf, Bva,
daughter of Charles and Jennie . Wright, aged
8 Kean). , 1 1 - -'- - ' i •
m i t
- • Rooins— 11 Hariatd 13t 22d, : Jane 224, daugh,
ter of Jeri h' and ,Margarat floerfs, aged 37.
lairs *ld 3 oaths.' : '1 - . .
Ilf-toils4.--t t...114! , _ -rlblenoe in 'Montrose,
Sabbath evealng, July - 4 th;Dr. Jaffa!), Black
nian, aged 81 years . and Soong's. - "1.
Tas.3au.--Fn 4fier, Jtme:42,: - of Inallan
10'W Il
- diphtheria lti inuf,; 3 4 * . sticOraya o
W. daughter of Amos arid •Drufitht:Tatular.
aged llyes,ro, 8 months , and live da I,'„' ' On July
gd; o r the g l are Afiseese, - 41 ter; an! illness of 18.
Jaya;, George 8 ., 500.„,0f •
.A.%ol = F;' d ,DrnalUa
Tanner, • I' 4 'l2 years,, !MT .d la drys. ''
El I
HATS & OAPS, ....'
Dress Donis, a good imortment. - Prieto, all the new
and fall patterns in the market. White Goods a
groat vet?
, .
. . . ,
' . .
. . . .
The largest stock in town. - - Pint elate goods' at L.,
prices than r bought of any other, part i es in the
place. .. . .., . , ~... -
. , .
all the latest a tylos.
. •
a fall line, and good goods well made and trimmed.
. . •
Call and Examine my mock before purchnsing else
where. I will not be undersold for the same godity of
goods.-by any one in or out of town. ' • -
Butter shipped. Prempt returns at the highest mar
cet price. sales guaranteed, bills cashed as soon as re ,
. No. 33 Court Street,
As we have just returned from the (ty of New York
after pureba4ng a large an d selected stook of
• ~ . .
of all kinds bought from first hands, we are now pre
'pared to offer goods at vices that will satisfy the clog.
est buyer. Wei. have also added to our large stock of
Dry. Gooes, an 'immense stook or •
for Mei and BOy's wear. We are now prepared to
who will give as a call u we have flrs I clasi Warkiire
.engaged for the season. - • • • •• • •
Ladies and gentlemen, you will Ware call and exam
ine our stock before you Purchase elsewhere- '
Thankful for part favore. we bope for a continuation
of the same. We Ii:7MM
Yonra74esper,4llllY, •
garble Moths ,t
1017 - 13eIng the Only Marble ' Works In the
All Work 7arrmkted, as' Represented
By caning on 98.
Sney's Diva,
C 0422
::. .io,3:i:a,,!**-6,*:10,
.ki,mip.ig, i,-
ID: . D. tis.inip.
oViir h'l =Y
*outunte, Much 10.182tS:
!ark be YOUR OWN AOIINY for buying
thtlano 61 hututei gjt ti• MO
'• We wilt fdru ad any kind' of-)'tat Class Ork t ris ad
itiettfues at a disoonut that will goy you to al deter
purctuutlst.. Have ItB per 'sesta for carryfutt Truttro‘
laws /menden trial,; ~..11$ lett/menus and liaelolaes
In we're/Iced. ' - - , F ' *
- ' • - --_ . , .r — . MOLKTIstf
_ r , 31footresit. April 'f.:•7s.—tf. '" ' - : . .
IVOTICF.II3 arvEN. in accordance with
- the provisions or Section Bd, of the Act or As
seutbiy. approred April %Itti, $l4 entitled .an Art '"To
:provide for tier Intorpondion and resulatinn pt telt:tin
corporations." , That application will'be made to the
Court of Common Pierwor Susquehanna etituity, , at
August Term,lB7B, for i Oh tater of Incorporation or
The finsquebanna Conoti, Fanners Shansi tire and
Fire Aesociation. The objects or said A ssochillin ars
to protect its members from lON by Are. and to asses
its members to pay a certain gum to the rePreeentelin
to amember ha cue , of death..,
New Advertisements.
, Just Receiveil
New Milford, Jane 2d. 1875.—t t. 22
Blrighliiniou, April 29, 1873.—tf. .1 8-23-'7l.
We would all the attention of the PahllC watitlni
Manufactured, itt extdblion, aid for asio at.
17 3EL ZT IV la NIL 311
Parlor Setts, tom $6O upward. Chamber Setts frOtn
gio upward. $1 opined. Pure Wool
Mattresses from to $l5. Oak. Ash and Walnut
Eaten& n Tables from $6 to $lB, •
You can do better by parclutsingrdur goods of OS thaw
.of any. dealers In tulssection oi the conntri. We will'
not be undersold by any one east of New York City.—
No cztratharge fur packing or delivering Rods at the
depot. .
We tlestire to-saya word. In this line we hare Rtelnee ,
Patent Casket, and a wwlety of other etYkdi , Botha
Robes. Shrouds, etc.
. • •.
nielicarre and Careage attacl:ed to our establlW
recut cannot be surp3ssell la this sectlon. nevi wilt
be feralshed to those who require, at a reasonable - no;
are, anywhpre within a radius of twenty miles from
this city. Gino us' a call.
fllnghtontan, May lith.ill7s.—tf
31iro s 3MarglarNarooi
• The eldeti f itad meet reliable grin !lithe trateed Stain
They took to prise medal awarded at thip •
t9lltrati FAIR, AT -LONIXitt I
All god es ire warranted free from dampen; and ear.
lonirose. Max 6 - •
$5 to •20 per Ofb°MAlL=
young and did, make more's:envy at *ifit for as, is •
their own.lotalities, during their spare Moments, sitail
the time, than ,at any thing else. We offer em ••
ment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work,
Yell walk:niers, terms, at., rent free. Send as jaw
address-at once. Don't delay. Now is the Itgaa..D.R . l
look for work or burliness elsewhere until •y olt. IMPS'
learned what we peer,. G. STINSON & Postlimmil
Maine: .
. .
Vim andereUa
".13ndertallThg a spiv V, ~.,
.. ,in their • . :besinala4 , • •
AU needing thelrnervice* will ta promptly/Meade' -, :-
It!. */1414111° gmeiraill"l l6.7llMll ai-iiiioCie :. `.
: likiendsville t PI., APrU 71 M 5. - I+4
*ixaber 81
• New -Alive#ltenestr
Southern i Tier
88 Washington Street,
3.3l3l6b.a.xipirecizt, ZWm,
You will Find, he
lilltieMlP 07gi E
At the Loweit Priceis of atilt Store ;in
• Bouther4 N'ew Yprk.
MI Geoids Soei are WARRATED ae Rep4isenyld.
I .
N0v.12 1874
The Poopko's DrilE Slat
R. KEN. YON, Dr igglr Apothecary
' The underedgued would respectfully tionottacs to all
the .people everywhere, that to his already extensiv7
'stock ads-varlety of Merchandise in the Grocer/. Prot
vision:and Hard e line,
lichas added av. choke assortment of PURE
FUMER.r, which he flatters him it he Can amiss
the public. they will find it to their advantage to exam
ine before par,:hneng Ciallaherc. To all Phyalelanl4n
this section o' the coital he vuuld respecting an
noance thlt be has sezur,e, d the services of R. Kenyon.
as Droplet and Apo: bees 'v.. w Lose long exneilenee and
acknowledgeticare abll • 'y. en:Ille him to year an
tire confidence in the Ihr of compoandlng medicines
or prepalng prescrfp'lotl2, And who would also esteem
it an especial favor to receive calla from any of his old"
-ustomera or nevr.ones. W II make the Patent Medi
/Ines, specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral
Waters—au extensive stock , Alto fine Groceries--
In fact. anythine and over , thinr, that Is ordinarily
ed. Itespeelfnlly ',eliciting a call • Iran:min
Powder . : Posivder Powder 1
Blasting, Rifle astr,Shot Poynter, Shot, Lead, Gun
Taber, Caps, Pouches, Flasks, Fuse;
. • ae., gc. , tor sale by .
M . ontrose. Sept. 9, 1614--tf.
,Figures Do Not Lie I'4
i.;o .
Heavy ttonalle pants, '. 1 Lao
• Stout wool-mixed pante, - $ I.Z to
G "
ood all wool pants. . 8.00 4.00
French caselmere pants. .'
' ', LOO 7.50
Heavy workingmen's F 111 tf , , 7.00 'lO 00
Scotch cashmere snits, 8.00- 11.00
Harrle-caesimere snits.' • ' 13.00' 17. pg
Fancy chei:k and stripe salts. , 'lO.OO 1040
Black froelt coats, 8.00 ' 9.00
Black dreeicoats, imr.o'rted, 10.00 14.00
Black cloth vests. 1,15 . 4.013
. .
White linen vests, . . 4 on t *Bo
.'. BOYB' , 2Stras, 3 to-B years.
Boys*Cotton salts.
Boys' inlaid snits,
Boys' fancy wool silts,
• Boys' SLIT.1 4 •9 to 15 years.
Boye:t!chool suite,
Boys' fancy eta:s, '
Boys' finest as , lutice sults,
'Youths' suits. all styles,
Good cotton shirts,
Gottd overalls,
Gooul rubber suspeutlers, •
And all other Goods in propOrtion.,..
The above vices are for cash only. and are quoted.
for customer's:front ai distance.
$lOO Tu?d i fl E :g Fwitfictiltepree."ig n ot
per cent. lower than those of any other noose in this
city or vicinity. ; -
. • . WEBSTER, The 'Clothier.
. )3lnkluiniton;May „- • •
:NO. 48 Sc 50 Washington St.,.
Would respectfully call ottentlon to Metz Imo stock
ey aro telling , at from 15 to , 20 per 'coat. lan
tofore. A full aitoortmeat of •
257 3Etraka,clWay ir
$ 100 $ 4.00
4.00 6.00
&OD - 10.00
$ 4.00 .1 7.00
- .7.0 a 10.00
1100 14.00
' 5.00 20.00