The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 16, 1875, Image 3

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    V olume 32 .
Arrang,ement of Molls.
A rri res. Departs.
:Wpm Ism m.
t n;.ock .
Cu Seats:
1‘, 1 ,01. . . . 1100 pm illea
10 00 rci 100 pm
. ..... 945 am 400 pm
.Int wenk.y.) . 600 pm 800 am
u. Jul m 700 am
e.ttri weekly).. Crollptu 700 pin
trrueekly.). ....... 1000 s m 400 pm
rO. iOa Montrose I)cpot,) Nem Milford.
An ri Nyyrtlusing are
Nation mail nine Tuezdaye., Thursdays,
1;,(1:1:initor1d Silver Lake,)raste Toes-
And Saturdays.
I runs Tuesdays, Thursdays,and Sat;
h op pri, nuill runnMoridaye,Wednadays,and
daily for Montrose Depot at 1 in.otnd
daily for Now Milford attBOft.M.
4; A 30 p. nt.
rcso Railway
.awt,t Trnins. To take drool on Monday
1 . . Montrose .........10.40 6.00
. .. ...A11en'5...........1025 545
, " ....Cool's .1020 640
....Hunters .1015 535
5 .. ... Inmonlr. ' —lOO5 5 2 25
• . . spring.llle... ..... 945 505
Lynn • 535 455
• . . A very' ...... ... 925 445
.. .... .. Lemon ... ...... ..9 15 435
Lobeek.... .. .9 05 425
........ Marcy' s 855 415
..... ..Tunkhannock 940 355
ronnrct at Tunkhaneock %lib P. &N. Y
~rtb and sf,utb.
.I..iListrator's Notice-estate of Lambert
.anclal Statement of , Montrose Graded
:14ticial Statement of Montrose Borough
1. v.nOcum. Ball—P. Phulney.
—A. Ilickcus.
,ancons — Cheap John.
About Town
pr,ud day fur Montrose. We have got a
t ,prirkler in running order.
certain young lady is so modest that sh•
not permit the Christian Observer to remain
Icr room over night_
v. Dr Lyman Wright, of Binghamton, N.
viL ,ecupy the Baptist pulpit on Sunday
;, June 20th, Dr. Chesshire having exchang
v;th him
lea, be useless to expect that our white
on will ettlebrao, the Natal Day of
hvend.mice, bdt perhaps the "colored
will pay doe respect to the Fifth.
iro,L, in every direction on Monday
1.,t. Corn, potatoes, ano other things in tnany places. Ice reported to
,i3rt,r or an inch thick in some of the
se!, tine stone walk from Beebe's quarry
.aai pot down in front of St- Paul's church
1 urnpike street. When, one - more walk,
don,: we Lathrop homesteadds completed‘
Kill stand number one on walks.
u .1 Arthur Bullard, of Wilkesbarre, spent
lay with his father, A. N. Bullard. The
s.tys that he can, see great improvements
i,,ntrose, since he felt, some six years ago.
will remain for a time in Montrose,
:,,• doctor returned on Monday morning
ne Council deserve p:aise for opening the
,: at the Itxit of 'Public Avenue, and for put.
• in a convenient pump. Mr. M. S. Dessauer,
own account attached a cup and chain
tto accommodate the thirsty traveler. This
lie of the finest wells of water is the coon
will supply a lung felt need of a pub
t.inking place. We wish more of the same
could be opened in our town.
N‘ ben the Republicdn gave an account of the
.m.piracy' • which we published last week, it
by saying "mum is the word," and 1.1.0-
r is verifying it this week, for he has not,
•rtioned the name of E. B. Hawley •9r the
L..uocuAT but once in the whole length and
~ich of his paper and then only to sign a li
., on the charge be made upon the County
\V.. are informed that there are persons so
void of even human respect fur the living or
.lead as to commit depredations upon the
m,uments and graves in our cemetery, by dia..
'..ring tomb stones and robbing graves of
flowers and boquets. We know that
ch despicable characters are limited to a very
r.sll number in our midst, and we are inform
that their names are lalown,and if any more
i.r..slations are committed they will be pub
-11.2 d. and properly dealt with.
7 to re has been such a racket about the Court
:11-w for a few days past that we were inelin
-f to think the County bad started a steam
factory, but on a closer examination, we
tliki it is simply Herring's men, putting up that
0100 safe, which the people have bought at
f low figure o'r $3,000. We are more fully
ti,fivd than ever that the sate is large enough
fr. !he use the people will put it to. The Rad
e:si Prohibition County Committee can make
)a,rron 'examination on Saturday next
,ind report hereafter.
ly Gardening.
Hewitt,ot Newifoid borough,
one of the finest gardens we hay eseen. lie
Lens in lull blootn, last week, and other
zetables equally forward in proportion
Roue Barred.
Ti.. house of 'William Brundttge, of Gibson.
V..s. county, was toutly dutroyed, by fire 0/3
,thmsitay last. Mr. Brundage was at work
the road, and 'Mrs. B. was away at Sohth
nt the time, so that lit very little 'of
the r2ontents was saved. The loss is qUitit - ti s iity
, 11. , n Mr. lirundag,e as he had no insarahbe up
on the building or furniture.
Fourth of Slily on the Second.
Members of Susquehanna Grange, No. 14,
P of 11. intend to hare a basket pic-nie upon
the Fair Grounds. at Montrose, Fridar,-JulY 2,
IX,'Zi, and they hereby tender a cordial Invita
tion to the members of all sister Granges to
PM torus and hare a good social gathering,
anti to invite their farmer friends ( to join the
good time coming.
State Teachers'Association. v
1 lie nest meeting of the State Teachers' As
buclation will be held at Wil44lburre. We hare
lust received a vote from .11r. Eastburn,Chair
m,L u 1 ExecutiVe Committee, atatibg that the
Lac ot bolding the meeting has been flied for
iumist 10:14.11th and 12th. Those hang; Bog,-
gestions tc make, which they may think it de
sirable to submit for the consideration of the
EI.:a:LINT Committee, will please addressAtr
11. B. Eiwtburn, New Uope, Bucis c:citinty.—
lx4d of Hay Seined. '
farmer named Utley, fromSnear Factol7 - :
rifle, met withquite a kW inii.sf,moge manner
in this city on 'Monday Mort4g. - He was driv-•
mg into Providence, along
,Market street, with
eload of bay, and when opposite Corsvin's fur
niture store, persons upon the street discovered
that the back end of his load was oil fire. They
shouted to Mr. Utley and he brought the team
to a stand still, slipped from ilia load .and de
tached the team In time to keep them from
scorching, but the hay, and ft calf and firkin of
butter which were ulion" ismd Wertyetty
much destroyed. Liberty Hose - Co., were
promptly on the ground and a prompt applica
tion of water saved the wagon from being lota-•
iv destroyed, though considerably damaged.—
The hay was set on lire by mischievous boys.—
Mr. Utldy'a loss Is from forty to fifty dollars.—
&ran fon Journal. •
Meereifor the Ladles.
The following receipt for doing up shirts
will be found of use to many wives : Take two
ounces of tine white gum arubic powder, put it
into a pitcher and pour on a pint or more of
water, and then' having covered it, let it stand
all night. In the morning pour it carefully
from the dregs in a clean bottle and cork tt,and
keep it for use. A tablespoonful of gum water
stirred In a pint of starch made in the usual
manner will give lawns either white ur printed
o look of newness when nothing else can restore
them alter they have been washed.
Be Careful
The Letrigtoun Gacette contains the following
sensible caution : The practice of young ladies
and others sitting atAleir doors, exposed to the
cool night air is certaibly very prejudical to
health, the effects of which may be felt in years
to come. It is not dangerous in the early part,
say up to 8 o'clock or a little after, and even
then wannei clothing 'than that worn during
the heat of the day, does not come amiss.—
Young ladies, be careful of your health ; it is a
blessing which once lost, is gone terevbr, and a
little attention now may save many a pang of
pain and sleepless nights.
Up Train.
Important Decision.
The common pleas of Huntingdon county
decided some time since, in a case where s mag
istntte bad neglected the formality of reading
the contents of a mortgage to the wife of the
party executing it, when before signing it he
examined her separate and apart from her hus
band, that the omission was fatal to the validi
ty of the document, although the paper on its
face was executed in due form. The supreme
court has reversed this decision, and decided
that the certificate of a justice 01 the peace of
the acknowledgement of a deed or mortgage is
a judical act, and conclusive of the facts certi
fied to, in the absence of fraud or duress,
A Woman Burns Herself.
Last Sunday morning Itlrs. James Henry, of
Henry%life, was forma almost dead in the cellar
of her residence. It seems that she had been
deranged for some years, and has repeatedly at
tempted to take her file. Last Sunday morn
ing she arose as usual, dressed herself and dis
appeared. No ORC knew what had become of
her, and search was made. At last she was
found in the cellar with her clothing all burned
off her body and
. almost lifeless.' She was
brought to her bed and kindly cared for but
died within two hours atler she was liscoyered.
She set herself on fire. She was about 54 years
old.—Stroodsburg Democrat
How to Discontinue a Newspaper
. The proper and honorable way to discontinue
a newspaper is to examine your account with
it, send by letter what you owe—with a stamp
for the return of a receipt—and order it discon
tinued. To simply refuse to take it front the
post office without paying arrcarages, does not
release yog in law, while it is unlair and di:-
honorable, because the support of a newspaper
comes in small driblets of $l, $2, $3, from each
of many widely scattered subscribers, whose
wishes the editor can only learn directly from
themselves, and whose arrearages though small
in each case, the newspaper can not aff ml to
lose, while the subscribers can pay them with
out difficulty.
Kegs from one piece of Wood.
A new industry is reported to have sprung
np which consists in making•nail kegs from one
piece of wood, the use of staves being entirely
dispensed with. The process is said to he quite
simple. The kegs arc cot into the proper length
and thoroughly steamed, and are then put into
a kind of a lathe - ; here a "veneering knife 'cuts
the wood the right thickness for the body of
the keg, the sheet rolling from the log under
the sedan of the knits just as a carpet is unroll
ed. Another knife cuts the sheets into the
length required. These are then transferred to
a table fitted with goring saws (otherwise call
ed drunken or wabbling sawowhich cut wedge
shape gores, in order to give the package the
proper bulge when shaped. The sheets now
pass through a machine which prepares them
to receive the heads, and are then placed in a
drying house.where they remain for forty-eight
hours. Thty are then ready fur shipping to
the shops.
Central Pennrylvanin Diocese-
Al the convention of, the Central Episcopal
Diocese of Pennsylvania a report was submit •
ted stating that there are now twenty-eight
clergymen engaged in the laborious work id the
missionary fields within the bounds of, the dio
cese. The missionary stipend of each of these
with few exceptions, is $3OO per annum. At
this rate of expenditure it will require over $B,-
000 to make the annual payments. On the 30th
of December, 1874 the lay members of the
board issued the following circular making a
personal appeal for pecuniary aid The treas
ury of the diocesan board of missions will be.
obliged to borrow $5OO to pay the stipends dne
missionaries on December 31. This be will do
rather than curtail the small amount due them
for their labors during the past quarter. It will
require with the missionaries now in the field
at least $ll,OOO per annum to meet the expen
ses of the board. If the labors and usefulness
of the hoard are to be extended, a still larger
amount will be required. Thus far our receipts
have not in any one year reacheil.sB;ooo. With
this state of affairs it is perfectly obvious that
we must either reduce the number of our mis
sionarks or increase our contributions.
In Memori am
Rtsuw SE'N GRkNGE, No. 417: The Clam
tuitteeappointed to dr a t resolutions of respect
sympathy for Bro her and Sister Wright,
respectfully submit the following report : -
WIIEEF,AS, It has pleased the Almighty to
bereave our Brother Seth R. Wright, a worthy
officer, and Sister Emma A Wright. h , s Wife,
both worthy members of this Grange, of their
only son and child, Leman T. Wright. And,
whereas,it is both humane and proper that Ris
ing Sun Grange should give expression to the
sorrow and sympathy it feels for them, as it
contemplates this sad event. Therefore
Resolved, That whilst in' the death of Leman
T. tes right, the only son of our worthy Brother
and Sister, we recognize and ucknowleoge the
Intlislte wisdom, will and power,:end whilst we
humbly bow in sulamission to the Highest; Ave
cannot suppress or forbear expressing our sor
row that they have been called.on to endure a
calamity so peculiarly iminftil.
' Resolved, That in this dark hour of their lives
we tender them our limattelt sympathy, and
the hope that the power which has bereft them
of their joy and pride may sustain them in this
hour of pain and grief.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
transmitted to the bereaved parente,also n copy
forwarded to the Farmer's Friend, and to both
of the County papers for public tion.
.A.'Ontme, , ,
O. GILIFFIR; '- 1 S COM: •
F. S. Tonna.L.
June Li, 187; - - '
A Man Dies of Sheer Fright.
Five weeks ago Alexander V. Brower, of
SCheneetady, laceinted a . finger by mama of a
corn-eutter. ' Tie . wee: attended_ by a leading
physician, and in due course of time the, wound
healed, leaving a, - mark for awhile'of a pinkish I
indigo tint: While attending church, subse
quently, at the Ease Avenue Mission Chapel,
fellow pew occupant asked to see his hand- Ob- 1
serving the partly healed, wound, he Nvinspered
to Broweriu his opinion ;he wound ha 4 mord-
Browir's father ant in the scat *with him
ills son took a piece of paper and wrote there
on, and banded to his father a request that they
leave church. The tattier on reaching the out
side. :liked the cause of the Sudden request.--
The answer was that he (the sou) was going - to
tile. Mr. Brower ridiculed the Idea, but. pro
teeded house. Ann' a time following their ar-'
rival the lath& (Mind :he eon ,. .enyagecl in prai
,l crowd was egaintoitt by . the _latter that his end
was near, l'heson . bad tube soon removed to
a bed, and the dOctor was an * nin Summoned.—
The latter .on -arrival found. his patient' with
high pulse, much excited, and showing marked
symptoms of typhoid fever. Tbe former wound
on his hand was found in the same condition
as when last scen 7 -that is everything presaging
rapid and - permanent healing. Friday young
Brower died—an evident - victim to fright.—
Troy Times.
The Montrose Railway Extension.
practical surveying engineer has been en
gaged for the past week surveying n route for
the proposed extension of the Montrose rail
why Co this place.
By the survey, the route via the Drinker
creek was found to be impracticable. 'A
route, however, can be found between here and
New Milford via Brush's. The surveyor is at
present working between here and New Mil
ford, in the Bradford locality. Ho will render
a report very soon, which we will publish. Tge
route selected will make it necessary to erect a
trestle arrangement near the iron bridges, by
which trains can come to the Erie depot here
without crossing the river.
..We arc informed by lion. Samuel Falkenbury
who is the chief agitator in the matter, that the
business men of this place, Montrose and New
Milford will contribute largely, if a good route
is selected. In thus doing, they will but for
ward their own interests. Binghamton would
be glad to have the road end there It remains
for out Susquehanna county citizens to carry
the enterprise out successfully within their own
borders. Every property owner along the pro
posed extension should remember that every
dollar thrown into this enterprise is two earned.
—Susq'a Gtzetta.
Diewwea Orange.,
Lovers of the orange have for several years
past noticed the peculiar discoloration on the
rind of the Louisiana oranges, and have doubt- ,
less observed that it seems to be gradually on
the increase.
This discoloration, it appears, is a disease,
which only attacks the outer skin of the fruit ;
the inside of the orange remaining as pure and
golden as ever. It was first noticed upon the
Havana orange, about eight years ago,but deal
ers here report that the oranges from the island
are now rapidly being freed from the disease.—
The -Louisiana ftuit was first attacked with
this discoloration about tour years ago, the dis
coloration first manit es ting itself in Plaque
mines Parish, since which time it has been
gradually working up the river and over into
the Lafourche and Teche districts. .
It is probable that the disease may remain in
certain portions of the State for several years
to come—that is to say, that in those portions
where it has just made its appearance it will
very likely remain for several seasons.
Upon those plantations where the disease
first appeared, tae fruit this season ripened al
most entirely from it.
Suicide in Gibson.
On Wednesday morning last, Mr. Thurston
Lewis, who lived about a mile from Burrows
Hollow, in Gibson townsip, committed suicide
by hanging. The circumstances were as fol
io es : Mr.L. had been deranged for some time
and quite close watch had been kept up antici
pating that he might do himself injury. On
the morning of the occurrence he was lyituip
upon a bed in a bedroom while his wife was
engaged in her pmestic affairs about the house
She noticed him upon the bed and supposed he
was asleep. Some little time after she went in
and fund him gone. She concluded, perhaps
he had gone up to Mr. &truants, a neighbor
near by, as he had spoken of doing so in the
morning, and she immediately went up there,
but nit finding him, Mr. Barnard anfi another
neighbor made immediate search and found
him suspended from a tree over a little stream
in a grove near by his residence. lie had been
dead some little time.
Some nine or ten years ago, Mr. Lewis at
tempted the same thing. He then suspended
himselt by a rope but was discovered and taken
down before life had fled. It was a clear case
of mental aberation and he has not appeared
fully rationale good deal of the time since. He
has always been a quiet, steady, hard working
man. His malady seemed to haunt hint, that
he and his family were coming to want and
would starve, which ultimately led him to
take the course be did. He was about forty or
forty-five years of age.
Extermination of Potato Bogs.
Our attention has been called to the follow
ing method of extermination of the bugs rec
ommended by Prof. A.. 1. Cook, and as it has
been endorsed by the State agricultural board
of Michigan, it is worthy otwonsideration.
"Inasmuch as Paris green is so practical, so
efficient and cheap a remedy for this pest I shall
in this place do what every farmer had better
do on his farm—ignore all other means, such as
band picking, machinery, etc., as too expensive
and not sufficiently thorough. With a little
care Paris green—the genuine article of course
—is entirely safe, and we may welcome the
chance of its use from our beautiful Wall pa
pers, where it poisonous exhalations have long
engendered disease and death, to the richer
green of our potato fields. The two methods
which have been tiled at the college, with the
best sneeess• to economy, are either to mix the
green with water, a heaping teaspoonful to ten
quarts of the fluid, and sprinkle on with a com
mon sprinkler or an old broom, or to mix the
green with @our in the proportion of one part
of green to six of flour, silted on when there is
no dew on the vines, either through a muslin
bag, suspended to a convenient handle, that it
mty be carried and shaken over the vines, the
person making the application walking upright
or with a pail, the bottom being of fine wire
gauze or finely perforated tin. Where these
methods are used the whole expense per acre.
for both material sod cost of application, will
not exceed $5 for the season. 'After careful ex
perimenting I have found - the flour Mixture pre
ferable to• all other preparations: The flour
makes the green adhere to the vines,so that the
heaviest rain is powerless - to remove it. No
second application is needed until enlarged
growth of vines demand it. I make the mix
ture strong—one of powder to six of tionr;so
that in making, the application we may be able
to see It on the vines.:' [have thus been enab
led to safely apply this mixture even to ourfen
der inehm and cucumber vines. I would not
apply it when the dew is on; as the application
toil b 6 'More even it the vines are dry, and,
withltuf atrength recommended ateve;
will al
waygprove eflectuaL _ I think Sins is the Most
economical method yet recommended. By
using the flour mixture 3. have found that two
applications are always sufficient for our early
varieties, and frequently for later ones, and .
three applicationi3 any case all that are
needed; even in *scallions of-heaviest nA'?rts.
of_ heaviest
Eizthasr. Party
Dln liorrow; 4 most interesting party was
given at the house of Stephen Smith Sterling,
in Brooklyn,; Pa.,June 4,185. The occasion
was the-
. evittigli birthday of his mother, Dirs.
Elizabeth Sterling, widow of the late William
Sterlindi'who died eleren;yeats agO. :-. Midi< op".
to,vitariati mother , wee a Tewisbary about one I
fourth of her life._ The'Teivkihuryi have Made
ttanaseives plenty in. ads sestiodonad whew
cone hare I was told that, when 1 met a person
with whom 1 wan unaequainted call
him Tewksbury, and it would in all probability
he corracr. - .. 3tultiplicatioais not their only rec.
omrnendstlOn. Well, jrls. Stirling came with
her father's family from Vermont in 1801, and
has lived within a radius of a mile ever. since--
Slienras Converted to. God when a child,.and
joined the firit_clato orMeibottbits in Brooklyn
• about "silty-six years ago, and has witnessed a
good , proli?siorf since that :time, and S now, pre
pared io,"a ti
ajoy a gre.o old ,su 7 Shriotnaded, by
her children andfriends: There were •prese'ot
on thispocasion, of her eons, Albert G.Sterlhig,
of Auburn, George W. Sterling, of Brooklyn,
and S. S. Sterling, the host, together with their
wives, Of her daughters, Mary, wife of Mich
ael Beicher t of Lenox, and Paulin?, wife of
Thomas Oakley, of Brooklyn, together with
their husbands. Daughters-in-law, Amanda,
widow of the late James Sterling, of Brooklyn,
and Eunice, witiow of the 'bite Thomas Ster•
Bug, of Brooklyn. Grandchildren, fifteen were
present, a very promising generation indeed,
Ot her great•grardchildren—the fourth genera
tion—ten or fifleen t in all—only two were pres
ent, and If they aro equally successful in the
struggle of life they can tell the seventh gener
ation the story of this birthday party. Of her
brothers,there were present Samuel Tewksbury
of South Auburn, Jacob Tewksbury, of Bridge
water, and John Tewksbury, 01 Auburn Center.
These brethren are all well known as of the
sturdy "yeomanry of Northern Pennsylvania,'
and solid men of the county. Their wives
were present, as also was her sister Mary, with
her husband, Fitch Ressegme, of South Gibson.
And there was Thomas Garland, one of the
oldest and bravest Methodist heroes in this sur
rounding county, a brother-in-law, and Mrs.
Prudence Tewksbury, widow of the late Dan
iel Tewksbury, a sister•in-law. Besides these
there were several neighbors present by invita
Soon after the morning hours the guests be
gan to arrive from every point of the compass. Tilt, GREAT SHOW FROM OVER THE OCEAZi.
Now came the hearty salutations, tears or ac- j Our advertising columns to-day promise our
ciamations of joy,
of a
''' I readers something unusually And desirably nov
el and varied in the way or amusement, in
time in an hour. AA/army, Saturday, Janc 19th,•
If a person would understand just what sig- •
in a visit from A. B. Rothchild's Royal Victoria
(Amine° all this has, he must live four-score
S'ef-ra. and meet four-cenre kindred and friends
in n day. After being a witness to such meet
ings and greetings, 1 rejoice that Heaven Is a
grand family gathering. Alter live concern
Lion, singing and general rejoicing, the tables'
were spread beneath a beautiful bower, made
hands,reminding one of Eden,Camp Meet
ing, Festivals, Fourth of July, and several oth
er things. I shall not attempt to describe the --
dinner farther than to say it was bountiful. It
was like the other Brooklyn dinners, which I
have tailed to describe, and surpassed by none.
Mrs. S. S. Sterling, with her sisters-in-law, pre
sided with gracv.
After dinner the writer was obliged to leave
and go to a house of mourning, but is in formed
that the afternoon was spent in a most pleasant
and agreeable manner, concluding with prayer
and appropriate remarks by Rev. ISE. Caldwell.
and Jacob and John Tewksbury, ems
Mother Sterling is as real a heroine as Joan
of Arc. She bas stood the blasts of eighty
winters and the heat of eighty summers. She
made a man happy all the days of his life. She
helped to curve out a home morn a Brooklyn
wilderness. She has borne and trained a fami
ly of much uselnincsuond promise, and has liv
ed to see and grant benedictions to her child
ren's children, even to the third and fourth gee
oration of her own blond ! .. She has hug the
falls ! Though she is "ready to be offered,"
may she yet live many happy and peaceful days
is my prayer.
Brooklyn, Pa., June 7, 1875
Business Locals.
Boma AND Suor. at CHEAP Joices.
Bore CLoTurNG
LADrEs' Surrs
Goons at URBAP Joicc's.
COATI , AND CLARK'S Corms, 5 cents a spool
at Chei'tp John's. 24u.
MEN'S CLOTHING in great variety and LOWEST
BEST CALICOES, 7 and 8 cents (new stock just
received) a yard at CtrsAr
NEW GOODS of all kinds and general reduc
ms in prices at CHEAP Joits's.
ICE Com" , Buten BEER, try it, at the Key
stone Saloon.
June 9, 1875.
Warts Goons for Ladies and Misses snits, in
great variety and exceedingly low prices. Cull
and examine them at CHEAP Joux's.
CHEAP JOHN will give customers, purchasing
ten dollars worth or over, free tiekets to the Cir
cus this week. Pt ices lower than ever.
M. C. Hugeis Band will officiate for the New
Orleans Pantomime and Combination Troupe,
instead of Ws Brooklyn Band.
Montrose, June 16, 1875.
A. Higkeox announces that he Winks of leav
ing Montrose soon. All who would like some
of his work would do well to attend to it with•
out delay.
llis" white cloud" vignettes arc a very unique
and pleasing picture, an entirely new style.
Montrose, June 16, 1675.
The coinuany of yourself and lady is res
pectfully solicited at a parts to be held at Pin
ney'-i Hall, New Milford, Pa., on Friday eve
ning, July 2,18 Th. Music furnished by E. M.
Fargo's Band. Bill (including horse and sup
per) 0.00.
P. PLUMMY, Proprietor
New 31ilford,Juoe 10, 1815.
CLAMS, CLAMS. Constantly on baud. nt the
Keystone Saloon, West Side Public Avenue,
Montrose, Pa.
Jana 9, 1875. 23w2
The best Flour at reduced prices at
Four= afu N1C110.128.
March 17,1675.
Clover Seed large and small at
Montrose, Blarob 17, 1875.
PuoToonaans.—Pictures taken in all the lat
(l4 styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Also a splendid lot offra G. mes for bale cheap,
at W. Doocrrnes.
Montrose, June 10,'74.—t£
N; ,Willard, Register in Bankruptcy, has;
issued an order making the "First National
Bank" or Montrose, the only legal depository
for all Assignee funds In- Susquehanna County.'
Montrose, April 28,1 875. '
Tan mum WrsTrx. - has been one of unusua'
severity.: Stock of nil kinds, do not appear to
be d 01176 , AP well Mr Those who have
triekit, sah it/pars many. times oydr to give
them stock,•nt this seats= of. thelear; a few pa
pers or Taylor's Condition' Powders, They
eau be obtained of any dealer In ruediciaea.
. .
Trade generally coutmucs Mill and. prices of
nearly all descriptions are weak and lower as
will be waked by our revised quotations. -
, ,
State Apples, quarters. ',.. -74 to 11,-6c
I ; Penelies, peeled, state.. , , ... .10 to -18 c .
I - _ ntackberries. .• . -9' to • 113.-c
Raspberries, new 21 to . a _
A'r TECE - Los9ESE . RATES i ' - POULT
. • EY., . . _ . ..
We are continually addingts. new - material to .1 • ~ ..,
There is very little Mate - or-Western poultry
our Oftice, - and with our Large 6York of Job Tim; .:
salvias ant when received in - good order. full
and Four Printing Pram* tre -7)tig Conwelitiotti. r ice,, can. b e 6b tu ji n d , .
.: . , - - •
both In Eriee and.quality.cither itt Plain Black I •I ,
~ . ' ‘"
-' _ -
o Colored %York. Hain= & Cattsntti i Turkeys, btate prime, small. „ .22 to , .23c
, „'-•'. i Spring Chickens,tier lb ' ,40. to - 50 e
• , .
A. B. Bunn, at the Eagle Drug Store, keeps 1-
,Duclot, Jersey; prime,. ; ~,-. ...-.. : - , to ,'' c
:cOnstantly•,on hand- a - large and -. well Selectee 1 -,. ' : - MEATS - . AND 000 K. , ,.. ,, . :---
stotekof pure Drugs and Medicines, Fainti,Cils i - cr i th. es ar e Ab ou i,'i t ,,„" f idi,.Echeap. and limbs
and Varnish, also a - . very. largo: of I 'very • dull
Port . .Monunies - ; Combs, Brushes. 'Perfumery, -. „- .= .--, ,
~.4 1 4 to Sc,
- and -- Toilet - Soape. ;Pbysiclaus prescriptions .I Live„... E,..ite/..p.-. A... . ~ :
carefully coMpounded at all hours ot,the day .- _Live' Calves State prooe-.- • !Ir,i to - ”it ,
mar - night. Give - him a eall. S'gn of the 'Got- , - Dressed Calves,,grass .. . ... ~.. to c, '
den Eagle and Mortar. • - POTATOES. - . •
Montrose; Jane 0,187t1.-tf. ' ' . .
, - . _, ._ . , 1 - Choice new are - . not plenty - and held firmly,
, 1 but-a goad many arrive otitof. order. '
PoneT” , • ••
. ' i' ~ Boothern New per, bbl. .Aooto - 6 On
W have Susi received a very large stock of. , -, , .. , :-. .:... -:',:_'.,.-..:_. -'
Plain and. fancy' envelopes, !Otter and note pa: j ''.'.'-'—' -, --. '. • . - • -..,
,per, plain anti fancy Intl head.. papers, cards pr - . - . - JP.B-P lim . .. T ,
all sizes and colors, colored poster . papers, etc:; - -- • -
all of which we. can afford ' to'.Prlnt cheaper i - A T TrigatitHkro6-t'GYPI,CF...-': CHEAP
'"than itnY aka in this or neighboring counties, 1 • -. .
land in as good style.: Work done in black and i : . ' . . •
~. • -."
' colored Inks. .-It you thinkthere is, any that
can beat °sigh e us' a trial, and we will show
you what .tre. can do. All kinds .of - blanks on I.,ll3al,..ttuatnits. ..• i
bend or order. •.' ' - •' • ILA - .
NOTWITEISTANDING the Cry or hard times anti
a scarcity of money, C. F. Sisson k Co., Bind
hafutou, are doing a much largerliusiness titan'
ever before.' They arc successors to the oldest
and best knOwn Dry Goods Rouse in the city.
The great secret of their succtts is in dealing
intuit and squarely with everyone ; by repre
sentmg every kind of goods Just as they are,
and by selling the very best class of goods In
market, at prices to bring them within the
reach of everybody. We have a much larger
anti finer stock of Dry Goo, s titan ever hetere,
and we would take great pleasure in torw.ini
ing samples of anything in our line to anyone
desiring them.
Binghanttt.n, May 5, 1875—tf.
Fifteen per cent. more butter made by using
.Torn Clad Pane. Rend whnt they say :
BAINBRIDGE, N Y., August 10, 1874.
Jlemrir. Runnel & Brown : The Pans that I
bought of you are all right. They save a vikst
amount of work, and we get all the cream In
bad weather. We make just as good butter In
July and August us we (lid In June. We have
running water around them all of the time. I
((void.] not do without them for three times
what they Cost me if I could not get another
set. They are Just what every butter maker
should have, and will when they get their eyes
open. Yours telly,
These Pans can be seen at Hayden S Clem
Jons HAYDEN, General Agent,
Aplil 21, 1875. New Milford, Pa.
Menagerie, AsM-African Caravan and Conti
nental Circus, whirl, comes all the way across
the stormy Atlantic to test the liberality and
appreciation of the American public, previous
to locating itself at Philadelphia us one of the
features of the luithcoming Centennial Celebra
We bespeak for our foreign Visitor a golden
welcome, not only on account of respect for the
nerve involved in making such a singular and
risky venture ; and the undoubted magnitude.
elegance and propriety of the exhibition, hut
because rare good faith strated in the
emphatic discarding of the)nuse m trasti,large
ly employed by other shows to swindle the peo
ple and give a preposterously false idea of their
sin and attractions. Our new candidate fur
arenic recognition sticks bravely and squarely
in its announcement text to the legitimate f•a
tures of tent entertainmenLs ; the onus we real
ly go to see and enjoy, and beyond which lie
the realms of fraud.
We need not specify the special animals and
noted artists combined to at once instruct and
delight, but the feature at the gigantic perform
ing ihinoceros, "Himalaya," is one at once so
unusual and extraordinary as to deserve special
prominence as the bilis say,he is "a whole show
alone," and will add greatly to the general de
sire perceptible to seek the great double pavil
ions of the distinguished nomadic stranger.
111/.111,..1.11. FILM 40,-M 01,
Ruse—Sri - tos— At the M E. parsoung ,
Nortbmorcland. May 29, by Rev. Win. Sitelp
Omer S. Ross to liclen E. Sot ton, all of Frank.
lin, Pa.
VaNNEss—OnsnAL—At the residence of F.
0. Vannest4, Orwell. June ha, by Rev. George
L Williams, Mr. David Vanness, of Branding
Stone, and Miss Laurettie Orshal, of Orwell,
KEN VON—In Liberty, Muy '2B. Mrs. June A.
Kenyon, aged 4:1 years, widow of Der. James
at CHEAP Joules
FRI.:NCH-1n Jackson, May 16. of malignant
scarlet lever, F. Eugene, oldest son of George
11. and Mary L. French, aged 5 years, 5 months
and 13 days.
Cns..NE—ln New• Milforil,June 4th, Sarah Es
tella, youngest daughter of Thomas K. and
Plieby L. Crane, aged 15 years, 8 months and 4
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
Wegt NiCIOISon, May 22. Claude
L , sun of S. I I. and S. E. btark, aged 9 months
and 21 days.
Angels whisper thou art, darling
In a Inurl of love so lair,
And the little feet are waiting
Close beside the golden stair.
M.l. I_l. I_, I rq _IMI Fe.. - SE - .
just received at
First class CUSTOM \-TORK done hr-rr
Including every - thing pertaining to
Price. and Goods to pleaett WI
NO. 21 Dam. St., Cur. Water St
Binetatutac. N. 1.. April 91. 1875.
Reported Every Week Expreerly I.e TILE MONTS:IOI 4 E
Unreel:MT by RbAce A Server, Produce Commie.
eloo Aerehauts, 2d \TIRO:LuII Street. :Seer York.
New York, Friday, June 11,1875.
Receipts for the laid six days 17,418 packages
State firkins and half firkin tubs have been in
fair request the past few days and do not ap
pear to be very plenty, and there is perijAps a
shade more steadiness among h dam than was
the case a few days ago.
Firkins. tine, selected Ri lc ,
" , good to prime - 20 d 22c
Tubs, choice new made........ 29 q . :4 23c
Tubs. good to prime ......19 (0 21e
.-Tubsdair to good 16 0 18e
, Receipts fur the last six tlays,so,62lboxes.
The supply of fine chets:s .... , ...-um.
th,"1,...!.....1 usony, and the competitions for
mimeo factories has given a little firmer mono
to the market, we bear of sales being made at
' - 12,54c. for factory cheese: grades a, little under
fancy arc !add a trifle firmer. '
State Factory, Sue —10340 1116 e
I'' State Dairies ' " „ 0 , c
I'Slate Factory, fair to g00d... 7 d -, Oc ..
The weather is hot and d unfavorable, the de
mmitl light and the supply free all of which
combined hai weakened the tone of the mar
ket. .
State and - P6nn..... ...,
Western .choice brands.
7Z) 1 a .9-`r. Mir. 3 .
Carver & Pratt
The Etaraets
New York Produce Market
...20 , a • c
10} Cnl e
~..18,40 10
Attbis °nice
4.:eintuir !Liniment.
Thai:l.n° pain which the Centaur i — ,
'• ..i k •• -
lAnima n•rn no; Eilleve.aioawnillog i i , ; btf ,
.-,,: l y ittilit
is . ~ :i
....._ ~ -ihry ;iiiiiiii#sitbdile'land , no.lanuinese I' , I nr , ..,,,.......: . , .
I, .
Ar .. which - 00 . mill notnnro, Thialastrnng r V
h frift
lafigi l 44e.but it -15 trim • Tbey navel-,
, i ~: , ..,:.:;,, , i.L.,. i., i :•',,,: . , :•• :,....:
_. A prodnce4 more men of rhannitilinN
_.."___.' '. _ : h - i' . -,--
-"" iievialgin.lociilaw,palay,aprainctwei , , • --, :;,i;i ~.- ..... ~ ;,:,, 4 ,- ,:,:;; ; , ..“ 5.,.',..-,
ClthkfC= lingo, caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt
rheum. ear-achy.he.. apart the human frame, ar_d of
- strains, spavin, galle, etc., upon anlmais,tn ono pear_,
than have all other pretended remedies since the world
began. They arc rotmtereirritant, all-hurling, pain re' I
(levers. Cripples throw awaythelr matches, the :ante !
walk, poisonous triter are rendered hfirmleea, and the
wounded are bealed•wtthont a rent.. The-recipe is pub
licked around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
sold before, because they do Just what they pretend to
do. Thane who now golfer from rheumatism. pain. or
swelling deserve to suffer If they W 'not user Centaur
Liniment, wrapper. Morn than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cores. Including frozen . limbs; chronic
rheumatism, gout, running tumors, etc., hatdbeen re
ceived. We will send a circular contain Ingeertifleates.
the recipe, etc_ gratis, to lily one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worts
one hundred dollars for nravined or sweculod horses
, and mules, or for screw worm in sheep. Stock-owners
—thoeollnimeote are worth year attention. No family
should be withont them •`White wrapper faintly fleet"
Yellow wrapper for animals. Sold by all Druggists.—
; alleents per bottle; large bottles. 31.00. J.
Co., ea Broadway, :New York.
Castorta is more than n enteititutc roc Cantor 0 1 1.
It to the ouly 'op article in existence Which la certain
to .matinnial•• the Mod. regulate the bowels, mire wind
colic and protium: natural deep. It containa neither
minerals, morphine or alcohol, and la plenaint. tu fake.
Children need not cry and mothers may lent.
Oct. 21i.
Just fle,:eituut
Drees Donde, a good ams9rtment._ I
Prlnts, it n .od
11 the
uu v e
and fancy patterue in the market. %a,
great Narlety.
11007'S ef ,sIIOI3S,
The largest stork In town. First class goods at lees
price. than can be bought of any other pantos In the
1 all the latent etylee.
a full line, and good goods well made need trimmed.
Call and Examine my idnet harem parnbai=lng e'en
where. I will not he undersold for the tame quality of
gon-e, by aty rnie in or lilt of town.
Barter ehf pyrd. Prompt rel acne ai the highest mar
cet price. sales guaranteed, hint cashed as seen as re.
New Xtilford, June W, Ltrtti.—u. 22
3F° ,TI r• xxL e r ~
The underrAgned having the .ole rizht to Manor:*
lure and 0.11 the J. 1.. TANGORLIM'S
In the Conety of Sa-apiebanna and adjoining conntien,
le now at Ni w Milford, for the porpone of giving the
sniacy a trial. The Plow Sulky, no doubt. to new to
many. It en for the attachment of any ploneoliher Sod
or Stubble Is simple iu its construction, and will en- •
able a boy, nn old 0/ a cripple to perform the work •
of a fall hand. and do it (ante., better and math .10 r
for hand and team than eon bai done by band plowing.
The driver liar full controil over the plow, tannins
deep or for Simotichy, Durability' Light
ner., of draft and its prnembility, need 9 tint to be tried
to convince any one that It le Jut the implement need•
ed by the tanners, We have had a teat of the Sulky on
Moyier• lot. In New 'Milford, n lot that ban been
the play gionno fir a number of ))mare. and It was ad
mitred many to tic an hard a Jove to plow an this"
war tu the comity. We give the .sulky a trial OfAterOr`
roondo and timed the plowman to nee bow long it Le,
him to plow a round white - riding on the Sulky .
T v.etge. , l lath., under 5 Minnie. let the reload..."
t e aulky We then detached• the plow rt•••rtilly nulk•Y
and different ollev plowed a rotted by band. Mr two.
Corwin Nang eve of Client. and the In Pl"a l P , ;
round. by hated_ averaged a little ever 100/11ttitee to the
round, hoeing a trifle °ter ne-half gain for the SakY
beeider raving the hued labor for man, and dealt for
team. Any perron wishing. to give the setup 8 1,181
can come and get it and aye it. It will not coot you •
anything. only toe corning attar It. We will attach
your own plow end leave It with yon to do Wear plow
ing We arc here for the porposc of giving It a fate
trio') In hard aed atone Load no well no ,mreative. W
claim the Creatert advantage for tho balky .wh. re the
ground in hard aril stony . But for the reason that we
can plow ore half mor In the S t eele time, we want
tried In all kind+ of ehttrlee- We have understood
there in to lee a trial plowing match in 8 or In days
near Montrose, for the etirp,e of teeth:it: the differemc
kinds of Wows. and !tie draft. Sc., whoa that taken
i place we will boon band with the plow Sulky for trial.
I Auy per•ou •virlong to pun:haze plan Sallrys, can get
them !nun N C. :Aldine.JOllN Agent,
or by addressing,
Limestones - 111e,
:Montour Co., Pa.
The Place to Gel. Tour
M. A. Lyon's,
Where you will Ond a full ntaartment, otTurii,Drugf
& Medicines, Clionlculti, Dye Singe, Jewelry, Per
turnery. Violin, and Violin Suing, , Farley tioltda.
Ynnliee Notion,. Pocket Bock, Ci.4etre Tobacco. Nino
Toilet :impel, Ilenthes, Table Cuttiery. Bond Sher
Spoon e, Plated Spoon., Ku:Vet nud Forks; Gnus;
tole, Araunition, Shoulder Brace,. TrUSee2.-MediCal
!afar: mean. RoutoY ifilutetialti, Latinos , and •14.ttip
Chlraneya. True,' Spicer, Baking Ponder, tint Mos! ,
Farina, Gelotitio„Tuploca, otc.,,ete- ;
A full a:. ourtinruc ot. lltseilnb 011 i - mid rtll kfddsi ul
Vutnlzh. - kept cuumuutly ur.
We are eelllng our Mail Paper at eriet. 'lntl:lire also
Clotleg oat our Glaymare at. Lt.',"
Very , Low Flgere: ,, • •
Get a can of our Mixed.. Cluanleat, .Itaint„ read! for
la-c. and do loth' owl, painting.
With our largo stock of goods, we foci confident that
everyone oh,' dug - Montrose. will and tt for their Inter
est to call and examine for themselves before porches
ng elm:where.
Montrose, June 9, 197: . .•-
-- -
TAYLOR'S FAMILY 'MltlilUlLtta,.. .
l'a I n and In. relieved RV trahort.'ittne lifthe
net of Taylor's Celebrated 011:, The great Rheumatic:
and Neonllgie Remedy. This medieloola /lota cure
all, but is warranted - tor care hereof the ails and Ills to
which deals is heir than any. other nied'e/ete ver die,'
covered. 'Give if trial:. if you do '• withrdt i.
cogs yoq, utittiltg.: It ..may.he toted the utmost } ,
advantage for any kind of Paln.l.ameness,'Witundi ~ -.1 --..,-
Sores upon moo or .betort. - Mall ant smart...the" t.-''',," t'. ,, '-' ~., ' ' ' , S . ----- - .-t' .. .. . • .
wound or sore. , Vali Oirectlons for.,tiso. aro , rdv.el' e "..;''. -ilLAtrera Act:hie:it In.turance Compautrollelee welt.
bottle. Mk' your Merchant for area viny f 'S '„,t Corr-- ten'from 'one day to not .thyye ,-, - .
_.- ,
No pay,. ' - . ''• ' • ,' . 4,4 t . ' ,`. --- , '' l •'''., . ::'_. , ;- :❑' 4 11E.VISY R. TYLBIL
Taylor'S Confet'gyrtip Or Eapectorant.for. Elsie: and ,
and Lung disease:4. .Is very pleasant to .I"'S.toP that "litfreihn'lslnvinte Tlertede A siociatio ii a (o.erantOn'.•
contains nothing. Injcitions. 'fry iti , sv Thruat'aod- "- - , ',,, - -, • A pi)1.9,1, - v , -, fill:INN:I', CO' YI.1:11.
cot.e4h nod lake the soreness , Rove- tit yo (hirer" . • Montrof ; Denember S. 15T.4.-tf -. • fi r'
Plagit• -Aelityour_Plerchant fort' ,- - ~•' 4 • . - :._,....—.....-:.---'-----1--"'"'---...,-...,-..-.....'.
NO ry, ._•-' - . ...,. .; -- ~ ..:thr all'itibtls of Stock and
- Taylor's COodititn -retituordf ttee system , . ' ..‹,;,---;:„.> . 8L...' . .
1 poultry. ''lS'arrante Ltd Ewell. that ti tle everjteen I-- - 17. - f* *' . - '''.t s, - \ -- IntprOved ' CUlTsTlll:ft
of run down oral& foe_ all- of pt,thot 1 ; 4. , t s., r v .,..... _. Pi; M.. 1".• if, .the - se-
I' , catered. ;Xt.,%-lilrections.,for .asU around each ptick r ~- . ~ - ..',Z.,.' . " - t, .!.,, LT144101;4.1 tiTA.:SDAIM' of
brute crolfre No ray. - ' ' - ... ''..,";i ''' v : .- ...s. -- - ...t popular verdla
age. Ikabovo metlie , nes for attic by 'Abel Tnrrell and •,i ,
.14:_,>,.."`b, : , ,,,•.'.4" tbo Baal pump .(or, the lealt
..., ANt a Nichols, - of. Montrose. and. air prngi4ta_and , : .. .;.."-- ; - - zs - b - money._ Attention. to Invited
stealers throughout - the country; •• - . . ~.t _,.,- 1 0 BlANtei'slmtrrovtd. limn et, no_ Drop,
' -IL *MOW-NINO TAYLOR. . '.'r"'..,,_.„-.7..,F.01,,..‹.10,,,,1ed, whichdan be.witittleaWa with.'
....OctOber 11, ' %4.—YS _. .• . - ins.,al—lin. ' - r.:•'-'4:71,"1r1.,;0ttt diSine ,ing.tholointi. trod the Copp. ,
-------------"--„,,,--,.------.- - I.- tr:';'-'2.,..n.,-I.ll,Cliftraber..-whic.ti -nettle cracks.; Seattle. oi
ICTXXCI4OI•IS.4. . 21,313,,g ...•,, _ '0.7,1, '4 . ..4 rusts o.i. will lief 11,1_109m9.
, i; or =ale by
- . A -4 , -,),' Dotinre anti the [lndere:weal! r /Reeder to
1.. - '•• ","•- ' ' : """'!''''':"---: •: ' ' - r , • , .....
. . - - '
The itndersh.M ~.._*,..- .....-,,--,-.1:.a&-.7.",,,,0„.-'......',. cd will make i' .--?'' above; 1r yon tin not k.onw,where to l Mr)
1 . Isudr,llalifeJt. ''.*:""ratt."'„.l..,.. „,,,,,'"1.3, ',.;.,'" - n .. ''''' : 5 ..: 1. 11 .00,d3, - I descriptive- cireutsrs, together. thenatno,uti
' '' n I'''''' .-- . ----"-"--- .1 . .-- '.''''''''''''',* •' t -deep , or -lbo.agrat twaro , will ix. prom.,o ,i,
...,in,„ with a 1.32-7 .
..,alaedini. thclr reiViren w;it - -.11, fe9alP!!)" attinnled_l Aalgt.eal-o. 13Luen LE .. 11 ,, Ti ir u ti.ii.t.,, ,
3att'f".l°P glluranlccd-' 3f A` '''
'4-"Dc;t3i. ' 4 , ' "1 ' .
.- • '' • 1 044 Commerro‘St., rhthedOlyt lours.;
• I....lritoidavllla,4i 4.141 1 : .10 5 ., -• , --... •' - 144 t • -‘,-.l'?"l,l9'P' .. tern ' 7 7
. . . .
_.. . . -
_ .
.New. AL vertlsemeutz.l,
We wonld call the attentloa of the Publicly:triple;
to OUR Wcot . 63 at
07'lleing 'the only MaibleWorkt, to the Cotatity.:_al
All Work Warrartted as Represented
9u:4'a Dcpot, rd., April 14, 1Ea15.-Sy
At No. 33 Court Street,
NEW (Mops,
1 • ' .
At , we /ive ju.t returned Iron) the rhy of New York
after purehaidttg d ilirge 3rd wett ueleeted Renck of
of all Minh bought from first hands, we are now pro.
pared of offer goods at ,priees thee will mtisfy the dea
rer buyer. We hoe ahwi eibled to out •largo stock o
Dry Doom , . an immense etoak of
for Uev and Boy's wear. We - are now prepared
who will give at 4 a call as we have Dui clue: workmen
enpxed for the season.
Ladles and zrintlemen, you will please call and exam
ine our stock before von purchase ehewhere.
Thankful for past favor, we hope for a continuation
o f the came. Nye reornin.
Yours Resiicctfuliv.
Binghatntoa, April tI.S,
Figures Do Not Lie !
sE.E.FoR yo.L7kiEL VES.
'Gravy cononarlo pant., , , 8 1.0 0
Sully, v.t.i-oaLce4.l pant,. ts 1.75 10 4 t.,0
Goal ell went pant, - 100 - 3.00
French C34.!lntern 0nnte.7.50
fleecy,ra•en'e tufts. : 5 •.1 10 a.
tientet cattilmia‘e snitf.' 0.00 12.e0
Barrie casse 1,1 i,. . 13.00 17
B Luo ,
Fancy coo !„: and ,stelse entre. 10.00 45-4 41
fl ~.1 0.00
tiled; noel; 4.11.0,.
Slacktlrese coats, irar 'red. • I 00G ) - '34.00
. 1.75 '
' 4..;10
Clock cloth ve=ts. 1. n
White linen ve-t. r' 50
. •
• Bp.s tarry, 3' to 9 vt•ars: '
$ :an $4.00
~c . ,,c .,. :i e 4f1rr . .
4.00 ittri
.lacy nu:lois:nits, -5.00 Mon
~ • )50 " 5U1T8,940 15 - sears.
t - .
AVP` nett i 1 mite..s 4.(X) $ 'lOO
Goya* fancy suita, ' 5.04 10.00
Bop , ' Gneet easehnere sults, 0 0
......., 00 14.r 0
Torahs , . sus, all styles, 100 lastet
Good cotton shirts, • NJ 1
14601 overalls, - 50
Good rather suspeneere, - 25
And eft otherGoode in proportion,
The above -lees are foe cash only, and are quoted
for costornen , front a Alstenco.
titloo yglir,.
7„!-T,12 ° ,:r . i, ,v° .f. ri . e .. e .l i r''.`th i , n ,l n Yr t ,
per cent. layer that those of any iatoir 'hostas: 10 ttUr
city or vlcillty. _, , ..
' .
. WEBSTER, The Clothier. ,- . .
May sth, /hrsk — tf -' .. • , • • •
' .......'. __ .. • '.:.__. . -. .2..
Eli" .:.
• ,
No. 43 . ET. 60- Washington St.,
BEtitirk OITON,
' SColild'rrepectMlfy cal attent!oil to !hair large ett.c.l
3.1' ..XIL 3t: rr me. 33
: n•htch they are rellin at Seem 15 tn. 5.11. per cent. let;
,than tiereforuEe. A full urearitnent, ul - •
. .
rg.A131,1) It. .DIN ROOM ne;) iiiTClll2i
Parlor St:lb.:EOM opnard.. Chamber Sena from
$4O upwartl'.!.l.inttreaara. from $4 iii,trJrtl. • Ptire Wool
'Ntottrm.yrs from $lO to Ect!i. Oak, Arh and Walnut
Exteuelen.Tnblets:frem4 o4o : oB, •
Sou cad fib better' by purchasing Yintr gnnas'of nei than
:61' any. tiraluiala' tnia auctlon or Um' cot:Matt. Wolvill
nut bu utulurrojJ by any tine runt or -Neu , tcal
estranbaro , l for - or delitralag gooda ar tba
'Cr:VR . :P:4EI'NC ''DE.PJYtTIf E
. .
:We dealt° te• kays wort!. In t , this. line n,a . , taxee stein , *
nitent Cajkut, and variety of othtotairstea _Act hit
tiobaa.Shroadn, •-'- -
,t"gbe bettraelniti Caniogo attached to our eatabligh
exibbt be iierney,teil in this
-be farnltheil to those who nvara, ut L a; rpaAonafila fig
ure, auywharo at'Alita a radina of twenty miles from
Una cll-x : plea- us,
ittlt • -
. . . .
' ''7O7C->"3:3k.' ie‘'lSitette,TV's. -;
'''icy — ittip'nliclealijtho ' Yoilowl . 11 ' 'g cotbnan i '" 3. ?•- ,Ul‘ ro
Fran is FIN ivinrumeg_en..ebn . - - .. :: -1,t..0:009
contAncntal, ti. Y
......-: ... '. " 1XJ0,0 , ,0
Ilanotar _.,..);': i .... .:,—;": • L'aiSkiti.
.. , f r u) noy
Sitagara;,. , . - .,„..,i; ...... ...!...:, . :,., .:7 • - • `•:7'u 10, 1 0 ji a ,
Farincm, Y0rk.„...,.• •-• • .......... ' -4 '•-•
qneena, Londpri..,:,,,All- Nation-11 - Board -Companies.
;, : No ..Tl4,,,,euce, to uild andsollable,, baring; long
d twaya tauuti sorthy, an all: satin have
un4 :Is a e. 15-
h,. - ,..ii, tjay.,,m4 at mi..geocy,cil tnEttry,- Thnc Istto
r ,„, A me, 'mat ac• my.thatiltp. Anil to
.'h--11011-tvn not ; 1 n.ll, "only •aiv; t prom It e to •do by
4,v ~.. ti ,hey NVII/ (awl ma
• wltti an , appileall.m. AA I
r," 1 gwc Om Ini.tranco yaltii. for their utoney.,
.ky a: • - Irma Jleapetttallv. . • •
.' " '' '! ' '- '`-' ' --- ' in-:sity c:TYLEtt. •
rty cnllingon ax
M. A. COLVIN. Ag't
'ot ()err,
DhNLET k,ois3EY
- _
Number 2 . 4 7 . tr-: 1
New Advertisements
W:011 I - N S ON'S
iouthern .41'er
83 •Wwibington Street,
X3l2agiscaziatcr7i, N. 12".;
YOU will Find tlitt
Al the Lowest Prices of . any Store in
Southern New York.
All Goode Said aro WASIIATED an nepreseptoiL
Tlio Paws RE Store.:
R. KENYON. Draggist a Apotbetary
The undersigned would reepeetfully icanciiu3ca - to al .
the people everywhere, that to bin already exterudyi -
stock and variety of Merchandise In the Grocery, Proi
vision. and Ilardware Hoe.
Ile has added a• v ry cholas assortment of PURE
FUMERY, rte.. which he flatters mime II be can steam
the public they will find it to their advantage to, cram.
Ice before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians .1e -
this section of the county he-would respectfully and
nuance that he bee secured the Pereira,' of R. Runyon.,
an Druggist mid A potlieoary. ts d
hose long experience any'
acknowledged care and ability, entitle -him to your en{ „.
tire ecerildenes in the line of compounding medicines
or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem , P•
it an especial favor to receive calls freto any of his did .
sastomers or new once. Will make,the Patent Medi ,
Mesa specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign 'Mineral .
Waters—en extensive stock. Alto fine Grocerlosi—' • . .
In tact, anything and cvcrrthing that fa ordinarily
ed. , ileapectfnily soliciting a call I remain
I. N. BULLaita . -
Powder: - Powder: Powder
Muslim, Ride nod Shot Powder, Shot, UM. Qua {
Tubea, CUP, PoocheF.
to., for enlo by
3fortt 9C. Sept. 0.1671—t4
V u lL/LlClaTtlArfp - :i
At W. W. Smith & Son'i
you vsrilp.lthelgaget': „.
stock of • ' • • ,•
FIRST CLAgerdigD C0.113101r
WI'TT2ELPV X gl'irT3SL3E';
To he fn•°d In this eection of the conntrY. of bin own•
mad sst pricce that cannot fan to give eat le:
.ctlon. They make the very beet ' •
to the Coindri, and V4d.ltll.P'T
apiiol es tort' 10 1 17 c• so 35.;
Of all kinds done in the neatest Nam,. ; ;
IR. 3r. TG- MI 321 IS
t'IJIM NO.I 3.IAttt.ASSES, • •
The 'anlyscriber will hereafter main to iaertaring •
ftpeetalty in hie bnoittem .11litingintt Completed a,
'EW and thy depUlt HEABSZ in the btate s elt.
needing hie cervices will be attended to promptly 411 a
gailrfactory charges.. . - • •.. • -
U •
montroiu.Pn..Jau. .31, . •
31nunfactarril; on rxlifiginit. and foe sale nt • 1 1
V. D. Si 41131111.
•31 - 0 - rt't;(4 - e'. litt . rCh 10,:1615.
. .
•We pay Cash for Gi z wd a. atilt ell for Cash, 414 , Feeli,
.ecotnmcnd '_
PIiGPLt, • • FROM.
• ~ Tleittng trontr 9 to, ,
- 1 -
• -
'` l°l.6 ttra n t r ir' l r:gi z tlif T, i g s`.n c olgi t' u l t ,' o l i e ro r 2f a o dr x ItLed;
that tilOy eel! In.lllugharntoe for tscenty•llin
LVOT7 Day!
, .
. .1; sTnom.
:gotitr6ae. Nev. 11. - -
Cejszeral . tindertittiera -
DEALER,S. 1N , :41,1,L , E.1NDS OP COR)t
FiNs; CASKETS, k.,70.„ • ;
.• 31313i47.
' April t.1,1g75-'t & Bao•
ncv.s q.::- L ,41,Ni.:,•;, iTi) an;e. - .
Par- vibith thO
All/SET PM Al fm m) , r alcct .1
old atu,t nprorle, P4i4.VF 3I,S rt"°4
I'7 LT.L.rqui.