The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 21, 1875, Image 3

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    Volume 32.
Arrangement of Malls.
,t,:hanr.ock. Dally
GOOpm 020a.0
N.. o,icorl. ........ ....1000 m 130 pm
, ly.l ...... 945-am 200 pre
da... to weekly,) 600 p m 800 am
'"' t Mt nnval).) 700 am 70a0am
tve kl t,,nadn.rid Lnke.ttrt weekly)..
1000 a 600 pm 70015 M
, la y,) zn 400p tl m
Tt,e ,„ y or a, ,ria Montrose Depot,) New Milford.
and W yalaaing ere dady.
• j-t,tnaknn ,:aeon mail rues Tuesdays, Thursdays.
• Ndnrda ,
wngt;atnton mail, (du Silver Lakearnts Toes-
Tl,,,nkys and Satan:l.o4e
v _ ten d,,:jll. mall runs Tuenati , ,ThilredayeAnd Sal.
pen mmi runs Mondays, wedneedaytoind
A , 4., daily for Montrose Depot at 1 in.. k and
drilyfor Now Milford at 7 8004. m.
Nwd 4,
ut :13 0 p. m.
adatrese Railway
ur4..eni or Trainr. To take effect on Monday,
p o an Trs , nF. Up Trains
,e,1.11.- 00) NORTMWAIID.
2 •2 I . A.M. P. IL
..2, I tF.I . . . 5105tr0fc......... .10.40 &AV
A11en'5...... 1055 545
•:3 :1.1 ..0001 . 8.... ... . 102121 540
0 ..le ...Hunter. ..1015 585
, ' . Dtmock 1045 823
.35 112 . Tyler's ... ....... 955 615
se. 140 6,wingrllle... .945 505
..,3 14:, . ... ...Lynn 935 455
..6 17.` . . . Avery'5...:...... 925 445
!:,, ,'' . . Lemon 915 485
g t , ....'” • .Lobeek..... ...905 495
, o . 24/ .. Marty's 655 415
,x. 111 .., Tunkhannock......B 40 555
1: Irsa , t"'lilt
^ t Tankhannock with P. &.N. Y
h p ~....n; uorth nll At d south.
.1 A NIES. I. BLAKSLEE, ?reel.
sew Advertisements
Cft,arkhan's Sale of Real Estate—Bridget
F, :73 buArtlian
1.thi::,1:11 - 3 1 or's Sale of Personal Property—
,f Jacob Decker.
111;11n,ry—Carcer & Pratt.
Prok,lonal Card—Green .t Mackey.
,:miutstrator's Notice--t.tate of J. John-
ro, ken% Floor, Groceries, etc.--R. J. Webb.
A3now,tr.torh Notice—cetate of Reuben
R•od ng—Supervisors of Silver Lake.
Administrawfs Notice—estate of Jacob
P m Ler
MUSIC Rooks— Ditson & Co. •
Mls•o• Ilantoos —pouch & Co.
11 , 0 , yard—Charles Stone.
D o ,,lotui— Walsh & Mclnerny.
Fffwirial statement of New Milford Poor
Plans—George C.
•u., Notice.
:•••co ion Wanted—F. E. Beebe.
IL,; P:,—.John Hayden.
Notes About Town.
TL nsit sociable of the M. E. church i 3 at
Ti„. man who does not hang out his shingle
Ind 3 ircrti , e. dies and ',area no sign.
In three inches thick yesterday morning and
„ w:onI much of a time for lee either.
1; u easier to bear up uuder our misfortunes
tufa) son lye the comments of our friends on
take: apretty smart man to tell when he
happy The editor of the Republican is not
to=y in his mind on the third 'term
Si.o.quelianna Grange of P. 11., will discuss
the ..s . ubject of corn, at their next regular meet :
- 11., culture and varieties." Patrons are
rilsi,ted to exhibit varieties raised by theta.
J. E. offered a prize for the
Fucce.,,ful contestant in a spelling matchs
,o the bleb school last week. There were
competitors in the class. Miss Fanny
, 1E•,..1 Miss Cornelia 3lcMillan and Miss Jessie
ale. belonged to the graduating clase the Ntrunge4t contestants. After spelling
hvarlt two hundred words correctly, Miss Read
sad .Miss McMillan went down leaving Miss
Rwles master of the field, who received the
11 i., a most pleasing thing (to some) to attend
(”cture, School Commencement or any other
suiiis entertainment and have somebody there
w.IL Ler "darling" rat-and-tan "purp" to put
the applause. It would shock the nerves of
e‘ery ' high-toned" young lady' and gentleman
:r.the salience to hear a baby cry and they
•ior.itl say "why didn't she leave that brat at
colms with the nurse or stay at home and nurse
N,,w that is just what we think ought to
La done with the "purp."
In St Paul's (Episcopal) Church, on Thum
(svennl, the 22d inst_, a lecture will be de
"Syria and its People," illustrated by
Syrian Costumes, by John Bald
win flay. esq , late U. S. Consul General at
living Syria The church will be open at half
and lecture will commence at eight
i•cliict, No charge for admission, bat a collec
mn ill be taken up for the benefit of the Jop
pa Migiidn The public are cordially invitei
tr. atte nd
A: the meeting of the Radical Prohibition
ommittee, on Monday last, Senator was chosen senatorial delegate and
N..anh.l 1- - allienhury and Amos Nichols were
Representative delegates to the Republi
ca: ? , tuit convention which meets 'at Lancas
ter. Mar '_llth. We advise 8. 33. Chase to be
'are and ac , ompativ this trio or they may cote
Ihr "a more stringent license law," which will
these resolutions that were unanimotalp
p:ta4s-ki 41 their last convention trans'erring the
111.chheati party of this county into his
Dre,int: pocket. The Court House
rime oi being :ink and think nothing but a
little whiskey resolution will save them. "Oh!
It srire'ful
The High School Commencement w3elarge
:r ;,;tended on Friday evening last and the ex
tree, whre very creditable both to teacher
and pupils , The musical Interludes were ex.
popi, and the orations and essays of
the gri,duuting class were fully equal to the oc
eamen :•ittintlitory—"Waymarks"—Miss DT
; "Age of Chivalry"—Miss Ad
dm . "Sir Walter Scott"--Miss Jessie
. The Centennial"--Mr. Wm. V. Lewis;
Ail are Architects”--Miss Annie C. Searle ;
Words"—Miss Lissa M. Whee
,..l, , - The Will" —Mr. Selden M. Foster ; Val
,..iietery —"Trifles and Triumphs"—Miss Fan-
L Itead. The class were presented their
, tpiumus by Wm. El. Jessup, eSq-, with a few
rernork County Euperintendent, Tilden, and
Mr Berlin, the principal, made a few remarks
utter tvinch the exercises closed.
The ice gorge in June's lake remains unmet ,
to cad illobe . who flatter themselves that this
tow a tiny not be flooded from that source, are
limbic to be deceived. We have it from those
who ought to know, that this lake may be set
back up to the Fair Grouud, and thus be made
ty flood the whole of our town that there is
sufficient surplus Of^water to do this without
the akkistence of any other agency. Now if the
capitalists of this town 'want to get a bead of
the DtaIoCRAT in "ruining the town" let them
not only pray fur this flood but use tbe"mearts"
to bring it about It would "ruin" the hisur.
nee companies by taking away. a large
amount of revenue from their coffers and mak
ing the property of the town more secure from
fire. It would "ruin" the curbstone brAtera
/ because it would be au example of lawful in- . 2
sektUieut that would pay a very large legiti
mate per cent. and beside .future 'generations
would rise up and call you blessed. Will you
A Query. ----
801:110 intelligent reader of the Drxo-
CRAT please define the principles or the "Sciv
eeeips ot industry"; Whether they differ *tit
he:Lenny from the Patrons of Husbandry, to
warrant the necessity of both Societies, Unit
their entailed expenses Y Itiquraza.
Bingelar Case of Poisoning.
FnEnrcarr;TlL, April 10. , =—A singular case of
poisoning has occurred in the family of Henry
Brannigan at Dutch Home In this (Stephenson)
county. Having eaten lobsters purchased in .
tthiacity, the family were seized with violent
cramps, and a little girl aged 4 years, died in a
few hours thereafter. Mr. Brannigan and Hen
ry Lapshere, an employe, are not expected to
Arrives. Departs.
7Uopm 1216 m.
Church Officers
The following persons were elected officers of
St. Andrew's church, Springville, for the ensn
bur year : Wardens, grad Wakelee and Wm.
Baker ; Vestrymen, Albert Beardsley, Denni
: Thomas, Wirt. Esker, Arad Wakelee,
ery Culver, Philander A. Stevens and Henry
Williams Jr. Delegates to the convention Wm.
Baker, Dr. L B. Lathrop and Albert Beardsley.
Springville, April 18, 1875.
Montrose Academy.
The Spring term of the Montrose Academy
will begin Monday, May 3d, 1875, and continue
nine weeks. Instruction will be given in Lan
guagr_s,Natural Science, and the Higher Mathe
matics, in addition to the common high school
branches. A sufficient number of competent
instructors wilt be employed, and „every effort
made to render it 'Worthy of patronage. Tui
tion will be reasonable, depending upon the
branches pursued.
For further particulars address
A. H. Bent.rtr, PrincipaL
Fatality Among Lagislatars
Seven members of the House of Representa
tives elected last November have died. Four
passed away before the meeting of the•Legisla
ture--Mesars. J. A. Hunter,Republican,of Arm
strong ' county, John Ferrer, Republican, of
Washington, D. Batdorf, Democrat, of Bergs
and S. a Wolf, Democrat, of Centre. Mr. Wm.
H. Fagan, Democrat, of Philadelphia, died at
Bolton's hotel soon after the Legislature had
organized and without having been permitted
to participate in its deliberations. On Wed
nesday of last week Charles Willett, Democrat,
of Bucks county, died, and on Saturday the
death of William Bardsley, Republican, of
Philadelphia, occurred.
An Important Decision
The Supreme-Court of this State has decided
a point on an appeal froM the Common Pleas
of Carbon county, which is important as it de
cides what constitutes the delivery of a writ to
a sheriff. A writ of fieri facies against Peter
Lanz was put in the bands of the sheriff. On
the return day the execution was staid, and a
new writ issued. This writ was put in a pig
eon-hole in the Prothonotary'sofilce,into which
writs and other papers for the sheriff, were usu
ally put. The same day a writ which repre
sented another judgement was delivered to the
sheriff. Counsel held that the putting of the
writ in the pigeon-hole was a legal defivery,and
the case was so decided by Judge Dreher. Mr.
Rapsher, the opposing counsel, carried the case
to the Supreme Court where the decree of the
court below was revers!d, Or to other words
the putting of a writ in the "Pigeon-Hole" is
not a legal delivery to the sheriff.—
As the time for whitewashing and cleaning
approaches the following recipe for prevent
ing whitewash from adhering it; everything
that happens to be brushed against it, will be
read with interest Soak four ounces of glue
in a quart of warm water for twenty-four hours
then add a pint of water, place the vessel (tun)
in a kettle of warm water over the tire, and ag
itate the glue nittil it is thoroughly dissolved
and the solution quite clear. Now put five or
six pounds of powdered Paris white (costs three
cents a pound) into a bucket, and add hot wet.
er until the mixture is of the consistency of
cream. Then mix the glue with,it stir it well,
and put on with an ordinary whitewash brush.
It is of the most importance that the calcimin
ing mixture be spread smoothly, and it too
thick a little hot water should be added. The
quantities given above are sufficient for two
coats on a large room sixteen feet square. To
make a good job two coats should always be
The Health of School Children.
A great many children have their health in
jured by being kept at school too closely.—
Many young boys and girls go from the coun
try to the city school ; they are compelled to.
start early in the morning and often do not
get home again until night, passing the whole
day without anything to eat except cold lunch,
composed as a rule, of sweet cake and pie, that
enemy to good digestion_ Is it any wonder,
that so many of them lose their health and lay
the foundation of some disease that will carry
them off before they arrive at maturity ?
Young children that are growing need more
food in proportion than grown people. Be
side the wear and tear of their bodies they have
new bone and muscle to make continually.—
Now, if we put upon them besides, a great
mental strain, associated with poor . food and ir
regular meals, some parts of their organization
must suffer. How often do we see the mental
abilities cultivated at a sacrifice to the physical?
There is nothing that should interest a parent
more than the welfare of his cbildrsn,:and no
part of their education is more important than
their physical education.
Montrose Railway.
EDITORS Destocuar —.Deur sirs :—Npt doubt
ing that your article of last week, "Ought to be
Changed," was written in a friendly spirit with
a view to correct what you suppose to be a
mistake in the running of the' trains, you will,
I trust, give place to this, not as a reply to
yours but for information. If your informa
tion and conclusions are correct, the managers
are blame•worthy,ignorant or wilful!, unprofit
able servants. If they are blind they should
he made to see. But it they are purposely run
ning the road to benefit Tnnkhannock or any
other place to the detriment of Montrose or any
other place, and not for the best interest of the
Montrose Railway,it is full time that. they "step
down and out". If you will suggest a leasable
time table reversing the running of the trains
that will better accommodate the' freighting
and traveling public and add to the net earn
ings of the road, you will merit: and receive
the thanks and co-operation of at least,
T. G. Watzsna.
April 19,1875.
Court Proceeding*.
In the matter of the cotateof Sylvester Wool
sey, Court appoint Wm. Woolsey committee of
Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Jobs Fritzly. The
Court permit nolle prosequi to be entered.
E.B. Swisher was apPointed deputy'consta
i?le of Auburn,towaship. - -
On motion of A. H. McCollum, esq:, Eugene
O'Neill was admitted to practice in the several
courts of Susquehanna county.
On motion of Wm. M. Post, esq., Court ap
point A. A. Andrews Supervisor of Oakland
township, to fill vacancy caused by the death
of A. E. Doolittle: - •
Court approved the appoiutment of Charles
J. Whipple as deputy of Jobe A. Howell, con-
stable of the borough of Montrose.
Commonwealth vs. Solon:mu Oakley. Ball
Commonwealth 4s. Henry Mmes. -Indict
ment, tippling house. - Grand Jthy find true
Commonwealth vs._ Isaac France. Indict
ment tippling house. 'Gave tall to appenrst
next Quarter Sesstons.
Commonwealth vs. Andre! J. (I,ourtney and
George E. 'Crandall.- Indictment, False Pre
temzes. Court permit.
.noUe prass4rui to be en
tered on payment of costa..
Commonwealth vs. Alphonso 1). Barber, for
assault and battery. Joseph R. Barber prose-
cutor. Bill Ignored. Prosecutor to pay the
Commonwealth vs. Cornelius Manning, for
tippling louse. Bill ignored, and prosecutor,
Andrew Ferguson, to pay costs.
Daniel S. Robinson vs. N. A. Gardner. Set
tled. Each party pay his own costs and one
half court costa.
In the matter of granting licenses, Court set
aside Friday next to hear applications.
Commonwealth va,George M. Birdsall. Set-
tled on payment of costs and recognizance dia
Jeptha Wilbur, appellant. vs. J. Diekerman
& Co., same va. D. W. Hager and same vs. A.
D. Russell and C.W. Doolittle. Appealed from
judgements of 0. Barlow, J. P., New Milford
borough. Judgements reversed.
J. B. Sutton vs. Ralph Struble. Judgement
opened. yerdlet for defendant.
From Auburn.
D. A. Trieble is building a barn.
James Lot has completed a new blacksmith
Snaw five incites deep on Tuesday evening
W. N. Bennett is building quite an extensive
addition to his tenant house.
Louisa Carlin, relict of the late Joseph Car
lin, is lying dangerously ill.
Wm. White is finishing a spacious room in
the second story of his store building, to be
used for an Odd Fellows' Hall.
There is to be a-spelling match at the Centre
school house, on Monday evening next. Judi_
ing from the painstaking and care exercised by
those engaged in getting it up, and their suc
cess heretofore in everthing of the kind, we
predict a lively time amongst the good spellers
of this section.
Andrew 8. Low departed this lite of con
sumption, at his residence, March 13, aged six
ty-nine years,four months,and twenty-five days.
His funeral was largely attended, the following
Monday, at the Methodist church, on Jersey
Hill, of which church Mr. Low was a devoted
member. Mr. Low was born in Round Valley,
Hunteraon co.,New Jersey, October 18th, 1805,
and came to this township about forty years
ago and was the first settler on what is now a
beautiful part of our township, known as Jer
sey Hill. 31r. Low was a loving husband and
kind father. And it is a consolation to his sor
rowing intimates to feel that their friend NVPB
one who knew how to combine all the ameni
ties of social life pith the integrity of purpose
and completeness of acts which insure private
esteem and perpetuate general confidence and
respect. BLUE JACKET
Auburn, April 16, 1875.
Wilkesbarre Jottings.
That's Choctaw.
You can't understand it,
It is all that we can do ourselves.
However it should be strictly remembered
Grangers should be buried darkly, at dead
of night.
As we write the snow is falling at the rate of
four million bushels, three pecks, a second.
The Wilkesbarre steamboat has resumed-b-us
iness Two dollars pays for the round trip to
Tunkhennock and return.
Probabilities for April and May--snow,gms s
hoppers, wet rain, potato bugs, damp coolness,
Colorado beetles.
Still the merry, merry ploughboy whistles
and the robin writes home in haste for his over
coat and mittens.
The diabolical miner chuckles, and decides
to re,* strike, while the millionaire in
v*reatok A contents of thn anh piles in nnier
tolkeep t e pot boiling.
In thora'pring,the female suffragist who keeps
boarde4starts heroically forth in guest of six
cents Wiwth of red herring, and weeps bitterly
ere her. because she is not web-footed.
The GourlAys, Joseph R. Emmet, Mr. J. S.
Stoddart and several other celebrities, have
held forth •at Music hall, during the past week,
to small audiences—cause it's hard times you
Wilkesbarre 'inching matches tackle words
like the following : TransmvnifiCaubandan
jaulity, Coradelmqrine,Stickinthemudativeneu,
Ohowareyoutomcollins, Bnitiforthesecondna•
tional, Beautifulsnotvinahornyouno, and as a
result several have died of traumatic lockjaw.
Wilkesbarre, April 17, 1875. D.
Sheriff Sees
The following pieces or parcels of land were
sold by Sheriff Helme, at the Court House, en
Friday afternoon last:
All those two sdeces, parcels , or lota of land situate
In Forest Lake, in the Connty of Susquehanna and state
of Pennsylvania, the first pace bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at southeast corner of Polly
Patch's lot in the line of James IL Patch's land, thence
south 4 degrees west, on said line and the highway, 12
perches to a corner standing in said Park's walLthence
north t 0 degrees west, 40 perches to a post and stone.
corner, thence north 4 degrees east 19 perches to a ear
ner in Chester Lincoln's line,thearm along said lineand
Polly Pach's south 6636 dens eat, 40 perches to the place
of beginning, containing 8 acres, more or less, with the
appurtonances, one house and outbuildings, and all im
proved. The emend piece bounded as follows: Begin
ning at the centre of highway in the line of Isaac Bmila
torn on the Pond creek road along the lands of said
Bmilsford north 40 degrees cad 81 and elght4entts
perches to a post,thcnce north 50 degrees west 5 perch
es to a post, thence north 40 degrees east 8 perches to a
post, thence north 50 degrees west 6 and Eve-tenths
perches toe poet, thence north 12 degrees east 26 and
six tenths perches to a post, thence north 75 degrees
west %land three-tenthspachea to apost the north-east
corner of sold Willard Weston's other tot, thence South
18 degrees east along - the pond 23
_perches to a post,
thence north 53 degrees west 11 perces to the centre of
the highway, thence south 7 degrees east along centre
of the highway 40 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 5 acres and 116 perches, be the same more
or less, with the privilege of raising his dam two feet,
with the appurtenances, one saw mill, dwelling honer,
barn and all improved. (Taken in execution at the
suit of Willard Weston, use of ILL. Gardner, vs. Benj.
M. Fox and Beal= Spaulding.
First piece sold to Mary E. Allen for $5O.
Second piece sold to E L. Gardner for $475.
ALao—All that Certain piece of land situate in Len
ox township in the county of Simeitehtuans aid state of
Pennsylvania, bounded fit follows : On the north by
lands of Wm. Rees, on the east by the B, ooklyn and
Lenox tamplite (now town road.) end on south and
west by lands of the heirs of Benin,Lin Tourge's estate,
containing 4 acres of bold, be the came more or less,
with theappurtenances. one frame house, and all im
pro-ed. ashen in execution at the salt of S. Id. Tif
Anton Blowers and Fanny Blowers his wife,
and G.W. Rees va. Anson Blowers and Fanny Blowers
ids wife.
- Sold to G. 'WI Rees for 480.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situa
te In the townah.p of springsille, in the county of
Susquehanna and state of Pennsylvania. bound d as
follows : On the north by lauds of alley G. Rogers and
Daniel Thomas. on the east by public highway Ann
John Teel, on the south by lands of 8. 8. Thomas and
0. L. Taylor, deed and on the west by lands of Frank
lin Brooks containing 438 urea of land more or less.
with the apptutenancesjwo dwelling houses, barn and
shed attached, corn-house, and other out buildings, an
orchard, and about CO acres improved. (Taken In exe
cution atthe suit of Riley & Lathrop Ys. M. Brooks.
Sold to E. L Blakeslee for $5. •
a LS u—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the townsh pof Ararat. county and state aforesaid.
bounded and described as follows to wit: un the north
east by lands of William 13. Dann, on the southeast by
leads of Morse Nichols. & Co•, on the south and south
west by lands of Stone and Wilcox & Co., late widow
Wm. Wilson's estate, containing about SO acres of land.
more or less, with the apputtenanas. and partly im
proved. [Taken in execution at the snit of Thompson
doodle vs. Peter Dunn.
Sold to E. 14.11Jakeslee for $2O.
A Notatblo
Friday, Apiil 9, 1875, was, to. Seth BT tebeil.
esq., and his relatives, "a dap of great interest,it
being the ninetieth anniversary of his birth.—
The important °catalpa was celebrated with
him by his children, grandchildren, and great
grandchildren, at the residence of Ids tam, L. B.
Mitchell, near Montrose, where the aged patri
arch is quietly visaing the evening of a very
active and useful t life. '
The sterling wohlt of this good matt having
.been long and thoroughly recognized through
out our county, many will read with pleasure
the estimate° that his physical strength was
sufficient to enable him to sit in his easy chair
during the 'entire gathering, and receive the
congratulations, gifts, and tributes which the
day .Inspired, with 'very little- weariness, and
witligreat satisfaction- and happiness—for his'
mental health and vigor are wonderfully retain
ed in his extreme age.
After the company were fully assembled,
Chas. T. Mitchell, standing by the side of his
gmndeire, read slowly, distinctly and with deep
feeling, letters from absent children and grand
children, who, unable to be present in person,
expressed In beautiful and fitting language
their tender congratulations and filial respect
and affection. Mrs. E. A. 13. Mitchell also read
a short poem written for the occasion. The
aged father then made a very tender and ep
ee opriate response, expressing his gratellri ap•
preciation of both the.letters and poem, as well
as the gifts received, and the many expressions
of regard he was at this time permitted to en
joy. He spoke of the party as a complete and
most happy surprise to him, and assured Os of
his pleasure in greeting again on earth so many
dear faces, closing with the earnest prayer that
all might be prepared for the reunion in anoth
er world.
The party was a success, every ono seeming
gratified end delighted ; especially was this the
case in the matter of the dinner, in regard to
which it is sufficient to say that it was super•
vised by Mrs. L. B. Mitchell and Mrs. G. R.
Lathrop, subsequently spoken of by their filth•
er as "two of the best cooks in the world."—
Lovely and fragrant flowers, gifts from dear.
friends, ddcorated the table. At Its head sat
the white-haired sire, at the foot, opposite him,
his little grandson, Willie Post Mitchell, who
celebrated on this occasion his seventh birth
day. Glancing up, and then down, one could
not fail to be impressed with the striking con.
trast in the two faces,—the one a noble type of
rich and ripe old ago, the other a beautiful em
bodiment of all the freshness, gladness, and
brightness of childhood.
It was indeed touching to see this way worn
pilgrim, who, with folded arms and satisfied
heart, would soon step from the shores of time,
smiling tenderly upon the happy boy springing
forward, with outstretched heads, and eager
soul, to grasp life's promised joys.
This was truly a happy day, and its oft re
curring memory', will ever be a satisfaction to
each participant. The goodbyes were impres
sive, but not sad, for they were givenin that
cheering faith which links this world so closely
with the world unseen.
The following is the poem referred to above:
7b my venerable father, tech dflWied, upon
ninetieth birthday :
Of the once majestic forest
Thou alone, old Oak, art left I
Gone the trees that clustered round thee,
Stand'st thou lonely and bereft.
Graceful elms with arms entwining,
Vines that clung around thy form,
From thy shelter and protection
have been swept by wind and storm.
But not dead, transplanted only,
Are the friends who shared thy love.
Winds that severed and uprooted,
Had their mission fl•om above.
Greener fields beyond are waiting,
Richer soil, and skies more fair—
Ali, the leaf shall never wither.
Nor the storm e'er part us there.
Father, by thy life so earnest,
By thy truth in every thought,
By thy high and holy purpose,
Precious lessons thou oast taught
We are better for thy living,
We are stronger for thy strength,
And we praise our God for giving
Life to thee in wondrous length.
Now, with work all done, thou sittest
Where the evening shadows fall,
Leaning on thy staff serenely,
Listening for the Father's call.
Soon before thee will be lifted
The Eternal gates of light !
Leaning on thearm of Jesus,
Soon thou'lt walk with ilim in white I
Dins. E. A. B. 51rrcuELL.
Muntrose, April 9, 1875.
Co-operation in the Orange
One of the fundamental principles for which
to tenor as ratrons or Husbandry is co-opera
tion, where farmers may meet speculators,mon
eyed monopolists and crafty business blood
leeches on equal tooting, charge upon their
ranks with their own weapons, and defy their
sophistries with their own elaborate reason
A second object in co-operation is to gather
the successes and failures of Brother and Sister
Patrons together, as a chart to guide to a mere
successful and propitious channel of usefulndss;
for there is no brighter beacon to light the
steps to the ultimo thubs of aspiration than the
Lamp of experience.
The third object of eo operation is to aid
each other in developing beautiful thoughts end
enlarged ideas, on which to meditate while
hearing the sometimes rigorous burdens of ,la
bor at home. The fourth object is to cultivate
the social qualities of our nature, to develop
the finer and more refined feelings of the heart
and a stronger respect for the better part of
character, and beget a holier sympathy for the
weaker traits which lead to temptation and . er
The fifth object of co-operation is to elevate
our standard of mind improvement, to develop
a taste fur more and a higher class of reading
and make an increased effort towards mental
activity generally.
To recapitulate—the first object in co-opera
ting is to cease handling middlemen with
gloves on ; but by careful study and earnest
application endeavor to gain their ability to
buy and sell with an eye to profit and our own
personal benefit.
The middlemen are blessings in their proper
places ; but the laboring class should not idiocy
them to make all the prices, or get all the Prof
• We are willing that our speculators should
be fed and clothed as well as we are,but nolbet
ter. If there must be a beat, let it be etthally
shared with those, who by the meat of their
brow coin bread - from the soil for themselves
and the world. Let farmers once learn, the
science of "Exchanged' and they will"paddle
their own canoes" with less assistants and larg
er profits.
The second object of co-operation is for Has
bandmen and Matrons to relate experience in
different, branches of labor. If a Brother has
found a superior method of cultivating Corn,
let him tell the modus operandi to his brother
Patrons, and share with them for seed.
If a Sister has discovered an excellent way of
making butter, or preserving fruits ; let her too
share her knowledge with the sisterhood. Fan
ny Fern once said "The nearest way to a
man's heart is down his throat," hence a end
ing feature of woman's education should be to
cater successfully to her husband's appetite,
that he may always prefer, her table to that of
any other.
It is also advisable to dis Cuss the Mures of
others,that we may avoid the shoals and quick
sands on which they stranded."
The third object of co-operation is to search
for the beautiful everywhere, and gather it for
our household fraternally.
-Whenever a theught•arises which gives pleas.
ure, bring It to the Grange and fill some mem.
bees heart - with cheer. The utilitarian- con
fines his ideas only to the gaining of pounds
and bushels ; but a beneficent Creator has en 7,
Slowed this lovely earth with so much biauty,
earnestness and truthfulness, ive should also
catch the sunshine of musical birds and forest
trees, the blooni of fio*era and sparkling dew
as so many voices iron► above, to .
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow f'
TIM fourth object of, co.operation Is fratern
ally to cement still closer the bonds of brother
hoed, the golden chain of Faith; trope, Charity
Bad Fidelity. No unfriendly or uncharitable
feelings should be entertained towards a Broth
er or Sister Patr.on, tor . Buell exhibitions will
soon weaken our power within our gates, nd
destroy our influence - in the outer world.. It
a vital point that we be perfectly' and entirely
wilted ; for "Divided we fall, united we stand."
"In union- there is strength,"turd co-operation
with each other in love and good works will
brighten our crowns in Heaven.
The filth object of co-operation in the Grange
Its to mentally gain strength for battling down
!the barriers of ignorance, barricade our way to
!wisdom's stronghold and open to our thirsty
minds the vast ocean of bliss realized in Edo
'cation. Education adds the greatest charms to
life, it Is a companion of which no enemy can
deprive us. and no thief can break lit and steal.
There are other means by which mutual co
operation will be highly beneficial to our Order
and prove_ a watch-word to success always.—
Let, us help each other and bear each other's
Brigham Young says: "Give_rite money
enough Lad I can buy all the United States. I
can buy all Congress. I can buy all the preach
ers in the United State& Give them their bread
and butter and they will preach any doctrine.
There may be a few honorable exceptions.—
The great thing is to organize our people into
CO-OPERATION to raise grain, cotton, cattle,ttc,
for our own sustenance and manufacture every
article needed for our own use." If Brigham
Young can do such wonders by co-operation
in that small-out-of-the-way-corner of-creation,
called Utah ; what will all the legions of Pat
rons of Husbandry throughout the United
States do, by co-operation, when they already
raise their own grain, cotton and cattle and
manufacture some, and could all their own at.-
ticks for family use ?
We already have the unman and ntrrran
with which to buy the preachers, and backed
by the women of this vast Commonwealth,who
knew how . to maw the BREAD and BUTT= ;
who shall dare to molest, or make us afraid ?
Nina. M. H. FILLACE.
Auburn, April 12, 1875.
Business Locals.
Have commenced arriving at the Itavtone
Saloon. Ono. C.
April 21, 1875.—tf.
Rev. Asher Moore will preach in Brooklyn,
the first Sunday in May, Providence permit
A situation as Book Keeper in rt mercantile
or manufacturing establishment. Would also
engage as clerk tor a time. For particulars and
reference apply to, or address
10w4 New Billiard,
April 21, 1875.* • Bustfa co., Pa.
Fifteen per cent. more butter. made by using
Iron and Pans. Read what they say :
BAEVBRIDGE, N T., August 10, 1874.
Mew/. Bonne/ Brown : The Pans that I
bought of you are all right. They save a vast
amount of work, and we get all, the cream in
bad weather. We makejust as good butter in
July and - August as we did in June. We have
running water around them all of the time. I
would not do without them for three times
what they cost me if 1 could. not get. another
set. They are just what every butter maker
should have, and will when they got their eyes
open. _ , Fours truly
- -
These Pans can be seen at Hayden & Clem
Jo¢.4 HAYDEN, General Agent,
April 21, 1876. New Milford, Pa.
BLArat School Orders, together with all oth
er Blanks at this Office. '
*BLANK Leases, Contracts, Sheep Blanks and
other blanks newly printed at this office.
Ronan BILLS AND CARDS printed at the
DEMOCRAT office in the best style and at rea
sonable prices.
The best Flour at reduced prices at
March 17, 1875
Therein; SEEQ (:i rex , . Rae,. I I
Clover Seed large and small at
PORTER & Nronoes
Montrose, March 17, 1875.
Fresh ground Cayuga Plaster at Dann Sta
Montrosse, Feb. 24, 1875.
PIIOTOGRAPIIB.—Pictures taken in all the lat
est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Also a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap,
at G. W. Doourries.
Montrose, Juno 10, '74.—tf.
One thousand veal calves for which the high
est market price will be paid in cash.
Coolville, March 10, 1875
Now is limn Tun
To buy goods cheap at Isbell &
ISlelhulab '.—
Will sell for the next 30 days at 5 per cent.
above cost. A. brood opportunity for all who
want anything in silver ware or jewelry.
lar - Some goods will be sold less than cost.
lemma, ft Mama:am.
Montrose, April 7, 1875.-tt
C. F. SISSON & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
Hare one of the largest and most complete
assortment of Dry Goods in the city.
Send for samples of our 50 cent Black Alpaca
or any other goods. Alter this date any goods
ordered from samples will be sent to any ad
dress at our own experse.
Binghamton. Feb. 10 1875.
THE PAST WD.-rEn has been one of unusual
severity. Stock of all kinds, do not appear to
be doing as well as usual. Those who have
tried it, say, it pays many times over to give
their stock, at this season of the year, a few pa
pers of Taylor's Condition Powders. They
can be obtained of any dealer in medicines.
There is no subject that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment of pt ron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re
markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life
long study of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. 'Cures
the worst forms o 1 Scrofula. Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder.
Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton,
Tuesday, Wedncsday,and Thursday,March 27th
28th, and 211th, 1875. 15-8.
Gentlemen : in _pursuance of the forty-third
section of the Act of Bth of May, 1854, you are
hereby notified to meet in convention, at the
'Court House. in Montr. se, on the first Tuesday
in May, A. 11, 1875, being
the fburth day of the
month, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and se
lect, sire axe, by a majority of the whole num
ber of directors present, one person of literary
and scientific acquirements, and of skill and
experience in the art of teaching, as County
Superintendent, and for the three succeeding
years ; determine the amount of Compensation
for the same; and certify the result to the
Stele Superleteudent, at Harrisburg, as requir
ed by the, thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of
said Act. W. C. Trt.nmi,
Co. Sup't of Susquehanna Courity;
Montrose, April 187. 14w4
&mum ,Exastinamon.—Examinatlons and
Institatm Tor Teachers will be held as follows,
each to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. :
Springville, Institute, Wednesday, April 14th.
Examination, Thursday, ' 15th.
Grangerville, " Saturday, " 17th.
New Milford, " . Monday, " 19th.
Eusq'tt Depot," " • Tuesday,:' • " 20th. Gridley; "- • Wednesday, • " 21st.
Clifford Corners, ", Thursday,. " 22d.
Hopbottom, Friday, " 23d.
Frlendsville, Institute, 3londay, " 26th.
" Examination, Tuesday, . " 27th.
Montrose, " Thursday, " 20th.
Directors will please see that no one em
inences teaching without tc legal certificate.—
Applicants " will need writing materials. No
private examinations only in extreme cases.
W. 0. Timms, County Supl.
Montrose, April 7,1874. 14w3
TkIASOLU'TION.—Thi esvpartnerehlp ' between the
undersigned, was dissolved by mutual consent
APvil 1, 1023. The business will be continued by A. B.
Banta, at the old stand. whore the books . and amounts
of the tate firm may be tonna !Os settletaent. All bar
lag unsettled necounta will please call and settle.
Montrose, April a, 'TS. Itat
Carver tk Pratt.
Over their splendid stock of
ci all styles and varieties. Theirstoek of ready-made
RATS and BONNETS is unequalled in Mr country for
style and cheapness.
Firet•Olasa Custom Work Done Here.
Dinittandon, Oct. 14, 1614.-Iy. 21 Court St. Cr. Water.
STEENBACX—DANEY--In Jackson, March 27,
by Eld, D. E. Bowen, Mr. John Steenback
and Site. Annie E Daney.
Annarr—COOLEY—At the parsonage in 81e•
vensville, on the 12th inst by Rev. T. Thomas,
Mr. Wallace D. Abbot, of Pike, to Miss C.ecel
is L. Cooley, of Rushville.
WRIOLEY—CIArwELL—At the M. E. church,
Factoryville, Pa., Sabbath morning, April 11,
1875, by Rev: P. R. Tower, Mr James Wrigley
and Miss Clara J. Capwell, all of Factoryville.
SILISPARDSON—Quemr—At the house of E. D.
Bluipanison, in Gibson, April 11, 1875, by Rev.
D. C. Barns, Mr. Elliott J. Shepardson, of New
Milford, and Miss Ellen L. Green, of Gibson,
Jon mesa—ln Burford Feb, 13th, 1875. James
Johnson aged 56 years 7 months and 9 days.
Darts—ln Franklin,3larch 20, Mary B. Dav
is, wife of Melvin Davis, aged 33 years, p
months and 5 days.
CARPENTER—In Burford, March 13, Fanny,
wife of Col. A. Carpenter, aged 73 years.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
BowELL—In Ararat, Susquehanna county,
Pa., October 80, 1874, Mrs. Charlotte Bowell,
widow of Thomas Bowell. aged 55 years.
Martan—ln Thomson, Susq'a. county. Pa.;
March 19, 1875, of scarlet fever, Charles H. eld
est eon of A. V. and Mary E. Marsh, aged 9
years and 8 months.
The Markets.
New York Produce !Market
Reported Every Week Expressly for Tux 11101V11105i
DZKOCHAT by Rhodes & Server, Produce Commis
sion Merchants, 28 Whit hall Street,New York.
New York, Friday,April 10,1875.
Receipts fur the last six day 5,19,364 pkgs.—
There Is very little change to note in the con
dition pf the market, for either new or old but
ter. Fine new State sells readily at full prices,
but common to good lots move slow, at irreg
ular prices. Very little of the new Western
arriatng is good enough to bring out side quo
tations. The bulk of the sales are at 17 to 26c.
There is a fair enquiry for all old Western that
will bore out solid at 14 to 15c. Rolls are ex
tremely dull even at the low prices at which
they are offered. -
Firkins. choice selected c
" , lair to prime c
Tubs, choice new made... ..... 22 0 c
Tubs, good to prime. ..... ......18 20e
Tubs, fair to good 16 0 17c
Receipts fur the last six day 5,13,086 boxes.
The home demand is only moderate, dealers
generally preferring to be well cleared of old
stock before the arrival of new. Shippers are
buying with sonic degree of freedom.but as pre
viously noticed, prefer straight lines of 500 to
1000 boxes, rather than to buy small lots, look
ing upon the latter with suspicion as the reject
ions of the home trade.
State Factory, fine..
State Dairies . 14 1534 c
State Factory, fair to g00d...16 ei 15c
Receipts for the last six days 14,263 packages.
The arrivals are not so liberal this morning,
but the demand is slow, and the market con
tinnwa crank and declining
State and Penn. 18 et 183p'c
Western choice brands 18 0 18%c
Southern ............17 © 18c
Apples continue quiet both quarters and slic
ed. Peaches are also gather slow. The larger
holders , )f cherries and Blackberries are steady
in their views, but small odd lots coming in
will scarcely bring lull prices. Plums a trifle
State Apples, quarters... t to Sic
Peaches, peeled, state 20 to 23e .
Blackberries. . to 9c
Raspberries, new 30 to 31c
Frozen poultry constitutes the bulk of the
supply of dressed, and even that is scarce and
rules firmly, An occasional package of fresh
dressed arrives and if fine brings full prices.
Turkeys, State, good to prime.. to 23e
Chickens, Jersey prime to 24c
Ducks, Jersey, prime.— to 24c
The receipts of dressed Calves were very lib
eral to-day and prices ruled weak.
Mutton carcasses, prime to c
Live Sheep 6 to Nc
Live Calves, State prime 814 to Oc
Calves, dressed fair to prime...o to 1034 c
There is a moderate demand tor prime varie
ties for seed purpose. The general market is
trifle firmer than a few days ago.
Early Rose in bulk,per bb1. .1.. .. 2
2 25 to 2 50
Reaehblows " " OO to 250
Centaur Liniment.
There le no pain which the Centaur
ik k Liniment wfil not re II eie, no %Welling
' - ;ti - they will not subdue, and no lameness
, 110 ,
1 r which they will not cure. This isidrong
r'' , , language, but It 11l true._ They have
/...i.i produced more cures of rheumatism,
e. neuralgla,locklaw.palsy,sprains,Swel
-404411= liege, caked breasts, scalds, barns, salt
rheum, ear-ache, &c., upon the human frame, and of
strains, spavin, galls, etc., upon animals In one year
than have all other pretended remedies sleet the world
began. They are counter-Irritant, all.healleg, pain re.
lievers„Cripples throw away thrir crutches, the lame
walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless, and the
wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub
lished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
sold before. because they do lust what they pretend to
do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or
swelling deserie to suffer if they wilt not use Cadent.
Liniment, white wrapper. 'Afore than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cures. including frozen limbs, chronic
rheumatism, gout, running Winona. etc., have been re
ceived. We will send a circular containing certltlcates,
the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper CcataurLiniment is worts
one hundred dollars for spavined or sweented horses
and mules, or for screw worm In sheep., Stock-owners
—theselinimentr are worth your attention. Nn family
should be without them. "White wrapper family eget"
Yellow wrapper for animals. Sold by all - Druggists.-
50 cents per bottle: large bottles, $l.OO. d.. B. Ross &
Co., 53 Broadway, Nei , York. , . . •
Custorta le more than a oubstitato for Cuter 011.
It to the only see article In existence which to certain
to poolumlate the food. regulate the bowels, cure wind
colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither
minerals, morphine or alcobOr; and to pleasaut intake.
Children need not cry and mothers may . rest. '
00t:25. •
• MIX azwircoeso. -
Is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con
Litman) an hand a NS and desirable assortment of gen
Dyestuffs, TEAS, Spices, and other groceries, atone
ware, wallpaper, glassirare, trult.jars, mirrors, lamps,
cblinneys, kerosene, machinery oils, rumens` oil, neats
foot oil, rased .Whalc Oil, oil for !enteral:4°ll4os
leuschioes,Olive 011,Sperul.OH,SpiritsTarpen•
tine,Varniabes,Canarytleed, Vlnegar;Potasb.Concen•
tinted Lye. Axle Grease., Trusses, supporters,Modica)
instruments. Shoulder Bracei.Whips, Guns, Pistols
Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Hun Caps,Blastlud
Powder and Nu se, V (ohne ;Stri n7 l t• Bows, etc. Pintos,
Fires , etc.,Pishllooksand Linea arandTolletEosps
flats Oils, Hair Restorers . and fair Dyes. Brushy',
Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver and Silver Plates
All tbel ending and hest kinds or.
pepeeple aro invited to call at the Drug andVatlat)
S o.of
Jaz.1.1875," '' EstablishedlB,lB.
Theso prices ore
and for Customers from a distance:
Good Winter Pants, lined, ' 200
Heavy Business Suits,
All Wool Caashrtere Salts, . 1200
• Broadcloth Brest Suits, all woo., 1850
French Diagonal Suits, . 1500
English 'Basket Suits, - • . 1800
Cutaway Coats and Vesta, tine,. . 1400
Heavy Grey Overcoats, . 500
Black Union Beaver Overcoats,. 050
Castor Beayei Overeoats, , ' ' 1100
Chinchilla and Fur Beaver, ' '' 1000
French Beaver and Kersey, " , .1500
Good Under Shirts and Drawers, 40
Good Knit Jackets, 1 35
Good Cloth lined Paper Collars, per box, 10
And allother Goods In proportion.
Also an immense stock of
for boys, from a years of ago, up to men's size
at prices from $2OO a snit upwards
to buy a supply of Winter (nothing at these
WEBSTER, The Clothier.
62, 64, 66 Court Street,
Binghamton, N. Y.
Binghtuntuu, Nor. - 11, - -
We pay Cash for Goode, and fell for Cash, and would
and vle.rdty, yieltum Montrose. to
be'lls'lrganifintre . "llWoe.Vera w e d
that they sell In Binghamton for twenty-ffvo dolars.
New Goods Arriving Every Day!
Montrose, Nov ; 11, "14.—lyr.
Tim Polo's DrllE SIR
B. ipt:FIYO'N„ Droggiat & Apothecary
iNVoloiMiltal Novii.D4iiiii)Atiluil
The undersigned wOuld respectfully announce to all
the people everywhere, that to his already exterusiv
stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocery. Pro
vision.and ilardware.line.
..... . .......
Ile has added a v. ry choice assortment of PURR
MURRY, Sc.. which he flatters Wined, he can assure
the public they will find it to their addhntage to exam.
Inc before purchasing elsewhere.. Tu alt Physicians in
this section of the county be would respectfellY an
nounce that he has secured the services of R. Kenyon.
as Druggist and Apothecary. whose long experience and
acknowledged care and ability, entitle him to your en
tire cOnddence in the line of compounding medicines
or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem
itat0,..14 Iravvi so ev.aver sans Ulna 407
uttruntra Or new OLICIP. Will make the Patent Medi
lines • specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral
Waters—an extensive stock. Also tine Groceries—
In tact, anythinnand evcrything that is tudlnuily
ed. Respectftilly soliciting a call Ire
Powder! Powder! Powder!
Blasting, Mae and Shot Powder, Sbot, Lead, Gun
Tnbea, Carol, Pouches, Planks, Pose, &c.,
&c., &c., for solo by
Um:Arose. Sept. 9. Inll—t.t.
• ;_p,
,r , 407 .4
3P3aistetcocus, •
Mantdhmured, on axhibtion. and fdr Gala at
Montage, March 10.1875.
MISERY. Just - Published, is a Sealed
Envelope. Price sfs tents.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatatant,and Radical cure
of Seminal Weakness, or tipennatorrhocas. induced by
Self-Abner, Involuntary Emmissions,lmpoteney,Nert ,
one I/ability. and Impedimenta to Marriage generally ;
Consumption, Epilepsy, and Pile ,• Manta, and Physi
cal Incapacity. tic.—Sy ROBERT J. CIYLVERWELL,
M. l).,antherof the Green Book, at.
The worldrenouned author. in this admirable Lect
ure. clearly proves from his own experience that the
awful consequences of Son-Abase may be effectually
removed without medicine,and without dangerous sur
gical operations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cora..
als ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and
effectual, by lititch every matter what his
condinon may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
orThle Lecture will proves boon to thousands
Sent under seal. In • plaid envelope. to any address
postpaid. on receipt of six cents, Or rwr peat stomps.
Address the Publishers
CHAR. J. 0. Irma &
127 Nowery. New York; Post Office Box, 4588.
•witti Fifteew.Acrea of Land,
T 0 and three-fourth miles from Montrose, on the
Snake Creek road, near Mongers' Tannery. The
Mill Is newly fitted tip an so ld good repsir, is well stock
ed. wrth logs, and win he cheap. Also, 'if - desired,
team and fools necessary Swarming on the business.
For itathersartlenlars call at the MM. Or address red at
Montrose, Fa. S.ESLIM FOOT.
' Starch 24 1611.—mSW.
The Inidellsign .... ed will make
Chith eta king a Sanctity
their ' business.
All needing' Mel, undoes wM be promptly attended
.to. Satisfaction guaranteed.
}Trion dmille. Pet., Aprll 1, Ism 144 t • •
The House and Darn are new. Lot 7 rods deep and
about Ot rods front. Above property wlll be sold cheap.
and on long payment.
D. I, Ast,DwiNt.
Mach 1823.-2 W. -
3000 CALVES suld VEALS WANTED - at Greet
Bend Village, Pa., for - which' the BEST
/RABBET PRICE will be paid. Also calve! Aix. We
old and upwards, and VBALS frun row to eis week,"
old, by , , • • . , S. BARNES,
Great Bena Vlllage,Naith 27, 1573.-tf .
QTRista ENGINE FOR - RALR.—Tito subscriber hat
PO I second hand. 30 bursa power.- casino with bawl
balance steal. and all in compleio rUtildlig order. - Will
bo raid client, baring new. for R. - Fartteolars an be
had by seeing or addressing, • -
Tab. ma zers.—azasy • Bp 1 . 1011 ra ,
• . •
Nuinber i 6.
Poor ff) _ilawkß7o
57 Court Street,
tw .14v: I
For Spring and Sump* rade
The Custom Department
18 now under the charge of S. H. Ben—
coax, late of New York City, and form—
erly with O'Hara & Co., which is a full
guarantee that we cannot be beaten by
any house in this city.
Our stock comprises all the late styles,
and will be sold at bottom prices.
Don't forget the place,
(opposite Exchange notcl.)
.71Ingbainton, N. Y.. April 7t.b. 7813.
W here Now
Garden Seeds of ell kltide,the vere beg. Flour, Sugar
Tea, Coffee, Fish, Hams, Lard, etc., etc.
Forty eases of choice canoed geode, consisting in part
of Peaches, Pears, Plume. Cherries, Quinces. Strawber
ries. Pine Apples, Corn. Beans, Tomatoes. Peas. Duck.
Turkey. Lobster, Succotash, Peach, Quince and Apple
Batter, Deviled Darn. and lots of other things quite too
numerous to mention. all of which will be sold tt all
kinds of "PATRONS" for ready pay at prices that will
ekTsr Clcompeititlco23.
and scrlctly upon the principle of live and i.'t
Call and see at A. N. BULLARD'S.
Montrose, April 7,16-M.
mar. mricrrt.rtiorrir,
Would call Attention to lue new Stock of
.Lir i 1 71 CabOD2 ~
In great vanety, and will be sold on the . most
favorable terms, and lowest prices.
New Milford, Nov. 11, 1874.
J. H. /MIME& I 0.8. MIMI& I UO. BL.orDnis
(35TA111.11117.5 15 /840 A
gtalian & ataczican partilco,
Marble and Slate.Mantlea,
26 Chenango St., Near Depot,
The undersigned has an omnibus line running to ev.
ery train on too D. L. .t W., and Erie Railways at
Shipping or Re• Shipping Baggage
at either depot will bepiomptly ttenden".to.
The new river bridge le now completed, hence there
is no Ferrying.
always on hand to convoy passengers to any point in
the surrounding country.
•Groat Bend. Aug. 19, 1871.—tf.
GENERAL„,,, , i sllEami
Will stand the ensuing sermon at the stable of Jared
Baker, Brooklyn Centre. Pa., From April 10th to An
gust 1104813, except Satardaye, when he will be at the
Lintel Stable of al. J. Harrington. Montrose .
General Sherman Is dark chtstnet, with dappled
spots, silver mane and tall, stands 16 bands high, is 0
years olthand wolghs 1200 pounds He le at, Andrew
Jackson horse, 'sired by old Andrew Jackson, and ho by
Old Kimble Jackson. of Long Island, and Ms dam was
the celebrated Goidwiro Stare,—making a very boo cross
This Horse can trot a:2:40 Gait,
war never trained a day In bls life. and Is coned
mod by all good J;rtiges to be the ftnest trotting
horse of hls elan In the State
TFH3IS -Twenty-giro, dollars to Insure. Persons
parting with mares before foaling will be held responsi
ble for the pay JARED DARER.
Brooklyn. April, '75.3m.
Improved cuctirftErt
WOOD PUMP, is the' ac
knowledged STANDARD of
the popular verdict
the beet pump for the least'
money. Attention is Invited
I Improved Bracket, the Drop
which can be withdrawn With
the joints; and the Copper
Chamber,. which, never - cracks.- scales, or
taste and will lent a lifetime. - .For tale by
Doalersand the Tradegencrid/I. crdtito
be sure that you get ldiatchters Primp. bo
."• careful and see that it has my trade-mark as
above. If you do not know where to buy,
descriptive circulars; together with the risme and ad,
dress of the agent nearest you. will be Promptly turn.
ishedbddresateg. with elam_p
OEM. BLATCEL}3Y, MantActwor..
1506 Cogamerre St.. Philadelphia, Pa
,Marri 10,1811.-9 m
• .
• •IP.AtioXi l ka lr lL ll M . 7a. -
pormeitrot Utica. N. L. having located in Montrose
I a prepared to do all kinds of work In the line of paint
ing in ills vicinity: ,Orders may be left or Information
received by calling at Ms residence on Turnpike at., or
it t his office.
ontrose, April 7. •13.—tf. - -• -• • .
A DWRRTISING: fAvasw: Good: Systematle.—All
Lk persons who contemplate maklnu contracts with
bowspapers for tho insertion of advertisements. should
rend 2.3 cents to Geo. P. Rowell Co.. AL park Row.
Now York, for their PAISPIILET-BOOK (nizetrsev
entliedlticuacOntainlem lists Of.over nowspapem
andestimatus. Showing the cost. Advertisements tak
en for leading papers to many States 4t a mwmenduous
reduction from publishers' Mos. Get the Book: Ail
- - .
$5 to $2O Milri . ),llF:g=gbo A ti!: l :::•' .
young and - old, make more money at work for us, - In ,
their oisn lotalltlesolnrlng their spare momenta, or all
.the thno,than at any thing elms. We Otter employ.
meat thatwill pay handsomely for overy honea work.-
roll particulars, terms. go., sent fouts. Semi no rola
address at once. Don't daisy. Now la the time. Don't
loo k f or - wing or, business elsewhere nnttl - you hate'
learned what we opt., BI'INSDN 0 Cu., l'uttland
to get some
Now on sate, In now
Great Bend, Pa.
Ansorder for