Volume 3‘2. tam and Tualatinld. , Farm Notes. SOOT AS A GARDEN FERTILIZER? Perhaps it may have .occurred to some of our lady readers that the . refuse soot of our chimneys is one of the most t\ l valttahle-s . mulanto and fertilizers they can have for their garden flowers. The following incident of practicle experience is from a ;ady contributor to the Rural Carolian : During two seasons we nursed fed and petted the Hartford prolific gripe vine—as much for its shade over the window as for its fruit—but it per sisted in remaining a stunted cane, yel low, and refusing to climb. Despairing a shade,grapes and roses,we final bethought ourselves of soot as a manure, and forth with made a "soot tea" by steeping a tea \ cup of so it in a quart of water. This we administered, two doses each, to both the trees and the vine. The vine grew six feet in height in the space of six weeks, the rose bush four feet in the same length of time—both therefore rejoiced in living gre,n. WHAT TO DO WITH GROUND OCCtPIED BT WINTER•KILLED WIIEAT The farmers Home Journal Quotes the questions of a correspondent, and gives the answer appended: I have a field of wheat very badly wit ter-killed, and not wishing to loose the use of the field for the entire year. I now write for information in regard to sowing spring barley. What are the re• quisities for a crop? What is the price of seed. where obtained, and manner and amount to be sown per acre? If there is much uncertainty about this crop, please state so, that I can make arrangements for something else. Answer.—For spring barley prepare your ground as for wheat, sow early, that is, about time oats are sown, and no less ' than a bushel and a half to the acre, tak ing particular pains to barrow it well.— At present there is•no spring barley iu oni market, but you can order it either directly. or through ?Some seedsmau, from Loni•ville for Cincinnati, and judging from present quotations it will cost about 1 70 per bus)el. As to the certainty of the crop, there are various opinions expressed by our farmers. We know of several who sowed barley last spring, and notwithstanding the severe droutb, had no reason to com plain of its yield; while another, and equally practical farmer, says he sowed two bushels to the acre and that his crop was nearly a failure, as he raised only seventeen bushels per acre. Still, taking into consideration the very unfavorable season, we would call that not so bad a showing tatter all. Is the wheat so much injured as to be beyond redemption by rolling ? HELPING TO HATCH Can you render a hen chfOten advan— tageons assistance during its\ hatching? Yes, most assuredly. The egg of some varieties, particularly the Asiatic, are .exceedingly thick shelled, the shell 'pips' and here the little bird breathes his last., if help is not given. The fine membrane becomes glued to him and contracts, and it, with its downy covering becomes, as it' were, a coat of mail to crush out its life. Notice, and it the hatching is slow have an eve to your nest until the busi ness is through with ; for sometimes it appears as if epidemic. Many chicks go by the board iu this way, Help should be rendered ; gn take a small size bodkin, and carem'y thrusting its point a short distance under the membrane and shell, gently tearing the first and crack the lat er as you proceed around the circumfer ence of the egg. If the shell is_very dry drop a few drops of tepid water at the point'of pressure. Having taken off the top of the shell, drop about ten drops of warm water around the body of the chick, and put the egg, as it now stands under the hen the open side up— ermost. Behind or under the fluff is the best situation. This done, the chick is, nine times out ten safe, and will hatch vigorously. ORCHARD GRABS. As the time for sowing grass is ap prriaching, I wish to say a few words on this subject. No farmer should be with. out a small field - of orchard-grass, as in many respects it is superior to all other grasses. It stands the drouth, grows well in the shade, does well in wet or poor ground and is splendid to prevent worn our fields from washing. The grass turn ishes•excellent pasture shree weeks before any other, and after close grazing, ten days rest is sufficient to produce another growth. My experience is that cows feed— ing on this will produce more and richer milk than on bluegrass. It makes a ver ry heavy sod, and, when once-well set, re mains for many years. It is especially aidapted to winter graz— ing as it remains green all the season. The proper time for sowing it is in February or March. after wheat or barley. If the field is sown in oats, & , w alter the harrow and follow with a light brush. The quantity of seed necessary is twenty !monde per acre. It produces more seed than any other grasses, and if cut while in bloom makes good hay. Two crop can be cut in a season; the first in June, and the second about the first. of September. I have a lot that was sown eighteen years ago. and speak knowingly of its excel lence. Give it a trial, farmers and you will never regret it. Oar Grafting Wax. In making a preparation of beeswax, rosin and tallow, to apply to newly-set smons, we have repeatedly given full di. rectiobs. Ours is to use warm in a liquid state, applied with a small thin wooden paddle. which can be done rapidly and perfectly ; but we see it recommended in most horticnitnral journals, to make it the consistency of shoemaker's wax, throw it into a tub of cold water; work it soft and apply it with the hands, and in order that it may not stick to the hands, Breese them! Very pleasant work. We have ourselver, unassisted, set seventy pear grafts in two hours using the wax as we recommended in a liquid . state, and every one of which grew and became a part of the tree. The proportions we use are— four parts of rosin, one part of beeswax and one part of beef or mutton tallow.-- , Melt them together in a skillet, (which 2 the best,) or a tincup. and melt well. It should remain in the vessel and be used as needed. Twenty or thirty scions can be waved with one heating up. When mulch grafting is to 'be done, a little fire for heating the wax should be made on the spot, bstween twobriCks or stones. We have seen various pre i rarations for • making and we believe we have tried all that looked as if they would answer, but prefer our own decidedly.— Applying it warm or hot does no injury to the graft. The object to attain in the proportion is that the wax will not crack in cool dry weather, or run in warm weather. If however, upon trial, differ. ent proportions br required. the 'forego ing can be altered. though after using them in several ways we have come back to these. The strength of paper barrels is laid to be greater by. four times than wooden barrels while. they are only one, half the weight, and costs twenty per cet. less. pisettlantouo. All Sorts of earagrophs. Almanacs are ten cents apiece in Ne— vada. But few books in England are stereo typed. A monument to Charles Lamb is to be erected. Black-eyed people are most apt to be jealous. The Emperor of Brazil will visit this country. Boiled eggs are fifteen cents each in Colorado. No church is too weak to take up n collection. Fires are more intense at night than in daylight. - - An old pistol was sold in Paris for 50,- 000 francs. In regard to the tax on whisky, that's easily rectified. Philosophical and cold-hearted folks have gray eyes. Molly Allen, of Napa, aged 13, is Cali— fornia's best allot. A circuit court—the longest way home from singing school. The most melancholy spectacle in the world is a cold pancake. Nilsson has reboveied and is warbling her sweetest notes again. The cliff locomotives works at Scran— ton, are to be re built. A Black Hills expedition is being or ganized at Pittsburg. One Scranton man lately sued another for 50 cents—the suit cost over $26. John Huff, a prominent, banker at Reading died Sunday, aged 70 years. Every pound of cochineal contains 70,- 000 insects, boiled to death. Broken Cnina—A civil war is impend— ing in the celestial Empire. A Mr. Pepper was mustered into mat rimony in Illinois the other day. A South Carolina sheriff recently lev ied on a monkey to satisfy a debt. A St. Louie carpenter says he is with— out a solitary vise. Some one stole his. Whalabone is reported scarce, and the dress reformers are correspondingly hap- PY- Bismark, though a large man and a powerful speaker, has a very small voice. The worth of a State. in the long run, is the worth of the individuals compos ing it. - • The irrepressible George Francis Train has put in an appearance at Wash ington. More than two thousand school chil dren in New Haven . were vaccinated last week. A bill is before the Tennessee Legis— lature to put a tax of $lO a year on bachelors. A man never gets hold of the real grist of life till he begins to appreciate his own company. Renovo has no water—but takes lov ingly to whisky, the only procurable sub stitute. A young mau in Catawissa is suffering from hydrophobia, resulting from the bite of a cat. They drove a fellow out of Port Alle— ghany last week just because he examin ed his neighbor's wood pile too closely,. Geo. Barlow was found s mothered to death in a low grog 21, p in Sharon, on Sunday morning, 7th inst. A Williamspmt woman tried to have her husband arrested because he winked at and nudged the girls at a party. An advertiser in one of the papers says he has a cottage to let coctaining eight rooms and an acre of land. Water is so scarce in Erie that they have to haul ice from the bay and melt it in order to obtain a supply tor house— hold uses. A drunken sleighing party in Phila delphia the other day shot a small boy and drove a quiet old man ont of his house and home. The mysterious marking on the houses in Philadelphia have been found to be the innocent means by which newspaper boys blazed their routes. A young lady now teaching shiail in Wefisher° is a candidate for county su— perintendent, and she is said to be well qualified for the office. A spirited Warren young lady asserted her belief in woman's rights by dmwcing her father down stairs, because he disap proved of round dances. A illiltouian who has just returned from the mountains says he walked three miles in the woods, and the snow took him under the arms every step. The Columbia conduit company are making arrangements to conduct oil across the track of the West Penn rail road, the plan proposed being a secret among themselves. At need's saw mill, near Houtzdkile, a large bill of knotless pine lumber is be ing sawed, the same to be used in the centennial buildings at Philadelphia.— The logs are from twenty to forty feet in length. The Vandergrift gas well in Butler county has an expansive force equal to 400 pounds to the square inch. For two months•this gas has been burning at the mouth of the well, illuminating the country around. There is talk of utiliz ing this waste by• laying a gas pipe from the well to Pittsburg, where the volatile carbon could he used in melting ores and producing steam, etc., etc. A young man has sued his -barber for cutting off his moustache. The barber says he didn't see it. They have a man in Sioux Citynamed nucbrath, but he is, nevertheless, a very good-natured sort of a person. Mark Twain says the Sandwich Island ers are generally as unlettered as the out side of a- tombstone. Queen Isabella, of Spain, was borne on Washington's birthday, ever so many years ago. What was never seen—The impression of a kiss made by a typo on his girl's lips. The banding of a railroad through the White Mountains has gone• steadily forward during the recent: freezing term, one thousand men being engaged. gni. William Plants of Albany, sepa rated from her husband after only two weeks of wedlock, because be, snored so loudly that she could not sleep. Verdict Served him. right. . • It was really foolish for thepeople to suppose that a wan could be - lost who was always Nye. 4.1 MOTROSE DEMOCRAT, APRIL 7, 1875. Illiscellaneon 9 Advertisimentf. What is Vegetine TT Is a compo und extracted from barks, toots, and 1 herbs. It Natures Remedy. It is perfectly harm less from any bad effect upon the system. It brnonrish- Ingand strengthening. It acts directly upon the blood. It Wets the nervous system. It gives yen good sweet sleep at night. It is a panacea for our aged fathers and mothers, for It gives them strength. gelato their nerves. end gives them Nature's , sweet sleep—as has been prov ed by many an aged person; It is the great Blood Puri der. It is a soothing remedy for our children. It has relieved Ind cured thousands. It la very pleasant to take ; every child likes.it- It relieves and cures ill dls eases originating from impure blood. Try the VECift. TIRE. Give It a fair trial for your complaints thee you mitten y to your friend neighbor, and acqealutance, " Try it . it has cured me.". dlle The following unsolicited testimonial from Rev. 0. T. Walker. formerly putotof Bowdoin Square Church. Boston. and at present 'settled in Trovidecce, R. Island, most be deemed as reliable evidence. No one should fall to obscure MIMI" testimonial is the result of two year.' experience wl , h the nee of VEGETLNS In the Rev. Mr. Walker's lumpy, who now pronounce it inval noble : • Transit Street H. B. STETENS, Esq.: ••• • - - I feel bound to express with my_ signature the high value I place upon your IrEGETINE. My Meetly have used It for the last two years. In nervous debility it le Invaluable, and I recommend it to all who tufty need an invigorating, renovating (bole. 0. T. WALKER, Formerly Pastor of Bowdoln aqnar . o Church, Boston THE BEST EVIDENCE. The following letter film Rev. Bast, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Naitch, Mass., will be read with In terest by many physicians; also those auffertug from the same disease as alllcted the son of the Rev. R. S. Best. No person can doubt this testimony, as there to no doubt about the curative power of VECIRTINE. NATicts, Mass., Jammu Ist, 18'3. MR. H. R. STEVE'S Dear Sir—We have good reason for regarding your feeIasEGEN'rENS a medicine of the greatest value. We fsured that it tuns been the mean. of saving our son's life. Ile is now seventeen years of age; for the last two years he has suffered from necrosis of his leg. canter, by scrofulous affection, and was no far redneed that nearly all who saw him thought his recovery fan poesible. A mamma of able physicians could give ns but the faintest hope of his ever rallying ; two of the number declaring that h., was beyond the reach of hu man remedies, that even amputation could not save him as he had not vigor enough to endure the operation. • Just then we commenced giving him VEGETINE and from that time to the present he has been continuously improving. lie has lately resumed studios, thrown away his crutches and came, and walks about cheerfully and strong. Though there Is still some discharge from the open ing where his limb was lanced, we have the fullest con fidence that in a little Rana he will be perfectly cured. Re has taken about three dozen bottles of VEGR. TINE, but lately uses but little, as he declares he is too well to be taking medicine. IS Respectfully yours, S. BEST, Una. L. C. BEST. PREPARED BY H. & STEVENS, Boston, Naas Vegetine.is Sold by all Druggists, ZINTZIR. The Doubt Dispelled. NMITICT 4134C1P411DX:f19 Wm. Hayden, New Milford, Pa., h. now offering an entire new stock of • DRY GOODS ^trefally selected for Spring and Summer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES we largest and beat variety In Northern Penneylrmo& 31Ei[etts fic Cetrots, TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No lions, etc., etc. Every article Warranted as Represented. No Variation in Prices, New 3111 ford. MAy 18th. PAINTS AND OILS. A Flip?. STOCK AT B. R. LYONS & Co.'s Montrose, Kay 14, 193. CARPETS. I r CARPETS AT 20 CENTS AN UPWARDe —Less than N. Y. ri ces— May 14,'73. For Sale by B. U. LYONS &Co SMAII. TEA, COFFEE, and other 4,,-3rc:oc)eriloes At Low Figures at WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the Iffianufactory. B. R. LYONS dig CA. spool Tlaspea4:l. Clark's 0. N. T., and John Clark's Spool Thread. Waite. Black. and Colored—from No.B to No. 180, at 75 cents per doses. ➢or sate by B. R. LYONS dc CO. Montrose. MIOI4. 1878.--tf LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BROS.; New' klUlord, Pa., . Wholesale and retaildealers in Fine Watches nd Rich Jewelry,Storling Silver Wm,. French and American Clocks. Flab Plated Ware. and ally r Tea Seta. Alen all kind of .tiold imdfillrer Mating. Watch, Clock., and Jewelry' &lad nng, and Plain and Ornamental Engrav ing. totally execnuad.. June 14.'111.-Is. • NEW ffiIISORD MACHINE SHOP. =MS SELULTZ,Praetical Mathiniat, respectrally 'llllcata the patronao . -of all who may want Englatea Millwork. filiorting,liangei Pulleygearo ac. 14:13.-:§pecial aucntlonplaid to repairlog. - • • Now, somford.dano 10. . r4-1r.., • .- • - rout toxvissinonrs ow Arf INVALI D, obits/Led u s warding and for the benefit of Young Men and others who differ from Fravcitre Dzidixtr Lou OP 3 / "WM; etc., 200014 the means of bell etre. • Wrimen by one who enrecillLmself after ander. go/ considAtnibleateiekory, and fent &mica feeelving a poet paid direeted envelope.' • • gaffed:rage invited to Wren the suitor. : • • PATBAMIEL MAYFAIR. O. lidxl6.l, Brooklyn, N. Y. October Ith,lfiT4.—Gm4P. EMEIBIES sio,c•co 43. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST RECEIVES) RV: GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, &. COMPANY. ; Our Stock has been selected with great care and bought at Borrow PRICES. To all in searelt of a good bargain we extend a cordial invitation to call and examine our stock, and take privet. We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and give us your custom. Clvlart. 91CC1P10313. CPCOMILEPWLIEME3 Dry Goods Department. Clothing Department. Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank- Ready-Made Clothing, Men's, Youth's, and els, Shawls, Cloakings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Boy's Suits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over- Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and coats, Taltnas, Am. Buck, Kid, and Wool Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shins, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, Trumis, Umbrellas, Am., Bows, Scans, Tits, and Mufflers. Full line of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst- A tine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and cds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and Cassimeres for Custom Work. Meas. Furnishing Goods, Carpets urea taken, and good.fitting and and Oil-Cloths. Workmanship Warranted. 331.2.11"ir51ca Ftscslibomss, i-deLr. (1110. a. Sommer .131.ciasig.otsig. den. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. m. S. Dessaner, Managing Partner. Montrose, October 21, 1874. D. J. MURPHY, GENERAL Oorbettsville, N. Y. TTHIS Hotel le alb:lnca on too river roan leading from the Delaware. Lackawanna, and WeeternDoad lent to call on me, as 1 have proper con veyanco to carry log my Honee and Barn making it more convenient to my old friends and will be glad to see them all when go Corbett-mine. N. 1.. January 6, 1075. tf Binghamton Adverthomenta 1V .I"Vri7 3P IR . Poor cr. liraimert Merchant Tailors, .1E1T.1 4 7C3-33.41.111"1"CIN. N. "Sr. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEWS & BOIS' CTOTING, Gals' Enigma Goods, W• extend a cordial invitation to the public to call d txatnine onr • ar Our Motto is, Not to be Coders°ld. . JOHN C. FOOT. - - 0. M. HAWLEY The Cheapest Place i. R ♦A T CROCKER & OGDEN'S, WM. HAYDRIF 33X/Varir.ELTIVT 4 O)2V. IN. Y. wpotEsALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. OMOULLIR AND GROSS-OUT SAWS, The Best In the World Binghamton, Oct. 14th. Int B. U. LYONS & CO.'S Sewing Machine ! THE GREATEST MAIIEVEMENT OF THE AGE Sews from but One Spool of Thread. It him bnt six working parte, la nmeeleta,and sews more rapidly than any Machine In the Market. Etas a self-setting Straight Needle tt Combinet Durability with Deautyand Bimplicity.awl ban all the Modern Lotprtoreteepte. cWA FIRST-CL ABS MAURINE ON A BLA Cii WALNUT TABLE FOR $35. THE HIDEPENDENT BEWTEG haCEITHECO., Dee. 41, lers. Magbamton, N. Y FURNITURE WARE ! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH I 3P. J. 31210commenrints 50 Wiphingtonit., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameablein that business. Repainng promptly done. 11008 PRICES REASONABLE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Binghamton, N. L. August 40.1873.—1;, JOB PRINTING LT THE "DEMOCRAT" OFFICE. CHEAP wry larsza EIEN S 7 COURT STREET, Oppoeite Exchange Hotel CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. STOCK AND PRICES. Binghamton. N.Y.. Oct. ith. 1614. Plielo Bank Building, We are Agent. for HENRY DITSON & SONS' AND JODN lIOTHERYIS Celebrated Head-Out Film THE INDEPENDENT .A.aoszto Wamatoci. SEND FOR CIRO:MAR. Proprietor. -- .„4 , 1_7. - 7 7 4ti. - -1 , - --, kv7,,, , Lt;‘ , -, - : - 1: : , ..1. -- • - • - ;71,:; GENEARL l'- ,'-- 7; :,.. 44 - 4y ., :1.r.. , ri ~.4it5a:,...•fi•11k.:41 t I, I N t.. 1 ,1s tero=iotoi [r ti-d-:::-, ~. - - 3 Oorbettsvffle, _____ _ „„.,_, Binghamton to Montrone, C. 060 to Conklin Station, 00 Partleaatopplng at this Station will and it woven. them to any place they want to go. I have been refit ntertain the public. Thankful for the many favors of og dila way. D. J. kIUSPHY. Proprietor. Binghamton Advertisments CARTER, ABBOTT, & JOHNSON,. WI-10 DEALERS M HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FABAIEBSIAND MECHANICS' TOOLS. Eiweoat'et Btaol CA-cococtis SEAT SrRINUS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS mid CALE STEEL. &c BURRETTS CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK F'EED CUTTERS. Or CALL AND es: r% 87 Washington St., BINGHAMTON, N. .T Oct. 14th. 1515.-15. PLC:O3BI IV MCPIV'ES Southern Tier PURIITURE MOROI 88 Washington Street, 331.zzalsestactive07a., N. You will Find the LARGEST AHD BEST ABSOBTKENT OF YUIRRIVI'CiIIia At the Lowest Prices of any Store Southern New York. All Goode bold are WABRATED se Reprerenled E.D. ROBINSON, =ECM At No. 33 Court Street DINGICADTrON, N. Y. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, As ws base Jost retuned from tho City of Now York after narehaslog sisrgo and well selected stork of FALL AND WINTER GOODS of all ktnds hinight from ant bands, we are now pos• pared to offer goods at prlcet that will satisfy the closest buyer. • We bare also added to our lame stock Of Dry Goods, an Immense stock of CLOTH, CASSI MEDESAffn BEAVERS for Men and Bo'ye wear. Wears opw prcpared to make TMNIII6 SUITS FOR who will glve ash call as we have ant elseswon:men encased for the season. Lieges and Genttemen, you will please call ituder.sin. toe our stock before you parchace elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, wa hope forecootioustlon of the same.: We meatus, Yours liageetfully, C. A. VORTESY. Binghamton, Bent, 23,1187.41.—tt Ml= MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, GRIFFIS & SAY RE, Hove opened. at the old lomilon rf 1.1. S. Wilson. In the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall he pleased to •e oil 01 nor old friends and the moor new ones we hope to gain. t.itV stock will consist or N. Y. v w • Agrntr for OF ALL KINDS, NEW GOODS Miscellatieons NEW GO ODE, NEW PRICES: Im s Nom all lam CROCKERY & OLA &VILRE, In large quantities and variety . . Stone Ware, Weioa Ware. house-Furnishing Goods and Groceries. We shall give partroilar attention to the Grocely Trade and keep n full assortment of Teas, Sugar. Coffees, tea totot ly Groceries & Provisions. In full varlet;. halt and Floor. We shall keep con slowly on hand fine brands of flour at mach less than old prices, and warrant it to ple.e. Goode delivered prornill to nor town cuernmers. TERMS:— Our terms will be strictly FlLoa,cl - ir -Petry', (caph or produce I Thlo it will be well to renaern her, ac thie will be the i•erret to our low pricer. We arc confident that by calling and examining our goody and prices your will fled that It mill be for your inter. I to try our goods and torm, , - JzFriztoo lißLiits. - - - Montroto. May. lah."74.—tf. lILLINGS STROUD General c INSURANCE AGENT, Da coza.tr cals.°. Per. Capital Represented. 6100.000,000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT In sir) &NCB: Li verpool.Lontion &Globe 1320,00N3,000 Ins. Co., of North America " 5 9 ,250,000 ' Penn. Fire Ins. ('o., Phila., •` 450.0u0 National. NUN' York. $400.000 Ins. Co., State of Ponn'a " .13410,000 Colon mutual f. 400.000 Lycoming Fire .. $0,000,000 Merchants' • ` 4541,000 Lancaster Fire Inc. Co. `. 550,000 Fire Association of Phila. " $OOO,OOO Alcmtnania ot Pittsburg, - 400,000 Penasyl - tania Ins 17n,, Phila. i.auo,cao Fame Ins. CO.. of Phil' :550,000 City Fire . Ins. Co. Providence, R. 1. 570,000 Roger Williams Ins, Proviaenee, R. I. 350,000 Watertown Ins. C 0 . ,, Watertown, N. Y, 600. 1 00 Home Inc. Co., N. 1 ~Capitaland Surplus. $4,000,000 Atlas Fire ins. Co.. Hartford, Ct. 400,000 flartford Fire tits., C0..0 apital qnd Surplus $3,000,000 Rome In.. CO.. COlUrflnllT, 0., •. EOO,OOO Citizens' Fire Ina Newark. N..J.•• 300,0110 The undersigned Is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow log companies for Northern Penncylvania : Fire Accociation of Philadelphm. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster. The Insurance Co. of the State of Pentisylvania,ol Philadelphia. Ma I N• 33 . Conn. 51 ['mai Life Ins. Co., Asaett American Life. Phil'a. AL cl 41=1am:raw. Traveler' , Ins.Co..liartford,eaplialand 5cup10,42,000.005 Rail way Paosengera $350,000. The undersigned hat been well known in thiscounty,for the past 17yearr.as an fo.nrance Agent. Lossessustsined by his Comoatntee nave always been promptly paid. 09 — Office no claims. in building eapt from Banking Office of Win. H. Cooper & Co.. Turnpike street. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent CHARLES H. SMITH, Office 31enager S. I.2iNGDON, Solicitor. Montrose. Nov 18 1874 Non® 2E3 attar Iwrite policies In the following companies: Franklin ri,o 'Phil a ,e2.034:000 ,ontincntal, N Y ..... .... 2,275,000 Germania . 1.K0.009 Hanover, " 1.250,000 • ... Niagara ....... ." 1.250.000 Farmers. York, " 910.000 Queens, London. ............ .." 10,000,000 No - Tiger.Cats'*—All National Board Companies, and as a consequence, sound and reliable, having long been tried and always found sorthy, as all, who have met with lossts,at my Age..ley,will testify. Those who have patronized me, will accept my thanks. And to those who have not. 'l can only Pay, I promise to do by them, if they will favor me with an application, as I do by sll, give them Insurance value for their money. Very itespectfollv. HENRY C. TYLER. Hartford Accident Infinrance Company rondos wr en from one day to one year by HENRY C. TYLER. Join the Masonic Benefit Astociatlon at Scranton. Apply to HENRY C, TYLER Montrose, December 8, 1874.-tr HERRING & FARREL 5617 .12t]ri=ozi,ciwisiy•N. lr MANUFACTURFRS OF ALL KINDS OF Fire. orsaci Surgla.r I=`r,coc)2 .c.e•At.3P'3Mia. The oldest and moot reliable arm In the United Sta They took the prize medal awarded at the WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON I All Safes are warranted free from dampners and toe cordon. BILLINGS STROUD, Agutil Montrose, May 0 '74.—tf. T .9-IFI-13M.T.a.T..a II C:OI7IE3MI OPPOSITE THE COUSIT [IOOISE, AIONTROSE.PENN' A JOHN S. TARBELL, PROP'R Nine Stages and Hacks leave this Rouse daily, con• neuritic with the Montrose Railway, the Lehigh Valley Railroad. nod the D. L. & W. Railroad. April let, IST3.-tf. 11UNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, FA Krbelesale S Rota De:Mersin HARDWARE, , IRON, STEEL. • • NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 37ILDER'S HARDWARE, BANE RAIL. WHIN 7 EItsUNE d 7 RALLSPIEE, RAILROAD ‘E MINING SUPPLIES. GARRIAGE SPRINGS., AXLES, SEEMS AN; BoXES, BOLTS, NUTS and - WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS,SPOREB, PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, de. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS lIAMMERS, OM/DOES, FILES, dn. &e. CIRCULAR END MILL SAWS, BOLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT HAIR d GRINDSTONES. FRENCII WINDOW GLASS.LEATDER &FINDING:. FAIRBANKS SCALES. Ix. miartztxrrar, Would call attention to his Now Stock of FALL AND WINTER DOOMS, Now op male, In now C 00D20 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS,.HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD WARE.IRON,NAHS, • • STEEL, STOVES - AND GROCERIES, ETC. In grestvariety,'andlivill be sold on the mos favorable terms, and loweityprii,es. • IL BIIBRITT. New Milford, Nov. 11., 1874.- JOB PRINTING msooutoa AT THIS OFFICE. CHEAP. IMMENS -..•n lire made chiefly from . the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAS Bir- TEns?" Our answer is, that they remove the ca n V of disease, and the patient recov ers his health They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VINECIAB BrrrEns in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liv,r n nci Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. 'lf men will enjoy good health, let them use VINT-GAB lirrrnas as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. U. li. M. DONALD ou CO., Draggiata mud General Ageetr., San Furneuieu. Gd and nor. Waabluatou and LawUm, Sta., New York. Sold by all Deuga - bas mud Dealers. Sept. 10th. 1074.-6 m. ' MB= ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, MleCcraztrcoeso. F0023.za.P€1,.. Is continually reeelving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tintudly on band a full and desirable assortment of gen aloe DRUGS, 3IEDICLNES, CHEMICALS, Paltate,olls Dyestuffs, TEAS, Spices, and other groceries, stone ware, wall paper, glass-ware, fruit jars, mirrors, lamps, chimneys, kerosene, machinery oils, tanners' oil, seats foot oil, refined Whale Oil, oil for lanterns, oil for scw.lua machints,Olive Oil,Sperm Otl,Spirits Turpeu• tin eSarnishes,Canary Seed, Winegar,Potash.Concen - Dated Lye :AxleGrease, Trnsses, Supporters.Medicsi Instruments.Shoolder Braces, Whips, Gans, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lend, Gun Caps, Blastine Powdorand Fuse. Viollns,Stringe Bows-etc. Plates, Piles ,oto.,lngh lioakraud Liner .1113 risndTonctSospe Hatr Oils, Hair Restorers. and Hair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Slayer, Spectacles, Sliver and :sliver Plated Spoon s, Fork s, Knives, Deot I st Aet Seim', a genes , al assortment of FANCY GOCDS, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All thel ceding an d beet kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. The people are invited to call at the Drag and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL dan.1.18115. Eetabliehed 1818 t`s, • mum $35,000,000 1.4,500,000 BURNS & NrulioLs, PROPMETOII.s SION or THE GOLDEN EAGLE AND MONTAD Mtriols. 1311.cr015.. SIX c•xL tiros e Our stock- of Drugs and 3ledicines Is complete, and care taken to have eveutbing of the best quality. The public may rest assured that all medicines that lextv our store shall be re they are represented, pure and un adulterated. of ill kinds called for, on hand at reasonable prices. By personal end strict attention to business, at al times, we hope to merit the confidence and favor of tie public. Montroec. AN.il f . Mr& THE BEST KNOWN REMEDy I ItESTOBA'TIVE BALSAM, ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, cROUP ALL COMPLAINTS OF LUNGS, LIVER KIDNEYS, REMUTMATISM, and a sure cure for the PILES. Be sure and try it. Beware of fraud. None genuine unless sole Sole Proprietors, Montrose, Pa. Or by authorized druggists. • Patented December Ist, 1874. Oct. 7, 1874.—t1. TAYLOR'S FAMILY MEDICINES Pats and Lameness relieved in a abort, time by the rise of Taylor'a Celebrated Oil. The great Rheumatic and Neuraligic Remedy. This medicine is not a care all, but Is warranted to care more of the ails and ills to which desk is heir than any other med•cine ever dis covered. Give it a trial ; If you do not find tt so. tt costs you nothing. It may be used with the utmost advantage for any kind of Pain. Lameness. Wounds or Sores upon man or beast. Wilt not smart the rawest wound or sore. Full directions for use around each bottle. Ask your Merchant (or a free vial. No Cure— No Pay. Taylors Cough Syrup or Expectorant. for all Throat and Lung diseases. Is very pleasant to the taste and contains nothing injurious. Try it, and stop that conch and take the soreness from your Throat and I nu g s. Ask your Merchant for a free vial. No Care— an Pay. Taylors CondElcu Powders for all kinds of stock and poultry. Warrantei the beet renovator of the system of ran down or diseased stook; that has ever been dis covered. Try them for all olseases incident to the brute creation. Directions for .use around each pack age, Mo Cure—NoPay. All the above mei:Donee for sale by Abel Turrell and Buena & Nichols. of Montrose. and all Druggists and Dealers throughout the country. H. BROWNING TAYLOR. Im—al—lm. October 41.'74.-1Y • THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUILLN MISERY. Just Published, in a &akd Enrelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treattnantand Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatonticeea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Ernmiesions,lmpotency,Nert on. Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ,• Malta, and Physi cal Incapacity. dC.—By ROBERT J. CULITERWELL, Id. D.,auther of the Green Book. Ac. The world-rent:meted author. In this admirable Lect ure, clearly proves from his own experPmcethat the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effeetually removed without medlcine,and without dangerous cur. gical Operation; bungler, inatrnmenta, rings, or cordi als ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual. by which every sufferer, no matter what his condivon may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. • VerThis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on receipt of six cents, or twa post stamps. Address the Publishers, • CHAS. T. C. KLINE ,t CO,„ IV Bowery. New York ;• Poet °Mee 80r..4584 Cd222 2 / 1 COZZI PLATFORM WAGONS, imiletetcorus, LUMBER WAGONS, SPRINGVILLE OR liIONTROSE gmatiosi, March 10;1875. 17.12Cleirtelars.1.13.SW MEE undersigned will make Undertaking it SfECIAT, 1. TY In their hastens.. All needing, their services will be _promptly attended tn. &Us'baton gleccntecd; Y. ea D. mixtusWB. • Pa., robnuay 14,1815. 84t . NMl*- rap all THE EAGLE A. B. BURNS, AMOS NICHOLS COLE BROTIIERS' A SURE CURE FOR COLE BROTHERS, 31anufacturegand on exhibition foranie a 0.. 0. 813.113 LE Number 14. sementa. NEW ARRANGEDIENT 1 The People's DroE, Storo, N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR R. KENYON. Druggist & Apothecary PATENT MEDICINE EM ODIUM ! The undersigned would respectfully announce to an the people everywhere, that to hie atiready ett e ,th. etock and variety of Merchandiae in the Grocery. Prn vision.and Hardware line. Ile has added a vry choice assortment of KIR DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES. BRIISLIES, PER- P Ac.. which be flatters lilms If he can War, the public they will find it to their advantage to exam. Ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians la this section of the county he would respectfully an. flounce that he has secured the services of IL Kenyon. 11. Druggist and Apothecary. whose long experiepce and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en tire cotifidence to the line of comi.nnnding medicine, or preparing prescriptions, and who would alp:, esteem It an especial favor to receive calls from any Cl his old elastomers or new ones. Will make the Patent Meg tines& specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also line roccriep— LEIBIO'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS • PEAS. CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS, &c., Atc n tact, anything and evcrrthing that is ordinarily d. llespectially soliciting a call I remain I. N. BULLARD Powder! Powder! Powder ; Blastine. Rifle and Shot Powder. Shot. Lesd, Ora Tnhea, Cape. Pooches, Flasks, FLIAC, due., de., for Rah. by Montrose. Sept. 9, 1874—tf N AILS, TINWARE, BOYD & CORWD Corner of Main and Turnpike Ste ZILECON'X'FILEZ) ESE!, -V , AL. , DMALEII6 IN erciu-m.s TIN AND SHEET-IRON VIM, Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., by t 11.45 Seg. Thanks to oar Friends for Past Favors wiluld 1 e more thardrial to one and all who toot' they have anbottled account o with no, if they amid est end oettle by the middle of Much Feb. 4,18 U. Furszitura_ At W. W. Smith & Son's Extenolvern milli:me War groom Yon 34 , 1111133 cl the Itimest FIRST CLASS AND COMMON To he found In this sectlon of the country. of his on manufacture, and at prices that cannot fall to glee lath faction. They make the very best EXTENSION. TABLES In the Country, and WARM , ' "TT them zzo la. ca t 412, 37 - 1017 orh Of all kinds done in the neatest mil, OWI .EI. lIV ar Mt El XI 0 OF VARIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, • AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING The subscriber will hereafter make tuu acme's, specialty In his badness. liaTtnejast completed' HEW and the mcst elegant HEARSE in the State, s.! needing his services will be attended to promptly and IT satisfactory charges. WM. W. SMITH er. SON. Montrose. Pa.. Jan. 3 , In.M.—nos—tf. Now Rom Machu, Po, M: tanderclaned wish to announce to the peopled T Brackney and vicinity that they have on hand stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. TINWARE, DRUGS and MEDICINES. Second in quality to none. We have opened besinto with a view of supplying the people of this ,ection,sti will guarantee goods as represented, and of or • Under Binghamton Prices! Our expenses being much lighter than those of 04 hamton merchants. Save Tim() and Money, by trading with no. Country Produce taken In el , change for Goods. We respectfully solicit a fair Mel being convinced that we can do well by our patrons. People wishing to trade dcring the glimmer ,esso:, on bark contracts, (bark to be delivered the lollotell winter,) can do so. U. INDERLIED. Braclimey, Pa., Jannary 48;1875.-D.104 GOOD NEWS, FREE TO ALL I I For it. N. Bollard has on hand a lot of the cholera Pears. ion over raa•. the verybeet Cranberrtei ttr market. nano tot at Prime 3tveet Potato... Onto'. Cabbagt and aU hinds of chaise FEUITS AND VEGETABLES Buckwheat Flou r C o rn Me O a t Meat bel , and Feed.fld Paekin,flatt, llama, and Dried Beef Dried acd Caul Fruits, Teas. Coffees. Suzan, apices, TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFF. (4.4.. .hc0n 0 w r v ist oct ock ut of . Behool Books and Bates, a tes, and a f zuslamnao Taut 1Q • and lots of other goods quite to numerous to Weil and to any , one making a bill the same aloe they wail. ly - mnke when they go to Binghamton, ig r "'l brat Binghamton prices at lewd 10 per cant. Tri an , you will he convinced .14oilt;oso Nov. 18. 14.-1 A v . B.ECHROW m DBOTILER, aceeral Undertakers AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CO? FINS, CASKETS, ETC., Glr=D:l4l26T , $ 21111.7=, Nooxiss'a ALLoanaItisPnoIIPTISATTENDED ,To Anvil 0.1R71R-tf HAND BILLS " PRINTED AT THIS ars ICA ,Ou I mot eesi relt ti sLsti I. Y. BULI.ARD. HARDWARE FRT Sh ht tra me Fr Til b P I b GROCERIES, CROCKERY. i.N.BnLsa V. Raosuea & FUO.