The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 24, 1875, Image 2

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    Volume 32.
Circulation Increasing TWICE as Fault OA
any Paper In Northern Pennsylvania.
poll closed in New York, on Saturday
at 116.
The L-gislature of Indiana has repeal
ed the stritiplit liquor law of that State,
and passed a license in its stead.
It is officially denied that General
Schenck has reeignt-d his position as min
ister to England it is not, however, de
nied that he ought to do so.
No ring measure was passed by the leg
islature tni mg to the enirortn opposition
of the house, and it follows that no ring
newspaper in the state is pleased with tht;
If there was any doubt in Grant's mind
about the people of Arkansas being
b au ditt; it was dtlielled by the proclama
tion of Gov. GArland scaing apart the
26th of March, as a day of Th.mksgiv
ing for the Poland resolution.
The letters that have been published
as being written by senator Johnson to
the Democrats of .New Hampshire full of
vulgar insults,Jare pronounced forgeries.
The 'language its them was enough to
prove that.
The Radicals are already Organizing
for the fall campaign in this Stale. 'lf
the friends of a bad cause aiid the advo
cates of Federal usurption and central.
ized government can thus early take the
field, the Democracy should not he be
hind them in preparing for the hat Ile.—
Local organizations should be effected
at once.
The widow of the late Gerrit Smith
died at Peterhoro on Sat urday,the - Gth inst.
She was neeiving medical aid in New
York city when her husband died, and
went home greatly beaiditted. But the
severe wit which has been so fatal to
so many elderly persons, tried her beyond
her strength, and she died of an Milani
matory di-ease.
The hst of corigresst..nal recipients of
President Grant's favor is increasing.—
Ex-Congressman Parket. of Nlissouri, re
ceives the federal judgship to Arkarisas
and Ex•CongleSsman Lowe, of Kansas,
the territonal judgship in Utah It is
needless to add that both voted for the
force bill as well as in pposition to Judge
Poland's resolution in regerd to federal
interference with the affairs of Arkansas.
The adunntstratiou is throwing its
whole weight into the Connecticut can—
vass. In New Hampshire the third term
was repudiated front the outset, and the
party was left to its futet but in Connecti
cut the battle is a third term battle, and
the true precursor of the fate of that
policy. If the load proves to heavy in
that state the star of the President will
have attained its zenith and begun its de
scent to the horizon.
The combination which has the posses
13i011 of file gold market in New, York is
said to be operating c‘ith a pool of fifteen
millions of dollars. The premium has
been steadily advanced by purchases until
it now stands at with every day's
transactions adding in the scarcity of
cash gold in market. So long as the in
sane legal tender policy of the govern—
ment continues, making gold a commod
ity instead of the medium of exchange,
so long will the people suffer by these
periodic swindles. •
Congress has renewed the Franking
privilege for its own benefit, and impos—
tire burden to pay the expuse upon
ol the people by doubling the rates of pos
b, rage on third class mail matter. Every
ItA person who sends a paper to a friend
m must pay Iwo cents instead of one as
heretofore. It seems also to have had an
eye to assisting express companies by cut
ting down the weight that has been sent
through the mails,and also imposing bear.
fa , ier . tariffs. This Radical administration is
hi emphatically a protective administration
UK -tA II aka "rlow long,Oh ! How long.'
Al The factious Radicals in the Legisla—
by tare have entirely overreached themselves
Bal in their attempts to cast odium upon the
rg Democratic majority of the House. The
tl record stands against them, and a very
tl ugly n-cord it will ?rove to be. Hence,
we are not surprised to find the Ring or
tl already rushing to the rescue of the
at rowdy element of the minority, and at—
ti tempting to shift the responsibility of
their acts upon other shoulders. But this
P trick will not serve. There is no such
a thing as blotting out the record. It will
St stand against the men, who being no
h able to rule sought to riot
Since the adjournment of congress ten
a ex-rtpretentiitives and one ex senator
It have been rewarded for their personal
ig services to President Grant. The latest
congressional object of presidential grati-
tude is Jasper D. Ward, ea member from
, Chicago, wh6 has received the, appoint-
I went of United dates attorney for the
northern district of Illinois. Wttrd was
t the author and solitary signer of the min-
ority report on Kansas affairs declaring
that Brooks was the lawfully elected gov
ernor of the state, and adopting President
Grant's suggestion that the present guy.
meat should be overthrown by force.—
This report of Ward was rejected with
contempt by the majority in congress and
the report of Poland declaring that no
pretext existed fur the interference of the
government at Washington with the af
fairs of Arkansas was adopted. But Grant
has taken care of a servant who has des
troyed his political fortunes by excess of
zeal in his behalf. Last November Ward
was a candidate Mr re-election to non
grees iu a republican district 01 Illinois
but was defeated by is democrat. One of
the best claims that a politician can
present for the favor of Grant is the fact,
of his repudiation by the people.
Some months ago Josephine Mansfield
got a judgement against the estate of
James Fisk, deceased. tor *25,700 on, two
promissory notes. Au effort is being
made in behalf of Mrs. Fist to obtain a
new trial, on the ground of newly dis—
covered evidence, and on Tuesday of last
week Judge Lawrence granted an order
of reference, to take the testimony of
Thomas 0. Sheaman, clerk of Plymouth
Church, who was formerly one of Fisk's
A Massachusetts man vouches for the
following anecdote of old Priest Williams
tifty years ago, the pastor of the Congre
gational church, he having overheard the
transaction when a boy. The Pastor was
particularly fond of a good horse, and
always kept his"pacer." One of his par
ishioners, Jeremiah Shumway, owned a
title animal which the clergyman desired
to possess, and one Sunday morning Mr.
Shumway droxe up- to the door in. tine
style, just as the minister was dismount
ing from his own carriage, a few steps
away. The preacher and his parishioner
entered the doorway together. The for
mer drew him aside a moment. "Jerry,"
said the good man familiarly, "when I get
to preaching you slip nut and take a few
turns up and down the road with my
mare, and after meeting is over tell me
how you will trade." And they traded on
Monday morning.
The alliance between the Republicans
and liquor prohibitionists was very close
in the recent election in New Hampshire
the temperance candidate for governor
having received only seven hundred vows,
a decrease of two thousand since last
year. But this did not prevent the holy
alliance from availing itself of the world•
ly and practical process of the wicked in
order to secure the victory. In the town
of Farmington the headquarters of the
Republicans were abuduantly supplied
with stimulants to inspire the patty
champ ons to carry on the warfare on be
half of•rance, and some of the op—
position were invited to participate. It
appears that the liquors so generously
provided were drugged. One victim died
before leaving the headquarters, and two
others were so effectually quieted that
subsequent proceedings on the election
day interested them no more. Under
this vigorous syStem of tactics the town
was triumphantly carried by the Repub•
licau and prohibition alliance. But It
scents not to have been practiced on a
sufficiently extensive scale in the state, as
the candidate for governor still wants 632
v otes of an election by the people.
None of the Philadelphia newspapers
have seen fit to tic where it justly h4ongs
the responsibility for the scenes of disor—
der witnessed on one or two occasions in
the house during the session, but they
have constantly abused the democratic
majority in unmeasured terms. A staff
correspondent of the New York Tribune,
whole more just and discriminating to
his criticism, says: "The republicans
have tried to throw the blame upon the
democrats for the disgraceful disorder
that prevailed in the house one night
last wtek, when the boom bill was up.
but the truth is the rowdyism on that
and many other occasions proceeded
chiefly from the republican side, and
notably from the rough and characterless
young men whom the people of Philadel
phia permit the corner grocery politicians
to elect to represent that city. The dem
ocrats in the house have shown theinsidves
ignorant and stupid in many things; but
they have had the virtue and sense to
strangle every doubtful measure sent ov—
er from the republican senate, and it is
impossible to point out a single job they
supported as a party." Of is the
fashion to describe the democrats as "ig—
norant and stupid," but that' can well af—
ford to submit to this reproach when it is
accompained with the admission that
they have enough virtue and sense to de
feat the corrupt measures of their oppon
The janus-faced senatorsof the late leg
islature, who represented the Republican
party,have attempted to cover themselves
and their party with the lion skin of
temperance, but the long ears appear to
a very damaging extent. They made
long and loud speeches, buffeting the air,
that they were bitterly opposed to the
repeal of Local Opti‘ir,laut that they mere
ly accepted the license law because they
could do no better. Some four or five of
these hypocrites so state, when the fact is
on record and beyond their power to erase
it, or the power of such papers as the
Montrose Republican to obscure it with
falsehood, that if any two of these sen
ators had voted against the license fair
instead of voting for it they could have
defeated it- It proves what we have ever
maintained, that Local Option 'was a
political bastard and the sequel shows
thut it has been strangl-d by its illigiti
mate parents in the satin hope of avoid
fog the just jp•nulites of their
They have all shown their infidelity by
voting upon all sides of the question.--
By reference to the law in another col
umn, it will be seen that they have bad
an eye to "business," in the "protective
tariff" they have introduced for the belle
lit of the Philadelphia and Pittsburg
whiskey ring. It prohibits any person
outside of the state from competing with
this ring, either in price -or quality. This
at this political juncture, may have been
iconsidertd by these temperance (?) sen
ators, as a line stroke of policy in View of
the tall campaign.
ft is more prohable,however,that there
in was found the "weight" of argument
that led these abstemious senators to pre
fer a stringent license law to a loss of
the "weight." We have a right to a sus
picion of men who belie themselyes, who
belie toeir platform, and who belie honest
humanity, by such contemptible doable
dealing. When our senator gets borne
he and Homer will put their heads to
gether and make this as clear as mud to
the people of this county, at which time
(if we can see it) we will recall all we
have said, or else we will say a few words
The result of thTsi election in New
Hampshire proves to be a substantial
Democratic victory, and the jo,y with
which the first returns were greeted by
the administration party has been cling.
ed into chagrin and disappointment.—
There has been no election of governor
by the people, and this of late years has
been the rule rather than the exception
in New Hampshire. But what is of real
signifLience in national politics is the
election of two Democrat members of
congress, a Democratic gain of one meta
bet.' In case the election of the next
President of the United States is thrown
into the house New Hampshire's vote is
secured to a Demoetat. The radical
party is thus beaten or. national issues in
New Hampshire. The official return
have been received from all but one town
Giving that town to the Democrats, the
Republicans will have a majority of ten
in the house. The senate stands five to
five. There is no choice in two districts
which will be filled by the house.
The new Senator from Michigan, Mr.
Christiancy, surprised the Senate tai Ft i—
day by making a m isterly argument
against the admission. of Mr. Grants
friend Pinchback. It made a decided im
pression on the body, and lessened chan
ces of the mulatto getting his seat as a
Senator from Louisiana. Mr. Christiancy
applied the parallel of Louisiana to his
own State, in which he said : "While
the people of Michigan might not object
to the action of the military in preAerv
ing the lives of citizens against insurrect
ion and violence, would they he likely
to recognize the validity of the govern—
ment thus imposed upon them ? Would
they be likely quietly to submit to it ?_
Th.. people of:Michigan are a law abiding
people, but I know them well enough to
venture the assertion that it would take
several regiments of solders to keep them
quiet under a government thus imposed,
and more than all the armies of the
United States to make them love or re
spect it. They would see, as I knJw they
do to-day see and feel, that the election
of a State Governor and a State Legisla
ture was not to be decided, nor the State
government run, or prevented from run
ning, by the fiat of a Federal Court. and
that even the Executive of this Federal
Government had no right to decide the
question for the State or to institute or
establish a State government for them."
A petty good beginmg far a Republi
can Senator.
The New Lleense Law.
The followiug is a copy tit the license
hill as reporietl by the conferei;ee emu—
. .
rn.ttees of the senate and house and ad
opted by both brunches of the legislu—
An ac'. to regal an act to permit the
voters of this commonwealth to vote
every three years on the question of
granting licenses to sell intoxicating
liquors and to restrain and regulate
the sale of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, etc., That
the act approved the 27th of March, A.
P. 1872, entitled an act to permit the
voters of this commonwealth to vote ev-
ery three years on the question of grant
ing licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be
and the same is hereby repealed,
SEC. 2. That licenses for sales of liq—
uors, where not otherwise provided for
by special law. may be granted by the Tile first trial of a person for a capital
court of quarter session of the proper offense without a jury that is on record,
county at the first or second session in d •
aceor ing to Judge Sanford, one of the
each year, and shall he for one year. The
two judges trying the case, has just been
said court shall fix by rule or standing
order a time at which application for concluded at Bridgeport, Connecticut.--
said licenses shall he heard,ut which time , The prisoner James E. Lattin. chose, as
all persons applying,or making objections hi- had the legal right, to be tri ad by the
to application for licenses, may be heard
court instead
of a jury. He was charged
by evidence, petition, remonstrance or by
counsel : Provided that for the present with murdering his affianced the night
year licenses as aforesaid may be granted before his intended marriage. The case
at the third, or any earlier session of said . wlts one of strong circumstantial evidence
bat there was no positive proof of guilt.
Sec. 3. That all hotels, inns and tav
shall be classified and rated accord- under the laws ot Connecticut a person
in gto the last annual return of the mer- cannot be convicted of murder in the
cuntile appraiser or assessor of the proper first degree-except upon the positive proof
city or county, as follows, to wit : All of two witnesses, or circumstantial evi
cases where the clarification shall be $lO, let
deuce equiva it thereto. How the ere
000 or more, shall continue first classand '
pay $700; where the classification shall' aleht is to be determined would puzzle
be 88,000 and not more than 810,000 the a :PIT In this case the two Judges rea—
second class and shall pay $4OO ; where sone out that while the circumstantial
the classification shall be $6,000 and - evidence did not amount to as much as
not more than $B,OOO the third class the positive evidence of two witnesses, it
and shall pay $2OO ; where the classi-
was sufficient to convict of murder in the
fication shall be $4,000 and not
1 second degree. Lattia was accordingly
more than $6,000 the fourth class and sentenced to the Penitentiary for life.—
It is extremely doubtful, however, vheth
shall pay $lOO • where the classification .
er the judgement of the Court will stand
shall be leas than $4,000 the fifth class
and shall pay 1550 : Provided, T hat aa in this case. as the indictment contained
license shall be less than $5O : And pro-
! only a single count, charging murder
within the first degree.
vided further, That any person licensed ,
the present or any portion of a year snail --=—=---
I pay pro rata share of the license fee and ,
the authority granting the license shall •
designate the classification for that year i AG EN TS WA NT E D fo e r s ( th eselling
And provided further. that no license for book ever published. Send for circulars and oar extra
terms to Agents. Natlooal Publishing Company. Phaa
bottlers shall be less than *5O. delphla, Pa. 12w4
SEC. 4. That anv sale made of vi none, '
spiritous, moult. or brewed liquors, or any , IVINGSTE
admixture thoreol; contrary t' the pro. ' O N . f
visions of this law, shall be taken to be a , TGairlii.:lm4 childhood r authentic t. account
~.‘, IN l' l. k th n e g r o e :: rtf:::
misdemeanor, and upon conviction of the fag how he spent 80 years in the wilds ofiStries. show
offense in the court of quarter sessions : g,T,',7 , l'lsa i A ng s T,..' l 32, l Nlit".4 eiMlybiar areth
of the peace of any city or county, the ; unequaled for tf.liex and Nice..
person so offending shall be sentenced to AGENTS WANTED. Add i.74.°;.''''Vece ..
pay a tine of not less than *2OO nor Quaker City Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Pa. 12w4
more than *5OO, with the costs of int,:
g u ti on , and to stand convicted until the 81101411711& =MA Furrow EITOLTIMS,
sentence of the court is complied with, 0ft z ,...., m .., kta5 , .
not exceeeing ninety days, and upon a k'c'=. " 4 . 1141 """"".... 4 "..
Wellilis 'tree OW il ea. Pao
second or any sub - Sequent conviction the -
~.. -
party so offending shall pay a fine of not A.l.M. l t'ou cl aTir g ee el . fl hfia'g' il ehru g ' I c i tl's 4.1, 3 '. . e' D ' 05 5 t - O'o a .l
less than $5OO nor more than $l,OOO and
undergo imprisonment in the county jail A HERA BEADLE BOOK,
Arthur's latest and greatest.
of not less than three months nor more
than one year, and if license() shall in lieu DANCER..
, I Or, Wounded in the Rouse
of a Friend.
of imprisonment forfeit his bond and is .h re e l."'r'o ln il: Zpkifsl'aitreeetteitt of tt r e k4° Di%
said licence and be incapacitated from re- Of ? Ur whole PCOge. sad gives a terrible view of the
ceiving sup license aforesaid for the period Tii, i ii i `w c ril l iie u giet .I=g l iill u ir s i rrit g 11711:= 1 =
of 6ve years thereafter, and any keeper of t iVo ut e l , l4 e l (7 =is W ul e ta re St e end term
o te r d
D t: to r t: I :V I :
any drug or apothecary store, confection- ducements to male and female CIIIIIIISIOrr We mini
ery or mineral, or other fountain, who :gig s e jp e ai w ve he eir e g v ta " rs " . 4 '2. Z. ° a'aii i i i &l t cW."
shall sell any spiritous, vinous, malt or 10-4 tai Chestnut at, Phila.
brewed liquors, mixed or pure, to be used 1188 E YOU TRIED
as a beverage, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor and liable to the same .31171 = 1.1:7333E1MAL ?
conviction and punishment as unliceused
SEC. 5. That it shall be the duty of Weak
i vous, or Debilitated?
the court, mayor, alderman or justice of , Ner
the peace. before whom any line or i ' Ate you 60 languid you ny exertion r re of
ncn an t effort t u hafeel capable o melons?
city shall be recovered, to award said flue; l
t tog Lul l i.". tn th c e n 7 1 16 1" 21fl o o ", a"
S e. e.C . retiv ¢r
penalties, as well as proceeds of all L gene:: Impart vigor to all ‘ the M o w fort
forfeited bonds to the c i ty or county i
.4 1. 0 t , :i t at sic H o l hb t olfc iretizer. which stimulate depth
treasurer, as the case may be • lower
i of misery A but it I:a e t l' eg:tat i ft e gni f : l a i Cting directly on
re _ i the liver and spleer.
SEC. 6. That the conga '
les of the
ea t c c h witsig the Bowels, via" the nerres..aad giro
speetive wards, boroughs and townships '
shall make a return of retailers of the "e
" 4.-°°' ma tte
gr i ea ts t Oper u lloti!!tt violent but is characterized by
liquors, and in addition thereto it shall , change, no marked results,ebntit=rybrisii:ogieb
be the duty of every such constable at
each term of said court of quarter session l i . rea d s t i l ie c a ir o t ir e ;i:id i s k i: 7 6 A'sba ' ea
1 .. This is nO tow and untried distiv"ery, ands:
of their respective counties to make return .i or coed walk wonderful reitiedloi results been
' povverfal tonic and aiterytire °! -ler. " the most
on oath or affirmation whether within h is 4 bbubc''d by t he bi2beit ibildicli butb it ' Wm
knowledge there is any unlicensed m um ; Ask your druggist for it. Porzaleby
Wit, r.KIDDER & co„
within his bailiwick kept and maintained . i 10-{w thew York.
77.7:7v-vv- ,•,....... .
- - '
in violation of this act, and it shall be the
especial duty of the judges of all of said .
courts to See that this return is faithfully
made, and it any person shall make
known in writing, with his or her name
suberibed thereto, so such constable, the
name or names of any one who shall have
violated this act, with the nattier of the
Humes of the witnesses who can prove the
fact, it shall be his duty to make return
thereof on oath or affirmation to the'
court, and np a his willftit failure to do
so lie shall be deemed guilty of the crime
of perjury, and upon indictments and
conviction shall be sohjected to its penal
7. The husband, wife. parent,child :
guardian or any iierson who has or may
hereafter have the habit of drinking in—
'oxicating Minor to excess may give notice
in writing signed by him or her to any
person not to sell or deliver intoxicating
liquor to the person having such a habit
if the person so notified at any time with
in twelve mouths after such notice sells
or delivers any such liquor to the person
having such habit. the perscn giving the
notice may in an action of tort rec.iver of
the person notified any sum not lees than
fifty nor more than five hundred dollars
as may be assessed by the court or judge
as damages. A married woman may
tirmg such action in her Own name iit
wdltsta dmg her coverture and all dam
ages recovered by her shall gI) to her Sep.
crate ti-e. In case f the death of either
party the action and the right of action
given by this section shall survive to
or agaiust his executor or administrator
without limit as to damages.
See. K. No person or persons non
residents of This commonwealth shall en—
gage in selling, trading or vending in
toxicating liquor and no hawker. peddler
or traveling agent shall engage in selling ff
for any person or persons who ore non•
r , sitlenid, or in vending, trading or con
tracting is any manlier, whatsoever in
intoxicating liquor within tie limits of
this commonwealth.
Set. 9. Any bond given by any per
son under the provisions of this act may
be canceled alter thirty. days' notice in
writing shall have been given uud receiv
ed by the respective parties thereto. Pro
vided, The sureties to be released from
such, or any bond, sh.di he ar no risk
pending thereon. In the event of can
ceiling any bond and the releasing of the
sureties the principal shall provide ac
ceptaule substitutes if he desires to con
tinue the business, otherwise his license
shall immediately be revoked.
Stat. 10. That no license to sell in
toxicating drinks shall hereafter be grant
ed to any person until he shall hare exe
cuted It hOlid 10 the commonwealth in
the penal sum of $l,OOO. with two sutlic•
n-tit surities, to be approved by the court
granting such tiortt,s, .... to play
all damages, which may be rvcovered rn
any action which may be instigated
against him under the peOVIStOn of this
act and all costs,tines and penalties which
nifty be imposed upon him in any indict
ment for violating this act or any other
law of this commonwealth relating to
sell rig or Ilan ishing intoxicating drinks.
and the stud bond snail be tiled in the
otlice n 1 the clerk of the said court fur
the use and benefit of all persons inte
rested therein.
SEC. 11. That it An)) not be lawful
for any person, with or without heense,to
sell to any person any tntoxtcat Mg drink
on any day on which elections are now or
hereafter may be required to be held, nor
on Sunday, MT at any time to a minor or
to a person visibly affected by ibtoxicat.
ing drinks.
Sec. 12. That any license herewfore
granted shall not be invalidated, and that
none of the provisions of this act shall
be held to authorize the manufacture or
sale of any intoxicating liquors in any
city, county, borough or township hav
ing special prohibitory laws.
Cauchy . & Co
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Receipts and l'apenditures
Poor Asylum of Alm & Rosh
ror the Yetr coding the :!d clay c f )forth. .\. I). IN T 3
ILEC El P 714.
AOlOllllll4 of Duplicate. for 1 , 474 :
Amount Auburn Dap %cute . . Rl .Ofi7
Duph . o
Spring - vine .
}ore-t Lake . ..tl3B -$3,110 R 5
Exoncratlnna to Auburn.
(;upl p]l6>llullr to
Total aro' to re, hed from Dopllcatro, 1n74 $3.02 22
Are! reed from L. II Bun/me/J. la•e Trade .. 711.51
Sprinnellin Doidleate l 1K721. IIU
•• Ilor.gerford S Me*erolc note 2 int. 36 Zi
Z. Cornell. note S lut. . .. 117 111
`• Bradley Betate 1(17 00
Bt pounds Minor
10 tou• flay ...
Pork and Beef....
Cider and Applen
Beef Hide and Veal .41.
Veal Calves. .
Buckwheat and Corn .
1 Yearling. . .
o.orrglaa, 4.3 M./ Dupitcut
Total Receiptr from all sourer,
By amotmt paid Cope heir. for deed
. luau C 4. tract. . luriti
paid Jolla R. Railer ant 00
Interest 1111'9
Int. on Auburn Bond . ltet.
Sally Pepper interest a) CM
Labor on farm . 144 00
Ironing Apple tree .. I Ott
lief, la [masc.. . trs .11
Laving .011 t. wall 01 62
Blackrinithlng Zi 48
Advertising Annual
• Printing ...
Outride relief for II Dor
ton IMili. .
Leo 1874. ..
New Milford aryl= for
0 W Baxter family . •40
Outride relict T grad 9n Ud
E Truly I 1/0
• ' Maintenance and burial
A 1.1 Sweet ...
Expeare taking E (lam
Maisttenstace of
an clothiuu D
Rana• • . 121 80
Medicine and true+ ... 4 10
Flour... , 76 40
rotators. . 20 25
Horse hire. . 7 09
37 50
Seed wheat. .. ... 2-4 00
Recording, deed .. 240
Mechanic a work 7 49
Duplicates and making 13 tat
Desk and chair . .. 10 25
Brands and stencil . . 9 91
Taxes 1874 . 16
Appraisers . , . 30a1
Expenses to Honesdale In
Stanton case._ 15 211
JAlllasson director 1873 V 50
• A Varier director 1814 . 43 00
• •
. • H Vanscoten •. 34 75
. • Clerk. stamps and books 28 55
Treasurer . . 2 2000
Return Judges . 700
• • 31 Pritchard, auditor 1672 300
W Wheelock, J P 1 - 50
Difference on brood sow 500
Si EFiCI.II , 7I:I7SE.
By amount paid for Hardware . 24 10
Salt and planter 24
Wood and ti. , ware 7 IT
Calico and muslin 14 6.3
• Boors and
n* _l5
I : 0111V91 and garde seed . VI/
Wall and window paper 65;
• Satinette and cottoned., 12 38
• Shirtlug and linen. . . 43
Tuba and Firkins .. 1246
31 Wens and stocking yo 505
• Crackers and cheese. . 233
Starch and retains 1 09
Oil and lamp chimneys. 2 47
Thread. buttons.drawers
and hose ...... 3 37
Saws and goitres . 923
Molasses and spices.. .. H9O
Candlewick & etationerY 157
ramphor,indigo.and comb 110
Hats.caps and matches_ 479
Fruit cans and crockery 545
Fish, powder and fuse— 4 Ssr.)
Cider making and straw 735
19 pounds of tea ... 1065
• 361 pounds of sugar 33 64
3734 pounds of coffee.... 13 15
25 pounds rice, / 97,
Tobacco and snuff . ... 17 78
Refunding order on Rush
duplicate ..... 3SO
Steward's expenses.. . 7 07
Sundries. . IS4 - F 3.56787
Balance In hands or Treasurer .. 336 73
Total amount or Receipts $4127 60
Expenditures 8.67 07—E550 79
J R Bailey balance on Judgements.. $10.3000
Auburn Toirrosblp bord ... 635000
Sally Pepper bond . GOO 00
Total amount of Indebtedorto. 1.904:100
12 cows
yearliags.,...... ............. 6300
1 shoat
Poultry.. . ........ 17 50
Lumber and shingles.. ..... . 15.6 19
Farming Implements and tools 31733
Bedsteads, beds and bedding,
potatoes, apples, elder, lard,
batter, pork and beef, chairs
and tables, and other house
hold goods. ..... 515 27
Two stoves and furniture .. (8) 00
Grain on the ground. 108 00
Ray nn grata In buildings 27300
Total —sl9lB 81
About as rod• of wall laid, 9 acree of land cleared.
Average numour of ltrmate* during the year about tinni
M. H V ANSCOTEN. f Director*.
Auburn. March et, 1815.
Dauchy 8 Co
66 11&SYCII0a1ANCY, or SOUL ellAßMLNO."—tiow
either sex may isseinate and gain the lore and
affmtlotia of any person they Choose blatantly. Thia
Dimple mental acquirement all can, by mall,
for 25 cis, together with a Martin:lc gulde.Eqopt fan Ora
cle Dreams, flints to Ladle, Wedding-Melt Shirt. etc.
A queer hook. Address, T. WILLIAM & 0 )., Puha.
8-4 w. Phd'a.
FREE It'll
tztogrwith o Q e. o
l i en
stamp. F. P. Gums., New Bedford, More. Owl
435.000thaotr F case of Asthma. Cough, or Cold
GOLD JOHNSTON, e. Large BoItk• 113 cents
ents, Phltaddphts. Btv4
QUARPPN your own Mill Picks. No Blacksmiths
0 needed. .Money invecl, and Plcks always sharp, Pot
illustrated circular addrOss Tar, Tawrra Co,Stroudiburg,
Monroe Co , Pa. arl
31 " RYLAND FARMS and Homee,lo,ooo Acres, Near
railroad. Location healthy. Titla good. Addreee
Wm. R. litdgely, Attorney, Denton, Maryland. 10.4.
MONEY easily made tit selling Teas at Importer's
/U. Press. or getting up clubs in towns end cuun 'ry
for tbe oldest ea Company In Anierles. Greatest In•
docements. Bend for circular, CANTON TEA CO.,
148 Chambers street, New York. 104
Bold by Doinglea generally, and t 3 iw,
Johnston, Holloway b. Co., Philadelphia, P.
. . :
New Advertisements
Urcai Bend Vl!laze, Marrh
Legal Advertisements
%,...111 !MIFFS Cilt fi E or WRITS
tr.°, by the Coi.rt ta ot
nnt ol ,osqueban
net Cnn() nod to [llO It I I spot eto stale by
Watt. •entkie, at the I!..rt Hon, In Montroen, on
Yrut)..‘pril li, 1n7.1, at .2 o'clto 11. p, tn.. the fallowing
pla-een or parte!, of land, to alt
11 those two 'Ore.., part el- or lot- of land situate
in re re-t I eke, in the county of's...leen:tune and state
~f Pelmet lynnla. the first pit. hounded and descrihed
on fO I IONFII 1111t,11111, at -on:lnaptearner of Poll3'
Pager's lot In the line of Joint, d. Patch's land, thence
' , toll, 4 degree- west on sad One end the highway, 12
percher to a tinier standing .1. a tid Pont', well.thence
110 1 ,1 1 , k!, Wee!. d s to a punt and atones
corner. littler north 4 degrees mast IS pert hes to a cor
er le eh e ster Lincoln's iinedift nee al el, said llon and
poly path's sod I.IIUP, de, ea s t so per t lice to she place
of ifegfittong, containing acres, more or less, with the
ppurtottances. late honer and ouriottilditt,l, and all unt
ie-need The second pie., hounded as lollows: Begin
ning at the centre of highway in the limit, oilcan. Broils
fora on the Pond creek road ninth,: the lands of said
Brallsford north 40 degrees rust 31.1nd eight-tenths
perches to a post,thence north of degrees went 5 perch
es to a pool. thence north to Alegre., east 3 perches to n
post. ?hello! north 50 degrees west ti and floe-tenths
ia•ri pea to a plot. thane., north 10 degrees east 28 and
ell tenths perches to s post, theme north 75 degrees
west 7.2 and three.tenths peerlllse too Pont Ile Ilona-earl
corner of Said Willard it cston's utlo•r lot thence south
13 degrees east along the pond 23 perches to a post,
thellet• north Kt degrees west 11 pert hes to the vent re of
ifte highway. thence loath 7 degrees east along Centro
of thr highway 4(1 fferchee to the plat, of beginning.
cotntatning S acres and perhbeiii. he the name more
or len, with the pelt liege of r fitting his dam two feet.
waft the appurtenances one saw mill. duelling house,
tsars anti all improved. rinken in execution at the
stl t of Willard Weston one to E. 1.. tinrdner, vs. Ben).
M. Fox and lieuben Spatitilog.
A 1.40 —A II that certain oiere of lan I situate in Len
ox towbouip In the count) of Suseptebartua and state of
Pennollstinla, bonneted an follows . On the north by
lands of Wm. Rees, on the cam by the Btooklyn and
G•hnx torn ti ae (now town road.) and on south and
west by lands of the hors lten)11 in Tourge's estate,
winning i acres of lard. be the same more or lest,
wita lb- appurit bane.. one (roan house. and all Im
-d.p Taken In execution at the snit-of IL M. Tif
fany vs Anson EtlOWene and Fanny Blowers his wife.
and U OF Urea on. Anson Blower. and Fanny Blowers
his wtfe.
A Liu—All that certain pie,. or parent of laud ',Ros
ie In lb.• towtoill p Of epringvllle. In the tmunty Of
Suroplehanti t and state of Pennsylvania. hounded as
follows .uu the north by bonds of t•lles Rogers sad
Daniel Thom le. On the , I.ael by {Albite highway and
John Teel. on the south by lands of S. Thomas and
L. Taylor, derld, and on the omet by londs of Frank
lin Brooks rontel lug rs or
of loud shirr or lees.
n the appurtetionves, two dwelling houses, horn and
-hk'd at lon lied. corn house, alit! other sot buildings. an
or, herd. end about tin nerve Improved Taken In Cue
ro on, at the null of Riley ge. Lathrop vs. C. M. Brook,
TAK.e Nunn , .—All bide newt l+e amihged on the day
sale NI. B. IiELNIE, Sheriff.
, Iteriff's uffiLe. Montrose. March el. 1,75.
Dealers in, me_ in Susquehanna
Count% , take notice, that. in pur,uanee of the
several Acts or .I,,,etnbly ul this Commonwealth
to proride revenue to tweet the tirmunds upon
the Treasury and for other purpo,,„:the uuderr
signed, Appraiser of Mercantile taxeS for Wild
()Allay, ha, prepared a list Or tniders in said
County, ;tad placed sash In that class w hick
to him appears just and right according to the
-lm of Assembly, to wit
- • 64
4. 41
17 I
11 .111
'3 K 7
14 H 1' Handurk /2
3 dr. Hell 'Lenny 14
11 Ii !)Stamford 14
14 If uuson 1 Knight 14
13 II iebllehn, ti .
Pot rick M lore p in t 14
,' t' W 14
orth ' Montose.
J E Pay ne " A N 11211344 12
A .4 11-ice II W a It chore 11
~. Lyon.. Drake ,t. Co 11
Perry .Mar , y "' F ft Chandler 12
Marto, .t. .4".,
, 12 , II J Webb - 14
W 31 tone
' Bit 1., on. SCo 12
.1 H. B3VII-i,Oll " Porter S Nithols 12
U. 0 ',tenpins 1 i . .1 14 DeWitt 13
BrlNAkly /I Burns A Nichols pm 3 12
.1 11 Very 11 tuittenburg. Rosen. /
Tanßros II /moos & Co i
Tahttly ..t. Cramer 14 A l'urrellp to 3 12
Kent S Eldridge It , Read S strood In
.1 If Page 14 .1 E Morison 12
Perm so eet II W 111/eau, 14
I, r tot. ne 12.1 1. Talbot 14
It T. Ashley 14 C 0 hordhlm 14
!'Verdi. I N Bullard p m 4 12
Nt A C.ardiner 14 E Hamm 14
LI NV all/1111MM p in 4 11" . N sled lard 12
II W Johnson 14' li 'Miner 13
.1 N Baker 14 Boyd ,t Corwin 12
Do, des Brn- 14 E I. Weeks 11
t 31 Bunter 13 E P Stamp 12
II W Gardner 14 B Thatcher 14
Weatherlu S. Burdick t 4 Geo c Itlll 14
D L utes'eue it Isbell S Nlelholsh 13
/hi nnosh. ft(' Sayre 13
„ W W -moth 13
E 4. cborobers
17, tirldb , 3, Sayre 12
I E Lho It p In 1
A Richardson , T C Coo en
" S Plllman .4 Co 13
Di nwek.
,Philip Balm 14
Stevens A Leebody I4'J H Rai nsford 14
Wm H. Thayer 14 0 D Stebbins 14
N If Stark /4 Si, Backus billiard tables
A Miles 13 Ist S. tbd
If imm Blakeslee 14
.Veer Milford nip.
orod Lik r. Beuj Sabios pm 4 11
M L Bali 14
.;or ..1111,pnyl Bore.
F'rankli n. Hayden &Clements 14
JIINBLIS Boyd 13 L I. Leroy 14
DC d F II Fe rdham 13 J Dlckerman S Cop in 3 lio
E II Merriman 14 J If Hartle 14
J I. Merriman / 3 Il W Decker 12
J B Sutton 14 II Burritt p m 4 13
U M Hall 1 t Autry tt. Xliams pm 4 13
Isaac McKee by 14 m Bay 12
Fr ir wixrille . II Garret &Son 10
Robert Winters 13 P Barnes 14
J F Gorman 13 Lltchiannteht S. 810- i
W. Badlon pto 4 11 menthol Bros cl 4
Mrs 31 McNamara 14 Baynes S. Bolden 12
1' G Riley 14 0 W !lager and ti T
rirrot r nil T wp.
Ilan 2 billiard tables.
.. .. .
A V Lare)
It .1 t ”rttr
Tettli...bur) S Son
E L A.Ltto,
2 , 1 $1144 U 3
Sever etr Tie' 14 Oakland.
Biro K Word. 1 4 T F 3111.111.01) 14
11 A & S T Clark 13 Delo Church 18
areal Brad 1111a9f. 1:?,a... Bad,.
.1 B Brown 11‘,J S ri tili,‘ 14
Rune & Lt wto 1:1 1 WW SS Blicesinpm 411
H S linuna 14 S 11 Edoell 11
.1 B AD:Credo' 4r 18 Thor.. Wheatcroft 18
Benjamin & Carl 14 W 11 Doe' 14
1 4rvat Bend Bum
Richard Mark Hp
. . .
iitephenv & Iteckhow 14 MUSS Mier 1:i
T 1) Estalirook pm 2 In Ilungerford & Meeerole 1 ,,
P H Lines & C 11 o p m 4
Geo L Letibclm & Cop m 4 S Spencer & Sheldon pm 4 11
H 11 Haynes 14, AMU .t . Williams 12
11 Vanslckier 14 SOrer Lake.
.1 it 11 VCiilaton 14
George McNamara pi T Sullivan 1 4
It 0 /leder 14 E ill Meeker 14
14 P Doran 14 J., ph Newman 14
U A P.1:Iltill 14 W& F inderilell p r/4 4 13
Geo Wc.Ael
Thom. Kunacl4 14 Suarithentna Depid.
WC Bronfon 14 .1 W Unborn 14
.1 F Carl 14 C Coleman 12
MN 13.1e1 Sullivan 14 A C F , 4 , 11.4a” 14
. . -
J. H. Sitnreit 14 Hones Spool /4
I) Depue billiard table 1 & 2 1e..? Frazier
Gebnon. R'S M Pchell y In 2 la
Thos Ferran 14
‘ ll /ikl'n & S '" l4l 1 ' tn 3 . 1 , 4 . WJ Falken bury 1.1
I) E iloline.
H H Crandall 12
Jarneb Fuller 1 0
• F It Thayer 1•
Dunn SC. p en 3
; 3 ., n F Smith 1 i
W II Herr'' ,
" MJ Pendergak 14
Wm D Elmer
111 C A Miller 14
Geo li Neils p m 4
II P Doran 12
Co operat IN e Co p m 4
I I ! CJ Lyons
W M Pope 4 Letrie. Freeman 14
Kennedy 6-Son 12 I) A Lyon, 13
Harmony. Gutrenburg, Rosen. /. ~
SNIMa a .01:1 .t Son 13 harm .t. Co 1 '
L.TOOO x Ntctiell 11 .1 C J H Cook 13
Noah lii.bee 14, C it J H Cook 73
J Selling, A. Co pm 4 11 Janie,. Bell ..t Son 12
Bramlth A Lange p 111 4 11 John C Kane
2 11 Steptien• 1 4 C. 11. Telford 14
lame. Conn °ley 14 I , D Lyon, 13
51 JA J E Taylor 14 A Tarbox 14
John Fritehley 1 4 0 T Smith 13
M J Taylor 14 II C Lea p m 3 13
..• •
ifrrriek. (1 1, Wii,47., it
C II Ellis p m I 12 Mrs E McGrath 14
II N Nichols p m 4 111'Elleo McGuire 14
L Cords 13 Thomas Kelley
•.. .
• 14
14/I CLea4 m 9'
J A Manon . 13
A Altenon s 14 Morris 14
11,,,fiwd. J D Dmkeyers
L R Perk i i
.7 1 41 Lt n i I :13 ! " r i P t n t e . t. is r 14
ET Tiffany p m 4
133, 1 vv Vm c
8 31 r0 11 . 16 . 14
Oliver Payne 14
JA Williams 14
TJ Carr 14
II M Jones ii D Caßey 11
Fowler Peck 14 Chas Churchill 14
Li (' IS 1 . 4 4 L WeAtbeettiAx 13
:W H Stineben 19
Jackson. 'L C Bell, On 14
Mil , ER Gary 14 James Barna 14
1/ Noberts p ni 4 14 J. W Walker Fl
H Si Demme 12 Doolittle tiros 14
W it Norris 13 Mrs P T Little 14
F M Whitney 14 Mrs Margaret McDonald 11
Adelpli Shyer 13 , idea Susie Grace 14
Arnold Block / 4 114lehael Milian 18
.frosup. iS E Gilbert 13
J II Rosencranz p in 4 14,D 11 Pope 14
Little ifettilouv. Whits /Kirk 14
E UUcardolce 151 Edward Ilinde 14
D II Gaiteld 14;John Dunloy 14
athrop. ,Jan Allen 14
~„ Wmßaull 14
.1.? A A Smith billiard tables
tiiimi,;:i Jelrrn ii tia go,
-- i
E3f Tiffany 11 —let
U W Reege p m 3 13' Mormon.
Ilan Brun 11 4 G Hull 14
.1S Wright 14 W W Meseenger 14
0 D Roberta 14 ,11 D 'Mattoon pm 4 14
Lenox. IG L Lew!. 14
11 W Johnson 14 Cleo A Stoddard 14
Black & Clearwaterl/1 B Chase 14
Grow & Bro . 12 El A Connter 14
Jno Cecer Decker
Silas Hartley 15 Helier Jenkins & Son 14
Geo W Mapes 14 A J Huggins 14
Classification 01 Venders of !ler.
Sales less tbun $5,000,
Sales $ 5,000 less than $lO,O OO class 18
Sales $lO,OOO less than $15,000 class 12
Sales $15,000 less than $20,000 class 11
Sales $20,000 less than 00,000 class 10
Sales $30,000 less than $40,000 class 0
Sales $40,000 less than $50,000 class 8
Claktifleation of Patent Medicine
Dealers. •
Sales $lOO, and not exceeding $ 250, class 4
Sales $2OO, and not exceeding $ 500, class 3
Sales $5OO, and not exceeding $l,OOO, class 2
And the Judges. of the- Court of Common
Pleas of said county will hold a Court of Ap.
peal at the Court House in Montrose, in and for
said county, on Thursday, April 220, 1875, at
which time and place any of the Merchants des
cribed, defined, and classed as aforeaaid, or their
agents Or attorneys, may appear mid appeal
from said assessment if are;:think proper.
.1. 11. TIFFANY, Mercantile Appraises.
flopbottom, Mardi 17,1875.
Legal Advertisements.
!retied by the Court of Common Pleas of barque
henna County and to mediteeted, I will expo. to wile
by public vendee, et the Court llouve In Mutstrore,on
Friday, April Mk, 1873,
at 1 o'clock. p. m., the following pircea or parcels of
laud to telt •
All those two certain pieces or parcels ol land •1111-
ate in the township of It Wye, In the evenly ornate
quelnalinn. and State ol Peausylvania. the (inn pleec
bounded anti described as tslinver, to wit : on Use 'writs,
east. and caret by lauds of .I.L.Atlentr. and on lire rough
by pntslir higisway. hawing a front ~r fret to
width and it depth of resent Hi ye I trent he the rause more
or less, together with the appurtenances, I large frame
+tore and dwelling house, one two story fhtlll4, building
usrd as a .hop, I barn. some Intl tree, and all Smartly
ed. The second piece hounded on the north ..y irnd
uf S. D Townsend un the Part by land of J.
L. Adams, and ou the west and routh by Pablie high-
way leanly:: from Brooklyn to Niont ruse. containing In
acne, be the game more or leo• wqh tie opporteitanr.
a. I young orchard. and all Improved. ITI' ken in exe
cution at the nu to of Doolittle. Ames. & Co.. and
Ilirsliklud, Parker & Co., vs, Dewitt A. Titoworth,
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land. oil..
ate In the township of Liberty, county and 'tate afore
raid. bounded and described no follow, to wit on the
north by the highway, ou the tooth by Londe of Thomas
Vanity!, an the east by tan tr of brunt . Travis, and on
there. e by lands of Abel fut. 11. t ontaining art ace a,
be the corn , more or lei, 10,1 her with the unpile er an.
eco tine dwelling haute, one barn and sheds, and other
out- ,
building, one orchard. rod about 10 acres improv•
u. t faked IC exerntion at tie of N. (' Warber
vs. Ot Sp tuiding and Wm. N and Nor
man t.r.tiager vo. Spencer N. Spaulding anti W Ili min N.
span ding.
ALSO -.{ll that eel tat, pie , or lot of land Altura , . In
•be Borough or Montrotar, county and orate alorenald.
bounded and described no follont, to wit : on the north
and west by land. of the rotate of J.T Blrehard. deed,
on the rest by Cherry Street, and on the south by land
of W in. L I 'ox, having a front of shout 'lt feet and a
t epth of about tat feet, be the came more or less, togeth
er with the appurtenances. rue frame hone° Intl out
buildings, a few trait trees, and all improved (Taken
In execution at the suit of 11. It. Lyons & Co. vs. W W.
ALSO- All those four pieces or parcels of land of tu
ate. bounded, and t vatexibed no follows. to wit: The first
piece sit note in the township of Broolclyn, county and
elate a foreeald. 'mantled on the north by land ofJost•pri
Oakley, on the east by land of John Sullivan, Peter
Ilerkuner. Tiffany & Cramer, and Maren.n, on the
south by other lands of W. R Page. and ou the overt by
Lando of livery cwitsbory a d J. Page, containing
about 152 acres, with the appurtenance, one dwelling
house, two barns, and other oat-building, on orchard'
an ahout It a act,. Improved. The etstond piece or par
cel oltuate In the townships or Brooklyn and kiarlord,
county and orate aforesaid, bounded on the north by
ocher laud- or W. it. Page. tot the ,trot Ity the IL 1,, &
W. It. It.. im the south b) tondo of E. B. (iron:lnch, and
n the went by lands of John Tewkebury, coataloing a
non! illmitre or leaf., with the appurtenance, an
orchard, and shout dre acres improved. the third piece
ur parcel situate in the township of Brooklyn. county
and -we aforesaid. hounded on the north by biotin of , errigo and Manning Perrino, on the en-t by
other isnd. of K. R.
le Page. on tilt. o Ity ./
I haro Minot, and on the o cot by lands of E WILL
eon, containing t basal tip acre, watt the appnfleneneee
one old frame !more lean, and corn house, an orchard.
and all improved. The fourth piece ttr parcel situate in
the township of Brooklyn. stall iy and slate aforeoaid,
hounded on the north by fand• of Manning Perrigo. un
the (tact by Inn& of Charles liootirich and Thomas I I f
fatty, on the mouth by lands of Alvin Daily, and un the
west lie laud. of t'hartes and other land. of
W. IL Page, contaltang about Ino acres of lend. he the
,arne more or kre, together with the uphortenauceo. 1
frame dwelling house. frame barn, and other otitmul Id-
Inge. some fruit trees, mid about 50 acres improved.—
aken execution at the rust of G. P. Tiffany vs. W.
IL Page.
ALSO—AII that certain Mel, or parcel of 1,..d ,innate
the township of Brooklyn. county and state afore
said, bounded as Ldlown, to wit Begimsing at a point
in the centre of the road leading from !be Meshoppen
creek to the flee corners. thence on the south by said
road and ;an, a of W. L. Perry, on the east by lam', of
B. L. Woodward and Isere anAuken, on the north
by lands ot Isaac Vat:Antrim and John R. Ely, and
e the west by lands of C. R. Ely. containing ahout
111 scree be the name more to less, together ST Ith the
appurtenances Jule dwelling house. tun barns. arid oth
er out-hui Wings, orchards, and ahoat ninety acres
neuron:rd. akee In eZetaltloll at the salt of Rent
Eldridge is. A. F. Allen.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the tow entity of [Amuck, county sad state aftirmemi,
hounded and described ae follows, to will Beginning at
old beech cornet. the emithwest corner hereof:
thence by land of D. F. St. Celia north IA degrees cast
45 , arches to a poet, thence by the Richard Arnold lot
south sei de.freee east t 1 and o.lllth. perches Loa post,
thence by lard 01 U. Donohue. smith i,a evarees west
32 p robes to stones In the middle of the middle
Branco of the MeshOppeu creek, th nee along the mid
dle of send creek, south 60).„, degrees west teu perches,
them.. month 51 degrees we, le omen., thm ce SOO' h
59 degrees west 15 perch., to a poet and stones on the
southeast side of sold creek. 00 ner by land of O. Imo
ohne th nb ce degrees weet T.. and 4.loths perches to
the place Or beginning, containing 82.62 acres, be the
'mine mere or less, together With the appur moaners. 1
-mad house, and about five acres ItalleOS eel [Taken in
exec.:3llon at suit of 1. A. Alain vs. shrub S. Simmo
ALSO—AII the defendant's richt, tale, and interest
In nine undivided 'Antis. or all that rennin messuage or
parcel of land lying, and being In the Ws, r.hip 01
t.inford, manly and state mon:said, hounded and dew
cnbed its`foliows, to wit: Beginning at a corner in the
Lackawanna Tunipike road. a cooler of a lot s rvey.4l
for William Woodman. thence air es the Lackawanna
creek north 4d degrees mast Si and s.llehs perch.* to a
corner In the warrant line of John Beach and Samuel
Meredith. Nu 3. thence along said line north 45N rim
greel west. 41 and 5-nu' he perches Ina earner nu line of
lot taleVe) ell fir carpet, tee and hounds. thence south
ittle degrees. it est. 13 peiches to another corner thereof,
thence north 44 degrees west. 104 perches to warrant
line. thence south 47,A demeee weed, :kit) and 5-111ths
perches to corner of lot No. 41 of Al Meytert's allot
melt of the Meredith lands. thence along line of lots
No. 41 and 40 south tin degrees east. 101 perches to cor
ner in line of lot No. ten In Meylert's allotment afore
said, thence along west linen( tot No. 10 south 2 perch
es to a corner of sole 0 and 10, thence along line of No.
and 10 eart 214 and 7 Wats perches to the Lackawanna
Turnpike aforesaid, and thence by the several courees
and distances of said Tureptke la a northerly direction
about 100 perches to the place of beginning, containing
445 acres and 11 perches, strict measure, being parts of
tracts of lands in the warrantee names of John Beach
and Phillip Beach, to ether with the appartenances.—
Also, In our equal undivided one..eixth part of all that
certain piece or pat cel of laud situate in Clifford town
ship, county and state aforesaid, and described us fol
lows. to Wit Begins ing at the suet h corner of Jere
miah Ronad'e land, in warrant hue of John Beach.
thence north 45A degrees rest s 4 perches to a core, r.
thence. dont'. 45 deg. west along line of Slocum Carr's
1and,.167 and 5-10ths perches. thence north 44A dedrees
west 17 perches, thence et•ath 47 dens. west 116 perches,
thence south 44 degrees ea, w l perches to west ember
of John Beach warrant. thence along said warrant line
north 454 degrees east at; per. hes to the place of be
ginning. containing 104 acres, more or less, and being
parts of Samuel Meredith's No. 4 warrant and Samuel
Meredith'. No. 3 warrant- together with the appurtma
acmes. [Taken in execution at the snit of John Watt &
Son vs. R. A. Reynolds and - moue' Reynolds.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of Lund s'Att,
ate in the township of Lathrop, county and State afore
said, bounded and described as Wows. to w It : On the
north by lauds of W. Z. Brown, on the east and south
by lands of J. R. Tiffany, and on the west by public
highway, containing about A acre of land more or lreo ,
with the apportenancee,one Manse. some fruit trees and
all improved. [Taken in execution at the cult of Fer.
dinand Whipple use of P. C. Conklin vs, Z. Betts.
ALOE to• Irt pic,c tor rnua enentu to
Oakland township, county and state aforesaid. bound
ed as follows, to wit : Un the north by land 01 R. Man
nertng, on the east by land of—Pierce. on the south
by a cross street, and on the west by Westfall avenue.
inch the appurtenances. one two-story dwelling house,
and all Improved. [Seized and taken In execution on
. . .
a writ Of Lev the of Aaron Young or. W,
H. Tinsman.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Auburn, comity and state afore
said, bounded and described an follow*, to wit : On
the north by lands of David W. McCain. on the cast
_ .
by Oman of Patrick Galvin, on the !tooth by lauds of
Joeepb White, and on the west by lai!, of hlisha
' ney. containing S 5 acres of land more or lens. with the
appurtenances, a frame hooves barn and other oat
buildings, au orchard and other trait trees, and about
tO acres improved. [Seized and taken in execution at
the sub of N. P. Cornwall vn 0. K. Picket.
Lao—.sll those 3 certain pieces or parcels of laud
situate in the township of Oakland, county and state
' aforesaid, bounded and described no follows, to wit :
The drat beginning on the north line of a lot formerly
owned by Wm. Greek, at a stake nd atones north or a
pine stab, thencealong the line of said Greek lot north
70 degrees went 03 rods and nine tenths of a rod to a
stake and stoles corner of David Taylor's land, thence
afong the name north ZX degrees went 01 rods to a cur
uer, thence south 713 X degrees east ten rode and 1-'.O of
a rod to a stake and stones corner on side hit. Acing) of
a dead chestnut lb a line of s Wt now occupied by 'Wil
bur D.Stisidard, thence south We de •s west AS and 0-10
rods along other land of aforesaid Jonathan M. Bald
win to the place of bet:tiring, containing 35 acres of
land, strict measure. in improved. The second piece
bent urn t at a post and Clones I he taluthweSt corner of a
lot formerly Wm. Greek lot in lino of Peter 61cGahey's
warrantee, thence north 79degrees meet 163 rods to n
post and moues In line of Gco. McWilliams warrantee
thence along the same north 13, deg,. ee. east &lard 37-
100 roes to a stonen corner on a p side hill near a
rock, thence along other land of aforesaid Hupman
south ;11 degrees east 108 and 7.10 rode to a stake and
stone in line of other land of formerly Jonathan M.
Baldwin, thence along the same south 23 degrees rant
15 and 6.10 rods to Maros and soot!, 101‘ degrees east
11 rods to stoners corner of aforesaid o,"m Greek lot,
thence along the same south tri degrees rant 33 rods to
the place of neglnuing, containing 60 acres of land
strict measure, mote or lees, uninmoved. The third
piece, beginning, at the northwest corner of a 50 acre
lot heretofore deeded by the aforesaid Ilupman and
wife to C. S. Bennett, at a corner Benne of Geo. Mc-
Williams tract.thence along the same north ltd degrees
vast 44 and 03.11 0 of a rod to a p int, thence south
IS degrees ..lot 14 rods to Bennet, thence south 79 de
grees cast 75 rods to a past and stones corner of a lot
deeded by Stephens & Mulona Farntoun to aforesaid
C. S.Benoutt. thence along the same south 53 degrees
east 43 rode anti four-tenths of a rod to a corner of the
50nare lot, thence along the same north 70
degrees n - tnt 108 roes and severi4enths of a rod to the
place of beginning, containing 25 agree of land be the
same more or I. se, or improved. (Aiken in execution
Id the snit of F. W. Boy 'e no. arose Cooper, Terre
ALSO.—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sit
nate In the township of Brooklyn. County of Susque
hanna and State of Pennsylvania. bo-nded and des
cribed as follows to wit: Commencing in the centre
of highway leading from flopbottom to to Brooklyn, in
the south by lands of Ferdinand: Whipple. on the east
by lands of Charles !Ulmer, Gs the noeth by lands of
Palmer and WWI°, oti the west by the centre of pub.
lit highway to place of beginning. containing about 50
acres of land, more or less.trith the appartenances,one
dwelling house, two twines, a email orchard and ahont
forty acres Improved. [Taken Itt execution at the suit
f P. C. Conklin vs. Joseph a, [(inner. D. C. Rhine'.
and Asa M. Monet.]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of laud situate
in the townsh p of Ararat. county and state aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows to wit: On thenorth
test by lands of William D. Dunn. on the southeast by
lands of Mosso Nichols, rr Co.. on the south and south
west by lands of Stone and Wilcox A Co., late widow
Wm. Wilson's estate, containing about 20 acres of land,
mote or less, with the appurtenances, and partly lm.
proved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Thompson
noodle vs. Peter Dunn.
ALSO—AII that certain piece at parcel of land situate
In the township of Clifford, county and state aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north
by lands late In porsesslon of Nelson Ressigne and now
In possession of H. N. Tripp, CO the cut by lands of
Daniel Davis and E. Carey, on the South end west by
lands of Orrin Wilson, coldish:du 140 acres of land,more
or less, together with the appurtenances, and about 10
acres Improved. [Taken in execution at the cult of Or
rin Wilson vs. Jtseph S. Wilson.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sit.'
nate In the township of Herrick. county and state
aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
Northerly by lands of 11. S.Plerce, easterly by lands of
O. Blugley,Souther_ly ty lands of J. Cook And westerly
by lanai', Of YON/ Banton. containing 51 acres and an
perches. with the appurtenances. Otto small (tattling
house and outbuildings, and about WI acres Improved.
[Taken In execution at the snit of U. S. Pierce vs. John
ALSO—AII thlo certain lot of land situate to thi town
ship of Oakland, county and tittle aforceald, boonded
se follow.: On the north by s road leading frutu Sedate
Grimaldi to Thotuas Canavan's still, on the west by
lot owned by Win. Canfield, on the east b bedateOrbb
wold lot, containing about one acre of land, mote or
lest, (reselling 6 limo Occupied by O. It. Bennett) With
Number 1Q
Legal Advertisements
the apportoporicep,oac how,' and all Impn , verl rr
lu otocutfoo at , ho volt of Curtis t 111Iry '
Room.ll. I.
ALSO—AII that piece or pared el land 'final. ,
townels? of Libertyrconnty and state aforr.,
I'd and own!). •as follows, to wit: itegtnion g o ,
Junction of the Vs'e.erford end Abington
the nighway leading from Corbett'. 'a m •
Roo, thence Louth lii degrees. west 12 p e „ 1,
cold Turnpike, thence north al &gr. es we, ;4 , t .d
rods, thence north 2)4 tit-grecs ce-c roils to s,
way, thence south rot degree.. cast along the.,
the highway 21: and 4-2 rode to place of tort:lnm,, t „,7
Wining t acres anti 134 perches, more orb,.
appurtenances, ono frame hone,. frame:hay,,
shod and nil improved. [Take', In ex-ru t ,„„
cult of Belly Dose vs, Abram liveny acid Jit • .
ALSO —All that ce .. rtain pleCt: or parcel
coin th the he
of Auburn county and st..•
cc „„
gald, bounded and described as follows, to wit •
north by lands of Patrick Dongloloy, on the 0,
land of Michael Dempsey, ou them/nth by land. nt ,•
C. Lowe and en the west by land of Gtorg t
coots:m.lg shout S 5 nes... more or less. with ths
purtenauces and about 20 acrt-s Unproved.
.•xecution et the snit or Sterling Son vs..lob e
A LSO—All.that certain sew•tullleituated
ship of Oakland, state and county aforesaid, on wh,
known as the ••lehatad swim., let." bounded or,
cast by lands of Nlctiolas 1,111, on the south old so.,
by lands of L, I' Iliuds.and OD the north by the Rah.
Payne lot, containing, as a lumber lot (or maid
about 21Y0 acres of land, upon which. beside.. the afar,
said circular steam taw-mill, there le erected on 1,0,1
two hundred acre lot, a shanty loos' and ban, ,
the etforestald circular steam saw-mill is about hr, t„,,
length and thirty feet in width. with an el: for :11r
Onion boiler of about twenty by linty fe e t,
being need for the mooofortutlog of Mother an„
cartilage and Mod appurtenant to the
steam saw mill. [Taken In execution at th e amt of rh,
Baines ALSPOISCSIaItig Company t s. Muse, coop.,
David onernsey.
Take Notice.-111 Maim moot be arranged on th, d 4,
of !lIIC. X. B. HELVE. Shrr.ff
Shertfre Office. Montrose, Marsh, 1. . 1M75
1.1.,..;( 6 4 1 E 'S VIII
tetly given to all per-on, f . '„ n
corned in the following Eatyttn , to Wit
Estate of Lyman Ely. late us Brooklyn.
Isaac VanAnkon, Executor.
.R,tstto of Newel Keeler, late of Middletown, d, r . 4
Mary Kook, Adm .
E..tate of Robert Whiting.. Of of •ifs, Lug
deed; Wllltum North, Executor.
Epta.- of Et.wla E. Benne t . Lat, of
Wm. t'ickaring. Adm'r.
Eatato of Edward DAVI!, Late of Fru/Alla, der d W
(.. Smith. Adm'r.
lintatr of ifOLeGfte,on. late of Dtmock. drt'd
Bennet and P A. Stephens. Adin'r.
Karate of 0. L Carpenter, late of Ararat, drr d : Pm.
url Carpenter. Adm . r.
Estate of Jo,' T.rrdl. 131, of Forest Lak e , d er d
Wilson J. Torre!! and H. F. Llandrlct Aftm re
E;atate of Samuel W. Truesdell tate or I.ln.•rtr
Rotlln B. Truesdell and Ktrby ‘tarot„
Estate of Dan!el Wood.: late of Lathrop. cr D
F. Wood. Executor.
Estate of James Summers. late of New Milford. en
Horace A. Summers and Elliot Aldrich. Execnters
Estate of Jonathan Taylor, .ale of Lanesboro. d e ,
J. D. Lyons, Adra'r. D. b. N. C. T. A.
of John IL Carey, minor. John Mel:, Genrd:al
Estate of Martin Newman, Into of Utile llesee.
dee'd ; Thomas Warner, Execotor.
, . .
Estate of henry 11111 s, late of Jessup, dee'4l jr,t
11, hills, Executor
That the accountants have settled thelr
counts in the Register's Office in and for the
county of Susquehanna, and that the sm n ,.
he presented to the Judges of the lirphas,
Cowl, on Thursday, April 15, P+7s, for (
tirmation and allowance.
R. N. TFF£ANY, Register
Register's Office. March 17.'74.
"What Woman Should Snow,"
A Woman't Brink About Women, by a orulb,
(]lna. E. 13. DI;FTES
'1; .1 a on n l ec y ;Ts fl k y teb:ery L ind ever evriueo hr a tro reap
a bouseboid, it. *ruin r, i t
nd eminent practical. se Casa. an Imne new drmati
7itatuithstandind the delicate pa t9eet a
treated. it is written gr.. 01,5, bra ire pore sill,. a . .
not offend the mod (Seallota. 111 , bet, toit
had inch an opportunity to make m oney and no
Terme and sample *beets mailed free immediate tie
3tva J. M. STODDART 0.,
r...` . , Improved CUCI - NMER
o', WOOD PUMP. I. th e ~
1,. B . knowledzed ST . ?, <b Ara)
•:, 6 4 1 the popular lerdb t
% , , ,re . 6 4 the best pump Itor the ieut
money. Attention 1. : 10 1 , C
to Illa,uiefe Improved lireKket. tLe 1),,,.
Check Valve, which ran be withdrawn w t ,
out dletur, , ing the Jointo, and the 1'0p , ,,, :
Chamber, which never crack,. cra/e• .:
rtirta and will not a lifetime F, ~,,h. 5 ,
Dealere and the Trade gene rail r. In ee1...,
be cure that you zet 131atchley'o ramp be
careful and see that It hao my trade-mark it
above. It you do not know vrll,.re to hey
d es , r.ptive circulars, together with the /lan, self! .1
drece of the agent neared yon, will ha prutaptty lIIr.
lobed bv addreaslng, with clamp
CRAB. 0. BIATCHLEY. Manufacturer.
500 COutmerre St.., Phtladelphts, 1-.,
March 10, 11325.-9 m
A DMINISTRTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letter. ot;d
Alol, administration to the est:or Of. it Hartley late o'
Leon:, Pa., deceased. have been granted to its undo
sigmas!, all persons indebted to said estate, are r. vett
et! to make Immediate payment. and those Gans;
claims against •he same, are requested to present bra
without delay.
FANNIE HARTLEY, Administrairu
Montrose, March. 10, ioas. u 6-111
AI7ISVITOR'S NOTICE.—The noderrtened.. Aada
or appoioa.d by the Orphazie Court of busq'a Co
to distribote the rands In the halide of A II McCollum
nrijitire i w 'i ni t e7Te r c 'r the ,
Vl t a ' t o t t en ß rtO w th ' eTme o r 'd :t
appointment at hie office in Montrose. on Wedneidt!
Nardi Math, 1815, at t o'clock, p. m.. at wtoch lee
place all persons Interested will make hooter the:,
claims or be forever debarred from corn:lw id en smt
hind. B. L. BALDWIN, Auditor
NEottrose. Ft-h. 24th. 1575
The co-vartnerrhip of B. T. & E. B. i
day di,soleed by mutual eon,eat,
Mootroee, March, 10, 78;1
The undere , lgnami will continue the harne tlnPri Pd.
at the old ntand.thankful for past patrounze and br:ptt;
to merit a continuance of the rams .
HN FOR SALE,—The subscribt.r off,rs ht. Itra
I' for pole, Oilll3io In Fe. tot 'Ake, contalu:nrrs act,
:Aliniproved. Will keep twelve cows. and are..
watelled, Is also a good grain farm. Ras a bke your
osebsrd TelPl* be made easy. Far forth, pc.
ticulars enquire of or address S. 13. Rogers or the pre
Feb. 10. 1875.—em. Montrose, Pa.
The subscriber offers his farm fur sale, I.ltvate
Franklin township, Sus< a coun.y.Pa.,l desirable play
containing 42X acres, 30 acres improved, the halard
well timbered, a two story house, barn with hod:,
ground door and stabling. all new, an orchard of Rhea'
50 trees. The land is of first finality. good for grain Y
grass, In a good state of cultivation, well watered art
no main road within y toile of J. L. Ilerthusrea store
school house, post office, and about 40 rods of shows
The stock and farming tools will be sold with the pis a
If desired. Any one desirous of such a place will
it to their advantage to call before the first of April.
TERMS very easy Apply personally or by letter to
Upsonville, Stm'a co.,
March 3, 1575.
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of srs
quebanna County, the unde.signed administrator of 111
estate of S. H. Campbell, dec'd, wtH sell, at public fa' ,.
on the premises, on
Tuesday. March 301 h, 1075, 4,
at one o'clock . rn..the following described lot of I.;
to wit r All that rennin lot of land situate in the 1,,,r:
chip of Ararat. County of Sn4cinchanna -nd Mated
Pennsylvania. described as follows: Beg inning 0 t
beech. an original enruvr of four tracts ; thence tt 6 or 4 ; :
the warrantee hue of Connelly IleCau-ehtna and Mn ;
ander Meiling, north as}:degrees west 106 pen - in- wt t'
post and atones; thence south 46:,,, degrees we,, Id
perches to stones In warrantee line of Wm. Forbo
thence .uth 4:3V degrees east 100 perch., ton 1,..t.1 f' t.
corner of Tram,. Ogden'o lands ; thence by sold Oy.
den's lands north 49 degrees east 161 perches to 9, vc
plane of beginning. contat9tog 194 acre., more or 1.4 c
TER Sl* : $59 on day of sale; OM on nod coug
naltion, and the bIITATICe Ors year thereafter, with ~ r < yl
tenon. a, IL CAMPIIELL, Adintnngrate! ...3
Ararat, March 1. 1913. h-1 ;4
Public Vendue.
The undersign-11 Executrix or tho opiate of (ito pwt.
deeen.ed, will sell at puhlie sale ou the prelul,m late d
Old Peck. deritwod, In New Milford Towuottip, ue
TI111111 • 14dRY, /IPrill It IS TS,
COMlternellig At to o'clock u to • the folloolog pop 01
to wit: Urn, lumbar I btugg oAeoo. I bore
wheel rake, 1 fauoine 'ono cuitlysior.: harrow. Jy.,
and nil (Arming tools of every &teed pi lot . dsiry 11
tures of All kinds, Including a large ritont.-r or pace sr:
pall,: closes t, toes. chairs, hers
the household inn:lmre, elow - zing to toll note. Also to genie and 1 tons pf Sr.. hey.
TEItM9 ; - All soma cruder $.l cash $.l and err foor
months credit, with Interest and approved security
Also, at the same place, pursuant to an order of dr
Orphans' Court of Susquehanna county, the said eyet
trix, will sail at public solo on theprealleos,.ll Ica
certain farm or lot of land. late of Peek, descried
situate in the township of New II Ilford. County of syc
quehanna and State of Pennsylvania. described ss ful
lows. to wit : Soundest on the north by lend. of Ec4
Ayres estate and P. W. Boyle ; on the cast by loon el
N. A. Johnson A, B. Stoltn.S. Buret* and John lidYls
on the south by lands formerl t of itoeinsoo
the west by lands of It.J.Vails sod 11 Wlsomie tor ,
tabling one huyatired and HR-recut afros. more or la ,
TERMS madnmown on day of sale.
Z.k)Y P. PECK. Executrix
New 3111 ford, March. 8, 1973. 44
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Vend of sin
quebannn county, the ondersigned,ndministrator of tht
estate of Raba Done, dec'd, will sell, at public sale. ss
the premises, In ['creek Township, on
Nlonday, March 20th,
at one o'clock p m., the following described lot of L. , /
to wit All that certain lot of land situate to me less .
ship of Herrick, County of Susquehanna, and Blau a
Pennsylvania, described as fellowe: Beginning si
stake and stones to comer of Bohn Roger's land, mm:'
south 41"fidegrees,esst 10IX perches to stakeand slued
in comer with -Eugene A. Dopp ; thence north Ott 4*.
grees, west Ad perches to stake and stones ; Mad
south 41i degrees Veit, 10 perches to stake and done , •
thence ntirth .12 , ),‘ dr - "" Ben i
tree ; thence sn^'''
black. cher --
perches I;
more 07.11
t lon, and ,
Bore ek,
eons he'll
rayon tbi
zed Si
of a
B T ( 4.E
E. H ('ASE