The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 17, 1875, Image 2

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    Volume 32
Circulation Increasing TWICE as Faust as
any Paper In Northern Pennsylvania.
Gold closed in New York, on Saturday
at 115.
Charles Francis Adams, jr., thinks the
grangers have proved the .best friends of
the railroads. They have stopped con•
structiou, which is a good thing. If the
mania for railway building had cone on
unchecked much longer there would• have
been nothing but railroads left in the'
coun try. .
The•Siipreme Court Judges of Penn
sylvania want the Ligislature to pass a
law that no case can be carried rip to the
Supreme Court in which the claim is less
than $5OO 00 This would simply be an
outrage. If these Judges do not like to
be kept busy let them resign. In this
Republican government we want no pen
sioned aristocracy or no more laws cut
tina poor claimants from full opportunitS ,
to get full justice.—Sunbury Democrat.
The reduction of the rates by the Penn
sylvania railroasi company from Balti
more to various points in the West, at the
same time that the through rates were
restored to the original prices in Phila
delphia, created some surprise mon"
Iney stated
that the change was made probably for
the purpose of causing the railway war
to be more local than heretofore, and of
removing it further from New YOitk.
The decisive action of Congress in the
passage of the Force bill, the lobbying of
the President in its favor, and the assent
of the virulent portion of the radical
press, combine to make an issue of it.—
It only failed of adoption from the lack
of time and the incomparable strategy of
the democratic minority on the floor of
the house. The liberties of the people
are thus preserved by accident ; the mur•
derous intent to destroy them In the
breasts of the republican leaders was only
too painfully manifest. They have put
it upon record.
A convention of railway magnates rep
resenting some of the most important
road's of the country, was held in New
York on Wednesday, and agreed upon a
plan of uniting the various lines into a
continuous route for better communica—
tion between the Hudson river and the
cities of New England, The friends of
the movement say that by this union of
the different roads a more complete con—
nection will be established between New
England and the Western States by way
of the Erie road. A system of ferriage
is to be established at 'Newburgh by
which cars can be transported across the
udso n nver.
The bounty equalization bill had a pre
cariqus delivery and short life. After the
senate `tied adopted it and breathed into
it vitality by an amendment authorising
a loan of money to give it a proper start
in the world, the house, in a sudden pas
sion of buncombe, agreed to the senate
amendment. Then the virtuous senate
undertook to strangle its own bantling
by voting to lay the report of the confer
ence committee on the table. Neverthe
less the vice-president and Speaker Blane
signed the bill, and in this doubtful con
dition it was sent to the President, who
sat down on it and crushed its life out
forever with a veto.
In selecting the 26th of May as the
time fir holding the nest state conven
tion the radical leaders have reversed
their rule of late conventions and short
campaigns. They probably consider it
• prudent to give the masses of their party
as little opportunity as possible to inter
fere with their arrangements. The action
of the democratic central committee in
postponing the convention until the Bth
of September will, we have no doubt,
meet with the approval of the party,—
This will give nearly two mouths from
the convention to the election, which is
ample enough for the discussion of the
issues in the campaign and the per
sonal merits of the candidates, as well as
for thorough party organization.
There is a vast amount of truth in this
pithy summary which the St Louis Re
publican makes of General Grant's six'
years of presidential service: "He has
established precedents which will vex us
as long as the nation lives, and he has
set au example which embraces all those
blunders and crimes which the ruler of a
free country should avoid. He wrought
more damage to the republican system in
these six years than his successors can re
pair in the next fifty, and by his princi—
ples 'and actions has dope more to demor
alize public sentiment and weaken public.
confidence in the stability of free institu
tions than all the trials•and tyrannies of
civil war. And with these credentials he
has the magnificent impudence to aspire
to a third term,-and there are fools and
knaves who were willing to encourage
and assist him in it!"
The State Treasurer, since he cannot
get the "Sinking Fund' of the State
"fixed up," and take from that fund the
money pledged to pay the State debt, is
simply furious. He threatens not to pay
the members their salaries, or anybody
else's salaries, thus trying a force bill on
his own account.
This action of the State Treasurer is an
audacious insult to the people's represen
tatives, and if they bad a single drop of
the blood of true manhood in their offi—
cial body as representatives, they would
resent , it.
Afske the State Treasurer show what
,he bas done with the public - money.-
-.Compel him to show what is in' the se . -
cret drawer of the State TreasUry. This
- will quidt his nerves and induce him to
understand be its the servant of the peo—
, ple.
The Radicals are terribly frightened
lest the State Trensary will be "intestiga.
There seems to be a disposition to con
strue the Civil Rights bill very strictly in
some quarters. The bill confirms the
right of negroes to the accomodations of
"inns, public conveyances, theaters and
other places of public amusement." An
inn is described by all lexicographers as
a house where travelers may obtain shel
ter, lodging and entertainment for money.
A restaurant, a place where people may
obtain food and drink, or a drinking
house, where liquors are sold, is not an
inn, unless the proprietors furnish their
houses as lodging places for travelers:—
Neither of these comes under the law at
nth It is on this construction of the
statute undoubtedly that the decision of
the United States commissioner at Wash
ington, North Carolina was based, in a
case where there had been a refusal to
sell liquor to a negro.
A special telegram to the Chicago Times
indicates that the Cameronian pleasure
trip to Mexico has a utilitarian as well
as anaesthetic object. The veteran Penn
sylvanian it is said wishes to see for him
self what northern states of Mexico it is
desirable to annex. Railroad subsidies,
extensive belts of auriferous earth, gov
ernment grants, church intrigues, the
airings, the Rothechilds, and the prob—
abilities of our future relations with the
republic of Mexico, i4l. arc "
.1.1 Jimmie 01 possibilities which the
Times correspondent appends to the lit—
tle airing Which the veteran chairman of
the committee ou foriegn relations pro
poses to give himself on the table lands
'of Mexico. There is a possibility that
President Grant, piqued with the failure
of'Bahcock to buy an island, has sent a
craftier gentleman to negotiate for a pro
vince or two.
Ot the one hundred and ninety Repub
licans of the Forty-third congress which •
adjourned on the Fourth of March one
hundred and thirty have been repudiated
by their constituents. Of this number
of rejected representatives the Homjames
B. Beck estimated, in a speech a few days
before the adjournment, that over one
hundred are to-day looking to the Presi
dent to provide for them and their friends
out of the public treasury. This, in his
opinion, accounts for the blind and im
plicit subserviency with which they have
supported the Force bill and other arbit
rary means of President Grant. He said:
"Positions ranging all along the line,
from collectors of internal revenue and
district attorneys to foreign ministers
and Cabinet officers will be claimed as
the reward of service• now rendered on
this floor to subserve the interests or de
mtnds of the President. Hopeless of
recognition by the people, w!th no future
except in the perpetuation of power by
force, they have determined to betray
every true confidence in them, and to
place the rigtos and liberties not only of
their own constituents but of all the
people of the country at the mercy of a
military diaator." It will be interesting
to watch the manner in which President
Grant will reward these repudiated rep
resentatives for their personal service to
him on the floor of congress.
With existing prejudice of race some
v'y troublesome cases are likely to arise
under the civil rights act. A colored bar
ber at Willard's hotel in Washington has
refused to shave a negro who took a seat
in his chair. Now it is probable that
this barber entertains no prejudice that
may not be easily overcome, but what
troubled him was the probable loss of the
white customers who still have prejudices.
In case of the refusal of a white barber to
shave or shampoon a negro there would
be no difficulty under the civil rights act.
But this manifestation of hostility to the
law on the part of the negroes themselves
is calculated to produce much embarrass
ment on the part of its ministers. In
Wilmiogton, N. C., the other day a saloon
keeper was arrested and taken before the
United States commissioner for refusing
to sell a thirsty negro a drink. The
learned commissioner decided that bar
rooms did not come under the civil rights
act. Here then is offered a solution of
the difficulty which confronts the authors
of this law in attempting to enforce social
equality among the races. Let barber
shops, especially when kept by colored
persons, be put in the same category with
bar rooms. Federal judgea will have no
difficulty in putting the same interpeta
tion upon the law when they consider
that it was designed only for the pun
ishment of white -men who might refuse
to recognize thosocial equality of the ne
The committee' -of Ways and Means
have rendered their report in regard to
the Pacific Mail Investigation. They pre
sent a mass of facts which can leave no
doubt whatever that the use of $750,000
was directly for the purpose , of corrup—
tion in securing the passage 'of the ad—
ditional subsidies. The committee re
mark that in each case the payments of
the sums, as traced by them, show enor—
mous rewards for the most insignificent
services. They cannot resist the opinion
that the money had a further use,although
regretting their inability to throw fur—
ther light on the subject through the
silence of Ex-Postmaster King and the
Hon. J. G. Schumaker,and other witness
es who refused to appear.
The committee find evidence only con
victiug two persons connected with Con
gress of complicity in the transactions.—
Thai is a very lame and impotent con.
elusion to so much investigation. But
the people cannot fail of a proper infer—
ence, and this the committee recognize
in recommending further investigation.
Upon their statement that the whole of
this sum of $750,000 was paid out in
large saw, to hangers-on of congress,
for trivial add unknown services, the pub
lid verdict will not hold congress guiltless
in this great scandal ; and will support
the. ommittee in its recomendations that
the power :of congress to compel the tes
timony of witnesses be increased, and
that additiorfal guards be throin be.
tween congress and the lobby.
_ _.„
... _ _ _...• •-•
The United States Supreme Court
(Justice Strong) has just decided a some
what important principle as to the liabil
ity of express companies, the Court holds
that an express agreement between the
company and those delivering a package
for transportation, to the effect that it
should not be liable for any damage or
loss unless the claim should be made
within ninety days, was a reasonable con
tract and one not against public policy.
It purposed to relieve the company from
none of. the obligations of a common
carrier. It remained hound to the same
dilligence, fidelity, and care as it would
have been without it. All that it stipu
lated was that the shipper, in case of loss
or damage should assert his claim in sea
son to enable the company to ascertain
the facts.
The hypocritical and dishonest alliance
between the Republican . politicians and
the prohibitionists of the state is threat—
ened with a violent dissolution. The pro
hibitionists hate no confidence in the
promises of the radical politicians, and
the latter regard the alliabce as a bad po
litical investment in view of the result
of the November election. Accordingly
the Republican organ at the state capital
urges the senate to pass the bill to repeal
tho local option act and the governor to
At the caucus of the Republicans of
the state senate the other day there was
an attempt to make the fepeal of the lo
cal option act a party question. But it did
not succeed. The discussion developed
the fact that more than one third of the
caucus was fir the repeal. Since the cau
cus repeal has gained strength with the
radical senators, a fact which may be at
tributed to the failure of the coalition
between the Republicans and pronibit
ionists in New, Hampshire. With the
radical polititcians, the question is not
considered in its moral or social aspects,
but in its probable effects on party suc
cess. In this as well as in all other ques
tions they never rise above the level of
The Kingston F'reentan says :
"There is a lady in the upper part of
the city who is a fine subject for scientific
investigation. She is a born pin swallow
er. We don't mean that she swallows
belaying-pins, hair-pins, or clothes pins,
but small pins so necessary for women in
making their toilets. And the strangest
part of it is they agree with her, so she
is waxing healthy and rat- The lady,like
all women, formed the habit of holding
pins in her mouth, and so one day ac—
cordingly swallowed six. She was terri—
bly frightened and expected to die, but
day after day passed by without any trou
ble being experienced from this strange
diet, so she became quite unconcerned
about it. In less than a month nearly a
dozen slipped through her lips and also
moved gracefully down her throat. No
trouble whatever came from these either;
and then it seemed the woman acquired
an irresistible liking for pins. She swal
lowed half a dozen or so every now and
then, and as this diet has been continued
nearly a year, she must be pretty well
lined with brass. When this lady took
her first meal of brass she was a slight,
fragile being, in very bad health. In a
few weeks she began to improve, and, as
we before stated, the more pins she swal
lowed the healthier she became."
The "Great Flnanleal Question."
Onr Foreign ministers, like Schenk at
the Court of St. James, not only give
wise opinions upon "draw poker" but i
they also have very grave doubts about
what should be the Financial scheme in
this country. Senators and congressmen,
wilc rob the people's treasury by credit
Mohrlier contracts, Salary Grab steals,
railway and steamship subsidies, shake
their heads with great profundity and
pronounce the "question of finance a
very intricate affair." The gold gamblers
and stock brokers, who wish to make
money, King, and labor its subject, can
see no other way out of the present di
lemma save in acknowledging its power
to be absolute and its value unlimited
provided they are permitted to have the
sole controll of Yes, and 'come right
down to our latter day Shylocks,and pet
ty, street-corner brokers, and they, with
all theft bredth (?) of soul, cannot see
why money should not be placed upon
the same basis as wheat and corn. and
they be allowed to put their own value
upon it, in addition to the only value it
now has or ever can posses, that of a
representative one of ONE HUNDRED
CENTS TO THE DOLLAR, based upon the
amount of productions, brought out by
the labor of the country. They
s do not
see any reason why they should not be
protected by law to:rob their neighbor of
his corn, wheat and other productions,
reduce him to a mere tenancy of his
land, by the wicked and unhallowed pow
er of extortion. Our representatives in
State legislature, like the Pales and
others, who, to gait' their own corrupt
ends, are attempting to set this deadfall
for the massesand ate making oily speech
es in the legislative halls,proclaiming it to
be a "grave question," yet being fully of
the opinion that these "coyotes" should
have unfettered freedom to depredate up
on the laboring community, and the
Montrose Republican echoes their twaddle.
By the assistance of the DastocHLT tt
-proved to be a grave question for some of
these worthies f.,r the people have put
them in their "little bed."
The whole moneyed tribe, from the
government bondholder down to the
soul-shrivelled "curbstone broker" inclu—
sive of all the intermediate corporation
monopolists of the country, think this
finance question a very mazey affair, too
lofty for their comprehension because
they cannot make all the people believe
that money should be , freed from all bur
dens of taxation and the full power be
granted them to increase or diminish its
iolnme at pleasure, as may be best suited
to carry out their schemes. In this man
ner they could securely fasten a collar
upon the neck of the laboring masses
and oblige them, not only to wyrk out
their own salvation, but that of the mon
eyed aristocracy also ; to not only pay
their own taxes and lay their lives upon
the altar of their country to protect their
families and firesides, but also to do bat
tle and pour out their blood on many a
gory field to save the lives and property
of these cowardly shylocks; and pay their
taxes besides, as they aro already forced
to do in too great a degree.
What is the real intricacy (?) of the
financial question of to-day ? In our
humble opinion it requires but a very
small pin to prickthe bubble.
From Washington down to almost ev
ery village hamlet in the land, it has for
a few years past, been nothing but in
creasing of idle and useless officials with
a doublirg of their salaries; the most wan
ton waste of the people's treasury upon
corporations anal individuals,all of which
have been done under the semblance of
law, and to this add the millions upon
millions of which the country has been
robbed by its villianous officials,in defal
cations and peculation and with this
cursory glance the mist clears from the
vision of any commonly iutellige•it mind.
The question must intricate to us is,
that there is one dollar of representative
value left to the people under such a
profligate and wantonly corrupt state of
affairs. What is the class ot legislation
that is attempted to be pit forth upon
this question ? It is simply this. After
the people's treit.t.7 is impoverished in
the manner which we have pointed out
and idleness and extravagance engender
ed by the example and teachings of every
community and, in addition to the enor
mous horde of officials, come the army
of iing politicians from the lobbyist at
Washington down to the pothouse poli
tician hi every little borough, who are fos
tered in idleness to secure party suprem
acy, all of whom are communing the val
uable substance of the people, that which
sustains human life, an attempt is made
by the great financial solons of the day,
to increase the representative medium of
;he country so as to meet this demand and
legislate a value into it which it does not
possess. Instead of legislating, as they
should, to foster labor and thus produce
a value which of necessity will increase
the volume, they legislate to put heavier
burdens upon it by selling it out to soul
less coiporations and shylocks. Labor in
this land of boasted equal rights, has be
come such a state of slavery that the
young are induced to shun it and at
tempt a sudden fortune by speculation
which often leads them to crime and in
fame. The system of finance which these
political economists would seem to be try
jug to force upon the people, is upon just
as sensible a foundation us it would be
for two farmers to take a bushel of wheat
and speculate upon that by selling it from
one to the other and not only expect to
preserve the wheat in full measure but
also to have it increase in volume su as
to sustain both these men in idleness.—
Every child who could read the above
would at once say, how absurd ! and yet
this is all the mystery there is in the
great finanical question of the day. The
only difference is,these shylocks pass their
money tmm one hand to the other and
then ask congress to allow them to extort
their living by enslaving the people, with
their demanding of blood money.
The wiseacre of the Montrose Republi.
r an accompanied by the yelping pack of
"coyotes" in our town,attempts to impress
upon all, whose consciences are plastic
enough, the hue and cry that the DEMO
CRAT is "injuring the town" by its defense
of the manses and its advocacy of the
rights of the poor and unfortunate. We
defy any man to find in our files where
we ever have attacked any man oi com
pany of men who are engaged in a legit
imate calling, but on the other hand he
wi:l find that we have said more to sus
tain and encourage them than any other
paper in Montrose. We will simply say,
that when we are compelled to build up
our town by sustaining or being silent
even, upon "Legal Association" schemes,
shylock robbery, or by advocating the
building of private sidewalks with public
funds and by calling our "hightoner
street lumps a perfect success and a few
other things of that ilk, that we shall
deliver over our hat and editorial chair
to some more flexible person. We believe
that there has been a festering sore upon
our prosperity and like a felon, will be
the soonest cared by lancing to the bone.
The Republican Platform for 1878
The Republican party as represented
by an enormous majority in both houses
of the Forty-Third Congress, and illus
trated in the acts of its last session,points
with pride to its past record, and rejoices
in the following declaration of the pres
ent principles:
I. Third term now, and Presidency
for life hereafter.
11. Government by the bayonet, sus—
pension of habeas corpus at discretion,
and drumhead courts martial, are the
true elements of political strength.
111. Specie payment in 1879 without
IV, Civil rights mean the white man
has no rights which the black man is
bound to respect.
V. More taxes, more debts, and more
expenditures the true road to permanent
VI. Subsidies, special tariffs, Credit
Mobelier, Texan—Pacific, grabs,
railroad grants, and all sorts of monop—
olies blaze the pathway of Republican
`r IL Nepotism is obedience to scrip—
tural authority, and a blessing to the
reigning family.
VIIL Negro supremacy in the South
to advance Christian civilization.
IX. Opposition legislatures ought to
be suppressed by Federal troops as dan
gerous to Grantism.
X. Retarniin boards are more potent
than elections, and should be appoi.ited
by the Presidect.
XI. The people have no right to com
plain when the Administration is content.
XII. A large standing army and pow.
erful appropriations for the navy are in.
dispensible to a republic, and to a host
of magnificent office seeking commands.
XIII. Opponents of the third term,
critics of the President, champions of
the constitution, economists, and the
toiling masses who grumble because they
are poor, must be classed as banditti, and
punished accordingly.
XIV. Centralized government is na.
tional strength, the State .governments
should be abolished except as dependen
XV. Present salaries are insufficient
to maintain, the dignity of office, and
ought to be doubled immediately with
back-pay at the pleasure of the official.
XVI. Carpet baggers and officeholders
ale abused patriots who have suffered for
their country and merit its grateful rec
XVII. Investigations by Congress in
tended to expose corruption, and jobbery,
and to damage the Republican, party,
cannot be too sternly condemned for
trenching on private rights.
XVIII. The President is the recog
nized head of the government, to whom
congress and the courts owe obedience.
ItilX. The newspaper press is a nui
sance. A censor to restrain carping ut
terance and a severer law to condemn
offending editors, are demanded forth
XX. Rings are self-sacrificing orga
nizations, intended to promote the
public welfare, to shape legislation wisely,
to stimulate enterprise, to aid commerce,
to build railroads, and to place appropria
Lions where they will do the most good.
XXI! A constitutional amendment is
recommended making Lang Branch the
summer capitol of the nation, with liber
al allowance for the president and his
household during Gen. Grant's life.
New Advertisements.
Du.ndaff Mill !
The nndersigned, having leased the above flouring
mill, (which has lately been repaired at considerable
expense) for a term of years, takes thin method of in
forming the public that he is telly prepared to do work
second to none in the county.
glirGive me a tali trial and decide for yourselves.
o o.
Dundaff, Pa., March 11, to,a. liw3pd
3000 CALVES and VEALS WANTED at Great
Bend Village, Pa., for which the BEST
MARKET PRICE will he paid. Also calves six days
old and upwards, and VEALS frvin four to six weeks
old. by- N. S. BARNES,
Great Bea Village, March 17.1q75.-if
Legal Advertieemeeta
Dealers in merchandise, etc., ill biusquehanna
County, take notice, that, in pursuance of the
several Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth
to provide revenue to meet the demands upon
the Treasury and for other purposes,:the under
signed, Appraiser of Mercantile taxes for said
County, has prepared a list of traders in said
County, and placed each in that class which
to him appears just and right according to the
Acts of Assembly, to wit :
Auburn. ' Lt7s - rty.
A F Lacey 14 R 'l' Hendrick it
It J Carter 13 Mrs Bell Tenny 14
Tewksbury A Sin 11 D D Stamford 14
P C Bushnell 14 Munson & Knight 14
E L Adorns 13 .11,11111rtoten.
Ararat. Patrick White p m 4 14
CC Worth 14 Montrose.
Ijreree , 14 , A N Bullard 13
... W J Mellor(' 11
Bridgewater. Lyons, Drake A Co 11
ferry Marcy /,'', F' B Chandler IS
Martin A Jones t. II J Webb 14
%V M. Corey 14 B R Lyons ACO 12
J. R. Itarneford n Purley & Nichols 13
0. D. Stebbins 14 .1 It DeWitt 13
Brooklyn. . Burns & Nichols pm 3 19
JII Very 14 Guttenberg, Rosen- 1 it
Dolaway Bros 14. Mune A Co
T Amy A Cramer 14 A Terrell p m 3 IS
, Kent A Eldridge It Read & stomd Ili
J H Page 14 J F Bronson it
Perry_ Sweet I.OV II Deans 14
0 P 'FRI.:eI 12 J L Talbot 14
R. T. Ashley 14,C 0 Fordhem 14
(71.rjord. .1 N Bullard p m 4 12
21 A Gardiner I.IE B acon 14
II W Johnson p m 4 try N Stoddard 12
H W Johnson 1.4 C (1 Miner 13
J N Baker 14 Boyd A Corwin 19
Davies Bros 14,E L Weeks 11
C M Hunter 13. E P Stamp 12
II W Gardner 14 41 Tbatcher 14
Weatherby & Burdick 14I 0 co C 1 1 111 , 14
D L secy.. 14;Isbell A Moine leh ' 13
Du ndall. ,BC Sayre 13
, W W Smith , 13
EP Chambers . 19
lEDavispm 4 iltrlVllc!ottayre
A Richardson 13 9 Pillman & Co 13
Dimoek.Philip Hahn 14
Stevens & Leebody 1 4 IJ R Ray:Word 14
Wm H Thayer 1410 D Siehblus 14
N 11 Stark . 14 19 A Harkins billiard tables
A Mlles 13 11 st A . ...41
Ilimm Blakeelee 14; Nets Milford Ttep.
Forest Lake. I Ben) Sabine p m 4 11
II L Ball 14 1 Sew Milford Bora.
?rata/in. 'Hayden &:Clemente 14
Joshua Boyd 13 L 1.1-eroy 14
De& F 11 Fordlmm 13 J Dickerman &Co pm 3 11l
EH Merriman 14 J I_l Bartle 14
J L Merriman 19,11 W Decker 12
J II Sutton 14111 Burrito p m 4 IS
0 M Hall 14!Ainey A Williams pm 4 13
Isaac McKee by 14 Wm Hayden 12
loriendarilk. 'H (Jarrett A Son le
Robert Winters 13;P Barnes 14
J F Gorman 13 Litchianstein &. BM- 1
m Burfum pm 4 i'l mcnthal Bros i l4
Mrs M MeNruuara is Heinen A Holden 12
T 0 Riley 14 I) "V Heger and E T McCol-
Great Bend Twp. Inm 2 billiard tables
Severett Tiel 14 Oakland.
Mrs K Worden 14 T F Manson. 14
BAA S T Clark 13; I
Delos Church 13
Great Bend Village Bor. Rush.
J B Brown I 4 ,J S II hills 14
Roes A Lewis 13IW W A S B McCain p m 4 12
13 12 Hanna 1 4 'N H Died) 14
J B McCreary Jr 13 1 Thomas Wheateroft 13
Benjamin A Carl 14 W II Duel 14
Great Bend Bare. Springrille.
Richard Stack 15
Stephens A Reckhow 14. 21 1 not lli ley 13
T D Estabrook pm 2 10111ungerforil A Meserole 10
1' II Linea & Co 111 p m 4
Oeo L Lentieim ACop m 4 s r :tot:neer A Sheldon pm 4 11
H I) Barnes 14 1 Aron A Williams 12
El Vansickler 141 Silrer Lake.
JAR V Colston
George McNamara 11IT Sullivan 14
H 0 Be dell 14E 0 Meeker 14
H P Doran 141 Joseph Newman 14
Id A Paintin 14 , W & F Inderlled pm 4 13
(leo Wessel 14 Susquehanna Depot.
Thomas !Cusack 14
WC Bronson 14 J W Osborn 14
J F Carl 14.0 Coleman 12
Mrs Daniel Sullivan 141 A C Parliman 14
J. H. Slmrell 14
11enry Sperl 14
D Deptie billiard table 1 & triGeo T Frazier p
m 2 13
(Jason. ' W S Mitchell
Mlliken A Smiley pm a rirwbri,,Falagury Is
D E Holmes i. 4
James Fuller 4 G H Crandall 12
Dunn &Co pm 3 /, F B Thayer 12
W B Norris a , a F Smith 14
W Rymer „.8,1 J Pendergria.
r,IC A Miller 14
Geoff Wells p m 4
Co-operative CO pin 4 121 n P n°ran 12
W W Pope CJ Lyons 12
KennedL& Son ~,-,lLewle Freeman 14
"D A Lyons 19
Harna.ny. 'Oratenburg Rosen. 1
S M Munson A Son 131 h aom 'A co 9
Lynne& McNeil lII.' C ; J II Cook 13
Noah Bisbee /44 C &J II Cook 13
J Sehlager A Co p m 4 I I ,James Bell A Son 12
Brandeis A Lange p m 4 GU tin C Kane 0
J B Stephens 14 1 c ° 11. Telford 14
James Connoley 14 t5' D Lyons IS
Id J & J 11 Taylot 14 , A IV Tarbox 14
John Fritchley 1 4 IOT Smith 13
la J Taylor 1 4. 11CLeopm 3 13
Herrick. 10 L Adams 14
CH Ellis pp m 4 12 1 31ns E McGrath 14
H NNlenols p m 4 12;Ellen McGuire 14
L Curtis 19Thomas I 14
J A Mangan 14 1 11 C Leap m 3Kelley 19
A Allerton 14IMOrris Myers 14
Marford. J 0 Drake 14
L R Peck ~4 iM H Pope 14
ETTlffany pm 4 ~, W m Skinner 14
Oliver Payne -,,,Jazi lktarelti
i 3 1N m Mills 14
J A Williams 14
TJ Carr is . w C Broneon 14
one aa !D Casey ' 11
Fowler Peck 14 Chas Churchill 14
H C Waterman 14 J L Weathermax 19
.W II St:adieu 13
Jackson. !L C Benson 14
Mrs IC B Gary I 1 4 . James Burns 14
I) Roberts p m 4 14 4 W Walker 14
II ALBenson I %Doolittle Bros 14
W II Norris lI I I I Mrs P T Little 14
F M Whitney 141 Mrs Margaret McDonald 11
Adelph Shyer 1 3 ; Miss Susie Grace 14
Arnold Block 14 Michael Millan 13
Jessup. SE Gilbert 19
JII Rusencrana pm 4 14 D R Pope 14
Little Meadows. Chas Kirk 14
If II Beardslee 13 Edward Hinds 14
DR Garfield 14 John Donley 14
Lathrop. Sac Allen 14
„. Wm Ball 14
N M Finn IF, A A Smith billiard tables
MTWany 11 ffany & Jeffera t t let and 2d
G W Reese p di 11 18 Thomson.
JS Wri Brghos t
11 1 4 W W o Messenger e 14
ll 14
0 D Roberta .vild D Mattoon pm 4 14
Linos.o L Lewis 14
II W Johnson 14 Geo A Stoddard 14
Black 4 Clearwater 12 NB Chase 14
Grew A Bro 12 G A Counter 14
JnoC Decker 13 H Bowen . 14
Silas Hartley 19 Henry Jenkins & Son 14
Geo W Mapes 14 A J Huggins 14
Classification of Venders of Mier
Sales less than $5,000, class 14
Bales 5,000 less than $lO,OOO class 13
Sales-$lO , OOO less than $15,000 class 12
Sales 15,000 less than $20,000 class 11
Sales 20,000 less than $30,000 class 10 .
Sales $30,000 less than $40,000 class 0
Sales s4o,oooless than $50,000 class 8
ClasiMeatlon of Potent Medicine
Sales $lOO, and not exceeding $ 259, class 4
SalesVlA and not exceeding $ 500, class 3
Sales .$6OO, and not exceeding $l,OOO, class 9
And the Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of said county will hold a 'Court of Ap
peal at the Court House in Montrose, in and for
said county, on Thursday, April 22d, 1875, at
which tiumand place any-of the Merchants des
cribed, defined, and classed as aforesaid, or their
agents - 01' attorneys, may appear and appeal
from said assessment if theythinit proper.
Mercantile Annaba. J. 11. TIFFANY,
Mophoitom, March 17,1875.
CI toned by the Court of Common Plean of Banque.
banns County and to me directed, I will expose to vale
by °tithe vendue, at the Court Hoare in Montroisc,ou
Friday, April Dili, 1575,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following pieces or parcels of
land to wit •
All those two ceri ale pieces or parcels of land situ
ate in the tow orbit, of Brooklyn. In the county of Sus
quehauna. and State of Pennsylvania. the first piece
bounded nod described as follows, to wit on the north,
ea-t. and west by lands of J.L.Atiato•, and on the south
by public itlghwny, having a front of sever.ty-five feet in
width and n depth of seventy-five feet, be the rams More
or less. together wall the appurtenatices, I large frame
store and dwelling house, one two story frame building
used as a shop, I barn, some fruit trees,and all Improv•
ed. The second piece bounded on the north ,fy land
of S. D. Townsend on the east by land of J.
L Adams, and on the west and south by public high
way leading from Brooklyn to Montrose, containing IS
acres, be the same more or Ices, with the ft ppurtenanc
es. 1 young orchard. and nll Improvrd, LTaken In exe
cution at the suits of Doolittle, Ames, & Co., and
II irsitkind, Parker S Co., vs. Dewitt A. Tlteworth.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ate In the township of Liberty. county and state afore
said, bounded and described an follows, to wit: on the
north by the highway, on the south by lands of Thomas
Vanlone, on the east by lauds of Isaac Travis, and on
the went by lauds of Abel Terrell. containing ell acres,
he the same more or lees, together with the appurteran-
Ces, one dwelling house, one barn and sheds, and other
out-buildings. one orchard, and about to acres improv•
ea. [Taken In execution at the sults of N. C. Warner
vs. Origin Spaulding mud Wm. N Spaulding., and Nor
man Granger vs. Spencer N. Spaulding and William N.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land situate In
'be Burungh of Montrose, comity and state aforesaid.
bounded and described as fallout, to wit: on the north
and west by lands of the rotate of J. T. litrehard. deed,
on the east by Cherry Street. acid on the sutilh by land
of Wm. L. Cox, having a front of shout 41 feet and a
epth of about Si feet, be the same more or lees, togeth
er with the appurtenances, one frame house and out.
buildings, a few fruit trees, end all Improved. [Taken
In execution at the suit of B. IL Lyoulad Co. vs. W.W.
A LSO--All those four pieces or parcels of Jana situ
ate, hounded, and t escri bed as follow s, to wit The nest
piece situate In the township of Brooklyn, county and
state aforesaid, hounded on the north by land of Joseph
Oakley, on the east b 7 land of John Sullivan, Peter
Herkimer. Tiffany & Cramer, and —Murean, on the
south by other lands of W. It.. Page. and on the west by
lauds of Henry 'I ewlwbory nf.d J. IL Page, containing
about ltd acres, with the appurtenauces, one tiwe/ling
house, two bums, and other out-buildings, an orehard .
and about 110 acres Improved. The second piece or par
cel situate In the townships of Brooklyn and Harlord.
county and elate aforesaid, bounded on the north 14
other laud- of W. IL Page. on the east byth
J o. D. L.
I .Wetcy h n iTleof 1.; Cofe Wit:h y , eA;ntalt%ga
hoot 111 acres, more or lose, with the appurtenances. an
orchard. and about 35 acres Improved. The third piece
or parcel situate in the township of Brooklyn, county
and stale aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of ...rig. and Manning Perrigo, on the east by
other lands of W. It Page. on the smith by lands of
W illiams, and on the went by lands of E. Wil
son. containing I.noUL iii acres. with the appurtenant..
one old frame house ham and corn house. an orchard,
• • • • .
and all Improved, The fourth piece Or parcel situate in
the township of Brooklyn, county and state aforesaid,
bounded on the north by sands of Manning Perrlgo, on
the east by lands of Ch ales Goodrich and Thomas f
fatty. on the south by lands of Alvin Daily, and on the
west by la: ds of Charles Williams and other lands of
W. IL Pact . containing shout lOU acres of land, he the
same more at. leas, together with the appurtenances, 1
frame dwelling house, frame barn, and other out-build
ings, some fruit trees, nod about 50 acres improved,
iTakeo is CICCIIIIOII at tilt . Salt of G. P. TifiallY VS. VI.
IL Page.
Als , lo All that certain plc, or parcel of land situate
lu the township of Brooklyn. county and state afore
said. bounded as (Auk's, to wit : Begioning at a point
in the centre of the road leading from the Meshoppen
creek to the five corners, thence on the south by said
. . . .
road and no. s of W. L. Perry, on the east by iambi of
LI. L. Woodward mid Isere Van kuken, on the north
by lands of Isaac Val:Aitken and John IL Ely, and
on the weal by lands of 1.11. Ely, containing about
112 acres be the Pllloe more ut less, together with the
upptlllenalleCOZolll2 dwelling house. two barns, and oth
er out-litnldlngs, orchards. fikc.., and about ninety neree
improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Kent
Eldridge vs. A. F. Allen.
- All that certain piece or parcel of land 'fixate
In the township of (Unlock. Nobely nod state aforesaid,
bounded and described ar follow e, to wit: Beginning at
au old he:: h corner, the eouthwest corner hereof;
thence by land of D F Stevens north 13a degrees cast
15 ; ',rhea ton post, thence by the Richard Arnold lot
.1.1 lb 1149,1•rees east 71 .d 0-101hs perches to a poat.
thence by lard ill li Donohoe. eolith lyy as,, , erees west
in 2 p. relies to stones in the middle of the Middle
Branco of the Meshoppen creek, thence along the mid
le of said creek south fluid degrees west ten perches,
th.mes south 51 degrees west 111 percnes, the, cc south
degrees west 15 perches too post sod clones on the
southeast side of said creek, thence by land of 0. Don
ohite is, deg!, es west 39 and 4-10 the perches to
the [dace of bi.gimeing, containing 22..), acres, be the
same mere or leas, together with the splint. finances, I
small house, end about flee ncros Improved [Taken in
e xecu nun at soil of I. A. Main vs. Jacob S. Simmons.
ALSO-- All the defendant's right, title, and interest
I • alms undit Wad 20th•. or all that certain Ines/map: or
parcel of mud lying, and being in the tow nattily of
Baird. county and state aforesaid. bounded and des
. ribed Sr tot ow a, to wit Beginning at a corner In the
lackawatna Turnpike road, a corner of a lots rveyed
for Wiiliatti Woodman. thence a, •os the Lackawanna
creek north 10 degrees.east 59 and 5-10 tbs perches to a
corner in the warrant line of John Beach and Samuel
Meredith, No. 2, thence along said lino north 43)11 de
grees west, 41 and telOt ha perches to a corner In line .f
lot surveyed for Carpenter said Hounds, thence south
ttlyi degrees west, 13 perches to another corner thereof,
thence north 14 degrees west, 104 perches to watrant
line. thence south 47)4 degrees west. 350 and 5-lathe
perches to corner of lot No. 41 of M Meylert's allot
silent of the Meredith lands, thence along line of lots
No. 41 and 40 smith 66 degrees east, 191 perches to cor
ner in line of lot No. ten in Mcylert's allotment afore
said, thence along west line of but No. 10 south 2 perch
es to a corner of :Nos 9 and 10, thence along line of No
9 and 10 cast 244 and 7 10the perches to the Lackawanna
Turnpike aforesaid, and thence by the several courses
and distances of said Turnpike in a northerly direction
about tun perches to the place of beginning, containing
445 acrs e and 21 perches, strict measure, being ports of
tracts of lands in the warrantee names of John Beach
.d Phillip 131.,ach, to ether with the appartenanees.—
in one equal undivided one-sixth part of all tha
certain piece or {,al eel of land situate In Clifford town
chip, county and state aforesaid, and described as fol
love. to o it: !Wool Lae at the south corner of Jere
zulah Hound's land, to warrant line of John Beach
thence north 45% degrece nest s 4 perches to a corner,
thence south 45 doge. west along line of Slocum Carr's
land, 167 and 5-10ths perches. thence north 44% decreer
west 27 perches, thence south 47 dugs. west 126 perches,
thence south 44 degrees east 102 perches to west corner
01 John Bench warrant. theacc along said warrant line
north C degrees cant 997 porches to the place of be
ginning. containing 164 acres. more or less, and being
parts of Samuel Meredith's No. 4 warrant and Samuel
Meretitth'n Nu. 3 warrant, together with the apparten
one.. [Taken in execution at the snit of John Watt Jr.
Son re. .A. Reynolds and -amnel 'Reynold..
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate In the township of Lathrop, county and State afore.
sand, bounded and described as follows, to wit On the
north by lands of W. Z Brown, on the east and south
by lands of J It. Tiffany. and on the west by public
highway, containing about 1,, acre of land more or less
with the appurtenances-one house, some fruit trees and
all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Per.
dthand Whipple use of P. C. Conklin vs. Z. Betts.
ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of land situate In
oalland too nehip, county and slate aforesaid, bound
ed at , follows, to wit : on the north by land 01 R. Men
ne tang. on the east by land of—Pierre. on the south
by a croft , street. and on the west by Westfall arcane.
-rah the appurtenances, one two-story dwelling huuee,
and all improved [Seized and token In invention on
a writ of Lev Ftsciae at the cult of Aaron Young ve, W,
R. Vneman.
ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Annum, county and state afore.
said, hounded and described as follows, to tett : On
the north by lands of David W 31.ain. on the east
by lands of Patrick Galvin, on the eolith by lands of
Joseph White. and on the west by land. of Ensile Ktn•
noy% containing 3.5 acres of land more or less, with the
appnrtennnees, 2 frame houses barn and other out•
buildings. an orchard and other holt trees, and about
tat acres Improved. LSeixed and taken in execution at
the sail of N. I'. Cornwall ve. 0. E. Plcket.
aLso—All those 3 certain pieces or parcels of land
situate In the township of Oakland, county and state
aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
The drat beginning on the north line of a lot formerly
owned by Wm. Week, at a stake rod stones north of a
pine stub, thence along the line of said Greek lot north
79 degrees west at rock and nine tenths of a rod to a
stake and stones corner of David Taylor's land, thence
along the Fame north 23% degrees weet 01 rods to a cor
nor, thence °oath 75% degrees east 100 rods and 1-l0 of
a rod to a stake and stones corner on side hit. eouth of
a dead chest nut in a line of a lot now occupied by Wil
bur D.Stoddard. thee. south 11% dega west 48 and 6-10
rode along other landof aforesaid Jonathan M. Bald.
win to the place of 'teething, containing 25 acres of
land, strict meager°, an improved. The second piece
begininn at a post and stones ads southwest corner of a
lot formerly (I'm. Greek' lot In line of Peter McGahey's
warrantee, thence north 79 degrees west 159 rods to a
post and stones in line of Geo. McWilliams warrantee
thence along the same north I% degrees east 60 and 37-
100 roes to a stoner corner on a steep side hill near a
rock, then. along °titer land of aforesaid Hnpman
south 79 degrees east 108 and 7-10 rods to a stake and
stone in line of other land of formerly Jonathan M.
Baldwin, thence along the same south formerly
degrees east
15 and 6-10 rods to 'totes and tooth 7914 degrees mist
11 rods to stones corner of aforesaid Wm Greek lot,
thence along the same south 23 degrees east 59 rods to
thp place of oeginning, containing 50 acre, of land
strict measure, mote or less, nninproved. The third
piece, beginning at the northwest corner of s 50 acre
lot heretofore deeded by the aforesaid Rope= and
wife to C. S. Bennett, at a corner inline of pan. Me
tract,thence along the same north 1% degrees
ea. t 44 and 63-11 0 of a rod to a post, thence south
65 degrees tmet 14 rods to stones. thence south '79 de
grees east 75 rods to a post and stones corner of s lot
deeded by Stephenn Malone Farnham to aforesaid
C. 5, Bennett, thence along the same south 25 degrees
east 45 rods and four-tenths of a rod to a corner of the
aforesaid 50 acre lot, thence along the same north 715
degrees west Itti roan and seven-tenths of a rod to the
place of beginning. containing 73 acres of land be the
same more or b or. unimproved. Cyaken in execution
at the suit of F. W. Boy :0, vs. Moan Cooper. Terre
ALSO.—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sit
pate in the township of Brooklyn. County of St ogee.
henna and State Lf Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follow* to wit: Commencing In the centre
of highway leadlog from llopbottom to to Brooklyn, on
the south by lands of Ferdinand: Whipple, on the east
by lands of Charles Palmer, os the north by lands of
Palmer and Waldle, on the west by the centre of pub.
lic highway to place of beginning, containing about 50
acres of land. snore or less, with the appartenanceS,one
dwelling house. two barns, a small orchard and about
forty acres Improved. (Taken In execution at the suit
‘r P. C. Conklin vs. Joseph M. Khmer. D. C. Khmer,
and Asa M. Rhine*
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In the townsh p of Ararat. county and state aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows to wit: On the north
east by lands of William 11. Dunn, on the southeast by
lands of Morse Nichols, & C0.,0n the south and south
west ty lands of Stone and ilcox A Co., late widow
Wm. Wilson's estate, contao•lng about 20 acres of land.
more or leas, with the appurtenances, and partly int.
proved. (Taken In execution at the stilt of Thompson
Boodle vs. Peter Dunn.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate
bn the towuship of Clifford, county and state aforesaid,
ounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north
by lands late In possession of Nelson Ressigue and now
In possession of 8. N. Tripp, on the east by lands of
Daniel Darts and E. Carey, on the south and west by
lands of 0 rrl n Wilson, Centel n 1p 140 sues of land, more
or less, together with the appurtenances, and about 10
acres Improved. (Taken In executiog at spit of Or
rin Wilson vs. Joseph S. Wilson,
ALSO—AII that certain
_piece or parcel of land sit
uate in the township of Derrick. county and state
aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit ;
Northerly by lands of H. 5.M . .; easterly by lands of
G. !Bagley, southerly y lands of J. Cook and westerly
by lands of John Minion. undeln(ng 57 acreteand 58
perches, with the appurtenances. one mall dwelling
house sail outbuildings, and about fa) Berea improvA
(Taken In execution at the snit ofli. S. Pierce vs,,,John
ALBD—AII that certain lot of lendkltuate In the town
ship of Oakland, comity and elate 'aforesaid, bounded
as follows: ()a the north by a toad leading from Sedate
Orlswolds to ThomeeCansvan's mill, on the Weet by
lot owned by Wna. - Cantield, Ott tho east by Sedate tiria.
woad lot, containing 'about ono sere of land, mole or
less, (reserving lane , occupied by C. U. Bennett) with
the house and all improved [Taken
In execution at tho gat of Curtis di Miller vs. Thottlaa
ALSO—AII trustplece or parcel of land situate In the
township of Liberty. county and elate aforesaid, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the
Junction of the Wa.erford and Abington Turnpike and
the nighway leading from Corbett's mill to Jonathan
Ross, thence south 10 degrees west xi perchre along
said Turnpike, thence north 85 degrees west 18 and 4,6
rods, thence north lld degrees east 42 rode to said high—
way, thence south in degree. east along the center of
the highway VI and 4-5 rods to place of beginning, con
taining 4 acres and 134 perches, more or lees, with the
appurtenances, one frame house, frame barn, smell or
chard and all improved. [Taken In execution at the
suit of Emily Rose vs, Abram Remy and J. B. Chalk-
ALSO—AD that certain piece or parcel of land alto ,
ate In the township of Auburn, coontyuad state afore.
said . bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the
north by lands of Patrick Dougherty, on the east by
land of Michael Dempsey. on the south by lands of W.
C. Lowe and on the west by land of George 0. Lowe,
containing about 55 acres more or lose, with the ap
purtenances and about 'AI acres improved, [Taken In
execution at the snit or Sterling k Bon vasrohn Magee.
ALSO—AII that certain saw-mill situated In the town
ship of Oakland, state and county aforesaid, on what is
known as the "Ichabod swamp let," bounded on the
east by land, at Nicholas Irvin. on the south and welt
by inn& of L. P. Ilinos.and on the north by the Unfits
Poyne lid, containing as a lumber lot for said saw-mi ll
about 2 , 10 acres of land, upon which, besides the afore
mid circular steam saw-mill, there Is erected on sold
two hundred acre lot, a shanty honor and barn ; and
the aforesaid circular steam saw-mill to about DM Pet Its
length and thirty feet in width, with an ell for the
steam boiler of about twenty by kitty feet, the same
being need for the mennfacturlug of loather with the
cartilage and laud apurtenant to th e sold circular
*teem saw mill. [Token In execution at the suit of the
Borneo Manufacturing Company vs. ?doses Cooper and
David Guernsey.
Take Notice.—All bids most be arraed on the day
of sale. M. B. HELM E, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Montrotle, Starch, 17, 1875.
IiuNOTIOE is hereby given to all persons con
cerned in the following Estates,to wit :
Eetate of Lyman Ely, rate of Brooklyn, deCeasod ;
Isaac VanAnken, Executor.
Estate of Caleb Burdick, late of Herrick, dce'd; J.
T Ellis, Adm'r,
Estate of Newel Keeler, Into of Middletown, deed ;
Mary Keeler, Adm'rX.
Estate of Robert Whiting. late of Silver Lake.
deed ; William North, Executor.
Estate of &loin B. Benne:. Tate of Gibson. deed ;
WM. Pickering. Adm'r.
Estate oft Edward Davie, Into of Franklin, deed ; W.
C 'l,4TrOt ' F . . ! .rine s ollsou, late of pima...." •
Bennet and F A. Stet/bees. Aden r.
&auto of 0. L. Carpenter, late of Ararat, deed ; Pen
ne! Carpenter, Adm'r.
Estate of Joel 'Farrell, late of Forest Lake, deed ;
Wilson J. Tyrrell and 11. F. Handricl.. Adners.
Rotate of Samuel W. Truesdell late of Liberty,deed;
Rollin B. Truesdell and Kirby Marsh, Executor,
Estate of Daniel Wood, late of Lathrop, t eed, D
F. Wood. Executor.
Estate of James Summers. late of New Milford, deed
Horace A. Summer. and Elliot Aldrich, Executors.
Estate of Jonathan Taylor. ate of Lanesboro, deed;
J. D. Lyons, Adm'r. D. B. N. C. T. A.
Estate of Stephen J. Carey, minor ; John Back, Guar
Eet. of John H. Carey. minor, John Buck, Guardian.
Estate of Martin Newman. late of Little Meadows
deed ; Thomas Warner, Executor.
Estate of Henry Mulls, late of Jessup. deed ; John
H. Mills, Executor.
That the accountants have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office in and for the
county of Susquehanna, and that the same will
be presented to the Judges of the Orphans
Court, on Thursday, April 15, 1575, for Icon
firmatiun and allowance.
H. N. TIFFANY, Register.
Register's Office. March 17,'74.
M anufactured and on exhibition for pale at
Moattotte. March 10, 1875
- - -
A DMLNISTITTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of ad
idmintstration to the eat. of M. R. Hartley late of
Lenox, Pa., deceased. have been granted to the under
sartedo , m a! , lcre i o m n in s e in d t i l a e t h e te p d a to ym m en iA .
e ani teill'o"ser tangs
claims against • be same, are requested to present them
without Way.
FANNIE II A RTLEY, Administratrix.
Montrose, March. 10, DM. wO-10
The co-partnership of B. T. & E. B. Case b th
day dissolved by matt:nil consent.
Montrose, March, 10, IsT. E. H. CASE.
The undersigned will continue the harness buai nee.
at the old stand,thankful for past patronage and hoping
to merit a continuance of the eau..
March, 10,1613.-16.'3 11. T. CASE.
IP - tiblic) Sala.
The undersigned, will sell, by auction, on his
farm in Jessup township, near Fairdale,on Sat
urday, March 20, 1875, at one o'clock p. m., the
following property :
Eight cows, nine two-year old heifers, com
ing in, and two hogs.
TERMS :—Twelve months credit, with in
terets and approved security. J. S. DIMON.
Fairdale, March 10, 1875.-9 ts.
VARA! FOR SALIL—The subscriber offers his farm
r for sale, situate In Poi est Lake, containing 65 acres
50 Improved. Will keep twelve cows, and a team. \Veil
watered, Is also a good grain farm. Has a nice young
orchard. Terms will be made easy. For further par
ticulars enquire of or address S. li. Rogers or he pro
Feb. 10, 1875,-2m. Montrose, Pa.
The undersigned will sell. at public vendne, on his
lam in Bridgewater, on Tuesday, March 2.3 d, 1815, at 10
o'clock. a. m. the following property:
Ono span o f good horses, if not previously sold, six
cows, one buggy, one twn-horse carriage, rood churn
dog, nine return butter palls, all in good order, milk
pans, and other farming utensils, not mentioned.
Trams or SAIL—AII some of $5, or less, Cash, over
$5, six months credit with approved security.
Bridgewater, March 10, '15.-2w 51 M MOTT.
The subscriber offers his farm for sale, situate in
Franklin township, nueq'a conn•y.Pa A desirable place
containing 42,6 s nerve. 161 acres improved, the balauce,
well timbered. a two story house, barn with under.
ground floor and stabling, all new, an orchard of about
60 trees. The land is of first quality, good for grain or
grilse, in a good state of cultivation well watered and
on main road within l( mile of .1. L. Merriman's store.
school house. post office, and about 40 rode of church.
The stock and farming tools will be sold with the place
If desired. Any one desirous of such n place will find
it to their advantage to call before the drat of April.
TERMS very easy Apply personallv or by letter to
Upwnrille, Sueq'a co"
ISlnrch 3, 1975.
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Sus
quehanna County, the undersigned administrator of the
estate of S. ii. Campbell, deed, will sell, at public sale
on the premises, on
Tuesday. March 30th. 1875.
at one o'clock n. “the following described lot of land
to wit ; All that certain lot of land situate in the town
hip of Ararat, County of Suegnehanna •nd State of
Peonnylvania. described as follow. Beginning at a
beech, an original corner of four tracts; thence along
the warrantee line of Connelly ISfeCanneland and Alex
ander lit elfin., north 487.( degrees went 106 pereiten to a
poet and atones I thence mouth 411 X degrees west, 161
perches to stonsa In warrentee line of Win. Forties ;
thence sonth 40X degrees east 100 perches to a post, a
corner of Truman Ogden's lands ; thence by mild Og
den's lands north 49 degrees cant 16l perches to the
place of beginning, containing 104 acres, more or less.
TERMS :—gip on day of sale ; gsoa on gull confir
mation, and the balance one year thereafter, with in
terest. 8. R. CAMPBELL, Administrator.
Ararat, March 1. 1875. 9-8
Public Vendue.
Tho undersigned Executrix of tho estate of Old PLek,
deceased, will sell st public sale on the premises late of
Old Peck, deceased, In New hillford`Township y on
Thursday, April 1, 1875,
commencing at ID o'clock a in.. the following property
to wit: One lumber wagon, 1 buggy wagon, 1 horse
wheel rake, 1 fanning mlll,l cal tivator.l harrow, plows,
and all farming tools of every description; dairy fix •
tnres of all kinds, including a largenumber of pans and
palls; stoves. tables, chairs, beds and btdding, and all
the household furniture, An., belonging to said estate.
Also 10 cows and 5 tons of hay.
TERMS :—All autos under $5 cash ; $5 and over,fonr
months credit, with interest and approved security.
Also, at the same place. Oftranant to an order of the
Orphans' Court of Susquehanna county, the said execu
trix, will sell at public tulle on the imitates, all that
certain farm or lot of land. late cid 4314 Peek, deceased,
altnate itr the township of New Milford, County of Sus.
quehanni and State of Pennsylvania, described as fut.
lows, to wit : Bounded on the north by lands of Esq.
Ayrea estate and F. W. Boyle ; on the cant by lands of
K. A. Johuron A. B. Smith,ll. Burritt and John Boyle;
on the south by lands formerly of Robinson ; on
the west by lands of R.J.Valls and M. Wiseman ; con.
Mining ono hundred and nerve. more or less.
TERMS made known on day of sale.
ZABY F. PECK, Executrix.
New Milford, March, 8,1815. • - 0-8
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Sus
(patents' county, the nadersigned,admintstmtor of the
estate of Eels Dopp,.deed, wilt poll, at public sale, on
the premises, in Lierrlcic Township, on
Monday, lllarch 291 h,
at one o'clock the follewlng described lot of land
to wit : Attila certain lo; of land satiate In the town
ship of Berrick,-County of Susquehanna, and State of
Pennsylvania; deettibed as fellows: Eleginnlng at a
stake and stenes to corner of John Roger's lend, thence
south 47K degrecs,cast 10lx perches to stakeout] stones
In corner with, Eugene A, Popp; thence north 42311
grecs west SS perches to stake and stones.; thence
south 4714 degrees west, 70 perches to stake and stones;
thence north 4714 degrees west. 48 perches to a finch
tree ; thence south degrees west SIX perches to s
black cherry tree; thence south 4214 degrees east 158
perches to the place of beginning, containing 05 gene,
more or less. •
TERMS :-150 on day of sale • $5OO on finalminting
tlon, and the balance one year thereafter wit') teTail,
S. ft. CAMP ELL, Aamlaistratar.
Ilorrlck, March 8, PAL
Number 11.
A GENTS. Chang Chang sells at %len. N;eenp;;;,
Bk. soap. Goods free. , Chang Cbang Mrg Co. Borten.
FREESAMPLE to Agents. Ladles' c o mm v ,.
lion Needle-Ik.k, with emmos.
stamp. P. P. GLucir, New Bedford! Mass. awe
$5.OOO(rZ a case of Asthma, Co h, or C,i e
G )LD Dot core . Large Mal. zt, cccL
cote, Philaddphiu. Sw4
cer ItINTS W AN TED ""l‘'
book ever publlehed. Send for npechnen pap, end
extra term. to Agcnts. National PubliAlng connar„,
Philadelphia. Pn. awl
Peither sex may taseinata and gain the lore and affections of any person they choose Instantly Th;,,
ample mental acquirement all am posscasfree,by emit
for tO eta, together with a marriage gaidelf ryptLsh Ors:
de Dreams, flints to Ladits, Wedding•Nleitt Shirt. eth
A queer book. Addrees, T. %ILLY All et, )., Puha,
8-3 w. Ptura.
Sold by Druggist'generally, and
Johnston. Holloway t. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
ARYLAND FARMS and Homea,lo,ooo Acres. Ns;
INX railroad. Location healthy. Title good. Addreft
Wm. IL Ridgely, Attorney, Denton, Maryland. 10-t.
QIIARPFN your own Mill Pick. No IllacksnUUS
needed. Money saved. and Picks always sharp. Fe,
illustrated circular addreea Tars Taxrrs Co.Strond,hurg.
Monroe Co , Pa. 0-4
XIONEY lastly made bt selling Teas at Importer.
011. Yemen. or getting up clubs In towns and cous•cr
for the oldest en Company In America. Orestem ta.
docements. Send for circular, CANTON TEA 1-0,
149 Chambers street, New. York. 10-4
_ _
(2wg . i am . '
n it%
am& Wlnsi lAredria. CATTISUILIMORL re
Arthur l latest and greatest,
errnltd tothe nee"
The crowning work o f this veteran of American liters.
tore.haa for Its topic a eulleet affecting the social Lie
of our whole people. and gives a terrible view of the
evil It expoees. Extremely fascinating and cessation.
al. it will be read with avidity by all. Illustrated and
nentgnillly bound. We are determined to Introduce
into every tamily in the land, and offer nnparalelled in
ducements to male and female carivassera. We watt
agents everywhere, will send free on application, tern.
and deecriptive circulars. J. Id STOIettART 46 Co.
111-1 7Z3 Chestnut St.. Phila.
.A.Nrl 49-130 RAS
Tilts gifted author having free access to the personal ;
writings of Livingston, unfolds clearly the grandeur of ;.•
his characture, magnitude of his life-work, the giant- t
like petite and thrilling adventures he met, the grand ),
achievements he won, as also the curiosities, wonders ••
and wealth of that marvelous country, its vegetation, i.
minerals, reptiles, besets, ravages,. etc. Wide awake
agents wanted everywhere at once for the only clump
complete week, Over 800 pager, 100 splendid Mean, I:
door. a superb map, (includes hie last Journals.) Price
only $303. WM sell Immensely. Millions weal it—
For particulars address HUBBARD BROS.. Publishers, t
bansom St., Phila. 10-1
Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ?
Are you so languid that any exertion requires more °O.
an effort than yen feel capable of making
Then try JURUBBBA, the wonderful tonic and inrie
orator, whim acts so beneficially on the secretive or 1
guns as to impart vigor to alt the vital forces. f.
It is no slcohholic appetizer, which stimulates for a
short time, only to lot the sufferer fall to a lower depth
of misery, bat it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on t
the liver and spleer.
It regnlates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, aad gives
each a healthy tone to the whole system na to soon make
the invalid feel like a new person.
Its operation is not violent, but Is characterised by
great gentleness; the patient experiences no sod.'
change, no marked results. bat gradually his troubles
"Fold their tents. like the Arabs,
And silently steal way." •
This is no mew and untried discovery, but has been
long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pro,
uouncod by the highest medical authorities, "the moo
powerful tonic and alterative known,"
Ask your druggist (or it. For male by
W . M. F. KIDDER &
New York.
Quartet Choirs.
Price of oath Book, In Boards, $.950; In Cloth. $lll.
By Wruaam H. CLARKE. Price $450.
Mr. Wm. H. Clarke. a distlngnished orgarist and
composer, was especially fortunate In the comndattos
of this Line work, which sprang Into popular raver im
mediately on Its isme, bas had remarkable SJCCC../1.1
continues to be the leading method. Contains. In ial•
dtdon to Instructions, a capital collection of Reed Or
gun music.
All books sent post-paid, for retail price.
1304t00. 711 Irdway. N. Y.
1-tc IMay 20. 1574.—1y.1
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersign o ed. u nn
l., Andit
tod l ' eTr= n t t ge d t b la y n t 4 e in °r tt h e a ll ' :d e :o u l t A
0 c Tai ii ta i l . m , i w n Le t t e r: t d o e r c o e l s t e k , l , eajl i t
a e t o t f e
n its I:goa t :1 . 11 ,1 °1g
appointment at Ids office in Montrose, on Wednesday,
March filth, 1875, at 1 o'clock, p. m-, at which time tad
place all parsons interested will make known tiler
claims or be forever debarred from coming in on salt
fund. B. L. BALDWIN. Auditor.
hlontroso, Feb. Roth, 1375. Bw4.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been
appointed an Auditor, by the Orphans' Coon
of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds In the
hands of Elliot Aldrich, executor of the est. of Nnthsa
Aldirch, dec'd., will attend to the duties °this appoint.
went at the omen of Pmer Crossmon,tn Montrose,ol
Monday, March 22, .1875, at I o'clock, p. m. at whirl
time and place all persons interested in said fund wee
present their claims, or be forever debarred from cam.
I ng in on sald fund.
Montrose. Jan. 27. 1875.L1Vf
vIIE undersigned will make Endertaklnga SPECIAL.
TY In their bneinesa.
All needing their services will be promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. P..k H. 'MATTHEWS.
Friendsvlllo. Pa., February 21, 1815. elf
"What Woman Should Bnow."
A Woman's Book abont Women, by a Woman,
(31res. E. B. DUFFEY.)
'rho only work orthe kind ever written by a woman
.1 is a necessity In every household, Its entire n reM
and eminent pmclltaluess creates an immense demand.
Notwithstanding the delicate subjects ratednulli
created. tt Is written in such a brave pure style as will
not offend the mod fastidious. Lady agents never hart
had such an opportunity to make money and do goos.
Terms and sample 'beets mailed free on Immediate sp.
Bw9 T. M. STODDAIIT 1 CO., Philadelphia.
``'TEAM ENGINE FOB BALE.—Thti ttrabe,rlber tat
5.7 a second hand. 3Q hone power. engine with bevy ?),.
balance wheel, and ail in complete conning order. MU it
be sold cheap, having no use for it. Particulars ran be
had by seeing or addressing,
Feb. 17, 1675.-3 m.
Now Store in Bracknoy, Pe.
TIIR undo:signed wish to announce to the !eopleol
Bractnuy and vicinity that they have nu hand I
stock of
Second In quality to none. We have opened bushiest
with ti view of supplying the people of this section, aid
will guarantee goods as represented. and at or
'Under Binghamton Prices:
Oar expenses being much lighter than those of ant
Minton merchants.
Save Time and IVioney,
by trading with na. Country Produce taken In es
change for Goode. Wo respectfully solicit a fair trial
being convinced that we can do.weil by one parole.
People whiling to trade daring the summer seams.
on bark contracts, (bark to be delivered the lellosieg
winter,) can do to.
Brackney, Pa,, January 51%.1875.-nam3
Use Just received from Now York 4 fresh dock of
C4 - 1 * 0 °omelets, t&O..
• which will be sold ClMer FOR CAMR.
Among tho ntimmousaittcles may be Mond New Or.
leans rittolowes, P. R. Molaaaes. Sons.
(Wash,. Mackerelaiallbed,llatne. Canned Frailts.t. w
herries, Chem. Teas, Crashed White Wheat, Salm.
Sinces, Canned batmen, Turks Island Balt &C.
'Tautens°, Dec.lo, Mt 11. 3. WEBB.
4 DM W
INIsTRATOR'S NOTE,-.111 the eat. of l'at•
cci tll
.L.V rick Hand, deceml,late of Apola n. Latium of
administration to the said ()Attila harlot, un grantee
to tneondersimted all persona owing sal enAte• s "
requeeted to make immediate paymetit, au all pet
cone having claims acalmataaid estate are ream:studio
preaontthent without delay. DANL HAND.
0- pttpd toilltiniatrater.
Cauchy & Co
New Advertisements
M QSIO scocis.a
WM. A. CROSSMON, Auditor
' ;rtvlootrgri.