Volume 3Q. tam and ougelzolL The Ideal Farmer. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essays, thus portrays the glory of the farmer: "The glory of the farmer is that, in the division of laborfit is his part to create. All the trulei rest at last on his primitive authority. He stands close to nature :he obtains from the earth the bread and -meat. The food which Was pot he causes to be. "Men do not like hard work but every man has an exceptional respect for tillage and the feeling that this is the original calling of his race; that he himself is on ly excused from it by some circumstances which made him delegate it for - a time to otter hands. If he bad not., some skill which recommended him to the farmer, some product fur which the farmer will give his corn, he must himself tettirn in to Ins due place among the planters. And the profession has in all eyes this tinpient charm, a standing nearest to God, the first Cause. "The beauty of nature, tranquility and innocence of the countryman, independ— ence and his pleasing arts—the care of bees, of poultry, of sheep, the dairy, the cure of bay, of fruits, of orchards and forests, and the reaction of these on thb workman in giving him strength and plain dignity like the face and manners of: nature, all men acknowledge. All men keep the farm in reserve as an asyluM, where, in case of mischance, to bide the* poverty, or a solitude, if tberdo not sue ceed in society. And who knows how many glances of remorse are turned thiii !Pay from ,the bankrupts of trade, from mortified pleaders in courts and - senatesi. or from the victims of idleness and pleat. -ure ? Poisoned by town life and town vices, the sufferer resolves: "Well, m± children, whom I have injured, shall •gO back to the land,to be recruited and mated by that which should have been my nur— sery, and shall be their hospital." Salting, !Packing and Selling Butter Blanchard's Butter Manual recommends one ounce of salt to a pound of butter arl sufficient fur keeping it, but the better dairying class of cnstomers.who are a lit- tle more fastidious abouttbe quality, pre fer about one—half as inueli; and this is found sufficient, if the -mein hari been properly removed. Butter makers in the vicinity of large towns should seek out regular customers for their product, in which case it may be put up in balls or; any other form adapted to the demand.- 1 "Philadelphia Prints," which have:icy:lir sO a world—wide reputation, are pound balls, with a small figure upon the top.—• They are usually enclosed in a white linen napkin, and packed in a cedar, zince-lined! chest, with apartments at each end 'for ice, to keep it hard while being transport ed to market, For the great mass of but— ter—makers, the wooden tub, holding from fifteen to one hundred pounds, must ever be the most economical form of package in the vicinity of New York city, heavy return pails, of the best white oak, with thick covers. having the owner's name branded on them, are used and reused year after year. In some parts of the' West merisablv poor oaken tubs are employed which effect the butter very injuriously. In other localities ashen tubs are favorites while the northern Vermont the Most ap proved tubs are spruce. Spruce is mf— questionably the least liable of sll..timber to effect the flavor of butter injuriously ; while it is generally believed, that for long keeping and much exposure, good . white oak or preferable. Stone r , jars and crocks are sometimes used, but we do not recommend them. Much depends on the purity of the salt—it must be perfectly white, and completely soluble in water.— The office of salt is, first, to, remove the buttermilk froth the pines of the butter, and, secondly, to render harmless what cannot te removed. UNDERDBAINING LA ND. The Lincastor (Ohio) Eagle has a well considered article, on the subject of' un— der draining land., It concluder' by say— ing': The results of practice are always sup— erior as argument against a process, to, ''any opinion which may be offered in dd.' Vance of results, and when this practice pervades an immense area with a favor— able result, we should prefer such class of proof to any one's opinion. In most localities underdraining may be cheaply done during hours of leisure when no other profitable work is handy. A ditch fifteen inches wide and from two to three feet deep, half filled with the stones that cumber the serface of the ground,is one of the best, cheapest and most dur— able underdrains that can be • made.— Such drains cost only the work of the farmer, and they may be laid at such in— tervals and crosswise as will suggest theneelves, leading to the natural water— ways that cross our farms, if not all our fields. Whererer underdraining has been tried sod of our own turmers have tried it, the result has been pronounced 'Satisfactory. The drain of broken stone of !tom six to three inches or even smaller, is for many reasons the best form of drain that can be made. At every point it recieves and cards off the surplus water with equal facility, and never becomes closed. We would suggest to our-readers to try the experiment on a lot of say ten acres. Underdrain one—half of it in the manner we have indicated, and after a year's crop hos been produced send us a report for publicatioit. The experimenter himself will be asumished at the result. A GOOD REMEDY FOR GALL& A good application for a gall of any kind, whether it be an a horse, an ox, or a man, is prepared and need as follows: • Thoronghly mix olive-oil, one ounce, and carbolic acid, one drachm. Wash the parts clean three times a day, and 'apply the ointment to the ulcer. It frequently hen— pens that a horse's feet become bruised or hijuted, causing lameness. For injuries of this kind, us well as for split-hoof, great relief is afforded by standing the animal on wet blue play—even common earth is better than hard plank floors.— "A merciful man is merciful to his beast." ENGLAND'S PAVOBITE TOMATOES, The London Garden says 'We be— lieve it is now conceeded that the Trophy is the best late tomato and Canada Tint or the beet early—both of American ori gin. Our climate is admirably to this plant, and it is our own fautl if we do not.can them in large quantities for consumption the year roond. A few men cf ente:prise are making fortunes at the business. Nice tomatoes sell readily in the winter and spring BrII13011F,11) any city. They are more easily kept than pickled pork, beef or butter. For winter use, gallon cans will be small enough, as the fruit will keep, when open,. a week or more. To get goed farm help cheap and an abundance of it, K L. Dunlap, .a farmer and nurseryman of large experience, and who hires a great deal of help says: "Pay your day laborers at the end of the week or close of tbently;and those who work by the month at the end of the month..' Which times are the beet? Meattime& sqtAdi t iPltiineDitO. j. sense and Noisome& t „ A weather reporter,-A clapof thunder. Brigham Young's faiorite Amy. Struck Aisle—The man who fell down in church. ' A Cleveland druggist 'is named Why born. Nobody knows. •• • • "What can't be cured Must be 'sold fresh,".is what they say in rorkopolis. 'A statistican estimates that courtships average three tone of coal each, A Watertown. reporter Avail sacked' by his girl because he did ' not have beard enough to tickle her face. "How beautifol it worked I" exclaimed a Nevada widow who had just been' to see her husband hanged. , A bright boy recently told his teacher 'there were three sects, the male sect, the female sect, and insects. , Among the things"sent to the stariing people of Nausea was a triict headed 'The Wickedness of• Gluttonny.''; ', l l!iiyeyes with mire is red and aim, Cause ho loves she and I loved him ; But they'll 'be better by and by, When she cute him and he loves A Newark' polieenidn had a pair df boots half-soled last fall with a beardink house beef steak, and he hasn't had wet feet all winter. An Indianapolis father shot siz times at a supposed burglar, and was astonish ed to hear the fellow ;sk, Wilmer mazzer lazzer ? wazzer doing? • A Tennessee man wrote 'his 'will or. a paper collar, and it passed through the Probate Court as well as an other will, though a little unhandy about filing. A Chicago paper says that a yoUng widow in that city, who writes well, is training herself for an editor„ We hope that we are not the editor she is training herself for. A saving husband—"Geoge,dear,don't you think it rather extravagant of von to eat butter with that deliciousjam .?;' "No love, economical ! Same piece of breaa does for both." After waiting four years a Michigan lover finally popped the question, and the girl answered : "Of coarse I'll have you! Why, you fool ion, we could have been married three years .ago." . , •• • In reply to a young writer who wished to know "which magazine will give me the highest position quickest?" a con temporary advises "a powder magazine,ii you contribute a fiery article." Taro rival eel.fisbermen in Maine 're cently set fire to each other's hnts,where upon a local paper men tiohirit•undi the head of "A Paris Commune in America Two-eeleries Again in a Blaze." Sunday school teacher to, pupil : "Now my little man, can you explain to its the cause of Adam's fall ?" Little man (em. pbatieally) : "Yes, sir; 'cause ; he hadn't any ashes to throw on the sidewalk."' Two little newspapers in Santa Barba. ra; California are edited by two women, and they quarrel. One says the Other is cross-eyed, and the other retorts that her rival is an old maid. No bloodshed as yet. A - Datioque boy was troubled for fear that be would not know his father when they both reached heaven, but his mother eased him by remarking: "All you'd have to do is to look for an angel with a red nose on him." Our nary commenced a diary January 11, 1875. The entry was, "A bitter cold day," since then she -has written nothing b ut C. IC C" a CC a • " " " " " and so clear through a month and a half. said she : "How long are you going to to stand before that glass ?" Said he : "Until' I see how my ulster hangs. But that's just the way; a woman never takes any interest in her husband's dress after she's been married a year." • Monthly Nurse—"My dear sir, just look here," taking the blanket from • a 'fine pair of twins with which the master of the house had been presented. "Oh.yes." said the blushing young husband, "I suppose I can take my choice." No St: Louis , man ever certainly Prom ises his wife a riew dress: Ifesays :—"lf I get that money, and find something that pleases me, and I can remember the number of yards, I may bring a dress,but don't depend on it." A colored preacher remarked': "When God made the fast, man, Be sat him up again de fence to Airy." . '"Virho made de fence ?" interrupted an eager listener.— "Pat dat man out I"-exclaimed the color ed preacher, 'such - questions as dat'd de stroy all the theOlogy in de world." A boy six years old, having been much lectured by his father on the - boyishnesit of crving when_any .catamity, happened, cheered the parents heart the other morn Mg. by saying,'"Harty Bolton cried near ly all the day 'cause his father died'; but if you should die,pa,l wouldn't cry abit." i An Oswego county (New,_ York) paper received the following notice'for publics 'tien, signed, "Sophia Baker." "I forbid Lady,do-marry °Henry , Smitlifor'he is engaged and sent_ for, his intended wife td Cartlsage'aid be hes iiiiesVOWed his ll:ice and if he gets married I will arrest him' and mitlitm in stay prison or $2,000 fine in cash." "Mother wanta, t 0,4 knowit yotr - won't please to lend her your preserving kettle —4 , canse as how she wants' to preserve?" "We would with. _pivots% hi:l7ll4A- the fact is, thh kat see lent it to your mother she preserved , it scteffectuallv that `we have.never , seen it since." "Well,you riedn't'be so ease y about your old kettle. Mother wouldn't have troubled you again only we 431 ,- 3 1 1 'yog,ittlYPA kleet The following love letter is published as, the production or Worth:. Carolina boy, bite years old;' . • • Wriirararoir; July 5. MY • DASLING LIMY :: I Mast leave you to-morrow, you used to love toe but your love for me is gone but my love for you is just the same-just think LticYhow your words cut my heart i would give you things too as well is Robert but if you want to ,sell your love for two or 1 three apple's go ahead i don't age astraw lucy i love .the ground- von walk on i would die for you i lore you Lucy_please receive my vow. _ Faaarz J. E. P. P.S. if you hear of me being; dead yon drove me to it R. says he don't care a fig for you note the !vat -"George," raid a young wife, If you find., a sweeter; place-than.du home, describe it to [nomad I will . rival. it if .1 die in the attempt." " George murmured semetbing about the ten ipot. and a-feir minutes later entered the druggitreVrith his head bandaged,Anditarriettly,--ealled for a vial of "arnica. A Troy paper, writing of the. late El. der KfloPP crake 'at inCidents "in the early history of the corpse." • TILE MONTROSE DEDIOCRAT , MARCH 10, 1875. --: -11USCIfilti111401113. . _ Strikes cane toot of disease by purifying the blood re. Morton the Mar and iddonytto health action. Imagoes. Ung the nerrons system. VEGETINE U not a tile, nannotte compound: which Amply pc& sgee the bowels, tat a eate.nleasant tinned , ' wild& Is ole to polity the blood and aunty meter* the health. . • •• • ' VEGETINg! L cow prescribed In eases of Scintilla. and otherditess. es of the blood, t 7 ecupottbe..besVphyaletans, owing to its gust 143CCeill In coring all disuses of this nature. — VEGFETINE • • Does not deceive bleeds into ISLA hope* by purging. sad Main gletitions aPpetlte. bat assists nature In clearing sno purifying tbe wool. ` system. leading the pa- . bent gradually to paled bealth, • • VEGETINE Was looked upon use experiment for some time by some of our beet physician". bat those most incredu lous to regard to Its merits are now Its Most ardent friends and supporters. TEGETINE Instead of being a puffed-up medicine has worked its way to to di prevent asumialdne success by actual merit in caring all diseases of the blood, or whatever Datum • VEGETTNE .• • • - Says poet= paystetan, ..bas no toil liSetbiat4Pltri der. nodes of its many wondered euresottst ptts , rem ea had felted; I visited thelsborstOryeacoo "laced 'myself of Its geirulno merit. It ts prepared from loulet;tootosnd herbs, each of which Is highly effective and they are compounded, to mach A manner at to pro duce astontehlneKesulta." VEGETiNE ! • .• Is acknowledged and recommended by phystelans and soother:salmi to be the ben ptirider led cleanser et the blood yet dlscovered,snd thousands speak In Its praise who have been restored to health. WHAT IS NEEDED. Cincinnati, Nov. O. Mi. Bin. H. R. &reuse:" Dear SIOrThO, two! bottles of VSGETINS tarnished me by }ear agent, my wife tuts need with great benefit. Fora longtime she his been troubled with diadems . an m d nre co d by . stiveness the nee ; of VEGIITINE. Mope tioubles are pow entirely re. She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and General Debility ; and has been greatly henelitted. THUS. GILMOItE. 2Kt) Walnut Street. Boston, February la, 187! Mu. 11. R. Bursas licar iii-Mont one year amen I tbunit myself in a feeble audition from general beblllty. PEOETIN Ii warintrouglyrecommeudcd to me by a friend's/110 had been mach boated by Its use. I procured the article and atter using several hottlet, was restored to health and discontinued its use. - I (eel Otte confident; the; there Is no malleine superior to !Clothes° complaints for which Ms especially prepared, and would cheerful ly recommend it those who feel that they need soma thing to restore them to perfect health. lieepectfally yours. I 11. L. rETTINGII2.. Firm of 8. Pettingill di Co.. 10 State Bt, Boston. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN Natick, Masa.. Juno let, lint ISt Q. R. Srrnstis Dear Sir—Through the advice and earnest persuasion of Rev. E. S. Best, of this place. I have been taking VEGETINE for Dyspepsia, of which I - have suffered for years. I have need only two bottles and already feel myself a new man. Respectfhlly yours Du. .1. W. CARTER. Report of a Practical. Chemist and Apothecary. Boa!on, January Ist. 1874. ' Dear Slr—This Ii to certifY that I have sold at retell 164% dozen oan bottles) of your VISGBTII.OI More April 19, gni), and can truly My that It has elven the best udalattion of any _remedy-Yor the complaints fbr which it ItieMantormoted. that / ever void. 3 , -armly a day pisses.withont soma of my maztomers tentltylpg ro its meriti oh themselves or thelrldends. lam perfect ly cognisant of several easel Of Berofelons Tumors be ing cured byIVEGETINE alone 111 . this vicinity. Very respeDelly yours AI CIU.MAN, 468 Broadway. To H. Et. &revs= Seq. Vegetitie is Bold by all Druggists, PAINTS AND OILS. . A FINE STOCK sT B. R. LYONS & Co.'s Mantrose,Msy 14.1873 C ARPETS. CABPETB AT $0 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. T. Prices— May 14,13, For Sale try IL H. LYONS & Co SUGW, TEA, COFFEE, and other C3l.rcicterlesi At Low Figures ►t B. H. LYONS & CO.•S WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Emery Week Direct From the Slanuthetory. B. B. LYONS & CO. spool 02!Isrease2. Clark's O. N. T.. - ~ and John Clark's Spool - Thread - . • • White. Slack, and Colored—from No. S to*?.,up t !t. IS cents per dozen. For sale by B. IL LYONS & CO Montrose, Noy IL 18.73,..tx 'The Doubt Dispelled. Im. Hayden, New Ni.ford. Pa.. In now offering an i tire new dock of =IBM RY GOODS .ttetally selected for Bertha sad Bummer Trade SOOTS AND SHOES liiest and best variety in Northern Penbsylvanut OEICEtts •-'=. w4-431,1>5, TBOITP-TB4ligallo kkop, t . 1. :Gents' Famiihing Goods, ,Yankee No Uona, etc., etc. I=l4, Ws:rooted al Meproseated. No VarlatlOi ire Milford. Mai 18th. t. B. CAMPBELL 00. sortosiiiiitAlifyucT , MIR -311111ItIOLI8O8.1CANDY( Fire Werke Datisfently tri Hand: N05:422 Ilarkiit 30 sit 417 ourcuit Bt.Phil4. with H. ten - • Li I. C , HENSTEIN. , 84:13LUEIENTHAL ,BROP. . „Neuf !Milford, Pa.,- Whoteeale ind ewtlry,_aerft lairrar Ware, natal Seteedn Llaena,Nine Plated Ware; and .131 hr r• fres - Atm all kind at 004 and Wirer elating, Wean. ()lock, and lentoirs EePairian, and nen and Onaamental Engrar ing,neatly ereentad. - Joie ad. P.' • • sw.M . O . • MACHINE SHOP. SUS tiliniikruileit respectfully sollelts'ttur- trona 'Of Ina Um/ %Mt ratilles bbi 6, Pullman; Sc. xe ,atieutioopsid to repairing. ettlterd.Juno `7ll-13% • • NEW'. FAIL' AO ;WINTER- GOODS GItTTENBEItG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY I . , , •, : 1 . f , ' ; . - . . ~ 1 To all in search of a' good bargain ive' extend a Cnrtl I . p I Invitation to call and °asinine our stock, and take prima We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your Interest to call and live us-your custom. - 1:10Ms dotids, Dordiisti4o, Flannels; Rose. gts, Shawls, Makings, Gloves, liOslery,Mtrlnc; Underwear, Driza 'Triminings, Corsets and Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. Full line 01 Millinery 'Gonda' Zephrt, Wirst eds, Germantown Turns„Purs, and Furnishing Goods, Carpets and Oil-Cloths. -13%2Jrz Robes, Ma€ 67? ergk,ZlEPßOW,ldleiizals.etes.ctick. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. Di, 8, Dessau; Zanaging Partner. Montrose, October 21, 1874. GENERAL Storo o Hotel Ootbettsvqle, N. S. . riall9 Hotel la situated on tan river roan toadmz, from the Denßram Lackawanna, and Western Rdiroad lent:to call on me, as l tome prOpur con veyance to cads , lag my House and Barn making it more convcnizt to c my old friends and will be glad to see them all wino got embettrrilie. N. Y., January 6, 11315. It Binghamton Advertisomenhi, "or & _ildwzgre Merchant Tailors, MIXIVCirECELTIEETCPMJ, N. V. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK 0? lori 11, i MEWS & BOYS' CHIME, Otis' Forilislin Gooo CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. Wq extend a cordial invitation to the public tdeall awd examine omr Err Onr Motto% Not to be Undersold. Jo JOHN c. Foot. - - sp. u. )IA.WLE /3lnglnunton, N.Y.. Oct. ROL UM. The Cheapest Place n . WLt WAIL noomt °Gm, & Melp's Bank Building, .13XIST'GF3EIGEXIMICILICOMT, IV". V" WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE CARRIAGE GOODS, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLJES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTIST el RUBBER BELTING AND 1 , 1 PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC) I 1 'We ate Agenttl tar ' , - ! , ~ .: (HENBY DITSON4 f 30201- , '. •I I • .t. optbutiaa AND CROSS-OUT 8/178, AND JOHN ROTILLCIMB ..,1 Celebrated Haad•Out Files, The Beet is the World I Illnghamtan. Oct. 14th. 1874. . THE INDERENDEN7 Sewing :Machine I Y T akfiVATPF*l-714 1 00;ittiT. 0 P.T48 4149 Sews nom but One Spool .ot. Thread. tuts but six working puts, Is noiseless, and store more rapidly, then set .Useblrus falba Market, Has a self-setting.S'O aight Needle. it Combines Dursbilltk with Beauty and Simplicity:anti lute all the bidde' Improvements. • m 74. nun-cuss' VACITINE ON A BUM waszsuT TARIM F 011.33. •!, • .• . • • .4166eritilD'17trcimitosas SEND-FOR . , • • 7/ 116171 DRITtiDZIRTSINSTIGhAvu1srE6 Dec. i 4, IRi. ' -Dlngtnnilol. • W2d. IL&YDRY FURNITURE VrARE ...._ ZVERYTRING NEW 'AIM SII:LISH 1 AtiMlS : iii : ariAC, 04:24aZitkrii" i '6O Waibington St.,l3inghamto6llll of Consistingoi evetl . thintnainPabiejn aid i : tpi t in g til.t , • RepurgrproniEgpt i on, csj t 1• L ../.4 1. - 0! 744. ifi a -., f , - c 0 HIMIONIER „ DIN I -: • :'...ital;',Atilialitatiiir;;" '.% ' ' PRICES a BASONABLEL' sift/bolo guOintesc stagumozi.x. r.: Autislo,,/,:"1/4 • tliarTNG 111E,DEMeitArPOFFIVE. CnE42 .wde's 0 /02"7 , d7i/NC -7 4 -7.51, ,40" . Gititeribergi ope , , aFn Clo • ~,fr Our Stock , boa Nen selected , will great care and pqugbt at Borrost Plums. V 1. 4 - - ;.1._..12._} ,7 % rz,l Dry Goode Department. D. J S 7 COURT STREET, Opposite Exchange Hotel, STOCK AND PRICES. Olothing Department. Readraadd 9othing. Men's, Youth's, and Boy'' Suite, Xeres,. Youth's, and Boy's Over coat; Tahmts, ,4tc.,, Buck, Kid, and Wool Gloves, Alerinti..Skine and Drawers, Flannel and Vildte Shirts, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, Trunas,Pagreilas, 4., Bows, Scarfs, Ties, and A fine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and Caasimerea,fer.Custom Work. Meal• ores taken, and good:fitting and Workmanship Warranted. Bizigimiton.to Montrose, omen to Conklin Station, initiesstopiiing at thle Station will [lnd It coupe then to any plate they want to go. I have been [e ntertain the public. 'rluanktal Tor the many favo* , r lug oils *ay. D. J. ISUBPDY, Proprlcto7 Binghamton Advertiemente• CARTER, PORTEa & JOHNSON , t 4; DEALERS n► HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND .NAT,S, Blaoksmiihs' Su‘lies PARKERSIAZID mzczeNicaf eoui. Agents f.?r Ellotreetorm Eiteel Ir.rclocbcasis. SEAT SYRINUS, STEi, TIRE TOE CALKS and CALK SrgL, &c BURRETTS CORN KOLLER And the Imprevti BURDICK Fill CUTTERI3. prom:, Aim an 170. 87 Waft* St., BINGIONTON, N. Y Oct. 14th. 1875.-Iy. ri.oo33ll4solV'Si Southqn Tier ERNITURII EMPORIUM 1 88 Wagtiiigton Street, 81zighebtatama., N. 'VP.. Tau will Find the LAROEST AIR BEST ASSOBTILENT OP liiiirS4l2Vl62 P ' t al? ALL KINDS, I•t. Al the Lot Prices of any Store in 30xthern New York. . r I s ' All Goods Ira WidiBATED as Itekreiaided i • 1 E. D. ROBINSON. lllov. di Ist-in 1, t 33* Cyart Street • ;EPTGRAMON, N. IL - W GOODS, 4 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. ; r..:3. ii tuvroinst returned from the Cl 4. or Now 'Fork purctlilog a large and well selected stock of A'D g'4 t-IrfIZQ 13=f • bought. tram fttaa bawls; ye , are item aept goods at twice,. that will satlib u S Oct Matters also a4da• tocras lave o .170/ m il a ta m g rtet ellhuloWPrePa , 0 =LW : • • , StirrA FOR 414, •-•- • 460 s,,ingro aim call as arc have Ant clan worgmat' ealeadGcattataen.yott Wlll'plaaao Call indent*. thecae etocla baron Ical WarchaacmignaleM '"" 'ltuulgoi post Wore. wa IMP MI: 6 .04ut 14401°4 - of. tliqeune t r, • - • Vi 9 elagalA, YOttra IX4eiptlctippy, . ' • • C. Iss A. COATESY ' " "`S.**E4Stgi—tr. • • 2.221/ The undersigned will keep constantly on band and for sale, very „ . V o lagaetcp2Lis!, PLATFORM WAGONS, TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, TWO-SEATER; CARRIAGES, /fieavy spring wagone, aecond hand earrmges and op. 4 0 and top buggies. for sate cheap. Will make to order to omit parties, all kinds of Car. twee. Work Warranted. Repatring.done neatly.— Pop at Springville P. Enquire it D. L i W. Express Office of etor. D. D. SEARLIEL 0 Montrose, Pa., Or at Bpringvllle of E. 11, CULVER Montrose June 8, 1874 —U. GENEARL Itoroßote illimoNEY SAVED O orbettsvillei NEW FIRM, .NEW STORE, N. -sr GRIFFIS & SAYRE, Have opened, at the old location.ief M.B. Wilson : In the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to cea all 01 nor old friends and the many new ones we hope to gale. Qor stock will consist of r St 4 UK Nails el Hard ara In large quantities mid variety. Stone. Ware, Wooa Ware. House-Fainiabing Goods and Groceries. We shall give particular attention to the Grocery Trade and keep o full asaortment of Tees, finger. Coffees, Family, „ Groceries & Provisions, In tell variety, Salt and Flour, We shall keep etui 'tautly on fund lino breeds or done at much less than old prices, and warrant It to please. Goods delivered promptly to our town customers. TERMS:—Our term will be strictly (cub or produce.) This it will be well to realm; ber. as this will be the secret to our low prices. We aro confident that by calling and examining our goods and prices your will dud the, It will be for your inter. eat to try our goods and terms. Jam:maws Gowns, - - - - 31 warns°. May, 13th. '74.—it, BILLINGS STROUT), General IliCcorttr cosier. Pam. Capital Represeated, €400,000,000 FINE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INBIIDANCE:• ' Liverpool, London A Globe " .20,00000 D ~ Ipso., of North America " 113,230,000 Penn. Fire Ins. Co., Phila., '. 00,000 National, New York. • 000 Ins. Co., State of Penn's ' Peg Onion net 1 16. f 77 w h en Fire •11 ggr•vid.,44•... $5,000,001 Merchants' , ... 0 450,000 Lancaster Firs bs. Co. Nio.ooo Fire Association of Phila. " AMOCO Alemmankt di Pittebn yr i , Lus. " ....) 400.000 Pennsylmnitt Ins. Co,„ I ACIOOKI Fame Ins. CO.. of Phila. 350.000 City Fire Ins. (m.. Providence, IL I. SOO,COO Roger Williams Ins, Providenee, R. I. 8.1:0,000 Watertown Ins. Co„ Watertown, N:. Y. 600Li5D Home Ina. Co., N. Y_, Capital and Surplus. 114,000,000 Atlas Fire Ins. Co.. Hartfonil, Ct. 400,001 Hartford Fire ins., Co..t. apitalandSurplus $3,000,010 Home Ins: Co.. Columbus, 0., -" 800,010 Citizens' Fire Ins. Newark. N.. 1„" . 500.000 The undersigned!. SPECIAL ACENT for the follow log companies for - Northern Pennsylvania; Fire Association of Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster. The Insurance Co. of the 'State tif Pennsylvania,of Philadelphia. . r.IEEI. Conn. Simnel Life Co.. Armetta American Life. Phll`it. -A. CI CI.TraIINIT. Travelere Lita.Co.,Hartford,Capttatand Supine:SU:W.oM Railway Paesengets saso,ooo. The enderaigned hat been wellim own in title eminty,for the past nyears,asan Insurance Agent. Loasesantitained by his Companies nave always been prompilypaid. 'Otte np stales, In building sash fr9nt. Banking. Office of Wm. EL Cociper & Tttrnplitoi street. BILLIBIGB STROUD, Agent. CHARLES H, SMITH, Office Manager. S. LANODON, Solicitor, Motitrose.Tfey. Mi. 1874. • HERRING, & FARREL, 007 , lEhrcatzciarebtr • MANUFACTURBRS OF ALL IIIND8:138- Noire camcci 11211ast•flaerriZarct of ABALWEIESI.-. The oldest sad most reliable firm la the On Bed Stat. They took tbo prize medal awaited at the WORLD'S FMB AT LONDON! • All Wes aro warranted tree froze it:implicit: iiti a: cor melon. BILLINGS STROrjD . A mt. Montrose. Mare 14...41. Pria.l24.33ElZaT., jl trisin, ;-• °Prom' Tam An t from; XONTROSE.PENN' . JOHN 8. TABBELL, PROP'II., ZilcialStkessalllaiki.lea ve tEla i#6ote Aaity ; coo a t =rla . d te n o . trr w Eal d l i ma te Lelkke t April "- f.UNT -BROTHERS,. t - • 11 ./ :.)40.11414T021. . . Wholesalo,4,49Wl . Re!gerfp l :. „ HARDWARE, IRON ,NAILS; SP/4EBe SHOVELS, '% 7I I:I)ERI3'HARDWARt.‘ i ;NINE AIM 00tIlaBlirarSKA r BALCIIPAY*4 (14 1111.1 .1 0 114111 X lord i rter, ae a' it: AN— , BOX.EI, noinv *pm' Ito turnim, . . .4.4711 D I.BONB, U o 3l l B.B.PORett • , REL I.O- EthasktaittaiDzza; ANVIL% V/0118,,STuCKSAWI DDLTAiDi TIAMIIRDS,simpoza.FMR (1111DIIGAit AND maxamws.BNIITI,ND:PAinsiND .: -Tar VO A A I D kat t i l i D TM - ItIMNDIIWIND Qtr_OLA. BB ,LNATIIER4VINIiniGNI SCALDS) • 4NE!.1140,4(i' PRINTED AT THIS fpwm, w2alme !EINE for ono or t Iwo ,tiorsa!,), Wren vraniasn's rAysrrr Imo, And Lumber Wagons. NEW GOODE, NEW PRICEs or am stram, CROCKERY a OLtoEfWdRE, - 8. M. BAvirg INSURANCE AGENT, 525,000,000 $4,500,000 -Biagi and :. Beaclnes. - • - purelyTegoi vprbparntion, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of. California, the medicinal pro.' perties of which , ' are extracted therefrom' without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause • of the unparalleled success of %Emu Dm =al" answer is, that they remove the can of dhieft , e, and . the 'patient remitt ers his health They are the great blood purifier and a li.6 , giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Neverbefore in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vrarciew BITZE:88 in healing the sick of every, disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liv•u• and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them nee VD:MAU Brrreits as a medicine, and avoid the use of skoholic stimulants in every forth. No Person can take these Bitters according to liirections, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyeu by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Viamaaa Brrrans the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit-. tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Blineis, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,lloanoke,James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn. and remarkably so during seasons of enusuai • heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a •powerful influence upon these various organs, , is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the pnriaose equal to Da. J. We.tars's Vrfeo.ta tutu/s, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the • secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive orpas. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain - in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest,Dizzitiess, Sonr Eructations of the Stomach Bad Taste in the Month, Bil ious Attacks,Palpitation of the Heart,lnflam matter' of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful qmptoms, are the offsprings of . Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White swei, units, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Dierimmatians, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., eta. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, WALItEIt'IITEsTE(I6B Minns have shown their great ecratiVe powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have lib equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. • Mechanical Diseases.—Persons cm grin Paints and Minerals, ouch es aben, Type-setters, (I°ld-beaters, B ud Miners, as they advance in life, axe sabjeet to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Wen's VW. sass Brrrims occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Rbigworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf% Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever mime or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the systentin a short time by the use of these Bitters; Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, ere effectually destroyed and removed.• No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no antbel minitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitteri For Female Complaints,in young or old, married - or single, at the dawn of worn. anhood or the torn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. dafindice.—ln all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensibleptreatment ie to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re. movaL For, this purpose use Viceraen Ba rka& • Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you fuid itsimpurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bore. cleanse it when you find it obstructeo anc i sluggish in the veinal denude it 1;4 - ' it ie foul; ,your feelings will tell you men sr' een Keep the blood pure, and the hef?th the ' system will follow. • B. fl McDOS I' • . . • . • . • ALD & CO. , . Dnidiing and a ' - 'n ei ul Aiull- 48aliFinidno, doidandsl Wiishinunn !ye . . _ . Bold by an. D .. . d Chardon 13a, hew man Sept. 10th. 1874..4, .uggisui und Deaden. , m. tm-al-lin. A r t . IEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, Mitcoastrame. laoza.reer.. la continitally recolvieg NEW GOODS, and iteeps con. Ritually on hind a fall and desirable assortment orgen , nine DRUGS, MEDICINES, (MEDICAL% PaintsAillt Dyestuffs,. TEAS, Spices, and other groceries. steno. ware , waliPaPenilismi-Ware, fruit jars, mitrors,lanipe, chimneys, gerosone,machinely.olle, tanners' oll.neata• foot oil. refined Whale Oil, 01l for looterns,oll for sewln_g machines, Olive 011,13 p enu 01),Spirits Tarpon., tine.Varnishes,CanarySeed,Nlnegar,Potash,Concen, trated Lye. AzleGrease,Trusses. dapporters,Medical Instruments Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns, Plstole 'Cartridges, Poirder , Shot,' Lead, ODA Caps,Blasting Powderand ruse, eiolltui,Stria Dowe,etci Plittea, Plies,etc.,Plahnoaktiand gs arandrolletSoaps Hatr Oils, Hair Restorers, and Hair Dyes. Brushes; Pocket Waiter; Spectaclea,'Siloor and Oliver Plated S p o ons , iforks,KuliespEc.',DantistAzticles, agener• alassortmentof J'ARCY GOCRS, JEWELRY, PERPONEIIY%- All thel ending and best kinds of • PATENT - MEDICINES, • ''• ' The people are Iti sited to collet the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TM:MEM,. Jaztaaatts. •: ,I,llsLablishedll34B: THE EAGLE . it• • • •••• • - • • , En' tt 5... •-• • t. !IT ulao 4.; 200001,8 l',riors,t.sroßa. • „tliott rootiotdopr, 11404 nap krOATAZI, tint stork of Drage id Medicines Is complete, and carte taken to hare everything : of the best <panty. The publle toy reef itasnro,. that all -medicinal that tease osr store shall ho rs tboy er n r e presen t ed, ,pureelad W 3. PATSMMEDICINCIId el all kinds Mated tor;on hand at reasonaideinees: " Petunia! nod otrict attention to bonlonte,Of *lt times, troOopnto ;antic tt!n, 000ddnttco nod ftteee le! the • 1313104, - lit, geri, AlllOB morintif.' ' 'seelOruse:;!, irL TOB WORK •• ' • - tr' d'r TatS orprcz,ounAv =NUE Number 10. .'.."`ti` , ,? " ' • , • , ;: i 7: 7 7 7 .7 ° ' l - 4 ' ' -4dvertisenikatr.'''i NEW AURANGENERT! Tim Poole's DroE L N. BULLARD, PROPRIETDII B. BENTON. Draigniat PATENT MEDIC= EXPOI4I% The undersigned would rcapectfally announce it, .',',. the people everywhere, that to hie already entel Stock and variety of Merchandise In the Grocery, h vislon.and Uaniware line. • . t , tie hes added a , r, ry choice assortment et P te 'DRUGS, - PATENT MEDICLYES. BRUSHES, p u ti 7 FUMERT,&e.. which he atters him. Übe can sem the public they will find It to their advantage to e ,•,•, lee before purchasing elsewhere. Tu all Physicians V• •.. this section of the county be would foryedtail, t' 1., .'•: nonace that he has secured th e vetch:ea of U. Rear _VI; as Graggistand Apothecary, whose long experience 4 acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your tire confidence In the line of compounding , medirt •;,,,, or preparing prescriptions, and who world also , it aweapeasl. favor to receive calls from toyed his , •,:-, - nstomers or new ones. Will make the Patent Arc •.' eines. specialty. Moo Domestic and Foreign ?dicey •., Watens—an estetudve atock. Also tine Groceries.. s,.' LINHIO . B EXTRACT OP` BEEP. PRUE HALIIOI PICKLED & CANNED _8 iounas PEAS. CORN . BEANS. - OY6TRIBB. &C„ t,e. In fan, anythingsnd eirenthingthat Is onllnully ed. Respectfully , soliciting a I. N. BULLARD. • Powder: Powder! Powder: Ilkistiny,Me and libot Powder...abot, Goad , o, Tabu, Cap., Pouches;, Flasks, You, az.. &c., for sale by I. N. stuAR D . Montrose. Sept. 9,lB7{—tr. N AILS, . TINWARE, BOYD & CORWThr:t Corner of Main and Turnpike Ste 71s , mivixiitc,isia, r...,... 1:=1 es Gr Q . v . in IS TIN IND SHEET-IRON IYARI,I Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., by the EiCog. Thanks to oar Friends, for Priti Pavon . We would be more thankftilto one and all who know they have unsettled secounuk With us, they woul.d c a n s and settle by the middle of:Blitelazett. Feb. 4, 1874;'''' • ~uraa~~~.re,_ At. W. W. Smith & Son's EXtelleiVllFUTZtittal Vi761;.7 ootiou nip lints FI.AST.C.IO,ss AND C0111.310N, 3s - a:cr.virtr inertnetia To be Aland In- this neetlon at the country: of his turitactly e, and at prices that mutat fall to give Ihetlon. Any make the very best ' • ' EXTENSION • TABLES In the Country, and WMUIA 4 r!/' them 17 h col t - or all kinds done in the hewn mat .. ' SEI JP 1%7 fa , 3E3 El Zif OF VARIOUS KINDS. • ,„. k'2; PURE NO. 1 MATIIAS' S.P.I,- it • s; L 5., AND COMMON MATRAS SES l'N2,i , U N R" , IN a :` ,, ,t The ettbsetiber will het ~,.f t, ....ke tm: , j a at I .N. ) ,.. S. leecaalty In his bt , , as . Having Jut . cater/ewe !, , NEW and the meat e ' Lenut REA= in the $ Inte l & ~y,. rneethoghis se rvice' will be attended to pr. amet l 3 's eer satisfactory charge .. mo • tatos , .. WE W. SMITH Et SON , j , th . ifrri.—nos—tt rr j ar...BEST ICNOWN REMEDY? COLE ; BESTORaTriTE BAILS' WI, A SURE CURE FOR ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, LILODP, ALL COMPLAINTS OF LUNGS, LT UR KIDNEYS, RHEUMATISM, awl a sure cure for Abe PILES. Be air re lied trl l3 t e t orare of fraud, None -geriuthe unl 'efts sold by COLE BBOTHIEUS, • Sole Proprietors, 31ur.,trose , Pa. t, Or by auth•Jrined magesti Patented December I .st, 1874.. Oct 1874.—tt GOOD NEWS, FREE TO pal; I • For A, N. Bollard ban onland a' lot of t' no choked Pears. Ton ever yaw s the very bent Cretan Inlet y market, a tine lot .01 Prime Sweet Potato te. ( 4 " 43 ' Cabbage and all„klndatA Amine FRUITS MW VEGETABIES ;to tkarseaton. now stock of the bcit Meet ant Buckwheat Flour, Baru.3feal, Oat Meal. at td F.ted•Fta c tuckhc e fitlt, .11autt, wad Dried Beer, Brie elsookcanteo Ralf , ,us. Coffees, Bugure, Bplecu. 'FOBACCO,, CIGARS :AND SNUI F. new stock of: School Books and Slates, ant to en' stock of pocket . • uncemama vota %lON S. Ind /Ott bt Other loads quite li/autumns e i i e eti,W and to Inj ODO Illaklag a bill the ism also th e y usu . V ly alike when tb ey gulp Dtlighalataa atri ill spas to beat Blagitsztaea prices As least 1 0 pore sat. ~Try 11 anu you mill bo ennylnceti. • , - N. Aiy,t. Mouttooe Flo'V. 19,.74-44.. : . . , ~.. .3 _imp,sr.o curcistimm woop:r .. 0 .spinktP,Tutolets, Doe Olga. =dent,. • , Or Arra Cbcop. i'lltaost ,Patap Tor tto • , . , . least:m/00y. Arta on ba s o eipedro. Atonted -to BlattlO 'a - Patent 110-0, 0, proved, /Docket soil ow Drop cher* i , •-•- • • voiew which 'eau' em - withdrawn i! , , • ,/ ty [Moot reoulritti.thO-Potolr. or Cs* . I - , . it' totting lbo lotott. , Afro:ttio Cop. ~., pro etuttobe , r, *kith tofu cracks or 1 11"a1 V 4 "10'11161y other do .1 greere.l4. .Arovilm tor :puteu e r, ~. =.l/. cod ir, lio to solo io 7oor r• t , scud afoot, to - ~, - . CHU, Ci• ALATOIZMP,t, litariprtirror ' ' • cuWeljactie, Pa April lst, 1014 ma commerce :it,' t .-4bp• - , ,____. , - • '1..., Re= HARDWARE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers