The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1875, Image 3

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    .Vrolume 32.
Arrangentent ofMalll6-'
Cu 11111110 AD:
Arrives. Departs.
Noll tannock. (DaON ........... . .... 700 p m-1215 m.
~.. ..,,,, . • ... '; T,L.k STAG9ii;‘, , ,r.o
'• • !Ph d o 0 ild'
11,intts.",., PPt.i.( 6l ag. l.) • • (r.... ,--:, 'Clio m ; m ; 1 11 'a at
lea.),flUnrd.(llalY;) +.‘,l4V.looollll:lt32lipM
Cyst. twin flally.) 945 am 900 pat
;',,lead ,:vine..crl weekly,l 6 00pm 8 00am
~nklu t 14tatIon, MI weekl, .) '7ooam 700• m
3 ,,,tm nt0.1.10 S. Lake.(lrl weekly). .600 pPs .700 pm
, 1 ,4,1,,,p pon.(tri weekly J. --- ' .10 00 at 4 00pm
The !,1 etr York, trio Moutro,c Depot,) New Milford.
Nin o° raock, and Wyslusing arc daily.
...1,, ,t ,mitlin Station mall rune Tneadays, Thursdays, -
a a s ov ,, leTe•
L The 51,12hamton mail, (via Silver Lai:ea:nue Tues.
l'irieTtirs•rAldlfte3Ms'nt;gr,=,Tbaredigit.uld Bat.
ugii , '
c h oppen man race Itondayt,,Wetineadaya,and
• •
A rtage leaves daily for Montroac Depot at 1 to.,and
~t1t1:13 at fl p. to
' sage levees daily for New 3111 cord at `TOO 4.=.
returns at 3130 p .m.
E. C. FORDIII3I, D. al,
:Duties° litailiray.
Arnm ,,,,,,04 or Thane. To take effect' on Monday,
art. 1574.
Down Tratou ISOUTI
. Up Trains
0011./ED. TWARD.
5.110 .. Montrose... .... : . 10.40 0.00
Nla 1 10._ 545
512 1 12. . 10'4 540
521 1 W.._ ....Hunters ..1015 525
a 22 135_. ..... Dim ocit 100 1 2 .525
t, 35 132 ... Tyler's. 955 . 515
•.5 149 , .. 945 505
„r, 154 krery's 923 44)5
915, 635
912.. , Lobed:. . 995 625
:to '4l Marcy's 053 615
th Too thannoca 049 353
tr, von:wet at Tunrhannork with P. Lt N.
It , ;910 c aunts and south.
.1 5 MU5,1.,131,k , 5.51.U 15 . ?repot.
law Adver lase:amts.
Professional Card-41. D. Baldwin.
Administrun keg Notielate of B. B.
fns,oLltion— 13. T E. H. MSC.
Prok,sional Card—D. 31. Rosencrants.
A,signee's Salt 01 Nierehandis ,
Public sale ol Personal Property—l. :V.
PIIMc Sale of Short Horn Cows and Cots
,,d Ewe, , — Morris & Henn• Halpin.
'iMne Salc—J. S. Dimon.
r'uhlic Sale— M. 31 Mott.
Moor 130, ,h,---Ditson A: Co.
'3l-Tinges—D. 1) Searle.
Ktnklll2 House of Wm. 11. Cooper Al: I
Blmellley's Improved Pump.
Miwellancous Advertiseinents—Dnueny
BUSINESS Loc.ti.;,..
u:arroyant Exaininations—F.l. F. Butter
Auction Store.
Wanted: 1600 veal calves.
l'illaze Property for Sale.
totes About Town.
Fil.e pride goes before talse hair.
The First National Rank is now id lull Ivo-
The net receipt , at the donation tor Rev. IN
I. Thorpe were $l7O.
We moat have it...So snow or more land to pu
it on Our lence3 are full,
nosV estunatecl that eou'rtships average
about three tons of coal eaeh.
Cnion- Methodist and Baptist Temperence
meeting. at the 'Baptist , hunt. 13utidpr
Wm. IL Cooper to. it seems have not gi
.eu up the banking hi nms. They, make
announeement . of it in nnother column.
No. 2 Fire Company will be glad to receive
the spoons borrowed at the Reception tvith
out permission, and sore them the trouble of
for them.
Block frietoiy' seems to he finite a
•plac, to chop off anger: and thumbs. Yonne
I.' E. Tilden had one of his flaunty; taken off
thcre lain week. We think it cruelty to boys
t o e caphtty atm where so much care and expe
enl- •Cs 130040
T L ,are young men in our town who cotil/1
;0; hold L .. s kein of earn for their mother with
.ld a inch , ?Ir , ,t;t l t , will 4010.125 -pounds of a
f.r lfie bisig i)ait of night
ith v i na i e , ;ce anti' docility that are certainly
It is yetioited that a mi t ; , l'rorii' 'tt neighborint
iwn Went to o 'le of our "money avers" to
Jreaiii : a sloe . , wupt - 4.1 it fm` n much long
tint e than the "t I, .r i "`""ie brnker'. was
in the
aid of loaning it. The broker lat•dst).Fla and
:ere tin rate an . 1 driving:" that ha ifas
CUE 1.0117f4 to charge - And ,- titan
aoi rated to just $llO. The borrow er told thP
that if he wprthi: let him ott't:'e would I
dit the difference and Wive Lim five and-1
rt take atonic:nevi
ina Raynstbrd,liitle daughtei M 3:11: its:m .4-
- 1, in attempting to jump upon it loaded sleigh
~eriottsly injustxlinlheJo r4f and ankle
be sli pried and one of the runners 1 'tossed over
We don't know why it is but mi't'e fit*En B
be s otnething very facinatink to .:hildren
so it II is sport, but we doubt if Ina wli,' think
fun hus paid the cot .t, We hope the buys
gir)s t rill take wand ag; from this. and 'Leek
tat , °the r sport. It yon continue, not o. ll }'
Dahl may he lost but lives also.
Thebeatt• Iful Cantata entitled" New Year's
re" which has been in preparation for some
me, will be
. given at the Court House, Thura
torro w) erenin March 11th, 1875 —4
hi, sail I NriatOta a doubt, be One of the most
.terta t % t ine performances gil;en in this place
r u h. o_ t time, and we hope the people will
h t2l, .ir appreciation by a large attendance.
Or ph: ,cip al parts will be represented by la•
51, of t his ()lace assisted by the vomit class of
',e Pahl is Se tool, the whole: under the charge
0 Prof Den, 'tan, of Scranton. The Cantata
1:; he n •prestytted in full costume.
once= g
rite Breoklvn Cornet Bard and Orclestra,
, t•ecom e n poi )ular inatitution in that vicin
y and iv e learn they have consented to give a
"at herii vof con carts. They , give an enter
• utmeut at Brookl 'yn to-morrow evening,March
Ith one at Hoph ottom, March 12th, at East
pring Ilil 1, March 16th and at Birettardvßle;
arcir7;tll . Thee hJtre, so - excellent ptogram.
. .
of insti utnental, quartets, duets and solos
it H E ( 'ogS•weil, is an expert
via the em - net and, a yers efilent.xonsic
The sec Lions they viiit can fintiCi
e a first-c lass entertainment. . •
•T Susque henna Depot
•presen'tn.tive Falkeu bury arrived how
Harrisburg last night..
yJneert wtt given in the preArterian
h, on Wednesday evening.
a❑ 03 Parcel ha` 4een otiosen preicleut of
ar w.lvrorigh
I Mayo, formerly train dispatcher for the
co 19pany, was In town TciFsilay...
l'he • twain, (lgsionary collectlett la thi DL
chur al) Ust. su Iday alnounted to slai!'
The masonic' 11.8.11,1000.1'.13ruith's block
""nl' /eCed nTd fs uovr lecopied by that Ira
lay . •
The tun er:11 of Mrs. Doyle %cue atteieled froth
. Jobrel ; Catholic r„.ll,WTh.77lintlffiel,lo
l ock IL in
Rev. 51i Jacobs
' forniTr imstor ibe" Bo V•
t eh= . in this Ivo, tow.:: chis
A .slipper for Mit) benefit of ebe poor was gir
-1 C. Bennett's store,.:lnif
re r t ee iptsyfere - Wf4
At , the • rocotioi of th e siurpet taltr idt,nnd 'Oak.
I'd Eric, lgg fla,, they -veto., to 4;31 in' the hu g
en 4 p.. 1. cent: of AtPeltr•
r t tea aprnif 01;40' rn orolteiti,4* Loan
' , Ass °clu tto o , ,
electui PresttleAti V4oAl.LitOgford; I. J.
e wer and .3 . 6bn C= .Wane:llireetOrstorillree
ra, and Miller uric] D. F.Bush for, two
Inspachannt Depot, Xitroltttlt,lB'7s.
Prom New =ford.
The Grangers are all right and so is the Mont
rose Dnatar:
The new tannery in this place is doing a
hu•Sh/esNi4dgittg trt?lt4 thP lqg t k nixicgin
`Otteathir,hanging on to Ari.:, l ...Tite) i , ktiri hunt
4451 of redsl9f hoard , fyzep;conred With it. ?.
Theatre= of watei. - iunnini — -
Nis 'filo east, IS 'so SIM-With With; that ht ease
of kreaden- - tintbelivy , Is likely to
overiloww•its banks 'el. flecking '
and-to flood a
part of the lowa'. Thciiater has : : already bound
Its way into a writhes of cella*
"Fits" Of NOW.Milford writes -tor the Mont
rose 'f . te.nnitill'uftt and is that the reason be has
said nothing about the townahip'eleetioa , t Or
did, he hear the tomtit* that Was Made at the
Eagle Hotel, the next day after.,election ? It
was this. A gentler= remarked %bait was a
wonder to him that the tornablp 'election had
gone `Democratic. Dui On - loaldng around he
discovered one of your papers lying upon the
centre table, end he exclatmexl, "I - 'don't cavil
any longer. There is that llontrose . Dratocnax
and everybody reads it."
New Milford, March Bth lan
Prom East Dimock
Mr. N. Penney has rented the .John Grey
farm for one year. •
Mrs. Peter Risley has a very fine assortment
of house plants.
A little stranger at the house of Isaac Tit
man. a boy of 8 pounds weight.
Oliver °alga had his tees smashed by the
carriage in the saw mill at Park Vale, on Mon
day last_ His foot was dressed by Dr. N. C.
Mackey, and is doing finely. •
A. W, ,Moody has one hundred acres otcreek
flat on the 3leshoppea that he Is clearing off,
south of the mills at Park Vale. When it is
ready for the plough he will have the handsom
est farm in the township.
As Jared Titman was coming front Dimock
Corners to D. H. Emon.s after a load of hay his
horses became frightened near Mr. Fowlerii; and
ran away. They ran into John Kelley's team
at Mr. A. Burdicks and tore loose from the
sleigh and were stopped near Fr. Rosencrants.
Mr. Kelly's horses came out with some slight
bruises. It was very lucky for both parties for
Mr. Titman had a nice span of colts and Mr.
Kelly's mouse colured ponies are not bad.
East Dimock, March Bd, 1875
From 'auburn.
Cold weather, deep snow and good sleighing,
are the topics of the day is these parts.
If you have anything to do, do it. If you
have anything to say, say it. If you have any
thing to pay, pay it.
The whooping cough is raging to quite an
extent on Shannon Rill and vicinity. One death
of .a child of Charles L. Low from the same
William Donlin houlec: a hemlock log, siz
teen feet long, with one pair of horses to Riley
& Donlin's saw mill that cut fifteen hundred
I feet of Inch boards. Who next?
Azur Lathrop, of Montrose, purchased at the
Administrator's sale, Feb. 14, the late Fmheis
Donlin's interest in the Ailey & Donlin saw
mill. Consideration s2iO.
• MrsClarisa Sterling, wife of Albert Sterling,
slipped and fell Feb. 24, fracturing her arm and
badly spraining her wrist. The case was at
tended by f)r. Cogswell and is doing welL
A little lady and gentleman' visitors called at
the residence of Anthony Brotaman, a few dare
since. They weighed eight pounds cacti. The
snow being deep and the road poorly broken,
they have stopped with him since.
Several of our neighbors have received letters
from friends in the grasshopper region of Kan
sas, imploring assistance. He that giveth to
the poor lendeth to the Lord. If they approve
of the security let them come down with the
Auburn ; March 5, 1875
From Apolama.
'Old March came in like a lion.
The man who prophesied a mild winter has
hail his ears frozen three inches from the tips,
It there is any truth In the old adage that
the three last days of February rule the three
Spring month: it is evident that we will have a
pretty rough Spring.
The topic of conVergglitia / 411, ?.?g 4,4 Atrmers
is "Pretty cold weathei are your PotatoW fp -
ten 7 Will you have Lay eneUgh I" If this
cold weather 'continues two. montild ionlfor
w ill be, "who has hay to sell ?'
There is a goody deal of sicknms around here
now. The general complaint is severe colds.—
There were a few casts of scarlet fever. Bridg
et Foster, daughter of John Foster, repeived a
slight wound hit= hand with a stove handle
while in the performance of her household du
ties which she caught cold In, resulting in in
flammatory rheumatism.
.She hes In a critical
Samuel Rice (Republican) has been through
the town going signers (us a petition to con•
test the legality of the late election for School
Directors. There were three candidates voted
for, returned as elected and received notices to
thai effect, one of whom was the ex-Secretary,
recently* removed by the Court The Octets
f a il e d to a l.sugnate the term of office conse
quently they arm rejected. Mr. R., placed three
men of his choice on tickets that were legally
numbered. They were all Democrats that were
elected but two except:lL' One School
rector and one Inspector of _ Ele c ti°n • We win
have to import some men in . ...° thi s town to
write tickets fur the next town elegy tiers.
Apolacon, March 5, 1775.
From Hopbottom.
Patrick Green lost a e very• nice colt e few
days ago
The winter term of district school in this
place will close March 12.
M. 3. Titus is progressing finely this cold
weather with his new house...
Monday, March Ist, the mast distignmable
day 4:4 the season.
Mr. Severson is supplying the folks at the
fllenwiiod Tannery with choice fresh beef.
Mr, Pardon Lindaley has sold his new house
and lot on Rail Road street to E, M. Tiffany.
Eddie Gardner had a present a few days ago
of =lmported game Rooster with which he is
well pleased.
The U. 8. mail from Susquehanna Depot to
this place bas been carried a part of the time
this winter by a lady driver.
Tiffany & Jeffers have built a large new shed
in the rear of their store forAbabenefit of their
customer's horses this cold isltNatti .
Miss Haitle7 of Glenwood, will commemiCe
seleiCsebOol In placo,,MOndaY. March 13 .
She Is allied one of the best of teachers.
O. D. Roberts is finistiltig his seventh
house In this place. Mr. Roberts Is buund to
live and to furnish places for others to five.
' This cold weather' has Made good tnitiket far
Coal. Mr. Roberts hl sold-at Abletatlop.dur-.
ing the ninteiabOut 10iiir.Ioatis of coal per
There is preaching in the Untversalist cicarch
at this place each alternate Suladay aaorniiig
and evening, hy . the BO! 'VTarren,.
The if s iijYiyu Cornet
oy a A „,, ica r,!:l , e the Ualv,eitalist .charclt,
at th,N place, Fridayierellit!!' Bf/t!ch ptt!.
• • itno Is expected.
. „ •
' t - 14E4 Ais3SiTftoSF: - 15ENI 6 CRAT,,MARCH. 1-O.+ 1875.
Rev. A. 0. :Warren, of Montiose, and M.
Mackey, of New MriOrd, lectured in the URI-.
versalist chn l ianataiidaeo; Tuesday evening.
31(treh 2d. Suhleet,, : Temperance and , Cm"
Gleam if. Bald*le, of Bridgewater, hat
xloptei/ Dentgort-Toorjle's the daok,hter. 4 „
it irl r
Is aOA e a ct la II years age.
are glad to hear that little Nora has 'helm pro.
vided with a goo 4 home.
. ,
The young follte spent a very pleasant eve-,
n ing at the house oilligulek, on Church UM,
Friday evening, Ilitteh stir,:, - There was g oo d
music In attendance rind tripping the light fan
tastic toe was in order.
It is rumored that appbotiom Is about to re.
ceive its new name. A 3 soon as the necessary
arrangements camhe Made with the Fostoslee
department it will change its name of Hop.
bottom to that of Foster. We hope it will
prosper under its new name.
Hopbottom, March 5, 1875. Q A B.
H ow Georgia barite to a iforthurraer.
The following. was written by R. B. When.
ton, brother of N. P.. 7beaton, of Franklin,
this county. Mr. Wheaton4as formerly a res.
ident of this county, and we think it will be
read with inter tby many of his old friends :
"Quitman, the counts ftesq of Brooks county,
Gle.;is situated on the Atlantic and Gulf rail.
road 170 miles southwest of Savannah, 10 miles
north of the Florida line, and about 60 miles
east of the Gulp of Mexico. It is a new place,
was incorporated as a city, about two yeari
since, has a very handsome iirielt court house,
the largest cotton factory in Southwestern
Georgia, a handsome brick public echoed house,
besides private schools, churches, eke, and is
said to be the largest cotton market on the lute
of the railroad. It Is remarkably healthy, both
In suerunerand.winter ; in summer the holds
and boarding houses having many visitors frOn
Savannah and in the winter many from tie
north, seeking health from a dryer atmosplier,
and less changeable than Florida offers.ll .
waieC is Ixcellefit, and the land high, dry,
rolling. The thermometer, since I. have beet I
here, has ranged from 40 to 70 degrees above
zero. The last week in January my host had
on his table, gathered from his garden, Mali
potatoes, lettuce, green peas and radishes ; the
potatoes weri planted last September. Peach
trees and roses are just now coming into blos•
som. The ;principle products of this country,i
are cotton; sugar-cane, corn, oats, rye, sweet{
and Irish potatoes and pinders, Wheat was
formerly, I am told, extensively reised,but now
very little Is sown. The timber is oak, maple,
hickory, beech, laurel, yellow and pitch pine.
The making 01 turpentine and rosin from the
latter is a new business, Just commenced here,
and those engaged in it tell me it,proves fair to
be profitable. The plantations here, particu
larly those on the river, many of them from
500 to 5,000 acres almost entirely worked by
the treedinan on shares, they doing all the la
bor:iiiidistlie planter fOndshing everything. I
haiespent much time among the planters, and
have always been treated with the greatest
kindness, politeness and hospitality, welcomed
with a whole heart and everything done that
they could do to make my visits pleasant and
agreeable. I think they are satisfied with eman
cipation, as they say, "It was to come and
might as well have come when ft did, as a few
years later," One former alaveholder told me
he knew the system was wrong, that he fought
twenty-eight months to keep his slaves, and he
would fight the same length of time again rack
er than have them thrust back on to him. He
regarded it, as others do, as an especial inter
ference of Providence in their behalf. There is
no antagonistic feeling between the white and
the colored population. The latter, as a rnle,are
peaceable end honest, and would be an indus
trious people,uninfluenced by political scalla
wags and carpet-baggers, who make them dis
satisfiedwith themselves and with all about
Township Elections.
The following is alist or Township and Bor
ough officers elected in - Susquehanna county on
Tuesday, Feb. 16th, 1875
Auburn—Ammar, G. W. Stebbins; Justices
of the Peace; W.' W. Lee - E. J. TAcey ; Super
visor, T. F. Kellogg ; Constable, W. C. Low ;
Autiltor, B. IleMicken ; School Directors, G.
G. Carter. 'ding; J. G. Taylor; Judge of
Elections, N. Baldwin ;
,Inspectors, L. B. ICY
Wm. Donlin ; Clerk, C. E. Davis ; Treasurer,
Junattuin Bunnell.
Ararat—Assessor,Julins Tyler ; Justice of the
Peace, C. C. Worth ; Supervisor,Erastus Trues.
deli ; yonstable, S. C. Avery ; Auditor, Jas. H.
Bluitham, C. C. Worth. (1 year) ; School Direc
tive, Geo. H. Burman, Harriet Hathaway ;
Jruige of giso49n, Jas. H. Blozham ; Inspec
tor of Election, Geo. .4..yely, T. F. Archer ;
Clerk, Julius Tyler ; Treasurer, Udine aarpf..
Aplacon—Assessor, John Fallihee ; Justice
of. the Peace, a. faiel Began i ',Supervisor, Pe-
ter Reardon ; Constable, Itlehard Rooney;
Auditor, D. J. Cunningham ; School Directors,
Charles Regan and Daniel Shean for one year,
Patrick Harden for time years, and Patrick
Weld; for two years $ Judge of Election, John
Fitzmartin ; hwectora pi" Alp.4ll:in, Daniel
Hand, A. Graves, jr. ; Clerk, Wm. F. Weer:
wick ; Treasurer, Patrick Carey.
BrAgetrater—Assessor, Latham Gardner ;
Constable, Aviles .Stong ; Judge of Elec
tions, E. C. Wells ; Inspectors of Elections, A.
J. Baldwin, H. P. Robbins ; Just,tee pF the
Peace, C. J..thartis; Supervisor, Kirby Bonnet ;
Treasurer, 0. N. Allen ; Town Clerk, H. J
Stephens ; M. K. Built ; School Direc
tors, J. F. Hunter yjw . , y W. Bollard 3, yrs.
Wm. o.oarl,LiS 'Mara.; D4TA# Of Montrose
and Bridgewater Pia: Amino . ., 4_ AL ratpek.
Brooklyn—Amessor, W. L. Kent; Csius,t4-
ble, N. L. Gordonier ; Judge of Election, S.
Tewkstnu7 ; Inspector of Election, J. H. Pate;
Superviaor, 3: W. 'Adams ; Treasurer, A. W.
Kent ;_Clerk, D. 4...Titsworth. ; Auditor, E.
Tewksbnry ; School Directors, C. F. Perlgo, E.
cl,isßoyi l t.r.Assmoor., M._ J. Golden ;..Justice
of the Peace, tystes CArrnalt ; Supervisor,
A ltattbew .C6.444,.g01weird Money
; Auditor, MJ. Donley for thno yam, J. E.
Cnrmstt for ono year; School Directors,
Golden, ...Da= !Manley ;• Judge of Election,
John 04W
; InspectorAlichael Einggan,Thom
son Lee ; J. Golden ; Treasurer, Pat
rick Byrne
Clifford—AssessOr, J. C. Decker 5 Justice of
the Peace, L6wrY ; BuPervism, 4.
TinadifCcinistable,M. A: Gardner ; Andlitor,
Wetberby ; School Directors, C. B. Clark,
Henry Waal ; Judge, of Election, Ellery
Burns ; Inspectors', Samuel Arnold. Ellery Cran •
doll, Jr. ; Clerk, C. L. Halsted ; Treasurer,James
Dimock—Assessor, F. H. HeUiSter $ /Wine
of the Peace; S. B. Tyler ; Supervisor, J . A.
Wallace ; Constable, L. Bannel ; Auditor,'
A. W. Mali; "Scifoof . Directors, C. C.
Willis Main ; Judge of Election, John Tyler ;
InaPeCters,Willialu einnei,David Shen'; Clerk
1.)11- Williams . ; Trril34rer: Tingley:
Dtuadaff—Assesser; J. C. Davis of
"die Peace, Jasper Witter; Constable, B,
Leivi 4 ; Auditor; A. H-Ayica, H.- F. "Dinurettl
School Directort4l:o. Olmstead, A. IL Ayres ;
Judge of Blectiiin; T. B.' 00,10 " Inspectors. E,
T.l.lalstead. B. Bennett,
Forest: Latie. fAa.sittior, i p. ILl•Soutbur•ill ;
Justice of the, Ppaie;lV.',Tit. Soitthwelrf" SuPer;
*ear, A: f 3. smiat
Auditor, li. IL Lincoln . ; fithool-DY4tere,"
'.won: BrailaltiO•;' judge p
Election, Lester Tu0,91,;; - InsiieCtore".:"Withatu ,
Clemons; P. 4n lllllll i , elerk ,lo / I ° .3 L, 8 ! 4(1 '
iboi r, i POO. ;.•
ga.k1614-ig4s.r; wiPiiiii)e7l,Bl3*vjs•
Air ,ft .A. l firplrli IC f ortittlkle;"..Wol... jp , T r ivia ;
Auctor. E. P. ituilicerir SchoollAte*"
L. r of .Elect
BA • - •
-Terrell; Clerk, J. Q. Turner; Treasurer, F.H.
Frjendsvillenissessor, :Tarnes)Jead t. Justice
of the Peace, R. Foran ; Burgess 4. r..„,11111*;;
Supervisor, Edward Moran ; Corltatiltl;
Abbott ; Auditor, C. E ; Glidden.q3chooldPreo;,
'torp;B.l. Huntrie l o 3 el4r4,MAttkelw( lo o 3beri k
Roir ; Judge of Election, Michael Walsh ; In
spectors, M. C. Sutton, Thomas Alagatif High'
Constable, Robert Winters ; Town Council,
fE.•L. Handriak,John; Fester, Patitelt Mapewl;
Michs'el Wheien. '' ' •'•
Gibson—Assessor, Thomas Evans Justice
of the Peace, R.I. Ellis ; Supervisors, Charles
Pullet for one year, R. M. Tingley, for three .
Years; Constable,' E. P. Pope; Auditor, deo.
S. Smiley ; School Directors, Win. 11. Pope,.
Wm. Maxey ; Judge of Elections, Seth Abel ;
Inspectors, J. G.-Bennett and F, A. Howell ;
Clerk, Charles. A.
,Kennedy ; 'l'reasurer, N. E.
Great Bend Borough—Justice of the Peace,
.1. H. Dusenhury ; Assessor, T. Estabrook
Constable, Robert Ferguson ; High Constable
8: R. Mapes ; Judge of Election,Richard Stack;
Inspectois, A. T. Benjamin and C. C. Hamlin ;
Poor Masters, H. H. Phillips and Walter Pain•
tin ; Burgess, R. T. Stephens ; Town Council,
D. J. Merrifield P. Sullivan, Vincent Reekhew,
Hezekish Skinner and A. C. Van Wormer ;
School Directors, James E. Howe, A. P. Steph
ens and John Barber ; Auditors, C. C. Gilbert
and Thomas Kilrow.
Great Bend Village Borough—Burgess,
W.:Simrell ; Town • Council, Charles •Sitoristarti
J. B. Brown, W. Mclntosh, S. A Chase and W I
K. Match ; .School Directors, John 'Militate, L
B. McCreary, jr., Wm. W. Simreil, John Mayn
ant, J. B. Brown. A. W. Millard ;Inspectors
of Election, C. 31. Simmons and W. C. Mcln
tosh ; Judge of Elections, W. C. Mclntosh ;
Assessor, Amass. Chase ; Justice 'of the genie,
Wm. N . Simrell ; Constable, 11. H. Hayward ;
Auditors, W. C. Mclntosh, Amass Chase, & D.
Ross ; 'Overseers of the Poor, L. B. Crook, L V.
Lewis ; High Constable, J. B. Johnston.
Great Bend TownshipL-Assessor, Galen
Newman ; Justices of the Peitee,Willitim•Cali
and WM. A. Stever; SuPervlfirs,;Attlen New-
man and N. 8. Barnes ; Constable, A. 0. Fog t
Auditors; Amass Troiebridge,E. Gill,Jentes
Green ; Overseers of the Poor, John Broaifoot
and Amass " Trowbridge ; School Directors, T.
.0. Hays, Frank Barnes, Charles Trowbridge,
'.. D. Parks, C. Wetttall ; Judge of Election,
1. B. Tuthill ; Inspectors, T. D. Hayes and
Ain Teel ; Town Clerk, L; D. Parks ; for
loving Polls, 62, to 28 against.
Harlord—Assessor, Urbane Tingley ;.Suoer
v nr, David Van Buskirk ; Constable, Rory
J Tyler ; Auditor, George S. Whiting ;
Hectare, Alvin Btearns,lra H. Parrish ; Judge
Slection, John L. Tiffany ; Inspectors, Her
actSweet, Henry Grant ; Clerk, R. R. Thatdie
or ;Treasurer, J. A. Williams:
Brmony—Assessor John D. Bhutts ; Super-
ViiD Joseph W. Astin ; Constable, Squiri• M.
Munn; ; Auditor, Luther Barnes ; School Di
rectos, James Buckley, George G. McKune ;
Judgmf Election, Charles E. McCoy ; Inspec
tors, leWayne Norton, W. Scott Brandt, My
ron Norton ; Clerk, Almon S. Munson ;
Tresener, Noah Bisbee.
Ilerr•k—Assessor, Charles Lyon ; Justice of
the Peae, H. G. Lewis, Israel Rounds ; Super
visor, W. Thomas; Constable, Sandford
Burns I,editor, J. M. Meyers ; School Direc
tors, Au". Tingley, F. P. Hayden iAudge of
E. Thomas; Inspectors, P. T.
Dunn, I.stel Meyers; Clerk, M. Williams ;
Treasurer,3.• S. Tingley:
Jacksoki-Assessor, Charles C. Barrett ; Su
pervisor, H. Lamb ; Constable, Orville
Griffis; A'aa itor, Wm. W. Wheaton ; School
Directors,Lnry Pope, Stephen J. North
rup, Wm. 'll Holmes ; Judge of Eleetion,Chas:
French ; InSectors, A. W. Barrett, John W.
Cargill ; Clbx , Edwin 0. Perry ; 'Treasurer,
A. W. Sharl
Jessup—Aitessor, 0. W. Stone ; Supervisor, •
Paul Miller t: ionstable, L Smith ; Auditor,
B. S. Bertholf ;School Directors, J. W.Throck
morton, H. Lyon, L. B. Pickett ; Judge of
Election, R. &lirchard ; Inspectors,Edgar W.
Bolles, George Shelp ; Clerk, Win. Whee
lock ; Treasurei,A_ W. Shay.
Lathrop—AE..4.4°r, C. K Bailey ; Supervis
ors, Truman Bel Lyman Saunders ; Consta
ble, Ansel Merrill auditors, L. W. Kellum, C.
R. Bailey ; E3chotil Directors, J. B. Davidson,
C. R. Salley for thee years, A: J. Barrington
and H. B. Tire: for two years ; Judge of
Election, David Wltnarth ; Inspectors, 1. T.
Wilmarth, Willianissborn; Clerk, N. M. Finn;
Treasurer, Elisha
Liberty—Assessot Wm. U. Bailey; Justice ,
of the Peace, P. B 4 Latin ; Stipervisor, J. B.
Knapp ; Constable, 7 L. Smith ; Auditor, H.
1 C. Knight ; School Greeters, Morris Hanigan,
11. A. Truesdell, D.O. Stanford ; Judge of
Election, F. B. IStanlod ; Inspectors, 0. W.
Stanford, Newel Bailey; Clerk, D. C. Marviii
Treasurer, henry W. Iv-s,
Meadows--Astitesor, Ansel ,Fox Con.'
stable, O. 0. Fox; 4tilitor, F. 0. Palmer; ,
School Directors, L. W Barton, J. F. Woal
falser ; Judge of Electioc 0. James ; thaw:
tors, J. Humphrey, P. E.• teShonesy.
Lenox—Assessor, A. L Jeffers ; Justice of
the Peace, C. W. Conrail Supervisor, Join
than Hartley ; Constable, Thomas D. Payne ;
Auditor, Pougitiss Nlllef School Directure,
Holloway Rotation. ;limes $. Belcher ; Julg9
of Election, L. M. Hardy'; instiectOrs, Deng
lass S. Miller,ll. Marcy ; Obrk, L. M. Early
TFeaserrr, E. R. Grow.
Middletown—Asseasor, Tifrotlll , 11enaten ;
Justice of the Peace, L. A. Reward ; Buperyta.
or, Egbert Stedwell ; Constable Samuel tiodg&,
Auditor, 8, F. Williams ; School Directors, Ow
-1 en Smith, Alonto Coleman ; andge.of
NAPA Murphy ; Inspectors, George N. nerdy,
Lawrence .I*lilimore 1 Clerk, Frederick Taggert;
Treasurer, 'Otis Rees: •
Montrose—Burgess, Daniel Sayre; Town
Council, W. W. Smith, (dentist,) W. A Cross.
mon, L. W. Rirchard ; Justice al the 'Peace,
Charles Avery ; Constable, John A. Howell
, Judge of Election, E. L. Blakeslee ; Inspectors,
I Henry C. Tyler, Stanley Stone ; Auditor, Isaac
Hamlin t. Assessor, Wm.; H. Boyd ; School
DireeMrs, G. B. Eldred, W. W. Smith, (cabinet
maker ;) High Constable, Edward Williams
New 'Milford Towrishlp-4ssessor, Lewis
Writer ; Supervisor, J.W. Bennett Constable,
C. M. Sbelp ; Auditors, John A. Dix, three
years, John Bisbee one year; Judge of Election,
George N. Wellman.; ,Inspectors,. ,Franklin
tlyinpur, - Oscar Talimad; Clerk, C. M.
Shelp Tressorer, Benjamin Sabine ; Poor
Commissioner, .latues yeneett :
New Milford Borough-vAssessur, khin•
ney ; Overseers of the. ,P00r,., B. Hart!, J..G.
Jackson ; High Constable, J. E. Dean ;
stable, J. E. Dean ; Auditor. D. IV: Hager ;
ppool Directors, W. 'P. 1410414; L. Leroy,
D, W. Hager ; Judge of Election, J. K Ten
nant ; Inap, gross, .O. Ainey, H. W. Hayden ;
10Vitt),..atiftclls Tracy
Hayden, 11. Garrett, Geo. Pratt, J. H. Bartle,
•11. W. Decker.
Oakland—Assessor, S. IL Estahrook ; Justice
of the Peace,.
- J. G. Raymond, George • s Leal
gogs,tabje, N, „Fox Aiaditor, Kennedy;
Johnson ; IDl T ep)re, J. H. Grimes, J 0.4
eph Stephens ; Judge of bie4/1/09 Phea.
be; InspectOfe Fln!oßdo - 4rtielJt
Wagner;• Supirvisor, Jahn Hilburn ; Tressu
er, 8.8. Munson.
Rush;•-•;Asseseor, Joseph p.i.keitievip
visor; George. Hervey; Constable,-Ii H. Deriej
Auditor; R. Bulls School . ' Direetots;&&
Lis,p, P.' Hibbard ; Judge 'of ElectiOn; • KlO.
/pSpeehr,.,C.Ao, C,rtfr, Vrinb Ter'
ry,; Clerk, 11. W. yerPy llFfek. k inioi 11. S. Sheet
maker , •
. .
13 Prthrille - r , AP-Ts", Philander 1 3triPa44 1 ;'
Justk.e of the PaseelAltirrt - Bettidtiliyh super
B: Sul* Contitible, E. D:844 .
2 4414:10:F r ti. titie,!doi; arlool Director's, 74bi
N. Smith, H. A. /Slack"; Judge of Election, Is
rAn,illenereiTl Inspectors, F. L. Fish, Asa
Meacham - ;-Clerk, Mlles Prichard; Treasurer,
t.1,1 , /ertßeardsley.
Beer hike-Assessor, James Lonergan ; Su-
PID/iter, Charles?Deihnnty ; Catistable4John
iThtlevlAudititr EdWrolDubbini; .tiehnol
,John McCormick, Thomas Hawley ;
',Rage ottlection, Dam David ; Inspectors,
James Murphy, Philip
_Gage ; Clerk, James
HOwrery Treaspiei l Danjel
_ .
Susquehanna Depot—Burgess, James G.
Drake; Common ,Councilr-ist ward—James
Purtill, Morris 31Yers, John McMahon ; Com
mon Council-24 . ward—. John Graham,: Mich
aellannan, George Kirk ; Assistant Assessor,
ward—Martin Hersch ; Assistant 'Asses-.
sor-2d ward-7,_M. Leslie ; High Constible,
Michael Fernari ; Justice of the Peace, Levi S.
Page ; Assessor, RoWley ; 'Constable, E.
Doherty ; School Directors, F. E. Ives, David
Masod ; Judge of. Election—lst ward—Philip
BOy ; Judge of Electron-2d ward—H. L.
French ; Inspectors-Ist ward—R. Mannering,
R. It Hall ; ,Inspectors-2d ward—Peter., Cur
ren, Win. Alpaugh ; Podr Commissioner, B. F.
Smith ; Auditor, M. H. ELsman.
Thomson—Assessor, John Sumner ; Justice
of the Peace, M. D. Mathews, E. E. Dow; Con
stable, Wrighter ; Auditor, C. Gelatt ;
Sapervirior, John Vanhom ; Judge of Election,
J. Williams; Inspectors, Jackson Chandler,
G P. Blandln ; Clerk, B. P. Barnes ; Treasur
er, A. H Crozier.
Business Locals.
One thousand veal calves for which the high
est market price will be paid in cash.
gocavine, maicti 10, 1875
Two houses and lots for sale In Montrose, Pa.
One near the centre of town, the ether near the
lif-VrEltAurch. Enquire at this office.
• ts dry • goods, &tic)" Oa% tio tons,
eft...Al - 110 Yost store on Mato street. A Bank.
14; stock. 'Moat bo disposed of before April
let Call and see. ' Respectfully,
• - , - •
lientrose,-March 10,1875.
There is no subject that requires so much
sh4ly and experience as the treatment of chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re•
mtrkable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
an due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life,
Imp. study of the constitution of man, and the
erring of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
tie worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
mile Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder.
Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton,
'lliesday,.Wednesday,and Thursday, March 23d,
2.4 th, and 25th, 1875: - 10-3
Rtuolotre NOTICE.
Eld. Thomas Simpkins, of Great Bend,
preaches for the-BUJ:4lsta in South New MB
toe; the first 'and third Sunday evenings in
eath month.
the friends of Rev. J. Q. Weston will make
bin a donation visit at the residence of A.
BakiWin on Thursday, March 11th, afternoon
ant eveninz C,om.
!arch 04875.
, . .
b Montrose, between the Exchange Hotel
anC Engine, the Engine House.)
Friidy evening, Feb. 26th, 1875, (Reception) a
lane gold locket. The tinder will be liberally
remarded by leaving it at the Dr.stoCILAT office
or tt the.,Exchange Hotel. •
Nontfdse, March 3, 1875.
FRESH Ground Cayuga Plaster, constantly
en band at J. R. Raynsford's Coal Yard, Dunn
Button, Montrose itallway. Also, Lime and
Brl4, " J. R. ItAYNSFORD.
'Montrose, Feb s 24, J..875.:--tt.
F:esh ground Cayuga Plaster at Dunn &a
artaarse ktlo.
Mottiesso' ; Feb. 44,1875.
neuudersigned dire to rent hie farm sit
uau is the township of Franklin, Susquehanna
'codity, and known as the James Conklin farm.
Tvplre cows and dairy fixtures will be rented
wilt the farm. For particulars call upon or
adckoss JOIEN hicladratsrs,
New Milford, Pa.
We Ivo fast, dissipate and M 1 early graves. We
drat all kinds of alcoholic spirits . , and slyal
lowvithont mastication, pork, gmtise, and ev
ery dnd of lire-deitroyink, system clogging. in
digstible food. Da. WALKER'S VEGETABLE
NincGAß BrrrEns will remove the evil effects,
awhile recovered patient, with pure, vitalized
eledim-.1 blood flowing through his velnis will
bas a clearer head and it cooler judgment,
whih added to experience, will cause him to
abstin In the future. 7-4
bu TOns, cards, cabinet, cards--everything
pe4dning to.tbe A. art, gnisd-<.and
OX cheap. Go to
1110 KC'S
ontbe old "Searle Rotel site,"
trim all your old niptnres that yon wan'
cooed and enlarged and ha'Ve it done the best.
latislaction guaranteed.
Oontrose, Feb. 10, 1875.
$4:40 COAL I•Ho S 1 $4.811,
Yost at the.Bina et Donn Station, Montrose,
$,40; delivered at $4.80
1-2 0. D. &minims & Co.
Che Photograpber,is.doing all kinds of Pic,
taz , Framing, of all sizes, on short notice.
,aly 22,'74.—U. Q. W. Doozrrrzn.
ITOTHER Ralf Ton of Herkimer County
CIO*, fast lonely - a of • ' .. '
!07. 4, '74. P. 97.2.14 & Nicnot,s.
BF Baal'
• and ltOle Cali and Kip Boots, Cheap
to sh at • POLITER & NICHOLS.
rot 4,'74.
C.l. 11:138011 & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
Dve one of the largest and most complete
szurteent of Dry Goods in the atty.
Ottit for samples of our 50 cent Black Alpaca
or writhe; goods, Aftetrlbla iitita any goods
cr4ferni from samples Will be(sont to any ad
Binamton;lreb. 10,1875.
ltruoung man who caufurntsh Abundance
references, 3 o situation as a tele•
ph operator, assistant depot agent, or any
ally good job. For particulars address this
eh. 3, 1874—pd
TIVIS .flEabon of the year. colds and
ghs are prevalent. A. neglected cold or
it 12 the 4ause of most owls of Comp*,
The Ws% ki3ocen iPe6lBc tdt duo cistala•
ylor's Cough Syrup or Expectorant. It is
. by all druggists. -You should ask for a free
plo vial. No cure, no pay, is the pnnciple
- • totltt:
eid 1;:loAL I I
r•lenty of first class coal. All sizes at
ynsforgs Cgal Yard. Bunn Station. Leave
• ere at Central ff r pitea Offfecr, or send to
Jet: 21, "74.
Purrronnanni.—Pictures. taken In all the
: styles. Old pictures 'copied and, enlarged.
a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap,
atft: W. DOOLIZELE'2 ,
)lontraiP, Juno 19, "ft-=tr•
opionastrox Orr Ens as Arrasomion ,
,_ror gentletxtertviho with to.dress well...;:rhe.
Whin:Norm Baur= TAILORS have en
i ll,
theservices of the celebrated W. IL Lin y, a
tem= of Considerable note with the tailor
tertity of Olt countrv; Ihel. arenoiv ,
pre arediertheadininer trudeatiley have
vet) all the new things In' the way of cleans,
eat era. • rig yestings Their , ,refercoces are
rt) ix
the Uhyttlittlittdmitici:.bitt.pronttunutt,the
Tail s Inotttote la New YoriLlast , ;fait, Gliv(t
, k
, , , ~ , - ~,81 .Wasblogtou St, ,- .
'. ~ .t. 'V), 187C-4i. ' Binghamton N, Y:
. ... _
ith:P " ehm l l4 3 4l,laltaa a, IV i
tta : P&tet l i ' '
Is auffor the County of 13uequehanna, to et t otbute the
nod a retualoil la tha-hailds. or flehirGee en d ".
' nktpan, Ada re, of therestate of lII= 4.131C441 , ,e0
lOU itmd to the dtdiew of 4: 1 7 int= 14 li of.
WI in ldoutr ago: bu•2ll4aP Ma igthi - 1 , one
tedeekla thatactivou.. AM ea ineoiestedara eh*
1 37 required to appear and present Pete clair4 at' the
loot. time and place or be forever imbued:
di o ^ 4 • ! D; , .'-`, ' -.:; r 0.4NY4/1414%9,4rt,404d't ::
axon,* MlZzoitem, , , ,xtt at
; ...O • .
d all *tiles andlartattes; Their stock at ready•toade
EATS and BONNETS to unestalled in the country for
style and cheapest': '• -
alaaits Cut tom' .
• • • r - , •
*V V . CarFril7R. Oki; e. g 3 ©r e.
I •
W. J. CLEVER - . • • •• - • W. P. PRATT.
Blealtainton, Oct. 14,1874.-IY. 21 , CinfreSt.. Cr. Water.
Gold ..
Silver .
U. S. 6'a 11581
420 Coupon 1862.
5-213 Coupon, 1561.._..
5-20 Coupon, 1855
540 Coupon. 'B5
los Coupon ISO
540 Coupon 1845
2ew 5 per eta '
Sterling Exchange....
Parts Exchange.... ...
Currency bd. .....
New York Produce ,Market.
I..rted Every Week Ezpreeely for Tim Wicovrnosz
EIOCILiT by Rhodev ilbServer,'Produee COITIMIS
sIota Merchants, 25 Myth&ll Street fiewsork.
• NOW *York:FAdai, 1iarc11.5;1875.
Receipts for the last six days, 82,145 . pkgs.—
Very choice half firkin tube are not plenty,still
the demand Is not so a few days ago,
and the market dos not present as favorable in
appearance. In Western butter we hear of a
sale of 100 firkins of sound early packed lowa
butter, to go to San 18c per pound.
This will relieve the`market a trifla r and causes
a shade firmer feeling in solid packed Western.
Firkins. choice selected 80 t .320
lair to prime 26 0 28c
Pails, common:—
Pails, winter rnatle... ..... 25 0. 30c
Palls, common to good .30 0 82c
H. T. Lake
flec' eipta ter the last six days, 8,896. boxes.
The export demand seems principally confined
to second and third rate cheese. The home
trade are buying goods worth 16 to 16,4 c.with
some degree of freedom, especially is thus true
of the Eastern trade. The stock In the Boston
market is very low, also in other Eastern mark
ets, and it is thought the home demand will be
sufficient to take the ballance of the fine stock
without being obliged to depend on exporters
at all.
State Factory, tine ..... ...16 16%c
State Dairies ..14 15%c
State Factory, fair to g00d...13 0 15c
Receipts for the last six day 5,3,104 packages,
The market is about bare of stock this morn
ing of fresh eggs, and very excited with prices
irregular and uncertain. We hear of sales
early as low as 35 cents, but 'later few, if any,
could be obtained below 50 cents.
State and Penn
Western choice brands
Limed, good to choice,
The demand for quartered apples continues
brisk and prices held very. tirutly. • filiced are
doing a shade better. Peeled peaches quiet
and steady.
State Apples, quarters... ..... Bt4 to B%c
Peaches, peeled, new 27 to 28c
Blackberries. ........ .......D to INc
Raspberries, new 30 to 32c
The weather is more favorable „
with only a moderate supply here prices are
held a shade firmer.
Turkeys, State, good to pritne..ll3 to 19c
Chickens, Jeney'prime ...... to 22c
Ducks, Jersey, prime..... ....20 to 22c
The market for calves was moderately active,
though holders were not disposed to stand out
very long on a reasonable bid.
Mutton carcasses, prime 8 to 9c
Live Sheep 544 to 7c
Live Calves, State ,to 18c
Calves,Atessattlr •to 12c
Sound lots of common potatoes are firmly
held though most stock here in the boats is in
poor order and will not bring inside figures.
Early Rose in bulk, per .bb1....2 25t0 2 50
Pesolthlowtt 't t.... 2 00 to-2 25
Clover Seed..
TimollY Seed
There is no pain which the Centaur
Liniment will not relieve, no swelling
rig they will not subdue, and no lameness
*, which kn th e ey b w a ill i n t o i t s cu t rz e Th T is h is ey ha
stron y g e
!Ai produced more mites of rheumatism,
• neuralgla,lock•jaw,paisy,eprains,swel
chtroat lingo, caked breast., scald., burns. salt
items,. ear-ache, /Cc., upon the human frame, and of
strains, eparin, galls, etc., upon animals in ono year
than have alt other pretended remedies since the world
began. They are counter-irritant, all-healing, pain re
lievers. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame
walk, polsonous bites are rendered 116aq:ilea., and the
wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub
11.hed around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
sold before, becanse they do just what they pretend to
do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or
swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur
Liniment, white wrapper. bore titan 11010 certificates
of remarkable cares. including frozen limbs, chronic
rheumatism, gout, running remora. etc., have been re
ceived. We will send a circular containing certificates,
the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth
ode hundred dollars for spavined or mem:Lied hones
and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners
—thesalinlmentr aroworth your attentinn., , Ntitamily
should he without ill*. "White wrapoeifamityitsef"
Yellow wrapper for animate. Sold by all Druggists.-
60cents per bottle; large bottles, $l.OO. J. B. Roan it
C0.,63 Broadwity, New York,
Castorla is more then a substitute for Castor 011.
It Is the only safe prt!cle to ea.latence Which is certain
to aselcaulatoibitiod, regulate the'boidate, tore mita
colic and prodace natural sleep. It contains neither
minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant totake.
Children need not cry and mothers may rest. ' •
0cR.25. -
IlSe• X.a_'ftricores
.ILi "Gr XXV ger— RS .1" CP 24%.
• • DI itglr• a .g..0 0 A/ 1 4Wt4,":
Tins gifted/Mit r es laving free 'weirs to the personal
writings of Livingston, unfolds *arty the grandeur of
his characture; mannitudel' of,biallfmvork, the giant
like perils and thrilling adventures tie tact, the grand
• achievements he woo, as also the curiosities, wonders
sad wealth of that marvelous country, its vegetation,
mloerals, reptiles, beasts, savages, etc. Wide awake
agdnts wanted everywhere At once for the' only' cheap
-coufplete work, Over WO pages, 100 splendid illustra
tions, a superb map, (Includes his last Jotirnals,),...Price
only $5OO. Will sell Immensely. • ltilifogs want it.-
Fovparticulars address HUBBARD wigs.. rublishers,
72.3batleete hi., in,, : , ' 10.4
' d "". •'jl
Qi 1 . A. 'ri tiet;
- 111031A8'a BACITEDQUAIiTEVS. ' '
BAtatial QUARTETEV. i ,
• ClitiliaLi AND 11031. E.
• gArrglt'ti ellIJ“Cli u4lO. " ' •
.Tall (T 01 LLSVCqtti. ~. , ,
Price or ea c'kottl.
By Maus A. Lunn. • Fete tido.
Wm. IL Matte, a dlstitiguleiked orgar lit and,
Composer, waa especially tortonate Inttbe compkighni
of this tine work. which epraoa Into POPolat favor Im
mediately oat% None. baa had somatic/into gi oul ,..a u d
continues to be the lealting isepipq. Cattalo': ta
dltiOa Wizen:Adige% ckosp,taiteptlecticy Itfef , /Or
em tousle. Cf ; .;;. J
Alt titioks senepost-pitd, for retail prje,
Of DITSON Co.; co;,
Balton.- ' 111
• ' tztgm' zga4
ClarVer IX Pratt.
The Mareets.
3173{ 111%
~..uag ,11931
11936 I;ou
111 -c
® 45c
28 © 28c
~ I. \ DRIES
to 110
..2 20to 2 20
to 84c
Centaur: Liniment.
crissci 13caollir.19
New Advertisements.
ISllaz Sal@.
The nimdeiisigned ivlll:o8et at, publle 4 sa!e at hia rg lt
dente tatarattLeksi,
BlOndat; Ilarch 1514 1
at,iii.'ciot.Y4 tie tollowit4 cows, ode
mare with foal, one shoat, ono boggy and Wools, a lot
:attaining and useclutnit's tools andas genersl assort
meat of honsehold goods too,oumotous to uiotiOn. '
TERMS nuts under $5 cash , over- $5 - eight
montlus,credlt,with,interest and,upptoeed aectulty.
• • " " • ' WILSON TI.UtItELL
Pursuant to an oral , of the Orphan Courfot
quehanna County, the undersigned admintstrator of the
..estaterof ..8./LCatupbell„ dee'd, , rrIB sell, atymblle sale
on the premises, on . ' . • • ,
• Tbeidai. March 30tb, 1873, •
at one o'clock p; m,Aluy following described lot of land'
to tot AU that certain lot of landaltuateln the town
ship of Ararat - County of 13aiquchanna *ad • State of
Pennsylvania. described - as follows: Beall:ming at - sr
beech, an ottglnat Omer of Nur tracts dine* along
the warrantee line of Connelly lifeCanikelatot and -Ales
anderlfellinsotorth 433; degrees west 106 perches to a
post and stones; thee tenth , 461( 'degrees weer 161
perches to stones in warrentee tine of WrckForbes ;
thence south 43% degrees, east 100 perches kus poet. a
corner Of Tramati ORden'a lands ;.thence by sold Ou.
den's lands trortb nil:degrees oast 161 'perches to the
place of beginning. containing 106 acres, more or lets.
TERMS :—sso on day of We': 11000 on driti 'contr.
mutton, and the balance ono, year , thereafter, with in.
B. R. 0411P114L. Administrator-
Ararat, Varela 1. 1E46:
. ..„.
tick Hand, doceasd, tato a Apolaeon..Lotten of
Administration in the said cstitte haying been grantee
to thin:macre/pied Mt paeans owing said estate.are
requested to make Immediate payment. and all per
cone havlag claims against said estate arepassted to
presentthem without delay. DAN'L
. Adadelstritor.
CUDITOR'I3 NOTICE.—Th, e undersigned, at Audi
t". tor appointed by the Orphans' 'Court of Barque
henna County to attribute the' funds In the hands of
Tundra Wattenron, Adm`r of the estate of Wm Wat
tenon, deed. will attend to the duties of hie appoint
ment at his office In Dontrcse,on Saturday. March inth.
A. D.,_2875, art o ' clock, p. m. Alts persons Interest
ed w ill predent their claims at that time and place or
be &reser debarred from coming in noon said fond.
6-4 D. W. SSAALB. Auditor ,
ESIIICLJe SALE —The subscriber will sell at..; pubite
sam; on his premises in Forest Lake, on Thursoay.
Feb.2s, 1615, the following , ProPdtiY: Nine cows;3
shoats, 5 yearlings,s calves, 13 sheep. one patr horses,
2 lath harness, 2 seat whififetree., neck yoke,' Mining
mole, household ramituro, dog power, and datry_firtare
a quantity of provisions. a quantity of hay and gram,
and various other articles not mentioned.
TERMS—AII annul - 01 $5 and under cash, over $5, six
months credit with Interest and approved security.
• Forest Lake, Pet. 10th.
The undersigned. assignee of the estate of Cleat°.
pber Rc_igers, bankrapt,linder and by virtue of an order
of the District Court of the United Stltes.thr the West
ern District of Pennsylvania, to him directed. will on
Wednesday, the 17th day or muck, A. D. 1873, com
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. at J. 0. Bollard's BotelAn
Brooklyn Centre, County of Susquehanna and State of
Pennsylvania, esposevo public sale by auction, the fol
lowing real estate, of the estate of said hankstpt.—The
sale to divest all Ilmes as described in said order.
All that place of land altuate In Dimock Township,
dotorty and State aforesaid and bounded at follows, to
wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of lot No. 13.
told to labels Giles; thence by said lot and a lot former
ly of Thomas Giles, south ler percher to a poet and
stones, the northeast corner of a lot late of Daniel filler
thence by the last Mentioned lot, west 1W perches to a
post anc stones corner. in the line of a tract in the war
antee name of William Thorpe ; low land of Benjamin,
Park, esq.,thence by said Park's landmorth 95Xdegrees
east, 144 perches to a post' nd stones In the aforesaid
warrantee line, the southwest earner of lot NO.l2,here
tonne granted to Charles P. Mellott ; and thence by the
said Maryott's lot east. IS perches to the place of begin
ning aforesaid. Contrail:tine SS acres more or less.
mostly Improved, being lot No. 14 of Drury Drinker's
body of Iresbuppen lands. ,
TERMS.—One-fourth Cash on day of Sle, one-fourth
in 6. one-fotteth in It and the balance ir .113 months
said unpaid purchase money to bear Interest from date
of sale at the rate of seven - per cetr. per annum, all to
be secured ay proper mortgage or lien upon the 'proper
ty sold. so. P. Lusts, Assignee.
hiontroae,, Feb. 10,18 Di. • • • •
ted Adams
ss to s2o:trolVo . r=petz ge,of iicith eases
young and 'old, make more, money at work for no, In
their own localities, daring thee spare momenta. Or all
the-Lime, than et any Mina else. We, offer employ
ment that will pay handsomely fbr every hones work.
Full particulars, terms. Re., rent free. Bend an your
address M ones Don't delay. Now is the limo. Don't
look for work or business elsewhere until you hare
learned what we offer. G. STECSON & CO„l 3 ortlatig
Maine. •
DVIERTISING: 'LLUSAP : Good: Systematic.—All
DClTULlftwtto contemplate making contracts with
eowspapent for the Insertion of selvertlsements, should
send ..1Z cents to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 pork Itew,
New YOTk, for their P.1311 , 11Lit2-1100K (ninety-sev
enth edition,) containing lists of oirer 200(Y newspapers
and estimates, showing tha cost., advartisemen ts tak
en ibr leading' papers in many States at a tretnenduous
reduction from publishers' rata. Get tho nook. 51-y1
These priors are
and toreustomers from a distance ;
Good Winter Pants, lined,
Heavy liusjoess
All Wool Cassimere Suits,
Broadcloth Dress Suits, all wno.,
French Diagonal Suits,
English Basket Suits,.
Cutaway Coats and Vests, tine,
Heavy Grey Overcoats,
Black Union Beaver Overcoats,
Castor Beaver Overcoats,
Chinchilla and Fur Beaver,
French Beaver and ,Kersey,
Good Under Shirts and Drawers, ,
Good Knit Jackets,
Good Cloth lined Paper Collars, per bolt,
And all other Goods In proportion.
Also an immense stock of
&lab WI MS
for boys, from 8 years of age, up to men's'size
at prices from $2OO a suit upwards. • '
to buy a impplyot Winter, Clothing at these
WPASTER, The clothier. .
62, 60 Court Street,
Binghamton, N. Y. .
Binghamton, Nov-11, '74.—tf.
B.R. LYONS & co.'s
tiontrose,llay lcra
--/ f esa than N. Y. Prim--
lior Salo by IL 1.1r0N114. Vo
SMARi.wrwt; cosTEE,
and other . •
At'Low Pt gntes at
- •.! • : ,:';
. . •
„„; A:L4 l lle.Stock, . „
Ind 'New 'Paitems Iteeplved .E'vers
Week Direct From the
„ Bliwuractortt
LYONS lir.
SVG , P I . ?r,:=*4;1444
; Cnat',F.".:fsr t _
and ;John, CiarVa Opool Tigeld•
C010i441-4rorrt yo. t) to Alo, itt
TS;cfmtli put - dozen: , - Tot sale,bp-.• - •
%13; lit.'ll4lloNB4 eo. '
montrasi.ludyll:.lBl34Af •
• ,
- Itienv 111f114rd .i ir.„,
Wholento and retail deniers In Fine Watabea nd Rlnti
Jewelty, 491ver Fr,:thrtt and Anstrlcan
Clodcs.TlniFlated Wart and r Tea Cots, Alen
Idnltor Gold, and Strantllatlng:Vaien, Clock, and
davralay'ltapalring,antknlill/ cPrn,l4l,ld. gnaw! :
ing,ed. ' ,
' -agne,g4-,!*-^AT, ):
JULIUS SHULTZ, Practical Machinist, rcegCetritlir
imitator Ithn plain/neat All grttrt :Carry ,Want - Snglng!
millwork,. Shafting, liiingetik Pulloygors &co,
_MALT'lspnittal attentlonjwildto sropalrlog, '
AMY MltfOrcl,Jtute 10,
.1447,.., •.;
Number -10.
Miscellaneous, •
gas Joaeri6iita froal Yoilc a fresh stock of
4GrrcoperitStei," d _ o.•
i;yticii ;flit bo told eitEg. gOn pink
Among Um num:rill:is ern tic' belosiiier Xi* Or. '
Irtine Molames, MolsPien..S.yrupg.lingan•
(1411113„ linckezel.tlallbut,ilame: Canned 7ml ran
berries, cheepo...Tean. Cruatted Wheati Salea-
Inc dime*. ennutd. Salmon,Tmks BAIL .&c.
r.Slontrote,llo.... 10, 1&74. • WEBB.
The hiewest Sensation
EX11191310 our prices aad give 93 a trial: •
• . . JOHN HHO'ira.'
. ,
Moatrose, February 3, PrZ.-tt •
ckrz.zazmr .731E11N73", 3PDXIZVII.
Aura 2.3.18t.—t1
V. Rzczneit & BSO
Tlio nook SITU Bet
TIIIB SPRING BED is equal. and in Malty imirgets
superior, to any other in the market,' It is tight,
east y handled, and easily kept clean. For elasticity,
comfort, and durability, it le unsurpassed. Hundreds
or recommendstlous could be produced if necessary.—
The low price at.which they are sold brings them with
to reach of all who wish to itidnigo in this luxury - of a
'lnt class Rpring Bed. Yon can have one, put on your
bedstead, if lieetre,„ atm If I, does not prove calmly
satisfactory, it will he taken away free of charge: For
sale by W. W.. Smith 6 Son nuniture dealere, and by
E. S. WARNER, Manufacturer.
Shop In rear of Hyde Crocker's Shop near the Foundry
14.21,00. Montrose, Jan:6, '74.-1 y $113,00.
H. 3E3I73FLa3IT T IL",
Would call attention to his New Stock of'.
Now on tale, In new
V0C:)L02, 9
In great variety, and will be sold cm : the. most
favorable terms, and lowest prices,
New 'Milford, Nov. 11, 1874.
Fifty dollars reward will be paid to any person atter
coaling this, who has not received the worth of amount
Invested, I, c.,
Aa a Foully Medicine Fat
Coughe, Colds, Croup, Asthma,' Whooping Cough,
Bronchial Discase,Hidoey Compliant,Eryeipelas, War
ula,. Itheamatiem, Pain in the Side and Breast. Also
Cuts..l3um._Scalds, Bruises, Blue and .utloge Or In
seCts;Frilit Bites, Chilblains, and Internal and Itztern
al Affections general..
• Warranted ft Sure Cure for the Piles...
latteknoistedged by the Public as the beet for' the
above mentioned Diseases of an Medicine of the
daY. It is composed of perely vegetable ingredient*
lt pudtee the blotal,which mast be done In olne-tenths
of all diseases before the patient can be cured: - It is
particularly beneficial in came of ASTIIMA. or
flue le no bambini, and any person buying a bottle Of
G. A. B. and Dying dissatisfied after usingtl of it,tnet
mom the same and receive their money nadt.
We, the undersigned, have need Vrants's'Balsain„ anal
do bereby testa) to Its good qualities, andje itabeing
• recommended :
Moe: & Willlaou, Druggists, New Milford. M. Doi
way, Frabklin Forks, Rev. A. 11, Fish, Staufonlville.Pa
C. H. Crane, New York City, C. 11. 'Fattiest'. Scranton,
and many others.
The a. A. D. in not gold at the popular price of one
dollar per bottle, bat for fifty rents, so that all can bane
It. Sold by Dealers generally,
New Milford, Pa
Dec. 30, 1874.—U.
Fr-k . n.MMM77 . " " j7r=
At 1. - 13. Mell'e Jewelry stand.
Where a larger and hotter mock _of the following
goods will be found than elsewhere in
Northern Pennsylvenia:
and a general assortment of N111.311:11 Merchandise,
Sheet M..sic, Violin Strings, etc.. etc.
AB Pine Watch licpairirg Sewing Machines and Or
done, Our aleudi by gone Repaired by
L. B. label!. F. Melhnish,- .
Isbell & Melhnis ..
The andorsigned has an omnibus line running toes•
ery train on too D. L. .t W., and Sete Railways at
Great Bend, "a.
Anyorricr for
Shipping or Re-Shipping Baggage
at either depot will bo promptly attendon'td.
Theme* river bridge le now completed, Mince Uteri
no Farling. • • -...- •
always on hand to cptlvey pasoangers to. any potnt
, the surrounding country..
U. BUCU4.NAN . Prop'r.
' 1 ' Great Bend, iiii.l9,lB74.—tr.
. .
Brit i tib Mize to Coma to' COOL'S STAITION,po the
Mottticisoltallway, and • ,
Aelc'For.What We plavo Not Got,
. • "eao we will name to have it to-morrow.
12012..cet VITO Eir.a.v.c.- Grist
181 jUI.L 0r:29111XE:0C OP,
:,TIONS, .11ATS -A N 1) 'OAPS,' " '
;;', 11A111)LVAHE;
&11rie lot of,DIICGS find 31EDICINE3;
• .
'all 4:v1'111c:111i iit tiV us the Ciies4l
. est , for litinon PAT. 4131 k i ads or -
4! :#o ' unty ' Produee Takerii !Itxchang,
00otla Alio 1110/.4 'Market pried*
c/41 RAID FOR ROpK, DOTTER , AND 1 . 01. 1 1.T1VF. 4
or ab~gpedto (tapaa ß la.Cuar,, 'Man Iforeasata fa ,
NV*, rat; GIVO WI a calf. • ' '
•". . • .
...R. 1.., `MARTIN I.I • •
- • ' • ' •
~:.~:>_ .