Volume 32. e f am and Itouortiold. The Science of Aduheirohon. There are certain stages in fraud at which the public stops condemning the actor, and are lost in admiration at his au dacity. Certain of the soap-Makers have passed the stage of secrete adulteration, and actually glory in their skill in palming utr upon an innocent and unsusoecting public articles which are soap only in the name. . At the very outset of our investigations we are met by the tact that a pound of soap weighs but 12 ounces. This is said tai have first been discovered by an enter— prising New York firm, whim sold to the grocers 75 the, of soap neatly crit into 100 pieces. They did nat wish to under sell th friends nor to commit any fraud they merely explained to the grocer how he could sell a pound of soap foiless than his neighbor, and thus secure trade.— ' This is a comparatively new fraud, and one that has in a measure cared itself, because the price corresponds now to the weight. An older idea than this is adulteration with water. Other things being equal, the man is most successful in the busi— ness who can incorporata the most water In the soap and still have it retain its firm. This adulteration can easily be detected by drying it, first at a gentle heat and at 212 degrees F, having pre— viously frduced the soup to fine shavings. The next adulteration, and one which has ninny defenders, is the use of rosin instead 4-f fat in the manufacture of soap. This use of rosin seems to have arisen in the Orin plat from the fact that rosin was cheap and alit., be readily mixed with the soap. A rosin soap is first made by dissolving the rosin in sal soda or caustic soda, and then mixing the soap thus form,•d with ordinary tallow soap.— Some of the midi expert at this business have succ&ded in thus introducing 75 per cent_ of rosin to 25 per cent.of tallow. This, with rosin and sal soda about 2i cents per pound, while the soap sells for . sor 6, yields a reasonable profit. But it may he safely asserted and the assertion w• 11 be sustained by the best soap makers the rosin is of no benefit in a soap and is often a positive injury. The detection of rosin is comparatively easy, as it always betrays itself by the smell. The quan— titative estimation of it is,however, onite difficult, and it can only be done .by a chemist. Another common adulterant is finely ground talc or marble dust. These are mere make—weights, and there is no rea son lot their admixture. I recently heard of a manufacturer alio boasted that he had been able to introduce over 65 per Cent. of adulteration in his soap, exclu sive of the :osin. A good hard soap should not contain over 20 per cent, of water, should dissolve completely in hot water, giving a fluid that. is nearly cl ,, ar ; and should have no d kagrreahle smell. The artificial oil of bitter almonds is ()lien added to soap to conceal the poor quality of the tadow. Some makers are in the habit of incorporating considerable quanties of carbonate of soda or sulphate of stale in their soaps. These are cheap and also enable the soap to hold . much more water. If too much of either is used, it is apt to effloresce and appear as a white incrustation 'on the surface of the 'l'l.ese 8:11t8 are easily recognized by the appropriate tests. A drop of the Acid causes the carbonate to effervesce. If the soap is dissolved in a little hot water and the tots precipitated with hydroch— loric acid and filtered, chloride of barium u ill show the presence of sulphate of soda in the filterate. Number of Quarts of Milk to a pound of Butter. In the Franticle Farmer, of February, we find the following communication from T. Sharpless; the information he tenders upon the subject will be interest ing to our readers generally "Having noticed several discussions as to the number of quarts of milk required to make a pound of butter, I will send some measurements recently made, to ascertain for our own satisfaction, how many quarts it did take. For our churning week ending 12 mo., 15th, '74. we had by actual measurement six hundred and nine (609) quarts of milk, the cream from which, when churn ed. yieldtd seventy-four and one-forth (74i) pounds, bring about 8.22 quarts to the pound—dry measure quarts. Again for the week ending Ist mo. 15, 1875, we bad five hundred and forty-six (546) quarts from which we churned sixty-six and a-half [66,11 pounds, about 8.20 quarts to the pound. The butter was weighed as printed for Philabelphia market in single pounds. The cows were fed on corncob meal corn ground on the cob—and brau mixed half-and-half. equal to one-third corn and two-thirds bran. The fresh cows getting six quarts twice a day, and the strippers from four down to two quarts at a feed, according to condition, some being nearry dry and not paying to feed inoch,with as much bay as they would eut twice a day with a haslet fed of cut cornfodder in the morning. before they got any hay, and oats straw at noon. The hay is a mirth • of timothy, white clover and green grass cut before the blosom fell from the timo thy. The milk was kept in Jewett milk— pans,and was set not more than one-and• a—hall inches deep. The pans being made to bold the milk from twenty-five cows, and the quantity being much reduced, it was necessarily set shallow! Though that was not, I think, any disadvantage, as I am, and have been for years, a setting; although in this case it is carried to the extreme t as we had sometimes to add water to the. milk, so as to be able to skim it. The cows are common native stock, with a few grade Alderneys, only two of which, however,were milking at the time of trial The most of these cows being strippers, their milk would naturally be richer than fresh cows, and, therefore, take rather less to make a pound of butter. The cows are kept in the stables in stanchions or jacks most of the time, being let out into the yard three or foirr hours per day. I have stated this pretty fully, because pub lication of statements without the mode of feeding and handling, is, at best, un— satisfactory, while with all the data given you can draw some conclusion therefrom. Very respectfully, . T. SHAEPLESS, Street Road, Chester county, Pa. Presenrtne Butter for Future Lae. One of our exchanges in replying to an inquiry, says: " Many ways have been proposed to keep butter, but we think that of suspending it in brine the most certain. Our inquirer in that case would have to select such butter as is satisfac tory to him in market, and put it into new packages. Use a good tapering oak tub with a head in each encL 'Take out the largest head, having packed your but ter in a cambric sack of the shape of your tub. only two inches smaller,put it in the tub and replace the head, so as to hequite brine tight. Now through a bole in the head pour the Jtrongest brule to fill, Optg; place upon the large end, the butter will flaat entaitdir in thh brine and thus be eluded from the sir and be preserved for any length of time. This may also be done is a common butter pail, by putting a small block of oak wood on the under side of the cover, so as to sink'the sack of butter under the hrinz in the pail. The brat method of floating the butter in the tab is an excellent way of putting up for a distant market." pioctilaueouo. Sense and Nonsense Davy Crockett's heirs claim half the town of Austin, Texa& Thirteen trotters last season made a record of 2:20 or better. Henry F. Dickens is reading in Lon- don extracts from his father's novels. It is estimated that there are at least 6,000 Catholic Indians in Washington territory. Eber B. Ward, the Detroit millionaire who died recently, left an estate valad at 16,300,000. They have had 8110 W lit Nice, and in many places in the middle of France snow was five feet deep. Gladstone attained his 63d year on December 20th, and Premier Disraeli his 69th, two days late"n l The Knoxville Whig will make its ap pearance on March Ist. Parson &OM— low will be its editor. "Ohaiage cars," is what a city boot black said to a countryman the other day,when he had finished blacking one of his bro gans. A Frenchman intending to compli— ment a young lady by calling her a gen tle lamb, said, "She is one mutton as is It is the opinion of the doctor that the lawyer gets his living by plunde* - while the lawyer thinks the doctor gets his by pillage. We know a man in Whitehall who is so ticklish that his tailor can Defer meas ure him for a suit of clothes without first administering chloroform. , • "What's the matter with you, my pet ?' "Oh, aunty ! I just went to touch a little chicky, and the old hen growled at me, and bit me with her nose!' A little Boston boy said to his mother, "Mamma, 1 wish I was built like a hen• coop, out of laths, and then the breeze could blow right through me." The warden of the Oregon penitentiary has discharged the prison doctor, and de tailed one of the convicts, who is an edu cated physician, to perform the duties. . A Lowell (Mass.) architect has design— ed a New England building for the Cen •tennial, with a tower 600 feet high. His lofty aspirations recall the Tower of Ba bel. Daughter—" Well, to tell the truth, I did not think much of the close of the sermon." Father—" Probably you. were thinking more of the clothes of the con gregation." "Is them the common dog sassage in quired a venerable looking lady, as she surveyed a bunch of bananas over her spectacles the other day. Experts in Hawaiian history now say that Captain Cook was not eaten, only gutted and boned. Never mind ; so long as he was killed it is entirely satisfactory. An old lady who was looking at the animals in a menagerie when she saw the camels exclaimed : "Poor critters, how they must suffer with them corns on their backs." The widow of a General who served tin der the First Napoleon resides in Buena Vista county, lowa, and annually draws her 'widow's mite' of 880 trout the French government. An old clergyman spying a boy creep ing through a fence exclaimed: " What ! crawling through a fence ! Pigs do that" "Yes," retorted the boy, "and old hogs go along the street." An old lady from one of the rural dia.- tricts astonished a clerk• in one Of the stores, a few days ago, by inquirm* if he had any "yaller developements Each as they did up letters in." "Is the 4oe too small F' tenderly ask ed a fond swain of his Sweetheart, who was moaning about cramped toes, "0 no ! the shoe is just right, but my feet is ton darned big, that's all." An Irishman, writing a letter - to his sweetheart, asking whether she would ac cept of his love or not, writes thus:—"lf you don't love me plazo send back the letter without breaking the seal." • It was recently noted that a Massachu setts town sent off neatly twice as many letters' on Monday morning as on any other day, showing how the people em— ployetilhemselves during Sunday. A colored preacher in South Carolina puts his foot on Pxcaosive bribery at:elect ions and crushes it. "Du; tins," be says, " ob gittin' $lOO for a vote is all wrong; $lO is a much as it's wort!" Philadelphia wants to have the tavern licences appropriated to her own use, as in Allegheny county, instead of passing into the State Treasury. An attempt to consummate this project will be 'made during the current session of the Legisla ture. A Western editor noticing the present of a silver cup to a brother editor, says, "tie needs no cup. He can drink from any vessel that contains liquor, whether the neck of the bottle, the month of a pickle jar, spite of a keg, or the burig of a barrel. A Williamsport, Pa, attorney in-: sum— ming up a case, prlounded a question that the jury were unable to answer. It was this: " Gentlemen, if a man was to enter your house and shake his nose oil— er your 68t, how would you feel ?". They all gave it up. There is a girl at Perth Amboy, N. J., who can hold twenty.siz clothespins in her mouth, hang a clothes-line with her feet and repeat the Lord's prayer back— wards all at the same time. Her name is Ho!yearn, and she washes shirts for sixty cents a dozen. Some genius out West informed a zeal. ons coroner that a fellow whose first was Abel had been murdered in a garden, and had been dead for some time. The coroner, after hunting through every back yard in the city, weat home tired and disgusted. Maria is a very popular name in lili nois. When a cat climbs a backfence in a populated neighborhood, and plaintive ly calla out "Mariarl" twenty or thirty windows are hastil as up, from which protrudes lust as many heads an— swering, "What r The German Princess Imperial visited the telegraph offices in Berlin lately.— There are many women employed there, and n umbers have received their positio.is upon the recommendation of her Royal Highness. She went to see them and did not like their toilets. .Next day they re ceived a circular . directing a less extrava gant style of dre*B and forbidding them to wear their hail Jawing in the sloven fashion. . Ziscerianeons. :VEGETINE Strikes attbe mot of disease by purifying the blood re storing the liver and kidneys to health action, 'wagers• ting the nervous system. VEGETINE to not a vile, nauseous compound, which Simply par , tree the bowels, but a sato, pleasant remedy which Is ears to purify the blood sod thereby restore the health. • VF,G ETI N E U now prescrabed In eases of Scrofula and other dfeeae• vs of the blood, by many of the beet physicians, owing to its great maces In curing all diseases of this nature. VEGETINE Does not deeelte Manias into false hopes by purging and creating a fictitious appetite, but assist. nature in cleating and purifying the whole system, leading the pa tient gradually to perfect health. VEG ETIN E Was looked upon as an experiment for some time by some of our best physicians. but those most Ineredu lows in regard to lie menu are now its most ardent friends and supporters. VEG ETINE Instead of being a puffed-up medicine bas worked It. way lip to tb present astonishing success by actual merit In curing all diseases of the blood, of whatever nature. VEGETINE " Says a Boston poyalelan, "has no aqua/ as a blood puri fier. Bearing of Its many wonderful cures,after all oth. er remedim had failed, I visited the Laboratory and con vinced myself of its ebtllolll3 merit. It Is prepared Irma barks, roots and herbs. each cf which is hichly effeeliev and they are compounded In such a manner as to pnik duce astonishing results." • VEGETINE Is acknowledged and recommended by physicians ute spa:mm.les to be the best purifier and cleanser of the blood yet disarvered.and thousands speak In Its praise who bare been restored to health. ID li 0 0 P. WHAT IS NEEDED Cinclunatl,,Nov. 20, 1812 Ma. R. R. STEII . BB Dear Sir—The two bottles of VSGSTINE furnished ma by y our agent, my wine has used with great benefit. Fora Mug time she has been troubled with Matinees and costiveness ; these troubles are now entirely re moved by the use of VEGETINR. She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and General Debility ; and has been peatly benefitted. TOGS. tSX Walnut Street. Boston, February 13, 1871. R. Sruvallll Dear Sir—About toe year since I found myself in a feeble condition from general bebility. VEUETINIt sae strongly recommended to me by a friend who had been much benefited by its use. I procured the article and after acing several bottles. was restored to health and discontinued Its nse. I feel quite confident that them is no medicine superior to It for those cempiainta for which it is especially prepared, and would cheerful ly reeommend it .o those who feel that they need some thing to restore them to perfect health. - Respectfully moan, IJ. L. ARTFINRILL. Firm of S. M. PettlngUl & Co., 10 State St.., Boston. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN Natick. Masa ~ Jane Ist. 1814. . „ b 2 B. ft. STrlltql : . Dear kb— Through the advice and earnest persuasion of Rev. E. 8 Best. of this place. I lure keen taking VIDaSTIBIi for Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years. I have need only two boUles and already feel myself a new man. Respectfelly yours Dn. J. W CARTEL Report of a Practical °heroin and Apothecary. Boston, January let. 1874. Dear BD—This is to certify that I have sold at retail dozen (ten bottles) of yont VEOETIRE since April 19. 1870. and can truly say that It has even the best satisiaction of any remedy for the complaints for which it Is recommended, that I ever sold. brandy a day pease. witt c of my customer. testifying to its merits on th em se lves or their friend.. I am perfect ly cognisant of several eases of Serniblons Tumors be ing cured by VEGETINE alone in this vicinity. Very resßectiolly y our . Al trILMAN, 4t3 Broadway. To 11. R. BUTES. ESQ. Vegetine is Bold by all Druggists p A [NTS AND OILg B. R. LYONS & Co.'s Montrose, May 14, 1873 CARPETS. CARPETS AT 80 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 14,'75. For Sale by B. H. LYONS & Co SUGAR. TEA, COFFEE, iwd other i-rc=icsor'les At Low Figniels at WALL AND WENDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the Manufactory. B. R. LYONS & CO. Spool Triarepeaci. Clark'. 0. N. T. and John MAC. Spool Thread W tate Black, and Colored—from No. 8 to No. 1.50. • 75 cents per doom. For sale by B. B. LYONS & CO. Montrose. Ma] 14. 1873.—ti The Doubt Dispelled. 1w 4GI-COCZ)73N3 Wm. Hayden. New M Mord. Pa.. Is now offering an entire new stock of DRY GOODS .atefolly selected for Spring and Summer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES the laretst and best variety In Northern Pennsylvania. Mitestis erc pax's, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, Gents' istanishing, Goods, Yankee No tins, etc., etc. %very ankle Warranted ea Ropreaented. No Variation Prices. flew Milford, May Mb. S. S. CAMPBELL I, CO 160LE14.13 1114.11171PACTVIZEI 03, FINE, PLAIN AND MOLASSES CINDY. Importers and DesArs in FOREIGN FRUITS NUTS,S.... Fire Works anstantly on Hand. Nos. 422 Makat 80 sad 4171E0:vaunt Bt. Phil's. March 11. 1874.-17. ICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BROS. Nevi Milford, Pa., Wholesale and retail dealer, In Ms Watches nd Rich Jenretry, Sterling Silver Ware, French and American Clocks. Slue Plated Ware. and 811 r r Tea Sets. Also all kind or Gold and darer riating. Watch. Clock. and Jewelry Repairing, and Plain and Ornamental Ewer log. neatly execnted. Jane 31.14.—i5. NEwilApll ri • MACHINE-SHOP. amts mita. Practical Ifrthinlet. sesimmeTay scilicto tta tun tepaso all.whn snay arant =Om Kinsoth 8 Moglangeni, Pullman N. 0,4 tntes_o44ll. rePB llll 4. Sony 1 THE MONTROSE. DIIIM 0 RAT, "MARCH 3, 1875. $115,0Q0 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY To all in search of a good bargain we extend a cordial Invitation to call and examine our stock, and take prices. We arc prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and give us your custom. , Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank ets, Sbawls,Cloakings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. Ready-Made Clothing. Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Snits, hlon's, Youth's, and Boy's Over coats, Talmas, ez!. Buck, Kid, and Wool Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shine, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, Trungs, Umbrellas, &c., Bows, Scarfs, Tits, and Mufflers, Full line of Millinery Goods,'Zephyrs, Worst• I A tine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and eds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and Caasimeres for Custom Work. Was- Furnishing Goods, Carpets j urea taken, and good fitting and and Oil•Oloths. Workmanship Warranted. 33‘afrail , c) RobOS, Lap cazi.ct .113ciaroper: clbo. 7tontrose, October 21, 1874 GENERAL Store 5 lot Corbettsvillt THIS Hotel is situated on the river roan leading from Bhighamton to Montrose close to Conklin Station, on the Delaware , Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. Patties stepping at this Station will nod it enliven. trot to call on me, as I have proper conveyance to carry them to any place they want to go. I have been refir ing my Route and Barn making it morn convenient to enter Lain the public. Thankful for the many favor* or my old friends and will be glad to see them all when going this way. Dorbettavilie. N. Y., January tf D. T. MURPHY, Proprietor. Poor if. _figiwzzra 33.T.ATiC3-.111411-1341TCP.117. N. Y. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S & BOYS' CTOTHING, Gouts' WNW Goods, Re entend a cordial tneltation to tne public to call and rramlne our B. R. LYONS 6. CO.'S Or Our Motto le, Not to be Undersold. AEI The Cheapest Place 13. AL R. 7ZPVV" .41.. I-a. MI CROCKER, OGDEN, & CO.'S, 33T...1%713.33....AL1METC0MT, N. Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. CIROULAR AND CROSS-OUT SAWS, Oelebrated Hand-Out Mee, • , The Best in the World ! Binghamton, Oct • Ilth . 1874. Sewing Machine ! THE GREATEST AcEIZVEIMNT OF TILE AGE Sews trom but One Spool of Thread, • Dams but 511 working parts, is norselms,and sews more madly than any Machine to the Market. ffas a self-setting Straight Needle Combines Durability with 13eauty and Simplielty.and has all the Modern Improvements. Ord, QT TABLE MACHINE ON A SLAVS WALNUT TABLE FOE M. WM. ELAYDRY 41346-ezzitas VlTikatoe:sl.. Address, THIS ISSOKPENDEST SEWER() huCHINEcf Blnglaamtan, N. Y Dec. 94, 1873 FURNITURE WARE ! Everirrimro NEW AND Smarr I .61. m, eir. Ehcomrairirne 50 'Washington Bt., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameablein that business. Repairing pro,uiptly done. ORDER As. Bz*eieui.j.t3r. PRIOES REASONABLE. Satistactlos lowan eiA. Einghaatton. N. Y.. Asa* 20. 11172.-1 y.,. JOB PRINTING AT THE "DEMOCRAT" opince. CEIBA, Guttenberg, Rosenbaum b. 00. Our Stock has been selected with great care and bought at Borrow PRICES corri4s. sErzscpc,32r. ocaisarmirs.xesmils Dry Goods Department. Clothing Department GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. s, Donner, Managing Partner. D. J. MURPHY, N. 'V% Binghamton Aidvertiaomenta Merchant Tailors, 57 COURT STREET, Oppoafte Exchange Hotel CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. STOCK AND PRICES 0. M. HAWLICY Binghamton, N. Y., Ott, Ith. 1874. Phefp% Bank Building, We are Agents for MINDY DITSON a SONS' AND JOHN BOTHRHY'S THE INDEP.ENDEN7 BEND FOB CIBCTLALL vmm' v® JUST RECEITBD in: Proprietor. Binghamton Advertiamenta CARTER, PORTER, & JOHNSON, 1771-30 HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies FAIIMERSILND NECIULNICS' TOOLS Stvcreket'st 13tool 113-4=•ociss SEAT SPRINGS, STEEL T:11E, TOE CALKS md CALK STEEL, 3 BURRETT'S CORN SHELLER And the Improved gar CALL AND 833 115, 87 Washington St., BINGHAMTON, N. Y Oct. 14th, 18/3.--I,Y. Ft 4 COMI IIV ISt Co N 'SI Southern 'Fier PURNFTURE EtPORIUM! 88 WaghingtoL Street, ., You will }lnd the Liao= AND LEST ABSOIITXEHT OF YMINLIWVILtiI.N At the Lowest q'rices of any Store in Southern New York. All Goods notd are WARRATED as Represented E. D. ROBINSON. N0v.1.3 1R73.-11? At No. 33 Court Street, BINCHAVIT'ON, N. Y. NEW! GOODS, .'N'EW GOODS, As we tura Just returned from the City of New York atterhamtiaslng &large and well selected stock of TALL AND WINTER GOODS of ail bode bought tram Ares hands, we are now pre, Parlid to offer goods at priest' that will satiafg the 0101 E 41 buyer.- We have also added to our large atria 111: nu l=le i au tmmeine stook of CLOTH, CASS'. BEAVERS far Men and Boys wear. Wire Dow prepared to mice SUITS FOR ALL Wbowillgtve , na a call as we have Drat class woramen r'l2aged i on a and Gentlemen, Ton will pleas* nail and cute'• lne oar stack beteroion pone elsewhere. nanlitni for past Divore, wo hope for a continuation Pi the stne; • Wo mule, Tons' Respectfully, 0. & A. OORTEBY illstipeattiti. Rept AlM—et GENEARL Store Hotel • Oorbettsville, iv. Ir. F- • 'J!=i DEALERS' LY Agents for BURDICK FEEL) ( UTTERS. OF dt u, KINDS, NEW GOODS. Blisccllaueons PTECIXT Vci22211102 M MIPCo Pt ITY M ! The undersigned will L 14.11 constantly on bend and for tale, very lots, imila,etcorus, PLATFORM WAGONS, I=l TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, rWu :-EATEI) CARRIAGES And Lumber Wagons Heavy oprlog wagon,. reeond harm cern:taco sod op •u and r „',1:11:"f<1 1 7rd r .:r' r i:?,, h ;,;; h ;,..1',1,.... all I ludo of Qat.- rine, Work Warranted. Repairing done neatly Shop at Spring. Mlle. pa Enquire at D not,. Omen of • D. D. SEARLE. Mou Imre, Pa., Ur at Spriutzvtlle of E. H. CULVER Ni on t r ,.e Jut. a, 1n7.1 —U. MON EY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW . GOODS, NEW PRICEs GRIFFIS & SAY RE, 'lave opened, al the old location cf M. S, Ntleon , in hC Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to .es all of "or old friends and the many new ones we Dope to gain. Our stock will conelat of 'Wigs all Hunan CROCKERY A OLA !MASK in large quantities and variety. Stone Ware. Worm Ware, House-Fur ribbing Goods and Groceries. We shall give part cular attention to the Grocery Trade and keep a full assortment of Tear, Sugar, Coffees, Family Groceries & Provisions. In 101 l variety. Salt and Flonr. We shall keep con slantiv on hand due brands of flour at mach leer than old pricer, and warrant it to please. Goods delivered promptla to not town rn.tomerr TERMS:—Our terns will be strictly XI. 0 ea, cilr-Pia.3r, leash or prodocel TM. It will he well to remain. her. W. this will he the secret to oar low prices We are confident that by calling and examining nor goods and prices pair will fled that it will be for your inter est to try our good. unit terms .Icrrwrosox (Inirjris, S. 31. carne. Montrose. May. 13th. '74.—tr BILLINGS STROUD Genera/ ' 1 INSURANCE AGENT, } 736:1 - 4=ozx tx. cs , al ea. . I. Capital Represented, $100,000,000 : FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSIID 4,NCE : Liverpool. London .t Globe " $2O, 000, 000 Ina. Co., of North America " $3.230,000 Penn. Fire Ins. Co., Phila., " 4.50,000 National. New York. $400,000 Ins. Co., State of Pen n'a •• Lfifal,ooo Union M Waal s r ix ) , ooo ..... Lyertating Fire • ' s6.ooo.oooMerchant.' • • 450,000 Lancaster Fire Inc. CO. •‘ 350000 Fire A.sociat ion of Phila. " 2.400,000 Aletoman la of Fitt.bern, .._ .00,000 Pennnyl - tania Ins ('o_. l'n Pa. 1 .11110,000 ~ ii Fame Ins. . 'O.. of Phila. 250..000 City Flre Ins. Cu. Providence. IL I 4011,000 Roger Williams Ins. Providence, It. I. 8.50,00 Watertown Ins. Co. Watertown. N. Y, 600.100 Home Ina. Co., N. 1 1 ., Capital and Surplus. $4,000,000 Atlas Fire inn. Co., Hartford, Ct. 400,000 Hartford Fire ats.,Co..capltalandSurplus $3,000,000 Home In, Co .Columhtte. 0., ••MOJA) Citizens' Fire Inc Newark. N.J.•• 800,000 The undersigned is SPECIAL At/ENT for the follow ing conip.les for Northern Pen nsy Irli t tn.: Fire Association of Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster. The Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania,of Philadelphia. -ICJ I X . 3EI . Conn. Mat.Lal Life Ine. Co., Assette American Life, Phil'a. 49. 0 C7I7:I3EINT. Travelers ins.Co ,Hartford,Capitaland Burp113142,0:10,000 Railway Passengers $350000. The andersigned bar been well known in thiscounty,for the pant 17years.as an losuranre Agent. Lossessuatained by hie Compainies have nhvayo been promptly paid. gar Office on malr., In braiding east from Banking Office of R To R . Cooper &Co.. Turnpike street. BILLINGS STROIID, Agent. CHARLES IL SMITH, Office Mating,. S. LANODON, Solicitor. Montrose Nov IS 1814. HERRING & FARREL, $3137 -133rozave,clwoLy• N. "1r MANUFACTURFRS OF ALL KLIDS OF Fire &sac/. 331u.rglezir Proof 69.4L3P30/Eii. The oldest and moot reliable firm In the United States They took the prize medal awarded at the WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON All Safes are warranted free from dampness and cor rOBIOD. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent Montrode, May U .14.-1.1. TELJEL33nzax. Hcorrisam, OPPOSITE TUE COURT ROLM& MONTROSE.PENN't, JOHN S. TARBELL, PROVII Moe Stages and Hacks leave thin House daily, con necting with the Montrose Railway, the Lehigh Railroad. and the D. L. da W. Railroad. April let, 1873.-tL lIUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON , IA. Wholeinlo & Retail Dealetein lIARDWAItE, IRON, STEEL. NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 37ILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COUN7ERSUNK ce 7' RAIL SPIXEr RAILROAD et , MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, .AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FEL LOEB. SEAT SPINDLES, ROWS. etc. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS. nAmatErts, SLEDGES. PILES, &c.&c. CIRCULAR AND MILL BAWS.IISLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS PLASTER PARIS. A CEMENT, HAIR GRINDSTONES. PRENCII WINDOW A GLASS.LISA A THER &FINDINGS ?I/WANK% SCLES. HAND BILLS PRINTED AT THIS OPPIOP. Drage and Medicines. _ _ a pt. ,tyVege, prbpa. made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicine] Pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily naked, " What is the CLAW. of thermparalleled success of VINECIAB Brr- nrigs 9 " Our answer is, that they remove the emirs of dieu•a'e. and the patient recov-. ers his healti. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable aualities of Vnizosn BrrrEss in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative us well es a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the 1. " id Visceral Orirans, in Bilious Diseases. If men will el 1 genii health, let them use VisuaAu thriliai as a medicine, and avoid the use ,•i stimiluite in every fur= No Person earl take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vrar.aAn lirrrEns the most wonderful Invigorant that over sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the MEI' sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke,James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country daring the Rummer and Au tumn. and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially' necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. WwcEa's VIWEGAZ Brzwas, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion; Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,lntlasa taation of the Lungs, Pain in the regien of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement Serail la, or liiag's Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, ErysipeTits, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Isthoumations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. la those, as in all other constitu tional lltsca.sw, WALKER'S VLNEGAIL Emma have 8110W1.1•Lheir great curative powers in the tuo.,t obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Meehan ical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of WALICEIt'S V. 114.• Et: Alt Brrrims occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus. tules, Boils, Carbuncls, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug tip and carried out of the system in a short tame by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifugea, no anthel minities, will free the system from worms like these Bitten. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that im rclvement is soon perceptible. Mice.—ln all cases of jaundice, rest essared t your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor ita re. tuoval. For this purpose use Vinr.tun Brr- TFMS. t 85.000,000 1 ,500.000 Cleausi the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: eleAm‘e it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. 11. H. McDONALD CO., Drugslata and General 14,:auta, Ran Francium, Calltina and cor. Waahinaton and Chsedou Sta.. Naar Taft. Sold by all Druggists Dud Dealers. Sept. 10t6. 1874.-13.1 n ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, 11dr.t00 32.1 hr CPIS . 1 2 saJammx , is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tinually en band a full and desirable sesortment of en ulnc DRUGS, MSDICIN li.S , cIiEMICALS, Paints, olis Dyestuffs, TEAS, Spices, and other groceries, stone ware, wall Paper, glass-ware, trait jars, mirrors, lamps, chimneys, kerosene, machinery oils, tanners' oil, neata foul oil, refined Whale Oil, all for lanterns, oil for scwln9 machines, Olive Oil,Sporm 011,SpiritsTurpen• t arnishes, Canary Seed, Yin egar,Po tash.Concen crated Lye. A ale Grease, Trusses, Supporters,Medlcal Instruments .Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps,Biastine Powder and Fuse, Violins,Strings Hows,etc. Flute., Fifes, etc. ,Fish Hooksett' Linesßs rand TolletSolpi Hatt Oils, Hair Restorers, and 'Hair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver and Silver Plated Spoons, Forks, K niece , &c.,Deatist A: tides, a gener al assortmentot FANCY GOC 13, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY ~ . . All thel ead,lng and best kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. The people are I n!lted to call at the D rod and Varlet) Store of ABEL TERRELL. Jan. Established ISIS THE EAGLE • BUS RTHILI % • BURNS d; NEItiOLS, PROPRLETOBB erns or Tug GOLD= EJUILI Airn MOATAIt, 33 viols. 131c.035., Tacia3.-ciese• Our stank of Drugs and Medicines is complete, and care taken to bare everything of the best anal Ity , The public may rest assured that aU medicines that :lease our store shall bore they are represented, pure and stn. adulterated. • PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds ealled•for, on hand at reasonable prices. By personal and strict attention to business, at all timer. we hope to merit the confidence, and favor of the public. • Montrose. April 1,1878, JOB WORK • AT TUIB 08P1(3,CILIPAY I NEW ARRANGER:IEI%T t Tilo People's DreE Store, I. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. PATENT MEDICINE EMPORIUM I Tbe undersigned would respectfully announce teen the people everywhere, that to him already extents stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocer". Pro, vision. and Hardware line. ile has added a v. ry choice BRUSHES. R. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES PER. PUMERY,which he aten him. if he can aurah the public they will find ft fl to t their advantage to stn. toe before purchasing elsewhere. To au pbynki ita la this section of the county he would respectfully ~, nounce that he has secured the services of it Kenyon. u Druggist and Apothecary, whose long experience sad acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en. tire confidence In the line of compounding medici ne , or preparing prescriptions, and who would also up., it an especial favor to receive calls from any of his old ^ustomers or new 013c11. Will make the Nino Bees. 'these specialty. Afro Domeetic and Foreign 311,,, j Waters—an extensive stock. Aleo fine Groceries— LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAINs, LOBSTERS PEAS, CORN , BEANS, OYSTERS, Ac.., In fact, anything and everything that lgorlinarily ed. Reapectftdly golicittug a call I remain I. N. BULLARD Powder! Powder! Powder; Slanting, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot, Lend, Giza Tuber!, Cann, Pouches, Flanks, Pose, la, etc., &a., for sale by 1. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Sept. 9. 1824—tf. NAILS, BOYD & CORWIN 136TC11 0 1%7"X•PLOESEI, 1="..9.-. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WIRE, Builders' Hardware. Mallon, by the sea. Thanks to char Friends for Past Favors We would be more thanktial to one and all who ShoW they have unsettled soeounts with no, if theywould sod settle by the middle of March neat. Feb. 4, 181.4. 3Piir3altizre. At W. W. Smith & Son's fixtottelvernraltura War i mmtiou will tlnd the lazy. FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FERN I 9C I IOIFL 1E To be found in this section of the comity', of Me own commfactare, and at prices that cannot 11l to give antis faction. They make the very beet EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, and WARRANT them 77p2scolso 'Ca 3E. y cr was. Of all kindidone to the ttests.t =anal. El ..V. .EL XDT Ca. 13 .IEI Xi OF VARIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I MATIIASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDER TAKING The subscriber will hereafter make to, ndertaxing s epuctalty to his business. Flavinun completed • NEW and the mtst elegant URA jin the hulie t til needing his services will be atten • ed to promptly and a. satisnictory charges. WW. W. BERTH 8t BOW. Montrose. Pa.. Jan. Sr tall—nos—tf. THE BEST KNOWN REM,EDY I COLE BROTHEnsi RESTOBATZVE BALSAM, A SIRS CURS FOR ASTHMA, COUGH, COLD, GROUP, AND ALL COMPLAINTS OF LUNGS, LIVER KIDNEYS, RHEUTBIATISM, and a sure cure for the PILES. Be sure and try l ße L ware of fraud. None genuine unless sold by COLE BROTHERS. Sole Proprietors, Montrose, Pa. Or by authorized druggists. Patented December Ist, 1874. Oct. 7, 1874.—t1. Im-al-Ini GOOD NEWS, FREE TO ALE For A, N Bullard hue on hand a lot of the cholemt Pears. you ever law, the very best Cranberries la the market. a Sue lot of Prime Sweet Potatoes, Onions, thibbage and an:kinds of choice FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in their season. A new stock of the beat Wheat aloe Buckwheat Flour .Cona Meal, Oat Meal, and Feed,Fitb Packing Silt. Rams, and Dried Beef. Dried and,,Cantea Frults, - Teas. Coffees, Sugars. Spices: 'TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFF. A now stock of School Books and Slates, and a fine stock of pocket Mitallattlaa aCeitO and 101 l of other goods quite to numerous to mention and to any one making a bill the same aloe they usual. ly make when they go to Binghamton. I will Wee to beat Binghamton prices at least. 10 percent Try li an 1. you will be convinced. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose Nov. 18. '74.—tf. suirogurs imprimed MIC1:11113SE WOOD PUMP, Tasteleas, Durable, =dent. um And Cheap. The best Pump for the lent Money. Attention la especially inrited to Illatettlef Patent ler COI Ve!i 'v r:rl Wit d 11 07 Dweig,Val without remortna n the Pump , or dik .11 • Um clop the Joints. Mao, the Cop_ per Chamber, which narereneks or* stale', And will ontlut any other. For IMO by Patient& the Trade 4 . , I generally. /choir* for Plateb]ey's rumilt and lf not for sale In lent town and direct to, : MAL O. SLASOBLET, • Cossaiwo 11‘, , ri April 111, Int—stn. A. B. BORNE). ♦NOB NIOUOLS, Number 9. Advertisements EL HERNYON. Up:gest & Apotbeeku TINWARE, HARDWARE. Corner of Main and Turnpike/he I=l IE3TC:O I I7 MB CUTLERY, ETC.,