gAWLEY & CRUSER, Editors and Proprietors. VOLUME 32. TI-IEI itiontrost panotrat II PL14.1.1113ZD EMIT VixonziaAt 11011112110. At ifontrose, Susquehanna County, Pa oprici—Wrst Side of Public Avenue Contains 111 I be Localand General Newe,Poetry.eto- rim Laecdotel.. Ylscellaoroo• Beadtpg.Correspotd• once, and • tellable class of advertisements. Advertising Rates oar Naar e• (X of an (nob space. 39 area Xs. or leas $1 I month. $1.25 months, $l. 50 ; 6 monltta. VI 501 1 year. (;650. litutral dirconut on adverliaementr co a arrater landtb. Ifnalotatk Lonle. 10 car aline for Arai ititiOrt, and 5 ets. • line each I , aluerpezt Kollar , and deaths. ; obituiules,:lonts. a Item. FTSTEI JOE A SPECIALTY ! - Quick Work. - 7 Ui Q. B. HAWLEY, - W. C. CRUSES. Business Cards. WRlCHiterfgafr. YE lENDS V ILL 11,PA idSibint bi and dobbenalorse damny a specialty In Ib, bnsinr.e. Wacona and bletato Ironed and wort warranted Pr Debts cn tracted wait be cane died by the arm, =I neither member personally. Friendeville. Jan. 13, IFM.—Sxn BURNS a: NICHOLS, ..R8 1n Drugs„ldedicinee Cbernfeale. Dye ales. PainuAlla LlcyLia. apices Pane/ 171.C.161.Patant dediatnes. Perfumery and Tollelar ekes. :Illetescriinton. sarofully compouaded..— Brlck Mock. moutrgier. Pa- Boom. • Anne igzoncria !ea. 11. 1479 2. P. EINES, M. D. Andra° of the thilverrity, of Michigan, Anti Arbor, iStid. end also rifJeffertuti• lot Phi he driph is, IRK has returned to Priendsvinec, where be slli strendpu ell calls in his profession As nsdal.— Residence to Jamie ticriford's house- Office the Mme It heretolort. Prleadsvflle, Pa., April 49th., 1274.—dm. EDO,LB 4. TURRELL COCHIVALLO7I AT LAW No. 170 Broadway, New ypektl7. Attoods to all kinds of /atonic, Dueness, and con tacts theme le all the Courts of both the State sad the raltee States, . Feb ".1. tett -'y. DR. h. W. SMITH, Damara. Room at hie &walling, next door north of Dr. li►lray's, on Old Foundry strata—wherebewotild llr happy to eon all tboae In want of Dental R ork. lie feelaconfldent ttinlattextplalliran. Natalia qnallty of work utd io often. Office boors from 9 ♦.l. to 4 P. 1. lionmse, Fab. It. IBl4—tf dui? Bssis, F . .. Situated near - the See Rallwaj De pot; 1. • large Ana commodious bouse, lots undergone • tirorocett repair. Newly furuisced rooms and sleep ing spartmenta.splenaid tables.srod AlhbingSe eomptl►- Inc • Cut class boteL. ILSItBY ACE.HWT, 10th. Ittao.-11. Proprietor. 8. , 21 ce 111 CA SS; • . , . aeasmss ttakilirnesaiiight and Leal. at lowest cash prices. Also, Blankets, Breast Blau tuts, Whips. and everything pertaining tullDo, cluispetthain site cheapest. itypairliatticife prompt and Ingittua hiontAissiPs.. Oct. MIMI. THS PEOPLIPB " -- Vciw*P Fresh and Salted Hams, Pork, Bologna Siti• 'time,. of the best qualtir..Gobet.ahit clet - Athd, et Flee. to tuft. Zdantr , mei Pa,, dazt.l4. • ; BILLTNGSSTR9Up. FINE AND LIFE LD9Z4ANDN 6e.A.t4N:. Ale bOdnesrattendetltoprooptly, op 4.1 x rano: 01:114. Ina door mist of Unlink o , COopOr &CP Pne.lcAironne,Montrote, Pa. • [Ang.I.IBER. aly.n.lnt.l • . , • - ritopp. CHARLEY MORRIS iTHE HAYTI BA etBETt, tide mowed hli shop to the building iserapied by E. hlslie =le b CM. Intone be II prepared to du snikinds of work to hlanneonseh s• m* king switches. proSs. me. All work done on Abort WA= and prim.. Los. Please earl ands.° me. • zio . r.taglo-. Arsearitsvg e‘te thiv 16: [Ldi!* * Neu Oice, opposite U. Tarbell Soar.. • - L:sz:.t. Oro. P. talloga. - Monteolpe.Oet, 15,18 n. EL L. BLAsseass. W. B. D.E42rs, DEALER in Books. Futlottery. Wall Paper. News pa pers. Pocket. Cutlery. Stereopcopid V.teurs; Tinker Nosinsa, ete. Neu dun to the pi:tett/Zee, Montr..4e.; :B. BRANS. 'Sept. BD. 1614. EXOH4iI GE HOTEL. M. J. RAIIIaIiGTON Arishell taints= thepublletbst la INWAISPtitattEGMBOSZInaItatsIP-V,r.S.,q! first.cliumstile. Montrose. AFg,1.808721. IL BUILIHT2 Dealer di Staple and Fancy Des Good., Crockery, Hard. •are. Iron, STAYeIy Drugs. Ulla, and 'Panda. Boraw and dhow,. Hato and -Owe. Pare;Bullalo !Lobes. Oro, cerfea. ktrurlinna. to. ' i a.. Nov, 6, '72—tf. A:LATHROP, Administers Ez.ncrrao Tagrus..i. BATos, a bile Foot of catsuutkortvs. , :coulagrozo4 - 4# APg-Tonie Ittontrole4sui.l7:-.42.—n0 s. YTON, ' Waal 3 (I.4:F'l2LteildierigAi tllte Wia;ncePeppumiaiiiiiiEgOLZ4' SlltQaJ Pt . f,"; /W -Lf 7rl! *? ,T s6 '"AmilZtrql'lT: - ' - ' . bb6p Iv ile roi l / 4 , 5 (4_s_ l lf e he t L,, baOluid mitarl e tgLit ialan kifil y ' iiitili ti 2 d k' , V iEi * 4* ( 9 . . b 6 . _,...... ..... ' 'l t ';'- ler;Pe °-34 N - '-' l ' lli - f. , ei D ;el L (ZI DA tbir EE 4 S t 1 1 - Z : 4 l 5, 7 ; $ 1 ' A ;ler ' Win kaIMILLP Ole t -dtik r - tr r . ips 44 e 44. e. c i . ' 1, 1' 4 4 - 4% *:'.t r i t ri arif t, PHIVICIAI9'ffAINet ONJ a adifalona lierA/49Tothe eartask Crlontro an virASlty..- 93afatidlitallMatVar94 11 "N.4 , 0 31 r 44 1 4 1' 4 MY :Ponailiat''' "•-"'''' ',. - , I7Vaf r lA: • Attorneyist 1.-aVtltra-ooll.vioritiiiSntti:' 9121er 4117tRoStrzi*.ase6retir"Uat.n0 3. B in g - WAftlyeiliVa ant Nth Itns . • grditz•Erg • • _ • " • 7,7 , 11.0* Tpla Dealer iii --17 •iroetb 3 St t i C l' e • ttleab ''rir °lll.. DtA4M-4- 4#1 "1 10 14 li siarh e zi cr '. % r "traluz,, 4 ir; •. ATTODUif AND COrNEM.LOM-AT-rsit ruse, Ps. Office treat of the Court House. Montrose. Immo' ST, 146.-4yl A. 9. w4s4telf. - ATTORNEY A. LAYY. Bounty, Sack Pay. Pension and Exemo on Claims attended to. Office de, door below Boyd's Store Montrose /!a. CBOSSMON, Attorney at Lew, Orrice et the Court House, tr the Commissioner', Ofßee. W. A. Csioessom. Moot:ore. Sent. . 1811.—tf. • J. C. WHEATON, emu. Esentszu AND LAND tirintkaoft. P. 0. address. Franklin Forks, tinannetianna CO., Pa }V. iv. B.lqTli, CAIMIFT 4ND CLIMB MINUP4MITRZIO3,-1 , 09 of MAID street, Montrum-Ps. laag. I.IW. ' ! ACT BUTTattI: . ACcrioNSlM,,and Lovaarics lumps% an 16911 Prleadeville, R. D. W. SEARLE, 411010851, AT LaN„ orate ,:oresthe..Bl.ots•ol:ll - the Blk Moak, Kontrose ,Ps. Leal pi J8.(4 4. JfeCOLZUM, ATTODASTII AT LAW Olkee aver the Bank. Kamm, klanuora,lday 10, ThU. a rc Addraas. firCrotiala. auvrionza in. /0414. •-• .( "-. ‘ .1 .1 )( ) 1 " :`1 t ' 'r!it__)ll . 1 '7 0 1 : (,)11, - • - ( i t _ • 1 , - Par . -Fkk 1 I IL . ot. N . • ••- • L.,•, I A 1 --")) 11. fl F „.40 LH. . • ..e AU; .7: 1 14;'3 :,.014'" I CI '1,14, -,e • 1, 11 I - • • 11 , :t ) 1 2 k ke ti h • • " ,fl :11 -Mt 8 ,11,0 Ct • .... .t 1 •I • - .. V : ~v 1; V. . (! 1., Ni • -.I:I:. t rs:;;, County BIIIIIIIOILB Directory. Two Hoes In thlsDlrectory, one year, $1.50; each ad &Lions' line, 50 ems 11614TROSE WM. HAtiGHWOUT, Slater. Wholesale and Betel dealer In alt kinds of slate rocdng, slate paint, etc. Roofs repaired with Slate paint to order. Also. elate paint for *alert* , the gallon or 'barrel. Montrose. Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Genera Fire and Life (non' ante Agents; also, sell Hallman and Accident Tick, f to Nev Yorkand Philadelphia. Office oar door east °Mut Bank.. BURNS tit NICHOLS; the place to get Drags and Medi c i o ,; cigars, Tob*eeo, Pipes. Pocket-Books, Specta cles . Yankee Notions. &c. Brick Block. BOYD & CORWIN Dealers In Stoves, Hardware and Mannfacuirers n 'f Tin and Sheetiron ware. corne of Main and Turnpike street. A. N.•BULLAKD Dealer in Groceries, Provision, Books,Statione and Yankee Notions, at head of Public Avenue' WM. H. COOPER & CO.. Bankers, sell Foreign Pas sage Ticitvta and Drifts on England, Ireland and Scot land:* WM. L. COX, Harness maker and dealer In all article usually kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. • JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Office one door below Tarbell House. Public Avenn e. • , NEW MILFORD. L. L. LeROY. Denier in all klnas of farming Imply meats. mowing machines. welll curbs. dog power,. etc., etc.. Maio St., opposite savings Bank. 16ui• SAVINGS BANE, NEWM ILFORD.—F II per cent. It (crest on all Deposits. Does a general Banking 80, ries, -oil-tf S. B. CHASE &. CO. Fl .0 A RRET .h SON. Dealers In Flour. Fred. M on Salt. Lime, Cement. Groceries and Prot - sung Main Street. opposite the Depot. AINEY & HAYDEN, Dealers in Drugs and Medicine• and Manufacturers at Cigars, on Main Street, near the Depot ar. F. EMBER, Carnage maker and Undertaker l.lialu.Street, two doors below Hawley's Store. CAYUGATLASTER—NICHOLAS sHORMAKER,dea er in genuine Cayuga Plaster. Fresh ground. IacCOLLIIII BROTHERS, Dealers to Groceries and Proeitionsoon Wain street.* 3. =HERMAN. Ja., Dealer In general merchandis, and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street._ GREAT BEND. H. P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Read) Nadal:lathing, Dry Goods,Grocarica and Provialune Main Street.• Miscellaneous. SEROTON SAYINGS BANK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIE' AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE I URNS THE SAME: ON DEMAND WITHOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE, HALF YEARLY, ON THE 'FIRST DAYS OF JAN C ARY AND JULY. ASAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH W ILL DRAW IN I'EREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN - ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING - THE - SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSAOS OF SCRANTON MIN• MIS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BEAD?, .SAXFOhD GRANT, GEORGE FIsH • ER,..JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN. C. P. MATTHEWS; DANIEL How: ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT JAMES I3LAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C. MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. UNTILFOUR P. M., AND ON WED. NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCE Feb. 12. 1814, TAYLOR'S FAMILY XSOICLNES. Pain and Lamenese relieved to a short time by the use of Taylor'. Celebrated Oil. The.. great Ithenmatic and NeUraltgic Remaly. This media - intr.e not v cure all. but is warawited.:lo airs sore of Ll:hails and ills to which flesh Is heir than.-any-other med'cine ever die. covered:' Give it a trial; If you do not end It so. it 0014! you nothing. .2t. may be used with the Inman advantage for any kind at Pain. gameness. -Won ads or Sores upon man or bast. Will not cleat the rawest wound UT lore. Full directions for Use around inch bottle. Aek your Merchant fora free vial. No Care— syrup or nspetteant, for all Throat and Lung (Recites. Is very - pleasant tO the taste and contains nothing Injurious. Try it, and stop that ague and take the soreness from your Throat and 1 alga. Ask your Merchant for a free vial. No Core— , NO Pa Taylors Caudill , o Powders for ell kiwis of stock and poultry.. Warrant, 1 the best renovator of the system of run citrwri or diseased stock. that has ever been die covered.- Try them for all diseases incident to the brute creatitaL Directions for .use around each pack age. Methwe—No Pay. All the - above medic nes for sale by Abel Terrell and Barna la;lilehols. of Montage. and all Druggists and Dealers throughout the conntry. M. DROWNING TAYLOR. October 21, THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN "- MISERY. Just Pub/in/Led, in a Sealed ' Prize six texts. - • - A Uttar° on the Nature, Treatmunt.and Radical cure of Sattinal Wei*neat; ter elperMaforrheina.induced by Involuntary hmmi.atone, Itnpoteury,N erv. Dna Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Convemption. Epitepoy., and Fite; Menlo. and Phyel• cal Incapacity. .Ac -by RUBEN J. CULTr.t:Whi..L. M. D., author of the Green The world-renouned author. in Chic admirable Lect ure, clearly proves from hie own experience that the &wild coneequences of Self-Attune may be effectually removed without medicine,and without daugerrme car. steal operatione, bungle., tnetrumente. tinge. or cordl • ale ; pointing out a medeof cure at once certain and effectual, by which every - euffaer. no mutter n hat toe maybe, may cure bituvelf cheaply, privately and rad hugly. Or Vila Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under seal, Ina plain envelope. to any address pont pald, on TOCelpi Of •iZ COALS, cor LW! post stamps. Address the Publishers. CllAti .1. C. KLINE & CO.. 147 Bowery. New York; Pool Odlce 801.41586. ].Torte Better , - . • j write policies in the following companies : 'Franklin Fire Insurance Co.. eon.. Aerets,s3.3o4:ooo t,entincntal t F. Y. -2.275,0 U Geplante, ." 1..u.n0h Ilanover" 1.‘40,0u0 N lagara Farmers. York • • • Queens. London. • •• 10.000.1110 -Tiger-Catiti*—AO National Board Companies, mad use consequence. salmi and reliable, basing long been tried and always found • rorthy. as all. who hare met with my Ageacy.will testify. Those who hare patronised - tne. will sezent 12iy 'Manta. And to these lebb hate not, I can ortiy 14y, I promise to do by them, if they witl favor me with- an 'application, as i do by all,irtVil theminsurtnee valet for their money. • Very Respectfully liENlir C. TYLEI!. s liartford UMW Inerrancy Company Pallet.' "reit, fell one de? to one lone by acticr C. TYLER. 1011,the.ttmonlaBeneeiAnociaffon at Scranton. Apuly rf 4JILENUY C, TYLER liontrov,pct:etubcr 8,2811,-If 'GEO, CE 4S-, CO. ORGANS -11}111 . --MELODEONI Theplder.t. Lamest : and Wirt Perfect Manufactory In Np eater Ntislial. Inet4picrittlei•or,pAtritd the e!yrie tairScad tor Price Lie__ ... CIS % - L inintimwoti Y. Bingitatitati litastile. - Worbs ! All kulti ;:if Mona oier.te.. nottletpiire, suilreeptii Mantles. mode to order.: ditto. fininitps !au baud. , , . lIPUMBIIII,O cO.. I. otelooteo; } Ors Coort Street,. a. 111% MURZISIAI7, . .11 owner. potgltototop, , , elr• =NI:= MONTROSE, SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1875. f ,f tied roetrg. WHAT THE CHIMNEY SANG I=l Over the chimnei , the night-wind sang And chanted a melody no one knew ; And the woman stopped as the babe she tog sed, And thought of the one she had long since lust, And said, as her tear drops back she forced, "I hate the wind in the allimney." Over the chimney the night-wind sang And chanted a melody no one knew; And the Children said, as they, closer drew, •"Tissome witch that is cleaving the black night through— 'm a fairy trumpet that just then blew, And we fear the wind in the chimney." Over the chimney the night•wind sang And chanted a melody po one knew And the Man. as he sat on his hearth below, Said to himself, "It rill surely snow, Anti fuel is dear, and wages low, And stop the leak in the chimney." Over the chimney the night-wind sang And chanted a melody no one krlew ; But the Poet listened and smiled, for he 11 as Man, and Wowan,and Child, all three And he said: "It is God's own harmony, This wind that sings in the chimney " IN THE MOUNTAINS 01 what avail that close about me rise, Like sunward thoughts, the lances of the mountains. Which in Ikttalions pierce the fervid skies, And drink their dews as from empyrean fountains I dwell amid their grandeur but in vain, While at their feet in golden vales I grovel; Their strength but binds niy i spirit with a chain ; Meaner my palace than the herdsmen's hovel ! What are their summits fur, if not to climb, That thence my sight may drink in bound less di-itsnee Unsealed by toil, they only are sublime, And mock the narrowness of my existence. Below—the mountains shut my vision in ; Aluft—they dwindle to my widening won der; Their windy warfare sinks its wonted din In the broad crushes oi the sovereign thun der ! A pigmy yet among earth's lofty souls I grope, while trom the earth alone I view them ; Beyond my sense their echoing thunder rolls Jill with the etress of labor I pursue them 'Tis not enough to live among the hills To tru4.e the Tictories of the vision splen did; Whose eye the proudest mountain-summit fills, The soonest finds his outward prospect ended ! 11011 E LESS ITS ADELAIDE A PROCTOR It is cold, dark midaight, yet listen To the patter of tiny fret! It la one of your dogs, fair lady, Who whines in the bleak cold street! Is it one of your silken spaniels Shut out in the snow and sleet!' My dogs sleep warm in their baskets, Safe from the darkness and snow ; All the beasts in our Christian England, Find pity wherever they go— - (Those are only the homeless children Who are wandering to and fro.) Look out In the gusty darkness,— ugh., bucas a s s su auu That shadow that flits so slowly Up and down past the window pane,- It N sorely some criminal lurking Out there in the frozen rain. Nay, our criminals all are sheltered, They are pitied and taught and ted ; That is only a sister woman Who has got neither loud nor bed,— And the night cries, "Sin to be living," And the river-cries, "Sin to be dead." Look out at that farthest corner Where the walls stand hilt* 4nd bare Can that be a pack which a pedler Has left and forgotten there ? His goods lying out unsheltered Will be spoilt by the damp night-air. Nay ;—goods in our thrifty England Are not left to lie and grow rotten, For each man knows the market value Of silk or woolen or cotton ; But in counting the riches of England 1 think our poor are forgotten, Our beasts and onr thieves and our chattels Have weight for good or for ill; But the poor are only his image, His presence, His word, His will And so Lazarus lies at our door step And Dives neglects him still. elected ffitorg. TUE LOaT 1111 NE. "Let us go back." To the States ?" -Yes." "To Buena Vista?" "01-aourse, Where else would we go?' The last speaker was a dark faced, bri gandisli-looking man of lire and forty ; his companion a handsome fellow at least. filt-en rears his junior. They sat in the light of a small tire in one of the famous gulches of New Mexico, and seemed to he'alune. Their" carbines rested on the ground beside them, and the twain look ed fatigued. Tite words of the elder .caused a sneer to ruffle the lips of the other and deter mination Ilashed in his dark eyes. "I am nut gding back to the ,Stutes. nine!' less to Buena before lhave folind the tresture." ' Then, by George ! some' sun -wili-find }op in a gale& "with' 'a dozen leafliered sticks , in'your "Deadr • ' " "Aud'Aagerbrightr „ Dead V': ‘;Yea,.aod tf Grande vou'll find peorlEcnight!ennaloity atoll in the beet heart, ~.that .efer , 'lied in Ohio an Apache arrowhead. 'A . !ritere: were five , :when we, left .13uentt'Viatit you and I are all the fawns hivipared A r .- ... r-, ki. -1:1 1 - ke;ti by the Right though the' Heavens SIR ~p .f All Heaven knows that they are after us now !" "You can go back if yon wish, kyle, 1 am going to find the treasure.' "Rini ! go back and leave you here ! Chaibert Ross, von d ;Wt. know Kyle Baine. I never morn half believed the story about the lost mine, and wo have been upon a wild goose chase." "I believe we are near the treasure," responded the younger adventurer, con— fidently. "I do think that the Milgrim tion I gathered in Tous is altogetiso de— ceptive. But we will talk while w:0 hunt to-morrow. Kyle, I guard to-niftht, Le down and go to sleep." Oliedi,-nt the bearded man dretea blurt. ket about his person, and threkhimself upon the ground. A moment later he was asleep and Sit seemed that his guard, °halbert Russ, was nut far Goth the land of dream... He seemed worn out with traveling ; but there was a fire in his eve, and his ear was on the alert for dem onstrations of dangers Perhaps he thought of the three Ohio boys who in high spirits crossed the Ark ansas at his side a short time prior to the date of his present encampment. Brave fellows and full of adventure they were ; lint there were Indians arrows in their . bod:es,cn the banks of unexplored streams they slept the sleep of the dead. No‘‘' Out two of the little band of five men who left the Buckeye State to re discover one of the many hidden silver tuines of New Mexico remained. and they had hunted many weeks with th, shadow of death's uing above them, and durk mys— tery before. The iynisfatuus, invented perhaps by some imaginative writer, h.ul lured them to the gninheA un9 chasniof them terra inroynita of America. Would they ever escape ? It was a question they could not anB'.e'er• ()halbert Roo Mt that sb.ep was stettl ing over him while he watch,d his pros— trate companion ; and emoted the refresh ing slumber that el , sed his h. avv lids— lie rose and paned up and down the can yon in the light of the fire. Far above him glittered tee stars ; on each side, dull, gray rocks, on which his giantlike shadow tell. Once he paused to draw a inedallom portrait from his bosom, and looked at it. Ile saw the beautiful features - of girl— hood, bright blue eyes, and a wealth of nolient hair, a‘: nitrate as the sunbeams. "She wouldn't know the now," he mur mured. "I look an old. I wonder if all silver-hunters get so haggard. sought io go hack to her ; but not without the treasure. 1u! no'. no He repeated the rnonosylable with the and the giant, talking in his dreams seemed to respond pathetical ly, f.,r he said : "Then we've gut to die ; there's no help for it Ross laughed when he saw that his burly companion had Spoken in his slum• het, and a minute later, having seated lain;• If before the fire, was asle,p Ile did not hear the steady footsteps in the canyon ; be did not see the figure ilut came from the gloom his eyes had failed to penetrate,. It was the figure of an Indian girl,who earned a 1,4 w. The touch roused him, and he looked into her eyes astonished.'' lie [Mich 'd her lips indicative of silence, iind stepping beek,,motioned him•to rise. He glanced at Barns. Tile giant still slept, 'and, confident that he would not awake for a while, the votinger hunter arose and followed the Apache girl. Without a word, she led him down the canyon until she began to asicend. He followed her up the rough path to the country above, and un the edge of the 0 ad, --"”i r .—ait Irlal/8 "The country so far as the w 4 man can see bel ,ngs to Walpin, the Apache," she said sweeping her hand before hen -He owns a thousand rifles, and more li-rses than two pale-faces cau count.— Neva is his child, and the only child he has. She has followed the pale-race many mile=, and she knows what brought him to the land of the Apache." She smiled as she spoke the last sen• tense, and Chalbert (loss started forward j with eagerness. "Tell me—tell me, Neva, where is it !" he cried. "'['he lost mine of shining silver ?" she cried. "Yes ! yes !" "What will the pale-face do if Neva tells him ?" "Anything you ask 1" "Anything, he says," she said, trium phantly, in i low whisper. "He says he will iii, unyi lune , Neva asks if she tells him about the 17tst silver mice. Site will try him. Neva will see if the paleface is us good as Ills word." " • '•Try me girl. Chalbert Ross never broke his purpose." Then the right hand pointed to the West —away from the canyon. "Do the eles of the silver-bunter behold a fire ?" she asked. "They do." 'There is a wagon-train from the white man's country." continued the 42ache.— Welpan has said that it might halt in his land, for the pale•tuces do not hunt silver mines. In one of the wagons is o pale girl." Chidnert RORs started again. "Will tne white man swear to obey ?fie ra if she tells him where the silver is ?", the chiefs daughter asked. "Yes." "Let him swear it." The oath was taken. "Now !" cried the Apache girl in tones oY triumph, "Neva communan thenslver— litioter,to stay the white ruse," With a cry of horror on hisAipP, 0144 pert Runs salted - hack, storing at the Apache, cursing hiins,lf fur his rush promote, Hue a'mnment he did not spealt.^ , "Is the silver hunter u cuwailfr she cried. "No! bu t Toil have asked , . totrroucilii,i N-va. It : lotild be murder!" The fvdian girl laugh:d. "Well,.if: the pale-face's word .is.lwgirtit less, he W.ill=die near the lost' tilver-d4 his eyes Will never see it. Never , kiinavi., where it is: There are rocks or slijitiiifg wealth ;- ;. 14t the skeletons of the span?' lards glinra them." "What care t for skeletons•?" cried Rost. "1 will 'keep my , weal. , Where the mine-? 2 • . In 4,foelvordli trliOtkpclinjtirt Innnted., the lost silver - ltritel,lind swore to guide the huut.rsthfihf "But first the white girl must step up— on the trail, &the hunter fails, Neva's shaft. will find his. heart. She will meet him to•morrow night. • Can he find the the where his brother sleeps ?" , "7's," answered the young man, and the nest minute the Apache. girl, was gliding away. For awhile he stood, alone, undecided. He thought of making his way to the corraled tiain ' 'find getting a glimpse of the travelers; but, after some stiller think 4 ing, descended th the bed of the canyone and joined his companion, whom he im— mediately await:and. Bains was 8 99 u made acquainted with Neva's visit, and the oati,,she had ciliated !rum his friend. "Look here," he said. "We can't And" the silver without the girl.-that's curtail ; and she won't guide us• until the white. one is out of her road. •A• little case of jealonsy. Her red-lover bus- keen emit—: ten by the rule girl.. 11l attend to that' business. I've sinned ofteuer.than you, Chalb , rt Boss." " 1 1 3iit it will he murder." , "Well, what of it ! 'Nobody will know it in Ruentt Vesta or eLewhere, It will give us the silver!" That Seemed to decide Chalbert Ross. He would escape the crime; but would lie not be parlicept crinitnis : to the fuel deed ? In his eagerness to kid the mine of untold wealth—lost for three hundred years. -he never thought of that.! The men kept "auphe until the light of day dissipated the night, then, deer dis patching a frugal meal, theygecured their, steeds,whiei thy had turiletlout to raze and -gradually left the canyon. ''Yonder,,is the train!" said Ross,point ing westward. -Well ride down and see where it hails fr-rn." They urged th,ir horses into a brisk gallop, and were rapidly nearing the wagons, when Baths drew rain with an exclamation of surprise. "I've been thinking fur some time that black mass was a party of Indians," he said,with his eves fixed upon a dark body approaching the wagon-train from:the south. west. "If tit y're Apaches, Ross, we wan't to keep our distance for the prese t." "Yes," was the . iesponse. 'We'll watch them from this point.' . It was soon distinctly seen that the moving mass was a band of savages, and some consternation seemed to prevail a mong the emigrants. Men were seen hurrying tountl fro, Feeiug w tiler steeds, families, and fire-arena. By-and-by, the savages reached the trains, and the silver hunters saw them mingle with'the whites.' Fur a few munaents- the intentions of the Indians seemed La be peaceful ; but an ad Ally it yell reli t'• 11) 6 flirrunir the re— port of fire-arme fotlowed. "leavens I : , they're massacreing the Whites! We must help them,Kyle, 'cried }trim "No !" was the response. "They are doing the work you were to do," "I care not," cited the Tuna; hunter, "I want to see the girl. They ibull not kill her." unsinnA hic?xpineo3,44 gave the ste, d the shin tag splits. "He is mad 7' ej3culated ,Bains "dash ing alter him. "But I'll follow him-to the gtvei of H ides ? • He soon caught up with the excited Ohioan, and t,.gether the .twain Last - K(1 among the cum hal an te, and deult dead'', tikiWa right and left. Seiierai wtigoths ware already, in flames, and the emigrants Piero fighting for their familiei like tigers. Suddenly Calbeit Hoag heard Ufa name called in a woman's despairing tone. lie tareed and beheld a white face in one of the shattered wagons. 51ft#1.414,1-Ltral)oB- calthe lanti4 tlit iglittered' s about 61 . 64 .- ed a path and was tilongiide. "Hater he cried' 'how came you here?' '4l had hoped to find you. Cushier," was the weak reply. "Buena V6ta—My G , sl I look, for:your, We!! :1 ,He tinned and struck the lance aside, pruct @levy . tbd Apache: whose hand' bltikh • ed it miuily. 'l.totri a press. of fu ce ' hare him back • bat again, 4ftet 4 illi ute's desperate fighting, he came to the ,Wagon.- ~, • Kate 4ylesforcl s face was still, lbte,hat it,was so very I.lale. ', t . 'l' i i T. ) "Kate 1 Kate .' No ampler, -He lifted het heac!,• y an.d then cried : ' = ' "Dead ! the Devils have slain the wtt— man I ]Hued !" urfiglyr he turned, then, and hpw fiercely he fought, the reader can Bkand-by, •fortunes of battle brought him "face to face with - Kyle Baine "Cone we iriug eectipi.," hP cried.. - _ "Agreed !" said the giant, ana the two men fought themselves clear of foes, i s ad rode ASvay like the will • • •' • Hotly the' litaianti' Ptiraned ; bnt they nevttr, caught the e nieW t vvbo,,for thelkferf Ic.tit6•4lesford, e'; She kva .11654 Cid& ' love : her's, was the face on the !medallion, and it was her lite the silver-hunter had prom ised Neva to take. • .' ,"" TIM Indian girl never the hnntere again, In their hutit„, tor vettgenno,tlie_v forgot the lost miue,•• and yearsmfterwatiot u mail' with gray' &Ars entered:the village of Buena Iv''tsta. 14 ,wee Thalliert: .11oss, : iind :he '16.14-1 tale of, rep,ganCe't hat lifted. rnAnY hell"; os fell lalore an Alinche.arrow ; 1111 40 0 1 liSSAlMP9o.Y.F72 a jt.l.Viiii n g his ' ;4-14 „„ ~.rnwee r ~., epoz,i4,lernot k )(11'.11:heuoilUitkadclUiiiiiiit Lit could tell you, reader. ? malign ap►avf: There was a time when valentines wer, simply loye ; lettela . wittte . n_po,ve,ry !4 , ,i)ey o „ pleerfand wbaiteh of forgetmleeno!ffly - ,the, aped;; afty' Toy (1 , 7, Arantimi , s4 l .ile-,iitti,J'lP PY ticb , by , iletiding _ID!? iIANg .Eitilr;,fild-ve or, Awe the:. ip (1104. td, y,eVbir::' toff "the,iii4ose.tgatiod , , :4 14 0Pte. abaak these troublesome ipgs. the;t4ectoa:44')*; In the dark andAllar4 t , rr vas: eia `ld lbd - eiiltlit#4'llo t94 ht , psOCe Nl3rAVSkli•klg .„ Of copra: it—Ayppltiitio*ta:tevaleatiue ever 04 , , ~ . -. .! IJ. ' ••:1 I.' ' in : vt.6140 !.I,4idip p li a r e p er ear, _ Advance.,' y, _ _ .4" ,- ,.., , .... .:.s•,s-• j ' 4.,, , ' r . ,. (i ,Y-ei - •••- j14.!.. ',...',1 j.. 50.. :.!., $3 -1 ' • :4- '....,,.. $ —but I strohey suspctett BABY LaiVitt e; and she had a bite out of my applomutO I hand out coy -mistake-- ,Totstny.Jouta Wes valetttioe, autl.l.gave. tltng aultuq: ishing tur it, too, as, fie }gas rriciugAnXl wetended - all tbd time 'that he didu'elike her. .• e , However, the- old fashion has passe l o away, and valerainekam.uow stery rale thingt,etoployiog th,ousan4s of Fqopl)-, Cul workmen in their manufacture. .Thdv save its the coVers 'Of till 'sorts of cost presents,-and some pf them are"reill virlr of,art. Clever designers are ,constant ern I)in: the invention; of nem co hinatiposr, preaeingffretr4,uf . ,gr9upmg eolor,and whim 3ieal urpriies call , I labor of &wig!' tsmen, II tti'okraili wondien gravers, painters, cotorAirrn ers, card board. untficual Eluwerand 'Seat er . ,tualirrarire. spent, upon Ahem, to nothing of, ,the Atssi4tinpe en by ; sl,for ere in silk,. silvi'• l r glass.`, Even 4 1,11 tropical forests of 'Brazil . &As' of the Sea are ransacked forlfresh'rnateri " ials. There is one firm in London whip has three .hundr d and eixty ; eight digiql emit kinds Of 'ralentiLes. The cheapest are two cents each; and'the finest e'clit• nearly sixty dollars. MI are pretty; an some . are magnificent.. - is mile. "Love's Photograph. A tiny mirror ; is Bidden beneath a bunch of flowers" riot some deaf dial that th A el'efiVctinn' (if her own face is your love's phcftbgVh7-- There are true lo.ere . knots 'printed on the softest-satin ;-birds-of-bright plumage ,dergatizett,-giria-inisilverivaanes ; Der flowers which open when thelslent• tine is opened and c!os. when it is shut more pap r flowers hidden hchfnd sbreeits of silver and an little wicker baskets,with exotic flowers painted by band- on the finest silk and framed in silver lace. .I.Cu florist ever succeeded better than the modern valentine maker does in put. ting together the prettiest colors. Mash roses arid forget-me note ; cainelias, with rich dark green leaves; lilies of the valley; water,liliee„ fern and pansiesnre combined with a wondieus degree of taste.. and •,k in. ;Sometimes the valentine is the miniature of a transformation scene i: - . s theatre. It is folded and unfold , tl by an ingenious arrangemeor, which reveals d garden, with a flock of birds flying over it, and a lake of mirm-glass, with a swan upon its shining liurlace. Sometimes. too the flowers are neither puinied nor made of paper or muslin; Faraway in Brazil there is a cunyen, in which tiN: , .sedate nuns make gay,arti ficial fi. veers entirely out, of the. feathers of the Borg-ous birds that 'lan fit thFlar.), etas of - Smith America.' I caiiiiirit give 'you un - - idea of how rich 'and* histrouti they are. More than this, Marine flitivere gathered froni-t ,- e•bottorn of the 1 1 d.editet, sruneati Sea a e used in yalen tines, isntl., 'real birdtt and qiiite common: ikeLacy. opens the box that conies to her witli a -whole string of stamps upon it, it is pos sible that she will tied the °unhinge-scot humming birds in a little nt st, holclitg lilP9Szig : in its beak. Not the, picture, of one, inind Yon, but a real• ode, that fins been caught nhd stnffed for the valentine- Aker. The latest fashion in valentines la:to with useful articles.. _A lave o r pearl In:ndled fan, coating sixt,y dollars, is secreted beneath flowers,`Mdt-- toes and Cupids. A fine silk necktie; fOr a gentleman or toy, is wrapped- in white. gauze. with the fender sentiment - Through cloud and sunshipe, I am thine." Articl. s of dress . Or jewelry sre o f ten enclosed. Sometimes a strinkipg-' sap or a pair of 'embroidered slippers.-- .The, desert ptive catalogue of Mr: .Kimmel,' . 0e London perfum2r,.inclulles vulentines . contai ni t r, Japanese ornamental ttins, cravats: pin- cushions, chatelaine liattletiThrnociteS: gold watch trinkets, locket siturgnoise and garnet rings, , silvet filigree -hrovebes, car-rings and bracelets, hrad-dresses and double smelling-bottles hen, too, there are musical valentines in the form 't;f glove'and haialkerehief or jewelry - cases. One magiiitleett atllile - costs-forty dollars It is made 'of blue silk, and trimmed with...gilt. At Onft,side is a eonipartment for gioves,and at ; Ow other a plan. ' for handkerchiefs, with two beautifill sibellingabottles ill the niictdle. As the lid is raised, a music bor r niddeti untl , roeath, playa a -favorite tart each as; "Then you'll remember rot" or an !air from un opt , ra. I Umitot sure that' the new custom of making et pensive ()reseal; is I:itter than thetold one of writing' a lost-letrit;and it is not a proof of greater -afSectionin the senders. ; . t:tt A pleasant. improvetunt tnigh be ,made Upon both the pld anu the nelv.gustomB, withtiat sacrificing the observance of the day. 'Let the bond and - zirlit . "Titadie their own valentines. during the lone winfen evenings. . ,Aii the necessary :materials may l e pptcliased for twenty-five or tbir4 ty cents at a stationer's store, pAittiblV i designi are to Le fo ttiid in many and softie tinsel; crayons,' water=colors, and lace paper won't] enable clever goring produce very pretty, things.--o' There saight,! for inAtance, be..A, simple Grecian border around a sheet, of lace, j , paper, unit, inclos-d with lity; r n rose,. or some illu minhted' 'verses.' Decei t ' 1 onmanie would-do very+twell,.in • case the! valentine-maker cotild not druvit-;-.or, bet,. ter still, pressed ntight4 the service., A red am tum n . tv(ti, citrefally dried. prestikl,'atid" theantetrtin tinted papbr,- and sti min n ded *.,tivaffi of ivy, !pretty. !•01 , one , miiht , inaketninett. lug lowly out mr,very colt; gnissys, musses, und in them tit the liead.of the rapek,letiv— intrlstit'i!Ce r, t' iittter wiltird • ie't I • " bile care.ftesta and patience Idiwork. ,tt Otitis of , wopltl t he, more h'ig" ' bt 141 P . tots; thatt linesnirodectloiiii ortlte proles: eientif Val6titinAtitakei.. , • At -1 the swoop time. their iireparatiou would • affortti.yett 9f.dtillisettlVitottla eXqPi4e. it) , Or usgi of heitin - 11 , ‘ntie' 'to yoil in Con Alexander Wantright, iu stArialitasc:'''': .Air 1 ,, . ;I,o*, nin n nee vnti spas. uoltf:01 lie 'the 'il'otitTbelifiii:so'uli "Nte , Work' qirko , -3t07,n A drill) kortt sis gene 'a budqtargerp for, Ot,ofte umr iloytettit4 tbu tbe; 0 .91 14 .it/P ( 04g1 , 214 0 14a.. , rt MEMMO'4I -THEt.NEW , TELACHIM BY " fie YPI tPa4'sthe F I 4P O /IP/ 1 4 1 54 rh9,P l skeil ber94 l ,L.. • . • the nelghticits made an Oita ; •'•• ) a)) i Oar boys wlll 4 suisly masterher.'43tild , 2,"Yoii watt atuisee, 7:1,; . EL wpm),f9r ibw dqesUicis 9Aa you ; , give q l 4l° ll, ifidllP 2 ' 'Well O the boys thetheerd their ;parests s so they F laid }heir `,.,4II II YtYkY-th.PiciFilft.4;; l 4 l Pciet ‘PV,P4 2 . 0 ,4 115) And let'etlestilnks abitie'theliii thiibOY4' ; "' q' • rr in tset,!: letl-liksa Clfctsi; tvttJtiriiPtedchlor thezlowdAz ) Pfnit Week i-disitt:4 (tilt tes' " '"' '• ' ' And thought'their words lwapelling end pro- nunciatiomgooc:: - And said I, to Uto, teapticr,..:Thls achoo,4,,called quite tough.' 5 • Said she, "Well, 'Yes; I rather gueis 4amee French la pretty' rough. ' ' And that tuty_tu...,LM don't yet Itposty' "Hum, yes," said T,'"he is 11 rogue tioy l Is • - thy ion "' At first ehe eeemed somelluttered,and then she sort o' stalled,- • ' ' Aud said,: 2300 ,bad a man _so good should Dave a atm so wild r ",., . Bald 1,.".1f they get off the tut; you:just send down for me—; Perkaps t would get 'em back again if I..,shorad holler flee." • , Said she: "1 tbinic tbli is s school that needs some work arid 'pains I guess that I can guido this team if you'll give me the reins."/ 1 said, "GCled day,". add all the time thetie biiya behaved like sin ;" She knew she'd got to conquer 'em, and might as wnilfiegin. • ' .• For after IhaVeft, fh,e,rose and moved a step or two, And said :".Tamis French may come this CirtiV," ' Said te, 4 4'went . yottl• Anti then 136 marched right do,R tfte,a,isle,and re4l6' caered . The'tiChulatit radii Abei' truly itioughc • - ' •'' and Miry tdm:. ' 4 But she.wasicirefattiow,atie hit, tftld struelrao • . ; sharp You coublu:t nye, yqu,. which waa An' end - which Wag eitick. And tbeu•Javiuys; ,she went to. watk.liaid, •• • ":w!A.i.lll l .'fAl:W/tb,lier tOusue," fte ( .1 1 4 e 9 1 F ,4146 .• / -• PM49 words, end A99te eloidi too that stung. She stud she bitted birebes;',nor j airecl to use 'em P.1:7 I it, o• She didn't eall'ira cowards, but she -Made 'em -, feel liks sect, •._ And when they bad theirreoe' ss, why Jim had changed bis song,. ' " • Said be: • ''T bat teac4er's little; but., oht she's mighty g!troug", , • . . And now there's nothln' them . , boys woul.i walk for miles To do coonrp l ega r radyuy i. , , , to , feyne o' her em'tle • • And ;op'n,lippreyed ptna;ip;; pee abaig - v#11.14 , jret 7 — . An' “Ontd'fn-diy bogs ma•ani,you'liet." 'And.everytimesl son beryiith tliechildreti pass Lang, "That tpnOer's, .littln.,,,but,,, oh mighty strong.'' Lalapuld Ihtnk:a drop of tkiirtahornin .a pint .of 'l2° l .44:P u g t 4.' . 3 .. To be n.ggpat dna! strongerquiplwoldd,bein A guar • And e'd n'aroP Of tn 'people ';ivti) itre t an ot . 2 ••• • &mounts to , More than It‘ttsrere.pnt 'ln some .folka el; .feet . I ° ll . TIIILPILGBINB PRO(3REES:tr) , .141.141261iiiiik 1 7 16;Q—Lands opj.',l3rFP*. Rock,l924.Bptil,PP 1631-Irtte4s tbant n'o'dankei -- • ' ' ' la92.l—Balla alleetlagnotlle: , I423—Proc,lattna u Zut ;DO.> f; : 1 ,c4 3 §794t, Ac , Alezcy, Moent as e i rehtatep 4a,hl ufas=ii criNitekr t6iliCeomtiAidatigiie; itriq etakei out 4.3iiiatet:tiche. -. 's 4ettr—Makittlik6r.!6nn the , Ahtineinleas;qtta :thtePoteol, , lndiatts,m24 whlttsbatkz,...o : 16 &-s;ar4 a Va ar#l, „I.,Bwi r Eno up, a printiox ?teal. 4 „ . „ ~l3dea auto O - I `lo4- .. 1 4 10 4 4 Ai;t; Colonial COElgregi •' -' • • '; 'l4:l4ELsiYitieltinh th - 8 Cabibrittgo Plaitotni— }lanai a witch: :7.74,-.8 , - lip-804,A1181 lam tognipd. sta. Uucbristitut oilstOßk of ..7,e , F 1 409,0g 4/4 3 ,13040 1 Y. 1 1 acid uncomely." 16 . 5V-ie rebuked rniuiritele . itiblk-iiceis' 'arid biaveribeiir;parbt,iirbilbitlibibtdden gold. und,idiver late;or shy 651Cgtor-isatti. -I.6s3riPoinsinnei. Treit7Bl2Wlngsl explan4koli t 4 0 1 1 1 . 3.091! P 1 74 3 ,4 1 1119s- ;1;•., "••••::. / q 4 ;1 1 ,1 4' 0 1 1A a % la Nr•gle-Ail i aal4 4 •I ,• 1690--. -131.4 s'a "hling`9" .. ,cli4c; and o(*tslou (111kletiiiiiis i'sll;l4' 'bini Tiki"(24:thlit , tide 11 1 dilif4LAbitin't "Oritid lie leqms to•tiactorks ta4tibill,••4ll•Tiesitlashitin:i/. .18f4 7 .440 ft(ifFn ,t4y•A'Y Oche* stigil4,o3 tialonon /1 111 ,1 . 81 . 4•4 1 19 1 .(4-.14•14 ' 17,013:•-Folimy grynttrr,S2plifv, wbjc~ of lent seittia'il(4ii N'Vviottityian"."' 1104L-Itrinilll4 luturif tintl ut his' 0Wn..t41404'., . ; • I , j7l*••--,conitlpetts ;N ittippt.4 ., ,,,platfumu - rrthiti:! I,7 l4 !ifi!w:iiii, o9 kt , - , qa1..1 • ~- ' , l J.: : - 11);:-*1 , ,i,liii to iit l i , iit4—very, siiioil - 07: . ii 4allfdi 6111e'iaol'tiliNii ilii '4lO it;1416 0 pAr i. qat i f ig ,,i cis I".i .1. , P313.41L1• 3111-4hitl ilicuer ,4it /tiii OrstiPparrillacti .:',= i i'lni-FAlik4:l"424ii/i null tukcs 411311149tAct.* . i' l . l ... 4 9 l l. ll ,V. l t a ze_ r tk i r li g 4o °i Ntr.l! at.i.,,lii L - , I .41— it tms..* . rt for t ,thulm#,millo.t : without grave riiitiltizuitraupes: *wit Ma oorisa,O. .utrio l iAtathOili: l 3 Is 4 ' l ' ll ' ''. " 2 ' 1:4 . ' ll t : • ticAICRIBIhrby trait bn 4 1441a4ri0 OiereiWi encdenteking tquelt 1 oppOphirentl mat Ing •.. lotYfiltli ii l 44Mt; ty.:: i y . 11:-0.'"i .%; - .e; Hi? A. ECM 1 f 4~'s 1. OEM NUMBER, 8. "1740:-Intinufacfnres tinned ware, and starts the first Tin peddler on his travels. 1740—Seer - Fanenit - flall - built. The cradle ot - lihirty Is ready to be racked. = 170—Builds an organ, but does not permit 4t,toibephlyed in the-Meeting/louse. 1750—Buys a bushel of Potatoes for his win ter's use = -all his" friends wondeiing what he will bo mansr. . ' • 11•1751—Pots up a Fashion : - Stove Intik° beat -soon) and tries one, o 1 the. ffliewlrlovented Lightning, Rods. = 1760—About this time begins to wear a col lar on his shire.-Wherkbe-can afford it he takes ,his-wife,to meeting In. a Chaise, Instead of a aspillb n, r heretofore., , . . :17607-S,bows his dislike to mai:riper! Paper, YOGIS the "Sone Of Liberty" • ' 176/Ttles his he;ld' at-Type Foondirig—not iket succesaful-ria , Cunnecticut, inl77ol43uya,a,bome-mado. Wooden Clock. ~Prd-,- W aters his tea; Boston , Lisrbor— Plants Liberty Trees wheroverhe finds good soil. 1774—Lights flotaroa,streeis with oti Lamps novelty . (thottgh "Nei.' Lights have been plenty fur gichleyerirsi —, • 1777—Brother Jonathan—as he begins to be sslled _;in: the family—declares himself Free ,and Independent. 1780- 7 -Auys an "Umbrillo," for Sundays; and ,wbeneverhe shows it is laughed at fur his ef- eminney. 1191 , —Btarts a Cotton li4pinning factory. l792—Has been raising Silk Worms, in Con necticut.; and now gives his minister (not his wife), o home-trade silk gown. Buys a Carpet for the middle of the parlor floor. 1703--Invents the Cottonin, and thereby trebles the value of Southern plantations. 17115=4800Wears Pantaloons obiesionally, but notwifen in 101 l dress. Begins to use Plates .on the breakfast, and tea table. , ,18142—Has the boys and girls vaccinated. 1808—ties to burn a piece of hard Coal from Philadelp'hla. A failure. 1807—Sees a boat go by steam on the Hud son. • t, his name 1 1815—Holds a little Convention at Hartford but doluit propose to dissolve the Union. Buys one of Terry's Shelf Clocks, tor $36, and regu lates his 1817—Sets up a Steve in the Meeting House, and iuilds a fire in it fur Sunday ; an innova 'don-Which' is stoutly resisted by many. 1817—Begins to run a Steamboat on Long ;Island Sound,and—after making his will—takes passage 'milt to New Yurk. .1819 Grown bolder, he crosses the Atlantic in a steamship 1827Liglits Gas in Boston: At last, learns lio* to make hard Coal burn, and sets a grate Sn his parlor. Buys a Steel Pen (one of Gillott's :sold t 34 per gross.) Has his everyday Shirts made without Ruffles. 180.3—Abunt___this time puts a Percussion Lock on.his old . musket. 1826-13nys his wile a pair of queer shaped iirdia Rubber over 4 shoes. Puts on his first Collar.' 11828,4astes his..fhtitLfromato—doutitingly. h- told that-it is unfashionable to feed himself halal[ his kuife-rand buys silver forks, for great occasions. 11.32—Builds a Railroad,,and rides on It. ``lBsB--Rubs the Friction Match—then called 'Mailer,. and afterward Loco-Foco. Throws away the old Tinder Boa, with its flint and steel. 1835—Invents s . Revqlver, and sets about supplying the-worawith. Etas a peace-maker. Tries a Gold Pen, but cannot [tad a good one yet, nor till 1844. " - 1837—Gets in a Panic—and out again, after free rise of shin-plasters. ' 1838—Adopts the new fashion of putting his lotterslp Envelopes ; (a fashion that does not twevatitill seven sears later.) 1840;-Bits fur his Daguerreotype, and gets a Teiffully and Wonderfully made picture. Be gins tobloitr himself up with Cumphena and Burning-Fluid, and , continues the process for years, with changes of the active agents, down to and including Non-Explosive Kertriene. 1844—Sends his first message, by. the Electric Telegraph. )847 -Buyshis wife a Sewing 31achine, in Vainiiipe that it may somehow keep the but nn' his shirt. Begins to receive advicen tram the Spirit World, ,1855—Segins to bore and be bored by the Hoome, Tuonel, 18.5/Celehrates laying of the Ocean Cable, and sends a friendly melwage to John Bull. Neit . Week - be begins to doubt whether the Ca. bls.has-been laid at all. ~,1861f-43out south. to help compose a family Takes, to using paper money, 18617-1136,57C1imbs the Hill Ditliculty—re- UMied of his pa'c atter Jan. 1; 1§14; but loses GrL' it Heart, tat the last; AprU'l4, 1803. • • '4B6o—Gets the AMOS& Cable in working or der at last;: n season to send word to his Brit ish cousi% Wig, lvaltingi for an invitation to his funeral, that-helices yet.- - .1814 7 ,11375 7 1 . s i fteconstructing 4 and talking aboutßeirmption. Sends his boys to the Mu sitiCa; to see ai"Old fashioned Silver Dollar. Harii iterti at the 'Ermine Ttirinel.;--/farrjoid Outrank • •‘! -, • HQD 13KEN,,EIN9S EN0174311 tentleman•nt'Washingtois was 'requested by a:friers:l4o Join him on a visit to the depot Uhwitnnsq:the,t.rrival of the King of the Sand r , " b me, not mach; '' growled the gentle- , "EfaaM"yoa aver seen a king ha your tmvelst" Winked hisfrlend, marveling somewhat at his short answer. -.7. • rfeil f .sitli replied the gentlemen. "I was' once guilty, cd'seclng three kings." Then, alter a raiment's patine, went on to say : "And they east me one bundraclandilltploilars sir. Those Wyra„svar thue , s, kowever." Ilts'friend suggiated • ho must have been, in, bad' 'eediliehV. " r.. oVireil,grden't know'," says - the - gentleman, thattglitlWasurgooll company 'at the time. tt cidiedlo act:din:se three kings in cempahrwilti,... thrieciuccrr,,anotlicr. king and an Iteneper,antl havertever .liatf.,any„dOlre to See on:: of, tho rpy4lttrilqy athcc." ' Ills tilendaaW the 'Point. Said' pasged, Mad elititiled - • PPIPESIA.TfIE REVOI.Orp)ri,- - Mrs., Jolla Q„ liirL§, , ,sFrlVng to Intr InlsttLnd in Eurupe,Opt, iLIS I 'pop, giv,el(!he fullowing prices of pyoris lontilii• tine C'oltinlCS' at unit LLnie: "thirn is :ntivitti*, tie £27 peebtishel. Flour .C1:10' to I.rittO perntindiedl , 'Biter $8 per pound . ; tont , . itori. 68 tataulilk tila.• $7l anti . $8 t butter' sl2: Per' ,P,llp4i clicsFso, AM, Sneep'ti wool , $4O . per 1,,P 01 1.E, 1 4 t,,ctix!fa,c).., Sognr tip) and , poo _ pe.. i' patina; ' niolasiektt4B per , liallon '; Lea PO : turf-_ iltePti/ e Cottailisciot CO _perputnitt: ' Money 1 ticitffiri;itleatjeut 'esitis t'enttimitus ttikiv:" t, WA ip:f•-i ! OA Mr O. ; . ' fNly, l ,r/Okdelplit* ,l 4n4 rtemperioce dough ;)fo