The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 17, 1875, Image 3

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    Volume 32.
ArrtiIIICCMCIII of Mall%
n ham, oc k Da 117.)
VIA Srsoes:
. Daily.) . ROOp m 1120 s -a
, Milfore. . ....10011a tu I sop m
mit,: lig. . . 948 am 900 p rn,
weekly.) 800 pm 800 am
0r.61. Stat ion, ( fri areekl% .1.... ... 7000 ra • 700 •m
,r,:itrlon.rin S. Leks,(tri weekly).. 600 pm 700 pm
weekly.). . .. 1000 n m 400 p m
'cork. ,rin Montrose Depot,) Near Milford,
.t. ths min:. and NV yalosing. are daily.
Station mail rune Tuesdays, Thursdays,
MTh•. liinchanlt..l3 matt trio Pilrrr , Latej rano Teen
Tlion.dayin and Saturdays.
'l'neride• illy mall run. Tuesdays, Thursdaya.and Sat.
Thr + H,^6oppen mall roar Mondays, W edam:lays, azd
A t age leaven daily for Montrone Depot MI moind
•nra- at 6 p nt
A ',wee lea% et. deity for New Milford Mite., m.
.4 ❑irm at f,titip. TO.
oatrese Railway
rani:we nt of Train., To take effect on Mondny
.14 Is - 1 4
A .% .111
A v, Pal .
!. kW, At antrner ...... .. _10 . .40 0.00
rt.. to A it r o,•.. .... .....1025 545
I. IA la . Cool', 1020 540
5 . 5, tr .. Iluntern.. .. .1015 583
NI , . ..I5 . . rllmock 1005 553
rv. 51 5
:1 1 ;41 1 7;C . ;11,... .• • • . 9 3 r 5 : g
545 40
SSI 43 ... 1.y01:1 913 455
5 , to erv'f . 923 445
1..100n .. .. .9 15 ass
:2r L•oherk . . 9115 425
•,. 2AO 3141,1 '. F 55 415
•..: 943 . 1 unkhannock 940 355
, r.ralne connect ni Tunkhan Dock with P. &N. y
z s.i.c north as.,l .oath
.1 t 11E1. I BL4KSLEE. Pren't.
Nt•Kto Eng"nu for C Ilantirick
FIII3II , 131 'l3l..mcmt —N nntroc.e Bon:Rich
NiaN. Tcmperance Meeting
Bool: Lost.
r:ato Wanved—L C. Keeler.
to Builders.
[l l 1% alk,r's Vinegar Bitters
tes About Town
The war of races —races for oflici
We are fearful that charity atara y ht home
much this cull weather.
will not improve your understanding
hare your shoes fixed by a sberey-epbbler.
The Roriable for the M E. Society, will be
the PaNonage, this (Wednesday) evening.
\ I.umber of cases from this county will
heforr the Supreme Court o' Pennsyl
,,, Eastern District, at the March Term.
Ih - ring the Lenten season there will be Lit
', ..rrice at St. Paul's church, on Monday
e..tell week, at a quarter past
r , mck p. m
.Ili'ineniti,-r the Reception of No. 2 Fire
yanv. Friday evening, February 26th. The
will be there ready to receive you in
•tvli: and you all the boon afrOrdS,
1,11 will an abundance.
Leavitt'. Swiss Bell Ringers and the Con
ental V'icalists combined, will gitre an en•
rtaiumem at the (loom Honsc,Friday evening
nitii It promises to be a rare treat, and
tll spoken of by our exchanges.
The "Civil Rights" bill seems to have taken
'e,.t in Montrose Fot the fins& time in the
.;ors of the Republican party in this borough
have practiced what their leaders preach
placing u - colored citizen" on their ticket for
,L7tl t unstable. Edward Williams is the lucky
The "Ring" have thus early commenced
!wining for the fall campaign.
The eh-Awn yesterday pas;ed off quietly both
to a township ai.d borough. Old Bridgewa
a+ usual went strongly Democratic. In the
it went "stronger" Republican than
er (Inc white constable and one black one
, t• eteeted, and in order to have carried ont
full programme there should have been one
k man on the school board, and one also
the Town Council. Tb-re being about forty
tifty negro voters in Montrose, upon whom
Ring rely to carry out their schemes in
ve u, and to save their waning fortune s at the
II- ,‘ hen other men are disgusted with their
vin, mid cannot be deceived and led by the
a the polls, they shotild have heel; repre
nted on the Radical School Board and Coita
-1 This is a proud day for Montrose and the
cpuhlican rulers. We will wait for the devel
.lll,a-its A. H. Putrick(Democrat) was elect
. Ihrector of the Montrose and
• Bridgewater
Sro 111111.
IVould it not be a good thing if the people
ti:.l call upon tho.e to serve them, in an (Ifn
i capacity, whose true merit, like the pearl
il lip• oyster, is content to remain quiet un-
ti-+: eu opening We used to • read of men
-tru; ,ailed from the plow, the workshop and
,• mill to take the leading positions, because
~ country demanded it of them said needed
Heir servicesinstead of the officials tliemselyea
-.siring the country to gather the purr* into
mu own hands to gain a position by any
mils, fair or feel, simply for the opportunities
gol,ie the money that is in it. If we expect
• return to pristine pnrity, which is the beet
To cry "Itzeottm 7' and then allow the
leer corrupt official leaders to manipulate eau
kii conventions and then snap the par•
whip and say "no• bolting now!" or put a
.time upon their heads at the ballot-boz—
e believe that principles and men to carry
~let must save our country and not simple
:rte success.
;q•• , /;/• , ,,ter.—Assessor, Lathath ',Gardner;
slsble. A pullos Stone; Judge of Elec..
Wells : Inspectors of Elections, A.
I win, H. P. Robbins ; Justice of the
, .1 curtis ; Supervisor. Kirby Runnel;
,surer. G. N. Allen ; Town Clerk, H. J.
Auditor, M. Bush ; School Diree-
F. Hinter 1 year, W. W. Bullard 8, yra.
.1, Cunha P. years; Director of Montrose
Bridgewater Poor Aliylu•-. AT H Petrick.
tike -Barre Jottings.
F ,- ! , ruary 22
kinn Flickerinerss.
1 , ,r fi« tinkling of the hells
•-•orgo. Washington's birth -day
in th mining districts.
yids a native of Virginia And an ant
r.,4lier Kitt a little hatchet. '
The Wpanine lliatasieml and Geolagicaj So
•ty have made artnngetnettts to exhibit their
ept•ne at tier Centennial ahotr.
, n one occasion rite enquiring Eniuul or G. \V
, u;ptu.l n I.nunivai in ve.llpl (ion of hIM fat.-
pe•t vlierry Iree.
Ell pO,l. 97, G. A. It, dedicated their
Muhl and Rost; streetts,Wed-
.2"1:1) eSI:, Fro 10
f* , d'simd by laNtorittfis that G. W. took
• I.rk LINO cl,erry) tree, but all we knnn•
Lr yu rer, later told a lie.
~;1 wine's day Was the 14th. We always
alentine's day. We cleaned up all the
(: , al..l,taws we had and sent 'eat out. Some
r thin II you lore me as I love you. PSI
y that hill so long been due, or else expect us
m Lu nue
Tint% izvit line contains sentiment—sentiment
imainits touches men and makes them shed
ttrs 4nd things. Wilkes.Barreaus 'areause,ept.-
1, fellow s that way, but when you ask one for
tot little bill,they say they haven't got it now,
Ittid so 'tin Lent. •
.Nss ~V(, your buttons, pick up plus and
nommes close, do n-. 4 despise the mall be
ns fur they end in brown stone rows, and boll
iw can, your shituahig save all' your
rap. M meat, most anything but fine tooth
cm. s ill make a soup most swell.
W ilkes-Barre, Feb. li , 1875.
Prom Coolvills and Vlsituty. •
Did your potatoes freeze? Where can we get
a servant girl? Is there plenty Gt water in
your well? These ore the questions.
Coolyille is a flourishing new town situated
on the 'Montrose lailway. We have a Post
office, one store, cabinet shop, shoeshop and
blacksmith shop. Our school taught by Mr.
Bolles has closed. •-•
A rri res. /*arts.
7 00 pm 12 15 m
Revs. Mr. Miller and Thorpe have been hold
.ing a revival here, which has closed suddenly
on account of the falling of a chimney. All re
gret it. Many of our proMitiefit citizens have
decided for the Saviour. WANDERER.
Coolville, Feb. 15,1875.
1. rom West Lenox
Frost has found its way Into cellars where it
was never known before.
G. S. Bell has the finest flock of sheep in his
There is to be a Masquerade Ball,at Glenwood,
the 2'2d. None need apply for admission un
less they have an invitatioh ticket.
F. M. Ttffany, on going to his barn last Wed
nesday morning, was sadly disappointed at
finding the leg ot a valuable horse broken The
cause is unknown, but the supposition is that
it was kicked by another horse. F.
West Lenox, February 12th, 1575.
Up Trains.
A Valuable Endowment.
The extensive and valuable Library of our
late honored citizen, lion. C. L. Ward, has
been donated by his heirs to LaFayette College
Easton, Pa. This library is one of the must
valuable in the Slate, and its late owner gave
to it many years of his life—all the culture of
his liberal mind and excellent taste gathering
it together. It is a monument to the memory
of its late possessor, and' while we greatly re
gret its removal, yet it is a satisfaction to know
that it is to adorn the Shelves of an institution
th it stands so high as LaFayette College. We
shall miss is absence, as it has ever been open
,to the public, and its rare and quaint volumes
of almost 'forgotten lore," were the admiration
and boast of all lovers of literature. We have
lost in this bequest, what in all probability will
never again be secured to our town. It is to
be known at the College as the "Ward Collec
lion," a name synonymous with classical
knowledge, fine literary taste and unprecedent
ed philanthopy, and everything that personified
an old time gentleman and scholar. Such gen
erosity as this, coming as it does from the chid
dren of tne late C. L. Wanl,reflects credit upon
themselves and honors the memory of their
fat her. —Bradford A rgos.
From Brooklyn.
Trade rather dull
Look out for the Concert.
(Tire ue another water tub
Just before election all office-seekers are won
derfully polite.
To all who arei in need of anything in the
wagon line, go to T. E. Maddock's.
Brooklyn boasts of a very tall man, he is so
tall that he cannot look at his feet without get
ting dizzy.
Our authorities have procured the services of
a boy and a snow plow to keep the side walks
• Only a woman's hair That sounds well
enough in private yet I can't say I really ad
mire it in soup.
The sudden death of Samos Sterling has east
a gloom over our whole neighborhood. He was
a man noted for his business qualifications and
generous impulses, a true neighbor and a devo
ted husband. The bereaved family have the
sympathy of the whole community.
W. C. Tilden delivered a lecture in Odd Fel
low's Hall, Monday, Feb. Bth ; subject, Edu
cation. He told a great many truths that ought
to he appreciated. One of the moat prominent
suggestions was "that Brooklyn needed a select
school." Everybody knows that, but no one
seems to have the energy and pluck to take the
matter Julian(' and push the work forward.
Bro oklyn, Feb. 5, 1675. Jon GREEN.
From F isquehanna Depot.
The Grand Army are flitting up their
Many aspirants for the office of Constable.
R. H. Day has taken rooms in Cook's Block.
John C. Kane has been in New York the
past week.
The Erie Company are nos,. increaslag their
help in the shops at this place.
Mr. Herman Todd has been transferred from
Susquehr.nna to Hornel!sville Shops.
Bee. ..k. J. Van Cleft preached a temperance
sermon in the Baptist Church last Sunday morn
Wm. M. Post and S. N. Mitchell have re
moven their Miley to their new rooms in Cook's
Fifteen Knight's Templar went to Great
Bend, Thursday, to attend the funeral of Sir
Knight A. 11. Whiting.
The ladies gave a Ttanpesance Supper in
Bennett's Store, Main Street. Wednesday even
ing. The receipts were $2.5.
The stork-holders of the Susquehanna and
Oakland Bridge Company, voted February, 4th,
to increase the capital stock from $lllOOO to
The Baptist Sunday S , tioni gave an enter
tainment at their cturch Friday evening. Feb
runty 12th. The proceeds to lie for the hene•
fit of the School. S.
Susquehanna Depot, February 13th. IS7
. • From Natural Indga, B. V.
Enrrons DEMOCRAT you please send
me the Montrose DE3IOCRAT for the coming
year? I !rive been taking it fur the past year
through the kindness of some mend . who has
fotwardeo it to me. I have been very much
• pleased with its positions On various topics.
Not that I agree with it in polities, for I am a
Republican, and always have been and for all I
kagic of WM, will remain one; but the bold,
straight tiu-ward, hnoc i rabbs course that its edi
tor has taken on a great many questions in
which the masZs - of a free people in a free
country feel a deep interest, has caused me to
consider it a paper worthy id perusal, by any
• „lover of American - institutions and liberty.—
There are many things which should interest
the people of this country, and particularly of
this cold northern climate wherein I am loca
ted, beside politics. I suppose, you in Susque
hanna county would be somewhat surprised it
I should tell you that the average of our snow,
• on the surface, is something over four feet veep
an? slung the line ofthe railways in some pier
cs it is ten feet deep. I would say to any who
wish to go to 1.40 pity of Watertown from
Binghamton, to be sure fuel go by the Utica
and Black River road, as its managers are men
of force and energy, whodo not allow snow to
impede their trains any liinger than it requires
A heavy force of men and steam power to re
move it. The mercury quite otter, tails to 35
degrees below zero. I have been informed by
some friend from Susquehanna county that
snow is only lour or live incites deep there.—
Susquehanna is blessed wish many things that
we are deprived of berm.. She has gm an abun
dance of fine spring water for man and beast.
Even the water or your creeks, ponds and lakes
can be used in emergencies, while here It is en
tirely unfit, as it is black and murky. We have
ice over two feet thick but can use only seven
inches of it. You bare plenty of coal nt low
prima. While here it is scarce and at very high
prices. There alp many other things 1 might
say in favor of Susquehanmipounty, but I have
already trespasSed upon, your. snare. •I sold .
you the money for the Dm:ex-woe one year.'
From your Humble Servant,
February :,1875.'P. PLYSIL
The Polar Wave. •
Infermatton from every direction Indicates
the past week as the coldest this season. On
Wednesday an ice bridge spanned
,the East
river between New York and Brooklyn. The
South and Hamilton ferries were closed. A.
boat on the latter left New York at 0 p. m.,and
did not reach Brooklyn 01 0 p. and the
next one,whlch kit at 11 o'clock,did not reach
the Brooklyn side till early the next morning.
Both these boats were crowded with working
people, who suffered severely from the cold.
Long Island Sound is filled with ice, and
nearly ull the Sound harbors are frozen over.
The Potomac river is Wizen ovet and the ice
hinekade4s more rigid (tile ever. Cases of suf
fering from the unprecedent severity of the
weather in the West is reported.
From East Dimock.
Henry Richards teaches the school at Park-
Several cases of scarlet fever reported in this
James Rosencrants has leased the farm, occu
pied by Benjamin Park, fOr one year.
Edward Spencer intends to start u grocery
store at Park Vale, In the spring.
Wm. Bunnell has sold his matched blacks to
F. T. Starr of Connecticut. Consideration $4OO.
Lewis Smith is repairing the saw mill at
Park Vale, in oraer to be ready for the spring
- Sebastopol" met with an accident last week
that might have proved fatal. While chopping
wood for Mr. Shook, he was falling a large
beech and as it was about to fall he looked to
ward the top (It is supposed he was looking for
those turkeys that flew from Den. Tinsmn's
surprise part•) and a limb fell from the tree
striking hint in.the Dee. A few scratches on
his nose and some red tears were the worst.
East Thwack, Feb. 10, 1875. I.' No.
Family Gathering
Fifty-eight years ago a sprightly young man
led a fair maid to the Hymenial Alter, and soon
after the happy pair commenced to carve out a
home, three miles east of Montrose, and have
been laboring and igving titers ever since.
Matthew Baldwin's strong band felled the
torest, built the house and fenced the farm,
while the willing hand of Betsy, his wile, milk
ed the cows, spun the flax and boiled the stunk
until now be trembles under the weight of
eighty one years, and she seventy-six.. Mean
time (hid had, under the same roof, raised up
nine other little Baldwins (i. e., little that was
Well, on a very windy day, Feb. 4th, IBl3,lliese
younger Baldwins accompanied by their res
pective wives and husbands, including "Broth
er Jonathan" of Susquehanna Depot, Nee to
gether at the old homestead, in East Bridgewa
ter, and had a grand family reunion, the first
time in many years. Although it was a -sur
prise to father and mother, yet I think it was a
contrived plan by the rest, for Such dinners are
not "gotten up" on short notice. The table
was spread with the richest viands including
Oysters and many other rare dishes. The
Brooklyn Pastor and his wits can testily bs
experience to this last.
I believe these Baldwins warned well—they
can never go hungry with such liberal hands to
The day was spent most happily in recomit
ing the lively scenes of early life, the great
changes produced in modern times, the trials
ani. the comforts of a good old age, and the
jo)s of religion, &c. God has wonderfully
blessed this tamily. May they all be happy al-
Brooklyn, Feb 9, 1875.
A Betting Law Suit
MILFORD, Ps.,February 3.—A law suit grow
ing out of a bet made during the Buchannan-
Fremont presidential campaign, has been
brought in Pike county by one of the parties to
the bet and will come up in an early session of
the county court. Major Colvin L. Seymour,
being confident that his canclidate,Fremont,was
to be the winning man, offered to bet several
hundred acres of land he owned in Shamokin
township against an equal number of acres up
on that rtssult. Abraham Weettall, ademocrut,
took up the offer, and the two made out the
deeds of their respective properties and placed
them In the hands of Daniel M Van Anken,the
district attorney of the county. Buchannan
being elected Van Aitken gave Westfall the
deed for Mr. Seymour's property, accor(ling to
the agreement Since that time the whole sec
tion of country around the tract has become
celebrated for its quarries of blue stone, several
large co:is - mations operating at different points
between Port Jervis and Shobola. The tract
is now very valuable, although it was original
ly purchased at a tax sale for $7. It is at pres
ent in tiossession of Mr. G. P. Heller, one of
the associate judges of the pike county court,
and rival companies are trying to get the land,
large prices being offered for it. Mr. Seymour,
claiming ttilitt the whole transaction between
himself and Mr. Westfall was illegal, betting on
elections being against the laws of Pennsylva
nia, and that no title ever passed front him to
Mr. Westfall, brings suit to recover the land.—
As $15,000 or s2o,ooo'are involved in thatresult
it is awaited with great interest. The suit will
be on the (slender of the May term.
From Middletown
There are a ereat many sick with sore
throat - and erysipelas In this vicinity Some
few have died with it. Dr. Warner of Leraya
rifle, is quite sick with the same disease.
There are two old ladies receiving support
fnan Middletown, one of whom is eighty-nine
years old, and the other ninety-eight, in her
ninety-ninth year. They are both quite active
mentally and phnically.
Morris Fitzgerald got upset trial a load of
bay and fractured hts skull. For a time Le was
not expected to recover. He is attended by
Dr. E. h. Dine and through his 'skill is f mprov
ing and hopes are entertained otitis recovery.
The Grangers are kicking np quite n dust on
the North Branch creek. They have nearly
completed an organization for a cheese factory
in the virittity of Mr. Otis Ross. There are ho
tween 200 and 300 cows subscribed for said fac-
Michael Keogh's father is the "blest man in
Middletown,and 1 think the most vigorous per
son of his age 1 ever saw. Ile is about ninety.
He walks two miles to church and hack in pref
erence to riding. Hd is perfectly temperate in
all things and always has been.
Every man in Susquehanna county who is
opposed to Shyleek robbee, should loose no
time in subscribing :or the Montrose DEMO
CRAT, as it is the only paper published in the
county,and I might add in the State,abso,which
dares to manfully vim irate the pour man's
,rights without fear or favor,and labor constant
ly for his best interest. They, in turn, should
manifest their appreciation of it by subscribing
and thus adding to its power fur good and in
creasing its scope for usefkiness and thus show
their enemies that they "mean business." It Is
a good tamily, paper also, and one that I find
the little iolks are becoming very much inter
ested in. A single number contains a valua
ble receipt or other information Worth a y4lr's
subsenptivn. If there Are-any itt; Middletown
who wish 0-take it and say they are "too poor
to afford it," let them apply' IQ the tinderelffeed
at his residence In Middletown and, he will hike
AgEnzemss alts s wezrorr OY cissmtlertea—
their cases Into favorable consideration and tte. Wu live fast , . dissipatO and nu early graves. We
slat them. drir k all kinds of' aleoholle spirits, and swah
- low, without nutaticatlon, pork, grease end ev•
Good aye! Mr., Editor. I am going n ort h ' cry kind of life-destroying, system clogging ins
to-see where this cold wind comes from and I 1 digestible food. Dn. WarJrzes -Vrtivrenta
shall return brimfull of news aqd T will corn- ! VitEGMI Emma will remove the mil effects,
municate the Same. 'To all who nquire for the
tuuu. the recovered patient, with pure, vitalized
- I
!. electrical blood flowing through his veins will
.I.Vesios:ipsy - I am' haven clearer head and A cooler Judgment,
lour niort OhPlPnt stneet , which added to experience, will cause him to
TaIOTRY gel:M.l6l, Jrs. abstain in the filiere: 7-4
Remarkable Capacity.
Samuel Miller, a farmer from Blakely, on
Tuesday night, between 0 and 11:80 p,m.; at
the hotel of Geo: Kinback & Co., in this city,
devoured the following edibles: Seven mid . one
quarter pounds of beersteak, twenty fi ve' soft
boiled eggs, ten large sized pickles, nine slices
of bread and butter, one-half pound of crack
ers, and two oyster stews. In the meantime he
drank eleven and one-half pint mugs of coffer.,
and about fifteen glasses of beer.
Ile stated that during the day he had eaten
his usual meals. Atter this least he offered to
bet ho could eat fifty more raw oysters, but the
four gentlemen who were paying to see him
eat, and who vouch for this statement, were
Mould to accept this proffered wager. Thus
loaded, this man started for his home, about
four miles away, at Midnight.—&rantan Tana.
Taxation for &Awl Purposes.
Professor Wickersham, superintendent of
common schools, takes issue with Judge Elwell
who in a case before him decided that ten mills
was the maximum tax which could he imposed
for school purposes. As the subject interests a
large number of people we append the views of
the state superintendent : •
1. The amount of state and county tax now
authorized to be assessed is thirteen mills on the
dollar, although real estate is exempt from a
portion of this tax. It is 'exceedingly doubtful
(section 28, act of May, 1854, P. L., 923,)wheth
er a board of school directors can levy a tax of
one amount upon one kind of property, and a
tax of another amount upon another kind of
property—ten mills on real estate and thirteen
mills on personal property'. They are required
to "determine the amount of school tax which
shall be levied in their district ;" that is, all the
property of the district. Besides, the amount
so determined is not only to be levied on "all
objects, persons or property made taxable," but
on all "to be made taxable," for state and coun
ty purposes, and real estate may be made tax
able for state purposes at any time. It certain
ly never was meant that all the irregularities
and inequalities of state and county taxation
fear school purposes ; and, if they should be
made to do so, the levying and collecting of
school taxes would be practically almost itd
2. The act of May, 1854, P. L., 623, compels
hoards of school directors to levy such taxes as
shall,wittr the money received from other sour
'Aie sufficient and necessary to keep the
schools of the 'district open not less than four
nor more than ten months in the year." The
penalty of non-performance of this duty Is loss
of state appropriation. The act of Apr 11,1866,
P. L„ 62. The minimum school term is now
five months ; but a district that is able to keep
its school open only four months with the max
imum tax allowed by law,is not subject to the
penalty inflicted in other cases. Tho law, how
ever, positively enjoins that every school dis
triCt shall keep its school open four months in
the year, and That every one that can do so
with the maximum tax allowed to be levied
must extend the length of term to five months,
or loose its state appropriation. A board of
school directors, too, neglecting this duty can
be removed from office. See act of May, 1834,
P L., 419. Now, in 186 d, there were hundreds
of school disc ices in the state utterly unable to
keep their schools open four months in the
year with a less school tai than thirteen mills
on the dollar ; there are as many unable to do
so to day. Can we suppose that the legislature
in taking the tax from real estam meant to cut
these poorest of our schools off from all state
aid, or to subject the members of their boards
of directors to the disgrace of removal from
otllex ? Do wise men commit the dolly of re
quiring a thing to be doe° under heavy penal
ties and then take away the means of doing
it ? If Judge Elwell's decision is to stand is
true interpretation of the law, three hun
dred school districts, badly need It, will lose
their share of $1,000,000 now appropriated by
the sta'e for school purposes—lose it, too, not
because they have broken but because they
have obeyed the law.
3. The financial necessities of school districts
are not in any way naturally depended upon
or governed by the financial necessities of the
state or of the counties. To place them in this
position is to 42. ripple the whole work of public.
educe lion. Hence, we cannot suppose that a
sane mother would strangle her own child, or
a sane body of men notify their own enact
ments, the law makers in 1854 in legislation
on taxation for school purposes must have sim
ply meant to fix a positive minimum rate 01
school tax equal in amount to the state and
county taxes then authorized to be assessed.—
They certainly never could have designed to
weaken ur destroy their whole work by pro
viding that the school tax should go up and
down in response to the nps and downs ()Nile
state and county taxes.
What bus been stated above will enable school
boards to learn the position 9f 114 e department
on the mooted question concerning the maxi
mum amount of tax that may be levied for
school purposes. With all the light that can
be obtained upon the subject, 1 am still of the
opinion that it is legal for school boards to levy
and collect, if they see proper to do so, thir
teen mills on the dollar. An appeal has already
been token from Judgc Elwell'u 4eCtSkirt*d
the question will be decided by the supreme
)loved by the confusion 'that has been crew
led in so maw school distsricts, and the con
flict of opinion among judicial anthonties, the
legislature may remove the cause of the trou
ble by an eractment fixing positively the rate
of taxation for school purpostu. But, meantime,
school boards are advised as follows :
1. Those in judicial districts where decisions
have been given limiting the maximum tax
on real esta:e for school purposes to ten
mills on the dollar should make their tax levies
conk , rm to them, whatever may be the result
ing difficulties or disadvantages.
2. Those In Judicial districts where no such
decisions have been made should proceed with
the collectlm of the full amount of the tax
levied In excess of ten mills unless they meet
with persons who absolutely refuse to psy It.
3. In ease of such resistance to the payment
of a tax for school purpose: In excess of ten
mills, hoards of directors should seek the ad
vice of the judge or Judges of their own judic
ial districts. As public officers seeking light in
regard to the discharge of their duties this ad
vice will he everywhere freely and cheerfully
accorded to them. A, copy of this circular
placed in the !voids of the judges consulted
may save the purpose of giving information In
regard to the present status qf the litiefttlcla.
Th.: Bth of February on the plank road or
in Aloutrose, a pocket book and spectacle case,
the pocket book'contaiued seven dollars. The
fiuder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It
at the DEMOCRAT Office.
Fpb. 17, 18.72.—hy.
FAnx W,t)iTtr.D
I have good Western land, Southern lands
or Chicago Realty, which I will exchange for a
farm pr . tarins in Susquehanna County, also for
a house anti lot to Montrose, will assume a rea
sonable fneembrance or pay cash difference. I
will also pay cash for a well Improved farm
within two miles of the Court Rouse—must be
a bargain. Address with full description
124 Washington St.,
Feb. 17, 7-2 Chime.
Business Locals.
Wlll be held at the Court House in Montrose,
on Tuesday,. evening, Feb. Hid, at 7 o'clock for
the Purpose of selecting delegates to attend the
State Masa Convention to be held at Harrisburg
March 4th. '
Let there be a gencial rally of all who feel an
interest In temperance.
By Order of Committee.
Montrose. Feb. 17.1875.
The School Directors of Franklin Township
will meet at the - Brick School Rouse on Satur•
clay, Feb. 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m. far the pur.
pose a contracting the building of a school
house in said township. Specifications can be
seen by calling on the Secretary.
By order of the Board.
F. A. Slum, Secretary.
Franklin, Feb. 17, 1875. 7-2
Bon Tons, cards, cabinet cards—everything
pertaining to the art, good and cheap. Go to
on the old "t3earlo Rote! site,"
Bring all your old pictures that you. want
copied and enlarged and have It done the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Montrose, Feb. 10, 1875.
rilrFautstsus'a RacarnoN 4E3
The Annual Reception of Montrose Fire
Company No. 2, will be held at their Parlor on
Friday evening, Feb. 26th, 1875. A general in
vitation is extended. -
11-2 Ontmn ov Comm-rms.
$4.40 Coat. I Ho! ! $4.80.
Coal at the Bins at Dunn Station, 3lontrose,*
$4.40 ; delivered at $4.80
0-2 0. D. STEBBINS & CO.
The Photographer, is doing all kinds of Pic
ture Framing, of all sizes, on short notice.
July V, W.,DooLrrn.E.
ANOTHER Hulf Ton of Herkimer County
Cheae, just received at
Nov. 4. '74. PORTER at NIOHOLS.
BOOTS! Boors !
Mcn•and Boys' Call and Kip Boots, Cheap
foe Cosh at PORTER & NICHOLS.
Nov, 4, f
C. F. Swami & Co., Binghamton, N. 1 4 .,
Have one of the largest and most coin plete
assortment of Dry Goods In the city.
Send for samples of our 50 cent Black Alpaca
or any other goods. After this date any goods
ordered from samples wilt be sent to any ad
dress at our own expense.
Binghamton, Feb. 10, 1875.
By a young man who can furnish abundance
of good references, a situation as a tele•
graph operator, assistant depot agent, or any
equally good job. For particulars address this
Feb. 8, 1874—pd. 4-4
FWTPEN comic Valentines for ten rents, at
LYONS & DNA/reg.
Montrose, Feb. 3, 1874. 5-2
AT Tilts SEAmON of the year. colds and
coughs are prevalent. A neglected cold or
cough is the cause of most cases of Consump
tion. The best known specific for such cases Is
Taylor's Cough Syrup or Expectorant. It is
sold by all druggists. You should ask for a free
sample vial. No cure, no pay, is the principle
on which it is sold. n4-t t.
There is no subject that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment of cis iron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re
markable cures , performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life
long study of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder.
Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Feb. 16th,
17th, and 18th, 1873. 4-3
Plenty of fast class coal. All sizes at J. R.
Raynsford's Coal Yard. Dunn Station. Leave
Orders at Central Express Offite, or send to
the Yard.
Oct. 21,'74. J. R. RAYMPORD.
PROTOOHAPIIII—Pictures taken in all the lat
est styles, Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Also a splendid lot .of Creoles for Laid oheap
Montrose, Juue 10, '74_—tf.
For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The
the services of the celebrated W. li. Lindly, a
gentleman of considerable note with the tailor
ing fraternity of this country. They are now
prepared for the summer trane,as they have just
received all the new things in the way of cloths,
niesimeres nd yestings. Their references are
the best, has Ing' taleeh fhe first premium at the
Tailor's Institute in New York last fall. Give
them a call.
IL H. HALLOCK, Proprietor.
81 Washington St.,
May 20, 1874.-Iy. Binghtur ton, N. Y
Carver & Pratt
G roat 311.1[01 1 42.;34412Z14 fie
Over their splendid stock of
cf all styles andvanstles. Their stoat of ready-made
BATS and BOICNEPE Is unequalled In tho country for
style and cheaOness.
first Cllesesta Chasitcom
W/I74=m-lx. Dona Sore..
W. J. CARVER • • - W. P. PRATT.
Bing 4amton, Oct. It, 1874.-I.y. 41 Conn St. C. Water.
Centaur Liniment.
There le no pain which the Centaur
; Ik , Liniment rill not relieve, no swelling
they will not subdue, and no lameness
whlsh they will not cure. This is strong
, language, but it Is trail. They have
Ai' , produced "more eines of rhenewithes,
neuralgta,lock jaw. pal sy, spmins,r web
igiWou ling., caked breast., scalds, burns. salt
rheum. earache. &c., upon the human frame • acd of
sleuths. 'parte. galls, etc., upon animals In one year
than have all other pretended remedies since the world
began. They are counter-irritant, all-healing, pain, re
lievers. Cripples throw awaythe it crutches, the tame
walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless, and the
wounded ore healed yfltllogt q sett; The Tempe Is pub•
ithhed around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
sold before, because they do Jest what they pretend to
do. Tholee who now suffer front rheumatism, pain, or
swelling deserve to suffer If they will not nee Centaur
Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cores, including frozen limbs, chronic
rheumatism, gout, running tumors. etc., have been re
ceived. We will send a circular containing certificates,
the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worta
one hundred dollars for spavined or sweenled horses
and moles, at fqr fCloW•W4tili iA cheep, litocipowners
--tbe.el Influent, see worth your attention. No family
should be without them. "White wrapper family use;"
Yellow wrapper for animal.. Sold by all Druggists.-
60cents per bottle: large bottles, 111.00. J. B. Rosa &
C0.,53 Broadway, New York.
Casio:aria Is more than a substitute for Castor OM
It Is the only srpfs article In existence which Is certain
to mslmulet• the food. regulate the bowels. care wind
colic and produce . natural Bleep. It contain, neither
minerals, morphine or alcohol, and Is pleasant totake.
Children need net cry and mothers may rest.
.1:167.A1.7E1.1 4 L1.A.Q.3313.
3iiddlotown, Dec. }7th
Mi. by gid. J. L. Bah, Mr. Perry 0,
to Mits Jenny True, both or Middletown.
Bonne--ficuosms—ln Buffalo. N. Y. Jan. 27,
by Rev. Win. Elgin, Mr. John W. Hobbs, of
Ararat,. Pa., to Miss Lizzie Simonds, of Buffa
lo, N. Y.
Taro'—Enwarrus.--At the residence of the
bride's parents, in Gibson, Feb. 3, by, Rev. D.
C. Barnes, Mr. Denison B. Taft, of Hayford, to
Miss. Nettie A. Edwards, of Gibson, Pa.
3 3 2 31 4 V 13 **. gai
emimigh ,, in Fut 3ridgowater;Feb.l3,lB7s,
Bennie R., aged 3,yeere Ittla Mo4the, Feb. 7,
Annie Id., aged 7 years and 4 months, children
of J. F. and Hattie E. Gardner. These little
ones were sick but a few days and their death
has cast the deepest shadow over the house
hold. MP parents are now childless. They
have the sympathy of all and the assurance
that their children arc in that heautifill world
of ' W.
Forrr—ln East. BridgeWater,Fcb. 9th, of scar
let fever. Ernest, only child of Arthur and
Blury Foul, aged 1 year. 8 months and 11 days.
Surra—ln Lathron,Teb:6l3, - /latilda, wife
of Ellaha Smith, aged 57 yeais.
OARLEY—In Fihrford, Dec. 30th, 1874; after a
short illness, Daniel Oakley, aged 76 years.
TEPPANY—In Brooklyn, Feb. 6th, Vine E.,
youngest daughter of P. H. and S. E. Tiffany,
aged 91 years, 6 months, and 17 days.
This is the first time death has invadta this
family circle and it falls heavily upon thud:—
Vine was a young lady of much promise. She
was naturally of a livery turn of mind and her
presence was hailed with satisfaction by all her
companions. Her lite was brief but long
enough to win the respect and love of all her
aNuaintanees. She possessed a kind and qen
ial disposition and it was her aim and delight
to make all her associates happy.' She felt sor
ry for the afflicted every where and sighed that
so much dissentinn and evil was in the world
and longed for the time to coma whoa sin
should be ended and sorrow unknown.
That time has come to her thus early but not
before she deserved It. Her death has cast a
shadow over her family, that nothing but their
trust in God's fatherly love could brighten. Her
funeral was attended at Brooklyn, Feb. Bth, by
a very large audience of relatives a..d sympa
thizing friends. A. 0. W.
Biteovorto--In New Milford, of scarlet fever
Charles A. Bradford, aged 23 years.
The following resolutions were adopted by
Highland Grange, No. 339, Feb. 12, 1875
WIIZREAS, It bath pleased oar Divine Master
to take fmru our number by death our worthy
brother Charles A. Bradford, and
liTherena, It is fitting upon such solemn occa
sions that we give expression to the feelings
that stir our hearts and to recognize in some
appropriate manner the hand that &Rites us,
Rewired, That in the death of our brother,we
lose an efficient officer, a zealous Patron, and
an honest man—that we miss his presence, and
labors in the Grange Room, and shall always
remember his Cell and words of cheer while
bearing with us the heat and burden of ths
Rewired, That we recognize in this dispensa
tion the common lot, and would be reminded
by it to prepare for the great Rarrest into which
we must all sooner or later be garnered.
Resolved, That our heartfelt sympathies are
extended to the bereaved widow, our sister in
her deep affliction to the father and mother
who have lost their only son, and to all the
friends who mourn.
Rewired, That we drape our Rail in mourn
ing for sixty days—that a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the county papers for publica
tion and to the family of the deceased.
The Markets.
Bid. Ask.
Gold ....
81Irer .... . ...... ~. 114
G. s. O. 1881 15ilk( 120%
5-20 Coupon Lard .... .. 113( 116 k
5-20 Coupon. 10431 117 X 118
530 Coupon, 1885 1191 i 120
5-20 Coupon. 41.5 Jy 11114 119
5-20 Coupon 1887 119% 120
540 Coupon 1868. 11014 120
10-40 e .... . ... ... ...MA —c
Nev. 5 per a 5.... . 1151 i —c
Sterling Exchange
Parts Exchange...........
Currency bd. ... . .
New York Produce Market
Reported Every Week Expressly foi 'Toe Morraost
Democaer by Rhodes & Server, Produce Commis.
Con Merchants 26 Whitehall Street, New York.
New York, Friday, Feb. 12,1875. "
Receipts for the last six days, 10,627 pkgs.—
There appear§ to he q lair enquiry for fine
butter, either State or Western, the supply of
which continues scarce, especially fine State
halt firkin tubs. Medium grades however are
still plenty and slow. Fine rolls are enquired
for a trifle more freely . , and receivers are obtain.
ing a shade of improvement.
Firkins. choice selected . 83 iftt 83c
Firkins, fair to prime 75 trti 30e
Pails, common.. ... ..... 61, --c
Pails, winter made 25 tifb 30c
Rolls, common to good, 17 ® lfk
Receipts fur the last aix days, 2,037. boxes. -
The cheese market cannot be called active.—
This may be partially attributed to the severe
cold, making the moving of cheese risky busi
state Factory One
State Dairies 15 et, 153.ic
State Factory, fair to good ...14 tdt 15%c
iZ3 15c
Receipts for the last six days, 1,709 packages.
The weather is cold again and the excitement
in eggs has revived. Fresh are very scarce
and bringing extreme high figures. Limed are
also held higher.
Slate and Panne/11 , 11We
We torn choice brands.
Limed, good to choice,.
The demand for quartered apples continues
brisk and prices held very firmly. Sliced are
doing a shade better. Blackberries rule easy.
Peeled peaches quiet and steady.
State Apples. quarter:l,
Peaches, pigged, new,..
Ftaspberries, new, ....
The supply of poultry Is held light, the weath
er favorable and the market is gradually gain
ing strength. Thy general demand is not over
brisk, as market dealers laid in a cull supply
last week, but an active Unquiry Is looked lot
nest week.
Chicken.. Pei lb.. Prime
Turkefe, prime
Young Ducks,
There is a lair enquiry for veal calves today
when in good order and prices continue about
steady. Grasses a'e also selling fairly.
MMive otton.carcitise?. prime to g00d....8 i 0 9c
L Shee 6,lic
Live Calves, good to prime, 9
10 10c
Calves, dressed, fair to p-lme, 10 0 11c
Trade continues dull, and prices favor buyers
Early Rosa, In balk, per 001. ...fa 00 os2 12
Peacbblowr, In hulk, per bb1.... 1 l $ (IQ
A DMINISTRTOWS NOTICE. Whereas lettars of ad.
admlniatratton to the est of Jas. Slortagh late of
Auburn tp., deeeased, bare been granted to the under
signed, ali persons indebted to said estate, are request.
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against •he same. are requested to present them
without &lay. O*NIELL,. Administrator,
Montrose, Jan. 6, 18q3.--6w
A UDITQWS WCITICS..,The undersigned, an Awn-
JCL tor appointed by the Judges of the Orphan's Goad
In and for the County of Susquehanna, to distribute the
funds remaining in the bands of Henry Gun and• Galen
Newman. Adair. of the estate of Hiram S.Gifford,dee'd
will attend to the duties of .his appointment. at his of
fice, in Montrose, on Friday, Mardi 19th, 1M , at one
o'clock in the afternoon. All parties interestedare hem ,
required to appear and present their claims at the
above .ime and place or be forever debated.
6-1 A. W. BaBTIIOLF, Auditor.
3 1 2O4nVitil 210
These prices are
and for Customers Irom 4 41,8_1EVICO
Good Winter Pants, lined, 200
Heavy Business Suits, ROO
MI Wool Cassivaere Spits, 12 00
Broadcloth Dress Bpits, all w 00.,. . 1650
French Diagonal Suits, 15 OG
English Bas"et Suits, 18 00
Cutaway Coats end:Vesta, fine, 1400
Heavy Grey Overccirtts, 500
Black. Union Beaver Overcoats, 650
Castor Beaver Overcoats, 11 00
Chinchilla and Fur Beaver, 1000
Freud) Beaypr and Nntsay 1600
Good Bailor Eibirts aandUn , met's, 40
Good Knit Jaokets, 125
Good Cloth Ilned Paper Collars, per boxi,: . 10
And all other Goods In pnapoKtkin.
Also an Immense stock of
CZ, talLtjv
for tmys, from 3 yesni at age, up to men's size
at prices from $2OO a salt upwards. -
to buy a supply of Winter elcititiOg *at - these
WEBSTER, The Clothier.
04, 08 Court Street, "
Binghamton, N. Y.
Binghamton, Nov. 11, '74—tf.
NeW' fAdVentriX!ents•
MIAMI FOB- SALS.Tbe subscriber offers his firm
11: for sale, situate !tamest Lako, cohtainingi'd acres
50 Improved.' Will keep twelie cows: and a team. Well
watered, I. also a good grain farm. Use a ale* young
orchard. Terms will be rands easy. Fez farther Intr.
Oculars Malaita df or address A. B. Unger* or the pro
prietor, eAxim REYNOLDS.
Feb. to,4Erdi.—ft. • Huntress. Pa.
.4 DIIINISTRATOtt'S NoTleft the net. of Pat.
Tick Hand. deeizsd. late of Apelaron.' Letters of
Admin tidy:Mort in the said estate baring bona grantee
to theundertigned all pertumi owing said ertate,are
requested to Make Immediate tstyntent.. and all per
eon. haying claims agatnet Paid estate are coquetted to
presenttheas Without delay. -DAN% HAND:
6--dwp4 idrululttrater.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Andi.
tor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Susque
hanna County to distribute the fund. in the hands of
dermal* Wattrrron, Adger Of tbc estate of Wm Wet
tereon. dec'd. will attund to the duties of his appoint
ment at bis office in Mentrose.en Saturday, March nth.
A. D.. 19Th, at 1 o'clock. p. m. All persona interest
ed will present their elalmir at that time and place or
be Prover debarred from coming in upon said fund.
D. W. SEARLE. Auditor
lIBLIC SALE.—Tho subscriber will sell at public
sale, on his premises in Forest Lake. on Thursday.
Feb. 2,5, the following properly: Nine cows; 8
shoats, 5 yearlings.s cal... 13 sheep. one pair horses.
2 setta harness, 2 setts Ishii . ..eines, neekyoke, farming
tools. household itimlture, dog power, and dairy fixture
a quantity of provisions, a quantity of hay and grain,
and various other articles not mentioned.
TERMS—AII KIWI 'Ol and under cash, over $5. six
months credit with interest and approved security.
Forest Lake. Fed. 10th. 1875.
The undersigned, toilette of the estate of Christo
pher Bogen bankrupt-under and by virtue of an order
of the District Court of the United blates,for the West-.
eni District of Pennsylvania, to him directed, will on
Wednesday, the 17th day of. March, A. D. 1875, com
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., at J. O. Bullard's Hotel in
Brooklyn Centre, County of Susquehanna' and state of
Pennsylvania, expose to public sale by auction, the fal
lowing real estate, of the estate of said bankrupt.—The
sale in divest alt lieu* on described In said order.
All that piece of land situate In Dimock Township,
Conutßiitsteatoresald and boundel a* follows, to
wit: nixing at the northwest corner of lot No. IS,
cold to Ja z Gilds; thence broad lot cud s lot former
ly of Thomas Giles. eduth 127 pewhes to a post and
stones. the northeast corner of a lot intent Daniel Giles
thence by the last mentioned lot, west 139 perches to a
post an( Stones corner, In the line of a tract in the war
ante° name of William Thorpe. now land of Benjamin
Park, esq..thence by said Perk's landborth 2.744 degrees
east, 144 perches toe post and stones In the aforesaid
warrantee line, the wanthwest corner of lot Nn,l2,here
tofore granted to Charles P. Baryon and thence by the
said tdaryou'e lot east 78 perches Co the place of begin
ning aforesaid. Containinin
_tierce_ more ogles'.
mtbtly improved, being lot No. 14 of -Henry Drinker's
_Ol leshoppeo lands.
TBRAII4.—One-fourth cash on day of :pale. otitefdarth
In 0, one-fourth In 14, sod the htlaneo Ir. 18 mouths
said unpaid Plitt-base money to bear; interest from date
of sale at the rate of seven per cerP. per annum, all to
be secured ay proper mortgage or lieu upon the proper
ty sold. Ozo. P. [Ante, Assignee.
Montrose, Feb. 10.1875. • .
Assignee's Sale
rilrnt Assigneee
othe Tl te i 'iB aiAg tantrupt, underanyv!ue of en
Order of the District Court of the United States. forthe
Western District of Pennsylvania : to him directed, will.
on Monday, March Lt, A a., coromeueinc et ten
o'clock, 5. to., on the premises of said L. Brainard, in
Gibson township, County of ausquchanna, and State of
Penns Ivania, expose to public sale by vendee, the fol.
towing described r al canto of said Bankrupt. The
property will be sold in two separate parcels as herein
numbered and described, The sale to divest all Ilene
as described in raid order,
. . ,
No. lot. The firs{ piece or ',Arcot thereof, situate, ly
ing, and being in MO township of Gibson aforesaid. and
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beat:minuet
a stake and atones for a corner. thence north dotal.
seven degrees west od rods and td links to a stake and
stones, thence south $7) degrees west 26 rot s ton stake
and stones, thence south 11X degrees west 44 rods to a
stake and stones, thence south 65 degrets east MO rods
to a stoke and stones, thence north 5 degrees east fifty
rods .0 a stake and atones, thence north tZ degrees west
Minds, thence north :2 degeeee east 1896 rods and 10
links to the place of beginning, containlngminetp three
acres, more or less. having thereon a goad frame hones,
barn and out-buildings, good orchards. and I:NOV im
NO 5. Also situate In the towuship of Gibson afore
said and tainndeti ge (glints t Beginning at a stakn and
atone3tWoi la Corner, thence north bah deer. es west 94
rode nud 14 links to a stake and stones, thence north 63j
degrees east 54 rode to a stake and stones. t more south
to - degrees east 17 rods to a a eke and stoneit, thence
smith OM degrees cant 39 rods to a stake and atones,
thence south 1031 degrees west 17 radioed 9 links to the
Peesof beginning ; containing sevai acres, more or
less and all improved .
TERll3.—Onothlrd cash on day of sale, one-third in
twelve and one-third in eighteen menthe thereafter.
datd amount to bear interest from the date of vale. at
the rate of seven per cent per minim, all to be secur
ed by proper mortgage qrVER ilen upon the property acid,
OLI, Assignee.
Gibson, JJanuaryls79A3tii LATIIIIOP
The Newest Sensation
11110314110111 R {l'i fl
PECT. Exrunize our prices and give as a trial.
JOHN GuovEs.
moixtv Y CVNG.
Montrose, February S. 1875.-d
4 3 22 015
40 22 43c
80 0 32c
General Undertakers
r 8.10
r 28
9 , ON
.8o @ 81 '
Cii-Xlit.3lElBT 3313N3^1. Foe.l443.`gib
$5 to $2O Lerolaji,rtgneawpalitoetbotl:c.clas.:, - .
young am! old, make more money at work for no, an on localitiee, during their spare moments, or alt
the time, than at. any thing elec. We offer employ
meat that will pay handsomely 'or every hour's work.
Full particulars, terms. itc., rent free. Send no your
addivea at once. Dori d elay. Now is the time. Don't
look for wtrk .or &mines* elsewhere until you hare
learned what we offer O. STINSON & CO.. Portlen.
- m ...
17 Et 18
14 0 15
OVRBTISINaI (116• P: Good- Systematic.—All
LX. persona who contemplate making contracts with
~ewspapers for the insertion of advertlsenteals. should
send 95 cents to Geo. P. Roweil a. rj.. 41 pare 'Row.
New York, for their BAMPIII,RT-BOGES. (ninety -set , -
eath okilPpa.l containing lbws of orer MOO newspapers
and estimates. showing the cost. Advertlaemen to tak
en for loading papers in many States at a tremendnous
redaction from publishers' rates. Get the Book. 9-y1
"The Leading American Newspaper." .
Daily. $lO a year. Semi.WcAly. Qit. Weekly,s2.
Postaka tree to the Sybseriber. Spielman copies and
Advertlithg Baths Proc. Weekly: in clubs of 90 or
more, only $l, postage paid. Address
Fifty dollars reward will be paid to any .Pereell after
reading this , who has not received the worth of amount
Invested, t, e.,
As Fatally Medicine Foi
Conchs. Onlds, Croup. Asthma. WhooninC COngh.
Bronchial Disease,Biduey Compltant.Erysipelak Serof
Ithetnnatisin. Pain in the Aldo and Breast. Also
Cats, Barna. Scalds, Brnlses. , llltea and Stings of In
setts. Frost Bites, Chilblains, and Internal and Extern•
al affections general.
Warranted a Sure Cure for the Piles.
Is acknowledged by toe ?ohne as tbe best for the
above mentioned Inseams ut any Medicine of the ores.
ant du. It Is oceoposed ot purely vegetable ingredient*
It purldes the bloodorttich must be done In nine-tenths
of all &lemma before the patteut can be cared. It Is
particulsrly beneficial In cases of ASTIISta or P.IltEl3.
Tam Is no humbug, and anyperson.buylnd a bottle of
0.. a. B. and oetng disaatisfied alter using X of lt,,tuay
return the same and receive their money back.
We, the - understgned. have used Crane's Balsam, and
do hereby test% to Its good qualities, and to its being
.e recommended
Riney & Williams, Druggists, New Milford, M. Dols.
way,Frauklin Forks. Rev. A. 11. FLA. titAkfordefite,Flr
C.ll. Crane, New York Chy, C, ;crouton,
and Many otheM .• "
Thu 0.4, A.04%4.101 at the popular price of one
dollar per bottle: but for OA" cents, so that all can have
It. kold Dealers geuemilr.
CLIMILMS L. CitAND.. , ' •
Dcd 38. idit Now Milford, PIC
J. U. Daiunts. .1: 08, itsAnza.s . It o.oa4xmo.
fEaratustizik cs 164011
Marble and Slate Mantles,
fi Chen . cingo Si., Neiir Deimt,
. •
WEI3B• •
Ilse Jost received from New York a fresh atoeXof
arl . C.:ooerleS, %/10.0.a.
'Aroong iho 01:1113CTOUll 041CICO may ho (m i ld Now Or.
leans alolasier; P. it idolooseo. Syruho. Bu -o r o•
i , thdlioh..hlockerel,Balitn.tiamt, Conned Viutto,Cian.
berries, Cheese. Tcao. Crurhed Whfto Wheat, &lem
ma,. plincet, Clamed tialmon,Turks Island Balt '&c.
Mon tryst, Dec.l6. !KA. J., WEBB.
id:dished la a warning and for the benefit of Young
Men and others who .ufrer from if:woos Byname
Loss or Martnooo, etc., supplying the means of Belt
Cure. Written by ono who cured himself after under
going considerable quackery. and soot (recoil receiving
a post paid directed envelope.
Sufferers are Invited to address the suthor.
P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn.N. Y.
October 7th,1874.--6m.
Binghamton Marble Works !
Ml Mods of 31onuments, lleadetonee, sad 4 Marble
Mentle‘made to order. Also. Scotch Granite" an
hood.. I. PICKERING &CO .
C. PICYZIIINO. • 1 120 Court Street
0. 11r01110,31:1L6.417,
Oct. 28. 1874
Sot be sari: to coo to COOL'S STATION, on the
Montroaa Railway, gad .
Ask For What We Have Not Got.
What 4 1217 c. Savo CilFat
111 • /UM •uonsms or
Dia ir go bz).9 8
A flue lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES,
all of whiel\ utill-he sold as Cheep as the Cheap
eat for 1111A63" Per. MI kinds of
County Produce 'Taken In Szebantio
for Goods at the highest Market Prices.
or shlpped to responrible Cow gel= Merchaatil In
New York. Givens a call.
MA21178. JOK S.
Oct. IS, 1874.-3ut
The hest Coal In market to he had at the
The undersigned. navtng had tong expertenee in the
Coal trade, guarantees satisfaction.
Will be promptly attended, to, eau be /lomat IL P
Stamp's, eycoongs, from if to Pi o'ckick.
Montrose; Nov. 4, ..;4.-4m
Er. mricril.PLllPT,
Would call attention to jue New Stock of
DLIT 60010 s a
In great vartety, and will be sold on the mind
favorable terms, and lowest prit:es. '
New Milford, Nov, 11,.1879.
RECHIIO7i & Ciao
We pay Cash for Goode, and eell for Beth, and would
andrie.nity. vlalung Montrose, to
before p tha raeageleere,ne. isenerally floods ttnittadgrivu=e.ltz.
that they sell In Binghamton for treentpdve
New Goode Arriving Every Day;
iitTROVI I / 4
Montrose, Nor.ll.
A NEW annamormawr
Whores larger and better stock of tbs. A:Mowing
, • goods will be found than elsewhere la
Northern l'ennsileanta
kW61111" CLOCKS,
and itgineralatmortmdut of %Judea! Merchandiee,
Sheet Itt tic. Violin Strings, etc. etc.
All IrbteWateit Rcpairirg I Sewing Machines and Or
: dOiteJasnsual,}y- gone Repaired by
L.D.labell. - -- • - V. Meibulab,‘ •
. • ,
The nxidertlgned Uzi an omnlbnillne running to air
err Mid on 1110 D. L. & IV" and, Erie , ItanWilit at
Shipplna or Re-Shipping Baggage
• . .
.•eo - '
At either depottrlll bepttunptlt atzdetli to, , •
. . , . .
". 'the new river lirldo. le now completed, *mace t ere
ts to Ferrying. - • .- . - -.- • - • • .
itiroyaiotk hind to mom povaengero to soy pole to
the lorrotiodln4hOnntry.
()fiat Bend, Aug.'s). Unt.—tt.
Number 7.
width will be sold CHEAP FORVABII
Binghamton, N. Ir
ant we will agree to have it tomorrow.
Dunn Station.
Ordeirs loft with
0. D. Stebbins.
Now on enle, In new
At L. B. Isbell's Jewelry Stand,
Isbell & rtlelbuisb.
Montrose. P. ,
Groat Bond, on.
.A. s tworder for
coA 3 P.Mma.t:+zte;