The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 10, 1875, Image 4
'Volume 32. j;;na nSebol& A Now Grain Binder. Prof. Dana 'if W estern yew Yorker thus talks of it :—A new era has'dawned in the culture of the cereals, the golden age-of farmers and farmers' wives, ii flay of deliverance from a croud of hungry. high-priced laborers in harvest time. Mr. Daniel McPherson of Caledonia, N. Y., has kvented an attachment to the Marsh harvester, which binds securely, with No, 19 annealed wire, the grain as fast as it is cut. A trial of the m a chine was held on the farm of the inventor, in the pre sence of several grain farmers aq,El ehinists. The trial was a perfect success Nu betty bettiy work was ever done in 'a har 4est fiehl. Every spear was bound in the shea - Vest no rakiugs were left. This strip fifteen feet wide, between the stand ing grain and the straight line of bound sheaves was perfectly smooth and'clean. The line of sheaves, arranged with mil itary precision. looked like a battalion of soldiers. The iron fingers,of the machine bind thistles as easily as grain, without gloves. The draft is about the same as that of ordinary reapers which do not bind. A team of medium weight made very easy work of it. In. going six. times arum - d a five acre field of oats. not a fail ure occurre.: which could be tittributed to any fault of the binder. The wire, which was of poor quality and badly reeled, was broken a few times. One circuit was made without Missing - a sin gle sheaf. • Mr. J. A. MacKinnon, a skillful ma chinist, who has repeatedly examined the, machine, says that it cannot possibly fail to -do its work perfectly, and that,o well made of good material, it will last la 'life time_ The Suachinery is very simple very strong, and works with very little noise friction. Major H. T....8r00ks thought that the hinder would save the wages and hoard of five strong men, say fifteen dollars a day, during harvest time With it, a man can eat, rake :Lad bind ten acres a day. It can be set to bind a sheaf at any required distance ; and, if the grain is uneven, the distance passed over can be varied for each sheaf by means of a lever worked by the- foot.— Sheaves may be bound tight or loose by varying the tension on the wire. All ob jection to the use of wire bands is obviated by the use at thrashing time o( a pair of nippers .which cut the wire and hold it fast by one end until it is dropped into a basket. The wire bands can thus be removed as rapidly as straw ones can be cut. . Not an abjection could be raised by any one present, which was not fully re moved. Th? inventor has beep studying and working upon his invention, for fif teen years, and has expended fifteen thou sand dollars upon it. A bushel basket would hold the result but fifty thousand dollars would not buy it. The mdther wife and sister of the inventor were pres-' ent of the trial. Their delight. over its success may be imagined. The nation and the world will reiterate their joy. = „ Melitterson's binder must be world-rej. - - . nowned as McCormick's reaper. That the inventor may not, in any way, lose , the honor or the pecuniary reward of• his labors is the earnest wish of the writer.— Rural New Yorker. A Wise Word to Formels. A correspondent furnishes us with the following good advice to farmers: If you invest money in tools, and then leave them .-xpos-d to the weather, it is the same thing as loaning money ton spend thrift without security—a dead. loss in dioth cases. If you invest in books and -don't read them, it is the same as putting your money in the bank, but neither drawibg principal nor interest. If you invest your money in fine stock and do not feed and prbtect them and properly . care for them, it is the same as' dressing your wife up in silk to „do work in the kitchen. If you invest your money in a good farm and do not cultivate it well, it -is the same as marrying a good wife and slaving her so as to crush her, energies arid breake her heart. Wltenem you in vest your money—if it be is tools, farm orstock—be sure you are going to get the full yalue back—work with pn ener gy and determination. which (Mlles fail ure—do not go over your ground once and turn it over, and say, "Well, I think that will do," but, whatever you under take, do it thoroughly, and -you will eventually reap the reward. Do not abuse your hnrsee or stock, for, though they are dumb beasts, they are so consti- tuted that every unkind word oil kick is underestood. In breaking your colts, break them by kindness. At first it may require stronger measuref i to quell the natural timidity they extiress to - mankind but this once overcome, that them kind ly. and you will always eve-kind and gentle horses—always redly to' do your bidding. The Danger to the Done.. From many points of this country and eastern Pennsylvania, reports have, come of a new horse disease. A veterinary surgeon furnishes the following. peculiar ities: The first symptoms are ghneral debility, loss of appetite,the horse refuses to Fat from the commencement.. Al short aprupt cough, a dark mucus tinged with blood oozing from one or_ both njstrils, wry sore throat with very little enlarge ment of the glands, in fact, scarcely per ceptible. The garotids are a little li:uni fied, the subinaxitlary a little more 80 but not equivalent to the soreness of the throat, the eyes but very Wet' swollen, countenance dejected, a slight cough re sembling catarrh or influenza. -At times the extremities are deathly cold, slight • _fever, hearing in the flanks, inspiration long, expiration quick, resembling lung lever, except the stiff and ,immoviible sition, which always aceampadiei that • disease. Again the horse lies sown from the commencement of the malady, which he neter does in pneumonia, tironehitis, catarrh or inflamation of the larvnx and infiamation of the trachea. There ap pears to be no decided character in it. It is insidious in its attack, commencing in the nose and creeping along until the whole of the respiratory passages are in volved, and the system generallY of recta This disease, which is bat brief ly described, is considered more danger ous than the late epizootic, and farmers and others coticing these svnitoms should at once apply for aid to the proper parties.. _ • Effects of Damp Ate on Coat. , - M. Varrenstrass "finds by experiments that the loss in weight, due to 0011 r 4xid ation and the disengagement of gases which form the richest part of coal,lmay equal one-third of the original'weight.- . - . The beating power in such c•.4t was loit ered to 47 per cent of its fo 44. r c4poap ity. The same coal exposed tn the; air, in a closed redeptacle., did not 'tote more' than 25 par cent. of gas and of heat ing power. - Bittfininous coals alter most rapidly. This shows - the disadvantage of damp cellars, and of leaving coal - uncov ered and subject to bad weather.—Jfidg- - ing from the loss Incrirred;it would seem much better to provide suitable: recepta cid+ for the fuel, the saving being Aufli cient to compensate for the extra"; pease. The Pottery Tree. Among tin many veketable - products of Brazil the•pottery tree of Para is not, the least worthy of note. This tree, the Moquilea, utilis of botanists, attains a height of one hundred feet up to the low est branches. The stem is very slender, seldom much exceeding one font in di ameter at the base. The wood hi very bard and contains a very large amount of silica—not so much, however, as the bark, which is largely employed as a source of silica in the manufacture of pottery. In preparing the bark for the potters use it is first burned, and the residue is then, pulverized and mixed with clay in varying proportions. With an equal quantity of• the two ingredients a superior quality of ware is produced. It is very durable, and will bear almost any amount of heat. The natives em ploy it for all manner of culinary pur poses. When fresh, the bark cuts like soft sandstone, and the presence of the eilex may be readily ascertained by grind ing•u piece of the bark between the teeth When dry, it is generally brittle, though sometimes hard to break. After being burned, if of good quality, it cannot be broken up •between the fingers, a pestle and mortar being required to crnsh it. Lame Chester White. ——o— We gave lately an account of:a large Chester Wnite hog, killed by J. Shaner, of the Borough of West Chester, Ches ter Co., Pa., and that he had another nearly ready for tbe knife, which was ex pected to weigh about 1,000 lbs. This animal has lately been killed, and weigh ed, dressed 964 lbs., live weight, 1,087 lbs This Engel amount of offal, indicates fineness of bone and good quality. In, the best strains of Chester White stock; there would seem to be no more bone than is necessary to sustain the weight. TIM MONTROSE DESCRLT Prospectus for 1875. A NEW BHA 1M THE L. 07 OF TILE "DEMO: PEOPOBES POll TILE Pr TVFLE-ITE ADVERTISING AND JOBBING FACILITIES--WIL&T TILE PEOPLE TIT ME OF IT The DEMocRAT for 1875 is very much enlarged and improved, making it one of ' the first papers in size and appearance in this section of the State. The only Dem ocratic paper in the County. Is particu larly popular for its fearless advocacy of the rights of the masses. Pure and Old Time Democracy, its talliaman, but inde pendent of all cliques, rings, or jobs. Will stand by the right`othough the Heavens fall." Those not of its political faithad mire its honest independence. Has more than 'doubled its circulation in the last five years WITHOUT ANY CANVASSING.— Is devoted to the interests of the whole people of the county. Will contain in teresting matter for all, the Merchant, Me cbanic,and Farmer—poetry and miscella ny. Increased in size but not in price.— Will be sent, postage free, to any sub scriber" in or out of the county for *2.00 per year in advance. We now have a Can vasser who will visit all parts of the Coun ty. AtlvEwnsmo The DEMOCRAT as an advertising medi um is indispensable to business men of Whatever class, and in many sections of the County, the only medium through which they can reach a large class who need but the proper information to bestow their valuable patronage. Local Adver tisers should take into consideration that a circulation, outside of those who are in the County or the vicinity where they may expect patronage, is of no value to them, if it was, the New York Herald or some such paper would be the best me dium. The cry of "large circulation" is -often used when it is of no advantage to the advertiler. We do not make the as sertion that our paper is the only medium of value, but that it is the only one by which the advertiser can, reach a very large number of fainilies - which it is for h:s advantage to reach. 'This is frankly acknowledged by' some of the best busi nessmen of the County, who knew from experience. We respectfulty request an examination of oar rates, as they are reasonable. JOBBING DEPA.BTNENT * The Jobbing Departinent of the DEM. OCRAT is a specialty. We are constantly adding New Material to our Jobbing De partment and intend to keep doing so.— We have power and jObbing presses of the latest and improved style. One of the best recommendations for it is:the con stantly increasing patronage. Our pa trons find that we can compete with Binghamton, Scranton, Ithaca, and even New York city, in prices, and also in quality of all kinds of work needed in this locality. We do not propose to work for nothing, but we have a schedule of prices which we strictly' adhere to, that invites competition. ' Neatness, Cheapness, and Promptness is our basis. We , respectful: ly invite the attention of the , public and their patronage if we deserve it. KIND WORDS The DEMOCRAT is an ever welcome visitor, a real household necessity, always containing the local and general new's.— We particularly admire it for its indepen deuce in .advocating the rights of the masses. ft deserves the auteess•it is meet ing with.—J. 8...& A. .1L MOCollunt, Ateys, Montrose, Pa. The best way to coinplinient the. DEM. OCRAT is to let the people read it for them selves. The people like . the DzatocitaT because it exposes wrongs Wherever• they may be found. - Vire have found it a first class advertising metlinin.--Griffis (.6 Sayre, -Merchants, Montrose. trpon the arrival of the DEMOCRAT, (the, beet wilier, in Susquehanna County,) all other' papers are laid aside until 'it is perused from first to last.—E. T. Stephens, Brooklyn. , IVe_ciinsider the DtIIOCHAT a first-class tiiedittni ltor_a4vsrtising. 1 Its advertising ixittittins 'always appear treat' and clean, and:are read' by Isbell' & Melhuish, Jewelfrs, Montrose. `tYe barer 'had: the liai36Caar aereral , yeara. It grows. better each. week. We -coo/dPI keep, bonne : without, Mrs. Jerre.Kane, Little Meadow& t' the ' same qnalitkof Job Print jagut the, DEItOCUAT office, at New York city prices and save express.-6. Lathrop, PrVilbret Factory, Montrose. - THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, illEl3. 10, 1875. miscellaneous. . VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and In vigorates the whole System. Its Medical Pmpertles arc ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVENT AND DI- URETIC Weinretint is made exclusively from tLe Juices of care :Val; selected barks. roots and herbs, and so strongly concentrated, tbat it wilt effecthifily eradicate from the system every taint of Smote's. Scrofulous Humor. Tu. mons. Canco-,Cancerons ilumor.Erripelas,Salt Rheum Syphilitic Diseases. Canker, Faintness at the Stomach, and all disclaim) that ex-se from impure blood. Sciatica, in ate and Chronic Rhemnatiam, Neuralgia, Gout and etanaa complaints, can only be effectually cured through the blood. • For Ulcers and Eruptive diseases of the Skin I no tate*. Pimples, Blotches, Bolls. Totter, Scaldhead and Ringworm, Vcgetlne has never fated to effect a per manent care. For pains In the back, kidney eompmints. dropsy, female weakness. Leucorrtwea. arising Isom Internal ulceration. and uterine diseases and general debility, Vegetine acts directly upon the causes of these com plaints. It Invigorates and strengthene the whole eye tern, acts upon the accretive organs, allays leflarnation, cures ulceration and regulates the bowels. For catarrh, dyspepsia, habitual costiveness, palpita , don of the heart, headache, plies, nervoueness and general prostration of the nervous system, no medicine IMP ever given such perfect Patio faction as the Vegetine It purifide the olood, cleanses all of the organs.and pos sesses a COCCI olllnrpower over the nervous system. Thu remarkable cores effected, by Forearm have In duced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prestribe and use it in their own fames. In fact, Vegetine Is the best remedy yet discovered for the above - diseases, and is the only reliable blood purifier yet placed before the public. PREPARED B H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Blass Wear to VIVIIMCIVE?—It fe a compound extracted from barks, roots and herbs. II is hature's Remedy. It Is perfectly harmless from any bad effect upon the system. It fs not nourishing and et4engthenlng. it acts directly upon the blw 4. It qulet4he nervous sys tem. It gives you good, sweet sleep at It Is a great panacea for our aged i fathers and mothers ; for it gives them strength,on ets their nerv.,and gives them Nature's sweet eleep.—as hue been proved by many nu aged person. It Is the great blood Willer. It Is a acsithing remedy for our children, It has relieved and 'cared ousands. It Is very pleasant to take, ever. child likes It Try the Veretinc. Give It a fair trial for your compalnts ; thou you will eay to your friend, -Try It ; it has swede:t." Vegetine for the complaints for which It Is recom mended, is towing a larger alio throughout the United States than any other one medicine. Vflay Vegetine will cure these complaints. VALUABLE INFORMATION. 8051 . 01 Z , Dec. 12.1879. Gentlemezt—lly only object in giving you this testi monial is to spread valuable information, Having been badly afflicted with Salt Rheum, and the whole surface of my skin being covered with pimples and eruptions, many of which canned mo great pain and annoyance, and knowing it to be a blooddlsease, I took many of the advertised blood preparations, among which was any quantity of Sarsaparilla, mithout obtaining any benefit until I commenced taking the Vaatcrctse. and tctere I had completed the first bottle I saw that I had got the tight Medicine. Consequently. I followed on with il until I had taken seven bottles, when I siae pronounced a well man, and my skin us smooth and entirely free from pimples and eruptions. I have never eoyed so good health before, and I attribute it all to t h e use of Vicoarrgin. To benefit those afflicted with Rheumatism, i will make mention also of the Vegetine's wonderml power or curing mo of this acute complaint, of which f have suffered so Intensely. C. EL TUCKER, W Pa.. Ag't Mich. , GS ashington street, Barton. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists PAINTS AND OILS. A FINE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS & Co.'s Montrose,lday 14., 1373. C AIIPETS. CARPETS AT 20 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 14,'71, For Sale by IL H. LYONS &Co SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE. and other 4M-rciaeries At Low Figures at WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the lanufactory. B. R. LYONS & CO. Spool Thread. =EI and John Clark'. Spool Thread. Wotte Black, and Colored—from No. 8 to No. ISO, at :5 cents per dozen, For ludo by B. R. LYONS & CO. Montrose, Kay 14. 1.613.—tf The Doubt Dispelled. remsvcr cir c> 4orri et Wm. Hayden. New, Pa.. Is cow offerlup at crake new stock of DRY GOODS "Antall) selected for Spring and Bummer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES the hrgeet and beat Variety In h'ortbern Yenneylvama Hats do Claps, TRUNKS, TRAVELING B &GS Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No thus, etc., etc. IME;;;;;Illi;1;;IU=1 New =ord. !I:112th. S. S. CAMPBELL Sr, CO. VIIOLISSLL2 SLILAVIF • FINE, RAIN AND DOLINSES CANDY. Importers ana Det.ers in FOREIGN FRUITS NGTBotte Fire Works Constantly on Hand. Nei. 4 . 22 Market Sii and 417 Merchant St. Phil's March 15. 1874 -Ir. tICHENSTEIN: - BLUMENTHAL BROS.- Nw Milord, Pa., Witigieralo and rotail dealer, In Fine Watches nd filth 7evrelr7Sterling Silver Ware, ' Froncli and American Clocks. Mae Plated Ware. and 811, r Tea Seta. Alan all kind of Gold and Silver Plating. Watch, Clack, and Jewelry_ kepainug, and Plain and Ornamental erigtOr tag: neatly executed.- , • Juno 24, NEV MILFORD MACHINE. SHOP. .. JULIUS SHULTZ, Filtrates] 'Machinist. respectfully solidta the patronage of all who may want Engine Millwork Shafting,llenge) a, Pa ileygears &c. N. 13..-Special duention paid to repairing.. New MillordJune to. ' sio,loocos NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY To elf in search of a good bargain we extend a cordial Invitation to call and examine our stock, and take prices. We are prepared and willing to'do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and gave us your custom. Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank• !Ready -Made Clothing. Men's, Youth's, and ets, Shawls, Cloakings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Boy's Suits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over- Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and coats, Mimes, &c. Buck, Kid, and • Wool Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shirts, Knit Jackets, lists and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, &c., Bows, Scarfs, Ties, and Mufflers. Full line of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst- , eds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and Furnishing Goods, Carpets and 011-Cloths. 33.tx.fra/co Vt.colzwoos, Lap wascl Micoreso 331Larrais.eits. dbc). Montrose, October 21, 1874. GENERAL Storo o Hot] Oorbettsviilei, TIE Hotel Is situated on toe river :outmoding from Binghamton to Montrose, arose to Conklin Station on S the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. Parties stopping at this Station will and It con en lent to call on me, as I have proper conveyance to carry them to any place they want to go. I have been rverlt tag my Donee and Barn making It more convenient to entertain the pnbilc. Thankful for the many favor. o. my old friends and will be glad to ace them all when going this way. • Corbettavilio. N. It.. Jammu (1,105. tf Binghamton Advertinoments * VOL a 1.11 FOOT (C. Ifetrimers Merchant Tailors, gINGI-SBMTON, N. Y. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEWS & 0015' Gouts' Flingslam Gook W. extend a cordial incitation to too public to cal and canine our B. R. LYONS & CO.•S or Our Motto O, Not to be Undersold. jel JOHN C. FOOT. - - 0. M. HAWLEY The Cheapest Place CROCKER, OHO, & M.'S, 13.T.A7413,13...9.2fEETC0N. N. Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. OIROULAR AND CROSS-OUT SAWS, The Beet in the World 1 Binghamton. Oct. 14th:1824. . Sewing Machine ! THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT OF THE AGE Sews from but One Spool of Thread. It bee but ex werklng parte , le no melere,and sow/ more rapidly thatlhey illacblueintbe iderlrot. It Combine+) Durability wl lh Beauty and BlmpllelttAad • has all the Modem Ampzovem ante. WALNUjIirA FILIST-CL FO AS E 825,S 14ACIIINE ON A BUM T TABLE ILS.YDEw BENZ) FOll CIRCULAR. Address, TBS INDEPENDENT SEWING 814CBILTSt4., Doc. 21, 1873 Binghamton, FURNITURE WARE I EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH 1 X 2l . 4: avz azr ir 13 50 Wallington St., Binghamton, . Cnnsistinint everyth ing "annul/Wein' that business. {igniting promptly done.' OlD[fi: • 436 Eiropoloalty. • PIUCES itE4SONAiiI4 ' Elatlitsctlon giaraateedl 11lagbamton.N. Y., ,tOgust4o.l6l3.—ly. JOB PRINTING ; AT' . THE'A . BEHOCHAT 4 OFFIGE. CHEAP ..ktry Vas JUST RECEIVES) BY Our Stock has been selected with great care and bought at Borrost Platers. iCo'CrEIL STOOS Dry Goods Department. Olothing Department. GUI T.ENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. D. J. MURPHY, Proprietor. S 7 COURT STREET, Opposite Bacliking° Hotel CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. STOCK AND PRICES Binghamton, N.Y., Oct. ith. 7974 Plielp's Bunk Building, We are Agents for lIKNBY DITSON & SONS' AND JOHN ROTHERY'S Celebrated Hand•Cnt Files, TLIE INDEPEND79EIT7 Has a self-selling Straight Needle. VP‘62stoci. ;o'llloll6 A tine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and Cassimeres for Custom Work. Mess• urea taken, and good fitting and Workmanship Warranted. 111. 8, Ilessaner, Managing Partner. Binghamton Advertiamenta CARTER, PORTER, & JOHNSON, w - x-xo HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FARKEB.WIAND BESCHAFICS' TOOLS. BWoeltors Bteol Goods SEAT SvRINGS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS rad CALK STEEL. &c BURRETT•S CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK FEED CUTTERS Or C ALL AND SZZ UN 87 Washington St., BINGHAMTON, N. V Oct. 14th. 1875.-1.7. ROSIN MON'S' Southern Tier FURNITtRE EMPORIUM 88 Wagliington Street, .131stakinmatcoxi.. N. Ir.. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF IP VIANZI2'772ii LJ At the Lowest Prices of any Store it Southern New York. AU Goods Bolder° WAHRATED an Represented E.D. ROBINSON. N0i.12 18'M.-Ivr At No. 33 Court Street BINGHAMTON, N. T. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, AI iierkeve,lost returned from the 'City of New York " alter porcharini *large and well selected stock of 'FALL 'AND WINTER GOODS of all kinds bought tram dm hands, we are now pra• pared' to offer_goods at prices that satlsfy,the closest buyer: •We bare also added to our large mock of Dry Goods, an Immense stock .of CLOTH, ()ASST. IllufV o arto 0134V1t8 for Men and Bo•ya wear: • We are no* proptod to matte SUITS FOR ALL 'WhO Will giro is a CA hsvo arst ell:1,11'1=51cm . - ~ n t .a e a:Vh a gt7e;gen ; ' , po u will plesso oallsoa exam lue OUT stock before y ou purchase elsewhere. Theo:Wel for poet :lams, we hope for t continuation of the same.. tve retastu, Yousi :C. a -904TESY Dlngbamtou, 8ept.'23,1187.1.-4t. • GENEARL Stoic Ilotol Corbettsville, N. Y. D. J. MURPHY, Prapriscor r . DEALERS IY Agent. for You will Find the OF ALL KINDS, FITWEriIiTD I M Iliscelleheous TCEIVIT COBLRlartliela M Clo Pri. "O' ! The undereigned will keep conftently on hand and far tale, very low, r'ltztestc,rui, PLA"I FORM W ' DONS (for one or Iwo,) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, I=l TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons limey spring wagone. vecond halm earmegmland op en and cop bagr!tes. for note cheap Will make to order to milt parties. all lads of usr• rlages, Work Warranter!. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at Springville. Pa Enquire at D. L. 4t. W. Exprees Office of D. p. READ LE. Mon troee, Or et Springville of E. H. CULVER. Mgnirofe June 3, 187-I,—ti, MONEY SAVED NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICE s GRIFFIS & SAY RE, Have opened. at the old location cf M. S. Wilson, in the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to sea allot ~o r old friends and the many new ones we hope to gain. our stock will consist of Iron s Nails El Haan &BOCK:EBY & ate SWABE, In large goanittles and variety. Stone-Ware, Wood Ware. House-Furnishing Goods and Groceries. Kr snail glee part.cular attention to the Gummy Trade and keep a tall assortment or Teas, Sugar, Coffees Family GrOceries & Provisions, lu full variety. Salt and Flour. We shall keep con scantly on hand fine brands of floor at much less than old prices, and warrant It to please. Goods delivered promptly to our town customers. TER S:— Our terms will be strictly R.oca,c3. - yr-FoiLy, (cash or produce ) This it will be well to remem• her. or this will ho the secret to our low prices. We are contrrient that by calling and examining our goods and prices your will find that It will be for your later. est to try our goods and terms. Jurrxusox thorn e. S. M. SArcm. Montrose, May. 13th, "14.—tf p o i LUNGS STROUD, General ( 1 INSURANCE AGENT, Ilacaratrosso. Pea,. Capital Represented, $100,000,000 ! FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSUR *NOE Liverpool, London A Globe Ine.Co. or Noma America Penn. Fire Ins. Co., Phila., National. Phil'a. Ins. Co., iitate of Ponn'a ' Union Mutual li e co m lu m . In .f Flre Nestlowo,of Buck! Co .• • . Lancaster Fire los. Co. Fire Association of nila . . . . .. . . . . Lehigh Valley Fire. Allentown. " 200,00.1 AICIIIIIIIIIIiS at Pittsburg, " 400,000 Penn syl7auis Ins. Co., Phila. 1.300,000 Farmer's Intl. Co.. of Phila. 250,000 City Firs lee. co. Providence, R. I 321,000 Roger Williams Ins, Providence, R. I. 320,000 Watertown Ins. Co., Watertown, N. Y, 600.100 Rome the. Co., N.Y. Capital and surplus. $4,000,000 Atlas Fire Inc. Co., Hartford, Ct. 400,000 ilartiord Fire arts., Co.,Lapitaland Surplue $3,000,000 Home Ins. Co . Columbnee 0., - 010,000 Citizens' Fire Inc Newark, N.J.- 300,000 The undersigned le SPECLAL AOENT for the follow ing companies for Northern l'ennsylvenia: Fire Aneociation of Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster. The Insurance Co. of the State of Peunsylvania,of Philadelphia. , 1—• F . Conn. Matnal Life tile. Co.. Ans . tto Americaniiao. Pialra. .45. 0 4017:332111Vrr. Traveler,. ine.Co .llartford,(kpltaland 5eep1,342.000,000 Railway Passenger, $350,000. Tbenntlereigned hat, been well known in thilleonnty.fot the pant IT ywra ae an leenranee Agent. Losses al:stained by his Comoalni ea have alwaye been promptly paid. tirr ()Mee arstdoor east from Banking Offlcr of W 11. Cooper d.Co—Turopflreet.Montrose.Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES IL SMITH, Office Manager fentrooe. Nov 18. 1814 HERRING & FARREL, 53437 lir AtANITACTURFRS OF ALL KLNDS OF Wire, evxml lEturgacair Proc.! Tbo oldest and most reliable firm in the United States They took the'prize medal awarded at the WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON a MI Safes are wsrranted free from dampness and cor roslon. BILLINGS STROUD, Agvnt Montrose, May ti '74 —lt 17.9-Wit13E17.61..a HCOI7/5333. OPPOSITE VIZ COURT 110TIlli MONTROSE.PENN . A JOHN S. TARBELL, PROP'II Nine" Rages and Flacks leave this Donee daily, c o n. nectinir with the Montrose Railway, tbo Lehighlralley Railroad. and the D. L. &W. Railroad. . April 1at,1078.-ti. I . IUNT BROTHERS, . SCRANTON, ea wboiewea Rotail DeMersin HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. • - • NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 1 - IILDER'S' HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COBB I EL'SIINE d TMAIL SPIKE: RAILROAD I._,II,EIRG RUPPLIEB. • CIARRIAOH SPRINGS,. AXLEB,- ARSINE AN I! ,DOSES, HOLM NM and • IVARRERR, PLATED BANDS: MALLEABLE . • • IRONS:1111B8,9POREE, PELLOER;SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, Be. ANVILS, VICES; STOCKS' and DIES, DELLOVaI ,RAMKEUS SLEDGES, PILES, p. &c. AND 'MILL SAWB,BfILTING. PACKING • %TACKLE , BLOCES,' PLASTER PARIP. DEMENT, HAIR & DRINDSTONES, paragon WINDOW GLAEB.LL'ATIIER &PINDINOtc . PAIRBANK'S SCALES • HAND BILLS PRINTED AT THIS OFFUIE Bitters are a purely Vegetable pipparntiOn; made chiefly from 'the' native herbs• found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro- perties of which - are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost "daily_ asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vfnums Bix amas? " Our answer is, -that they remove the conic, of disease, and the patient reeost era his health. They are.,the great blood purifier and a life-giymg principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been "compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vnmasir.Brrrebs in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative as well as eugenic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them IWO YMCAS BITTEELS es a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. No Person eau take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by nlifieial poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim VENECIAS Brrrnns the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the MY. si&sippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas,ated, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke,James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn. and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influenge upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. 3. Wansen's VINE°An BnTErs, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspeilsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attaeks,Palpitation of the Heart,lnflnm mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofola,or Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, :scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mereurial Affections, Old gores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, WALKER'S Vumoss BnrrEns have shown their great cerative powers in the most obstinate and intractable oases. For IndiuninatOrY and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equaL Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. —Persons en- gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and einiera, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To, guard against this, take a dose of WALKED'S VTR- Ea&tt BTITEILS occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus. tales, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Read, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, /bah, Scarfs, Diacolurat:ons of the Skin, Rumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermiluges, no anthel minitics, will free the system from worms like these Bittern. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvementis soon perceptible. Jaundice.—ln all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re movaL For this purpose use ViNsaAn Rrr- TESS. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in .Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse .it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. 620,000,000 $3,950,000 450,000 .400,000 $6,000,000 450,000 300.000 1.35,003,000 $4,500,000 . . Draggtdi and Galena Agents, San FnWan*. California, and nor. Wiabington and Chariton Sts.. New York. Bold by fill Uvuggisis bad Dealers. Sept. Mk. 11374.-6 m. ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, ' ratEcmatrciiso. 3Piortaara,.. is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tinually on band a full sun desirable assortment °fron tline DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints,olls Dyestuffs, TEAS, - Spices, dad other - groceries, stone ware, wallpaper, glass•waro, fruit Jars, mirrors Mmps, chimneys, kerosene, machinery oils, tanners' oil, nests foot oil, relined Whale Oil, oil for lanterns, oil for sewing machines,Olive OU,Sperm Oil.Sptrits Turpcn tine,Yaraishes,CanarySeed,Vinegar,Potash,Concen- totted Lye. Azle Grease. Trusses, Supporters ,Medical Instruments,Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, .Lead, Gun thips,Blastine Powderand Vase, Violins,Strings Llowe,cle, Flutes, - Fifes, etc. - ,Fish HooksandLines,DarandTolletSospa IlatrOils, Hair Restorers. and Hair Dyes. Brushes', Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver and Silver Plated Spoons, Forks,Knives, ite.,Deat I t Articles, a gorier alassortmentof ,• • . - FANCY aocs, JEWELRY, mai PERFUMERY ' All thel ending and best kinds of ' PATENT MEDICINES. The p eople aro invited Weal' at the Dreg and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL. Jan. 1,1873. Established-048 KUL' _ BURNS-th 1110110L9, P.surawrasa X3.rioh.3E4lcroli..Xtacoiatro , oo Our stack of-Druga and Alm Is complete, and Catot taken to have evorythlngot the best +polity: The public may rest assuerd the; a 8 teedlelues that leave our store shall be n they arsrepresented, pure and tab' PATENT of all kinds called for, on hand at able 'Flue. By personal and strict attention to' business, aeall timer, we hope to malt the confidence And ftvor of the public. A. 11..tiURNS,' AMOS NIOIIOI,S. Atp'ilir . o.o,Aprlll.l6l4 D WORK , . J ' AT TIIIA OFFICE,CtiCAP I IL McDONALD & OCNI THE•EAGLE fiinx Or via GOLDEW Number 6. Advertisements NEW AMIANGEINENTI" Tlio 10110's DraE St L N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. It. KR Z.TYON, Druggist. & Apothecary PATENT MEDICINE EMPORDM The undendgned Would respectlally influents t, 3 the people everywhere, that to his already erte n , stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocers, VllllOO. and Hardware line. tie has added a r ry choice assortment of • DRUGS. FATUNT :MEDICINES, BRUSIIES, p pubIERT. &c.. Which he flatters Mins If he cause the public they will find ft to their advantage in e lee before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physleisy ,this section of .the county be would respetafally nonnee that he has secured the services of as Druggist and Apothecary, whose long mordent, acknowledged care and ability. entitle Marto you tire confidence in the line of compounding meat or preparing presCrlptions, and who would also It an especial favor to receive calls from slum` hi , ^ustomers or now ones. Will make the Fluent . /1601 s specialty. Also Dbmeette and Foreign Waters—an extensive stock. Alto fine Groceries MEWS EXTRACT OF BEEF, AMER, SALII PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTEas PEAS, CORN. BEANS, OYSTERS, &c, In tact, anything and everything that Is ordinarily ed. Respccithily soliciting a call I remain I. N. BULLARb Powder! Powder! Powder Blastinv, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot, Lew, Tubes, Cape, Pooches, Flasks, Pose, Le, &e., &c., for ante by .11. Ilontroee, Sept. 9, 1974—tf. I, lIIrLLAR.: N AILS, TINWARE, BOYD & CORWI Corner of Main and Turnpike Sts TIXICIO2V•VrIt.aIISI3EI, PAL., lECTONTMIS TIN IND MIRROR Wl' Builders' Hardware CUTLERY, ETC., Mojal.les, by tla.e. Ss"; Thanks to our Friends for Past Favors We would be more thankibl to one and all who they have unsettled accounts with us, if they noti and settle by the middle of March next. Feb. 4, 1874. Furnit tire. At W. W. Smith & So Extensive Furniture War 'room you Wfll find th Stock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON 3E 1 113 - PL. Dr X To be found in this section of the country, of b manufacture, and at prises that cannot fall to giT faction. They make the very beet ffURMMUW.TITII In the Country, and WARRANT them Qpholst©ry IM7 or Of all kinds done in the nestsat manna. El FR Mt. XIV 43- 33 33 23 OF VARIOUS RINDS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASS , UNDERTAKI N• The subscriber will hereafter =kat... edema' spectaity In his business. Having jUrt rumple needingd the meat elegant HEARSE In the PLC :A neis services will be attended to prompt 4 satisfactory charges. WEI. W. SHIITE & SOB. tiontrose. Pa.. Jan. 3 , tsls.—nos—tt, TUE BEST KNOWN REMEDY! COLE BROTHERS' te, A SURE CURE FOli ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, URI ALL COMPLAINTS OF LUNGS, LI KIDNEYS, RiIEUTMATISM, and a sure cure for. the PILES. 80. sure try it. Beware of fraud. None genuine unless by COLE BROTHERS. Solo Proprielore, Montrose, Ps Or by authorized dreg Oct. Patente d December Ist, 1874. t 7, 1874.—;-tf. GOOD NEWS, FREE TO ALL I For A, N. Ballard ban on band a lot of th 9 et 2 Petra. yon ever now. the very best ernbtrrie , market. a dno lot of Prime Sweet Pain , ay. 00 qibbagt and alljkbads of Choice FRUITS AND VEGTABLES o their aostem. A now stock , of the best %ChM Buckwheat Plonr,Cont Eloat , Oat Meal, and Feed. Porklng_Balt, llama, and Dried -Beef. Dried take Fruits, Tens. Coreca,Pugara, Apices, TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNI: A now stock of School Books and Slates. sod' stock of pocket TIKIAIDItIB2 UP= ago andlotsotothes,goodagniteaonamet o Oe toms and to any one making a bill the 'Limo *tze they ty when They go 10 Binghamton. y ally beat Binghamton prices at least 10 per CO2.e ins will be ameineed. - - • A. N. BIALA ISltintioio . tior, 18. 11.—tr. . . • .pii. , a .„ BLATCHLEY'II ;, , .'3 '• • • -•; , • 5: - - Improved 0110133111E1t if' 44 0 IPUhlP,Testeleee, Durable, EZ+ L - t+s - + + et and Cheap. + Tho beet Pump IN 3; ' : :' '''' .. "' i trV n i a te u d ( r Al:41:1'10111:P PartrtM '-' ,++ • ++++, • proved /Intake, and oew rtro2%;' ~ t 1 Volvo...which + eau be w1tr011,;,;, , , wlthoui removing the P91914 0, Z'L',..,Y' I ' l'e . . V .-- t e ri g g eagab ip tria it., cbge.;F: - .. 1, - , ....; . rushes, and vAll °utiles any 01.-;. - ...;. . •• "-14: ror COO by Eloalera &ttll '4'O. • ' , ?.. ?. generally; 'lnquire rot Bit -•-. , s'','. L t 2l v t:l n P: and it not for tale in . .?.,-.4 . eoud direct, to • - otto, it suitonEl; 'Non ti*tuM, rf, - s, • 60t1 Couoerre. tit.: Pbsinaelp.• -..,,,) April Ist, 1874.-4ao. . • :* HARDWA