Volume 32. pemocrat—ebitorial. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday at 114-P. The Washington Chronicle asserts that $250,000 has been provided to carry through an extention of.the Wheeler & Wilson sewing mashing patent. " Grant wants the Radical party in Con gress to psi a law giving him the power to suspend Wie writ of "habeas corpus" whenever and wherever he may think proper. There's a • good time coming and it's almost • here. Twenty-one Democratic Governors and a Democratic House of Representatives alter the fourth of March. —Boston Post. There is to be two Alabama repOrts.— One will contain the truth and the other will be constructed with a view of Saving the Radical party. It is a difficult mat ter, however, to make rotten eggs smell sweet. The public debt increased 81,500,000 last month, and the Secretary of the Treasury asks for more taxation. All this goes to thew that the Radicals are "Professore" of economy—they preach but do not practice. Thel t .New York Herald having suggest ed th there is a possibility of Grant becoming L L. B. an L. L D.or D. C. L., a corkspondent interprets these as fol— lows : LL B. as denoting Lover. of Long Branch. L L. D., as Lover of Large Donations. D. C. L, Destroyer of Civil Liberty. U. S. G., Unprincipled. Salary Grabber. Hon. Angus Cameron, of Lacross, Wisconsin,has been elected "United States senator, to take the place of Hon. Matt. Carpenter. Mr. Cameron will , take his seat by virtue of Democratic votes and pledged to the support of several vital trinciples of democratic policy. This is another substantial triumph as unexpect ed as gratifying. The coinage of silver under the act which promises resumption of specie pay ments iu 1879 has already actively com menced. Last month the Philadelphia mint turned out 722,300 half dollars 300 quart, rs and 550,300 dimes- —in all 1,272. 900 coins, not to mention 690,000 pewter five cent pieces and 1,8000,000 minute hits of copper, called cents. It* said that Secretary Bristow does not favor the increased tax on.'whisky, being satisfied that the present tax secures to the country the maximum of,revenne. It is shrewdly suspected that the propo sition to increase the tax nri whisky ten cents per gallon is only a device of spec ulators who wish to add to the value of stocks in hand by such legislation. The Washington correspoudent i of the Jobrnal of Commerce says : "An author ity usually trustworthy states that the increase, in the public debt as shown by the statement of to-day would have been five millions, but for the witholding of warrants for ten days past. The same authority states that warrants for 815,- 000,000 are now witheld, having accu• mniated within a isear." • The desperate rump of raaicalism, the Forty-thiid congress, having hut a few days long.r to survive, has thiown aside the restraints imposed by - the consti tutional rights of the minority,•and given itself up to unbridled license. It refuses to undertake discussion, it will simply . vote, and drive through, under the new rule adopted, every objectionable job •that can obtain the assent of a bare majority. It is antrnunced from Washington tha the Radical caucus of the Senate resolved to endorm Grant in all that he ha done aiti_Lmfisoma irt__tfoa ...t_ it ydo in the future. Eight Senators, it is said, oppose this. This proposed endorsement in the face of the testimony being taken in New Orleans, will satisfy the people of the necessity of turning all Radical officials out of power. The Montrose Repubiican . a4sises that the Radical party shall hold oat its hand to the Liberal Republicans, and try to win them back to the party again. We have no di übt that they begin to feel this necessity. Let their corrupt leaders trav el right on in the road of tyranny and robbery they are now on and ill a short time they will be forced to extend their hands to coax a raspectable dog to keep them company. Some of the organs are sneering ai senator Andrew Johilson. They ought to remember that soon alter he was in- - angurated President he declined to re— ceive a spanking team of horses and car riage from parties in New York ; besides he refused all gifts and only drew twenty five thousand dollars a year. They should turn their attention to the record of that man, Grant,if any desire au object worth sneering at. . The carpet-bag witnesses before the New Orleans committee, cut a most ridic ulous Stare. They talk a geesit deal about' intimidation, and say they know of men who are conversant with the facts of such intimidation, but that they dare not tell what they know. This kind of stuff will have but little weight with men of sense- Gov. Well's account of how near he came la fug assassinated -is a specimen of this :intimidation. He was eating his Owner when a friend told him that two rtrangers were going to 'assissivate him. He fled incontinently, but declines to give the name of the friend who infermed him of his danger. It came out, however, that no one had talked about assassinating him, but that u planter, one of Sheridan's bandits, fearing that two drunken loaf ers wopld raise a disturbance ot the hotel table, advised Gov. Wells a withdraw with the ladies present. This is the whole Eitory,tstid the foundation for throwing out the yote in Rapider Parish. Hon. Joseph R. Chandler, of Philadel phia, in a paper read before the social science association f:t that. city, takes the ground that education is not to be regarded as a prevention of crime; it is the power of conscience and not of intel lect which keeps men virtuous. He has had a long experience as a careful obser— ver of convict life, and says: "While, in the lowest order of crimes, I may have found more unlettered than lettered criminals, 1 have found the former more amenable to gentle moral dealing than the latter were. It will not do for any northern person I who goes south to tell the truth when he comes back if be wishes to remain in good standing with the Republican party.— General Grant was denounced as a white washer the last time he visited the south— ern states and expressed his convictions in a report. Messrs. Foster and Phelps have been lead out of the party for their Louisiana report. 'The actual condition of affairs at the south is such an indict• ment of republican administration as no plea can mitigate or evade. 'lt is essen tial that the people of the north should be misinformed in order that misgovern ' ment at the south may be perpetuated. Certain Radical editors, in endeavor—' ing to belittle Bishop Wilmer's testimony before the Louisiana friveatigatiugCom— mittee, bring out this palpable lie, viz.: that Bishop Wilmer during the rebellion ordered the prayer for the President, or, as one of these intelligent chaps put it, "President Lincoln!s name to be erased from the prayer books of his diocese!" It's the first instance we evere heard of ,a President's hams being in an Episcopal prayer book, and as Bishop Wilmer was not consecrated until November 7th, 1866, it was morally impossible for him to have caused the "erasure of President Lincoln's name," as that gentleman had been dead over a year and a jialf. We are surprised at the "morality" party's going astray on a matter of this sort. The Republican journals seem much concerned about the rights of the minor ity in Harrisburg, but have no compas sion for the minority in Congress. In regard to the ruling of Speaker PattersOn in the case of Mr. Wolfe, having all the facts before us, we believe the Speaker was right. He has been sustained by the House, which could not be if be had act ed in an arbitrary or an unfair manner.— Mr. Patterson lacks experience and' is perhaps wanting in gravity of manner usually termed dignity, but the effort of the opposition to take advantage of the Chair, is in contrast with the marked in dulgence on the part of the democratic minority of last year under the rulings of Speaker McCormick. The stand tak eri by Mr. Wolfe, would, if sustained. destroy authority and precipitate personal collisions, which would be lamentable.— We are sorry bad blood has been engend ered at this early stage of the session, and hope the efforts of cool headed men in both parties will result in establishing a more friendly state of affairs. The ro— ple demand .attontion to the business which sent the members to Harrisburg, and don't want to hear of any more non sense.—Pittsburg Pod, Local Option Potions And now, to wit, February 1875, the women have commenced again to circu late petitions to pray our Radical Repre sentatives and senator from Susquehauna county not to repeal the Local Uption law I and we suppose we have committed an unpardonable sin in the eyes of the editor i of the Republican and the other tempe rance women,because we have not signed it. This party of "great moral ideas" of Susquehanna county, most certainly, has ways that are dark and tricks that are vaip indeed if we cannot rely upon the present representatives at Harrisburg for the most fanatical action upon the .prohibition question, without us - cm - ars ws of petitions. If the editor and the wo men are suspicious that they will sell out they should certainly send one of their number down to shadow them. What hope is there in scything connected with the Prohibition Republican party of Susque hanna connty,if their representatives, who swallowed S. B. Chase's prohibition crow bar, at their late county convention, are not now stiff enough in the back to with stand the blandishments of Harrisburg temptations without being braced up by the women of this county. Especially so in the case of Senator Watson who in order to fasten himself securely, to this Chase crowbar, made a pledge also in addition. We can but come to one con clusion in this matter and that is, that the women, have no more PA nfick.o. co 1 Radical political temperance and it - office seeking Representative than we have as the very fact that they deem this actionnec essasy,shows. We have been denounced by the Montrose Republican and - other Ring leaders, because we do not. agree with their patent hypocritical process for pro moting the escerdency of their corript party leaders under the false cry of ad vancing temperance. Does it require much discernment to - . see that there was a bottle of whisky in one pocket and their arguments for Local Option in the other, in order to be all things to all men, for partY success, when the Radical majority in the legislature shirked their responsibility as honest rep renntatives of the people, and made NO Law,.calling it "Local Option," instead of standing up like men and passing or re• fusing to pass a • prohibitory law for the whole state ? In the last instance they would haire been pronounced honest legis !atom, while as it was, they were simply political sneaks, and the same sobriquet should attach to our representatives now if they use petitions to shelter them from promities made. before election and parti— zan responeibility afterward. A man who has not got the Moral courage to stand for his own conviction .of right, let it be for or against the repeat of Local Option, without petitions "trcm this county to stiffen hie back,hadlietter be called home to inc family at onee. Neither hie coon- THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, FEB. 10, 1875. . . ty or state will profit by his presence at New (advertisements. Harrisburg. We do not feel called upon . ~ to lenti our name to give him any instruc- A U th Dr ap O po ßZ , 126 0 T d h 4 0 e =le m egi n i!Zi . t o c u A l ti tions. in end for the cannr the flasoetisnini, to dletrifute the fends remaining - in hands of Ilenry Gun and Galen Newman. Adm'is of the estate of Hiram B.ollford.deed The Latest Villainy. will attend to the duties of his arpolntrnent. at his of fice, in blontrase. oa Friday, 'March 19tb. 1473, at one The President is us determined as ever It'clregkalnrettlien,aftsepr"pelornandAit"r__relertairthner.rrectellasreatill to secure his third term. lie and Gen. aLve .Inteanu plane or he airever delutred. OA A. W. BERTUOLF, Auditor. Sheridan and their tools having failed to ' provoke the Southern peop!e to the ex sTAlLE,lllll.r.roor.thAtonp.ecelpts and Exptnditures of tent of forcible resistance, that inhumali Poor tax levied DM Orders Issued project of provoking anouther civil war lnt. . - .- . .- - for the sake of carrying the next Presi- ' Town tax levied 1814 dential election will have to he abandon- t i ztro Issued - -. In Treasury • - - ed. Nothing, therefore, promises so well 1 as a foreign war. Accordingly it seems i Amount of 0 01 a d ni f ei t : tensed I - . the Administration will, as a last resort, ' i n. 4 m id anatut Treasury - • - - force a quarrel upon Spain. For the Amount' inuo. of special rood tax levied in 1514 Amount lb Treasury since 1813 - past six years the Administration bus too ventured to even speak a kind word for the struggling Cubans, nor did it proper- ' , % c m iii o cc u lr ` rsceirtieurctledrd".s paid- ly resent the Virginals outrage on the Balance remaining ln Treasury American flag. During this period, Sec Floating special road Indebtednen retary Fish's SOD-ID-law CotaillUtd to earn 1 CU tiILF- 4 DELITAIITY, ... 8 his large fees as counsel fur the Spanish LORENZO STONE, !venison. J. J. DONNOVEN, Government. and the Administ rat ion 'I. IN st , tel \ 1 statement of the Indebtednessa nd a s winked at everything which Spanish inn- . ..e - , of the ßorough of Frlendsville, Jan. 99. ism. ' INDEBTEDNESS. pudence asked. Now, how at ever, th Grant sees his waning popularity tie- J it4j,fr,..:tent,,rtecialtialliodrcionuedtif,aertor of Thomas vo 00 wands desperate r, inedtes. we dud hint Costs and intArest on the same - • - 13699 maids Illiani Datum. Judgroent. - • - le IT ft 'Crists and Interest on the same - - - In tn sending in a war i wage, and apparent- J ames Keenan judgement on Esq. Ryan's docket 4000 ly getting ready to spring h:s last trop. . ( ,;?: . I,,, a 'g r lr i t r yr a s e t . o. the com''nol 9 .`"" 9 - The N. Y. Herald, after canvassing ! ~, , , , X ,:', Z , n l -.lo.er' s , ero , es • -- the preliminary movements in the pro— , Office reut. a l7ghts, - fueland eta tionery . 1 Oneplough point - - - - gramme, says: 1 Repairing sewer - - - - - - I Robert id inters bill for attending Injunction "Nothing is more the duty of intlepen- , suit at County Court - - - - - Ataf w e n es. Fitch & Watson end B. Glidden not dent men —Democrats and Republicans 1 . _ . . . . - -than to deal with this war spirit which : Total amount of indebtedness comes muttering to us from Washington i as they would deal with a crime against i the integrity of the Republic. Grant should be forced to resign, and the Presi ; deticy should be transferred to Mr. Wil- I, son. Sharp, peremptory, decisive expr , a sinus of oppinion by Congress iii the he, ; gining may save disasters in the end.— Such action ever. now may compel Grant to surrender the office he uses to the in i l jury of the country. But the war pur pose exists, and the President should be taught that he cannot thus trifle with the interests of the country for his own per sonal ambition. The rtsignation of Grant means peace, and so king us he hesitates we are threatened with war. A Disgraceful Scene A scene occnrred in the state legislature on Monday evening, February Ist, which is almost unparalleeld in the history of our state,and the responsibility of the die gracefull scene must rest upon the Re publican members who resisted by force the execution of the orders of the prop. erly constructed officers of the House.— The course of Wolfe iu leading such a demonstration should receive thi• fullest condemnation of the public. That we may not he accused of giving e pill tisan report we go outside the state and copy • this from the New York herald : A most disgraceful' scene- occured in the lower House of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Soon after the opening of the session a motion was made by W. Cooper Talley to take up the considera tion of a petition of citizens of Lancas— ter county, contesting the seat of D. P. Rosentniller, republican, from that dis trict, which had been presented on the first day of the session, la fore the mem bers had been qualified, and was post- poned. The republicans raised the point of order that the petition could not be con- I sidered without being presented anew as an origional petition. The Speaker (Mr. Patterson) decided the point not well ta ken, and, upon an appeal from his decis ion, a very lively partisan debate ensued. The decision of the chair, however, was sustained by a vote of 100 yeas to 15 nays, whereupon Mr. Wolfe, republican. sustained the further point of order , -That it required a two thirds votes of the House to take up the petition, a su.- pension of the rules being necessary."— The Speaker also decided this point not well taken, and as no appeal was made from his decision, immediately entertain ed a motion to adjourn, whereupon Mr. Wolfe, in an excited manner, sprane to his feet and demanded to be heard. The Spfticer ruled him out of order as there had been no appeal taken and a m.ition to adjourn was not debated. Mr. Wolfe said :—I am not out of or— der and I won't take my seat The speaker—The gentleman will take his seat or the Serge:lnt-at-Arms will re— move him from the ball. Mr. Wolfe—No he won't. (Cries of "N 9, no," from tlie reprit(icati side of the House.) The Speaker—The Sergeant-at-Arms will remove the gentleman from the ball. That officer at once proceeded to dis charge his duty, when the republican friends of Mr. Wolfe interfered and a most disgraceful scene was enacted. The members all left their seats and pistols were drawn upon the Sergeant-at-Arms. Everytning was confusion, worse con founded; and, in the midst of hisses and yells, the Speaker adjourned the House. Wolfe and his friends are to blame for the row, as there appeared to be a stud ied effort on their part du:ing the whole evening to vex anti annoy the Speaker. . It is thought that the democrats will demand the expulsion of Wolfe from his seat in the House. During the commotion the v,oice- of Parson Plummer, democrat, was heard vociferously callitig for "Sheridan," h htle another yelled lustily for "Grant and ,his troops." A motion was subsequently found in the House that Mr. Wolfe should be censured for his conduct. NEW Onsens,Febutirir 6.—The con— gressional committee to-day examined several witnersea who had been Culled by the -conservatives. The general tone or the testimony was that the last election was fair and free. No violence was at tempted where the witnesses resided.— One witness said the returns inltS72 were manipulated by Warmth. Another said the recognition of Kellogg with the leg. islature last elected would Imit.the people best. It.ie understOod that the congressional ,committee unanimous the opinion that the action of the returning board was illegal, and that the conservatives elected a_ majority of the members of the legislature at the late election. The com mittee will conclude the iovesttation to-r-marmw, and will leave at once for Washington. ASSETS. Tax dopllcate In bands of Collector Cash on hand In the Treasury • Total amount of tweets - • - 7 13538 Amount of valuation ROBERT I W roperty - urg $113400 INTERS. Bas. Attest—TAMES MEAD, Cierk. Tho Bost lloto lust Books. !PIANO jLarge collection of popular pieces. Hoot excellent prao• tic, and moat entertaining to play. . , RITTER'S HISTORY OF Ingle: Each $l6O. Condensed from 500 book! • and .16 crae complete, intere.tmg and a most useful book of reference In mnsical families. CL A RR. E'S P F :leserg I Method In point of Pale, le enlarged, improved, and In eVOLT way keepe ep its high reputation- Prieel9Ao. ORGANAT 11011 E. $250, The InittsAlltlet beet editeetlon dr papilla. ReedQr ytU piecee ; large pages, well !Med, QM MEM; RIVER OF LIFE • NwE P. of the itvreete+t of Sabbath School Songs. All hooks sent post-paid, for retail prise. OLIO DITSON & Co., CELAN. El. Dll' OA ,S Co,. BOrtoll. 111 Wdway. N. Y. 1-te [llay SD, 1g74.-17.] Danehy h 00. and Ilomen,to.ooo Acres. Nat Al A ru ß iTrn t. a k d s . D FARIIB bcaltby. Title good . Addtreas Ridgcly. Attorney, Denton, Maryland. 6.4. AARPFN none own Mill Picks No Blacksmiths corded, Money saved and Pick? , always sharp. For Illustrated circular address Tut Tasivrt Co,Stroudsburg, Monroe Co . Pa. 6-4 ng a 11°FlEc.-Yo.e'o:lglYejlin',deupt"cl'uebilsi% T t o e w a s n s a a t n l d m tot n l ,3 r t n e . r n . for the eldest ea Company In America. Greatest in doceotents. Send for circular, CANTON TEA CO., 140 Chambers street. New York. Write for a Price Litt to J. U. JOlliltdroll. GREATWESTEREI -4, WORKs 'AP " 179 Smilltßela fia. Par.tnash. P. H.Ayu you TRIED eT .I=I.ICT 3Et 303E313i. "Ii? Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are you ea languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you 1,1 capable of meeting I Then try JUREBffBA, the wonderful tonic ant invig orator. %hien acts a° beneficially on the secretive or gans fe to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It Is no elcohholic appetizer, which etimulate for a chore time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lowa depth of misery. but It ie le vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and eplecr. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, nal gives each a healthy tone to the whole system as to coo. make tne invalid (eel like a new person. Its operation is not violent. but is charaeterzed by great gentleness; the patient experiences no •udden change. no marked results. but gradually his trmbles - Fold their tent. like the Arab., And silently steal away." This Is no new and untried discovery, but h 9 been long need with wonderful remelt' 'I results, and a pro. 11.120 - d by the highest medical authorities. "tip most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask l our druggist for It. For Pale by WM. P. KIDDER .16 0., G—lsr New 'ork. VEGETINE Strikes at the root of Warner by purifying the hood re lo.orind the liver and kidney,. to hmith action, brignrs- Ong the narrow eyetem• VEGETINE Is not a vile. nauseous compound. which sically raw but .are. pleasant remedy shied, Is sure to purify the blood and hereby restore the health. VEGETINE L. neer presenhed In eases of Scrofula and other ti•ete es of thl; blond, by many of the best physiclans,?cring to Its great success In curing all diseases of this ndure. VEGETINE Does not deceive invalids tato &Ise hopes by paging and creative a fictitious appetite, but assists Wire In clearing and purifying the whole system, lending he pa tient gradually to perfect health. VEGETINE Wes tanked upon as an experiment for some tise by sEme of nor beet physicians. bat those moat Incredu lous in regard to Its merits are now its most adept friends and supporters. VEGETINE instead 01 being a puffed-up medicine has worlad Its way up to Its present astonishing sucrose by mud merit In caring all diseases of the blood, of whaever nature. VEGEIINE Says a Boston physician, -has no equal ash 610*d:ri der. flawing of lii many wonderful cures,after al oth er remedies bad failed, I visited the laboratory anterni vineed my•elf of its genuine merit. It Is preparedfrom barko. roots and herbs, each of which Is highly effetive and they are compoonded in such a manner as topro duce astonishing results." VEGETINE Tr acknowledged and tecomdiendadlepbyiletinaitOd apothearier to be the beat purifier and cleanser of the blond yet dkoovered,and Om:Nandi speak In Its praise who have been restored to health. PROOF_ WHATIS NEEDED. Mn. H. R. Brgaitx. _ - Dear Sir—The two bottles of VEGETINE ferniabed me by your agent, my wife has used with great beer& Por a long time she has been troubled with dizziness and rostiveneaa ; these troubles are now entirely re• moved by the use of VEQ.ETINE. She was also troubled with Dyspepels astd General Debility and has been greatly benelltted. 011,11011 E, 929.4 Walnut Street. Baden, February 13,1871 Q==l Desr Sir—About one year mere 1 found myself in a feeble condition from general bebllltv. VEIIEfINS was strongly recommended to me by a . friend who had been much benefited by Ps am. I procured the article and after using several mattes. was restored to health and discontinued Its nee. I feel q slte confident that there Is no me&clue superior to It for those complaints for which it Is erpeclally pr, pared. sad would cheerful ly recommend it .o those who feel that they need some. thing to restore them to perfect health. Respectfully yours. U. L. PESTTINGILL. •Firm of S. Id. Pettingill & Co., 10 State Bt., Boston. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. Natick, Miss., Jaye Ist, 1872. Ms. H. IL FTEVIX, Dear 4he advice and earnest persuasion or Rev. N. R. Den. of 'his place. I have been taking VEGETIIIE for Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years. I bare used only two bottles and already feel myself a new an flespectfally . ypurs Report of a Practical chemist and Apothecary. ' Boston. January let, DM. Dear Sir—This is to certify that I base sold at retail 1544 deem as bottles) of yoer le ave since April 11, 1•10, end can truly say that It bee given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for which it to recommended. that I ever sold. Illearcely • day passes without some of my mistomers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. lam watt. ly cognizant of several cases of Scrofulous Tam= be ing cured by VEGETINE alone in this vicinity. Very respectfully yours AI OIL/CW.4O Broadway. To 11. 11. Svevitas Esq. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. RECEIPTS AND. EXPENDITURES Made and published in pursuance of• an Act of Assembly of the 15th of April, A. D., 1834. TABLE SHOWING THE BALANCE OF COLLECTORS' ACCOUNT` E./1: COUNTY AND Township, end Apoiacon Anburti . 1046 04 : $953 87 51 SI Aran!..... Bridgewater Brooklyn... Cbocount. Dundatt Forest Lake Pm,* . . . Marley U. Motown Priandaville .Jarnea Mead . Gibson . K. P. Pope . Great Bend Tap.. ..11. K. Hanna Great Bend Borough., Robert Per Anatol .. Hartont . Nathan L. Guile Et 2112111 IcsPop—. ..... Lathrop .... Lenox. Liberty Lit tie Meadows Middletown.. . Montrose.... . New Milford Twp New Milford Bora 0 41 15 00 500 500 'a Oakland N. W. Fez Rusk . .;Daniel U. Devine. Silver lake lohn Daley Springville.. —.IE. 8. Cogswell.... tinvqnehanna Depot.. M. 11. Pope Thomson D. 1.. Lewis 7 oust Amount of Duplicates, - - • paid by Collectors, • - .. " Szouerations, : Petcentege to Collectors, - Signed by the Auditory, January 11th, 1875. STATEMENT OF DOO TAX ACCOUNT FUR THE YEAR 1874. EDWIN G. TAYIOr COUNTY TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY FOR Dr. Cr. To amount of said Funds lo Treasurer's hands, as per last Auditor's Report... ..... $lO6 64 • .N 0• ' • ' Charles Moore .... Frank Barley. .... Fogerty and Doyle Jew Welly COM States... ... Daniel Depue..... Richard Beddl A. Tanen.— ... F. Roffman...... Jacob Decke r Joseph Smith STATEMENT OF M. B. 11E1,31E, SHERIFF, IN ACCOUNT WITH FINES AND JURY Dr. FEES FOR 1874. Cr. To amount of Flues and Jury feel as per certid- •By amount uncel!ectable. - • - - $l7B 00 este of the Clerk of Court of Quarter desstona.fB66o IV By three per cent on f.. 401 - - - 11 19 . By amount paid Treas. and charged to Ma fleet., 81941 The above amount audited January 5. 1875. EDWIN G. TAYLOR, TREASURER OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, IN ACCOUNT CUR Dr. RENT WITH SAID COUNTY, 1874. . Cr. To amount in Treasurer's hands as per last Auditors' Report .$ 5.1118.18 amount received from M. B. Belme.Sheriff. Fines and Jury Fees ........... 319.27 , amount of duplicates for 1874 .. 3 mills tax ou Personal Property 1.7170.01 Loan from G. B. Milliken 2.101.00 amount reed from unfolded lands 1872-11.. 1,121.50 Loan made for the purpose of consolidating p. for loans. ..... 14,000.00 amount reed from Tremaine Bro•—nrs of Court Rouse— 16.00 amount received from Montrose Musical rolOrl—use of Court Runs.— leas am't paid IL Baldwin, fau.on— $5,00. . amount recd from John Bradshaw. treas urer Rush and Auburn Poor Asylum.. amount reed—eosts from Wyoming and • Lingerie Counties -amount recd costs in N 0.406 Atig.T..lan, forfeited recognisance Inc. Jury Fee. amount of Additional Taxes . amount reed from returned lands STATEMENT OF TREASURER'S ACCOUNT El ON UNSEATED LANDS FOI, pee. at, 1874. ROAD TAXES. To amount of Road W/rtanta for the years 1879 and 1879 ........... ...... ...$1,150.6e Dec. 31, 1874. SCHOOL TAXES. Dr. To amount of School Warman for 1873 and 1873 1,411.21 Dec. ICI, 1814. BOUNTY TAMS. Dr. To amount of Bowl, Warrants for ..... ..$6486 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SS.- COMMONWEALTH L'B. DANIEL (YSI ARA AND PAT . RICK IRVIN. IN THE QUARTER, SESSIONS OF JANUARY TERM, 1874. Statement sbowtng the amonnt of expenses and costs to the prosecution of the above entitled case, is follows Amount paid M. B. Helms, Sheriff, for board- Amount brought forward.•. : : FUNS In .;,lug the prisionersone year and six weeks, , Amount paid Justices and constables torte at •at three dollars per week :1 : : $ 53.3 00 ' . New Milford : : : • : : Amount paid commonwealth witnesses : 41C1 in 1 Amount pt Id for pollee to guard lad : Amount paid 11. Al, Bennelt, nig ht watch, 27 Amount paid Counsel employed by County ,: days, at three dollars per day -Commissioners, A at trial before duprerue ~„,„,„ : Amount pato Cristopher nherman for same, Court, paper book, and expenses, : : """' "" Amount paid SI. B. Home, sheriff Amount paid conned at hearing before the ! Amount paid M. U. Helton for dent:dies, : Coum of Pardons : :• • • . .. t3oo' Amount paid D. Summon, prothonotary Amount paid Traverse Jurors : : : : 627 191 Amount pill Janie* E. Carmalt. Diet. Atey. Amount paid J. 8. Teri:ell, hoarding profs. &B IX) I Amount paid James Flynn. Chief of Police of Amount paid constables attending court—let ' Binghamton. : : : week: •. 112 00 ' Amount paid C. C. Halsey, and others. Amount paid Dr. C. C. Halsey And others for r Amount paid W. W. emltti, coffin., : vont mortem examinations : : 68 76 , Amount paid ~, F•lna for erectlog gallows 1 -- 1 2,971.1 92 , Cincinnati, Nov. 18. lan The above coats paid In the O'Mara and Irvin race arc all Included In the Item or Commonwealth coat except One teouseuld three hundred and twenty-three dollar* and twenty-two cent* paid in other ebtemourrealth caeca. EXPENDITURES OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Itolt 1874, EXHIBITED IN DETAIL COMMONWEALTH Con% ROAD AND BRIDGE Cowman weelth colts.. Reed and Bridge views 110A14 DAMAGES. Mathew DeKeehy, estate $ 5500 6. D. Towneen4..... ..... 20 00 B. I'. Case Potato 16 00 The ..as Quigley 10000 James 0. - ElaUsrd.. . - 20 it Lathrop A McColl um 1Z 00 A. B. r teckwell 50 00 A. D. Bettertled . 100 00 E. G. Floyd 203 0(1 J. Ll. Datum - ZOO J. °shone 4003 ' J„titoree ... * 1600 O. F. Blakeslee 50000 WM. kieughweel... .' 4180) Wm. Mlles 12........ 12100 Wm, Banuel 4503 E. Cavanaugh 4400 James Logan.— ................ ..... S 25 D 00 IL.Coleman 00 C. 11. Coleman ~. 1500 J. T. El Ila 5O oe-11.558 00 COUNTY COMMUISIONEW3. O. Waabbonv,lBo days at. 11950 .....,. 1100 00 . Lyman Blakeslee. 1W dais id Pad.•,• 4 IX/ 00 B. O. Ban. lee days at IWOO . 240000-ItAx)00 Suscl.uQha•3aiia, CcouLlat'lr, p re.) qv.. 40* is DI STATE TAXES FOR THE YEAR 18i4 DE= M Wine! Clary W. C. Lowc C Avery. lApollos btnne A. Tltawortb.. ;David Stanley. H. A. Gardner 11. 0. Bunnell Isaac IS. Davis W. G. timall. illlllOll M. Thomas Hanford Bums.. Orville Grin, Lucia, Smith.... %neon Merrill.... Alone Tlff.ny Fred. D. -laniard G, $ Klmhall . Samuel Dodge. .. John A. Howell D. W. Tenant.. J. E. Dean. JJ.A.TION The above Account 'edited I winery 4, 1871 Pixcw Aluny Pcts. $5O $ 4 4 10 100 25 50 50 50 50 Afttmt: 1r490 PS DAVID SUMMERS, ProMonolary.Sal $O3 Audited January atti, IErM- Montrose, Audited January 6. In& t•}air.#*.=i 1874- ClonzzalVy. 05911. :Aro' t P'd.Exo'o.Percent. Llnpll. AWL; cot Ex's.rre $ 406 09 $ 384 12 $ 76 $ 31 21 $ 31 04 $ Is 43 $ 12 $1 40 1.410 06 1.321 22' 35 3) 00 53 3 1 ) 05 2.5 111 1 42, 203 310 04' :9534 514 15 54 1 16 42 12. 17 46 79 1.035 47, 1.701 31; 20 41 911 75 , 62 40 50 18 8711 309 1.01006 064 61 4 5.9 50 77 . 41 68 37 94 1 74: 200 507 00 275 19 1 725 25 03 31 16 IN 121 60 153 1,114 38 1.054 04 393 55 52 ' is ;r1 41 71 1 401 219 1.074 52 1,36114 13 3/ 53 06 1 52 18) 411 75 2 791 246 138 441 132 75 292 , 677 . 12 12 531 2 321 49 093 96 45143 1 4 1 ( 1 I 4 b 22 15: 44 fa :I 1 : 7 143 20 tat its 144 700 730 6 04... 1 31 1,3616 1.309 0.7 9- ra 35 ' 03 99 59P2 871 310 1 281.6 13 914 04 2 (14; 40 15 42 31 16.1 34 79; 207 as+ 70 3323 49' . 4 (14 In 23 . 15 ZI 13 s 5 72! 72 1.090 91' 1 .92981 5 011 51 20 43 09 41 39 1 53' 217 ran 24. 775 07 10 411. 40 75 39 14 31 21 4 161' 1.75 739 74 601 31 410 36 43 ; 31 lo 2950 561 63 1.192 37', 4 .040 81 678 54 70 • 45 112 42 29, 81! 3/ 724 222 f0952U 296 30011„ 83 10 9151 9 1 P_ 60 11021 00 0.70 60 37 so • :0 ao 19 ; 1 74) - 5 9 1.365 61 1 .141 ss 360 64. 10 , 65 40 61 74. 48 3 779 121 727 31 13 /41) 34 34 16 31 54 96; 68 12.5 48 1.921 607 579 5501 I 39 698 1 .6 100. 22 179 34'9 31 81 31 07 1 48) 31 1.169 80' 2 ,3-6 65, 11 35 72 11.7 56 113 62 3 911 9 9 1.518 38 , 4 - a 75' 697 7S 50 , 69 17 55 49 , 1 70, 92 az 17 473 ?a 976 (2 36 30 33111,, 1 47. 73 676 71 5 4 3 41; 576,20 34 21 83 20 43, 93 07 186158 854 22 736 44 16 42 90, .10 (01 801 10 1411 611 757 53 445 aa Hi SU 91; 28 GS; 65: 50 1,978 )0 1.030 44 473 GI 70 50 871 40 671 122 98 1.132 1 .1 9 1.049 05 28 02 55 21 . 67 90, 55 661 9 32,9 2 483 52 450 31 320 31 01 23 38; 21 061 1 22, 10 •-i $28,884 98 $21,206 92 $246 26 $1,431 80. $1,370 2031,251 36 $5l 85 $O6 79 ( 01 YTS - - $28.F...94 98 $27,2011 92 Zia 2G . 1,431 ro EIZEMI DOG FUND BALANCE By Orders Redeemed from No. 1 to No 3 ...$ 99 OU Treasurer's Commissions on Expenditures. $99.00 at 3 per cent . . 198 Amount In Treasurer's hands to balance... 688 J. T. ELLIS. J. B. JOHNSTON, Auditors. AMOS NICHOLS, • Ail - mord. brought forward.. Merles Morrie... P. Lauber; (Urge Simpson ... No. tZi August Term 1871 NO. 11.3 Aprsl Term Ib7 ... No. 74:1 August Term 1871 ... No. 3:17 Juou.ory Term 1878.... No. 1413 August rerm 1872 . No. 865 August Term 1571 .. No. 6 November Term lIY3 4 No. 135 November Term 1872 8 8.44 County Orders redeemed from No. 1 to 619 inclusive. . .46,968 SS Exon'tions to Collectors,Co.Tax4 246. M 1 i ATE , G6 Percentage .' 1,431.80 Y.. P.xon'tione . State Tax 51.E6 t 118.61 Percentage . . - 68.79 Treannrer's •^ommtestnos on receipts 883,- 1159.47 at 2 per cent ... ". 661.18 By 8 11. ftiod+tig Ordere. Transit tree Commtaatand on Expenditures $411,974.77 at 2 per cent . 939.49 Balance la Treasurer'. lauds... ...$1.193.21 Ipi,l%&ln N RELATION TO ROAD AND St,HOOL TAX THE YEARS 1872 AND 1873. Dec. 31. 1874. ROAD TAXES. Cr. By amount paid townships... . $1,019.16 Treasurer's percentage at 3 per cent 67.53 Dec. 31.1674. SCHOOL TAXES. Cr. By amount paid townahips 40,1805 Trettpurer'a percentage at 5 per cent....... 6156 Du. 91, 1821 BOUNTY TAXES. Cr. By amount paid Townships .. 515 99 amount Treasurer's percentage at 5 per cent.. 2.91 J. T. ELLIS, J. 11. JOHNSTON, 'Auditors. AMOS NICIIOLS, COMMISSIONERS CLERK Wm. A. Crusemon $ B.ino 96 678 30 J. Dean. J. W. Kent E. U. Rogers. pole for Constable. U. N. Kellogg. et al., returns to Jana. eryry Pe.VIUD 175 19 11. I/ Karnes.— ..... . . .. 220 1.. W. Birebard. et. al , at t ending Jan. Court 15000 11. N. Kellogg. at al adv. twp. elections 120 40 B. N. Kel'ogg, et al returns to April wesslons.... ........... 111316 IS. P. Pope on commliluent. 990 C. J. Whipple, et al attending April Court. .... ' ... 11000 ' • It. Ferguson On commitment. 349 1., W. Rid-herd. et al attending apt:clot court. Julia. CiArt, al returns to Aug. session 13000 L. W. Illrchard, et al attending Aug, court 7900 L. W. Blrc-hanl, et at attending special • court. drat week - 4900 L. W. 13Irebard, dal atter,din‘specb6 court, second week.— , WOO J. Haley on commitment 131 If. H. Pope " . ..... 14 30 N. W. Fox '. 490 A. Mono, et al return* to Nov. cond. 18100 W. Blrehtrd, et alatterullng Nov. court' 1140141X760 E. L. Cool, et eLitteadlng trim:plat up- ' • ai: ltOo ODgckeClitinio ........ 0000 8. Langdon et. el. county assessment_ 00-$1,105 00 Btato. $1.370 20 1,251 56 51 H 5 66 70 -$1,37020 Pmts. Junr FEE' 9 M 1 28 5 4 . 5 4 . 1 J. T. ELLIS. J. B. JOHNSTON, Auditors AMOS NICISOLS, 854,M.5S 8100 at co 0100 60(0 989 12 013 J. T. MIS. J. B. JoONSTON.lderchtors AMOS NICHOLS, CONSTABLES $ ... 468 EXPENDITURES ' 1:11? SVBQU'A COUNTY FOR 1874, Baotou gr. ASSESSORS. EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Convicts. Dr. , Cr. B. VanWormar 0 7786 $ 310 Wm. Blair 1380 116 Thomas Monahan 8354 1000 Ariel Gleason .... ...... , 119 00 41 48 James Flynn • - 194 10 4610 Rufus Tewksbury - 124 le 5 43 Chas. Bissell 67 66 12 34 Wm. Wilcox 12410 11 78 Morgan 8yrne...... .. - 11410 44 78 G. Davison 11414 9700 Chas. Norton 8434 - 1384 Samuel Welton 54 39 17 40 CM 71 $24102 Balance doe, paid by comm.. ....... $ 848 tO GRAND AND TIIAVER3B_JGRORS G. N. Allen, et a! G. Jurors. Jam T. '744191 93 A Baldwin. et el. T. J're, let w'k " 687 19 B.& Brown. et ALT. rte. Ild w'k " 13066 A. G. Brush. et el. T. rre. 3.1 wit " 335 23 . , D. McCollum. T. rr._. —. 2 50 A. M. Adumset al6. ring Aprll Tenn.. 182 84 W. Aldrich et al T. Jurors lit week.. . 448 45 A. C. Ayres et al T. Jurors 241 week.... 44148 W. B. Adams et al T. Jurors 341 week... 464 06 . . Joeepb Sheehan T. Juror 19 63 A. Ayres et I. G. Jurors. All=lot Term. 196 14 J. A. Adams etil T. Jurors lot week... all 85 A. P. Bailey et al T. Jurors 52 week.... 408 99 E. L. Adams T. Juror 9 week..' . W.L.Cox. et al special wort Oct. lot tv.. 304 67 T. P. Batley et al 24 w.. 86008 Wm. T Austin et al O. Jo ore, Nov. T.. 199 09 R. K. Batley et al T. Jurors, lot week 377 09 J. D. Wilson et al T. Jurors *1 week... 875 07 R. Crane et al T. Jurors Id week 233 73-5.886 74 COURT ROUSE. Austin, repsini from June 14 .. 1878. to Dec. 5. 1873 $l5lBB Fordbam, cushions.. . ...... 145 Johnson, et el cleaning Court G005e........ 475 Boyd & Corwin, materials fur Grand Jury room.— Geo. M. Silsbee. lamp tubre. B. C. cayre, lamp chimneys C. J. Whipple janitor WM. W. Smith. furniture B. C. Sayre &. Co , stores and bricks. GsMnberg. Rosenbaum & Co., mat. tine . ... 41 68 Wm. W. Smith, chain.. ..... 16 25 C. Sherman. work to Prot 's office__ 750 G. F. Fordham, chair cushions.... .. 725 C. J. Whipule. cleaning cellar. : : 830 A. Frink, rennin. in Grand Jury room 53 18 C, J. Whipple, charcoal 60— 3110 01 13:33311E0 L. B. Isbell GENERAL TOWNSHIP & SPECIAL ELECTIONS R. T. Ashley et al township elebtions..s44l 87 • Daniel Hoff, house cent for election.... 100 . • • • ...... . B. Ttwksbnry et al " .... 10 00 Charles Kirk " M. V. Bisbee township election...... 11 50 J. 13. Raymond Oakland soh. diet. elec. 550 P 0. Babcock bons° tent for election. 1000 dull .. 1 1 1 .7 Y ABrusta ~ .I. .. .. .. E. V. D. Conk .. Bro. E. B. Gary " .. E. G. Meeker " 11131=1 • N. D. Bnyderl o CO B. gingerly election laws... . .... 48 00 J. R. Raynsford ewe's on elec. laws.. 226 G. 1,. Stone et el general election 083 96 Jas. Iticßratty hone, rent rot election:. 600 J. 61. Thomas Ind. district election.... 400 0. 1.. Stone Repreetive return Judge... 940 T. Flayden Senatorial 400 • R. C. Conklin ind. district election 4 zo P. E. Brush oLal. elect.bouse rent (Nov.) 111 26 1,416121 NEW CONSTITUTION ELECTION-18:t F.B. Chandler et al .. 638 40 JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. D. P. Tiffany swearing tarp:officers-11 175 L. W. Barton " " 1 00 S. Ring " .. 100 F. Keenan D. C. Marvin " 1 Es J. Dußois Sal COUNTY JAIL. C. L. Brown, nso tell gate I 460 Guttenberg. Rosenbanum & Co., cloth ing for prisoners 776 Boit, & Corwin, rap lea - - 34 23 Guttonberg. Rosenbaum & Co., cloth ing for prisoners • - • 10 00 D. F. Austin. repairs 24 85 A. Prink, repairs th 1872 123 87 lame Hamlin. repairs . 6 611 D. F. Austin, painting .... 1767 COUNTY BONDS REDEEMED. Mrs. Et Blossom... Eitimuel Sharer. Wm. Finbinson • • . • • ...... .. . .. .. J. Smiley. et al estate.. .... ....... 1.991 73 J. T. Ellie MS 40 6 Beardsley 1.093 88 Oeo. B. 111111 ken. .. 2.160 .0 Interest on matured and nronstared bonds Leo 66-19,14396 STENOGRAPHIC REPORTER. D. D. Liam:T. et aL.... ..... ..... $ US 00 C. C. ilnlegy COURT CRIER AND JANITOR. R. Baldwin. f i a p a r 'd ..... .. . g g • Aug. " 9199 130 50 Nov. •• 136 Io—s 539 04 STATIONERY. Andrus, 31cChain I Co.. stationery, paper. etc $ 31 96 Andrus, N.:Chain I Co., stationery, paper. etc 26 00 T. A. Lyons, stationery and binding... 14 11 T. A. Lyons: binding 4 51 W. B. Donis, books and stationery... . 990 B.. , lngerly, registry and elec. blanks. • 63 06 J. R. Raynsford. express on registry and election blanks.,... ... . 225 Andrus. MeCtiain A to.. Assessment books and stationery 109 69 W. P. Idt:ry's Sons, D. books. 107 25 L. Surie, r., ex. on • ..... . 981 B. C. Fo ham. envelopes ........ 638 11. N. Tiffany,express . ... ". 1 00 W. P. Enrphy's sons. Pmt's Docket, . 72 E, E. C. Fordham, stationery 287 T. A. Lyons. binding.... 246 Andras, Ertittain .k Co., 'books 1926 $478 06 DANVILLE LUNATIC 1108PITAL Jonas Smith Janaary:Ferto $ 61 15 Benjamin West • 47 CO Edwin 11. Cook 4180 40 00 April Term 4416 4401 4145 Daniel Kane Jones Smith Benjamin West Edwin R. Cook 61 August Term ihinell Kane Jane Smith BenJemin West Edwin B. Cook . 40 50 October Term 43 to " 39 00 89 40 " 39 OD— $7lO 55 Daniel Bane Jonas Smith Benjamin West Daniel Kane Edwin B. Cook By •eferenco to account current It will be observed Butt the County Is re mbursed for 'be maintenance of Daniel Kane, by the Rosh and Auburn Poor Asylum. INKIRANCE Billings Strand.... POSTAGE Z. C. Fordtuira PRINTING E. B. liavr , l . ey &Co •• IL H. Frazier SURRIFI/ AND JAILOR. 141.11.11e1m0, Jan. btllboard.wastVg.b: $ Oh 28 Apell 2.9818 114 69 4 51 98 Nov. •• 218 31-1.044 1.3 M. R. [(ELME. SHERIFF. Jan'y bill. serrlngjory notices ere $ 49 - 20 Ainr. •• `conveying Bteptionlllcbanan and Fmk. Iturtalgb to E.l'tsteru - Penitentiary . 13315 April bill, serving Jury notices. etc..... 13 SD June •• conveying John galley to Eastern Puuttoutlary . IN 00 Aug. bill serving jury ponces tic . =GO Nov. t 1 218138 3900 4240 STATE TAXES, lat. R. W. Mackey, Mate Trenntrer...„..... CORONER'S INQUESTS AND POST MORTEIS EX AMINATIONS. • Dr. A. U. Lewis, post mon. ox. : : : ¢0 00 Dr. J D. Loslle. of al. post moot, ox. : 25 00 7 1300 JURY COIISIIt3SIONRIIS.. J.ll. liceslo, copying Jury 11. t. : : 500 D. Brews:m.lo:y commolluner. : 6000 W. A. Croosmoo • - 00 A. D. snth . k Jury com.clerk. ;:: 10 00— 11600 DI4TRICT ATTORNEY. Jams E. Carman. • • • • • • • : 14%00 AORICIIIITURAL SOCINTI4 C. M. D are , treasam. PItOTHONOTARY'S OFFICE. O. R. Eldred, late Prot_ and I A 65 . as CI Diyld SuMMerlh • COUNT HOME AND JAII.—PUEL, AND 1.1011T8. - . W. A;Thayer, coal and lauding: : .• 45 66 • et P. 31arcy e 3 3 350- A. N. Bullard. keionene. : CIO ' V. D. litabldus. C Oll l and _ .. . 20 ad •• •• ••• : in ad • J. A. Itaytteford " • : 1466 • M. J. lianingto4" - : 46 TS A. N. BuDard. Imosano: ' 6.111 1.1. J. 11.4:fingto6, coal and hauling: 89.• 15 Ti EXPENDITURES OF St SQU'A Cor \ ll , FOR 1874, BRoUGHT UP. REGISTRY. S. Langdon. at al. araessors. taktr•g ..gistry and distributing books to Wan:tips: : : : : TRIENNAL APPEALS Expenses—Comml.ploners and Clerk —l9 day., including honk hire: : COUNTY SUPEUINTYZi DANT, Wm. C. Tilden: CONTRA ll► County Orders tuduculun Rom No. Ito 519 inclusive: : : : STATEMENT OF COUNTY TREASURY, JAN. 1.., Aralable Jun in the Treasury : : s t.i „ Uuncurrent money of previous years : Notes and Bends; as per Itiet Atiditors' report : Soo Notes given for costs and tines Imo: electable 4a, We eertifY the foregoing to bee true statement. OSCAR WANIIBURN,I , L.. BLAKESLEE, E. G. BALL, (ao, Attest;--'WM. A. CliossEON, Ct;mto'rs Comm'rs Oflice, Montrose. Jan.-O.IM. RusreAanna County, is: tt u the undervigned Auditors in and for t h e Coott of Sn , yurtinnna. met In pursuance of o ne d y4 „... t Auditor's Office, In Montrose. PL. no /fondly. th e 4,, day of January. A. D. lea and thd audit, adJiwt and w tic the several accounts of tbr Comfultslonsts Treasurer of said County. all of which, noon Ihl/MC • examination, we find to be correct. We and • ands of E. G. Taylor, Treaeurer, of said County. Amount of county Ineds. .4.19311; amount of ma foods (bawl - stock,) $296 03; amount of dog tax, 1.1 total, $4,495 l& J. T. ELLIS. J. B. JOHNSTON, [Awfdoe AMOS NICIIOLS, • Auditors' Office, _Montrose. Jan. O. Courts of Appeal. THE Commissioners of Susquehanna County hoer, ed upon the falowing days said dates respect irtly for hearing Appeals from the Assoorneuts for the y. ISIS. at the Coma -*loners Office. in Montrose, to s i t Apolaum. etwoonne. Little Meadows Borough. sip Lake, and Forest Lake. Monday, February 2"41. rriendsville, Middletown, Franklin, Liberty, Aubar Jessup. and Hush. Tuesday. February Dlmock. Lathrop, Springville, Gibson, and Brody! Wednesday, Febrtuu y 24th, Greta !teed. Great Bead Borough. New Milford. y, Milford Borough. Thomson, and Ararat, Thursday, fit ruary 25th. Harmony. Oakland, Jackson. Susquehanna Boma and HAMM. Friday, February glitti. clicord, Oundad. Lenox, Herrick, Bridgewater, ix Montrose, Saturday, February 27th. LYMAN BLAKESLEE, Como .E. O. BALL. ELI BARNES. Atteto.: W. A. Cnosswow, Glynnirs Cert. Commissioners' Office, Montrose, Jan. V. ltart. 7480 - 400 1 66 1 60 17 73 31 21 T" partite rehip formerly existing under the -, tame nt PITCH & WATSON, hairlog explod 6 . ~ own limitation. Dec. alet.'74, was dle.leet at that ...,. The books. note., and accounts at the tate nem in my hands, and parties Indebted are requested to . - 7 50 1 and fettle. L. F. Firm , Montrose, January 27, 1875.—1w4 5 00 I'2 50 600 1000 600 Blacksmith Wanted. MEIN underthrned having a good Blnekmnith thc 1. near Choconut Post Office, is oestrous of mg. 4 a good Ellackamith, or will rent the aim,. Al.. .rc property for rent or rale. Addreee J AkES DONLEY Choconnt, Pa., January 27, 1875.-3wp AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Theunderalgned burin: • . appointed an Auditor, by the Orphass` Cc of Susquehanna Connty to distribute the foods In hands of Elliot Aldrich, executor of the C. of Nat Aldircb, deed.. will attend to the doles or t O. meet at the office of Fntser & Cranium:4ln 31outrow.d Monday, Merck 22, it3ls. at I o'clock. p. m. at at& flute and place all persons interested in acid fond eu present their claims. or bo forever debarred from co log in on said land. WM. A. CROSSMON; Auditor. Montrose. Jan. 11. ' To all Whom it may Coo ALL persons are hereby warned against much. either of the following deceribe.l rotes. to wit: 7 Note given to Ste hen Simla' by J. K. React of VAL dated April. 1873, and note gigen to Si eplien sm.t by Wm. Schownmake, of over 1.401.1. dated Aped. IFS t These note* belong to the estate of Ste hen Smite, ceased. and uo peraop except the executor el said tate. lute any tit't, or interest in either of said note. January 27, 1073.-Swp L B. COLE, Exeunt FREE SAMPLE fIan to -Boa Ag l. nta with ix e o dla u:n C'''' w, stump. F. P. GLUCK, New Bedford, Mau. 4i4-4_3, :.. 150- 11-N SOMETHING FOR YO Send stamp and get't. Address, F. B. BURST. TS 77 Nassau Street. New York. dui AGENI'SWANTED tri book ever published. Send for specimen pages and •q extra termato Agent/. Nntional Publishing Com. Philadelphia, Pa. 4a4 In -. $A PIES Outfit Sent Free. We want a suitable Dersou'in neighborhood to take orders andde ' er goods for our ColltOlifhed C. O. D. fluzit 01 etapirifti family goode of all kinds In constant use and wear. h,„ oldest C. 0. D. house In America. Sales over halts 1,14.: lion in 1874. Lenoir Cssei PAT to the right person. real chance for all, male or female, at your home traveling. No risk. Ityma gr to work we will eeedfel free and - post-paid a line at eamples and a complete 1:` , et Address at once and secure your territory. H. HALL & Co.. 0. N. Howard at, Baltimore. Md. 8.. W. C7C;PCIPX.I33S, Carpenter aid Builder CONTRACTS to erect lures ni4l 1.11 sea lon and complel and Slate Mantles, bash, Frames, fornished to or in paper made specialt fenced workmen. th,,p Montrose, January 20, EDITOR'S NOTICE. JoIL or appointed by the to distribute the itinde e.q ,admielstrator of the of Brian wa•er deceased, appointment at eta of February 6.141874, at t o' place all persons late claims or be forever di fund. Montrose. Jan. 40th. Now Stan Tee oode,lgned art Bractnes and viol stock of DRY GOODS, TINWARE, DRUGS a; Second in quality to none. with a clew of supplying the penpi_ will guarantee goods as represented, and at or Under Binghamton Prices:: Our expenses being mach lighter than those of IL: hamton merchants. , er, Savo Time and Money L. ~I 'J by trading with us. Country Produce taken In‘, change for Goods. We reepectruliy solicit a fair 4;1 being convinced that we Can do well by our pstroctlirl,s. People wishing to trade during the summer est e r on bark contracts, (bath to be delivered the loilastVA winter) can do so. W. & F. INDEP.LIED.I Brackney, Pa., JaptuFy"Alt, IBZ.-nama $ 00 99 1 V 00 900 73 40 . 148 10 14903 2000 104 00- 69360 _ .. . • - • 'l . t'4' fix` • I —7 ••• Ita,,,* • , ?„.. infiviD.Tiltaprotarlyhrifit ii n r li V o h :1;E l : hi -I E ' llttS ll l -'' plikfligaN iNsitifillfg .' also .at thilB74arrl6ll l '''' 1, 'P ------. of' ANS -.,' A •aw --w -- '1 &Tr Thittfoar ampefifan .-,. -• al .. 7 I K - 4 1 rt. l the 0 IS C ati t. •%-.-.•..4141 ; 7 .--:--- ; 1873WittILD --';'; a ardttarkvor if 14, .. 1, uff3, TANDARD O ...."' s oon A ai rtbillit * 4714 ) , ':f j. vhestnutstiNtimpti , PKlA I;.' - .Thu WYMEA 111111113 SPRING OED la equal, and In many erenr_r..ll: , •:, superior, to any other in the market. It Ii talLy handled. and encly kept clean. Poe elptlcX comfort, and durability, it It untorpatied. lieu - of tecommendationt could be produced if necesearn.,A Tho low price at which they are sold brings Mete In reach of all who wish to Indalgo In the ItimitY trot class tinting UM. Yon can hare one put ou bedstead, lir lustre it h does not prore Cr. tatistactory,lt will be taken away free of cittage.,;, ' .;_<l. , tale by W. W. Smith Son rtirultnre dealert. atm , ' • • -R. E. WARNER, /lantifictat e tamp In teat of Hyde Crocker's Shop year the Fotiabl i A *1001:1 111 0 1 ; liontrollecalia ! O t rf4.-11 0113s0Ce:ic ; 1-;.10"0 Number 6. goo 00-46 AUDITOR'S REPORT New Advertisethente. Dissolution
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers