Volume 32. Pmecrat Arrangement of Magi.; Arrive;. 700 p , 2.15 qt. VIA RAtLIIOAD VIA STAMM. lleutrore Depot, (Daily.) ...... , 1300w h i ft n New Milford. MailT.) 1000 ern 113 up Wysloring. (Daily.) 94May) SIOOpIn Frlendsville, (te weekly,) 600 p 800sto Conklin Station, (tri weekli,) 70044 t7oosm gingbamton,tia 8. lake,(trl weekly).. 000pcp 700 pin 3w hoppen.(tri weekly.) . 1000 •ik • 40Opta The New York. (rid Montrose Depot,) New )111fotkl. Tan kttnnock.and Wyalusing are daily. The t'enkli n Station mall run* Tuesdays, Tlikradais. sod Saturdays. . The B i ng hamton mall, (ela Sneer ,) tinny Lake, dm. Thursdays. and Saturdays. Friendeville mit I runs Tuesdays, Thursdaik,suld Bit anliye ilenho The ppen mail runs Mondays, Wertlinsdraya,and Fridays. ADDITIONAL STANT!. A Stage leave. dally for Montrope Depot Mit m..stul renal. , at 6 p. m A Maps learea dolly for Now Milford st SO a. Oft. tad reterne at 330p.m. B. C. FORM:IA:IC P. She Montreso Hallway. : , , Amog -,:sest or Trains. To take effect oh Monday, Dec 21. t., 1811. , poop Tr.... Op Trains 152111•,..3.12• 31,1131/141WAUD. • 11. r. 91. . 4.M. P.. X. 5.0 0 1 Mt. ... . Montrose. .. 10.40 &CM 510 110.. . ....A11en'5...... .....100.5 545 513 113 ........Coors . .10X) 54 s:u 151 footers ' _lOl5 555 :,•.s 113.. .... ..... Xlmock 1053 50 n 35 1 . 19 .. Tyler's... ....... 955 515 545 140 nprlngvtlle.... ...... 945 5-05 55 115 Lynn 905 455 nl6 1.'.: ... .. . Avery's . 905 443 (.10 1.0 , ..... ....LeMOll .915 435 520 221 . Lobeek ... ...905' 5455 52 , 210 . .... .... Xarey's SOS 415 ~.o 9.0 ..... ..Tnnkhannoek 040 355 R 1 1; g mo n. eonneci at Tenkhannock with IP. it N.Y ng north nod soll(31. .1 AXES. I. BLaKSLEE. Pres't. New Advortisements. t ant —Welen and Melnerny. N • d we— M Li tun I and Relief Aisociaiion . M N...lant , us Atka rtistnents—Rowen.& co. c.o‘c 01. Human Misery—Chao. J. o... Kline. V eg,tine—Dauchy & Co. • BusucEss LOCAL& lionntion--Rev. J. E. Cheashlre. Sermon—Rev. J. E. Chesshire. I.) , .nat ion—Rev. E W. Breckenridge. Hartord Agricultural Society. Town Notes Toni Collins has fits. Something never relished by our printers There is a man in our town who 'as been arrested fur taking things as they cords, • We notice that to be in love increases the myla of some of the youth of our toWii; A good name will wear out ; a tad one mac be turned ; a nickname lasts forOvOr. Mrs. Ida Legget delivered a temperence lec ture at the Court 'futile, on Monday "evening last. .1 Reception tor Rough .& Ready Fire.co., No. 1 be giyen soon, the time to be fixed hereafter. .The young man Who married a girl simply for her good looks, begins to realize, that a thLng of betnty is a jaw forever. ..Our exchAnges are returning Manisa for an early copy of the Governor's blessage. ,we would also do the same. .We shouldn't know it was court .W4elt here were it not for the ring of the court House t).11. It is the dullest cuurt week we . exer spent in Montrose. We nave added twenty-eight new subscribers to the DEMOCILAT since our lait issue. 11.. doers heat all how they hold out 1 A few more copes ..The names of Abel Turrel and G. V, Bent ley were omitted,by mistake,from the list of di rectnrs of the First National Bank of,Montrose, winch we published last week. . One of our yming met. who could ncli ex press his feelings to a blooming young damsel, sent them by mail. It turned out that the young lady received the wrong maid which lute created a coldness. Our young friend, 1 11. A. Lyon, whose mar riage notice appears in this issue, foihmences married life is the right way, by landing us V.OO to pay for the DEMOCRAT for bone yv.ar.— Sucvss to him and his bride. _Saturday night last was the coldest night of the sessea. On Sunday sionairtg, the ther mometer was about 16 degrees beluir zero.— 0112 Saturday at '2 o'clock p. m., it was 20 de•. grres above, and at 4 o'clock, just pro hours after, it stood at zero. A very sudden transit. ..A box of clothing etc. etc. is being prepar ed by J. R. Lyons, for the Kansas suffers. All .bo will contribute can leave their donations with Lim,and they will beduly forwarded. We ought to thank God that our families are not us (•.her families are,not in a Pharisamai way, but by some practical manner in relieving the distress of suffering, freezing and stalling fam ilies in the West -- .The entertainment given by the ladihs of St Pads church,' at Azur Latlnop's red• dence on Thursday evening last, was a very pleasant one to eh . present- There was con siderable talent for the ''stagt."bronglit out by it which was left wholly undevelopW by the Old Folk's concert. The entertainment consist ed 01 tableaux, charades and music- Mr. and Mrs Lathrop have the sincere thanks of the ladies for the use of their -house. .."The Dlontrose chtssoctuer is enlarged to about the size it was twelve or title& pats ago. It n , pw contains perhaps nearly tno thirds as much reading. matter as the indepar4 eat Be publican."—.Montrose Republican. We have the same press that the' DIVISOCULT was printed upon "twelve or fifteen - years ago," and the DEMOCRAT of 1874 was 'the largest form that it is possible to print upon that press. A. J. Gerritson, the editor at that time, must have "stretched it" a little in the wine manner that Romer has the above kind notice of our improvement. We are sorry for .}lomer's veracity that there are any files of the Moto- CHAT of-that date now in Montrone "The Bo- PURiC¢7I has our thanks for the above notice and v 0 will freely excuse the discrepencles up on the ground, that its editor us . tieks so clan to his . business' in regard to the DEISOCIt&T and its editor, that It excels our meat 'sanguine mix:math:ma. Prom Brooklyn. Good time for bliclustoitha Too thin—the beautiful snow Any man that owns tiro dogs seems to be respected, it he has but one be ist:nstber of a doubtful character, and if he has not any it is hard work for him to vote. The concert given by Blza. Labarr In the E. church was moderately attend 4 The pro gramme was buried out to the sai t iaM of., o all present. Mrs. Labarr is a singer nf. merit. The merchants in this town are dolog i n good business. When you come right down to •dent• ers, men that understand their bcSiness and know how to wtut upon people, ItrOoklyn is far above the average. The Brooklyn Cornet Band has Secured the bCrViCAIS of PM. IL E. Cogswell, OBingharn- WU, N. Y., fur one year. Mr. Cogswell thor oughly understands his business 0n the Cor net, Le has Tete equals. lie has ()implied ;IM Orchestra Baud which under Ids ,leadensitiP cannot tail to become first class. A. good school building is very mach needed in Brooklyn. A good school is second to noth ing else in building up a town upon the right keeps Use young men at - home to 'be euneuied and also their money is left lititheir own town to assist in its improvement.l :Act to drive the )oung 'nen froni: . ogx ten Just toldyour arms and ady the school:is god e nough. Brooklyn is - well supplied ,with churches, but sadly in need of schools. Brooklyn, Jan. et 6.1875 A Lams Reel Estate Bias. Henry F. liandrick and Wilson .1. Tiara, administrators of the estate of Joel Turrell,late of Forest Lake township, made the following large sale of real estate on Thursday last. The stone dwelling house (homestead) and farm of 115 acres were sold to Patrick Murphy, of For. est Lake, for $B,OOO. The adjacent farm of 200 acres was sold to a Mr. Treadwell, of Bradford county, for P,Cell. M. C. Button was the auc tioneer who so successfblly handled this sale. Mysterious /bath. . txmaiderahle excitement has exlsted.in shequin, fbr the past week, over the.discovery of a dead man. On Friday morning last as Mr. DePew and eon, living on the Kingsland farm started to their work, they found in a field near the house, a dead man. The body was well dressed, and everything indicated that the man had been foray dealt with. A. coroner's inquest was summoned by W. Snyder. esq., and a verdict rendered that the deceased came to his death In manner unknown. We learn it has since been ascertained that the man was insane, and probably fell, receiving Injuries which earned his death. Frightened to Death by a Boar. At Babcock Bay, in the town of Beater, Sul livan county, N. Y., there is a tram-way used for drawing logs and bark from the woods.— One day recently while James Sherwood was driving his horse down the tram-way with a load, a bear crossed the track and so frightened the horse that he immediately broke loose, and, after running a short distance, struck against a tree and broke .his neck. The car ran down the incline plane and was thrown off the track. Mr.-Sherwood looses over $2OO by the death of his horse. It is not said what became 01 the bear. From the West. Knowing that the many friends of Mr. John P. Folks., who was in the mercantile business a long time as clerk for C. P. Hawley, to son, and subsequently of the firm of Hawley & Follet, New Milford, this county, will be pleas ed to hear from him, we take the liberty of ex tracting the following from a private letter just received, begging his pardon for so doing:: Farm-in HAWLEY :—I thought I would write you a few fines and let you know that I bad not forgotten you. I am "out west" raising corn, not selling molasses and codfish or hand ling rusty butter pails. I bud rather raise corn at fifty cents per bushel. I have raised 1,200 bush. of corn this year, 410 of oats, and GO of wheat. Corn is worth, at Sheffield, sixty cents, oats fif ty, and wheat eighty. Hogs are worth six and one half cents per pound, live weight. Enclos ed please find two dollars for the DEMOCRAT another year. HespectfUlly yours, J. P. FoLixr Sheffield, Illinois, Dec. 29, 1874 Horrible Casualty in Port Jervis. Oa New Year night Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCauley went to their home in Germantown, Port Jervis, both intoxicated. About 10 o'clock at night a fire was discovered in the house oc cupied by them. Several persons ran at once to me spot, and found Mrs.,Mctrauley with her three children on the outside of the building.— The woman was terribly burned. She could tell nothing about the origin of the fire, which was extinguished by a stream of water which was soon turned upon it. Mrs. McCauley said her husband was down town, but a fireman enter ing the house discovered McCauley in a sitting posture In -front of the bed, burned to &crisp. The floor was considerably burned around him but how the fire originated could not be ewer. Mined. Mrs. McCauley was found to be very dangerously burned. She was placed in the house and given medical attendance, but her injuries were such that she died on Saturday evening about 6 o'clock. Three small children are left without a relative or home by the ca tastrophe, which was the direct result of in temperance. McCauley was a bllcloisnith, and was employed in Ponntney's glass factory. Appointment. At an adjourned court held January 4th on petition of the county commissioners, Amos Nichols, of Montrose, was appointed county Auditor, in i place of Mr. Miles Prichard, who was voted for, on the Republican ticket, at the last election, but who r efusrd then to be a can didate, acted as one of the election board in Springville township and also very consistently refused to be considered elected and to qualify. After he was put upon We ticket he had no chance to publicly resign through the Ring organ and thus be was forced upbn the ticket against his positive refusal, and with the full knowledge of the Republican county committee and the editor of their organ,that he would not serve if they put him on the ticket. Now with out questioning the honesty of the members of the committee,we wish to asktbe people of the county what kind of a precedent does this establish? Just this. If any clique or Ring hereafter should want a certain man Auditor or for any other office to suit their own venal purpose,and one whom the people would defeat at the polls, they could spring a name upon a ticket just before election which would cause a known vacancy afterward and then have, their tool appointed. Without any surincion of the honesty of Mr. Nichols or the appointment we allude to it for future contingencies. Important Election Natter budded. In Dauphin county the commissioners have refused to Ism precepts to the assessors on the ground that they are not required to do so on der the election law passed by the Legislature last winter. In Philadelphia it has been decid ed-by Judge Allison that he had no power to compel an assessor to perform any act not ex pressly enjoined uqon him by the act of assem bly, and that, as it provides only for the regu lar assessment in June, and the correction of the list previous to the November election, the court was powerless to act In the matter. He also expressed the opinion that the assessor have no right to assess any citizen, at any oth er time, or in any other way than those =- masks pointed out in the act of assembly, The case was brought In order to obtain a decision of the question of the power and duty Qf the assessor to make an extra statement in time for the February election. It was in the form of an application for a mandamus to com pel the assessor to assess an alien who had not been nutralized in time to be assessed for the No vember election. It appears, therefore, that the election law is defective In that it makes no provlsion for the assessment more than sixty days prior to the municipal election in February of those per suns who possess till other qiiplifications of vo ters, but who were Cot assessed previous to the November election and who have :not within .two years paid State or county tax. • ' Spin/Mlle and Dimeek. Ecotone Dan°CHAT :—Not having seen much mention of Springville in your paper, it is possible there are those who do not know of such a place. We have a nice ,town situated about midway between lifontnise and Tunklutn flock, on the line of the Montrose Itailroad.— Tile Railway company favor us with two de pots, one at each end of the town. We have three stores and two hotels. Sumner Dam has just °Rimed a .rery fine ec•,ne quarry. Lewis Blakeslee has just ruturnedfrom Can ida with a drove of fine sheep. It is remarked that F. IL Bunnell has one o the finest dairy of cows fn Dimock tovraship. J. L Wallace, of Diruock, in building a very flue chickery. lie has an excellent selection of blooded fowhi. - • - Alfred riffles of Dlmock bas retired item the tuestantfle Undoes,. The store will be car Jos - Quart. THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, Wednesday, JlM:Wary lath. 1875: vied on by Ma brother Albert. Alfred is going to Spring Hill. Bradford county:to work at farming. A surprise party consisting of sixteen In number assembled at the house of Dennis lineman, in Dimock, early on New Year's morning. The turkeys became frightened and Dew to the woods. The party has lett but the turkeys have not returned. e Catholic Cluoroh. The 'New York Irsbuns gives the following interesting statistics of the Romaa Catholic Church in the United States: Seven archbishops, 53 bishops, 4,873 priests, 9,920 churches, chapels and stations, of which certainly 4,808 are churches, 18 theological seminaries, and. 1.385 studying for priesthood, 88 colleges, 511 academies, 1,444 parish schools 215 asylums, homes and refuges, 87 hospitals, and a Catholic population (exclusive of Balti more, Charlestown, Erie and Brooklyn, for which no estimates are. given) of 5,781,542. Compare this with the past. In 1814 there were 85 priesta,not as many pneste in the coun try as there are now Catholic hospitals ; not as many .priests as there are now of three names, Walsh, Murphy and O'Conor I Nearly .twenty years later there were bat 308 priests In 1847, a table of st atistics gave one archbish op, 14 bishops, 390 priests, 300 churches, 143 stations. There are priests still living survivors of the 308, not many Indeed, who have seen this wonderful growth. Btuquelonna Depot. Prom the Euevehanna Journal The annual election of officers of the Univer salist church took place on Thursday evening. The Graded School will open again Monday next, with Mr. Fuller, of BradfOrd county as Principal. Several persons within the past few days have narrowly escaped drowning by falling through the ice while crossing the river near the old bridge Rite• Clothes line thieves are playing their tricks in this vicinity. On Monday night last several articles of clothing were taken from the line in Mr. M. S. Sherman's yard. On Thursday last Mr. Fred R. Pride, a com positor of this office, set 13,500 ems of solid minion typo in six hours and 55 minutes, being an average of nearly 2,000 ems per hour. The Erie shop whistle hereafter until lurther notice, will sound at 8, 12, 1 and 5 o'clock ; em ployes working eight hours per day except Sat urday, when there will be no work and the whistle will not sound. This new order gives them two hours work less in a week than for merly. From the Ehaguehanna Gazette. Chas. Kirk has leased the Kirk House, Lanes boro, to Silas Winters. The revival meetings in the M. £church con tinue with unabated interest. Owing to hard times, the Steam Laundry has postponed business until next spring. The work of laying the third tail of narrow gnage track on the main line of the Albany and Busqttehanna Railroad trsi:teen completed and occasionally iv narrow gunge car comes to Binghamton. Montrose will contain about one-half of our population on Monday. The saloon keepers of the place were called upon on Monday last to appear before the court to tell what they know about a wholesale dealer. About one hundred witnesses will, also, be compelled to dance at tendance. Fun ahead 1 A petition will be presented to the Legisla ture this session from the Telford Zouaves,pray ing that body to appropriate a certain amount of money, equal to the amount of expenses in curred by the company at the time of its organ ization. This sum, if obtained, will be applied reward the purchase of regular United States uniforms, The present rig of the boys is very shabby, and we hope the Legislature will imi tate Zaccheua and come down. Counterfeits. Believing that a list of the counterfeit bank bills flooding the country may prove of benefit to our readers, we publish the following. The hst first given shows the banks on which po counterfeits exist : Oneida National Bank of Utica. National Shoe and Leather Bank of the City of New York. Merchants' National Bank of the City of New York. Fourth National of Bank Philadelphia. Market National Bank of New York. City National Bank of Utica. Fourth National Bank of the City of New York. National Bank of Commerce in New York. Tradesmen's National Bank of the City of New York. First National Bank of Indianapolis. First Natiodhl Bank of Portland. Also, $5 notes on the Concord National Bank of Concord, altered to $2O notes. Counterfeit $lO notes of the following banks are in circulation : Farmers and Manufacturers' National Bank of Poughkeepsie. Central National Bank of Rome. American National Bank of New York. Flour City National Bank of Rochester. Third National Bank of Philadelphia. Marine National Bank of New York. First National Bank of Lockport. Mutual National Bank of Troy. Union National Bank of New York. Auburn City National Bank. First National Bank of Philadelphia. Market National Bank of New York. City National Bank of Poughkeepsie. National Bank of the State of New York. First National Bank of Poughkeeliale. Saratoga National Bank of Waterford. Albany City National Bank. Merchants' National Bank of Chicago. First National Bank of Red Hook. Highland National Bank of Newburgh. . Traders' National Bank of Syracuse Of the $2 counterfeits we have in circulation notes of the following banks: Westchester county National Bank. Marine National Bank of New York. Ninth National Bank of the City of New York. Market National Bank of New York. • National Union Bank of Linderpark. St. Nicholas National Bardrif New. York. National Bank of Rhode Island of Newport. National Union Bank of Sinderhook, and others. Sheriffs Salts. The following Sales were _trade by Sheriff Helms on Friday, Jan.Bth. . The following are the de . .criptions of the places of land sold, the party purchasing and the amount bid All that certain piece. parcel, or lot of land situate In . the Borouea of Susquehanna Depot. In Susquehanna County mod State of f eassyleanta, bounded and deo scribed as hollows, to wit: On the north by front Street. suetycut by an alley leading from front street to Mee on the smith by T. Cameror's lot, and on the went by land of Curtis and Smltto,hminge. front old° feet, and a depth of .120 feet. be the same more or hiss, together with the appurtenances, one dwelling with additions, and all improved. !Taken In execution Utile Bull of Curtis and Miller n. Oeo. Colorer° Sold to J. U. Cook for $l5. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate la the township of flerrick.in the county orldusquehato na And State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit : On the north by road leading from Newburg turnpike to Fiddle Lake NO rods. cast by land odesmes 14 rods. south by Man i on Jae Bolls 209 and weptby lands of John lf rods, con taining Weenie, or thereabouts, together with the ap purtenances, I house. barn, a few fruit trees. end about nacres improved tTaken In exception at the suit of Samuel R. Campbell ye. Chester Washbure. This sale was adjourned to Jan. 15th. 1875. ALSO—AII that certain piece Or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Murat, county of Susqechanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as tullows, to wit: On the north by lands of Wm. Sawa* end lands now Or tote Or Vilillana Won. on the east be lands of Nelson Foster, Elias Ogden; and U. Wheeler. and an the stela and west by lands or/dose. Nichols rt co.. contsln.ng about antes. more or lees with theapputtenances. ono in= house, two frame barns, 01.0 other oat. - bablinge,korchazds. sad about ID acres Improved. [Taken In execution at the snit of E. J Carr, assign al to Thompson Bodle vs. Peter Drum and E. K. Dunn. Sold to Thomptmo Bodle for $l5OB. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of humanoid. In the township of Clifford, county of Susquetutn na. end State of Pennsyleanla, bounded and described as follows,to wit: On the north by lands of the Or* ham estate and lands of Orin ilivenburg. on the east by lands of Orin and Wm. River burg, on the south by the highway leading from Clifford corners to Intridaff and lands of A. A. Tingley, and on the west by lands of Gil- bert and Joseph Lee. and land of C. Stephen., contain. log 213. acres of land, be the same more or lass, together with the appurtenances, 2 duelling houses, 5 barns and sheds, cide. mill, and other outbuildings, 8 orchards, and about 150 acres improved. ( Taken In execution and sold as the property of James F. Elodgson and Thomas W. Atkenson. Sold to W. W. and T. R Lathrop for $5OO. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land site. ate. lying, and being In the township of Lenox. in the county of Susquehanna and State of Penneylvanta, bounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of li. Tingley and Sterling B. Maxon. on the east by land of A. Ferguson. on the south by Band of Wm. Conrad, and on the west by lands of George Williams and Albert Uadseb, containing 77 acres, mere or leas, will the appurtenances. one house , hare , orchard, and about 23 acre. Improved. (Taken In execution on inn. dry writs at the snit of Solomon Taylor vs. Ell Conrad. Sold to Solomon Taylor for $lO. ALBo—All those three certain lots or parcels of land and premixes, hereinafter particularly described, situ ate in the township of Blalock, in the county of Sitsque. henna and State of Pennsylvania, batted and bounded as follows, to wit: No. 1. Beginning at a post and stones the southwest corner thereof, thence by lands of C. T. Lathrop south 88 degree* west 72 perches to a post and stones, thence by lot No. 2 north 2 degrees east 116 perches to a post and stones, thence b land of Charles Higley north 8:3 degrees wed 72 per ches to a post and stones, thee= by land of William Lathrop seethe deg. wen 112 and 6.lllths perches to the place of beginning, containing 60 acres and 170 perches. more or less, (ex tenting therefrom all that put lying on the west side of the public road at the southwest corner of this lot ad joining land of Win. Lathrop.) No. 2of said tract be ginning at a point in the highwater line of Elk Lake, thence north 87% degrees west 9 perches to a port the northeast corner of land of C.P.Lathrop or lake, thence by first described lot north 23‘" east 136 perches to a beech, thence by land of James Risley south 87)4" east 72 perches to a birth, thence south kir west 71 perches to a beech on the bank of bald Lake, and thence along the highwater line of raid lake the several courses there of to the place of beginning, containing 34 acres, more or Imes. No. 3 being contiguous to and adjoining above tract and beginning at a northwest corner ID the cc* ire of the road, thence south 88" cu. 69 'beeches to a stake and stone. thence south 2 - west 60 and 8 10ths perches to an apple tree stump, thence south El' wed PO and a laths perches to a stake and stones, thence south 88" west 27 perches to a stake and stones, thence north 73° west 4% perches to • stake and stones,thence north 103(" west 22 perches toe stake and stones near a cherry, thence south 80' west 9 perches o the high way. thence along said highway north 11 . west 40 perch es to the place of beginning. containing 21 acres and 92 perches, (excepting and reserving therefrom the bury ing gro .nd therein, containing about onotburth of in acre, with the right to pass free of obstruction without hindrance at all seasons of the year) Being the same Iremises which Wm. H. Evans and Emma, his wife, by ndenture dated the 15th day of August, A. D., 1871, re corded at Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa., In Deed Book 40. page we, An.. granted and conveyed unto the Sury Land Assuintion In foe, .ogether with the appal.. tenauces, 1 frame house, barn, and other out-buildings, orchard, and shout 70 acres improved. [Taken in exe cution at the snit of Geo. Goodyear vs. The Bury Land Association. Sold to Wm. Graves for $3,800. SEBASTOPOL DONATION. On Wednesday, January 20th, there will be a donation visit. afternoon and evening, at the Fairdaie M. E. church, fur the benefit of Rev. E. W. Brsckinridge and family. If Wednes• day should be stormy, then on Thursday the 21st. By order of Committee. Fairdale, Jan. 19,1875. 2-2 _ The pastor of the Baptist church will preach next Sabbath evening, Jan. 17th, or. the sub lett, "What time is it ?" The question to be considered In reference to the past, present, and future the world's consummation. Montrose, Jan. 13,1875. DONATION VISIT. Thr third annual Donation visit of friends of the Rev. J. E. Chesshire, Pastor of the Bap tist church of Montrose, will take place In the chapel of the Church Edifice, on Thursday eve- Jan. 21st, 1875. The Ladies will provide refreshments. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. January 13, 1875. RAEFORD ACIEICL - LTUEAL SOCIETY. . . The annual meeting of the Harford Agricul tural Society, will beheld at the School House, in Harford village, Monday, February Ist, 1875, at 63.4 _o'clock, p. m.. for the election of officers, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought bolore said Society. S. E. CARPENTER, Secretary. Harford, January 11th, 1875. 2-3 CIAIRVOYANT EXAMINATIONS FREE. There is no subject that requires so much study and experience as the treatment of c.t ton ic diseases. The astonishing successand re markable cum performed by Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life long study of the constitution of man, and the curing of disenst.s from natural remedies. Cures the worst forms of Scrofula, — Mardi, Piles, Fe male Weakness, Astlima, Kidneys or Bladder. 1V ill he at the CatTerty House, Binghanitan, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Jan. 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1875. 1--3 TEACIIERS' Cosrrivicrs and Blank Notes new. ly printed at this offloe. ANOTHER Half Ton of Herkimer County Cheese, Jost received at Nov. 4, '74. BOOTS BOOTS I Men and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots, Cheap for Cash a: PORTER ofC NICROLS. Nov. 4, '74. COAL! Coax I I Plenty of first class coal. All sizes at J. R Raynsford's Coal Yard. Dunn Station. Leave Orders at Central Express Office, or send to the Yard. Oct. 21, '74. J. R. Ravilsrann. PHOTOORAPIIS.—Pictures taken in all the lat est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged. Also a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap, at (1 W. Doourrrara. Montrose, June 10, 74.—tt • LOST. One Town Order drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza Johnson, against the township of Bridge water, for damages done to sheep by dogs, dat ed May 30th, 1874. Any one will confer a fav or by returning the same to this office. Dec. 30, 1874. . Bommuso NEW lac Boom Call dad see the new sanseam Boots at Nov. 4, '74. Pones d D4CSIOLEI. Tonscco. If you use the article, don't fool away your money of cheap goods, but try ours at 40 cents and upwards. Gawp's & SAvnz. Dec. 23d, 1874. 58-3. DooLrrrLE, The Photographer, Is doing all kinds of Pic ture Framing, of all sizes, on short notice. July 22, '74.—tf. G. W. DooLrrrLs• CHEESE. Herkimer, Fulton, and Susquehanna County Cheese by the ton or tons. Gnnrirm & Seim. Dec. 23d,1874. Dzorcamms. The Dedicatory Services of the M.D. Church. of &mood's Settlement, Ararat, Susquehnnna co., arepostponed to Tuesday, January 28th, 1876. Herrick Centre, Dec, 28,1874. TAYLOR'S FAMILY MEDICESZS. Too attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Taylor's family medicines,• in another column. All aillictea with pain or lameness or other ills will do well to try them. They are all sold on the principal of No Cure No Pa • . IT IB UKELFSIITO ATTEXPT to cleanse a stream while the fountain is Impure. Dyspepsia, com plaints of the liver or kidneys, eruptions of the ,skin, scrofula, headaches, and all diseases aris ing itom impure blood, are at ones removed by DR WALKRIt'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. purifier of the blood, and renovator of the Sys tem. B has never been known to fail. 52-4. BINGUANTON OFFERS AN ATTRACTION For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The. WasumoyoN STREET Tan ons bare engaged the services of the celebrated W. IL Lindly, a gentleman of considerable note with.the tailor- Mg fraternity of this country. They are now prepared for the summer traae,as they have Just received all the new things in the way ofcloths, cassimeres nd vastlngs. Their references are the best, basing taken the first premium at the Tailor's institute in New York last fall. Give them a call.• • H. H. HALIAOC Proprietor. 81 Washington Bt.. Binghatr ton, N. Y. May 20, 1874.—1 y. THE BEST .0113 CHEAPEST PLACE to buy your JAcPs. Alpaaas, Poplins, Crapes, , Silks, Gloves. Kid Gloyes, and hosiery, C. F. So:sox & Co's., 61 Goan St., Binghamton, N. Y. N. S. You Will alto find Jilt C. C. Faurot here to attend ail your wants. Binstbruntun. Nov. 4. 14.-I.v. Business Locals PORTER & IhdflOLS. JURY LtsT.—The ftilloWink Is a List of Grand and-Traverse Jurors drawn "for the term of Court to commence at Montrose, on Monday, January 11,1875. Traterrse Jarem—Second uwek Apolacon-liansom Barnum, David Cunning ham. Ararat-James E. Payne. Auburn-Benjamin Smith Brooklyn-Henry L. Bailey. Bridgewater-John Trumbull. Clifford-John Bolton, Elias K. Burdick. Dimock-Sumner Dean. Franklin- John Behan, David B. Townsend. Eorest Lake-Austin B. Griffis. Gibson-John ft t.latlin. Great Bend Buro..:Edward Colsten. - Harmony-Harvey Bryant, John D. Shatts, Martin J. Taylor. Huriord-Elijah C. Harding, Egbert Sinsa bapgh, Henry J. Tyler, Fennel Carpenter. Liberty-Jacob Chalker, Arthur Southworth. Lenox-Judson Davis, Sylvester Wescott. Lathrop-John C. Miller. Montrose-Roger B. Kenyon,Maaon Dennison, George L. Stone. New Milford tp.-Harrison Vancott. Oakland-Almon Barnes, Libteus Knapp, William Eastwood. Rush-George Harvey. Springvllle-Georgo H. Sheldon. Silver Lake-Elisha K. Hill. ' TYarerie Jurors—Third Week. Ararat-Chauncy Avery. Anburo—John Guile, Tredway Kellogg, jr., George Kirland, Martin L. Lacey. Bridgewater—Joseph Porter. Brooklyn-Edwin A. Weston. Choconut-James Donnelly. Clifford-James C. Stewart. 'Dhnock-Bartlet D omn,Eugene Smith. Franklin-James E. Townsend, Wm. N. Wat son. Great Bend tp.-Lowis Atwater, Addison J. Lyon. Harmony-Joseph Austin, Jacob Storer, Nel son Slums. • Harford-Wm. F. Carpenter, Gabriel Everett, Hoyt H. Wilcox. k ac son-Otwell Benson, Henry W. Tyler. Lathrop-Elisha Lenox. John C. Decker, Eldridge Snyder. Montrose-Alphonso Smith. New 31illord tp.-John Bisbee,. 3. R. Valls. New Milford Boro.--Nathamel, F. Eimber Andrew B. Smith. Oakland-Wilbur D. Stoddard, Rush-Charles Morse, George B. Shoemaker. Springville-Daniel McCain. Thomson-Nathan B. Chase. A%-4131.33E3. Bunnowa--STANLEY—At the M. E. parson age. in Montrose, Jan. 7, by Rev. W. L. Thorpe Davis D. Burrows,of Rush, and Emily A. Stan ley of Choeonut. JONES—REYNows—In Clifford at the resi dence of the bride's father. Dec. I S T, by Rev. D. Daniels, John 13. Jones and Miss Priscilla E. Reynolds, both of Clifford. LOW—BROWN—At Nicholson Dec. 2A 1874, by Rev. N. Doolittle, Mr. Frank Lord, to Miss Ella, youngest daughter of E. 8. Brown, both of Lathrop. LION —HoAG— In Montrose Jan. 12th 1875, by Rev. Geo. H. Kirkland, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Mr. Marion A. Lyon of Uniondale, Pa., to Miss Lillie E. Hoag, adopted daughter 01 Mr. C. L Brown, of Montrose.— No cards. PICKET—WarrE—In Jessup, Jan. lad, by Eld W. C. Tilden, Mr. Daniel Picket, and Mra. Wealthy L White. PEASE-31onsz—In New Milford, on the 10, inst., by W. C. Tilden, Mr. Geo. H. Pease, of Jackson, and Miss Zdnha A." Morse, of New Milford. PorrEn—WAsrmoruc.— At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 23d, by Rev. F. A. Warner, Joseph Potter, of Harmony, and Miss Emma A. 0 ashburn of Thomson. Surrsou—Ettanx—At the house of the bride's father, Dec.23d, by Reit. G. L. Williams, Mr. Mark C. Simpson, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Millie Elliot, of Herrick. W ATSINS—RIDGENVAY—In Lenox, at the house at Charles Decker, Dec. 0, by Rev. J. H. Green, Mr. Thomas Watkins, of Benton, and Miss Emma J. Ridgeway, of Lenox. IaiMIALT3ECV9. BEDELL—In Jessup. Jan. 4th, Henry Ross, youngest son of W. V. awl airlines Bedell. COTHILL—In ilusli,llec. 25, 1874,Esther Cot, rill, aged Sll years, 8 months, and 2 days. Ftsu—At his sister's, in Corbettsville, N. Y., Jan. Ist, of consumption, Aaron Fish, in his 50th year. Special Notices PULMOMC Svnur, Sae WEED Tunic, AND lIANDRAKE Pains—These deserv edly celebrated and popular medicines have ef fected a revolution in the healing art, and'prov ed the fallacy of several maxims which have for many ) ea.& obstructed the progress of med ical science. The false supposition that Con sumption is incurable deterred physielans , from attempting to find remedies for that disease,and patient& afflicted with it reconciled themselves to death without making an effort' to escape from a doom which they supposed to be una voidable It is now proved, however, that Consumption can be cured, and that it has been 'cured in a very great number of ruses (soma of them apparently desperate ones) by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup alone ; and in other cases by the same medicine in connection with Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, one or both, according to the requirements of the case. . Dr. Schenck himself, who enjoyed uninter rupted good health for more than forty years, was supposed, at one time to be at the very gate of death, his physicians having pronoun ced his case hopeless, and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid meth= tines, and, since his movery, many thousands similarly affected have used Di r. Schenck's pre parations with the same remarkable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not abs.lutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck unless patients wish their lungs exam ined, and for this purpose he is professionally at his principal office, Corner Sixth and Arch Sta., Philadelphia, every Monday, where all let ters for advice must be atldressed. Schenck's medicines are sold by all druggists. Carver tr. Pratt. Groat 33.a..eiteozaserat at CARVER & PRATT'S Over their splendid stock of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. ce an styles BONNE TS Their stork of resdpaude HATO and is unequaled la the eonati7 tor style and ebeapneu. .11Pscat CtEAMIDAD Cluartaxas . 1717corls. ricxxio =ere. WE WILL NOT BE traramsoLn. W. a. CARVER • • W. P. PRATT. Bbigtaniton. Oct. 14. 1874,17. 81 Curt 81. Cr. Water. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur . Liniment will not - rellerro,no swelling ; they will not subdue, and no larneuesi * which they will meagre. This isstrong language, but It is true. They have = produced more ales of rheumatism, ocaraigiaiockjaw.paisy.sprains,swel \ZClTAlVcc liege, caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt rheum, earache, ac., upon the bureau frame, aed of strains. spate, gaits, etc.. upon aninuilit in cunt year than have all other.pretended remedies dm the world; began. They are counterirritant, althealing, pain re %levers. Cnpples throw awayttntr crutches, the lame walk, poisonous blies are rendered harmless, and the wounded Ire healed without a scar: The recipe Is pub.' fished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before, because they do Jost what they pretend to do: Thos. who now suffer from rhennuitism. alit, or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Latment, white wrapper. More the; 1000 certificates . of remarkable cures. Including frozen Mai, chronic 'rheumatism, gout, running tumors. etc., have been ro. aired. We will ands eircularcontainingartillater. the recipe, etc.'. gratis, to any one Mailing it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper CentarLinimentiliwortb one hundred dollars for spavined or sweented bonier males, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-oware --theaelidiaear are worth your attention... No family should he without them. "White wrapper flunilY user . Yellow Wrapper for Sold by all Itruggista.— Wants per bottle: large bott les, $l.OO. J. B. Ron 11 1 CO., 63 Broadway, New York. Castor'sis more than a substitute for Castor 011. Ii is the only sqpi ankle in existottee which Is tellsin to malt:oat. the Mod. regulate the bowels. cute wind colic and produce. natural sleep. It contains neither SO/floral*. tiorObine or alcohol, mid Is pleasant to talre. Children need not cry and mothers may-rest. • - - Oot. SS.: The Markets. rittatictal: Gold Silver U. S. Ns 1251 55000UPOn 180 ...'. 550 Coupon. 1NN.... 550 Coupon, 1155 .... 540 Coupon, '65 jy... 5.20 Coupon MI .... VW Coupon 1868 Nett 5 per eta 10-40 s Sterling Exchange... Parts Exchange Currency td.. ...... New York Produce Market. R e r atel ve T7l: el 6 3 r rf ? r Z&L ll - l z r tßdes et,rm 'loo Ali:mantas, 26 %%Waal' otrect,lsew York. Bowan—Firkins. choice selected 99 a, —c Welsh Tubb.... ....... .... ....32 @ Mc Palls, Orange County.... 45 t Pailmmon 80 45 33e Cairn—Stat s e F co actory.... .. 12 e.. 14. . Mate Dadra ...IS 4515 Xe state Factory. (air to good .......19 45 140 Zoos—State and Pennsylvania all 130 Western choice brands 0 82c POULTHY— , piing Chickens, per lb. 14 45 15c Turkel', prime 15 45 He Young Docks, 15 45 100 Gaza—Pigeons, stall ted_ per doe 10 Tamecr pair ao Partri , State prime per prir 85 0 60c I—New pales, Bone Bougb per bbi.... CA New Ares Sweet Peace Peaches , Del.. per crate 45 Advertisements. Sacral Music Books for 1876. RIVEROF LIFE, (. 25 .. „ .= fel BondAy School book. H.S./kr/ins sea nitenfly. LEADER. lIVIIP,IIr.I.°V.Vt; Staging School Course. ` H. Q S. Ratner & L. 0. E merson. THOMAS'S 1 13 2, I EVET I ett L mUlc aE of M tge . best clue, for gullet Choirs. .1. //. Varna& DANK'S il72."'"oreViclienTlilyr all the services of th e trpisco7al c Chtirch. H.P . PERKINS' ETHEL e B 00IC. T ( e V O ft i t rigood, and already popular collection. `l , O. Pains. SONG MONARCH. RI ce sin th g- ) log Schools. Not much Sacred Music. ba t an sfdrolra ble preparatory course; with a large quantity of secular musk for practice. EL B. Palmer and L. 0. Strurson. All booki soot poet-paid, for retail price. OLIVER DITBON & Co., CRAB. B. DITriON A Co,. Boston. 213 B'dway. N. Y. 1-te [May 20, 1824.-Iy.) V . RECKELOW & BROTHER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COF FINS, CASKEIS, ETC., 4311-13.401 1 SE7Na. 22e•rizi:a. ALLORDRES PROMPTLY ATT&NDED TO 31 1 3MINTlicfiZi4 Theso prices are FOR CASH ONLY, and tor Customers from a distance Good Winter Pants, lined, Wavy Business Suits, All Wool Cassimere Suits, Broadcloth Dress Suits, all woo.; French Diagonal Suits,_ English Basset Suits, Cutaway Coats and Vests, fine, Heavy Grey Overcoats, Black Union Beaver Overcoats, Castor... Beaver Overcoats, Chinchilla and Fur Beaver, Fretibb Beaver and Kersey, Good Under Shirts and Drawers, Good Knit Jackets, Good Cloth lined Paper Collars, per box, And all other Goods in proportion. Also an immense stock of (Olt sIRMO for boys, from 3 years of age, up to men's size at prices from $lOO a suit upvards. IT WILL PAY YOU TO 00 50 MILES to buy a supply of Winter Clothing at these prices. WEBSTER, The Clothier. 62, 64, 66 Court Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Binghamton, Nov. 11, '74. —tf. TAKE NOTICE EVERYONE ! Hilly dollars reward will be paid Co . anyperson after reading thla, who tuts not - teatved the worth of•amount Inverted, t, e., . CRANE'S GREAT AMERICAN BALSAM • Asa Family Medicine Pot Mulch', Colds, Croup, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Bronchial Disease,Kidney Compliant,Erpripelas. Sera nia, Rheumatism, Pain ln, the Side and Breast., Cuts, Burns Scalds, Brnteet, - Bites and Stings PI in sects, Frost Bites, Chilblains, and Internal and Extern al Affections general. Warranted a Sure Cure for the Piles. IS acknowledged by the Public as the beet for the above mentioned Diseases of any Medicine Of the_pree anto. It is composed of purely vegetable Ingredients It teethe blood,which must be done in nine-tenths of all dideaseirbefore the patient Can be cured. It la particularly beneficial In uses of ASTHMA or PILES. This Is no humbug. and any person buying • bottleof G. A. B. and oeing dissatisfied alter using of it,may return the same and receive their money back. We, the undersigned. have aced Crane's Balsam, and . do hereby testi* to Its good quallttea, and to Its being *recommended Ainey A Williams, Druggist., New Milford. M. Dole. way, Franklin Forks. Rev. A. 11„Fish, Stanford villo, Pa C. U. Crane, New York City, O. IL Vanloan. Scranton, and many others. The O. A. B. is not sold at the popular price of one dollar per bottle. but for fifty cents, so that all can have it, Bold by Dealers . generany, • CHARLES LI'CRANE.' ) New Milford, Pa. Dec. 110, 1874 "DEMOCRAT" OPPid Will compete with any :other in this section in cheapness, promptness and quality of work. Its stock.has just been replenished with -..• 7 .17 14 • • •Tq , - of vitriol's styles of ibeautlibillettes. , Posters . Show Bills, Hand Bills, Programnies, Dodgenik Slants , of all kinds, Business Cards,' Visiting Cards, Book Printing, etc. Atteirsey's Paper books printed with neatness tind' patch. Call on or address DA %MEV & cutiontz. Lll,Dmuiss. G B. IlArsis. I II O. DwurinNo. BINGRASTIThr MIME 'WMO3. 1. (Errazususa m 18411 • OAIRES'BROS.I BIANDIRC; DEALERS IN AND 3LANUFACTUDEBB OP t italinit,&autericattPubitO, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Etarble and fanto - itiant!es,''' - '` . 26 Cheuaugo St., Near-Depot, Naos. 11173. DINnUAIAT9N.N.Y N sw mrsoart MACHINE SHOP. JULIUS SUULTZ; Practical Maebtaltit.' respeetitilly solicit* th e patroasv of all who may vant.gogttlat, Millwork. Butting. mum. Pa 11 maw Ate. N. e,—spectil attention paid to tagaltiag. ' SOW 1111fOrddatia 10.' 74--Iy. D7IINISTIIIITOWS NOTIDE.—In the estate of MrastutCorey, Istoo4Lathrop.doe'd.letters of Ad ministration.% the 'said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all 'persons owing said estate, are request to make Immediate 'ailment, and per. 1101111 having clime against said estate are requested to present them without delay. A.O. WARREN. Administrator. Montrose, Dec. 9.'74. 48—aw M Lit.d. 119 M , 121% 121134 UAW ....„..U8 11834' 118 18% 1211% 1 1 21 121% 121% ~115% 1 121 14 % . 115 11514 .. : .64634 5 1 514 481 457% ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — in the est. of M man Snow, drawls& lato of Franklin Letters of 'Administration in the mild estate having been gmntet to theondersigned all persons owing said estate,are requested to make Immediate payment, and all per sons baying claims against said estate are requested to proem:tithe's: Without delay. LllTlllift SNO SNOW, JOHN G. W, Franklin, Dec.= `l4.—ewpd Administrators. ®A DMINTSTRTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of ad administration to the est. of Jas. Hartnett late of Auburn tp., deceased; have been granted to the under. sign..d, all persons indebted to said estate, are rrquest ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against •hewame. are requested to present them without Utley. E. trNIELL. Administrator. Montrose. Jan.°, 1875.-43 w REG ISTER'S NOTICE.—PUBLIC NOTIOE is hereby given to all persons con cerned In the following Estates, to wit Estate of Sarah Knowiton,late of Rush,dec'd Charles Avery Executor. Estate of Win. Gordon, late of Forest Lake, deed, Asa Warner, Executor. Estate of Nathaniel Reynolds, late of Brook lyn, dec'd,Mother Reynolds, Executor. Estate of Nathan Rounds, late of Windsor, N. Y.. dec'd, 51. P. Whitney, Administrator. Estate of E. L. Brundage, late of Gibson, oec'd, Seth Abel, Administrator. Estate of Joshua Davis, late of Gibson,dec'd, D. C. Brundage, Ad—inistratur. Estate of John Smiley, isle of Gibson , dec'd Oscar Washburn, Administrator. Estatti of Lydia P. Light, minor, Hiram R True, Guardian. That the accountants have settled their ac counts in the Eegister's Office in and for the county of Susquehanna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans Court, on Thursday, Jan. 14, 1875, for con firmation and allowance. H. N. TIFFANY, Regilter. Register's Office, Dec. 16, '74. -$B,OO Tim Wvoiilia SprinE Bat me SPRING BED Is equal. and In many respects T superior, to any other in the market. it is Debt, musi.y handled, and easily kept clean. For elasticity. comfort, and durability, it is unsurpassed. Hundreds of recommendations could be produced If necessary.— The low price at which they are sold brings them with in reach of all who wish to indulge in the luxury of a first class Spring Bed. You can have one put on your bedstead. if deem , and If 14 does not prove, entirely catisfactory. it will be taken away free of charge. For sale by W. W. Smith & Son Farnitere dealers, and by D. S. WARNER, Manufacturer. Shop In rear of Hyde Cracker's Shop near the Foundry. $O,OO. TIMIXOSIALS. 018.00. Mr. E. S. Warner. the manufacturer of the Wyoming patent spring bed. ban removed his factory_from this city to Montrose, Pa. The beds will be sold In this city by E. D. Robinson, and oy ?dr. J. Donley, of Washing ton street. These beds are made of rows of spiral steel springs, attached to each other by bands of hoop•iron. in such a manner as to leave no chance for vermin to harbor. This advantage will be appreciated by all housekeepers. It is made In two sections, so that two persons, as a child and adoll,losn sleep in the same bed without crowding to the side occupied by the heavier. This advantage is, we believe possessed by Ito other spring. For durability, ease, and comfort, and for a. daptability to every bed, It far surpasses anything of the kind we have ever need, and we hope it will have I sate large enough here to induce the Manufacturer to re turn to Binghamton.—Gto. J. Reid. Binghamton V. Rroznow & Bs° Peeotapring bed, exhibited, by Edscas B. Warner.— Recommend madam for this article, which appears serviceable and cheap, the price being sB,oo.—Surque. Agana °mate Apricuaerol Society. 1.874. sEsooca. Montrose, :no. 8, 11.-17 eamocip. 1.....1 --:. 4=o g ii:.:l'.3 '— " . PA P. .... l ig c= = 41 14 71 3 il, t-2 k' N AN D i l l g: 1 2' E. v.= . .42 r 4 , = 2 g is 4N . e f , t...,. c.= 4 Y , -(1) t—..., c, eta:i... ~.; 4.2 'I2S s j, 5 "i" .4 z' il,g ci - ~.r ;Ai a2 4 14 1. A zeelli , ' g 4=5 sl ;g7,.4 piN. AND w—' 1 1 . 51 98°`-' @ 51--s-68 •0 • = I =.1..Z Foilv J. WEBB uuJnit received fronvNew York a fresh stock of CoOsedrlol9, which, will be Sold CREAP FORICAI3B. ' Aniong the nameronsnrtleles may be 'found New Or; Leans Molasses,. P. R. Molasses. Syrups. hums thadfleh„ Mackerehliallbot,Elams„ Canned Fmlts.eran 'berries, Cheese. Teas, Crashed White Wheat, Salem tne, Spum4, Canned Salmon, Turks Island Salt le. Montrose, Dec.lB. 1874. B. J. WEBB.' /PIIE New York WEEKLY WITNESS, Vving 1 News, Markets, Stories, elettiree, and Live Editor ials at $1.20 a year Postage paid, bias reached 75,090 circulation in 3 years. Send for free satiplo copy. 1-4 w TRYcTralilifda g 'onewergln 7 .= THL ... , ,,,t ets p . ollti T.7s pnbl isFa ii y fr :l:r tio jn a d d i v c e h r , t e l n e t for , speeime.ne before you forget It. Splendid Map Premium. Agents wanted every_wh er e . Big Commis. alone paid I I . L. 112.irrueoa. 638 Weabliagton St..Boaton, 1108 Arch lit.. Pedi'a, PL. . . 1-4 w irAl Immo EMPLOYEENT- lingo Or Female 'lotl ?.libran w d e alt n ig a s n a . m " p i teree c iartreo. re l u til e nts ; 6 centreturn sump, • ROSS, 1-4 w T. BILARYLAND•EIfiC AND Air IST N. • Charles Street. lialthitore, Md. ' Game Charles lode Prof. Eye and Ear morgely to shiTy d a t : u University, Surgeon in Charge. • -•-• .• • he larbandsome residence of the la de Chariesdlar troll has - been dtted up with all•the Improvements adopted In tholatest Schools of Furope, fix the Westmont of this Class Of disessefl.Opply by_leTte e ilt GEORGE EMEIG, Burgeon inn Chug& SIirinCIIOI2AISCY. or BMX tilinaldlNCL"—How - either sax may *Ladoga and gain tbe lore and affections of any person they choose d.antly. This simple mental acquirement all can ponsesa.freebymall, for 25 ets,toether with a marriage guldaltnypilan Deeama. - Hinta to LaeilLelt Shirt. etc. queer book. Address, T. Wl.ll6.Wdi 00.. Palm • • Ptul'a. • .• • ' COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALI,. THROAT DISEABES -171121-.- . WELL'S .- CAROdLIC TABLETS. POT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. TRIED AND STINE REMEDY. Sold by ungvets. rAT. I SNOW 'ATIOUT - AIGEPTIt;' ow to clear $lOO to $2OO per month Ctirurnoe. ,tercoecoptc.Vlows. Mope and Charm Apply at once to D. G. GIISItNSEY. Concord. U -tw HAVE YOU TRIED , _ 0711:73FL117X330313A. ? Ain Yon so languid that sap eiattfou requires more of - - an art than you fral capabto s ot making t nen try JIIIIIIDESA. the Wondertel tonic and lutist. - orator, whim nets an beneficially on the seen:4l l / 4 )er. 'gene as fair:inert vigor to all the vital forces. • It Is no leohhollt appenzer.mbleb stimulates for• abort time, only to let the sufferer fall to slower depth of misery, bat it i* a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. • • . It regulates theillowols; quiets the nerves, and Oval - each& bealthy tone to the whole system as to soon make ins feel tibia tieit perdou, Its operation to not violent,' but le 'cliameterized by great gentlenessi, tpo patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results: but guide/illy hip troubles ••Fold their tents. like the Arabs, And silently steal away." Tale lano sow and untried discovery, but basbeen long used with wonderful reinedlii rosolts..atui Is pro. mounced by the highest medical antecieltles,.•the moat p3Werftli MIN And alterative kuowa." , • Ask you druggist to/ it. For sale b - • 1.4 w U. P. UDDER a co:. . • . New York. Lega Notices. ; Zhlcellaneous. gi 8,0 0 Dauchy tr. 00. Weak, rilervons, or Deb!Mated? ~Number 2. Diisceuaneons, DON'T READ THIS 1 Batbe sure to tome to COOL'S t3TATION, on the klontrozo Rahway, sad Ask For What We Have Not Got, and wo will woe to hive it to•morrow t 1217 e =save Cirot 15 ♦ MU. AISOIITIINT OP Dia 7 OtObX,2B GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NO. - TIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A fine lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES, all of Which will be sold as Cheap as the Cheap est for READY P. All kinds of County Produce Taken In Exchange for Goods at the highest Market Priem CABU PAID FOR PORE, BUTTER .AND POULTRY, or shipped to responsible Cow , elan. Merebnits In New York. Glee LIB ft CO. • Jmcce MArent. MARTIN . & JONES. Elaxtra. Joscs. Oct. 29, 18Ti—asn COAL t GOAL ! COAL ! The best Coal in market to be bad at the Dunn Station. The undotsigned, haring had long experience in the Coal trade, guarantees satintection. E. P. STAMP, I. N. BULLARD. OR AT STROUD'S OFFICE, Will be promptly attended to. Cm be meat at IL P Stamp's, °Timings, from 6 to 8 o'clock. 0. D. Stebbins. lionimse, Nov. 4 ,n4.—sm. MITTP&PLITT,. Weald call attention to lus Now Stock of FALL AND WINTER 00005, Now on sale, In now 10,271' 600/029 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS. NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, -All A W LS. WATER PROOFS.. FL AN- N ELS, BALMORAL AND 11001' sKitas, VELVETS, BOSI ERY, HEAVY WOOL. GOODS, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS. HATS, , AND CAPS: BOOTS AND . SHOES, HARD W AREIRON,NAILS, STEEL, STOVES AN - I) GROCEjIIES, ETC. . In greet variety, and will be sold on the most favoralie temp, and lowest pries. BURRITT. New Milford, Nov. 11, 1874. :Kt 1121. i. ]-,5;.? eli.? r....:;i CHEAP CASH. We pay,Caoh for Goode, and !CU lore-sh, and would mama:tend PEOPLE FROM BRIGAAMTON • • and rle.olty, sisltuag Eloatrose, to GIVE US A CALL • beforecava i g u e i l e seztr=s o ll t ssrar , Athol , tted • . • TWENTY DOLLARS that they sell In Blartbasiton for tweatpdve dollars. New Goode Arriving Every Day; BEAD & STROUD. • • Montrbse. Ms. 11. 'Th.71.17. - ~ a 3,p ~qv m~ A NEW AEUELEiNGEMENT PIAN(S & OR4ADIS, AS L. B. Isbell's Jewelry Starst, Where' larger and better stock of the following • goods will be found than elsewhere la Northern Pennsylvania: • SOLID SILVER & PLATED WARE, PINE TABLE CUTLERY, (OP ALL EINDSJ DIAMOND SPECTACLES, and a general usortment of Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music, Violin Strings, etc— etc. 411 Rae lanal Wa s tch Repai by ring Scaring Machines ße me Mt : Eh 1 , pica. =by ~ &ball & riltalrufnit. - sot. 10, 1972.-IT. Nantme, Pa. 26z OMNIBUS LINE. Tbenndereigned !wean omnibus Una running ton, ery train on the . D. L. di W., and Erie Eallwaya Greatliend, Eihippin‘ or _Re -Shipping Baggage at either depot will bepraroptly attendee Te new fivor bridge is now completed, hence Mere is no Ferrying. clAe.xtrimAli.ckmiles 'always on hind to convey parrongero io any point in onrrounding country. BUCILLYAN. Prop'r. GNU Bend. Ang.lo. 1814.-4 r. . t ran.l3lll7-a - HcarrOxia, . • •, :OPPOUTRTIII2 00U4T110t0Ilt. ' morraoss,issarA , • 'JOHN S. TARBELL, PROP'R. • • - rigtViigingit ll og i zrae le lta v rligi s a l :T;htlii l ifl o l l 4 Railroad. ad the D. 1., & W. Railroad. Aprll 1et.11D11.41. - , • TUN CONVIISM SON OF AN INVALID,' .nblished es a warning and for Abe benefit of Young Mon end other* wbo inifer from rwavout Yinntmcw LOU or alatwooo.. ate, ruPatitut. the memo or Bolt Cure. Written by ono who cured btmeelf ofler ander gologctmeldensble queftervand sent free on receiving: a port paid directed envelope. - : • • WM:retain Invited to address Me author... • . • NATUANIEL MAYFAIR { • . _ . A. O. Box 1113, Brook-41),N. Y, October Itb,ls74.—Cm,l • Orders brft with JEWELRY & CLOCKS, Any ardor for