. . . . ' - - - - • - . . . __ _ . .. • ' •, ''. t... 11 •.: 1", .1 4, . • '. - 0 1 :.;1. - 1 . I - "" .« , ~.i ' ~. I . ;•," , :. , ,: , _,.,.. , , , ' : ; ~ ,_• '.' ; . ,•i-- ' ; t 1 ,.. ' '-',„,-' ~, , ' ,'_:-.,`: -_•-• ;: .5 , . fl- c" *:. .- ' . 1 , '. ' ' - •r.'7...%'*,..../ " - - --—. . . " - ' • • I k ‘*. li I 11: F- L i \ ;''' i. , ..1 %. 1 1 . - - t 4 , ( .1:116 t4 ti ... - . • ' , / 4 1.' ' '' tlll ~ : ~ '.!,- - • - /. \..," \,, .. N.: me, . . ' ' - :-'?," , , , .. :'' .. ‘ \\ . s.", . : 2\ • --5,,- , , 41 41 , .... • „,, ,sris ... It , . _. , 1 : ::, ~, ,-..!::. :. r i ,‘,..' .(71 '4 . .t! .-- :-. i . el.: eli 6:(IF : .11\1 . • . . . - . _ . .• . • .- . • . „ • . . . ~ • .. • • ; r ' • - ! '• • 4 ' 1 • ' ! , , ,, , I , \ ',..._. , • -`;-, -' -' ;.,-, %.--\..._-' ,;) , , , i / ' ksl, --- ‘.,, 4) 4 " . ./..- .. 7.. \ .• ' 7 1 , "c, \, i. : •-• ' , „ I - . . . . . . - HAWLEY & CRP'SEt; VOLUME 32. T '23 E fl ontrose pcmotrat Is Patuanto fivxny R%➢xaeit.T Mintsrsc Vont&sr, :(I.ideity, - Pa liertet—Wvei Side of rnblic .litedue atinno an ;be Lo,alfittifiencral Neu e,Pootry.Sto- A aettiole, 511.cellayaroue licadirg,lisorrespoLd ,and a reliable claea of soccrtlermentl•. Advertising Rates t 0, (?.. atm Inch spnce. 3 wetkeor les! $1 I, month. $1.25 monthe, 50; ti 111001111 , . $ 4 NJ; 1 ,ear. $6,S 1 . A liberal dleeonni on utlvertlerniente of a tra r le ,n 1 en a f a t d h ti , 13 , 1! ejtenee%Lalnei,l,4o. Igoent : u n t e e f rt of a tral w karrlngc. stid desthe.lree ; obituaries. 10 cle. n line. FINE 3033 PPLISTTI SPECIALTY ! Omsk Work. Try Us 1 r I'riet4: Business Cards BURNS & NICHOLS, In Drup., Medicines, Cherratale., Dye. ,fl..l.,int....otlf.Varelsh. LigeOre, DVees.nineY .Tc.cles.l'atett ‘ledicinep.Perfemeryan Toilet Ar tie, ;..irTr ,, Aeription. carorully compounded.— linck rthlck. Montrose. ra 4.11. tir RN. 21 1573 E. P. HZ ES, It D. f.nelonfe of the Cu!versify of 'l2llehlgan t Ann Athol, nirh, and Afro of Jefferson Medical Colle7e of Phi la deifhla. Pelt. hay , returned to Frie.ndesillee, where he 0111 attend ff. all calla to We 9n:fief/slop heft demi in 'lenge Llosford's house, Ogee the A.. hereof°, Fnsne.r.lle, Pa., April 29th., ISS4.-2m. EDGAR A. TURBELL. Ill!EIMMF.1:1 No. 170 Broadway, New, York City. ',Oen& toad kinds of Attorney 811EllIelit, and COO duct., causes to all the Courts of both the State and the Mitten Frh DR. A . IF. smrrll, thcrter Rooms at hie dwelling, next door north of pt. on Old Foundry street. where.he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental .q ork. lie enntident that he can please all, both in qnality of uora and In price. Office hours from 9 a.k. to 1 F. a. Motorose, Feb 11,11.74—t1 F.ILLEY HOUSE. *ALAI BEND. PA. Situated near the Erie I.l.anifty De p.. 1. a large and commodious house, haS undergone .. repair. Newly funaisned rooms and sicep- Var imente.splendidtabl es.undallthing, crompritt .l.g a lust class hotel. HENRY ACKERT, t.,.;.z Pith. 1.173.-tf. Proprietor. D. T. 41: E. 11. CASE, AI:NESS-MAKERS. Oak llarnex.,light and beery al lowest cash prices: Also, Blanket., Brenitt Blab 1. It. Whip.. and everything pertaining.to tba line than the cheapest. kgmtring done prompt , and in good style. , • ilont.ose.Pa., Oct. 29.1073 THE PEOPLE'S If ARKET4; PIIILI4I' I.Lutra, Proprietor. • Fresh and Salted Meats, Barns, Pork, Bologna San , 2e.etc.. of the NW.: quality, constantly on hand, it nrce to suit vsstr.s.c, Jan. 14. taltl-Ic BILLING STROUD. RE AND LIFE INSUrIANCE AGENT. Me ~,AtuessattendedtopromPtly,oa fair terms. Offfe. -r,c.th,or east of ttic Dank of Wm. 13. Cooper et. zblic Avenue, Montrose, Fn. [Aug .1,1869. 3 11.147•21 BILLINGS STELOUD. OLIABLEY MORRIS Ur. lIATTI EAKBEE, hue moved hie shop to tte building occupied by E. McKenzie & . Where hp,;,te pr ep red to do alltindsof work labia Ile e,eu cb tiug Ewitchen. - pufre, etc, All work door on abort ' mi ce ond prieo. Inw. Pleare call and se alt. LITTLES 44 BLAKESLEE TTORNETS AT LAW, have removed hithelr :lo 0.05:4, opposite tbr Tarbell Houee. R. B. LITTLE, Gnu. P.trrm.x., 51 , ontrin-e.Oot. 15. ISI - 3. E. L. WhannaLtz. W. B. DEA—VS. IEALER in Dunks. tatlonery, Wall Paper. Netva pa hrh. Pocket Cutlery, Stereuecepic Vietee. Yankee Nutione, etc. Neil door to the Post Office, Alontrhae. l'h W. B: BEANS. nupt 51, 187• L MITT , NOE HOTEL. .1 ILARRINGTOISI Witte! , to Inform thepublicthat :untie rented the Exchange hotel in hlontrore, he e me. prepared io accommodate the trarelingpubne o orri-chti.e etyle. , Mentroile, Mag. 28,1873. - . IL BITRItI27. • nkr ,12 Staple and Fancy Drs Goode. Crockery, nerd. .are, Don, Stores, Drags. Oils, and Pelota, RoOta sod Shoer. Rats and Caps, Furs, Baffalo Robes, Gra- Leiden, Provieloutt, !Cc. Nen-Milford, t a, Nor, DLL D. A. LATILROP, adaidcre ELtertio Turainal.73,lls. a ',.he FOOL of Cbc.mut craw.. Call and roman' In a.l Chronic • 11,martme. Jan. f7. '. DR B. W. DAYTON, YSIC 1,114 SURGEON, tender'. his services to ee eitiannt of Great Bend nad vicinity. Office at his idetice. opposite Barnum Rouse, G't.Atenti village. opt. . _ . „ LEWIS KNOLL, SILEVVING aND BAII DAESS&G. op in the new Postoffice building. where he iwtll folnd ready to attend all who may want anything r. a•, 'lnn. Montrose Pa. Oct. 13 PAN. CHARLES E. STODDARD, actin Boots and Shoes, Bats and Cape, Leatberand , ludings, Hain Street. Ist door below Boyd' „Store. cart made to order, and repairing done neatly. ut.crope Jae. 1 lel°. DR. IV. L. RICIIARDSO.3i; ' 1 - SICIAN & stTAGEON, teederstir protesefone , riccn to the eUizeneuf]Suntrocd.endvfdnUr— uceat hien:sl4er :41, on the conuereastef.Eayre& •rog.Foendrr. • • • •'—flthg , l• . . SLUT ILL DE07.7 , 4 turtlfff at Law and Solicitors In Badl rlip d i °Tao diction Street, ovar City ' , National Tank; I.naon, WK. uth, Pith. Ittn.. • ." - " dEnost trawrrit, ifliEr;lM/gEZZ, In Drugs Nediclowq Choi:Wolf; Faints, Ofle; yt-stufre:T4o. Spices; 'Parley th.rotio, Jeu•City; Pt"; '.v7• •tc., Brick Block; litOuttoze, Pm Tamilßetted ter.[am. /, 11E175: - • • . = LAW OFFICE. ;.• • TCII }PATRON, Attorne76.fttlAW, nt the.old Ogee . , r Beutley 31013t20., r rrrcn . IJan . ll. '71.1 A. 0. IVARRE'iV, • , T.JRNE.I A. LAW. Bounty, Li l es. Perasimi Eiem.. on Claims Attended tO. Oftlce Are: • below IltayS's Store. Itioutrost.Ps. [0u..1, 6S IV. A. CLIOSSMON "r.dr price at the Court noetie. fr 4e mantietstoucea (Mee. COAM2OIS: wan., Sew . 1871.—tf. • J. C. WREATON. , • CIYII. ENUIRLEI: LAHD SrmyrTi:.4. P. 0. address,ltgunkllo YArke. r neytlf111.1.1111&C.04 GEO rgs 4 tocso, -• • IUN A 3LE TAIL , )RS, Montrose, Pa. :41tiopoVer earl leet , , Store.. MI Indent filled in dritirateatyk: , ttu g data: en anon notice. and wArrunted to Itt.4 , W. W, b'AfITH, INET AND caALE ASANITFACTUSZILS,--Ycio Mein a tit et, Montrone. F. hug. 1.18694 Jr. O. SUTTON, •TIoNEEII, and Isacrnascz data; +• 1 1 ti9Gl ',lentLevine', Ps., p'. N. WALE, uRNEY AT LAW, office ever the, Store of It. enu. T ,ln the Deck BLock,MontrollC „Va. LOl4 pa J. .13 le. . lIKETB LAM boate over the kliwki kontriis• Motart ;se, Dtop 10,,9.81.1. 4Mi ELY, - Addr!lse, Brookjyxt, Phi UCTIONEER, ' 4l e 1, /ea, (Joints! Business.Dliectory Two lines in thistlirectory, one year, $110; each ad ditional line, 50 cents. „HON T.ROSE •.; 9 ,;; : ,• - 13.I.DORWOUT, Siatet„ Wholesale and Retai dealee in all kind. -of •slate rocSitg, - slate pdiet. etc': Roofs repaired with !date paint to order, -Alloy elatf, paint for sale by the gallon or barrel. McOatrdsc. Pa. BILLINGS ItITROURt (tenant Fire - and Lug lnan 'ance Acetilf ; also, sell Itailroan and AccidentTicka to Nece - Yorkanci Philadelphia. Olga° one door east' ofthe Bank. BURNS IC NICIIOLS,- the place to get I:frugal:lnd ltsdi eines. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books, Specta clam Yankee Notions..kc. Brick Block. BOTD `RORNITM,DeaIers 'in Htnees,': Hardware. and Manufacturers of ;Tin and Sheetiron ware. cornet of Main and Turnpike street: . • • • • A. N. BULLARD, Dealer to taroceries,Provlsions Books, Stations and Stankeirlfotiiiiis.litrlinod of Public Arennta.*;::- , :., -. , .„. • • WM. 11. COOPtit : PoSeign Par sage Tickers undDraltson, - pg,ltindt irelundand..seet. WM. L.l:l634 : llartieisittakeitittildeitlet in all- kiticle usually kept by the trade: oppoe Ito tbe Bank. • Y • JAMES E. I:7ATtittiLT, -Attorney Pt Lave: ONO. one door belottptrbelltrolise;Publtc Aventuno..— • ,:" 1,. L. kinds' it muting ITD ments,:igtowlnglimeldnes, - Welli eurbs.'dog p wers, etc., etc:, Main 8k; opposite Savings [Ses• SAVINGS DANK, NEW IifILFORD.,.. Sir per cent. In tercet on all Deposits..:-Does-a general Itseking lin. ness. nll-tf S. D. CHASE 11.0AERET & SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. 'Mee Salt; Lime, Cement, Groceries and Prov'mcns Main Street, opposite the Depot. AI: 4 IEY rt IIAYDKI, Dealers in Drugs and Medmines and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, nes •Ito Depot_ N. F. KIMBER, Carnage Maker and Undertaker Main Street, two doors below Bewley's Stare. CAYUGA PLASTER—DICIIOL&S SUORMARER,dsa er in genuine Cayuga Master. Fresh ground. SicCOLLUM BEDTIMES. Dealers mu Groceries and Provision... on Main strectsqi 1. RICEsR3I.I.I4. Jn.; Dealer in general merchandise and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBSON. R. IS. TINGLEY—DeaIer In Stoves, Yln, Copper. fines amlSheetiron Ware, Casting... Se. Also, manufactor er of Sheet Metals to order. Eve Trough and Lead Pits business attended to at fair prices-Gibson Pennsyligtals,—ly. A Not , Ntcnous . GREAT BEND. . H. P. DORAN, hierehant Tailor and dealer In Read) Made Clothing. Dry Gooda,Grocerlee and Provisions Hain Street.• SONAR SAVIOGS 12 0 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS. AND RE TURNS THE SAME /EM AN D WI IH OUT PRENI COTICE, ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX PER, CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL: MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE,SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON -MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH. ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN, C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOY ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT JAMES BLAIR, PRESIDENT ; 0. C. MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCE. Feb. 12. 1874. T AYLOR'S FAMILY DIE,DICINES Pain and Lameness relieved in a abort time bythe Ilse at Taylor's Celebrated 011. The great-Rheumatic and Neurallgic Remedy. This medicine le not .a cure all, but is warranted to cure more of the ails and the to which flesh is heir than any other medicine ever covered. (jive it a trial if you do not find it eo. it costs you nothing. It may be need with the utmost advantage for any kind of Palo, Lameness. Wounds or Sores upon man or beast, Will not smart the rawest wound or sore. Full directions for use around each bottle. Ask your Merchant for a free vial. fin Caro— b:o Pay. Taylor's Cough Syrup or Expectorant. for all Throat and Lung diseases. fs very pleasant to the taste and • contains nothing injurious. Try it, and stop that couch and take the soreness from your Throat and I •un l Fs.. Ask your Merchant for a free vial.• Do Caro— eo Tayfors Condithm Powders for all kinds of stock and poultry. Warratne I the best renovator of the system of ran down or diseased stock. that. has ever been dis covered. Try them for all olecares. Incident to the brute creation. Directions for .use around•eneh pack age, Mo Cure—No Pay. All .the above medic nes for sale brAbel Tamil and Barns & Nichols, of Montrose, and all Druggists and Dealers throughout the try. coun - H. 11ROWNTS0 TAYLOIL October 21, nt.—ly: IM—nl-Im. Nc•xicts Mite-tter irrite policies in the following companies:, 'Franklin Fire puttrance CO.. Phil., Aft,ets,s3,Boo,ooo continental, N Y Germania, . ... . -•- . ~ . .. Ilanover - ..t.:. ." , 1.17,0.09 Q 'Niagara ' ..• " 1.`250-101 .. Fatsleo, York, ....,.. .4- ........ -.....4.-•". - '• • DLD.OO3 queen r. London. • , " 10,000,000 No' ..'irger-Catr-All Nitlima) 'Broard:OOtapenleit. and at. a consequepee, 'goad and reliable baring Lang be= , tried and alwayn Iona& mirth lilt - Who have nael.with losien, at soy Agcy:will tclafy. A .TAtc.enta Mite patronized Ineovill'attept 'tar tbania.' An to' thobn wbo have not, I can tlly. say, 1 promise to do by -theta, if they will favor tneLwltb 'an- epreation, an I do by all, gin° theta Innarance yalut for i t el_rxturne,y.:•; i W. • . • • ' Very Respectlldfl4.- , '",-, - ^ ...", irartfordlieCideit yoll t. len • - • . . — Jbtn tbe Masonic Benefit AssoCf calor At Firattan, ; Deglirell74.°lBi4.-r1.j.:1../r Ir.iwirses; MANHOOD: how ijost,llow Restored! ifJust Published. a new' edition of Dr. elbref - iveirs Celebrated Cesar on the radical cure (with. out medicine) of 9 permatorreceaor 'seminal weak liest', Involuntary 13eminal losses, Lap:stoney, Mental end Flip - hal incapacity, Impediment to Mar siege, etc.; also, Consueption,Eineepey, and Fits, in-, dint-thy seitiudulyence ormolu/al extravagance, etc. . rrlce,..ln sealed envelope; only six cents. • The celebrated author, in Oda admirable Esasyalear,' ry demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful prac tice. 'battle alarming Consequeuces of uelVabese May be radically cared without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out amode of cure at. once ettoplui cerlain,und.effec. teal. by means of which every sufferer, namatter what his condition may be, May cure till/Nat cb"PV.Prie vately. and radically. This Lecture should be In the hands ot every youth and every mita in the : land., • • .". ,- -,,, -. ; . :.,... , heat under seal, in a plain eafielope; to' anyaddressit, fast paid,on receipt of six cultic qt evr,i Oil stamps: •• Addrces thel'clilishere. -• ' • - • C1i.913. 4.• C. KLINE' 'es - : CO.:' ' • .in Bowery. Ncir.Y...rls ; Poet ()Rice 80x.4:,8' G.. GEO. A. PRINCE. & GO. ORGIS:IIIIF.MELODEONS; Tho;Oldest,..l4ricet, atiB7dimt Perfect Manafamary.lia' - oeirnite4 States • 54,000 . • hovVin nee.. - - 'No other Musical instrument ever agatnerl ttio same • ' Carßendfo; Price Llai • • - ' ' tiatess . Miscellaneous 1.=).i . )0C) V• 1 MONTROSE, SUSQI COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1875. ffitictt Patvg. TUE DE.LTII OF TilE OLD VEAR. _ I'ENNTSON. galltnee deep lies the :winte(r'snow, Ai3d - the winter winds are %charily sighing ; Toll ye tile church hell Sad and slow; And tread iotily and speak low, For the old year lies a dying. Old year, you nuts% not - die: Yon come to us so readily, You lived with us so steadily, Old year, shall not die. Ile lietb still; he doth not move ; He will not see the dawn ofday, He bath no ether life above, He gave me a friend, and a true true-love And the New Year will take 'em away. Old year you must not go; So long as you have been with us, , Such joy as you have seen with us, Old year, you shall not go. Elefrotted his bumpers to the brim; A jollier year we shall not see, But tho' his eyes are growing dim, And tho' his foes speak ill of him, Be was a friend.to me. Old year, you shall nut die ; We did so laugh and cry with you, I've half a mind to die with you, Old year, if you must die, He was full of joke and jest, But all his merry (ribs are o'er, To seetim die across the waste, His son and heir doth ride poste-haste, But he'll be dead before. Every one for his own, The night is starry and cold, my friend, And the New Year blithe and bold, my foe, Come up to take his own. How hard be breathes I over tho,snow, I beard just now the crowing cock, The shadows flicker to and fro, The cricketchirps ; the tire burns low 'Tis nearly twelve o'clock. Shake bands before you die, . Old year, we'll dearly rue for you ; What is it we can do for you Speak out before you die. Hie lace is glowing sharp and thin, Alack ! our friend is gone, Close up his eyes; tie up his chin ; .step from the corpse, and let him in ' That standetb_ there alone, Andwaiteth at the door ; There's a .neap foot on the floor, my friend, And a new face at the door, my friend, A new faee at the door. BIRTII OF TILE NEW YEAR. BY TENNYSON. Ring out wild bells to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light ; The year is dying in the night; Ring out wild bells, and let him die. Ring outlthnold,ring in the new, Ring, happy, trolls, aeross the snow, The year is going, let him go ; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those:that here we see no more ; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, Ind ancient forms Of party strife ; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the care, the want, the sin, The faithless coldness of the tunes ; Ring out., ring out, my mournful rhymes, But rfeethe fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite ; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease ; Ring oat the narrowing bait of gold ; Ring out the thonsantewars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the Taliant and the free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand, Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring In the Christ that is to he. ,#tletied Otarg. BUMPS CUBE. "youdOti't mean to say that you wou't go, outright, do you RUby .. ?" "No Jolla, I said I iirould:thlok about ,