Vblume B. r iinuncrat Notat." Arrangement of :clans.: A Hera . . Departr. T,,,,,shnnooetz. k Daily . ...... 00 pm 1915 `to. VIA Srauto : 31, , 1/ trope Depot,t Dally,) . o°Opth Mit -a k Daily . .• • .._.lOlXllllll3Op m ,Datly.)... ....... 045hm 400 pm Frsaat,,volo,.trt weekly.) GOO pin 800 a m COO tho stst lon, (td weekl‘,l 10 0 ara 700 am mr,,aarnion.ria S. Make..orl Areckly).. GOO pluo 700 p m htehh , ypeu ,it ri hcretly,), loot)a tn 400 p ea The New York, (Ma Alontroae Depot.) Ne . te Tunksannock,and Wyaluethg rkre t Th,r'oriklin Station mail nine Tneidays, rtYptaidays, and Sall:m.lhp , Ja The Binghtn men. trio Silver Latuajrais Toes z, Thurnd a a m y, o and Satntanye. riendweille mail mum Trtesdayg, Tharentys,and Bat. The Mcshoppen mail rune 3tondnyl,WednesdayeAnd FriAnTA AtintrioNAL STAGEn : A :tam leavesdatly for Montrose Depot stl to.. and retort, at p.M A :413::e lenvee daily for New Miltord %VISO a, tn, ana'returne at 3 30 p. m. E. C. FORDRAM, P. M. Tr.ls.o Notion. after January first 1875. postage must bo pre paidoa all papers going outside the County, (no postage within the county.) All persons who pay their subscription itr -advance will receive the DEMOCRAT free of postage. Advance payment will be the rale in inch cases hereafter. Lot our subscribers govern themselves accordingly. New Advertisements. . . Miscellaneous Advertisements—Balmily & c o Wyoming Spring Bed—E. S. Warner. More and Hotel- 2 D. J. INl.nrphy. 31usie Books—Ditson & Administrator's '.Votive—estate of James Murtagli.. BUSISESS LOCA I.P. Donation—Rev. A.. Brigham. Donation—Rev. 0. M. Martin. • Clairvoyant 'Examinations Free—Dr. Butter field. Torn Notes. ..Better run in old clothes than to run in Subscribe • for the Montrose DEMOCRAT, and be happy. ..Pe9ple who dance• never pay the tiddler.— It is those who get up the ball. ..The gas house of Mrs. A. Drinker,took fire on Wednesday last, bat Was soon extinguished. .Our street lamps with the itafrored to,rNer are very ornamental in the day time and moon light night& The tax payers wish they could credit them to somebody "nion 'DA:utterance Meeting, we see by the Nvpubik, confined to the Mknhodist and itapti,t churches (is to be heft at the Rap nit church next Sunday evening, janoary 10th at 7 o'clock. ..The third Animal meeting of the Northern Tier Knights of Pythias Relief .A.4;ioeintion will be held at the office of 1L L. Bahlw:in, in Mont rcr,e. on Tuesday, January Jinn, - 0 , 41, at 7 o'clock, p. m. ..We have added forty : tou r new Itamea tb'our list of sub.crihers since our last issue of the Dix- OCILAT, and strange as it may eeens ti; our read ers we have a few copies left yet. ~ Tavelve were added New Years day. .. We can say of the Wyoming Spring Bed, manufactured by E. S. Warner, whose adver tisement appears elsewhere, that have teed one, and we consider it a superior bed and es peCially so in price. ..Our January Term of Court commences next week and with this item of news, we would add that it be an csi,-11,nt time to send or return "back pay" on t4e DEIIoCRAT This is not a dun, its only a sumstion. ..The - employes of the Montr7,se Fork Fac tory, presented Mr. A. Laturop,"the proprietor, a fine gold headed cane, on New Year's day, as a token of their respect for him. It was a complete surprise to Mr , and it will undoubtedly be prized by him ass symbol of the gond will of the donors morethan for its intrin sic value. ..The stockholders of the ;First National Bank of Montrose, net at the face of Little & Blakeslee, on Tuesday last and temporarily, elected the following directors D. D. Searle, M. S. Di..satter, G. B. Eldred, W. J. Turrell, A. J Gerritson, of Montrose, E. A, Pratt of New Milford,—Clark of Binghamton:M. B. Wright of Susquehanna Depot, and L.S. Lenheim of Great Bend. ...We have bad a large number of New Year's calls at our office, trout our esteemed friends who , havr paid up all ai'reavagea, if iLe% had any, attO left a year's subscription In ad vance. We may be considetpl to 9 worldly minded and selfish by some people but we can't help pronouticmg this the most substan tial way to wish the I.?EttocitA.7 a - Happy New Year." ..At the semi-annual election of Montrose Fire Company, 2, on Mtmulay evewing, Jan. 4th, 1875, the following ofilcers were elect ed to serve for the ensuing tirm : Foreman, Otis McCracken ; Ist Ass't =Foreman, C. C Leei : 2d Ass't Foreman, Mini Jump ; Seers- Wry, B H. Smith ; Tretisurer;:A. R. Whipple Ist Pipeman, P. T. Moran ; 2t Pipeman, Bliss Wardens, John S. Tardirell, S. M. Wilson W. H. Boyd, F. B. Chandler. .."Ye Old Folk" sang, on 'New Year's night to a very large audience at tlikfuurt House,and from all we can gather, every: one present was well pleased whit the performance. 1 here were about forty in number woo nook part in the concert, consisting of songs and choruses of the olden time and a few pieces:of more modern type. The object of the coivrt was neither fame nor individual wealth, but simply for church benefit, hence as an interested reporter, we shall not be expected to write up any"stars" but the excellent success of the affair both fi nancially and otherwise should be sufficient emolument for each one concerned. We may perhaps state with propriety, that several part ies present 'rain liinghaivam. and Tunkhun nock are very urgent in their. importunities for the company to visit each off (hose places, and repeat the concert, offering to take the respon sibility of making it very remunerative. This may be considered good evidence of its novelty if not of its artistic skill. There were persms present who have attended aimilar entertain ments In Philadelphia, It - 1m prOuounne it to equal and even to excel anything they ever witnessed there. Very many Or the costumes were us ancient as •their type Indicated, while others were of modern construction but with equally ancient mould. The Montrose Cornet Band, a modern institution, was also one of the attractions of the evening. The net proceeds amounted to $121.68. Important Railroad Case. -. • • A case of special importance to railroad corn- , panics was tried before Judge Kirkpatrick, in Lehigh county, not lougsMce: It was an ac Lion brought to recover damages for ejectMg Wm. II.„ Clader from the cars and for injuries sustained in consequence thereof. On Tune 15, 18(18, Mr. Clader, who is a deaf mute and boot blackii purchased 3 railroad `ticket to go to Cats, sang a. lie entered the cam at Allentown de pot. ~At the Allentown furnace station the train ,stopped. Mr. Clader was standing on the platform of the baggage car. The conduc tor came up to him and signalled to Mm to get 011 Be did so, and walked to the platform Mid there remained for a short time,and then start-. ed to go across the railroad, *hen just as lie stepped on the eastern 'track he was struck by a gravel train that was being backed up Irma Allentown. Mr, Clader was knocked, down, had hie head tut, and one Of his thumbs cut off. The Vase •cor4urned three, days in trying It,--:- Veitlia for pLibitte for MO, and 'Coif.. The 1 4ailroad Company hare taken ati appeal and the case now goes to the supreme Court. ' ' 81 went7live. 'N'EW VE.AII fOSEI Now the new yeir conies apace, 'With the light ut toting grace, With a smile upon tits face— Mar t . alive S Comes to me and comes to you, With his freight of treasure new, Asking fore welcome true—, . Seventy•tive. • Grief and joy go band in hand • Thrill or waste hold all the land ' • Some must fall and Home most stand, Want or thrive. Just as years have come before, With nothing less And nothing more, Comes be, knocking at our door— Seven V-five. Yet our human hearts will say, "Let the old year go his way ; Speed the New, the joyful day I" Mart alive ! We are glad and strong anti free ; What can come to you or me ? God is good. So, welcome we Seventy-five. Post Office Regulations When a letter carrier delivers a letter at a designated address, in the absence of any in instructions to the postmaster to the contrary, it is a legal delivery, and such letter cannot be remailed except prepaid anew ; but parties may insure their letters being forwarded . without additional charge, by advising the postmaster in writing. To leave word with a hotel clerk, cannot be accepted as a notice to the postmast er. Printed matter cannot be forwarded from the office to which it is addressed, unless the postmaster is furnished with postage at the rate of one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof for such postage. It is an ancient joke upon allopathic treat ment to say that a sickly patient will soon be unable to speak in hot weather by reason of the rise of the mercury in his system, which, getting up to his throat, would choke him. Ac cording to a Parisian newspaper correspondent something like this has actually occurred in the gay capital. An Algerian soldier, who bad contracted disease of the liver, took to mercury. Now it would be difficult to say whether he is merely a super-mercurial Frenchman or an an imated mass of quick-silver. The average heat of tikfi human body is nicety-eight degrees.— This is a height to which poor Louis Lamarck cannot rise. His faculties are anchored to nine ty-one and three-quarter degrees. He can bear and read plainly at that temperature. As it rises or falls he loses his faculties. At seventy degrees he becomes blind, at sixty-five he !CMS his taste, and at twenty his touch, and below that temperature lie can handle hot iron. What a collapse would attend a summer lemonade or a winter Tom and Jerry. Perhaps the ease furnishes an explr.nation of the frequent phe nomena of weak knees, stammering tongue and a general inclination to 101 l against a lamp post. • - _ Shoelcing Inhumanity. A horrible story is told in the Allentown Herald nt a lunatic named-Levi Handwerk,who was discovered by a bunter on Blue Mountain imprisoned in a brick cell about four feet square, where he had been immured for twelve years. The father of Handwerk died when the la: ter was a y6ung man, leaving him $4,000. The mother married a second husband, after which young Flani.werk was brizked up in this prison in the woods and left to live or perish es he might. Alter the discovery was made the Coroner and - others from Allentown proceeded to the place in Washington township where Handwerk was impristmed,aud found a consta ble from Slatington ,already making prepara tions for the deranged man's removal. Thelron bars guarding the entrance was taken down. and the unfortunate man was found lying on a patch of straw, nude' and encrusted with dirt, while the surroundings were too filthy for de• scriptiom His limbs had become iniralyzed,and he was unable to stand upright without assis tance. It is said that the reason given for his imprisonment in this filthy den was that it was unsafe for him to be at large, and that if he had been sent to a lunatic asylum the money he possessed would have bz appropriated by the State for his support. Handwerk has been sent to the county elm use. Emir to Prepare Buckwheat Cakes. Buckwheat cakes make a quick and hot breakfast for cold _mornings. Any size will do that is hot, sweet, light and brown. Tney are apt to be more crisp in families where the grid dle surface is proportioned to the number of plates at table, and some self-sacrificing person holds to the baking like a martyr. The mix ture of syrup and 6117,31' in the batter to bring nut a spurious and superficial brown color should be denounced as a swindle, Some cooks brown but one side—a fraud that mostly dis turbs those who do not meekly accept things as they find them. To he safe from disappoint ment in this narticular,gash your piles of cakes and introduce the butter and sugar from the top instead of sprawling the cakes around to cool and show every detect hi the baking. Gravi tation and a few love pats with knife and fork will distribute biitter and syrup through the laminated strata of a pile of hot cakes most unctuously. If a little time be lost so in eating whole cakes merely folded they are not 50 likely to produce a disagreeable sensation in the stomach and the person sweating over the cook stove may have to get ahead a little. As for pimples along with buckwheat—don't you believe an ignorant slander of one of the best grains,and comes tram eating it pound for pound with sugar and shortening. Put the pimples on a diet of buckwheat cakes and milk toast—skim milk for aggravated cases. The New Stop Over 'Hetet. The new system of Stop-Over checks or tick ets took effect on' the Erie Railway last week. We alluded to them a short' time ago, bra we were notyfully informed as to their practical workings, which when explained must meet with the approbation of all Let us take for example a commercial man trim is going up the line from New York to Cameron, say. Ile wants to stop at a Manber of the places on the way. He hays his- ticket to Cameron. The first halt lae.wants to nuke ig at 31 -iddiefown-- Ile so informs. the conductor. Now Cameron is not one of the stations printed on the stop''' . over check, but the next one to it approaching from the east is Addison. This the conductor punches twice and Writes in the blank after the words "Good for passage from the - place of des tination as punched to,"Catncron, which makes the passenger all right as far as his ultimate destination is concerned. lie then gives Mid dletown one punch, turns the ticket over to the passenger, takiug from him the ticket issued by the New York office. A duplicate atop over ticket, punches and all Is pinned to thilt ticket and forwarded to the General Office. Our pas senger gets off at Middletown, transacts his business and jumps on the- next train. He wants to make another stop or twenty other stops. lie can - ea so for thirty days from the date of his ticket, the conductor merely punch ing the name of the place at which he makes a stop.. Under the old system only one stopov er was allowed and that for only five days. In more ways than in the passenger traffic did this work a loss to the company and an annayanee to the passenger. - The new .system commends itself heartily to the `approbation 'of all. It gives omiluctors more work perhaps, but even they will find compertsstionArt the fact that they Will lie freed Item lhe - anisoyanee of mak ing over and over again an unsatisfactory ex planed-On and listening to' the growls and cum- plaints of dissatisfied passengers. THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, Wednesday, January 6th. 1875. From Liberty Eriss *lngle is partial to FranMiln. First gift of a Christmas Tree—a bride. Decidedly rare—items, told good deeds. • Fast disappearing—goods at ?Sr. ifandricks. Numbered among the things that were—the old year. The writers thanks are doe to her bible class scholars for their neat and pretty Christmas present. A barn was burned about 'two weeks since belonging to Mr. Robberts. It Stood about a mile trom the Centre corners. Severn', family gatherings hi the place to-day one at C. Stanford's, another at E. Lockwood's, mad another at TI. Howard's. There was one Christmas,. at B. Warner's. I believe all the got-1 folk of Liberty after taking (a not over affeetinnate) leave of busi ness and defying , care and all tts Imps, enjoyed the holidays Immensely, with Om exception of two or three. Row pleasant to see familial' gather under the old roof tree, and around the social board. It cements the ties of kindred ;and makes fleas• ant memories to he garnered in the treasure house of the heart to cheer us in after years when perhaps we shall have nu loved ones to welcome us. ZoF. Liberty, Jan. let, 1875 Wilkes-Barre Jottings Don't dim me! Then pay your bill. Wilkes-Barre's first house vas erected 106 years ago this month. The new Rectos of St. Stephens church, Rev Henry L. Tones,.is extremely popular. A Bank, candy shop, resturant, and butcher shop were destroyed by tire, here, on the night of the 28th inst. Maggie Mitchell mad troupe were greeted by a large audience at Music Hall, on the evening of Dec. 30th, in the play of Jane Eyre. Now bug the tire with worthy zeal, grub and content may make you fat, but if still better you would feel, subscribe at once for the YJEst! OCRAT. Only five generals, four lieutenant colonels, nine colonels, and several score of captains,and lesser officers are at present to be found In Wilkes- Barre. Luzerno county was so named in honor of the Chevalier De La Lucerne, a minister from France to this country, during tiye years of our Revolutionary unpleasantness. A brakeman on the Jersey Central R. R., by the name ofJobn Franklin Bitchannun, and resi ding at Ashley, was run over Dec. 30th, at Ha zle street and instantly killed. The Grangers now do plot and plan and count upon the* toes to ascertain just how much snuff is wanted for each nose. And when they get it figured up, within the bounds of rea son, they send off to some wholesale house and buy a jar of sneezin'. • From Auburn• Not a speck of snow to be seen. " Blue Jacket" is not dead, only ill. Oyster suppers are all the go in these parts. Dec. 31st 1874 wart the coldest . day of the sea son. In writing the date don't make it read 74 any Royal Carter is consideied by his physicians to be dangerously ill. A good child will obey the mandates of its parents and walk M the way of righteousness. School is progressing finely in the Union School House under the tutorship of Miss Em ma Goodwin. Miss Goodwin has the reputa tion of being a first class teacher. Miss Annie Maguire, of Wilkesharre. Pa., is at present visiting her friends in Auburn for a few days. She is a lady of rare talents and re finement, and is highly respected by all her ac quaintances. Wm. C. Cruser, of the DEMOCRAT, was in this section for a short time and added a number of new subscribers to the DEMOCRAT, then "pro ceeded to the Centre where he added a still greater number. Success to him. R J Carter has returned from a tour in the West, and gives a large arr.ount of information concerning the country and the customs ol the people. Mr. Carter is a very observing man, and his statements are reliable. He also pro cured while in Missouri and Kansas a number of curiosities both instructive and amusing.— Amongst them a substance resembling a grinder tooth of a huge animal. It weighs 134 pounds. Upon a light rap of a hammer it wilt ring like steel. It was formed by the dropping of water in a cave near the line between Missouri and Kansas, 300 feet beneath the earth's surface. • . BLUE JACKET. South Auburn, Jan. Ist 1875. A Word for our Advertisers The public always consider that he who is übt afraid to say to the people what be will do may be considered worthy of consideration and we at this time in commencing the year of 1875 wish to speak a good word for our advertisers, who speak for theniselves also, as will be seen by a perusal of our columns. DEFTL.4TRS When you ore in Montrose, if your teeth are poor and need plaguing, extracting or an arti ficial plate, call on Dr. W. W. Smith. No one can do better. PHYSICIANS. The "ills that human flesh is heir to" can be well treated by Dr. W. L. Richardson, whose skill is vouched for by many a family, or Dr. •D. A. Lathrop, will administer his Electru Thermal baths, which are very popular in chronic diseases. Dimas AND MEDICOES. U drugs and medicines are needed you will see that Burns S Nichols, Abel Turrell, or LN. Bullard, can meet every demand. You will al. so see that Cole Brothers have a "Restorative Balsam." GROCERIES Of groceries, yorkrill find plenty at Porter & Nichol's, A. N. Bullard's, H. J. Webb's, L N. Bullard's, B. R. Lyons k Co.'s, or Grifils Say-re's, Dar Gomm B. It Lions 4' Co., Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co., or Read & Stroud, can Banish you Dry Goods ot all kinds, including carpets, &c.. It will bb seen that Moran & Jones at Cool rile, asy they are prepared to furnish Dry Goods, Groceries, and Drugs and Medicines to all who want such. For Cost. You can go to J. E. Raynstord, or 0. D• Stebbins. PLIOTOGRAPIIS. To see yourself as others see you, fp to G.W Doolitt/es gallery. ikrrELs. When you want a Rote), remember the Tor ben Rouse, or the Ettchanie Is always ready to entertain you in a Imspitable manner. JEIVELIM. For Jewelry, musio,wateh repairing and Sew ing Machines, yon 'MU go to hbellata Mcllluisii. Imams:cm To get insurance, either against fire 'or upon yoir llfu , you can call on Billings Stroud, U.C._ Tyler, Cr C. Ji.Stultb, all of whom are ready and willing. Boars Am) Snows. O. N. Stoddard 'snakes a opeolalty on Boots (m.1811(16, Bata and Caps: ' " "; ilmumiJllL For Hardware you can call upon Griffis& Sayre or Bud & Coritin. The latter also davit stoves and tinware la addition. . A It you want, a Eames made or repahyd, T. in E. R. Case and W. L. Cox,are ready to do it fur you In good style. BOORS, PAPERS AND STATIONERY. 8.143118 can supply yon with books, pa pers, stationery and wall paper. WAGON& If you want a wagon of any kind, from a buggy to a stage coach, call upon D. D. Beale. Billings Stroud can fhrnish you with Her ring ct Ferrel's safes. We have one in oar of fice and therefore do not hesitats, to recom mend them FunsrrunE. iV. W. Smith & Son give notice that they are equal to any emergency in the Furniture or Upholstery line, and with an elegant Hearse, they make Undertaking a Specialty, Wm. H. Cooper's Bank is a safe place to de. posit your surplus money. You can always draw it again if you have the papers to do it with. SHAVING AND HATBDREAS.ING is none in first class style by Louis Knoll, our German . Barber. "Marley 3forria." the "Hayti Barber," has a shop also. lIIEAT MARKET Philip Hahn can supply all kinds of meat ev• en to Bologna Sausage. Cushman t Welch have a Irmirket also. TAILOIMG Groves & Young, can give you "fits" in their line of tailoring. • SLATING. Wm. Haughwbout can -accommodate you with slate of all kinds. SURVEYING will be attended to by addressing J. 0. Whea ton of Franklin Forks. NEW MILPORD. At New Milford there will be found dealing in a general assortments of dry goods, gro ceries, eta, Wm. Hayden, Dickermans, and H. Burritt H. Garrott & Son, make a specialty of the Grocery and Provision trade. N. F. Kimber is prepared to do the undertaking and carriage making. S. B. Ctase it Co., are pre pared with their Saving's Rae& to take depos its both large and small. GREAT BERD. When you go to Great fiend, you will find Bucbannan with his "bus" to take you to the Valley House, kept by if, Ackert. You can find H. P. Doran, the merchant tailor, who al so advertises dry goods and groceries, to attend to those wants, and if you are sick or meet with an accident, Dr. S. W. Dayton announces that he will attend to you if desired and if you must have the services of an undertaker, V. Reckhow & Brother, can attend to it "decent ly and in order." BLEI6II6Wrox, If you go to Binghamton, Foot & Hawley, Webster, the Clothier, or H. H. HaHeck, offers you a chance to purchase an outfit in the Cloth ing line. C. &A. Cortesy and C. F Sisson can St you out in the dry goods line, and Carver & Pratt, are ready with Ladies Furnishing goods. Barnes Bros., It Mat/ding and J. Pickering & Co., do all kinds of work in the marble For Ilardware you will see that Crocker, Og den & Cd., and Carter, Porter & Johnson are confident they can meet your wants. For Fur niture you can read the advertisement of E. D. Robinson and P. J. Donly, both of whom offer to do the square thing by you, and it you need the advice of . an attorney, while there, you can call on Scovill & DeWitt, where we think you will get that which is reliable. SCRANTON In Scranton, Hunt Bros., are noted wholesale and retail Hardware merchant!. It will be seen that the Scranton Saving': Bank offers an in ducement. Arronmeirs, If you wish any legal business attended to in New York city, you will see that Edgar A.Tur mil is there to attend to it for you. In this county the DEMOCILAT presents you J. B. 11. McCollum, Ditties & Blakeslee.Fitch & Wat son, d. 0. Warren, & Son, W. L. Crossman, and D. W. Searle, who will render you legal advice and fight your battles Toryou, in our several courts it you will call upon them. AUCTIONEERS When you look for Auctloneera, you will find the names of M. C. Sutton, of Friendsville and of Arai Ely, Brooklyn, who have proved their efficiency. . We have thus briefly paid our New Year's compliments to our permanent advertisers feel ing that by their patronage they have said that they consider the good opinion of the DEMO CRAT of value to them, and we would here ten der them our thanks for that patronage. 11 we have omitted any, it is unintentional and will be rectified when we become apprised of it.— There may be others doing business beside those whom the DEMOCRAT has mentioned, but the bet that they do not speak for themselves through its columns leaves us to conclude that they think our "ink" or opinions would be of no value to them, hence we do not wish to in trude upon their privacy. Beep the Currency in Motion. One of the best resolves for the now year is, for all who can pay to proliped at once and promptly settle all outstanding debts to trades• men:shopkeepers, mechanics, hired people, scr rants, laborers, prviters, &c., especially the small bilis. Many persons to whom debts are duo have to postpone payment of the debts they owe until they are paid what is due them. When this is dote they can pay others, and these go and discharge still other debts, and so the money medium is put into active circula tion. Then new stocks can be procured, and new work can be made up, and employment he made more active. The little driblets of debt, when paid, gather into amounts which dis charge larger and still larger debts, until great volumes are paid off, and heavy barriers to new enterprises are removed. A single five dollar note, paid to the person to whom it is due, may figure in paying off twenty debts of the same amount in the course of a single day at tliis season of the year. One of the troubles about the currency is, that it is not kept current and this comes about by the thoughtlessness of peo ple who postpone until to-morrow till; pay ments they ought to make today. Business Locals. TEACUEILEV Covrnacra and PlanksTateanetv ly printed at this Do:canon • , The friends of Rev. A. Brigham, will give him a Donation at Lako Side, Thursday eve- Ding, Jan. 7th. DONATION. The friends of Rev: 0. 3L Martha, will make Lim a Donation on Wednesday evening, Jan. lath, at the 'house of P. Phinney, in New Mil ford. A good supper will tie provided. •All are invited to attend. By order of Committee. Ct.sinvorssrr Elton:Tanen Flinn. There is•no subject that requites so much study and experience as the treatment of atop ic &sasses. Tt a astonishing success and re markable cures pet-termed by Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gilt of clairvoyance, to the life long study of the constitution of man, and the curing o f Mae Fthas from natural remedies. Cures the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh;Piles, male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder. Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Jan. 12 tb , lath, and 14th, 1875. AzioTam Ralf Ton of Herkirog Coynty Cheee'e, just feceiTed at • • • , Nov. 4, '74 Powns Wrouout. Boars! Boom! • • lien .and , Boys' Call Will Kip Boots, Cheap for Caah at, PADITE4 NICHOL& Nov. 4,'74 Tou k cca, y4trose the article data pool away your pruey or f.leap,gdods, bit try Guys at 40 emits and upwards. - Omni 844pst. Dec. 234, 1874. , Cost.] sa. Co!! Plenty of first clasicoal. All sizes at J. R. Raynsford's Coal Yard. Dunn Station. Leave Orders at Central Express Office, or send to the Yard. Oct. 21, '74. • J. R RL42IBBOIID. PIIOTOOILVIIIL—Pietures taken in all the lat est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged.. Also a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap, at G. W. DowErria'a Montrose, June 10, '74.—tf. LOST. Ono Town Order .drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza Johnson, against the township of Bridge water, for damages done to sheep by dogs, dat ed May 80th, 1874. Any one will confer a fav or by returning the same to this office. Dec. 80, 1874. ELEcTION NOTICE. An election by the stockholders of the Mont rose Railway company, of one person as Pres ident, and twelve persons as Directors, to serve the company ter the ensuing year, will be held on the 2d Monday of January, A. D. 1875, at the Keeler House, in the borough of Tunktran nock. Polls opening at 10 o'clock a. In., and closing at 2 o'clock p. m. By Order of the Board. Dec. 80, 1874. C. L. BRowN, Bec'y. 53-2. BOHETEING NEW IN Boon. Call and see the new same= Boots at Nov. 4, '74. POSTED. ot NICHOLS. FLotra. • For a choice article at the lowest prices, call on GRIMES & 13aintn. Montrose, Dec. 28, 1874. 51-8. DoourriE, The Photographer, le doing .all kinds of Fie ture Framing, of all sizes, on short notice. July t 2, '74.—tf. G. W. Donurri.c. °MESE. nerkliner, Fulton, and Susquehanna County Cheese by the ton or tons. GULFFIS & BATHE. Dee. 211, 1874. 51-9. DEntennoN. . - The Dedicatory Services of the M.E. Church, of S!mond's Settlement, Ararat, Susquehanna CO., are postponed to Tuesday, January 28th, 1875. Herrick Centre. Dec, 23, 1874. TEM attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Taylor's family medicines, in another column. All shicten with pain or lanterams or other ills veill'do well . to try therm They ere aTt sold on the principal of no Cure No Pay. IT IS OSFI AS TO ATTEMPT to cleanse a stream while the fountain Is Impure., DriPePSlak WM' plaints of the liver or kidneys, eruptions of the skin, scrofula, headaches, and all diseases aris ing from impure blood, are at once removed by Da WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BrrrEtts. purifier of the blood, and renovator of the s,ys. tem. It lure newer been known to pa. 52-4 PUBLIC SALE. The Ohl Universalist Church In Brooklyn, SUSQ 4 A CO., Pa., will be sold at auction, to the highest and best bidder, on Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1873, at it o'clock a. m. Terms made known on day of sale. By order of Trustees. S. B. TrFiFeisv, Clerk. Brookly, Dee. 23,1874.. 51-3. BINOILANITON OFFERS AR .A.TrilAtrrioN For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The WARILEGTON STREET TAILORS have engaged the services of the celebrated W. B. Lindly, a gentleman of considerable note with the tailor ing fraternity of this country. They are now prepared for the summer tracte,as they have Just received all the new things in the way of cloths, cassimeres . nil vestings. Their references are the best, hat lag taken the first premium at the Tailor's Institute in New York last fall. Give them a call. H. 11. HALLocg, Proprietor. 81 Washington St., Binghamton, N. Y May 20, 1874.—1 y. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE to buy your Alpacas, Poplins, Silks, Crapes, Corsets, ploves, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, C. F. BtssoN le Co's. 61 Court Bt., Binghamton, N. Y. N. B. You will also find Mr. C. C. Faurot here to attend all your wants. Binghamton, Nov. 4, '74.-I.Y. JURY Lzsz—The following Is a List of Grand and Traverse Jurors • drawn for the term of Court to commence at Montrose, on Monday, January 11, 1875. Grand Juntrs Auburn—lsaac Low, Robert B. Swisher. Bridgewater—Willts E. Babcock. Brooklyn—Charles R. Palmer. Clifford—Wines Bennett. Dimock—Henry C. Shelf), Chas J. Hollister. Forest Lake—Thomas Brown. Franklin —James M. Fisk. Great Bend tp.—Leßoy _Crook. Great Bend boro.—,Gilbert Curtis. Gibson—Edward 31. Kennedy. Herrick—Chat is A. Harding. Jackson—Wm. W. Pickering. Lenox—lra Harding. Liberty—Wm. 1. 'Yee. Luthrop--James Jeffers. Now Milford tp.—Wm. H. Morley. New Milford toro.—Philander Pinney. Oakland—Daniel Burdick, Wm. A. Gardner Rush—Frank H. Granger. Susq'a Depot—Charles G. Park. Springville—Seth B. Stark. Traverse Jurors—Mrs; We* Anburn—Samuel D. Buffett. Ararat—Jullos Tyler. Bridgewater,—Gilbert A. Stevens, Jacob Tewksbury. Brooklin—Ansel Sterling, Isaac VanAuken. ultfford--Charles L. Halstead, John M. Stew art. Dimock—Wm. C. Miles. Franklin—Edwin L. Beebe, John F. Boyd. Forest Lake—Robert BpQth, Great Bend tp —o'tephen D. Rosa. Gibson—Robert Ellis, Rufits Harnett ilormOny—George Fromer, ar„James R.Nee ley. ' Ilerrlck—lsrael Myres. Jackson—James E. Curtis, Stephen B. Tuck er. Lathrop—Philander B. Bronson, Almon E. Sweet. • • Lenox—Frederick P. Grow. Montrose—Dana F. Anstin,Charles Lect,Geo. C. Hill, Charles M. Read, Win. Smith (colored) New Milford tp.—Nereston 13:140op,Jciseph Rice. Rush—jo.bri Bishop. Bui - cea Depot —John M. Leslie. Spnrigville—Harvey K. Sherman. Thomson—E. E. Dow, Ebenezer Messenger, Samuel Hubbard. Traverse Jurors—Smond week Apolacon-Ransom Bamtpu i Payid Cunning, ham. Ararat-James Payne. Auburn-Benjamin Smith. Brooklyn-lieury L. Bailey. Bridgewater-John Trumbull. - Clifford-Jobb Bolton, Elias K. Burdick. Dimock-Sumner Dean. Franklin- John Behan, David B. Townsend. . Eorest Lake-Austin B. Griffis. Gibson-John IL taatlin. Great Bend Boro.-Edward Coisten. Harmony-Harvey Bryant, John 14, taltutts, Martin J. Taylor. • - "" Hatiord-Blijah C. larding,Egbert Sinsa banglf, Henry J. Tyler, PentteCarpenter. LibertyAlacob Chalker,' Arthur Southwortb. Lenox-Judson Davis, Sylvester Wescott. Latbrop-John C. Miller: , Montroso-Aoger S. Kenyon,Mason Dennison George L. Stone. New - Milford tp,-Harrison Vancott Oakland , Minon Barnes, Libbers Knapp, William Eastwood. • Bush-George Harvey. Springville-George H. Sheldon. Silver Lake;-ElLsha K. Hill. Vat:eras Jitrore--Third Week. Ararat-Chauney Avery. Auburn—John Guile, ffredway Kellogg, jr., George Ifirkhuff, Martin L. Lacey. Bndgewater—Josenti Porter. . BrooMytt-Edwirt 'A: Weston. - • Chaeontit-james Donnelly. Clifford-Junes C. Stewart. • Diraock-Dertlet Doran,Eugene Smith. Franklin-dames E. Townsend, Win. N. Wat son. - • Great Bend tp.-10?1;yla 4MateT, Addi r sPri J. Lyon. , frAiinopy-40911 Auspn,lapab Spier, Nel son 13hints. Burford- in, P. eorpentrz, Gabriel gYerOttp 11- 70 t caoNt e al fieneon, Tyler. Lahrop-Elisha BelL Lenox-John C. Decker, Eldridge Bader. Montrose-Alphonso Smith. New Milford tp.-Jobn Bisbee,. J. K Veils. New Milford BOro.—Nathaniel, F. }Umber, Andrew B. Smith. Oakland-Wilbur D. Stoddard, Rush-Charles Morse, George S. Shoemaker. Springville-Daniel McCain. Thomson-Nathan B. Chase. Ck. 1313. Cmsnx-Enwanns--At Meshoppen, Oct 20,by Rev. J. 8. Lewis, Rallis D. Clark, of Lenox, to Betsey Ann Edwards, of Homer, N. Y. Porrsat-13rorrE—In Ararat, Dec. 24, by Rev C W. Bartell, Mr. Lemuel Potter, of Gibson, and Miss Alviza Stone. of Ararat. COLEY—Copram.--At the M, E. parsonage, Dec. 29, by Rev. W. L. Thorpe, Geo. D. Coley, to Susan D. Cottrell, all of Montrose. Hirrszy—Jorrusou—Dec. 27th. In the M: E. church, at Lake Bide, by Rev, A. Brigham, as sisted by Rev. L. Peck, Mr L J. Money, of Dimock, and Miss Helen L. Johnson, of La throp. TIELALTIEZE). Wanzatit—ln Montrose, Oct. Met 1874,James Carmalt Warner, infant eon of F. G. and Mar tha M. Warner, aged 8 months and 19 days. Wartssn—ln Montrose Dee. 12th 1874, Mar tha M.., wile of P. G. Warner, aged 88 years and 8 months. Lca-,-In Falls township, Wyoming co., Dec. 24, Mr. Daniel Leo, aged 82 year,. STana—ln Tuukhannock, on the 19th ult, bit. Cyrus Stark, proprieter of the Keeler Rouse, aged 49 years. . Carver ta Pratt. Grover, Elar..catemeaa.* .t CARVER & PRATT'S Over their splendid stock of LADLES' FUFITISHING GOODS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, et all style, and varieties. Their stocit of ready-glade BATS and BONNETS Is uneggalled 1101 country for styli and cheapness. 412131" gen Owstames. War's. =lone Zlie•ra. WE WILL NOT BE UNDNRSOLD. W. J. CARVIN - W. P. PRATT. Binghamton, Oct. 14, 1874.-Ly. 21 Court St. Cr. Water. Centaur Liniment. There le no pain which the Centaur AN, Liniment will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue, and no lameness lyt, which they will nut cure. This Is strong - language, butt is true. They have /1, ',induced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia.lock.Jaw.palsy.sprains,swel- Cirktrin liege, raked breasts, scalds, barns. wilt rheum, ear-ache. &c., upon the human frame, and of strains, sparin, galls, etc., upon animals in one year than have all other pretended remedies slucelhe world began. They are counter-irritant, all-healing. Pain ter lievers. Cripple! throw away their 'crutches, the lame palsoutine bites are rendered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub. fished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before, because they do just what they pretend to do. Thoss who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not alit Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. Mote than 1000 certificates of remarkable carols. including fro z en Ugh.. chronic rheumatism, gont, ruuuipg tumors. etc., have been re. calved. We will send &circular amtaining certificates, the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper CentaarLiniment to worth one hundred dollars for spavined tip swotted horses and mules, or for screw-wqrest4 sheep. Stock-owners —theselinlmentr are worth your attention. No family shonld he without them. "White wrapper &nifty use;" Yellow wrapper for animals. Soldby all Druggists.- 60cents per bottle large bottles, $l.OO. J. B. Rost & Co., 63 Broadway, New York. Catsitovila is more than a substitute for Castor OM It Is the only We article to existence Which ta certain to ailin . upate the Nod, r egulate the bowels, cure wind WIC aud prodrie natural sleep. It contains neither minerabi,'morphine or alcohol, and Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. Oct. 25. Commission MorohailtS JAMES M. ROWAN, mels.za .73/Zerolacamat ♦ND 13.80111TER OF BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, FOUL- Tliy, AND VEAL CALVES, 84 PARE PLACE, NEw Yong CITY. Consignments solicited and returns made Immodiato li on sale of goods. Send for snipping cards sad sten lieferencies : National Park Bank of NeW York. North Barer Bank of New York. Russo National Bank of New York. Long Island Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. Peb.19.1873.--tf The Markets. nannylal. The condition of the money market. is not materially changed: The relations between supply and demand remain the same as they have been for several months. The disbursements on the Ist proximo will throw upon the market run ny millions of dollars that cannot be profitably put out. There is, therefore, no reasonable probability of an'advance in rates at present. Wit's the opening of the new year may come a revival in trade and same lively speculation, but even these chancel for the better would scarce ly employ the surplus of loanable funds The fi g ure named, for call on loans on call is five per cent: Strictly first-class two-named paper, drawn at 60690 days, rule at's66 per cent; single named pa- per at 6@7 per cent. First class threeko four moa p ths' naper, , with'good tollaterali is quoted at &@6 per cerid- , the ramprahtir enter of paper on goverilifinit*.al74.per cent. .For lower grades of paper higher rates are the rule, and they are subjected to close scrutiny. aur.disc 0014 in% 811xcx U. 3. We 1861 /51% 142); 440 Coupon 1802 114 114 X 5.20 Coupon, 1861 118 11153 5.20 Coaport.lBss -118 118 X 620 Coupon, '65 17 ... 1201( 151 6PConpo 1807 ........... ..... . Voupon n 1 858 X 1913‘ Nor 5 per eta mg 10-40 s 115 115 k Sterlin_g Exchange sag 545 X Puts Exchange 4 9. OW Unman bd. ... :cm Work Produce Market. Escorted Every Week Expressly for Tin ?donnas, Dzwoontax by Rhodes & Server, Nodose Commis sion ldorebanta, 01 Wbltsballwrtoet,itew York. Iltrrria--Plrkins, choke selectel . 73 ® Mk Welsh I'llbs.,:, ~. . ...... .318 44 Mc PllllO, Orgill% larkallly.:;.... ...... 44 c • - Itnitsegnrapp .. , 90 IMs ' C . / 1 /I* 3 l- — SW* */0/7...,', , /5 /sc: State Dardes —.14 15Xe State Faetory, tale to good 13 140 Eaos—State and PollltirSlDlA' ....... ....... § .Stft Weslern thole rands 20 112 e ponnicy—sprtag Cat ens, perilb .. • - 14 Lk Tune, ps. slaw 17 0 18e Young Ear.ba 4....• . ........ •35 44 140 Oats—Pigeons, stall ted.per doS Tame e ! bate- 4 4 - Pastel , State_prime • Illturrs—Nam Wes. Soar Ballo pa; bbl:... 45 New It i vples Sweet Pears. iaciettes: Del., per =ale 48 .- VEEC/MOW, 4S EitOTEER, ' —. . , • .. - . • aluveral WORta4ore DEALERS IN ALI, RINDS OF COF FINS, CAlgicgrS ETO CAlRt7lhfler223.ll3llT2l2, VtosarVek - ALI) 11D2138 PROy.I . TLIZATTAIDED TO. - •litcsucre Bno. *Wu Legal Notices. A DMTNISTRATOWS NOTICE.—In the estate of 241. Brutus Corey, late of Lathrop,deed, lettere Of Ad ministration in the said estate haring been granted to the undersigned, ail persons owing said estate, are requested to make Immediate payment, and per. sons having claims against said estate aro requested to Present then' tritne l t . te.V.ll.ltl=2. Administrator. Montrose, Dee. 2, "U. 4&.4w AHMTNISTHATOR'S NOTICE.—In the est. of H.S. man Snow, deeeasd, late of Franklin Letters of Admintstratlon in the said estate having been granter to theundersigned all persons owing said estate,are requested to make' Immediate payment, and all per sons having Maims against said estate are requested to present them without delay. LIMBER SNOW. JOHN O SNOW, • Franklin, Dec. 23, '74.-6wpd Administrators. AIIDITOWS NOTICE .- The undersigned, en Audi. tor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Burgett Mune County to distribute the fonds in the bands of Bel DeWitt, Administrator of the estate of .1. W. Wet san, dec'd, will altrnd to the duties of his appoint. meat at his office in Montrose, on Tuesdayjanuary A. D. t 875, at 10 o'clock, a. m. All persons Interest-. ed will present their claims at that time and place or be krerer debarred from coming Innoon said fund. IP. A. CASE. Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 8,'71.-4w IVIDITOR'S NOTICE. The undeislgned having been appointed an Auditor, by the Orptutee Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the bands of 0. R. Pilate, administrator of the est. of Eliza A.Low, deceased,friti attend to the duties of his appoint ment at the °Mee armor & Crossmon,in Montrose.on Wednesday. Dee.ao, 1874 , at 1 o'clock. p. in. at which time and place all persons interested in said land must present their elaima. or be forever debarred from com ing In on said fund. WM..A. CEOSSMON, Auditor. Montrose. Dec. 8,1874.-4 w. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common ?leas of Bns quehanna County, to distribute the funds In the bands of 0. P. Little assignee, to and among the creditors of W. M. Tingley, will attend US the duties of his ap pointment at the office of Fitch & Watson. In Montrose, on Wednesday, December 80.1514, at t o'clock, p. in., at which time end place all persona Interested In said fund must present their claims or be forayer debarred . from totting Intl:mon said fund. L. F. BITCH, Auditor. Montrose, Den.B. —wa A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, en Audi- AM. for appointed by the Judgea of the Orphan's Contt In end for the County of Susquehanna, on exceptions to the Anal administration account of William Runt, executor to the last will of Abigail Jones deceased will attend to the dutfea of his appointment. at ills of fice, in Mot :ruse. on Saturday, January 2,18 Th, at one o'clock in the afternoon. All parties interested archer°. 'I required to appear and present their claims at the ADOIO '.l.me and place or be forayer &bared. J. M. OAMlda4.2', Auditor. Montrose. Dee. 2,48-4 w. Rprawns R'S NOTICE.—PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all pershns con cerned in the following Estates, to wit Estate of Sarah Knowiton,late of Rush,dec'd Charles Avery Executor. Estate of Wm. Gordon, late of Forest Lake, deed, Asa Warner, Executor. Estate of Nathaniel Reynolds, late of Brook lyn, dec'd, Bother Reynolds, Executor. Estate of Nathan Rounds, late of Windsor, N. Y.. dec'd, 51. P. Whitney, Administrator. Estate of E. L. Brundage, late of Gibson, tlee'd, Beth Abel, Administrator, Estate of Joshua Dayis, late of Gibson,deed, D. C. Brundage, Administrator. Estate or John Budley, late of Gibson, deed Oscar Washburn, Adinintstrator. Estate of Lydia P. Light, minor, Hiram R. True, Guardian. That the accountants have settled, their at counts in the Register's Often iti and for the county of Susquehanna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans Court, on Thursday, Jan. 14, 1875, for con firmation and allowance. IL N. TIFFANY, Register. Register's Office, Dec. 10,'74 Miscellaneous, 473QP1'420(02A220 These prices are FOR CASH ONLY, and tor Customers from a distance Good Winter Pants, lined, Heavy Business Suits, o MI ' 00l Cassimere Bolts, 12 00 Broadcloth Dress Suits, all moo., 16 50 French Diagonal Suits, 1604 English Basket Suits, lB 00 Cutaway Coats and Vests, tine, 14 00 Heavy Grey Overcoats, 500 Black Union Beaver Overcoats, 650 Castor Beaver Overcoats, _ 11 00 Chinchilla and Fur Beaver, 10 00 French Beaver and Kersey, 15 00 Good tinder Shirts and Drawers, 40 Good Knit Jackets, 125 Good Cloth lined Paper Collars, per hoz, 10 And all other Goods in proportion. Also an immense stock of CalebWritMett for boys, from S years of age, up to men's size at prices from $2 00 a suit upwards. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO 150 MILES to buy a supply of Winter Clothing at these prices, WEBSTER, The Clothier. • 62, 64, 66 Court Street, Bingbamten, K. Y 13inghamton,Nov. 11, '74.—tf; TAKE NOTICE EVERYONE ! Fifty dollars reward will be paid to any person after reading this, who has not received the worth of amount invested, 1,0., CRANE'B•QREAT AMERICAN BALSAM 1 AB a Family Medicine For Coughs. Colds, Croup. Asthma. Whooping Cough . Bronchial Disease,Rldney Compliant:Erysipelas. A lso. lila, Rheumatism, Pain In the side and Breast, Also. Cuts, Burns. Scalds, Bruises, Bites and Stings of In sects. Frost Bites, Chilbbtins, and Internal and Extern al Affections general. Warrato4 a Sure Cure for the Piles. Is acknowledged by the Public as the best for the above mentioned Disepses of any Medicine of thepres ant day. It is composed of purely vegetable Ingredients purities the blood,which must be done in utne-tenths of all diseases before the patient ten be cured. It is paallenlarly beneficial In cases of ASTHMA or PILES. This is no humbug, and any person btytng a bottle of D. A. D. and Going dissatisfied sites using Xof %may return the same and receive their money back. _ We, the undersigned, have Used Crane's Balsam, and do hereby teat* to its good qualities, end to its being h rheouneendea Atney it, Williams, Druggists, Rew Milford. M. Dole. way, Franklin Forks, Rev. A. 11, Fish. Stanford C. 11. Crane. New Tort City, 0. R. Vanlaan. Berantan, and many others. - The G. A. B. is not sold at the popular price of. one dollar per bottle. but for fifty cents, so that all can hare it. Bold by Dealers generally, • W1A3149 CHARM. 800. I 1.814 Vier Millard, Pa. N ra 31EI DIT 3133 'QV "DEMOCRAT" JOB PRINTING OFFlsill Will compete with any other in this section in cheapness, promptness and quality of work. Its stock has just been replenished with TT Ro . s : . ' S of 'various styles of ibcantlild.ll . etter. Posters Show Bills, Band Bills, Programmes, Dodgers. Blanks of all kinds; business Cards, Visiting Cards, Book Printing, etc. glr Attorney's Paper hooka pLinted with neatness and dis. patch. Call on - 81. addresi 111AWLE.Y 4114 MEMEL J. H.Bauxel. . Datums. I nG. BuLlitrual BINGHAmOra MARI3LE_WOM, partasuurp ;IA Athaa BARNES EROS. & 0111101116, gitditin taninitiMPaddto, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 2G ChenangO SC, Near Depot, lifityl4 4 lBl3. 13114Giumaori.u. T. ' itiAlrmar Number 1.. Incellaneous, DON'T I READ THIS Bat too ewe to come to COOL'S STATION, on the Montrose Railway, mud Ask For What We Have Not Got. ant wo will sumo to have It tomorrow 37V"ixtrit TR7o 23LaAre Cot la ♦ PULL AS3OIiTXXICV OP D,27 so OD& 8 GROCERIES. ;PROVISIONS. BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NO TIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A fine lot of DRUGS and MEDIGINES, all of which will bo sold as Cheap as tho Cheap , est for READY PAY. Ail kiodiof County Produce Taken In .Exeleasige for Goods at the highest Market Prices. CARR PAID FOR PORE. BUTTES AND POULTRY. or shipped to responsible Core salon Neseluurts New York. alTe WI C4ll. 3 " 4 " 4-. MARTIN & JONES. Oct. 99,1814.-8 m COAL ! GOAL ! COAL ! Tbetbeat Coal in market to be had at tho Dunn Stall On. Tlte undersigned. baying bad long expert/nee lathe Coal trade, guarantees matt Orders len wet E. P. STA4P, t N. BULLARD. OR At , !r, , aotnYs ONTICB, Will be promptly attended to. Can be sem at IL P SWAP% evenings, Loom eto a o'clock. ~ , 0. D. Stebbins. Mmthme,NmA,'74.-4m. -1311:71:L13.ITT, • Would call attention to hut New Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOND, D 2 2 6 0 Caga LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN "NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS Asto SHOES, HARD WAREIRONNAILS, STEEL, STOVES A.sn GROCERIES, ETC, In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest Fitts. H. sußßirr. New Milford, Nov. 11, 1874. CHEAP CASH STORE! recomm We pay en Cash for Goodo. and sell tor Cash, and would d PEOPLE FROM BINGHAMTON And vim:dig, visiting Montrose, to GIVE US A CALL befoelLtigr i z t p i l:e , : m it t ras owl it I t s o imarly f rtmi r Mad, TWENTY DOLLARS that they sell in Binghamton for Awenty-Sivp dollars. 1 New Goods Arriving Every Day! READ STROUD, Demi:rose, Nov. n, '74.-Iyr. A NEW ABEANGEMENT PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. D. labell's Jewelry Stand. Whores larger and bolter stock of the following goods will be found than elsewhere In Northern Pennsylvania; PINE AMERICAN WATCHES JEWELRY a CLOCKS.; SOLID SILVER & PLATED WARE. (OP ALL ZENDS4 DIAMOND SPECTACLES! ME TABLE CUTLERY, and a gene& assortment otalusical Merchandise. Sheet Stade, Violin Wings, etc.. etc. Alt Pine Watch Repairing Sewing- Machines' and Cle done, Sis 03 , asnsl, gars Repaired by L. B. Isbell. . F. Idelhaish. Isbell & Mont:oak Pal. SePt.lo.lBlB.-1r am OMNIBUS LINE. ! p! The undersignedhas an omnibus line running too? try train on the D. L. & W., and Erie Railways al;. Great Bond, Pa. Anyordarfor Ripping or Ro•Shipping Baggagei ekedther depo . t ;silt be promptly attended to. Tho now dyer bridge is now completed. hence theml Is no Parrying. f=4I.MLMAki.Gi•=M !AWAY. OM hand to convey gestengell tO ay paint It ? the eurccmtualng country. Great Bend, Aug. lITTIIANAN. 11 opo. $ 18 - 11. tr. Hcztitis= orrOMIS ClOtrat troU1111..: " • • 110FiTROSB.PEWA JOHN S. TARBELL, PROVEL Nine Stages and Hacks lease this Mash dailt, het seethe" tetth the Montrose Railway, the Lehigh- Railroad. and the D. W. Railroad. hprilist,ll323.-tt. CONVIINSIONS OF AN INVALID. i - , , entitled ea a naming and for the beneet of Tol Men and otters wtio eager from Vageorikenears4 = Lots Of MANIIOO etc., lioPPlirteli t the elegem of • Cure,. Written by ono who cored Isneelt alter. , going considerable queltery, and sect rite on s post paid ligetn ry tle addneroalho L antboe. ,!) NATLIANIEL .11AVVAIR,' P. O. Ilox CepebeiltliaDL—eni4 _ (1 4 .64141 r -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers