THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Summer Arrangement of Malls. VIA lIAILIIDAD Tankbannock, (Daily.) • VIA Montt». Depot, (Daily.) ...... . 603 p m OMt a -11 New tilltora. (Italty.) 1000 co I ;wpm Wyslo-tert. (Dstly.) ........ 94.% • m)pm Frrendsallle. (t weekly.)).. ........ 500 pm Banana Dooklan Stamm. (trl wee Ll.) IllOs m 70u am Moab.= ton.ria S. Lake.(trl am• tts).. ROOpkt 711)p m Mealtoppen.(trt weekly.). ...... . ....1000om 411upn) Tho Now York. (eta Montrnee Depot.) New 1111 ford. Tunkhounock. and Wysleolng are dolly. Tbe tbukllo SlallOn mall runs Tuesday', Thltrsdayo. and Ssturdoys. The Illngnstuten moll. (do Silver Lake,) rams Tues day.. Thursdays. and Dotstrdoya. Prlendsvllle moll nuts Tuesdays, Tharsdays,undSat ardor/. The `deshoppen mull rues Mondays. Wedsutadmrs, and Fridays. 0111Emn..r7EEt1 A Stage learea daily for Montfort, Depot at 1 ra... and return, at 0 p. A stasro learee dolly for New Milford at &SQ L and retarur at 330 p. in. B. C. FM:M[IAM. P. M. Mantras. Railway. Amen:went of Tenths. To take effect on Monday, May 43 , k, Mt Do. n Trans.. suCTltcralftD. Noirruweno. ormza . . 5.10 1.13. ..41nntrove. ..10.20 5.20 520 1 23 Allyn', ..... .....6.05 504 614 11. C..1.1`. . Ino3l 515 521 185 !lumen .. 963. 5 10 5 40 1 40............ I , llnock 945 503 547 160 ' Tvlcer... ..... .. 9A7 455 600 122._ L. or' illn 92.5 450 611 110 Lyun 615 49. 620 110. ...n ..... Avery* 9.6 4331 634 230 ....... ....Lemon 903 443 621 440 Lubeck.... ... 8.5 414 642 447 u•rcy's 045 410 655 306 Tunktutonock 833 11.11 All train. conuett ~1 Tuukhanctock math PAC N. Y 12. It. north al d ....uth. .1 1.21E5. I. BL4ILBLEE. Prete). Montrose. Slay 91. 1874 New Advertisements. Sheriff Sales. )tunic Gips—Ditson it, CO. Modalslr.iffn's Nutley—estate of H. Snow. Bofoxsas Locism Flour—Gritfii it Sayre. Dedication Postponed —Situmoni.fs Settle• Immo. Tobacco—Griffis et Sayre. Public Sale—S. B. Tiffany. Cheese—Onflls 4C Sayre. greazolo7c:aiti4oco. After .Tanuai7 first 1816. postage must be pre paid on all pipers going oataide the Christy. (no postage whim the Cimmy ) All persons who pay !Asir subscription in airanse will receive the D8!)o81f fun of postage. Advance payment will be the rale in such cases hereafter. Let ear saberrribers govern themselves accordingly. Notes About Soon ..Can a man see without eyes ? We think he can, with one. ...A strong mimic.] wompa will always be speaker of the house. —Service at St Panl's Church, Christmas monting,at 10% a. in. ..Half-the thscomfort of life la the result of getting tiled of ourselves. ...The diens° business is said to be a tuilei good business in our borough. ..The charity that begins at home lan't the kind that "covers a multitude of Bina" ..Someone says that artificial butter mak ing cos, never prove a success. The difficulty is in putting the hairs In so thnt they hook nat oraL :•.The ladiCliChristmas dinner in the transept of 'the M. E. church will be peen roan I to s o'clock p. m. Oysters and other refreshments In the evening, alw a Christmas Tree. was rigid economy in that chap who :wanted to charge Ms girl twenty outs for his picture, Informing her at the time that it ac tually cost a quarter. We think that was very low. ..Twenty-five new names are all that we have added to our subscription list since our last issue, mud that ton, these slippery times.— People arc getting sharpened however. We have a few more copies left. ~."Ye Old win give a concert at the Court [louse, cm Friday evening. January Ist, 1875, eutesistmg of "Psalm tunes and worldly songs." It is calculated to be a good thing.— Further particuLtrs will be announced hereaf ter. ..The Christmas celebration of the Sunday sch-nd of St Paul's church will be held on the "Fast of the Holy Innocents" Monday evening, December 28th, 1874, anumencing at 7 o'clock p. ca. A number of Chestmas carrols will be sung, and a saort address by'lle rector, follow ed by the distribution of gifts tram a Christ mas Tree. .. We seem to have some parties in our bor ough who are apparently so pious that 'they wilt nut clean their sidewallts.on Sunday In tow ql the Commandment. On Monday they seerdto find a little beaten path and so they conclude to let it thaw oft. We wonder it they ever kiai their wives on Sunday. The sanglee or, the Rerisblieaa says that "to the pure all things are pure" and we also believe that clear• lug a path tor your neighbor to attend church on Sunday will add another virtue, and djtto through the week. ..Isn't it about time the Council hail a fence along the new stone sidewalk they built for G. V. Bentley nn Ridge street After sums one has fallen off that high abutment and ken severely interval, as is liable to happen any dark night, the Council will have to put their hands into the taxpayers pockets to pay the damage. If they have a contract with Br. Bentley to build it and be is t.ot able or willing to do so, let them pat up a flea' board fence and tax the people for it. It will be cheaper than to pay damages and may save trouble and cost. ..The Nebraska sufferers from the terrible grasshopper plague who are tarnishing, almost, for the "crumbs" fmm the tables of the more fortunate of the East, 111.tke an at.peal G,r sucti aid as true christian charity shall dic'ate. They ask not tor money. The cry is fur chnhing,fuel Inc. vegetables to keep them from present suffering and starvation. The Grange of Mont rose are preparing boxes to send to them and any who desire to cast their bread. also, upon the water ,that it may return to them in timeuf need. can do so at the same time. That no one need feel Jealous that their donations ere t.r the Pstrdds of 11 rib miry. they can be re here 1 by the lull teettlf,teCe that not one morsel of it shill Lir distribate i to a at to or wom in of the order or any of his posterity it they so desire. Mira is ausqualmana. Last AVednesday morning, slre. John Tiern ey's building , on Drinker street, Depot, was destroyed by tire. It was occupied by Sint. Tierney, as a grocery awl provision wore, and by Michael ilallivart and 3lnt. Kelley as a dwelling. The lust is intimated nt p.zoo. auseinshanzta County Comic% A meeting of this 'marted will be held In, in the hall of Susquehanna Grange, No. 74, on the 2d Tuesday in January, 1873 January 121 b. at 10 o'eioek a. ID. it IS desira ble hint every Grange in the county send dele gates, the Slaster.two Ilusbandmen and two ldatrot.s. Officers' , to elect,`. and business of Jnueh importance to Itanaaer. R. Lroge. Asmara &rots, Axty. Disappearance of it Werth °Metal. - 5 About ten days agnJohn McAllister, Jr.,tick• et agent of the Lehigh Volley Railroad Com pany, at Mauch Chunk, disappeared from his home without notice to his tamily 'or the rail road company. It appears he had been keep ing bad company and leading an irregular life for some time past. To meet his expimses, which were mildently beyond his salary, he had used the tummy of the company and not being able to keep his pilfering. a secret any lunger, he sloped to prevent being interviewed. An . examination of his accounts only show a detic it of between three and lour hundred doll ire.— Among the properly puiloined was in ticket from Philt leliilllA to Sin Francisco, and as he was seen in the ibriner city in few do s attar Iv: left Mauch Chunk, he has doubtless gone to the Pacific shore. Anion. Deport. 7uopm 12.5 cu. IL Few Suggestions IMESSR& EDITORS DEMOCRAT :—.kft the order of Patrons of Monandry hos now attained a position in this county tlutt mottles it to ut bust a fair and impartial hearing and a due COIIIIWATUDOR by the forming community, who are directly Interested in its success, I desire to say to all those who desire information at once, reliable and truthful,that the proper place to apply for guilt to not to those who ace spentliag their whole lane, in spread ing lake statements in regard to us, or those who have a direct pecuniary interest at stake, which may be ma, e less profitable as our order advance■. If you want Information In regard to the law,you would of tomme apply to a haw• ter. It you were sick, to a doctor. It In want of money, to a money lender, and if you really need intormation attain the Patrons of Hus bandry, the proper place to apply to to the of deers and weathers of toot order, any oae ut whom will take pleasure in giving you ,the truth. There are now thirteen Grange. In the county vit.% a membership of seven hundred, of the honest wursing men and women' s who prwure their principal 'dying front the products of the earth. On to any one of Mum if you desire true knoxlemige of us. I close by saying I a ill hull myself itt readiness at any time to organize Granges where requested. R. S. SssaLE, D. D. Up ?nip.. MEC! Grangeu Organised. A Grange of Patrons was organized Dec. 17 1874, at Birchantellle, Forest Lake Township, by District Deputy, R. S. Searle, and the tol. lowing odirers were Metalled : Master L. T. Bircitard, Overseer, li. F. ilandrick Levt'r A. B. Grails., Steward, L. Turrell. Assistant Stew ard, 8. 13. Wright ; Treasurer ; Wm, O. Small ; Secretary, R. Turrell ; Gait Keeper E. L. Rhinevault ; Ceres, Jeruslia E Birehard ; Flora Thertasa Small ; L. A. Steward,Mart ha Rliims vault ; Chaplain, Elisha Grit& ; With a list a twenty-lire charter ntem%era. Also, a Grange with twenty-nine chnrttr members, was organized by District Deputy Searle, Dec. 18, at Harford, and the following officers installed: Muster, Abel T. Sweet ; Overseer, D. P. Tiffany ; Lecturer, W. Jeffers ; Steward A. J. Adams; Assistant Steward, L. E. Larpenter ; Chaplain, T. Brewster ; Treas. D. L. Hine; Secretary D. P. - Brewster ; Ct. Keeper, H. M. Lindsey ; Ceres, Betsey Jeffers ; Pomona, Julia Sweet ; Flom, Lucy Stearnes ; L. A. Steward. Mrs. A. J. Adams. The 4th degree was eenferred on n class nf.2: at New Milford, Dec. 19 after which, they held a social in Phlnney's ultioled n 1 " 11111 full and elegant least in l'ilinney's liinlnt: room where over one hundred patrons s it isfied Weu selves that there were many good things brought out by our orysnizotiou. From Brockdalts C. Tompkins has returded to his home in In dians, alter a sty of six m mtlis is town. The winter term of seholl coalman-cm! Dec. 14th, under the supers ision of Mrs. Juliette Truesdell. Go to the Office for your groceries, and a "Knight" will be there to wait upon you in good style, P. P. Butts has sold 1113 farm to Nlichaol Do lan, for the considerstion of $3.033. Give us your hand Mike, we like good neighbors. (km. W. Robinson has been confined to his room for sometime past, with a swelling on the umtt offending Ilmh, that afflicts him every winter. John McAdam who has been foreman of the Acid Works for &rend years, has gone to a manufactory, similar in this, near Pittsburg • Mr. Denbolin, late 01 Glasgow, Scotland, takes his place. ALPHA. Wilkes-Bum Jottings. Its nose. Merry Christmas! Pumpkin pits now ripe fur use. 0, berg (up) your "striped stockings." Do you love me Molly (Maguire) darling.— (New version.) St. Stephen's church is magnificently decora ted for Christmas. Theodore Thomas' orchestra played here Dee. 101 h to a crow Led house. Something preferable to cats claws ; Slots- Cetus —(Just note that clause.) The steamboat is from fast in the ice mid way between here and Nairtieuke. Now plant your Christmas trees, crack but ternuts, eat better nuts nod chew gum. An unhealthy condition of the digestive or gans is frequently a producing cause of crime. Lucerne county Teachers' Institute in session at Music Hall, last week, over 400 teachers present. Now kill your cats and sausage make. sew rags, and apples pare, eat -lass.," on your buckwheat colors., and drive away all cure. Wilkes-Barre is agitating the question of building a $70,003 city hall, and thus finding work fur the distressed laborers. Thirteen policemen serve hi keep good order among our twenty-five thousand Idea, Welch, Gerunz,Sweedidt, Danish, Italian. Atrium and American citizens. Following the example of Venus we will now transit. aillllll ZontlesGrowth We ham from a correspondent of the Farm ers Friend from this county, that Susquehanna Gr a nge No. 74 of P. H. in nine 1111 l nibs growth numbers 109 members and that there are mhos in this county proportionately prosperous. He iunber says : "We have hid much in contend with. First, all the business mel t oppose us, because we I wanted to buy too cheap. Politicians said we I were a political society, or would be. -Then brother Platen, In his -speech here last August said some things which hurt us with the me e:chanics, and also made some of the Democrats afield of us. Ncit brother Laporte, of Brad ford county,in his eagerness for the Republican nomination fur congress, said he had the rotes of the Patrons of Bnittload county in his pock et, which made: the Republicans afraid of us. `Surely we were-,y political society ; the mer chants wouldn't dent with us it our fl;ores ; the manufacturers couldn't see any good com ing nut of the Grange ; ranters said they could ma their Al anon their awn hixia , r, didn't Tout Wage= sumo as tiLpestilith icip.3lttt Crud. ere spent too much time In their Grange ; and then the expense of Joining, 'they'd never get their money back,' just as II money was ull we do or should live tor. We have kept right on. made our arrange ments fur trading with the merchants ; fur boy tug agricultural impliments fixed up our hull, will soon have an organ to help our music ; enjoy our meetings; Increase la numbers ; other Orangesspringing up around us. Broth er Laporte being detested lur congress in his own county, show, that he did nut have the Grangers' vote in his pocket ; ur, tf he did, he kept them there ; it did hint no good at the polls. The weehoultn§ think we are not going 11w them alter all, and all in all we are Boating out hitt , smoother seas, or rather we have worked our way out of the weeds, cut otf the docks, or given them a drop or two of acid, nipped toe thistle before they budded, and have harvested our corn, With our note hook and penell in hand we know what it cost, and we can hope for a butt r harvest in the tutors" From Windsor. Broome county hounds Susquehanna no: th, So may my items hoof worth. Our school teacher wants to go home. I) non at Bartunville for a widow, all at tend. No snow—prospects of rain—No mmey— proamms of a drowth in that direction. Girls are very plentiful here while the young men Imam all "gone to the war" or tisewhere. Our Buck (Lute) Auctioneer 6 very liberal with his talk as he says it costs nothing to talk. Singing scho o l commences here next week and the little girds and boys are tuning up fur the occasion. The auction of the estate of E. B. Stoddard wss largely attended. Things going for more than the market price. Our fetcher of last summer has Just been paid Mt Quite au encouragement to the new teacher to hear so good a report of the trustees No preacher in tali place. Will some one volunteer to call the attention of the young people to religion and their future destiny ? We hope so. One of our peddlers bud i pay $23 fine for selling tobacco without license. We wish all smokers were obliged to pay as much tur the sake of the ladies. P.,rtits are all the rage and little boys and .glrk are learning to •"trip the li4ht fantastic to‘:" Even church members are forsaking their old ways to lake the schottische step and nmo.l dances. `S<•hool cummence•l in our district last week and we are happy to say our trustees have been lortunate in securing the services of Carrie )1. Rohlans, a thorough, capable and strict teach- er, from Pennsylvania. RAIMLER. Windsor, N. y. Dec. 21st 1874. An Oil Barrel Fpeentatian. Cons:derable excitement was created In this city no Saturday last, by a shrewd transaction of a party of st-herners from Binghamton. This party, consisting of a man named Pope, who seemed to be the principal, R. O. Edwanis, and one or two others, to this city about the midill: of last week, visite I the principal deal ers in keinsene oil, and off:red high prices for all empty oil b trrels. They purchased a large number of the 3itssra Phelps. Joseph CLIMB,. Matthews Bros., and others, and ordered them to sent to the depot for shipment to Bing hamton. The action of the purcintsers,and the high priers they were offering for the barrels. began to excite the suspicion of our business men that nil was nut rhht, SO I it Will soon dist ci.vensl that there was a law io thts state very strict in its rey tirements in reference to the calm:ll4'km of the oil inspector's stamp, and imposing a penalty of $309 for selling or using each barrel without defaci_g the stem?, one half of she tine to go to the informer, and one. half to the School Board. It was discovered that these Binghamton men purchased only 'nth barrels as had an undisturbed stamp, and Irian such ot our business men as would be good for the fine. As may be inferred three discoveries made a stir among those of our dealers who had sold front ten to fitly barrels apiece to these strangers, making themselves liable to from $3,030 to $15,030 floe each, and there was a general rush with Machete and srrapers lo deface and destroy the stamps, Intl if they could have got boll of these Bingham ton chaps they would probably have defaced their eountenans too. Sinne of the barrels hail been sent to the depot, and thither the scrapers hied to efface all evidence of vio:ation of the law Mr. Pope and confederates were arrested for conspiracy, and after a lengthy hearing before Alilerina.. Puller,they were held to bill in $1,033 each for their appearance at Court. We learn that the School Board have taken the matter in hand, and had the merchants who sold barrels with uncancelled stamps a r mit ed for violatiuu of the law.—Scranton Cup Journal. The Weßebore Bank Robbers Sentenced The Court House at We!laboru was thorough packed Thursday morning, there being an inlimation that the convicted prisoners Cook and Cosgrove would. receive sentence. A mo tion tor a new trial and arrest in judgment was argued by Hun..l. :Hitched, and was opposed by 51. F. Elliot, of counsel for the State. All points raised by the defence were overruled ; and Cosgrove was asked If he had anything to say why he should not be sentenced. He ex pressed himself In the manner that hes chance it tired his whole conduct throughout. saying: - Nothing at all Sentence me as quick as you ran and let the things go." It went as foliose On the indictment for burglary. a One id one sand dollars, tams of the prosecution and nine years and nine months iniprisunment. For larceny, $5OO tine, costs of poweciition, return the stolen goods or their equlvslent, with tltTee years itrprisun• meat, To begin at the expiration of his first (mu. For breaking into the hank, five hundred dollars flue, costs Or prosecution and four years in penitentiary, to commence when he would be let out were it not for the two above inch denials ; and to cap the climax, he is to stay in prison until all the above conditions are coin ; lied with. At the conclusion at the court'. sentence, Cosgrove wanted to know "if that was all." It seemed to lie the general 'invert shin that by the time lie has finished his enure' he will be thoroughly satisfied with it as it Is. Total 10 years, 0 morithi. Orson Cook's sentence Mem from Cosgrove's in its being for three yearn lets, but with the same additional penalties attached. A strong public teeliog cf sympathy seemed to he appar ent in Cook's case, - hut - the Court intimated that if the prisoner had toll what he knew at the matter, it would be tapers favorably Into consideration. Thu prisonens frere transferred from Wells bon. Jail to the Eastern Penitentiary at Phibt delphia. on Saturday last, where the sentence• commands them to be kept at hard labor during the trrnts of their sentences. And thus pace been bron:ht, to justice And punishment two of the pat - tit e to one of tin boldest transactium In the history of back trU6LI4OII; thu sauteuou b a laud tuto r 6pt cat too severe, for the laws must be respected and property be held in safety. The sooner such guilty 'parties are brought face to face with punishment, certain and severe, the sooner will law abiding citizens feel that what belongs to then, is safe and their lives not endangered.— Bradford Argue. Nov tithed Law A new code of school laws is to be presented to •the Legislature at Harrisburg, during the coming session, by a committee appoiti.ed by the State Tenehers Association consisting of Etlwa nl Shippen. cstl• . of Philadelphia, Henry Houck, Deputy Supt., of public school., Deo. J. Lucky, Stipt. or public schools of Pittsburg. A. T. Dont het ty, Supt. of public 11Cilnab, of Al legheny city, J. P. NieCaskey„Prin. High school of Lancaster, B. F. Shanb, Shpt. of schools of Lancaster county. Edward Br.soks, Prin. State Normal senotil of Millersville, Gen. P. Hays, PresidenMasblngton and Jefferson College. Should the proposed bill pass,quite a number of important changes will be effected in the school law. Suicide in Harmony On Thursday miming, Levi Tripp ; who liv. ed Arun one tulle irons Martin's Mil, In Her mony tOWnahlti, and ,-six and onelall nab% from this pile 'committed suicide between the bourn of 13 and 1 o'clock, with a gun. Tripp. who was 31 yearn of age, lived in a shanty situated on a small stretmlet running in to the Canawacta Creek, supporting a wife and four children by working at odd Jabs. On Wednesday evening, Isaac V. Tripp, n brother of the deceased, who bad been boarding with hint since Sept. Ist, came Into the house at about 8 o'clock and found the family in bed. Mrs. Tripp, who married about six yearn age, •ays the family all slept in the kitchen, except once in a while when her hu-band slept in an adjoining bedroom. She laid down, with her clothes on about 8 o'clock. o hen her Itu4band retired, he placed Isis gun, which belonged to his brother, near the bedside,rernarklng that he would shoot himself. He wild he had a pain in his heed and side he would not endure It any longer. She hilt! him to put the ffllllllVtly and not act so, when he told her to stop her d noise and go to sleep. They had no difficulty, them being his last words. Going to sleep, she was awakened by the re• port of a gnn,witen she fond that her husband hid shot himself. Mrs. Tripp screamed, "My God ! he has shot Itimsgf The report nt the ton awakened Isaac Tripp who (pinkly dressed himself, lighted a lantern, end weld to the !mascot Charles Truesdell,near by. Arousing hint and John Truesdell, the three went to the house and removed tile body rro:n the bed Into the enjoining bed room. An inquest was hell. The testimony elicited was substantially as above, with the fallowing additions: Isaac: Tripp testified that hi. broth er was subject to violent tits of anger, and his parents have remarked that they thoueld he wag insane. He had heard him say that he wished lie were dent. MN. Tripp terifital that herself and ;Itishand had lived apeeably together, except at times when he would treat herself and the children cruelly. At times he bad threatened to kill her. Charfl.Tntesdell testified that 1w had known Mr. Tripp for two years, during which time 1w bid noticed that he had strange Ideas and queer opinions. Jolt.. Tnroideli testified that he had - noticed that Mr. Tripp was not exactly sound. Had notice,' this p-cutiarity treqlent At the conclusion of the evidinwe, the Jury rendered a verdict In accordance with the facts at Mr. Tripp doubtless discharge:l the gun with the ramrod. He Is well spoken of by his neieh hors, who say he was temperate, and a bard worket.—Susq'a Ga:ette. Businesp Locals FLoon. For a choke article at the lowest prim, sail on GnIFFN SAYIIK. Montrose, Dec. 23, 1874. 51-3. TODACCI.. • it' you use the article, don't fool away your mocey on cheap gouda, hut try ours at 40 ,•en is and upwards. 01111171.8 & SAYRE. 1.)4.r_ 211, 1874. 51-1 Cusess. Ilerkimer, Fitknit, an 1 Susquehauna County Chetme by the tun ur tuns. 0111)77L9 & Sante. Dec. 23d, 1874. 5/70. DEDICATION The Dedicatory Services of the )1..E. Church, of Shoond'a Setilement, Ararat, Stow:wham:la Co.. are postponed to Tuesday, January 26th, 1875. Herrick Cettre. Dec, 29, 1874. OFFICE or 0 hi FeHowl Mutual Life Insur ance Cu., 51untrese, Pit. the annual meeting of the member's of the above Company will be held at 04t1 slinlay, eve. Jan. 4th, 1875. at T ticloctc. Dec. 23, 1874, CHAS. H. Sutra. NEW YEARS PARTY. A. New Years Party at the Wilmarth Hotel. Yourself and lady are respectfully invited to attend n Party at Wiltuartp's Rotel, Llopttot tom. Pa.: Friday eve, Jan. 1.0874% Good !lust,;. 801 l $2.50 D. WILMARTII, Prufl r. 1.1 , n. 23, 1874. Pc nue BALK. • The 01,1 Universalist church in Brooklyn, &tura co., Pa., will be GUM at auction. to the highest and heat bidder, on Tuesday, .11n. 12th, 1875, at .1 o'clock a. m. Terms mettle known on day of sale. By order of Trustees. 8. B. TIFFANY, Clerk. Brookiy, Dec. 23,1874. 51-9. COTILLION PARTY. New Year's Party at the Digle Hotel. The company of yourself and lad) Is respectfully oiiriavl to attend a party at the Eagle Hotel, in New Milfant on Friday eve, January Ist, IBM. Dlnsic by Hoyt & Sherman's Fall Band. Bill SIM P. Puturitty, Prup'r. New Milford, Dec. 16,187 d. COAL . Gru:o and Er. ; —s4 SO. Stove nll.l Nut—s 4 75. Grate and Egg, der vered—ss 00. Shove and Nut, deliveretl—ss 25. O. D. STELIDTICII. Montruse, Dec. 16.1874. 50-5 w :linen. TUB TrAIE, Anti label! & Alelhulah's Is the place to boy your Christmas prism's. They are receiving utrge quantities of Holiday Gouda, Sterling Sil ver CupS, Napkin Rituts,Butter 3Poonat 7rlpleplatal.Tes Setta,and Akititia_ot Ote ben Poste9i -Ware. — lsatai. Mgratrisn. Montrose, Dec. 10, 1874. gm). A. Parms. AND BufunaT Thu bed in the worn. &wonlrons, Sheet Auld; awl We but Violin Stronis in Abirket. At Isnetn & .11eLuctsa's. - - - THE AXED/CAN dewtsa MACHIN& Sawing Machine Anacbruenui, and all kinds f Machina Needles, Oil, Hemmers, HaMerv, lindprx. - Bratienl, &c. &c. One door above Ec• ?rem Oflice. LIIELL & Itzutuisa. 3lontsuse, Dec. 16. 1874. 3011ETEUSO NSW LS BOOT& Call and sco the new satt•wam Bums at Nov. 4,14. . • Pourecu Nxcitots. Atrouran hair Ton or Herkimer County bee, juS waited at Aar. 414 itscsa4Liiicaus. JURY Ltsr.—The following is a List of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn fir the term of Court to commence at Montroso, on Monday, January 11,1815. Grand Jurors. Auburn—lsaac Low,Rohert B. Swisher. Bridgewater—Willis E. Bibeticir. Broklyn—Claarles B. Painter. Chtroni—Wines Bennett. Dintock—Henry C. Skein, Chas J. Hollister. Fort Luke.—Tit.tno, Brown. Franklin -.bialys M. Flak. Great Bend tn.—Leßoy 4 r 044. Brno 1.1., tat honk—Gilt...ll Curtis. Gilopm—Edsv,ir I M. Kennedy Ihrrick—Chml,y A. Harding. .Inckinil —Win. W. Pickering. Lenox—lra I lardintr. Lilivrty— Luthrup—.l3mes ip.—Wm. II 51uxhi. New Milturd b rn.--Phil ander Pidnnry. buld—D-udoi Burdick, WM. A. Goldner. lbath—Frank 11. Or anr..r. Depot—Chnrivi G. Park. Springville B. Stunk. Traverse Jurors—Bird Week. A it Imrn —Bl muel R. Burnett. Ararat—.lnliu• Tyler. Itridzewider—Gilbert A. Stevens, Jacob Tecriob,ry. Brouldin— An•el Stterlinl, I•aac VanAnken. ultfrurd—Chnries L. Balite:ld, John M. Bom an. Diniock—Win. C. ILlen. Frnoklio—Edwin L. Beebe, John F. Boyd. FOrefli Lnke—Rohert Booth. Great Bend 1;1 —dtt•p!•en D. Boss. Gii.on—Rohert Elli.. Rufus Barnes. Harmony—George Frouter,sr.,James R.Nec- Icy Ifertiek—brael NT res. Jackson—Junes E. Curtis, Stephen B. Tuck. er. Lathrop—Philander S. Bronson, Almon E. Sweet. Leans—Fre'terick P. Grow. Monirtose—Dana F. Auiiiin,Clinrirs Lert.Gfn. C. !lilt. Cluirler M. Win. Smith (colored.) New Milford ip.—Nerestun G.Blshop,Joseph Rice. Hush—John Bishop. 3114 q's Depot —John M. Springville—finvey K. Sherman. Thomson—E. E. Dow, Ebenezer Messenger, Samuel flabby rd. '1 be list of Traverse Jurors for the second and 0.1r.1 weeks will be pob'islosi next week. DONATION.-At the re.tidenre of 11 B. Lewis. on Cornell Wednesday. Dec. 231, aiterntwin and evening., for the benefit of Rev. E. W. lireckinridge and Coolly. All urn respectfully invited to attend. Be Onneu Oa Cox. F“irdale, Dee, 16, 1874. Dissobeitotit, The e. partnership hitherto existing nntler the firm of J. Mckerninn & Co.. Is this ..ny dim dyed by mn•anl ether party is authorized to sign is liquidation. .1. DICHERIIIN, H. DICILZRMA.N. The undersigned have ibis doy conned n en wirinership u.tder the first of IL & W. T. Dickensian, or the purpose of itenlinst In Dry Gods, Ready Made Clothing. Huts and (laps, Boots and Shoes, on a s Het ly Guth Baas. Yours Respect bully. H. LIICKILTIMAN, T.DICHERMAN New Milford, Dee. 16 1874. BASSWOOD LT.III DER. Parties wishing In make arrangements with 119 for toes de of tneutrund lumber swathd tmll at oar as soon ns convenient, no we are now ready to ettgaLm our nest year's supply. C. M. CILANDALL & Co. Montrose, Dec. 9, 1874. 49-4 w. DOVATION VISIT. There will I. Donition Vlait f t Ills It mse of RI,. G. (1. Re e,, in itosh. Pa..: n Wednen• Ike, December 214 nbernoon rind evening-- All are inv‘ted to nuentl. Dint. Rnsli, Dec. 9,1974. Bon's! Boone! Men and Boys' Call and Kip Tinntii, Cheap Ile Cash al Pouren & Nrctuns. N..... 4, TRACITF:Tte Cm:TßAcre and Blank Notes new ly printed at this of Dool.rrrs.K, Th Plioiotrriphyr, la dolna nil kinds of Pic tore Fninibil, of nil sizes, on vhort notice. July 22. 11.-111 0 W. Doncrrrts. PnoToonants—Pictures taken In all the hit tat styles. (111 pictures copied aatl enlarged. Also a splendid lot or mount fir sale cheap at G. W. Ductlidymert. Montrose, June 10, It —tr. Cont.! COAL ! ! Pirnl Vof first Mass coal. AU sirs at J. R. RAynsf4;ril's Cosl Yard. Dunn Station. Lruce Orilrrs ut Central Exitrrss Mee. or vend to the Yard. Oct. 21,'74. J. R. RATABFORD. TUE at tention of the polshe is wiled to the advertisement of Tayines family medicines, in another column. All afflicte with pain or lameness or other ills will do well to try limn. They are all sold on the principal of Su Cure No ?ay. BINGHAMTON OFFERS AN ATTRACTION For gentlemen who wilt to data Wasunswros STREET TAILORA haVe engaged the services of the eelelituted W. H. Lindh., a sentlentan or viniht.i,ralde note with the t !aim ing fraternity of this country. They are now prepared Mr the summer triute,as they haveiust received all the new things in the way of cloths, ctasuurrrr nd vesting.s. Their references are the best, let% 'mz. taken the first premium at the Tailor's Institute in New York last tall. Give them at call. HALLOCX, Proprietor. 81 Misluington St., Dioghor ton, N. Y Nay 20. 1874.-1 y A MAN IN UM - NA—One id the saddest spec tacles in the natal is n human Ininz shattered and hn,ken down by the use of ardent spirits. But the itainace ally he repaired, the ruin nat tered to perfect soundness, by u course of Lnt loom powerful of all Jack...wants, Du. WALK ER'S VINKOAIt BITTERS. Ben are ot those ton les" of which ram is an element They oggru vole disease and pr aunt.: decay Tue BEST AND CEICAPEFIT PLACE to buy your Alpacas, Poplins, Gropes, Corsets, Hid Gloves, - a at and Hosiery, C. F. BESPON & CWS.. 61 Court St., Binghamton. N. V. N. B. You will Ono find Mr. C. C. Fnurut her., I. ntte t I nil vont w iliac Nov. 4.'74.-I.^. Oarvar & Pratt. GAL- °est Mama. tomexit apt CARVER Br, PRATT'S' Over their splendid stork of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, AND MILL'NEDY 00009. c r odylm. nrd virintion. Thnir tuna of rendr-tnado U vi's an .BO `ME rd [mop 411cd la the wintry fur ape and c te4o/113.5. Nolrest Catbegis Clumatom 1017cmls. 7:lcork.o WC WILL NOT BC UNDSRSULD. W. J. C %avert • • W. P. PRATT. Binghamton. 0ct.14. 1971.4 y. Court St. Cr. Taw". 7a_rn.dflLTlEX9. Knrßen—At the reahlenee of his son. D. L. Klaiber. in 11‘ idgewater. Dec 7th, Abraham it ,I 81 years, 8 months and 8 days. ULLEY—At Snnlmn, Onio, Piny. 10th, Anne, wiluw of F , ent.s 1.711rv, e.q, and dan2lner of Rev. Joba. Finu or tiu.vel , qa" cuwaty, avd GI ram. Centaur liniment. Thera coo pain- which the Calton Ah.. Liniment •Hi nut relieve, no swalllng wt - ' - they will not rubdite. and no lameness which they will not tun. This lost,. rig •••) lanucutue. but It-Is t no. They hare • &'• produred more cures of rheumiuts a, neuralght.locb Jaw. pstsy.sprains.ewel. Oltroa tiu g o, caked breasts, scalds: hems. Sale rh ear-eche. de., epott the human fr me. end of online stearin, gtlla, ere . op et' animals to one year than bare all other pretonded temente-salon the world began. They ant metenterinitnat, all4roding. pelt' n iter re. enpples throw away th it (retain. the !time walk. fedsonon• hit , * are rende red harmless and tbs . minded an hes ed without a rear The recipe Is pub lirhed mooted tole. bottle. Thy tell m no articles ever add-before. Ammon they do Joel pleat they pretend to do. Thor- who now refer from rheumatism. 'JIM or swell. or deserve to suffer If tioy will not ore Cannot Mame nt. whir • arrap.ter. More th in 1003 cc:liftman or rem Innble curer. hichning hetzJn limbs, chronic rhemnatista, gad. ruining tumor.. ac.. base been n eared. We will rend a eireulareumaininneen Ideates. rues 'nip... etc.. r,ratlr, to any one ream-sting It. One tattle if the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment to wen.. one bon 'red dal sr. for sprrined or *weeniest bones and moles. or Air .crew worm In -beep. Stock-ownera —tho-rlinkleuto shi worth your attention. N.. family Phoold he without them - White wrapper fanny meet ir flow wrapper tor *Ornate , . Cold by all Drugarts.— cents per bottle: I nor. bottles. BIM. J. B. Boca a Co., 63 Broadway, New Tor k. Castorta le more than a substitute for Castor Oil It is lite only Kis *nick, is existence which is certain to awaited,) the tad. regniate the bowels. titre wind colic and 'lnduce natural •leeµ It contain, neither minerals, Morphiae or alcohol. and I• pleasant intake. Children clued a A cry and mothers may rest. cwt. t.. Cammisslon Merchants. JAMES M. ROWAN, Commission 1361Corctla.o.aat AND RECEIVER Old BUTTER, CLIEEiE. EGGS. POUL TRY, AN I) VEAL CALVES, 84 PARE PLACE, N ENV YORE CITY Conalgnmcnl• tolicitrd and returns made lamed Late ly uu .0.01 gouda. baud for anlyylug cards aud atuu cile. I:eferenees : National Park Bank of New York. North it,ror trat.k of Nor York. N 1.1. 1 ,1 S al ;kaiak of Novo York. Loug 14.45 l 11. tut of lirooklyo. N. Y. etto..4. Tile Margets Finsitictal Money continues to rule without change There is ah incr,.m.ed demand for ;he pur• m;se of meeting payments incident to the Mese of the year, hut so long as there are more lenders than borrowers there is Ito reason to anticipate a change in the con dition of affairs or to expect a change in rates. The figure n imed fur loans on Ca I Is 5 per cent. :•"..trictly tirst.class two nem • paper, drawn at 00@90 days, rules at 566 per cent. single name paper at 6®7 per cent. first class three to four month., paper, with go4ll collateral, is looted at 5@6 per cen .. the same chttnic ler or riper government. at 5 per cent for 1 .wer grades of paper higher rates are the role, and they are subjected to elitist. -crutialy. Md. AWL . Gold ''''' 111% Sliver : 0 ... n s Iffil I.OX 131 541 C....) • 180 I txX 115$g 5.2.1 Coup •rt 1.11 115.3 i 115 m 5.2 A . "upon. 1.5 117 I 71‘ 3.11/ 1.. , 0up SU. '65 11 11R% 11 9 X 5 Ir, 4,.....0u 1..7 . .... ... ....... .. ....IXOII WM 5-2,1 l'ou ,on 1.118 111% 111UX, Ncw sper cl.B 111 1111 X 10.41 h, 114% 1 1, 01 N1...1 ou 81 , 6 s .gu 64.1 347 g P.irl. Exch.... , .15/.lf 464% tharroucy bd. New York Produce Market. l'eptrtod Eve ry Work Espre.rly ro, TER IJOITZniIi 1/, 6. 11111,1ie. 6 ',fifer, 'l.o.nare C..ITIMIS. slue Atorcisouta 91 Wnll.h.ll carve'. hew York. Barran—Firkin.. rholee eelemed § frle tt .Ire Tube.... ....... . ..511 37r 1 . 111.4. 0.0,3 Colailly Cl32Z93—Slute , Vuesory.... , 73 R. Site Dairies _ll 015 Xe mete roman , . nir lee ynn,l Loan—Slateikellusy emus 13,4 a Weplern choice braudi POOLTIZY— pu mg r blcheus. per lb ......... § e Torte', prime 15 IGe Osms—Pl.eope.-1.0 red per dos Tame per pile e P.otridge...S.Are prime ... 30 155 e Priertss—Seal App re. Nom Morel per bb1.... rW 110.4 , . 121.11. r‘schet. bet.. per .1.1.13 Miscellaneous H. J. WEBB tram New York • (matt stock at arrooerless, efaco.. which will be gold CHEAP FOR CASII, among the earner - or article, ortay he found Reka OF lean. klelamtra. P. It. k v etaades h,rap.. Kono. ceoa-u.. Canned Praia.• rao. bellies, I ttte..e. T. narbtd White Wheat. Balers vv. 4thtee. ttart..eti 11.1 hon. lark. Wand halt &c. Motorutte. Ilec. 16. 1874. - 11 J. wean. %TO rt 2D IN DANK PUPTCY.—In th e District enact :I • I Stalce, for the Western District of P. nno,lva...a. In Be. I art Bankrnyt. No. MIR so ilittinturcy.) No• lc.• b. h. r siren ttitt three will boa DI general Me 'lug of the eroditors of the above named Bak. • opt. f..r he C...ll..tilptatcli In the Irlectlon M of the Bankrupt A on tte foorth Aar o fJan sty, ITV, al to o'clock a. rn.. at the Wilco of E .wane N Leer unto. itodit.t"r In ii•totruldry. aointdoe. Pa.. and ail ere et,.. 'ohq Moe tonere tlelr debit, are boroby stal• fiat to he on:veinal veld me. 800. A. J. ONIIRITSON. Assignee. Montrose. Pa.. Dee. 16.118a.-21, 31 1 2NA1Y41-Lt1.64 These prices FOR CASH ONLY, and for Customers from a distance Good Winter NOS. lined, • ' 200 ileavv Business Suits, MOO All Wont Vassiniere Suits, 1201 Broadcloth 0rt...0 Snits, ail woo., 1036 . . French Dint..n al Suits, 1304", Enalish Wis. et Suits, l5OO Cuiswity Coats and Vests, One, ' ' 1400 heavy Grey Overcoats, 300 Black Union Braver Overcoats, 650 Castor Beaver Overcoats, 1100 Chinchilla and Fur Beaver ; 1000 French Beaver and Kenny, 13 00 Goad Under Shirts and Drawers, 40 Good Knit Jackets, 123 Good Cloth lined Paper Collars, per box, 10 And all other Goods in proportion. Also an Immense stock of VICO' 'IMMO for boys, limn 3 years of age, np to mett's size at prima from 00 a suit upwards. IT WILL PAY• YOU TO GO . 50 31ILES to buy a ouppis of Winter Clothing at thine prices. WEBSTER, The Clothier. 63, 64, 66 Court Swot, .81figlunIlLtD, It Y. l;tlwAsnatoa.l.47% 11, '7•104L • Enscallaneono. J. 11. Diazzi 0 .8. 15Ansms. II O. 82.•88188 —o— MARBLE 'WORM. ternismaD is Mal BARNES OROS. & DURING, DEALERS IN AND SIANUYACTUIIMS OP gtalian >urritauparblto, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, • :X Chewing° St., Neat Depot, Mar H. NM lIINGIUMION. N. T. THE LVDEPEADERT Sewing Machine ! THE ORILATICIT AtnizvsLaiToll TIIS AUll ems from but One Spool of Thread. It to but .Is routing put., a nolielerr.sud ban man roptuly Qua any .useusuu Ip lbw bur►et. Has a self -selling Straight Needle. t Combine* Thirsblllty with tkauttyand Rimplteley.and iatt all Um, Modem rirA FROST.OL&SS MAORL'ili ON A DI ieN Vild.bUT TAOLIa MON lab. 426.Gozaiss InTaxistoct. SE L. YOH ClittilLAß. Address, TUB INDEPILNIANT SEWING lACINNECt Blnetringoa, N. Y Dee. 11, lan. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY COLE BROTHERS" BESTOILATIVE DALsera, A SUSS CURB FOIL ASTHMA, COUGIH, COLDS, CROUP, AID ALL COMPLAINTS OP LUNGS, LIVER, KIDNEYS, RHEUTMATIS3I, and a sure cure fur the PILES. Be sure end Ve t- ware of fraud. Nono genuine unless sohl by COLE BROTHERS. Sole Proprietors, Montrose, Pa. . Or b) authtirized druggists. Patented December Ist, 1874. Oct. 7, 1874.—tt. At No. 33 03urt Street, 13111IGEMPUT0117, N: V. NEW GOODS, N'EW GOODS, NEW GOODS. As ire havejust returned bow the City afleew Toni' an., psotheoleg &largo and well sele-Sed efwelt of FALL AND WINTER GOODS of all kinds bought trout drat hands. we are now pre• panrd u. ultrt_woods at priers tort will toasty the Outs( boyar. %staresl. added to oar latgo woos or Dry Goods, an Immosa stock of cI.s.)TH, CASS!. litlittettanto U WuHS tut and Mess wear. We ate uow prepped to make SIIITS FOR ALL who wm gist' use eaD as we have re dales woman' " EV a or ndrieuttent%. ion will please call and anal- Ine our stool before lea par hare ehawhere. Thankfal tor past Won, as hope We 4 continuation of tha num. MN remain. Tours Ilerimitllally, C. B A. CURTEST tUngbazattia, Sept. 23, 35141—tc N EW ABRANGEnENT: Do Polo's Drill, Store. I. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. U. KENTON. Dragest & Apotbeesiy. PATENT MBDIOINE EIIPOREIN t The Initler•lgee4 would respectfully attenuate Well the tnn,ple every* herr. that to his already extensly. stock and es_ !toy fferelasedise In the Greeter. Pro. visiontted Hardware li ne. liehas ad 'ed a • ry choir, 110.011Metit of {TIM naval.. PATENT MEWL:IMM. BRUSIIF.•. FUN BUY. dc. which bed Mess Wm* U be on assent the public; they PM And it to their adnotenn to MIMI- Ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physician!, fra this section of the to cloy he would rtsp. eVelly • - cocoons tb ohe hummer d the services at 1 Keaton. 'as Mena ist and Apeitsrearyokhose log • ms dense and arltnowiedged care and ability. entitle him Wye= en. tire c.oMrnee In the lineal cum. marmites ownelme or preparing presalptione. and rho would alas titer= it an especial farm to receive Calla from at old - asb.mersoroonofrs. WIII make lb. Poiret Medi. does• egssctsity. Also Domestic end Foreign Itioriml Watcrs—on extensive stock. Also due litOdefice••• LRIRSTS EXTRAEr op imp, yam sia,vos MELEE, & CANNED cum.. Loasysss i , Mo. COW. BEANS. OYSTERS, &c.., &v. Lo tact. onythiossad over thin?. that H. oolloorilr ed. Itespocitally soliciting* call I tomato ittiILARD Powder! Powder! Powder! Bhutto MU and Shot Pushier, Shot. Lead, Can Tubes, Um., Mathes. Maas: nuo. ta sale by • Noutrose. Pot. 9.1371-4 t. LN. BNI.f.ARD I r t P . . w "DEMOCRAT" JOB PRINTIXG. OFR/1 WM compete with any other la this section to cheapness, Promptness and quality ofwort Its stock heaps% been replenished with rr. 7 . 'Ft\ it,„ -g varlons styles of benntlilii letter: Posteri Show Bills, Hand MIK Programmes. Dodgers.. Blanks of all kinds, Hilliness Cants, Visiting Cools, Book glinting, et,e; gEr A eittorney's Paper links printed with neatness. and dls 7 patch. Can on or salmis ILL UAW&EILOVIN