FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. The Must Important Industry. The discovery is being made that the nations most experienced in agriculture are only yet in their apprenticeship to the great business of extracting human food from earth.air and water. Nor is this wonderful. To curry agriculture to per fection one would need to know all about the soil to be operated upon ; all about the eilects of the various kinds of ma nures to be employed ;ill about draining and irrigation ; all about climate, air and sunshine; all about the best and most economical 'modes of working the soil, including impliments, machinery, labor, &c.; all about breeding, raising and fat, truing live stuck, and all about the best modes of preparing wool, butter and cheese for market. Surely here is enough to satisfy the most enterprising ambition and to task the best brains in any coun• try, and yet how often is farming curried on by what is familiary ca , led ••rule of thumb!" Where science, experynce, intelligence and capital are brought to bear on agri culture it is not t un uncommon thing in the old world to raise on old fields that have been cropind for a thousand years fifty or sixty bushels of heavy wheat to the acre, instead of ten, fifteen or twantv bushels of light wheat, as is the case in nutty parts of America. Such big!: cul tivation could not of course be carried on at, all where labor and capital are both Scarce and dear, but It serves to show how productive the earth .may become — Indeed it is said that the increase in the production of f.otl is more rap:,l Eu rope than the increase of population, so that the oeces,ity for imp , •rtattous from America and Asia is constantly dimin ishing. From the foregoing it may be deduced that the best minds and meals of the country may be most. advantageously de voted to the business of rendering the earth productive all over America, and that there is no teed for intelligent young farmers to seek the citie's, with a view of engaging in sonic more' respecta ble and lucrative calling. There is no business more respectable than. fuming and none, on the average, more ;lucrative. A successful farmer may as welt rise to a position of dignity, wealth and impor tance as a successful merchant or lawyer. He may add farm to farm,and apply cap ital us it accumulates, till he has several hundreds of acres tinder high cultivation f as many have done already ; and he ay at the same time, cultivate his own nil so as to be a most desirable represent nye of his district in the Legislature or ..ctii pegs. It is such representatives dist are wanted. The Law of Fences --13-- A case was tried not long ago in this county which is instructive as giving the law as to fences, and as to trespass aris ing out of iusuffichnt protection to fields and crops. The Judge laid down as law the.following points : It is a rnaxim t in law that every men must so use and cue /for his own property as that it shah not injure his neighbors." "It must not be considered as law that if the owner of improved land has no fences protecting his crops he cannot re cover for injuries done by cattle straying upon his laud. He must both shut in his own cattle and shut out those of oth ers." "It has been held sit long as three quarters of a century ago that if 'a fence is not what my be called lawful but is what may be called neighborly and suf ficient to kerb mat cattle that are not breachy, a claim for trespass will lie up on injury by others catty." The jury in this case was instructed by the Judge that if defendant's cattle broke through or jumped over the flice between the pla•ntiff's cornfield and the defendant's woods, and damaged the plaintiffs corn he was entitled to recover for the dam age done, unless the jury were sarn,fied from the evidence that the fence was not such as farmers of practicle knowledge and experience would consid er as sufficient tq protect the crop from injury by usually. orderly cattle, If it was such a sufficient fence, for the dam age done while in that condition the plaintiff may recover, although it was not made of logs or rails, or posts and boards, and was not "four and a half feet high and well staked and rider-ed." The material of which the fence was made should also be co^sidered as well as its height breadth and firmness, and if these were not considered sufficient to keep out orderly cattle no "damages" could be recovered.—A. W puling Co., Pa. Tree Agents. Many of our readers will purchase fruit trees this fall. There are two ways of do ing it. The planter who knows just what be wants will probably make out his list or order, and send it to some reliable nuraeryman whose character for intent g,ence and integrity has been fully estab lished. The trees will Le returned by railway or steamer, securely packed, so that when the package is opened they will be as mesh as the hour they were dug from the soil. If We plahter has al ready an orchard, he will probably in struct the nurseryman to make no sub. stitutions in case any particular sort is exhausted. Those planting new orchards may, if they choose, direct that substi tutes, say to an extent of ten or twelve per cent. This mode of ordering from nurseries is usually the best way, where the owner knows when and how to order, and is willing to make the trouble. But most planters will choose to buy of traveling ageuts. Many .of them are trustworthy men, employed by anrseries. .Ik—careful to distinguish between theserand . irres ponsible, smoothtongned peddlers See that their credentials have a recent date, and tLat they are employed by good men. You can authorize them to substitute ten per cent, if you thick beat. ,This is an easy way to have tnt>a• brought to your door.—Country Gentleman. The statistics of the Texaco - lale trade show a raped increase in that very impor tant branch of business- The total num ber of cattle shipped over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa F. - Railroad far the first seven months of the present year was 38,903, as compared with 24,858, for the same period in 1873. showing an in crese of more than 13,000 in that time.— September and October, two of the best months of the year for cattle shipments, are not included in these figures, and if the same ratio is inaintanied this will be the heaviest cattle year on record. Wichita still leads all the towns . on out railroad as a shipping, 22.361 out of 38,903 having been shipped there. Tito Calilornis barley crop is enormous. Miscellaueons. The ,Doubt Dispelled. Wm. floyden, New MLford, Pa., Is now offering an entire now stock of DRY GOODS 'ally 'elected for Spring nod Summer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES ttne largeet and beet variety In Northern Penneyleant& raisttsi etc Carols, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No- tions, etc., etc. Eller). article Warranted as Represented. No Varlatlor in Prices. dew 31U(ord. 3.1ny.15111 t.aL-:u1 Ca1t,22i134262 0801 -4 VAV - E .1=" I=L MT MIZE ! The andernigned will keep conriantly on hand and for tale, eery low, 3Pqa.a,e•, PLATFORM WA GONS (for one or two hones,) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, WISE WAXLVIIOB PATENT WHEELS, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons Heavy spring wagons. second hand camagesand op. en and top hogeies. for sale cheap. Will make to order to suit parties. all !lade of Lar hag... Work Warrantea. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at SpheralDo. Pa. Enquire at D. L. & W. Express Ogled of • D. D. SEARLE. Montroee, Pa., Dr at Springville of E. 11. CULVER. Montrove June 9, 1574.—tL TAINTS .i-ND OILS A FINE STOCK AT B. LYONS & Co.'s Montroes,May 11, 1671. C ARPETS. CARPETS AT 80 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. Y. Prices— Mayll, 'ls. For Sale by B• B• LYON S AI, Co SUGAR. TEA, COFFEE, and other ,-3rc:)aex-leis At Low Figures et B. IL LYONS I CO.'d WALL AND WLNDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the Danafactory, B. R. LYONS & CO. Spool Thread. Coat's, Clark's 0. N. T., and John Clark's Spool Thread. White &lack, and Colored—from No. 8 to No. 130, at IS cants per dozen. For .ale by B. B. LYONS dc CO. Month: me. May 14.1813.—U THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY! COLE BROTHERS' ;I 2- 44 1 / 2 i , ) : 7 11 , i Uhl* :7 4 i szf:i 0 A SURE CITHE FOR ASTHMA, COUGH. COLDS, uROUP, ALL COMPLAINTS OF LUNGS, LIVER, KIDNEYS, RHEUTMATISM, and a sure cure for the PILES. Be sure and try it. Beware of fraud. None genuine nnlesa sole by COLE BROTHERS, Sole Proprietors, 31<mtrose, Pa. Or 1),) authorized druggists. Oct. 7, 187.1. —tt. FURNITURE WARE ! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH I .ziLm. P. ar. rlcommazriew3 50 Washington St., Binghamton, Consistingof everything nameablein that business. Repairing promptly done.. HOER Eilrbooliailty. PRICE* RE.AbONAISLE. Sztlokactlol?,gc.t.ratitced Othgbaßzton, N. Y., Align,* t..20,1.513y. impitorr. SinNE.—The an :ersigoed' has j 1„ Berkmbirr Boar, and almo a Polaadetrta,or gin, for this &IL • NEW GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY To all In search of a good bargain we extend a cordial invitation to call and examine our stock, and take prices. We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and give us your custom. Dry Goode Department. Dress Goads, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank ets, Shawls, Cloak lugs, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &e, Full line of Milllnery• Goods, Zephyrs, Worst eds, Germantown Yams, Furs, and Furnishing Goods, Carpets and Oil•ClotIs. 13vi!fiklc. Roboa, Lap a Montrose, October 21, 1874. Binghamton Adverthiomonta Nl' NAT 3' I 3FB. WIC. Poor c 0 liaTrzErt Merchant Tailors, 57 COURT STREET, 33xxvitamr..a..therrcarz, N. "sr ARE NOW OPEN - LNG A LARGATOCR OF MEWS & BOYS' MING Gouts' Fonisha Got, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. W 9 extend a cordial invitation to tae public to cal and txamine oat. Eir Oar lotto Is, Not to be Undersold. aja JOHN C. FOOT. - - 0. M. HAWLEY. Binghamton, N.Y.. Oct. l'tb. 7374. The Cheapest Place CROCKER, OGDEN, & CO.'S Phetp's Bank Building, I.= - 1.a., , L... - } WIIOI,ESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. HENRY DITSON & SONS CIRCULAR AND CROSS-OUT SAWS, Celebrated Hand• Cut Flies, The Best in the World Binghamton, Oct. 14th, 1874. At No. 33 Court Street, BINGELIDTrON, N. Y. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, !a we bare just returned from the City of New 'fork after purchasing singe and well selected stock of FALL AND WLNTER GOODS of all Mods bought trom drat hands, we are now pre, pared to offer condi at prices that will satisfy the Goren buyer. We hire also added to our large stock of Dry Goode, an Immense stock of CLASTII, CESSl- SLElitid,ann 13K&VERS forkten and Bo•ya wear. Wearer now prepared to make who will give as a call as we have grst class wormuen engaged :or the ceases. Ladles end Gimmemun, you will please call andezam. toe oar stork before you porehase elsewhere. Tankful fur past favors, we hope for a continuation 'of the same. We remain, Yours Hi:spectra C.& A. CORTBSY Binghamton, Sept. 52, lett.—ct. Binghamton Marble Works . , . . All kinds of Monument., Ileadstonse, and Marble blaatletr. made to order. Also, beeteh Grattitti on J. PICE.ESING a CO., J. ricassnra. 1 LS Court, Stret, G. W. szsesezer.} , G. P. mows. t. ' Binghamton, N. Y. Oat. SS, lirr , M. L. CATLI,q Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. 0115,0041 FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY CI Mt TO CS (ZiCIIIIMP.WILIEIIII GUTTENBE DI. S. D Opposite ExchaogeElotcl STOCK AND PRICES ON. N.Y We aro Agents for AND JODN ROTRZRY'S NEW GOODS. SUITS FOR ALL Clothing Department Ready-Made Clothing. :Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Suits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over coats, Tama% &c. Buck, Kid, and Wool Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shirts, Knit Jackets, tints and Caps, Trunas, Umbrellas, tte., Bows, Scarfs, Tics, and Mufflers. A floe variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and Cassimeres for Custom Work. Meas. urea taken, and gond fitting and Workmanship Warranted. la 3W.corieso 331...aals.atial. eibc. IG, ROSENBAUM & CO. saaner, Managing Partner. Binghamton A'avertisments PORTER CARTER. & JOHNSON, •~.~~. • _ ~ _ ~ o} .. • HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FM: ME AND MECHANICS' TOOLS. Agents for Eivcroot's Eltoo/ CSlrcacactel SEAT SPRINGS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS and CALK STEEL. ac. BIIHRETT S CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK FEED CUTTERS. Drew. A2,-t. firs Us, 87 Washington St., BINGHAMTON, N. Y Oct. 14th, 1875.-Iy. Pt COES I IV SI <26l\7' 'IS Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! 88 Washington Street, .131a2613.vrixitizme., N. ir., You will Find the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Y ViilollW[ilt3 1 OF ALL KINDS, At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York. All Goods Sold are WAGRATED4s Represented E. D. ROBINSON. THE INDEPENDENT Sewing Machine ! THE GREATEST AuHIEVE3I.OIT OF THE AGE I Sews from but One Spool of Thread It bas but six working parts, Is no:eciera,and sew, more rapidly than any Machine In the Market. Has a self-setting Sirenlght needle t Combines Durability with Beauty and Simplleity.and has all the Modem Improvements. "'A FIEST-CLASS MACHINE ON A BLA CE, WALNUT TABLE 808 $35. .A.geritis 'NENTlsatect. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Address, TUE INDEPENDENT SEWING SLACIIDIECt Dee. 24, 1 Ens. Blnghamton, I. G. Bann. G S. Kamm I U G. BLANDING. —o— NARAT.T WORKS. [Erratum:um ix 1840.1 BARNES.BROS. - gintiNDING DEALERS IN AIM KANIIVACTUICERS OF gtatian gat/in ' It gi tbits, AMERICAN. AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St., Near Depot, Ma 114.1873. SINC; &ILION. N.Y. AVM BILLS PRINTED AT THIS OFF/CD. Drugs and medicines. tip-gar Bitte s ire, • .ar •lyVe•,:elehle. preparation. made fr.m. :be native herbs frond 00 the Lov,-!• r.)!”rt'i of the Sierra NyVhtla mountains of (lali:ernia, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the rase of Alcohol. The question is almost daily ii,lash "What is the causo of the untiar.dlel.ll Sll , Cean of Vrstaxn Mr nits?" u m . ,meaer is, that they remove the cars • , If n . 110,1 the patient recov ers his health. TI ey are the great blood purifier soul o principle. a perfect liellovator aria IliviE , rotor of the system. Never befiir.. in th , of toe world has a medicine be, •, c i po the imnarkahle q, ual l ra, n. V I N1 . 0.t r. Burl runs in healing . the sick re ec I ruse incur is heir to They ,re a rz,c , b • rgutiVe as well as cc follie. rebesimf, Con•foob, a or:in flammation .4 the Liver- Vl,CCfall ill BiliOan DiSva,on. If marl wrd enjoy 'Nod hratiB. lot them n,e ViN ec AU I;rry ii rw dicine, and avoid the low of nlco:,oitc chic. u tante in every form_ IM 111E13=1E!I I!!! I=l Mold by nil Druggists wad Dealers 6,pt. 10th. 1:44 --tan THE EAGLE_ 11 C.ILI'6 PROPEJEToii, Et= 3Et x• 1 01r...13 / alt.. 7MC cr xi. t c•si Our tdo k of Dram. and Medicine, lee complete. and rare taken to have eve, vlieing of the heed (polity. The publiehma v reed ...Ind tient all niedittuer that leave our re tore .hall Lc rie. am, are repro:melted. pore dad an adulterated., PATENT NI El) ICIN . . . . of all kinds ralldd tor, on hand ut rcasonn&.h• prices fly personal and strict Ott en, ion io hmine•s, st atl timer. wnliopc to merit the cunddence and [astir of the nub!, Nlontrore. April 1, 1.,111. ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, curalkidally nit:cueing NEW Gimp:3, dud ktcpv cut, tinually uu Paul a fill turd devirable niivurtihekt of geu attic DRUG,. 3I ERR. IS ES, I ICA Ls. Itlnar.tAle Dye-tad,. Tem., CI, Ice, al,l other grucerlt -1011 - Uttrl., Trull pAper. glue.- italic, fruit Jars, mirror, lamps, autumns, Leroveue. ulactituery tamer,' oil, neace foot oil, n:tined ['hale utl, tel for tauten., oil fur v Aqui; I.llaLtibicri3ollvt . Oit,riperin oil, oplrl Is Tarpon. tltte.Yarilletiev.Laaar. :memo. [begat Totrieli muted Lye. A kie ilreave. T rover,. SOpportt rv.Medlcril Itistrunreute shoe liter Litaer, 11 Lam, Pletulv Cartrulpev. Powder, Stud. Leue „I. an Cupv,Bioutilair Pou dui 000 for Vlultl.e.etrinc, BOVI brie. Fhlrtr r, Fifer etc.. Flel. hook- as n Lion. !Et t nod 'Pal IctStiapt Ilatr Oil,, hale Iteeturerv. and Hair Dyce firovbev, Pocket little,. Spectacles. Silver nod silver P.ated Spoon, Fork, Ili ece, Sic., De./ ii.t Art {cll., gaiter 6l4leortnaqg of FANCY 00t-?5, JEWELRY. unit PERFUMERS All theteatling 11 bort Linde ul PATENT XI Et/IC/NEP. . . Tle people ore ineßed to call at the Brog and Varlet) Store 01 ABEL Tr IiIrELL Feb.1.187:1. Establle hed 1848 Printing THE MONTROSE DEMOCAT For 18174 CONTAINS MORE LOCAL SEWS, 3IORE E2VEI A L _I"E. BETTER STORIES, BEEPER FAMILY READING, The :übscriber will hereafter make In. adertaclng spectalty In his business. 'laving ju• t completed it NEW and the nut: ele e Tant HEARSE .a the Male, all needling Ms cervical will be attended to proutptiyand at efitiefactory charges. WII. W. SIYIITH & SQIII. 110 R E Rif 11.11 TER SI Montrose. Pa— Jan. 3 , r,t4.—.os—tr. MORE CHOICE POETRY, AND IS A 33 ettor Taper TILtN EVER BEFORE Subscribe for it 'Yourself I Ask Your Neighbors 10 Subscribe 1.5:, per Year iu Advance rr II 3M r .1M w "DEMOCRAT" JOB HINTING OFRIE Will compete with any giber In this section in cheapness, promptnCas and quality of work. Its stock has just been nplenisheA with lIAILDWARE, IRON,. STEEL.; N AILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, "lILDER'S HARDWARE, L IN.& RAIL. INGS 7 '1 Biala h . T 'RAIL SPIKEn 1:21LB042) & ..ILLVLSO BCPPLISS. t; rIBBLIOE, SPETN O,S AXLES . ; SKEINS d,'ND BOXES, BOLTS; NUTS and MASHERS, PLATED BANDS, 41A - I,LEABLAB MONS, HUES. SPOKES; . NBL:I,-OES; SEAT SPIN.DIEs; BOB'S, A KvILS; VICES, STOCKS-and. DIES, BELLOWS? HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES, de, d.c, CIRCULAR AND VILLSAWB,I3FLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. RAIR d GRINDSTONES FRENCH WINDOW GLASS.LEATHED aFINDM.*Gs - PAIRBANK'S SCALES. I JOB WORK- •- .• , - E. B. HAWLEY & CO. . • ' = LS OPME,OLIZAP I - .a a -- i N, . , f•- . ,:- " . 1.",- - '-i ilaw akolisiil,>J 'o2_ iti -I A 5V.a.,,,..v a1i...L1ci0 , 4,1 l're, ..--..., 01 various styles of beautiful letter. Posters, Show Bills, Lland Bills, Programmes, DOdgers Blanks' of 411 kimis, Business' Cards, Visitia Cards, Book Priming-, etc. Attoraey's Paper, books printed with neatness Mid dis patch. Call on or address MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, • NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. GRIFFIS Si SAYRE, Mare opened, at the old location et M. S. Wilson. ho the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to sea nil 01 our old Mends and the many uew ones we hope to coin. Our stock will consist of In all all llarilwaro CROCE:EBY & OLP, .SWAH.E, to largo qn.litlee and variety. SionaWare. Nona Wtal, i100.1.-Ftll nielitnrx Goode and Grneerleo. We wall Ore part'cular attention to the Greenly Trade and keep a full a..orttnent of Tear, Sugar; Coffees, Fatally Groceries & Provisiois. 0 rariet,. bait nod Floor. We &tall keep coo tomtit, ou hand Polo brat to nt door at much leap Mao old vireo, and warrant It to plet.e. Goods delivered prompt /a toon( town rnatomera. TERMS:— Our temt& will be attictly ' (eami nr protium) Thin It will he well to remetai h er a • rm. will he the secret tour low prices Vi aree.intl Tent that by calling nud examining nur ends mut prince emu . will Mid that it inn! be fur year later in try our i,3tod3 and tonne .Arrrz,:pos ORIYPII. K. M. SATIM Motarupe. May. 1813, STROLD, General INSURANCi AGENT, MilEc:mits-c>osic,. Pa. Capital Represented, 3100,000,000: FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSET ANUE : Lis...spool. London .t Old Be " $20.000,060 los. Co., or North America " *5,2:0,000P.n.. Mire Inn Co., Phila.. .. 459,ta0 National. Phil's, .. $300,00U ~... Inv. Co.. State of Penn'a ~t.,•' SOOO,OOII Union S tonal $400,00 Lyelltning Fire •' SII.000.AK1) NI erehaills' " 450,1=0 N e n t o e ~,,r Bucks Co. 300.00 Laneavier Fire Ins. co. pp •• 1130.010 Fire Ao..otlatl.. of Phila . . 2,1100.010 Lehigh Valley Flee. Allentown, •' 2=4000 Alemrwinia of Plltsborg, I' 400,000 Pennvyl-nnin Inc 10., Phila. 1.300.000 Fortner' c Inc. I'u.. of Phila. =O,OOO illy Fir. Inc. Co. Providence, It. I, 310,000 Boger Willtarres lea, Providenee, R. 1.. - 3:4,011) Watertown Ins Cu.. Watertown, N. Y. 600.100 Home Inc. Co., N. Y., Cop I tal and sarplua, 84.000,000 Ails. Fire Inc. Co.. Hartford, Ct. 4=1,0W Hartford Firearm. .Cti..l.. apitul an d Surplue $ 3,000,000 Home ins. Co.. Culambnc. O. " 14,1110 CHILI:IIN' Fire Ins Newark, N.J..' =O,OOO The undersigued Ic SPECIAL AGENT for the follow. lug companies for Northern Pollllnylvail la; Fire Asvoelation of Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire fricursnee Company or Laneacter. The Insurance Co. of the State of l'etinnylvanta,ol Philadelphia. A. B. IiCHNS. A MOS NICIItiLS Conn Motcal Life lus. Co., Atoott 1M.000,000 American Lilo • Phll'n, $4,500,000 CIC,XX:O3O Traveler,. to s.Co-liartford,C - apttaland Surplrtec2.(Xlo.oC6 Railway Paeeengent Then ndersign ed has been well known to thiscnonty,fot the past 17years.unan In.uratzco Ageol. LAl.,csnielnined by his Comb:ticks have always been promptly paid. tttr - Olteellrstdoor cast from Bunking Office of 117 It. Cooper tt Co., Turnpik est . Alontruse.Pa. BILLINGS STROITD, Agent CHARLES H. SMITH, SoßeßGra. Motaroov. Nov 18 IS4. .IF I- At W. W. Smith & Son's Extensive Furniture War Team you will find the large. Mock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON _V' XT .rt ra - 3c 7E' 'ET 3SL 30 To be found in till, nectlen of dm country, of hie one manufacture, and at prices that cannot fail to give astii , raetion. Tbt y make the very best EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, and WARRANT them' llpholatc. IXT 3t. UI all iambs dour in the new-t tuannei. PR=N Gr la ZZO OF VARIOUS RINDS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING GET THE BEST, TAKE NO OTILE,R COLE EROTISM it so' Restorative Balsam ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, CROUP, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN IN Tim SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA, &C., Also,—A sure Cure for the PILES. No Cure No Pay r - Address all Orders to the Proprtatoi, CIIAIELES L. CRANE. New Milford, Pa. S ept. Oil, 1624 —IL S. S. CAMPBELL CO FINE, PLAIN AND 110LASNLN DANDY. Importer]: end Den-ere .n FOREIGN FIWITS Ts,,,t, Fire Works Constantly on Hand. - Noe. 422 Market St , ana 417 Merchant St. Phil's March 15.1574.-Iy. • I LIUNT BROTLIERS, SCRANTON, 1.11 Wholetale & Rant] Dealcr*ln - MiseollEtneous. MEE= 3n.,oaLci - 5 ,- -X.43,7*, 7_. X W M . WILL ACTUALLY CURE County Business Directory. Two lines In Ws Dlrectorit, one ytar,. $1.00; inch* ditional lino, GO CCIVIS. MONTROSt WM. lIABLIIIWOUT, Stator, Wholesale end Itetab dealer In all kinds of slate rocang, slate paint, etc. Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. Also. elate paint for aale by the gallon or barrel. „Montrone, Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Genera Niro and Life last• alma Agents; also, sell Itallroan and ArcidentYlckr t to Now York and Philadelphia. OfLce onedooreast of the Bank. BURNS NrcuoLs, the place to get Drugs and Medi CIDCN. Clgare, Tobacco. Piper, Pocket-Books, Speeta ales Yeutter Nodose, rte. Brick Block. BOYD .t CORWIN. Dealers In Stoves, Elardware and tdanufacterurs of 'No and Shertlron ware. come; of Data and Turnpike, street. A. N. BITLLArtiI • Mater in orocories, Provision• Books, ritatiann and Yankee Notions, at bead of Public Avenue.* W3l. 11. COOPER & CO.. Bankers. s ell Foreign Pee. sage TlckLds and Draßeon Englend, irchtnd and Scot, lend. n WM. L. COX., Fineness tanker and dealer In all article; usually kept by the trade. opposite the Bank. • JAMES E. CAILMALT, Attorney at Law. Omen one door below Tnebell Howe. Public Avenue. NE* (MILFORD. L. L. LzHOY. Dealer In all klnns or (arming hople meats. mowing machines, well' curbs, dog powers, etc., etc., Men St., opposite Savings Dank. lams SAVINGS DANK, NEW at ILFORD.. I , Is per mt. In Meese on nilDepostts. Does a general Danhing Due nese. 4111-ti S. D. CHASE & CO. lI„GAISHET & SON. Dealers In Flour. Fer,;,d. ales Salt, Lime, Cement. Droceries and Prov'smns Main Street, opposite the Depot. AINEY & HAYDEN, Dealere in Dfllo and Medicines end Manufacturers of Cigar., oo Main Street, nea •he Depot. N. F. KIM DER, Carriage Maker and Undertaker Main Street, two door, h.•low Ulmley's Store, CAYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SLIOEMAGEIt.des. crtn onelne Cartes Plaster. Fresh ground. McCOLI.CM 11110TUEILS. Dealers GrOcerles and Provisions. on Main ntreet.• 7. DICMEILMAN. Jn.. Dealer In general merchandirt and Clothing„Bricic Store. on Main Stroot. GIBSON. R. M. TINGLEY—DeaIer In Stoves, Tin, Copper, firasp and Sheetiron Ware, Castings. to. Also, tuauntactur er of Shea Metals to order. P;ve Trougb and Lend P 1 pa. business attended to at fair prices—Gibson l'eunsylvacta.—ly. GREAT BEND IL P. DORAN, 3lerchant Tailor and dealer In Deeds Made Clothing, Dry Goods.Grocerles and ProTlaluns Main Street.• Miscellaneous. NAILs, TINWARE, HARDWARE. BOYD & CORWIN Corner of Main and Turnpike Ste MON'x'ROBI7, PZL., DELLB63 13 .E; T CVNT.MieiI TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., INTdalles, by Cho , ;Er..rag. Thanks to our Friends for Past Furors We would be more thankful to one and all who know they have unsettled accounts with cis, If they wOnld call and rattle by the middle of Feb. 4,1674. SCRANTOH SAYINGS BM, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RETURNS THE SAME ON DEMAND WITHOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOWLNG INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS; AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES - BLAIR, SANFOhD GRANT, GEORGE FISH • ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN C. P. MATTHEWf, DANIEL HOW ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT: JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C MOORE, CASHIER . . OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE. NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCh. Feb. 12. 1873. HERRING & FARREL, 12187 33ract,clwavy N. 1r MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF 1 1 .1. re, craicl ISraza-61 - air Pro of The aldeet and most reliable firm In the Unttad States They took the pare medal awarded a C the . WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON! All 'Sates are warranted free from dampness and cot. roeioa BILLINGS STROUD, agent. Montrose, May V . IIECSIIONV ,b BROTLIEII, General Undertakers DEALERS LN ALL KINDS OF •COF . Frxs, CASKETS; ETC., Orri.MILA.T I SFIN77. Maezioreer ALLOUDEKS PROUPTLY ATTENDEDTO V, RacnnOx a Eno April 1.9.1878.-t1 FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENI Insurance Agency. cainei REPRESENTED OVER $20,000,000 C. SMITH. DO. mon. - moattosiNft,
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