ruE DEMOCRAT. I ").. lu33d3y, Sac. 9. 1874.1 0.4 clus,l in Nea lurk. un Suturtlay I" 1111. 01 I'n'n a I the eolititir4 the stair of New York rh me twit 111 , i utiirlitlMente toted un as the last election bar , been adopted inuj Tides ruliging from 85,985 to 559,:i 658. The Montrose Republican can't b.-come recd iciled to the election of lion. Jos-pli Powell, from this district tiny more thaU it cull to the inert:ming p polarity of the, DcMocntT. Mr. P .well bats also "siting the bosom thut nourished" Homer which is the "Ring." t• bail I. But Homer utll loov have (true to cut los Cutindti I istles na at summer. Buss Tweed has apparently but un4 more chance to slip through the meshet of the law. He can take a writ of errot to the court of Appeals to test the validity of his sentence, and pos.ibly may in thik manner escape servlng the remaining eleven years of his time. Ile can hardly expect a pardon from Governor Tilden who was the chiefest among his acusera, Mayor llavemeyer died suddenly in New York Monday morning Nov„ 30. He went to Flushing, L. 1.. in the morning, acid on returning the train brake down and he walked two miles againit a strong wind. Shortly after reaching his "thee in the City Hall, he fell to the floor in an apoplectic fit, expiring without a struggle and without utte:ing a word At the time of his death, the libel suit Of John Kelly against Mayor Havemeyer was progressing in the Supreme Conk. Chambers. The Court was immediately adjourned when the intelligence of the Mayor's death was rec'eved. 'The Republican party," writes Goy Hendricks to a friend in St. Louis, "can not destroy us. but we can destroy our selves." To put on the cast off garmenie of reptiublicanism with the assumption of political power to fill unnecessary alleles with hungry applicants; to keep up salaries at the point to which they have been advanced by the greed of of ficeholders; to continue exorbitant taxa• tion and appropriations; to cover the trucks of dcfaul•ers and criminals because they are democrats; these are the open paths to self-destructiOn. When the de mocracy consent to be led .by bummers and camp followers they may be marshal ed to these quicksands, and if they ctit be so lid the sooner they tail the better. Their victory would be worthless to the people and ruinous to themselves. The question of artiffeial batter is one of the unsolved problems of the day which appears to be struggling along to some sort of a solution despite the strong chances against its ever being an accept ed notion in the public mind. Innumer able are the devia-s tri-d to find is sob etjtute for the old-tima production of Or ange coulty. It the N. Y. Times is tb be believed artificial butter, coloring mat ter and a few other ingredients in small proportions, is re‘lly becoming quite alt important article in trade. Large fact ories are in operation in Hamilton. Cad ads, and other places. ' The proprietors use about fifty pounds of suet oil, and churn it an hour by steam, power; it is afterwards cooled in vats, and then work ed with a single lever until all the milk is removed and the salt is worked iii, when it is packed with ladles in tubs.l - butter is as clean as that of *the dO ries. and with the exception of a slight taste of tallow, which remains after the substance is melted, cannot he distin guished from the genuine article, except by exports. Experiments are being made to remote this taste. It is found that this butter can be sold a ll the way froml6 to 28 cents per pound. The asset tio , , is made that it has already come into wife in many first class hotels and restaurants If the invention proves satisfactory to tie public. it will be a great advantage. The Alabama Conservative Commit tee's uddrefo. 'soled a few days after the recent election. tas the following words: "The phrty we represent is firmly pledged by all tit it is suer d among men to use its utmost etidea , ors to tiring the blessing of „rind governm lit to all the people of this Stats, aid ii nl r the Pr ivid.nce of God. t rem tinsto be Eq.!, whether our fry is ermol t3l tt e r. spons.ble aid al , . du ais duties it Ins undertaken to per item Yielding .1 cheertill obechehhe to the laws .•f the Ctived Statesould prompt. lv bearing iitir shore of the burdens of the Geherut Government, whether in war or in plow, we must also cultivate, such other el:atolls that the citizen+ of every State cmn;iosinz our great UlllOll who may from time to time jinve with na or &lite into our mulct shnil re c,iv, that anti hearty welcome at our loin& tine to brethern of thi• urea! hinuteh•ilii. wit 11 , .Ut regard to •litference, of 'nib icei opinion:" sentnnen! , are t,. Le given any c6?,•r>•6.. >ill. it lull+, .itow t6.i• • r••••• 1 1, :r S •ntil , rti Stntes , 41'4 • •1:1T-r •Fit • 0 2VetiwIshd • L.] 1 , .0,•• itn•lritir the t In•re v , r.) ih, A:tv, two „r , !e<l • 1 ,, ;v. ..v.l!, ..s in Ow ~S dr...s. pe with Filhj - teo r .I'll/P 111 , 14 lintfitable 811111 y. is ~, that ih.litiebtas of the "'furious Joys ist” stamp wilt not int ilia svortuaity, pau away unimproved. The Greensburg Rnpublican and Dem i ' , Tat Finnests the sl.oll'ion of jury coins tilissi 616. It saya toe county Cl/1111111A :.I"ht rs n.. rorre,••lit 6.01. 0 lie ITII - li , V :ud lu..j , .rit 11l eau . c ',soy ii.d there is no runner iieuse h•r the adltiun nl exiiense. Right. By a recent decision of the Court of Emirs and Appeals, of New Jersey. the opinion of tin court below is affirm..d, hat nil agreement by a railroad COM. patty to carry goods for certain per 4 sons at a cheaper rate than, under the carne conditions, for others, is void, us creating an illegal preference." Dv a new device in telegraphic instru• meets, the transmitting capueny of a single wire has been quadrupled, in other words four inessugeS can be sent over it at the same time. The system of quad rilp.ex telegraphy is now 111 111%10 iC . II on the bite of the Western It graph lc 'mom! between New York and Buff..lo. Under the old system 800 words per hour were about the average. By the new syst.m 4,660 words can be transmit ted per hour. The invention will increase the value of telegraphic stock by dimin ishing exp-ms-s ; acd it is to be hoped that it may also cheapen rates. A snit which involves millions of dol lars is now pending between the owners of the Woodbury pimping-mill patent and toout six hundred lumber firms who have joint d together to resist the claims of the patentee. Woodbury's patent was rejected at the patent office as long ago as 1848. After two unsuccessful applica tions, in 1873, in opposition to the judg ment of the officers of the patent office but in obedience to a decision of the Supreme Court of the District of Col ombia, a patent was issued. April 29. It It is estimated there are 53.000 machines in use with the Woodbury device of a "rotary cutter," and "yielding pressure bar," and on these machines the owners of the patent demand a royalty of 8160 per y.-ar. The aggregate of their demand is over eight millions of dollars, and is pushed by a company organized for the purpose, with a capital of 84,000.000. The most eminent counsel are employed on the part of the patent company, B. F. Bottler, Fisher it Ducan, Judge Wake field and Jenckes it Thurston ; and on the part of the lumber manufacturers, W. M. Everts, Caleb Cashing, Edward Pierpont, John F. Drew and others.— The suit will be tried in the United States district court, in Masschusetts, and its result will be of great interest to the lumber trade throughout the country, as well as to patentees in general. The Court ol" Appeals of New York has rendered an important decision in re lation to the responsibility of the several parties for a check which had been alter ed atter it left the hands of the dravier and had been paid by the drawer. In the-original issue the bank which paid the check sued the hank which had collect ed it, to recover the difference between the sum paid and that for which the check was drawn. This suit went against the claimant in the general term of the Supreme court, but the Court of Appeals has not allowed it, thus reversing the decision of the Court below, and the col lection batik must p'ay back the money. If it cannot recover the sum of the cus tomer who deposited it for collection, and who was duly paid the money, it must loose it. In rendering this decision the 'learned Judge says that "if a bank which certifies a check warrants not only the genuineness of the drawer's signature and the sufficiency of his credit, but also the genuineness of the check to all its parts, including the specification of the amount to be told, and the names and indentity of the payers, then obviously there must occur an immediate and complete change in the modes of doing business which would defeat and practically put an end to the use of certifietl \ checks. For no bank under such rule could safely i certify such a check without in the first instance investigating its origin and history by inquiry of its maker end payers?"' The cooking up of the lasetlebt state me nt seems to have cost the officials of the treasury departmei.t considerable trouble. Instead of the customary re auction ofAhe debt there was an increase bur in.prder to keep' up the pleasant illu sion in the public mind concerning the I-Auction o the debt, the payment of considerable amount of drafts on the treat-or) . was postponed until after the first of Decetnber. By this process the treasury officials were enabled to antannee a reduction of $lOO,OOO, A disagreeable confession of the condition of the teas was thus avoided. But it w.mld have 'been better to have made at once the frank acknowledgement that fur the last six mouths the treasury receipts have nut 'guided the expenditures of the general g ,, verninent. Such a confession would do inure to check corrupt and extruri amt. schemes for the dep eteou of the treasuay than the most earliest speeches • , f Mt. Dawes in behalf ofretretichtnent and re-ortn. Tilers is nothing at WI surprising in this condition uk the reasnry. It was to be expected that he itraonati in of the bas•nedg 14 the the nation cannot fiatiti.h while the r Sins of the treasure. The retenues of nation e:1111110 fle)(lTith mobile the re of a I its citizens are diminishekl. But it is ',rut fin tric;nl wisd-rn in &ere -•ary Bristow or nis it , . lllllltttesi to COll c , ul Ow condition of the trenottry by such esp•dienc:es us this. A.-- New aubseribera for the DE) OCRAT are added every dap Don't wait too long. 'runnels are now projected under the Niagara ri% r at Dortalii and the finds n :11 New been comment. dat the lasi 11. , 111t. his most tiotenortet utideriusdig id this kind, now com.emplaied, is the 1.,111111,1 under neath the Borah (Jimmie! between Eng land and„ France. Tue plans for this work are so far forwarded that. estimates yf its cost are made and will be laid be fore the legislative assemblies of Loth countries during the present wilder for 511311 action as may be deemed advisable. The thlt,Sal.: tannet, in Massachusetts, is lint yet /II such a state of Clalliliet lon as to allow the passage of trains. A large part of tine cut has to be arched wiih brickwork ni order to prevent the falliug of loose rock ahicu continindly occurs. A double truck or steel rails is to be laid throng!' the great bore. The Official Vale lollowing is the official carte of l'enneyhtwia f ,, r Lieutenant. Governor, Auditor General anti Secretary of Inter nal Affairs. Latta, Dem .. Ohn.te,td, Had Latta's majority Temple, Dem Allen, gad.. Temple,s majority M'Candless, Dem Beath, Rad XrCandless' majority A Strange Story Thirteen years ago a young man wooed and won a young lady in a village not far from Davenport. The parents of the girl objected,and there was a dOal of trou ble ; but finally the couple were married at the home of the bride. Three months after, the bridegroom desired to move to California, but the family of his wife opposed her emigration, and the result was that the husband started for the Pa- cific Coast without her. After the first six months no tidings from the husband werereceived—and in less than a year news came that he was dead. In 1863 the widow married a ‘oung man who had recently univtal from Germany ; and her second husband was entirely ignor ant of the fact that his bride was a wid ,, w. But where "ignorance is bliss, 'tie folly to be nice." Shortly alter the marriage the husboml purchased a farm in Scott Countv,and on that farm -the couple have lived ever Since,and several chil.iren hate blessed their union. Four weeks ago the first husband of this woman arrived in Davenport, and on making inquiries learned the history of his wife's marriage. Then ho rode oat to see her. It was fortunate that her liege lord was away from home, for she was very much affected. She told him that she supposed him dead, and so married another, and eluded him for neglecting her as he din. He had u long story to tell, the real gist of it being that he hid determined never to r , turn until he be came :ich. And here he was—rich! But his wife was miserable in his presence— and he was miserable too. The end of the conference was that the first husband returned to Davenport to consult a lawyer—and the end of the consn'tation was, that the husband went to the wife and had smother long talk with her, and then the two separated, never to meet again, for the man deter mined to moss the ocean and spend the balance of his days in Germany. The day he left the wife ectered tier suit for divoce on the ground of deser tion ; the notice was forthwith served on the defendant, and he accepted service.— A: the next term of the Circuit Court the defendant's name will be called and there will be no response. There will be default, and decree of divorce granted.— Ahd maybe the wife will be married a second time to the father of her children and so remain contented in the delight ful borne in which she now lives iu ele gance and comfort. The Diancets Financial We do not feel warranted in changing our current rates, although some deu era report a haraeooig trod , icy. Stocks are depressed aid an uhsettled feeling pre t aiis. I.,tiders are cautious aid scrutin ize ly collaterals and credits Where ecer thew• are sati,faotor.., however, there 1 , no dificillty in ohlaming a ny ne , c l,..j accommodations. We quote cell !nuns at 5 per cent. Strictly first class two-named paper was negotiateu at 5@6 per cent., atid siogle-named paper at 6@7 pet cent. loans m. governtilmit collateral rule at 5 per cent_ on other first clues hoods anti stocks at 6 per vent., at d mare inferior co lateral at 7@l'i per cent. Srcoud grade paper is now in favor. Gold opened at llii, rose , to 11-1, and chased at 3 P. H. at tout figure, and ad vance of }. Gold .... .......... ... V% A 'k Silver i.l. •. Cr. 1241 12'34 15934 5.20 Coupoo 180 113 1133$ 6.20 Coupon 11%3 11415 115 . 5.30 coupon. 110.3 11615 1/7 S- 2I Coupon. '65 Jy . 118% 110 6 53 Coupon ]w i ...... 11935 ISO 64/ e 4314.11 1868_ .. 119 123 Now 5 per et* 112% 117 M 10411 e 114 11435 Merl rF Ezrba.,ge 542 5473( Porto P..xonuoLe 491 M CA Currency bd. ... .... New 'Fork Produce Illarket epo-trd Er. n Wv,k Ezpre.l7 Tut MOTITROSZ Lcsiocluvr b. Rb,dep fi ncrver , 'roduce .lua alvrchant• Whl4h4ll.treet,New York. Hurray—Flrkio rbolce eelected 40410 weieb Tube ... 81. Pate. Ora uge Coon: y ....... ......43 g 45, Palle , ntamou ...... : .. 30 Ge 37e Cuarez—star. . ......... 13441_63(e elute tintriea . ... ...14 aftlsXe stele Factory. fair to good . . 3434a130 EGGS—Sta Weelero cboice ()rondo ... . ... Q3 O Pouvrer— pp og thicken,. per . ...... ..15 16c Turkere. prime 15 43 160 Tortug ...... . 9 0 (C 3 1 Ofits—Pigroue, eta Ii (cd. per do -, 6 . 3.3 30— Tame per pair 95 400 Partridge., State prima°. ... 90 0: ppleo. Sour Doegb per 5M....115312W New Apples. sweet 1 4 .6 10 1 1 1 3 Z Pears Uartlett... ..... 400 Peas*. Del., Pe/ 111 • 1 4 0 .. 1 00 Special 11IoUces ReffENC/i8 iIA SDRAEE PILLS Will be Mond to possess those qualities neces sary to the total eradication 01 all biilious at tacks, prompt to start the seeretiotis of the liv er, and give is health) tone to the entire system. Indeed, it is no ordinary discovery in medleal science to have invented a remedy for these stubborn complaints, which develope all the re , sults produced •dy a heretofore five use of rai!n mel, a mineral justly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged In be destructive in the ext•eme to the human system. That the properties of certain, vegetables comprise all the vi, toes of CalliEnt without its injurious tendencies, is now au adm led fact, rendered Indisputable by sci entific researches; and those who use tile 'Man drake Pills will be fully satisfied that the best medicines are those provided by nature in the in:motto herbs and room of the field. These Pills open the bowels and correct all billions derangements without salivation or any of the injurious effects of calomel or other poi sons. The secretion of bile is promoted by these pills, as will be seen by the altered color of the stools, and disappearing of the sallow complexion and cleansing of the tongue. Ample directions for use accompany each box of pills. 'benzins' only by J. H. Schenek & Son at their principal office, corner Sixth and A rub Si is is. Philadelphia, and fin- wile by all drug gists and dealers. Price 2.i cents per box. New Advertisements EDITOR'S NOTICE —The ondentlemed. an and, It for appointed by the Orphan.' Court ol Su.ate. henna County to dbarthutc the hands In thc hand. of Erl Deortt, AtlMlnielrator of the c.tate of John local non, deed. will attend to the thole. of hie uppoo., men! at bin Wilco In Montrone, on Tucedny.Jannary alb. A. D.. 1873, at lo o'clock. a m. Allpert , . Interc.t. od will preeent their claim. at that time and place or he ftrever debarred from comlne In upon raid fund. P. A. CASE. A t.dltor lloatroec, Dec. 8, "74 -Ov AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed an Auditor, by :he Orpho...' court of Susquehanna County to distribute the Nod In the hands of G. IL White, administrator of the eat. 01 Elluo A.Lovr, deceared.will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at the Commissioners °face. In Montrose. on Wednesday, Dec. D. 7814, at 1 o'clock, p. m, al which time and place all persons Interested In said fond moot present their claims. or bolos - neer debarred nom cum. log lo on said food. WM. A. CROSSSION, Auditor. 3lontrose.. Dee. 8, 1874.-Iw. -276.925 -272,310 A UDITOR'S NOTICE —The understlyned. an A ndlt, appointed by the Conrt of Common 'leas of Stis. quehan. County. to distribute the hands In the hones of 0, P. Little assignee, to and among the creditor, of W. -NI Tingley, will attend to the dudes of his ap pointment at the office of Fitch St P atson. in Montrose. on Wednesday. December 01.1874. at 1 o'clock. p. m., which time and place nil persons intere,te In sa•tt (hod must prevent their elainue or be forever debarred from coming in upon said fund L. F. FITCH. Auditor. Montrose, Dee. 8,'74.-04 GO -.7 "' COMMISSD , N PAID ROOK AC/ENT. On new nod most popnlar book,. byone the larcrel rn eubscrlptlon firms In the eintry. book• for I•LI c 10.: $.3 books for 5i.211. Sc. ro boml.r. Send for clrclihre and non. Address O. Box 53/ Dartford, Coon. 49—hr LIAVE YOE TRIED rt.triEtimisA. ? Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are yon so fancubri II:Mt - any exertion requires more of an rtf.lrt than you rl q,ohle of m.flong Then try JD IttIIEBA, the woodertul lock and Invie orator, whicn act, Po beneficially on Ila •ecretiae or• gave at to impart vigor to all the vital loess. It It nn I Ifohholic nropetlzer. whim Plll far a snort time, only to let the sufferer 101 l to a lower IN ptli of misery. hut It In a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the Bowel., tinkle the nerves, tad Ovrp ouch • healthy tone to the whole system us to sea.. make toe invalid feel like • new person. Its operation Is not violent. lint is characterised hr great gentleness; the patient expert. sic, no sudden change. no marked results hot eruilmilly his troubles "Fold their tents like the Arabs, And vtimitly steal awe)." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedi .1 results, and is pro :mune cl by the highest medical autnnrities,••the must pOWerftll tunic and alterative Monaco." Aek your druggist for It. For tale by Will. F. KIDDER & CO., 43-4 w New York. Musical Gift Books. VERY acceptable and permanently [literal presien • to mue,si be on• of the following valuable Works for tale at all &lea' Stores or will be vent by mall, poet paid, foe retail price. JCST PUBLISIIED : PIANO AT 11011 E. 250 lun.Te pages. filled with the hen Piano Duets. [font hand rdeere,) furuirhing en unfailing fund of home en tertatument. ORGAN AT HOME. For Reed organs 3:X/ very popular easy Orem. Gems or Gerroan:Fg Vocal Gems or ScottiPl• n'tz.Vocal I Gems 4 Sacred Song. •. Gme of ntrauss. Instrnen't These hooks are holy coact* of ••Gems" 4 the kind indicated. The 'Gems of Strauss - constitute the most brilliant music ever published in one volume. Wreath of Oem. Vocal Silver Chord, I Operatic Pearls. •• Shower or FearlsVocOnets Admiral collection of Songs and Dusts. Musical Treasure. Vocal and InstrumintaL Planifl . • Album. Inetrumental. Pianoforte Gems, All the above splendid rollectinn• are uniform in style and bLeding. have Vein 230 large pa4e. each. are filled with rho most popular mole. and not I Boards. each In Cloth. $3,00. Full 6111. $4.00. Elegantly bound and most Inter,ting book% are ntsc. the Lives of aloourt. Weber. llcetbor,,, m e n. dels.ahn, Sea Price. from $1,73 to $2.50 per column. OLIVER DITSON S Co., CllAs. 11. DITSON A. Co, Boston. 711 trdtway. N. V. 99-1 C [ nay Al. 1674.-Iy.: Administrator's Sale OF REAL ESTATE. BT virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Susq. County, the undersigned will expose to rale on the premises to Forest Lake township. on Thor-day, Jan. Bth, 1073, at 10 o'clock. a. m the fo.lowlng described real estate, late of Joel Terrell. dec'd. All that certain farm situate in raid township, bounder. on the north by lands of Stanley Terrell avd pp :Inc highway; on the east le, lands of Patrick illeCahill and hand, ph Torten: on the south by lands of Randolph Torre!! and tether lands of estate of Joel Turret! deed ; and on the meat I” lands of Stanley Turrell, containing one hundred and fifteen acres more°, less. This farm In Ins cur • desirable prop erty, having upon it a fine atone do tiling house, gots! basis and abundance of choice fruit tree, belt,: well watered well and immanently fenced. Also a certain other farm sl mate In aforesaid toe nsielp, hounded on the northwektetly side by lands of Robert Under ill, IL F waded( nod Stanley . urrell ;ou the 00.1 by other lands of the estate of Joel Tarred, deed and Randolph Terrell and 11.F.flandrIck ; on the south by lands of O. It. Johnson and on the went by Lends he e Sate of James ntone deed: containing two him dyed and three acres more or lees. and about one bond. real and fifty acres of the same improved_ and having tip. on It good houses and barna, a thrifty young orchard. a valuable atone quarry. acid plvsly of wood and it area. These Lerma adjnen and together constitute the tonne stead property of the late Joel Jarrell Truss er Sat.a.—Ooe third ol the purelta, moue) down; one third in one year, a.: d one third at the de sours of nary. a Id.. of Joel Terrell deed ; the latter two Judgment with their Interest payable annually, to ho secured by bond and mortgage ou the pretni,s HENRI F. lIANDttiCK, WILbUh J. TUIIRELL. Forest Lake, Dec. S. 'l4 -6w Administrators. Nona Better ! Iwrite I.llciee In the ("flowing ecimpeniee Franklin Fire Inn antic° Arovie.t3.3oo,ooo =MEE Germ Ma. Niagara. '• F arm York. 9 0.000 Queene„ London. 10.000.0b0 No ••Tieer-Cate —All National Board Com peril.. and op a cnnnequenee, pound and reliable. hoeing lug been trod and tawny. found +unity, at all. who have met with loam v.ut my Azeuey.wlll testify Tbore who have patronized me, will acrcpt my thanks. And to these who have not, I can only •.ny, I promioe to do by them. If they will favor me with an application. as I do by all, pre them Insurance taint fur their money. Very Respectfully. ENICY C. TYLER. Hartford Accident Inixtrance Company Po Idea writ ten from one day to one year by lIHNIIT C. TYLER. Join the Masonic Benefit Assoeisilon at Serration. Apply to HENRY C, TYLER Montrose, December 8,1874.-ti DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—In the estate of /I F . :slant Corey, late or Lithrop.deed, letterevf Ad ministration in the said estate having been granted to the, undersigned, all persona owing said estate, are requested to make Immediate and per baring claims against said estate are requested to present them without delay. A. 0. W ARREN. Admini-trator. Montrose, Dee. 2,14. ♦` UIIITOR'S NOTICE—The undersigned, an Audi. Li tor appointed by the dodges of the Orphan's Cote in soft for the County of SIWILIC1111111:111. oneseeptione In the final administration account of William Hoot. executor In the last will of Abigail Jones deceased will intend to the duties of his supolntment. at els of fice, to Mot rar.e.ol Saturn'', tenuity 2. 1415, at one o'clock in the afternoon. MI psrtie• interested nre here. Sy required to appear and present their claims at the Above „fine and place or be forever debated. J. E. CAILSIALT, Auditor. Montrose. Dec. 40-4 W. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT- Male or Female, $3 O V per week warraniol, co capital required. Par , Millard and 'sizable samples sent free. Addrdis witb. 6 cent retort' stamp, C. aoss. 47-4 w Wllliamstuirn, N. V. JOB PRINTING AT THE "DEMOCRAT' OFFICE, CHEAP . , - A ..........,,e 4 ,-.- ---.y,z-,- - . 6,,,vi r , - . A . : , i, ,, 7.... . t;i 1f . : i ;? i,'- :. 0 . , , v 2•F,t ,::).. ,e ,,. 7 1c: 101- - 15.. w i r___: , ::"'H!' , ' ... ‘%.:_, 1.: , ,, ,,,, fi t...,:, ! , , , , 4.i1 , 41,j,.. ,!,,,,,. : ,4 44..1, .. r k '-:' I 1 ' I . •1‘ . .;-: zq- " , ..,, .' .. .:A. - . ..•,, .."..'.!" %P.:4 v - 07" . ..`i. 4. 41Ri . 3.1".... .., . ' k,..?,..41- - gt`ii.... 4 ' o,, -1.' ,,,, '..",^ `,.., ' , -1 1 , , '',... ? . , FOUR C.A.RMINAD With every iota of unnecessary ox- pence cut off— Buying rat First Hands whole Car goes of Goods at one time— Watching the Market, and using Cash when it as Cash— Manufncturing systematically and with a Business Experience of Four- Z teen Years— Ba . sang our Selling Prices upon r , Money paid Down at Once, rand thus save ourselves from losses and delays usual to credit business— Si:lrking Proper Names and Quality of'goods on 'rackets, and in Plain Fig ures, so that CHILDREN may Buy as Safely as CROWN PEOPLE— Returning the Mnnoy when Parties Prefer to Return their Purchases— FITL.L GU. Thorough Attenuon to all Depart rnentra— W,EVAILAICER anal BEOW2V. Pilseellaneous ff=iMMiE For A, N lt i!kr.l h E r lot a 11, rboir. o o Penn, you et', , th.• I, b• 1.4 ork o et. a lr et PoLkot, unioo, rabltp and. 111,1.11.:, bur, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES In tlitlrnen.nn. 11.7 V of Ow h.-, Wheat and Buckwheat roar c", -,1 •.; (Mt Meal. onl Packlngv,tlt. Ihni• and Itri.d lie , I. Drlndnndl'Anned TOBACCO, CIGARS AND •Nt:l,l, A new et or of and Slatea, and o fine n tot- k of nttekt-i :ysoat and lot a of ollte, to tut Wown and to an! 4). a la, in t.. 4. -1/.. rile, 0,11.0 nlnk.. 'S b, 11 • • I,Ti'l• brlit • - 11.aet P 1 r v-111. Try if au, yoa gill b.. ect:Vltif 1232M1:1 NEW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP the po:or I . ` , lO. 1111, .111( 12.;,,;;11; 11;;;U . ..rk...i111;• 4 Mot_ • ;1. (;Eu..l. l'I;IN l: &Cu ORGANS AND MELODEONS. The ulde+t. Ler,, , 1••• t l'erfect or) In 54,()0 0 1;31!IM No other Mia.ll,l 1.1 -1 runwol ev. I attained the nine rtrScnd for Pr.,.• Li,: Addro,r 11.11.. - 1 , V.11L0, N. V DIANHOOD: 11,,v, I,:i. 11..1%. 1Z,,t,.01.1: IJIO/I I I II • /1./10/d / a ri , n ed dim, ol Dr. i'als es well's Cr, Id . , d k/ 0 ,1 / 011Ii0 rellcal . n If h oot 41.1111 /./ / 0 1 ' I I, /VI irt•rr, 4,1 or n eak nes,. Il ..,,,,..• LI, , u.s: al I.,:s.ea Inipnli lief:Sal /11/11 In:, .• a, It ~, ~ , a ~,, l: sp...h a:es : I. Ni as . rings, e r . a'...,. : 0 1/.1/1111 1 0 11. 1.1 , ..ep5). ,:al FIIA :ri• dlaced lis ,•, If 1 ~ '. • : ... ~ - •,,,,,. . ti rto ,I ill, I ie. The crlet,,c, a : . t •,r. in i : , :a.IIIIII rat: , 1•:•••• Le clear .y denional: at, f. ii a iii,rli iea, sitar, --In , pr. :ice. that the :0,, or, r RRIR, Roo tart, of - I il -.hula to-y he imillcalli inn, 1. , 111. 0/' I ••• ,t.a, 1• ,, , 11 0 / 0/ to:er- 14 ns:l median:a I / //0. 1.1•1/ , ii. 1,11 I, the fo 100 • , poRI 14 i , Lint a IlltRIlt• .4 cure . 0 / e - qnp., r, ,tn.n. and ed.-C. MIL hy rneans ~, soß!oldt to‘ery -141 - ,...r. il r Walter ulna his r0ud1 , ,, , n Ina. I.e, in..) tore husirelf al:a:tidy, prn vately. and floßlo, n I o ‘ o This Let Dare -Inaii.l be in Ilia hautis OI ever) p.m; li and every man 11.1 , ,, land Sept , ,ua pia, any n;tdreet‘t poet paid. cm i; c”,; ;.I - nitt. 4,r tw,yo.t eta top,. Adtlre”; lb, 1 Ilt,l-11,1,. lI.A, C 0.. Y ,k; Odin. Ito, 45,6 .1 BLATCHLEY'S :,.. :.. 1r01.,,,,i t l't 'UMBER WI inn IT II l'. l'aetel,, Dim , le, Eli.:, nt. - a awl Cheap Tt.• 1...., 1.:,,,,,, he tine leant nen...). Attentien 1. e-perl.ntly 0 ihented no B,IAiIeSII latt Init '.. Patent Itn. np•••ent Int tn 1, lirep Cheek Vnene. t; bin In can he withdrawn • e Wheat removing the Pump or tiny .. Inr . •lnn, the jonnty AI., the t 'op _pe• ( n.onnle , in Inneln eye, erarks Or e. Ale, and e :II entlat any ether. 7 4 for nate Inv Ite krt.& the Trade f . e . j .:: , • i r , ..1 00 ilfin:s, for . I , nrnntnn . 1, , n elnle•nn FI nn,e ...Linn et tan your CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, 115nufrirtarer. ~,,, , °lnane inn • If.. I'lnvadelplort, Pa. . - April 10.1,74 FASILIONS. -‘Sniitivf Illustrated Pattern Bazaar." Th. ONLY Magazine that L3tYOHT9 STYLES and BELLS Pattanus of them. Only ONE bouex & tai owns a YEAH with Aspienaid PREMIUM. Bee Mg 011e2beloW 2., ,:- an , :;) 21)14 2014 . 41 •r . '" , TFA., .L.k.1.,. ....-• - i, ,_,lv , l in 'AN' -•! A 11 , .-. A t . : : rt. .1 fr\ .... _...... ~,-,....,,,, ~.,...,„_ ; ~v.., ~,,,. ii,,,,.... -7-i,..,,,,,,r- _l x ‹....V... i'... ,0 1307 ..',- t i. 1 , 1 , ~:i -:,,,i, f',,,.v,:,, ..4k ~,,... ~......„:„ ~..,,,,,,, .;,,-,, ~,,,, , 3019 , 4 ~.---- •-----... .4 ' , : - --, --.‘ 2302 , Di y-rurTroN or Tritsr OrODAVINGS. doi 0 nae,,,i,,.._tr,.r, I.a - - ,i1..1.- All Str...- i'lkt of Pattern, with Cloth Model, 0.00. o 301 n. 0 . a“rti , ..,- A.'l '...., - l' tern, With ( lot It Model. 0.0 ree ls . 2011`i i.i. c i ...t ow I nique-Three Sults irrone-Puttern, mitt Cloth model, 60 cent.. vt 1307. 1.....iy's Waist -Late.t tlealirn-All Sizes-Pattern, mull Cloth Model, 50 cents. 21102. lioj a Solt-tuxes, 2to 6 )t.ire-Patton, with Cloth diodel,l3o cents. e .. , 4 - , - - t r--t-r b , 4 - ~-;z•-;.') -.. ..,'" a -' ' _--4,- , ,A. -?1.14_, ~ foc,.•.: j ,- r., . ... , ~., f,, - , -.r.ii:-•:`,V, 1.,, , `" - ..., - t.,, ,4 '.., ,i t . , • 4,, ~ rv. , ..,4 v.,'4 1•. 0q *, 1 _ a ' i 9 i 2 , 2815 28f5 - ,:• 29 15 ROI 1 i OH it. Lativ's Coat WeNt -All Stare-Pattern, with Cloth Model, 25 cents. ~,, ...4 ., 2915. Omsk (i.e....1m -it wilful-Pattern, with Cloth Model, 25 cents. 421 , 1216. Lury's 01 -I at.. 4 and Moat Relish-Pattern, with Cloth Model, 60 cents, 2915. same. Cie:L- , ..rot.are oti others-All Blare-Pattern with Cloth Blade!, 50 mists. 2901. Lai) 'e W'a'r . '. ea or Jacket-All Slrea--ruattern, with Cloth Model, 25 cente. We give a p-neat C LOT il 1100 EL with every pattern. which shows inet how to put the gist , talent tegeth r • ever toeing cut by the pattern. They are PERFECT GUIDES. Amy Pattern on thin page mailed upon receipt of marked price. 21:121%. "Ltit= Dutyrtivata." I wHOLESAIIL rl. For R 2 worth of Patients at the • marked price scud El 1 . 130. For 113 ','SON,ni .. uarth send 12.25. For fill worth Feed f 3. 110 P 060 :G 7 who Cril tutu / H • 111. *3 for 14 worth ot neatens, will be entitled to this " v''‘''.G Bzaar for one year FREE, without pirmicans Aiii 1.- , a. can a.... SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR ` . u. ...=11 SMITH'S ILLUSTRATED PATTERN BAZAAR, 1,..... only One Dollar and Ten Cent! a Year. al.. a ~.. ts. .tut And a aplondid PREMIUM to each Sub. = scriber FREE I Sea below. ~... rea., Cr Ate Two of the above patterne and Smith's In. ' YU ' 1 1 stout Dross Elevator will be mailed - PlUdg, mPre '',Ll ',ll;i i plu m, or ONE do o lla ur re orth of PattensePßEE,to be selected :o, l e ' ..g_' C i f g u isTn ' or 111 ‘ ioi Io w I Usu n' Olt o il r fir r elleiffS t a2 , 11 C a ITS EASTER 110LIDAY: OR B ' , 1.1' Lg. ISIS ," R ,- r. 0.'4. "NARY AND 11211 PDI'Lli.3l "ORthe t•HATItOSI,II er cons F- . . 4, R. r .,;, " ITYI% ELCOILE VISIIPCII,7 Tb . cta c HROMOS mu, eonL - 11 . Imam n, end SELL 92...W1LY tar from 111 to nti elms. til. oie.o h tn. Cr =1? 'OZ . ..9. crxdrrx3. 'r "'E . 'S. WO ~U lgh. ono chromo extra to the Person who anainit e ts. yo le ~, MO , to two P.l.e.riutru (12.00 and Mx stamps for postage A p iA ,= CO Chromes and Rol:1.m)la onetime. lifire- - etZ. -- re - 7.5 eCy.e...a. WeeillghetwoChrottiosextra forget, ortibterlbeis; three cblomoy cattu or SCil n ; four Canners extra for eight, or YOUR CHOICE of en enormous Camber of beautiful Premiumßi See 8ALA111,../ „Each Subscrlbermoutocui threo .n tn p s to pip return ''''''''''''g n WILT ITIIVIIM. 50 00 i Cold ~.wol to CCDLD °COIN 51c persons who get opal° t est club locust Baz aar n b,.raeen nuke and First of linearity. The person who gets up the Ltitr Jet Club will get $l7O arc" old. coin, and a Premium on Tre.o Subscriber Sent ..n. exf angest 5.20 In gold cola, etc., etc. Wo CAVE 81,009 in cow on last DAZAARAIO SO persoos whose names and oddrerees will litouted bil th.. 3 BAZAAR, with the number that each on. tient. Get a copy and ter. Sample cony mailed for 25 emu. "Smith.' Lutructlon HMV or .s=o of Dreßemaltingt lu cents. 001.110 goo tuall..l for one stamp. dddrias, Nen , plain. A. BLIRD'ar - rn SMITH._ P. 0 BOX 4110.1.5 014 Broadway, now York City. OB YIiavEN.TING fidence and support of the people of Philadelphia, as well as strtingeris and eothers now visiting tho city. Remember the Four Cardinal Points: 4 111 au k • Itti ;a> , ,r , .•; , ... , ..... 4 , -.44-3. ,• g arp , --t ..„..---..e , ....„-v, ,Ari,,- • t ini ., « l A 4.ilf• • a''' ,4- '.' ' .A... .:. "..•k"' ika. ~, . . r . Q - ..,.- - w. ''..- 74,-- ; 4'1,4 T ,t, - • , 4,!••-• , ..„ ......t, -,,,, ~ •- .........-gr....44 . .. x's .:. • ,•,..: ..i'o THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE 1N AMERICA. S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. F BEET DIALOGUE BOOK. To be aent „Twat. Tprid for Twenty Cents. addreex lire. W. 11. KING i s URIC. Tarrytown, New York. 47-Iw - - 1 1 k r Val' I. Nll4l :0 1 1".`404',1N.17c;.% erlling cbromott, ktereoorwroc Vleo - n. Map: and Cleats. Apply at 01/. to D. L. GVERNSEY, Concord. N II -4w GENTS, 46.000 Bones. Chang Chang, sold last ss, month. Enabler any otr. to polish shirts, collars and entre nud to new. ...hi only one cent to do a noon ironing, and preserve u the linen. necersary as 1.0111, :1114 ...lir at riot. Mete Women. 13oye and Girls form -lied with study employment. Particulars free. an wossut elirrono Oren with each box for 35 cents. •11,11 s Mate: Co. 7 Wert Sc, Burton. 48-4 w • 300 PIANOS & ORGANS NeW and Seen ltd- Hand, of irlert-Claia Mak er. ...In oold at Lower Prleea for corh. or on stollments. or for rent. In City or count." , dor - Itra ttaese Hard Times an' the 110LIDAYm. by Gott ACP. VC TERM 21:. SON. 481 Rroadway. than ever before offered In New York.— g. 'I to wanted to nen Waters' New Seale PI SA .14.1 Concerto 41ral:km..1G strolled f7ata• id,:.:lle. Malted. Great Induretnents to the Trade. I discount to Teachers, rniinh, tern (Tin relies, Lodges. Schools. rm. 47-W 1 . RV!. EYE: AND HAN INiTITIf lE. fie N. 11 ('lleriee titteet. Italliinore..Mrl George Reuling. Prof of and tat teirgery in the Wath toceol. l 'liver-I.). borgooii to ('boy: The hit, h u dour reeidence of ihr late Chariot Can (Gird op 311 fl e imProvoieo. , l4 1..1 cht. latest tobool. of Fitrope. it r the tpeoffil t rem noon of thle class of dresses. Apply by loner to GEORGE It EU So.Nt. D.. —lw burgeon to Charge. 1, 14 lit COVOIrs. COLDS, TroMISENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELL'S CARBVI:Ie Tt,BLETS. l'P 'NLY IN 131IXE BOXES. A TRIED AND SCIIE REMEDY. Sold by Dru,glAtn. 47-4 w DON'T Bet be ,otre to come to COL'S STATION, oo the Montrone Railway, and Ult. for What We Have Not Got. ant we will serve to have It tomorrow 1 0‘711cik, t V 7 PO 3MCcv4O Cii-e=44 1* • FULL •560niSENt Or It Vatag G VOCE RI ES, PROVISIONS BOoTs AND SHOES. YANKEE NO TIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A tine lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES, an of which will he sold as Cheap as the Cheap est for BEADY Pay. All kinds of County Produce Taken In Exchange for Goode at the highest Market Niece CASH I'AID FOR PORK, BUTTKR AND POULTRY. or shipped to responsible Cott , salon Merchants In New York. Oise us a call. .ra NI RTM. JON.. MARTIN & JONES. Combining ell these merits, we pinto our Business on the most SOLID FOUNDATIONS, and invite the con- OM PRICE. With the Largest, Most Stylish, Hest I Made, add Cheapest Stock of MEN'S and GOYS' CLOTHING, wo invite, you all to call on ue. Dancuy a Co READ THIS! EIIOCHAT OFFIC ONE PRICE! CASH ALONE! roi ft die kiAl:Ct ht ao , 1: 4 p 3 11J ~~~~ WAYAMAICER and BROWN. Miscellaneous COAL ! UAL ! The beet Coal la market to be bad at the Dunn Station The anderelgned. bluing had long expvrienee in the Coal trade, guarantees aat I efactlon. I=l E. P. STAMP. N BULLARD. OR AT Will be promptly attended to. Can be rem at E. P Stamp's, ev.ingt, front G to G o'clock 0. D. Stebbins. MEMIIII=EII 11. iaa°3o ll l", would call at , entlon to the New Stock of Fill MID WINTE:II Loos, Now on sale, In new 43 0 D LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AN D COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF plum's, SHAWLS, WATERPROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL cooDS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO ANWLAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W ARE. I 111. iN .15 AILS, STEEL, STOVES ANo GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will be 801 it on the most favorable terms, and lowest pikes. 41. BURRITT. • Nov Milford, Nov. 11, IS7I CHEAP CASH STORE! We pay Cash for 00.1,3, and fell for Canh, and would recommend PEOPLE FROM RINGRAMTON and vle.nity, vlaltmg 31outrose, to GIVE US A CALL before porchanlng elsewhere an It in generally admitted that e, sell the same amount of Goods lot TWENTY DOLLARS that they sell to Binghamton for tiventy.tive dollars. New Goods Arriving Every Day ! READ STROUD. Montrose. Nov.ll, "71.-Iyr. A NEW 49112LaNGEI1IENT ! PIANOS & ORGANS, dt Lr B. Isboll's .Towelry Stand Wttere a Urger and better elock or the following ',twilit will bo found than eltewhere In Northern PentwylvattiA I=ll EWELIIV S CLOCKS. SOLID SILVERS PLATED WALE, DI.tMOND SPECTACLES, and a aeneral as•ortmont of u.ical Merchandise, Sheet M slc. Viuila rtrlegr. err. rte. All Floe Watch Reps Wry !Solving Machines and Or door. pia u-n. 11,) by gave Ilepaired by L. Lt. label). V. Mt:Quash. Isbell dr.. rlelhuish. 31ontro.,e. Pa Sept. 10, 1367.-1 y - f i e N 7 , OMNIBUS LINE. The auderilgned hip an connibai lino miming to at. cry Leath on the 1). 1,. h W., and Erie Hallways it Great Bend. I=l Shipping or Ro-Shipping Baggage at either depot will be promptly attendee to. The new river bridge In now completed, hence there le no Ferrying. CJ.Ef.R.XIL3BG-1:11E1 always on hand to convey pasionguro to any pulat in he nurronndlny country. U. BUCHANAN. Prop'r. Groat Mild, Aug. 19, 1571,—y. VIE CONVESAIONN OF AN INVALID, üblithed as a warning and for the bensfit of Young Man and (allure who -.infer from ~E EVOCS I.ols Or MASINOD, etc., supplylus the tutus of Self. Care. Written by one 'et hu cured Illtarelf after ander gotng couritlerablerlqacicery. anti sent free on receiving a port pill! directr_o envelope. tatigerers are inVitett to r.011(11011 ilk' nut her NATIIA'AIEL MAYFAIR,. P. 0. Buz tri3, Btounlyn. N. Y. October Ttli, 1874.—Cni, pAMPULETS CONTAINISO Tnr. O'Mara Murder. Trial, Foil SALE AT -tuns ORM& COAL 1 (OF ALL liINDSJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers