FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. The Weeders of a glen's Egg. The following interesting observations on the changesthat aunt nom hour to hear daring the incubation, of the hen's egg, are from Storni); Riflections: The hen has scarcely set on her egg twelve hours before some lineaments of the head and body of the chicken appear. The heart may be seen to beat at the end of the second 'day; it has at that time somewhat the form of a horse-shoe, but 'ho blood yet appears. At the end of two days two vessels of blood are to be dis tinguished, the pulsation of which is vis ible ; one of these is the ventricle sand the other is the root of the great artery. At the fiftieth hour one auricle of the heart appears, resembling a noose folded down upon itself. The beating of the heart is first observed in the auricle, and after. ward in the ventricle, At, the end of seventy hours the wings are distinguistek hle, arid in the head two bubbles are seen for the brain, one for the bill, and two for the fore and hind part of the head.— Towaid the end of the fourth day the aur idles already visible draw nearer to the heart than before. The liver appears to wards the fifth day. At the end of seven hours more the lungs and the stomach become visible and four hours afterwards the intestines and loins and upper jaw.— At the 144 hour two veutricles'are visible, and two drops of blood instead of the sin gle one which was seen before. The sev enth day the brain begins to have some At the 219 hour of incuba tion the bill opens and the flesh appears in the breast. In four hours more the breast bone is seen. In six hours after this the ribs ap pear, forming from the back, and the bill is visible as well as the gall and bladder. The bill beeames green et the end of 945 . hours, and if the etiieken - be taken out of covering it evidently moves itself, At the 246th hour. the eyes appear. At the 288th hour the ribs are perfect. At the 331st the spleen is drawn near the stom ach, and the lungs to the chest. At the end of 355 hours the bill frequently opens • and shuts, and at the end of the eight eenth day the first cry of the chicken is heard. It afterwards gets more strength and grows continually, till at length it is enabled to get itself free from its confine ment. Varieties of Mien'. —o— The Reading Times has been shown by Cyrus T. Fox, Secretary of the Berke Co. Agricultural and Horticultural Society, sixteen different samples of floe varieties of wheat contained in separate bottles, neatly labeled. The following is a list:of the varieties, with the yield of each in bushels to the acre, and the distinctive peculiarities of each Bus. Lbs. Lancaster Red, red bearded, • 26 12 Shoemaker, red, smooth, - 27 32 Arnold, No. 9, white, smooth, - 28 46 Week's White, white. bearded, 31 8 Jennings, white, bearded, • - 33 28 Old White Choff Mediterranean, 34 Way, red, bearded, - - 34 8 Rogers, white, smooth, - - 34 52 Dot, red, bearded, - - 34 56 Bough and Ready, red smooth, bearded, 35 86 Brittany, red, bearded, - 37 .44 Foltz, amber, smooth, from R. L. Landis, Lancaster County, - 40 Foltz, from 3L Keller, Lan. Co.. 41 Poles, from Eastern Rinerimant. al T....‘rm, - 42 Clawson White Winter, a new variety, from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Egyptian Wheat, from A. Holtzworth, Lancaster poun ty. It will be observed that the Foltz wheat is credited with the largest yield to the acre, there being samples from three dif lereut farms, on each of which the yield was from 40 to 42 bushel' to the acre.— The Egyptian wheat, is a new variety, which is bring sold at the rate of 81,00 per one hundred grains, the entire stock in this country bring in the hands of one man. The Clawson White Winter, is an exceedingly fine variety of white wheat which the Department of Agriculture is desirous of introducing. The otber va rieties in the list were all grown on the Experimental Farm, at West Grove,Ches ter County, by John 1. Carter, Superin tendent, by whom trey were exhibited at our late County Fair. The yield to the acre was obtained from careful measure ments made, and the above is a correct record of the comparative productiveness of the different varieties embraced in the list. Land for Grazing. —o— In an address before the New York I State Agricultural Snciety,Dr. Sturtevant gave his ideas as to land adapted to graz ing and dairying, as follows :—When lev els or undulatings art nullecl with rich herbage and a temperate clime, we have the natural conditions for a grazing herd. It is well understood at prestlit that no change can occur in an animal without an equivalent expenditure of force. The animal which has to devote a large por tion of taken food with supplying the waste of force expended in constant wan derings over a scant pasture, or an over coming quantity in ascending hills and steep places, is at a disadvantage in stor tug fat or increasing growth, with anoth er animal of whiSm these efforts are not required. Hills check the production of fat by increa'ting the labors of the animal, 'the respiration is excited. oxygen in ex cess passes into the lungs, and a portion of the carbon, which might otherwise be come fixed in the formation of fat, unit ing with the oxygen,disappears. The art of breeding, in so far as it is the art 6f economizing forces, is shown to be with the breeder who beet adjusts his breed to that locality. To 'Preserve Apples Whole. ——o— Peel and core large firm apples; pippins are best. Throw them into water as you pare them. Boil the parings in water for fifteen minutea, allowing . a pint to one pound of fruit. Then strain, and adding three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pint of water, as measured at first, with enough lemon or orange peel, or mace, to impart a pleasant flavor, return to the kettle. When the syrup has been well skimmed, and is clear, pour boiling hot water over the apples, which must be drained from the water in which they have hitherto stood. Let them remain in the syrup until both-are perfectly cold.— Then covering closely, let them simmer over a slow fire until transparent. Where all the minntite of directions are at leaded to the fruit will remain unbroken, and present a beautiful and inviting ap• peaninue. • Dliscollammluk The Doubt Dispelled. Wm. Hayden, New MLford. Pa., tenow oftringaa entire now stock of . DRY GOODS ft.ttilly selected for Spring aueSiarcuner Tnido. BOOTS AND SHOES the bluest and best variety In Northern Penasylvanut. .lElCettis d 4045trus, THITNICS, TRAVELING Gents' Famishing Goods, Yankee No• lions, etc., etc. Beery article Wan Silted ea Represented. No Variation Ira Prices. New 'Milford. May nth ec02231341V2 FA TUE 'JP Co MR. Xla WIC ! The undersigned will keep constantly on hand and or tale, eery low, I= 6 33,eaetc)rus, PLATFORM WAGONS, (for one or Iwo horws.) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, WITII v.axerra's 'PATERS WF1X61.5, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons Heavy spring Wagons. second band CLITIZZOS aad op. en and top Niggles. for sale cheap. Will make to order to suit parties. all binds of tar- Ames. Work Warrantea. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at Springville. Pa. Enquire at D. L. & W. Express Ocoee of D. D. SEARLE. sitmcrose, N., Or at Springrille of B. H. ctrunrt. Montrore June 8,1874.—U. PAINTS AND OILS. A FINS STOCK AT B. B. LYONS & Co.'s Montrose. May 14.165. CARPETS. CARPETS AT Do CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. Y. Prices— Ha714.•17. For Sale by B. IL, LYONS it Co SUGAR. TEA, COFFEE, cod other crooorle At Low ?Imo, At B. R. LYONS Ss CO.'B WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the Ranaksetory. IL B. LYONS & CO. sllOOl. ThraNESl4:3l. Coare, Clark's 0. N. T., and John elarkli Spool Thread. White. Black, and Colored—from 80. 8 to No. 130. at 73 cents per doter. For sale by B. B. LYONS & CO. Montrose. may 14.1873.—d P ROCLAMATION =AA 7E3 szate Irzl All ye good people having anything to do be fore the+sonorable Judges of what is good to eat and drink come forth and give your attend ance;and your Wants shall be supplied; and all men and women who are summoned as Jurors to try the good qualities of our gouda please an swer to your names at first. call and save your fines. And know ye all that A. 17. Bal. AHD Is constantly receiving large additions to his stock of Choice Groceries and Provision, such us Wheat and Buckwheat, Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, crushed Wheat and Graham Plour,ihuns4: lard, and fish, dried fruit, and berm' ts,freals fruits' and vegetables of all kinds, On their season,) eager; (mania.) also molasses and syrup, teas and coffee, of the very best qualities, spices, soaps, salt, crackers, and cheese, raisins, figs, gelatine candles, candles and nuts, hooks and stationery, yankee notions, tobacco and cigars, canned goods, a troy large stock of the very best qualities, and all at extremely low prices for cash or ready pay. Montrose. Jan. 7th 1874. LIUNT.BROTLIERS, SCHASTON • kA. Wholtalia & EMU Deslerslu HARDWARE, IRON, sTEEL; - NAILS, SHIMS, SHOVELS, TILLER'S HARDWARE, mum RAIL, cOOII222ESSRE a 2 IL:LaSpmEb RAILROAD lulaNO brOPFLIEs.. CARRIAGE BPRINab, AXLES, sKEMS AHD BOXES, BOLTS. WM and WASHERS, ALAMO BANDS. MALLEABLE MONS, HVB3,SPoXES. PELLORS,BEAT BPI'S:BLEB. BOWS. 46 AN VICES, STOCKS sad DIRS. BELLOWS iumuras. SLEDGES. FILES. Be. Ae. CIECULAR AND MILL SAWS. LISLTING.PACEING TACKLE BLOCKS. MUTER FARIS. CEMENT. MIA 6 GRINDSTONES. VIIIESCR WINDOW OLASSALEATBER BEINDTKOS HALEBANEM SCALES. - NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY Our Stock ban been selected with great care and bought at Barrett PRICES To all In search of agood bargain we extend a cordial invitation to call and examine our stock, and take prices. We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and give ua your custom. Dry Goods Department. Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank• els, Shawls, Cloakings, Gloves, Hosiery, 'Merino Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. Full line of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst eds, Germantown Tarns, Furs, and Furnishing Goods, Carpets and Oil• Cloths. Thitrealo Xl.col.eis, X.atsvo E11312.a. X 302.11141, 3314A2:133.40t1111. dbC. Montrose, October 21, 1874 Binghamton Advertisements relEIN7i7 3P3C3F1.1411C. WM. HAYDN); Poor & ILIWZRFD Merchant Tailors, 37 COEUT STREET, X3X2VGME,A.Sha r r 4 O I I O, 7, N. S. ARE I , IOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S & BOYS' alma, Gouts' Forma Gook CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. We extends cordial Invitation to tae pnblle to eel , d examine one or Otir Motto Is, Not to be trodereold.ja JOHN C. FOOT 0. 31. IitiNVLEY. MO =ton, N.Y.. Oct. 11. h. 7874, The Cheapest Place CROCKER, & CO.'S MaeWs Bank Bid Ming, 337.1 4 .7C1-33.496.11eET1C1MZ. N. -sr Wso : ; . I I:. HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. CIRCULAR AND CROSS-OUT SAWS Celebrated Hand• Cut Files, The Best in the World 1 Binghamton, Oct. 14th, 1874. At No. 33 Court Street, BINGELAWITON, N. Y. NEW GOODS. I .fis we have Just returned from the City of :Jew York after purchasing 'large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS of a kinds bought trom drat bands,. we are now pro pared no offer_aroods at prices th at MU satisfy the unmet buyer, We bare also added to our Lugs stock of Dry Gouda, an Immense , stuck or CLAJILI, Ma nEdVatti fur Mtn and Boys wear. Werra now prepared to make A. N. DULLARD who will ere ns a call as we bare ant claw► worst - men to Jot the season. . Ladles and Oentlemen. Toe wlllplease call andexant• Inc oar stock bcture you parcluule elsewhere. ' Thankful for past Wore, we hope for a cundinalltlan Of the sates. 'We onnato, Tours .11,0pect1ull7, C. & A. COBTESY Blnghandon, Sept. 23, 1814.—it. • Eirahamthie Marble Worbs ! All lands of Monnotents. litadetones. and Etatble Mande*, maw to order. Mao. beutch Otazdtcs on !nand. - ' . f.PICHEZENG &CO., a-Ptcszttuto. If - MI Coot S treet. Ir O. w. =sae - a. P. IMMO- . ' 131:4Mo:don, N. T. . . Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. $lO,OOO I. JUST RECEIVI2I BY 1:111:Mt. onnvoimnza cr4coaxx2.tuanass Clothing Departnient. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. a. S. Deemer, Managing Partner. Opposite Exchange Hotel STOCK AND PRICES. We ere Agents for REFRY DITSON & SONS' AND JOBN ROTltgar£l NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS SUITS FOR ALL Ready-Mudo Clothing. Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Botta', Men's, Youth's, and Buy's Over coats, Talmas, &c. Buck, Kid, and Wool Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shirts, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, Trunse, Umbrellas, dc., Bows, Scarfs, Tim, and Mufflers. A fine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and Cassimeres fnr Custom Work. Meas. um taken, and good fitting and Workmanship Warranted. Binghamton Advertiamets CARTER, PORTER & JOHNSON, ~r ~ • 47T3.0 DEALEVS IN HARDWARE IRON,.STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' TOOLS. Agents for EiParootlis (Stool C3-cwcocls SEAT SPRINGS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS and CALK STEEL, &a BITRRETTS CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK FEEI) CUTTERS. iiirCALL AND Bas Ve, 87 Washington St., BINGUANITON, N. V Oct 14th, 1M5.-13 1=1.400381 PC IS ®l\T'!3 Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM I 88 Washington Street, 131magiadiziaatcoza., N. lir.. Yen will Find the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OP MitEtaNITTII.62 N 1, ,,0F ALL KINDS, At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York. All Goods Said are WARRATILD as Represented. E.D. ROBINSON. N0v.12 18A.—Irr TEE INDEPENDENT Sewii:lg Machine THE GREATEST ACHIEVEILCIT OP THE AGE Sews from but One Spool of Thread. It has but six working parts, Is ninaeleas, and 'ewe more rapidly than aO7 Machine In tho Market. Has a self-setting Straight Needle Combines Durability with Beauty and Simptleity.and has all the Modern Improves:, cots. larrA FIRST-CLASH MACHINE ON A ISLAM WALNUT TABLE YOU $33. .A.selia.tiss "Cfrfebsmted.. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Addreer, THE INDEPENDENT SEWING ALACIIINECt Binghamton. N. T I=l J. H. Balms. G. S. 11/131313. f 11 U. BLAISDI2I2. —o - BINGHAMTON lIIARBLE WORKS. [EreAsunna , rat 1140.1 BIRRES NOS. & 1111110111 C, DEALERS IN AND HANVEACTUREAS OD altletiCHUPiabitri, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St., Near Depot, Mayl4. ISM DING GAUTON.N.Y. lIAND BULLS ' PROITED dT Tl3lB 07/VWX. Drugs and Medicines. •Mt. Ilittem area purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VnrEass, Err. runs?" Our answer is, that they remove the canes of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has o medicine been compounded the remarkable qualities of VueroAn Brersas in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver audVisceral Organs, in Bilious Disease . If men will enjoy good health, let them use ViNsoau Byrum:l as a medicine, and avoid the ase of alcoholic stimulants in every form. 0. 0. ificUONALD & CO., Druggist. and General Agents, San Francisco, California. sad cur. Raaldngton and Charlton Sta., Nair York. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Sept. 10th. 187.1-6ois.. THE EAGLE NTBRE, BURNS ct NIC'HOLS, PROP22MTOII.3 SION OP TDIC GOLDEN RA LS AND MOUT4LA, 13ricat. 331a015., Ma cazver ono ia Oar sto•k of Drugs and Medicines is complete. and care taken to have everything of the beet quality. The. pblic May rest ser. d that all mediclues that leave cur store shall b e n the, are represented, pun and on adolfsroted. PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds called for, on hand at reasonable prices. By personal and strict attention to business, at all timer, we hope to merit the confidence and favor of the A. B. BURNS. Montrose. April I, IST& A mas 4 NteROl.S, ABEL TIIRRELL DRUGGIST, WEosatroao.,.. is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tinually on nand a full and desirable areortment of gen nine DRUGS, MEDICINES. CUEMICALS, Paint.,olls Dyestuffs, i.'LAS, Spices. anti other groceries, stonei ware, wallpaper, glussiware, fruit Jammirrors, lamps. chimneys, kero.eue, machinery sib, tanner.' oll.nesta. loot tall, refined Whale Oil, oil for lantern...oil tot wing ioaciiines, Olive 011,Sperm 0/I,tipirlt.Tarpen• One.% arnislics,Canar) Seed, VinegarYwash.Coticeti [rated Lye. Axle Urease, Trusses, Supporters,aledical luetruments,Shouldcr Braces, Whips, Guns, Pistols Cartridges. Powder, Shot, Lead, Guo Caps,Blastina Powder and Fuse I/lulu...Strings ilow.,etc. elutes, cite.. etc.,flooktiat a Lines,Bar and TolletSoaps Ram Oils, flair Restorers. and Bair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Sliver sad silver Plated Spoons, Forks, Knives, &c., Deatl et A....tides. a gener al arsortment of FANCY GOCIIS, JEWELRY. and PERFUMERY All theleading and best kinds of PATENT MEDIVINES. The people are invited to the Drag and 'Varlet) Store 01 ABEL TIIKRELL. Feb. 1.1813. Established 1848 Printing. TIE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT For 18174 CONTAINS MORE LOCAL NEWS, STORE GENERAL NEWS BETTER STORIES, BETTER FAMILY READING MORE CHOICE POETRY, MORE FARM MA2TER AND 111 A Setter Paper TITAN EVER BEFORE. Subscribe for It rounelf I Ask Your Neighbors to Aubseribe * per Year in Advance. T rc m iv m .vou "DEMOCRAT" JOB PRINTING OVVIOIi Will'competewith any other in this section In cheapness, promptness and quality ol work. Its btOCII Las Just been replenished with of various styles of beautiful letter. Posters. Show Bills, hand Bills, Piogramtnes, Dodgers Blanks ot , all ktods, Business Cards, Vlsltln Cards, Book Printing, etc. (X' Asti:lnert' Paper books printed with neatness and dis patch. Call on or addrtsis ' E. B. nammens co. Eliscelleuloons. MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. GRIFFIS & SAYRE, Base opened, at tho old location if 24.8. Wilson, ln the Brick Block Montrose, and we - shall he pleased to se* all os stir old friends and the many now ones we hopo to gain. „Oar clock will consist of Iron, Nails aii Iladwaro. CZ:M=3 CROCKERY 4 OLE SWORE, In large quantities and variety. StonolVare. Worm Ware. liouse-Fni ribbing Goods and Groceries. We snail give part:cular attention to tho Groemy Trade and keep a Rill assortment of Teas, Sugar. Coffees, Family Groceries & Provisions, In roll variety. Salt and Float. We shalt keep eau stand, on hand den brands of door at much less th an old prices. and warrant It to please. Goodndollverad PTAftgl:f oa r town totaiTzgrati,„i, Nl.oescl•iFft•lyea , y, (cash or produce.) This It win be well to :manna ber, as this will be the secret to oar low prices. We are confident that by calling and examining one goods and prices year will find that it will be for your inter est to try one goods and terms. Jcrennsas thyme, 8. M. 88naz Montrose. May. Mtn, '7l.—t.f. B ILLINGS STROUT), General i INSURANCE AGENT, 3STc.xitlrcoase. r'ez. Capital Represented. 0100.000000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INIDIDANCE LI:nronol. London & Globe I piie 6,110. Fire go . rt : zi O AJXI ,, ee . National, Pbll's. State of Poun'a .._, Union siutual . ..100,001.. Iqcoming Fire " ' 116,000,00 d Merchants' 450 . 000 Newtown, of Bucks Co. SOO.OM1 1 Lancaster Fire Ins. Co. .. ' =AO I Fire Association of Phila. . 2,600,4X0 I Lehigh Valley Fire. Allentown, ~ .100,000 Alemmanis of Pittsburg, '• 100.000 Ins. Co.. Phila. i 1 Farmer's Ins. CO.. of.Phils, 350,000 City Fir.. Ins. Co. Providence, B. t EOO,OOO Roger Williams Ins, Providence, R. I. 8.50,000 1 Watertown Ina. Co., Watertown, N. Y. 600.100 l i Home Ins. Co., N. Y,, Capitaland Surplus, $ 1,000,000 Atlas Fire ins. Co.. Elartferd, Ct. 400,0 W Hartford Fire am., Co..t.spitalandSurpitui $5,000,000 Home In,. Co.. Columbus, 0. , . 8104:11:4 Citizens' Fire Ins Newarlic,N2.. =l,OOO The undersigned is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow• log companies for Northern Pennsylvania: Fire Association of Philadelphia. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster. The inenranCe Co. of the State of Pecinsylrania,at Philadelphia. Ia I Ss 33 . Conn. Mortal Life ins. Co., Amite American Life. Phil's. . ELCICIZZIZEINT. Trareterp e.Co..Hartford,Pipttaland Railway Passengers $350,000. The undersigned his been well !mown in MI seonnty,fed the past 17 7 etre,as an Insurance Agent. Losses sustained by his Corneal ales burn always been promptly paid. IfftrOfficedritdoor east from Banking Office of W B. Cooper ft Co...Tozopikest.2dontrose.Ps. • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. co A D, s=4 IL SMITH. Solicitors. Ilootrose.liov.lB. 1814 At W. W. Smith & Son's Hyena lye Furniture War !room Toe vilified the larges stock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON WII7IR-PC I TrETPILIM To be found In this section of the cotmtry, of his Own manufacture, and at prima that cannot fall to give sails faction. They make the very best EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, and WARRANT them. 17 ro calm tor's- Vor is Of ell kinds done in the neap.; manner. EA V' Si XMT CIF ZS .113 =I OP VARIOUS RINDS. PURE NO.I MAT.RASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING Tho subscriber will hereafter make to., interlacing 1. specialty In his business. 1114 ta kt i• not completed a NEW hise meat elegant In the Suite. all needinervices will Watt= ed to prompUy and a. satisfactoryes. dmg W. W. SMITH 11. SON. Montrose. PL. Jan. 3'. reit —nos—tt. G iT THE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER COLE 13110THERIV Restorative Balsam WILL ACTUALLY CUES ASTHMA. COUGH, COLDS, CROUP, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN IN THE SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA, &C., Also,—A Bare Cure for the PILES. No Cure No Pay, Address all Orders to the Proprietor. • olleaurs L. CRANE. New 7111tord, Pa. ; Sept. 1614 • N . MI Ni 747 3E ° X 7EI. as 1 In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, —,dahtnnwanliarivnrwea WmMake9Blacgsmit im FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH - REPAIRING IN ANY PART ON THE DIMNESS sill receive prompt HOBERT ix MAIN. Lanesboro. Pe.. Oct. 10.1873.-tl. S. S. CAMPBELL. a =oo onotanuo su.soncm:ruzas or VINE, PIMA AND AIDLASSES CANDY. Latportent and Des.usin FOREIGNIMUITB NOTS,v , Fire Works Constantly on Hand. Vas. 422 i Koko% Atti Nerobsuat BMW* War 'County Business Directory, . Twollie• tits - Directoy; 000 year. $1.60; each • dlt total Una. GO cents. • lIONTROSE • , WM. ILAVOIIWOUT filater.'"Wholssale and Metal dealer In all kindo of slate roofing; slate paint, etc. Roots repaired with slate paint to order. Also, slits . paint for sale by the gallon or barrel. Montrose.„Pa. BILLINGS STROUD. Demers Vin and Life non. ante Agents ; alao,aell Itillrosa and AccidentTickt t toNewlfork and Philadelphia.. ORce one door east ofthe Bank. BURNS d NIOLIOLS; the plate to got Drags and Meal eines. Cigars Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books, enact. ales Yankee Notion*. de. Erick Block. BOYD & CORW/N.,„Dealera in Stoves. - Liardware and Manufacturers o Tin and Sheath= wue. corn et of Main and Turnpike street. &. N. DULLAK.D, Dealer in tanneries; Provisions, HOoks,Statione' and Yankee Notions, at head of Public Avenue.. WM. D. COOPER di CO— Banker.. sell Foreign Pan. sage Tickets andDraßs on England, Ireland and Scot. land. • WM. L. CON. Barnes. maker and dealer in all article focally kept by the trade, opposite tbe Dank. • JAMES E. CARIIALT, Attorney at Law. Office One door below Tarbeil Boole. Public Avenue. • - NEW 3naonn. L. L. LOWY. Dealer in an Sines or farming !mule manta. mowing =Chines. went curbs, dog power,, etc...etc., Main SL, opposite Savings Bank. [Om. SAVINGS BANG; NEW MILFORD.—fir per cent, te. Wrest on all Deposits. Donna general Banking Bar nesa. • 4111-it S. B. CHASE & CO. B.GAREET R SON. Deaden in Moor. Fee.d. Dies Salt, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Prov'srens Main Street, oppoaite the Depot, ALIMY nAYDnr, Dealers In Drugs and Medmin es and Manufacturers of Cigar., on Main Street, oea the Depot. R. P. RIIdDEN. Carnage Maker and Undertaker Main Street. two doors below Hawley's Store, CAYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHORMAKEII,dea. er In genuine Cayuga Fluter. Fresh ground. ' ifeCOLLUM BEDTIMES. Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. on Main Street.. i. DICKENHAN. Tn.. Dealer to general merchandise and Clothing, Brick Store, on Main Street. • GIBSON. ELM. MGM—Dealer In Stovall. TN. Copper. Brass and Sheetiron Ware, Coatings. de: Also, mumfactur er ',tinted Metals to order. Eve Trough and Lead Pip. business attended to at fair prices—Gibson Hollow, permaylver.La,-It. GREAT BEND. B. P. DORAN:Merchant Tailor and dealer in Read) Made Clothing, Dry Gooda.Groceries andProvialens Main Street.* NisceUaneous. NAILS, TINWARE, $20,00 000 $3,9150,000 4.10,0u0 BOYD & CORWIN Comer of Main and Turnpike Ste IitECON'VFL4ObI93II, Z2'.a.". SPX' 40 , V MS TM ND SHEET-11101i VIAM, SBSAODSIOD 5t.500.003 Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., Nes,ll/e, by th. 45 33.42.6*. Thank, to oldFrienda for rut rayons We would more than to one sad all who anew --- they have tmeettled accounts WAD ne,lt they would call and settle by the middle of March neat. Feb. 618 4 NM SUMS NO, 120 Wyoming Ayemie, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE I URNS THE SAME ON DEMAND wi rliour PREVI OUS NOTICE. ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS Is IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE 14 BICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFOhD GRANT, GEORGE FISH • ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. MERIN C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW • ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT: JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. 111 UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED. NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE. NINGS UNTIL EIGHT teciperl. Feb. 12. 1873. HERRING & FAR REL, 857 .113reeaclwevar N. 4 3L&2 UFACTURF/18 OF ALL KINDS OF Wire o , 224l.]Burglar .WDrcr Tho oldest and moat callable Arm in tbo United States They toot the plias medal awarded at the WORLD% PALD AT LONDON I MI Saes mo warranted tree from dampness and co r roslon. . . llontroie, Diay V itECSMONV_ 2% BitOTHEII, General Undertakers DEALERS. IN ALL . KINDS OF COF FINS,OAsKP,IS, ETC., ALL CiRDEUS PEO,MPTLYATTENDED TO MIIMME FIRE, RR, AND ACCIDEN't Insurance Agency. CAPITAL REPERBENTRD OVER 520400300 D 00.13.281%. HARDWARE. brilX6ll CA nrLuxos BTROCID, Agent. itiCittita b Bco 0, You=sias.