• Wm. 0 Clitomo; E. B. HAWLEY & .t. PUBLISHERS OP E. B. Hawley, THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTERS, Hon! ruse, Susquehanna eouNly, PO, Orrice—Meet Side of Public Avenue Business OEuds BURNS & NICHOLS, in Drugs, Stedietnes. Chemical!, Dyr‘' .3.„•sints,..tits, Varnish. Liquor.. Spices Pane) r .cle.s.enteut Sedlcieee. Perfumer) and Tolletdr c,es. Irereecription. carob:illy enzaposinded.— lines 'flock, Sloatrose.Pa. fiUll,ll5. Amos Nionora. 21. 1372 E. P. EINES, M. D. tirAt ate of the Co!varsity of Michigan. Ann Arbor. and sleo or Jarersoo Medical CoHope of PhILL• delphla. 1874, has retneord to Prlondstiltee. wham xdi stood to all call• to his profession a. asual..- 11,..druer lu Jessie Llostorers house. Office the same a• Fr 3e ode•ille, Pa., Apeti /Mb., 1874.—Gm. S1;0411,4. TURBELL COCI.E.LI.OII s 7 Lsw No. 120 Broadway, Now York City. Attend. to all kinds of Attorney 'knitter's, add-itoow duet. wares to all the Court. of both the Standard - a i'et Ire Slate*. Fa .1. 1874 -1. DR. h IV: SMITE, dezereir. Rooms at hla dwelling , nextdoornorth Of Dr oir Old Foundry street. where he Would bo happy Its are all thole to want of Dental - t1 oft. - lie (yelp torsodent that he can plesseall. both In quality of wort pod zn price. Odic° boars from 9 A. k. to 4 T.* NI era rm.,. Feb. 11, 1814—lf VALLEY HOUSE. atRAT iIEMD, PA. Situated near the Erie Railway De pot. Is • large IWO commodious hutise, has andetree ni a tnorouUb ps.. Newly Ihruisneil Comas and • cep. .4...tuseuta.sp len did ta tries.n Ild all thugs commis lug a diet einem lintel. HENRY ACKERT. Proutletur. R. T. t E. IL CASE, HARNESS-MAKERS. Oak Herness,lighi and heavy st ...rest cash price's. Also, Blankets, Brant Blau Sets, Whips and everything pertaining to the line es...per 'Sun the cheapen. Repairing done prompt. iv Au,/ it. good tityln. ilout.oer, Ps.. uct. R 9.18.73. THE PEOPLE'S dIABEA T. l'un.ur Hams, Proprietor. nod Nailed Meats, name, Pork, Bologna Ban of :ay beet quality, constantly ma Winn, at yriue to BUIL atonic-se, Pa,, Jan, 14, 1879.-la BILLINGS STRO UL. kli AND LII h 1.:(3,14ANC:k ACENT. Al ga,,lne”attandeo to promptly,ou fair terms. Office Area door cast of Mr Leak o' WOl. ❑. Cooper A Co. Yusllr Avenue, Montrose, Pa. Atg.t.lBo. sly IT. IS:1.1 .311.1.150 e JSUOVD. CHARLET MORRIS TUE HAYTI BAmtlElt, has moved hls shop to the ne Utl °pont by K. McKenzie d Co., muere be le pr, pared to d.. e,I kluos of work In ble line...Lich as ma ll et. ital.. pulls. etc. All work done on short noL.cc and pen.... Pi... coil and see me. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, hare r.ruoved tutbeß I.4..yustte Um Label/ limo.. R. B. Lrrms, Ulm. P. Lrrn.t., U. L. BLAK.r...Lcs. I=E! PEn LER In Poole. Platitalnl, Hall Paper. Near./ pert, Pocket lull. ry. htere..te.plc Clem, lault.ok N.. uns. tic, Neil Ctuut to the Poet °Mee, 510ntr..... Pa. K . N. IitkANIS. 119211511 EXCHANGE HOTEL M. J. lIARRLNOTOII ertetto. to Inform tbepobllettat Having rented the Ittx.clutuge Uwe tu hloulpure, hi it is.• pritkiAred We traveling publli to tiro:claw...4) , W .tt.tatrott. Aug. b, IL BUI:RTTI Dealer .n Staple and Fancy Vu Glooxls,CrOckery, Third- Mei, Iron, SttIVES, Drage. One, and Paiute. Daub and Shoe-, Hate and Cap., Fare, BOW° Rah.. °ro t. rice, Pririalmi, 6c. i a., Nov, 6, '72—tf. DR D. A. LATHROP, A tqatulaters 6ttorao Tligati.t. darns. a tSfo Foot of Cheetuut Street. Can gull cofteol in a-I Chroutc heeas.. Montrose. Jan. 17. '72.—no3—.L DR. S. W. .DAYTO.N, LITSICIAN & 81:111GICON, tenders his services to toe citizens of Great Bend and vicinity. °Menet nit. residecce. opposite Barnum florae, CA Bend stance. Sept. Ist. tf LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSMG. hop to the new Poen:dice halldlne, - where be will ne found n*dy to attend all who they want anythlnB n his !leo. Montrose Pa. Oct. 13 NM CHARLES N. STODDARD, leaier In Boots and Shout, Hata and Caps. Leatberano nodloge, Stain street, tat door below Boyd's Rune. Wort made to.l order, and repelling done neatly. ol.truse Jan. 1 1870. DR. W. L. RJOIL4ILD8011", f•dYSICIAN & 14LTICGEON, tenders Me 'professions •