THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HA IV LEY 4 CO., Editors Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1874. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday nignL last, at 110#. This week we go to press a day or so later than usual, so as to enable us to get in the Election returns, which came in very slow, but were good enough to make up. Fewer Au.•-ricans hare visited Europe this summer than usual. Still the num ber of Americans in Europe is very large. The American Colony in Paris numbers from tliteLn to twenty thousand. Rome has a large society of American students, artists, and sight-seers. Every German city has an American population. An American can travel over Europe on the great thorough-fares without finding it necess-ary to speak any language but ,his own. He finds his countrymen domesti cated wherever he goes. Ho meets his neighbors at every stopping place. When Mr. Jewell was in St. Peiersburg,he open ed an American reading room, and found it tilled with his countrymen iu a week. Mr. Wasliburrie remarked the other day that lie hardly realized that he had been out of the country, so many Americans thronged in Paris all the time. The large falling Mr in emigrants this year has been variously commented upon by the press of the country. The German authorities are doing their utmost to check the stream of population that Las heun rolling towards this country with creasing volume for the last dozen yea 4 The Eng.ish colonies are more attractivC to En click einig. ants than America, and the Irish Mid more xv,irk and .netter at Mime than torm , rly. But. this sum. m•-r a crest many emignuits have return ed to Europe. Almost every steamer has carried a large number. Many have gone because husliiesq is dull and -wages are law, and they way (1 , , better el,ewhere.— Others take the advantage of the great reductlon in fares to visu thtir friend, t home, and will probably ream bring ing brothers atta shster-3 or friends with them. Now the man has been narrow ed frmn thirty days to ten, and can be crossed Lot $l5 instead of $5O, there is to reason why emigrants should not make a voyage to rmieit thrtr natne laud. Death from starvation in Nebraska —within twenty hours travel of Chicago —is a fixed fact.. General Ord, comman der of the Department of the platte, in a letter to the Board of Trade of Chica go, states that several cases of actual death of children have already taken place. Fathers have been compelled to abandon their families and seek work and food. In one house the corpse of a child was bound that had perished for want of food, and near the mother pros trate and dying, from the same cause.— He states in Boone, Greeley, Sherman, ILward, Bunk), and all th- other coun ties fifty miles west of the Missouri river two-thirds of the people are destitute of all the necesseries of life. They have neither clothing nor shoes; food is impos ible to get. General Ord also says these people want flour, meal, pork, or bacon, for food ; they Want shc-es, shawls, blank ets, costs. pantaloons and stockings.— This is tne region rai aged by grasshop pers, and the condition of the people is truly deplorable. • Articles of the kind named by General Ord, can be sent to- Chicago to the Board at Trade, and they will be set.t the propp-r locations. People starv ing in the United States, when an on precedented hsrg• crop has been garnered! Such a state of things must not be per mitted to continue in th.s country and "Those Horrible Newspapers." Lo ,, k ut t 1 but "those horrible newspa pers - 1141. e been doin4., in bitter ambag ism tie best interests f society. They expos-d the frauds in the New Y.rli city go%erninent. and brought the iniquit“us Two --d to a trial and punish m• nt. They riddled the Credit Mobelier in famy from stein to stern. aod compelled its complete exposure by Congress. They poured broadside upon broad side into the "salary.-grub" of the 421 J Congress, until the 42d Congress repeal ed the unjust measure, with substantial unanimity. They smothered the San Domingo an nexation scheme, saying millions to the taxpayers of the country, and entirely frustrating the selfish purposes of specu lating capitalists. They stepped the District of Columbia ring stark naked, exposed the vtnality of its m mb're.aud insured its annihilation at the hands of Congress. They held ep to the full gaze of the p.-ople in all its native hideousness, the "Sanborn c.mtract" perfidy. They printed in true colors the por trait of •'Jayne, the Inferior." They attacked the wicked "moiety systmu" with "war to the knife and the knife to the hilt," until Congress, almost un iromously, wiped it from the national Ftal ue• books. They have brought dishonest, debauch ed politicians in such subjection that they trembly iu their boots. atel fearing the lash of the popular voice they hai,e 60 long disregarded and insulted, bestir themselves to invent some means for muzzling the independence of the press. which has saved the taxpayers of this country millions of dollars during Mc past two years alone, by fearlessly attack ing and showing up' the machinations of debauched men in high places. Of course such u profligate, utterly useless newspaper press should be silen ced. Of course the people should not etnnd by such an outrageous newspaper press which is working them such great and incalculable harm.—Milford Journal. Thanksgiving Proclamation. President Grant has issued the follow ing : By the President of the United States o Am. rice. A PROCLAMATION We are reminded by the changing sea sons that it s time to pause in our daily avocations mid-o'er thanks to Almighty God fot the mercies and abundance of the year which is drawing to a close. The blessings of a free government continue to be vouchsafed us ; the earth responded to the labor of the husbandman ; the .I,tid has been free from pestilence; inter. teal order is being maintained and peace with other powers has prevailed. It is fitting that at all stated peri. de .we should cease from our accustomed pur suits and from the turmoil of our daily lives and unite in thankfulness for the blessings of the past and in the cultivu nun of kindly, feelings toward each other. Now, therefore, recognizing these consid• erattuns, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States, recommend to all citizens to assemble in their respective places of worship on Thursday, the 26th day of November next, and express their thanks for the mercy and favor of Al. mighty God, and, laying aside all politic al contentions and all secular occupations to observe such a day as a day of rest, thanksgiving and praise. In witness whereof I hate hereunto set my hand and caused tne seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 27th day of October, in the year 1874. and of the independence of the United States the 99th. U. S. GRANT. B. the President. HAMILTON FISH, Secretary o A Word for the Cow The Elmira Gezetle steaks a good word for the cow as an animal entitled to dis tinguished consideration, especial) y in the hands of news gatherers. It says : From the time that frisky member of her race leaped over the moon till to:day she has been the friend of the newspap-r. It was the cow with crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat tha t , killed the rat that ate the malt that lay In the house that Jack built. And the philosophy of this simple yet touching occurrence has proved an inexhanstiol e source of illustration, sentiment, and sarcasm. It was Sirs. Leary's Old cow that kicked over the lamp that fired the barn that burned the town that Chicago built. It was the cow .that brought $4O, GOO at Utica, and afterward died like any other humid animal. But we have more specific reascns for having this tribute to the bovine. When the Second National Bank of this city was the victim of in dustrious burglars, it was LI milkman who discovered the hiding-place of the ingen ious gentry. When the other day at early dawn two wagon loads of burglars came riding back to this city alter their rollicking romp in Wellsboro, it was a milkman who discover, d them and knew that mischief was afloat. And,last but n. t lease, it was a man milking near Waverly who discovered Cosgrove go be with his back load of greenbacks, and who follow ed him to his capture. It is true, milk men are not cows, but without cows there would be no .mlkmen. Hence our obli gations to the female kind. The amount of news which she furnishes one way and another to the press is not to be esteemed tly:' A New Order The President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has recently issued an order to all its employees. setting forth that the company pays fair compensation for the rime and services of its employ ees, and in return demands that the shall devote their entire attention to the duties of their respective positions ; that They are not to act in any executive or other capacity in or for any other cic rpo ration, or to give their labor to all otter firm or business ; that they are not to be interested in any way, 'directly or indi rectly, in the supplies or business of the road, and that all emolument or interest, belong naturally to the company, not to the employee, and are to be turned into the treasury of the Railroad coliipany. This order is one of the good results of the investigation into the company's fairs just made by the stockholders' com mittee, and one that should alsays have been enforced, in the administtation of the company. It seems strange tihat only at this late day the company should awake to the enforcement of a rule whi l ph every nosiness man observes in the conduct of his affairs. No man would think of per mitting any of his employees to l ido what this company is only now forbidding its employees to do. The fact tat such an order is now issued, shows to Wfiatan ex tent the Pennsylvania Railroad officials hate been demoralized. They regarded their connection with the road us valua ble b- cause of the advantages which it gives them to put money into their own pockets in various ways, which , should have gone into the treasury of the com• pony. Their salaries were no considera tion to them, in their opinion, fo l v their services ; and we constantly saw them becoming wealthy and living in fine hoes es after a few years enjoyment of salar ies that scarcely sufficed to pay their whiskey bills. We trust them things aro to be changed, but as we do not believe. that the leopard can change his spots, we will not believe too readily in there being radical change for the better, nor will we hasten to confide in the strict observ ance of the lately issued order, while cer tain gentlemen occupy high positions in the company, who by years of steady practice have acquired fixed and profita ble habits with which it will come into severe collision. The Philadelphia Ledger says : If something of this kind had been put effectually into practice years ago, tho financial condition of the l'enns)lvanta Railroad Company, it is betieved, would be much bentir than it is to-day, and it is quite certain sumo men connected with its busineHa would not be as rich as they are now reported to be. REJOICE! --;,) - .1 - 31TITY LET US H YE PEACE A Democratic Sweep ! TERRIBLE OUTRAGES Both North and south "Coy too Nom to"—ltomor, MASSACHUSETTS ELECTS A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR. Tilden's Majority in New York, 40,000 811.71i7 0 111731611/17MMIBUI. Pennsylvania in Line A DIIMOC RATIC COE OR IMO ELECTED The electioa returns up to the time of going to p ess show the.: tie Demo als have za:aed an unp.ecedenled vic tory. New York leads the column by electing Tilde t orer his poplar corn pet.wr by 40.000 major ty. Maseachn sPi.,s has been convulsed and mire .ed ; the Derniier.its hate out of nine cong.essmen, and 861 have elected their candidate for governo . F.Brit li-r a de,eated. The southern states have swelled tne Democ at'c stiedgih by near- ly undnimons delegajoas to cong.rss.-- lu 11e Demoe,ata have prob ably gained a congressman an jeopard ii!ed the Repolilican legislative major;tv. It is too soot to'ale ataint actual results in the mass of telegraphic i genet pop •ing in from tweitiy-th ee stn,s, but not Loo soon to s.i.l:e a get e!al average. The d,.'t , s ,t-ma Isp The country has swe v Z "wok to its at cient moo , :ng4. It has scooted a tn . , d term, and condemned the second team o :vsses S. Grant. The ll , mocrata have aa643o , ) t.relv se et , ed a wo I.;.‘g - :,7 be t0...y• fourth cong.ess, am; a portelsr ratio ,e -merit at toe polls wit chi it cannot con tt,tl must ma; mod . • y toe action of toe Re.tal.d:czy2. 0: ',lie present cone. eau upon the qoes,:ods at Issue on the 3d day or NOtembe... No parq so elched in powe: and so co, fideot o. retaintag it ere; Icce'sed a tno.e memor able less.) t. The r , c.ory yes e day is the precurto• or the v mo .y of 1876. This S..e bas gone Demon at :c t proOably 4.000 o, 5.000 majo 4 The Le; e The eisa Democ a.ic mrkjo ;tc in the House of Lep eseo;a..:ce3 and p,•obably also on joint Con res., The Demnc•ai.s w• 11 have a majo :tv in he next., coo:. - ,,.e33 of about 4.0. The Coenty Tbis bas I.roeatit about a g•eaker cbange Limn was elpec:ed. Wat son's majority over Hawley is only 306. Wayne county gives Watso n major ity of 20, electing Watson I , 3 ..„ 2 . 6 ma- jot :ty The state ticket in this county goes Republican by 650 majority. Hawley runs uherd of his ticket from 350 to 40('. The Republicans carry all of the county officers by about 650 mujority. The 'Peculiar condition" of things in Bradford county, gives Powell 130 Dern crratie majority. Powell carries the dis• riot by 110 tuttj,,rity Gory Euougb ! Special Notices. SCIIENCK,S PCLISONIC SVIIUP, FOIL THE CURB OF CONSUMPTION, COUGIIS, AND COLDS The great virtue ei ills medicine is that it ripens the matter and throws it out of the sys tem, purifies the blood, and thus effects a cure SCIIENCE:b SEA WEED TONIC, eon THE CCILE OF DYBPEPSIA, LtiDICIESTION, &C The Tonic produces a healthy action of the stomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases of Indiges tion. SCHENCK'S SiANDRAKE PILLS, FOR TIIE. OCHE. OF LIVER t'OMPLALNT, &C., These Pills are alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver, without the least danger, as they are free from calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for Con sumption, as the Pulnumic Syrup ripens the matter and purifies the blood. The Slandritke Pills act upon the liver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause of Cor.suniption. The Sea Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the stomach, makes a good digestion, and enables the organs to form good bjood ; and thus creates a healthy circula tion of healthy blood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will cure ev ery case in Consumption, if taken in tune, and the use of the medicines persevered in. Dr. Schenck is professionally at his principal office, corner SIXTH and Alien STS., Philadel phia, every Monday, where all letters for ad vice must be addressed. New Advertisements MAKE OTICE.—The Supervleors of Springs Ille township, tin•quehann• county, hereby give no tire that 'hey intend to apply to the urzt General An• ...Orly of Penneylvanla, for the enactment of a law entitled ••an Act to chertsge the mar°, and mode of re• pairing rondo In the toscneldp of Springville, In the county of Suequuhanna." for the objects eel forth In its title. ,pringvllle. Nov. 4.'74. 44-4,r. . . . _ . DISSOLUTION —The co-partnership here tofore existing between C Cushman and Joseph Panneler, has been dissolved The Business will hereafter be conducted by 1.. W. We leb and C Cashman. A fair share of the public patronage is requested. E1.C17 Montrose, Nov. 4, '74.--ttw. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE TRUE HISTORY BROOKLYN SCANDAL The astonnding revelations and startling discourser , made In this work are creating the most lutense desire In the mind. of the people to obtlin it. It glues :he whole Inner history of the Great Seandshand Is the on ly full nod authentic work on the subject. It sells at night Send for t. rms to Agents all. full description of the work. Address National Pnblishing 'O.. 44 4w. Phila.. Pa GEO. A. PRINCE & CO ORGANS AND MELODEONS, The Oldest, Largest, and ?dn.( Perfect Manufsc ory le .the lotted Stales 54,000 Now In use No other Neale& Instrument ever attained the same Popo!silty. r47-Send for Price Lint Address BUFFALO, N, Y. C3AL ! GOAL ! COAL The beet Coal to market to be had et the Dunn Station. The underelgned. having had long experience in the Coal trade, guarantee. ratlefactlon. I. P. STAMP, I. N BULLARD, OR AT STROUD'S OFFICE Will ba promptly attended to. Coo be peen at E. P Stamp'F, evontogs, from 8 to 8 o'clock 0. D. Stebbins Ilontrose, Nov. 4 , T LOWS FAMILY MEDICLNES Pain and Lameness relieved In a abort time by the use of Taylor. Celebrated Oil. The great Rheumatic and Nears itgic Its wetly. lute n sditins i• not. cars all, but Is warranted to core more of the ails and Ille to which flesh is heir than any other metrcine ever tits covered. Give it a (dal; If you do not And it to. It costa you nothleg. It may be need with the utmost advantage for any kind of Paln, Lameness. Wounds or Suies upon man or brunt. Kill nut smart the rawest wound or nor.. Poll directions fur sae around each bottle. Ask your Aterchunt for a free vial. No Cure— ts° eay. Taylor's Cough Syrup or hipeetorant. for all Throat and Lung diseases. fe eery plimsant to the taste and contsins nothing Injurious. Try it, ana stop that cou_h and take the soreness from your Throat and I 12,1 . 4•11. Ask your Merchant fora free vial. No Caru— so Pay. Taylors Cooditid a Powders for all kinds of stock and poultry. Warrants I the hest renovator of the system of run down or diseased stock. that has ever been dis covered. Try them for all 06.1.1 incident to the brute creation. Directions for use around each pack age, /do Core—No t sy. All the shove medic nes for sal., by Abel Tumuli and Burns A Nichols, of Montrose, and all Druggists nod Dealers throughout the country. H. DROWNING TAYLOR. October 21, '74.—ly. lIUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, t•A Wholesale k Retail Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, TTILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK R I RAIL BM - E.. RAILROAD ft HIEING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS Auvi BOTES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED RdYDS. MALLEABLE IRoys,.B.9,SPORES, FELLOEB, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS. rte. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. PILES, 6c. @t. CIRCULAR AND HILL SASVS, BFLTINO. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR C GRINDSTONES. P RENCII WINDOW GLASS.LEATHER & FINDINGS PAIRBANKI3 SCALES. TBPI.I3E3X.sZa 11,10.1. m. MONTROSE. PENN' I JOHN S. TARBELL, PROVIL Nine Stages and Racks leave this Rouse daily, eon. nectinp with the Montrose Railway. the Lehigh Valley Railroad. and the IL L. et W. Railroad. April tat. 18111.-M. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT Insurance Agency. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER MACAW C. II SWITII. H-ntroar. Pa I=ll pAMPULETS corrensum Tun O'Mara Murder Trial, Fog BAts AT THIS ONFICA Legal Notices. D EGISTER'S %OTICE.—PUBLIC lINOTICE is hereby given tont' persons con cerned in the lolb•wing Estattn; to wit : Estate of Thomas Reese, late of Gibson, dee'd' David Reese, Fxecutor. Estate of Elias Nurthup, late of Liberty, dee'd, Ruth Nurthup, Atiminlstratris. Estate of Minerva Post, lute of 3lontroee, deed, G. P. Little Executor. Estate of Reuben Reynolds, bite of llrldg6•' water, deed, A. It. NleCullum, Administrator. . . Estate of Robert Moore, late el Bridgewater, deed, Charles Avery, Executor. Estate of Hiram S. Gill:it'd, late of Great Bend, dec'd. Galen Newman, Administrator. Estate of Isaac Iteckhow; late of . Great, Bend deed, Vincent Iteckhow, Executor. Estate of Nathan Aldrich, late of Brooklyn, deed, Eliot Aldrich, Executor. Estate of Daniel A. Baldwin, late of Great Bend, deed, E. S. Baldwin, Adinintstratrix. Estate of Samuel It. Depue, late of Franklin dee'd, Nebo Depue and Samuel Truesdell, Ad ministrators. Fatale 01 Jane Smyth, late of i3ridgew•ater deed, Win. C. Curtis, Administrator. Estate of Win. M. Wutterson, late of La. throp, deed, Jerustut ikatterson, Adminietia trix. Estate of Eliza A. War h, minor, Eliot Ald• ric J, Guardian. / Estate of Lucy S. Baldwin, minor, E. Gill, Guardian. That the accountants have settled their ac counts in the liegister's Office in and tier the county of Susquehanna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans Court, on Thursday, N ov, ti, 1874, for coo tirmation and allowance. 11. N. TIFFANY, Register Register's Office, Oct. 14,'74. I3ROCLAMATION.—SCSQUEIIIANNA COUNT I', Sty tIILEttEAS, I. M. B. Sheriff of said County, having been inlormea ot the existence of such contrivances for the catching of his as are contmonly culled or known as fish baskets, eel wires, kiddie., bush, or fasciae nets, and other permanently set newts of taking fish, in the nature of it bicyc, in some of the streams and rivers in aid county Now, in pursuance of the Act of A.ssem'oly of the Cnmmonwealtb of Pennsylvania, approved the 2411, day of may, A. D. 11+71, hotice is hereby given that such contrivances are kIIOW n to exist, and are declared by the said Act com mon nuisances; and the owners or managers of any of the above named contrivances are here by ordered to dismantle the sane:, so as to ren der them no longer capable of taking or injpr mg the fish of the streams of whatever kind in said Susquehanna county, within ten days from the date of this notice ; and if, at the ex piration of' said ten days, the dismantling shall not have taken place. f shall proceed to dent rev and dismantle the same In the manner provid ed for an said Act of Assembly. M. 13 fief-mg., Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, Oct 14, 17474, p 1:13LIC SALE OF REAL ESTATI Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County, the undersigm,l will sell the following described real estate, at pub lic sale, on the premises, on Friday, Nov 6,1,74, at 1 o'clock, p. in. The farm law of Gut Peck, deceased, situate In the township of New Mil ford, County of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bouncily,' on the north by lands of the estate of--Ayres and F. W. Boyle ; on the rust by lands of IL N. Johnson, A. B. Smith, henry Burritt, and John Boyle; south by lands of--Robinson, and on the west by liinds of R. J. V ill and M. %' iseinan, contain ingurie hundred and tatty-seveu acres of limn more or I-sk. TEISIS.—One hundred dollars down on day of sale, $lOOO on final c intirmation, and the balance one year thereafter, a ill. inter etfrom final confirmation. and to tie secured Ity Bond and mortgage Posse slop to be given April let, 1873. ZAns F. PEctt, Executrix Oct. 14, 18;4. 41-4 w 4 UDATOIPS NOTICE —The undersigned. an Audit- Asa, ousppoints‘l by the Conn of CoRIMOP. Pless of roa m:int:twos Coons to distribute the tunes in the Sher irs hands arising from the sale of real estate of Martin Conrad. will attend to the duties of his up poihtment at his office in Montrone, on Monday, NOP. 23. ltrel at 7 o'clock. p. m at which tittle and place all persons intere+4,ed hi said funds must present their claims or be foreverdebsrred iron) conong in on said fund. W O. JESSUP, Auditor Montrose, Oct. al. tS74. 42—w4. DMINISTRATOWS ' the estate of L. ' Ben) DM deceased, lettere of Agralnis. 'ration in the maid notate haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons owing said estate, Iwo requested to make immediate wytaent. and per. gone having claims against acid notate ale requested to present them without delay. SAILAII L. DIX. / Admlni.tratur• .1 al LAMB. Ararat. Oct, 21, 1674. er(t—pd. UXECUTOE'S NOTICE. Whereas letter, teutnmen• kj . Lary to the eatase of En Gregory late of Bridge water townebip.dec'd. bane b--en granted to the under sign d. all Bend,ne Indebted to said estate. err ri Borst ed to matte Immediate payment, and those having claim. egninet •tie mine.are requested to pc emut them without di-lay. Brooklyn. Oct 10, Int —w6 Miscellaneous. DON'T READ THIS! But be eure to come to COOL'S STATION, 00 the Alootro•e Railway', awl Ask For What We Have Not Got, sac wo will toree to blare It to-morrow 1;,t WC! SGII7 131,C=.'t 15 ♦ PULL •PSORTMENT OP L 027 C6totD2B GROCERIES, PROVISIONS BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NO TIUNS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A fine lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES all of which will be sold as Cheap as the Cheap est for READY PAY. All kinds of Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods at the highest Market Price 4 CASH PAID FOR PORE, BUTTRR AND POULTRY. or shipped to responAble Commission Merchants In New York. Give us a call, Lucca ItLarne. Lucca.JONES. MARTIN & JONES. Oct. 14, 1814-3 m. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored! Just Publimited, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with• /If out medicine) of B,to rmniorriart or sarao hut] weak. noes. Involuntary Seminal insect). impotency, Mental and Phy-lcal Incapacity, Impediment to Nur- Hogg., me.; aleo, Coneutuprion„ Epoopsy. and Fite, in duced by self-ltdulyence or sexual extravagance, etc, • 1 rice, in sealed envelope, only els cents. The celebrated author, lu this admirable Mssay,clear ly demonstrate.. from a thirty years' succiasftil pear. lice. that the alarming consequences of .elf-abase may be radically cured without the d ingerutio ace of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of core at to. to Ammo, certain and etre. teal. by means of which every sufferer, n o matter what hl. condition mac be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, nna radically. This Lecture ebould be in the handsetl every youth and every man 4n the land. Sent under seal. in a plait) envelope, to any addreset post paid. on receipt of six curate or two poet stamps, Address she Publishers. CHAS.J C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowery. New York; Post Office Box: 4.186. THE CONIVESSIONN OP AN INVALID, Vbliehed as a warn ing and for the benefit of Yountr. on and others who uffcr from F . lan , ollB DEZILITT LOS* OF MAN 11 , 0 D, vie., supplying the means uf Self- Cure. Written by one wan aired himself after Coder. going conviderable quackery. and sent free on receiving a post p tid directco envelope. battens* aro Invited to adAierile the author. NATAAN /EL MAYFAIR. ' P. O. Buz Ltd. thouiayn.N. Y, Octotxt Yth, 1874.—ft. 6211ERIFF'S SALES.—BY VIRTUE OF WRITS 0 leaned by the Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna county sad to we directed,.l will exp.,: to sale by public .endue, at the Court ilbure to :Montrose, on Friday, Nor. 6th, 1$?1, Il 1 o'clock, p. m., the hallooing placer or parcels of nd to wit • All t bat piece or parcel of laud Oblate in the town ship of Thomson, In the County of Sasquehnotis and State of l'ennioyi rattle, hounded and described as fol lows to wit On the north by public highway, on the east by lands of 1.. F Senile/A and P A t. rosier, on the south by lands iif Ilritifu Coos, and on the west by land* of Wm Witter and D. It. Iliad. conteming &hoot two acre„ of food, more or less.,,sollio the appurtenances a one wade hall stun dwelling house with wing ham shop, tome fruit trees, and all 101p . rored. Wakes In execution at the cult of Smoker King VS D. B. Rue dick, l'eols Ideal; E. C. Dow, Seeretar, ; lISOD T. bison, and I'. n. Cerrtll.] ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land siltualle In the township of Springville, In the County of tito-quehle - no, anti MAW. Os l'antlityllatlha s bounded and described. an folionrs, to wit: On the north by land of N. I'. Lonar, no the cast by public highway. nn the South by the abutment of bridge over the Sictiooppest creek, and on the west toy tne Ale-happen creek. containing MINIM 0 ammo of land, more or lest with the apperte frame hours and sloop, some heat Detonated nearly ail improrml. (Taken In ex. cation 01 the suit of Thomas Kintner re. Jobe W Grow sod E. T. Bald win ) Al:SO—All that certein piece or pareto of land rite air in the tuwwthlp or . utouru. to the Cout,ty u Sus quehanna, and mate of PinnEtiVahla, Will:Weil and eoerlhed as inilows, to wit : On the north by land of James Lott. cm the east by lands of Wm, N. Bennett, On the south by land. of Milton Harris A. D. Truk. bury, nod John Seto,. and nu the went by land of John Selanf.COlitainini, about 4 acres al land, more cr less, nlt it the appurtenances. 9 dwulting bonnet, Earn, new elute hntoct a &mod nod Led. end all Improved Takeo, In exia nth. at the Mila. of 0. L. Swisher vs. Vinl.wn While nod L. C Swisher ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land idNate In the township of Jackson. In the Comity of hnegne ha and State of Penusy:tania, bounded and din crintol as foliows, to wit Olt the northeast by bin& id Ut-erg, Curtis. Ott She soothe.' by land. uf kiwis Mar-11 and Anthot y Stet n hack. on the anuthwesi it) loot! ofßVlLlben Hilt. tied tin the northwest by lands to Horace 'droll and C. H Esivbrouks contatning 15.1 acres of laud, more or Inca, together with the appurte nant,. •Ine Ironic dwelling honse, bathe, un orchard. an about In at'rea laltiroVra. (Taken in execution at the suit of Itenbett 11 ill to. Juba Hendrthison A I.Sit - Ail that certain piece Or parcel of laud Mtn air In the township of Lotion. In the County of Susque• tn tot and State ol Pennity it able, bounded and desert. etl as ("lamp to wiL Ott the north by loon. of L. Doran. on Inc east by land. of Wm, Pratt, D !tilde, and it i 't.leman, id] ibe Pont It by lands of Wm Pratt, and on the went toy land- of 11. V. Breed, con t thin.; itat acres. more at lc, with the applutetinnet.s, one train,: house, barn and sheds, nod other oty,build logo. 2 orchards. and about tat array Improved (Taken in ex.-cut bin or the suit of Charley A. flatter, ,•Igned to A %%. Gardner. vs Mar) Gardner Adm . 2of John A. Gaols, deed. and Nathan K Chase. T. T.] - All tit it crown piece at parcel of land 01 - a ate /II the borough al Surcptettanna Depot. In the Cant, t) of , itioneloolua and mate of Pennsylvania. bound- NI and dc•erthect vs follow", to wit t On the north hi lan.) of t 1 nt. t • Frith, tot the east by (triad street, on in. south by land of James Tichorta, and on the west by River -trael rOnt,nlng X acra. nr there .lianl.Wllti Ilia appurtenances. one two story dwelling hon.., and all ono,. ved. ['l uken at the suit of J. A. !atom,. al , 4azoeil to K. I. Carr. en, Hiram Hush and into. if. A Lail —A that certain piece or parcel of land Woe ate :n the township of Ararat. in the County of Sur, quell-non and Stme of Poinmoyivania. bonndco and des. robed aa hollow, to wit: On the north bi landa oy Wno Bow, n and lands now or Into. of William Wilton. on trio ea-t by lands of Naimoli No ter. Ellaha 02dan. and it, NI wheeler. and on the south and west by wild of II pis, Nirholr & Co., containing about INI acres. more or less, with ilie appurteutmces.ottc frame bootie. 2 frame harm and other out buildings. I orchards, and alma: Tu acres improved. (Taken In execution at the atilt of E. I. Carr. osigned to Thompson ltodle, an. Pef., Dunn and K. K. Dunn.] o - Ail that co-rtiln purr or panel of land silo. q , In the loot-onto : 1i itoontroote. In the Douttv bun ielostoon and , late of hounded and do-• rrilooll a • follow, to wit On the north by lam) eon. Darted to .1 A. Dowell. ou the east by puhllo highney ton the mouth tor laud of D. W. Uoloolo-u, and on tot: meet by land of J A. Dowell, containing about IX of an acre, more or le-roo,nlth the appurtenancmone frame writing loaner. some fruit anti ornamental been. and ro i: all impved. !Taken In ICCIMIOII eu ndry write r, Geo. gren A LAU—AA that certain piece or parcel of land el Mate In the toyruohlp of Dionock : In On Coonty of Buono, hanun and Nate of Pennoylysnla:bonnded and 111 o. follows. I Wl : Uo the north by lando of .1 . Yonng.. the .oath by land of Janie,. Martin. on 110. east by lauds of Thorns, Jones met —4lrinvoid. and on the west lie lands of —lthiley, n 0 ,11.002.! 100 acres of land. more r it.., and about in/ acres mum, ed ;Taken in execution at the suit of S. F. Lane, use of II Tyler. vs Geo. 'l' Corwin.) All that certain piece or parcel of land situate Its the of Great Bend. hi the C.,unl v of n mot state of Pennsylvania. notioded and den. Deal 05 follows to wit : Beginning at a ataka and ss In the corner of lands now nr formerly of L hineee Smith thence nirth degrues east 313 sad six tenths rods to corner of nods occupied by Metianiel, then, north nil degrees and 50 minutes east by McDantel's land 11,1 0 rode to a stone near the won s do of the hlgriam . thence north deg,. e east 47 rods to an elm stomp thence north IS degrees east 4510 rods to a blob sup. ling, thence east 275 rods. them e south d• pees ran by line of tracts 119 and 50 100th rode to an original corner. thence south sod 37 maintop went trim rolls to a stake and .tones, thence nosh 1 decry,. west 150 rode to a ebestuut stub, thence north 85 do gee, and 5 Milli n tea west al rods to a corner d thence south 0 , 0 dsrrees west 04 rods thence south 073. i degrees east coda to east hounds of said tract, thence erinthrirly along for name 44 rods ton point 41.1 and (oar tenths rods fermi the southeast corner of snld tract, thence westerly p or. allot with the smith line and airing part of said south llne 435 rods to ,Jiiiee of begllllllllg. conlaining 10(ai acre• of land, mere or lees with the appurtenance, 4 frame houses. 3 barns. Steam 0000 mill. and 01010 115 notes inipno ed. Also another piece of land Minato In Liberty township, County and state afo contd. round oil and described as follows. to alt: thew bolo of original lots numbered 01, GS. 'l5, mid Di, lying to geti or In the tint formerly id 8 A Law, nod Contniti. log hi all 443 and 17 100th acre. of and, as surveyi•d hy Wentz. April 10 ISt 0. exc. print front Ow above dennin d premise, that con •in parcel of `and sold to Aaron Yining by deed baled Feb. xt, 10114, min ate in the limn of Gnat Bond. i'ounty of dusquehanta and Stale of Penneylennla. bounded and de .crthed as follows On the wi•si bylid owned by Doctor Ed. sod Eldridni on the .oath by the st am mill lot,con Mining fin arre.. More of 1e... being known a• 1110 Int formerly eoutrarted to Joseph Ilendrickson, tieing the mine premises innyesed by said Commit and wife t• said Burn •. (Taken ill eret . DOOD at the suit of Wm .1 l'oulant, a...Taw,' to Aaron Young. yo, John Burne.l A L'•••0 —All those awn eertsin pieces or pan els of bind situdi• In the tow ti•lPp of Sliddlelowu, in Susquehan n county and Spite nt Pennsylvania. hounded mud describedas follow, The fleet hounded on the north he lands of John Fart:loll, Connithie Cialneh i sod Samuel on the can b lands of John Condon nod Timothy Murphy, on the_south by land of J. W Dodge and on the est by land, of Jenkln lota,, Marx Print ird and Samuel Williams. containing a' nut 105 - acre, or land more or lent, wlth the appurti untices.l frame ilwe honse, 2 frame non s and mhos riot boddinge, 1 ereh ird and mostly Improved. The ace and ph Ce homidod on the north by land or dames Null demon. and George dune, on the east by Lind of Thomas Jimes ooa S. Dodge on the a nth by land or David Thomas and on thu west by land of Edward June. and George dance, ramtnining about 40 sere of land more or len. mostly improved. [Seized and taken in exeontion on Sundry write of j 1 fa v. I. C. D, 0 ig,..1 A LSO—'All that certain piece or parcel of land rho. eta to the township of Brooklyn In wnequebanna Ctmn ty and Saute of Poniwylyanla, horindni and described as follow v.lO wit OD the north by lands of— Mon. roe and Ansel Sterling on tho eon by ;iuhlic highway leadidg from Brenklyn to llophotium. on the south by lands of Ferdinand Whipple and on the west by land 'f Ansel tit erring , catitnitiing SO arms of land more or Its er. with the appunenniimw, I frame dwelling house It horns and out bonier. I orchard and marshy Improved. 'Seised and takes In cm-nylon or a tort of jf fa vs. ]osi•ph 51. Klnner and D C. Kinner.l ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land attnnte In the township of New Milford, In the County 01 Sue queltanna and Mate of Pontinlvani i,houridedand de cribed as follows. to wit (in the north by hinds of Mrs Batch, on the south by lands of F. W. Boyle, on the east by public high.' iy.and on the west by binds of F. W. Boyle, containing 140 ',1.0.M.,. of Mad be the a-me morn or loss, with the 141 pm-tens ics, 1 dwelling house, rind out budding's and all IMprovod. (Sneed ar d tekert In imecution on a will vs Downie McDonald and Moms.. Tierney T T ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of lard Mtn ate In the townshlpe of Idberty. Franklin and Great I fiend, In the County of busquantinit and state of Peunrylrenia. hounded and described an follows. to WI: On the north ny lands of Chidestet and Mott no the east by P. Bend and other,. on the south h. I caste Traci, and on the weal by lands of Travis and Marsh. containing about 05 acre, of I n 1 more nr leer, with the Appurtenances. I frame dwelling hones, 2 barer and oth aer out hail lingo, an orchard and about Gt acorn Ito. Eroved. [Setsed and taken in execution on a writ vs. llen It, Cooky.l ; ALSO—AII Osier two pieces or parcels of land ,home I in the township of Lenox. In the Counif °Nu-queue .. and State of Pennsylvania. hot tided and described as follows to tell : On thr eaten hy lands nt Emery Hard Ing.m the south by lauds of M re. Barber and Otis Williams. on the west by lands of Jest.° Howard, and on the north by lands at' Horace Tingley, containing 62 acre. more or less, with Thu appnrtenames, 1 dwelling hence, 2 barns, an °retard of about 30 acres, and all In t . proved. The second piece bounded nhd described as taco,: on the east by lands of Ja”e Howard, on .he sonth by lands of Otis Williams, Henry Cook. anti —Harney. n the west be lands a P. B Hobbs and Alonzo Hansom and on the - 'oath by lands of Alonzo Ransom. Ot.age and Horace Tingley, containing 90 acres of land more ur leer, with the spiturtenancea. one dwelling house, I barn, an orchard of about 13 Won. and about ad toter improved. [Tahoe In execution at the suet of Grow & Brothers vs. Jane Howard.j ALSO—AII that certain piece or ha of land Vl/11111S in the township of Springville, county of Susquehan na. •nd Stair of Pennsylvania. bound. d and described. an follows. to wit: On the north by petite highway,on the cart by land of 0. T. Spencer. on the south by hat d of A. C. Luca. and on the sort by land of P. L. Fish. containing about X acre of la d, with the aporietemn est, n few fruit tree", and all improved. [Taken In ex. cent ton at the snit of aC. Bltteubsnder it Co. VS W, A. Welch 1 ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land alto ate In the township of Auburn. county of Surtreithuna and State of Pennsylvania. hounded and described as hallows, to nett Beglon'ag at a ptait and Cones the tam:hoist corner hereof and the northeast corner of a lot cambered 233 upon mid map, conveyed by the said W. H. Cape to James Wiley 1101 i extending thence west along the north lino ar last mentioned lot. 143 perches and enroll tenths of a perch to a law told Pitmen; and the eouthe rot Writer hereof. In the exterior coun t a dairy line of said Thongs P. Copes tract, thence north 1X degrees east al and font truths perched to a post and cones, thence west 13 and aloe tenth. perches to a post and stones, thence north IX drover least a end three tenth, "101.01,01 SO a pmt and #lollelB the nOrtittvast corner hcreor. In the aforesaid exterior hnondur, rine, (bonne ea el Oa de .11 tenth, perch. , to a port and stones In the divtdin4l line between lot-,:ln tn. and 447 thence south along last mentioned line 69 and coven ts - titha perches notions place of beginnlin4, containing pliant 63 acre• and 01810 tenths 01 an acre. more or Its., with the appurtenances. I franc honer frame barn 111011 oat hail lags 9 nrct' .rda and mostly inapt nod. tTak , ii In execution - in sundry write of .3yo vat John W. Lott.) Take bids mug Cos orrangsd on the day of sale. Id B. lIELUIE• Shoff( Shedire Office.Moo.rote, Oct. 7, 14. Job Printing AGENTS WANTED for the PM/ PLE'll , JOURNAL Pour magnificent Phnom. free Th.. 'thew offer ever raid°. Men A cent MUM p ft...radar .nd .ample. P. W. ZIEGI.EIt CO. 51M Arch et. Min lg. A GENTS WANTED! Diploma Awarded for 110LMAN'M NNW PICTOOLIL MEILEN 1301) Illo.trattor, Addroro for circolare A. J. lIOLMAN i CO., 43-4 g. 9a) Arch K., Pllll4 CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT- Male or Female. sae per week worse'. d. no capitol required. Par Oculars and valuable samples sent free. Aedres• cent return stamp, C :MSS. 41-4 w Williamsburg, N Y. CC p S either eel NL y CHARMING laeelnate aYg . affections of any peo, they choose instantly Thi. Inre dud simple mental ricqulrement II can pewit. 'tree by snail. for SS et, together with s marriage guide P up. la Ora. vie Dreams. Uinta to Ladl.s, Wethlina-'7le PIG. et.:. A puts r book. Address, 43-4 w. Ph.,.. NI A litiVeNs Street. ei , trm r A e R R i d !! iTLT r rge oN, M. D.. Lab. Prof. of Eye and Far surgery in the Mast . In gton Culver-11y. Surgeon In Charge The large hat dsonne residetice of the iota Charles Car roll has here fitted up with all the ire prevents t. allopitni In the latest Schools of Purope, rtl e treatment of thin class of diseases. Apply by letter le GEORGE REPLING, M. IL. 43-4 or Surgeon in Ch4rge. FOR COUGUs. COLDS. HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES —vsc- WELL'S CARBtILIC VBLETS. PUT DP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. LIFE OP DR. LIVINGSTONE. A new book,-comp.ele authentre and reliable,eo tat:ling his explorations and discoveries it, the wilds n of kfrlra sell nipltll , nt low pric..o tc cult the I tmcrailso the Mcssish by Rev, Win. 'St Willett, for all denoml natio... an excellent work issionl moo st I e, Ow Family Bibles are unequalled for styles dr. priers. Agent., 'Wanted to work on these books at once, terms. Address quaker City Publishing Co Philadelphia. Pa. jIREE SAMPLE to Agent., Ladies' Cori Neerlie.bok with Chronic'', Send stamp DE t N CO., New Bedford. M.D. WANTED—AGENTS for the beet selling Prize Ste. tionery Parkege out. Sample package, ho-i paid fo rirc C rcularts free. 41-Iw. :61' Broadway. Nu, York. NA T OBE FOR ALL At Lome. male or female: CM per week. day or evening No Capital We rend valuable package of gouda by mall free. Addreee o ith rho cent return .temp. M YOU! U. • 173 Green with St., N. L'VERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN Ity C GI.NA , ON. M. I). A marvnlnernt vol ume of ISO octavo p.agro- beau' tinny Wended end el c:ntntly bound. CuttLam• m,ller Jcna ndnpled to the ti - nnte of every (amity. Over 2n%1 en•zravlnge. t agent -old Po COplll4 In one yr, ek e non her 36 in three days, mod nn , nhor sto four d.),4 Clrculsry live. AGENT'S WANTED. Addr.o. ,tt once. L. N. tAcK.NN EY & CO.. 72.5 Sannorn St., PLIIA. 4:1-3vr, W ATL RS' CONCERTO PIANOS. sCir ARE and UPRIGHT. arc the beet gide. The touch 'devil, the tone powerful. pure and even through the eu 'lre wak, y, I mellow ctol *u vet. WATER,' CONCEI:TOLiONS cannot he eicelled in tone or beam) ; he defy competition. The Lloneerto Stop Ira floe 11'11i...don of the !lumen Voice V. emoted roc Cr Year, Nicer extremely hm for each Or pun each, and the balance In month'. payment" , Second hood inotrumenre at great bargains. Agent. Wanted A liberal dlpcouut to Tench., limbo., Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. IlluviratedeaMlognen DORACE WATERS & Sox. 41-4 w. 4111 IlriviilWay. Neu York. I•. 0. Dor Tr. •1 IL AGENTS WANTED IIaraoKTELL IT ALL ny atm Penthattio I..te City, for 23 emm tho uzfe of • merman *PO Priest In tioduelace by 11166 Nome.. Thit .toq of =mem werwrlence leye of the "Arvid. firr,," myeterine, orrartdotn e , eta. of the Mormons 6 a • ar. Mem' . Eden. Pure end G 64. It la th e 64 thnn to. 11011_ Irk oat, utttelly whemq 74 0 lalstere say • 4wl p an t 0.. Ernbacot women emlome Everybody want. It end ..ente 61/6a from 10 toga n dvy I Ilath teovamed wow 6 ;ova/ W went 3,103 oan-e Way 6006 NOW— tom or women—sad we will treed 0.0001 to those who will rum., indophlete wilb purtletaten, trev6ll.,==go dL add rome W.J.111.111.1 Cu., 0a..., 1.4. 4/-1. POSTPONLIIIENTS /31PoSSIIIILE! 0 .= WILL BUS A - FIRST PREMIC3I MORTGAGE BOND N. Y. litilstrial Euosition Co Authorized by the Legiai,,, or 0 , 0 blpte or N. Y. 2d Premium Drawing., DECENIBER 7th, 1874_ Strit, Drak, log, J NNUARY 4th, 1:374. EV F.ILY &,NI) will be redo, ~ed elrb a premium, CAPITAL PREMIUM, $lOO,OOO, Addropo for BMA& and full infortnation, NIUROENTIIA BIIUNO et CO , Financial Aeon!, 1:1 Pork Row. P. u Drawer. 23. N,-w York 41-4vr. AppOcationa for Agvncice received AVE YOU TIMED Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are you so lanzuoi fh II any exertion recoil,. more of an .dF•n ;bon you I. el capable of making Then try Jl:litYßkltA, the woudervil bode and Invlg. orator, when acts, so bent ticially 011 the setretive or gans as 111 Impart v lip or to all Ow Vital Moe, It Is no I.lllom sport liter. w him. stimulates for a short time. only to let the suffeor all to a borer depth cd• misery. but It Ira vegetable tomc acting directly on the II ‘er sud splere. It regulates toe Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives oche Malt by toile to the whole system as to sous. make tut Mew id feel like ft new person, Its operation is ant violent, but Is chararterlzed by great gcutieness; the list lint experlsnc, • no sudden change, 1.10 marked results but erasmilly his troubles — Pohl their t etas like the Arabs, hod silently steala way ." This is no yew and untried ffleeovery, but bus been long used with wooderlut renhalt I results, end Is bro. 110IRIC d by the highest medical authorities, — the most powerful tuu Ic anti alterato knoo n'• Ark year druggist fur It. For sale by , 1011Nu.Qti, HOLLOWAY & CO., Pii ladelph la, Pa. MUSIC UOOKS Fun sCHOOLS Amor iboairs. SCHOOL NICSIC READERS In 3 Book*. By L. 0. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. la Book I. which le for Primary Schools. wr have a 3 yea,' course of *lndy, very pleialy laid out with abundant direction* to teachers. a Wye amber of sr Oct eoup, for the little ones to sing by rote eau by note. Prier 35 cents. In book 11, the coot.. above I odirated I. rontlorrd and become• a Mole More theoretic •rhe hook Is tined or the n+r of the younger ' , chola. In Goan Mar Schools Price 50cent, In Book 111. port singing la Intrtworrd. and the ear Is train id to harmonic Si Itgittg. For Higher tlassea Ora tumor thou's. Price bu cents. The music lu these charming and useful hooks was selected and arranged by the practiced hand of Mr. u. Emer on. and the theoretic pan halt been well test ed by air. TPden before plactng lu the Readers. For MGR S. UMOLS. nothing mi.-cut-de the above Menders better tau "'Fhe flour 111 winging." 141.00.1 already lu etteiwive lire. If that her been used. try — Choice Trios," [el 00.1 a coikaloo of the best :span Tho new Singing School Souk. - The Hong Mon arch," Oh etc.] is all'iletitig 011,31 attention as one of the best cause me mode tar [singing schools. Sold by ell deAlon. Miller book Font poet p►ld lor retell price, OLIP EH DITSON 6 Co., CHAS. IL DITSON S Co.. Bogoo. 711 Irdway. N. Y. Sept.?-sw. (May 2(1, 1W:1.-1y.] BIATOILLEVB Improved CI.%I2UIIIISEIt WOOD IT 11P, l'astaless, Durable, ElSA,lent. ;2 Intl Cheap. Thu bo,.t Pamp rot the lettatztaaney, Attention Is etiteciAlly , invited to Illatchicy'sl'otot 6u proved Ara, ket and No Drop L'lteett iaore, Which can be withorstra without tvnattylng the Damp ur d.- tanlug / "V":lt‘te neve the t , or lt • To. -seer tracer or snake, and w!lt taat any t.ther , 1.0.1 Vtar sale by Ile It le 4: Oat Freda a. generally. Inquire fur Blatcbtey •• ' • 4 Ptnnp, and If not :or sale In your town, .end direct to CH/i3, f 3. BL&TCEILEY, 111.nufwtrrer. Ana Camino., Pt., l'boadelplos, Pt. April let, 1614.—54,.. N EW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. JULIU' SHULTZ, Pricaral Niochinlet. noprot ally Policito We jr.trouogr at ali who wie *root hoko. Millwork; tqualtlak,liongeir, Polity cooro N. M.—Special attention paid to tritairlog. Now Mlllurd.Jouilllk.'l4.-13. J 0.13 WORK AT THU WITICE,CELEAP 1 .At this Office Daucuy L Oo ==t3 Miscellaneous,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers