- Win. 0 Cruet. E. H. Hawley, E. B. HAWLEY & CO., THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTERS, Ifontrode, Susquehanna County, Pa. Orrics—Weit Hide of Public Avenue Business Cards. BURNS& NICHOLS, )s; in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dya• ,en, Pal ut.,Uils , Varnish, Liquors, Spices .I ll ancY c, c Patent Medicines, Perrumeryncid ToiletAs cies. ;alr erescriptlon• caroltilly compOtinded.— Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. U. Bon.. ANOs Nionera. E=E Graduate of the Culversity of Michion, Ann &tot'. 861‘..d also of Jefferson Medical Colllrge of Phila. delphia, 1674, has returned to Friendevillee, whore be will attend to all calls his profession as usual.— liesidence in Jessie Itusford's house. Office the woe as beretsiore. Friendertlie. Pa., April 051 th., 137.1.-6 m. EDGAR A. TURRELL Corxecu.oet AT Law No. 170 Broadway, New York City. Alton& to all kinds of Attorney Bush:tem and eon. ducts cone. to all the Courts of both the State tad the filed States. Feb I. DR 11 W. EM/711, ,t warm,. Room at his dwelling, next door norttiof Dr liebey's, on Old Foandry Carnet, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental Work. De feel+ confident that he can please all. both in quality."( work and In price. Office hone from 9a. m. to 4 r. biontv.e, Feh. 11, 1014—tf 411332 BZIIII, Pa. Shunted our the Erie Railway De. pot. le a Isrgo spo commodious house, bag undergone a trioromel repair. Newly forrilsOrd rooms and sleep og spartutout ,, ,sploutild tabl es.nad alight no compris ing a Met cruse hotel. HENRY ACKERT. y,pt. 10th, 1811.-tf. Proprietor. B. T. E. R. CASE, LIARNESS-MAKEItd. Oak Harness, light and heavy. at lowest cash prices. Also, Blankets, Areal/ Bien tete, Whips. and everything pertaining to the Bac, cheaper than the cheapest. Repairing done prompt. ly and la good style. Montmee, Pa.. Oct. SO. 13:3, TEE PEOPLE'S MARKET. Pinuar Buts, Proprietor. Fresh and balled Meats, Hams, Pork, Bologna Ban .agr etr... of he beat quality, constant ly on band, at pro. , to Omit Montrose, Pa„ Jan. 14. 18:3.-ty BILLINGSSTROUD ILE AND 141'E IMICAANCE AGENT. Al. pushiest , attended to promptly, on fair terms. Office drat door east of the bank or Wm. It. Cooper A Co. PablicAvonne,Montrose. Pa. (Ang.1,1869. 17,1)72.1 BILLINGe STIIOIID, C'ILAKLEY MORRIS TUE lIATTI BA hLIER, htle moved his shop to the budding occupied by E. Idcliensie R Co., where he to prepared to do of I kinds of work In his llne,sucb as ms king switches, puffs, etc. All work done on short „ tine an d peen. low. Please cull and see me. LITTLES BLAKESLEE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, have removed tu their New Oak, oppoalU. , the Terbell Rowe. R.B. larn.s, Geo. P. Lerma.. E. L. IlLear.r.seme. Montroge , Oa. 15,18'.3. DEALER in Rooks, etationery, Wall Paper, Newel; • pers. ?octet Cutlery, 6ternueempinHews,, Yanleu Notions, etc. them to the YeatOthee, Vt. B. HAAN'S. dept. 36, 1K. 4. EXCHANGE HOTEL M. J. HARRINGTON wishes to tuforui thepoblicthat having rented the Exchange Lintel Montrose, be to now prepared to accommodate the traveling pobite to drat-cia, ett le o ova . And:. di, 1Y H BURRITT. Dealer ,n Staple and Fancy Dry Goals, Crockery, Hard woe, Iron, Stoves, Drags. Oils, and Paints, Boots and Shoes, Rats and Cape, Furs, Butralo Robe., Gro ceries, Provisions. Sc. t a.. Nov, DS D. A. LATHROP, A Iministers hl.acrm Tuinnat Batas, • the Foot of Chestnut street, Call and consul to a. 7 Chronic Olseases. Montrose. Jan. It DR. S. W. DAYTON, SY - SD:IAN 6 SURGEON, tenders hie aervicas to the citizen. of Great Bend and vicinity. Office at tits reeldence. opposite Ulm= House. G't Bend Sept. let. 1.569.—tf LEWIS KNOLL SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING. Shop In the new Postonlce buildlne, where he win be (cloud ready to attend all who may want anything In We line. Montrone Pa. Oct. 13 1569. CHARLES N. STODDARD, )ealer In Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, Leather Ina Findings, Idaln Street, Ist door below lioyd's Store. Work made to order, and repairing done neatly, Montrose Jan. 1 1810. DR W. L. RICHARDSON PQ TSICIAN la SUSGEON, tender. his prOfessiOna services to the citizens of Montrose and vicinity.— Office at hisessiderle, on the corner east 08ayri a Bros. Foundry. (Aug. 1. 1869. SCOI7LL (IT DEWITT. Attorney, at Lam and Solicitora ha Bankniptey. Ott. ti o. 49 Coact Strect,over City National Bank, Bing hamton, N. Y. Wa. 11.8cov1u, EWE= siDEL'Tt72I2ELL. Dealer to Drugs MedleiDel., Chainlcale,lnt., Oil., Dye...mite, T. bpices, Nancy Good., Jewelry Per. (emery. ac., Brick Block, Moniro.., Pa. E.lablishol 1.45. [Feb. I. WM.; LAW OFFICE. FITCH & WATSON. Attorney. at Lem at the old odic. of ilcatley & Fitch, Mau:roue, Ps. L. I. rreco. Van. li. 'tl.l A. 0. WARREN, TTORNEI E: LAW.Bonnty, Back Pay. Petuoon and .111.emo .on Claims attended to. Ofilee door below Boyd'. Store. Montrore.Pa. [Au. 1,'69 W. A. CROSSMON, Attorney at Law. Office at the Court House, Ir ate Commisaionei a Ocoee. W. A. Castellon. Montrose. Sent. . 1071.--tl. J. C. 1471 EATON, CIVIL Enortrazu AID LAND NVIrrIrrON. P. U. address, Franklin Forks, Susquehanna Ca., Pa JO.HS GROVES, PshMONABLETAII.OIt, Montrone. Pa. shop over Chandler's Store. Ali orders Ailed In eret-racestylt. :siting done on short notice. and warranted to et, W. W. SMITH, :ABINET AND CRAM IdANUFACTURRID3,—too. of Main erect. itootroso. P. ag. 1.1809. M. C. SUTTON, A ECTIONIIBII, and Irtausatet /tatty, aal 69U Friendsville, Pa D. W. SEARLE, ATTORNEY AT Lew, °Lilco over the Store of E. Dessauer,lo the Brick Bloch. Bontroac .PA. 1,0169 J. B. & A. 11. McCOLLI7.II; ATTOWILTS AT LAW OCkro over the Bank. MORGV.. Pm Mootrove, limy 10, 1671. AMI EL F, Adds eat, - Brooklyn Pa AUCTIONEER iale 1. 33 11 .1 NM. • lON PRIATIAG Elsocniatect AT THIS OFFICE. CHEAP. Try 17s. MONTROSE -DEMOCRAT. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME 31. A PRAYER AND AN ANSWER BY D3ABICLLA 1 , 111.10 MAYO —o— Oh Lord, and what shall this one do? Our heart puts out its hope for him, That ho may reap the fields we sow In the full day now dawning dim; "And what is all of this to thee, Thine only is—to follow me." But, Lord of life, the way we know And oh, we tourd it rough and steep. Our tender love has tender fears, Pledge thou myself this child to keep, "Yet what to all of this to thee? Thine only is—to follow me." Oh, Life has oceans cold and dark And moorlands, oh, so bard and bare, And chasms dread whence souls may slip, Far, far away, past mortal care, •Bat what is all of this to thee ? Thine only Is—to follow me." 0 Lord, 0 Lord, we plead the worse For foes are camping round about, And there's a flattering foe within, Who leagues him with the foe without, "But what is all of this to thee ? i ibineonlY fallow me." Is there no answer from above No pledge this child of ours to keep ? Nothing to help him but our love,— Poor woman love that falls asleep I Oh, then how greatly must we need, Or hapless is our child Indeed ! We must not fret though he should triad With scorn the seeds that we have sown We must not fret though he should see Our dawn as midnight darken grown, And we must dare to loose our way, To seek him if lie goes astray 1 The door at home must open stand To greet him when he comes again ; And smiling lace and clasping hand Must lode the tale of patient pain, The feast must always ready wait, The son returning to the gate; And came no answer to thy prayer? The still voice speaking from above, "To they who stretzli the loving hand Are bolding in the Hand of ;ove, My pledge, my power, were given thee, All in that answer, "Follow me." BS' MISS IL. GI. BILIIILIIID I know not what shall befall me God hangs a mist o'er my eyes, And at each step in my onward path ' lie makes new scenes to rise, And every joy he sends me, comes as A strange and sweet surprise. I see not a step before me, As I tread on another year, But the past is still in God's keeping, The future Ills mercy shall clear, And what looks dark in the distance May brighten as 1 draw near— For perhaps the dreaded future Is less bitter than i think. The Lord way sweeten the waters Before 1 stoop to drink. As if Marsh must be Marsh, Ile will stand beside its brink. It may be that He has waiting Fur the corning of my feet, Some gift of such rare blessedness, Some joy so strangely sweet, That my lips shall only tremble With the thanks they cannot speak. Oh I restful, blissful ignorance! 'Tis blessed not to know, It keeps me so still in these arms, Which will not let me go, And bushes my soul to rest In the bosom that loges me so! Shall I go on not knowing ? I would not if 1 might, I would rather walk, in the dark with God, Than go alone in the light; I would rather walk with Him by faith Than walk alone by sight. Dly heart shrinks back from trials, Which the future may disclose, Tet 1 never bad a sorrow But what the dear Lord chose ; So I send the coming tears back, With the whispered words, "He knows." Et!=i I== THE DOUSE-TOP SAINT 'Yes, yes, sonny, l's mighty fo'hand ded, and no ways like Iwo white trash nor yet any of those onsanctitied void folks dat grab deir liberty like a dog grabs a bone—no thanks to nobody 1" Thus the sable, queenly gibyl Mclvor ended a long boast of her prosperity since she had become her own mistress. to a young teacher (rote the North, as she was arranging his snowy linen in nie trunk. "I'm truly glad to have all this comfort and plenty, Stbyl • but I hope your tress urea are not iill laid up on earth. I hope you are a Christian P asked the young stranger. Sibyl put ;op her great hands, and straightened kind elevated the horns of her gay torbeti ; and then, planting them on her capracious hips, s:ie looked the beardless youth in the eyes and exclaimed with a sarcastic smile. " Tett hope I'm a Christian, do you ? Why, sourly, was a 'sPectat;le Bart of a Christian afore your mammy was' born I reckon ! But for these last twenty five years, I's done been a mighty poWerftil one—one u de kind dat makes Satan shake in his hoofs—l is one of the house top sale is, sonny I" Souse ton.saints ? what kind of saints are those ?' asked the 'young Nortliener. 'Ha, ha, ha,' laughed Sibyl ; 'I thought like's not VOlll, never heard tell on 'em up your way. - Dey's mighty scarce any what; nut de Lor's kot on 'em, at any rate, in this place and on this plantation I' replied Sibyl, triumphantly. 'And that is you ?' 'Yes, obi] y, ant is me! - =Then tell me what you mean by being a house top saint ?' 'Well, I mean dat I's been trough all atop es d my i Fathers house on arth, from POETRY. NOT KNOWING STORY TELLER MONTROSE, PA.. ' It` .I', I : ' , " : ' 4, 1874 de cellar up ; and now fairly on de raff—yes, on de very ridge pole ; and dar I sits and sings and shouts and sees heav en—like you never see it through the clouds down yet.' `How did you get there,Auntie ?' 'Row does you get from de cellar to de parlor, and from de parlor to de chamber and from de chamber to de ruff? Why, de builder has put stars thar, and you sees 'em and put your feet on 'em and tnounts, ha r `But there urn the Immo stairs in your father's house for ail his children, us for you ; and yet you say h:nise top suitibi are very scarce ?' 'Sarin], sonny. .7ta'rs don't get people up. 'less dey mount 'em. If dey was a million o' stu'rs leadin' up to glory, it wouldn't help dem dat ens down at de bottom and howls and mourns 'bout how helpless day is I Brudder Adam, dere. Out, s Mackin' of your boots, he's debits• ban' o' my hussum' and yet he's nothin' but only.a poor, down cellar 'aciple,sitt in de dark, and whinin"cause he ain't up stars ! I say to him, says I, •Brudder' —l's allus called him 'Brudder' since he was born Into de kingdom—'why don't you come into the light ?' 'On,' says he, •Sibby, l's too unworthy ; I doesn't deserve de light dat God has made for de holy ones.' Sho says I, 'when our massy done married de gu•'ness, urter old missus' death ? Miss Alice, she was poor as an tinfeathered chicken ; but did she go down cellar and sit, 'mong de po'k barrels and de trash 'coos she was poor and wasn't worthy to live up stu'rs ? Nut she! She took her place to de head o' de table : and w'ar all the lacery . and jewelry massy gib her, anti hold up her head high, like she was saym', I's no more poor gov'ness, teachin' Corn Melvor's chil'n ; but I.s de Col'n's Winced wife, and I statues for de mother, of his chil'n,' as she had a right to say I And de Con'l loved her all de more for her not bein' a fool and settle' in de cellar, 'mong the po'k bur. r' Is 'Dere, sonny. dues de way I talk to ilrudder Adam ! But so tor it haint futched him up! Dc poor delhded cretur thinks he's bumble, when he's only low minded and growlin' like. It's unworthy of a blood bought soul for to stick to de cold, dark cellar, when he coon' ht lice in de light and warmf, up on de house top.' 'That's very true, Sibyl; but few of us reach the housetop,' said the young man. thoughtfully. "Mo' fools you den!' cried Sibyl. 'l)e housetop is dere and de star'rs is dere, and de grand, glorious Master is dere up 'bove all, callin' to you day and night 'Frien', come up higher!' He reaches down his shinin' ban' and offers for to drag; you up ; hut you shakes your head and pulls hack and says, No, no, Lord ; I isn't nothing. Is dat de way to treat him who has hoops the light act lire for you ? Oh, shame on you sonny, and on all de down cellar and parlor and chamber Cnristians '•What are parlor Christians, auntie ?. asked the young man. "Parlor Christians. honey ? Why dens is de ones dat gets bar'ly out o' de cellar and goes straight way and forgets what kind o' eretnrs dey was down dere! Dey grow proud and dresses up tine, like de wcrl's folks, and dances, and sings world ly trash o' songs. and has only just 'hg- ion enough to make a show wid. Our old missuv, she used to train 'mong her cord folks was_ den ole King Furio did 'mong de 'Gyptains. But, bless you de minute de parson or any other good brudder or sister come along, how she did tune up her harp! She mighty lig ions in de parlor, hut she left her ligion dere when she went out." "I do think M [SSW got to heaven, wid all her infirmities! But she didn't get very high up until de bridegroom come and called for her ! Den she said to me, one dead.o'- night. "Oh, Sibby,' says she —she held tight on my han'--'Oh. Sibhy if you could o lv go Mon.? o' me, and I could keep hold o' your garments, I'd have hope o' getting through the shiniu' gate! your clothes and your face and Your hands shines like silver, silver. Sib -hp ! sacs she. "Dear soul,' sacs I, 'die light you see isn't mine! It all comes 'fleeted on to poor black Sibyl from the cross ; and dere is hea i is more of it to shine on you and every other poor sinner dat will come near enough to notch de rays says she, ‘Sinby. when I heard you ehontin Glory to God and thankin o' him on de house top, I thonght it was all sa'sition and ignorance. But now, oh, Sibhy, I'd like to touch de hem o' your garment, and wipe de dust ofl your Aloes if I could on'y ketch a glimpse o' Christ.' 'Do you Where dat you's a sinner,mis ens ?' says I. 'Yes de chief sinner,' said she with a 'Do you blieve dat Christ died for sin ners, and is able to carry out his plan,' says I. ''Yes,' says she. 'Well, den: says I, 'if you's a sinner 'nmigh.and Christ is Savior 'nough,what's to hinder your bein' saved ? Just you quit Tonkin' at yourself, and look to hint: 'Den she kotch sight o' de cross and she forgot herself , and her face light up like an angel's. and she was a new tnissus !nn dat yar hour till ehe went up. She died a sinner.' 'ln my han' no price I bring, Simpiy cross 1 cling.' 'tint she rnought nave sung all de way along, if she hadn't forgot the hoomil iation o' cellar, and 'bused de privih•gee o' de parlor. Parlors is tine things but dey ain't made for folks to spen' deir whole time 'What's a chamber saint, auntie ?'— Baked the young man. 'Chamber saints- is dem dat's 'soaped de dark and de scare o' de cellar, and de honey traps o' de parlor, and got through de many wories, and so feels aqired, and is glad a 'rest. Dey says, 'Well, we's got 'long mighty well, and can now see de way clear up to glory.' And sometimes des , forgets dat day's only hull way up, and thinks dey's come off conquerer a'ready. So dey's very apt to lay down *id deir hands folded, thinkin' dat Satan isn't nowhar, now ! gut. he is close by Devoted to the Interests of our Town and County\ 'em, and he smooves dor soft pillows and singe 'em to sleep and to slumber, and de work o' de kingdom don't get no help troth dem—not for one while ! De cham ber is a sort o' hallway house made for rest and comfort, but some turns it into roostin' place ! You know Brudder Bun an, sunny ?' 'What, never heard tell o' John Bun yen ?' 'Oh, yes.' 'I thought you couldia't all be se igno rant 'bout 'ligion up in Boston as dat! Well, you know dat he wrote 'bout a brudder dat got asleep and loss his roll, and dat's what's de matter will heaps o' Clitiatiane in de wol'. Dey falls asleep and looses deir hope.' 'And do you keep in this joyful and wakeful frame all the time, auntie ?'— asked the young learne,r. '1 does honey. By de help of de Lord, end a contni'al watch, I keep de head ub de ole sarpint mashed under my heel, pretty gineral. Why, somet'tnes, when be raise op and thrust his tangs out, 1 has such force gin . me to stomp on him dat'l can hear hie bones erack—mostly ? I tell yon honey, he don't like me, and he most gin the np fur los'.' 'Now, Sibyl, you are speaking in fig ures. Tell me plainly how you get the victory over Satin.' 'Heaps of ways,' she replied. 'Some timev I gets op in the moraia'and I sees work enough for two women ahead of me Maybe my head done ache and my nerves is done rampant ; and I hears a voice sayin' in my ear, Come or go what likes. Sibbv, dat ar work is got to be done ! You' r e sick and tired a'ready I Your lot's a mighty hard one, Sister Sibby'—Satin often has the impudence to call me sister - -,'and if Adam was only a pearter man, and if Tom wasn't lame, and if Judy and Cle'party wasn't dead, you could live mighty easy. But just you look as that pile o' shirts to iron inside cookin' for Ad• am and Tom, and kee' in' your house like a Christian oughter. Dat's how he 'sails me when I'm weak ! Den I faces straight about and looks at him. and says in de words o' Scripture, 'Clay out and git ahind my bacv , Safari Dat ar pile o' shirts ain't 'tight enough to hide Him. dat is my streiti,th: And sometimes I whisks de shirts up and rolls 'ern into a bundle, and heave 'em back into the clothes basket and says to 'em, You lay dar till to marrow, will you ? I ain't no slave to work, or to Satin, for I can 'lord to wait, and sing a hone to cheer up my spirits, if I like.' And den Satan drops l.is t and alinkti Off, most gineral ; and I goes 'bout my work a sinain.: My Master bruise de sarpint's head, And bind him wid a chain ; Come, Brudder, bololgjah shout, Wid nil your might ant main'. Hololujah ! 'Does Satan always assail you 'through your work ?' asked .he young stranger. 'No, bless you honey ; sometimes he tacks me through the stummick ; and dat's de way he 'tacks rich and grand folks, most gineral. I eat too heavy o' fat °aeon and corn cake in time gone. I used to git low in ligion, and my hope failed.ai,d I den was arch a fool I thought my Christ had forgot to be gracious to me ! ! Satan makes great weapons out o' bacon ! But I knows better now, and I keep my body under, like Brudder Paul ; and nothin' has poser to sepamie me from Him I loves. l's had trouble enough to break a dozen hearts dat has no Jesus to spar' em aid but every one on 'em has only fouched me nearer to him ! ! Some to,ks would like to shirk all trouble on deir way to glory, and swim into de shin in harbor through a sea o' honey. But sonny, dere's crosses to bear, and I ain't mean enough to want my blessed Jesus to bar 'em all alone. It's my glory here dat I can take hold o' de cross, and help Him up de hill wid a loud o' poor bruised and wounded and sick sinners. He's got on Hai hands and His heart to get up to glory. But, la! honey ! how do time has flew ; I must go home and get Brudder Adam's dinner : for it's one o' my arti• des o' faith never to keep him wrtin' be yond twelve o'clock whcriThe's hungry and tired, for dat :ding glee Satan fresh 'vantage over him. Come up to my pal ace. some day, and we'll have more time to talk about the way to glory.'—Hrs. J. D. Chaplin, in Congregotionalist. Josh Biltinp on "Dlspepshy.” I have been a practicie dispeptik for 27 years and four months, and it would have been mutiny in my pocket, if I had been born without ennv stumrnuck.. I have prayed upward of one thousand times to be on the inside like an ostrich, or a traveling colporter. I have seen traveling- colporters who could not eat as much as a goose. I have tried living on filtered water and goilag bare-footed for the dispepshy and that didn't hit the spot. I have soaked in water cure establish meats until I was so limber that I kauldn't get myself back again inside ov my Baldwin' apparel— I, kvutraked for eleven 'kora of hiclor3i — iv - Mid, kross grained, and phull ov wrinkles as an old cows horn, and sawed away three months on it,and the pile seemed to grow bigger ever day. I finally gave away the saw and what. wood t ere waz left, to save my life, and sat down discouraged, a spire victim to the dispepshy. I bought a saddle horse nice, who wag got up expressly to kure . the dispepshy in 90 kays or kill the horse. The hoes and fixings cost me $490 in gold. lie waz warranted to pall harder than a trip hammer, pull warier on the bits, stumble saf r down hill than envy other boss OD the foot stool. • T rode the boss until I will ov a jelly and then sold him.bridle and all for sit ty•eight' dollars, and' got' tiled by the purchaser, and -144 to_ pay him _ninety dollars and some cents dammage, be- ! causelhe :torse had had "Nimshya" disease I knu nothing about. 1 have - livted at the-sea and :Mn- baled at the -saline flood, until I waz Egt tgrnitinbgr one makrel. • _ "rliave &welt at' Saratoga; taken,l the water like wmilbrace; Stud Still had the dispepshy. I have walked two miles before break fast and then ett a sack of. dry toast, and half the yelk 01 a pullet's eg. and felt all the time az weak az a kitten that haz just cum out ov a fit. I hay laid down more than two thous. and times and rolled over once a minit all night long and got up in the morn ing like a corps, and there didn't noth ing seem to ail me enny where in par ticular. I hue red whole libray ou the stum muck and live, and when I got thru I knu a great deal less what was the matter ov me than when I began. I have drank u hiskee with roots in it enuff to carry oft any bridge or saw mill in the country. I have worked on a farm for my vittles arid board. and dieted on fried pork and ri bread until I WO/3132 thin az the sermon ov a 7 days Baptise preacher. I have done these things and 10 thou sand other things just as ridikilus, and I have gut the old dispepshy yet., just as natural and az th!kaz the pimples on a four year old goose. If you get a good bolt of the dispep shy once, you can't never loose it entire ly,,it come around once in a while like a, ghoit, and if it don't scare you so much . as it did once, and make you think yn 'are going to die tomorrow, it will make you feel just az sorry. "Going It Bituti." --o A SKETCH OF LIFE ON THE FRONTIER A JUDGE wao HAS SOMETHING TO LEARN. Judge Servis. the Associate Judge of the First District Territorial Court of Montana, is justly celebrated fur his legit learning, and is greatly beloved by his friends. He is stern, upright and honest. But with all his legal attainments he in not the greatest man at cards in the Ter ritory. It hus been said thr.t he did not know the Jack of Hearts from the Ace of Diamonds. In the Itadersburg mining . camp three persons were seated around a table in one of tho-e log robin saloons, 'wilh a bil liard attached,' which are so common in milling camps, playing a game of three hand poke:. A quarrel ensued, which resulted in an aggravated case of assault and battery. This did tint end the affair fur at the next term of the court, ar the bead of the docket, stood the Territory of Montana vs. A. L. Parks, for an as sault and battery with intent to kill on the body of Asdy Anderson. The trial came on, and the only wit ness io the dim was Bob Gibbons, who was the third in the game. Having been sworn he was directed to tell the court and jury everything he knew about the affray. After clearing his throat he nom - Ineueed by stating that 'me and Parks, and Andjwson were titer at Hulbeck's saloon,the second day after election,when Parks proposed that we have a game of poker. All agreed to ic, and we went in the back room and sat down to the game; did not know that then was any hard feeling between Parks and Anderson, or I would not have played, but heard after wards—' Here Bob was interrupted in the court who directed him to keep all hearsay to himself, and confine himself strictly to the case. The witness cnnhuued : 'Well,We -Aat 111./Wl} to the table. Anderson there, Parka here, aid I there (making a diagram on the clerk's table.) Parks dealt Lhe cards; I went blind ; Anderson went blind over me, and Parks would not see him.' 'The Judge, who is a little deaf, was in the habit of nulling an ear trump e t of his hand thiniving his head a little for ward and sideways. Ilavinggone through hie pantominedie interrupted the witness by askitg him : •What is the reason Parks did not see Anderson ?' The witness replied :'I don't know,bnt ho wmild um see him.' 'Proceed,' said the Judge. 'Well, I saw him, and just at that min ute--' 'Stop, sir,' said the Judge, throwing himself into n 6. ariog position. 'Did I itih-rsiand you to say you went blind ?' 'Yee, sir ; I went blind, and Anderson welt hlind. and Parks would not see him but I saw Anderson, and he saw—' 'Witness,' exclaimed the Judge,strikin the bench with his clinched fist, 'do I hear right ? Do you say you went blind and then you saw.' 'Yes, sir,' replied the witness. 'I saw Anderson, and Anderson saw, and just at that—' •Stop, sir,' said the Judge. 'Mr. Clerk tine the witness $5O for contempt of court, and direct the Sheriff ro take him to jail. and there to keep him until he receives further orders from the court.— Cull up the next case, Mr. Clerk.' Bob Gibbons was dumbfounded, and dal out awake to the reality of his con dition until the Shirai' laid his hands a on him, whep,he exclaimed : 'Good gracious, Mr. Judge. what have I done, that I must go to jail r The Judge, who was purple with rage, did not deign to reply to poor Gibbons, but reiterated the order with increased vehemence, and the members of the bar, who had been anticipating the fix that Bob would be •veutually placed in, were convulsed with laughter which increased the rage of GP. Judge to the highest pitch. The prosecuting attorney endeav ored to enlighten the Judge, and eventu ally but nut until he had pro duced a pack of cards, and after dealing three hands made the blind as clear as day to the Judge. The fine and imprisonment were re mitted, order was restored in court, and Gibbons was allowed to proceed with his testimony. • A young lady remarked to a fop the other day that his penknife (which by . the by, was a very neat one,) in one re• spect resembled him. The ladies in the room commenced guessing what it could be. At last a smart looking- boy, who had until now sat in the corner silent, was asked to guess. After examining the knife pretty closely he . turned around, and in a cunning manner said,. "Well, I don't know,unless it 18 because it's dull." Indiaue charge bathing for shaytng FIFTY CTS. EXTRA IF NOT IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS READING. And this is the end of it all! it rounds Ute year's completeness ;• Only a walk to the stile, through fields afoam with sweetness ; Only the sunset-light, purple and red on the river ; And a lingering low good-night, that means good-bye forever. So be It and God be with you I It had been, perhaps, more kind Had you sooner (pardon the word) been sure of knowing your mind. We can bear so much In youth—who cares for a swift, sharp pain And the two.edged sword of truth cuts deep, but it leaves no stain ! I shall lust go back to my work—to my little household cares, That never make any show. By time perhaps, in my prayers, I may think of you I For the rest, on this way we've trodden.togetber, My foot shall fall as lightly as if my heart were a feather, And not a woman's heart, strong to have and to keep, Patient when children cry, soft to lull them to Bleep, Hiding fts secrets close, glad when another's hand Finds for itself a gem where hers found only sand. Good-bye! The year 11E13 been bright I As oft as the blossoms come, The peach with its waxen pink, the waving snow of the plum, I shall think how I used to watch, so happy to see you pass I could almost kiss the print of your foot on the dewy grass. I am not ashamed of my love! Yet I would not have yours now, Though you laid it down at my feet. I could nut stoop so !Ow. A love is but hat! a love that contents itself with less Than love's utmost faith and truth and unwav e,ing tenderness. Only this walk to the stile; this parting word by the river, That flows so quiet and cold, ebbing and flow ing forever. "Good-bye I" Let rue wait to hear the last, last sound of his feet I Alt me! but I think it, this lite of oars the bit ter outweighs the sweet. A NEW HAMP.SILIRE ROMANCE T. B. Aldrich, writing of the Stayers House, Portsmouth, N. H., says: One of the romantic episodes of the place has been turned to very pretty account by Longfellow in the last series of 'The Tales of a Wayside lute—the marriage of Gov ernor Henning Wentworth with Martha Hi'Lou, a sort of second coition of King Uophetua and the Beggar Maid. Martha Hilton was u poor girl, whose bare feet and ankles and scant drapery, when she was a child, and even after she was in the bloom ut her teens, used to scandal ize good Dame Stayers, the innkeeper's wife. Standing one afternoon in the door-way, Dame Slavers took occasion to remonstrate with the sleeked limbed and lightly draped Martha, who chanced to be passing the tavern, carrying a pail of water, in which, as the poet neatly says, `the shifting sunbeam dance' You Put! You Put !' cried Mrs. Starers severely. 'why do you go looking so? You should be ashamed to be seen in the street:— 'Never mind how I look,' says Miss Mar tha, with a merry laugh, letting slip a saucy brown shoulder out of her dreis; •I shall ride it. my chariot yet, ma'am. Fortunate prophesy! Martha went to live as a servant with Governor Went worth at his inteistou at his Little Har bor, looking out to sea. Seven years pass ed. and the thin slip of a girl, who prom iced to be no great, had flowered into the loveliest of women,witli a lip like a cher ry and a diet klike A ruse—a lady by in stinct, one of nature's' otvu ladies. The Governor, a lonely widower, and not too young, fell in love with his fair handmaid. Without stating his purpose to any one Governor Wentworth invited a number of friends (among others he invited the Rev. Arthur Brown) to dine with him at Little Harbor an his birthday. After the dinner which was a- very elaborate one, Wits ut au end, and the guests were dis cussing their tobacco-pipes, Martha Hil ton glided into the room and stood blush ing in front of the chimney place. She wasyxquisitely dressed, as you may con ceive,aud wore her hair three stories high. The guests stared' at each other. and_par ticularly at tier, and wondered. Then the Governor, rising from his seat, 'Played slightly with his -ruffles, then looked down And said unto the Reverend Arthur Brown: "This IS my birth day, it shall likewise be My wedding day, and you shall marry me I" ' The Hector was dumbfounded, know ing the humble feoticg Martha had held in tae house, and could think of nothing cleverer to say than 'To whom, your Ex cellettcy ?"To this lady,' replied the Governor, taking Martha Helton by the hand. The Rev. Arthur• Brown hesitated. 'As the Cheif magistrate of New Hamp shire I command you to marry me I" cried the firm old Governor. And so it was done, and so the pretty kitchen maid be came Lady Wentworth, and did rido in her own Chariot after all. She waan't a woman if she didn't drive by Stayer's Hotel. He that will be secret, must be a dis sembler in some degree) for men are too cunning to suffer a man to keep an indif ferent carriage between both, and to be secret, without swaying the balance on either side. Rabelais had written some sensible pieces, which the world did not regard at all. "I will write something," says he, "that they shall take notice of." And so hie at down to writing nonsense. Funeral parades are going one of firth lon. THE MONTROSE D E MOCRAT Con tate e all the Lomond 0 eneral freire.Poetry.dti dee. Aneedoter,4 Idlocellineons Beadlng.Coireepoid• once, and a reliable elate of advertisement& One 'quire. (X ohm loch space.)/weeks, or lees, $1 I month, $1.%; 3 months , $9.50 ; 6 months, 14.10; I year. $6.50. A liberal discount crn adrettlremento 0 , a greater length.' Bogner. Loeale.lo eta. • line for grit tcsertlen, and 6 eta. • line each rubsequenr narerttott.— Marriage. and destla,tree; ohltnarles,lo . ete. a Ilse. NUMBER 44. ONLY. The oldest mowing machines, though very ; ,rude, were used by the,Gaula A cart, having blades arranged - in fropt,waa pushed forward into the grain by oxen hitched behind,und thus cut off the beads. A system of six rotating scythes was made by Joseph Boyce in 1709, and an • attempt to use the same principle was made by Gompretz and Meson, in 1852. In 1811-1815, Smith, of Deans, once brought out a machine in• which a short vertical revolving cylinder carried a knife on its lower end ; but all these rotating machines have proved impracticable.— Robert Meares. in Promo, in Somerset shire, established, in 1800, tin. 'shear principle as the only practicable one.— Salmon, in Woburn, in 1807; built a ma-, chine with a row of blades and fingers moving over them, and also applied the reel. Tbe Scotch parson, Patnck Bell,of Torfarshine, in 1828. and William Man ning, of Plainfield. N. Y., iu 1832, were the founders of the • present . syle of ma-., chines. Manning was the first to attach the draught at the side of the machine, —The Argosy Is Prnussup brut Wrosrusiss, sienna* Advertising Bates: A HISTORY OP MOWING • MA CHINES. all others previously having been pushed from behind. °bed Hassey,of Cilicinnati, attached the side-platform and slit finger. McCormick, then of Rockbridge, Va., now of Chicago, in 1835 improved the Manning and Hussey machine, and the appearance of these at the London E_- position, in 1851, was the signal C,r their introduction into general use. The oldest threshing machine (except the antiques) was made by Michael Men zies, in 1732, or perhaps ut the same time by 'full, consisting of a rotating cylinder with flails. Several others followed short ly. some like a flour mill, and in 1692, Willoughby, of Bedford, made one like that of Menzies, which Von Than.' brought to Germany, and which served no; a model for the Mecklenburg thresher. The machine of James Wurdropp, of Am pthell, in Virginia, is on a similar principle, only the beaters are sticks firing up and • down. Finally, in 1785, Andrew Meiklp, of Tyniiigham, east Lo thian, laid the foundation of the present torn,, by using a drum with four heaters parallel to its axis, that carrled.the grain between itself and a concave, furnished with similar rods. An ArrieriCab, named Mutlitt, in 1854, substituted • spikes for the rode, though Menzies' machine ad heres to the old system. CHEAP DISINFECTANTS One pound of green copperas, costing seven cents, dissolved in one quart of water, and poured down a water closet, will effectnully destroy the foulest smells. On board ships- and steamboats, about hotels and other places, there• is. nothing so nice to purify the air. Simple green copperar dissolved nnder the bed in any thing that will hold water will render a hospital or any other place for the sick free from unpleasant smells. For butch era' stalls, fish markets,•slaughter houses. sulks, and where there are ut.pleusant, putrid gases, dissolve , copperas end sprinkle it abent, and in a' few days the smell will pass away. If a cut, rat, or mouse dies about the house and sends forth an offensive gas, place BOW diseolv ed copperas in an open:the place vessel near e place where the nuisance is, and it will soon purify the atmosphere; THE DONE OF THE CAI'ITOL The dome of the capitol ut Washing ton is the most ambitious structure in America. It is 108 feet higher than the Washington Monument in Baltimore, 08 feet higher than Bunker Hill Monument, and 23 feet higher than the Trinity Church Tower in New York. It is - the only considerable dame of iron in tho world. It is a vast 'hollow sphere of iron, weighing 8,000,000.000" pounds. How much is that? About 4,000 tons. or a weight of about 70,000 fullgrown persons, nr about equal to a thousand loaded coal cars, which,bolding four tons each,would reach two miles.and 41 half. Directly over your. bead is a figure is bronze, "America," weighing 14,985 pounds. • The pressure of the iron dome upon its piers and pillars, Is 12.447 pounds to the square foot. St. Peter pres et; nearly 20,000 pounds more to the square rout, and St. Genevieve, at Paris, 66,000 pimnds more. It Would r equire, to crush the suportors of cur dome, a pressure of 557,270 pounds to the.square foot. The cost was about *1.000,000. The new wings cost 86,500.000. This architect has a plan foi rebuild ing the old central part of the capitol and en larging the park,whioli will cost. about 83,200,000. PLAIN TALK TO. GIRLS. Your every pay toilet is a part of ycur character. A:girl who looks like a "fur ry" or a slov, n in rho morning, Wont to be trusted, however finely - she trity look in the evening. No matter - how humble your room may be. th ere are eight things it should contain, viz.: a mirror, wash stand, soap, towel, conab„ hair, nail and tooth brushes. Thoie ane just us esiett tiat as your breakfast, 11 , fore which you should make good and - free nee of them. Parente who fail to provide their children with 80011 appliances, not only, make a great mistake, but commit a sin of omis sion. Look tidy in the morning, and af- ter the dinier work is over, improve your . Make it a rule of your . daily, life to "dress up" in the afternoon... Your dress may, or need not be. anything better than cabco, bat with a ribbon, or flower, or some bit of ornament, yon can have an air of self respect and setts faction,that invaribly comes , with being. well dressed. The law isveally no stronger than the public sentiment that is Inhind it s The machinery is practically no more power ful than the steam in the boiler; and ac cordingly, what the temperance cause needs is not so much a new.law as a new public sentiment. • • • . ' To make others ir.ippy . is' a gbod way promote your owu happiness.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers