Micellaneous. NEW ARRANGEMENT ! The People's DroE Store. 1. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR R. KENYON, Dranho et, Apothecary PATENT MEDICINE EMPORIUM ! The andervlgned would real:octal:illy announce to all the people everywhere, that to 11le already exteoalr• stock nod vartecy 01 Merehandle,: itt the tirocerv. Pet, I Woe, stud Hardware line. . . , . Ile hos added a v ry choke assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MIF:DICLNES,ItUtiIIES, PER FUMERY. En . which he Ratters hips If be can ossurc the public they will And it to their advantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all ?hyoids. In this section of the county he would rooptctfolly at.. Pounce that he has secured the services of R. Kenyon. as Drugsist and Apothecary 'w hose long experience and actnowletigou care and ability, entitle him 10 your ell tire confidence in the lint- of compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who would alsoteem it an especial favor to receive calla root any ef his old customer* or new otos. Will stoke the Potent Aiedl elitess specialty Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Watt rs—an extensive stock.. Also kne tiroces-lev— LEIBIG'S EXTRACT or REEF. -FRESLI SALMON PICKLED .t CANNED CLANS, LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN. BEAN:, OYsTIIRS,, Sc , Sc. In fact. anything and rvery thing that In ordinarily rd. iteeprc I Mil) i.ollciticig a call I remain 'l. N. BULLARD Powder Powder Powder Biagio_ 131 d: and Shot Powder, Shot. Lead, /hi= Tube., Cap+. Pooches, Fined., Fuse. for halo by Motarnee, Sept. 9,1974—1 f. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY COLE BROTHERS' RESTORATIVE BALSAM, ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, CROUP ALL CoMPLAINTS OF LUNGS LIVER. KIDNEYS, REIECTMATISNi, and a sure cure 1;a. the PILES. Be sure and try it. Beware of fraud. None genuine unless sole COLE BROTHERS, Sole Proprietors, Montrose, Pa. Or by authorized ilruggi4ts. Oct. 7, 1374—t1 TATLOR•S FAMILY MEDICINES. Pain and Lan...nye., relict ed in a short time by the use of Taylor's Celebrated Oil. The' great Rheumatic and Neurallgir Re m i d). non media Inc is not s core all, but to warranted to care more of the ails and ill• to which flesh m heir than any other mmar rine ever dm covered. Glee it a trial : von du not find It to. it roots you nothing. It may he ur,ed with the atmort advantage for any kind of Pain, Latnenerr, Wonndr Sore, upon man or Mari W ill not mart the raweot Second or nore. Full direction, for nee around each bottle. Ask your Merchant for a free vial. No Conte \o Pay, Taylor, Conol Syron or Expectorant, for all Throat and I.cou direaset Is very pl..san't to the taste and contains nothing Injurious Try it, and stop that con. h and take the eorenev, from your Throat and I °lgo. Ark your Merchant for a free vial. No Cure— ,. )40•1 Taylors Condit n Powders for all kinds of stock snd poultry. Warrante I the bet renovator of the system of run loan or diseased stria . [hal bar ever been dig covered. Try them fora t t. :l2•Cf Incident to the t. rott• creation Directions ore and each pack age. alo Cure—No Pay. All the above medic n CP , for sale by Abel Terrell and Burns & Nichoisi of Montrose, and all Druggists and Dealers througlloo: the country IiRoWNING TAYLOR. OMNIBUS LINE The undersigned has an omnibus line running to or cry troth on the D. L. h W.. and Erie Railways at Great Send, l'a Any Order In Shipping or Re-Shipping Baggage at either depot will be promptly attention to The new river bridge is now completed, hence there le no Ferrying. always on hand to convey paesengen to any point In the surrounding country U. 131:C1.1A-NA1. Proy'r. Great Beud, Aug. 19, 1:4-.1.—tf. MANHOOD: 11 utv Lust, How Restored I Just Published. a new edition of Dr Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical curt (with. .out medirine, of Sptematormarti or acminal week nese_ Involuntary Seminal Lovsew Impotency, Mental and I'lly ocal Incapacity, 19/ethnical to Mar riage, el it ; also, t onsianytt ion. Epbepsy, sad Fite, al dared dby self-indulgence or esnual extravagance, etc. rice. In sealed envelope. only six cents. The celebrated author. in this admirable f...say,elear ,) demonstrates, from a thirty years' sucCesern• prac it e that the alarming co.pequences of self-abase may to rain:silly cured without the den Brous use or inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing Out a mode of cure at trace simptc. - certain.and effec tual. by means of which emery folderol - . no matter what no. condition mot be, may cure himself cheaply, pri• tattle. and radically LecturrehoUld be in the handoot every youth and every man in the hind cut tanter 1..1. In a plain ea - veiopt. to any address plot paid. on receipt of Mtlt. or twJ poet ' , tamp,. Milne.. illy Publiiihcrii, cutoi. J. C KLINE 'l' CO.. 121 Bowery. New York ; Poet Office Bog, 11 H ..ELJEL3EVEIXAXA CO la Ella OTToPIIs rns COLUT 00171. L. JOHN' S. TAR BELL,. Pa;Vit. Nine Magee and Hack., leave this DOLL!e daily, con eciltir with the Montrone Railway, the Lehigh alley Itatiroad. mid the D. L. & W. itallread. April lat. 1tr78.4.1. 4 BLATOILLETO . ~. . Improved CUCUMBER WOOD m PI: MP, Deathless. Durable, Efficient, a nod Cheap. The beet Pump for the 1138•2 moors. iltielitilltl in eopedally turned to BlatcAlej a Patent Ltu j (. provoi Bracket and New Drop Check hive, which can be withdrawnlritlloln removing.the Pump, or tile -7 tor .fug the joints. Also, the Cop per Chamber, which never cracks or g amilee, and will cuth.t any other. r. 4 For anle by De4lereet the Trade p. ;• yea roue.. Inquire for Illatchley'e i 4 Pomp. nod 1 I auk mi. :h o e axle in your CEEB. 411. 'IL/VICES-EY' St. Ilsrufacturer, 506 compiereo, ithlladdpilli, ri. • ril let., 1874.-4,.. • NEW lILPOED MACHINE SHOP. JL'Litl BEIPLTZ. Practical ILacbliilrt, rehrctfully wlldu the parunage of all w ho may wart twines, Millwork. dna Ring, dangle, Pulley ge. etc. N. B. —Special attention paid to avpairi.g. New Milford.ituie . P AMPHLETS cosrenuzici my. O'Mara Murder Trial, Foa SALE AT TIM OFFICE. Eliscclleukeous. The Doubt Dispelled. ra31111;717 ira•CZICZO7ag3 Wm. Boyden, New ML ford, Pa., la sow offerlog as entire um stock of DRY GOODS - -'ally 'elected for Sprlug and Summer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES hr latinet and beet variety in Northern Penusylvanta -i - li2tSl ce CELI)I9, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No tions, etc., etc. Every article Warranted es Represented. No Venation a Prices. New Milford. May 13th Z67%IEIVIT t'4122.211V2 !W --~ MEF O C)II.I - 0IVE! The onder•irned will )-rep constantly on hand and or !ale, very low, I= l lLaetc:oxlB, PLATFORM WAGONS. for one or i wo hones,) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons Heavy spring wagon s, second hang rarnces and ott. and top haggles, for Kale cheap WIII make to order to null parties. all Inds of var. lags Wort. Warranted. Repairing done neatly.— hop at Springville. Pa Enquire at D L. di W. Express Omee of vo outr•oo• Montrose. P•.. Or et Springville of E. 11. CULVER 3foctro•e June 3, 1:534-41. FAINTS AND OILS A FINE STOCK AT B. IL LYONS & Co.'s Montrose, May 14, MI. C AIIPETS, —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 14,'^. For Sole by B. B. LYONS & Co S UGAR, TEA, COFFEE, I:= Groceries At Loa. Figtirce a 13=1! WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS. A Large Stock 4 And New Patterns Received Ever} Week Direct From the ➢luuufuctorp. B. 11. LTONS & S pocal 132=10 and John Clark', Spool Tbrood White Block, .d Colored—from No. b to No. 13U, a "ln cent, per dozen. For calf by B. B. LYONS ar, CO Ifontrom May 14. 1613.—tl p RocLamerloN I ILEAII TE ra I All ye good people having anything to do be fore the honorable Judges of what is good to eat and chink come forth and give your attend ance, and your wants shall be supplied; and all men and women who are summoned as Jurors to try the good qualities of our goods please an swer to your names at first call and save your fines. And know ye all that A. A: BULLARD is constantly receiving large additions to his stock of Choice Groceries and Provision, such as Wheat and Buckwheat, Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, crushed Wheat and Graham Flour,liams. lard, and fish, dried fruit, and berries,fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds, (in their season,) sugars, (maple.) also moloss , l and syrup, teas and coffee, of the very best qualities, spices, soaps, salt, crackers, and cheese, raisins, Vga, geletine candles, candies and nuts, books and stationery, Yankee notions, tobacco and t.igarsii, mimed goods, a very large stock of me very best qualities, and all at extremely low prices for cash or ready pay. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose. Jan 1111 1874. LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BROS. New Milford, Po., Wholesale and retail dealers la Fine {Catches rid Rich Jewelry, Sterling Wirer Ware, Preach and Americ an Clocks Fine Plated Wart, and Sillier Tea bets. Alai; all kutd of Gold and Sliver elating. Watch, Clock, and J 4 .0 17 RePairtag, and Plain and Ornamental gagmen tug, neatly executed. Jane 24, WOOL 1,000 raouapis Wool Wanted Enema Mattel Pike Paid in Cub. Jaw 17. A. LATazor. Binghamton Advertisomenta nilkni V AlD * L. , 'A Poor d Ilagozort Merchant Tailors, 57 COURT STREET, 33X1\7131-X3t.ELTILETCON, N. Y. Opp.lto Exchange Hotel ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOKE OF MEN'S & BOYS' CTOTHING, Guts' FinsME Gooks, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. WI extend a cordial Invitation to toe poblic to call and examine our STOCK AND PRICES Fir ()or Motto to, Not to ho Under.ld. _an JOHN C. FOOT. - - O. M. HAWLEY Binghamton, N.Y., Oct. ith. 1874 The Cheapest Place Mr I Mr I ;r 7I MM CROCKER, OGDEN, & CO3, Plielp's Bank Building, 121X.0743-33.4CJITT CON, N. "Sr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, )AK. TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. r are Agent for CIRCULAR AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, I=l Celebrated Hand-Cat Files, The Best in the World! 'Binghamton, Oct. 14th, If At No. 33 Court Street, BLNGELAUTTON, N. V. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. A. we have justreturned from the City or New York after purcharing a lame and well nelected clock of FALL AND VINTER GOODS of all kind" bought Worn drat hand., we are now pre pared to °Mr good. at prdee that aid walsfy the chweet Guyer. Wa bun miltit.d to our large stook of Dr 3 toned, au IMMetn, rtork of t Luz H. GASS!. MEltna.a.an ISEAVh-ltn for Men and Do'ya wear. M care 114.00. prepared to Matt SUITS FUR ALL who will give Os a .11 as we have first class teal amen engaged mr the season. Ladies and Gentlemen. you %ill please call and exam !. oar mock before you purchase elsewhere. Thankful fur past favors, %e hope fur a continuation of the name. We remain, Yours Respectfully, C. & A. CORTEST Binghamton, Sept. 2:3, CARTER, PORTER, & JOHNSON, wxo HARDWARE lIWN, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FANNERS' AND MECHANICS' TOOLS. SElcvootolis 83tc,c.3. C3-c:Pcoclis, SEAT SE'RINGS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS and CALK STEEL, &c., BURRETTS CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK FEED CUTTERS. WOOL, IarCALL LID SU Us, 87 Wasjibgton St., ISINIGIIANITON. N. Y. Oct. 14th, 1873„-1y. ROSIN .4COINT'I9 PURNITURE EMPORIUM! At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York. THE ISDEPENDENT Sewing Machine Sews from but One Spool of Thread It has but air working parte, Is no:seises, and sowe mono rapidly than any Machine in the 3lsrket. It Combines Durability with Beauty and Siroplicity.an hae all the Modern Improvenierte. r/FrA EIRST.CLABS MACHINE ON A BLArk WALNUT TABLE FOR $36. A ddrevo. THE INDEPENDENT SEWING kunCIIINE J. 11.13Artmcs I 0 S. SAlmvs. I U 0. BLANDING BARNES BROS. & BLINDING, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF tnlintt & Amnion PROW, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES FUMNITURE WARE ! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH ! .411. T. P. J. 3=1(:).r2 - x..l3sz - n9 50 Washington St., Binghamton, .Consisting al everything numeablein that business. Repairing promptly dune. litillEßwiiiiW . TßlNG 7!ri. I HARDWARE,IRON, STEEL, NAILI, SPIKES, SHOVELS, rJILDER'S HARDWARE, RINE RAIL. COUR! HARDWARE, RAIL SPIKE.. RAILROAD R MIMING SUPPLIES. VARRIAGE SPRIEGb. AXLES, SKEINS AN! BOXES, 1101 NUTS and WASHERS. PLATED YDS. MALLEABLE IRON I.M.BS,SPGRES, PELLOES, BE47' SPINDLES. BOWS, dc. ANVILS, VICES, EVOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS. IKEDGES. FILES. &c. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, RAM & GRINDSTONES. PEENCII WINDOW GLASS.LEATHER & FINDINGS FAIEBANK'S SCALES. Agent. for FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDEM Insurance Agehcy. calm HEPIMMD OVER 820,000,00 C Binghamton Advertiaments Southern Tier 88 Wußbiligton Street, 3211.23.t.ha.zsatcrsi, N. "Ir.. You will Find the LABGESk AND BEST ABSORTIMIT OP All Goode Sold are WAIIIIATED of Repreocoled E. D. ROBINSON• E=M2 THE GREATEST AULIIEVEMENT OF THE AGE! Ho a self-setting Straight Needle 85033. tin 'CPO ce,aa It 4:3 di. Bltkaherr.too, N. I E=Ell -0- BINGRAIRTODi DIARBLE WORKS (ESTABLIMIZO IS 184,1 Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St., Near Depot, May 14. WM. BINGHAMTON. N. Y 15111pacoCriiialty. PRICES REAS - .N AISLE. Sal4faCt lon guaranteed Binghamton. N. 1., A u gust 2)..473._17. IlUscellaneotts ..Ta. 313 - 171E1.3FLIatari, Would call attention to h. New Stock o. SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD'. SCOW on isle. DI new 2)2i17 DOOLOZ,, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK , AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SII A W LS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, On/ CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS tain SHOES, 1 HARDWAREiRON,NAILS, STEEL, STOVES A_Np GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest prii.es. H. BURRITT. New Milford, June 3, 1874 A NEW ABRANGEMEIVT ! PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. B. libll'a Jewelry Stand, Wheres larger and •etter stock of the following pods will be >end than elsewhere in Northen Pennsylvania: FM AMERICAN W.TVIIER Jir.W SLILY a CLOCHE SOLID SILVER d PL,TED WARE, DIAMOND SPECTACLES and a general assorttent of Musical Merchandise Sheet M,.sic, Volin Strings, etc., etc. All Fine Watch Henning Sewing Machines and Or done, (as asual,) by guns Repaired by L. B. Isbell. F. Meihnish. IsMU Qr.. Melhnish. Sept. 10, 1073.-1 T UN T BI{OIHERS, SCRANTON, YA. Wholeeall4 Retail Dealetein C. II 'SMITE!, Montrose. Ps DP t. lA. lira Job Printing.. . At this Offio Drugs and Medicines . alLet alifont ..0 gar Bitters are e purely Vegetable !errand ion: made chiefly front the native lariat found on the lower ranges of the Sierra N(satin mountains of California, the medicinal ta•a perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cams of the unparalleled success of Vrs-mAn. Prr vms?" oar answer is, that they remove the cam - , of disea.e, and the patient remov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of tlig world has a medicine been compomded po.sessing the remarkable qualities of V IN F.O A It BITTYILS in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They are a gentle Purgative as well as a ronic, relieving Congestien or Tn tlammation of the Liver and Visceral ( b e rms in Bilious Diseases. 11 men will enjoy good health, let them use VINZGAII lirrruns as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in ovary form. No Person min take these Bitters according to directions. and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital orpuns wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim VnykoAn Urrrens the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, M:ssoitri. Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zos. Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannali,Roanoke,James.and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au. twain_ and remarkably so daring seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEOUR Birraus, as they will speedily remove the dark-celored viscid matter w"h which the bowels are loaded, at the sam. , time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally rector• ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Attacks,Palpiiiition of the Heart,lntlam rnation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or li lig . ; Evil, White Swel linFE, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Tuftt.3242asstlttu , s, DI. /al Gi-Ct,Liou. ,, 014 Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other cousiltn tional Diseasei, WALKER'SII47SEOAB BrrrEns have shown their great curative powers in the nioit obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. —Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take u dose of WA.LBEICS nt- EU Brrr,..as occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, 13011 s, CarhuncleA, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, Di,e•dorations of the Skin, Humors and /kraus 'a of the Sldn of whatever name or nature, are literally dim up and carried out of tite s,stom in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the s ) stein of so many thousands, are destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel tainitim;, will free the system from worms hke these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in yOnng or old, married ur single, at the dawn of wom annuo.l of the turn of. life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—la all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. 'Phu only sensible treatment is to promote the secretiva of the bile and favor its re mov.d. 1 , 4): this purpose use VINT.G.LI3, THatS. Cleaa,e the Vitiated Blood when- ever sod find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bores; aleunse it ‘‘ hen you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood p ire, and the health of the system will follow. lA. it. YIeIIONAILD & Errmart4l.4 u,.1 vu Francisco, California sad cur. . Mo.. New York. 80/4 bi .. a 1• &I g - g %. and Dealer.. Sept. 1001. 1874 —Cm. ABEL 'I'URRELL, DRUGGIST, MitE GO MAX' Ck M .. 0 X12:1, Is continually receiving NEW DODDS, and keeps con tinually au band a full sad desirable ...amount uf gen uine DECGS, MEDICLS ES, CHEMICALS. Paiute. Oils Dyestuff. TEAS, Spices, and other groceries, stone ware, wall paper, ghtse.ware, fruit jars, mirrors, lamps, chimneys, kerosene, machineryoils, oils, tanners' all, nests oot all, relined Whale Oil, oil fur lanterns, all for er wing machines, Olive 011,Sperm Oil, Spirits Tamen. tine,lrarnlslica,CarnarySeed, Vi uegar ,Putash.Cancen. &rated Lye. Axle O reuse, Truest., Supporters „Medical Instruments ,Shoolder Dracut, Whips, Dun., Pl.lnir Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead. Gun Caps, Blasting Powder and Fast Cluiins,Strings Sacs ,ete. Fifes ,etc.,lish flookoana Lines,lle rand TolletSoaps Dalt Oils, Bair lteatorere. and Flair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles. Sliver and silver Plated Spoons, Parks, Knives, ttc., Deatia Articles. a gener. al assortmen tor FANCY iiOC:JS. JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All theiending, and beta kinds ul PATENT MEDICINES. I. T. The people nee Invited tocall at the Drng and Varlet) Store of ABEL TUREELL. Ni5b.1.1613. Eotabllalled 1e43 Miscellaneous V . Et.KllO% 6 BROTHER, General Undertakers AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., 33331 4 6730. F'420.13.23:1 1 1 ALLORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. V. liscazo w S Lim Audi 2.9.16111.-11. Miscellaneous MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW S roRE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. G MIT'S & SA Y ItE, linve opened, at the old looolon rf Wil6oo. In the Brick Block Montrone, nod we %hall he plelned to nen nil 0. our old Men& unit the ninny non trues we hope to gull]. Our ntock will courist of Ifn i Nils alig Haan CROCKERY & GLA SWABS io Jury, gonitittieeM/ variety. Stour AVarc, Wooa War.. lion, Fn.:itc P hing thud. and Grocer..... ter elmll give a(Coia r attention to the Grocely Tradr nod keep a fad nneortment of Teas. Sag - ea. Coffees, Faintly Groceries & Provisions, In full variety, Salt and Flour. We . hall keep con Pundit on hand flue brands of door at mach leen than old pricey, and wvrryint II to plenau. Goods delivered promptly to /tar town ra•tomere. our biro. will be ittrietly 11.434xcip-Pup, lemiti or produce I Thie it will be well to remeto lux • ne t f il. oal be the ' , erre( to our boy prices. We are condi:tint that by milling and examining our good, 'our will dud titut It r 111 tie for your Inter. eel to try tie good,. and Rime Jerrcurt. (.11urip. - - Motitrure. May. lath. '74.—tf. BILLINGS STROUD General INSURANCE AGENT, MlLEG.xLtx , c.ei.o. Pa. Capital Itepresented, 9100,000,000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT IBEX/JUICE : 0., N. Y., Capital and burpla e, 0,000,000 Hartford KI re .n.,, apital *rid Surplue $3,000,000 1111=01212 Ins. UMI.. or Norte .Arnetien Peen. Fire Ins P. , InMIUM Ins. l'o . SLnic of Pct.'s Union V. ut uuf Lycortilogi Fire. Nerraganeett,Proeidence. R. I Merchant.' Clay, of New Port, Ky. Nrwtown,of Pocket Co, Aleintriania, Cle Lancaster Fire Inn. Co. Fire Aetiociatton of Phila. Rome 1,1,03 .Columhue, 0.. Lehigh Valley Fire, Allentown. Citizens' Fire In, Newark, south Side toe ClLPltteborg,Pa Alma:mum of Pittsburg. The undersigned le SPECIAL AGENT for the follow log companies for Northern Penneylrani.: Fire Aliso,.tattoo of Plilladelphm. National Fire Intoiranre Company of Philadelphia. The Net...ince Co of the State of Pennsylt mole, t , Phlladelphta. X. 4 I X . 17 . Conn NI 111, CO., Aosette American Life. Phil'a. 0IT1331 4 .7•1". TrArcler. lus.Co .11artford.( apitaland Surpluss2,(oo.M) Mil I wAY s3so,i*v. The onder.igned lam. been well known in thbacounty.fot the poet I7yearn.nP no I , ..orneee Agent. LOrPC!suntnined by Ills Comm.biles have always been promptly pnio M - 11111r. Ilr r..•• .111 c. •rf tl77ooper &Co..Tornelkent . Montrose .Pa. BILLINGS STROUD t Agent, CHARLES U. SMITEI, Solicitors. Mr;ntrol., Dec 24 klo _P i iirickitla_ro- At W. W. Smith & Son's fironelveNrniture War . i . zo k m o rn will find the large, FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FICTII. INT X rrtyptm To be found to this sectlou of the covotry, of hie owt manufacture, and at pekoe that cannot fail to give eatlP faction. Tht y make the very best EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, and WARRANT them 17 1, 22. (a 1 story "IXT Of all land,, done in the ue,tn•t manner E 3 PR I Ig" <3- 13 IEI 321 1'1.711E NO. 1 MATRASSES, AND COMMON 11ATRA8SES. UNDERTAKING The oubscriber wlll hereafter make t•.., 'Worm/log a specialty in his Nosiness. llavinp Jun completed NEW and the rocs: elegant REMISE in the Slate, al' needing his services will be attended to promptly and s• satisfactory charges. Win. W. SMITH & SON Montrose. Pa.. Jan. s, G ET THE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER COLE BROTHERS' Restorative Balsam ASTHMA. COUGH, COLDS, CROUP SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN IN THE SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA, &C., Also,—A sure Cure for the PILES Nu Cure No Pay. Address all Orders to the Proprietor. CLIARLES L. CRANE. New MtLford ‘ ra Sep t. 30, 1071 —tr. .N.WINAT FIRM In Lanosboro. HOBERT & MAIN, b"t.g.7.`eZd.il'it:l.,`,.?",,Trtwn.q,Vl.l,`:,`LT7l9r""a Wag' Mei Blacksmith'lig FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACR NEPA IRING LAI ANY PANT OP THE BUSINESS rill recolve prompt attention. ROBERT Sr. MAIN. Laneebon... Pen Oct. 15. 143.41. S. S. CAMPBELL & CO I , IIOLZIALII It A31137.1C11:711.11LIC tl. PINE, PLAIN AND MOLASSES CANNY. Importers and Macre:a FOILEION FRUITS tms,af. Fire WorksCoastantly on Hand. Nos. 422 Kunst Stf and 417 Merchant St.Phira. March 18.11174.-I,y. w. County Business Directory Two Rocs In tide Directory, one ycnr, 81.56; I, • dltlonal line, 50 cents. MONTROSE WU. HAUGHWOUT, Slater, Wholesale and Betel dealer In all kinds of elate cooing. elate paint. .c. Roofs repaired with elate paint to order. Also. elate paint for sale by the gallon or barreL Montrose. Ps. B ne g fr o , 0 Cae r r o a . F n i o r ^ A candc l e . eNt c o l :t a t . to New York and Philadelphia. Office ore door east orate Bank. BURNS !a NICHOLS, the place to get Drugs and Msal eines Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books, Specter clot Yanke4 Notion.. doe. Brick Block. BOYD R CORWIN, Dealers In Stoves. Hardware and Manufacturers of Tin and Sheetiron ware, corner of Main and Turnpike street. A. N. BULLARD, Dealer In tiroetarles, Provisions, Books. Statione and Yankee Notion.. at bead of Public Avenue.• WM. H. COOPER .t CO.. Banker.. sell Foreign Pas sage Tickets and Drafty on England, Ireland and Scot. laud. • WM. L. COX, Harness maker anddealer in all articles ritually kept by the trade. opposite the Bank. • JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Ofdre ore door below Tarbell House. Public Avenue. • NEW mitsonn. L. L. LEROY. Dealer In all Irina. of farming Imple menu, snowing machines, went curbs, dog powers, etc., etc.. Main St., opposite Saving, Bank. icru• SAVINGS BANK, NEW MILFORD.—FIa per cent. In tercet on all Depoelts Doe• a general Booking Bur nes.. 4111-If S. D. CHASE rt. Co 11. GARRET A SON. Dealer. In Floor, Ver:.d. Mee Salt. Lime, Cement. Groceries and Pro,. .tr nr Main Street, opposite the Depot. AINF.Y S. HAYDEN. Dealers In Drugs and Memo ce. and Manufactorer• of Cigars, on Main Street, nes the Depot S. P. KIMBER, Carriage Maker and Undertaker Main Street, two doors below Hawley's Store. CAYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHOEMAK ER,dea er In genuine Carmen Plaster. Fre,b ground MeCOLLCM BROTHERS. Dealers to Groceries aid Provisions, on Main Street.• 1. DICKERMAN. Jo., Dealer in . general merchandist and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBSON. EL M. TINGLEY—DeaIer In Stoves. lan, Copper, fin". and Sheetlron Ware, Castlngf,Se. Moo. alarmismor er of Sheet Metals to order. Ere Trough and Lead }ln,. !Minere attended to at fair prleer—Glbaou Panne flaanla.-Iy. GREAT REND. R. P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Read} Made Clothing. Dry Goods.Groeerie, and Provteiune Main Street.• DEII2EII NAILS, TINWARE, o meow BOYD & CORWIN 113,250,000 81.200 OW Comer of Maio and Turnpike Ste $6000,000 500.000 450,000 230M0 .4t,0.000 00,000 800 ,000 2.i)00.0(x 0,006 '20.000 .1013.0G0 400 . 00 400.000 211 E CIPZ2"77PrCriBMI, Err c)v-me, TIN AND SHEET-MOH WARE, $3.x.00 0 f 4 00,00 ti Builders' Hardware. CUTLER Y, ETC., Nails, by Thanks to oar Friends for Fast Favor, We would be more thankful to one and all n ho boon they have unsettled accounts with us, If they would cal and nettle by the middle of March next. Feb. 4, Mt SCRANTON SAYINGS BANK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RETURNS THE SAME ON DEMAND NA - 11'Hour FRFNI OUS NOTICE, ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLePLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW IN - FE:la:sr FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE ‘IIIICII IS NOW RECNIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN • ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER, JAS. &SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT JAMES BLAIR, PRESIDENT ; 0. C MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED. NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE KINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCh Feb. 12. 1873. THE EAGLE Dug BURNS NICUOLS, PRorita-rweb SION or TDB GOLDLN SABLE AND MoBTAD Mt slook, Mositrooo Oar stock of Drugs and Medicines la complete, and care taken to bare everything of the best quality. The public may rent aosurvd that all medicines that leave our atom shall be re the, are represented, pure and un adulterated. PATEN` MEDICINES otall kind. called for, on hand at rea,onat.te prices Ity personal and strict •ttrntlun to buelners, et all thzur, we hope to merit the conpdenet god favor of the A. M. BURNS, Montrone. April 1, 1873. AMUS NlClittl.s HERRING & FARREL, 8H37 . 113 rcre&c117170;37" N. -sr MANUFACTUAPRs OF ALL KINDS OF Wire, axial .13luiralcirl=“roc•1 .ea.zh.m-m..s. The oldest and most reliable arm la the United State. They took the prize: medal awarded at the WuRLDIS PAW AT LONDON I All Bates are warranted tree from dampness and cor widen. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent Montrose, Ma 7 6 11.—tt. Miscellaneous lIARDWAUE. 1102:12113