THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Eloctoll, - - Tiloslay s Not 311 Few Advertisements. Don't Read This—Martin & Jones. Binghamton Marble Works—J. Pickering & Atiscellennous Advertisements—Dauchy at BIISINE.B9 LOCALI3. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment Parson's Purgutive Pills. Organs—J. F. Bronson. Don't Fail To have your votes cut and folded and tied up in sets before the day of election. This is of great importance and should not be neglected. Temperance The woman's Temperance Prayer meeting win be held at tha Residence of Dr. Blackman on Thursday afternoon of this week A Mathematical Conundrum for Mr. Laporte. I l it is 941 miles to Harrisburg, how fur is it to the city of Washington? Some one near (),% era " Too far for him to erer reach there." What il DOISLOCTUY 1 The veteran, William Allen, of Ohio, thus defines democracy : "A amain:mut not to be appalled' corrupted or compromised. It knows no baseness ; it covers no danger ; it oppresses no a eakncss. Destructive of despotism, it is the sole conßervator of Liberty, Labor and Property. It is the sentiment of freedom, of equal rights, of equal obligation, the law of na ture pervading the law of the land." This is the Democracy which John A. Dix has betray ed and ILbando led. Fellow Democrats, vindi cate its majesty and beauty ! Dedication The dedication of the Keystone Academy will be at Factoryville, Pa., Oct.. 30th, at 10 o , lock a. m. The building is of brick 4 stories 14), 91t50 feet, erected at a cost of $25,000. The eminent pulpit orator, Rev, Thomas Ar mits,-, D. D., President of the American Bible Union N. Y.,w'll deliver the dedicatory address Rev H. G. Weston D. D. President of the Crozer Theological Seminary, will also deliver as address. Visitors from a distance will be enter mined by the people of the place. Mr. N. P, Wheaton, of Franklin, this county, cline to our office one day last week, and left a basket of the finest apples, both in quality, and variety that it has been our privilege to look upon in many a day. While he was taking his departure and nearly at the top of the stairway his heel caught upon the edge of a stair, throw ing him headlong, striking upon his left should er, eausicg a dislocation of it. He was remov ed to the residence of R. Kenyon, jr.. his son. is -law, and the dislocation educe Dr. Hal sey. We are pleased to learn that he is recov ering quite rapidly. se.-- One Thing More. M.Esatt.q. Enrrorts DEMOCILAT The Mont rose Republiettut this wtek says that false tickets will be circulated by "treacherous apostate Re. publicans." Now I would like to inquire of Mr. Frazier, who he means by "treacherous apostate Republicans," Whether he means those who refused to vote "fur our worthy Governor" .1. F. Hartrantt, like W. W. Watson, esq., or those who will refuse to vote for our us-worthy Republican nominee for State Senator? An answer to the above is of vast importance to W. 4V. Watson, esq., just at this time. Montrose, Oct. 2Sth, Lying Stand Bills. The 31ontrose Republican says that "Lying Hand Bills" will be circulated just before elect ion. As we can assure our readers that they w ill not come from . this of.lhx., we must con clude that the firm of Homer Fc Watson in tends to do this. We have no doubt that it will be true, in the of the greatest of hand bills, the Montrose Republican, which will undou , dedly he issued,and scattered just before election, filled to the brim with such sweet sav ored misrepresentations as it contains this week. We are obligated to Homer for appris ing his readers of the fact, for it relieves us from the necessity of doing so. The people will read that "hand bill" and give it the pro per consideration. RE/1113121:81 D 333318/ With Election officers and citizens generally would do well if they would study np the provisions of the new election schedule. The whole thing may he said to be new. Next November there will be no meeting of return Judges in the county convention, as heretofore, to count up the votes, fill up certificates of election, appoint district room Judges, etc. Election districts, Oct over twelve miles distant frism the eouety seat. must take their returns to the Prothono- Day the day after the election, and all the oth er. !Oust make them before twelve o'clock, m., on the second day after the election, when the judge of the court of common Please will i..! - Mrin, with enlarged power, all the duties hertiv:ol t done by the return judges m their Joint meeting the third day after the election. An Offer in good Faith. The downfall of corruption, and the certain defeat ot men who so Ong subsisted upon pub lic odic.. is so inevitable, that, nothing but one cannoned bowl of despair goes up from their ..uh , i3tied organs all over the district. The Independent fiepnlilican a bitter partizan sheet published at Montro.e, Pa., contains a article of false accusations, unwarrant ed assertions, and disreputable insinuations sgonst .loseph Powell, in which they class him with ahyl.vbs coyotes, and usurers, and endeav or by Gearing falai". treaty against thesr neighbor is a remote portion of the district, to influence the vote of those who do not know, how utterly dewdd of eee'ry vestige of truth are every one of these hasp fabrications. We desire to make to the people of Susque firma, this simple remark, that if there is one respectable business man in the Republican party, who stilt say over his own signature that he ever knew Joseph Powell to taus interest, to take advantage of the Eternities of soy Imo,' man, or, to in any matter distress a sin9te tr.:Ural.' in his business tatertourse of twenty-fire years, we will withdraw his name Crum the cmvass and permit Mr. Laporte Idea !wren' riontey out of the pubiit Treasury into his pockets to make this race alone and with out opposition.—Tewanda Argus. Election Decisions The following decisions of questions were lusd , . by Judge Ludlow and Allison, in Phila delphia, recently. "ls a person, otherwise qualitidd, and whose 011111 P has been omitted from the hat, for the coming election, entitled (upon payment) to a p , ll tac receipt where it is shown that he was lawfully assessed Within two years prior to the nail election, whether in his present election amnion or another r Anazrer of the Court. We answer in the af firmative, "When having State and county officers, members of Congress and of the Legislature. Judges of the Supreme Court and of tire Coun ty Courts to be voted for at the next election, how are the tickets to be arranged and print ed I." Answer. Follow the rule laid down hereto fore, viz : All the Judges on one ticket, labeled "Judiciary ;" all the county officers, Including members of Congress and of the Legislature, on one ticket. labeled "County ;" all State offi cers on one ticket, labeled "State." Bat • Rogue to catch a Rogue- We had no idea that any attempt to cheat the voters of Susquellauna county would be resorted to, until we saw the following canard in the Montrose Republictm Coming from that source, we are inclined to think that some such means may be undertaken by them under the cry of "stop thief" to cover their own chicanery. We give it place below and cau. tion our friends to be on the alert. The admis sion that there are "treacherous and apoata:e Republicans" in this county is suicidal to them in the extreme. It shows that sonic men in this county Intend to exercise their manhood and Independence notwithstanding Homer Fra zier, and Willoughby W. Watson are attempt ing to thumb their eyes. Read what the Mont rose Repubitean says, and then apply the rule of contrary and you will be n the r "Its we have a most desperate and unscrupur lows enemy to contend with, it is needful to caution Republican voters to look out for all kinds at frauds. False reports and accusations of course, with which - the Democratic among. ers in this county have tilled the air ever sitter our candidates were nominated, will be more abundant than before on election day. Lying handbills, making all sorts of startling state ments, may make their appearance. False tick ets, with the names of some Democrats sub stituted for our own men, will be thrust into the hands of unsuspicious voters—perhaps, in some cases, by treacherous apostate Republi cans, with the assurance that they are all right. Offers to trade votes will be made, the Demo crats well knowing that they have nothing to loose, anc: they only stand a chance of gaming anything, by such a traffic. The only sure way to baffle all their tricks is to first be sure that every name on the ticket you vote is right, and then be sure that you vote a full square ticket . Let that be the rule of action among Repel* can, and let a full vote be polled,and we doubt not that the result will be all we aesire." Wayne County promises us a ma jority of 600 to SOD. Row wilt Old Susquehanna answer I Remember your responsibility. W. W. Watson's Card. Miasma EDITORS DElioeltAT.—ln looking over the columns of the Independent Republican. I became very much interested in a communi cation under the caption of "a card from W. W. Watson." Well, I read and reread it in a vain attempt to find a positive point, but was ob liged to imy,yes,l think that is Watson, for it is as vague and uncertain in its tone as Mr. Wat son is, and always has been. Mr. Watson in denying that during the war he was called a copperhead, makes use at the following strong language in self defense. "Who called me a copperhead ? I tau not a radical Democrat, I voted the Republican ticket during the war, and was not an anti-war man but supported the war from its inception." Now the point I wish to make is this. Ist, he does not deny but what he was culled a copper head, but wants to know Wile Calico Dan so. 2nd. He does not deny but what he was a Democrat during the war, but says he was not a radical one. 3d. He voted the Republican ticket during the war, but don't say how notch or how many times he voted said ticket, but at some time during the war he voted the Repub lican ticket just enough so that if after everts should seem to make it necessary he could lay claim as a supporter of some party. 4th. That he supported the war from its inception, but does not say that he supported the Union Ar my. Don't say but what his sympathies, were with the Rebellion, until he saw how it was to terminate, and only changed so as to be on the big side, which is said and believed by many to be the fact. In answer to the charge against bim.that when lie was elected County Superin tendent, that he was represented in eine part of the county as a Democrat and in the other as a. Republican, he says if it was so, it is the first time he had beerd of it, not cienying but what it was so, that he did then and cloth now know it to be true, but undertakes to cover it up by saying it is the first time "I have heard any body say so," or in other words, it is the that time I have been accused of it. In regard to his not voting for Gen Hart ranft, he says, "suppose I did not, neither din many other prominent Republicans, but had I known the General as well as I do now, I should have supported him." The point is this. Ist Who ever knew that Mr. Watson:was, is, or ever has been a prominent Republican. I answer no one, not even Mr. Watson himself. The idea that if Mr. Watson was ever a Repub lican, that he was a prominent one, or more than an ordinary one! but us, one says so but Watson. 2d. That if he had known the Gen end as he now dues, he would have voted for' bun, which means that if he had known that the Liberal Republican party was not to out reaeh the Republican party, or If 1 had known It to be a fact that Mr. Hartranft was to be elected by so large a majority—l most assured ly would have voted for him. Now as a R"publican and temperance voter, I would like to htsk Mr. Watson a few ques tions and have him answer, then 1 may vote for him. Ist. Are you a temperance man and in favor of Prohibitory Legislation, if so, how long lave you been of that opinion and wheth er you are firmly fixed in that matter ? 2d. Are you beyond a reasonable doubt a Republican firmly fixed in the faith ? Have you a caste of Religious and Political principles that you can stand by and support for two years or dur ing your term of office, if you should be elect ed ? Mr. Watson may wish to know why 1 ask these questions. The reason is this. Acording to your own word which you ought to stand to, you have been Ist, a Democrat, 2d, a Republi can, 3d, a Liberal Republican, and 4th. and last a Republican, and as yet, you have never given a reason to the public for those frequent chang es. What change Mr. Watson will make next God only knows. I want to ask Mr. Watson, if he remembers a prominent Democrat of New Milford, when he (Watson) was waking to be County Superintendent, saying to him, how about your politics, and he. replied, I didn't sup pose any body doubted my politics, you know my father and brother are Democrats, and the same day saying to a Republican, I am now a Republican, but you must not speak of it or words to that effect. Again do you remember of saying to your Democratic friends during the war, "don't get discouraged for the time will Come when it will be an honor to have bees called a copperhead." We have been told by prominent Republicans that these things are true of Mr. Watson, and that he is not the choice of the people, but has succeeded in get ting the nomination when there wasno aceept able candidate before the convention. As Re. publicans In Wayne county, we wish to stand by the party, if by doing so we can stand by men of principle,but don't think much of those radiating men. We had rather be beaten at the ballot box than to be betrayed in the Senate Chamber. A VOTER. Wayne Co., Oct. 21, 1874. Take your team and as many of your neighbors us you can carry, and go to Election next Tuesday.— Something beside buckwheat will be threshed, if you do this. . An Explanation. EDlTotts DE.SIoCUAT : Mr. Wm. H. Boyd has seen tit to attack me and those employed in the construction of the new M. E. Church of this place, through the public press, In, a very severe manner, charging upon me first,of hav ing made a public statement, (nanilug as he has since said to a number of persons, at a meeting of our Society, in the Court House, on the fol lowing day after the calamity of our spire be ing blown over,) that the spire was built exact ly alter his plans. To this charge, I say most emphatically, that it is not true, and I can bring 'abundant proof to bear me out to what I say. This Is what I did say, as near as 1 caw re collect. It was charged upon me in the morn ing, that 1 had changed the plans, from Mr. Boyd's in tnis respect, that I had ordered small er timbers to be put is the place of larger ones, AS on Mr. Boyd's bill, and many other charges equally untrue. In explanation of the above charges, I made a statement of all the particu lars of Mr. Boyd's plans and wherein changes had been made, speaking particularly in refer entat to the point at the place where the break occurred, stating that in place of putting the belfry posts on the top of the plates of the tower, as by Mr. Boyd's plan, upon the sug gestion of Mr. Gordon, the contractor, who submitted a plan to me, to get out the belfry posts 28 feet long instead of 14 feet and fasten them down to sills of larger size put in ex pressly to receive them. This plan seemed very reasonable to me and after submitting it to the Building Committee and some of the carpenters of our church, it was adopted and carried out by him, as I supposed. I did not attach the least blame to any one but attributed it to a severe storm in an unfortunate time.— Mr S. A. Pettis and John Doyle bad said in the morning, that they were out on the street, and that the wind swept furiously through It and so severe was the wind that they were hardly able to control thentselvea. Another fact that there was 14 or 16 scaffolds along the entire distance of the spire, nailed fast to the timbers of the same, it was easy to see what a large sur face there was for the wind to sweep against. It was not an surprising that it did not stand, and the opinion was that if the scaffolds had been down or not hai:ed fast, the spire would not have fallen, and now the only way is to rebuild the sante and put it up stronger. M. 7 Boyd's statement that he reduct ed the height to 140 feet was new to me and since the publication of the article, I called on Mr. A. W. Cooley, and asked him if that part of Mr. Boyda statement was true. He said that it was. I asked him how it was that he had not mentioned it to me. lie said that was made up between him and Mr. Boyd and if they had built it, they did not intend to let the Building Committee know anything about It and thought we would not go up to measure it when completed. So lam ready to admit that I was deceived in this point as I had never heard from Mr. Boyd, Mr. Mouknian, or any body else, any other height than 157 feet to the fin. eat I do remember once of g dug to Mr. Boyd with the ell:maths. plots if the spire bad not better be reduced as it , seemed to look too high for the size of the church. His reply was, that he should not change the plan and after it was up it would not have the look in that respect that it did on the paper. It seems very unnatural to me that an Architect should make his elevation plans and then say to some one engaged in building to cut down without sending for the plans and making the alteration thereon. Now I want to ask Mr. Boyd. if it would not have been better fur him as a man, sustain lug the reputation that be bears in this com munity, to have Mond out first, whether the stories reported as having been said by me,were tnte, and then supposing they were, to have made a statement of facts in a gentlemanly way, and not have shown so much anger and bad spirit, as lie does, throughout his entire ar ticle, and farthermore,why be should wholesale his attacks upon all workmen engaged upon the church, as the men employed, who have never, to my knowledge. said a word about Mr. Boyd, in any manner, and farther, they are industri ous men, and attend to their 0.. n business- I should say that the terin,imported tarilders,a-as a very unkind expression, to Nay the least, mi much as to say, that \ because a man was born and brought up in Binghamton, or some other place, besides Montrose, he was not as good-- this seems to me shows a narrow mind, and wanting in those things that pertain to a high er order of manhood—and especially in a boast ed land of Liberty. I can say farther, that Mr. Boyd, seeing to show guilt somewhere, or Jie would lie williug to correct and take back his unprovoked assaults upon me, when he had been told by good authority, that was present at the time, that 1 did not make the statement, as was reported to him. Besides this I would like to know why he sent for his plans, and car tied them away from the church on Sunday forenoon, why lie was not willing to leave them to compare with the structure before it was taken to pieces. One other point. Mr. Boyd Ilse thrown upon Mr Monkantan the Architect, the insinuation that perhaps the plans of the base of the tower, was not of sufficient size.— To this I will reply that we engaged Mr. 3lonk man and also the fernier Head Builder upon his recomendat:on, and If they have shown themselves incompetent and incapable of a work of this magnitude, I leave for the public to any to whom the blame should be attributed. As for myself in thin article, 1 have chosen to act on the defensive and to make on accusation It is not my wish to enter into a newspaper controversy, and I am dragged into it now against my wilL Of all the stories that have been circulated about me, and the church en terprise, I have patiently borne having but the one object in view ; and that was the comple tion o f the edifice. But after all is it not better to let the misfor- tunes of the past go by, and instead of trying to ritual" somebody, go to work and show oar sympathy as so many of our citizens have done by coming forward and contributing of their means to help rebuild the fallen Spire which together with the church when comple ted, will certainly be an ornament to our vil lage. E. L. WEEKS. Montrose, Ott. 24th, 1874. Pncrroonsrna—Pictures taken in ail the lat est styles. Old picture, copied and enlarged Also a splendid lof of frames for hale cheap at G. W. DOOLITTLE'S. Montrose, June 10, °mans huve cnnnuenced arriving at the Keystone Saloon. Take notice and govern yourselvca accordingly. Sept. 0, '74.—d• Gro. C. flux. JOB WORE AT MI 0/78/02, 011E41.1. Business Locals. FEVERS seldom make an attack without warning,, and may often be thrown off by conk• ing the feet in warm water, wrapping up warm in bed, and taking two or three of Parson'. Pur.9attre Pills. A Nlissionary, Just returned, says he regards Johnson's Anodyne Liniment as beyond all price and efficacious beyond any other medicine.— It is adapted to a groat Variety of special cases, and is the best pain curer in the world. Rev. J. S. Ostrander of Newark, N. J., will give his lecture entitled, 'Manners and Scenes in Bible Lands," at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28th, under the au spices of the Wyalusing District Sunday School Institute. Will be given in full Oriental costumes by 20 ladles and gentlemen of Mont rose, who will wear the Arabic, Turkish, Abru !ramie and Shepherd costumes, Sacred robes, of the Jewish High Priests, illustrating triode: of dress, salutations, praying, winowaug grain, water carriers, washing,rating and entertaining guests, shepherd burial services. oriental wed ding, etc. Oct. 28, 1874. GEO. WOODS& CO's ORGANS. J. ESTETS & CO's OROANS. All kinds of musical merchandize, clocks, watches, fine jewelry, solid silver and plated ware', Ithaca calunder clocks, revolvers, table cu , lery, gold pins, and spectacles trout 25 cents to *l5 00. Any piece of music, no matter where pub lished, will he sent to any address, pun paid, on receipt of retail price. Clocks, watches, and jewelry neatly repaired and warranted, at J. F. anconson's Music and Jewelry Store, Montrose, Pa. Brick Block. Oct. 28, 1874.-2 w THE FARMERS and Meehanla Fsebange Fair will be held at Franklin Forks on Saw. day, October 31131, 1874. 42-2 w. N. W EASTMAN, Sec'y. DOOLITTLE, The Photographer, le doing all kinds- of Pie lure Framing, of all sizea, on Elbert notice. July.T2, '74.—tf. 0 W. Doot.rrnx. Tut: attention ot the public is called to the advertisement of Taylor's family medicines. is another column. All afflictec with pain or lameness or other Ills will do Well to try them. They are all sold on the principal of No Cure No Pay. Com. I COAL!! Plenty of first class coal. All sizes at J. R. Eaynsford's Coal Yard. Dunn Station. Leave Orders at Central Express Office, or send t the Yard. Oct. 21,14. J. R. RATNaPono. NEW MEAT MARKET. C. Cushman has opened a new meat market in his building on South Main street. Buying and butchering done by J. Pat meter. Fat stock wanted. C. Ccsiimsx. Aug. 5, DON'T Make a mistake, but go to Burns ft Nichol's Eagle Drug Store. Brick Block, Montrose, l'u., for Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Brushes, Soaps, Fancy Articles &c. &c : also General Depot for the sale of all valuable flit cat iledicisza. July 15, 14--tf. BRIDGE LEI-nNo The Supervisors of Brooklyn and Harford townshipaawill let the building ot the Bridge aemss Martin's Creek, on the New Road, near Hermon Tiffany's, to the lowest and best bidder at 1 o'clock p. in., Saturday, October 81st, 1874. far'Specifications to be seen on the ground the day ot letting. Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1874. 42-2 w. IF ALconumc Sytuttimvis are taken into the blood the heart works faster, and this un natural speed wears out the vital machinery..— All intoxicating nostrums advertised as "tunics, renovators," &c., produce this disastrous effect and should be rejected. Dn. Waxxxlt's VEG ETABLE VINEGAR BlTTEna—an Invignrant without the curse of alcohol—is everywhere supplanting these poisons. 42-4 w. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE. . - Providence permitting a District Sunday School Institute will he held in the village of Montrose, Oct. 27th, 28th, And 29th. Rev. J. S. Ostrander ot 'Newark, N. J., is to be present and conduct the Institute. Let Sunday School workers in all the churches make note of this. LUTHER PECK, W. L. THORP, } Committee. J. IL WERT9K, BINGHAMTON OFFERS AN ATTRACTION For gentlemen who wish to dress N. , 11. The WASHINGTON STREET TAILORS hir engaged the services of the e.lebrated tr. H. Lindly, a gentleman of comaltrable with the tsilor trig fraternity ° rads eoantri. They are now prepared for ite summer traue,ns they have just received mime new things in the way °rehabs, eassanere , and Yestings. Their references are , he h t ,Lhaving taken the that premium at the T 4 p or . a lnstitate in New York last nal. Give them ? ca ll- H. H. Ilet.Lock, Proprietor. 81 Washington St., Binghar ton, N. Y. Aag 20, 1874.-Ig. CARVER & PRATT. NEW FMB(! e keep ctmetnntly ou hand an astortment of ➢rat LDIES' FURNISHING GOODS ! Millinery and Trinunings ! Or Au. DCFCISIII.IIOSII. Ale Bought Cheap! We will Bell Cheap! W. J. CARVER - llngtukmtm, Ott 14, 1r;4,-ly IVIB3ELFLIL4I. Car 61. CL atis—Eisnorno--It. New Slilfurd, at the bride's fathers, Oct. 22d, b:, Ell. W. C. Tilden, Mr. N. C. Curtis, of East BliNewater and Miss Lottie A. }larding. RIGUTEIL-PICICERING--.1 , , the residence of the bride's parents, Jackson Pa., Oct.. 17th, by Rev. J. F. Warner, Frank - Wiighter, of Thompson, and Ills Phebe P.Pickering. PLUUERVELT—C-0813—In Rimb, at the 1184 deuce of the bride'a parents, film, 22d, by Eld, H. H. Gray, Samuel T. Marti* and Mies Ida A. Cobb, both of Huai. Pa: Tuosucs— BUNNELL—In lleriek, Oct. 15 1874, at the residence of the hide, by Rev. B. T. Davies, Mr. William Tbmas and Miss Elvira Bonnet, both of Ilerrict. AXES BALL—In Montroac,et the Hillside Cottage, March 24, by Rev. A.?. Warren Mr. E. G. Aney, of Scranton, to Mia Clara J. Ball, of Lathrop. STAFTOS : -ROUGEIT—In Ftersville, Sept. 26, 1874, by Rev. T. Thomas My Henry Stan ton, of Pike, to Miss Mary Reunite, of Rush. MLPES—BELCHEII—At the parsonage in Jackson, Sept. 27, 1874, by Rev.; B. T. Davies Mr. E. Mapes and Miss Mary flleber, both of Jackson. 3:r7s.,ss..rzsie. STATEB—In Springville Oct 10th, Sarah 3L States, aged 19 years. Puce—At his-home in New Miford, July 28, Mr. Gid Peck, in the 82d, year ci•Lig ago. Sir. Peck cause to this conity in 1815, and with his as cleared up his farm,and by hard in-' dainty made him a home. He yes a prominent citizen of the town and outlay is which lie lived and died, and has left a Mord for honesty . . uprightness, manly dealings; ithristian sympa thy, and benevolince, of whicl his friends and relatives may be • justly proud; slid his virtues will he held la affectionate remembrance. lie died In a full hope of blessed Immortality. Can It be father has left us, Ho are all did so murb. love? Yea; bat Jesps has bereft as Thai 4o lead our burls above. There le no pain which the Centaur . 111, Liniment will not relieve, no awelling nrCra they will nut subdue, and no lameness which they will not care. This in sin ng !enplane, but it 1s t no. They have tsti 'a- produced more cotes of rhenmatlan, tee ner0717, Jaw, palsy,sp rai nal% el- CliWitillf lingo, rated breasts, scalds, boron. salt' rheum. ear-ache, &c., upon the human from:, and of strains. spavin, galls, etc., upon animals In one year than have all other pretended 'Tamales since the world began. They are counter-irritant, all-healing, pain re Revers. Cripples throw away LB it crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless and flit wounded are healed without a Pear The recipe is pub linked around each bottle. They sell ns no articles ever sold before, because they do just what they pretend to do. Those who none suffer from rheumatism, pain, or swelling deserve to stiffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 cerifilentee of remarkable cores. Including frozen limbs, chronic rheumatism, goat, running tumors, etc., bane been re ceived. We will send a circular containing cm - Uneaten. the recipe, etc., gratis, to any one reeneeting It. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is wort, one bendred dollars for spavined or sweet led Byrnes and widen, or for anew-worm In sheep- Stock-owners —these liniment.. are worth year attention. No family should he without them "White wrapper family use;" Y Row wrapper for animals. Sold by all Druggint..—. (Octets per bottle: large bottles, al .CO. J. B. Rosa & Co., Otl Broadway, New Turk. Castorla le more than a substitute for C'estor 011 It Is the only 'oft article la exintence which Is certain to aeelmulut• the loud, regulate the bowel., lure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither mineral,, morphine or alcohol. and to pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. Oct JAMES M. ROWAN, Oc.mzsairsamicrazi llLlCare3.laciaa.l. BUT'I ER, CIIEESI4 EGGS, POUL TRY, AND VEAL CALVES, 84 PARK PLAIT, NEW YORK CITY Conetgnments solicited and returns Made Immediate e ly on sale of gouda. Sand fur Shipping cards and sten lls. References : National Park Bank of New York. North Rorer Bank of New York. Naas., National Bank of New York. Long !Aland Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y Feb. 12. 1872,—tf There is nothing in" the condition of the money market which calls for special comment The demand is more active, both here and in Sew York, but as the supply of hi:mnd° funds is redundant there are no fluctuations to note in rates. Loans Are principally made on calls or short date. There are no conditions visible which are likely to make money stringent in the,imniediate future. We quote call loans at 5 per cent. Strictly first class two-named pa per was negotiated at s<ort per cent.. and single named at fidi per .:eat. ; loans on government collateral rule at 5 per cent.; on other first-class bonds and stocks at n per rent, and more inferi or collateral at IV,r7!-i per cent. Second grade paper is not in favor. 111 d. Aok Gold . ...... 110.4 C. s. Wei 1.r.. 1153; 11S% 5-20 Coupto. ISE2 , „ ..... .1131 i 113,/i ttrry 5-20 11.41( 5-20 Coupon I 7 .... 11%7 118 5-211 Coupon !SZB . ........... 117% 11S Neer 5 per ete.......... 112% 115 10--too ••• • ••• ..... 111)4 Ilt Sterlioe VON 5.7/34 F'nrlegxetuloge . ... urrh 4l ... Currency bd. New York Produce Market Reported Every vv,,,0, Lxprexely MT The Mmernose Dosroctur by Rbob.e tt. velvet, Pro - loco C. moil. stun 31. reboots. tbi Whit.holl.yreet, New York Berra:-- Firk ill, choice selected 73 alt 400 Welch Tube Pabii, Oran, County ... .... 43 61, 45. Palle coninion .. . 30 aN. C11E6.6 :Malt Fectuiy... 15 66.15,4,c Stub: burrito. Slate Factory. fair to good 13;0 65 Mc EOOO —Stat.. and Pen 01, vi Ws . .. . ..... 20 til) Ott Weolero choice 6ruud4 04 6ti 15e POIILTUT— 'pilaw Chicken.. per lb. 15 64, lfic Tun:eye. [mime Toting Macke . 17 63 lac Goat —Plgeutoi. 'toll fed per do.— ,- t. 1 75 Tame per pair . . . . • 75 60 40c Partridge. State prime . . 90 qb FullTe—N est. AprOee. Sour Bough per bbl... 1 754.500 New Apple,. bweet. . 119g51 25 Pear.. Bartlett ... . . ... .. 0t614 PO Peaches, Del.. per crate ... I 252,2 PO 0 a) P_ 1)4 IgEW GOOFS! ..., - .7b It Ftio '-, -- •—• 0 t., 0. t ,, •;." P> o k e "CD v . 9T E -1 tO i ' l . any po C; ) r t ,i h 0 9) 1 th •• 9 .tt t -I X 0 a 0 1-" ~' ..„ 1.1, r 1S 0 troll ': ' pi, v , m - 0 .. '.' , .e 0-i 11 al q.b_ wi el c-t. 1 0 4 cp , bz 1 ,3 CD_ ' p ~7 vkv 0 V- ~ ( pc-1 ti tiQ 0 0. - zri M mi ~.,,j4 ll i _j pD I .. Et si 5 9 4 P U, " 3 bt, ° .... r . o I-; a. Oa g c iA - - Yi eiD n U 2 . g ... j . " '5 0 . Pnr, .. FT.S: ,r 1 • -. 3 0 04 ti ti 7 i 0 0 [!1 4 IP T - 2 N cam= 47 1313IMEEI A UDITORT. uT —Tb undersigned , an auditor IX appointed by Um Court of COOIIIOII Plea.. of this. gachann t County, to dletribate the fends In Sherea bands arising from the sale of real rotate of Alonzo Waller. will attend totes dutleaof his appointment, at his °dice In Idontrose , Monday... Vet 2fith. Ifrt, at One o'clock, p. m,„ when and where all persons Interested In mad fond will presort their daims or be former debar.' tram coming in on -aid hod. A. W. BEIVUOLP. Andttor. Kutrosedlet. Centaur Liniment. Commission Merchants AND ILECEIVER OF The Mangets Fientucial is Legal Notices. • GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution one election lawe - of the commonwealth ol Peon s, iVallll,l, B. B. ['ELSIE. High sheriff of the County of busquchaona. do hereby give notice to the electors of sehl ounty the. ah election will be held in said cou l on liesday, November 3d. 1874. [tieing' the Tuesday milt following the drat Monday In November) at which time the fohowing officers will be elected. to wit Iwo porous to fill the office of Judges of tho Supreme Coot: of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to illi the office of Licutetutnt Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Penneylvanie. One person to fill the office of Secretary of Internal AOiJn of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, One person to 111 the DM,' of Itepresentatlee In Cm, - gm" for the district composed of toe comities of Sae quebanns. Bradford. Wayne and Wyoming. line penult to fill the office of Senator in the Genes al Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the district composed of the Counties, of Susquehanna and Wayne. Two persons to fill theoffices of Represeutatly. in the Gem rat nesembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania for the County of Susquehanna. One person to ell the office of District Attorney for saki County. One person to fill the oMce of County Commissioner for said County. One person to fill the office of County Surveyor for add County. Count One pereon to 011 the office of County Anditor for said y. I also hereby make known end give notice that the Macs. of holding the aforevald general election In the semi wards. baronet., dietrlcto.and townehipe with In the County of Susquehanna are as follow., to wit : The F:lettion for the district compose.] of the Uwe ship of Apalacon will be held at the house of Jcw-pn ache ill raid township. The Election for the district composed of the town .r.ip of Ararat will ha held at the school house near the Presbyterian church in said township. The Election for the district composed of the township of Auburn will be held at the house of James Lott In veld township. The Election for the district composed of the township 01 Bridgewater will be held at the Court Rouse In the Borough of Moutrose. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Brooklyn will be held at the house of James 0. Bollard In said township. The Election for the district composed of the town chip of Choconut will he held at the school house near Edward Clark'. In said townehip. The Election for the dlitrict composed of the town ship Clifford will he bed at the house late of John Ifewetson in said township. The Gime ion for the district composed of the Borough of Dundaff will be held at the Dundell Hotel in said Borough. The Election for the dietrict composed of the town ship of Dimock will he held at the house late of T. J. Babcock in raid townehip. The Election for the dottrict composed of the town. sGip of Forest Lake will be held at the house of Mrs. Bertha Wamer in said township. Tho Election for the district composed of the township of Franklin will be held at the school house near 3.14. Baker's In void townthip. The Election fur the district composed of the Borough of Frieudsville will be held et the school house in wild Borough. The Election for the district composed of the Borough of Great Bead will be held at the house late occupied by David Thomas In add Borough. The Election for the district composed of the town. 'hip of Great Bead will be held at the house late occupy ad by E Barnum. dec. The Election for tnedietriatcompoeed of the township of Gibson will be held In the Academy balding to said township. The Election forthe district composed ot the township of Burford will be th Id at the house late of N. W. Wald ron In ielin he Election for the district composed of the town ship of Harmony will be held at the house of 8. Winters In said township. The Election for the district Composed of the town ship of Herrick wilt be held at the Derrick Centre School Donee. In said township. The election for the dietrictcompoeed of the townehip of Jackson will be held at the house of Joseph Geary in said township. The hiection for the district composed of the town. ship of Jeemp will be held at the house of Daniel Hoff In said township. The Election futile (notelet composed of the township of Leto,: will be held at the house of Grow & Brothers lu cold township. The tit...l:lion [or the district composed of the town ship of Liberty will be held at the etanfordSchoolhocuse in said township. The Election fur the district composed of the lown• .114 of Lathrop will ho held at tho Liilledale School house to said township. fhe election for the district composed of the Borough of Little Meadows will he held at the School Howie in said Borough. The election for the districteompoeed of the township of M iddletown will be held at the house of Otis Ross in said township. The Election for th e d hart ct composed of the Borongb of Montrose will be held at the Coon House in said Borough. The Election for the district composed of the Borough of Sow killiund will be held at the hone late of John Faucet in said Borough. The election for the district composed of the townshiP of New Milford will be held at the house of Philander Phtuney, in the Borough of New ILEford. The election for the district composed of the town ship of UAL:ls:ad will beheld at the house late of Thom as MUD.. In said townshtp. The election fur the district composed of the town ship of nosh will held at the house of N. D. Snyder In sahtownsh ctom ip. eie lor no, %4..pnank4 at the town ship of Springville will be held at the home late of Spencer Uinta to said township. The election for the dlstrlct composed of the town ship or Oliver Lake will be held at the honse late of R. In said township. The Alectlon for the district composed of the First Ward of the ttorungn of Susquehanna Depot will be held a g t the house occupied by Chester CI, Chaffee to aide FL—ouh. The Electionfor the district composed of the Second Ward ot the Borough of Flatlet:chimes Depot will be held at the house occupied by Ambrose Benson In cold Borough. The election for the district composed of the town •hip of 't lioinson will be held at the hoes. i n t. • Cherter Stoddard le raid town.hin . . also make knot n and give nor... as rn and bthe 13111 section of Oct f dribr 10i1, directed, "T hat eiery ...x.ept Justices of the Peace. who shall bet any ofdee or npoulorment of profit or true[ under the United States, or of this state, or of any city or In corporated district. whether a commissioned officer or agent. who is... shall be, employed nudes the legislative, Judiciary, or executive department of this State or United suttee, or any city ur incorporated district; and else that every member of Congress, and • o f the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of an. city. Or commissioners Of any Incorporated di 'VIM, is by law inmtpa ble ol holding or exercising at the'same time, the Mike or appointment of Judge. Inspector's:ix. clerk of any election of this Commonwealth. and that no Inspector or Judge or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office then to he voted for." By the act of Assembly of Jnly 3. 1033, it Is also made "the only of every Mayor. Sheriff ALlermen, Justice of the Peace. Constable. of every city, county, township or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called apon by any officer of an election, or br three qualified electors thereof to clear any winnow or avenue to the window of the place of General Election which ahall be obstructed in such a way so to prevent voters from ap proaching the same; and It shall be the duty of every respective Constable of such ward, district or towuship within this commonwealth, to be pros. tat in person or by Deputy, at the place of holding elections, to such ward. distract or township fur the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid " Also that In the 4th section of the act of Assembly entitled ...An act relating to executions and for other purposes." approved April In. 7840, it Is enacted that the aforesaid Ruh section. "shall not be construed as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving as Judge, inspector or Clerk at any general or spm.lai el :elicits in this Commonwealth." By an Act or Amenably approved the 17th day o April, nom, it la enacted that at -all elections hermiter hem under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened between the hours of six and seven o'clock, a. m., and close at 7 o'clock, o. m. • Sr.eTtiN 1. Be It enuctect oy the emote and Boum f Representatives ot the Commonwealth of Fennsy.. rants In Oelierdl Assembly met, and Ills hereby e met ed by the authority to the same. That the qualitleo voters 01 the si.vend counties of the Commonwealth. at all genentl, tom:whip, boruagh, and special elections. arc hereby, hereafter, alithinflyotl 000 required to vote, ray tickets. printed, or written, severally desalted as lotions: One ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of court. voted for, aria to be tabled, outaide, -Judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all state officers Voted for • and labeled, "state," one ticket shall tinattrace the names of all county officers voted fur Including office of senator, member, and members of Assembly, if toted for, end member. of congress, it voted fur, and be labeled. “county;" one ticket shall embrace th names of all township officers voted for, and he labeled' township," opetleket shall =brace th. name. w all borough unicere voted for, and shah b, labeled -borough , ' and each Math shall be deposited is. separate ballot.boxes." Wnentse. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Con stitution of the United Mateo Is as follow.: bec-rtoe I. The right of citlaens of the Unite,. States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by tht United mates, or by any State, en account of race, color. or prevlOrtr.Condltiont of serenade " 0101100 ii. The Congress shah Willpower to enforce this article by apprupliate legislation '• Whereas, The Congrosa of the United State*. Oh the 01.1 day of March. IMO. p wiled au act, wattled -An do to enforce the right Vellisraseil as United &zeta to rate in the serest States qf Me Union, and for other uurpsets. " the lent sod sintn.d !tedium, of which aro as lotions; . ..aerial I. heft enacted by the Senate and House of Seprurntatlres of the UMW States isj Amerim 85 Can pressaseerablea. that. all citizens of the United States who are, or shall beathematic. qualified by law to vote soy election by the people, to any State, Tarrant). d oryfer, county, city, parish, townsip. school district nun °slither territorial sub divisions, shall bs emit!, d and Mlowed to setae& all such elections; with. out distNetloo of race, or color, or "printer's Conclitof sawn ~dej tou Soy Woothatioa, We, cnotom, wage, reolintlun any Wale at Territorp, or by, or under Its au . tlo T iLtl A th wi e eu: i lf : d7 m fg e t ta ndi A . , a rbtf, if by or Co Lowe ui en, unsterile thinority of ate comoutiap State. or the laws of any Ter:"lllrit 5 0 7 t. or o"ia be reqUiro.dl to be done asspreie,;•nottlior inerth=uos. tor voting, and by such Conatlttltion 1/FeLlSFroons ei °nicer. ate or shall be ehargiii with tho ti t ) rmanct. , Mitts. I u furnialaing to citizens an oppOrtit: . / .19 p e r term such pea retputhe, or to become quaint:lea it shall ho the duty of every snob person and uMee,` moo to Ili citizen. of the Unite • States tbs LIMO ant. b•gtuttopportahtry to peyfotm*neld pi-mem:dent and to ecome quell% co to vote w it beet distinction of rue col or, or previous condition of servitude; ann U any such semen or °Ricer shall refase or kumeringly omit to get. euect to this section. bushel}, for every sort oireuth, forfeit sod pay Meson& of Ova hundred donors to the Clp son itggriesed thereby, tet be recoveredby &Won on tht case, with full coots end loch en allowance for coon sa tees as the court shall deem -Just,and shall alga, fix every inch offence, both:coved grdltyof a miodetheanor end shall on conviction thereof, be.dned not less that floe bundreddoliare, or be Imp/Mooed net less than vial month and not more than ono year, or both, at the Ws cretion of the coon," An/ whereas, It is declared by theta:ond section of the VI article of theConatitutioni oh the Unite,' states, that "Tble tkffirtitntiOn i and the laws the 'Unite: States which shall be Made in pa:urine thew!, the, be the itipreme law of the land, • • •an 4r the treneutution or imergfater =tub tie moVay witAsteuthipp. Legal, Notices. And whams, The Legislature of thlsCommonwealth a on the Mir of April, A.D., 18 TO•liwand an t w o e ll. titled "A further supplement to th e act relating elec. lion* in this Commonwealth," the teeth section et which provides as follows: - Stemma 10, That so much of everryact of Assembly asprovides t h at only white freemen stall be entitled to vote or to be registeree as voters, or u claiming to vote at any general or epeeisl election of this Commonwealth, be and (legume is hereby repealed, and that hereafter all freemen. withoetdistlncilon of color, shall be enroll. ed and reentered mewling to the provisions of the Ant *tenon approved April 17th. 1 300. entitled "An Act fu.ther supplemental to the het relating to the elections of this Commonwealth: , and who s otherwise qualified Dotter exiatirm liars. be entitled to vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth." The saidebove nailed amendment and Seta most be executed and obeyed by all aseemorn. registers Of To ters, election officer., end others, that the •ighte end privileges goananteed thereby may Miscalled to lithe citizens of this Commonwtalth entitled to the same. By the Mut section of the net of Amembly of Jena ary 30,1811.1 t Is enacted that .h a lt proceede polls shall cloth, the Willem* of elution to count ail the votes cast for each candidate voted fi:7, and make • fall return of the same Its triplicate within return sheet in stadia...l4ln all 01 tt bleb the vote* r, mired by each eanuldate shall be given after his or hertiame tint in woe end again to figure., and shall be sigm'd by all of said office.. and certified by overseen, • if any, or If p o t so certified, the overseer, and any officer refneing to sign or certify, or either of them, shall write upon each of the returns his or their reasons for noteigning or cerrlfyieg them. The vote, as goon es coutedenall also be publicly ind fully declared fr ont the window tO the citizens present, end a brief statement showing the votes received by each candidate chill be made and signed by the eitction officers so soon as the valets wonted. and the same shall be Immediately posted op on the dourot the election honk: fur teformatiou of the public. The triplicate returns shall be enclosed In ,tivelopes and be sealed in presence of the the officers, and one eumlope.ivith the %remand roturn abeet,riven to the judge which shall contain one list of voles tally paper. and oaths or officers, and another of said envelope.. shell beglven to the minority Inspector. AU Judged living within twelve Milner the prothonotary'a otter, or within twenty-four calms. If their • residence be in a town. village, or city upon the line of • reamed leading to the county seat shall, before twtith`clock post merldhlo of the day after the election, end all the other fridges shall,before twelve o'cloi k meridian of the mcond my after thet letzten, deliver geld return, to. getter with return sheet, to the Prothonotary of the Conn of Common Pleas of the county which sold re. turn sheet @ball be tiled, and the day d hour of Sling moulted thereon. and shall bopr fez edby the Protion otary for public Intimation. At twelve l'eleek on the said second day following any elreflon. the Prothono tary et the Court of Common Pleas Veal present the mid returns to the mid Court. • • • • Lhe retornapreeented by the Prothonotary shall be op. ened by said Court and conguted by inch or its officers end Finn swore assinents as the Coati obeli eppoint,th the pre once of the Judge or Judges of said Court. and the ' , turns certified, shall be mate &matter or record tit send Coen. The amalon• of said Courtare open to the public. • • • • • And the ether of Id triplicate return* shall be placed in the boa and Whenever op with the ballots, • • • • • • Whenever piece has been or shall be provided by the authorities of any city, county, townal or borough for the safe keeping of the ballot Coxes. e Judge and minority limpecior shall after the election *hell be Ga. Lhed. end the ballot box or boxes containing the tick ets. 114 of voters, and other pope - s, have been enure]) bound with tape and sealed cud the signature of the Judge aud Inspetton *Mud thereto, forthwith deliver. the same, together with the remaining boXes, to the Mayor and Recorder of such city, or in counties. town ships or boroughs to Inch person or peruna as the oirri of common Pleas or the proper comity nos des ignate, at the place provided ea sTorruld, who shall thee drpo It the veld boxes and keep the 6.9318 to en. swer the mil of any Court or tribunal authorized to 07 tfiPmerite of ouch elevion. The return Judges for the fifteenth Congreteloual dis• trict, weapons! of the counties of Susquehanna a foul Weyoe and Wyomiug will meet at the Court Home In TeoAttennock. in the osinty of Wyonting,on.Tem day. the 10th day of November, 1874. The return Judge. for the twenty-sixth Senatorial din. Wet composed of the mewl. of Suequehanos and Wayne, will meet ii the Court noose In toe borough of Montrose. in the ecotone! tiluaqttehamra.•On Tuesday the 10th day el November. 1374. Gls. xi ender my hand army office. is Lm Borough of Montrose, the 3d day of October. Anno Doren' 1874, and In the year of the Commouvremth the ninety-Seventh. IL B. 1101,305, Sherilr. Montrose. Oct. 7, mu. n ERIFIPS SALES.—BY VIRTUE Or 1... j writs issued by the Court of Common Pleaa of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendee, at the Court House in Montrose, Friday. November 13, 1874. at 2 o'clock, p. tn., the following pieces or par. cele of land, to wit": All that certain piece or parcel of Land situate In tbb township ot Liberty, in the county of Bnequehanna and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and dennbed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the apothegm cotter of the oia Baptist Munch lot., thence northeasterly along the lice of lot now In possession of Joseph Bailey to the center of the highway at the nonhwest comer of sold Bailey's lot., thence westerly along the too th Bacot' land now In pussession or Ira M. Bewley to the tooth east corner of Russell Southwurtle• land, thence isonth erly along the vast tine of said Southwarth's laud .a a mugger parallel with the north Roe of said lieptin church lot to the place of Deginolog. containing I acre, more or leas, with the appurtenances, I anal) dwelling house, some welt tree. and all Improved [Taken in exemaloo on a writ ofjl.fil. vs Dnebe IL Sherman and It, B. Shaman, '—All that wagon or carriage chop, two Ito lea, having a front of 22 feet and a depth of GO feet, and a eruseturs hula banding or blacksmith shop beteg c.4*- 'meted w th the main building or carriage eh..p by a paint scaffold eighteen feet by twenty-eight feet,huntog two doors and a runway fromlne ground to the second dour of raid paintcaffold, said runway or inclined plane being abont P t fret In length and about 9 In width; un the front of said wagon or carried chop is a platroxtla feet by to 11111815; Ottani, upon a lot or p.ece of land in M. Village of Springville, fu the Coon. fy of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, decent. ed an follows! Bounded on the north by land of D. J. °wens, on the east by public highway. nu the south by I. S. Lathrop. and on the west be laud of D. J. Owens, \ contaming one half acre ors , ool. wore or less, on wills. ne & ro w., Cause, barn, and virtuesheds.. . writ of tex. Ca D . tT• ea and A Lathrop. owner, or reputed OWnent. end 12. LI. Culver. contr.elOr.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parCel of land Orn ate in the borough of Great Bond. In the scanty of -Mg:lemons nn.! State of Pennsylv.rda. bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the .oath ride corner of William street and west aide of Grant street, thence southerly ou the west aide of Grant street, le d feet to a corner, thence wesoerly parallel with street 120 feet, thence northerly parallel with Grant atreet IR feet to William street. thence easterly on the ...moth .1.10 of Wallow street 120 feet to Groot street the place of begun:log. bring lore 103. 101, and 99aa laid down on Wolcou not, surveyed by 2'. Boyle. to. getber with the appurtenances, and all Improved iTalcs ell In eXeCtitIOLI the suit of W. E. Blossom vs - John Rooth.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land alto. ate le the township of New Bllfaetl. in the county of enerplehatouland State or Penneylvania, bounded and described** follows: Becht nitre at • stone Joe a corn er it hews a comer of 11._ 11. Vancatt's land. thence smith 2 &greet West in end two tenths porches along tile !an. s of 11, U. Vencutt and L Weston to • corner of 1.. Westomer land, thence along land of paid Weston north Stt degrees west at perches to a stone for corner. thence by lauds of Tracy yden north 18 degrees. east and six tenth, perunes to post and stone.. s hince along lands of T. Hayden and Btephen hart worth 311( degrees emit 03 and four tenth pi:nobs* to the center of highway leading ham New Milford to Jackson, .hence along the center of the same mouth GI( deities omst 9 perches and 9 links. thence north 84% de..rela earl 52 perchea to post and stones In a line of land for. inerly of James Boyle. deed, thence s'ong lands of the some south OS degrees out 82 perrhea to • post a. d swoop fur • corner. th ence north 43 degrees east along lands of the woos CO perches to a stake andstones. 1110000 tooth 44 degrees rest along Inner or 11. U. Vans rem 9 and eight tenth- percher to a stake and atones for corner, titmice along lauds of LLB. Veneta south to de.ree. west 137 perches to the Center of the pt, n. Oen. d highway. thence In north westerly direction along the center of said toad or highway 10 percher and • oot. thence south 47,5 i degree* west along tante of 'old Vance% to the place of beginning, conuelnlngig acres mod 09 perches, more or Ina , with the apptirte, .16. ns, • two atm dwelling house,* good bean,* small young orchard. and about6o acres intPlo.ged--•• I Pasen in executiot at the snit of Wm. L. Yhlllips es Ira D. Foot.) ALSO— ah that certain piece or parcel of land situ tie. lying, and being to the township of Lenox In the county of Stisqnehanna an-1 State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows ; Beginulog at a otate sod stones the northwest corner of a tract of laud In the warrantee name of Geors,ct Eddy, •hence Loong oath or :irritate* line by lands In_ possession of Is oe Waitangi' south 8101 degree. rapt 939 percheato • mad birch to the northeart corner of sold warrantee _Lod to line of laud conveyed by Wm, why and wife to thirdner Pt rise, theece dung cold warrantee line enth dogreelreot 7U perches to • stake and stone. hence coral 04 degrees view 230 erebesto• hemlock -epic' In flue of lauds John Donee. treed. thence mirth degree cast clung said Dupee's ilne.l9 perch. .-• to the place of beginning, gout:tieing lob 'free. be the same more or Its., with the appurtetothees, one frame Ileum frame tiny and other opt braidings. 2 or. chard., sod about ill sere. Improved. tTaken In eXcr anion at the volt of Phlihp Sharpie., executor of Saw eb turmalt, deed, vs D. B. clack and J.D. Colvin Abeo—all those two Certain lots shame Its the bore nigh of butquebanna Depot, in the county of barque. anon and ewe of Pedo.yleania. ktiowo as let. hos. .21 sod aorl as per stuvey by brio H.R. Co... Waste on he south ride of E. street. bounded es follow.l Op me north by It street. on the east by tot of B, Claccey, in the south by lot of 11. Warner, and on the west by ior et— Lay ; sold lots are each al fort wide sod reh eolith from E. street to said V. Warner's hind, with • imbie en one J oh nkn In execution at the suit N. Mitchell re Maloney Och and John IdaloneY4 ALSO—AB that certain piece or purcel el Wed situ. ate In the township of Auburn in the comity of Snequee &moo sr d etate of Potheylvaufs Weeded .sod deverite ett as fellows: tin the north by lands et Marvin Ben tettaud Samuel Brunds,.th, on the emit by lauds of the .rate of Patrick CoMlaky end N. C Rather, lie rho -oath by laud of belr. of Ella* Bennett. deed. C. li itueengrant and !leery Sumner, and oo the west by t soda of Juheattum Bunnell and Mervin Bennett, too. inning lee scree of land,. more or ins, With the splint. ,raattess, two frame dwellitus houses. 1 frame baths. and other ea tbrit Idlitp. 9 orchard, and about 100 scree mproved. FTakeu to exeention at the gull of 0.4 ; i Loomis Se 'l, P. Kellogg.) Take Notice.—All bids mug he ntranowt ot. the day .11 Fate. ht. B. HELMS, Sheriff. _ dherifre °dire. hfelltfete. Ott. ".li'EM:rTutrAs NuTIcK., • N b.rwes to toe calla* of £4 tireitoly boo of 11;ttltio: o „ 4 , t o • t, -Itoblp,dered. tutu , tweti ranted to the Rutter* - ,:etoos Intlebted to nut estate, aro Atest, 44 to to ,. "firtattliato paymeut. tad those flitting Astra. against Fluent thIIIII orttttout AY I ELT. Illsoonta, Brooklya. Ott.10,1811.—." DMINIBTRATOWS the . 114° of I °l A. IRA. dectuauctl, t s ,; radon In Ina said estate onion ate undersigned, all persons owing - 7,7.„ - a — m i..! .ro requested to tusks Imtnelllow .0141 Wising CDlnie azzlint mid callable feqt. , . 'resent Mom wit toot oltdsy. 4.% . N. D134 LY I t "min ' Mem. Ararat, Oct. 31 s 1h710.1,16-0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers