rllE DEMOCRAT. , E. B. HAIVLEY (E. CO., Editors Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1874. Democratic State Ticket. FOR JUDGE OF TEE SUPREME COURT S HON. WARREN J. WOODWARD of Berks County. FOR LIEUTENANT oovEtnion, IION. JOHN LATTA, of Westmoreland County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, • of Green County. !OR SECRETARY OP INTERNAL AFFAIR..I GEN. WILLIAM M'CIANDLESS, of Philadelphia. Democratic County Ticket. NOR CONGRESS, JOSEPH POWELL, of Bradford. FOR SENATOR, EUGENE B. HAWLEY, of Montrose. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, CHRISTOPHER BYRNE, Choconut. JOHN H. FITZSIMMONS, of usquehanna Depot. 1R DISTRILT ATTORNEY, GEORGE P. LITTLE, ' of Montrose. FOR COUNTY BURVEYOR, CURISTOPHER M. GERE, of Montrose fOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. B. WHITLNG, of Great Bend. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, TRUMAN BELL. of Lathrop. Mocha - -'rushy, Nov. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday night last, at riq. The effect of the elections in the West will be to determine the large class of undecided voters, to cast their votes for the Democratic candidates in the States which are yet to vote, am] triumphs in New York and Pennsylvania will swell the tide of Tuesday the 13th inst, till it sweeps the country in' 76 from the At lantic to the Pacific. The Republican seems to be afraid of om its own shadow. It has charged E. B Hawley with being the synonym of vll. irony, and now just before the day of election it is begging and pleading of Republicans not to give him any compli mentary votes. Does Homer fear that he has made some of his readers believe that E. B. Hawley is as bad as some of his party leaders and therefore "promi nent"; Republicans will be induced to compliment him? We think he has sloppedover. The fire has got into the shavings. We are 1114 d to be able to assign a rass , n for the turn of affairs in Ohio and Indiana. We copy it from the Montrose Republican and we warn those "apostate Republicans" who are el emphatically advertised in the last issue of that paper, to beware ! We do not know who they are but the editor of the Republican (or Watson) must, or they would not speak so emphatically. Be sure and not `stay at home" for it is evident from the shiver ink of Homer & Willoughby, that it will be a dangerous thing, to them.— Read the following and take warning : "We begin to learn what was the mat tet in Ohio. The trouble was simply toss—too many Republican voters stayed at home and did not vote!" Fourteen Tears of Robbery For fourteen years the people have been cursed with radical administration in the State of Pennsylvania. During this time, (estimating the revenue for the present year at $7,000,000) eighty five million of dollars have been paid into the state treasury. What have we to show for it ? The Sinking Fund is near ly $2,000,000 poorer than it was when the state was delivered over in 1861 a prey to spendthrift& The public debt has been reduced thirteen millions of dollars. Twenty-six millions have been paid for interest. Forty-six millions of dollars, over three millions per year, have been expended to carry on the stare govern ment. In every one of the fourteen years of radical rule the expenses of the state have been three-fold what they were in 1860. In the year 1874 they are likely to be fourfold. The last three years of democratic ad ministration in Pennsylvania were years of commercial and industrial depression. Commencing in 1857, with its disastrous expenses, and ending in 1860, collecting leas than one half the yearly taxes now collected, it yet met with promptness all ordinary liabilities, including the expen ses of government and the interest on the public debt, and it paid off 62,235,882,15 of the public debt. As our finances are now managed the whole revenue collected from thP people yearly from 1860 to 1875 would not suffice to pay the annual expense of Republican administration, without paying a cent of interest or principal of the public debt. All these tads are verified by official figures, published from day to day in the Patriot, undenied and unquestioned by Reptiblican newspapers, officials or ora tore. They cannot be successfully im pugned. They are abstracts of public records and authentic history. IF YOU PAID YOUR STATE AND COUNTY TAXES LAST YEAR AND CAN SHOW YOUR RECEIPT, YOU CANNOT BE KEPT FROM VOTING. Dower's Bull Against the Democrat. in past History we read of "Popes Bull against the comet" and future history (if any one will preserve the Montrose Republican of this week) will be marked by Homer & Watson's bull against the DEMOCRAT. A Republican friend, who desired to warn us of our danger, whis pered in our ear, early last week, that W. W. Watson esq,had then seen night and day in the street, with a large file of the DEMOCRAT under biennia, and that he and Honier,had put their two heads together, and we were to be annihilated,not a grease spot to be left to apprise inquiring friends of our existence. Under these circum: stances we sought the .10:publican oq Monday last, fieo to our sanctum and sat down to read it in the full expectation that every moment would be the next, when to our utter surprise,we found that the firm of Homer & Watson had given us a fine udvertisment by quoting some detached extracts from our paper. We would here tender them our acknowledg ments for the favor. We will say that the extracts they have given are correbt, except in some instances they might have done us a little more justice by giving them in full. Of the interludes and comments, all of which must have orig• Mated in their own furtive imaginations, we simply say, that they are just what is expected from such a source, as what, is poured out of a vessel, gives Cr. oder that leaves no mistake as to what that vessel contains. Where their principal• "bull" comes ln. is in the folluwing,which we give in their own chosen words. "The Local Option question is not the only one yon are dodging. You raised your bonus question as a hobby, and rode it furiously, up to about the time you were nominated. Since you were notni nab-d, have you not suppressed articles written on that subject for your paper Have you not refused or neglected to re ply to questions as to your position on the bonus question, made in good faith by voters of this county, leaving those interested by your silence to fear, and by your acts to believe, that you have aban doned your former profession on OW subject, and pledged yourself to rupport a higher rate of interest Is not your course one of double.dealinf? Could there be more pathos, rhetoric. sound logic, and scathing rebuke, got into the same number of words except by Homer & Watson ? We confess tney are so deep that we cannot fathom their significance, as applied to E. B. Ilawle,Y, but there may be some one who can. Stir. Watson is not only getting the reputaticn of a "prominent Republican," but alio as the prominent author of some ofte basest falsifications, (of which the abo're is a specimen)that ever appeared in print, even in the Moritrose Republican. Oir position on the usury question is so ole seure,and has been for the last three year,s, both in this county and also at the state Capitol last winter, that it seems to be necessary for the firm of Homer & Wat• son to propound to us the above intersi atones. In conclusion we simply en that we sincerely pity any candidate ler office who has so little of the confideuee of the party that nominatel him as to his moral honesty or political integrity, that be must sign a pledge for every man or woman who asks him, because thcly dare not trust him without. If W. W. Watson is in that predicament he lids our heartfelt sympathy. We do not iri• tend to bow our knee or dwarf our man hood that office may follow fawning. it there is one Democrat in this county whose usury corns or any other corn, are so painful on our account as to Icad him to desire us to do so, we frankly lull vise him not to invest in E. B. Hawley{. An Appeal to the Common-Sense 4 the People. INDEPENDENT CITIZENS OF BRADFORD SuSVEHANNA, WAYNE AND WYOMING, FARMERS, MINERS, MAN CFA CT I; ER,, AND MECHANICS, all who contribute to the general welfare and add to the iu•i crease of state, and individual wealth its the persuit of useful and legitimate transacticns: we call upon you for the! last time, before the day of final decision.; to weigh in the balance of your most: mature judgement, the effect, and calcu late from the only safe guide to action— the public record—the result of a cho c between Joseph Powell and Bartholomen Laporte as Representatives in Congress. In the person of Mr. Laporte you have a man not exceptionable in private life, not objectionable as a n'ighbor and not iu the less unworthy from his chosen vocation of farmer and stock raiser on broad paternal acres ; for these virtues are conceded, and we scorn to write a line or utter a sylable derogatory of his social status or ; private character! But the public.actsof evey man, who occu pies office by the partiality of his fellow citizens, is the property of the people, and a subject of legitimate discussion and truthful criticism at all times and under all circumstances. It is with these acts that we propose to deaL Honored by a nomination, successful in his election, and entrusted with the responsibility of representing as intelli gent a constituency as any county in the state could boast of; iu the prime of life and made conspicious by the large ma jority which his party possessi;il at that day (some 5,000 strong:) prominent by virtue of the wide circle of acquaintance, possessed by a father who had held office ander the state for a term of years ; am. bitious for distinction, with the finest opportunity that any piling man could desire in which to display his powers, and place his name upon the scroll of Legislative fame, what was the record Of Bartholomew Laporte ? Briefly but plainly stated it was this lie assumed the right to rote himself an increase of pay • owl of monefi he had no moral right to touch,. and sanctioned the auditing ofan account for mileage, cer tified to its correctness and drew the mon ey for fine fold the distance that lie was legally and honestly entitled to. It the axiom that a political mistake is a political crime, be the true one, in what language shall we characterize a deed which is not only a mistake, but an act of obsolute malfeasance with no excuse for its perpetration, save a "want of ex perience," ani l / 2 "evil ossoeiations." Considered in the light of subsequent -events, by men occupying the positions to which Mr. Laporte now aspires, he may say that the sum he then Voted to himself was so very small compared with the back-pay steal of the last Congress that it is scarcely worth mention at a period so remoto from its consummation, but we do not believe that length of time is a valid excuse for wrong doing—while perhaps repentance may serve as practical extenuation for an abatement of sentence. Eight years from the time Mr. Laporte committed the above mistake the party sent him to Harrisburg again, and all there is noteworthy in his career at that time, is the fact of his voting against Si mon Cameron for senator, when to have voted fur him, would have done neither Cameron any good, or Laporte any harm. But so much more difficult it is to forgive a crime committed against party, than a mere "mistake' in pocketing public money that twelve years have been allowed to pass since this man's name again appears upon a banner somewhat rent by inter necine strife. If then he yielded so complaicently to temptation to pocket a fete hundred dol lars in the legislature of the state,because it was done by others,whut would restrain him from joining the noble army of grab bers that cluster so thickly about the if,dl of the House of Representatives in Congress ? Nothing, we fear, but the solemn determination of the people ev erywhere, this year b•tng expressed, not to glee any man the opportunity where there is a pool reason to fear that he may yield to the tempo, ion! Citizens, we can say to you all in sin cerity!: we can say to you with all the strength that lapse of years can add to careful observation ; we can assure you by the record of a life of constant effort in the paths of honest purpose, that your support of Joseph Powell will never he a subject of regret, or cause you a single qualm of conscience. He stands the lepiesentatove or an innuence that seems born of the hour; an influence that springs from a desire to regenerate poli tics and subdue the asperity of party : a spint that underlies the great upheaval in the recent elections, and which floats in the purified atmosphere of change, silently and unseen, but with the subtle magic of inspiration that seizes the em pire of reason, controls the dominion of thought, and determines the destiny of nations. What intlueoce can arrest the consum mation of so goon a purpose in the hands of a united p,ople, strong in their defer minulion is be free Y— Bradford Argus. Judge Busteed has hilt Alabama dis gusted with its political leaders, and in departing he fired his furewe;l shot at that great man, Senator Spencer: The Republican Convention recently held in this cal. was not. in any true senor, an exponent of the Republican idea, or a representative of the better class of the Republicrns of Alahama. It was put tugathr r pieciselv as a piece of machin ery is put together, to secure a preor. dained result. As to now apparent, its only object was to secure to certain per sons, are continuance in office. It was nominated and run by a man who, wear ing the garb of the United States Sena tor, is universally recognized as tne po -1/6=l luxes nuturre of the period Of the persons comprising it sonic sixty were federal officeduilders, whose lively hood depended upon their obedience to the tuners of exacting and merciless demagogues. Protanity and blackguard ism went uncontrolled by the chair ; to be applauded to the echo by a Senatorial huckster and (his hireling& For the most part, the atsenrtdage ua s a gather ing of tyros in polifi:is, paupers iii intel lect, iind affluents in profligacy. I chal lenge its riebt to speak for the Republi can party, and feel myself at liberty to accept or repudiate its doings us my own sense of duty and propriety shall enjoin." Special Notices CONSFEPTIOS CAN DE CURED. Sam_noes Pri_sloNic SricEP. SCRENCK's SEA WEED Tosic. SCIIENCICV MANDRAKE PILLEL Are the only metlicints that will cure Pul monary• Consumption. Frequently niediLlnes that will stop a cough will occasion the death of the patient ; they lock up the liver, stop the circulation of the lblood, hemorrhage follows, and in fact, they iclog the action of the very organs that caused 'the cough. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes Int two-thirds of the cases of Cousumptton.— Mmy persons complain of a dull pain In the ide.T constipation, coated tongue, pain in the. - boulder-blade, feelings of drowsiness and rest• easnetis, the food lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied with acidity and belching up of wind. 1 These symptoms usually originate from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affected, if they take one or two heavy colds, and if the congh in these cases be Amide-sly checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, remaining torpid and inactive, end almost bet ore they are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, the result of which is death. Schenck's Pulmomc Syrup Is an expectorant wLich does not contain opitun or anything cal otetlated to check a cough suddenly. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the toad Mixed with the gastric joins of the stomach, aids digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite. When the bowels are - costive, skin sallow, or the symptoms otherwise of a billions tendency, Schenck 's Mandrake Pills are required. These medicines are prepared only by J. 11. SCUFNCK S Sow, N. E. corner Sixth awl Arch Sts., Phila. Aud for sale by all druggists and dealers. New Advertisements Binghamton Marble Works ! MI kind. or Monuments, Headstones, and Marble Mantle., made to order. Also, Scotch Granites on hand. I. Pleb:MlDl° ‘t. CU., I. fICKEIII3IO. ID3 Court Street, 11.118111SAII, IL P. HIIIIIVIC OCt. 2S, 1674 DON'T READ THIS! But be sure to come to COOL'S STATION, on the Montrose Railway, and Ask For What We Have Not Got. anc wo will Avoca to have It to-morrow vx/ .- }3.4xt vicro Srsvo ca-c:.t 12 ♦ FULL A1190131,1-EINIT 07 M 27 (6 1 0 ta. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NO TIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A fine lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES all of which will be sold us Cheap as the Cheap est for READY PAY. All kinds of Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goode at the highest Market Prices CARD PAID FOR PORK. RUTTER AND POULTRY. or shipped to responsible Commission Mere:mate in New York. Oise on a call. J8.172'1. - ..: MARTIN & JONES. Banc'ly & Oo A DE'NTB WANTED for the PEOPLE'S JOURNAL Four macnitlcent Chrom. free. The moat liberal offer ever made. Bevil 3 cent stamp for clrcidar and sample. P. W. ZIEGLER & CO. 5tH Meh C. Phila. 45. AGENTS WANTED: Diploam Awarded for HOLM AN'sl NEW PICTOULIL BIBLES 1300 illortratiaor. Addreas for circolaca A. J. LIOLMAN & CO., 41-4 or. •30 Arch St., Phila. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT- Mala or Female, $3O per week warran , ed, no capital required. Par• titular+ and valuable ramp]ea rent free. Addrear with G tent return rump, C. BOSS. 43-4 w Williameburu, N. Y. « 1 18 ! - Iih n e ° r efeAxN"y. r e.. s C t L a e o li d A g li arn r i C h ( e ' . lO — v e ll aZ affections or any person they choose Instantly. This simple mental acquirement can possessfree.by msil, for 25 etc, together with a marriage guide it twist, Ora cle Dreams, Hints to Ladlia, Wedding.Nbitt Shirt, etc. A 41it1, 4 •r book. Address, T. WILLIAMCO., w M&RYLAND EYE AND EAR IN'STITL7TE,. 68 N. Char/es Street. Baltimore. Md. George Reeling. M. D.. Late Prof. of Eye and Mrf . Sorgery in the Wash• le Vh o e o Ze v gli s c i t t iLm " e%ide i n ' ce el cl r tre . late Charles Car roll has been fitted up with all the improvements adopted to the latest School. of Forope, f.r the special treatment of tills class of dioceses. Apply by letter to GEORGE REULING. M. D., 4.l—Sw Surgeon In Charge. Vg COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES MBEr.E:it:3=l PUT VP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggist& 43-4 w LIFE OF DR. LIVINOBTONE A new book. couip.ete authentic and reliable, con tabling hl• exploratlous and discoveries in the wild. of Africa. sells rapidly at low pain... to sot' the the Messiah. by Rev. Wet. hi Willett. for all denomi nations, an excellent work issneal to a handsome style' Our Family Bibles are unequalled fur etylea prince. Agent. Wonted to work on these hooka at once, liberal term, Address Quaker City Publishing Co., 43-4 w Philadelphia, Pa. VIREE SAMPLE to Agents, Combinntion JU Noedle-hook. vetch Chrumos. Bend .tamp. DEAN & CO., New 13cdford, M... WANTED--AGENTS tot the beet selling Prize Ste t/ Y tinnery Package oat. Sample package, poiit paid for 25c. Catalan hoe. J. 1311tIrE. 41-4 w. SG7 Broadway, New York. WORK FOR ALL At Lome. male or female; CZ per week. day or evening. No Capital. We seed valuable package of goods by mall free. Addrevs with six cent return stamp, YOUNG, 43-3 w. 173 Greenwich St., N. Y EVERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN fly C W GLEAnON. M. I). A magnificent vol. ome of 4)19 octavo pages—brantlfully Woe rated and el egantly hound. CootaMs matter justadapted to the went' , of every Lathy. Oyer on.Travings. Cue agent sold led copies In one week, another 36 In three days, end another 25 in four days. Circulars free. AGRAWN WANTED. Address at onco. M. N. IIcK.NN By ft. CO., 725 Sansoln St., Phila. 43-3 w, WATLIUP CONCERTO PIANOS. StiLTARE and CPRIORT, are the beet made. The touch elastic, the tone powerful, pore and even through tba entire scale, yet mellow and sweet. WATERS' Concrwro ORGONS cannot be excelled in tone or beauty; they defy competition. The Concerto Stop Is a floe Imitation of the Human Voice la arranted for 0 years. Prices extremely jaw for each or part cash, and the balance In monthly payments.— Serood•hand instruments at great bargains. Agents Wanted. A liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers, Church., Schools. Lodges, etc. Illustratgd CatrJoguce HORACE WATERS d Son, 41-4 w. 4.81 Broadway, Nov York, P. 0. Box =7. Xi. AGENTS WANTED N rAbIICTELL IT ALL of Mn. Stenbease pf i.EtL. nn, far ci=?: .. .v; at • Khre. Prins a thr . lan..Akarz ; _Thls. A irtory I 4=••=oZ i etc. of I th ' s Dt "`" oho !!ei . onikLaethrh wes. am hem Brighh re Y . and U Le the !ha nr• back ota„ .aulg hrthe zlehlhaa for all. It Is ;waxier eero7- r.weequi .t h lou tool teellattother Vera men rdoretoltiositp , i rruz lr j o. 7 111,1 4 :rjil qmp ...3tarial:4l4o.l=t rw or trauma —and C4 t "Wita.t . '"=) l2 Ott. w, 74. 41-4 w. P OSTPONSJUENTs I.IIYuSSU3LE I ——s2o— 1121311 FIRST PSSMIC3I MORTGAGE BOND N. Y. Ilithistnal Exposit's Co eathorlzed by the Legialatera of the Mate of N. Y. 2d Premium Drawing, DECEMBER 7th, 1879. 3d Series Drawing, JANUARY 4th, 1874. EVERY BOND will be redeemed with o premium, roan equivalent for Interest. CAPITAL' PREMIUM, $lOO,OOO. dd dream for Bonds and hill information, MORGENTHAU, untmo a CO., Mancini Agents, t 5 Bark Row, P. 0. brewer, 29. New York. 41—in. Applicattona for Ageneler received. HAVE YOU TMED 4 W1:71 : 1L17113 313.11. Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? Are you so languid that any exertion require. more of an effort than you Irel capable of making I Then try JITILVDEBA. the wonderful tonic and inyig. orator, which acts nu bencileiraly on the reactive or gans*. Win:Loan vigor to all the vital forces. It In no ,Icobbolic appetizer, which nth:palates for a abort time, only to let the suffereriall to a lower depth of misery. but It 11 a vegetable touic acting directly on the liver and spier?. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, d gives such a healthy tone to the whole sigmas to s oo n make the invaild feel likes new person. Its operation is not ylolant, but Is characterized by greet gentleness; tho patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results. but gradually bla troubles ..Fold their cents. like the Arabs. And silently steal away." Thls is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderfal remedl.l results, and ic norine,d by the highest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic an alterativeknown." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by JOHNS lON, IfOLLO WAYd CO., 41-4 w Philadelphia, Pa. DO EGISTER'S NOTICE.—PUBLIC 1.1 NOTICE Is hereby given toad persons con cerned in the following Estates, to wit Estate of Thomas Reese, lute of Gibson, ticifirDavid Reese, Fxecutor. Dloghavaton, N. I .Estate of Elias Northup, Into at Liberty, deed, Itutit Northup, Adannistratrix. Estate- of Minerva Post, late of Montrose, deed, G. P. Little Executor. Estate of Reuben Reynolds, late of Bridge• water, deed, A. H. McCollum, Administrator. Estate of Robert Moore, late of Bridgewater, dec'd, Charles Avery, Executor. Estate of Iliram. S. Giff:ird, late of Great Bend, deed. Galen Newman, Administrator. Estate of Isaac Reckhow; late of Great, Bend deed, Vincent Reckhow, Executor. Estate of Nathan Aldrich, late of Brooklyn, dec'd, Eliot Aldrich, Executor. Estate of Daniel A. Baldwin, late of Great Bend, deed, E. S. Baldwin, Admimstratrix. Estate or Samuel R. Depue, late of Franklin dee'd, Phebe Depue and Samuel Truesdell, Ad ministrators. Estate of Jane Smyth, late of Bridgewater, dee'd, Wm. C. Curtis, Administrator. Estate of Wrn. Dl. Watterson, late of La throp, deed, Jerustot Watterson, Adrninistta triz. Estate of Eliza A. Ward, minor, Eliot Ald rich, Guardian. Estate of Lucy S. Baldwin, minor, E. Gill, Guardian, That the accountants have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office in and for the county of Susquehanna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans Court, on Thursday, N ov, 12, 1874, for con firmation and allowance. 11. N. TIFFANY, Register. Register's Office, Oct. 14,'74. IDIROCLAMATION.--SUSQUEHANNA 1 COUNTY, SS .—WItEIIEAS, I. M. B. Helene, Sheriff of said County, having been informed of the existence of such contrivances for the catching of fish as arc commonly called or known as fish baskets, eel wires, kiddies, bush, or famine nets, and other permanently sot means of taking 11811, in the nature of a sieve, in some of the streams and rivers In . aid county Now, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 24th dixj• of may, A. a 1871, both. is hereby given that such contrivances are known to exist, and are declared by the sold Act com mon nuisances; oud the owners or managers of any of the above named contrivances are here. by ordered to dismantle the same, so as to ren der them no longer capable of taking or injur ing the fish of the streams of whatever kind in said Susquehanna county, within ten days from the date of this notice ; and if, at the ex piration of said ten days, the dismantling shall not have taken place, I shall proceed to destroy and dismantle the same In the manner provid ed for tn said Act of Assembly. M. B. HEIJIE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct 14, 1874. pUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County-, the undersigned will sell the following described real estate, at pub lic sale, on the premises, on Friday, Nov 6,1874, at 1 o'clock, p. m. The farm late of Gid Peek, deceased, situate In the township of New Mil ford, County of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of the estate of—Ayres and F. W. Boyle ; on the east by lands of R. A. Johnson, A. B. Smith, Henry Burritt, and John Boyle; south by lands of—Robinson, and on the west by lands of R. J. Vail and M. 1% iseman, contain ing one hundred and fitly-seven acres of lane more or leas. TERMS.—One hundred dollars down on day of sale, $lOOO on final cmfirmation, and the balance one year thereafter, with interest from final continuation, and to be secured by bond and mortgage Possecdon to be given April Ist, 1875. 'LADY F. l'Eux, Executrix. Oct. 14, 1811. 41-4 w. 4oL.UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The ondersianed. an Audit or appointed by the Court of Common_ Pleas of ens quehanna County. to distribute the funds in the Sher if. hands arising from the sale of real estate of Martin Conrad. trill attend to the duties 14 his ap pointnient at his Oran! in Montrose, on Monday, Nor. XI, 1814. at 7 o'clock, p. m., at which time and place ell persons Interested in wild funds must present their claims or be forever debarred front ruining in on said fund. W. H. JESSCP, Auditor. Montrose. Oct. 1. 11474. A CDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Auditor appointed bytb e Court of Common Pleas of Sul, quehatiivi County, to distribute the foods in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate of John Phillips. will att , nd to the Males of his ap pointment at the office of Warren & Son, In Montrose, on Tuesday, October 27, 1874, at one o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons Intereste.l in said fund must present their claims or be forever debarred from paoming in von said fund. . . A. 0. WARREV, Auditor Montrose,Sept.M,'l4.—w4 M USIC BOOKS FOR SCTIOOLS .a...zesorisanza. SCHOOL SICSIC READERS In I Moots. By L. 0. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. In Book I. which Is Inc Primary Schools, we hove a 3 year. course of study. very plainly laid out with abundant direction. to teuhere. and a large unmber of Beret sonny., for the little ones to slog by rote ants by note. Price S 5 cents. - - . In Book U. the course above indicated In contionrd and become. a lade more theoretic. the book la titled for the nee of the younger scholars in Grammar School" Vries. hneents. In Book 1.11, part singing I• introilneed. and tho car la trained to harmonic singing. For Higher Clam... in Grammar >ch note. Price 50 cent, - . The male In these charming and useful hooks was selected and twanged by the practiced band of Mr. L. 0. Eraerron, and U. theoretic part has been well test ed by ate. Tl'dcn before placing in the Readera. For HIGH 81 HOOLS. md.bing strceeds the above Read r. better Mao The Hour of Singing." lf1.00,) already In extenaive use. If that has been need, try — Choice Tr los," tsl 00,3 a collection of the brat 3-part music. The new Singing School Book. ••The Bong Mon• arch," 115 ctn..] is attracting general attention as one of the beat books ever tootle for singing Schools. Sold by all dealers. Either book cent poet paid for retail price, OLIVER DITSON .t Co , CHAS. [l. DITSON d Co„ Barton. Tit Wdway. N. Y. Sept. 2.-2, (May at, 1514.—ty.1 AucTio2s; The undersigne4 will sell at Peblie Auction, October 31st, 1874, at his residence, in Rush, Pa_, the following property to the highest and best bidder: Nine cows, 7 two-year ultl heifers, 1 two-year old bull, 0 yearlings, (5 heders,) 1 calf, 3 horses and harness, 1 mowing machine, 1 fanning Mill 1 thrashing machine and cleaner, 1 lumber wagon; 1 platform wagon, 30 tons of bay, 1 corn speller, 200 bushels of oats. 200 bushels of buckwheat, 1 pair cattle, 100 bushels corn In ear: TERMS.—AII amounts under $2O cash, in cluding hay and graln,balance nue year's credit with interest and Improved security. I will also rent My farm. of 200 acres, at the same time. Bush, Oct. 14, 1874.-2 w PRIATIAG 311ar.ecuLtect A'r THIS OFFICE. CHEAP. •Panr u_. TUE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID, 'Allotted a, a warning and for the benefit or TOUI3C. Men and others who .after (rota Warmers DITILITT Lou or WaxgoOD, etc., supplying the mean, of Self Cure. Written by one who cared hintecit after under going considerable neackery. and lent free on remising a polo petal directed envelOge. buffeters are Invited to addreve the author. NATBANIEL MAYFAIR:. P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, N.Y October 7th, Irt—Gal,' Miscellaneous JACOB BROTZMAN eltio,coo4c): NEW FALL AND . WINTER GOODS GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY, Our Stock luu, been selected with great care and bougbt at iriirrati PRICES. To all In searcb of a good bargain we extend a cordial invitation to call and examine our stock, and take prices. We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt• edly be to your interest to call and give us your custom. OUR STOCK COMPRISES : Dry Goods Department. Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank- Ready-Made Clothing, Men's, Youth's, and eta, Shawls, Cloakings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Boy's Snits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over. Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and I coats, Taimas, &c. Buck, Kid, and Wool Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shirts, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, I Trunks, Umbrellas, &a., Bows, Scarfs, Ties, and Mufflers. Full line of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst- • ' ~ A tine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and eds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and ! Cassimeres for Custom Work. Meas. Furnishing Goods, Carpets urea taken, and good fitting and and Oil•Clotbs. Workmanship Warranted. - - Hornier 131eaaalcote. abo. GUTT ENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO Montrose, °doter 21, 1874. We-vv Goods Just Pt.ec)erv'e'c:l! LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Buffalo Robes, Wolf Robes, Lap Robes, MCCOPLIEIFI 337-5.EL15731.1111T13, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, AND GROCER F II.S I MONTROSE, Oct. SI, UM O.HEItIFF'S SALES.—BY VIRTUE OF WRITS Issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna County end to me directed, I will expose to eale by public tendon, at the Court House la Montrose, on Friday, Nov. 6th, 1874, at I o'clock, p. m., tho following pieces or parcels of lane to wit • AU that piece or parcel or land eituste in the town ship of Thomson, In the County of Susonehanna and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as fol low, to wit : On the north by public highway, on the east by lands of L. F. Searles and F A. Crosier, on the tionth by lend. of Griffin Cook, and on the west by Lands of Wm. Witter and D. B. Hind. containing about two acres of laud, more or less,lari Lb the appurtenances a one ands half story dwelling homes with wing barn, chop. some fruit trees, and all Improved. rfaken In execution at the .alt of Sylvester King vs P. line dick, President; IL C. Dow, Secretary ; Wilson T. Stone. .d P. Is. Cargill.] ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land altnato In the township of Springville, in the County of Snrquehan - no. and state of Pannsylv.ia, bounded and described , tes foliows , to wit: On the north by land of N. P. Loomis, on the cast by public highway, on the south by the abutment of bridge over the Meshoppen creek, and on the west by the lileshoppen creek, containing about a acres of land, more or lee, with the appurte nances, one frame house and shop, some fruit treocand nearly all Improved. fTaken lu execution at the suit of Thomas Kintner vs. John W. Grow nod IL T. Bald ln w ALSO—AIi that cert..in piece or parcel of land situ ate In the townahlpof Auburn, In the County o Sus quehanna. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by land of James Lott, 00 the east by lands of Wm. N. Bennett, on the sout by land, of !Anton Dania A. D. Tewks bury, and John Seteer, and on the weal by land of John Setae:, containing about 4 acres of land, more cr leas, with the appurtenances. 8 dwelling. houses, barn, new store house, a good orchard, and all improved.— [Taken in execution at the suit of G. L. Swisher v.. Willthm White and L. C Swisher. . certain - . ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Jackson, In the County of Barque hanna and State of Pennryitanla, bounded and Ms Gritted as follows, to wit: On the northeast by lands of Georg,. Curtis, on the southeast by lands of I,oliil Marsh and Anthony Steinbach, on rho southwest by land of Reuben Rill. and on the northwest by lands of Ronne Idnch and C. H. Padthruoks. containing 154 arras of land, more or less, together with the appurte • ounce.. one frame dwelling house, d bares, ay orchard. and shout 10 acres improSed. [Taken to execution at the snit of itentwn Hill vs. John Ilendrfelson,] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land Min ate In the township of Lenox, lu the County of Susque h men end State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed as follows. to wit: On the north by Janos of L. -- Doran. on the east by lands of Wm. Pratt, Wm. D. Diller, and H. Coleman, on the youth by lands of Wm. Pratt, and on the west by land, of B. P. Breed, con. t tang 120 ore., more or less with the appurtenants.. one frame house, barn and sheds, and other our build ings. 2 orchards, and about 90 acres Improved. [Taken In execution at the cult of Charles A. Hunter, assigned to A. W. Gardner, vs._ Mary Gardner Atinex of John A. Gardner. deed, and than K. Chase, T. T.] ALSO—AII that certain tame 0, µocelot laud Min. ate In the borough of Susquehanna Depot, In the Conn. ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described no follows, to twit : Ott the north by land of Wm. C. Frith an the east by Grand street. on the south by land of James Tlchorot. and on the west by River Street. contaluing id sere, or there abou toot) the appurtenanres, one two story dwelling house,Wad all Improved. (Taken at the salt of J. A. Lyons... signed to B. I. Carr, no, Hiram Bash and James H. Swab.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land attn. ate in the township of Ararat, in the County °Vitas quells.* and State of Pennsylvania, bounden and des cribed as follows. to wit: On the north by lands of Wm. Bowen and lands now or late of William Wilson. on the mot by lands of Nelson Yoder, Elirha Ogden, and IL M. wheeler, and on the swath and west by lands of Moms. Nichols A Co., containing about 191 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame bonze. frame barns, and cube, out buildings. 9 orchards. and ab ou t .10 acres improved. .(Taken In execution at the snit of E. I. Carr. assigned to Thompson 130clle, vs. Peter Dunn and B. K. Dulrall ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land Mtn. ate In the borough of 'Montrose. In the Comas of Sus quebanva sod !Otte of Penosylvaola, bounded and dew cribed as follows. to wit: On the north by land eon. treated to J. A. Howell. on the east by public highway, on the south by land of D. W. Glidden, and on the west by land of J. A. Howell, containing about 1,4 of an acre, more or leay.with the apportonances,orte frame dwelling house, some huff end ornamental trees. and all Improved. [Taken In execution on sundry writs es Gm,. EL Bo tgess..l ALBO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Dlmock. In the County of Bonne- Winne snd State of Penuiyleania. bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of .1, Young. on the smith by land of James Martin, on the east by lands of Thomas Jonas and—Griswold, and on the wept by lands of—llleleys. containing 100 acres of Land, more or less, and about nOnerea improv• ed. 'Taken in execution at the snit of 8. F. Lane, use of 11. C. Tyler, vs. Geo. T. Corwin.] All that certain piece or parcel of land situate to the township of Great Bend. In the County of busquehan• na and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deemlbed as follows to wit: Beginning at • staks and stones in the corner of lands now or formed y of Lee Smith, thence north degrees east Mend six tenths rodsto corner of lan& occupied by McDaniel,. thence north 80 degrees and 10 minutes east by IdeDantel's laud 13X rods to a atone our the west aide of the blithwat thence north ISX degrees east 41 rods to an elm stomp thence north IX degrees east 4536 rods to a birch thence east rz3 rude, thence south lak &grecs east by line of tracts 1511 end 50 100th rods to an original corner. thence tenth I and VT minutes west 1133( rods to a stake and stones, thence south 1 degree west 150 rods to acbeernet stub, thence north 83 degrees and 5 min• etas west 61 rods 10 a Corner, thence south 2X degrees west 61 nada. thence south ffIX degrees east 180 X rods to east bounds of said User, thence southerly slung the same 44 rods to a point 40 and four tenths soda item the southeast corms of saki tact, thence westerly pat. JUST RECEIVED Br Clothing Department M. 8, Dessaner, Managing Partner. (07 ALL KINDS,) READ & STROUD nllel with the eoutti line and eking part of acid south line 415 rode to place of beginning, containing lOC° acres of land, more or less with the appurtenances, 4 frame boners. 2 barns, steam saw mtIL and .boat 175 acres improved. Also another piece of land shunts. In Liberty township. County and orate afoi °said. bound ed and described ss follows, to wit: Being the whole of original lots numbered 67, GS, 75, and la, lying to gether Ia the tract formerly of S. A Law, and contain ing in all 443 and 17 HMO acres of and, as surveyed by Wm. Wentz. April 10. lB`6. excepting from the above described premises, that tort vin parcel of land sold to Aaron Young by deed dated Feb.., 106.4. situ ate In the town of Great Rend. County of Surqueben: a and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deicribed ue follows : On the west by a lot owned by Doctor Ed ward Eldridge, on the smith by the sham mill lot.con• raining 50 acres, more or lean. being known as the lot formerly contracted to Joseph Hendrickson, being the vat. premises ,onveyed by said Content and wife to aald Burnt. (Taken In execution at the soil of Wm.J. Coolant, assigned to Aaron Young, vv. John Borne.l ALSO—AII - timae two certain pieces or parcels of land eituate In the tosruship of Middletown, In Sonmettan na county sod State of Pennsylvania. bounded end described as follow. , The drat bounded on the north by lands of John Verne., Corantine Galosh, and Samuel Williams. on the east by lands of John Condon and Timothy Murphy. on the :south by land of J. W. Dodge and on the west by lands of Jen kin Jones. Mary Prieherd and Samuel Williems, containing shout 105 acres of land more or lets, with the appurtenances-2 frarnedwelling houses, 2 frame hares and other out buildings, 1 orchard and mostly Improved. The sec ond piece bounded on the north by land of James San derson, and George Jones, on the east by land of Thomas Jon. and S. Dodge on the a nth by lend of David Thomas and on the west by land of Edward Jones and George Jones. containing about 40 acre of land more or less, mostly improved. [Seized and taken In execution on Sundry serks of la re LC. Dod,ge.l ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of lend situ ate In the township of Brooklyn in ?manned.. Coun ty and State be Pennsylvanie, bounded and described as follows, in wit: On the north by lands of—Mon roe and Ansel Sterling on the east by politic highway leadidg from Brooklyn to tiopbottom. on the 'meth by lands of Ferdinand %Whipple and no the west by land of Ansel Sterling, containing 80 acrey of land more or 1t,.. with the appurtenances. 1 frame dwelling house 2 barns and out hone., 1 orchard and mostly Improved. [ Seized and taken In execution oc a welt of .11 (a vs. )'oeeph M. Kilmer and O C. Klnner.l ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land eituale In the township of New hillfoni, In the Comity of Snw quehanpa and Mate of Penneylvsni.,bonnded and de. cribed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Mrs Hatch, on the south by lands of F. W. Boyle. on the rant by public highway-and on the west by lands of F. W. Boyle, containing 140 perches of land he the same more or less, with the appurtena,ca 1 dwelling house, and out banding. and all Improved. (Seized and token in execution on a writ vs Denote McDonald and Thomas Tierney T T.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate In thettownehipe of Liberty. Franklin sad Great Bend, to the County of tinsqueheona and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit On thenorth by lands of Chldester and Mott. on the east oy P. Read and others. UZI the south be I Irwin Trawls, end on the west by lands of Travis and Marsh, containing about 85 acres of I n mote or lees, with the appurtenances, 1 frame dwelling house, 2 barns And oth er out Millolnge, •tt orchard. and about 611 acres Im proved, (Seized and taken In execuilonon a writ vs. Ellen IL etarl'il ALSO—AII tbe,. two pieces or parcels of land altuaie In the township of Lenox, in the County of Su-quesan na and State of Penn.:vs:lla, hot tided and described as follow. to wit : On the east by lands of Emery Hard ing, on the south by triode of hi r'. Barber and Otis Williams. on the megt by lends of Jos. Howard. and on the north by lands of florae° Tingley, containing agree more or less, with the appurtenancee, 1 dwelling house, 2 barns, an orchard of about So acres, and all Ira. proved. The second piece bounded and described as fultowat On the earl by lands of Jesse Ilowerd, on Jur south by land* of Otis Wlllinme, henry Cook, and —Barney. en the west by lands of It. It Hobbs and Alonzo Ransom and on the north by land' of Alonzo Ransom. George and Horace Tingley, coßtainlng 90 acres of land more or Use, with the appurtenances. one dwelling house, 1 barn, an orchard of about 75 trees, and about 50 acres Improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of Grow Brothers vs. Jesse Howard.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land Minato In the township of Springville, county of Susquehan na, and Stoical Pennsylvania, bounded and•descrlbed so follows, to wit : On the north by public highway,on the east by land of 0. T. Spencer, on the !south by land of A. C. Luce, and on the west by land of P. L. Fish. containing about x acre of Ia d, with the appartenan. CR., a few fruit trent and all improved. [Token in ex ception at the salt or A. Bittenbender At Co. vs W, A. Welch.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land 'aim ate In the township of Auburn, county of Sean aehanna and State of Penneylvaoln, bounded and described sa billow., to wit. Ileginntng at a post and stoney the southeast corner hereof and the northeast comm. al a lot numbered 233 upon said map, conveyed by the said W. B. Cope to James Retiey and extending there, west along the north line of last mentioned lot. 145 perches and seven tenths of a perch tom post and stones and the southwest corner hereof, in the exterior boun dary line of said Thomas p. Cope's tract, thence north 194 degrees moot 64 and fn. truths perch. to a post and stones, thence west 13 and nine tenths perch. to post and stones, thence north 194 degrees west 6 and three tenths perchee to a post and etaues the northwat comer hereof, In the aforesaid exterior bounden lino, thence emit 159 d sIX tenths perches to a post and stones la the Melding line between lote.No.VA and 401 thence south along last mentioned line 09 and seven tenth. perches to the place of beginning, containing about 63 acre. and Wile tenths ol an acre, more or les., with the apportenances,l !nine house frame barn and out bullrings 2 orchards and mostly Imposed. tTsken in execit lion on sundry; welts offt/a vs. John W. Lost,] M=l===M Al. 11. ITEL24/1. Sheriff Int.:Mrs 011Ice.Atontrose. Oct.?, 1.1. HAND HILLS PRINTED AT THIS MICR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers