The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 21, 1874, Image 4
FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Ayrshire Cattle The Ayrshire is a fixed and well estab lished breed trt.ictt has been frequently tinported into this country, and has ca viled a marked influence upon the stock of our dairy farms. The Ayrshire makes a good cross with the common stock of the country and with the short horns ; but a cross with the Alderneys is not to be recommended on account of size. The form mai structure of the ow, from the muzzle to the tail, indicate that she pons-sees qualities which adapt her,in an eminent degree, to the purpose of the dairy. Her head is smallovith a long and narrow muzzle : her eyes, sparkling and liaeiy, her horns usually small, clear and crooked. and Set well apart at the roots. her neck is long and slender, small tow ards the head, and free from the dewlaps. Her shoulders are thin, the forequarters light, and her hindquart-rs large and well developed, giving her often a sort of wedge shape appearance, winch is uui Sea4l.l:y regarded among dairymen us a sigh of a great milker. Tae Avrshires have been bred chiefly fur milk, and will probably yield a gr. at er quantity lor the food o•nsumed titan any other breed. Then- is no race that can equal the Ayrshire in quantity of zenerelly being estimated at front 30 to 50 1..n,,d8 per day. A eom• mitt. e appointed for the purpose, testified under oath, that one of the :Messrs. Wa cot & Campbell's cows gave 85 pounds of sulk per day for several dins In succes sion. Hint• for Illorsekeeperp A saddle put on loosely, with a slack girt is very irritating to a horse, and produccs a sore back. A harness kept soli and pliable with good tit atsfoot oil, will last almost a lifetime. It is stronger, became slightly elastic, and will seldom wear the hair uff. A horse left uncovere,..l whim not in exercise, will soon grow a coat of coarse hair. This becomcs a hindrance to rapid motion, ana should be prevented by judicious blanket iig. Your licrsi's shoes will ho!d no longer if the clinches ,tre not weaken ed the file in finishing. Imist that the Mc does not touch the .nd of the MO; where turned over. Sotne horses have a halnt of stepping .11 one side of their feet. perhaps to provent joessure on a hidden corn. Tne part of the silo , - ex posed to severs wear should be protected with steel. All carriuee shafts of right con , allow the b , dx of the animal pert ct freedom, awl only touch ing a: the well padded saddle and full orer-reaching horse—one whose hind feet are frequently hitting the for shoes —should wear Lean v shoes forward aced light ones behind . . The theory is, that the heavier hoof will he thrown a little farther ahead at each r.tep than the I gher one. Gumming in Fruit Tree• A writer in a paper on the canse and care of gumming ni fruit trees gives the followies pract cal suggestion on the sub. j• et: A.n mg the rein-dical measures which have been proposed for the cure of this gum disease, thehe is one which, It, my own knowledge, has been very effee tua'• This is the scarification of the hark.ark. I have seen 't ,o rees which were se verely attacked by the diseaseand unable to produce any but small -Mims. corm plem-ly restored to health and sending forth fresh, vigorous shoots, alter long itudinal incisions had been made in the Lark of the branches. The open wounds keep up a very active irritation in the hark, and the food stores are divided to the formation of new and healthy eell tiles, and cemes to be drained away to the gum centres, while the vital eneigies of the plant soon tend to resume their regular imurse. :s.2aritication, tit fine.acts :Is a powerful diverting a;eut against the disease. sorrel may he eradicated the same as other weeds, ny summer fallow lug. or by Putting the land nt some hoed crop. the production of which will make it neesssarY to keep the soil clean. If the sod cola its many seede, it may be nec essary to follow tilts course for more than one year. Ancother method of suLdne ing sorrel is to put the laud into some forage crop and manures that will stint u. its growth. Red or white clover are good crops. and lime and plaster good manures for this purpose. At one time it was lx-1 eved that an applicanon of lune was sure to kill out sorrel, and at the same time was certain to suFtain the growth of valuable plants. The fact that sorrel may be found growinin the crev ices of ledges of lime rocks will disprove this theory. It is quite certain that the only agency tile lime exerts is to sustain the crowed of the plants which trill over shadow tue sorrel, and thus check its growth. keeping II infer Apple% — U A member of the Michigan Pomolog ical Society stated,ut a late Armian meet iug, that he was very successful in keep Mg winter apples, and had secured sound fresh fruit in May,by the following treat meat : He picks the fruit in October, and places it in heaps in the orchard and covers them with hay. 'These heaps re main until December,the slight moisture of the earth and the tew inches of hay preventing any injury to the apples, even during sharp freezes. They are then as sorted and packed in barrels, which, after heading up. are placed to a cold which is kept at a temperature of about thirty-two degrees, and if it should hap pen to be a few degrees lower for a short time, the protection of the barrels will prevent any injury. They come out sound ni the spring. CITRON CA K E.—bestt tour eggs and add one pound and a parter Of sug n three quariers of a pound of butter. our pound and half of Desolve one teaspoonful of soda in a pint of milk, and stir it in with one teaspoonful of lemon extract and half a nutmeg. Thet add half a pound of citron, cut in thin pieces and bake nicely. Col. Bugg, of Holland Patent, says : Any man who cuts hay when the dew is on makes a mi. take. Grass is worth one sixteenth more if cut when the dew is otr. Give honey b€es plenty of honey, -but not too much empty space to cluster in, and keep them dry as well as warm. Garlic fed to fowls once or twice a week is excellent for colds. Misccllafieons The Doubt Dispelled. NEI I IA7 CA4CP OD 19 Wm. Ilsytlen. New 111.1ord, Ps.. le now offering. entire olkw stock of DRY GOODS ,srefolls ■elected for Spring And Sommer Trade. BOOTS AND SHOES the largest Sell best variety in Northern Pennsylvania 1-lixtsi cfc Caalass, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No Lions, etc., etc. Every article Warranted as Represented. No Variation in Prices. New Milford. May IM NEW VA223,1102 eat OX ' VOX' .1E TUE I= l, 4C) 3Ft I 117 TUE ! The atiderrizned w-:11 trep renetnntly on hand and for tale, very low, PLATFORM WAGONS. for one or Iwo homso TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons Henry opting wagon.. neeorid hand carnage. and op. en and op hogxler. for rale cheap. Will make to order to +tilt pal-lien. all l Ind* oft or Haps.. Work Warranted. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at Sprineville, Pa Enquire at D L. Zi W. Express Office of D. D. SEARLE. Montrone, Pa., Or at Springville of E. 11. CULVER Moutrore June 3, 157.4.—U. P AINTS AND OILS I=l B. R. LYONS & CO.'S Moutroee, Il) 14. ien. C ARPETS. —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 11.';3. For Sale by B. R. LYONS & Co SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, MEM Groceries. At Loa Flpree e DEM=I WALL IND WINDOW PAPERS A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Ever) Week Direct From the Manufactory. B. R. LIONS &CO. S pool Tla.roact. and John Clark's Spool Thread. \Vhlte Black. and Colored—from No. b to No. MO. at Th cents per dozen. For sale by B. Q. LIONS dr. CO Montroae, May 14. I.M.—tf pROCLIMATIO:S ! HEAR SE! YE! All ye good people having anything to do be fore the Honorable Judatea of what is good to eat and drink come forth and give your attend ance, and your wants shall be supplied; and all men and women who are summoned as Juror. to try the go‘al qualities of our goods please an swer to your tunes at first call and save your fines. And know ye all that A. N. BULLAIID is constantly receiving large additions to his stock of Choice Groceries and Provision, such as Wheat and Buckwheat, Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, crushed Wheat and Graham Flour,llams, lard, and fish, dried fruit. and berries,fresb fruits and vegetables of all kinds, (in their season,) sugars, (resole.) also molasses and syrup, teas and coffee, of the very best qualities, spices, soaps, salt, crackers, and cheese, raisins, figs, geletine candh.s, candies and nuts, books and stationery, Yankee notions, tobacco and cigars, canned goods, a very large stock of the very best qualities, and all at extremely low prices for cash or ready pay. A. N. BULLARD Montrose. Jan. 7th 1874. LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BRO.?. New Dillard, Pa., Wholesale and retail dealers In Fine Watches ad Bich JelaelrySterling Silver Ware, French and American Clocks. IncF Plated WWI, and Silver Tea Sets. Alen all kind of Gold and Silver Ylatlng, Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repairtng, and Main and Om.mental Engrae, lug, neatly executed. Ja" 211, , 74.—1 y, W OOL WOOL . L,OOO 1::CPIL131121080 Wool Wanted Mates% Market Pelee Paid In Cash. Jana n. Y&-tt. E. Lararans Binghamton Advertisoments Poor' H:lirkert Merchant Tailors, 57 COURT STREET, xszraci-ix.a.nerarszprix, N. Y. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S & BOYS' CHAIR, Gots' FunislßE Gook CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC WI extend a cordial Invitation to toe pablic to tall mad axarnine oar STUCK AND PRICES. 11219 Our Motto la, Not to be Undersold, JOUN C. FOOT. - - 0. M. IIe.WLEY. Binghamton, N.Y., Oct.. 11.13. The- Cheapest Place I=l .0 V ' CROCKER, OGDEN, & Ca'S, Phelp's Bank Building, 3E12.00 - 43-HBIIOETICIOINT, I.J. Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOoDii. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. CIRCULAR AND CROSS-OUT SAWS, Celebrated Hand-Cut Files, The Best in the World ! Binghamton, Oct. At No. 33 Court Street, BENGHADITOAT, N. Y NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS, .ton we hare it,4l rammed from the City of New York after porthaatng, a large and well aelected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS of all kinds bought mom Prot hands, u-e are now pro pared to offer goods at prima that mill satiety the CiOnrei buyer We hose also added to our large stock of Dry (Hoods, an untnebee ,truk of CLOTH, CASS!. MEDMI.ekb BEA V L)th for 11,-o alai BO . )s t 1,11 1 .. It e ore auto prepared to make who will gn e as a call an we have tint clans woramen en wood ior the' neanou. Lucile, and Guntlemro, you will please call and exam• to our ' , jock before you purchase elsewhere. Thankful for pant bourn, we hope (or a continuation of We same. We remain. Your* Reepectrolly, C. d. COI{TESY Binghamton. Sept. 2g, 1871.—tr. CARTER, PORTER, & JOHNSON, Sao HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies, FARMERS' AHD BEECHAFICS' TOOLS. Bwoat'ai !Stool Coodati SEAT SVRINGS, STEEL TIRE, TOE CALKS and CALK STEEL. Lo. BUIRETT S CORN SHELLER And the Improved 107 — CALL. ...In) Scis Us.. 87 Washington St., BIIIiGHAMTON, N. Y Oct. 14th, Ins.-Iy. Opposite Exchange Hotel We are Age,. fur AND JOHN RUTUNG'S NEW GOODS. SUITS FUI: ALL , qll. =. 1 19.• W4-mi .1 Agents for BL - RDICK FEED CUTTERS. 1 Binghamton Advertisments PLC:2O3Eti IV SIC:oIiT'SI Sontheni Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! 88 Wantiington Street, 331zigheamt , a33., N. You will Find the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF YuliNizttemis2 Ai the Lowest Prices of any Store in Souiheru New York. All Goode Bold are WARRATED as Represented• E. D. ROBINSON. I=EMI THE !NOE P ±-N DE N 7 Sewing Machine ! Sewe from but One Spool of Thread It has but nix working part., is noleelem and sew. more rapidly than any Machina in the Market. Has a self-setting Straight Needle It Combines Durability with Reality and Simplicity... has ali the Modern Improvements. garA FIRST-CLASS MACHINE ON A Bt.+. ck WALNUT TAIII.II FOR ,5, .ELQ-e,sx tmo 17Lriaxitoci. -- • Addre.. THE INDEPENDENT SEWING En,ACLIINE , Dec 24, Isn Binghamton, N. Y J. 11. BARBS. I OS. BAs . I II O. 13tAxplso. —o— BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS, [fiIITAZILIVILLO IN 1510.1 BARNES BROS. & BIANDING DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF Atuirican plarblro, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 726 Chenumgo St., Ntur Dupot, May 14. 1873. BINGHAMTON. N.Y. FURNITURE WARE ! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH ar. 11:icarrr_aE7sri79 50 Washington St., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameablein that business. Repairing promptly done. UNDER- 7.37 - 4;' — '7 .- 's'''T'TAKIIIG PRICES REASONABLE. Satisfaction gnaranteed. 13In;zhamton, N. 1".. An_ ist Miscellaneous. H. micrrtrucerurs, Would call attention to hie New Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ,2)22 1 bLOZ,, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER•I'ROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND 11001' SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, ()IL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HAKIM ARE,IRON ,N AILS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest pt - ken. H. RC RRITT. New Milford, June 3, 1874. A NEW AREANGEDIENT ! PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. B. Isbell's Jewelry Stand Wberea larger and hotter stock of the following giboda will be found than elsewhere in Northern Perawylrantn: FINE AMERICAN WATCIIES, JEWELRY A CLOCKS, SOLID SILVER A PLATED WARE. FINE TABLE CUTLERY, (OF ALL EINDS,) DIAMOND SPECTACLES. and a general assortment of Musical Merchandise, Sheet al.nsic, Violin Strings, etc., etc. All Flee Watch Repairing I Sewing' Machines and Or done, (as renal,) by sans Repaired by - L. B. Isbell. P. Atelbnish. Isbell 416 Molhuish. Sept. 10, 1673.-lir. Montrose, Ps. lIUNT BROTLIERS, SCRANTON, IA. Wholegale a Retail Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, TIILDER'S HARDWARE, NINE BAIL, COU3r7 KEISUKE S T RAIL SPIKEn RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLIES. OK/IMAGE SPELVOe, AXLES, SKEINS AN , BOXES. BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, ffußS, BPOEZR. FELLOEB, BEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS. HANKERS, SLEDGES, FILES, &c. Re. CIRCULAR AND KILL SAWS. BEITLNG. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WLNDOW OLASS,LEATHER& FINDINGS EAMBANK'S SCALES. FIRE, LIFE, AND A CCIDE3.II Insurance Agency. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER 420,000,00 C C. 11 13311TH, Dee. IIL UM lllcatroir. Pa. Job Printing At this Offto Drugs and Iffed'eines ln.,r• ' a tiers CAlifornia Vinegar Bitters:.•• )fluvly Vegetable prtsparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the 1,,w .r ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the nse of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the muse of the .11, led success of VrtaciAn Brr- TeltS' " Imr ...hsv or is, that they remove eas, — , l a•e, and the patient recov ers his health. They ere the great blood purifier end a life-rive.u principle, It perfect lienovahir sad Invigorator of the system. Never b.-fore in the hishcry of the world has 111...1iel a. ' Lean comp.,Tided posessiug the• iemarkable qualities of VINEGAR Remiss t'•e sick of even• disease man is eir Tt:ey re a gentle Purgative as •,. Com - rest:mu or In , . I' Le l.iy-•r nod V Ise.eral Orknals, n ::cod heal lh, let 111111 IcB 8f 1 McdICIIIC, f stitunlauts No Peron can lane 11test. Bitters according to dire aril remain lobg unwell, jaroviled their bones are not de stroyeii by mineral poison or other Me. 11.118, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Gratoful Thonsandii proolaim t - N-Eaen Butane the most wonderful InNigoraut that ever 611841.110 d the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our gnat rivers throughout the United States, especiidly those of the Mis si,ippi, Ohio, Mi.asoari. Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, lied, Colorado, Bra zos. Rio ;range, Purl, Alabama. Mobile, Say innih,Tirtallolie,JaLle,,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire eorintry during the Summer and Au tumn. and remarkably so during seasons of dimmed heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viseera. In the.r treatment. a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. Wiaami's VINEGAR BITTEJIS, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter wish which the bowels are loaded, at the tame time stimnlnting the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. llyspepiin or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in do Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad 'rusty in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, P.II pi tation of the Heart, Ll:aim'. mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofilla,or King's Evil, White Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Memorial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skits, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, WALKIA3 . B VINEGAB Birrats Lave shown their gmat curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For In ilaln mato ry and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no cited. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gsged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they nava/lee in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, hike a dose of WAT 5..11 . 8 Eli at Btrr:tn occasiunaily. For Shin Discuses, Eruptions, Totter, S:dt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tule,. Boils, Carbuncles, itinprortus, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dasi-,,kiratious of the Skiu, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the stt.m in a short tame by the use of these linters. l'in, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the stem of so many thousands, are eirectmdly destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermtiuges, no arithel 1n ILLltleti, will flee the system from worms Like these Bitten. For Fentak Complaints 7 inyoangor old, married or singk, at the dawn of wom• anhood o the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display .) decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. J all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver 13 not doing its work. The only seusible treatment is to promote the secretioa of the bile and favor its re• tutival. I'm this purpose use V LNEUSIS Bur CleitaNe the Vitiated Blood when ever yO,l awl its import ties bursting through the akin in Ilntples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it ,‘ hen 'oil tiud it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it 113 foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood and the health of the system will ioiiew. H. 711. ns•DON A LI) & Drbbp.b. , au F caneteco, Cahlema abt uar. .Sus.. See Seek. Sold b, to •.tn and De lets. Sept. 10th. 144 —Gm. ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, SlXEcnritx-0te5.0...1FN0xia3. 9 c4... Is continually rem:Ding NEW GI/OLS, uud keeps COI, llnually on hand a full nee desirable assortment of r,eu uine UDC US, MEDIC !NES, ell Ell ICA Lk, Psi...oils Dyestuffs, T.AIS, Spume, LOCI other gro,erier, stone wore, mall paper, gluss•ware, fruit Jars, mirrors, lamps, chimneys, kerosene, machinery oils, tanners' oil, heats. foot ofl, refined Whale till, oil for lanterns., oil for et wino ruactitner,ollve 011,5 perm 011,8pIrlis Turfocu tln e,% arnishes,Canar) Seed, V inegar,Pdt ash .Concen trated Lye. Azle tirease, Trusses, Oupporte re Atedlcal. Instruments ,aboulder Braces, Whlt.e, Gnus, Pistols Otrtrldger, Powder, Shut, Lead. Gun Caps, illastlne Powder and Fuse, Viultus,Striage. Do ws,etc. Plates, Fifes , etc..Plsb IlookraLu Litleb,ller and Tolletkoaps listr tiils, flair Restorers. and Hair Dyer. Drucker, Pocket Knives, Spectaclua, Silver and ' , Deer Plated Spoons , ForkS, //Ether, ft e.,lloottst Articles, a goner. al assortment of FANCY DOC DS. JEW FLAY, PERFUMER'S All theltuding and beet kinds ul PATENT DIEDICINEk. The people are invited to call at the Brag and Varlet) Store ol ABEL TURItELL. Feb.l.lBTh. Eanahllahed 1843 Miscellaneous. V . IC-KHOVY & BROTH= General Undertakers AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., 0•ZII.311A1.70 333111%J7Z/,.V.osami.'a. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO V. licenne a . d. Bn L Aoril 23.1673.—1 f Dliscellaneous MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. 'GRIFFIS & SAI RE, Ilnar opened. at the old location r f M. S. Wilson, in the Brick Block Montrose. and we shall be pleased to I sett all 01 "at old friends and the many new one. we hope to goln. Our flock will couslst of Iron, Nails aid HariEre. =El= CROCKERY & GLA SWABS, in ;art, yttant ties and variety. Stone Ware, Whoa Ware. Goose-Put piston:, Goods and Groceries. Wr shall elve part velar air4.lll kill to the Grocery Trade and keep a lull assortment of Teas, Soot. Coffees, Family Groceries & Provisions, lo full tarletj. Solt and Flo,. We shrill keep coo .tenth 011 hand line brands or Doar at much les• than old prices. sod warrant It to please. Goods delivered prompili to our Lowe customers. TERMS • Oar terms will he strictly .Vicra,ciar-Pay, _,an or produce [ Title it will be well to remeug her, ma [lila will be theeret to our low pricer. We, andcontinent that by call i ng and examining our good, price- your will find [hat It will be for your Inter. en, to try our goodr awl term, J Err I[lool, tourrir. 4 . M. SATRE. M oui rope, May. 13th, '71.--tf. IiII.LINGS STROUD, General INSURANCE AGENT, Ilicara.tx-cwaso. Per. Capital Represented, 9100,000,000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE : Home Ins. r 0.. N. V., CLOW and :surplus, $4,000,000 ilsrtiorn Fire Ins ,ro..C•pltal iindSurplus $3,1.11.10X10 Liverpool. London I. Globe '• $20,u00,000 11, Ctl .of North America i • *4,250.000 Perin Fire loe. Co., Phila., ii 111.200,DiAi National. PMl's. Ins. ro . State of Pen n'a '' $300.00, ItIOU,(101) . _ . _ Union MIAMI'' 1400,01i0 Lycombig Fire' •• $4.000,000 Narnsgan pelt, Ps ovidenco. R. I. " 500,000 Merchant F• 450,000 Cloy. of New Port. Ky. 240A100 Newtow it, of Eucko Co. 800.000 Aleminania, of Cle - telond, '' 400,0ti0 Loncnoter Fire In, Co. 360.040 Fire Aseoclation of Phila. " 2,000.0041 Home Inn. Co. Fire 0_ •' 500.1.106 Lehigh Voila). Fire, Allentown, •• 200,00) citizen.' Fire Inn Newark, N.J.•• 800.000 South Side on Co Pittoburg,Pa.•• 12001.10 Aletumania of Pittsburg, •• 400,600 The under4ted In SPECIAL AGENT for the follow ll.g cornimalee. for Northern i f enuoyle.ta: Piro Annoeiotioo of Philadelphia. Notional Fire Im:lrani.° Company of Philadelphia. The inouranee Cu. of the State of Pennsylvania. ti Philadelphia. X. ..X X' Xi. Conn Mutual I.lfe Into. Co., .0903 e 145.000,R10 A cneri.em Life, P6ll'll. •' $4,500,000 407::EAMZ.T.r. Traveler , . Ine.Co..llertfool,Capitahol Roil ony Pneeengere $350.000. Tbeunderolgneel hae been well known in thlvenonty.rm the poet an le•urnnee Agent. Lopees eaet eined by ht. Cumunintee none Mho) s been promptly pain rir — Oftice first door cart from Banking Office of W R. Cooper & Co.,Turoplkeet .Montrose.Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent CHARLES 11. SMITH, Solicitor,. M.lntrome. Dec 24 twee Furniture. At W. W. Smith & Son's Ext..lre Furniture War +room you will find the large, stock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON . - z - i - cr3FLINT Y irriartm To be round in this section nt the country, of his owe inanufacture, end at prices that cannot fall to give sat is faction. Thry make the very beet EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, and WARRANT them la iz. la .0. lestc, x- 3r. 1 1797 ca x• lx. 01 a kinds done in the neat..t 11131100/ 7r3 I." FL .1 IV 41:3- .13 2211 TO N 3 I=l PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING The iilthscrlber will hereafter make to.. odertaglng !pecialty In his hasp:piss. • flaying completed a NEW nod the meat eltoin, ut HEARSE In the huge, all needing Mt SCI - ViCe.ll IA be attended to prompt', and ai satisfactory charges. WEI. W. SMITH Sr. SON. Montrose. Pa.. Jan, a , ',1.-I.5—U. G ET'TIIE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER COLE BROTHEILV Restorative Balsam WILL ACTUALLY CURE ASTHMA, COUGWCOLDS, CROUP, SPITTING BLOOD, TAW I . l , V'' * . THE SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA, &C., klso,—A sure Cure for the PILES Address all Orders to the Proprietor. thiARLEs L. CRANE. New Milford, Pa Sep t. 30, 1671 —tf. r u m'artria. In Lanesboro. HOBERT, & MAIN, baring entered Into co-pertneratalp, are now prepared to do all king a of work to Om line of Waga Makilig d BlocksmithiliE FROM A WHEELBARROW :TO A COACH REPAIRING IN ANY PART OF TUE BUSINESS rlll receive prontpt attention. HOBERT & DIAIN. Laneaboro, Pa.. Oct. 15. 1673.-tt. S. S. CAMPBELL lc CU WIIOI.ELLLZ neocrocrrorne Cr FINE, PLAIN AND lIDLISSES Importers and Dca.ers .FOREICEN MUMS NUTS,. Fire Works Constantly on Hand. Nos. 422 Market HO and 417 merchant at.Ple's Witch 15. WTI County Business Directory Two Does In this Directory, one year, $1 eath ditlonal line, 50 cents. 'MONTROSE HAUCIRWOUT, Slater. Who!reale and hasp dealer In all kinds of slate roofing, elate paint, eta Roofs repaired with ?Lam paint to order. Also, Inte paint for Ifilo by the gallon or barrel. Id oat ro at . Pa. BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Piro and Life ineo tacoAgent. ; also, sell liallroaa and Aeeldept Tlcktt to Note York and Philadelphia. Office one door cart of tho Book. BURNS d NICHOLS, the place to get Drugs and 3tee I ernes. Cigars. Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books. Sport, Coe Yankee Notions. Sc. Brick Block. BOYD & conwis, Dealers In Stoves, Hardware and Manufacturers of Tin and Sheetlron ware, cornet of Main and Turnpike street. A. N. DULLARD, Dealer In tiroeorles. Nortalon. Booke,Statlone and Yankee Notions. at head of Public Avenoc.• WM. 11. COOPER & CO.. Rankers. Pell Foreign Par a g o Tlckata and Draft. on England, Ireland and SCOI land. • WM. L. COX, Maracas meter and dealer lo all articles um:rally kept by the trade. opposite the Bank. • JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Office one door below Torben nonce, Public Avenue. • NEW MILFORD. L. L. LoROY. Dealer in all Was of farming Imple mentii, mowing machines, we'll Curbs. dog powers, etc., etc., Main St.. opposite Savings Bank. lems SAVINGS BANE. NEW MILFORD.—Fin per cent. In toren on all Deposit.. Does a general Ranking to. tit., .nll-11 H. D. CHASES Co. 11.GARTIET SON. Dealers in Floor, Feed. Men Salt, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Prov' su Main Street, opposite the Depot. kNEY .t HAYDEN. D.ilers in Dregs nod Medivir. ad Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, nes the Depot. S. F. EMBER. Carriage Maker and Undertaker Main Street, two doors below Hawley's Store. CAYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHOEMAKER,dea or in genuine Cayuga Plaster. Fresh ground, McCOLLUM /MOTHERS, Dealers to Groceries and Provisions. on Main Street.' J. DICKERMAN. Jrt.. Dealer iu general merchandise and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBSON. H. M. TEC. GLEY—Denier to Stoxen, Tin, Copper. nod Sbeetirou Ware, CaAlogn. &c. Aleo , mnnufectur er of Sheet Metal* to order. Ere Trough .d Lend Pip.. busluess •ttended tons fele prices—Gibson Hollow. GREAT BEND 17. P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer in Read 3 Made Clothing, Dry Goods.Grocertes and Provisions Main Street.• Miscellaneous NAILS, TIN WARE, lIAR.DIVARE BOYD & COIZWIN Corner of Slain and Tumplke Sts MI•TONWRO/93211. EMEMEi Ed 'T" 0 NT 30 Ed TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Builders' Hardware, CUTLERY, ETC., Macti_Lus, by the. 33.0 z. Thanks to our Friends for rest Favors We would be mare thankful to one and all who know they have nnsettled sem:rants with tn.. 11 they would cal: and nettle hsthe middle of March next. Feb. 4, 1674. SCRANTON SAYINGS BANK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE I URNS THE SANE ON DEMAND W111101.71' PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALL() w ENG INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINIS'T'S, AND FOR WOMEN AN D CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW IN I'ERESI' FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN sTrruTioN, AND ONE IA HICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISY,, ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUIPnIN C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL How. ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT; JAMES BLAIIt, PRESIDINT •0. C MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY F";tom NINE A. 31 UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED NESDAY AN. - D SATURDAY EYE NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK Feb. 1873. THE. EAGLE MCBULB, PRorßiEroli, SION or TOE GOLDIZA Sews AND Moans . l Etrioalx...ll3l.cocaz., Ildcbaitz- cs ea a Our stmk of Druga and Medicines 11, complete. and Care taken to have east thing of the beet quality. The public may rest anur. II that all medicine. that leave our store shall be n they are represented, pure and en adulterated. PATENT MEDICINES of all kind s coped far, on hand at reasonable prices. By perannal and strict attention to basin,,,.., ~t yn Mpublic.mes. ore hope to merit the confidence a Ell , A 'B. uunr., s ,U. :71i : Montrose. April t,lBl HERRING 'sr, FARREI,, 287 Sr coadavvra3s N. "ir 31ANU ;tACTURFII9 OF ALL K/NOS OF caxaci . 1 3maa - Gla,x- Proof .11,...V 1 .7M flEi3 The oldest and wort reliable don In the United States They took the prize medal awarded at the WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON! AB Saks are warranted free from danwneea and cur rooion. °tame. may 11... EILLLI. u. NOS STROM), AgrLt. 3!o