The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 21, 1874, Image 3
THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Eloctioll, - -. Tiloslay, Nov, 3it Now Advortisomenta. Administrator's Notice--estate of Benj. H Auditor's Notce—estate of Martin Conrad. Music Buoks—Ditson st Co. New Goods—Read it Stroud. Sheriff's Sales—M. B. Heinle. Taylor's Family Medicines. sls,ooo—Guttenberg, Rosenbaum S CO. BII6INESS LOCAL& Bridge Letting—Brooklyn and Rarford Bu pervisors. Coal, Coal—J. R. Raynsford. Franklin Fair—N. W. Eastman, Seey. Family Medicines-41. B. Taylor. Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. Johntun's Anodyne Linirnect. Sneridan's Condition Powders. Methodist Notice. The Aid Society connected with the M. E ellareh, will meet at the house of Ed. Hine, on Friday afternoon next..uul the sociable at the same place in the evening. Death Warrant Governor Ilartrauft has signed the death warntnts of Daniel O'Mara and Patrick Irving. who were convicted of murdering O'Mara's mother and sister at Montrose Depot. They are to be executed et Montrose on Thursday, Nov. 12th. Rev. J. S. Ostrander of Newark, N. J., will give his lecture, entitled, "Manners and Scenes in Bible Lands," at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28th, under the au spices of the • Wyulusing District Sunday School Institute. No man is a Democrat\il o to in this year o tan. Lord will endanger the rospect of Demo cratic success at the pulls by I.IM prosecution of per,onal or factious ends. So essential is it that Congress and our State Legislature shall I.e reclaimed trout Republican controll that all individual ambition is almost criminally re cponsible. The country never needed,sa it does at this time the preservative power of Demo cratic administrat ion.—Bcdforyt Argus. A Political Queatlost I+ a man fit for a Commissioner that will barge the county for twent-tive miles travel when he knows it is but fifteen. This, Eh Baines did, lust spring, when a juror. You can look at the records and see for yourself.— Ile expects to be our next Commissioner; how much money will there be in the treasury when his time is out, if that is the way he does bu siness. Jackson, Oct_ 12th, 1874. Harford Fair. The ilartord Agricultural Society was very unlucky in the inclemency of the weather on the first appointment of the Fair, and also not very fortunate in that respect at the time ad journed to,but the popularity of those meetings is such in this section that it does not interfere with the attendance at their Fairs as it does with some others. Although there was not as manyin attendance as usual, yet there was a large number of people on the grounds on Tuesday the 13th instant. The show,as usual, was first class,and everything, so far aswe were able to judge passed off in a satisfactory man ner to all concerned and beyond what might have been expected under the circumstances. The Ilartord Agricultural Society has the repu tation of bring among the first in this section of the country, and it has always been able to fully sustain it thus far. Gorratt Smith.. The Republican says **Probably that veteran philanthropist, Ger rat t Smith, underatands the Democratic Party as well as anybody, and he says, •3ly first duty ;.1 to oppose it.' " Gerratt Smith hates the Bible the same as he hides the Democratic Party. He has spent thirty years in preaching against the Bible, and is trying to substitute the religion of reason.— If he is good authority for the people to hate Democracy he is good authority for them to hate :he Bible. He says, "The preacher of an eternal hell would himself go crazy if he be lieved his own preaching." , Thus branding at orthodox ministers as hypocrites. It would be equally consistent for the people to refuse to hear the Ministers of the Gospel preach, be cause Germtt Smith believes them hypocrites—. to refuse to vote the Democratic ticket, be Gerratt Smith hates Democrats. The Bible and Democratic Party are the especial otjects oi the hatred of this veteran. We ate now in the midst of the grand season i Autumn, with its burning tints and bracing air utid charming atmosphere. A writer on this subject remarks that Autumn in this cli mate Is so essentially different from the Aut umn of Europe that one who knows only the latter would scarcely reougLize the season as it occurs in this country. There it is brief and, In poetic natures, sad ; here it is the most gip season of the year, tinging the foliage of the woods with tits most gorgeous tints—the n, h. ripe brunette of the season after the iry awl short-lived lever of Summer and the babyhood of the spring. For?Pprirtg, with us is not what it is in the old world ; It :oaf-; and goes with its sweet breath and 'vel vet touch, almost In a moment, and it has but or., phase, though that one is most wonder f Ih beautiful. But Autumn is double lived, spiendid in ykr beauty, in which, with mean olitily renipiseenes. she lives again in the gold ru Indian Summer, a time unknown in Europe, the mord beantiltd of all. EDITOP.I3 DEMOCRAT.-I find that Willooghloy W. Watsonjlepub:ican nominee for ieoat.•. keeps his pen running in the way of :ether ssroing, and some hire heard from him .1. this town who will paid° what he desires of them. They say they do not know what rtm , .ti they ever gave him to suppose that be cull make a tool of them. 11e has also, like the parable of old, got one "Talent" which be send. shout the county seeking to gain other 'Talents Will you please tell him for me that I think be bad better bury tis" Talent" 0, that when the master mimes, he can render bitu in Linn, for be never will gain anything hint. Now. Mr. Editor, I think if Hawley will r, , ,. w Mr. Watson and pledge himself not 20 in for the repeal of the Belzer Divorce n,ii. which Senator Fitch, Watson & Co., got through the Le,t.lature, that it might relieve has ,olip• We kno.r down here in Auburn, nude a good thing, pecuniarily,in doing dirty work at home, in this case, and un , lie wants to go to Harrisburg and art,: it a little and also be ready for tamn. 1t rather intimated about here, however,that still get a clean divorce, himself, from the Senate of this State, without "alimony," about November 3d. X. Auburn, Oct. 17, 1874. It is now time for those who cultivate flow ers to make their preparations for protecting them during the winter. The heliotropes black en with the first frost, and many of the deli cate flowers should he potted, if they are to be kept in the house during the cold weather.— The roses and other hardier plants need no coy ering for some time yet, if they are to remain out of doors, but if it is desired to have them bloom next winter it will be well to cut them back and pot them. Nothing is pleasanter during the dreary months of whiter than the eight of a few plants and flowers. If a conservatory be Impossible any window with a southera exposure will give an opportunity for the cultiyation of a selection of a few easy growing plants, and as many of the windows testify little care and plenty of warmth will give an abundance of fragrant blossoms, recalling the warm, pleasant days and the thousand pleasures of summer. In London there is a Society for the purpose of window gardening among the poorer classes. Under its auspices a show was recently held k at which prizes were awarded for the best box es of plants• Books on horticulture were also given to those suggesting the best plants for floral decorations with growing plants The poorer districts are said to have been greatly beautified and the encouragement of a taste for &went. Political Catechism. E. B. HAWLET—Dear Gtr: We are consti tuted a committee to ask you to pledge your opposition to the Repeal of the Leal Option law, if elected. Mr. 'Watson has so pledged himself, we are informed. [Signed] Com. That all inquiring friends may be uniwered at the same time, I make answer to the above through the columns of the DEMOCRAT : First—Mr. Watson's action does not govern Inc. Second —I deny the authority of any self. constituted committee or person to catechise me, since the adjournment of the Democratic convention, and more especially on any matter of conscience or religion. I hold myself res ponsible on all such matters, only to my Crea tor, and I consider It just as legitimate to at tempt to pledge me for or against the Presby terian or Methodist church, as upon any other moral question Third—l challenge any man, woman, child, society or party to truthfully say that I ever promised or pledged myself either for or against Local Option, and 1 have sever yet seen the power that will compel me to take any such action. I never asked for a nomination to any office at the hands of any convention, and I never have asked, nor shall I ask, any man to vote for me. If elected, or not, I pro pose to retain the same manhood and inde pendence, and be as free to act by the same dictates of conscience as a candidate for office, that I ever hsve maintained as a private citizen. That it may be clearly understood, I repeat that on all moral questions, I hold mysslt an swerable to my conscience and my Creator.— On all civil matters I shall be responsible to the people as their servant, if elected to act in any official deity. Yours Respectfully, E. B. IIawLET. A Rertnmic.&.N The Biter. Bitten Messrs. EDITORS DEXOCILAT.—It is amusing LO me, away off bore in New .7tliPord. to See the editor of the Montrose Republican and would be State Senator, Watson, think my ar ticles of such importance to them as to charge the authorship upon some lawyer at Montrose. It shows only that truth is like a two edged sword. This little dodge of theirs to divert public attention, amounts to nothing here in this section, where all the facts are so well known. Mr. W. under the title of "Ballot-box" undertakes to say that I attacked the church, because I simply stated tact s to snow that Mr. Watson was unreliable as a man, and they fore would be as a Senator. Dr. Halsey, also,misses the mark when he assumes that I charged that Mr. W. joined the Presbyterian church by let ter from the Baptist. I have made no attack either upon the Presbyterian or Baptist church : es. Nor upon Mr. Watsous religious scruples. I simply charged that he used deception to get a letter from the Baptist church at this mace, which I consider legitimate evidence, that it he will do so in religious matters, how much more certain he will be to do so in secular mat ters. The editor of the Republican is struck with holy boror at such an allusion. Ile has forgotten how basely he attacked the Method ist church In the Lane campaign of 1849. I did nut allude to the circumstance for any other purpose except to show, that a man who would use deception to avoid the penalties of church government, would not be a safe man to act as a servant of the people when greater temptation would be presented to him. I think from public expresso:it., that Mr. W. will get an expression of the sentiments of others on this and other questions about November YANKEE . SOLDIER- New Milford, October 16th, 1874. Polities Notot The Republican "denies the allegation and denounces the allegator." This may do in con gress, but it don't seem to work in Snag's coun- Let every Democrat remember that one week from next Tuesday,which is the third day of November is ebxtion. Be at the polls, and sop that your DemocMtic neighbor is there also Ifthis itilikiejou will "hear something drop." Bartholomew Laporte wants the Irish farm ers of this county to vote for him. They un doubtedly will when they learn thst the rec ords arc in the hands of certain parties of Brad ford county, showing that he was the presid ing officer of a Know Nothing Lodge. if you doubt it ask the editor of the Slontrose &pub lican, as we are informed that he can tell, it ha wilL Mr. Laporte seems to have the reputa tion of being anything for office. The people of the district composed of W - owing and Sullivan counties have nominated Elltanan Smith, esq., of Bradford county for Presid.dat Judge of that district. The colonel is an able man and will be elected by the peo ple of that district. - Bertholomew Laporte, Republican nominee for cosgress, has a farm of 400 broad acres un der a high state of cultivation, sells wheat and other grain by the car load, and cattle by the three score and (when not running for office) dress= in the same manner that other farmers do,when they go to mill Or to meetbing.— Simply for effect, be cause to Montrose with a CHECKED slim' ow. It was too thin for Soule of the Republicans here, who proposed to get him a "biled shirt" before he went to Wayne county. The edithr of the &publican would call this Dernagovs,' m in a democrat, and he would tell the truth. The Hon. Daniel VanAukin, of Pike county, was nominated by the Democratic Judicial conference of Wayne and Pike counties, In stead of W. R. Dimmick which the Montrose Republican wilfaly and falsely state , . Homer is In hopes his readers will not bear the truth until alter election. From West Loom Mcssns Enrrons.--Once more I grasp the pen to sketch a few lines from my section of the Township. Since my last Berne nom this sec tion we have bad several refreshing rain storms, which have enlivened the pastures considerable. Threshing machines have again made their appearance, and are moving about to thresh out the farmers grain A few days ago there was quit. a comma don in this peaceful neighborhood. No one killed, no body murdered, no horses ran away, What was it that caused all this commotion ? Ah I that's the question at issue, Well to be Frank In the matter, one of our young neigh bors here, up and got married. I read it in the Motcrnoss. DR-MOOR/LT. I should think some of the older ones around here would feel a little mortified over the affair, and go right off and Jump—not tato the frying pan—but into mat rimony. What say you old Bach y Mrs. Eunice Titus had a visiting party at her house last Saturday afternoon. This was done to gratify her mother, Mrs. Palmer, of Brook lyn, who is there on a visit, being now at the advanced age of 04 years. A Revival is going on at the Tower Meeting- House. But the number of converts, I have not learned, Win. A. Tourjie died last Saturday morning, Oct. 10th, and was buried last Sunday. His death was very sudden, although he had been in poor health for some time. He was the lost survivor of the "old stock" of the Tourjie fam ily. I will clase by requesting all those who go in for the cause of the poor laboring class, of the communit, —that their taxes may be les sened instead of being increased—that the old Jeffersoman doctrine may again become tri umphant, to go and vote the Democratic ticket on Nov. 3d. To the Public. The false reprsentation of E. L. Weeks in order to screen himself, and his Imported Build era, from all blame, for the fliult of the New 31. E. Church Spire is this village, renders a word or two of explaination necessary, for his public asertion that the Spire was built exactly after my plans, Is simply false. And those good men including the pet Dona tie Work-man of the imported master builder, before reporting the false ssertion, had better study the rudiments of constructive carpentry, that they may at least understand what they are saying. lam not the architect of that building. The plans, elevations and most of the detail, changes and specifications were made by W. A. Moukman of Binghamton, without any instruetious or dictations on my part whatever. After the main body of the church frame was up, at the request of A. W. Cooly, who was then at work upon the building, I did make detail drawings of the 'lower and Spire, as lie said the Archi tect had not furnished them, (The drawing may be seen at any time by all who will take the trouble to call on Mr. Cooly at his carpen ter shop.) as the sills of the tower were on the foundation walls, the size was fixed at the base. The entire height of the plans I made is 140 feet front sills to pinnacle. The entire height of the Architectures elevation was 167 feet. The height of the structure that tumbled over, as 1 have been informed by one who went to the top of it,waa 171 ft-et. This is 31 feet higher than my plans, which Mr. Weeks says it was built atter, Weeks has been heard to say it was 184 feet high. (Some difference, is it not?) The foieting of the octagon spire to the square tower was entirely and tuaterialy different from the plans prepared by myself, (and here was the great fault.) The timbers according to my plans at the base of the spire were placed' in position last tall, prior to the contract with the present builder but were not bolted with iron as the plans showed they were to be, (another little difference and of some importance too.) Every spiral post was to be bolted down and strengthened at the point with bard wood.— Which was not done in the one that fell as I have been informed there was but 4 bolts used, and those small ones (another little difference.) Nose whose nuty it was to furnish these bolts, and see that they were properly and securely fixed in their plac e;; , I leave for the building committee to say. It needed not the mighty winds of Mares , which I am told Weeiss said could not blow it over, but a not uncommon west wind push ed it down. Had It toppled over at a time when the old church was filled with human beings, as it often is, a coroners Jury would have had something to say about plans and workman. ship. I have been informed by Mr. Cooley that the Architect, 31onkman, charged him to be sure to make the spire 20 or 30 feet lower than the elevation indicated, Business Locals Tae FARMER/1 and idechanio's Fxcbange Fair will be held at Franklin Forks on Satur day, October 31st, 1374. 41-2 w. N. W EASTILLN, Sec.y. TIM attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Taylor's family medicines, in another column. All aftlicter. with pain or lameness or other ills will do well to try them. They are all sold on the principal of No Cure No Pay. COAL! COAL!! Plenty of first class coal. All sizes at J. R. Raynsford's Coal Yard. Dunn Station. Leave Orders at Central Express Office, or send to the Yard. Oct. 21,'74. J. IL RATNSFORD. LErmo The Supen•isors or Brooklyn and Htuford townships will let the building of the Bridge across Martin's Creek, on the New Road, near Hermon Tiffany's, to the lowest and best bidder at 1 o'clock p. CIL., Saturday, October 31st, 1874. arSpecifications to be seen on the ground the day of letting. Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1874. 42-2 w. ors Tens have commenced arriving at the Keystone Saloon. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Sept. 9 14.—tf. GEO. C. HILL. PHOTOGRAPIIB.—Pictures taken in all the lat est styles. Ohl pictures copied and enlarged Also a splendid lot of [remelt for bale cheap at G. W. DooLrrrLE's. Montrose, June 10, '74.—tf. NEW MEAT MARKET. C. Coalman has opened a new mtat market in his building on South Main street. Buying and butchering done by J. Patmeter. Pat stock wanted. C. Cusinia.N. Aug. 5,'74.—t1 IY ALCOHOLIC STIMULANTS are taken into the blood the heart works faster, and this un natural speed wears out the yitul machinery.-- All intoxicating nostrums advertised as "tunics, renovators," &c., produce this disastrous effect and should be rejected. Da. WALKER'S VEG ETABLE VINEGAR BITTE/IB—an Invigorant without the curse of alcohol—is everywhere supplanting these poisons. 42-4 w. INSI7RANCE NOTICE.-1 desire to acknowl edpe the prompt payment 01 my loss contained by the burning of my baron, which occurred Jolt , 4.11374. They were insured in the Rome, N. Y., Fire Assn , ' •it Phila.. sad Lances- Mr. Billings Stroud, the 11th duy of July ly loss in full. Wm. lisoolrwour. DON'T NEW MUSED Make a mistake, but go to Burns & Nichol's' Eagle Drug Store, Brick Block, Montrose, Pu.,"i MACHINE SHOP. for Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Peritunery,l JULIUS s1101;TZ, Practical Machinist, respectfully Brushes, Soaps, Fancy Articles &c. &e. : also solicits the _patronage of all who may Want Engines, General Depot for the sale of all valuable Put- Millwork. Shafting, 'Unglue, Policy gears the. eat Medici:tea. N. I.l.—tipecial attention paid to ropairing. July 15, '?4•—lf. Milford. Juno 10. "14.-13% BIZCOILUITON ASNOONCEMKNS Mr. C. C. Faunal (formerly of Montrose, but more recently with C. B. Perry & Co., Bing hainton,) has made armagMents with C. P. Sisson it Co., dealers in Silks and Dry Goods. Customers will always find a nice assortment In their line. Letters addressed to me in re gard to samples or goods, will receive prompt and careful attention. July 1, '74.—tl. C. C. FAUROT. CRAMPS and pains in the stomach are the re sult of imperfect indigestion, and may be im mediately relieved by a dose of Johnson't Ano dyne Liniment. A teaspoonful In a little sweet ened water is a dose. Heavy oats are good for horses; none will deny that ; but oats can't make a horse's coat look smooth and glossy when he is out of con dition. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powder, will do this when all else fails. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUT& Providence permitting a Distria Sunday School Institute will he held in the village of Montrose, Oct. 27th, 28th, and 29th. Rev. J. S. Ostrander of Newark, N. J., is to be present and conduct the Institute. Let Sunday School workers in all the churches make note of this. LUTHEU PECK, W. L. Tuont , „t Committee. J. 11. WEsrm,i, BINOILUITON OFFF.REI AN ATTRACTION For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The WABIIINGTON STREET TAILOR 3 have engaged the services of the celebrated W. H. Lindly, a gentleman of considerable note with the tailor ing fraternity of this country. They are now prepared for the summer tratie,as they have Just received all the new things in the way ofclotlis, cassimem and vestinga. Their references are the beat, having taken the first premium at the Tailor's Institute in New York last full. Give them a call. Ric ELBIOfL H. H. ITALLocr, Proprietor 81 Washington tit., Bingliar - ton, N. May 20, 1874.—1 y. CLAIRVOYANT .C.XAAILNATIONS FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield. There is no sub ject that requires so much study and experience as the Treatment and cure of Chronic Diseases. The astonishing success and remarkable carp perfbrmed by Dr. Butterfield are due to the gift of a Clairvoyant, to the long study of the eon. stitution of man and the curing of disease from natural remedies. Let those given up by others call for an ex os. He cures the worst rases of Scrofu la, Catarrh, Pilas, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart Lungs, and Kidneys. Will be at the Cafterty House, Binghamton, Tuesday, and Wednesday, November 3d, and 4th. Oct. 7, '74,-3w.' . . . CARVER & PRATT NEW FIBE ! We keep constantly on band nn nesortment of !hat ches LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS ! Millinery and Trimmings Or ALA Daecuirnona. We Bought Cheap! We will Sell Cheap! W. J. CARVER - - s lf.. P. PRATT. Binghamton, Oct. 14, IRII.-iy. IitI.4LPLZI.XB 4Gr 3EIB. MORGAN —Salm:Nß—At Clifford, Oct 13, by Rev. A. W. Barrows, Mr. Albert 11. Morgan and Miss Lona G. Stevens. both of Clifford. C.inn---Putll.trit—At the house of the bride, near New Milford, Oct. 13, by Rev. 0. M. Mar tin, Mr. Thos. J. carr, of flartord, to Miss Ma ry A. Phillips, of New Milford. Surma—At the borne of his son-in-law, L. B. Cole, in Franklin, Sept. 20, Stephen Smith,aged 70 years and 7 months. GREGORY -1n Bridgewater, Oct. 2d, Mr. Eri Oregot v, aged 74 years. Mr. llrecory came to New Milford, about 1805 a time when people must needs go to mill Over to the Wyniuslng creek. In 1812 he moved with his father's family, to the farm where he lived and died. He performed the duties and endured the hardships ot a pious life, with hon esty and bravery. ills acquaintance aiming the early settlers extended as tar as Forest Lake Meshoppiti, and even farther, and wherever known, he was esteemed for his sterling integ. rity. About forty years ago be embraced the Savior and united with the Baptist Church, at Montrose, since that time he has held "lest the profession of faith." de; was sick but a short time, and exhibited the same cheerfulness in sickness, and even unto death, that he had maintained all his life. His funeral was attend. ed by a large number of friends, on Sunday, October, 4th. May the ble4sing of Heaven rest upon all who mourn his lose. Brooklyn Oct. - 511 i, 1874 W. H. Bova We do not find uny change to IMP to the condition of the money market.— 'l'nere is an, abundent supply of loattabl, tends in the street and at the hanks.— ' The latter discount freely for their cus tomers a large rates. Good borrowers are by no means anxious to anticii ate the wants, well knowifig they can he accom odated on short notice. The policy is that of reducing stocks and paying obli gations. The re is a class of borrowers with whom money is always "tight."— They of course pay high prices. We quote call loans at 5 per cent. Strictly first-class two-named papen,WitB negotiated at 5 (it,6 per cent. and single-named paper at 6 @, 7 per cent.; loans on government collat oral rule at 5 per cent; on other first clues bonds and stocks at 6 per cent., and on more inferior collateral at 7 ® 7k per cent. Second grade paper is not in favor. ginrer U. S. fre 5.20 Coupon 1862 . 5-20 Coupon, 1861 033 Coupps. 1846 . 5.20 Coupon. '65 Jy 5.20 Coupon 1867 . 6.20 Coupon 1859.. 1641 N New 5 per CL • Merlins Petrie Exchange.... Currency bd. New York Produce Markel Reported Every Week Expressly for Tai Momarres VERCISIUT by Rhodes a Server, Produce Commie• elan Mmekants.thi Whitt Mil Street, New York. Baran.Flrklns. choice selected.. 40 a , _c. Welab Tabs... . 411 Palls, Orange County 43 43 434 Pella commonso 03 37t Curkss—titate Factory.... . 15 kaplxe State Duties. . ...I4 (0 15c SlatoFactory. fall to good l3k Ea 13c Foos—State and Pennsylvania .Y 5 0.53.4 c Weslem cbolce brand° 33 4 - 151, 1 4 e Pommur—iipting Chickens, per In .........14 40 De Turkeys. Prime 15 Ot lac young Ducks 31 in 100 -Pigeons, stall fed. per don 371 I 73 Tame per pa- Ir 35 ell. 40c Parttidge. State prime. .. ... . ... .. 'M 4020 I—New Apples, Sour Bong r b per ....... 1154,900 k e a w r t ru pies , Sweet ': ~ 101101 35 Peaches, Dol., per . i1 : 116; . C '. • .... 41 i ' itr, A PIDITOR'6, MVPICIL—Tho endersigned, an auditor AM. appointed by the Court of COlintriOtt Please of en. quehauus Canal/. br distribute the funds In Sheriff's bands. arising from the Fate of reel estate of Alonzo Walter. will offend tette dative °this eppointinent, at his office In Montrose. Monday, Met Mai, Hal. at one o'clock. p. when and where all pen es latereeted in raid fond will present their claims or be forever debarrultrou coming In on uid fond. A. W. BbIitTLIOLP. Auditor. Montrose. Sept. te r I B7{—w4. NEW GOODS! .1a1238 WEIL 6. J. 11. WESTON no Markets Financial Bid. A k 110 118.. 118% .118 11/X 118 1164' 117 lI7X 116% 117 X 117' . .117% 117% 112% 1 111% 11/X 8.31 837% 468 CZ% - ziC 11,.... w ' ° 4' t"'" w 31 't L q p, .a 5 ''.. Ord 2) ( 1 .". g" .• 'j 0 0 ti Cr N i . r. - '-'• S . . oo' c•L"i t o l 34 eT •-• m P -+ 0 • lb ~... ii Efg , :_ t,,glo c on 1 1„,.. v i r a 7. r—e rl a. t I—i• ::.; 1 t 4 Q 0 .1 E..-2 . f 1) Rt o i co kl ki 1.3 1 ..,(1) ~, go Ittl, - Q Vr•-• 1 ,1 , . - tt, , ;7 , n (7.uu Joit -: Pi , E G: al al-- Ez n '- (7) i-i , n z 5' IZ • !..-P- , 0 On 6 . E. :' cipi ‘• LI 7;- a) :--• 0 L'i 01 q t vc .• ,* e-4 1/ 7 . P "' a :, 7% CmaZD 4 Cauchy k Co W ARTED—AGENTS fm the beet selling Prize .Stts. Goner,. Package out. Sample package, port Paid fo r 25c. Circulars 800. J. BRIDE, 7117 Broadway, New York. TANTED AGENTS for the -Ltrz oo Eamon, Tura. or On. Ltvtkoerrom." Complete, authentic. a fresh book. Price suited to the times. Addrers. B. B. RUSSELL, Pa.blisher, Boston. Mass. A GENTB WARTED FOR PROF. FOWLERS GREAT WORK ON MANH.O. WOMANHOOD and their Nimrvat. Irgran. RELATIOSS; Lora. It, Lowy, Powrn etc. Age. to are gelling from 15 to 25 maple. t dav Send for apeclmen pager and term for Adeuto and ion why at voile larder than env other book. Addren, MATIONAL PUB LISHING CO. Philadelphia, Po. 39-1 v.. FOR COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELL'S CARBJLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOYES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Draggles , . _ - Ti ES' CONCERTO PL&NOS SOCA RE and UPRIGHT, are the beat made. The touch claeric, the tone powerhal.pure and even through the end, pude, yet mellow and nweel. WATERS' CoNerarro OROONS cannot be excelled In tone or beauty they defy competition. The Concerto St p o tt , a fine Imitation of thc Human moire arranted for tl year, Priem extremely haw for each or part Cant), and the balance in montbir payments.— Second liana instrumente at great haresine. Agents Wanted. A liberal dieconnt to Teacher, Mari:dem Chard:o, School, Lodge, etc. Illustrated CatulOgnee mailed. HORACE WATERS & Son, 41-4, 401 rtroadway, New Ynrt, P. O. Box 9367. K AGENTS WANTED Hili r aulrELL IT ALL Dy Um. Strohm= of BO Lake City. fog OS 7.5. Ma *do at •• Mormon Bich ks.est. troducnon by Mr, growe. toot story of ante. experience lap, bare Na Grid. tire:* mysteries. revct doled, etc. of the Mormon. 0 uswiccnoode w...voza son dna' . Might Para and It is trw bra new book out, actually ever op with good Dons for all. II Is popular every. whlis. With rect7boily. and outsells all other book. tare to ave Minister. say !. mart: it^ Eminent women endorse Everybody wants it ad savors arc sale.. hare 10 to 20 a day I Odd. thessad wow peen! W . : vult 4100 wroce trusty ace.. !VOW—men or women —and we will mast Oullit rree to the. who will MM.. Lugs Ada with f yortieulare. term cta iir er i. to od. Am Wortsimaccrux as Cs, ()cl. 11 '74 41—he THE MASON & HAMLIN ORO-.ASq* CO, ttrinn , nt of THREE HIGHEST nEDALs and DIPLO MA of HONOR. at VIEVNA. '7l and PA RIR, M7..014 offer the FINEST ASSORT :I FNI' of the BEYT CABI NET ORGAN'S In the would,. Including new styles with recent Improvemerde, not only exclwalvely fur mth, as formerly. lon also on El{ - FLANS oe EASY PAY ENTn, the moat favorable evrr offerml.• °mans HENRED wint PRIVILEGE or PCI/CHASE. to al most arty port of the country. First pa3mant $9.90 or uperanlo Illustrated eatalogura and cirtnlars, with fall partictilarr. sent free on request. Addsean, MASON & HAMLIN f./RG 1N CO F3-4w Bottom. .sew York or Chicago. • BALTIM,RE EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE JULIAN J. r.:11ISOLLI, IL D., Professor of Lye nod Ear Di.ea...4es in the University Of 31d., Surgeon In Charge. This Institution, established to one of the largest and finest dwellings in the city of Baltimore, Is thor. mighty° canized sod tilted up with ever] conveuienCe for the exclusive triattmetat of persons suffering from Eye and Ear Diseases. Each patient has a chamber to himself, and receives every attention from rallied nurses. The Surgeon with his family resides in the Institute every great Cutleettlenve to the sick, especially those operated ono? who can be visited at all times and at a moment's node, dealritlg tatormation wall apply by letter to JULIAN J. CIIIaOLAI, H. D. ZErankho at., Italtlaaore, P OSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLE -$2O FIRST PREMIUM MORTGAGE BOND N. Y. lililustriol Expos'lioli Co Authorized by the Legioluture of the Mate of N. Y. 2d Premium Drawing, DECEMBER 7th, 1874. 3d Series Drawing, JANUARY 4th, 1874. EVERY BuND will be redeemed ivi.b a premium, as an equivalent for Interest. CAPITAL PREMIUM, $lOO,OOO. Addres, for Bonds and full information, MORGRNTHAU, BRUNO BO Financial Anew*, 23 Park Row. P. 0. Drawer, New York. 41-4 w. Applications for Agencies received. EIAVE YOU TRIED 471E711.11a13M1311 ? Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Aro you solgtogald that apyexortltio rFlolrs more of an ed,ri than you Irtl capable of making? Then try JuktillEßA, the wooderiul wok and lovlg. orator, lehittl acts cu beneficially nu tau becretire or tan. as to Impart vigor to ail elm vital toren. It Is no .Icohliolie appetizer, which stimulate. for a short time; nab to let tho *utterer tall to slower depth of misery, but it is • vegetable tonic acting directly on the Ilver and "plea , . It replete" the Bowe le, quleta the nerves, and gives oath a healthy tone to the whole fjetellllllS tO*ool. make tha invalid feel like a new person. Its operation la not violent, tint Is cbaraeterked by great gentieneaa; the lenient. erperlcteas no sudden change, no marked recall.. but criminally his troubles ••Fold their imam Ilk, thu Arabs, • And ahead, ',teal away." This In no yew and untried discovery, but - has been long tieed • wltb wundalul reagent d wool [,, and Is pro. noosed by the highest medical authorities, "the must powerful tonic and eltcretlve known." Ask Joni druggist fur lt. For tale by JOAN b I ON, HOLLOWAY & CO. Ptilladelphlit, Pa Legal Notices. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. T. pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution 1. and election laws of the Commonwealth n ot Penn ey lithele. 1, M. B. lIELME, High Sheriff of the County of Suequebanua, do hereby give notice to the electors of cold t wanly tha. an election will be held In 661 d Court on November 341. 1104, [being the Tueeday next following the first Monday In November] at which time the following °Meese will be elected. to wit: Two ecotone to fill the office of 'ledges of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennitylvart One perwan to fill the °Mee ef Lieutenan Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to All the office of Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to all the ofilee of Secretary of Internal Attain/ of the Commonwealth of Pentsylvania, One person to fill the office of Reprezentatlve in Con gress for the district composed of the counties of Sas quebritina, Bradford, Wayne nod Wyoming. al One mbrslyo n o tfo t he ll Commonwealth Mik e aft P or e ninns he aGniner• for the district composed of the Chanties of Susquehanna and Wayne. Two persons to till the offices of Representatives in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn eylvania for the County of Staqinbatina. One person to fill the once of District Attorney for said Comm:. One person to All the office of County Commiesioner for said County. Ohe person to all the office of County Surveyor for, said County. One Person to All the uMco of County Auditor for said. County. 1 also hereby make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general election in the several wards, borough', dietrlcts, and townships with in the County of Susquehanna are as follows, to wit : The Facction for the distaictcompoeed of the [two chip of Apalacon will be held at the house of Josepw Beebe in sold township. The Election for the dietrict composed of the town ehip of Ararat will be held at the school house near the Next.) terian church to veld township. The Election for the dhstriet composed of the township of Auburn will be held at the house of James Lott in raid township. The Election for the district composed of the township of Bridgewater will be held at the Court House In the Borough of Montrose. The Eltction for the district composed of the town ship of Brooklyn will be held at the honor of James 0. Bullard In said township. The Election for the di !islet compared of the town chip of Chocolatnt will be held at the setteel house near Edward Clerk's In said township. The Election for the dlstriet composed of the town ship of Clifford will he held at the house late of John liewetson in Feld township. The islection for thy district composed of the Borough of bonder will be held at the Dundeff Hotel In !aid Borough. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Dimock will be held at the house late of T. J. Babemk in said township. The Election Mr the district composed of the town ship of Forest lake will be held at the house of Mrs. Bertha Warner in said township. The Election for the dietrict composed of the township f Frookilo will be held at the school house near J. M. Baker's in said township. The Election for tne district composed of the Borough of Friendeville will be held at the school house In said Borough. The Election for the district composed of the Borough ot Great Hood will be held at the house lath occupied by Day id Thome. In said Borough. The Election for the district composed of the town ehip of Great Bend will be held at the house late occupi d by E. Barnum, dec. The Election fee tee districtcompeeted of the township of Gibson will be held In the Academy building in sold townehip. The Election for the district composed of the township of Ilartord will he held at the house late of N. W. Wald ron in said township. • 'l'be Election for the district compered of the town ship of Harmony will be held at the house of S. Winters In said township The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Herrick wllibe held at the Herrick Centre School Honor, in rain township. The election for the dlstrietcoteposed o I the township of Jackson will be held at the honey of Joseph Geary in said township. The Election Mr the dietrict composed of the town ship of Jessup will be held at the house of Daniel Doff In said towns - hip. The Electien for the district comp.ed of the township of Leeoz will be held et the boom of Grow A Brother. In sale towuship. The election for the district composed of the town ship of Liberty will be held at the Stanford School house in raid township. The Eb-ctlou for the district composed of the town chip of Lathrop will be held at the Hillsdale School house in said township. the decibel for the district composed of the Borough of Little Meadows will be held at the School Home in sold Borough. The election for the district composed of the township of Middletown will be held at the beanie of Ott. Ross In said township, The Election for the district composed of the Borough of Montrose will be held at the Court House to cold Borough. The Election for the district composed of the Borough of New Milford will be held at the house late of John Finarot In said Borough. The election for the district composed of the township of New Milford will be held at the house of Philander Ph inney. In the Borough of New Milford. The election for the district composed Or the town ship of oat:land will be held at the house late of Thom as Malmo to said township. The election for the district composed of the town ship of nosh will held at the house of N. D. Snyder to aid township. The election for the district composed of the town ship of Spring,vtlie will be held at the house late of Spencer Silcox In mid township. The election for tile district composed of the town ship of Silver Lake will be held at the house Late of R. McUerigles in said township. The Election for the district composed of the First Ward of the Borough of Sosquelottnia Depot will be held et the house occupied by Chester G. Chaffee. In said In—ough. The Election for the district composed of the Second Ward of the Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be held at the house occupied by Ambrose Benson to said Borough. The election for the dhdrlct composed of the town ship of l'homson will be held at the house late o cheater Stoddard In saldlOWn.hin. I 0.11.13 make known anti give notice, es in and by the Clio section of act of July 2,1871, directed, "That every person except Jastices of the Peace. who eh/11 hol any office or appointment of profit or trust wader the United States, or of this Stateair of any city or in. corpontted district. crbetlrya cooWtieelonod officer or agent, who i nor 'ball be, eMployed ender the legislative. judiciary. or exrentive dtyartmeot of this State or United Staten, or any city drlnemptirated district; and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Legii,lature, and of the select or common rouncil of ant cit y, or m comissioners of any Incorporated dl lola, is by law Incapable ot holding or exercising at the tame time, the oilier or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election ol this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or Judge or other ° M e er of any such. election, obeli be ellgle to any °flea then to bo voted for." By the actof Assembly of July S. IFI9, it Is also made "the may of every Mayor. Sheriff Alderman, Justice of the Peace, Constable, of every city, county, township or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called noon by any ofllcer of an election, or by three qualified electors thereof to clear any window or .CW3E , to the window of the place of General Election which shall be obstructed in such a way as to prevent voters from ap proaching the same ; and It shall he the duty of every respective Constable of cosh word, district of township within this commonwealth, to be present in person or by Deputy, at the place of holding elections, in such ward. district or township . for the purpose of preserving the peace no aforesaid • Also that in the Ith section of the act of Assenibly entitled - An net relating to executions and for other purposes," approved April 16. 184.0, It Is enacted that the aforesaid lath section, "shall not be construed as to prevent any militia offlcer or borough ufacer from aerViva as Judge, respecter or Clerk at arty general or special electron to fhb. Commonwealth." By an Act of Assembly approved the 17th day of, April, 1:49, it Is enacted that at -all elections hereafter ' held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls ehall be opened between the honre of six and seren o'clock, a. m., and close at T o'clock. O. M. •• SectoN I. Be It enacted by the tweet,/ and Home of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penney!. venia in General Assembly met, and It is hereby elect ed by the authority ul the same. That the qualified voters di the et.veral emlntles of the Commonwealth, et all general, tem./Lip, baroagb, and special election., are hereby, hereafter, authorised and required to vote, by tle.kets, printed, or written, severally cbuftlfted foliose: Oue ticket shall embrace the names of all Judger of courts voted for, and to be tabled, °amide, - Judiciary ;" one ticket Mud' embrace the names of all elate offtcers voted for, and labeled, 'White," one ticket obeli embrace the names of ell county officers voted foe. including Mike of eenator, member, and members ol Assembly, If voted for, and member& of congress, it voted for, end be labeled, "county;" one ticket shall embrace th .../113.11 of all township officers voted for, and be labeled' township," mu: ticket shall embrace the name. of all borough oftleera Voted for, and shall be labeled "borough ;" and each class shall be deposited in impam le ballot-hone." Wtrancas. The Fiftsanth Amendment of the Con stitution of the United Mates is se follows: " Um - ruts 1. The right of citisco• of the United Mame to vote Mall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any Stale, ou account of mca,color, or pun/cue condition of servitude" • " *am sea h. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation " And Trittreas, The Congress of the United States, on the elm day of March. 1070. pasted an act, entatled— .4o Ad to enforce the right qfnatentqf (114 United Mato to rote in the several Slates of the Union, major other me not and sa,oud semen,. of whfat aro 4. ugortotg 1. Be if enacloct by as Senate and Mows of Represontalireoq, the CRUM Elates of America in am gross astembled, fhat all citizens of the Untied States who are, or shall be otherwise qualified by law, to rote at any election by the people, to any State, Territory, district, county. city, parish, towartp, 'school district, municipality or other territorial sub divisions, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all snob elections• ; with out distinction of Roo, or color. or provions of at:vetted., ; soy Constitution, law, enlitom, usage, regulation of any State or Territory, or by,or under Its authority, to the conutznotwithatanditic. ttbscerun %And arther enacted, fort if by or nndertho stanority of e Constitution or laws tit any Stale. or the Laws of any Territory soy act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by each Constitution or law persons or officer. are or shall be ehargco with the performance ol duties In Inenislang to citisensan opportunity to pee wee, rued pi,niquailte, or to bccomo gaililiflod to vole, It shalt be the day of every such pcnain itod *Meer to glen to all citizens of the tilts't States the sawn and equal opportunity to perform each prenignislte and to become wraith., to vote witting( dietintlion of race col or, or previous condition of servitude; don If any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to 20. 11114 entiCt to thisrecttou,beshall,rorerury such °mei.% forfeit and pray the 01141{1f five billideed dollars to [tipper son aggrieved thereby, to ho recovered by an action on the care, with full costs and Inch attallowance for coon al fees as the court shall deem JOU, And fatal' also, too every such offence, be deemed guilty of a ailvdeMeanor. atutUtuill un conviction tncluot, be dried nut lees th.e five buodeed dollars, or be imprisorica not leas than one atonal Bud out wore than one year, or both, at the Mir erotical Cr! nieconet," .1 Lettered:, It Is declared hJ the second teeUon of the VI artlveot the thluetitatiou or the. United Mates, theo•Thj• Cottotautlen, cud the laws• or the Neater. ee male W punwanee therect, ,shat be the *entente Ise/ of the land, • • • um i a k. I . Ms Consabi m tiO . n or kneicr day Vrairf 10 Ms aintra!!&g. Artagouti Leal;NoUces. Stu, teetrear, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the Mb day of April, A.D., 1870, paned an ad. en. titled "A further euppletneut to the act relating to also lions t o this Commonwealth," the tenth aleztion et which provide' as follows: s" pSovix des ltha tThayt wi m t uh e em ee s r t y a b e t e at Aifiemdb. ty vote or to be registered as voters,or tut claiming to vete &tam general or special election of this Commonwealth. be f ra medme is hereby r epeeled, and that hereafter all without dlstindio n of color, shall be enroll ed and registered according to the provisions of the drat section approved Ztpril 111h,1866.eutitled "An Act fanner sumental to the act releting to the elections of this Co mmmmonwealth," and whin otherwise qualided under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all general and special elections to this Commonwealth." The said above recited amendment andStele - mast be exec, tedand obeyed by all assessors, - ,l=lsters of To. ten, election officers, and others, that the rights and privileges guananteed thereby may bcleccured to all the cities:met this Conononweeitht entitled to the tame By the IStli section of the act of Assembly of Janu ary 14,1914, it is enacted that as seen as the polls shall close, the officers of election Quill proceed to count all the votes Cast for each eandldatc voted for, and make a trill redone of the same to triplicate with • return sheet in audition, lu all of which the rote* received by each Candidate shall be circa after his or her name, first in words and again In figure., and shall be signed by all of said office-re and certified by °veneer", it any, or U not so certified, the overseer, and any officer reltialog to sign or certify, or either of themodutil write Open each of the returns his or their reasons for not similes or certifying them, The vote, as soon as connteffssall also be publicly and fully declared from the window to the citizens present, and and. brief statement showing the votes received by each candidate .hail ts made and signed by the election officers as loon as the vete is counted. and the same shall he Immediately pasted up on the door of the election house for information of the public. The triplicate returns shall be enclosed to ,prelope. and be sealed in presence of the the officers, sod one envelope with the unsealed return sheet,given to the judge which shall contain one list of voters, tally paper , and oath, of officers, and ano th er of said cave - apes shall be given to the minority inspector. All Judges living within twelve codes of the prothonotarra office, or within twenty-four mite", It their madame be in a town , village, or city upon the Ilse of a nulroed leading to the county seat shall, before two o'clock post meridian of the day alter the election, and all the other lodges shalLbefore twelve o'clue k meridian of the second day and the election, deliver pia return, to- gether with relent sheet, to the Prothonotary of the court of Common Plea. of the county which said re turn sheet shall be filed, and the day and hour of ding marked, thereon, and shall be pr ail ed by the Prothon otary for public inspection. At twelve o'elock on the said second day following any election, the Prothono, Cary of this Court of Commoh Pleas shall preseut the said return, to the said Court. • • • • Lbe returns resented by the Prothonotary shall be op.' ened by said Court and aingeted by such of its Officers and soca sworn assistants sta the Corot shall appold,in the presence of the judge or Judget of said Court, and the returns certified, shall be ma re entailer of record in said Court. The seesions of said Courtare open to the public. • • • • • And the other of said triplicate returns Shall be placed in the box and sealed up with the ballots. • • • • • Whenever a place has been or shall be provided by the authorities or any city. county; township or borough for the safe keeping of the ballot boxes, the lad e and minority Inspector shall alter the election a Ibe fin ished, and the ballot box or boxes containing the tick bets, Hat of voters, and o th er wpm s. base been securely betted with tape and sealed and the signature of the Judgcand inspectors affixed thereto. forthwith deliver, the tome, together with the remaining box., to the . Mayor and Recorder of such city, or In comities, tool:- ship. or boroughs to such person or persona as the out of Common Pleas of the proper comity may des ignate, at the place provided as afotnald, who shall then dep.° it tiro said boxes and keep the tome to an swer the all of any Court or tribunal authorized to try the merit. of such election. The return judges for th e fifteenth Codgressional tries composed ofsbe counties of thaequehauna lira& ford Wayne and Wyoming will meet at the Court House to Toettumnuck, In the cortety of Wye:Dingo:a Tues. day, the 10th day of November, 1671. The return for the twentyslxtb Senatorial dis trict. com ed of the counties of Suaquetothea and Wayne. w meet al the Court House in the borough of Montrose. In the county of Seaquetiatine. on Tuesday, the 10th day ef November, 1674. Given under my band at my office, in Lee Borough of Montro.e, the Sd day of October. Anus Domiet 1014, audio the year of the Commonwealththe pinety.seventb„ IC Li, fliAlg, Sheriff. Montrose. Oct. 7. 1874. REGISTER'S = NOTICE.—PUBLIC NOTIOE Is hereby given to all persona con cerned In the following Estates, to wit : • Estate of Thomas Reese, late of Gibson, deed' David Reese, Piccutor. Estate of Elias Nortkup, late of Liberty, dec'd, Ruth Northup, AcFadnistratrlx. Estate of Minerva Post, late of Montrose, deed, G. P. Little Executor. Estate of Reuben Reynolds, late of Bridge. water, dec'd, A. IL McCollum, Administrator. Estate of Robert Moore, late at Bridgewater, deed, Charles Avery, Executor. Estate of Hiram 8. .Giffurd, late 'of Great Bend, deed. Galen Newman, Administrator.. Estate of Isaac Reckhow• late of Great, Bend deed, Vincent Reckhow, Executor. Estate of Nathan Aldrich, late of Brooklyn, dee'd, Eliot Aldrich, Executor. Estate of Daniel A. Baldwin, late of Great Bend, - dec'd,.B. 8. Baldwin, Adullnistnttrix. Estate of Samuel R. Depue, late of Franklin dec'd, Phebe Depue and Samuel Truesdell, Ad ministrators. Estate of Jane Smyth, late of Bridgewater, deed, Wm. C. Curtis, Administrator. Estate of Wm. M. Wattemon, late of La- throp, deed, Jerusha Watterson, Administra• Estate of Eliza A. Ward, minor, Eliot Aid rich, Guardian. Estate of Lucy S. Baldwin, minor, E. Gill, Guardian. That the accountants have settled their so counts in the Register's Office in and for tho county of Susquehanna, and that the same will he presented to the Judges of the Orphans Court, on Thursday, ,N tw, 12, 1874, for con firmatiun and allowaq_ce. H. - 11: TIFFANY, Register. Register's Office, Oct. 14, '74. gottocLA R ATION.—SUSQUEHANNA 1 COUNTY, SS WHEREAS, I. 31.13.11e1me, Sheriff ut said County, having been informed or the existence of such contrivances for the catching of fish as are commonly called or known as fish baskets, eel wires, kiddies, bush, or fascine nets, and other permanently set means of taking fish, in the nature of a sieve, in some of the streams and rivers In t aid county Now, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the eith day of may, A. D. 1871, notice Is hereby given that such contrivances are known to exist, and are declared by the said Act com mon nuisances; and the owners or managers of any of the above named contrivances ate here by ordered to dismantle the same, so as to ren der them no longer capable of taking or Injur ing the fish of the streams of whatever kind in said Susquehanna county, within ten days from the date of this notice ; and if, at the ex piration of said ten days, the dismantiiiig shall not have taken place, 1 shall proceed to detttro7 and dismantle the same In the manner provid ed for m said Act of Assembly. HELLT, Shcritre Office, ilontroso, Oct 14, 16754.hea1. AD3IINISTRATOR'B SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned Administrar tor id the eAste of D. Harris Quick, deed, will sell by auction on.the premises in the township of Rush, on Tuesday, October 27th, 1814, at 11 o'clock a. m. ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEi, OF LAND situate in the township of Rush, County of Susquehanna, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des !ribed as follows On the north by lot Immo. r 87, on the south by lot number 121, on the east by lot number 105, and on the west by the west half of lot number 101. The north east corner hereof being the south west cor ner of a piece of , land, the south half of lot number 88, conveyed by W. 1). Cope to Alfred Estes. And all of said numbers being accord.: lag to and In contormity to and with a map plan or draft of resurvey and subdivision, made by Heal. T. Case, esq., of the Thomas Cope tract of land in said county of Susquehanna, containing about 50 notes, more or lessorith the appurtenances, TERMS.-00 on day of sale and balance on final confirmation. Hai'llY C. Tu.zu, !dm's. Sept. 80, 1874.—w3 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! The undersizned, Administrator of the estate of Bridget McLean, deed, will sell by auction on the premises in Friendsville. on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1874, at one o'clock p. m., the following property. ALL THAT CERTAIN VILLAGE ROUSE AND LOT, situate In the Ilurough of Friendsville, County of Busquebtums, and State of Pennsylvania, boundell and described, as follows: On the north and east by lands of James Cools' ey, on the south by the Milford and Owego Tumplke road, on the west by lam it of Michiel I)ow, containing about two and ono•half acres of land. TERMB.—Ctish on final continuation of tee. J. U. 'REDDECCI, Adro'r. Sept. 30,1876.—w4. - ErXECIITOWS 2:0TIC11.. Whereas letters testatutu• AU lazy icsAbe, estate or Ent tireron• /me krlttro. water tuts here brown grautt dto t he coder. ed to AUPlriltrit:eld'igegiTmselacelrittrlenag; slaims spinet the suite, ere requested to penal then "Most delay. BIT. Isent,r. Fkoollza. Oct. 10. 1574.—;i1