The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 14, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
summer Arrangement of Math.
lbs.uck. (Dally,)
3lontrope Depot, (Dally,) .... GOOpm 62u.
Neu Nlllfurn, tDa11y,).... ....... ....100000 laUpra
lalu•alg, tUaliY./ 94500 900pM
Brie:Wel - We, weekly,)) 500 pm 800•0
Coakhu Station, (Di weekl),) 7 00am 700 am
Binghannon,ria S. Lake, ( trl weekly).. 600 p m7OO p m
Ileshoppen.(tet weekly,) 10 00am 4 00pm
The New York, (ria Montrose Depot,) New Milford.
Tau khaunock , and Wyahmlng one Maly.
The Conklin Station mall mum Tuesday., Thursdays.
and Saturdays.
The Binghamton mall, (tio Sliver Late,)runs Tome.
date Thursdays. and Saturdays.
rleadarille mall runs Tnesdays, Tbarsdays,and Sat
ae Meahoppen mail run. Mondays, Wednesdays, and
A Stage learee daily for Monroe? Depot at l an., and
rOurile , at 6 p.m
A Stage 1.00. daily for Now Milford at SO Eh
and return? at 330p.m. . . .. . . .
ontreas Railway.
rnalguient or Trains. To take erect on Monday,
Stn? 4-5 , 11 1874
p rwu
11 P s.
n it) 1.1.3.. . ...blootrose
vil 1
sv 1 Cool's..
_ .
Inmork. .
..Tyler'. .
Lemon .
5 1 13.,
n 142
54 la.
10 145
419. 210
.91 1 . 1
45 241
1. 44.
r... 5 3US Tunkhannock BsO 355
kll Irai nn connect at Tunkhannock with P. &N. Y
H 8 going north and south.
AlitEB. I. BLABSLIEE, Preal.
:Montrose. May 57,1874
Removed ! Removed!
The Office of the MoNTILOSE DEMOCIUT has
ben removed to the second floor of B. C.
Slere's store on Public Avenue, where the pub
li,hers are doing
More Braineee than Leer,
and where they will be pleased to set all their
old friends and as many new ones as feel dig
-1,,,ed to give them a call. Remember the di.
tions, Savre's Store Building, three doors
Aia,ve the old place.
Our Agent.
A W CII,IIII[IILLS le one authorized CrIIIVIIM r. to
;al,r puhacripttons for the DIMOCIWI and receipt for
the ee
Nem Advertisements.
Sheriff Sale—M. B. Heinle.
Proclamation—M. B. Belme.
Eseemor's Notice—estate of Eri Gregory.
❑ardmere—Carter, Porter & Johnson.
The Confetwons of an Invalid—N. Mayfair.
M iNcellaneons Ad vertisemen ts—Dauchy
lb•gister's Notice—H. N. Tiffany.
Ladies' Fornisbing Goods—Carver & Pratt.
Carriage Goods—Crocker, Ogden & Co.
Large Auction—Jacob Brotmnan.
Exrcutrix•s Sale--mtate of Gid Peck.
New Goods—Outtenburg, Rosenbaum & Co.
.lutiSSorl'S Anodyne Liniment.
lik)k llere—F.
f . Russell.
Parson's Pills.
Notes About Taint.
A slight attempt at snow yesterday—the fast
of the season.
One of our fashionable town ladles says, her
husband is 'the latest thing out.'
The 31. E. Sociable will be held at the house
of Z. Cobb, on Friday evening next. Both old
and young will be welcomed.
Look for th 3 new advertisment of Guttenberg
Rosenbaum & Co., next week. Their new
stock has arrived, and is very fuR
A certain court has decided that when a wo
man lends her husband miner she cannot get
i t back. The decision will not be new to many
On Saturday evening last, during a stedwer
which passed over this place, the spire to the
Lit s 31. E. Church, was blown off its base,
falling upon the old char, h huilding,completely
telescoping it. This,financiallyds a serious blow
to the Methodist society, who were building it,
bat yet, under the cicumstances, it may also be
considered fortunate. It now is merely a mat
ter of dollars and cents, whereas it might have
blown upon some of the surrounding dwellings
or upon the old church when filled with human
bongo and thus caused a fearful loss of life.
It io down in the best manner in which it could
accident%lly have fallen. Whatever may
have been the cause, it is of no particular bene
fit now, save to be a guide against a similar
accident in the tuture. The M. E. Society,
which has been struggling to erect an edifice
w Loch will be o puhlie improvement to the town
aside from other and vaster considerations,
bus the sympathy of the community, and are
now receiving some substantial aid by way of
Laid O .
Some political correspondence came too late
for publication tins week.
Concert at Fairdala
The people of Fairdale and vicinity will be
visited by Underwood's Entertainment, con
,.ting of vocal and instrumental music, on
Friday cvenitvg, Oct. 16th, 1874.
What I nail Do.
‘l'atson, the Republican nominee for State
Senator, of this district, has laid down, as a
plank in his political platform, that refusing to
sole for Governor Hartmntt, did not make him
a Democrat, therefore I have made up my. mind
that refusing to vote for him will not make me
a Democrat, hence I shall certainly do so,
along with some "other prominent Republi
caw, "
"PaommsEacr Riurciluc.EL.n"
Dr C. L Suva
Mr. Babcock, of Owego, Wt Ott tilaire wool
-dealer, has been in Montrose, during the last
week.. and in conversation with him, we were
pleased to learn that Dr. C. L. Stiles, form
erly of Gibson,-this conr ty, Is one of the most
popular and successful phyaleir.ns,in that enter
prising town. We know owego, by a resi
dence there of some two years, and from the
character of the doctor's competitors, a posi
tion of this kind is oue of no common dietinc.
bon. We are pleased to learn this, as many of
the doctor's friends will also be, who reside In
this county.
It B. Little earl. was selected by the Bradford
County Agricultural Society, to address them
at their late Fair in Towanda, which was held
last week. Mr. Little, while there, made the
acquaintance of Mr. Powell, our nominee for
.no.tress and he speaks of him, both by his per-
Bonn' observation and from his standing among
his fellow citizens irrespective of party. in the
most nattering tarns. He says that leading
itepublimas seemed to admit that be would
enrry Bradford county. Let us arouse to ins
support in this courity,so that we shall be ready
and have our lamps trimmed sind burning
Remarkable Time Tieene
Some remarkable contrivances for the indi
cation and, regulation of time were exhibited
at the London exposition. Among these was a
clock moved by the equilibrium of water and
air ; a clock,ln a case, which occupied thirty
four years id completing it, with astronomical,
chronologichl and other movements, wind or
gans ; etc.; a geographical clock, showing the
difference of mean time in all the capitals of
Europe; a clock showing the days of the month
the months of the year, the motion of the sun
und moon and the state of the tide at some of
the principal seaports of Great Briton, Ireland,
France, America, Spain, Portugal, Holland and
Germany, and going for twelve months ; a
skeleton striking clock, going 400 days, and
showing dead seconds by means of a chronom.
eter ; a tell tale clock, for the purpose of de
tecting delinquent servants, and calculated for
the express purpose of regulating domestics.—
Among the watches exhibited was one which
goes a year ; another showing the time to a
sixth of a second, and s third was made of
ivory, with gold screws and steel moving pow
ers worked in ten rubies, and weighed—glass
and vase included—only ball an ounce.
Arrives. Departs.
7Uopm 1215 m.
From Auburn.
Up Trains
Royal Carter Is seriously ill at pruent,—
11. N. Loomis had ninety bushels of wheat
sowed on his newly cleared fallow at last ac
10A0 520
10 05 618
1000 615
985 510
945 5113
03.1 455
.923 450
915 440
905 453
91:10 4
865 4n
645 410
Widow P. Donley is visiting her friends,at
Wilkesbarre for a few weeks, after an absence
of fifty years from that city.
John F. Carlin has been seriously ill for a few
weeks past but can now ride out, which will be
good news to his many friends in different parts
of the county.
J. C. Tyler, of the bee notority,is determined
not to be No. 2 on the bee question. One
swarm netted aim twenty two dollars and fifty
cents the present season.
Many of our citizens are purchasing organs
and many home, will resound with good music,
filling a blank that has long been felt by our
refined and enterprising populace.
Our friends D. Seely and A. Gay,are about to
remove near Wilkesbarre, where they have a
large contract of lumbering. They anticipate
it will take two years to complete it. We wish
them success.
Charles Gay has threshed by machinery eigh
teen years and entered upon the ninteenth,averg
ing twenty thousand bushels annually, making
a total of 360,000 bushels. 11 any man In this
or adjoining counties, can show a better record
we would be pleased to bear from him.
Auburn October, 12th 1874.
Examinati ens
The regular Annual Examinations of Teach
ers will be held as follows, each commencing
at 9 o'clock. m.
Franklin, Liberty, and Lawsyille, Centre
school house,Monday Oct. 26.
Silver Lake and Brackney, white shoot house
Tuesday, Oct. 27.
Apotaxon, Choconut and Little Meadows,
Friendaville school house, Wednesday Oct. 28.
Middletown, centre school house, Thursday,
Oct. 29.
Jessup and Rush, Grangerville school house
Friday, Oct. 30.
Auburn, centre school house, Monday,Nov.2.
Dimpek and Springville centre school house,
Wednesday. Nov. 4.
Lenox, Glenwood school house, Thursday,
Noy. 9.
Brooklyn, centre school house, Friday Nov. 6.
New Milford, Village sehool horse, Monday,
Nov. 9.
Gibson, Kennedy Hill school amuse, Tuesday,
Nov. 10.
Jackson, corners schoolhouse, Wednesday,
Nov. 11.
Ararat and Thomson, centre school house,
Thursday, Nov. 12.
Harmony and Oakland, Susquehanna Depot
school house Saturday, Nov. 14.
Great Bend, Village school house, Tuesday,
Nov. 17.
Lathrop, Hopbottom school house, Wednes•
day,Nov, 18.
Forest Lake, centre school house, Friday,
Bridgewater, Montrose Academy, Saturday,
Nov. 21.
Special—Smiley school house, Tuesday, Nov.
Teachers will need pen, ink, paper, pencil
and Union Fourth Reader. No one can be le
gally employed without a certificate, and these
cannot be renewed without examination. Pri
vate examinations only In extreme cases and
by request of School DirectorB. Can be* seen
at my office at the Court House in Montrose,
at 1 o'clock p. in. of the first Monday in each
month, after examinations,if desired on school
business. P. O. address during winter, Mont
rose, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania.
W. C. TtLDEn.
County Superintendent.
Oct. 3d 1874.
Slight Difference is Opinion.
Our reasons for publishing the communica
tion from Wyoming county which offended the
proprietor of the Tunkhannock Republican
may be briefly enumerated thus :
I. The Tunkhannock Republican, contrary
to all impartial dealing and to the usage of
party organs previous to the holding of the
nominating convention, was publishing editor
ials lauditory of Barney. and nothing in favor
of Bunnell
2. The course of the Tunkbannock Repub
lican while order Niamey's control, in support
ing or opposing Republican nominees in Wy
oming county, apparently according to his per
sonal wisdom, or animosity, without regard
to their fitness, had convinced us that he was
not to be trosted'as a Republican.
8. We believe Marcey to be a very illiterate
man, unqualified to represent the Republicans
of this Districet in Congress--Montrose P,ryntb.
In regard to the above I will say :
1. I am not the proprietor of tbe Tunkhan
nock Rernibliean, and Frazier knows it.
g. Mr. Frazier admitted that "all the pay he
received froze tkinnell for printing the articles
above referred to was what he received for the
extra copies sold to Mr. Bunnell," with which
this county was flooded. Now I don't pretend
to know how much that was; it may have been
$lOO and it might have been more, and might
have been. less c but judging from the character
of the editor of the Montrose Republican I
should judge It to be shoot tgenty thillinga.
3. In the "back pay" article, Mr.
Frazier admitted that he was aware that Mr.
Bunnell did take the "back pay," and yet he
published the denial knowing that it was false.
At tilts time I hove no desire to enter into a
disension tbat will bring Mr. Bunnell promi.
nently befosetbe -people, for in this District
they mint be by this time fully Regulated with
his char:xi-Ir. T i ElPur 14411PY.
Mr. Perry• Mareey,forrnerly proprietor of this
paper, replies briefly to certain strictures pub
lished in the Montrose Republican.;: Su far as
these strictures reter to us we may say that we
value Mt. Fraziees opinion as lightly as he dap
011.111. Vie never submitted our plans of action
to him, and probably never will. Anv one
who supposes we are controlled by a candidate
Is fit only for a liekepittle Republican. We are
governed only by principles, not by men. At
the same time We do not deny that Mr. Idarcey
Is as fit to control the conduct of the Republi
can paper of this county as any other "illiter
ate" candidate. It seems to be considered by
the hermit of the Montrose litpublican a terri
ble crime to publish laudatory "editorials" of
one candidate and "nothing" about another;
while to traduce one candidate and bcslime an
other with undeserved praise as the Montrose
editor did, is perfectly proper and fully up to
the standard of morality as practised by the
"party.. organ" of Susquehanna county.—
Tankbannock Republican.
Bingtu= . toxi.
By glancing at our advertising columns may
be seen the spirit of some of the business houses
01 Binghamton, N. Y.
Messrs. Barnes Brothers & Blanding, MlMl
facturera and dealers in marble, are doing a
large business in matting all kinds of monu
ments, head stones, mantles, etc. They have
Just received an invoice of Scotch granate
monuments imported direct from Scotland,
amounting to $lO,OOO. Our attention was call
ed to one very beautiful column monument
standing 20 feet high surmounted by.,un Ital
ian marble figure represent ing "Hope," all of
first class workmanship, and costing $2,000. I
was fur a party in Athena, Pa.
Under this head we would mention the firm
of J. Pickering & Co., at No. 126 Court Street,
above Way's Hotel, manufacturers of marble,
headstones and marble mantles, of all kinds.—
Their sale rooms are lull of stontl of all kinds,
all fine work. They informed us that they are
shipping weekly, atones ranging In value from
$.500 to 1,200, besides large numbars of the
cheaper grades.
Crocker,Ogden C0.,i9 the name of a firm in
Phelps Bank Building,,doing an extensive bus
iness in general hardware, carriage gmuls,helt
leg, saws, etc. Their store is large, light and
neat, and appears to contain everything nam
able in their line.
Also, down at 87 Washington Street, we find
a genial firm, Carter, Porter, & Johnson, also
dealing in hardware,together with blacksmiths'
supplies, corn shellen3,cutting boxes, etc. Their
store is, to use a slang phrase, "immense."
In furniture, we find E. D. Robinson, at 88
Washington Street, and Donley & Casey, at 50
Washington Street, both with full stocks.
Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Messrs. Foot
& Hawley have recently' opened a merchant
tailoring and randy-made goods establishment,
with a first class cutter—tor "fits."
We find the "Washington Street Tailors"
still carrying on business at their old place
At 33 Court street, Messrs. C. & A. Cortesy,
are opening goods for the fall anti winter trade.
Carter & Pratt, are the names of two enter
prising young men at 21 Court Street, who are
just opening a ladies' furnishing store, with a
good stock.
The energetic yong men, C. F. Sisson & Co.,
are doing their' share towards supplying the
people with dry goods.
C. B. Perry is still in the business, at No. 5S
Court Street, with a good trade.
While there, we saw Rev. I. D. Alexander,
Pastor of the Main Street M. E. Church, Mr.
Wm. A. Monkman, Architect, C. C. Faurot,
with Sisson & Co., E. L Rose, General Agt.
for the Grover &, Baker Sewing Machine Co.,
"ford" Prink, clerk at the Cafferty House, Geo.
N. Cobb, and A. W. Warner, photographers,
and many others, once of Montrose.
A few more Questions
Mn. HAWLEY-I notice you have nothing to
sac In the DEMOCRAT about the Senatorship.—
While I can sympathize with your feelings, as
a candidate fur that office, and understand your
reluctance to say aught against a rival candi
date, lest it should be attributed to personal
motives, 1 must say that it is your duty, as an
editor of a Democratic paper and the repre
sentative of the Democratic sentiment of your
county to work as earnestly for the success of
E.B. Hawley, as for that of any candidate on
the ticket. And you could do effective work if
you chose, for I am told that you are well ac
quainted with Mr. Watson's past career—po
litically and otherwise. There are many things
we would like to learn the truth of over
here, and if you will answer a few questions
through the columns of the DEMOCRAT, we will
be obliged to you.
First, Was Mr. Watson an antiwar :Demo.
crat in 1862-63, as so many people,Republicans
and Democrats—assert. He gives us to under
stand that be was not. Men who knew him
well at that time, assert that he was a "copper
head." I heard a prominent Republican say
upon the day the nominations were made, "I
cannot rote for Watson, he was a copperhead
during the war, and only changed his coat to
be on the winning side." I bear that he at one
time openly avowed those sentiments in Hay.
den's store, in New Milford. If he was a Dem
ocrat at that time, he has nothing to be asham
ed of. Some of the finest supporters of the war
were Democrats. But if he was a secessionist
and for the sake of office became a radical, the
people should know it. •
Second, Is the following charge a true one ?
A public school teacher of this county told
me that when Mr. Watson was elected County
Superintendent, he was strongly supported by
the New Milford directors that during the
canvassing etc., on election day, before the vot
ing commenced, the question arose, "what are
his politics?" that Dr. Ainey, I believe, called
him one side, and told him that such inquiry
had arisen, and that while he himself did not
care what he was, there were men among the
directors who might be biassed by his politics,
and he wished a declaration from his (Wat
son's) own mouth to use in his favor. He there
fore asked Watson the question direct, "What
are you, a Republican or a Democrat ?
Watson replied, "Why, I am a Republican,"
which was of ceurse,satislactory• to the Repub
lican doctor. But Mr. Boyle, a Democrat,had
a curiosity upon the subject, and he, shortly
after, in almost the same words, asked Watson
in regard to his politics. Watson replied, "Why
am a Democrat, I always teat a Democrat."
Now, Mr. Hawley, good, reliable men—Re.
publicans and Democrats—are openly making
tbese charges against Mr. Watson. It they are
false, Mr. Watson can disprove them, If they
are true, they cannot be affected by the weak
assertions that his friends know that he was
not an antiwar man, etc.
- I know that Mr. Wptson did one sharp thing
when his conscience would not let him vote
for liartranft. But he spoiled it all when the
day after election, he joined the Republicans in
their rejoicings, end shouted, "We're thrashed
you spin I"
I must close having said more than intend•
ed already, but I trust you will give your read
ers as much light on the senator question, as
on any connected with the campaign, and not
hold back because you are a candidate.
Gibson Oct. 1,1874.
NEW ME.6.E -314111LpT,
C. Cuslnnan has opened a nese' peat moan,
in his bulling on South Main street. Buying
and butchenng done by J. Pasmeter. Fat stock
wanted: C. C1713/EMA. 5, '74.-4f
MART valuable berms die from the effects of
colic. The best thing to do In a ease of this
kind is to. potir 11 bottle of johntotes..4nodgns
Liniment Into a long necked junk bOttle, add
half a pint ol molasses and water, then pour
the whole down the horse's throat. In ten
minutes the horse will begin to eat.
Pommes Purgatim will greatly relieve, it
not entirely cure dyspepsia when everything
else fails. They have been tried in some des
perate cases, and have given more relief than
any other medicine.
Look HERE!
1 would inform the public that I am lntrodu,
ing an entirely new work among you, the full
est explanation of the bible, ever issued. It is
a book of GOO pages, and 173 engravings.
If von want a book to read
Upon some rainy day,
Just wait until the agent
Passes by that way,
He will sell you a book for ready pay
That will please you every day.
It will be canvassed through portions of Sus
quehanna county, by
F. L. IlossELL, Agent.
Oct.. :4, 1874.—tt.
IF You WANT good green Tea for fifty cents
per pound, go to PORTER & NICHOLS
Sept. 9, 'it —tf.
If you want a :oad of good Coal go to
0. D. STEBBI:e8, Dunn Station
0.. t. 7, '74.-2w.
NEW FIERKIIIER COUNTY Cheese for 18 cents
per pound at the Grocery Store of
Sept. 9, 1874—tf. PORTER it NICHOLS.
OYSTERS have commenced arriving at the
Keystone Saloon. Take notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
Sept. 9, '74.—tf. GEO. C. HILL.
G. 0. SWEET, the Church Hill Photographer,
at Susquehanna Depot, Pa.,
will make twelve photographs for $l.OO, and 4
tin types for 50 cents.
40—w2. G. O. SWEET.
PIIOTOGILAYMI. —Pictures taken in all the tat
est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Also a splendla lot of frames for sale cheap
at G. W. DoourrLes.
Montrose, June 10, '74.—tf
Make a mistake, but go to Burns & Nichol's
Eagle Drug Store. Brick Block, Montrose, Pa.,
for Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery-,
Brushes, Soaps, Fancy Articles &c. &c also
General Depot for the sale of all valuable Pat
ent Medicines.
July 15, '74--tf.
NOTICE.—I desire to acknowl
edge the prompt payment of my loss sustained
by the burning of my barns, which occurred
July 4, 1874. They were insured in the Home,
N. 'Y., Fire Association of Phila., and Lancas
ter of Lancaster, through Mr. Billings Stroud,
of Montrose, Pa. ; and on the 11th day of July
I received payment of my loss in full.
July 29, '74.—tf. Was. Ilavouworr.
Our usual selection of fall and winter Cass t:
metes, Beaver and Overcoatings for Custom
Work, received this week Call and leave your
A large selection of new fall styie Hats and
Caps just opened.
Sept. 10, '7.1.
Mr. C. C. Paurot (formerly of Montrose, but
more recently with C. B. Perry Co., Bing
hamton,) has made arrangments with C. P.
Sisson & Co., dealers in Silks and Dry Goods.
Customers will always find a nice assortment
in their line. Letters addressed to me in re
gard to samples or goods, will receive prompt
and careful attention.
July 1,'74.—t1. C. C. FAuncrr.
Providenee permitting a Distrizt Sunday
School Institute will he held in the village of
Montrose, Oct. 27th, 28th, and 29th. Itev. J. S.
Ostrander of Newark, N. J., is to be present
and conduct the Institnte. Let Sunday School
workers in all the churches make note of this.
Lt non PECK,
II C Committee.
will be held at Clifford Corners on Tuesday,Oct
13th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m . Ad
dress in the evening, Teacher's Examinations,
Clifford Corners, Oct. 14, Ilarlord, Thursday,
Oct. 15; commencing at 0 o'clock a. m. Ex
aminations in other Districts as usual.—will be
announced soon.
W. C. TILDEN, CO. Supt.
Montrose, Oct. 7th, 1874
TilEttE is no disease flesh is heir to more
troublesome to manage than rheumatism. It
comes when you least expect it, and generally
remains till it gets ready to go away. The
most conspicuous remedy for this complaint is
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment.
Two or three doses of Sheridan'x Caralry ant
dition Ponders will cure a horse of auy common
cough or cold, and the very worst cases may
be cured in a few weeks. We know this from
For gentlemen who wish to dress
the services of the celebrated W. U. Lindly,
gentleman of considerable note with the tailor
ing fraternity of this country. They are now
prepared for the summer tratte,as they have just
received all the new things in the way ofcloths,
cassameres and vestings. Their references are
the best, having taken the first premium at the
Tailor's Institute in New York last falL Give
them a call.
H. H. HALLOCK, Proprietor.
81 Washington St.,
Bingham ton, N. Y
May 20, 1874.—1 y.
By Dr. E. F. Butterfield. There is no sub
ject that requires so much study and experience
as the Treatment and cureof Chronic Diseases.
The astonishing success and remarkable cures
performed by Dr. Butterfield are due to the gift
of a Clairvoyant, to the long study of the con
stitution of man and the curing of disease from
natural remedies.
Let those given up by others call for an ex
amination. He cures the worst cases of Scrofu
la, Catarrh, Plias, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart
Limp, and Kidneys.
Will be at the Calmly House, Binghamton,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, November 3d, and
Oct. 7, '74,--3w.•
hms We keep eonetantly on hand an aseortment of dra
Millinery and Trimmings !
Or Au. Ducntrnevr.
We Bought Cheap! We will Sell Cheap!
Binghamton, Oct. 14. 1874.-11.
Ftstr—Wersos—ln Franklin Forks, Oct. 3d,
at tile house of the bride's parents, by Rev. J.
Doremus, assisted by Revs. H. Fish and T.
Simpkins, A, D. Fish to Miss Eva 31... daugh
ter of Andrew Watson, esq.
BAXTER—Deets—At the M. E. Parsonage,
in Meboopany, Oct. 7th, by Rev. Wm. Sbelp,
Mr. Morris W. Baxter to hiss C. Mary Davis,
aU of Aburn, Pa.
Ouzo:malt—ln Bridgewater, Oct. 2d, Mr. Eli
Oregoty, aged 74 years.
Doaruzi—ln Wilkesbarre,Oet. 4th, Elizabeth,
yotingest child of Thomas and Margaret Don
aged 10 ye= and : 6 months. . • •
Business Locals.
Centaur Liniment.
There IS no pain which the Centaur
AL . Liniment will not relieve, no 'wetting
• ":117 they will not subdue, and no Limeners
,1 114
which they will not cure. This to strong
~...t ,
language, hot It Is t•tte. They have
fgt . produced more cuter of rhertmetts.n,
neuraigia,lock Jaw, palsy,aprains.swol
ipatitscr. Bogs, caked breasts, scalds, burns. rait
rheum, ear-ache. &c., upon the human frame, tied of
/Minn, 'pasta, galls, etc., upon animals in one year
than have all other pretended remedies since the world
began. spicy are counter-irritant, nil-healing, pain re.
!levers. Cnpples throw away U. Ir crutches, the lame
walk, poisonous bites are rendered hamlet., and the
wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub.
tithed around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
sold before, because they do Jost what they pretend to
do. Thos• who now coffee from rheumatism, pain, or
mentor decent to stiller If they will not use Centaur
Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic
rheumatism, gout, running tumors, etc., have been re
ceived. We will send a circular containing certificater,
the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worta
one hundred dollars for spavined or sweenied horses
and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owner.
—theeeltrilmentr aro worth your attention. No family
Should be without them “White wrapper family us e ;.•
Yellow wrapper for animals. Sold by all Druggists.-
50 cents per bottle: largo bottles. $l.OO. J. B. Boaz .t
Co., 53 Broadway, New York.
Castorla Is more than a substitute for Castor Oil.
It is the only We article in existence which is certain
to aselmulab the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind
cede and produce natural sleep. It contains neither
mi nerala, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take.
Children need not cry and mothers may rest.
Oct. 2.5.
Commission merchants
isicaaa. Morohwat
Consignments solicited and returns made Immediate
ly on sale of goods. Send for 0404 cards and sten
Notional Park Bank of New York.
North /hirer Book of New York.
Nassau National Bank of New York.
Long Island Bank of Brooklyn, N.
Feb.l2, 11179,—tf
The Margets
There was some little inquiry for money
at the banks and on the street, but it is
not sufficient to justify any change in
rates. The borrowers represent all the
leading industries, but smaller sums
than are usual at this season. The reg
ular fall trade has about reached its
height, and while not su brisk us to satisfy
the enthnsiastic is more satisfactory than
at any previous time since the opening.—
We quote call loans at 5 per cen t. Strictly
first•c'ass two named paper was negotiat
ed at seic per cent. and single- name paper
at 66 . 47 per cent; loans on government
collateral rule at 5 per cent., on other
first class bonds and stocks at 6 per cent.,
and more inferior collnteral at 7@7,1 per
cent. Second grade paper is not in fa
Bid. Ask.
G01d... ......... . .... .... . ..... ... 110
U. n. n's 1550 118 1183(
6.21 Coupon 1855 112.1; 1123(
6-BI , CW:IPM]. 1864 . ........ . 1156( 11.63;
6-20 Coupon. 18 , -6 1166( 116 3 ‘
5-20 Coupon. '&6
.1y 1 SJ( 116%
5 , 6) Coupon 18577 . 117 5
661 Coupon 1868 117 113:
New 5 per cts 1126( 112%
10.40 s 1113¢ 113
titerllorr Exchange MI 5.373§'
Paris &substage 468= 4115.%
Currency bd. i .....
Neu , York Produce Market.
r Tos Ilmorucksz
E.;re'grY, for
siontc "ItZ•c b baz i 217N5 olt.hall Street, Now York.
Br7 - ma—Firkins. choke selected 40 a 4a ,
Welsh Tabs... . .. . ....... ... ....M 40 400
Palls, Orange County 49 ijiy 454
' Fails common 80 a 37.
Camas— State Factory.... 15 01530 c
State Darrige. ...13 4515 e
State Factory, fair to good 13 51.14 Me
Enos—State and Fennsy/van la 15 1.25.415
Western choice branch, 51 X45"5
POCLIIIT—• piing Chickens, per lb 14 41 Me
Turkeys, prime 15 CO Inc
vo nag Duck.. ... .. ... ...17 4D 18
Gasic—Figeone, .4411 fed. per don Ca. 1 75
Tame per pair M ei 40c
Partridge. State prime ... ... ..... 75 WO
Fin - ire—New Apples , Soar Bough per bb1.... I 0041150
Aew A pple, sweet .... . 3 01514 et 25
Pears Bartlett ... ... ... .. .. .21 0 00
Peaches, Del., per crate . 19'v+"00
and a sure cure for the PILES. Be sure and
try it.
Beware of fraud. None genuine unless soh'
Solo Proprietors, Montrose, Pa.
Or by authorized druggists.
Oct. 7, 18.74.—tt
DL&NHOOD: How Lost, How Restored:
gmust Published, a new edition of Dr. Culver
well's Celebrated Ewa, on the radrcal cure (with
out medicine) of S pernm tollgates. or seminal week
mem. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency.
Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Mar
riage, el c.; also, Consumption. Evelepsy. and Fats, ino
ducoal by eelf-ltdrdrence or wane' extravagance, etc.
trice, in sealed envelope, only nix cents.
The celebrated author, in that admirable Resay.clear
oy demonstrates, from a thirty years' succerraftS prac
tice, that the alarming ormispocnce. of eelfabute may
be radically cured without the dtngerous nee of inter
red medicine or the application of the knife; pointing
out a mode of cure at once simple, ecstatic, and effec
tual. by mean. of which every sufferer, no matter what
hie coedit ion may be, may cure himself cheaply, pd.
cutely, and radically.
This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth
and every man in the lead.
Sent under real, in a plain envelope, to any addreeet
poet paid, on receipt of six cents, or two poet stamps.
Address the Publishers,
127 Bowery. New York; Pont Office DoX.-1586.
The Subscriber offers for sale, at Ids residence in
Sahel&le, Swag's County,
For farther particulan addresi,
Z. 133fITH,
Faird ale, 13inq'a Cormty. Ps.
Sept. L674.--33w4
Came Into the enclosure of the enbecriber on °reboot
the Ltal, day of September, 144. two calve*, one roan
and onrred. An , person by protlng proplrty kntPAl
tag charges can take the same. H. D. wrox.e.
Erldrewater,Septat, , 'll.—in - ..
F 4 R.
c _
tr ,
w IN
E!i i td 4 Iv 1
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WV, ..,4
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Imq 9. Q t . 47 iCR- bl
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• cc_g 0... a)
A new and excellent co lectl ,n, by W. 0. Perkins.
Will be warmly welcomed by Choirs, as the anthems
arc ontdUllullt. and sreJust what to needed for ••Open
ing" and "Voluntary" pieces.
Prt ce 75 Cents. Per Doz. $7.50.
The beet book or the Reason for Singing Reboots. By
H. R. Rthner sesleted by L. 0. tCrnerktn. Moak pets•
clpally aecznar. soli* of tho-moat (Enervating character
Price VA& $19.00 Per Doe
The New Church Musk. Book, by IL B. Palmer &sat--
ted by L 0. Emerson.genliemen whose previous book,
have been more anecoestal Lima any others. Please ex
1:76. XCI R. Z1.41.73M1111.61.
In 3 books. Price 33 cis. 50 cts, and 51.1 cts.
Perfectly adapted to graded duties. In Primary and
Glummer Bel:ionic By L. 0. Emmen and w. S. Tilden.
Already In successful rise In the schools,
re Lo n ld p lAy t a o ll dealers. Mbar book seat post paid for
Boston. nI B'dwsy. N. Y.
Sept. 2.-9 w. (May 20. 18TH.-Iy.)
.1171.1119 Snuurz. Practical Machinist. respectfully
solicits the patronage of all who may want Engines.
Millwork, Shafting.llangete. Pulley giddy be.
N. B.—Special attention paid to repairing.
New Mulford. Jane 10. '1,1.-Iy.
Binghamton Adverthoments
FOOT & italrZero
Merchant Tailors,
Opposite Exchange note)
Gonts' Forllislim Gook
W.t extend a cordial Invitation to tag public to call
and czataine oar
ICIF" Our Motto te, Not to be Undersold.„/ES
JOEIN C. FOOT. - - 0. N. BAWL=
Binghamton, N. Y., Oct. Ttb. I tiN.
At No. 33 Court Street,
Ls we bare fast returned from the etti of New York
after pardoning • Mtge and well selected Mock of
of all kinds bought trom first bands, we are now pre•
pared to offer goods at prices that will satisfy the
closest boyar. We have also added to one large stock
of Dry Goods, an Immense stock of CLOTU, CASBI,
.ILEIten,aND BEAVtiftB Mel/fen and 'Wyman:.
We are now prepared to make
who will ere net till as we boil:Wet elan aanninee
mowed lor the season. . - - •
Ladies and Genuemen,Yee will call andonul*
Inc our stock before , youpurchaae elsewhere.
TharilrJul fur past rayed', we hope for a coati:koala:l
of the same. .
We remain, Toon Reeped.fully, .
„ .
0.41; 4CORTEST-
Binghamton, Sept. 23, 1814.—tf.
Legal Notice'',
ESTATE.,-Tbe undersigned Administra
tor of the estate of D. Harris Quick, dead, will
sell by auction on the premises in the township
of Rush, on Tuesday, October 27th, 1874, at II
o'clock a. m.
situate In the township of Rush, County of
Susquehanna, State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows : On the north 'by lot
numbe r 87, on the south by lot number 121, On
the east by lot number 105, and on the west by
the west half of lot number 104. The north
east corner hereof being the south west cor
ner of a piece of land, the south half of lot
number 88, conveyed by W. D. Cope to Alfred
Estus. And all of said numbers being accord
ing, to and in contormity to and with a map
plan or draft of resurvey and subdivision, made
by Benj. T. Case, esq., of the Thomas Cope
tract of land in said county of Susquehanna,
containing about 50 acres, more or less, with
the appurtenances.
TERMS.—SSO on day of sale and balance on
final confirmation. •
IV.:4111r C. TILER, Adm'r
Sept. 30,;1874—w3
The undersigned, Administrator of the estate
ot Bridget McLean, dec'd, will sell by auction
on the premises In Friendsville, on
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1874,
at one o'clock p. m., the followlog property.
situate in the Borough ot Friendsville, County
of Susquehanna, and State ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described,' as follows On the
north and east by lands of James Cooney, on
the south by the Milford and Owego Turnpike
road, on the west by lan. s of Michael Dow,
containing about two and one-half acres of
TERMS.—Caab on final confirmation of sale.
J. a. RILDDENG, Adm'r.
Sept. 30, 187&—w4.
A UDITOIIII NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Auditor
Jo/ appointed b distribute Common .leas of Suss
quelmona County. to the hinds - in the bands
of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate
of John Phillip., will attend to the duties of hie ap
pointment at the office of Warren dS Son, to Montrose, 7
on Tuesday. October 57 , 1874 , itt one o'clock, p. m., at
which time and place all persons Interested In said
fund mud present their name or be former debarred
front coming In upon said fund.
A. 0. WAIZELIM, Auditor.
Montrose, Sept. 50, '74.—w4
A 1131TOR*S NtrgiClL—The undersigned, an anditat
LS. appointed by the Co:at of Common Please of Sus.
quehanna County, to distribute the funds in Sherife
hands arising from the sale of real estate of Alm=
Wallet. will attend to the dpliesof his appointment, at
his office in kiontrose. kiiMday. Oct. garb. Iffra, at One
o'clock. D. m„ whim - and where all persons interested
to said fond will present their claims or be forever
debarred from coming in on said fund.
A. W. fIatTIIOLP„ Auditor,
Montrose. Sept. 3), 1574.—we.
A lIHITOR'S NOTlCH...Thitmaessigned as Audi.
. for sprinted bi eagle? ) Qs, Common d Pleas of
t u
sole "u t ' o he ' '.°ll'4 7 .;fon; fritgett?..° thu d s to the
estate of Wm, Hagar, will attend to the duties or Ws
appointment. at tbo office of W. H. &H. C. Jessup lit
Montrose, on Saturaar, October 1.174, at I o'clock p.
m when all parties Interested to said fond will present
their dolma or be forever &buret front coming :Dup.
on said fend.'
H. C,710-811A, Anddor.
Sept. 23, 14.--tw
A lIDITORB NOTICh.—Tne undamped baring been
appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, of Sus
quehanna county, an Auditor to distribute the funds in
hoods of thothherill. miming from the gale of the real
estate of T. W. llughes, will attend to the • utles of bla
apps torment, at the Grace of Prude? • Crossman in
Montrose, on Monday, Oct. 26, litT4, at 000 ONSOe#SIII
At walch Limo and place ail persons Interested will ap
pear an. present their claims, or be forever debarred
from coming to on said fund.
W. CHOElfirdAlf. Auditor,
Montrore.flept. 1271,—W2.
A UDITOII.B NOTICE.—The uneeraltreed, Audi.
ZOIL tor. appointed by the Orphans' Court of flunee
banns County to distribute funds In the bands of the
Admini.trator of theestate of E W Frazier, dcc'd,wW
attend to th e duties of his appointment at Wont:deo in
Montroee,on Thursday, Nov. 6; Mk at 1 O . CIOCk,
when all persons may present their claims Gibe foresee
D. W. BEAGLE, Auditor
'Montrose. 5ept.23,18:4L-4n-48.
The Poole's DruE Start
IL IrEEMOIL Mamba & Apothecary
;T:N0340W41111041)01114:..1 Dii1141):1 (dile
The undersigned would respectfolly announce to all
the people everywhere, that to his already extensiv
stock and variety ol Merchandise in the Grocers, PTO
vlsion.and hardware line.
lie has settled a v ry choice assortment of PURE
FITMENT, &c.. which he Utters him. if he Can flame
the public' they will find it to their advantsge to ELM
lee before purchasing elsewhere. To allPhystelaus In
this section of the county he would respectfully an
nounce that he has secured the services of R. Heaton.
as Druggist and Apotheary. whose long vrotrience and
acknowledged care sod ability. entitle him to your en
the conadence In the line of compounding medicines
or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem
It an especial raver to receive calls from toy of his old
customers or new ones. Wll/ make.the Patent Medi
cines. specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral
Waters—nu extensive acct. Also flee Orocetles—
In fact, anpthi az sad ever, MI Dr that to ordinarily
ed. Ropectitilly eolleltleg a call I remit&
Powder! Powder! Powder!
Blasting. Ride and Shot Powder, Shot. Lead, Gm
Tubes, Cape, Pouches, Flasks, Fuse, Be,
de., Be., for eats by ::
I. N. arLLeart.
Montrose, Sept. 9, 1814—tf.
Restorative Balsam
Also,—A sure Care for Abe PILES.
No Pay.
No Cure
Address all On!era to the Proprietor.
New /Word.
The Sdpenillolll of Silver Lake townehtp, will let the
bnlldlagot a new road, on
Saturday, Oct. 24ta, at 1 p. in.
SOO read to be built fmm the Franklin townetlp See
tour John bleabeht.) to Naomi the now read ran.
otos to Silver Lake.
LORENZO STONE, etsperdsory.
MI persons us , bcreby foraldden to pay ft. Eihateit
the amount of a 'tort/Lin ' nobs given by me to atm for
00, sometime at the month ofasptamba.ltrat, to rue
use far, as the ti 11 wtttoiat coasionatioo,
- L. 4417DE10N,