The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 14, 1874, Image 2

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    rat: DEMOCRAT.
H:1 111.111" & CO., &Wore
W ednesday, Oct. 14, 18 74.
Demelcraili State Ticket
of Berks County.
of Westmcirehrod County.
uf Green county.
of I'h lade;ph
Democratic County Ticket
of Bradford
ft" MolitrOST
cuiw,Torn ER BYRNE,
.10111 11. FITZ:AMNIONS,
of .` , Vggeithanita Depot.
!1 Munirose
cilithTuPilliit GENE,
at Great Reool.
of Laihrop.
Gad•] &lobed in New York, on Saturday
night last, at 110.
Hon. F. M. Crane is announced in the
Wayne Co. Herald us th.• Democratic
c indmate 'or Presidt nt Judge of the ju
dicial district composed of Wayne and
Pike counties, no regular Democratic
nomination haring been accomplished.
The Democrats ni - Gedrgiu swept every
thing before tie in the election fur
members of the leg!siwure yesterday.—
The party still have a majority of 205 on
joint ballot in the next general assembly.
There is one etude under native rule, and
we do not hear loud complaints of
shed and tyranny within its borders. IF
the white people of Lnuisiana and South
Carolina were in power they would
presumably act with as much considera
tion. This is not,of courSe. an argument
for giving them rice without election
but for trusting them in ease they are
elected.—Ch imp) Tribune.
Distinct Objections to A.G. Olmstead.
Ist. When a member of the State Sn
ate, lir. Arthur G. Olmstead. the pub•
[Man candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
voted for the mile million steal, by which
the State Treasury was to be depleted of
that amount of bonds, and he was one of
the concocters of the scheme.
2d. While a State Senator and repre
senting the district directly concerned,he
assisted in the passage and voted for the
infamous Tioga act_ which authorized
landlords to turn' their tenants out of
doors, at any tnne‘of year, upon ten days,
31. He voted for all measures presert
ed to the Legislature designed to put the
negro on an equality with the white man,
to make bin) a voter and juror, force him
int, cars and a'l public conveyances and
places of assemblage, cemeteries, church
es, schools, &c., and is an open advocate
now of Sumner's infamous Civil Rights
bill, which attempts to force social equal
ity in all respects, under heavy tines and
4,enalties, and forces the negro into all
public schools, to he the associate and
coml. anion of white children.
The Situation In Loulaanu.
The St. Louis Globe a leading Republi
can journal of the West thus closes an
aide Article on the situation in Louisiana
with an application to the condition of
its party in Missouri:
We have had plenty of hard knocks,l
during the past twelve months, and our
endurance has been pretty severely tested.
It in Louisiana the representatives of
republicanism /Mail sl ow that their only
method of gaining poser is by !minipil
l:tying the hallat boxes. as their only ten
ure, o f power is the preseihe of United ,
States troops, they will have done as
much in their way to render the party
odious and to ruin it. as the republicans I
of Missouri buve done in their way.—
Here the ground is taken that republican- j
ism is something so obnoxious and so.j
disgraceful that it must be disguised in
a livery before decent men will nonsent
to associate with it, and the doctrine is
taught that it is better to crouch and
abase ourselves before our natural enemies
content to endure the kicks we recieve
so long a the crumbs of office are held
before us as an inducement to remain in
our humiliating attitude. This is- not
calculated to inspire the patriotic citizen
with an enthusiastic admiration for the i
beauties of republicanism. It is, it pos
sisle, even worse than that lordly pride
which asserts the prerogative of party by
saying to dB oppouente, "Yes,gentleman,
you may have your men to look on while
the votes are being cast, but nut
while they are being counted. A fair
division of political duties prescribes that
you may vote, but we will count." Hut
either variatioh of rascality is alien to I
true republicanism, which should be on
its guard against them, sad keep them
Our Congressman
We copy the following from the Brad
ford Argus, which comes to us abundent
ly endorsed by private correspondence,
and perscual mentions, not from Dem
ocrats, but from a large number of the
hor•est men of the lb publican party of
his own county, who intend to seal their
opinion with their votes. Let ttie Dem
ocracy of this county AWAKE! and JO
ieph Powell may be our nest represent:,
Live in congress.
Our standard bearer for Congress is
gentleman so well known to the business
men of Bradford, that the simple men
tion of his name, among those with
whom he hilt) held uninterrupted busi
ness relations for twenty five-years, would
be all the notices necessary to make in
this, his native county ; but since our
district stretches from the borders of the
Toga, to the Deleware river, embracing
a people with whom we have never here
tofore held political relations; a brief bio
graphical sketch of our candidate is ap
pended for the information of his dis
tant constituent&
Joseph Powell was born and reared
farmer until his eighteenth year, upon a
farm within one and a half miles of this
village. At that age he commenced the
career of a merchant clerk, in the store
of Thos. Elliott in Towanda, with whom
be cmitinued for a period of five years .
devoting from ten to fifteen hours per
day to the work and management of the
mi..cellaneous duties of mercantile
when such duties embrieed every depart
ment, from fireman to book-keeper.
'Faithful in the thscnarge of his duties,
truthful in all the business relations of
life, and trustworthy to an unlimited
credit, his word has been his bond, and
for all these years, in which his name and
reputation have been prominently con
nected with the people of Bradford coun
ty in business relations, they will chal
lenge the most searching investigations
on the score of integrity and fair deal-
There is not in all the community a
man who is giving employment to mor r
labor. or dispensing the means of support
to a greater number of fan dies.
It it safe to say, that for the past ten
years, not less than one hundred families
have derived their employment, directl%
from him, and many more through ope
rations, with which his is, in•ttreetly, the
dispensing hand.
Mr. Powell has never sought nor occu
pied public office; it is only at the urgent
solicitations of that large class of men
who feel that corruption must be check•
ed, peculation cease, and integrity sur
round the reputation of the man whom
they delegate to represent their hitherto
neglected interest, that he now permits
his name to be used as a candidate for
member of Congress.
Corning from the people,chosen by the
people, let his election take place at the
hands of the people ; and we make the
declaration front a life-long knowledge of
the man, that his every o f ficial on and
cited, will square to the line of public ex
The Happy Family
Under the head of "Dog eat," we
last week printed extracts from a letter
written by Laporte on Elsbree, and also
a communication rota Elsbree on
Laporte's, "Salary Grab" record .Elabree
sends to Harrislawg, and secures the offi
cial record, on Laporte, and prints in the
last Jiurna/. We make the following ex
Editor Journal—Dear Sir :—I take
this opportunity to correct an error in
my communication of last week, not
wishing to defend mys-If against any
attacks which have been or may be made
upon me by Mr. Laporte, insomuch as I
am not a candidate for any office, and
consequently of no importance in any
way to the voters of this congressional
district, on which account the gen tl,tnan
will nut succeed in his attempt to divert
attention from himself by the old, ruse of
the real thaef seltiug up the cry of slop
thief. And in making this correction I
will give your readers an exact copy of
the official records which I have since
procured from Harrisburg. They are as
Banxitohmew Larva:a. SESSION or 1 KZ.
April 15, 1055—0 n question of Increasing salary of
Members to WO, Mr. Laporte voted - yea. • as appears
from I..egtels Ore Record of that date. See also House
Journal, page 052..
The salad of Members was formerly Viper day .
For 3ession of 1055 Mr. Laporte drew on sal.
Mileage, 94.1 tulles circular (R, 15e. pr. mlie,
Total' (Bee Holm Journal. page 1077) , S6l 00
For Seliflon or 16G Mr. Laporte drew on talc , ' WO 00
MM.:axe, 800 mtles 15e. per mile .. OD
Stationery 4500
Total. (Fee I eglelatlve 7C.0.) $ $45 00
Total al:400W shown, two Scatloos.... ... $1.2'_400
He then Foos on to say :
) 7, o see Mr. Editor, by the above ex
hibit what the gentleman has dove for
the "honest producing class," which he
now calls upon so earnestly to turn out
and put him in nomination. His first
public act, as shown by the above copy
of the official records, was a vote to in
crease the salary of himself and other
members. His second and last official
act of the Session of 1855 was to charge
and take pay for nine hundred and
forty-one miles travel, (not 970 miles as
charged last week) the distance from
Asylum to Harrisburg being less than
one hundred and fifty miles. Voters,
"producing class," honest men, mark : it
is just nine hundred and forty-one ?niles.
This fixes a fearful record on Laporte,
especially when it is ',Mown that he has
been very noisy against salary grabbers.—
It not only fixes upon him the fact that
he is a salary grabber, but what is worse,
that he is one of the originators—one of
the fathers, as it were, of the principle
of "grabbing' from the public treasury.
How he is to dispose of this damaging
record, we cannot conceive. We know
that candidates for office always get up
some plausible pretext in explanation or
extenuation of evil doing; but we eau
readilyi see, just at till; time, and under
the prviseut extraord nary political fetl•
atti g the people, that this record
will sti to him tighter than a tick."
BradArd Argus.
Gobbing Graves
But{FALo, October B. The recent
grave of Are. Richard J. Carey, at. Holy
Cross ?cemetery, was robbed on Tuesday
night.? The out side case of the coffin
and th• shroud were left lying on the
groutt'd. The officers to-day entered the
Buffalo Medical College with search war.
rants .aid found the body of Mrs. Carey
and fi ur others. The students were sur
prised while at work dissecting them,
and Ohiet}-nme students veers captured
and taken in pruc‘ssion to the Police
Court. Justice \a,ll released them on
parole to appear a hen wanted. There is
much excitement over the affair.
The Mormon's Coanoil
SILT LAKE ('try. October 0. The
Modmon conference still continues.—
Twelve thousand of saints were present
yestierdar. George Q. Cannon spoke for
two; hours on "The Order of Enuch,"
auk soundly rated the bishops for stand
ing the way of its t.doption. lie says
he knows by divine revelation that it is
theltight plan. Over fifty missionaries
hare been appointed Lo labor in the Unit
ed States and only Live in Europe.
The Democratic Victory
41:111:!iTA, Ga.. October 6.—As far as
hoalrd trot only three counties in Geor
gia}—Liberty, Newton and Glynn—huge
got 'e Republican. The indications are
tint the ent•re delegation in the peat
Cot gross will be Democratic.
--.... ,m......-
1 leosaton's Bondsmen.
a itIE rt
NV Vok, October 7.—Messrs Wood
and Robinson, partners of Frank D.
Nblulton, this merning became his bonds
me6 for his appearance upon the indict
mebt found against him for slandering
Rei - . 11. W. Beecher.
re the only medicines that will cure Pul
l:try Consumption.
j requently intalhines that will stop a cough
I occasion the death of the patient ; they
up the liver, t .1, the circulation of the
Limon huge lotion's, and in fact, they
the action of the very organs that caused
her Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes
wo-thirds or the cases ot Consumption.—
v persons complain of a dull pain in the
f, constipation, coated tongue, pain in the
uhler-blade, feelings 01 drowsiness and rest
ness, the food Icing heavily on the stomach,
inpanicil with acidity and belching up of
• d.
hese symptoms usually originate from a
-.ordered condition of the stomach or a torpid
ersons so affected. if they take one or two
heivy colds, and if the conch in these cases be
suddelly checked, will find the stomach and
livcr cloggcd, remaining torpid and inactive,
and almost belore they are aware the lungs are
a inass of sores, and ulcerated, the result of
which is death.
schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is an.expectorant
%Opel, does not contain opium or anything cal
culated to cheek a cough suddenly.
S'cliench's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food
mies with the gastric juices of the stomach,
aids digestion, and creatt. a ravenous appetite,
When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or
the sj•mptoms otherwise of a billions tendency,
Schenck's Mandrake Pills are required.
These medicines are prepared only by
J. 11. Ss'IIENCK
N E. corner Sixth and Arch Sts., Phila.
And for sale by all druggists and dealers.
New Advertisements
NECCTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamea•
ra tars to the e.tote ul Erl Gregory Into of Bridge
water township.dechl. have been granted to the under
d. all person. , Indebted to said estate. are ngnest•
ed to make liumedinie payment, and Moae taming
claims ag , ,lnst • I.e.sarne, are requested to present them
without &lay.
AMI ELY. Ereentor.
Brooklyn. 0,1.10. 1171 —tea
Bohllshed as n warnirix and for the hentilir of Young
Moen and others who suffer from N'encora Dmtimiriv,
LoSe or wantion, etc , supplying the means of Self
Cute NV run•n I” one who cored himself after noder.
gaFc Ctol,oll , .rabie quackery. and sent free on receiving
a pp•t paid direr ten envelope.
raufferers are invited to addreas he author
1' 0. Box MU. Brooklyn, R. Y.
New Fall Goods,
a ati4.l
Arrii hag and opening daily during the 11C11 , 0D at
GilttodorE, Rosolitom, & Co's.
The undersigned will sell at Public Auction,
Oefober 111 st, 167 , 1, at his residence, in Rush,
Pa o the following property to the highest and
ine cows, 7 two-year old heifers, 1 two year
old bull, 6 yearlings, (5 heifers,) 1 calf, 13 horses
and harness, 1 mowing machine, 1 fanning mill
1 thrashing machine and cleaner, 1 lumber
wagoi., 1 platform wagon, 30 tone of hay, I
sheller, 200 bushels of oats. 200 bushels of
buy' wheat, I pair cattle, 100 bushels corn in
"PERMS. —Ali amounts under $2O cult, in
cluding bay and grain,balance one year's credit
with interest and approved security.
1 !will also tent my farm. of 200 acres, at the
saute time.
141911, Oct. 14, 1874.-2 w.
Phrsuant to an order of the Orphans , Court
usquelianna County, the undersigned will
sell he following described real estate, at pub
lic. s le. on the premises, on Friday, Nov 6,1874,
at Ilo'clock, p. in. The farm late of Old Peek,
decdased, situate in the township of New Mil
ford, County of Susquehanna, and State of
Penhsylvania, bounded on the north by lands
of the mate of—Ayres and F. W. Boyle ; on
the !east by lands of R. A. Johnson, A. B.
Smith, Henry Burritt, and John Boyle; south
by lands of—Robinson, and on the west by
land , of R. J. Vail and M. is iseman, contain
ing rne hundi.ed and filty-seven acres of hum
more or lsss.
Trists.—One hundred dollars down on day
of sale, $lOOO on final c nirmation, and the
balance one year thereafter, with interest from
final Icontirmution. and to be `secured by bond
and Mortgage Possession to be given April
let, '875.
ZAPS' F. PECH, Executrii.
64, 1874. 41-6 w.
CNTY, SS --Witenzes, 1. - M. B. Ilelme,
.Sot said County, having been informed
• existence of such contrivances for the
t ng of fish as arc commonly called or
n as fish baskets, cc, wires, kiddies, bush,
t inn nets, and other permanently set
it of taking fish, In the nature of a slave,
e of the streams and rivers in t aid county
in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of
mmonwealth of Pennsylvania,
! tit day of may, A. D. 1871, notice IS
given that such contrivances are known
t, and are declared by the said Act corn
uisances ; and the owners or managers of
the above named contrivances are here
eyed to dismantle the same, so as to rea
1m no longer capable of taking or Won- 1
fish of the streams of whatever kind
Snwinchamta comity, within tea days ,
of th
or fa.
in So II
the 2
to exi
mon I
any o
by or,
der (II
ing lb
in said
from the date of this notice ; and if, at the ex
piration of said ten days, the dismantling shall
not have taken place, I shall proceed to destroy
and dismantle the same In the manner provid
ed for m said Act of Assembly.
M. B. IiEL)CE. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct 14, 1874.
11NOT112E is hereby given to all persons con
cerned in the tolhming states, to wit
Estate of 'MMUS Reese, late of Gibson,
dec'd . David Reese, Faecutor.
Estate of Elias Nortbup, late of Liberty,
deed, Ruth Northup, Administratrix:
Estate or Minerva Post, late of Montrose,
deed, G. P. Little Executor.
Estate of Reuben Reynolds, late of Bridge-
water, decd, A. H. McCollum, Administrator.
Estate ot Robert Moore, late ot Bridgewater,
deed, Charles Avery, Executor.
Estate of Hiram S. Gifford, late of Great
Bend, deed. Galen Newman, Administrator.
Estate of Isaac Reckbuw; late of Great, Bend
deed, Vincent Iteckhow, Executor.
Estate of Nathan Aldrich, late of Brooklyn,
deed, Eliot Aldrich, Executor.
Estate of Daniel A. Baldwin, late of Great
Bend, deed, E. S. Baldwin, Adwinistratrix.
Estate of Samuel it. Depue, lute of Franklin
deed, Niche Depue and Samuel Truesdell, Ad.
minim ratora.
Estate of Jane Smyth, late of Bridgewater,
deed, Wm. C. Curtis, Administrator.
Estate of Wm. M. IVattersen, late of La
throp, deed, Jerusha Watterson, Administra
Estate of Eliza A. Ward, minor, Eliot Aid
rich, Guardian.
Estate of Lucy 8. Baldwin, minor, E. Gill,
That the accountants have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office in and for the
county of Susqufkanna, and that the same will
be presented to the Judges of the Orphans
Court, on Thursday, N ov, 12, 1574, for con
urination and allowance.
N. TIFFANY, Register.
Register's Office, Oct. 14,'74.
The Cheapest Place
•4: 1 1 , 4-111.74/ -7* 0-i
Phelps Bank Building,
81....0713433811:ETC111V, 1'47. IT
IVe are Agents for
Oelebrated Hand-Out Files,
The Beet in the World 1
Binghamton. Oct. 14th, 1974.
"ccf - S0
- ~~ ~.
Blacksmiths' Supplies,
Ag rite for
El woe it's !Stool —cods.
And the Improved
87 Washington St,
Oct. 14th, 165.-1 y
Issued by the Court of Common Plemi of Borgne.
brume County and to me directed. I will cartoon to tale
by public reunite, at the Court Route in Montrose, on
Friday, Nov. dth, 1874,
at I crelorJr., p. m.. the following pleaca or parcels of
laud to wit •
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the town
ship of Thomson, in the County of Suquehartna and
Suite of Pennsylvania, bounded and described u fol.
lows to wit On the north by public highway, on the
east by Linde of L. F. Searles and F. A. Crozier, on the
south by lands of Griffin Cook, and on the treat by
lands of Wm. Witter and D. IL Bled. mintalning about
two RCM of land, more or rms./with the appurtenances
a one soda half story dwelling house with wing barn,
shop. some fruit trees, and all improved. ((Taken in
execptlon at the snit of Sylvester King es D. M. Bur
dick, President; E. C. Dow, Secretar) ; Wilson T.
Stone, and P. b. Cargill.]
ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land eltnato to the
township of Springville, In the County of tinequehan•
us, and btate at Pennsylvania, bounded and dennbea.
55 follows, to wit: On the nom by land of N. P.
I.oonals, on the mat by public highway, on the south
by the abutment of bridge over the If eshoppen creek,
and on the west by the kleshoppen creek, containing
about 4 acres of land, more or lees with the specific
num., one frame house and shop, some (milt treos,snd
neatly all Unproved. (Taken in execution at the snit
of Thorium Kintner vs. John W. Grow and E. T. Bald
whAYSO—ill that certain plena or
rued of land alto.
ate in the township of auburn, in the County o Sas
nt's, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as lollows, to wit : On the north by land of
James Lott, oa the east hy lauds of Wei. N. Bennett,
on the eoutb by lands of Milton Harris. A. D. Tesehs.
bury, and John &URI% and on the west by land of
John Seiler , containing about 4 acres of lan d, more cr
with the appurtenances, dwelling hotalls, barn,
new More house, a good orchard, and all Improved.—
(Taken In execution at the stilt of O. L. Swisher vs.
Willlant White and L. C. Swisher.
. - •
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land Situate
In the township of Jacluwa, In the County of Basque.
banns and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and till
cribed as follows, to wit: On the northeast by Lunde of
George Curtis, on she aonthaut by lands of Lewis
'Marsh and Anthony Statnback, on the southwest by
land of Reuben Dill. sod on the northwest by lands of
Bows Aldrich and C. EL Estabrooks. containing 164
acres of land, more or less, together with the ipporte
minces, one frame dwelling house, 4 baba, an °retard,
and about 10 acres Improved. (Taken in execution at
Me nth of Hyphen DIP Ts. John Efendrieliton.l
ALOO-1111 - lhat oafish! piece or parcel of lied situ.
ate In the township of Lenox. In the County of Bascom.
Intone and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and desert..
ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lanes of L.
Doran, on the east by lands of Wm. Pratt, Win. D.
Miller. and 11. Coleman, on th e south by lends of Wm.
Pratt, and ott the west by lands of B. P. Breed, con.
t doing 120 &CMS, mom o r ter, with the apportenanma,
one fume house, barn and sheds, and other ont band.
logs, 9 orchards, and about 00 acres hoorayed. [Taken
in execution a; the inilt:of Charles A. Hunter, sniped
to A. W. Gardner, vs. Mary Gardner Adm's of John A.
Gardner, thm'd, and Nathan K. Chase, T. TA
ALSO—AII that certain piece of parcel of land situ.
ate In the borough of Susquehanna Depot, in the Coun.
ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound.
ed and described as follows, to wit: On the north by
land of Wm. C. Frith , on the cast by Grand street, on
the south by land of Jemes Tinhorn. and ou the nest
by Miser street. mmtalning K acre, or there abord.with
the appurtenances, one two story dwelling house, and
all Improved. (Taken at the suit of J. A. Lyons. as.
!Opted to E. 1. Carr. vs, Hixam Hush and James IL
ALSO—Ad that certain piece or parcel of land situ.
ate In the township of Ararat. to the County of Sue
quehanna sod State of Pennsylvania. bounden and des.
ertbed as follows. to wit: On the north by lands of
Wet. Bowen and lands now or late of William Wilson.
on the east by lands of Nelson Vo-ter, Ellsha item
mad H. td. wheeler. and on the Noah and west by lands
Of Moms. Nichols &Cu., containing about 151 acres,
more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame house.
frame borne, and other out building.. 2 orchards. and
about 70 scree improved. (Taken In execution at the
colt of K. I. Carr. essigoed to Thompson lklle, va.
Peter Dunn and Z. K. Dunn.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the borough of Montrose. in the County of One.
minium:ma and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows. to wit: On the north by land con
tracted to J. A. Howell. en the east by public highway,
on the south by land of D. 'W. Glidden, and on the
west by land of J. A. Howell, containing about lx of
an acre,
more or less,with the appnrtenances,one frame
''.wellinghouse, some fruit sod ornamental tree.. and
all Improved. (Taken In execution on sundry writs vs
Geo. Il Ow gr..]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel aloud aituate
In the township of Moloch. to the County of Susque.
henna and State of Peonsylvanla. bounded and &writ,
ed as follows. to it:w On the north by bonds of J.
Toting. on the south by land of James Martin. on the
cast by lands of Thomas Jonas and—Griswold, and
on the west by lands of—lllsleys, containing 100
acres of laud. more or less, and about no acres Improv
ed. 'Taken In execution at the snit of S. P. Lane, use
of 11. C. Tyler, vs. Geo. T. Corwin.]
All that certain piece or parcel of land nitrate in the
township of (heat Bend, In the County of Sunquehan
na and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and deem lived
as follows to wit: Beginning at a stake. and stones in
the corner of lands raw or formerly ai Lee Smith.
thence north se.( degree,east 643 and sir tenths rods to
corner of lands °templed by McDaniels. thence north
SO de:linen and 50 minutes next by McDaniel's land 73X
rods to a stone near the went aide of the highway.
thence north 105( negreen east 41 rod* to an ulna stump
thence north IX degrees cant rods to a birch coo
ling, thence east 715 rode, thence month 10X d. frees
east by line of Dante 69 and 50 100th rods to an original
corner, thence ninth 1 and 37 minutes went 71.4 rods to
a stake and stones, thence month 1 degree west 150 rods
to a chestnut stub, thence north Sr. degrees and 5 min
Men west 61 rode to a corner s thence nouth 2X degree,
went 84 rods, thence south FM( degrees east la.; rode
to rant bounds of cold tract, thence nontherlv along the
name 44 rode to a point 40 and leer teethe rode from
the shutheast corner of sold tract. thence westerly par.
allot with the sonth line and along port of *aid south
line 465 rods to place of beginning. containing 1000
acre. of land, more or leas with the anpurtennoces. 4
frame honors, t bar pa, Hearn saw mill. and about 175
acres improved. Also another piece of lend altnate In
Liberty township, County and State afoi enalii, bonnd•
ed and described as follows, to wit : Being the whole
of original lota numbered 67, GS. 75, and 76, lying to
gether In the tract formerly of S A Law and contaln•
in in all 443 and 11 100th sores of !and, ,
is surveyed
by Wm. Wentz. April 10. 1856. excepting from the
above descnbid premise, that rent win parcel of land
sold to Aaron Young by deed dated Peb 29, 1668, sitn•
ate to the town of Great Rend. County of Susrynehanr a
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded sod dearribed as
follows On the west by a lot owned by Doctor Ed
ward Eldridge, on the math by the sham mill lot con
usining 50 acres, more or lens, being known an the lot
formerly contented to Joseph Hendrickson, being the
name premises tonveyed by said Content and wire to
sold Burns. [Taken in exerntlon at the suit of Wm.J.
Coutant, aßeigned to Aaron Young. va. John Borne.l
ALSO—AII those two certain pieces nr pareely 41f laud
situate In the towoehip of Middletown, In Sneyneltain.
ne county and State of Pennsylvania. bounded end
dencribed an follows : The first hooaded en the north
by lands of John Parnelle, Corantlne Galnaht and
Samuel Williams. on the cant 11): lands of John Condon
and Timothy Murphy, on the tooth by land of .1. W.
Dodge and on the went by land. ofJeokio .toner. Mary
Priebord and Samuel William,. containing ahout 105
, acres of land more nr lens, with the appurtenances. 2
frame dwelling haus., t frame hums andotb, out
I buildings. 1 orchard and mostly improved. The sec
ond piece bounded on the north by land of Jansen San
derson. and George Jones, on the east by land of
Thomas Jelin* and S. Dodge on the a nth by land of
David Thomas and on the went by land of Edward
Jones end George Jones. containing about 40 acre of
laud mare or less, mostly imoroved. [Seized and taken
in eseention on Sundt, writn of fl fa re I. ('.1,04.1g,1
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ.
ate in the township of Brooklyn in Snsonehan na Coun
ty and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of—Mon
roe and Ansel Sterling on the east by public highway
leadldg from Brooklyn to Ilopbottom, on the south by
lands of Ferdinand Whipple and en the tVOnt by land
of Ansel Sterling. containing 80 seen of land more or
less. with the appurtenances. 1 frame divot gm; house x
bans and out houses, I orchard and mostly improved.
'Seized and taken in execution or a writ of fa vs.
/oseph M. Kinner and lj C. Einner
ALSO—AII that certainpiece or lot of land situate
in the township of New Milford, In the County of Sus.
quehanna and State of Penn•ylvant ,bounded and de
crlbed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of
Mrs Hatch. on the south by lands of F. W. Bo) le. on
the east by public highwayand on the west by lands of
F. W. Boyle, containing 140 perches of laud he the
came more or lees, with the anpurtensuca, I dwelling
house, and out betiding. and all improved. [Seized
and take.. In execution on a writ vs Deonls McDonald
and Thom. Tierney T T
ALSO—AII that certain piece or unreel of land site.
ate In thelltoonships of Liberty. Franklin and Great
Bend, In the County of Snstmehanna and State of
Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows. to
Wt t On the north by lands of Chidestet and Mott, on
the coot by F. Bead and others. on 'he smith b• I els!,
Travis. and on the west by lands of Travis and Marsh.
containing about KS acres of I n 1 more or leas, with the
appurtenances, I frame dwelling house, Bbarnc end oth
er nut buildings, an orchard, and shout CO acres Im
proved. [Seized and taken In execution:on a welt es.
Ellen R. Cooley.)
ALSO—AII those two piece.; or parcels of laud sit ante
In the township of Lenox, In the County of Su-rim:Mt
na and State of Pennsylvania, botnded and described
as follow+ to wit On the cast by lands of Emery Hard
ing, OD the conch by lands of VI re. Barber and Otis
Williams, on the west by lands ttf Jesse Howard. and
OD the north by lands of Horace Tingley. containing 62
acre, more or leas, with the appurtenances, I dwelling
house, Slam., an orchard of about 50 acres. and all Ira
proved. The mound piece bounded and described as
folios.: On the east by lands of Jesse Howard, en
the south by lands of Oils Williams, ilenry.Cook, and
—Barney. on the west be lands of B B Hobbs and
Alonzo Ransom. and on the -torn by land. of Alonzo
Ransom, George and Horace Tingley, containing 90
acres of land more ur less, with the appurtenances. one
dwelling hon., 1 barn, an orchard of about 73 trees,
and shout AO acres improved, [Taken In executi to at
the suit of Chow re, Brothers ea. Jesse Howard I
ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land sheltie
in the township of Springville. en t) of Susquehan
na. •nd Shama Pennsylvania, hounded and described
as follow.. to wit : On the north by public highwer,on
the mist by land of 0. T. Spencer, on the smith by lard
of A. C. Luce. and on the west by land of F. L. Fish.
containing about X acre of la .d, with the apportenan
C.P. • few fruit trees, and all improved. [Taken In ex•
erntton at the cult of A. Httlenbender &, Co. ve W, A.
Welch ]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Auburn. county of Susquehanna
and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described a.
whores. to wit Beginntag at a post and stones the
southeast corner hereof and the northeast corner of a
lot numbered 113 upon said map, conveyed he the said
W. H Cape to Jam. Benny and extending thence
went along the north line of last mentioned lot. H 5
perches and seven tenths of a perch to a poet and stones
and the southwest corner hereof, In the exterior boun
dary line of said Thom. P. Cope'* tract. thence north
IX degrees mutt 64 and four tenths perches to a post
and atones, thence west 13 and nine tenth* perches to
a post and atones, thence north 15f degrees west 5 and
three tenths percbee to a poet and grottos the northwest
corner hereof. In the aforesaid exterior bounder) liar,
thence east 159 st six tenths perches to s post and stones
in the dividing line between lote.No Zia and 927 thence
south along last mentioned line 69 nod seven tenths
Perch. to the place of beginning, containing about 63
acres and nine tenths 01 an acre, more or lets, with
the ennui..ices, 1 frame house trams barn and out
buildings g orchards and mostly improved.
_`Token In
execution on sundry writs &Ara Ca. JOhn W. Lott,l
M. B. FIELBLE . Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, lion;rosc, Oct. 7, It
o pursuance of tho provisions of the Constitution
and election laws of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. 1„ M. B. HELM E. High bheriff of. the County
of hereby give notice to the electors
of said t aunty the. all election will be held In said
County on
Tuesday, November 3d, 1894,
eing the Tuesdnr next following the arnt Monday In
November] at which time the following officers will be
elected. to wit:
Two person to MI the office of Jodgoo of tho Supreme
Court of tbu Commonwealth of Peonsyllaultt.
One person to all the Mike of Lieutenant Governor
of the Commonwealth of Permvylven la.
. .
One person to nil the office of Auditor General of the
COmmonwealth of Penosylvsnia.
One pen-au to fill the office of Secretary of internal
Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pent sylvan la,
One person to fill the office of Representative In Con
grese (or the district composed of the counties of Sus
.quehanta. Bradford, Wayne and Wyoming.
One person to fill the office of Senator In tho (tenet
al Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania kr
the diStrlct eompascd of the Counties: of Sumneltenos
and Wayne.
Two pens ons to AU the off i ces of Raprerentatlves to
the Genetal Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania for the County of $ csonebmna.
One pervon to Oil the office of Metric! Attorney for
said County.
One person to All the office of County Commissioner
for told County.
One person to till the office of County Surveyor for
said County.
One person to fill the office of County Auditor for said
I also hereby make known end give notice that the
places of holding the aforesaid general election In the
several wards. borough,, districts, and townships with
in the County of Susonehanoi are as follows, to wit
The Election for the district composed of the tther
ship of Apalacois will be held at the boos° of Joeepo
Beebe in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Ammt will he held et the school house near the
Presbyterhuachnrch In said township.
.The Election for the district composed of the lowa shi o
of Auburn will be held at the house of James Lott In
said township.
The Election for the di etrict composed of the township
of Bridgewater will be held at the Court House In the
Buenay,•it of Montrose.
The Election for the district composed of the town
chaof Brooklyn will be held at the house of J111:11f19.
Lin and said thwuship.
Medicos Cos the dletrlct composed of the town:
*hip of Cbocontit will ho held at the school boos° near
Edward Clarkbi to said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Clifford will be held at the house late of John
Ilewetson In said township.
The Election for the district composed of the Borough
of Dundalf will be held at the Duda hotel to said
- • • • .
The Election for the dirttiet compered of the tewa•
shy of Dtmoelt will be held at the beetle late of T. tf,
Babcock In said township
The Election for the district composed of the town.
sGip of Forest Lake will be held at the house of Mrs.
Bertha Warner In said tosinshlp.
The Election for the district composed of the towns hi 13
of Franklin will be held et the school house straw J. Al.
Baker's In said township.
• . • • . .
• .
The Election for tne district competed of the Borough
of Friendevillo will be held at the school house in raid
The Election for the dietrict composed of the Borough
01 Brest Ber.d will be held at the house late occupied
by David Thomas In said Borough.
The Election for the district composed of the town•
ship of Great Bend will be held et the house late occupl•
ed by E. Barnum. dee.
The Election fur tee district romposed of the township
of Gibson will be held In the Ac.idetuy building In wild
The Election for the district composed of the township
of II artmd will be to Id at the house late of N. W. Weld.
run In said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Harmony will be held at the boner of H. Winter.
In paid township
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Herrick will be heldat the Herrick Centre School
House. In said towneldp.
The election for the diettict compared of the township
of Jackson will he held at the house ofJoseph Geary in
said township.
The Election for the tiletrict comprised of the town
ship of Jessup will be held at the house of Daniel Hog
in sale township.
The Election for thedistriet composed of the township
of Lo.hon will he heldat the house of Grow 8. Brothers
in sold township.
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of LI bcrty will he held at the Stanford School house
In said township.
The El. Mien for the district composed of the town
nhip of Lathrop will he held at the Hillsdale School
house in .old township.
rite election for the diAtrlet composed of the Eklreugh
of Little lie adowe will be held at the School Heuer in
cold Ihwough.
The elect lon for the dlatrlet componed of the toernahlp
of Middletown will be hold at the hum.° otOtle !tore In
.all towueltlit.
Thy Election for tbedlot net comport...l of the Borongb
of Atonic., will Ina held at the Court Mute In nnid
The Blurtlon for the district c, pored of the Borongh
of Neu Biliord will be held et the house lute of John
Baurot iu said Borough
The elect.). for the district coin pliteil of the townellin
id' idliford will be held at the, bon.. of Philander
rhinney. in the Borringh of New Milford,
The election for the district composed of the town.
ship of tinkland will be held at the hour. late of Thom
e. Stinson in said township.
The e/ectiots for the district compo.ed of the town
Otto of tittolt will held at the bongo of S.D. Snyder In
mold too
The election for the district rollllKiiitill of the town
ship of Springville will he held at the bonne late of
spencer. Elko: In said township.
The eleetton for the district composed of the town.
ithip of t .0-deer Lake will be held at the house late of It.
MOP. ri-tes In sold township.
The Election for the district composed of the rust
Wool of the Borough of 8.1110[mm:a Depot will be
held at the boose occupied by ( better G. Chaffee In sold
.• _ .
The Election for the diatrict compotted of the Second
Ward of the Borough of Suoinehanua Depot will be
held et the hoary occupied by Ambrose Benton In toad
The electoto for the district composed of the ware
ship of TIV.AOII will ho held at the hoaeo late of
Chester Stoddard is said townehl ri
I alto make known and give notice, at in and by the
131 k ',mien of act of July 2, 1071. directed. •'That
every pernon except Justices of the Fence, who Oval
hot Roy office or npnointment of profit or tenet under
the United Stales, or of this state, or of env city or in•
corporated dlntriet, whether a commissioned officer or
agent. who sour shall be, employed ender the Irgielative,
juilirlary. cr rzyrutive department of this State or
United states, or any city or tmoryoraled district ; and
e'en that every menthe, of Congrere, and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or common council of any
city nr crommisolonere of any incorporated di trict, le
by lee incurable ot holding or exercising at the 6.1.10 C
time. the Milos or appointment of Judge. Inspector or
t'lerk of any election of thle Commonwealth, and that
no Impector tie Judge or other officer of any ouch
election, shall he eligible to any office then to he voted
By the actor Aetietniily of July 3. 1533, It is also made
..the eely of every Mayor. Sheriff, Alderman, Justice of
the Peace, lionetable. of every city, county. township
or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called
upon by any officer of an election, or by three qualleol
electors thereof to clear any window or avenue to the
nactdow of the place of General Election which shall he
°helmeted In such a way as to prevent eaten from Op.
preaching the same ; and it shall he the duty of tery
rpective Constable of melt ward, clintrict or tow tidy
within Ode commonwealth, to be present in pen
by Deputy, at the place of holding election!, In
each card, dietnet or township, for the purpoie of
pottery lug the !once at &foretold "
.tier tont in the 4th section of the art of Assembly
entitled • An act relating to eecntionn and for other
purposes " approved April 111. x
11440, it te enacted that
the styrene Id 13th section, "shall not be construed a.
to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from
serving no Judge, inspector or Clerk at any general or
epodei election In this Commonwealth."
By an Art of Assembly approved the 17th day of
April, loaf, it le enacted that at — all elections hereaner
111.1t1 ruder the laws of thin Commonwealth, the polls
shall be opened between the hones of ele and seven
o'clock, a m . and close at 7 o'clock, p. M.
•• seclow I. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honer
f Representatives of the Commonwealth of Fenneyl
yenta in General Assembly met, and it to hereby ehtet
ed by the authority el the same, That the qualified
voters of the several counties of the Commonwealth,
at all eenerah township. borough, and special elections,
are hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to rote,
by ticket.. printed, or written, severally classified no
One ticket shall embrace the names of all
fudges of Comte voted for, and to be labled, movide.
•tjtuticlary ;" one ticket Phan embrace the names of all
state officers voted for, and labeled, — state," one ticket
fhali embrace the names of all county officers voted for.
Including office of senator, member, and members of
Assembly, if voted for, and members of congress, It
voted tor. and be Labeled, — county;" one ticket shall
et hence th:• tames of all township officers voted for,
and beta bet ed • itniliebip ;" one ticket shall embrace the
names et all horn
. en officers voted for, and shall be
labeled ••borough ; and each clan. obeli be deposited in
separate ballot-bozo,"
Witzuese, The Fifteenth Amendment of the COn-
Maunamt of the United States is as follows,
tt heertoe 1. The right of citizens of the United
States to rote shall not be denied or abridged by the
United Staten, or by any State, on account of race, color,
or prestous condition of servitude
SECT lON 2 The Congrenn 'hal I bare power to enforce
thin article by appropriate legislatton:
And Whereas, The CONETCBS of the United Staten, on
the 31.1 day of March, IKTO. panned an act, entitled
-An Act to enforce Me right of ettkene of the United Stake
to COO" In the 'trend Stake of the Union. and for other
nonxode." the first and socoLd sections, of which are as
,m..-mon 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and blouse of
Representatives of (he ("sired State, of America in Con.
ore. u.oribted. That all citizens of the United awes
who are, or shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote
at any election by the people, in any State, Territory,
Oleg-let, county, city, perish, townelp. school district ,
municitiality or other territorial sub divisions., shall he
entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections; with
out distinction of race, or color, or previous condition
•f servitude: any Constitution, law, custom, gisage,
regulation of any State or Territory. or by, or under Its
anthonty, to the eoutotry notwithstanding.
- 14serion 2.And be if .firrther enacted, 71st If by or
under the autnority of the Constitution or law, of any
State. or the laws of any Territory, any act le or shall
be required to he done as a prereonisite or goal tiltmlion
for voting, and by such Conant Whoa or late, person. or
officers are or shall be eharrro with the performance et
duties in furniahing to title.ns an opportunity cc per
norm such prerequisite, or to become walnut! to vote,
It shall he the duty of every such person and officer to
give to all citizen. of the t site States th• same and
equal opportunity to perform inch preremesite and to
become qualified to vote without distinction of race col
s, or previous condition of servitude; ono If any such
person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to at,
lot effect to this version, he shall, for every such offence,
forfeit and may the aunt of flee huodred dollars to the per
ion aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by sanction on
LW case, with full costs and such an allowance for coon
tees as the court shall deem Just, and shall algo, tot
every such offence, be deemed guilty of a iniodeineahor
and shall on conviction thereof, he tined not ices that
flee bondred dllars, or Le Imprisoned not teen than one
month and not ' more than one year, or Legit, at, the eae
cretion of the c0m1.."
An whereas, II to dociared by the second section of
the I article of the Canatitutlen of the trotted States,
that "Thin Constitution, nod the laws of the Vatted
State. which shall be made In pursuance therecl, abatl
be the supreme law of the land, • • • anythit g in
fAe Co.filution or laws 0/ any Mega to the contrary sut
And warms, The Legislature of thlsComtconwealtb,
on the oth day of April, A. D., 18 . 70, passed an act. en
titled "A furthersupplement to the act relating to site
tie. In this Commonwealth," thu tenth section sf
which provides as follows:
-seminar 10, That so much of every act of Asrambly
as provides that only white freemen shall he entitled ti
vote or to he registered as voters, or . claiming to vats
nt apy general or special election of this Commonwealth
be and the same le hereby repeated, and that bereaftei
all freemen. withontdiatinction of color, shall Da enroll
ed and registered according to the provisions of the
first section approved April rite, leis, entitled "An Act
Anther supplemental to the act relating to the elections
of this Commonwealth," and who n otherwise quallned
-under existing lona. be entitled to vote at all general
and special elections in this Commonwealth."
The mid above recited amendment and acts must be
exec. tedand obeyed by all nasessora. Winery! or .0.
tern, election officers, aud others, that the rights and
primieges guermoteed thereby may behmeured to all the
chino:is of this Commonwealth entitled to the same.
By the lath section of the act of Aeaerobly of Joon
an 30, 18:4, It is enacted that as soon as the polio shall
close, the °Meese of election shall proceed to count all
the votes emit fur each candidate voted fur, and make a
full return of the same in triplicate with a return sheet
in audition. in all of which the votes received by each
Candidate shall he glees after his or her name, first In
words and again In Ogruss, and shalthe signed by nil
of sold °Mews and certified by oyes seera. if any, or If
not se certified, the overseer, and any °Ulcer minting to
sign or certify, or either of them, shall write upon
each of the return. his or their reasons for not signing
or certifying them. The vote, gm soon .coonted.enall
Mao be publicly and fully declared from the window to
the citizens present, and a brief statement showing the
votes received by each candidate shall be made and
signed by the election officers ea soon as the vote Is
counted. and the same ahall be immediately posted up
on the door of the election house for infOrtnallau of
the public. The triplicate return( ,ball encicsed In
storelopcs and be sealed In preSence of the the °Ulcers,
and ono envelope anth the ndseriled return sheet,given
to the judge Which shall Contain one list of voters,
tally 'mope; and oaths of °Ulcers, nod another or sold
envelopes MI given to thy minority inspector. All
Jodgesliving Within lively. tulles of the prothonolary'a
oftice, or within t wentY , foar miles, If their residence
be Ina town. village. or city upon the line of a nultoad
leading to the county seat 'ball, before two o'clock
poet meridian of the day after thy election, and all the
other Judge, shall,before Melva o'cloik meridian of the
second (lay after the election, deliver said return, to.
gethof with return sheet, to Um Prothonotary of the
Court of Common Pleas of the comity which sold re
turn sheet shall be filed, and the day and hour of Ming
marked thereon, and shall be pr ter cd by the Prothop•
Mary for public Inspection. At twelve o'clock cut the
said second day kiwis Int; an y election, the Prothono
tary of the CUM' of CClMprod Pleb Present the
said returns to the Enid (loon. • ' •C *
[the reigrne preaente4 by the Prothonot ary shal o f fi c ersenol by said Court And oonguted by snob of its
and each sworn assistants as the Court shall appolnt,th
the pretence of the judge Or Judges of said Court, and
the returns certified, shall be mates matter of record to
said Coon. The sessions or said Court &reopen to the
public. • v • • And the other of
said triplicate returns shall bo placed In the box sod
sealed op with the ballots. • • • • •
WbeneVer a placebos been or shall be prorlded-by, trye
authorities or any city, county, toWneittp Or' boroughfor the safe keeping of the INtl{9t bozo; luie • judge erek
minority I orpector shall after the election shall be to.
tithed, and the ballot hoz or boxea containing the th.k.
eta. list of voters. end other pope a. have been securely
bound with tape and mated and the signature of the
Judge and Inrpectors taxed thereto, forthwith deliver,
the same, together with the remaining box., to the
Mayor and Recorder of such city, or In col:M[les, town.
ebtps or boroughs to each person or persons so the
owl of COnatnon Pleu• of the proper county MILT des.
"tote, at tare place provided as afutetraid. who +hall
then the *aid boom and keep the same to mi.
ewer the call of any Coon or tribunal authorized to try
the merit* Of each election.
The return Judges for the fifteenth Congressional din
trict, composed of the colonies of Susquehanna Brad
ford Wayne and Wyoming will-meet at the Court Boors
to Tti"hhannock. to the coolly 01 WyOLAIL/g.O/1 TUT.
day, the 10th day of November, Int
The return .Intiges for the twenty-sixth Senatorial
composed of the counties of Spnocelianea and
Wayne, will meet at the Court Hoare to the hurongh of
Montrose. in the Coentyof Susquehanna. on Toevday,
the 10th day of November. bi 74,
Glreu ender my hand at my office, In tv.e Borough of
Montrose. the Sd day of October Anno Llocniol 1014
and in the year of the vommonwelith the
M. B. HELVE, Shedd.
Montrose. Oct. 7, 1874.
Cauchy D. Co
IREE 14AMPLB to Agent., Colot,lnetiou with Chromo.. Bend sump. DEAN
& Cu., Now Bedford, 1 31.... as—tw,
NVAM - ED—AGENTS fot the beet ceiling Prize eta-
Bowery Package out. Sample package, port paid
fo r::.c. Cocain. free. BICIDE.
41-4 w. IV Broadway. New York.
`n7 ANTED-AGENTS for the ben yelling Ankle,. in
I t beWorld $2 00 wortkof enuples given away to
those who will become ego te. J MODE' & CO,
7Gl' Droadwly, N. Y.
VITANTED AGENTS for the "Lt►c ♦so Exrcon,
210311 OP Mt. LIVINGSTON." COMplut.O. authentic.
a fresh book. Price suited to the time.. Address, li.
B. missELL, Publisher, Boston, Mass.
UTORKING PEOPLE— Male or Female, Employ.
meet at home, $M per week warranetd. err end
tal required. Particalan and saleable namples eras
free. Aedresa with 6 cent return stamp, C. Noss,
Et—tw. Wllliamsbur2, N. Y.
A 6E1478 WANTED: Diploma Awarded for
1:U1 Illortraltuns. .
Addrerr for circular. A. J. 110L11A N S CO.,
3S-40, NM Arch St., Phila.
``TORE FOR ALL At Lome. male or female; "33
per week, day or evening. No Capital We
send valuable package ot goods by mail free. Address
with fiS cent return stamp.' 111. YOUNG,
1:3 Greenwich St., N.Y.
Sliver Lustre.ll.ghly Ornamental. A perfect protec
ion to put under stoves.
A. 11 . -. your dealer to r
EANy C W. GLEASON, M. D. A magnificent vol.
ome of 4 oetavo pages—beautifully Illnerated and el
egantly bound. Contains matter past adapted to the
W . 11,11.61 of every family. Over 230 engravings. One agent
sold li o copies In one week, another 30 in three days,
and another 25 in fear days. Circulars free. AGENT'S
WANTED. Address at once. 11. N. Mc6.NNEY
CU., 725 Sansom St., Phila.
ON MANI:A:ID, WON.O0:1000 and their MIMI.. INNEN
RIOATIONS Lore. ITS LAWN, Powin etc. AI,NNas are
selling f rem 15to 2' copied a day. Send for pc Imes
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MA of HONOR. at VIENNA. '73, mad PARIS, '67. now
NET ORGANS In the wont.O. Including now styles with
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Addiess, MASON et HAMLIN 0110 1N CO
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13 University Place, New York.,
Want .A.,gents Everywhere fur the Following:
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atal enlarged, tiro, 7UU pp, 1t.3 75.
THE NEW YORK TOMBS.—By Werdeu Sutton. A
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Circulars, vpocimen pPCeO. And terms to agents on op
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Jr lAN J. CrilSOL3l, M. D..
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oughly° osnized and fitted up with every convenience
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Each patient has a chamber to himself, and receives
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Author by the Leghilittii.o of the Biato of
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3d 'aeries Drawing, JANUARY 4th, 1874.
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A pplications for &Mirk. received-
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