The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 14, 1874, Image 1

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    Wm. 0 Onmer.
E . B. Hawley,
Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa
Orrics—Weet Side of Public Avecme
Business Cards.
J B. 41' A. H. McCOLLUM,
atrieve •T Law 01/Ice over the Bank, lloatrom•
v. Montrose, May 10, 1671. if
:TORN EY AT LAW, office over the Store el M.
~ther,tn the Brick Block, Montrose ,Pa. Leal e 9
M sin street. Montrose. Pa, jae g. 1. 1869,
A L','T lOS HER, and Inautairl AntarT.
,o 1 1i91.1 Friendsville.. Pa
A.. 111 EL F,
Address, Brooklyn, Pa
.rtiLe ltl4.
J. C. 11 . 7184T0N,
Esetwarn AND LAND NU
, E*4
P addras6, Pra Yorke,
saaquehatola Co., Pa
,iiIt)NABLE. TAILOR, Mont.rthm, Pa. Shop ova!
Cb an dices Store. A.! , orders lllled In Ilretniteitylt..
,' c i tlng, done on short nOtlee. and warranted to At.
E 1 n. LAW. Bounty, Back ray, Pension
Exea. on Claims attended to. Ogles Oro]
ae low Boyd'! Store, Montrose. Pa. (Au. t,'69
.tuorm•p at Law. office at the Court House, to the
onarroaotooer'w office. W. A. CIIOBII.NON.
Monti - 01w. Soot. .1871.—tf.
r ITCH ..t. WATSON, Attorneys at Law, at the old Mlles
of Bentley Fitch. Montrose, P.,
r. rircn. lJan. 11, "ILL
, ),,,kr In Drugs Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,
,tuffs, Tea. , spices, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Per•
nimery. &c., Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. Established
[Feb. 1,1873._
A 1,...rue,, at Laic and SoHelton , in Bankruptcy. Office
\ 4•;1201,1rt etrivt, over City National Hank, Bing
c.inden. N. V. 11.8coirtm.,
Junc I , th, It , ll. Jutoxi llsaccri.
.1 I'SICIAN & aGEI3EON, tenders his profession.
ee to the citizen. of Montrose and vicinity.—
office at hier,..ider:e, on the cornereastof Sayre &
liroe. Found" . [Aug.], 1669.
k erin Boots and Shoes, Rats and Caps Leather and
Y 1 sdings, Main Street, itt door below Boyd's Store.
Work made to order, and repairing done neatly.
li.,l,trose J.. 1 IS7O.
al.o l , la the new Postoffice batldlan, where he will
found ready to attend all who may want anything
tila llae. Montrone Pa. Oct. la ISO 9.
DR. S. W. D 4 YTON,
IY,JrIAN & SURGEON, tenders bis services to
tizens of Great Bend and vicinity. Office at nis
r.,ldence, opposite Barnum Rouse, G't Bend village.
k tn. n Inc are filinc . rno TIIIMJIAL BASEL,. • :he Foot of
C:isskaut street- Call and consul o a.I Chronic
Montrone, Jan. 17, '12.—n03--i.f.
1)-aler in Staple and Fancy Dl7 Goods, Crockery, Hard
ware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs. Oils, and Paints, Boots
and Shoes. Huts and Caps, Pure, Buffalo Frobes, Gro
ceries. Provisious, Le.
New-Milford, t a., Nor, 6, -72—tt.
M .1. HARRINGTON wienea to inform thepublietbat
haring rented the Exchange Hotel in Montrote. he
1111 W prepared to accommodate the traveling public
In nret-clamp style
M entreat., Mag. 28, 1873.
DEALER in Books. Stationery, Wall Paper, Newspa
pers Pocket Cutlery. Stereoscopic Views, Yankee
Notion', etc. Next door to the Post (Mice, Illontrvse,
atipt. 30, 1874
ATTURNIN ., : ., !CI' LA W, have removed to their New
4,,1h .. oppee . • the Tarbell !loose.
B. B. Lrrrmc,
Oro. P. Lirms,
E. L. BLAssau.s.
a,luere attended to promptly, on fair terms. Olga
trst dour east of ton bank to Wm. 11. Cooper d Ca
Penns Avenue, Montrose, Pa. (Ang.1,1869.
a:3 17.10:2.1 BILISSos binlollD.
htit , In'IAN .tt SURGEON. tenders his profesammd
ee to the citizens of Dlmock, Pa. Ofile at the
!tucks Donee. a 111 attend to all calls In his proles-
BD. eat. a hick he le favored,
A ..„;
B. T. d; E 11. CASE,
11A kNEsS.IIAKEItS. Oak liarnees, light and heavy,
loAr.t earn prices. Moo, Blanketa, Firmed Man.
k, Wino, and everything pertaining to the line,
cheaper then the chespeet. Repairing done prompt,
end ingood style.
oee, Ps_ Oct. O. 1573
Tll k II kYTI BAMIEIL, her moved his shop to the
be occupied by E. McKenzie 6 Co., where he is
rtp.ired to ail kinds of work (tints Ilne t euch at,
k ilLitee, pude. et. All Irork done 013 abort
. pr..... low. Pleaee call sod cot me.
PruLur Baas, Proprietor.
Pr“.h mud Salted Bests, Llama Pork, Bologna San
tar.. ro . of :be best quality, constantly on hand, at
pr.:.. to .mt
Motar..e, Pa,. Jam. 14. 1073.-111
ia at, Bean. P.. Situated near the Erie Railway De
p., 1. • large anti commodious house, b. undergone
...norougn repair. Newly furtosned rooms and stets- tabi es.and all things compris
in' a h, et class hotel ELliatißY ACKSRT,
sent !Ott, 1 taa.-tf. Proprietor.
DR. 11. N. .tilitlTß,
Dr,ror Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr.
1101.0)'s. on Old Foundry street, where he would be
happ) to are all those In want of Dental Work - . Re
feet, confident that he can please all. both In quality of
vi ere and in price. Office hours from 9 to 4
Montrose, Feb. 11, 1674—tf
No. 171) Broadway, New York City.
ttende to all kinds of Attorney Business. and elan
ds. te eAnses in all the Courts of both the /State and Os
lee riates.
Feb .1,
uraticateof the olverelty of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
, and al. of Jel!forzoo Medical Lotto of Philo ,
Or 187 y has retarr.l to Prierldseitee, where he
saleild to nil call, to hla tprofeaelon as usual.—
ItealtlclaCe to J ccair Lionford's house. Waco the same
ar I,:relOttire.
t r.t . ti dal lie , Ps., April 2f.dh.,
8U8...VS 4: NICHOLS,
—Hu to Drugs, Medic Lure, Chem:dealt Dye
. .de,eutrar,i.DD, Varninh, Liquors, dpicrs.Fancy
r e , Paten t ediclue ?nrlcuneryand Toilet dr
c.e.. ,rereecripcion• carofally gompocuided.—
bncx dluck, Montrose Pa,
21. WU
All' Tills OFFICE. CHEAP.,
. o z - 3r V.
Spirit that breathcst through my lattice, thou
That cool'st the twilight of the sultry day,
Gratefully flows thy freshness round my brow :
Thou bast beenziut upon the deep at play,
Riding all day the wild blue waves till now,
Roughening their crests, and scattering high
their spray,
And swelling the white sail. I welcome thee
To the scorched land, thou wanderer of the
Nor I alone; a thousand bosoms round
Inhale thee in the fullness of delight ;
And languid tome rise up, and pulses bound
Livelier at coming of the wind of night ;
And languishing to hear thy grateful sound,
Lies the vast inland stretched beyond the sight
Go forth into the gathering shade; go forth,
God's blessing breathed upon the fainting earth I
GA rock the little wood-bird in his nest,
Curl the still waters, bright with stars, and
• rouse
The wide old wood fix= hie majestic nest,
Summoning from the innumerable boughs
The strange, deep harmonies that haunt his
Pleasant shall be thy way where meekly bows
The shutting dower, and darkling waters pass,
And where the o'ershadowing branches sweep
the grass,
Stoop o'er the place of graves, and softly sway
The sighing herbage by the gleaming stone;
That they who near the churchyard willows
And listen in the deepening gloom, alone,
May think of gentle Bottle that passed away,
Liko thy pure breath, into the vast unknown,
Sant forth from heaven among the sons of men
And gone into the boundless heaven again.
The taint old man shall lean his silver bead
To leel thee; thou shalt kiss the child asleep,
And dry the moistened curls that overspread
His temples while his breathing grows more
And tbey who stand about the sick man's bed
Shall joy to listen to thy distant sweep,
And softly part his curtains to allow
Tby visit, grateful to his burning brow,
Go—but the circle of eternal change,
Which is the life of nature, shall restore
With sounds and scents from all thy mighty
Thee, to thy birth place of the deep, once
Sweet odors in the sea air, sweet and strange
Shall tell the homesick mariner of the shore.
And, listening to thy murmur, he shall deem
He hears the rustling leaf and running stream
"Shall I kill him
"1 won't take the rPepotodbility of ad
vising you, under the circumstances.—
You say he has proved himself unworthy
of her r
"Yee, but you know her character is
one that holds duty to be stronger than
love—and those sort of women are hard
to give in. I'll hare to kill him."
''Well do as you please. But reniem•
ber 1 wash in hands of the murder."
The speaker walked slowly away with
these wards. The voice had come from
the old arbor at the foot of the lawn,
where 1 had gone to briag iu some mus
lin which lay there bleechitig. The tones
were low and half indistinct, but I heard
all the above conversation clearly. "What
should 1 do There was no one at home
but Tom and the two servants. Father
had gone away on business for a few
days, and I was head manager until his
return. There was no use in the house,
either, whom 1 could tell the dreadful
thing ! We lived on a pretty little place
just outside the city ; and this summer
to help pay oft' the mortgage, which hung
upon it like a mill stone—father used to
' say—we had advertised for a few city
boarders. It was my proposition, and
father and Tum had opposed it at first;
father feared it would be too hard for me
and Tom said it was "degrading." but I,
proved to father that I could get along
admirably with Lucy and Dan to help
and Toni being two years younger than
I, and only sixteen, I did nut stop to ar- '
gue with him on the subject. We were
seven in the family now, instead of our
usual "trio"( Hayden's trio in thae flats,"
Tom calls us sometimes.) Our addition
consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Miles, and two
young gentlemen, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Ray.
Mr. Miles was a broker on Third street,
and a nice gentlemanly old man he was.
Mrs. Miles was very beautiful, and quite
a young woman. We all thought she
was his daughter, when they drove up to
the door the night of her arrival. They
seemed a very loving couple ; although I
did fancy Mrs. Miles looked unhappy at
times, but she was very devoted to her
husband, and he appeared very fond of
her. Mr. Lewis was a clerk in a publish
ing house in the city and went to town
every day, as did Mr. Miles.
Mr. Ray was a friend of Mr. Lewis,and
appeared to be in no business. I didn't
like his looks the first minute I set my
eyes on him. He was a moody, sullen
sort of a ni i i, barely answenng civil
questions, alt ough he was particularly
pleasant, fors him, to Mrs. Miles.—
Mr. Lewis way a favorite with everybody;
Tom swore by him and forgot the "deg
radation." I! often wondered what the
bond of sympathy could be between Mr.
Lewis and M. Ray. The one so full of
life and auirliation ; the other taciturn
and gloomy.i Mr. A. seldom went to
the city, but Would sit all day in his room
oftentimes not coming to his meals, and
when I would knock sometimes at his
door, he woul growl oat, "Don't disturb w
me, I'm busy.' I bad told Tom, aft
dentially, the I felt sure Mr. Ray was
not 'altogeth r "right." "Never mind
Sis," be anew red me, saucily. "I guess
he ain't a counterfeiter ; so his money's
right' enough , and when you get all your
wages for waiting on his highness, you'll
be 'right,'" I didn't like to hear Tom
talk so to me when what I was doing
was only toi elp father along,aud not
menial service from a selfish purpose.—
Amos NtcstoLs
But, what can you expect from boys ?
I determined I would not tell Tom any
more of my suspicions. I lay awake half
the night thinking of the conversation I
had heard in the arbor; I knew the voices
belonged to Mr. Lewis and Mr. Ray.
Oue then, was as bad as the other.—
But who was the man that they talked
of murdering so coolly ; could it be Mr.
Miles ? I made up my mind I would
watch closely the next day, to see if I
could detect any signs of malice against
the old gentleman. They all seemed
friendly enough, however, and there were
no ill words spoken save a little sparring
on some political questions, after the us
ual manner of men.
After that time I saw nothing of Mr.
Ray or Mrs. Miles until tea time. She had
toast and tea in her room at noon, on the
plea of headache ; and he growled out
as usual, to "let me be." when I sent Lu
cy to call him to dinner.. At the tea ta
ble Mrs. Miles received a dispatch from
her husband, saying "business would de
tain ns over night in the city." I fancied
she turned pale and looked very sad, in
deed. After tea, Mr. Ray invited her to
walk down to the lake with him ; she re
fused at firtit,but he finally persuaded her,
and they strolled off slowly like a pair of
lovers. I was reading the mystery ?
Tom and Mr. Lewis were oat riding,
and so I was left quite alone. I sat in
the little sitting room by the window.
There was a faint curve of moon in the
sky, and the dusk was fragrant with the
woodbine, and jessamine tint ran over
the trellis work by my window. I must
have fallen asleep, when I awakened to
hear low voices just outside on the piaz
"Promise me, then you will not do it
until I have another talk with you."
"it shall be as you say, out the longer
I wait, the worse for him," muttered the
deep tones of Mr. Ray's heavy bass.—
Then she bade him good night and ran
up to her room.
How my heart beat. It was' getting
fearful. Mr. Ray now paced up and down
the piazza until the rattle of wheels and
laughing voices announced the return of
his friend and Tom. Tom went right off
to hed, and Mr. Lewis sat down Upon the
steps to smoke. I held my breath to hear
what was to come.
"What makes you so restless. Ray ?"
asked Mr. Lewis, after a little. "Are you
still meditating the murder ?"
Ray stopped short in his walk.
"I have had a talk with her." said be,
"and she made me promise to wait a day
longer before I decide."
"Well I should carry out my own
plans without reference to any one if I
were in your place."
"Then—l shall kill him !"
"How ?" asked Mr. Lewis. (Oh how
could he speak so coolly !)
"Shoot him—it's the easiest.
"Where ?"
"In the woods," (Our woods Oh ! I
must scream soon, and I held my hand
tight over my mouth.)
"Well, suppose we go and practice the
situatiou--come . " said Lewis, and they
walked off together towards the little
iece of woodland that !ay on our land.
I passed another sleepless night, and
looked so haggard the next morning at
breakfast that even Mr. Ray asked me if
my head ached, and said he always found
"cau de cologne" a speedy relief
"An easy conscience is a better," I an
swered quickly. He looked up at me
curiously, and went on with his break•
I hurried up to his room before he fin
ished, and took un inventory of his things.
I almost fainted when close beside his
dressing ease I discovered—a—pistol !
That settled my determination to do
what I had resolved upon the night be
fore. Father would not be home for a
week yet, and in that time what fearful
cornea might there un t be enacted in our
peaceful little home ! Yes ; I would take
it all upon my shoulders to avert the
Therefore,withoot a word to any one. I
took the second train to P—, and went
straight to a detective and explained the
whole situation.
"Come with me at once," I cried : "I
am sure he means to kill Mr. Miles this
very night!"
The detective looked surprised and
amazed at my story, and yielding to my
earnest entreaties, accompanied me home.
We got back at dinner time, and Mr.
Detective wearing a clerical snit of black
dined with us without the faintest sus
picion being aroused as to what his cal
ling might be. I saw him studying Mr.
Ray an Mrs. Miles and wondered if he
could read in there faces the tragedy I
heared. When the evening train arrived,
and Mr. Miles and Mr. Lewis came up
to the walk together, what was my sur
prise to see Mr. Detective rush up to Mr.
Lewis with a "Why, Harry, my dear boy
and shake his hand with all the hearti
ness of friendship.
"What in the world are you doing
her, Jerold ?" asked Mr. Lewis, as he
came up the steps.
"Oh. a little pleasure trip, that's all ;
we must have our recreation too, you,
know, answered Mr. Detective, and he
looked at me as though to say "all right
my dear, I won't tell." They both went
up to Mr. Lewis' room ; just before it was
time to ring the tea-bell they came down
together, laughing. I was alone in the
dining room, putting on the last few lit
tle touches to the tea table, when they
botlicatne up to where I stood and Mr.
Lewis, taking both my hands in his said :
"My dear Miss Hayden, Mr. Jerold
has told me your fears and fancies. 'I
am very sorry my friend nail been the
unconscious innocent .ruse of your anx
iety, but Mr. Ray is at present engaged
in writing an intense drama, of the new
school, and is in a great dilemma as to
whether he will kill bis hero or end his
days peaecably. Mrs. Miles was formerly
an actress, whose opinion he values very
highly, and—so you see—all your little
imaginings and fears are wholly ground
I thought I should sink—and I guess
they thought en too, for Mr. Jerold cried
out, "Now, my titer young lady, don't ;
you have acted so nobly and brave all
through this affair—don't, now I"—and
I didn't. I made them both promise me
Devoted to the Interests of our Town and County.
faithfully that they would never—never
tell anybody my suspicions—not eveu
They kept tbare promise. this
day when Harry and I—l married Mr.
Lewis, he teased me so about the affair
that I married loin to tease him back--
when Harry end I sometimes talk about
my "murder case," father opens his eyes
and wonder what we mean.
Mr. Ray's piece "took" beautifully, and
when I saw it played the first time I was
as nervous .over the shooting—he shot
him—as though it was real. We paid the
mortgage of the old place ; Tom lives
there now with his wife and little ones
(I throw it up to him sometimes.)
Mr. Miles died shortly after that som
mer, and Sirs. Miles married Mr. Ray a
few years after
When Harry plagues mu. very much I
answer. "Well, who knows but they did
mean it after all ?'' At any rate that is
the end of my Middletown Mystery.
Feminine Fashions
A writer m the October Galaxy gossips
pleasantly about "Fig Leaves and French
Dresses." We extract the following par
agraph :
Methinks I hear a scornful masculine
critic cry, "Well, why do women submit
to the tyranny of foreign fashions? Why
do they not return to sensible and simple
dress?". Ah, why do we not? We can•
not, and there's an end on't. We do not
want to make "guys" of ourselves, and if
we did, 0, masculine critic, you would be
the first to scoff at our altered state. Do
7on remember the old maiden aunt in
Prollope's "He knew he was Right ?"
She hated chignons, and yet when she
called to see Cammy French, who had
just laid hers aside out of deference to
the prejudices of her clerical lover, she
came away quite indignant, and aware
that there was something wrong about
.the young lady's appearance,though what
she could not make out. "She came
down to see me not half dressed--quite
in her morning gown, as it were." (1
have not the book with me to quote her
exact words, but such was the purport of
her speech.) And, mule individual, von
men are all in that respect like Trollope's
old maid. You want us to stop follow
ing the fashions, and the instant we do
you become vaguely aware that there is
something wrong, and you proceed to
growl about it. Once I was acquainted
with a staid old gentleman, who, when
hoops were first in troduced,declared that
they were an abomination, and that his
wife should never wear one. Like a sen
sible woman, she quietly conformed to
the reigning fashion, and said nothing to
her spouse about it. One evening, when
the mode was in full blown amplitude,
and he had been indulging in a tirade
against it, she went up stairs, slipped of
her Duplex-Elliptic,and then returned to
the parlor, taking care to place herself
directly before her husband. He looked
at her for some moments in mingled per
plexity and vexation. Finally the pent
up feelings found vent: "Why Maria,
what have you been doing to yourself?—
You look as though you had been drag
ged through a keyhole. You are—ah -
;h—in filet, you do not look decent. Go
up stairs and put some more clothes on
Madame Bazalne
The Mareschale Bazaine, who is a pret
ty l,ttle creature, a bright., vivacious Mex
ican brunette only 26 years old, is pas
sionately attached to her husband, who
is 62. She was accustomed to say: ''Twen
ty years for me will not be so bad, for
when they are passed 1 shall be but 45,
but the Marshall will be 82, and that will
be too old—it will be too late then for us
to be happy." Her eldest soc, Achille,
who is six years old has testified the most.
extraordinary. devotion to hie father.—
He absolutely refused to leave him when
he was removed to the Island Sainte
Marguerite, and has remained with the
Marshall ever since, without attendants
or play fellows, learning to wait upon and
amuse himself, and perfectly happy when
his father wal at leisure to talk to him.
Queen Isabel!, whose godson he is, lately
invited him, while he was at
a children's ball which she was about to
give to the yonger infants, but the child
absolutely refused to go. Vainly did his
mother represent to him that the Queen
would give him some beautiful toys. '•She
can send them to me if she likes, but I
shall not leave papa to go after them,"
made answer the little fellow, Recently,
Marshall Bazaine, nnder the pretext of
fihding the heat of the fort too great for
his ehildrar during the summer, sent
them to Paris under the care of their
mother, and it is said that the agony of
Achille at leaving his father was some
thing terrible to witness ; be had to be
torn from him by main force.
Elizabeth or Austrhi
Apropos of royal visitors, it is said
that the visit of the lovely Empress or
Austria to the Isle of. Wight was caused
by other reasons than those of considera
tion for her health, and that those rea
sons were of the same nature as those
that once.impelled the Empress Eugenie
when in the plentitude of her prosperity
and power, to undertake a hurried visit
to Scotland. The name of the Empress
Eugenie's"reason" was the Countess Cas
tiglione but the identity of the motive of
the Empress Elizabeth has not yet trans
pired. Gossip also avers that the Empe
ror of Austria telegraphed to his fair
spouse at the: Isle of Wight that he was
coming to join her, whereupon, the lady
instantly packed up her things and set
off for London, where she remained for
some time, sightseeing and shopping in
good feminine fashion, and the Emperor
contented himself with paying a visit to
Munich, and with then returning to Vi
enna. It is a well known fact that, not
withstanding the charms both
,of mind
and person of the Empress ElizatAtl,the
imperial menage is anything but inappy
Some young infidel says that to put
your arm around a girl's waist, when she
wants you to, is a great deal better than
Propelling In the Dark
That case of Yarnall's is exciting a
good deal of interest down our way Just
Last spring Yarnall began tc visit one
of the Metcalf girls, and for awile he was
so attentive there, that everybody felt
certain there would be a match. On
towards July things seemed to be coming
to a crisis, and in fact they were fur
Yaruall had made up his mind to
propose to Matilda. It was on a Friday
evening that he called for the purpose,
and as the weather was warm, he sat in
the parlor with her without a light, the
front windows being open. Yarnall didn't
perceive a good chance to introduce the
subject for some time, and his nervous.
ness made him warm. Just as he was
on the point of proposing. he wanted to
wipe his brow, arid he found that he had
'eft his handkerchief in his hat. He ex
cused himself for a moment while he
went into the hall to get it, and as he did
so Matilda went out through the back
parlor door to get a glass of water.
Her mother came in as she went out,
and when Yarnall returned, he found the
old lady, who is a widow anu also named
Matilda, sitting on the sofe. Supposing
it was his own Matilda, he summoned up
courage and asked her to be his wife.—
The old lady was surprised ; but %Wows
are courageous, and she accepted him on
the spot. Just as he was recovering
from his amentnent at the sound of her
voice, a shriek was heard and the young
er Matilda fell fainting on the carpet.—
Yarnall turned to explain, but Matilda
refused lo believe him atm he finally felt
the house in disgust.
Then the old lady sued him for breech
of promise and Matilt a acted as witness.
It seems likely Yarnall will loose, and if
he does he will remain a bachelor.
The Detroit Free Press tells of is man
who sat down to one of the eatin g stands
in the market aid azdted for seventy-five
coats worth of "the best in the house."—
It was handed him, and it made the peo
ple's eyes hang out to see him eat. He
was about half an hour a' it, and when
he got up he remarked that he had for
gotten his pocket book. The woman
grabbed a knife and started for him, but
instead of running away he laid his hand
upon her shoulder and whispered : "Be
calm, and above all, don't excite me.—
My fit comes on reguhrly every day at
this hour, and then I get wild, kick, bite,
Yell, and tip over things. I feel it com
ing on now.. If there's a policeman in
the market go and get him, and let him
take me to the station right away before
I kill some one !" She ran to get the of
ficer, and the man ran the other way.
In a restaurant, r.ot long ago, a gen-
tleman, while detouring a plate of hash,
came across a pearl sleeve button in it.
lie very justly complained to the big,
brawney trader, the latter replying, in an
astonished manner, •'Well, what d'ye
expect to get—a hull shirt ?"
An Irishman found a Government
blanket recently, and, rolling it up, put
it under his arm and walked off saying
“Yis, that's moit,e—lT for Patrick, and S
for McCarty ; be me sowl, but this learn
in' is a foMe thing, as me fiyther would
say; for if I hadn't an edicatto I wouldn't
have been after (indin' me blanket."
This is how it liAppened down south
west Missouri :
He found a rope and picked it up.
And with it walked away.
It happened :hat to tether end
A horse was hitched, they say.
They found a tree and tied the rope
Unto a swinging limb.
It happened that the other end
Was somehow hitched to hi to.
At a recent Sunday school service, the
elergyman was ilustrating, the necessity
of Christian profession in order properly
to enjoy the blessing of Providence of this
world ; and to make tt apparent to the
v , tithful mind, he said, "For instance, I
want to introduce water into my house.
I turn it on. The pipes and faucets atm
every convenience ate in good order, but
I get no watfr. Can any of you tell me
why I do not get any water ?"lie ex
pected the children to see that it was be
cause he had not made a connection with
the main in the street. The boys looked
perplexed.• They could not see why the
water should refuse to run into his
prunises after such faultless plumhing.—
"Can no one tell me what I have neglect.
ed ?" reiterated the good man, looking
over the flock of wondering faces bowed
down by the weight of the problem
"I know," squaked a little live-year-old.
"Yoa don't pay rip!"
A Boston artist,who excels as an animal
painter, saw as lie was passing through
one of the rural towns of Massachusetts
a very animated looking hull. Thinking
be would like to take him on canvas he
got permition of the owner, an honest
old farmer, and in dne time produced an
excellent likeness of the bull, which sold
for 8200. On seeing the farmer soon af•
ter, he told him he had sold the picture
of his bull for $2OO. "Good gracious l"
said the old man . ; "why, I would have
sold the bull for less than that I"
A Worcester boy was engaged in noc
turnal cherry stealing a short time ago,
and was observed by the owner of the
fruit, who, unnoticed by the young rob
ber placed a large stuffed dog under the
tree and retired to watch the result of the
strategy, The boy decending observed
the dog, snd then the fun commenced ;
he whistled, coaxed, and threatened un
availingly, the animal never moving, and
finally the youth accepting thP inevitable,
settled down tt; passing the night in the
tree. After some hours had passed
wearily enough to the lad, marling
dawned, and the proprietor of the the
tree coming from the house,asked him hew
be came in the tree, to which the be,
answered that he took to it to save him
self from the dog, who had chased him
quite a distance. It isn't healthy for a
smaller boy to say 'stuffed dog to that
youth now.
A Detroit husband is in trouble lot.
whipping his wife bemuse the baby did
not take a first class prize at the baby
Yes, they are here again, the long, long days,
After the days of Winter, pinched and white ;
Soon, with a thousand minstrels, comes the
light ;
Late the sweet, robin-haunted dusk delays.
But the long days that bring us back the flow
The sunshine, and the quietdrippl Derain,
And all the things we know of Spring, again,-
The long days bring not the lung•lost long
The hours that now seem to have been, each
A summer In Itself, a whole life's bound,
Filled full of breathless joy,--where, in his
Have these forever faded from the San ?
The fret, the fever, the unrest endures,
But the time flits—Oh try, my little lad,
Coming so hot and play-worn, to be glad
And patient of the long hours that are yours
No one can visit the animal treasures
of the Zoological Gardens without a sen
timent of wonder. Their preservation
has reached there the perfection of
science. No species of the animal world
seems to have been omitted in the plan ;
and the large space devoted to the Gar
dens enables something like a represen
tation of the natural haunts of each ani
mal to be made. In all, there are nearly
two thousand animals ; many of them
are descendents of the original animals
placed in the Gardens whet they were
laid out nearly half a century ago. Noth
ing could be more picturesque than the
disposition and adornment of the space.
Swans and ibis, flamingoes, pelicans,
and queer shaped water birds, are seen
sunning themselves beside or floating in
graceful miniature ponds, while the
plants and shrubs which surround them
hint of the distant regions whence they
have been brought. Deer and antelopes
are gliding in little turfy parks; the kan•
garoo has a familiar nook in a copse of
shrubbery by himself. The elephants,
guided by keepers, and their backs sup
plied with howdahs, wander at large be
neath the high spreading elms and chest
nuts in the avenues. The amphibious
rhinoceros and hippopotamus have in
dependent mansions, supplied at the side
of such murky ponds as they love to wal
low in. The soft eyed giraffe cranes his
neck amiably over a high, slight fence,
and sometimes commits playful depreda
tions on visitors' hats and bonnets; the
lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, wolves,
hyenas—malevolent beasts of the jungle,
the prairie, and the steppe —are,of course,
securely caged, the cages running in long
rows and back to back. Most curious is
the reptile house, reminding one of the
abodes of the pet snakes of the old kings
of Mexico, and provided with forbidding
variety of the scaled and slimy creation,
from the enormous boas and cobras to
the green lizard and the glittering eyed
African viper. The bears have their pits
frcm the top of which one looks far
down to see the antics of Bruin and his
clumsy children in the well; from the
centre of the pit rises a high, knotted,
thick pole, up and down which the burly
bears are perpetually climbing; while the
beaver mast feel quite at home with his
hut, dam, and pond, very much as he
had them in his days of youthful liberty.
It is said that Darwin, when preparing
his "Descent of Man," was wont to re
pair to the Zoological Gardens to study
the habits of the animals under all their
conditions of eating, caprice, irritation,
and pleasure; and even the less learned,
whose motive is but that of the curiosity
which is universal in humanity, may half
unconsciously learn much from contem
plating this magnificent collection of
flesh and fowl.
What a'comfort they are in this often
uncomfortable world, those good hearted
people who cross your path , at
people who like to please and be pleased
—who do not indulge to sarcasm—who
never believe more than, they can help
against people who delight in innocent
amusements, and take pleasure in other
people's courtships—who don't probe your
sore points intentionally, and, finding out
your foibles, trouble your peace through
them—who never repeat what this person
has said against you, but who delight in
letting you know of those tittle compli
ments that cheer one's life so—that are
really so nice and wholesome for us, be
cause there is au atom of brotherly love
in them.
From these folks young Brnsbhard
never receives the paper in which some
billions critic has called his last new pic
ture "a mere daub ;" but he receives the
precious paragraph in which some kind
soul has said, "If Brnahhard works care
fully, he will some day rival Turner ; and
even now his skies are glorious." It is
ant out. and carefully enclosed to that
anxious artist by the good hearted man.
As for the good hearted woman, what
a dear old soul she lel How she loves to
have you to tea, and - whispers, "How nice
you look !" and lets you have your ohat
with the nicest man in the room, and
giver you Rowers " when you go home,
and don't tell every one that yon must
be ten years older than yon say you are.
Find a couple of good hearted folks,
awl their home is a paradise. • I'd rather
have such friends, even if they were the
plainest people under heaven, than make
one of a coterie of the brightest wits ar d
greatest celebrities under the sun. I'd
rather be good hearted, if heaven
would only make me so, than to be wise
or beautiful or great beyond comparison.
For many a wise man is too wise for hap-
piness. and many a wit too bitter for love
and many a beauty colder than the ici
cle ; but a good, warm, loving heart
must bring a little ray of heaven's ann•
shine down to earth, and give great peace
to its possessor.
A blacksmith is always striking for
Cogitates all the Leeslend General Zieve,Poetry,Ste.
ries, Anecdotes, Miscellaneous Ileadleg,Coneipik d
euce, and a reliable cline of aevertiscments.
Otis square, di elan Inch syses,)B meets, or lean,
I month, $1.25; 3 months, 8 6 - 60 6 6 : 101,66, 4 $ 4 .W $3
year. 110.80. A liberal discount on advertisements or a
grmter length. Business Loeb 00 Me. a line for Mat
insertion, and 5 eta. a line each subseqnent martian,.
MAUTinel and deaths, free; o binaries, 10 eta. a bait.
There is a vety important traffic car
ried on in diamonds over the various
European lines to this country, and' as
the duty upon them is ten per cent, ad
valorem, the sharpest watch is kept upon
those suspected to be engaged iu it. By
means of agents abroad the Collector's
office has often information by cable of
the departure from the various ports of
suspected diamond smugglers, Rnd is
prepared to intercept them. In nine cas
es out of ten the stones are concealed up
on the persona of the passengers. When
this becomes a certainty, the passenger is
arrested and taken to the searcher s bu
reau in the Custom Honse. Here, it
found necessary, the party' is stripped to
the skin and his clothes examined inch
- .
by inch and seam by seam ; the heels are
taken from his boots, his hair and beard
are combed, and every means are taken to
discover the biding place of the secreted
treasnres. Once this mode of search
nerd to be tolerably successful, but now
it rarely serves any purpose except in the
case of raw recruits to the smuggling
ranks. An old bird is caught with chaff
but once.
A New York Jew, who was reputed to
be in the business of smuggling diamond
used to cross the water on the Cunard
line from three to four times a season.—
Two years ago, in the early part of the
season, ho was seized upon hie arrival
and taken to the searcher's room. Near
ly a thousand dollars worth of precious
stones were found secreted in the lining
of his boots. He returned to Liverpool
by the same steamer, and four weeks af
terward again landed upon the company's
wharf on North River. He was again
seized and subjected to the same rigorous
search but with no success. The Jew
took it smilingly and philosophically.—
When he tools his leave he said : "Better
luck next time, gentlemen. I shall go
back by the same steamer on business,
and when I return you can try it again."
The officers mentally determined that
if he did they would try it again. Upon
inquiry it was found that he really had
engaged a return passage, having held
his stateroom for that purpose. Two
hours before the sailing of the steamer
he was driven down to the pier in his
carriage, hie wife and daughter with him
to see him off. When they returned they
carried with them over ten thousand dol
lars worth of diamonds which had lain
secreted in his stateroom during the whole
time the steamer had. remained in port.—
Before his return to New York the Col
lector was notified by one of the revenue,
agents aboard that "Max Fischer would. - 1
return by the—, which would leave
Liverpool, October 25, with several thou
eand dollars worth of diamonds." In due
time the Jew arrived, and for the third
time was escorted before the searcher.
He was evidently not prepared for such
persistent attention. He reemed nervous
and agitated, and finally attempted to
compromise. He was politely informed
that that was out of the question. He '
was again put through the searching pro
cess. His pocketbook, which was inves
tigated, revealed a memorandum show. '
ing the purchase of eighteen diamonds
of various sizes and prices, amounting in
all to about 812,000. When this came
to light the Jew begged with tears to be
allowed to compromise. His coat was re•
moved and the lining examined. Noth•
ing there. Then the waist-coat. As the i
searcher passed his practical fingers along
the lining his heart gave a tremenduous
thump as he recognized the "feel" of
something pebbly, like little rows of but
tons. The garment was hastily ripped, a
strip of chamois skin within and unroll.
ed, and there they lay one, two, three—
eighteen l All there.
"You can put on Your coat and waist
coat again, Mr. Fisch - er," said the search.
er, blandly. "Good day."
With: Jut a word the Jew departed,took
a horse car home, kissed his family, ate
a rousing dinner, repaired to the bath
morn, and after soaking a rather capa
cious plaster across the small of his back
for a tew minutes in warm water, peeled
it off, and with it "eighteen diamonds, of
various costs and prices." What the
searcher and collector may have said or
thought when they found the seizure to
be nothing but clever glass imitations,
worth from ten to thirty cents each, no?
body knows; for althongb the seizure
was loudly heralded, the finale was never
made public.
A lady in this city, moving in fashion.
able circles, wears a valuable diamond
which was imported in the cavity of
double tooth, said tooth being in the
mouth of an Israelitish gentleman of
New York. It was placed in its rather
unromantic hiding place in London, and
safely covered with bone tilling, which
was displaced after the arrival in New
Every day at one of the Recorder's
courts in New Orleans, is to be found an
elderly lady, neatly, even elegantly dress.
ed, apparently watching with intense in.
terest at each trial as it is called, and
when the court has adjourned, quietly
moving away with the crowd. She has a
painful and singular history. Childless
and alone in the world, she was once the'
centre of a happy family circle; but a
series of misfortunes, came and left her
hopeless ,and aimless. The epidemic of
1855 deprived her of her husband and
two children. Of her remaining sons,
one was killed in the army, and the other
about a year since, was arraigned before
the same court for murder. Before this
awful shock the mother's reason had reel.
ed and left her a harmless maniac. Slice
then she each day imagines her son on
trial and watches there for his coming....
Day after day she prosecutes in the court
room her tireless watch. Disappointment
never affects tier, for she think@ abe will
see him to-morrow. Those who have
charge of her gratify the harmless dein.
eon. and thus morning . and evening she
is found at her post, influenced by an
affection that defies the might and wreak
of reason.
To make money—Get an appointment
in the mast.
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