THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. summer Arrangement of Malls. VIA RATIMOAD Tu nlhamock, (Daily.) 03:1121=1 Niontrove Depot, (Dally,) 600 pm 640 a .a Nru ii ....... ....10 00 am I ltUpai (Dally,] 948 AM 000 p en Friengsrtile, (tri weekly) 600 pm 600 am ..onklin Station (tri weeki,,) 700 am 7 00aM Itinghamton,ria S. Laks,(tri weekly).- 600 pm 700 pm Nlevaiippen,(tri weekly.) 1000• m 400 pm The New York, (ries Montrose Depot,) New Milford. Tunkhannock, and Wyaluelog arc dally. The Conklin Station mail runs Tuesdays, Thursday., aid The Magna/n(on mail, (via Silver Lau.) vans Tues. da es. Thursdays. and Saturdays. Priendsvilie mall run. Tumodayr, Thursdays,and Sat. Pial. TheNlcahoppen mall rune Monday., Weduesdaysoind Frulsys ADDITIONAL STAlsms A Stage leaves daily for Montreal, Depot at 1 m.,ead returns ata p.m A Sues leave daily for New Milford et SO a. In. and returne at p 30P.M. B. C. FORDIMAI. P. M. Montreie Railway. rrnogruent or Trelne. To take effect on Monday, May :nth. Itrit Doan Tr*. no. 5.111115 5-1 1 . ..5 3 ^i 12 .I.lantcra Dimock npringelllc. Avery's... Lcmon. . Lob k. .).11!Lrcy'a 30 135 . 5 40 1 54r 150 C.OO 155 CI. 2111 0411 440 .130 1 15 4m. 447 tiA 0.5 . Tonkhadhock 890 353 All inn n e connect at Teinhhatutock with P. 26 N. Y it H ICoing north and Routh. JAMES. I. BIAKEILEE, Penal. Montrose, Stay 7:, 1874 Our Agent. W CLLAIII6IILIAT is our authorised curreas.r, to eubecriptione for the DENOCetee and receipt for the sane. Removed E Removed! ! Thu Office of Uie 310ETROSE DEMOCRAT hail 1, en removed to the second floor 01 B. C rt.', store on Public Avenue, where the pub- I,l,ers are doing =IIMMMZI Ilti a here they will he pleased to see all their 111 friunds and as many new ones as teel to give them a call. Remember the di nee tion, Say - re's Store Building, three doors above the Old place. E. B. VARLET & CO. Nem Advertisements. Notice—L. A Judson. Letting—Suporvisors of Silver Lake. Restorative Balsam—Cole Brothers. • New Firm—Foot & Hawley. New Goods—E. L. Weeks. Sheriff Sale-11. B. Helme. Election Proclamation—.M. B. Heime. Busticass LOCALS. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Coal, Coal— 0. D. Stebh:ns. Photographer—G. 0. Sweet. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. Clairvoyant Examinations Fnte—E. F. But, Vertie:d. lEsbtute—W. C. Tilden. SPECIAL Nam Es. Consimption Can be Cured—J. H. Schenck & Son. Notes About Town. ..Some of our merchants and grocers say that "early to bed and early to rise," is all in vain if you don't advertise. ..Letters mailed at Montrose Post office at 12-30 p, m. will reach Philadelphia the nex t morning at 7-30 a. in. This is a new ararge- ..The tninn Temperance Meeting will be held in the Baptist Church on Sabbath evening October 11th, 1874. Speaking by Rev. Dr. Cheashire and others. .. The People's Drug Store reports the sale of two thousand fruit cans for the scaaon,an unprs c,lented success in supplying the public,which shows attention to the business. Straws show which way the wind blows. .C. N. Stoddard the boot and shoe, tat and cap merchant on Main Street,has just completed a fine stone wale in front of his place of business. The Council are also put tmr, in a fine crossing opposite his residence on the same Street. .The Episcopal parsonage Is completed ex c,.p, some painting. It is a very neat,roomy and desirable dwelling, containing nineteen rooms b"re basement. Everything about IL, is done in n very substantial and workmanlike manner, frmn cellar to attic. Mrs. H. Drinker, is grad• ing and laying a fine atone walk from the par parsonage to Mrs. Week's residence. • .. Dr. 11. D. Baldwin, of Montrose, has gone \,•w York, to attend his third and last lec t Ire in medicine. We learn that he intends hie in Montrose. The Doctor has already gaol considerable reputation as ap metttioner. 11.. i, a very worthy young man, and it speaks w,.it for him, that he can be a prophet even in hi- own town . If the Council des ire tog id another place tr, put down a walk on the public grounds, we w , .u1.1 sug,4est, that they lay one from the Court House corner to Judge Tyler's residence. Had they dune that long ago, the people would hare applauded. More people travel that walk than nny other walk in town, except Public ♦ranue. This should have taken the prelerence in our view, to the Crandall walk or the street lantii. even. .Court convened on Monday last, Judge presiding. On Slonday an argument Goan seas held. The case'of The Lackawana Coal and Iron Company, va. The Baltimore Union, for which this court was called, was continued by consent of partial. Judge Dre hvr of Stroudsburg, held court on Tuesday, for pacing upon rules and motions which came t.core him last Term. The Judge has made an excellent impression, both upon •ur bar ant the people. ..The New M. E. Church is proves:dog fine iv The spite is nearly completed except sisting, and it Is certainly a beauty. The ma son wills is commenced, the chimneys being n,rly completed, and considerable lathing is alio dune. Mr. Isaac Hamlin does the masonry, Well insures it to be well done. It has been twist excellent weather, but it is surprising with w h..t. facility the spire has been erected ax well as the general progress of the work, The w .runen show themselves tsbeexpertsat their business. We unaerstand that the Council have alaindoned the building of a Ore reservoir on prim Street, notwithstanding the citizens of [Lai locality agreed, by subscription, to build One lilt of it. This Is somewhat astonishing to U., as we have always been told that If the people would hear halt the burden, they could Owe a cistern at any point. It may be,tbe lit tle pond 01 the people's taxes is so dry from the dean for Al e walk improvements that it would Le difficult to aqu•zze out $l5 for this purpose. !crimps it is none of our business, but we • ould be glad to know how many cisterns ere are, that have not been built by public x. We know, John B. Tarbell furnished more than hall to build the one near his hotel, hut farther than that, we are in the fog. We think every citizen In town is interested ingood Protection from fire in every portion of it and tries judiciously expended for that purpose Will be freely paid. We are Indebted to Chief Engineer Raynsford, for his labor in raising subscription for a reservoir on Depot street. Arrives. Departs. 7 00p m 1215 m Too Leto. Our correspondence from Gibson came too late for this issue, bat we will give It due atten tion In our nest. Foot &Hawley. It will be seen by our advertising columns. that J C. Foot to 0. M. Hawley have opened a store for Gents furnishing goods, at Bingham ton. Republican Conference. The Republican congressional conference met at Tunkhannock, on Wednesday last, and finally nominated Bertholomew Laporte for member of congress from this district, The Radical politicians of Bradford, divide offices with this cbunty, the same ai the yankee did the game, with the old Indian. They say "you may have the buzzard, and we'll take the tur key, or, we'll take the turkey and you may have the buzzard." tip Trains 10.50 5.30 .1005 518 .1000 615 965 510 .943 503 053 455 953 460 915 440 905 453 .900 455 985 417 945 410 Impure Watar . A distinguished Medical authority warns the drinkers of water of wells near dwellings to beware of the typhoid poison sure to be found sooner or later in these reservoirs, If any of the house drainage can percolate to them. The gelatinous matter often found upon the stones of a well is poison to the human system,proha bly causing by its spores a fermentation of the blood, with abnormal heat of fever. Whole some, untainted water is always free from all color and odor. To test It thoroughly, place a few grains of lump sugar, and expose It, stop pered, to sun light, in a window. lf, even aft er an exposure of eight or ten days, the water becomes turbid, be sure that it has been con taminated by sewerage of some kind. If it re mains perfectly clear, It is pure and safe. What is in the Bedroom The importance of ventilating bedrooms is a fact in which everybody is vitally Interested, and which few properly appreciate. II two men are to ‘ occupy a bedroom during the night, let them step upon weighing wales as they re tire and them again in the morning, and they will find that their actual weight is at least a pound less in the morning. Frequently there will be a loss of one or two pounds, and the average loss through the year will he more than one pound ; that is, during the night there is a lose of a pound of matter which has gone off from their bodies,and the lungs particularly and partly through the pores of the akin. The escaped matsrial is carbonle acid and decayed animal matter, or poisonous exhalations. EM Plenty of Grapes Flour and meat we think we must have ; hut for the billed :Is, for persons troubled with the various difiqulties of the stomach, the liver and the kidneys, grapes are a grateful fruit and at the same time a valuable medicine. For children, for the delecate, and for the robust also, what autumnal food Is equal to nice, ripe, fresh grapes? And emphaticely we say that grapes are strong food, that in them we have not only the moat healthful and the only naturally adapted sugar, called by the chemists grape-sugar (infinitely superior to that chiefly exotic product, cane sugar —being more diges tible, more natural and more healthful, espec ially for sedentary persons in temperate climes,) but we have also the healthful acids and a notable amount of these ultrogenious essentials which are bloodmakers, not to speak of the var:ons salts which also become necessary con stituents of blood. The new Btamp Act. As the provisions of the stamp act passed at the last session of congress are not as fully on derstixill as they should be we append the law. Be it enacted, etc., That all instruments, doc uments and papers heretofore made, signed or issued and subject to a stamp drty or tax un der any law heretofore existing, and remaining unatamped, may be stamped by any person having an interest therein, or where the origi nal is lost a copy thereof, at any time prior to the let of January, 1874. And said instrn menus, documents and papers and any record thereof shall be as valid to all intents and pur poses as if stamped when made, signed,or is sued, but no right acquired in good faith shall in any manner be effected by such stamping as aforesaid : Provided that to render such stamp ing valid the person desiring to stamp the same shall appear with the instrument, document or papers or copy thereof before some judge or clerk of a court of record and before him affix the proper stamp ; and the said Judge or clerk shall indorse on such writing or copy or certifi cate under his hand end seal when made by said clerk, setting forth the date at which and the place where the stamp was so affixed, the name of the person presenting said writing or copy, the fact that it was thus affixed and that the stamp was duly cancelled in his presence. Bnc. 2. That all laws or parts of laws in con flict with the above are hereby repealed. Cougrattioaal Coatenraft. Tke conference to nominate a candidate for congress in the 18th mingressional district of PeansylvaLla compr:sing the counties of Way no Susquehanna, Wyoming and Bradford, met at the Keeler House in Tunkhannock, on Fri day, Oct. 2d, 1874. Conferees present : Dr. J V. Smith. and Hon. Harvey Sickle; of Wyom ing co. C. M. Gere, and Abner Griffis, of Bus• quehanna co. Thomas R. Jordan, and W. W. Kingsbury, selected from the six conferees chosen to represent Bradford ca. No conferees were prerent tram the county of Wayne, but authority was received agreeing to acquiesce with selection of the conference. On motion, Dr. J. V. Smith, of Wyoming was selected chairman of Bic conference, and W. W. Kingsbury of Bradford secretary. Before proceeding to business the following resolution was offered mid adopted, via .fteso:red—That the chairman of the Demo cretin county Committee in each of the coun ties comprising this Congregessional District, select two delegates, who should meet on some day to be' established by correspondence, at Tunktuurnock, to take into consideration the propriety of agreeing upon some acceptable basis of representation from each of said coun ties to govern the action of future conference.. The conference then proceeded to the nomi nation of esndidates for congress. Wm. M. Post, esq. of Susquehanna. John A. Sittser, esq of Wyoming and Josheph Powell, of Bradford, were nominated and voted for by their several county conferees, for two succes sive ballots, when on motion of Ron. Harvey Sickler, of Wyoming, seconded by C. M. Gere, of Susquehanna, the nomination of Joseph Powell of Bradford, was made unsniwous by the conferees present. A motion was then adopted, that the pro ceedings of the convention be published in the democratic papers ot the &strut, when after, few remarks from John Williston, mg. of Bradford, thanking the conferees from Wyom hfg, Sualuehanna, and Wayne, for coneding the nomination 'to Bradford, the conference adjourned sine dee, - Dr, J. V. Suirn, W. W. KL4O3IIIIBY, Chairman. Secretary. Small Bills. While no doubt we must wait for the hard times to right themselves yet there is one plan which, if acted upon, would do much toward setting the machinery of basin's* again in mo tion. We are all of us more or leas dependent one upon theiothar. A looks to B for,the money with which to pay his obligations or Increase his business. B. manly waiting until 0 and D take op the note or pay the interest which has been so long overdue. They in turn are unable to collect what is owing them, and so it goes. This is undoubtedly the condition of the ma jority of our business men, but there are a great many who owe but little and could pay if they were only so inclined, and it is of such as these we speak. Otter, it is only pure thoughtlesnesa that is at fault for this, or the mistaken idea that such a small amount will 'make but little difference. It is just there that the mistake lies. It is the inability to collect their small bits that prevent the enlargment of their stock by the retail dealers, and this, ofcourse, affects the wholesale firms, on whom manufacturies depend. The situation resembles what lumbermen call a lam," where a single log will sometimes stop the passage of thousands. Only a slight, but very necessary appropriation of force may be necessary to remove the obstruction and open the channel ; and In the same way, the pay ment of so small a sum as a bill may be the One thicg needed to relieve the necessities of a great many persons Then pay your small bills,and be assured that in one way or another, you will reap the benefit of so doing. Ons More Question. Mumma Borrow DEXOCRAT—The curd of W. W. Watson in the Republican,came to hand too late for me to make any reply to it this week. It was so volatile that it has nearly all evaporated, hence I shall not deem it worth while to take any space in your columns upon that He did not hit me, when he said that h• and "other PROMINENT ItiotrumcsNa" refused to vote for our worthy Governor, Hartranft. I am not that kind of a "prominent Republican." Let us suppose for sake of argument, that Mr. Watson has been a "prominent Republican" and "voted the Republican ticket during the war," and has done so "uniformly" ever since. Then I must conclude, as he did not vote for Hartranft, so also, he did not vote for Governor Geary. This prevents me from asking a ques tion which I Intended to ask. I was told In Montrose, that Governor Geary refused to ap point him Notary Public because Mr. W. was a Democrat, and I intended to ask him about it. But he, uncoubtedly, was one of those "prominent Republicans" at that time, who refused to vote for Governor Geary and thus misled the Governor and caused him to saws. I would say, however, that his prominence, as a Republican, appeared again, in 1889, when the Democratic Vigilance Committee, by his personal agreement, at hisollice, put his name on their ticket for delegate to their county conven tion, at that time, and just before the caucus met,he told them he had reconsidered the mat ter, and was going with the Republicans. This I was told at Montrose. It any one doubts me, let him Inquire and learn the same fact for himself, there. . Varem.• New Milford, Sept. 8.1, 1874. Business Locals. COAL I COAL I If you want a :cm, of good Coal go to 0. D. STEBBIS'S, Dunn Station. Oa 7. 14.-2 w. G. 0. SWEET, the Chur. h Hill Photographer, at Susquehanna Depot, Pa., will make twelve photographs Cur $l.OO, and 4 tin types fur bOcents. 40—w2. G. 0. SWEET. INSTITUTE- EXAIICNATIONS- An Institute will be held at Clifford Comers on Tuesday,Oct. 13th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m . Ad dress in the evening, Teacher's Examinations, Clifford Corners, Oct. 14, Harlord, Thursday, Oct. 15; commencing at 0 o'clock a. m. Ex aminations in other Districts as usual—will be announced soon. W. C. TILDEN, Co. Sap't.. Montrose, Oct. 7th, 1874. Tuns is no disease flesh Is heir to more troublesome to manage than rhenmatism. It comes when you !exult expect it, and generally remains till it gets ready to go away. The most conspicuous remedy for this complaint is Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Two or three doses of Meritlan's Cavalry Con dition Powders will cure a horse of any common cough or cold, and the very worst cases may be cured in a few weeks. We know this Isom experience. CLAIRVOYANT RXAMLNATIONS FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield. There is no sub lect that requires so much study and experience as the Treatment snd cure of Chronic Diseases. The astonishing success and remarkable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield are due to the gift of a Clairvoyant, to the long study of the con stitution of man and the curing of disease from natural remedies. Let those given op by others call for an ex amination. He cures the worst cases of Scrofu la, Catarru, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart Lungs, and Kidneys. . Will be at the Cedlerty llooec, Binghamton, Tuesday, and Wednesday, November 3d, and 4th. Oct. ?, '74,-3w.• la You Warr good green Tea for filly cents per pound, go to Poirrsa d: Nrcuois Sept. 9, '7.4.—tf. New Heitstern, CouNrir Cheese for 18 cents per pound at the Grocery Store of Sept. 9, 1874.—tf. POIITEII &rams' have commenced arriving at the Keystone Saloon. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Sept. 9, '74.—tf. GEo. C. Htta.. Puoroartarna—LPictures taken In all the lat est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged. Also a sple •d a lot of frames for We cheap, at G. W. Doourrues. Atontros I June 10, '74.—tf. NEW MEAT ABEET. C. Cushman bas opened a new mcat market in his building on South Main street. Buying and butchering done by J. Panneter. Fat stock wanted. C. Cusit.ven. Aug. B,'74.—tf. Goozrrrzz, The Photographer, is doing all kinds of Pic tore Framing, of all sizes, on abort notice. July 22, '74.—tf. G. W. Doozrrrzz. Make a mistake, but go to Burns & Nichers Eagle Drug Store. Brick Block, Montrose, Pa., for Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Brushes, Soaps, Fancy Articles &c. arc : also General Depot for the sale of all valuable Pat. ent Medicines. July 15, '74—tf. Inrcnance Nance—.l desire to acknowl. edge the prompt payment of my loss sustained by the burning of my barns, which occurred July 4.1874. They were insured in the Home, N. Y.,Fire Association of Phila., and Lamm. ter of Lancaster. through Mr. Billings Stroud, of Montrose, Pa. ; and on the 11th day of July I received payment of my loss in Bill. July 29,14.-0. Wit. ilarciavrotrr. Non= Our usual selection of fall and winter Casal meres, Beaver and Overcastings for Custom Work, received this week. can and leavesour measure. A large selection of new tall style Hats and Caps just opened. ClurrEntono, Roararnatat & Co. Sept. 10, '74. IF Tun Dram= OFFICES any kind of herb flavored alcohol for dyspepsia, billionaness, or any other ailment, tell him that you want medicine, not a bar-room drink. Ask him for Du- WALKER'S CALIFORNIA BITTERS, the best regulating preparation known, and which you know Is tree from "Satan's ETizer." Reject all the fiery "Tonics" and "Appetizers," and cling to that remedy. There is no medicine that compares with It. 4v-37. LincanAwros AlniotrscEmewr Mr. C. C. Paurotl .. :onnerly of Montrose, but more recently with C. B. Perry & Co., Bing hamton.) has made arrangments with C. P. &non & Co., dealers in Silks and Dry ponds. Customers will always find a nice assortment in their line. Letters addressed to me in re gard to samples or goods, will receive prompt and carethi attention. Jnly 1, '74.—ti. C. C. FAIIIIAT. SUNDAY BetrOOL 114Blaa 0 A.. Providence permitting a Distrizt Sunday School Institute will be held In the village of Montrose, Oct. 27th, 28th, and 29th. Rev. J. B. Ostrander of Newark, N. J. is to be present and conduct the Institute. Lot Sunday School workers in all the churches make note of this. Lumen PECK, W. L Tuonp, . Committee. J. M. WEST ON, BINGRAIITON OFTERS AN ATTRACTION For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The WALEIIIMITON Smarm Tartans have engaged the services of the celebrated %V. B. Lindly, a gentleman of considerable note with the tutor ing fraternity of this county. They are now prepared for the summer trade,as they have just received all the new things in the way of cloths, cassimeres and vestings. Their references are the beat, having taken the first premium at the Tailor's institute in New York last fall. Give them a call. H. H. HALLOC*, Proprietor. 81 Washington St., Bingham ton, N. Y May 20, 1874.-Iy. LearntEs IN GIBSON The citizens of Gibson are cordially invited to attend the following course of literary and historical lectures They will be delivered In the Universalist Church on successive Satur day and Thursday evenings as follows : Sat urday eve. Sept. 19th, Mohammed and the Bo rau, by Aaron A. Thayer; Thursday eve, Sept. 24th,PoiTgamy and Monogamy ,by James W. Lowber •, Saturday eve. Oct.3d,Chruitopher Columbus, by Aaron A. Thayer ; Thursday, eve. October SW, Rome, Politically and ECCira iastically,by James W. Lowber ; Saturday eve. October 17th, Martin Luther and the Reforma tion, by Aaron A. Thayer ; Thursday eve. Oc tober 22d; Confucius and the Chinese, by James W. Lowber. 98. Cik33153. Estewr——ln Lynn, Sept. 13th. by Rey. A. G. Stilwell, Lafayette V. Emery and Cornelia Beeman, all of Lynn. Jouurar—WesT-1n Grace church Great Bend, Sept. 30, by Rev. Jno. A. Jerome, John Jordan and Margaret West, both of &acme. Imams Depot. MiscuLun.—Josussos-1n Forest Lake, Sept. 17th, by Bid. W. C. Tilden, Mr. LaFayette D. Minkler, of Apolacon. and Miss M. Amelia Johnson, of Forest Lake. Porrext—Woonitenr—lu Rush Aug. 1001, by J. W. Granger, esq., Mr, Luther Potter, of Towanda, to Miss Mary E. Woodruff, of East Spring Hill, Pa. eLtsx—DErrEa-1n Clunptown, Sept. 28th, by Rev. E. &nouns, Mr. 'James C. cunt and Miss Polly P. Dexter. both' of Auborn, Snag's county. LYON- CBANDALL-11l Gibson, Sept. 30th, by Rev. A. 0. Stearns, Mr. Charles B. Lyon, of Herrick, to Miss Mary H. Crandall, of Cifford, Suns co. Tivramr—Jsmatnai—At the M. E. 'parson age, in North Abington, Luzernb county Penn sylvania, September 22d, 1874, by Rev. N. J. Hawley, Mr. Prank M. Tiffany, to bliss Ella A- Jerauld. both of Lenox. REIM:KELL—DART—At the residence of the bride's parents, In Herrick, Sept. 19th, by Rey. Goo. Price, Mr. Jas. K. Bushnell, ot Lanesbor ough, Miss Addle D. Dart, of Herrick, Susq'a county, Pa. Ja17k4:1..p88. Dwsw—Near New Milford, Sept. 26th, Mrs. Jane Dwan, aged 76 years and 7 months. Jnnown—ln New Milford, Sept. 28th, John Day, son of Rev. Joo A.. and the late Mary Roe Jerome, aged 16 years, 7 months and 18 days. Warm - am—ln Battle Creek Mich. Sept. ,Igth, Henry Gilbert, youngest child of Gilbert War ner, formerly of Montrose, aged IT years and 1 month. MACK—In Springville, at Mack's Mills, Sept. 9th, Nina, and Sept. 10th, George H. children of Henry A. and Adelade H. Mack, ROBLNI3O27—In Brooklyn, Aug. 15th, Lucius Robinson, for many years a ruling Elder in the Presbyterian church, aged 77 years. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur ; I, Liniment will not relieve, no swelling they will not entente. and to lameness W it which they will not care. This is stegng language, but It Is boo. They have produced more turn of rheumatism, ' neuraigia,leck.jaw, paisy,spraina.ewel iPtiti= limp, caked breasts, scalds, burns. salt* rheum. eanache„ de., upon the human frame, and of strains. movie, galls, etc., upon animals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They are counter-irritant, all-beating, pate re lievers. Cnpples throw awaythg Ir crutches, the lama walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmlers, and the wounded ate healed without a sear. The recipe is pub lished around each bottle. They sell as no ankles ever sold before, because they do just what they pretend to do. Those who now sugar from rheumatism, pain, or swelling deserve to surer if they wlll not lase Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. .11are than 1000 certthcatas of remarkable cares, Including hymen limbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, running tumors, etc., have been re ceived. We will send a clrealar comainingeortillcatni, the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any , ono requesting it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper CentsurLialmentLewort3 one hundred dollars for spavined or resented bones and mutes, or for screw-worm to sheep. Stock-owners —thergelialmentr are worth yOur attention. No family should be without them. "White wrapper family use;" Yellow wrapper for animals. Bold by all Druggists.- 50cents per bottle; large bottles. $ l .OO. J. H. Ross & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. Vesitoria Is more than • substitute for Castor Olt It Is the opts tuft article In existence which Is certain to ustmulate the food, regulate the bowels, mare wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither Wee:llla, morphine or alcohol. and la pleasant to Mks. Children need not try and mothus may rest. Oct. 23. BLATCHLEY'II a 4.. Improved CUClThillglt WOOD p PUMP, Tutelar!. Durable. Etbeient, t• in and Cheap. The best rump for the . least money. Attention la especially Invited to Illatchleys Meet roved Braeketand New Drop Cheek 4 %- ro avre, which can be withdrawn' without removing the Fume. nr dlr tar tips the joints. Also, the Cop, ar pet (Annaba; which never cracks or I scales, and will outlast any other. Zr g M For sale by Dealers.% the Trade O. generally. Inquire for Illatehlers 'At -• of Pomp. end It not for sale . In your Pi town. send direct to CMS. O. B t 46 Conunele• yliwajorn, April let. lEfT4.—Ate. Commission Merchants. JAMES M. ROWAN, • Clcammisonsicosi ZWorohasiat AND RECEIVER OR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POUL TRY, AND VEAL CALVES, 84 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK CITY. Conenments solicited and returns made immediate l e i l o c n M lle of goods. Bend for shipping cards and sten Rofereneea: National Park Book of New York. North Riser Bank of New York. Nassau National Bank of New York. Long Island Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. Peti.ll.lB7l.—tf The illenuits. Financial There are no new features to note in the money market and rates are unchanged. Trade is moderately lively, and there is a fair demand for short loans from the speculators in stocks. Caution and satisfaction with small profits will probably characterize bu.sineas during the next 3 months. We quote call loans at 5 per cent. Strictly first•class two-named paper was negotiated at 6@)7 per cent.; loans on govern ment collateral rule at 5 per cent ;. on other first-class bonds and stocks at 6 per cent, and on more inferior collateral at 7(fi73 per cent. . . C. S. 6's 1881 118 118% 5- Coupon 1862 112% 118 5-50 Coupon, 1864 1151( 115% 5-20 Coupon, 1955 115% 116% 5. Coupon. '65 Jy 5.90 Coupon 1851 115% 116% 117 117% 5-110 Coupon 1868 117 11% New 5 per eta 115 112 M 10405 119 Sterling Exchange 531 111% 537% Pada liwcturnge 467% 4655 x: Currency hd New York Produce Market Re,orterl Every Week Expressly for Tun Motornosx DiXOCLT by Rhodes & Server, Produce Commis. don Merchant., 28 MINA& il Street, New York. Surran—Firkins..eholee selected ....... __SS C 8 200 Welsh Tubs.... .. . ....... ... ....EP 0 87c Palls, Orange County 43 60 454. Pails common ... 80 oiD 115 e Cauca—State Factory.... Is Csl4c State Darrtes —l3 00 itc State Factory. fair to good 18 0140 Enos—State and Pennsylvania Western choice brands .15Xa25g Portykr— , pring Chickens, per lb 17 fit%lBc Turkeys, prime young Ducks.... ..... '. .. ... ...I: a. Ire Gaans— Plge ons, stall fed. per dos 1 75 4,3 400 Tame per pair 40 iffb 45c Partridge, State prime. 100 23 IIS Fauns—New Apples, Sour Bough per bb1....1 0001150 I.lew A ears pples ... Swee I. 1 Wel 33 Jett ... .... .... ...... Peaches, Del., per crate 12523300 Shcellaneons COAL, COAL I HARD AND SOFT COAL ON HAND, AT J. 11. Raylisforirs Coal Yard, DUNN STATION, M. IL IL Eir . PCIS hi yaw winter supply now. Coal delivered to my put of the Borough 012 short notice. LEAVE OIIDEIIS AT CENTRAL EXPRESS OFFICE, .[Chandler's Store,] 3. R. ILti"tiliFOßD Sept. 9,181.1.—1 f. ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE OF REAL ESTATE—The undersigned Adrninistra tor of the estate of D. Harris Quick, dec'd, will sell by auction on the premises in the township of Rush, un Tuesday, October 27th, 1874, at 11 o'clock a. m. ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL. OF LA.ND situate in the township of Rush, County of Susquehanna, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : On the north by lot numbe r 87, on the south by lot number 121, on the east by lot number 105, and on the west by the west half of lot number 104. The north east corner hereof being the south west cor ner of a piece of land, the south half of lot number 88, conveyed by W. D. Cope to Alfred Estus. And all of said numbers being accord• ing to and in contormity to and with a map plan or draft of resurvey and subdivision,made by Benj. T. Case, esq., of the Thiamas Cope tract of land in said county of Susquehanna, containing about 50 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. TER3lf3.—sso on day of sale and balance on final confirmation. Hvgwr C. TmER, Adm'r. Sept 80, 1874.—w3 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! The undersigned, Administrator of the estate of Bridget MeLoan, dec'd, will sell by auction on the premises in Friendsville, on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1874. at one o'clock p. to., the following property. ALL THAT CERTAIN VILLAGE HOUSE AND LOT, situate in the Borough of Friendsville, County of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described, as follows; On the north and east by lands of James Cooney, on the south by the Milford and Owego Turnpike road, on the west by lan, aof Michael Dow, containing about two and one-half acres of land. TERMS.—Cash on final confirmation of sale. J. H. REDDECO, Adm'r. Sept. 8, 10874. —w4. DISSOLUTION! The co-partnership existing between C. G. Muer and Wm. R. Coats, under the firm name of Miner & Coats, Is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All notes and accounts, of the late firm am in the hands of C. G. !diner for Immediate collection. The business will be continued at the old stand, by C. G. inkier. . Ttomktul for past favors and hoping to merit new ones, I ask the patronage of the public. C. O. MISER. Sept. 23, '74.-38w3. r a BALE! The Battier Them Wren for sale, at hie residence is, Eicisq's County. 11 LONG-WOOL YEARLING BUCKS AND 10 BOOR LAMBS-SAME BREED For hardier particulars 4ddreso, z. SMITH. Fain:talc, 6ages Couty, - Elept, 1814.-88,1. MACHINE SHOP: Jinni 136PLTZ. Practical Machinist, respectrully solicits the pivoting! of all who may want Raglans. Sunitind, Mangos, Pulley gain .te - N. B.— pedal attention paid to repairing. Naw *llford. Jane 10.'74.-Iy. SUMMER GOODS dulling and opening daily during Um IMOD in GottelierE 4 Bosonha & Co's, New Dress Goods, Shawls, tr. &Min , MILLINERY GOODS, nett as Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' and Children's Bats, FLOWERS, LACES, RIBBONS. &c., NOTIONS,FANCY GOODS,DOMES TIC FURNISHING GOODS, CAR PETS, OIL-CLOTHS, MATS, &c. Bid. Ask 1101( .\ For For Idea and Bore wear COTTONADES tit CASSIMERES, extra Quality. Flue finides of "li7i7oolellB, 808 CUSTOM WORE. MEASURES TAKEN, AND GARMENTS MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE BEST MANNER.' LARGE STOCK OF i31 , 13/61 , 15i4141 1 1/3134 YOB ZEN AND SOTS, IN SINGLE AND LTC/LID MIS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Sia.tai db 41=airpai, MERINO WRAPPERS & DRAWERS, PINS DRESS tiamara_,_COLLAßS. TIES. GLOVES. TIMERS, SATCHELS, Re., Re It Is ever our aim to please the public, to 101 l good goods at Popular !co prime, and to maintain our repu tatlon as to boing the READ CENTRE OF TRADE. Call early and often. Yours truly Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., IL 5. LUS3SAttEII, tdatonring Partner. • Montrose, April 294b.,1874. A . DMINISTRATOWS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The underidoed AdmlnisOntor of the estate of Al bert Hills dee'd, will sell at public vendue on the prem• tees In Oakland township, on lastarday the 24 day of October. 1874, at I o'clock p, m., the following describ ed real estate, to wit: . AU tha certain lot of land In Oakland township, County of Su elumna, and State of Pennsylvania: Berl, rating at . kof the Suevinehanna R Iver,thence t i north 79 &T.' ee est In the line of Daniel Bezedlct's land Miperches a stake and steam', thence north 1 degree east 44 perches to a stake and atone., thence west 129 perches to a stake and stones. thenee north 11 degrees raid 9 perches to a stake and stones, thence north 19 degrees week 77 perches to the bank of the Sunftiehanna River, thence along stud river as it rons to the place of beginning. containing 60 acres and.Go patties of land, more or lesa, withthe appurtenances TERMS.—SSO on day of sale. Elea on aloft 2011 & 792- lion, and the balance six month. thereafter with inter eat from Anal confirmation to bo secured by bord or mo s r: p ag , ge m . ,74...4.. .1A0Litt WAYSIAN, Administrator. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.-Tbe undersigned havingbeem appointed an Auditor, by the Court of Common Pleas of Sesquehanna County, to dietributa the fund* in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from tho sale of the real estate of Hobert Wannostraed and J N. Bed. don, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the *Mee of Little, & BlatiAlee, In Montrose, on Wed nesday, September Ni. 1674.. at 1 o'clock p.m.,st which time and place all persons interested in said fund most present theirDishns or be forever Debarred from tom log 1- upon said fund. E. L. BLAKESLEE, Auditor. Sept. If/, A171:11TOWS NOTICS.—Tbe anderelgnerd, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common !leas of Bas quotient's County, to distill:late the hinds in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate of John Phillip., will attend to the *duties of bii ap pointment at Clio Mee of Warren & Son, in Montrose, on Tuesday. October 21, 1874. at one o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persona interestoS In maid hind mart present (bate claims or be forever. debarred from coming In upon said fund. A. 0. WA.B.RMI3, Auditor. Montrose, Sept.3o, '74.—w4 A UDITOR'S NUTICA.—Tbe undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Please of Sus. nuchsuzot County, to distribate the fends in Sherif:re bands arising nom the sale of real estate of Alonzo Walter. will attend to the &Mesa his appointment, at his °Mee ins Montrose. Monday. Oct. gran, 1 0 74. at one o'clock, p. m., when and where all persons interested In said rand will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said hied. A. W. BKIPPIIOLP, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. SO, 1914, • DDITOR'S NOTICS.—The onaerargned an Audi. J 1 for appointed by the Conn ol Common Pleas of Sesquebanos County to diatributo the Thuds In the hands of the Ehetler, arising from the sale of the real estate of Wm, Mager, will attend to the duties of nth appointment. at the cam, of W. 11, 11. o..lcsaon In Montrose, on Wormy. October Id, 1 r.74, at I dclock p. m.. when all puttee Interested In said Auld will present their claims or be forever debarree from coming loop. on said fond. Sept., "I.l.—dw AIIDITOIII3 NOTlCh.—Tne undersigned/saving been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, of Bes. Quinn.* county. an Auditor to distribute the (nods in hands of the !Iberia, arising fr om the sale of the real estate of T. W. !me tes, will attend to the tidies of his appeintonait, at the °Mee of Frazier • Creasman in Montrose, on Monday, Oct. MOM, at one o'clock p.m At which time and place all persons interested entl ap. pear an.. present thole claims, or be forever departed from coming ID on said fund. W. A. cliosano,Apdttor._ Montroae,Sept.24,l674.—w4. C. G. MINED W. R. COLTS. idDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Audit- AA. or appointed by the. Court of Common Pleas of ear rhanna County, to distribute the fend s In the Sher = a hands sulslng from the sale of Mai estate of .0101 O'Mara, will attend to the dukes of his ap poll:amain at hi. Mame or Montrose, on Taasday, Oct. m), 1874,at ten teelock,a. m., at which time and places!' persons Interested In said hands mot present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said tend. _ W. W. WTASON, Auditor. Montrose. &pt. 11, 1814.—w4 A UTITTOICSNOTICIL . —The underingned,an Auditor AIL appellant by the Court. of Common Pima or sews County to distribute the money In court. arising from the sale of real estate of Frederick Wilson ' , will attend to the du ties of hie appointment. at Ms =en in Mont, rope, onTuesday the Eetb day of osseht6-2074. o'clock .m All persona interested will present their claimant that time or bp forever debarred from coming in upon stud fund. B. O. CAMP, Andltor. • Sept, 10,1814.-4 w. A UDITOR'S ICOTICIR.—Ther unaerslgned, an Audi tor. annotate by the Orphans' Court of emplyt• henna County to distribute fonds - in the hands *fine Adrainbtrator of the Mats of .E W Fritter. des'd,slp attend to the duties of We appointment at tile office 14 Montrose,onThuraday,Noe. 8. 1874. at I &dal, p.m. when ah pentane may vacant theta claims orb, forever debarred. WS% SEARLE, Auditor, Montrose; Sept.M, Itra-4w-48. - ' Minellaneons. .201%12 1 Legal Notices. U. C. Joni.. Auditor. ELhceUaneolu3. - -- NIZITNT • VA.'S' m El NZ 3PC:035t.11721d. i The anderekreed will keep cealitintly on hand end for tale, verp low, i=bianeetiorks, PLATFORM WAGONS, (for one or!wo hors!ue,) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES,' wrru waravzn's rinsz WUXZTJ, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons Heavy spring wagons, eecond hand carriages and op• en and top buggies. for ule cheap. Will make to order to suit parties. aU binds of tau , huet Springv es. WOrk Warra ille nted. Repairing dotte neatly.— Sho a, Pa. Enquire at D. L. & W. grams °eke of • D. D. SEARLE, Montrose, Pa., Or at Bpilarrille of IL 11. =VER. 11w:drove Jana 8, 18:4.--ti. NEW ARRANGEMENT! Tile Poole's Dm Store, L N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. FL ICMON. Druggist & Apothecary PATENT NEDIOESIE ENPORIUN I The undersigned would respectfully announce to all the people everywhere, that to his already =lenity stock sad variety of Merchandise to the Grocery. Pro. vietae.and Hanivrine line. , Re has added a v zy choice assortment of IMRE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. BRUSHES. PER. FEMLERY, Me.. width he flatters blms U he can metre the public they will find it to their advantage to exam. toe before purchasing elsewhere. Tee all Phyalclaus in this section of the county her would rm.-clingy an nounce that he has seemed the services of R. Kenyon. as Druggist and Apotheoary. whose long eroerience and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en tire conedence in the line of compounding medicines or preparing prevcriptions, and who would also esteem It an especial favor to receive calls from any of his old customers or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi cines, specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters—sn extensive stock. Also One Groceries— LETBIG'S RETRACT OP BEEP, FRESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS. PEAS, COWL BEANS, OYSTERS, &a.. &c. In fact, anything and everything that is ordinarily . ed. Montilla!) soliciting s call I remain I. N. BIILLMID. Powder! Powder 1 Powder I Muting, 711110 and Shot iteeder,. Shot, Lead, Gon Tubes, Cape. Pouches, Flasks, Fuse, ,te., Se., an, tot We by • I. N. DULLARD Montrose, Sept 9.1274—ti. PERKINS ANTHEM BOOK ! ! PmCE $1.50. $13.50 PER DOZ. Anew and excellent co lent! m. by W. O. Perkins. Will be warmly welcomed by Choirs, au the anthems are notditneult. and aroion what Is needed tor "Open lug" " Voluntary " and "Volunta" p eeoe. THE SONG MONARCH I 'Price 'a cents. Per Doz. PM. Thb be book of the Season for Slag Log Seboole. By H. R. Palmer assisted by L. 0. iimersen. Ikele prin cipally secular. anl is of the moat Interesting cbaractor . THE LEADER ! 1 Priee $1.38. $14.00 Per Doe, The New Church Mule IL IL Palmer. aisle ted by L 0. Emerson.gentlemen whose previous books have been mare successful than any others. Please ex amine. AMERICAN SCHOOL 3111/TICTEIXO Xit..IIILAT3EIXILES. • In 8 books. Price Wets, sOcts, and SU ets. Perfectly adapted to graded classes, tn Pritrutry and Grammar S hads. By L. 0. Emerson mud gr. S. TUden. Already to imreeseul use In the schools. Sold by ell deniers. Either book sent post paid for FOISUI OLIVES. DITSON & Co., CHAS. U. HMSO'S & Co,. Boston. - SI I trdway. N. Y. Sept. 9.-Bw. [May 21.3, 18":4.-174 iv E NAT Zit I .ISL In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, todo&Oklntaof work In tbolni of - toll IEI Blacisait FROM A WHEMARROW TO A COACH NEPA IRMO IN ANT PUT OF TIM BUSINESS All receise prompt attention. HOBERT 8t IAIN; Laneaboto. Pa.. Oct. 16.1873.-O, ' GET THE BEST, TARE NO OTHER COLE BOOTHERIP Restorative Balsam WILL ACTUALLY CURE ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, CROUP, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN IN THE SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA:, &C., Also,—A sure Cure for the PILES. No Pap No Cure Address all Ordure to dm Proprietor. UELIRLES L. CRANE. Now Milford, Pi. Sep L. SO, MANHOOD: • Row Lost, How Restored: ItJost Published. a new edition of Dr.: Calvet. well's Celebrated &Mayon the radical mire (with. out medicine) of Spercestorrema or seminal weak sea, Involuntary Seminal Losses, impotency, Alcatel and Phy teal Incapacity, Impediment to Mar- Ham etc.; also, Vonsumptlon..Ept.epsy. and Fits, tn. dared by selhiedulyence or sexual extrayaganee, etc. r rice. in tested envelope, only six cents. The celebrated suthor,in this admirable Essay,clear ty demonstrates, from a thirty , years' successfal prac tice, that the lalinDingeonsenneaces of se/f•abnse may be radically eared without the &al:trona us of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing outs mode of cure at once simple. certain, and effec tual, by means of ankh every sufferer, no matter what his condlnon 067 be, may cure himself cheaply, pd• vately. andradically. - . This Lecture should be In the handsel every Tooth and every man In the land. . . Sent under seal, in a plain cstelope, to avyandresst post paid. on receipt of six cents or twJ post stamps. Address the rubilehers . . , - • , CIIAA. J. O. K COM it CO., 1111 Bowery. Now York; Post Ontee 801.4380. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers